
Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by rose » Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:08 pm

I love S days. I just had that delicious pastry the local bakery calls "tout chocolat" ("all chocolate"). I feel just a little too full.

This past week, my weight entered the 67.0-67.9 kg range. It's always so exciting to see a "new" unit figure. It feels like I am getting younger! It feels like I am healing and erasing whole parts of my life that were full of anguish and sadness, because I am back to the weight I had before it happened.
Hehe. Perhaps I will get back to the weight I had before I met my former bf. Although I want to keep in mind the lessons I learned from that relationship, but not the pain.

So I was really excited about this 67.x figure, and then I overate on Monday and Tuesday. I cooked (!) and miscalculated the amount of food and then I couldn't bear to throw the excess food out, and it didn't even occur to me to just put it in the fridge. (does omelette keep in the fridge ? I am afraid of food poisoning.)
Also the holiday buzz was fading, and my boss came back from holiday, and I got very angry at him the very first day he was back. I think part of the overeating was just not paying attention to what I ate because I was so angry.

I will be attempting the Certificate of Proficiency in English in December. It will look good on my resume (if I pass), and it might help with all those foreign colleagues (although a big part of the problem is that they don't speak english that well either). The speaking and listening parts will be rather hard though. I will look into getting weekly courses over the phone like some of my colleagues have had. I am not concerned about reading. Writing and grammar will require some work, but not as much as speaking and listening, so I probably can do it on my own. If I fail I will just try again in June or December 2008.

Anyway I will probably be posting a little more often. Please don't hesitate to point out problems with my english writing! I feel like I write well enough to be understood, but not quite well enough to pass for a native...

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Re: Ramblings

Post by katie1980 » Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:35 am

rose wrote:Anyway I will probably be posting a little more often. Please don't hesitate to point out problems with my english writing! I feel like I write well enough to be understood, but not quite well enough to pass for a native...
On the contrary - I didn't realise you weren't a native English speaker until your last paragraphs about not being one! :lol: I think you did just great - especially with some of the slang or casual aspects of the language! Well done - I thought it was a great post whoever wrote it, but kudos to you for writing such a cool post in a language other than your own. 8)

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Re: Ramblings

Post by rose » Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:58 pm

Katie: thanks.

I'm afraid I didn't realize I used slang. So maybe the CPE is a little too hard (you need to be able to adapt your language to the situation - any situation, no matter how formal or informal). I am considering the CAE instead (a little less difficult) - I still have one month to make a decision.
Anyway I subscribed to BBC Prime Europe to practice "listening", and I also borrowed some practice tests.
Still waiting for an answer about the over the phone lessons. I will practice introducing myself in the meantime.

NoS this week was good, better than last week anyway: no overeating. The weight is stable. I am waiting for figure 66 to appear. Even 66.9 would be great.
I went to a martial arts class yesterday: we trained outside because the facility is being reworked. The workers were supposed to have finished two weeks ago...
I am still exercising almost every day: I alternate some shovelglove with the knee and shoulder rehab exercises. My routine was: 20 shovels, 20 modified "churn butter", 20 "scratch the back", and 20 "chop wook". I did that first with a simple stick as a warmup, then with a 4kg (8.8lbs) sledgehammer. I increased the counts over time: now I do 30 of each. I might be able to do a pushup again sometime next year! This increases the "getting younger" feeling.

It's almost 7pm here: time for Hustlers on BBC Prime...

EDIT: actually it's 8pm (time flies) and there is no Hustlers tonight. "Silent Witness" it will be.

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Re: Ramblings

Post by katie1980 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:17 am

rose wrote:Katie: thanks. I'm afraid I didn't realize I used slang.
It's almost 7pm here: time for Hustlers on BBC Prime...

EDIT: actually it's 8pm (time flies) and there is no Hustlers tonight. "Silent Witness" it will be.
If you watch Hustle, then watch out for speaking like Danny! He definitely uses a lot of slang :wink:
I think you're doing great :)

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Re: Ramblings

Post by rose » Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:30 pm

Katie: thank you for your kind comments.

I am feeling exhilarated right now because I've just done something very unlike me, and with unexpected results.

My new upstairs neighbours are quite noisy, and it had taken much courage on a previous occasion to go and ask them to step a little more lightly and avoid making things fall on their floor (which is my ceiling). (I felt I was forced to do it because my parents were to come and visit me the next week and I didn't want them to think I was unable to sort out this kind of problem.) The lady was quite sympathetic but I did not hear much improvement in the following months. However, the mere fact that I had voiced my concerns was a great weight off my chest, and I got used to hearing them go about their flat in the mornings and evenings. Fortunately they keep reasonable hours and don't entertain much. But still, I often thought that if I were not so shy and passive, I should _do_ something about it, not just endure it.

However this week-end I was completely exasperated because I heard unceasing hammering noises and sawing noises all day long. I even resorted to leaving my flat and having a walk, then a scooter ride, just to not hear all that noise anymore. But each time I went home, I just heard the noises again. I couldn't study, couldn't read, couldn't do anything because I was so stressed out. (I am afraid I went a bit overboard with the sweets too, trying to keep my mind off the noise). Then Sunday evening came, and the noise subsided, but I was thinking "what if they decide they just love DIY and they want to do it every weekend ?". So I was googling up about noise-related law, thinking about police and lawsuit and dungbombs and moving out (but I'd need to win at the lottery for that one), and found this advice page with various recourses, the first one being (obviously !) to talk to your neighbours, who may not have realized they are making that much noise. I don't know what came over me then. It felt like it feels now most mornings about exercise , or on N-days about food: no questions, no procrastination, no hesitations, I just put on my "outside" clothes and went to ring at my neighbour's door.

It turned out they had been installing a floating parquet floor (I used google to translate that so I am not sure it is the correct term) with (!) a sound isolation sheet underneath.
Yoohoo! I even feel like I deserve this n-th pastry which is in the fridge right now. I am not sure this will be enough to dampen the moving around noises, but I sure am happy to know that they have taken my previous visit seriously enough to do something about it. Even if I think they should have warned me that they would be making a lot of noise this weekend so that I didn't go crazy. (but on the other hand I could/should have gone to talk to them yesterday and my mind would have been put at rest earlier...)

S/NoS: obviously some excess this weekend, but I've had worse.
Exercise: SG both yesterday and today, plus some nordic walking today. I did my usual tour, except I walked more slowly than usual and was especially carefull not to jar my knees. This means I walked more slowly than the little old ladies with a cane or the bearded bum with the infected foot wound. As I was concentrating on technique, a man said to me "You're courageous! you're doing great, keep going!". I didn't answer because I was trying to figure out whether he was mocking me. Usually people stare and/or make joking comments (not nasty ones, but it feels embarassing) when they see me walking slowly with a pole in each hand on the sidewalk.
Now I am wondering whether this man knew about knee trouble and being unable to run and having to find an alternate aerobic exercise, or whether he thought I had been walking for XX kilometers ...
Anyway whether he was joking or not, his comments made me feel good (if bewildered) and I should have thanked him.

I did watch "Silent Witness" and "Dr Who" and took a practice "English in use" test, but I couldn"t concentrate on grammar or vocabulary at all. Oh well.

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Well Done!

Post by katie1980 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:08 am

Blimey, what a great result :D
Obviously your neighbours did listen, but I agree that it would have been polite for them to warn you about the noise in advance. And with the sweets, at least it was the weekend so it wasn't like you were breaking your good N-day habit :)

Well done for the walking, too :) If someone males a comment to you about how well you're doing, don't try to second-guess them, just thank them and keep going. If they were being rude then your courteousness (politeness) might shame them into not being rude next time, and if they were sincere then they know you appreciated their support. Then you won't have to feel guilty about not thanking someone for a well-meant comment as you do a bit now.

And don't worry about not concentrating on grammar and vocabulary every time you watch a programme in English. They call it the immersion technique - where you "immerse" yourself in the language, and just let it wash over you like babies do when they are learning to talk. The more you hear and use the language, the easier it will get, and the more you will learn about grammar and vocabulary. Even if you only sometimes actually concentrate on the details, you will still be learning. Don't push yourself too hard, and you will likely find it much easier as there's less pressure to get it "perfect". Many native speakers don't always get it right! :wink:

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Post by rose » Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:38 pm

Katie: belated thanks for the great feedback. Have you learnt a language through immersion before ?

It's been a while since my last update. I had a series of problems and disappointments and felt low for a while. None of these problems are actually life-threatening, and most are pretty minor (fried soundcard etc.) although some are health-related and not so minor (or so it _feels_).

Fortunately the knees have behaved rather nicely (it would have added a lot to my misery if they had acted up). So I was able to go to the MA class twice a week despite everything (when I started last year, being medically overweight, one class a week was more than enough to make my knees protest for days). It was nice. The class is small, there's no running about, no acrobatics, no low postures, no dangerous stretches or anything (and it is agreed with the teacher that I am not to take falls, hard kicks to the legs etc.) I love it despite the bruises and mucle soreness (no I am not taking it that easy!).

English practice: well I do watch BBC Prime every weekend and sometimes during the week (I ditched "Silent Witness" which is really too gloomy for my current state of mind, and picked up some gardening and dancing shows in addition to Dr Who). Also I read most of Jane Austen's works (from Project Gutenberg) and liked it better this time than the previous time I read _pride and prejudice_ for some reason (perhaps because I read _Bridget Jones'diary_ and _Bridget Jone: The Edge of Reason_ in between ? the contrast between both writing styles and both epochs and customs is fascinating.) That's the main of it. I haven't picked up the grammar/vocab/practice tests books in quite some time. And the soundcard being fried was my (terribly bad) excuse for not practicing speaking. Ugh. I have both a tape recorder and an MP3 recorder...

Food: as usual. Rather good NoS days although perhaps a bit of distracted or anxious overeating. The S days vary a lot, from almost-NoS to strange sugar cravings with overeating. I have been losing weight very slowly this month. So slowly that it would almost be imperceptible if I didn't compare the weekly averages. I overate yesterday and went to bed with a stomach ache. Uh.

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Post by rose » Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:13 pm

This weekend relatives who hadn't seen me for several months commented I looked like I had lost weight. So my scale, mirror and eyesight aren't too faulty... My cousin actually put on weight during the same interval. Wonder whether a french translation of the noSdiet webpage is worth the trouble.

During Martial Arts class noticed strange bump in left forearm. Bump is actually muscle! (but somehow not noticeable in right forearm ?)

Read "Villette" by Charlotte Bronte. The ending moved me to tears. Possibly tiredness plus food excesses caused unbalanced mood. The dialogues in French are not translated into English in the Penguin edition I borrowed at the library (?). Wonder whether belgian kingdom of Labassecour actually ever existed. Not probable since "la basse-cour" translates as "the poultry-yard".

Too tired and upset this morning to exercise so I put away things instead. Hopefully rest and routine menus will restore mood and energy. Back to exercise routine tomorrow anyway.

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Post by rose » Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:13 pm

Ugh. Got up late and did only part of my usual morning routine. Better than yesterday however. Funny how noS is now the part of my life which remains the most stable through unsettled days. Had a pretty good day food-wise - meaning it was tasty and satisfying and moderate and, well, no-S. Figure 66 still elusive but getting closer (67.0 yesterday, 67.1 today).

Skipped MA class today because of health issues. Seriously.

Veins are beginning to stand out on my hands and feet. I feel old. (Does it matter ?). Rather tired of my job.

Almost finished "Jane Eyre" which I began last week. Honestly I find Mr Rochester much to blame. Claiming to want redemption and then going at it through deception. Then expecting her to transgress conventions and basically throw her life away.
Perhaps I appreciate Jane Austen's and Charlotte Bronte's works differently now that I am somewhat more experienced and slightly bitter, and rather disappointed in myself and the world. (But still not cynical I hope).

Still thinking about that translation but it seems pretty difficult (puns, references to US culture, etc.)

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Post by rose » Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:26 pm

Routine: good, not far from previous level.
NoS: good.
Weight: stable. Meaning 67.3kg. I want to see 66 on my scale!! even 66.9!! I have been expecting it for the past 6 weeks, but for some reason it is very slow to come. Perhaps because of the bananas ? Anyway...

Got some chocolate pie recipes from the internet. I might try them next weekend if I am not too lazy. With fruit or almonds perhaps. Fortunately or unfortunately, tomorrow is Friday.

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Post by rose » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:21 pm

At the end of the 1st period, France is leading by 6 to 5. I have not suddenly become a rugby fan but this match will probably be the subject of many lunchtime conversations: I'd rather have a little background about it. The TV was on but I was busy: quite suprisingly I actually bought the ingredients for the chocolate pie and made it. It's in the fridge right now. Both curious to taste it and slightly nauseous (I licked the remaining chocolate off the bowl, and possibly inhaled too many oven fumes).

The rugby players rather remind me of a kitten I had once. Always eager to play, never minding falls and bumps. After running head first into an obstacle, he'd only shake his head a bit and start running again, and again, and again, only stopping for a quick pee when he happened to run across his litter-box, until he was so tired he just dropped panting and fell asleep as soon as he got his breath back. One half-hour later he was up and running. (I suspect some tenses misuse here.)

The deadline for the December CPE and CAE was yesterday. I did not register. I applied for the over-the-phone courses but don't have the answer yet. Probably I'll try CAE in march.

The score is 9 to 8 now. They look like they are team-wrestling, team-grappling now.

My scale said 66.8 this morning, but it's an "unofficial" measurement (not the same morning routine as on N days).

PS: Ugh. They've just lost. Too bad.

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Post by rose » Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:34 am

My scale (officially) said 66.5 (146 lbs) yesterday and today. So it makes a total of 8kgs lost since the beginning of the year. I am already counting the days till I can reasonably expect to see figure 65.

This last kg has been quite long to go (more than 6 weeks!) but these past two weeks I have had really good N days with hardly any overeating. My evening meal is now lighter, it feels better when I exercise or sing after that. However I have to find alternate light meals because ham/bread/veggies is getting tiresome. I now eat kebab (adana plate without fries) one evening a week.

Last weekend's chocolate pie was a mild disappointment. It was eatable but not half as satisfying as anticipated. The crust was rather good, but the chocolate layer was too runny and not at all dark enough. Also the pie was slightly too big.

For my next attempt I will use 2/3 of the ingredients amounts for the crust, 2/3 of the chocolate, about 1/2 of the cream and perhaps a little butter. And I will abstain from mixing pears into the chocolate cream...

When (if ?) I reach 60kgs I might attempt jogging, with knee braces. I haven't run in 5 years. I don't have much hope though, but I'd like to at least try someday. (I mean, I might reach 60kgs someday but the odds that I'll be able to run without having severe knee pains for several days are pretty small).

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Post by reinhard » Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:28 pm

Congratulations, Rose! I'm very happy to hear you're making such good progress (and reading such good books).


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Post by rose » Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:22 pm

Thank you Reinhard !

Unfortunately (but not too worryingly) I am back at 67.0 / 67.1 at the moment, perhaps because I had a bad S day on Sunday (ate waaaay too much again) and a planned S day on Tuesday (but was very disappointed by the food - I expected much tastier).

Last weekend's chocolate pie earned mark "B" since the crust was overbaked, but the chocolate was almost perfect. I think it was too small this time and this caused frustration. Perhaps the Sunday crazyness is linked to that?

Somewhat stressfull week because of social situations and work meetings. My sleeping schedule is off - I can't seem to fall asleep at the usual time.

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Post by rose » Sun Oct 28, 2007 4:39 pm

Pie: mark B. The crust was slightly underbaked. I added a thin layer of jam beneath the chocolate (the jam has been sitting in my fridge for several months), it was too sweet (?!) Size/quantity seems ok. I didn't let it rest in the fridge long enough yesterday and so the chocolate was runny when I first tasted it. Couldn't help finishing it at breakfast today (the chocolate was nicely set, but since I am not very patient I did not let it warm up, so the taste was subdued) but no craving so far (I am probably saturated with chocolate). So, jam is out, I will try something else next time (fruit ? almonds ?)

Had a nice lie-in this morning since we are switching to winter daylight saving time. Felt energized yesterday, perhaps due to technical meeting on Friday which went better than expected (since the other participants were team leaders, I was the only techie and gave my opinion without being immediately contradicted by someone. Plus I wrote the follow-up summary and it was approved.)

No overeating so far today, probably because I didn't snack except for a few pieces of fruit.

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Post by rose » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:16 pm

This morning I got up at 10, feeling deflated. The totally unofficial scale reading was 65.5, whereas the official readings this past week were around 67.0. I spent quite some time admiring myself in the mirror and stepping over and over again on the scale. Then I went out for lunch and overate.

Water retention and change of morning routine aside, I consider S-day weight measurements as unofficial because the S-ness of the day will make my weight go up anyway, even if I don't actually overeat. Often I am 1kg heavier on Mondays than on Saturdays. Since I dropped S-day measurements from my excell chart, the line is smoother.

Because I had a very tight schedule today (well, between 11 and 5pm anyway), I did not make a chocolate pie. Instead, as I said, I had lunch at a restaurant (service was fast, it was a cold day and people stayed at home). I should have left half of the dessert, but that's quite a difficult thing to do for some reason. So perhaps I should not have ordered dessert at all, and I should have bought a pastry to eat at leisure later.

Tomorrow I will send the registration letter for CAE (the March exam). I will also prepare documents in order to subscribe to a car-sharing system. I feel a bit afraid at the idea of driving a car again, especially in a city with little parking space and full of impatient drivers. (I have this silly fear is that I will be unable to park the car back into the space I took it from. Manoeuvering with a stick shift is not my strongest skill.) Anyway last week I spent several hours making up a plan of what I want to accomplish this year, these are two of the steps I decided upon. I want to feel more self-sufficient and (hopefully) less anxious about the future.

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Post by rose » Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:57 am

Quick update: modem and display are fried, sent the CAE letter and subscribed to the car scheme, drove for 40' without accident (except I scratched the side which had already been scratched by someone else - the car park gate is tricky), english courses start next week, unofficial weight-in yesterday at 64.9 - the lowest so far, and official weight-in today at 65.3 - also the lowest so far. Feeling stressed out by holiday rush plus computer woes. I really should take advantage of the sales to buy a new display, but I will probably defer that until January, when I feel less rushed, and use the TV screen meanwhile. I hope it doesn't get fried too.

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Post by rose » Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:13 am

Yesterday I thought smugly to myself: well I never get sick, so I never have any occasion to take S(ick)-days, wonder whether chocolate has medicinal properties like the HP books seem to imply.

I was swiftly served with a stomach bug and overall muscle soreness. One aspirin and a dozen chocolates later, I feel a pleasant glow inside and lightheadedness, like after a glass of cider. Am I drunk on chocolate ?

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Post by rose » Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:19 pm

I passed out twice on Friday and was lucky not to kill myself on sharp furniture. Note to self: chocolate is utterly useless when combined with a stomach bug. Rice and noodles are way more efficient.
Out of curiosity I weighed myself yesterday with completely empty bowels and stomach, and still a little dehydrated: 64.0kgs, that is almost 1kg (2 pounds) below Wednesday's "early morning before breakfast" weight-in. Needless to say this value will not be recorded in my excell chart.
I feel recovered but I am still resting today. Not in bed though. All that bed rest is tightening my back unpleasantly.

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Post by rose » Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:35 pm

Stupid browser ate my update. Basically I was complaining that I overate everyday of the past week and that all kinds of device are out of order in my flat. Perhaps I am not in the appropriate mood to summarize my first year of No S Diet and take resolutions for the new year.
I am definitely investing in some new plates though. And I need to curb the TV watching while eating.

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Post by rose » Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:46 am

It seems I am back into my routine. I think the diagnosis regarding overeating is correct (too many distractions during meals, bigger than usual platefulls, change of breakfast routine). Also I have to remember that food and exercise influence not only body health but also moods. So feeling down is no excuse for slacking off.
Things are looking up regarding out-of-order devices: the ADSL modem is working again. English courses are ongoing.

Browsing old forum entries I read a topic about non-numerical goals. It cheered me up to find out I have completed some of other people's goals. So, for the record, my non-numerical accomplishments after one year of noSdiet:

I am not ashamed of my upper arms anymore (flab is reduced to an acceptable level)

I am not ashamed of my belly fat anymore (although it still bulges I now look like a woman instead of a barrel)

My pants are now 1 size smaller (note I had a lot of trouble zipping up the old pants, so it's really more like a 1 1/2 or 2 sizes improvement)

Jerseys and T-shirts which were embarrassingly form fitting one year ago now have a distinct tent-like appearance (it's time to dig up smaller old clothes and/or buy new ones!)

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Post by rose » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:01 pm

Augh. I had an N-like day plus an ordinary treat and a small piece of bread covered with melted chocolate. Stomach ache and sleepiness. Annoying.
Should I give up treats or have a single treat AND skip the evening meal ? Problem is, I am afraid a sweet treat and lack of proper diner will make me cranky the next day. Perhaps I should select smaller and even tastier treats and/or non-sweet treats.
I get bored on weekends if I am not compelled to go out (overdue library books and such). I should work on my projects but all I can think about is "when is the next meal" and "let's read some fanfiction". I read some interesting articles about procrastination.
Exercise today was roughly 1/2 of the usual. I would have walked a little more but it was starting to rain. Some knee pain, or rather knee awareness. Some mood problems, some shoulder problems, some eyesight problems. Winter is upon us.

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Post by rose » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:41 am

Sunday was a very good S day food wise. N-like food (but especially tasty) at breakfast and lunch, no snacks, no seconds (masterfully declined to polish off the remainder of the noodles), a light N-like dinner completed with an extremely satisfying dessert (a kind of pastry that contains chocolate mousse and raspberry sauce). And NO STOMACH ACHE although I did feel quite full after dinner.

Exercise was poor but no matter. [edit] I exercised too inconsistently for the past two month though, and I may have traded some muscle for fat. Let's get back on track progressively.

My PC now has sound. Let's get to work about ear training.

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Post by rose » Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:49 pm

This weekend has been pretty average food-wise: no stomach ache but nothing very good either. I ate at a Japanese restaurant yesterday: cabbage salad, salmon sushis, duck and mushroom yakitori, rice, and a small plate of assorted sweets. Today was an accidental (or stupidly careless) "chocolate for lunch" day.
I did accomplish my main goals (chores) for the weekend though: I bought a wrench to sort out my scooter problems, and dug up my old CV and started updating it. Unfortunately (procrastinatingly) I did not not make any progress in most of my long term projects. Sound on my PC is unstable (FC8 freezes after a few minutes of CD playing, or a few hours of MP3 playback).
Exercise: ouch. I need to warm-up better and stretch those absurdly stiff legs. My knees do look a lot better than last year (less pudgy), even if they don't feel really better. Must be more careful. Must get phone # of assistant trainer so I can warn her when I don't feel up to training.
More chores need to be completed in the upcoming week. Well. Or month.

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Post by rose » Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:45 am

I was punished for procrastinating : I spent Thursday evening hurriedly moving furniture around and toweling up the water that had escaped from my water heater, and hurrying to the grocery shop to buy some bottled water for drinking and basic hygiene since I had to turn off the water in my flat, and I spent Friday making phone calls and waiting for the repairman. Then on Saturday I had to call the repairman again because there were still a few drops escaping.
I had given myself permission to have an S evening on Thursday but in the end I was so busy it was a perfect N day. I was sore on Friday from all the towel wringing and from stomping around so the moisture would escape the carpet and wet the towel. However it was a good N day too despite staying at home. (with all the excitement I totally forgot about the English lesson and extra choir rehearsal. Oh well.)

Since I started wearing smaller pants I found in my old clothes boxes, I find myself fat(ter). Fortunately figure 63 appeared on my scale this week. I am not rid of figure 64 yet, but at least it shows my weight loss is not completely stalled.
I borrowed a fitness book for the elderly at the library. I think the exercises will be helpful when I'm all achy, and also as a warm-up.
Note to self: buy smaller pajamas and undies.

I had planned to remove the bodywork (google-translated word) from my scooter this weekend, in order to investigate the battery and petrol problems (or attempt to), but I don't really have the energy right now. Perhaps this afternoon ?
I'm also supposed to check that the water hasn't left traces on the carpet, and that the carpet isn't getting unstuck from the floor, or so the insurance guy told me. That involves vacuuming and moving more furniture around. Sigh. I am so lazy.

(my upstairs neighbors on the other hand are full of energy. They're sawing and hammering again. I am playing CDs on my old PC.)

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Post by rose » Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:42 pm

Difficulties. N failures, wild S days, broken routine, out-of-order appliances, noisy neighbors, missed english lessons, empty fridge, boxes everywhere, stressful job, winter and stuck shutters. I feel tired and powerless. Come on. I'll try to remove that bodywork again and if I make no progress after 20 minutes, I'll just put everything back and merely check the battery. That should not be beyond my abilities. Hopefully. Argh.
I am so under-exercised that merely using the wrench to remove the handle yesterday has made my biceps sore. I _must_ go to bed earlier and exercise moderately and consistently if I want to keep my health. And I do.
Okay so I will now power down the computer, start the washing machine, put two sweaters on and get to it. Right Now.

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Post by rose » Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:52 pm

I seem to have settled into some kind of lighter routine exercise-wise. I think I will not go back to my previous routine. Possibly it was too demanding and not sustainable. Or possibly it's an effect of winter. I've actually felt cooped up and desirous of aerobic exercise lately! And also I want some change of exercise... dancing maybe ?

The same goes for food. I feel like I am eating more overall, and I have had some more failures, but I seem to have settled into some kind of routine.

My weight has been stable during the past two months, although my clothes feel a little tighter. Unsurprisingly I have lost some muscle and put on some fat. Nothing too worrying, but since the days are getting longer I'd like to be a little more consistent with the no-essing and exercise.

CAE is approaching and I must confess I have not prepared as well as I anticipated. (well I have hardly prepared at all!) Next time I will avoid taking exams in winter which is typically not my best time of the year.

I still have some actions to take and decisions to make regarding the many daily life problems that have accumulated over the past months. I am half decided to have my scooter repaired (need to change the alternator and regulator ouch) and to buy a new PC. My old one is really too tiresome. This means spending more money than I usually do.

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Post by rose » Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:06 pm

Fool that I am, I had forgotten that I am not doing this for vanity but for health. I need to forget about becoming a great martial artist, hiking or kick-starting scooters. HEALTH FIRST !!!!! I swear I will never ever kick-start a scooter again. I will sell mine if it comes down to that.

Okay, I am back from the written parts of the CAE exam. Reading and writing seemed easy, so much that I regretted not taking the CPE instead. But, in the afternoon, I found the English in use and Listening parts tricky, i.e. they make it purposefully easy to select the wrong answer while being convinced that it is the right one, if you are not careful and/or have not understood every word and nuance. So, on average, CAE seems the correct level for me. The Speaking part of the test is yet to come...

One NoS failure last Monday. Also it has been two months since I last drove a car. I must get back to it and work on my parking skills (shudder).

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Post by rose » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:36 pm

Easter. Chocolate. Way Too Much Chocolate. Ugh. Guess I'll be stuck on that plateau a little longer.

So. I brought the broken crank of my roll-down shutter to the hardware shop. They replaced the broken part, it almost fits. I will just have to saw a little bit off and screw it in place. Meanwhile I can roll the shutter up and down merely by pushing the crank's end into the hole. Joy? Not quite. In my impatience, last week, I tried to roll the shutter back up by pushing it up. Unfortunately it didn't work, and the lower part of the shutter separated from the upper part and fell down. So, my almost-repaired crank can only move half of the shutter up and down. :? Either I tape both parts together, or I will have to open the box in order to pull the shutter parts free so that I can clip them back together. :evil:

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Post by rose » Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:37 pm

Another weekend, same mistakes.
1) I will NOT order a preset menu at the Jap restaurant ever again. I will pick individual courses in reasonable quantity myself. Even if I'm tired. Let's say, salad, 2 sushis or 4 sashimis, two meat yakitoris, two mushroom or vegetable yakitoris if available, rice.
2) Next time I feel full on Sunday evening and there's a pastry left, it goes either to the garbage bin or to the freezer.

(of course I should not buy that many pastries to begin with...)

There was a martial arts session on Saturday that lasted from 4pm to 9pm... at the end I was exhausted... now I have sore muscles and I suspect my knees will protest later this week.

One month left until the CAE results come in.

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Post by rose » Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:10 pm

Last year when I started noS I would eat fruit before the main course at lunch because I was afraid the acidity and sugar would make me hungry in the afternoon. I gave that up after a few months and went back to an ordinary course order.

Now I am back to eating fruit first. Someone else fills my plate (at the canteen) and I can't just eat the full plate anymore (stomach ache lies that way - afternoon nodding and months-long plateaus too). If I eat the main course until I feel sated, there's no more room for fruit in my belly, even if I leave some veggies or rice on the plate.

So now I eat the fruit first, then I eat from the hot plate until I feel sated. It looks like it works for now. Perhaps I will learn to visually evaluate the food quantity in the canteen plate and set aside superfluous food beforehand. Actually I thought I had that down but I seem to have lost the habit this winter. So I have to relearn it.

Another resolution is that I will have really good meals on weekends in order to avoid gorging on pastries. This is not so easy, since it means either going to a restaurant (and facing prefilled plates again, except this time the waiter might comment about the food I leave on the plate) or COOKING!

Actually I've had cravings for homemade lasagna these past few weeks. It's been years since I cooked anything that requires more than 2 ingredients _and_ more than one cooking pan. My most elaborate (10') meal nowadays looks like this:

cook spaghetti in boiling water pan (9')
meanwhile cook zucchini in microwave oven for 5'
and heat canned chickpeas in microwave oven for 1-2'
Mix everything in a plate, add canned bolognese sauce and sprinkle with little pieces of goats milk cheese (or whatever cheese is left in the fridge).

Fresh ingredients: 2 (cheese and zucchini - although the cheese can keep several weeks in the fridge and I could use frozen zucchini except that it never occurred to me to buy some)
Canned ingredients: 3 (well the spaghetti are not exactly canned but have a long shelf-life and few vitamins...)
Pan: 1 (plus one plastic microwave container)

By contrast, cooking lasagna will require two pans, one oven dish, a dozen ingredients or more, and a lot more time. I feel tired already. Perhaps this is too ambitious and I should start with something else.

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Post by rose » Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:34 am

I just realized that I was exposed to several (5?) things somewhat earlier than other kids and it may explain some things about myself.

Last night I had a variation of my usual flying dream. Usually I dream that I can fly by stretching my arms like a kite and relaxing in the wind. It requires concentration - if I tense up I lose altitude. A little like floating on water.
This time the dream started with some reminiscences of yesterday's least appealing moments. Then my shoulders were suspended somehow, and I had to relax in order to let my feet leave the ground (my body was horizontal then). Later I was standing and lowered my arms before me in a move similar to some chi kung exercises, and my hands felt a strange thrum/full feeling and like they encountered a solid resistance in the air. I am not sure where that came from - I have not practiced chi kung in months. Perhaps I am subconsciously missing it?

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Post by rose » Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:16 pm

I feel competent right now because a few daily life problems that have bothered me for several months are being resolved.

1) finally the letting agency admitted they had made a mistake when computing my rent increase and they will reimburse me and lower the rent.
2) I replaced the broken crank as mentioned above (although I still need to cut off a little bit, a colleague offered to saw it off for me since he has the proper tools, then I only have to screw it up.)
3) I finally managed to put the shutter parts back together after a lot of struggling, without needing to open the box (that box is still a mystery, no one knows how to open it).

Now I feel ready to tackle further issues like buying a new computer (with the money saved on the rent) and installing a battery tender for my scooter. Perhaps even having the alternator and regulator replaced, and treating the metal parts against rust. I should also look into getting my money back from two different administrative services (these tend to make mistakes don't they) and seeing another doctor about my knees... and buying a flat... and ...

I have this nasty tendency to make grand plans and get tired merely from enumerating all that needs to be done.

(I still haven't cooked anything. However I have not overeaten so far this weekend and am hoping figure 64 will finally go away and never return.)

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Post by rose » Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:16 am

Got a nasty knock last week. Now I am left with anxiety - which explains why I am posting at 6am. Let it pass or do something about it?

I had a failure on Monday, somehow I fell back into old habits such as "finish your plate" and "don't waste food" and ate too much pasta.

I have to exercise more regularly, I am afraid the current 63kg figure is due to muscle melting away.

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Post by rose » Thu May 01, 2008 10:19 am

It finally feels like spring. 4-day weekend ahead, but Thursday and Friday are N-days.
I finally got around to driving again, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that the car renting agency opened a new station only 10' from home. So I drove a little and practiced parking (perpendicular) in the garage since there was too much circulation in the street to attempt parallel parking :shock: especially given my frightful lack of skill. Next time I will have to find a practice place beforehand.
I resolved to abstain from MUDs (why on earth did I start playing again ??) and fanfiction until 6pm on "at-home" days. Let's listen to music, play music (or attempt to), do housework, go to the movies, sort out the shutter crank, etc.
But for now it's lunchtime. Hmmm... pasta, sausages, broccoli, apple?

(I forgot: CAE results are supposed to be available tomorrow :o )
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Post by noSer » Fri May 02, 2008 1:24 pm

Rose -

I know you're not a native English speaker, but I think you'll enjoy this little play on words. It's a saying my grandfather used to repeat that I should have taken to heart. Apparently he did, as he never had any problem with weight.

Here's the saying: "It's more of a waste around the waist than it is in the garbage pail."

So when you're eating to not 'waste' food, remember that. It's still a waste, just not where you want it to be. Better to make the trash can fat than yourself. :)

Hope you did well on your test. Your writing skills are excellent.

Have a great day!
It's more of a waste around the waist than it is in the garbage pail.
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Post by rose » Sat May 03, 2008 9:06 am

noSer wrote: Here's the saying: "It's more of a waste around the waist than it is in the garbage pail."
Thank you noSer. My parents were taught by their own parents to never throw away food, since they had themselves grown up in times of war and rationing and/or very poor. And in a time/place where fridges did not exist, so no leftovers! My grandfather disliked eating in restaurants too because the portions were always too big and some food would remain uneaten!
Usually when I prepare the food myself I try to have just enough food, but sometimes I don't estimate the quantity correctly and I have to fight the instinct to finish it up. It's also a problem at the canteen but since someone else fills my plate there I don't feel too bad leaving some food in the plate.

Anyway unsurprisingly I passed the CAE with very good grades in all written work and rather average grades in the Listening and Speaking parts. So now I can update my resume with this, and perhaps prepare for the CPE next december?
I succeeded (barely) in refraining from MUDs and fanfiction until 6pm on Thursday because I was busy. However I failed on Friday and today. Ah well.
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Post by rose » Thu May 08, 2008 9:57 am

Another 2 N-days at home. This time the MUD & fanfiction party shall start after 4pm. Hopefully I can't fail with this quite moderate rule, especially since I took care to book appointments in the mornings so I will be busy enough.

Last weekend was a bit crazy on the sweets (4 almond magnums in two days, not to mention other sweets).

No matter. I will just stay on this plateau a little longer I guess. However next weekend I will NOT buy a 4-pack. I will buy one at a time so I will have to go back to the store if I really really want another.

My N-days are good wrt the rules, but I could ease up a bit at lunch since I often feel sleepy afterwards. Also N-days at home are a little tricky, but I hope I will do better this time regarding meal size, and also I hope that these new "N-days at home" habits will carry me towards a more moderate weekend.
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Post by rose » Fri May 09, 2008 7:03 am

rose wrote:Another 2 N-days at home. This time the MUD & fanfiction party shall start after 4pm. Hopefully I can't fail with this quite moderate rule, especially since I took care to book appointments in the mornings so I will be busy enough.
Well. I failed today. Not because the temptation was too great. Just because of habit, a bad habit: checking FF sites for new chapters as soon as my computer has booted up. :evil:
I did it without even realizing I was breaking my own rules. I'll just have to try again tomorrow (meanwhile I closed the FF windows of course).
Yesterday's food was ok but I drank less than on a working N-day.
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Post by rose » Sun May 11, 2008 11:09 am

Decided to list S details in order to track S-day progress better.

Sweet bread with chocolate chips at breakfast
About 1/2 chocolate pack (don't know the proper English term)
Small half-frozen cola drink
1 almond magnum Image

Seconds at lunch.
One almond magnum Image
one chocolate biscuit (smallish)
one chocolate muffin (small)
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Post by rose » Fri May 16, 2008 7:07 pm

Haha! first "official" weigh-in in the 62kg range!
Since this is Friday, there's little chance I'll see that figure again real soon but still it's progress.

I searched for thinner body parts in the mirror but couldn't find any.
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Post by fkwan » Fri May 16, 2008 7:28 pm

those almond magnums look scrumptious. is it like ice cream or some kind of candy on a stick? If it tastes like marzipan I want a case. :)

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Post by rose » Sat May 17, 2008 6:21 am

The inside is vanilla ice-cream and the outside is chocolate with almonds. They exist in two sizes but the smaller size is not satisfying at all, and they don't sell it by the unit, so big size it is for me.
I like marzipan too but eating that much marzipan would replace a meal easily :P

About 5 or 6 squares of dark chocolate with pistachio bits
2 scoops of Ben&Jerry's ice cream (berries and cheesecake)

I bought a new frying pan, eggs, lard, dehydrated mushrooms (which are in hot water as I type this), and I already have onions, zucchini, and a little bit of goat's milk cheese. The prospect of an omelette is enough to make me regret eating that ice-cream. I am not nearly hungry enough! I guess I will just have to make it small, eat later than usual and remember this next time:
Don't stuff yourself with snacks when a good meal is forecast. Do forecast good meals on S-days to curb Sweets and Snacks wildness!

Saturday update: 3 cookies.
I had a stomach ache but not the ordinary kind so I am not sure whether I overate or not. The omelette was yummy.

breakfast: 6 cookies (!!) with herbal tea (nothing else after all it's Sunday so a little fantasy is allowed right?)
Lunch: about 3 squares of pistachio dark chocolate.
Afternoon/evening: about 2 squares of pistachio dark chocolate.

Parallel parking: getting better (on the right side) even though I had only 35' to practice since I was late. Next time I should remember to practice parking on the left side too.
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Post by trytrytry » Thu May 22, 2008 12:31 pm

Hi rose, I really like that statement:

Don't stuff yourself with snacks when a good meal is forecast. Do forecast good meals on S-days to curb Sweets and Snacks wildness!

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Post by rose » Sat May 24, 2008 9:24 am

Thanks trytrytry, I am still attempting to go back to moderate S-days without feeling too restricted.

Breakfast: 1 square of pistachio dark chocolate
Lunch at restaurant: had chocolate cake with 1 scoop vanilla ice-cream for dessert.

Tidied up the living room table and kitchen work area. I'll do the desk and cupboard next week. Somehow clutter accumulates during winter.

Evening: 1 square of pistachio dark chocolate not a good idea now I'm all awake, I hope I will sleep tonight.

Lunch: Pear and Almond pastry, 1 bar of milk chocolate.
Afternoon: opened a box of tea biscuits and ate all the chocolate ones. Ugh. They weren't even good. Why did I do that????
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Post by rose » Wed May 28, 2008 1:23 pm

I have been wondering about a few things lately... for instance:

* why do I step on the scale everyday?
* why do I read this forum everyday?
* why do I make myself sick with food on at least one day of every weekend? (either through sheer overeating, or just overdosed on dark chocolate)
* why I am still expecting more weight loss?
* why haven't I seen a doctor about my knees this year?
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Post by rose » Thu May 29, 2008 5:47 pm

Made an appointment with the doctor :D (well perhaps it will be more like :cry: but I have done my part).

Also I think I need to think about a goal weight. And beyond that, about what I expect life to be like when I have reached it. I think that I need medical advice and treatment about my knees, merely losing more weight won't cut it. And I perhaps I need to acknowledge that I may never be able to run without pain again. So willing even more weight loss to occur to better "heal my knees" is useless.

I ordered the t-tapp book last weekend. Officially it's because of the strong rehab contents and in order to vary my workouts. But I can't be certain I wasn't swayed by the commercial promises - even though I know, rationally, that they could only be true in very specific cases (i.e. women who are so overweight and who start exercising so much that _any_ kind of exercise would have these results). I do find it annoying to have this pouch of fat on my belly. It doesn't look too bad when I am standing (looks fat only) but when I am sitting there's this unsightly bunch of flab overflowing my pants.
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Post by fkwan » Thu May 29, 2008 6:03 pm

Sorry Rose,

I forgot exactly what is wrong with your knees. Different wrongs have different treatments. Osteoarthritis? Rheumatoid? Knee injury?

If a knee injury, definitely a visit to the doctor is in order. The terrible S-word (surgery) may be uttered. Have you been to physical therapy? Therapy was the difference between teeth-clenching, excruciating pain and floating on air.

If osteoarthritis, any weight loss will help.

If rheumatoid, weight loss and decreasing sugar will help, also a move toward a more vegetarian diet (based on personal experience). Some people blame gluten. Perhaps allergy testing is in order.

I don't know about knees, but for HIPS (my problem), decent shoe orthotics are a must.

Running is stressful. Might have to switch to walking or swimming.

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Post by rose » Sat May 31, 2008 1:19 pm

f. - I have been having Patello-Femoral Syndrom for about 7 years. Thanks about the advice. We'll see what this doctor says.

Breakfast: herbal tea and chocolate croissant (while walking since I was late getting to the choir rehearsal)
Lunch: yum. Steamed frozen veggies + herbs and cheese ravioli + liver. I had a double chocolate magnum for dessert. I am full but I'd like to be able to eat another :P
Afternoon: 2nd double chocolate magnum :twisted: I'm filled with chocolate up to my eyes.
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Post by rose » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:16 am

Today is shaping up to be one of those Murphy's law days. My goals were the usual: drive, wash clothes, wash hair. The car didn't start and the washing machine didn't purge. I can only hope that the water heater behaves.
PS: did I mention the overripe (rotten) melon?

Lunch: double chocolate magnum. Somehow my woes seem like retribution for these past days gluttony and sloth. I've spent most of my time on Materia Magica :oops:
Afternoon: chocolate & raspberry pastry
Evening: fromage frais with jam as dessert. Both seconds and sweeter than N-day fare.
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Post by blueskighs » Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:01 pm

I can only hope that the water heater behaves.
I hear you! Days like that can be completely unnerving!
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Post by rose » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:30 pm

Blueskighs: sometimes it's difficult not to become superstitious ;)

After thinking about it some more I decided that 61 kg (134 lbs, a little under BMI 22) looks like an appropriate goal weight. No need to get too skinny.
Since I am off my winter plateau and losing about 1lb per month, I might reach it this year (current mean weight is 139 lbs), or not.
Anyway, I'll probably stop stepping on the scale everyday in 2009 and switch to once a week or once a month.
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Post by blueskighs » Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:41 am

Anyway, I'll probably stop stepping on the scale everyday in 2009 and switch to once a week or once a month.

long-range plans! I love it ... I make long-range plans too :D

your "goal" sounds really reasonable!

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Post by rose » Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:34 am

When I left the doctor's office I felt completely wiped out emotionally (some kind of doctor-phobia) and I impulsively decided to make today an S-day. Then ten minutes later, after I had bought a pastry, I regretted it. Perhaps I could have just had a hot herbal tea and a nap. In the end I think it doesn't matter. I take very few NWS days, this one won't hurt anything. I had not realized previously that seeing a doctor makes me crave comfort food - probably because I usually go on Saturdays and have a pastry anyway - :idea: could it be merely a habit ?

Anyway she said I need corrective insoles. This is rather different from any other medical advice I've received about my knees previously. But it does make sense based on my observations during MA sessions and walks, and the calluses under my feet.

@Blueskighs: lots of things could happen between now and next year... but settling on a goal weight and a end date for the actual "weight loss" phase make me feel a little more in control. I was afraid I was getting a little obsessed with the appearance of my body. Time to go back to the _real_ reason why I started NoS: health. Health. Health.
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Post by blueskighs » Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:01 am


DOCTORS and DENTISTS are super stressful for me ... used to be real binge triggers ... I don't know why ... I just don't like to go :D

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Post by rose » Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:48 am

June, month of stress. Most of my workout sessions were replaced with chores - better than not exercising at all but I am concerned about muscle loss.

Last weekend:
Friday: ordinary slightly overboard S-day but no stomach ache (pastry, dark chocolate).
Saturday: extravagant dessert at lunch (pear pie + chocolate sauce + vanilla ice-cream), was too busy to have supper.
Sunday: seconds of pizza at supper and small brownie. Somewhat uncomfortable.

Note to self: go to bed early tonight and relax.
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Post by rose » Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:27 pm

Drove more than usual and noted some areas to improve on. I won't go into details because I am too ashamed and regretful :oops: This driving stuff is dangerous. Must be more careful and responsible :!: :!: (no real harm done though, thank whatever divinity is watching me)

Friday: tiny-S (sweet bread at breakfast)
Saturday: small-S (croissant and small cup of Ben&Jerry's)
Sunday: Croissant, chocolate mousse, ice-cream.
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Post by rose » Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:25 pm

Saturday: 4 big squares of chocolate. 1 ice cream stick.

Edit: make that 6 squares. I have to get away from the computer. Let's go buy some fruit.

Supper: strange couscous cake with honey and something that might be curled milk (both sweet and seconds).
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Post by rose » Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:18 am

Sunday: drove another car, stalled twice.

Breakfast: two big squares of chocolate (entirely superfluous)
While waiting for outdoors concert to start (late): 1 coca-cola (how come they didn't have plain water ??)
Lunch: 1 double chocolate magnum.
Afternoon/evening: 2 cups of Ben&Jerry's.

I've just brushed my teeth. S-ing is officially finished for this week.
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Post by rose » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:41 am

First t-tapp experience today. Last week-end I recorded myself on my computer reading a script I made from the instruction for PBS. Without repeating the 1st part, it lasts about 13'. This morning I played it back and followed the instructions. It was slightly more taxing than my current morning routine and felt more like a full-body workout. My knees didn't complain during it, we'll see what they say tomorrow.
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Post by rose » Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:01 am

I abstained from climbing stairs yesterday as a preventative measure, so far my knees haven't complained too loudly. Slight soreness in triceps, lats, and glutes.
No workout today (I was lazy AND late).
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Post by rose » Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:46 am

Should have done the small ttapp workout again this morning but I was lazy.
Yet I would have had ample time to do it. The problem is I am still stressed out (June!) and my reaction is to remove all non-mandatory activities that require any kind of effort in order to relax. Plus, for some reason, knowing this taped workout lasts 13' is a deterrent. I am not sure how long my usual workouts last but it might be less than this, anyway I never tell myself "I am going to workout for xx minutes". I almost always tell myself "I will do my arms (or abs, or SG) workout and it will soon be over".
Another issue is my right leg. While my knees have'nt protested too much, my right hip is acting up. Weird. Also some kind of gait problem. I still haven't done anything to get the insoles.
First official weigh-in below 62 kg but probably it's only muscles melting away. Ugh. I have been eating bigger portions than usual this week and feeling queasy. Ugh. Last weekend I went rather overboard. Triple Ugh.
After tomorrow I should have 10 days of respite (excluding work) so it's an opportunity to get back on track.
Now that I think about it, I could possibly do the ttapp tonight. Provided I am not stuck at work.
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Post by blueskighs » Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:41 pm


I always love your posts, sounds like you are figuring out how to get though June! sometimes i have to do what you're doing when I get too much going on, just kind of stop, pull back, shift and reorganize. june has been a long month for me too, I will be glad to see July 1.

your lowest weigh-in? that is great. maybe its fat and not muscle :D

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Post by rose » Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:29 am

@blue: I wish I did not get my monthly insomnia just the night after I made resolutions.

4 am "breakfast": 4 squares of chocolate, double chocolate magnum
Lunch: 1 square of dark chocolate, double chocolate magnum
Evening: medium size cup of Ben & Jerry's (strawberry cheesecake flavour)

Breakfast: 1 square of dark chocolate.
Lunch: chocolate pastry for dessert
5pm: 1 square of dark chocolate with a slice of bread (reminds me of childhood afternoon snacks in the countryside)
Supper: small cup of hagen das ice-cream (mango flavour)

Noticed some automatic reactions in myself and others today that reminded me of a transactional analysis book I read. Need to work on that.
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Post by rose » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:12 pm

There were 4 eggs left, I felt I had to eat them before I had to throw them away, felt too lazy to cook 2 today and 2 tomorrow so I ended up cooking all 4 of them and overeating. Idiot.
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Post by rose » Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:20 am


tentative weekend rules:

- Chocolate must not be the main ingredient of breakfast (or any meal). No ice-cream at breakfast. Croissants are ok, preferably a single one. A single croissant with a bar of chocolate inside is ok. A single square of chocolate is ok IF it's accompanied by bread.

- one really good dessert (including ice-cream) per day is ok, either at lunch, as an afternoon snack, or at supper.

- if not having dessert at a meal, a single square of chocolate or two-three spoonfuls of ice-cream are ok.

- no stomach ache.

Also I am considering allowing myself to have dessert on Wednesday or Thursday lunch on two conditions: 1) previous weekend was moderate according to above rules and 2) only if in the company of people who are having dessert themselves.
Of course, will remove this if it crashes NoS habits beyond breaking the "no sweets" rule once a week.
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Post by rose » Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:47 pm

I actually got hungry at mealtime last weekend since I abstained from grazing on chocolate. But I think I overate on uninteresting food.
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Post by rose » Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:14 am

Rather tame long weekend food-wise despite 6-hour meal on Saturday. Ice-cream portion on Monday evening was needlessly and shamefully big. I wanted two different flavours.

Emotions. I did not notice that they interfered with food though. They interfere with other decisions.
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Post by rose » Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:38 am

For the record: 4th day of ttapping on end. I am slowly learning the 15' routine (takes more like 40' since I still need to check the moves in the book). Doing it this way is easier than using the PBS record I made - I should have remembered that the anticipation of effort exhausts me. This is why knowing the record is 13' long is discouraging, just like a long grocery list is discouraging. It's much easier to just jump in and give myself the option to stop at any time. So no timer for me, or perhaps only to make sure I don't exceed the time available and get late for something else. I don't regret making the record though, it did help with learning the basic posture principles.
Weight is stable. I am not logging it as closely as usual although I do still step on the scale everyday. Since I have sore muscles I must be building some muscle anyway. Must remember to drink during longer workouts. But then that would imply I know the workout will be long. Argh.
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Post by rose » Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:02 pm

Grazing-free weekend :D and I did not finish the sumptuous dessert I had at lunch (perhaps ordering it was a mistake, but at least it filled me up for the whole afternoon!!).

Mild knee discomfort and lack of balance. (ttapp on hold until Tue or Wed, MA class tomorrow - I hope!).

Failed shopping spree - my waist is (as it has ever been) thicker than my hips (according to T. Tapp I have a short torso) and the pants that I bought last year are apparently out of fashion. Also I am between sizes right now. Still I bought a pair of pants but they are slightly too small :P We'll see.
Did not find any T-shirt that I liked (moderate neckline, not clingy, not tent-like, neither flattering nor unflattering, with room for belly and hips but not too wide in upper torso AND easy to press. I own only one perfect Tshirt right now).

Tried to phone S again but no answer. Should phone C too. Just do it. On Tuesday.

I am not following the weekend rules from a few posts ago to the letter but still excesses are less than before, especially regarding behavior that would be make me feel ashamed in company of other people.
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Post by rose » Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:44 am

Yesterday as I was whining about real life on clan talk (in a MUD = multi-user dungeon) I was about to add "and on top of it I'm hungry and it's not meal time" when I realized my character was hungry, not my real-life self.

Phone calls: 1/2 complete. I am even thinking about real life tasks as "quests". I think I spend too much time on MUDs.
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Post by rose » Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:31 am

Had seconds last night. Argh.
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Post by rose » Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:30 pm

Today was supposed to be a N day at home. Mmmf. On the other hand it's the first day of my vacation. Ah well. Had a small brownie at lunch and some M&M's at supper.
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Post by reinhard » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:22 pm

Rose, I've just been updating the testimonials page, and I took the liberty of including your lovely chart.

Hope this is ok with you! Let me know if not. I think it's been very helpful to people already and will be even more so with more prominent placement.


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Post by rose » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:13 pm

Reinhard: no problem. I only hope I don't goof up now :)

Went on vacation, had a lot of cheese (at least 5 different kinds from 3 different kinds of mammals' milk), picked berries, ate wild cherry cake (lots ot chewing since stone ratio very high), had reasonable exercise (shoulder rehab, ttapp and small hikes, the berry-picking was tiring too), watched TV a lot too (especially liked the dancing chinese characters), possibly gained 2 lbs although it's too early to tell really.

All in all it was 2 weeks on end of moderate S-days: almost no chocolate, no snacks except for moderate quantities of wild cherries, but dessert and/or cheese at almost every meal. Breakfast was the usual though - my one routine meal. I am only ashamed of one thing, the cheese "snack" (read orgy) I had when I was by myself and upset (stupid stupid).

Anyway. It feels good to be actually hungry for meals again.
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Post by rose » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:27 pm

Recipe #1: throw everything in dish, top with lots of cheese, heat until reminded that you put something in the oven by burnt food smell. Result: slightly heavy to digest but no need to throw away.

Recipe #2: try to follow chocolate mousse instructions on chocolate bar. Result: surprisingly good despite disgusting appearance and lots of unbeaten egg white.

Feeling lazy, lazy...
Life is slow around here in August.
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Post by rose » Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:56 pm

Why do I feel so tired on Mondays? The day started pretty well but it soon turned bad as I let my bad social habits get the better of me in an unforeseen situation and exhausted myself mentally over it all day long. Also got a surprise call and was afraid it was bad news. Which it wasn't. But still caused a shock.
Skipping the MA class tonight - I think I'll go to bed early with a book.

Last Friday evening I started wondering what I could eat for a snack. I stopped that immediately. Why can't I do the same about my other bad habits? I know what I'm supposed to do. I should just do it and stop the mental justification and avoidance self-talk as soon as it starts.
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A HabitCal for keeping your cool?

Post by la_loser » Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:31 pm

I don't know if you're keeping a HabitCal for No S, etc., but I've found that making a HabitCal for other things works as well. . . as in call one a Practiced_Positive_Social_Cues or whatever you feel the need to work on. Maybe Held_My_Tongue_Instead_Of_Going_Off would be one or Kept_my_Cool Find a clever little title for it and see what happens.

It could be the the power of the HabitCal might make you stop and think about whatever it is that you feel is a problem. If marking that Red or Green is powerful for you, it might do the trick! (Maybe this is one where you could mark Yellow if you just lost it once during the day or whatever--or if you quickly caught yourself. It would be YOUR habitcal so YOU could make the rules!

I recently made a HabitCal for being on time to work. My job doesn't really require me to be there at a specific time although it would be preferable to the later and later habit I have formed. So now when I think of one more little thing to putter with at home before I leave for work, I'm finding myself thinking. . ."I want a green day!"

Sounds like you've got that No Snacks thing down pat! Congratulations!

Good luck.
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Post by rose » Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:25 am

Thank you for the advice LA_Loser. I'll think about it. Problem is social situations are not predictable like meals. I don't deal very well with surprises.
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Post by rose » Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:59 pm

This past week was ok NoS-wise but I hardly ate any vegetables (all routines disturbed) so I am a bit afraid about the results.

Usual breakfast,
Midmorning snack = single square of chocolate and single biscuit,
Lunch = small pizza, apple, chocolate pastry (lighter than usual, from another shop)
Afternoon = lemonade!
Evening = soda, lamb (now that I think about it, it's been a long time since I had proper meat too), summer vegetables with bread, and ice-cream with strawberries.
I feel full but not overfull. Does this mean portions were not that big, or my stomach size increased during the holidays?

Semi-successful shopping spree: found a pair of jeans appropriate for work, a top which does not make me look like I'm pregnant with twins (but shows a little too much cleavage), and some undies (in a shop called Undiz).
Also bought some massage implements and a book.
Looking at myself in the fitting rooms, I was not happy to see my fat belly. Also my upper arms don't look as good as they did some time ago. No wonder, I have been lazy about exercise.
So, I need to exercise more consistently and with some cardio (to help with the belly).

Social habits: need to work on * a scale of achievement for daily evaluation * coping mechanisms for stressful days * finding some way to keep practicing good habits when no opportunity arises by itself
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Post by rose » Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:31 am

Okay, that Saturday I really did overeat (stomach ache later on and all).

This weekend:

Saturday Ss: chocolate croissant as a mid-morning snack. Classic Magnum at diner.

Sunday Ss: 5-hour lunch meal. So seconds and sweets. Had a few candies for diner (usually I don't buy candy but I figured out as I had no appetite at all and had this strange candy envy, perhaps it was a natural craving from my body, in order to digest the heavy lunch better??)

Decided to get up at a fixed hour (need to get an alarm clock) and also I have overhauled my weekly schedule (new year and all that) since the old one wasn't working for me anymore.

Need to plan a car trip. November?
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Post by rose » Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:14 pm

Emotions! Tiring.
Peanuts orgies last weekend. Seconds consisting of a carrot half on an N-day of this past week.
Lots of energy today. Saw Mamma mia: Pierce Brosnan can't sing (well he sings in tune but that's it) and he's getting fat. How disappointing. He should shovelglove. Anyway. It (the movie) was a nice distraction. Had an Aztec something Magnum ice-cream (slightly spicy) and an entirely unnecessary and un-tasty brownie. Bought a book, visited two libraries, had a meal with friends (but one of them was fasting), did a bit of shovelglove myself this morning. Obviously this is not in chronological order. Avoided a new peanut orgy by hiding the can on top of the cupboard.
I have been so busy this week, I noticed a tendency of having too large portions and eating too fast.

PS: I forgot: the holiday lbs are going away. Not fast, but they are.
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Post by blueskighs » Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:50 pm


it is always good to hear from you,

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Post by rose » Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:53 am

Thanks Blue! and congratulations again about your success!

The convoluted rules about having dessert during the week provided the weekend was moderate I posted about some time ago did not work out. Too complicated. I did not have failures or extra S days because of it though. I just couldn't be bothered to remember whether the previous weekend had been moderate or not. And perhaps I am too afraid of losing my habits...

Still I need to work on my S days (especially Sundays) and also find a way to get enough magnesium in my food...

I am still working on my new routine. I don't go to the MA class anymore because of knee issues and also sleep issues. I am thinking about private classes but that's expensive.
No progress on Ttapp because of the same knee issues (also when done properly it's very tiring!). Perhaps I should try to do it after work when my body is warmed up and I don't have to go out again. But early enough that it doesn't prevent me from falling asleep.

No progress on weight (still 1lb heavier than before my vacation).
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Post by blueskighs » Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:19 pm

and also find a way to get enough magnesium in my food...

interesting point about magnesium, when i started eating my N day breakfast of quinoa, buckwheat and amaranth, i stopped getting headaches, apparently they have magnesium which apparently helps with migraines ... not sure why you are wanting more magnesium, but I make this combo in a small rice cooker almost every N day for breakfast now and it is very easy and satisfying, I usually top it off with a scrambled egg

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Post by rose » Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:50 am

Hello Blue,

how strange! I tasted quinoa for the first time just a week ago. Thank you for the advice. I don't get headaches but I often get leg cramps and the stressed-out feeling. I will try it.

This week: one failed day (seconds): the infamous sushi orgy again. It seems I have to make the same mistakes at least twice a year.
And, one (moderate) NWS day as a co-worker brought some ramadan treats that I had asked him about.

Saturday: I could have done without the peanuts and all that chocolate, really.
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Post by rose » Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:41 pm

This morning as I hesitated between going to the NIA class (for my second time) or staying at home, I put on old dancing tights. The good new is, I was able to put them on. I did not like the way my belly fat showed in them however. So I put on baggy sweatpants again and went to class!
Strangely liberating, you get used to the music and mirrors very quickly, no competition, all-women environment so no worries about looking like a wimp if I need to slow down because of my knees etc. I intend to go at least twice a month. Still undecided about private martial arts classes, but I have started reviewing the moves and forms.

About food: although Thursday was not technically a failure, I ate waaay to much and it's especially annoying to think that I said to myself at least three times "this is too much, I should stop now" and didn't. I looks like I am revisiting all my old failures these days. Well, perhaps I should put the tights on more often...

Weekend: very little snacking but I probably ate too much (and dessert at every meal certainly feels like going overboard... yummy tiramisu). I tested quinoa - not much to say about it.

Tomorrow is an N-day at home :shock:
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Post by rose » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:35 pm

I have a cold (snif). My coworkers are saints and they have not complained about the constant sniffing, sneezing, and noisy use of tissues (fortunately I had a full box of theses. these. my eyes are crying.)
My weight has been lower this week, around 62.5. Nothing exceptional but better this than 63.3 like last week.
Fruit routine for the winter: half a big banana (or a small banana) at breakfast, orange or kiwi at lunch, apple at dinner.

This morning : 15' TTapp. Now, I knew I would end up regretting it as my knees were bound to complain. But I wanted a different kind of exercise and the high that comes with ttapp and the glorious muscle soreness etc. Forgetting about pain is the reason why mammals are not extinct after all. Anyway. I have finally come up with a reasonable plan. As soon as my knees are back to a reasonable pain level, I'll start doing just one ttapp exercise a day (PBS) for at least a month (in addition to my usual, mostly upper-body routine). And I'll concentrate on contracting the inner thigh muscles as well as the outer thigh muscles (while keeping KLT). Then if I have not given up I'll add another exercise.
For some reason I was unable to admit before today that 15' of ttapp (even with slow reps) is too much for my knees...

I bought meat for this weekend's menu as I have decided that dried sausage and cheese everyday is not good enough. Diversity!
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Post by rose » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:46 pm

Yesterday I had half a dozen good reasons not to go to this morning's NIA class. Somehow they all melted away. I went and had a good time.
Food was disappointing (taste-wise) this weekend but no matter.
Had a long overdue clothes sorting session: garbage, rags, donation, yard work, desk work and special occasions worthy. I found I can almost but not quite fit into a pair of jeans I bought as my weight was creeping up and never was able to wear. I can zip them but it's not comfortable. I also found I can wear all my old favorite tops. But the lower belly bulge is still really annoying.
Next step is to do the same with books and the loads of junk that clutter my flat and basement.
These days I find I am pretty stable emotionally but probably that's because I have isolated myself after the drama of the past months. Now how to get back in touch with everyone without getting overwhelmed again. Some of these people thrive on drama. It just makes me sick.
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Post by rose » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:21 pm

Confession time: I've spent the past 4 days lazing about and eating chocolate, whereas I had planned outings and Mon/Tue as N days. I did go to the NIA class though, and I have not given myself a stomach ache so far.

Weight is stable at 63kg but I am building a little muscle in back and arms.
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Post by rose » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:26 pm

I've just found out I drink way too much on work days (2.5L). Who would have thought a single bowl of herbal tea is half a liter? This might explain my magnesium issues. So I will be more careful about this!
Solid N-days, but not so good S-days. And it's cccccold. It actually snowed this morning.
No NIA for the 2nd weekend on end. Still no driving. Do better next weekend. Cultivate positive thoughts. Be polite.
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Post by rose » Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:22 pm

Remember a few months ago I was spending so much time on MUDs? Well I have been spending my time on real-life hobbies/projects instead, because learning actual music is so much more interesting than having a bard char defeat goblins with a lyre. Made some progress on the keyboard, and now that I am not a raw beginner anymore, but merely a beginner, I find I am limited by not having a sustain pedal. So I'm going out in the ccccccold today to buy one (and also to get started on Christmas gifts).
(to be honest, this phase might my usual autumn energy surge (slightly late), but I will milk it for all its worth and hope it lasts).

Good N-days, today started rather well with a satisfying breakfast and slightly too big lunch (I considered leaving half of my dessert bu didn't. How foolish.) Weight is stable (63 to 63.5 kg this week), I have been very good with N-day exercise for the past month (but I skipped two Sunday NIA classes - no matter). Still I need to build muscle around my knees but it's complicated because it hurts very quickly!

After thinking about the past year I realized it has probably been one of the worst years of my life with daily life issues, health issues and family issues, which also caused some trouble at work. I have been clinging to my eating and morning exercising routines and I am convinced it saved me further problems!
I feel so grateful. I feel so grateful that I'll even post about it on the main forum.
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Post by rose » Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:40 pm

Travel days are now small-s days for me, meaning I don't go out of my way to exercise (underground stairs with luggage are quite enough), and I allow myself some sweets if I really feel like it (but no big dessert).
Now I am on a supposedly quiet holiday at home, with successful N days so far. Well, tomorrow will be an S-day of course. (perhaps not quite "of course", but I decided so.)
As my computer refused to boot up (the power supply fan had been wheezing for quite some time) I hurriedly bought a new one and this caused some anxiety and second-guessing myself. And I still have to transfer data and install applications and so on. Anyway it's keeping me busy.

Weight stable around 63 kg. I haven't kept up with the chart as I don't really expect further progress in this area...
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Post by rose » Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:13 pm

Wow! 202 posts! I was convinced I had written only about 100.

Today, I went to the doctor's office twice. The first time, there were a lot of people waiting, no chairs left, and I was starting to feel anxious - which is usual for me when going to the doctor's - so I left after only one minute. Read some humorous fanfiction, ate some chocolate, and felt perfectly fine. Then I went back (no queue this time) and got a kind of panic attack with racing heart, trembling, crying, trouble breathing etc. Much worse than the usual. How tiring. It's like just stepping into the waiting room makes me sick. Anyway. The doctor gave me some time to get myself under control and I was able to explain the purpose of my visit. Now I'm supposed to get radios of my knees, because my right knee has been feeling and looking funny these past months. And then I will probably have to do rehab (argh).

Even as I was feeling my heart beating wildly for no reason at all (well, for no physical reason), I was reminded of a public domain book I browsed online, about the Coué method. The rationale for the method was that a thought, like getting news of a loved one's death, can cause physical symptoms like fainting (among others). Conversely, being convinced that a doctor or divinity will heal you, could improve your health and cause "miraculous" healing. I think I am especially sensitive to negative thoughts or sensations or unconscious memories (but perhaps it works mainly that way with most people?). I wish I could be as sensitive to positive thoughts or to music, but unfortunately I feel like I am stalled in these areas... not that I will stop trying... (trying to distinguish minor chords from major chords can be really frustrating).
Started NoS Jan 07 at 74.5kg (164 lbs, BMI 26.7)
Stable since Jan 08 at 64kg (141 lbs, BMI 23)
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Post by rose » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:27 pm

I don't know exactly why I let go of all my good habits this past week. Now my flat is a mess, my sink is full of dirty dishes, I am overstuffed on almost a pound of chocolate, my sleep schedule is completely off and so on...
Well, back to work tomorrow. I don't dare make any kind of resolution, I just know I can gradually get back into some kind of routine... I just hope it doesn't take too long.
(yes I was supposed to write in the testimonials section... it will have to wait a little while...)
Started NoS Jan 07 at 74.5kg (164 lbs, BMI 26.7)
Stable since Jan 08 at 64kg (141 lbs, BMI 23)
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Posts: 332
Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:06 pm

Post by rose » Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:32 pm

Knee rehab 2 down, 8 to go. But I can't really evaluate impact on pain levels as I on painkillers due to a toothache. :evil:
It was easier than I anticipated to get back into some kind of routine (it is not perfect still, but the basics are here).
I had a failure on Tuesday as I ate two biscuits before going to the rehab session (some would call it virtual plating...)
Started NoS Jan 07 at 74.5kg (164 lbs, BMI 26.7)
Stable since Jan 08 at 64kg (141 lbs, BMI 23)
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Posts: 332
Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:06 pm

Post by rose » Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:39 pm

Knee rehab 3/10 (but skipped morning exercise).
Had to have a nap this afternoon as the medication for my toothache is really tiring...
Small s(ick) day: had one (big) square of chocolate at diner. (I am again considering this as an alternative to my allowance of 1 cup of hot chocolate per N day. We'll see.)
I didn't feel like practising solfeggio or keyboard or languages today, and yet in a post-chocolate burst of energy I cleaned the toilet (which is the one stable Monday task in my ever-changing housework schedule: habit!!!).
Started NoS Jan 07 at 74.5kg (164 lbs, BMI 26.7)
Stable since Jan 08 at 64kg (141 lbs, BMI 23)
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Posts: 332
Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:06 pm

Post by rose » Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:27 pm

I ran today for about one minute. I am almost certain it was a very foolish idea that I will regret tomorrow when my knees start to act up. All this because of a dream a few nights ago in which I was running. I woke up with slight leg cramps.
All that buttocks and belly fat jiggling about felt strange. The generated heat was surprising too. I had not run in years.
Anyway, for the record: slight twinge in left knee ligament which was sprained 9 years ago. Soreness in upper quad tendons (argh!). No real knee pain for now.

Also, yesterday was another of those wild S-days that make me swear never to buy a chocolate bar again. I actually threw out half of it. And then I went out and ate two pieces of cake plus lots of candy. Where do these idiotic ideas come from??
Started NoS Jan 07 at 74.5kg (164 lbs, BMI 26.7)
Stable since Jan 08 at 64kg (141 lbs, BMI 23)
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Posts: 332
Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:06 pm


Post by rose » Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:51 am

Well I've just spent one month in a foreign country for work.

So not only did I eat every meal in a restaurant, I also snacked (!!) on the food provided by the client company to entice us to stay late at work.

And, of course, my usual routines were all undone and basically I "exercised" only on Saturdays by lots of walking around to visit the sights, and not at all on any other day.

And now, after 10hrs in a plane sitting next to a coughing man (how I wanted to hit him after only 5') I am sick.

Well, although I have lost the habit of weighing every morning, I can tell all this adds up to tighter clothes...

So of course today is an S day (double S since I am sick too) but here it is: I am officially recommitting to NoS.

Posts: 332
Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:06 pm

Post by rose » Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:54 pm

today is a red day.

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