Thtrchic's Daily Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:27 pm

Thursday, Day 1 (I've decided to start counting again for a while) - SUCCESS.

B - honey nut shredded wheat with milk
L - turkey sandwich with fresh mozzarella on sourdough with lettuce and mayo, small apple, 100 calorie pack of cheetos
D - small baked salmon patty on bun with mayo, tater tots with ketchup, small glass of guava nectar (100% juice, no sugar added)

Shortly, I'll do 30 minutes on the treadmill with 10 of upper body weight lifting and 75 crunches.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:14 am

Friday, Day 2- S-DAY. A successful one.

B - 2 packets of instant oatmeal, small banana
L - turkey with fresh mozzarella on sourdough, 100 calorie pack of chex mix, dried pineapple and nectarines
D - (out with a friend) meat asagne (ate half of what I was served), few small pieces of italian bread with olive oil, shared a (very delicious) piece of tiramisu with a friend, glass of red wine

Off day for exercise today.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:55 am

Saturday, Day 3 - S-DAY. Another reasonably successful one.

B - bagel with a little cream cheese
L - 1/2 a skillet of egg whites, potatoes, corned beef, cheese, 2 pieces of wheat toast (1/2 of 1 of them buttered)
S - 3 small cookies
D - (at a party) 3 small square pieces of very thin pizza, a little mixed green salad with craisins and walnuts, glass of cranberry juice
S - 1 chocolate chip cookie, a bunch of salted almonds


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:48 pm

Sunday, Day 4 - SUCCESS.

B - honey nut shredded wheat with milk and small banana
L - leftover skillet of egg whites, potatoes, little cheese, and corned beef, piece of irish brown bread with butter, orange
D - can of low-fat cream of mushroom soup, 2 pieces of homemade egg bread with brummel and brown, applesauce

Just did 40 minutes on treadmill with 10 of upper body weights and 75 crunches/5 sit-ups.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:41 am

Monday, Day 5 - SUCCESS.

I really wanted to order pizza tonight, but convinced myself to wait until the weekend.

B - cereal with milk, small banana
L - (out with my boss) cheeseburger, few bites of salad, apple
D - leftover lasagna, applesauce

Did 30 minutes on the treadmill with 10 minutes of upper body weights this morning. And walked about 10 minutes to lunch.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:22 am

Tuesday, Day 6 - SUCCESS.

B - cereal with milk, orange
L - 1/2 tuna sandwich, yogurt, tortilla chips
D - (eaten in two parts and in a slightly grazy way at a work party but carefully watched and tracked, it would have been very inappropriate to put a bunch on a plate) piece of baked tilapia, small amount of white rice cooked with a little butter, 6 crackers with cheese and salami, about 10 grapes, about 6 baby carrots with dip

Did 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:17 am

Wednesday, Day 7 - SUCCESS.

B - cereal with milk
L - 2 packets of instant oatmeal, yogurt
D - baked potato soup, bread, applesauce

Didn't do any exercise yet as I'm feeling quite sick today. Im going to try and do at least a little bit slowly on the treadmill still tonight, though. I'm pretty sure I'll manage 15-20 minutes, which is at least something and helps me keep the habit up.

EDIT -- I did just do 25 minutes slowly on the treadmill with 5 minutes of upper body weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:35 am

Thursday - Day 8, SUCCESS.

B - cereal with milk, 1/2 banana
L - small skim latte, 2 oz cheddar cheese, 15 melba crackers, orange
D - field greens salad with blue cheese, walnuts, apple, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing, roll

About to get on the treadmill. Planning on 30 minutes with 5-10 of upper body weights (depending upon how much my still recovering from illness muscles can take).

Yay for a successful week. I feel very proud of myself for staying so strong. Everyone at work is dieting and I'm the only one who actually stuck with it all week. Everyone else ate candy and complained at least one day of having eaten too much in general or too much of bad things this week.

EDIT -- ended up doing 45 minutes on the treadmill with 10 of upper body weights. It felt really good. I'm tired now, though.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:10 am

Friday, Day 9: S- DAY.

B - oatmeal, banana
L - soup, crackers, small skim latte
S - part of a dark chocolate bar
D (if you can call it that) - 2 cookies

I might have something else since my dinner was pretty questionable and probably won't keep me full too long. Or maybe not. It's after 8 so I might not need it. Or maybe I'll have some juice as a sort of compromise.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:31 am

Saturday, Day 10: S-DAY. A little extreme, but I wouldn't say idiotic.

B- cereal with milk
L - half a frozen pizza
S - rocky road ice cream
D- quarter of a frozen pizza
S - 2 beers and a baileys on the rocks, 100 calorie pack of shortbread cookies, 3 squares of a caramello bar, some fries

Walked around target for about half an hour plus up and down the stairs a bunch doing laundry and taking out garbage.

The freedom of eating and doing whatever was good today. I think it did exactly what it was supposed to in terms of the "greater good" for me today. I felt it more than usual today.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:18 am

Sunday, Day 11: NWS Day.

I had my book group today. We only meet every 4-8 weeks so I took it as an extra S Day.

B - Cereal with milk, banana
S - almonds
L - mcdonald's fish sandwich and fries
D - whole wheat pasta with sauce, salad with light dressing, bread with olive oil, few crackers with cheese
S - 1 homemade peanut cluster, 2 tiny chocolate bottles filled with liquor, piece of pound cake with light cool whip and raspberries

Did half an hour on the treadmill this morning with 10 minutes of upper body weights. And walked about 10 minutes to book group.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:40 am

Monday, Day 12: SUCCESS.

B - 2 packets oatmeal, pint of raspberries
L - mixed greens salad with blue cheese, craisins, walnuts, raspberry vinaigrette dressing, melba crackers
D - (at a work thing) 5 very thin crust square cut pieces of pizza

Did 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning with 10 minutes of upper body weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:52 am

Tuesday, Day 13: SUCCESS. Not the super healthiest one ever, but not too bad.

B- small bagel with cream cheese
L - 2 packets instant oatmeal, yogurt, dried apricots
D - havarti cheese, melba crackers, doritos

Did 30 minutes, slightly faster, on the treadmill this morning with 10 minutes of upper body weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:31 am

Wednesday, Day 14: SUCCESS.

B - cereal with milk, banana
L - homemade tuna salad with melba crackers, yogurt, almonds
D - 5 mini beef taquitos with sour cream, apple

Did 30 minutes on the treadmill again this morning, again with 10 minutes of upper body weights. My arms were pretty tired. This is the 4th consecutive day of this routine so maybe they need a break. But I plan to push on through tomorrow and then take my planned day off on Friday.


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Post by MerryKat » Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:23 am

Well done on your sucesses so far and I wish you many more. Your meals sound so tasty and yummy.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by thtrchic » Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:21 am

Thanks, MerryKat. I really appreciate the encouragement.

Thursday, Day 15: SUCCESS.

B - cereal with milk
L - (out at a work thing) cup of tomato bisque soup with oyster crackers, little less than a cobb salad
D - (at a work thing) 2 pieces of thin crust sausage pizza, some microwave popcorn

Did 30 minutes on the treadmill with about 8 upper body weights (just held the weights for about 2 of my 10, my muscles were really tired) and walked about 20 minutes during the day.


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Post by franxious » Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:31 pm

Hi Julie,

You do a great job with exercising consistently and your meals also sound nicely balanced. Keep up the good work!

Lisa (franxious)

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Post by thtrchic » Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:53 pm

Thanks, Lisa. I'm very happy with how consistent I've been lately.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:46 am

Friday, Day 16: S-DAY. Not a great one, but not a totally horrible one either.

B - cereal with milk, small banana
L - 2 bites of a lean cuisine I thought was gross and threw away
S - too many fancy chocolate cookies
D - a bunch of thai appetizers (satay with peanut sauce, crab rangoon with sweet and sour, shumai with soy sauce)

Off exercise today. Which was good because Im tired and needed a rest day.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:40 am

Saturday, Day 17: S-DAY.

Overall today I ate too many sweets (about 5 cookies, and a candy bar) and half an order of chicken pad thai. I'm planning on something else tonight still -- something not involving sugar. Like cheese and crackers -- something food like, but also easy and tasty.

I'm feeling rather gross from all the sugar yesterday and today. It's been a while since I've felt like this.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:15 am

Sunday, Day 19: SUCCESS.

B - about two ounces of havarti cheese, whole bunch of melba crackers, large orange
L - frozen waffles with syrup, 4 turkey sausage links
D - 1.5 cups of honey nut shredded wheat with milk, small banana

Just did 45 minutes on the treadmill with 10 minutes of upper body weights. It was a good workout.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:51 am

Monday, Day 19: FAILURE.


It was such a rough day for me for some reason. I just didn't want to exercise and wanted to eat bad food so bad. I don't know why. Given all that I didn't do TOO bad. But I didn't do it right.

B - cereal with banana and milk
L - leftover chicken pad thai, yogurt
S - 1/2 dark chocolate candy bar, 4 starburst
D - sushi: 2 maki rolls and a piece of tuna sashimi

Did 18 minutes on the treadmill with 7 of upper body weights. I just could not make myself do more than that. It was weird -- usually once I start Im fine. Even good, really. But today my body just wasn't going for it. I told myself I'd make up the time tonight, but I'm still at work and absolutely exhausted so I don't think that's gonna happen.

Oh well. Worse things and worse days have happened.


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Post by franxious » Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:48 pm


From my point of view, it doesn't really sound that bad. OK, one snack, not a huge one at all. And you DID get some exercise. Some days I find I am totally dragging for no apparent reason -- I always think of them as "low energy days" -- but I figure maybe I just need a break. I'm hoping you're feeling back in the swing of things today.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:37 am

Thanks, Lisa. Those words are very helpful. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get back on the horse tomorrow. I'm pretty frustrated with myself right now. But Ive bought groceries and made a plan for food tomorrow that actually sounds good and is healthy and know that that's the key to me getting back on track.

B - 2 packets of instant oatmeal
S - snickers bar (what is my problem??), about 12 melba crackers
L - Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich and fries (why did i give in to this silly temptation)
D - I think I'm skipping it since I've eaten way too much today and really just want to sleep more than eat

I'm still just feeling wiped out so didn't do any exercise. I think I just need to sleep very early tonight to help me re-energize. Then I'll feel better tomorrow and will get back on track with morning exercise and a day of good food.


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Post by franxious » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:03 am


Your plan sounds like a good one. Again, I know how frustrating it is when things don't go as you had planned, but try not to beat yourself up too much. Almost all of the time, you're very successful. So you're not a robot...well, that's OK! Good luck tomorrow.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:31 pm

Just a quick mid-day report to say I'm doing much better today. I didn't work out this morning, but already planned for time tonight that I think can really work out.

Had a good breakfast and am working on lunch now. Good dinner is planned and I'm feeling much more in control.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:43 am

Wednesday: Day 1, SUCCESS. Phew. Much better.

B - 1.5 cups honey nut shredded wheat with milk
L - homemade chicken salad sandwich on rye bread, 100 calorie pack cheetos, whole bunch of grapes
D - can of campbell's healthy request cream of chicken soup made with 1/2 can milk, melba crackers, orange

About to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes plus 10 of weights. I'm very pleased that I pulled it back together today.


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Post by franxious » Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:22 pm

Yay!!! I'm so glad you're feeling better. Here's to more of the same.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:45 am

Thursday, Day 2: SUCCESS.

B- 1.5 cups of cereal with milk, banana
L - homemade chicken salad sandwich, 100 calorie pack chex mix
D - 2 packets oatmeal, grapes

I planned yogurt to go with lunch, but never ate it.

I haven't worked in exercise yet. I just got home from work and am completely exhausted. I haven't ruled it out yet, though, since I really did want to include it in my day. I'm hoping if I can rest for 20 minutes I'll feel a little better and can get on the treadmill.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:58 am

Friday, Day 3: S-DAY.

B - mcdonalds sausage biscuit and hash brown
L - fabulous and decadent chicken club with avocado and cabbage, 1/2 cup pineapple, shared dessert of molten chocolate cake with sesame brittle ice cream (which was unbelievably good)
S - 1/3 of a snickers bar (split with some people)
D - (at a work party) 1 beer, most of a glass of white wine, about a plate full of appetizers including shrimp cocktail , cheese fondue, beef tenderloin on a little piece of bread, etc

Food was very yummy today. I really enjoyed my S day and the accompanying socializing that went along with my eating.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:48 am

Saturday, Day 4: S-DAY.

B - 3 pieces of rye toast with butter
L - cereal with milk
S - (at the movies) bag of smoked cheddar popcorn, 3 pieces of salt water taffy
D - 2/3 of an Amy's mushroom and olive pizza, ginger ale

Might have a small, light fruit based dessert. But might not. I'm not really too hungry.

Walked about 20 minutes.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:13 am

Monday, Day 6: SUCCESS.

B - 1/2 turkey club, banana
L - steel cut oatmeal with butter and brown sugar, 2 pieces of rye toast with butter, apple juice
D- 1.5 ounces havarti, wheat thins, apple, 100 calorie pack of chex mix


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:05 am

Tuesday, Day 7: SUCCESS. Sort of.

B - cereal with milk, banana
L - 2 hot dogs, small fries
D - wheat thins, orange

I came home with a stomach ache. Probably because I ate 2 hot dogs and fries for lunch. :( So I didn't and ate a weird, small dinner to try and soothe my stomach and make up for the silly lunch.

Hopefully tomorrow'll be a more successful success.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:24 am

This last week turned into a food and exercise disaster. In that I didn't do any exercise and ate way too much crap. And now I feel just like that.

Back to it tomorrow with my usual Sunday N Day. I've planned my meals for the day with things that are healthy, should reasonably fill me, and will be interesting for me. It'll be a bit hard, though, I think I've fallen very much back into the snacking and sweet-eating routine. But I think I can remember how much better I'll feel to eat well and do some exercise. Actually, I'm looking forward to it.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:11 am

Sunday, Day 1: SUCCESS. Phew.

B - cereal with milk and banana
L - 2 pieces paratha, aloo ki sabzi, 2 cups of pineapple
D - cream of mushroom soup (campbell's healthy request with 50% milk), piece of rye toast with brummel & brown, small apple (to be eaten post-workout)

About to do 30 minutes on the treadmill with 10 of upper body weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:14 am

Monday, Day 2: SUCCESS.

B - cereal with milk
L - turkey sandwich on rye, sun chips, pineapple
D - 2 pieces leftover frozen pizza, small frozen fruit bar, planned caesar salad (kept for after workout) but might replace that with a piece of fruit instead

Just did 30 minutes on the treadmill with 10 minutes of upper body weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:36 am

Tuesday, Day 3: SUCCESS.

B - 2 packets of instant oatmeal
L - potbelly's turkey sandwich (no cheese), 1 bite salami
D - (out with my dad) bread with this rich, cheese dip, grilled shrimp with bbq sauce, carrot and parnsip mash topped with grilled crispy cabbage

Walked about 10 minutes this morning plus about to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes with 10 of upper body weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:34 am

Wednesday: FAILURE.

PMS, hunger, and the fact that it was snowing and sleeting out keeping me from going somewhere to get something healthier to eat took over my sense and I ate candy at work. 2 candy bars. Which is pretty ridiculous.

I did stop myself from just giving up and binging on whatever else tonight. And I did come home and workout.

B - cereal with milk, yogurt
L - lean pocket, 2 candy bars
D - ounce of cheese, wheat thins, small apple

Did 30 minutes on the treadmill with 10 of upper body weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:13 am

Thursday and Fridays were failures too. Friday was minor. I had 3 small squares of chocolate, but otherwise all was well. Still, a failure, but I felt better about it as I've, again, been struggling. I'm wondering if it'll ever be easy or if it'll just be that I've made some habitual changes including eating less snacks and less frequently eating sweets during the week. That's better than nothing, but I wish I could manage to change my instincts to eat "right" and be "good."

Yesterday and today were S days. Both were pretty in control. My ex-boyfriend was in town from yesterday afternoon until this evening so our meals were together and I wasn't snacking much. I did have sweets both days for sure, though.

So, back to it tomorrow. It's opening night of a show at the theater and there's a party after the show. I haven't decided if I'll make it an S day or not yet, though. If I do, it'll just be for the dinner portion of the day.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:52 am

Monday - SUCCESS.

B - large bowl of cereal with milk
L - lean cuisine turkey with stuffing and apples, dried apricots, wheat thins, yogurt
D - small cup of chicken and dumplings, apple, 1.5 oz cheddar cheese


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