wantebhealthy's final journey to the top

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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i am done

Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:36 pm

coming to some reality conclusions. i had some spotting last night so maybe i am pmsing, these days i sometimes am not always as regualer as i was when i was younger. which would explain all my panic and being so indecisive.

never the less, whatever it is. i came to the conclusion and the help of the book overcoming overeating. i really need to commit to giving up diets. i mean really give them up. i have to go on my other websites and just get rid of my accounts, so i am not tempted to jump back on the plans i cant make work when i get panicked.

this other one is really going to be hard. i am going to get rid of all my diet plans i have at home, either sell them or give them away. my ww , rs, susan powter, cad diet book, atkins book, i even have one some caring person sent me from the uk called slimming world. if i am truly gonna try to figure this out on my own, i have to know i wont have failed diet plans to go back to, they wont be the re.

i am feeling a sense of relief about this instead of panic. which in the book says we will feel when we think of never going on another diet. we will have feelings of , if i never go on another diet, i will just eat everything in sight. but for me even if i am trying to follow a diet i can eat everything in sight being on a diet just puts more pressure on me.

i am scared, but i have to stop this madness. i have to start to get to know my body and my true hunger pangs. this book makes so much sense, but when i read it before, i just was looking at it as another plan i will fail on. so i didnt finish reading the book. i got up at 7:00 and at 9:25 i am just hearing my tummy rumble so i will eat out of hunger right now, rather then eating just because it is breakfast and we should eat breakfast. i am hoping to succeed this time. as soon as i figure out how to close my account, i am off of here. i love this plan, it is a great idea, just not for me. i thank rienhardt for giving people hope and helping them lose wt. i also thank all of you guys that gave me the support i never thought i deserved.
good luck to you all.

man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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talked off the ledge

Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:59 pm

i was talked off the ledge again, and i now WHEN i get to goal , will have lots of caring and supportive and VERY PATIENT people to thank. never anything negative. i should care as much about myself as others care about me on here. gonna just have an s weekend and get back on the horse on monday.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:41 am

Yes you are : )
Good for you Debi!
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Post by joasia » Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:17 pm

I have toyed with those plans like "overcoming overeating". It sounds great: "eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full; and "stop dieting forever", However, as simple as this sounds, I have found it very difficult. If I could do the above mentioned, then I wouldn't have a weight problem in the first place. The above plan does not mention the fact that people who overeat, do so for many reasons. And for me I can't sit around waiting for all the emotional issues to clear up in my life before I can follow a plan. So I am sticking with NOS. NO matter how many times I have to start over. I wish you luck whatever you decide. I have been there, I know how difficult it is.
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Post by joasia » Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:19 pm

P.S. I think my greatest pitfall has been going back and forth between different plans. I have not really stuck to NOS for any length of time to say it does or does not work. So today is Monday and I am eating 3 plates if it kills me. I am taking it one plate at a time.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:09 pm

hi mil, i agree with everything you said. especially the part about going on different plans, and what you said about the book overcoming overeating.
also the main, on, i will stick with no s no matter how many times i have to start over. i am going on a mini vacation, tues till friday. i am not going to make all those days "special days" i want to just try to eat my three meals. board walk food kills me though, i love it and that is all you smell at wildwood. still hate how i look in a bathing suit, but. i am going to go and have a good time and destress from all my family stress i have been under, but i will save that for another day, oh not to mention i am pmsing, or it feels different this time, like menapause, i am 42. i am getting the sweats and heart palpitations, but i suppose some of that could be stress related.

thanks again mil. and i will keep fighting.
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:27 pm


Best wishes for a great vacation!

If boardwalk food is a temptation -- plan to have some. It's much better to have a greasy boardwalk lunch that you love than to walk by it miserably and then break down and guiltily wolf down twice as much later.

And if your vacation is longer than a few days, do give yourself at least one legitimate vacation S-day to enjoy.

Above all, don't be discouraged if you eat more than you ideally should. Vacations are never great for diet. If it's not a total disaster, that's progress. If it's a total disaster and you're not depressed about it, that's progress.

Because it seems to me that one of your big problems is that you get so discouraged by small slip ups that you then take revenge on yourself by eating even more -- which makes you feel even worse. That you've been losing weight despite this is astonishing. But I think it's important for you to try not to get so down when the inevitable slip up happens, or you might reach the point where you get so down that you give up altogether. A good, concrete structure for this might be using the habitcal. Instead of feeling like one failure ruined your streak and then binging because you messed up anyway, you have this colorful incentive to get right back up on your feet. If last month had a lot of red days, then try to get one less this month, one less the next, etc. It gives you a way to see progress in smaller, more incremental, more approachable steps. And you can feel big picture (literally) in control even if there was some little picture funny stuff.



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Post by joasia » Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:16 pm

I stuck with WW for a year and lost 50 pounds. But it was REALLY hard. I cheated every weekend and sometimes during the week. If I hadn't cheated, I know I would have lost even faster. It is tempting to go back, because I saw some immediate results with WW. But the plan was only good when I sat at home and used my scale and measuring cups. When I went out, it was hell. There is one thing I can say made me successful. It was my frame of mind. Losing weight became more important than anything else. It became a priority. It didn't matter what I ate, what I denied myself, whatever. All that mattered was that I was losing weight. But it wasn't something I could keep up forever. So when I finally cracked, I ate everything in sight for months. I couldn't get enough. And going back to the deprivation was unbearable. I ate myself back the 50 pounds, plus an additional 20. I am so mad I could scream. All that hard hard hard work for nothing. The shame of facing people who were before complimenting me. But no matter how mad and frustrated I am, this problem is not going away anytime soon. So I have to figure out a way to do this more sanely and humanely. So that I don't lose the 50 and gain it right back.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:09 pm

hi , that is so awesome that you lost 50 lbs, i never even came close to that. it must have been really hard, i count even stay on ww past one month. i wish i could find the dedication to put this as a first priorety.

i had a great time, weather was really good. i just made very poor food choices. just eating junk whenever i felt like it. never really eating meals and we didnt even go out to dinner, hubby wanted to last night, but i was to tired from running with my daughter all day,at the beach, on the boardwalk. i had lots of excercise , but notice i tire so much easier this days.

i didnt let daughter or hubby know, but i really need to get it together. i mean how can i eat french fries , looking at all those thin girls on the beach, knowing i have to get into my bathing suit next to them on the beach. i felt awful in my suit, but never showed it. i love wildwood and , looks like settlement for the house will be on aug 7th. i am so happy we are getting a place there. but i need to really get healthy, so i dont feel so bloated and run down. there is so much to do there and i always was running with my daughter and she is 11 now and i am running out of steam just when she is starting. i am just at a loss here on what to do.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:18 pm

thanks so much reinhard.. your advice is great, i just wish i could have read it before i went on vacation. but i will take your advice cause you did hit the nail on the head, i do get upset over little slip ups and then wind up bingeing. soon as i figure out how to work the habitcal i will do it. thanks so much . and like you said if it did slip up and not freak out about it and binge. that is progress.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:59 pm

i dont know how this is possible but i snuck on the scale this morning and it said 190. one lb down from last tues before i went on vacation. the only thing i can think of is.. i was so active while i was there. swimming, biking and long long walk on the boardwalk. i must have been burning something off.

but i am not getting excited, cause my real weigh in is on wed. so it might catch up with me. but i am in control today, i have a birthday party to go to at 4:00, but i feel i can stay in control.

i guess looking back , i must be sticking to the no s rules more days then not. thanks to everyone on here telling my not to give up.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:11 pm

hey i just set up my habitcal, that is cool, i really think it will help. just seeing a visual of colors , no writing. just colors. i know i will want to see lots of green. i am also gonna start tracking my drinking. thanks again reinhard. boy am i glad i didnt quit!!!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:42 pm

had a good s day. no sweets, not so healthy food, and only had seconds on dinner. i excercised. i hope i am on my way back, before i gain back the 12 lbs i lost.
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been very stressed

Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:52 pm

i got a house down the shore, it has been crazy, settlement and getting it furnished. i have strayed off plan but manged to still have 13 lbs down. the house is a dream come true, but it is feeling like a night mare.

we went in on it with my mil. and she asks me for my opinion on decorating ideas and colors and stuff, then just proceeds to say to me, you have something to say about everything, i said so do you. in the end she just gets what she wanted anyway. i am not handling this very well.

i need to get in control of my eating and maybe i will feel like i can be in control of other things in my life. i still am turning to food, i am letting her get to me.

my brother in law also got a house in the same complex, he has a 16 yr and 2 1/2 yr old, that are always at our place cause it is bigger. i have got to put my foot down and set some rules. his 16 yr old daughter is so hyper and doesnt clean up after herself. the stress is really bad.

i am soooooooo ready to get myself back on program. while i was away i started counting cal. i know what a big mistake. well. i am afraid i started something (again) that i wouldnt be able to finish. i was all done with calories,for the day, but panic set in , oh no, i have no more calories left it is only 5:30 and i am usually up till 11:00 ,i kept eating and i felt bad and it turned into a binge. hubby isnt home and daughter is outside. i was alone and just chose to eat. this is why i always am trying to not diet and restrict. i was really doing well on no s plan, but the wt loss was so slow and agian panic set in, i have a shore house, i look horrible i need this wt off now!!! i dont know what i am going to do.

i know what i am not going to do, i am not going to leave no s again.

i have proven time and time again, that this is the only thing that worked for me. geez, i have hard head!!!!!
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Post by Charis » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:38 am

Glad to see you back! Treat yourself with love and kindness - it goes a lot further than harshness and self-hatred.

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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:17 pm

thanks charis for that great advice. oh man i hope i am ready. i am hoping i finally learned my lesson: by going off of no s, it just slows my progress down and hinders me from being able to form a healthy eating pattern that comes with this program. i have started my habitcal back up and i know this will help me to see my progress and positivly influence me to continue.
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doing horrible

Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:08 am

why is it so easy to encourage other people to lose wt and stay on track , when i am such a mess myself. i dont know what is going on with me right now, but i am pretty much giving up and just need to take my health and wt one day at a time. i cant commit to anything(or maybe i wont) i dont know. i cant understand why i cant do this, when i need to lose wt and get healthy so badly. gonna log out for a while and see if i will ever get myself together.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:49 am

I'd be very happy if I was 189 right now. I am 204.. I'd like to be 160 and I know it will take a long time and a lot of work and a lot of messups along the way. We all mess up so you aren't alone. Stick with it even through the messups and keep trying!!!
Sorry you are down!
Hope you feel better!
Peace and Love,
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:03 pm

thanks deb. i have gotten my head together. how do you keep from quitting when you have a bad day. i think i feel like i keep failing cause there are some days where i just cant wait from lunch to dinner without getting hungry. then if i dont have a snack i eat dinner to early, then i am starving before bed. so i have to figure it out, but i really want to stay and stop QUITTING!!!
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Post by tapper47 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:52 pm

Are you eating enough at each meal to get you through to the next?

Are you getting enough protein? A lot of women don't eat enough protein which means they lose muscle as well as fat and then the metabolism slows down. And then back comes the fat.

Are you an active person on a regular basis? Do you exercise?

Exercise is what finally did it for me. I've been following No S for a while now and when I added a good exercise program (not aerobics, I hate aerobics) things really started to move. I also upped my daily calories and quit worrying about what I ate.

You can do this. From what I'm reading you have tried just about everything. So did I, including Susan Powter Stop the Insanity. Well I did lose weight, got really gaunt, was very unhappy with no butter and fat free everything. I have never understood the fascination with egg white omlettes. Eggs are a perfect food just as God made them.

I finally gave it up and gained it all back plus. Three meals a day and exercise means that I can relax. It's a wonderful feeling.

Reinhard has an awesome Program in No S. I'm thrilled I found it.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:45 pm

thank you for taking the time out to try to help. you asked alot of great questions. cant beleive somebody else tries susan powter. lol.anyway, i just need to stop coming on here and wasting everyones time, including my own. i just wont commit to this, i just cant make it work.

i really want to just pick a program and be able to work it. i know my self confidence will soar, just being able to accomplish something, commit to something. i am still afraid of getting diabetes and havent been feeling well. like fatigue and drinking more water then usual. i dont want to get blood work done yet, i wanted to wait till i was on a healthy program and lost some wt then get the blood test done. i know that sounds stupid. but i hate taking any kind of pills, and if i go now, i have convinced myself it wont be good. i dont want to have to be put on meds. half my family had diabetes, i see what they go through and it is really hitting home for me right now. it is scary.

the last time i went to the doc probably about a yr ago,he told me some things were high and if didnt watch my diet i would be put on meds. so another reason for me to get my act together. i just havent been making good food choices. i really need to start doing that. i feel my excercise is great. and being so thirsty i know i am getting enough water. thinking of another healthy plan to go on. one i have been on in the past and really keeps track of foods from all food groups. but as usual i quit that one too. always thought of it as the healthiest but never stuck to it long enough for any results. it is rs program. food exchanges. i still am not eating fruits and hardly any veggies. just hoping i can stick to it.

biggest problem i have is not quitting when i dont follow it exactly. well the way i am feeling physically(although i push myself to excercise), i feel i should try it one more time. not quitting this time. what have i got to lose??

i really want to delete my account so i dont keep coming on here and i can try to concentrate of richard simmons program. how do i delete my account??
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:10 pm

Good luck with whatever you chose to do! Maybe you can combine Richard Simmons plan with the basic rules of NoS??
It's really so simple. Maybe they will work well together?
At any rate, there's no need to delete your whole account in order to commit to anything. We'd love to hear how you are doing so come and visit when you feel like it!
And as far as diabetes, yes it's very dangerous and should be taken seriously. The great news though about that is that with exercise and losing weight, you can really get it under control. I had gestational diabetes and was very large when pregnant, and then large for several years afterwards, and with diet and exercise, even when not totally successful and consistent, but fairly so, I was able to lower my blood sugar by about 120 points in a year. You should go and get it checked and then use that info to motivate you to change for the healthier!!
Don't get so hard on yourself!
ps. You're not wasting anyones time here.
We are all struggling in our own way with these issues so you are really not alone!
Focus on your goal and do your best, whatever that is.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:14 pm

ps.. Back to the diabetes.. I weigh more than you actually but my blood sugar has been excellent for the past few years at annual checkups and I am certain it's due to the combination of different exercises I have done.. Yoga especially helped. I think it's related to stress as well so try to lower stress. Again, exercise helps with that.
Good luck!!!
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thank you

Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:11 am

hi deb. i still have that mind set of all or nothing, so i was still trying to do this plan perfectly. i think by giving in and combinging richard simmons and no s, it just might be the best solution. i am sorry you went through that in your pregnancy.

i am happy your bloodsugars are good. i know i just have to go and get checked out, but i know by trying to do this first , and losing wt, might get me to finally go to the docs.

by combinging the plans, i can learn portion control and hopefully learn to choose healthier foods at my meals, yet let me still enjoy my s days. great idea. i thank goodness i have people on here like you, i tend to not be thinking straight in my panicky stage and overlook the simpleist of solutions. :roll: thanks again by sticking by me. i will keep you posted, i am starting today.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:27 pm

i am making this so much more complicated then it had to be. i am just going to follow no s and tweak it to fit into my life. after breakfast i started closing rs windows and trying to figure out what i was going to have for lunch and what windows i would have to close, and how much i would have left for dinner , and i guess i just dont want to make it this complicated., which is why i came to no s in the first place.if i need to have a healthy snack between lunch and dinner when i dont eat enough lunch at work, then that is what i will have to do ,without thinking i have blown the plan all together. i have to learn to make my meals healthier and balanced.

as you can tell, i have lots more problems with food issues and self confindence then i think anyone probably knew. i have got to stop messing around and just move forward.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:44 pm

i think i am going to take that break i mentioned earlier. i am all over the place right now and i am not sure exactly what is going on. maybe if i just stick with counting calories, it will be my own plan, i will choose when , what and how much i will eat. no rules, except to stay within 1000-1400 cal. it just sounds so simple. tomorrow is weigh in day and i binged at dinner. i will check in , and let you know how i am doing. i know alot of you are thinking, there is no way she can count calories( i know it is not nice to assume) i dont like to count anything, that is why i came here. but i am just feeling like if i could stay within my cal, and keep excercising i will lose. combining plans only makes it complicated. cause on days where i wont want to count cal or rs windows, i will just say , well i dont have to cause it is a rs or calorie counting/no s. and i dont have to count cal or no s. i know i sound like a nut, but this is how i think. so i have to pick one or the other and right now my mind set is on calories.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:19 pm

Good luck whatever you do and you are not a nut for worrying about it..
We all have our own issues. It's hard work!
Good for you for trying to figure it out consciously!
Incidentally, if you want to add a fourth small meal to NoS, it's fine.
As long as you don't do it randomly and turn it into mindless snacking.
I encourage you to just add a small and healthy fourth meal for a while..
That will keep your blood sugar even too, and don't think of it as a "snack"

Thanks for your kind words about the pregnancy and diabetes.
The main cause of it was the fact that I was already over 200 lbs when I started my pregnancy. As I recall, they put me on a very similar diet at the time, to NoS.. Basically cutting down on all added sugar. It worked well.
If you are like me, you probably have a handful of favorite foods you eat each week, or as Reinhard calls them, defaults.. Why not just look up the general caloric content of say ten foods you normally eat, to get an idea of what they are, and then forget about actually counting exactly how many you ate before, but try to estimate? You will be more educated about what the real caloric content is, but at the same time you won't be so obsessed about each meal? You will probably make better choices just having the basic knowledge of how caloric these foods are without going nuts and then resenting having to count every single calorie..
I don't know if this is a good idea or not for you, as you said you want to really try one thing and stick with it.

As for me, I am now changing my NoS plan to include one extra meal of either a fruit or a small salad. It's actually more "virtual plating" because I really never feel like more food for breakfast other than a piece of toast and coffee usually, and then in the evening I like to have a half a cantelope or a nice salad in addition to my dinner plate. So you could say it would have fit on my breakfast plate.

I haven't had a good few weeks here WTBH, but that's due to life stresses at the moment. I still know that I am doing three times better than pre NoS, even on my failure days, and trying not to get psyched out.
By the way, I used to do Richard Simmons daily workout, when he was first on the scene in the eighties.. There was something strangely enjoyable about hearing him "cheer me on", and I actually really liked doing the workout. Maybe you are enjoying the positive attitude and pep talk part?
Can you find his exercise tapes anywhere and start to do those?
I can almost promise you that if you stick with the exercise program and do a pretty good version of NoS, even if not perfect, that you will lose weight.

Have a nice day.
Peace and Love,
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:56 pm

debs, you have no idea what coming on here and still seeing you support me and give me great advice does for me right now. i just dont know what is going on with me now, and you are helping me through it. i love no s and i really want to stay here and make it work. i know i only want a snack if i dont eat a big enough lunch which happens alot at work. so i will try your advice and have a small meal in between lunch and dinner, if i really need it. i agree with you, that i am better of doing a no s not perfectly then before i came on no s.

i like the idea about the calories, i really hate to have to count every calories it is a great idea for me., i know i wont stick to it, they are just words of a desparate women right now.

sorry you are having some stress right now. hope it gets better soon for you. you are a very caring person.

i love richard simmons, he is just out there but very caring as well. i have lots of his tapes.

well , you have done it again, you have pulled me back in to the no s lifestyle, i know it is the best plan for me, i guess i have to be reminded sometimes and try to be as supportive to myself as other people are to me.

ok, i am going to give it another try. i need to choose healthier foods and start eating more fruits and veggies. thank you so much. :) :) :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:47 pm

Thanks for that Debbie, that's nice of you to say~
No problem! :wink:
This plan makes you really do the work yourself and that's hard!!
But it's also empowering and liberating in a way that restrictive diets can never be. Be very patient and keep picking yourself up and dusting yourself off! Not giving up will give you a kind of pride in yourself that's worth so much :)
Have a nice day!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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hey debs

Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:18 am

well, by me keep coming back i guess i am not a quitter, you are definitly spot on about the restrictive diets, but....... as i have said in the past, everday is different for me, some days i can do three meals , somedays i just want to eat tiny meals througout the day, some days i want to binge at dinner(which is unacceptable) somedays people pop in while i am trying to eat dinner and want to have a drink. my days are all different. so.........you and others are so supportive and caring , i couldnt stay away for to long, but i have been thinking ALOT!! i am seriously thinking of coming up with my own specialized personal eating plan, that i can live with for life. i have a real problem with not eating any fruits, hardly any veggies and very little protien. i just want the carbs and i dont stop at one serving, where as on the other foods i mentioned one serving is plenty.

i was kind of thinking about trying to, during the day, eat , fruits, veggies, dairy and lean protiens, then dinner is gonna be what it is. my life is very unpredictable at dinner times. sometimes i just want a drink and popcorn. sometimes it is just a huge bowl of pasta(i will stop that) sometimes it is just sunflower seeds and diet iced tea. sometimes like tonight, my mil stopped in, i didnt know she was coming and wanted to have a drink , so i wound up putting my dinner away, now i just feel like haveing popcorn and a drink and watching big brother later. but i think if i fill myself with all the heatlhy stuff during the day, i wont want to eat badly at dinner(that is always the time i binge too). these are just thoughts but i think i want to try it. i really do want to get healthy. i will keep you posted on how i do with this. thanks so much again for being here no matter what i decide to do.
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Re: hey debs

Post by katie1980 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:41 am

want2bhealthy wrote:sometimes like tonight, my mil stopped in, i didnt know she was coming and wanted to have a drink , so i wound up putting my dinner away, now i just feel like haveing popcorn and a drink and watching big brother later.
For what it's worth, I say you ought to put yourself first in these situations. For example, if your MIL comes round unexpectedly at dinnertime, by all means invite her in, but say "you're welcome to a drink, but I was just sitting down to dinner, so I'll carry on with that while you drink". That way you're being sociable, but still getting the healthy dinner you need, *when you need it*. I think that's important. If you have no boundaries, it makes it harder to stick to the healthy eating plan, because by the time you come to eat, as you found, you have no wish to eat the healthy stuff, and you want to revert back to the quick and easy snack food. Don't do this to yourself, please!

I'm impressed that you're sticking with this, and asking for support when necessary (or just saying "I'm struggling") and then really listening to the advice that comes along :) It's much better than just disappearing, and having your friends wonder what happened!

I hope today goes well for you. You just have to get through it, then chill out a bit on your S days and hopefully be raring to go again next week. Have some {{hugs}}, and please do remember to put yourself first - it sounds like it's really important for you to do that right now.

Take care! 8)

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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:39 pm

hi katie, thanks for stopping by, i know i sound like a crazy person. i really really love no s, i just have to believe in the program and believe in myself that i can make it work. i love the advice you gave me and will do that next time. i always just give in and put my own feelings last. lots of post i write on here are me thinking out loud about different ways i want to eat. but if i just follow the simple rules of no s , evenutally i will change and get healthy. why am i trying to fight it?? i know no s is the only plan for me.

well i got my period today it is early, i guess i had pms last week , i hadnt had a full paycheck in a couple of weeks cause of settlement at the shore and taking days off to go down there, so i hadnt had any extra money to look into pms pills at a health store. so i guess i was just going through my usual crazy pms freak out time of the month. i should have known when i was eating after dinner i usually dont eat at night. but i just thought it was to early for pms i wasnt due yet.

i have to either call my gyno or make sure i look into something to take, but i want it to be natural no caffeine. i cant keep going through this every month. i am going to stay committed to no s.

i am feeling better today and more positive now. i will move forward and not think about quitting again.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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keep up the hard work

Post by kymm » Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:01 pm

It is hard but it looks like you have lost and thats great !!!Keep it up and dont be so hard on your self we all have days we dont quite stick to the plan that's life.....
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:39 pm

guys, i so appreciate you all, but i am just hopeless, i ate way to much today. my problem with food and the reasons i eat are much bigger then any diet plan. i have got to figure this out. i am scaring myself. i am so sick of food. i dont know how i can even eat anymore.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:29 pm

well, i havent been here in a while. combination of things really. been busy, with all my daughters back to school stuff, running to the shore every weekend, i am having a good time there finally, btw. been on and off of no s, mostly off.

i am ready to be back on full time, no matter how bad of a day i have. i feel the most in control when i can stick to the simple rules of no s.

i have just got to learn to choose healthier foods and make sure my meals are balanced. not all carb junk. i have still managed to lose 2 lbs since i was here last, but i think that is mostly due to excercise and adding a bit more protiens and veggies. i have to remember i am not perfect and i will not be perfect on this plan all the time.

i am still trying to control my binges and compulsive eating and not turning to food when i am stressed bored or whatever mood i may be using for the excuse at the time.

so i am hoping to really make big changes this time, and stick to no s for life. i will start up my habitbal again also. my drinking has also been to much on the weekends at the shore.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:10 pm

Good for you!! :D
Have a great week Debs :wink:
Congrats on dropping the two pounds!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:16 pm

thanks debs, i hope you are doing well. i ate a cookie right from the oven at work and i picked on stuff at work , before lunch. why do i bother?? looks like i might have made a mistake by coming back. before i came back on here, i was looking at pro eating disorder threads, and trying to find tips on how not to eat. i realized it wasnt a good thing to do, so you see, i still am struggling. i do wish i could just get the control not to eat when i am not hungry.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:49 am

Ahem, excuse me?? A cookie right from the oven at work??
What? You work in a bakery???
LOL :)

I would start giving yourself a break.
You need to stop beating yourself up and then feeling like giving up.
Keep trying and just expect mistakes..
But don't give up and stop knockin yourself!
Chin up!!
You need to stop jumping to conclusions after only one day.
8) Debs x
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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:46 pm

hey debs, as usual you are so right. i do , do that dont i?? ok ok, i am gonna stay. thank you so much i needed that smack in the head. ok, the sense just got knocked right back into me. lol. nope not a bakery , a deli that bakes cookies too. gonna go to the shore and use my s days, then it is back on track on monday even though i will still be at the shore, i can do it!! this isnt rocket science. just gotta stop turning to food out of stress an emotions. hey i just realized how good i am doing today, only ate my two meals no snacking and no sweets, i am on my way already.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:55 pm

hi , i havent been here in a while. i have stuck with no s, some days werent so good, but i didnt have a melt down and want to quit. and my persistnce paid off i lost 2 more lbs, it is very slow, but i am learning to change bad eating habits and i am learning the biggest thing of all, PATIENCE!!! i am going to try to come on here more often. we have had an extended summer with the unseasonably warm weather for october her and we have been going to the shore and then other busy life stuff.

thanks again to all who supported me and helped me not quit!! i hope everyone is doing well.
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not going to do this anymore.

Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:25 pm

i cant put myself through this anymore. i am giving up on losing wt. since april i have only lost about 15 or 16 lbs. i am not doing it the healthy way and i am not forming healthy eating habits. i eat to much than to make it up i starve. i am not learning anything. i am hoping one day i will figure it out, in the mean time i am getting off all diet plan sites, i am on so many of them and i swear everyday i want to switch from one to another. good luck to all. and i hope the no s book with be a huge success and help lots of people. i feel i have given this enough chance to know if it is the plan for me, obviously its not, i take advangtage of the s days and only stick with the plan when i feel like it. thanks for all the support, but thats it for me. maybe i just need to talk to a professonal to see what is really stopping me from just doing it!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:16 am

Good luck no matter what!
I wish I could say I lost 15 lbs since April..
I have gained weight this year, and all because I haven't exercised and I've been completely off the boards and just not trying much.
I think you learned alot, btw.. You mention all the stuff you need to do in order to succeed.. Give yourself credit for at least analyzing what is going on for you.
Congratulations on maintaining that loss..
Most would say you have succeeded, as in the normal world, it's healthy to take up to a year or so to lose 20 -30 lbs and you are halfway there.

Lots of love,
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Post by reinhard » Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:05 pm

I'm very sorry to hear you're so frustrated.

Losing 15-16 pounds really isn't bad. I don't think that's cause for concern. It works out to about half a point a week, which is actually what I tell people to expect.

But you're right that if you haven't lost this weight in a healthy way then there is a problem. I like to think the No S Diet provides strong protection against binging, but if somehow you're binging anyway, you're right to consider additional interventions.

Best wishes and do let us know if the professional's advice works for you (and what it is!),


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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:53 pm

wow i havent been here in a while, well, i tried to come back on here a couple of weeks ago ,but i guess i wasnt ready to committ. i thank you grateful deb and rienhard for you continued support. i know it can be hard to support someone who keeps quitting.

as of last wk i still was 189. but i have been on and off of this for a while.

no long explanations or excuses , so i am just going to re committ and STAY HERE!! i cant keep quitting, i will never achieve anything. i am just tired of my wt , not feeling well and this is a great plan with simple rules. it is time for me to just do it!!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by Blondie » Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:24 pm

Welcome back, I'm back after a posting hiatus, too.

You can do it, we all can. :D

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Post by MerryKat » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:56 am

Welcome back. I am also back after an extended absence - I sort of followed No S, but more of my own thing seemed to rule and the weight has been creeping up again.

For me the tricks that have worked for my return have been:
- Vanilla No S
- Habitcal type calendar
- One day at a time

Together we can make 2008 a great loosing one.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:35 pm

hi guys, i am glad you made it back here too. i hope you both are doing well. friday night i started with a bad cold, i feel like crap, eating has been so so, only because i cant taste alot and some days i didnt eat much then others just cause i felt bad i ate. i am starting to feel a little better, so i am going to get back on track today. mer, what is vanilla no s. i also think the habitcal helps and one day at a time. lets do it this time, no more quitting.
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forget it

Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:12 pm

well, i am failing again, i am overstuffing at each meal and having lots of acid indigestion. and i am not a big sweet eater, and in my mind just because it says you cant have it till s days, i ate icecream yesterday. well i think i convinced myself once and for all that i cant make this plan work. and in my head at work (i work at a deli) my boss is always asking me to taste things througout the day, and to me that counts as snacking in between meals. i guess for my lifestyle i cant make this work.

i need to get this site out of my favorites so i cant keep coming back on here. good luck to all , i hope this is successful for you.
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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:01 pm

Debbie - I wish you all the best in the world. I hope you find something that works for you. I think you may be right about the additional intervention from a professional. I have issues myself that cause me to eat mindlessly and until I figure that out no program in the world will help me no matter how perfect it is. The flaw is in my own heart. I have still high hopes for your health and well being. Good luck Debbie!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:27 pm

hi, i am back. i bet some of you knew i would be. i didnt talk to any professionals and i have managed to lose 3 more lbs. i am at 186. but it was torture and i felt deprived. i hate counting things, i already knew that.

i have lots going on in my life right now and the last thing i want to do right now is to waste time, bingeing, counting everything that goes into my mouth, beating myself up for failing and riding this rollercoaster.

this plan just simplifies losing wt, the rules are so easy to follow, i really need to get the book to support reinhardt for helping me find this way of eating.

we are having financial troubles and we were thinking about selling the house and renting, or his mother was going to move in(i didnt want that one) or we just ask my brother if he wanted to rent the upstairs of our house. so i like that one, but still lots of lifestyle adjustments would have to be made, we are painting and redoing alot of the house, my grahm just had to go back in the hospital , now she is out again. i could go on and on.
my emotions are just all over the place.

i am going to make this plan work, i need to have more energy, lose this wt, so i can deal with all that is going on.

gettnbusy, thank you for the kind words. i hope you are doing good.

all the excuses i used for quitting this plan are just stupid. if i really wanted to make this work, i can and i will!! i will be using the habitcal too. it is good to be back, now all i have to do is STAY HERE!!!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:24 pm

i had a very succesful day yesterday and it felt great. i am hoping i am back on track and will eat this way for life!!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:10 pm

i binged today, I GIVE UP. i just cant follow any plan, i guess i will be fat forever and miserable with myself. over and out. i know i am a quitter, and i hate that about myself.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:40 pm

i dont want to be a quitter!!! i keep failing cause i keep quitting. there must be a reason why i keep coming back though?? so i am gonna try again today.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:50 pm

oh forget it! i am pmsing and i am just freaking out. that is when i keep hopping on and off diets. this will pass. so i cant keep coming back on this , when i feel like it. oh i am a mess. i dont belong here. hoping to not come back. i am driving myself nuts!!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by joasia » Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:08 pm

We have spoken before. I was on weight watchers a couple of years ago, lost 50 pounds. Put it all back plus 25. I just can't bring myself to start WW again. As Reinhard puts it, it requires you to be a full time calorie accountant. And I hate myself and food when I do that. I have attempted nos many times. But I always want to run back to ww. But whenever I start ww, I realize by like 3pm that day that it is not going to happen. So, I will keep trying nos and falling off the wagon until I can get it right. I have some hope left, although I don't know why. But I refuse to give up on myself totally. I have come to realize, sadly, that I will probably struggle with weight for the rest of my life. And I can't be on ww thinking "when will this program be over". The fact is, I have to pick something that doesn't make me insane. And nos is the ticket. Although nos is not easy by any means. I love food and I want to eat it all the time. Nos requires discipline just like anything else. It just will make me less crazy. So the lesser of two evils. If I could lock myself up for a year and throw away the key, and my life and stress, I think ww would work great. But I can't do that. And I can't take measuring cups and a scale to a restaurant. So nos it is. I realize that weight is my cross to bear. Everybody struggles with something: alcohol, drugs, psoriasis, handicaps of all kinds, etc. Mine is weight. I will always struggle with it. I just hope my struggle will lessen with time. That is my one hope. As for a magic bullet, there isn't one. And I refuse to go and get surgery and possibly die. So here I am.

wishing you luck with your struggle.
The destiny of nations depends on the manner in which they feed themselves. Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:06 pm

hi milczar. i can relate to so much of what you said, and i agree about , sticking with this, even if it means falling off the wagon but getting back up again. so no long speeches, i want to stay on this for life. i just have to stop quitting and thinking there is a better plan out there. thanks for taking the time to talk to me, it really helped.

i am so busy right now ,i have two weddings in may, and one in june, my brother is moving in with us, we are renting him our upstairs, so hopefully we can have more money in our pockets to enjoy life a little more and not worry so much about what we are spending. so lots to be done around my house, i just lost my 90 yr old grandmother who i was totally so close to. that was real tough.

so time to move on and commit!! i still didnt buy the book yet, i will get around to it.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by joasia » Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:58 am

I hear you, I know how hard this is. I am going through a divorce and there are days I think I don't know how to breath. We can do this. Moderation is hard after all.
The destiny of nations depends on the manner in which they feed themselves. Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:35 am

hi mil, i am so sorry you are going through a divorce. hang in there. i am doing pretty good with sticking to the no s plan. no more quitting for me, whether i have a bad day or not. i have finally ordered the book today, i can wait to get it. when the weddings are done and my brother is finally moved in, i will be so much happier and alot less stress, i cant wait. my weigh in is wed so hopefull i will see the numbers going down.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by Charis » Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:42 pm

Hi, it is nice to see you posting again. I see that you are really busy with lots of big life events. I have my oldest graduating from high school. I have been away from the sight for awhile. There are a lot more people here than before the book came out.

I am sorry to hear about your grandmother - my condolences.

Glad to see you are hanging in there. Take care of yourself!

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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:29 pm

thanks charis. i miss my grahm alot. i am hanging in there and i will never quit again. i know i will slip up once in a while, and i am ok with that, and i iwll accept that my weight loss will be slower everytime i dont follow the simple rules of no s. so with that being said, i will get stronger with this life long plan and i will get to goal wt. i hope you are doing good.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:55 pm

i overate at dinner, i hate this overstuffed feeling, but... i will put it behind me and move on. i cant wait to get my book.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri May 02, 2008 8:41 pm

this is it guys, i am on track and i can feel the changes already of not wanting to overstuff. i got my book and love reading it although there are some big words, i care not to be reading, makes it seem more complicated. i am glad i had the website to come to first before the book came out. on here it just seemed more simpler and i didnt have to read about the facts of alot of stuff, however important i know they are , cause people want to see facts when it comes to wt loss.

as you can tell i am not a reader, i dont like to read books, unless it is about losing wt. i think he will do just fine selling his books. i still have lots to read i just got it yesterday. i am not gonna tell alot of people what i am doing to lose wt until i hit my first 25 lbs off. cause then i can tell them see it works. people have seen me fail so many times, they would ask me what diet are you on today?? i can feel it this time, this is it. it is gonna work for me. i am following the rules and i am more determined then ever.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:13 pm

up and down with weight, some excuses not to follow it(emotionl and stress related)but i definitly feel more in control and confident that the program will get me to my goal and end my obsession with food and diets.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:19 pm

well since was last here, i have been following the no s , but not as well as i could be. i havent gained any wt, and i need to watch portions. excercise is ok but need improvement. some family stress , and busy goiing to the shore and work and life, i dont get on here enough, but i will commit to coming back on here to really commit to this full time, this is my lifestyle and i have to make it work.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:50 pm

well, since i last wrote in here, i have gained 9lbs!!!!! it was a big mistake trying to go back to lowcarb, thinking i would lose wt faster. now look where i am. well i hope i learned my lesson. this is the only way of life i can live with and lose wt. so here is my first and final restart of this. i have to stay here, get motivated, read the book that i ordered and get on with my life. this really is the plan for me. i hope i finally got it through this thick head of mine. looking forward to seeing how everyone is doing and to finally be a success story myself. thanks again for this website reinhardt. i really feel i am on my way. i cant live like this anymore.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:21 pm

i had a great first day back. definite success. now to continue...........
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:57 pm

i havent checked in, but i lost 2 lbs. i hope i am gonna succeed this time. i have to update my habitcal. well start over i lost track. i guess that is what the habitcal is for huh? lol
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:01 pm

well i have been on and off and because of that i gained the two lbs back. i need to be more consistant. i started excercising this week so that should help.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:22 pm

geez i am still messing around and failing. i need to get serious and make this commitment. i do love this way of eating, it isnt hard at all, i dont know why i keep quitting. time to start my habitcal too again.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by Kathleen » Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:17 am

How about not weighing yourself so that you focus exclusively on no sweets, no seconds, and no snacks on N Days? It will take off some of the pressure that you are putting yourself on. I'm not weighing myself until Christmas.

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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:45 pm

hi and thank you for the advice. that is a good idea. i am going to have to put the scale away, it is just to tempting to see it out and not step on it. it is alot of pressure. i had a really good day yesterday on it. now i have to start excercising consistantly. i am feeling very positive right now.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:20 pm

wow, i havent been on here for a while. well............... i got so motivated by seeing the new biggest loser show this yr, that i went out and wasted, yes i said wasted money on the book. oh of course i did great for a few days, but i went off of it and binged and stress ate and now i am back up to my highest wt of 202.

i just cant eat 1/3 of this 1/2 cup fruit etc. now do you think i learned that the no s is the way to go?? i certainly hope so. i am so mad at myself and really hope i can make it this time. fresh start again today.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by kccc » Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:52 pm

Welcome back. :)

Best wishes for your success.

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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:09 am

hi thanks for the welcome back. i didnt have a good day today either , but i am staying here and will probably not start fresh till monday, i have to get my head on straight and really make this commitment.

my period is here and so is some family stress. in between birthdays and holidays that dont stop from halloween till my daughters birthday on jan 4, my cousin who has lived with this guy for yrs and yrs decides to get married. i mean they both have been married before and have children in their 20's. but they decide that insurance would be cheaper if they marry. fine. but they had a shower for her, and she is getting married on nov1 the day after halloween , more money. with bridesmaids and all.

i am sorry but i think it is ridiculous. they should have just gone to the justice of the peace and had a small party. then my husbands birthday(he is turning 50) is on nov 8 more money to through him a small party. it is just to much around the holidays and with the money situation these days. my food bill went up 10.00 a week. it is just all getting to me. i need to feel healthy during this time. i feel horrible.

i am making a promise to myself that i will commit and stay here, i know i should just start now, but i know myself and i am not ready. i have halloween/my cousin donna birthday tomorrow and a wedding on sat. so i know i can get myself together by monday. in the mean time i am gonna read the book from beginning to end , instead of skipping around in the no s diet book. that will help and motivate me. and i will be reading lots of stuff on here over the weekend. if i dont do this, i am gonna run into lots of healthy problems soon, i can feel it.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:36 pm

Hi Want to be Healthy!
Here is a suggestion. I know you have been having a very tough time making the mental commitment, but want to.
How about shooting for doing NoS with a 75% success rate?
I only suggest that, because, in the first year I was on it, I had plenty of failures, but that was my average for success. In a year I had lost 17 lbs.
You know you are wasting mental and spiritual energy joining and leaving, joining and leaving. Just try to do your best.
Nobody expects total perfection. Thinking one has to be perfect is a real recipe for quitting in the end when you hit a bad day.
Just accept those bad days and get up and brush yourself off and start again the next day.
I wonder what will become of those "Biggest Losers" when they aren't on TV anymore? That kind of extreme dieting is so unhealthy.. I wish it wasn't even on TV because it is a big deception which only perpetuates the wrong idea that losing weight fast is healthy.
Good luck!
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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:10 am

Want to be....
Please come back. You deserve good health and fellowship. We miss you!!
~I'm still not perfect~

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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:58 pm

hi, grateful deb you are exactly right about leaving and coming back. i am here and this is what has been happening: i did so much better , when i came on here and got to vent and get support. i recently stopped doing that. i am re commiting to coming on here more often. i am trying to work on some personal issues that have put me in an overwhelmed kind of depressed state. since last coming on here i am on a new medication called pristiq and i am on a low dose of ativan. i am trying to stop drinking and eating out of depression and stress and financial problems and fighting with husband.

i am going to go on the no s diet and stay there. it is the only way of eating for me. my doc even says it is not about a diet that is going to help me lose wt, i have to fix myself and my personal reasons for why i binge and (binge drink about twice a week.) that is why he suggested meds for me. the no s to me is not a diet. this is a great website that i can also keep track of my excercise days and no drinking days. i need to start excercising right now. i hope we can continue to get support and support each other. for me, i have got to get my act together it is a matter of health. have a great day all. it is great to be back!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:03 pm

hi, i had a great eating day yesterday but........ i did drink with dinner, i didnt want to do that. and i didnt excercise either. my wt as of right now is 195, so i did lose some since the last time i was on here. so i was happy about that. here's to having a successful day.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by bizzybee » Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:37 pm

Just wanted to welcome you back, I'm on my, oh, 11th try at this!

I figure every other try was a prelude, a learning experience.

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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:53 pm

thanks bizzy. i have to stick with this. i hope you can too. i overstuffed at dinner last night, but that meal is always a problem for me. i still havent started excercising yet.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:14 pm

well, i have lost my way again!! but i will keep coming here till i make it stick. i guess my head really has to be in the right place to start. it really is a great way to eat for life.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:36 pm

havent been doing well and even spent more money thinking i can do richard simmons. i just signed on his website for 12 weeks for 20.00, i cant do it. i have to stop spending money and stay here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by marleah » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:58 pm

Hi W2BH! I half-heartedly started No-S in February, and then "really" started in March - it was actually a re-start, but that's not what is important!

The important thing is that you recognize that you want to make this commitment. Do you think it would be easier to focus on one thing at a time? Maybe ... 1 drink with dinner is ok each night but then not going over that? Maybe start with that for a week or two and then start on another step like no seconds. Sometimes starting out by cutting all 3 S's at once can be tough - so you might start with one at a time. Once you get one under control and see that YOU DO HAVE CONTROL, it might get easier to do another S.

From what you have posted, it seems like once you have one little slip up (and they may seem big at the time but they aren't in the long run), you feel like you have failed and then go completely off plan. Slip ups are just that - LITTLE. This is a plan for life, and one bad day doesn't even factor in. I don't know how helpful this is - like I said I am pretty new at this myself. Try to keep things in perspective!!

Edit: I just had another thought - maybe thinking about it as a way of eating for life is too much to think of right now. See it as a way of eating for a week ... then another week ... then another week. That whole AA thing of "a day at a time" is pretty accurate here too.
- vegan grad student -
- 5'2" starting at 140-145 in March 2009 -
- S-Days Saturday and Sunday -

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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:26 pm

thanks marleah, you have given me great advice. and you are right, everytime i have a slip i quit and binge. since i have been here last i am really at an all time high wt of 204, i feel horrible. i will have a restart and stay here. i dont know if i will ever learn to stop quitting this. i need to read my no s book cover to cover. i am getting scared, i have never weighed this much before. thanks for your support and encouraging words.

how are you doing??
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:23 pm

well, what can i say, i will never learn. i am at my all time wt of 208 lbs. this has got to stop. i do believe this is the best plan i ever have been on. i dont know why i keep quitting. thinking there is something better out there. well, i cant gain anymore wt, this really does have to be my last stop. i will read advice from all who have and are succeeded on this.

i will try to stay motived and get my big ol butt moving . i cant believe i am like this again this yr with more wt on. i will keep up with my habical also.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by guadopt1997 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:20 pm

I think my goal for this month might be a good one for you: if you stray a little bit, don't let that give you license to eat everything in sight for that day. Mark it and move on, as they say.

Good luck!

Oh, and by the way, you've reached an all-time-high. Now you're doing something about it instead of ending up reaching another all-time-high from where 204 will look good. So give yourself credit!

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