camburger's random check'n

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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camburger's random check'n

Post by camburger » Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:15 am

I'm starting my own check in... here goes.

Officially starting 2nd week on plan. Week 1 went without a hitch until the weekend, I became a little unglued Easter Sunday but it was a double s. Right?

Breakfast was a typical eggs and toast. Lunch was leftover spaghetti, but I didn't give myself very much because come lunch break I really wasn't hungry. Needless to say, I was a low blood sugar zombie most of the afternoon. I did not feel good. So to make up for it, I ate an entire frozen pizza for dinner. Yep, it fit on my giant plate, no stacking either. Now I feel hella gross. Maybe I just shouldn't eat pizza by itself, after all it's mostly bread and cheese. That's not very balanced.

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:23 am

There's some trial and error that goes with settling into the program. Just get right back into it and don't worry.

Welcome to No-S!

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Post by camburger » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:53 am

Thanks, Jan!

Today was much better...

Started incorporating more fruit into the mix. This morning I had only one egg and one piece of toast and had some plain yogurt with berries. Lunch was an organic frozen dinner with an apple and tiny bit of fruit smoothie. Dinner was two packages of store bought sushi and the rest of the smoothie.

I weighed myself and was kinda disappointed, I've actually gained. I'm not panicking because I know why (stupid hormones). I know the weight won't come flying off but I feel like I still have to peek at the scale. :?
Perhaps that's another bad habit I need to break.

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Post by freegirlnow » Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:35 pm

You might want to put those scales away in the closet for awhile. ;) I used to have a hard time resisting the scales... I finally had to throw them out. They tend to measure my self esteem on some days more than anything. Although I finally broke down and bought a new set after 3 weeks on N S, I have determined only to get them out and weigh myself on a monthly basis. It's just not conducive to my progress to do so more frequently.

Weight loss on No S is a side effect of learning to change a habit...give it time. No S is not a 'quick fix' for losing weight but it is most definitly a 'sure cure'. You will win in the long run if you just focus on adhering to the change in eating habits. If you are a low sugar zombie, try avoiding processed white flour products and try incorporating more whole really helps me and is far more nutritous. All the best to you in your've definitly come to the right place.
"Sometimes we need to begin again, to become more fully alive, to realize ourselves"

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Post by camburger » Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:54 pm

Thanks, freegirlnow. I'm going to put the scale out of sight and only take it out once every couple of weeks.

Today I did pretty good foodwise but exercisewise not so much. Sat at home most of the day and internet jobsearched and washed clothes. What a way to spend the day off. I did get my new pedometer in the mail today, though. My old one broke (it suffered a slow death after being washed in the washing machine) so I upgraded to one that counts calories and distance. Nothing like a new gadget to inspire you to move. I saw some pretty sobering pictures of myself from Easter Sunday on the internet. Seems like I started No S just in time... hopefully by next Easter I won't look like the Stay-Puft marshmallow man anymore. 8)

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Post by freegirlnow » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:36 am

Good idea...I am holding off weighing myself as long as possible...maybe only once a month. While I am diligent about the N days, I am not doing so great in the exercise department but will keep working on that. Trying to find an affordable elliptical trainer as I had one of the more cumbersome styles when they first appeared on the scene and I did like the workout a lot. Tried the shovelglove but even with a small sledge it is difficult with arthritis and fibromyalgia...arggghhhhh.

I read a great quote today...."When you are ready to do something, you can do it!"
"Sometimes we need to begin again, to become more fully alive, to realize ourselves"

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Post by camburger » Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:41 am

The concept of shovelglove freaks me out a little, I'm just clumsy. I figure I do enough walking and heavy lifting at work plus I do a bit of extra walking. I have a bunch of yoga dvds, which are awesome, but I have to be in the right frame of mind to do them. Lately I just get too impatient. I even got one for weight loss, but I've only done it twice. Maybe I'll try it tonight since bf's working.

The food situation was awkward today. Breakfast was eggs and toast and yogurt with honey. Lunch was a healthy chicken sangwich and some baked chips with a small carton of low fat milk, plus I ate quite a bit of my bf's regular chips..oops. I was super hungry and low blood sugary by dinner so I ate some leftover spaghetti while my frozen dinner microwaved. Then I dumped a bunch of sour cream on my mexican bowl frozen dinner and had some yogurt with honey. Then I ate a piece of bread with butter on it. It was all totally random and plateless. I imagine if I had put it all on one plate that it would have runneth over. Two or so hours later, and I'm still uncomfortably full, ugh.

I think on days like this I need to just have a glass of milk or juice to stabilize myself before I even deal with food. When I get really low-blood sugar like that, I become a total mess.

I'm gonna try to not go too crazy on my S days this weekend. Wish me luck. 8)

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Post by freegirlnow » Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:57 am

I DO wish you luck. Processed food and refined carbs do a low sugar number on me too. I simply have to avoid them. I need plenty of protein too. It helps immensely. I've taken to drinking more really good idea there. I generally have it at meal time (altho I limit it to 8 oz per meal) and if I simply can't stave off the hunger until mealtime. I never thought I'd say it either but hot tea helps me stay in control too. You will find what works for you....and after a couple of weeks it DOES get easier.
"Sometimes we need to begin again, to become more fully alive, to realize ourselves"

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Post by camburger » Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:59 pm


I think I did much better today than I did last Saturday, I don't know if that's saying much. There was cake in the fridge that my sister and I had been saving for this weekend, she's too. I ate a piece before I even ate breakfast and it wasn't really worth it. Probably not too much damage done, I didn't eat much icing. Breakfast was normal, lunch was an Amy's kids meal and a small bowl of cereal, dinner was yummy greek takeout. I ate the whole thing and then had two little cupcake cups of oreo pie. That was my weekend treat. I've already eaten my three meals and had my treats so I'm not going to eat anything else for the rest of the evening. On a normal pre no s weekend day, I'd eat something else before going to bed but I already know I won't. My habits are already starting to soak in and bleed into the weekend. This rocks.

I decided to weigh myself this morning because Saturday morning seems like the most logical time and day to weigh before embarking on a free eating weekend. I weighed in at 155.5. I've been floating around this number for months. So this is going to be my point of reference.

And I worked today so I've already hit my 10,000 steps for the day. All gravy. Gonna go shopping and walk some more...

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Post by camburger » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:11 am

Today wasn't an ideal s day for me. Family get-together early in the day with a table full of food and cake and cookies blah blah blah. When I got home I started eating normally but not really "meals". An apple here, a porkchop there. But I don't feel like I overate at all. Last Sunday, I really overate. Even though it's an s day and there's buckets of sugary goodness in the kitchen, I'm not stuffing my face with it because I can't have it tomorrow. My tastebuds are getting used to not being daily entertained with the cheap entertainment of sweets. They haunt me so much less.

I hardly exercised today, but I usually don't get much on Sunday anyway.

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Post by camburger » Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:45 am

Yesterday I did really well, today not so much. Breakfast was cereal and fruit, lunch was a frozen dinner and a kiwi. I didn't realize this when I picked it out, but it came with dessert. It was an Amy's organic kid's meal with a piece of chocolate cake. I ate it. It was good. I figured that since it wasn't made with sugar but maple syrup it was ok. I haven't really had any slipups so far, so I'll let it slide. I was feeling really low when I got home from work so I had a huge glass of milk. For dinner I had a massive bowl of red beans and rice and a cup of plain yogurt with strawberries. I felt really bloaty, so I walked two laps at the park. I walked about 13,000 steps, which is much more than I usually do. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

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Post by camburger » Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:18 pm

Today starts my fourth series of s days, but I started the diet on a Friday so I've done three whole weeks of noSing. It's truly creepy how much my brain and my body are responding to all this. I don't think about eating between meals at all, nor do I think about sugar. I get full on much less food. It's amazing, miraculous even.

Well, since today is my S day I treated myself to pancakes and syrup. All the rest of the day I've eaten normally and no snacking. I'm going to the grocery store later so maybe I'll pick up a treat, but I really don't know what I want. Whatever it is, I don't want much of it.

I worked like a dog today, so I got my 10,000 steps. Gonna get some bonus steps in since I'm going to the grocery store...

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Post by camburger » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:39 am

Today = success.

breakfast - cereal with yogurt and honey
lunch - leftover tuna casserole and chicken kebabs
dinner - eggs and toast & small bowl of yogurt with cereal and honey

Sunday was kind of a bust. My schedule was thrown all out of wack, so I ate at weird times and lunch was gross so I kept trying to supplement with sweets. But I did better than a normal Sunday before no S, if that's any consolation. I think I figured out what my snacking trigger is, though. Homework. Okay, I graduated college last year and I'm going to hopefully be getting a "real" job soon. I started reworking my portfolio yesterday on the computer and the snacking impulses were unreal. Amazing how my habits from a year ago, even though I haven't done homework almost a year, are still around. Habits really do get ingrained, don't they? I never really thought I was a stress eater, but I guess I am/was.

I keep sneaking weigh-ins and it's discouraging. It's so hard! I think I have a scale addiction. Anyway, the only reading that will count will be Saturday morning, I keep trying to tell myself that. Gahh.

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Post by camburger » Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:13 pm

Wow, there sure are a lot of new people. I had to go to the next page to find my own post! That's great, though. I hope No S eventually takes over the world.

Well, my efforts have finally paid off. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 1.5 lbs from my Saturday morning weight of 155.5 two weeks ago. I guess my body's finally accepting the fact that I'm eating differently and letting stuff go. I probably would've weighed less if I'd have eaten at home last night rather than eating out. Oh well, coulda shoulda woulda.

I sort of counted Friday night as an S night. I hadn't eaten since 11 and we didn't get to the restaurant til' 6:30. I was crazy hungry so when they brought out bread and butter I ate it. My boyfriend ordered an appetizer but I didn't actually eat any of it until my food came. I probably could've virtual plated all that I ate and it all would've fit. The portion size of my meal was actually reasonable, yay for that. I wasn't stuffed even though I ate it all. It's kind of funny, ever since I started No S, I am not ashamed at all of cleaning my plate at a restaurant. And when you take snacking out of your repertoire, it's pretty easy to do.

I treated myself to pancakes this morning. I'm gonna have leftovers for lunch and I already know I'm having yummy pizza for dinner. If I crave something sweet today, I have a few dark chocolate candies to nibble. Expensive chocolate in small amounts is so much better than cheap chocolate in large amounts.

Have a great S day, everybody!

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Post by camburger » Wed May 14, 2008 4:37 pm

I haven't posted in a good while but I realized that I've been doing no-s for approximately two months now and thought I should share.

This morning I was surprised to see 152.5 on the scale. I started the diet at about 156-7. That means I've lost about 4 pounds in 8 weeks, which is .5 a week. That's pretty cool. I haven't been this weight in about 2 years. Hopefully by my 24th birthday in early July, I'll have broken into the 140s. Yippee!

Even though I've become so very comfortable and sane with this way of eating, I'm scared that I'll slip up and go back to my old self. I'm about to go through a really big change in my life, I've lived at home all throughout college and now I'm moving to another state to start my career. For the first time in my life I'll be living alone and having to fend for myself. I know sometimes I'm going to be terribly lonely and stressed I'm afraid this is going to force me to eat. I even had a dream last night that I had this big house all to myself and I found a pint of Ben and Jerry's in the closet and so I sat there in the closet and ate it. Then I walked down the street to this place that sells creamy sugary coffee drinks and ordered one, literally chugged it down and promptly ordered another one. I know it's just my anxiety manifesting itself, but that dream really cut down my confidence that I can do this in the midst of such a huge lifestyle change.

So that's my gripe. Anyone else have a similar experience with this diet and a big stressful change? How did you deal? I want to be prepared!

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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 15, 2008 3:49 am

now I'm moving to another state to start my career. For the first time in my life I'll be living alone and having to fend for myself. I know sometimes I'm going to be terribly lonely and stressed I'm afraid this is going to force me to eat.
well first of all CONGRATULATIONS on College Graduation and embarking on a new career and new life!

Actually, it is WONDERFUL you have NO S and have already started buidling habit. KEEP IT WHEN YOU MOVE :D that way you can focus on your new experiences. WHen I was in my twenties my career took me through several moves, not to different states but different cities.

I wish I had had no S back then. It seems you just miss out on so much of life when you are obsessed with dieting, weight, etc.

remember ... ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY .. spread your wings and fly!

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by camburger » Thu May 15, 2008 11:44 pm

Thanks Blueskighs, that puts it so much more in perspective. I keep forgetting that I'm worrying about food tons less than I used to.

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