Clio's Check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Clio's Check in

Post by clio » Tue May 13, 2008 2:57 pm

Well I've been reading the posts and nosing for about a month, but I finally decided to get serious and develope a routine last Sunday, 5/4. Since I want to lose weight as fast as is healthy, I am going to build muscle by walking and TTapping. I've been following this routine for about a week and so far so good.

For N days:
interval walk to grocery store & back 40 minutes
TTapp 15 minutes (14-day boot camp from 5/4 to 5/17 then EOD)
drink 3 24 oz. waters, vitamins & alfalfa
keep track of food in fitday

B: 2 eggs sunny side up w/butter, 1 c broccoli & multigrain english muffin
L: turkey sandwich w/1 T mayo, tomato slices & 1 c of raw baby carrots
sometimes coffee w/2 brown sugars & 1 oz half & half
D: chicken/beef/fish with broccoli or veggies

starting weight: 153

Monday 5/5: SUCCESS
Tuesday 5/6: SUCCESS
Wednesday 5/6: SUCCESS
Thursday 5/8: SUCCESS
Friday 5/9: SUCCESS

week ending weight: 147

For S days:
Do Ttapp
Don't worry about water
Try to stick to 3 meals, with a treat or two

Saturday 5/10:
Had some coconut popsicles (the best!), snacks at the BBQ & vanilla carmel tea w/ agave yum!

Sunday 5/11:
B: Eggs w bacon & english muffin
L: beef tenderloin w/ cheesy potatos, spinich souffle & corn w/carrot cake & coconut ice cream for dessert yum
D: snack I didn't need but had anyway: 2 small packets of saltines & cheese

week starting weight: 149

Monday 5/12: SUCCESS
SW: 154

Posts: 25
Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 2:03 pm
Location: new york

Post by clio » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:34 pm

Wow, it's been a while since I checked in, but the last 2 weeks of May were not the best...started w/ TOM & went downhill from there, although did try to maintain the 3 meals/ day most of the time. However, it's good to be back to the structure of Nos. I KNOW this is the way I want to eat from now on. No seconds, no snacking and an occasional dessert...

SNACKING: This is now less of a problem...I don't feel I need to eat between breakfast & lunch anymore, usually don't feel like snacking between lunch & dinner, however, after dinner is still a problem....but at least I'm getting better & it's progress, not perfection & I'll take it...

SWEETS: It's really hard to stop, once I start. It's not usually a problem during the week, except @ TOM, but eating the leftovers that are around after the weekend or s days ie birthdays are still a big problem for me....

SECONDS: Not really a problem for me, especially if I get enough veggies on my plate during meals, ie broccoli @ breakfast, raw carrots @ lunch, etc.

GOAL for June: 21 days

Weight: 148 I didn't want to weigh myself for a while, because until I got back on track, I was afraid the news would not be good. Anyway, I have made overall progress so I'm happy about that...

Saturday 5/31: SUCCESS
B: same
L: same
D: salad & meatballs ,peppers &sausage

Sunday 6/1: SUCCESS
B: a few bites of veggies
L: steak tips, salad & potato salad
D: steak & potato salad & watermelon

Monday 6/2: SUCCESS
B: same, red pepper instead of broccoli
L: hot dog w/bun & salad (using up food from BBQ)
D: 2 goat milk shakes w/cocoa & protein powder & agave
SW: 154

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Location: Illinois

Post by CrazyCatLady » Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:49 am

Sounds like you are doing GREAT! Keep up the good work, Clio!

Posts: 25
Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 2:03 pm
Location: new york

Post by clio » Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:51 am

CCL -Thanks so's nice to have encouragement! Clio

Friday 1/9/09

Yesterday was a great day & I learned something important. I had breakfast at 8:30 (2 eggs w/broccoli, parmesan cheese & a pat of butter). I was hungry around noon but I had to go out for bread. By the time I came home & had a sandwich (turkey w/tomato & cup of carrots), dd was home from school & it was about 3:30. Then it was easy to wait for dinner EVEN THOUGH it ended up being @ 7:20 because dh had to work late (jambalaya). I had one not overly large plate-even gave 2 shrimp to dh!!! Then it was easy to last until bedtime.

I realized it is MUCH EASIER for me to be hungry in the morning because (1) I have food to look forward to and (2) because of my bio clock, than to be hungry in the afternoon (when dd comes home from school & there's a 5 to 6 hour lag between meals & I am usually in the kitchen preparing dinner). Usually, I am stressed & hungry in the afternoon & once I start to snack I usually don't stop until I'm full, then I'm too full for dinner, but many times eat it anyway, then want sweets, blah, blah, blah...

Also, even if I hold out, by dinner I'm starving and more likely to overeat. I just think my will power is better in the morning & I'd rather savor the idea of eating later, than try to control my hunger & stress in the afternoon & at night. This is, I think, a MAJOR revelation to me.

The other thing I realized is I'd really just like to do 3 meals per day & then "have S days on hand". I don't think the idea on this plan is to gorge on weekends, although of course it happens. Also, because I want to really develope strong habits as quickly as possible, I think it's counter-productive to undo everything on the weekend. It shouldn't be that hard to stick to planned meals on the weekend, with no seconds and a treat IF NECESSARY (or to hold off & bank the S day a la Kathleen). I hate the idea that if I have 2 normal (green) days on the weekend, I can't have an S day during the week if I need to. We'll see how these mods work...

Oh, another thing, yesterday I had COFFEE in the morning which helped me get to 3:30 without lunch. Usually, I'll have lunch earlier 12 or 1 and sometimes have coffee around late afternoon when I'm "hungry". I think however it works better to have coffee late morning and then hold off on lunch until 3ish (also not good to have caffine too late in the day).

Saturday 1/10/09

The mods are working great. Friday dinner was the beginning of the weekend for me. I had 4 slices of pizza, a cranberry juice cocktail and 3 pieces of chocolate.

Today I had a slice of pizza & cranberry juice for breakfast, a burger & fries for lunch @ 1:30, coffee in the afternoon, and quesadillas for dinner & apple pie w/ ice cream at a friends. No snacking and no seconds.

Another REVELATION: I decided I don't think I really need Sunday to be an S day at this point. It leads to "last supper" eating for me on Sunday night & if we go out it's generally Friday or Saturday night. Sunday night -except during the summer- is a school night. Therefore, Friday night, which I love, is the more desireable S night.

Also, there seems to be a limit as to how much damage I can do on Friday night if I follow no S up until dinner and then just have seconds and/or dessert, then go back to normal eating on Saturday (full from a largish meal on Friday night) and just have some more "fun" (minimally nutritional) food on Saturday i.e. burgers, quesidillas, stuff I normally wouldn't eat during the week.

1 Eat late
2 Friday night S/Sunday No S
3 Sane Saturday: 3 meals--no snacks no seconds 1 sweet
4 Coffee with breakfast or lunch, but not after 4pm

Mods are working well, my difficult times are still late afternoon & after dinner.


5 fruit & tea at teatime if I need it
6 A salad course with dinner. I get raw veggies with 60 cals of dressing, & it helps to eat in coures.

SW: 154

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