Daily check in for Charis

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by Charis » Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:27 pm

Monday, success had a bigger than normal breakfast and then was not really hungry for lunch but the rest of the day went pretty well. I have also exercised today and that is a good stretch.

I am somewhat discouraged as I am not losing any weight and I have a lot to lose. I tell myself I just need to keep fine tuning things but it is hard to continue to have hope when I am exercising, strength training and having success during the week. I know it is the weekends that are getting me. I don't see any choice but to be a bit more structured on the weekends, but I haven't been successful with that so far. I just want to look better, feel better and fit into some nicer clothes.

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Post by Charis » Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:20 pm

Tuesday - success even when my whole family had a bowl of ice cream after dinner and you know how much I enjoy ice cream.

I exercised this morning both cardio and strength and really tried to push myself

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Post by Charis » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:09 pm

Wednesday was a success for both diet and exercise

Today I did a heart raising strength training routine and didn't do a separate cardio time. I am starting to feel restless and hungry. This seems to happen nearly every Thursday. I am trying to remember that the weekend is coming, but I also need a really good plan for the weekend. I am trying to think of 2 treats one for each day that might help keep me in check.

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Post by reinhard » Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:40 pm


I'm very happy to see all that green habit compliance, but sorry that you're not seeing more progress with results.

Still, I do think you're in a much better position than when you started. 1) You clearly are capable of effective self discipline and habit building 2) your existing no-s habits seem well entrenched and have at least kept you from gaining.

I tend to advise against seeing S-days as the culprits, but you've been with no-s long enough and consistently enough that that really might be the case. Even so, I'd advise proceeding very cautiously. Make the tiniest little baby adjustment -- then give it at least a solid month to see what happens.

Some ideas for adding structure to S-days:

1. proactive rewarding (like you mentioned) -- this is a good idea in any case, even if you're not having problems.

2. limiting the number of S events on S-days to maybe 1 or 2 a day. If that seems too restrictive, maybe consider discriminating between capital S and lowercase s days. Lowercase s days would be routine s days, ordinary weekends and minor holidays. On these days you'd have an S event limit. Capital S days would be major holidays, say (for example) your birthday and Thanksgivings and Christmas. On these S days you'd have no limits.


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Post by Charis » Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:08 pm

Thanks Reinhard for taking the time to offer some advice to me. I know how busy you must be with two small children as I have 3 myself and I think the adjustment to 2 was much harder for my husband and myself than to 3. It means a lot to me that you would help me as I was growing quite discouraged and your post has helped me to think about moving positively to the next steps to healthy normal eating.

You are right that I am in a much better place today than I was 4 months ago, especially emotionally. I wouldn't trade the peace of mind for anything. I do like the idea of working toward the mindset of "s" days and "S" days. I think this could be very healthy for me and a more normal way to eat.

Since my weekdays are going pretty well, I am really going to work on my S days, planning one special thing for each day and trying to maintain a normal style of eating for the rest of the day in a looser more grace oriented way.

Thanks again Reinhard

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Post by Charis » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:10 am

My weekend was better especially Saturday; Sunday started to revert back a little bit, but I have a better idea of what I am shooting for especially the "s" vs "S" days

Monday was a success and I have exercised both Monday and Tuesday.

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Post by Charis » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:52 am

I can not believe so much time has passed since the last time I posted. First the good news, I have exercised everyday that I planned to. Yeah! I was successful both Tuesday of last week, Wednesday, Friday and today-Monday. Of course that means that Thursday was not a success. Oops!

The weekend was okay. I didn't feel well on Sunday - lunch did not settle well.

I feel like today was a much better day for me, though I found myself virtually plating my dinner tonight and though it was just a plate full in total. I am trying not to do that unless I absolutely have to and today was just because I was uncertain if I would enjoy the main dish and I didn't want to committ to a full portion until I had some. Visually I want to get myself in the habit of seeing my whole dinner laid out in front of me and learning to be satisfied, not thinking that there could be more in the future.

I feel so out of touch - I will have to catch up with everyone's post tomorrow.

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Post by Charis » Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:22 pm

I fell off of the wagon the day after Halloween and grew real discouraged, but by grit I posted a success on Friday and have had a good couple of days this week. I feel more in control again and have made a couple of adjustments to my day that hopefully will help me be successful again with weight loss. Exercise has been great and I am thankful for that.

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Post by Charis » Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:09 am

Since my last post I have had 1 failure and the rest successes with some S days mixed in. I would say that I am struggling and yet the habits are holding. I say I am struggling because my portions are a little larger than before and nutritionally things have slipped a bit. Amazingly though except for the one day (after dinner, cutting up some fudge for a fundraiser and succumbed to eating a couple of pieces) I have not gone back to snacking or to sweets. Of course I still need to work on my s days but I am starting to feel a shift in the right direction in my thinking about them. I will wait and see if something comes from it.

With the holidays approaching I am thinking about going back to trying to reach the 21 day club. I think it will help me keep on track and check in here more regularly. I will start tomorrow. My mother in law comes next week for Thanksgiving. There is a reason to eat if there ever was one.

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Post by Charis » Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:07 am

Friday, day 1 success

Saturday and Sunday, S- days, lots of baking for the holidays and some tasting but hey they are S-days so by definition also successes - days 2 & 3

Monday,success, day 4

Tuesday also a success, day 5

Today, Wednesday amazingly also a success, day 6. I did a ton of prep work for Thanksgiving dinner (where I am expecting around 22 or so) while also preparing for my inlaws to arrive today and my guests tomorrow. It was a very stressful day as I am not the best organized or the best cook but I managed to follow nos all day. It feels really good to be able to say at the end of this day that I stayed in control

I have exercised Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Not sure if I will get to it tomorrow with all I have to do.

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Post by Charis » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:57 pm

I am not sure what is wrong with me that lately I can't seem to remember to checkin more often. Despite my absence I have still managed to stay pretty close to nos guidelines. I have had a couple of times where I have tasted dinner before serving and technically all those bites would probably fit on my plate but it is not a good policy so I am going to try to be more committed to not doing that anymore.

I do have some better news on the progress of my "s" days. Perseverance seems to be finally paying off. They are becoming much more sane, yet with a sense of freeness (meaning I don't feel restricted or restrained). I just don't seem to have many cravings anymore and have finally stopped looking for things to eat just because I can. I had one really bad Sunday after Thanksgiving and vowed never to let that happen again and so far I haven't come close to that misery again.

Believe me I still have room for improvement but I am really becoming less food obsessed and not giving into emotional eating at all during the week and rarer and rarer on the weekends (or S) days.

I am also noticing that I am transitioning easily with no more Sunday night panicking back into Mondays. I use to increase my portions slightly to help get me back and I am no longer needing to do so. I don't even really think about it anymore.

I will try harder to check in as the holidays have never been my friend in the food area. I have read many of the posts and it is encouraging to see new people and also the familiar friends who are continuing to travel the same road.

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Post by Charis » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:54 pm

No "S"ing is going pretty well, but I am trying to gear up for the weekend when we leave to go to our family for Christmas. It will be hard to have essentially up to 4 "S" days in a row if I choose to take them. One thing I am committing to not doing is to graze all day long on snacks and sweets. This has always been my usual m.o.

I have finished all of my shopping (I am waiting for 2 orders to arrive by mail - hurry, hurry Mr. Postman) and have most of my tasks finished so I am trying to force myself to take some time to relax before the stress of being with extended family takes hold.

In case I don't get back here before I go Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Post by Charis » Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:59 am

Today was a stressful day for me in preparing to leave out of town both emotionally and physically. The 1/2 pan of brownies left over from my youngest daughter's class party didn't help any. (I had my oldest daughter make them, because I am not sure I am strong enough not to lick the bowl or sample).

I did manage not to give into temptation. I love nos days they give me just the little extra I need not to give into the emotional/stress induced eating I use to do. In many ways I wish every day was an nos day, but I also know that a healthy relationship with food means I also need to handle special days in a nonidiotic way so that nos days can continue to be nos.

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Post by Charis » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:04 pm

I survived the holidays. I am so thankful for the return of the routine of nos. I did fine at first but then the wheels started to come off of the cart. Many days were fine for the first part of the day and deteriated as the day went on.

I am home now and starting to get things back to normal. I love the comfort of nos.

I haven't got back into the exercise mode yet but I have hopes of getting that back on track this next week.

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Post by Charis » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:33 pm

Yeah! I finished with three straight nos days. The weekend is here now and that has always been my biggest challenge, but I am working hard to keep everything sane.

I did get up and exercise yesterday morning and though I struggled through the workout I made it through and felt good about that also.

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Post by Charis » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:13 am

The good news is that I got myself back into the exercise routine. I skipped out on Monday but got it in on both Tuesday and Wednesday.

On the nos front I have actually had two failures this week - one for tasting too much before dinner on Monday and Tuesday night for going back for seconds at dinner and leaving the dinner too full. Technically I might be able to virtually plate both of these incidents as my plates did have room for more, but I need to tighten things up and therefore I am counting them as failures. Today went well and I actually dropped the piece of meat I was tempted to pop into my mouth as I was cooking.

I have added a few modifications to my nos plan that I hope will further help me to succeed. I have determined to only eat while sitting down. I am not going to eat in secret anymore and I am going to eat my meals with as little distractions as possible (no tv, radio, reading etc.) I have been doing this for a couple of days now and it is a real change for me and a little hard but it does help me focus more on what I am eating - my real hope is that it will help me add even more sanity to my weekends and other s days.

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Post by Charis » Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:38 am

The last part of the week went pretty well. I have noticed my cravings for sweets has returned to the post holiday level of before. A very good thing. I have been exercising, back into the routine of that also another good thing.

It has really helped to eat without so many distractions, to eat sitting down and to not eat in secret (though I think I just had a minor infraction of that, because I forgot :oops:

Saturday isn't over yet, but it has been very sane - a great blessing to me as I continue down the road to recovery from compulsive overeating.

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Post by Charis » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:45 pm

Monday was a successful nos day and I also got in some exercise. I just realized this morning that I have had 2 bags of chocolate chips (almost 2 months), a box of candy (only a few days) and 2 bags of oreos (in my children's lunch cupboard - pretty much continually there is something there) in my kitchen and I have not been tempted to eat any of it. I cannot even begin to tell you how different that is from my past behavior. I am really amazed about some of the changes that have occurred because of nos. I am really on the path to having a much healthier relationship with food. Thanks Reinhard!

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Post by Charis » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:51 pm

Hey I also remembered that I have 1/2 a candy bar in my drawer that I have been saving for the weekend for maybe the last 5 or 6 months - believe me that never happened before.

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Post by Charis » Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:27 pm

Tuesday was successful both for nos and for exercise. And now it is confession time. I had been sort of wondering why I was struggling to lose weight on nos and it really is a number of things including how the weekends tend to get away from me. But recently I realized that the coffee drink I was depending more and more on to get me from one meal to another was filled with sugar. Now it took me awhile to acknowledge this but I finally said goodbye to them on Sunday and have been doing very well without it now for 3 days.

Well I am glad that is out of the way - confession is good for the soul.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:38 pm

Hi Charis :)
I have hardly been reading anyones threads here, including my own these days, due to lack of time, but I wanted to say I really appreciate the times you have come by and dropped a word of encouragement to me.
I hope you are doing well this week.
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Post by MerryKat » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:50 am

Isn't it a fantastic feeling when you realise that you can have treats in your house without them constantly calling your name! Enjoy your freedom from the bondage of food.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by Charis » Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:40 am

Thanks for stopping by and the encouraging words MerryKat and Debs! It is nice not to be on this journey alone.

Today was definitely a success in my book. I had to get up at 4:30 a.m. and take my husband to the airport in a snow storm. Driving in bad weather is very stressful for me. The day did not improve and I had to make a couple more trips out to chauffeur my children around. By the end of the day I was so anxious I felt close to tears. Why was the day a success, because despite all of the stress I didn't eat for comfort. Even my husband leaving out of town would have in the past sent me on an eating binge. So my success came from having a bad day and not trying to eat away my discomfort.

Not a ton of exercise but a little anyway. I am going to treat myself to a nice warm shower with a lavender body scrub and later some nice lotion given to me by my dear friend.

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Post by Charis » Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:28 am

I think it has almost been a week since I last posted. The weekdays have been fairly good, although I did overeat yesterday at dinner. The weekend was an okay weekend - not great but not terrible either.

I am leaving tomorrow for one of the funniest weekends of my year. I get together with some women that I work with and we go to a retreat center up north (the truly only bad thing about it. I am cold enough already) and while we do some work/attend meetings we also have a lot of fun. When I started nos last May I knew this weekend would definitely be an "S" 4 day weekend. The problem is that I now have to go up an extra day and am undecided about how to treat the extra day as my friend and I who drive up together always stop for pie at one of our favorite places. Monday is my birthday so I want that to be an S day as my family is planning to celebrate when I return in the evening and I want to enjoy my birthday and feel no guilt for the first time in many years.

I guess I am leaning toward having the pie tomorrow but stay true to nos the rest of the day and maybe make Friday a nos day depending on what fun is scheduled for us.

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Post by Charis » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:02 am

I am checking in again. I had a great time at my conference and with my friends. The "S" days I took were definitely fun and I think actually not as much food involved as compared to last year. I enjoyed my birthday cake and did have one more piece before bed as I knew I would not be having any more the next day. It was my favorite flavor but I wasn't even tempted to have a piece the next day and transitioned pretty easily back into nos. I really want to see more weight drop in the next few weeks and months so that will be my focus. We will see if I can make that happen. I have been back into the exercise routine also. I feel like my habits are pretty good, but I do need to watch my portions at dinner. I think I can safely cut back and that may be just what I need at this point.

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Post by Charis » Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:05 pm

Friday was a good nos day and thus a success. The weather was poor here yesterday in the morning and I didn't get to exercise much, though I did a little.

I had to travel a couple of hours for an appointment and whereas I use to think it was a time to celebrate with food, this time I had a sense of calmness.

My Saturday has started out calm and well.

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Post by Charis » Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:23 pm

I have had my first pretty calm and sane weekend almost since I started. I did not graze and I didn't go overboard. I actually went long periods of time not thinking about food just like on my nos days. I did have some chocolate cake at a super bowl party which I brought because I was really wanting some and I did eat the extra frosting earlier in the day. It felt really great and I am hoping after almost 8 months doing nos that it is finally carrying over to my s days. I know I have a long way to go before I feel as good about them as I do about my progress on nos days but it is a good start for me.

I really like that I no longer seem to suffer from the Monday morning panic thinking I have to go 5 more days before I can enjoy chocolate again. I kind of just slid right back in this morning and managed to get some exercise in also.

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Post by funfuture » Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:11 pm

Great, Charis. That sounds terrific. That's where I am aiming to be.

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Post by Charis » Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:32 pm

Monday - a successful nos day!

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Post by Charis » Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:55 pm

Tuesday - success. I didn't give in to grazing throughout the day even though I was stressed about a presentation I have to give on Friday and the weather was snowy, the roads slippery and kids that needed to be picked up and brought home.

Today is a snow day for my kids so they will be celebrating. I can celebrate also but not with food. Of course I still have that presentation to work on so not too much celebration.

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Post by Charis » Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:34 pm

Wednesday was a success - I upped my lunch a little bit to combat all of the eating my children were doing. It seemed that someone was always in the kitchen fixing something. I think it did help to feel satisfied so that I was not looking for anything else during the day. Just a little bit of exercise today and a bit more yesterday. We got over a foot of snow yesterday - when is spring coming?

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Post by Charis » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:54 am

Thursday and Friday were both successes. Friday was a little strange as I had a luncheon at an international women's club where I was scheduled to give a presentation. I am a little picking, can't eat anything spicy because of an autoimmune disease called oral lichen plantus and was a little nervous about my presentation. Anyway I ended up taking a couple of things and ate only about 1/2 of that, so I had to virtual plate and eat once I got home.

Later we went to my child's school carnival and I managed to avoid all of the snacks and sweets that were there. I was happy that I did not feel as deprived as I used to feel when I would be on a "diet". I wasn't even tempted even though my husband and I had to work the sundae table.

The weekend was okay. I noticed I was starting to graze on Sunday and instead of continuing that bad trend I put a stop to it and didn't eat the rest of the evening. So not perfect, but a little more control. I know that a lot of the problem is that we didn't have a lot to eat in the house and with the bad weather outside grocery shopping was out. It points to the need to plan those special S things.

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Post by Charis » Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:11 am

I have had a good day staying on nos. I almost sampled some bacon while making dinner but held off. Yesterday was an S day for me as it was my oldest 18th birthday. It was not a good S day for me so it was nice to have a very good nos day today. I have generally been doing fine with nos until yesterday and I know technically you don't fail on an S day but there were definitely patterns appearing that I was hoping to have put behind me. Anyway I am going to put yesterday behind me and look forward.

Today I also switched to tea from coffee. I don't need anything to sweeten my tea as I do coffee and since I have stopped using artificial sweetner and I really can't believe how much sugar I need to enjoy the cup of coffee, I have moved it to a sometimes indulgence. Tea with a little milk will have to suffice. I am in a continual process of trying to refine my diet and get it to be better and better nutritionallywise.

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Post by Charis » Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:14 am

I am really trying to lose some weight before my daughter graduates from high school the first week in June. Therefore I have decided to go back to counting my days of success to keep me more focused on the goal. I think I have about a hundred days before the big day.

So, Day 1 success

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Post by Charis » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:32 am

Wednesday, Day 2 success Had a great workout this morning and did well with food throughout the day. I have suffered with a headache and fatigue all day long. I am hoping I am not coming down with something.

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Post by Charis » Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:46 pm

Thursday, Day 3, success

Friday, Day 4, success - I often seem to want to start the party early on Friday nights for S days but instead I had a cup of decaf coffee with a little sugar and cream and that got me through until bedtime

things are going well during the week - other than that cup of coffee I managed to cut coffee out of the rest of the week. Since I can't drink it black I realized that it was adding many additional calories and I was using it too often to get me from one meal to another. I have switched to tea, which I don't drink nearly the quantities of or water - always a good thing.

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Post by Charis » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:41 pm

Last week I travelled for a conference and had a failure all three days - definitely stressed induced eating. Kind of discouraging to see that behavior slip back in but I got back on track this weekend and have been doing fine so far this week.

So I am restarting my 21 day journeys.

Days 1-4, success

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Post by MerryKat » Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:15 pm

Congratulations on getting back on track so quickly. We all trip occasionally and the important thing is that we get up quickly and don't beat ourselves up over it.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by Charis » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:00 pm

Wow, long time since my last post. Happily for the most part I have been following the no s plan. But I have also seen myself get a little lazy and taste dinner before its served and add a spoonful more food onto my plate at dinner.

Sweets are becoming less desirable to me and coffee (which I can't stand without sugar) is becoming rarer in my life. I think I lived on it during the winter.

I am trying to be more focused so I want to really try hard to keep checking in more often.

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Post by Charis » Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:48 pm

checking in 2 days in a row-yeah me.

Yesterday was definitely a successful day for me. All 3 meals were reasonably plated and I didn't substitute coffee for water when I was hungry - I mention that now because I am very tempted to do so. I have realized I have a still have a fairly strong desire for something sweet after a meal and yes I have tried fruit, but it doesn't seem to fit the bill.

However, if I can just hold on 10-15 minutes afterwards it generally goes away and I feel comfortably full. I just have to remember that and not give into the impulse before that. You would think it would be simple but it is still a struggle. I am glad to surface this though because to me it just shows me one more way no s is moving me down the road to sane normal eating.

I went and lifted weights today. I think that I am in my 5th or 6th week in a row of lifting. Hopefully I am building muscle and doing my metabolism some good.

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Post by Charis » Sat May 17, 2008 10:53 pm

I have had a string of failures this week but I am back on nos finally. After a year (well tomorrow will be a year) I had my first real struggle to stay on the 3 meals no snacks or sweets. It just goes to show me that I have to remain vigilant even when things seem like they are on automatic.

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Post by Charis » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:13 am

Two months gone - long time for me.

Anyway during that time I totally fell off the wagon but I always had my son pointing out my nos transgressions so I have recommitted and am trying to recover some lost ground - not weight wise which is pretty much the same but motivation and habits. Exercise had been great until last week where I only did it once. I need to get back into this habit this week also.

Technically this is successful day #3

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Post by Charis » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:06 am

Monday, day 4 success

Tuesday, day 5 success

I have exercised twice this week and though I am hungry in the evening I have managed to hang in there and not give into eating.

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Post by Charis » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:14 am

Wednesday, Day 6 success I also exercised even though it was hot, I was running late and I just didn't feel like it. Yeah!

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Post by Charis » Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:31 am

Thursday, day 7, success Things went pretty well today. I am really hungry tonight but I am going to grab a cup of water and just go to bed. I did get some good exercise in and I am thankful for that. I am liking the fact that the impulse to snack is going away once again. It feels really great to be back in control. I am really watching portion size and trying to fill my plate with lots of good vegies and fruits.

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Post by Charis » Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:28 am

Friday, day 8, Success it wasn't easy especially when the rest of my family stopped at TCBY after running some errands this evening. I resisted even though I love that place. I guess it helps some that tomorrow is an s day. No exercise today :(

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Post by Charis » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:20 pm

Saturday, day 9, Success a very reasonable sane S day

Sunday, day 10, Success not sane enough

Monday, day 11, Success back on track

I exercised on Saturday and on Monday

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Post by Charis » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:40 am

Tuesday, day 12, Success and I got in some exercise this morning.

It was a fairly easy day and I felt a lot better than yesterday when I think I suffered from a sugar blast on Sunday.

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Post by Charis » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:04 am

Wednesday, day 13, Success We had dinner for breakfast tonight and it was a little bigger than normal but otherwise a normal day with some exercise.

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Post by Charis » Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:56 am

Thursday, Day 14, success plus some exercise

It was a pretty decent day and I had a great salad for lunch today at Panera Bread. It was a strawberry poppyseed salad w/chicken. (for you calorie counters there website says it has 300 calories). More importantly it was delicious.

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Post by Charis » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:26 am

Friday, day 15, Success and some exercise which is great because I was running a little late and almost gave up on the idea entirely but finally convinced myself some was better than none.

I had a challenge this evening as my youngest daughter passed a half eaten bag of popcorn for me to dispose of, so tempting but I didn't eat any. Yeah for me. I am very hungry this evening as we ate dinner a little early and I would just love to start my s day early.

But tomorrow will come soon enough.

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:27 pm

my youngest daughter passed a half eaten bag of popcorn for me to dispose of, so tempting but I didn't eat any.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:51 pm

That sounds like a major victory!
Wish there was a "thumbs up" smiley to put here :)
Hope you are enjoying your weekend Charis ;)
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Post by Charis » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:32 am

Saturday, day 16, S day
Sunday, day 17, S day
Monday, day 18, Success Did some perma snacking on Sunday which I hate and I must eradicate

Still pretty hungry in the evening but I am hanging in there and declaring it a success even though there is a good part of the evening left. I am hoping that the embarrassment of having to come back here and admit failure will keep me from doing so.

Thanks Deb and Blueskighs for the encouragement!

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Post by Charis » Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:26 am

Tuesday, failure, packed up 1/2 of restaurant sandwich to bring home and then ate it when I got home. Really no good reason

Wednesday, failure, took a second helping at dinner and barely thought of it until after I was finished w/dinner. plead temporary insanity

Thursday, day 1 success back on track again

Friday, day 2 success, hungry all day - its that time of the month. So thankful an s day is around the corner. Praying that I won't be an idiot.

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Post by Charis » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:22 am

Saturday, S day

Sunday, S day

Monday, S day

Tuesday, day 6, successful

I have my family here this week for our vacation. Lots of extra activity, times to eat and stress. I will probably take one more S day while they are here.

Exercised on Saturday (a little hiking/walking and on Monday and Tuesday)

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Post by Charis » Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:17 am

Well I completely fell off the wagon for a whole week, something that almost always happens after visits from family. I am not sure what sets off the bad days of eating but it is regular like clockwork.

Any way I have been happily back on the wagon for the last 3 day. Yeah! And because I need the encouragement I am going to start my successful days with Saturday since they were s days and count. So today is day 5 on my third attempt this summer to reach 21 days.

I love the feeling of having my food intake under control.

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Post by Charis » Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:03 am

I am thankful to come to the end of the week and be able to call it a success. Feels so much better than last week. I didn't get any exercise to day but that is because I last some sleep last night and was just too tired this morning.

So I guess today is successful day 7. Some day I will get my habitcal updated, I just hate to see all the red I am going to have to put up - so maybe I will have to wait until September. Definitely no medal for me this month. :oops:

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Post by Charis » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:03 am

Saturday and Sunday S days

Monday, day 10, successful The weekend was pretty good and today was pretty easy.

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Post by Charis » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:43 am

Tuesday, day 11, success

My oldest baby leaves for college tomorrow :(

Good news is she is just 20 minutes away :D

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Post by Charis » Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:00 pm

I finally found my way back. I have not followed nos very well but some of the habits remain in place and my family still reminds me about them often. So I thought why not get serious and get back to being accountable for what I eat and to eat with some discipline. So today is an "s" day and I guess my first official day back on will be tomorrow. I hope I can be faithful to myself and be good to myself by following nos.

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welcome back

Post by TexArk » Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:16 am

I just finished my first 21 days. Glad you are here on board. I have found great reinforcement and accountability by checking in once a day. I thought I would only check in for the first 21 days, but I am committing to another round of 21. Will you do the same? I'll look for you.

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Post by Charis » Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:43 am

Day one is a success. I was tempted to eat some ice cream after dinner and just start tomorrow, but how many times have I told myself that one. I ended up writing up everything I was telling myself about eating the ice cream and then analyzing it for the truth. I tell myself lots of lies about me and food. I hope to change that.

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Post by Charis » Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:53 am

Well I thought I had posted last night but I must have goofed.

Anyway Day 2 was successful and also Day 3 was successful

I am struggling more with remembering not to take seconds than with the other 2 but I did fine today. Sometimes I struggle with thoughts that I just want to do what I want to do but that philosphy has never served me well so I am sticking to it.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:44 pm

Hi Charis!! Keep at it girl! :wink:
Have a good weekend.
8) Debs x
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Post by Charis » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:21 am

Thanks Debs for the encouragement. It is always good to hear from you. I have some big work deadlines so I am only posting checkins but soon I will catch up with what others are up to. I really am glad that I can come back and still see you here.

Day 4 is successful. I am hungry this evening but will not be eating anything. I really need to settle down and get some more work done. I've exercised the last 2 days which is good. I have missed some days due to school being called off and other distractions and would like to be more regular with that.

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Post by Charis » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:48 pm

Day 5 was a success so I made it through the first week. My s day is going well so far. It is my hope that I would have a calm eating weekend.

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Post by Charis » Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:19 am

My weekend actually turned out to be pretty calm. I did feel like one meal on Saturday was too big and maybe overall a little too much food on Sunday but no grazing or bingeing which I am very thankful for.

Today was pretty easy transition back to nos. So today is day 8 and a success. I have had a fairly stressful last couple of weeks and have one more coming up trying to complete some projects for work. I don't want to give into stress eating or the after-the-projects-are-done celebration eating. Something to be on guard for.

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