Time to STFD 2009

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Time to STFD 2009

Post by bizzybee » Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:13 pm

Sometimes you just know something with every fiber of your body. I know that my disordered eating needs to stop and I know that when I am consistent with No S I feel so sane and in touch with my actual appetite and feelings. I also know that I am out of excuses and time. I am not going to wait to see 250 grace my scale. I am stopping it now. I have eaten all the sweet stuff in the world and I know what it tastes like.

Unfortunately along with this excellent realization has come a major dental problem leading to an extraction on Wednesday and diagnosis of dry socket today. I'm on drugs for the weekend till they can see me and clean out the wound and try to get it clotting again. So today may be a necessary s-day. I am actually not able to eat much, yogurt, mashed potatoes, soup, smoothies, apple sauce. I am avoiding sugar by necessity as well as choice, those white cells are decimated by excess sugar and I need them all fighting this infection, also demerol leaves me not so hungry.

But, I'll be back on Monday and every day thereafter.

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Day 2

Post by bizzybee » Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:10 pm

Quick Saturday check-in. Dry-socket is better this morning, antibiotics are doing their thing. I slept a blissful 9 hours last night. Today I hope to get the tree undecorated, get ahead on some laundry and cooking for the week.

I am trying to keep to a No S schedule because its just easier that way and I can't eat much anyway. I had a nice raspberry smoothie for breakfast and am planning some soft and mushy hoppin' john and greens for lunch. I think I'll make two lasagnas today one for tonight and one to freeze. I also have sourdough rising.

That's about the size of my Saturday. Grateful to be out of pain, not anxious to overdo it and get it started again.

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Day 3

Post by bizzybee » Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:32 am

Sunday night check-in, tooth is throbbing again. Dry socket sucks. It is bearable but I guess I need to decide do I let the dentist re-scrape the bone and try to get another clot to stick or do I just wait for this to clear up on its own which may take a month or longer. I'm leery of daily pain meds for that length of time.


Food has been non-crazy. 3 meals + some lovely fresh baked bread with earth balance. I may have some warm herbal tea in a little bit.

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Post by Marjolein » Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:22 am

Good luck on your tooth.


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Post by howfunisthat » Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:45 pm

Yikes!!!! I am a dental wimp so I'm just cringing at your posts...you poor thing! I do hope it gets resolved soon & this dry socket thing will be just a bad memory!

Take care of yourself....

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Post by bizzybee » Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:35 am

Thanks for the sympathy and well wishes.

I did indeed get re-scraped and re-packed this afternoon. I'm still numb, but can already feel the soreness starting back up. Tonight will not be super-fun. In 48 hours I should have a solid-clot and be past the point of concern.

Till then it's smoothies and pureed soups.

I just made the family an awesome potato soup with rosemary, swiss cheese and barley. They had theirs in little home-made sour dough bread bowls, I will be having mine at room temperature once the novocaine wears off a bit.

No-S is no problem when I can't really eat. But exercise is a long string of failures. I am hoping to be able to start back up on Thursday.

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Day 5

Post by bizzybee » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:37 pm

Tuesday went well, 3 meals, no exercise.

Ay 5 PM I'll be over the 48 hour threshold wrt the socket. I'm hopeful the clot is intact and I will be able to start exercising and enjoying more food options.

food plan today is
instant breakfast, 2 eggs and a banana

leftover lasagna

baked tofu with veggies over brown rice with yeast gravy

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Day 6

Post by bizzybee » Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:58 pm

I just ended the last of my eating opportunities for the day.
Penne a la vodka and homemade garlic bread

I think I may be in the clear on the tooth. Its feeling less and less ouchy. I'll be very glad to be off pain meds and antibiotics, I feel sort of toxic.

Today I struggled for a few minutes around 4:00. I really wanted a cup of milky tea and these delicious little chocolate muffins I have in the freezer (actually a health food but very chocolatey) and I spent a few moments trying to rationalize and then I realized that I was bored and a creature of habit, eating is something to do, I hit a window when the kids get home from school where it's not quite time to make dinner and there isn't really enough time to start work back up and its my habit to snack at this time. The tooth pain has made the last few days no problem with regards to the snack window, I haven't wanted to put anything in my mouth, but with less pain today, habit and appetite have resumed. So, I saw it for what it was and I made a cup of milky tea and picked up my knitting and sat in a different room than I normally do. When that wasn't enough to silence the snack song in my head I played Uno with my son who was DELIGHTED by the unexpected parental attention. Then, at 5:30, I was suddenly honestly hungry, perfectly in tune with eating at 6:00.

Tomorrow I get to re-start exercise. Pilates, gentle pilates. I will not overdo it. I will not overdo it.

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Week 1 down

Post by bizzybee » Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:49 am

Darn I missed yesterday - well, I had to go back in to get the bone re-scraped again (3rd time for those counting) , this time they put in sutures and a little collagen patch.

I felt a lot better this morning but right now I'm about 80% sure the infection is back. I'm about to throw back some lorcet and try to get some sleep.

On the No-S front, its been a completely successful week. I started last Friday, so its nice to get that first week behind me.

Food today was
protein and raspberry smoothie
kid's cheeseburger and yogurt
piece of quiche

I know I need more veggies.

Yesterday was
tuna salad and vegetable soup

YAWN - more tomorrow and first weigh in!

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One week results

Post by bizzybee » Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:29 pm

down 4 pounds

Its been a strange week, the dental stuff has led to less food consumption and exercise than normal and the many pain pills and antibiotics are probably screwing me up a bit too.

Next week will be interesting, assuming that this last dental visit actually did what it was supposed to, I should be able to get back to a normal schedule, healthier liver etc.

Today's plan
cream of wheat and scrambled eggs + OJ

ham and cheese on wheat, yogurt and baked chips

homemade pizza - chicago style

treat- either taking the kids out for ice cream or making a chocolate pudding cake here. I like eating treats out, so there are no leftovers.

Not much else to say, guess I'm less reflective more, "boy do I have a lot to do today" right now.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:46 am

Congratulations Bizzy Bee!! :)
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Day 9

Post by bizzybee » Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:17 pm

Thanks for stopping by Deb.

Yesterday was the first time I have enjoyed eating in quite a while. My husband made Chicago style stuffed pizza and it was delish. I also had 2 beers and took the kids out for ice cream. But I didn't like mine. No idea why. So I tossed it after eating about 1/4. Its just not worth it to eat stuff I don't like. What I wanted was a blizzard with oreos and mint. What i got was high end mint and chocolate marble slab thing and it wasn't what my mouth was wanting.

Today I have to retrieve children from sleepovers and get caught up on laundry for the week.

Food plans
berry banana smoothie
leftover pizza
chili and corn muffins

I think I can start exercising again tomorrow.

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Post by MerryKat » Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:51 am

You poor, poor thing. I am so glad to hear that your dental woes seem to have passed.

Well done on the 4lb down.

I would not stress over the no exercise - you had a bunch of Sick days and those also count as S days. The fact that you stayed on track with the food is the important thing.

Pray your healing continues with no more hiccups.

Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Day 10

Post by bizzybee » Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:23 pm

Thank you Mo.

I am feeling some twingey stuff this afternoon, I am not convinced that the abscess is gone, but I'm going to keep doing the grapefruit seed extract 5X a day and see where I am in a few days. I really just do not feel like I can psychically deal with getting cut open again right now.

I'm going through a rough patch, all the stress of the dentist and then my sun roof was shattered at a car wash... I'm just a ball of stress. My usual avenue to escape, food, is not in my arsenal right now. My kids are both sick for the first time this school year. I feel lucky we made it so long, but a little bummed to have to stop my self-pity party and focus on them.

So, yesterday, Sunday, I had a smoothie, then a piece of pizza, then chili and cornbread, snack/sweet was a chocolate muffin (whole grain) and a cup of tea mid-afternoon. I seem to have successfully learned the habit of not eating after dinner, but that after school 4:00 thing... that's still difficult.

Today, I had a bowl of ezekiel cereal and milk, then a roasted chicken sandwich with steamed broccoli, I have Chipotle chicken with sweet potatoes over brown rice cooking in the Crock Pot right now. I'm going to add some sour cream and cheese and put it in tortillas for dinner.

Mondays are hard. I just had to do the old, "its just one hour to dinner, you do not want to eat and screw up your green streak", talk with myself. I think it was brought on by eating one grain of rice to test the doneness.

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know what you mean

Post by oolala53 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:36 pm

It sounds like you are doing quite well. Not being able to eat solid food might have led me to suck on milk chocolate all day, but maybe not. I had abdominal surgery almost ten years ago but it didn't involve my stomach or digestive system, yet I didn't eat junk for about a month. High price to pay, though!

I know what you mean about those afternoon hours. I call them the witching hours. Often if I can get past them, I am okay! Too late today, though....

Keep up the good work!
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Post by MerryKat » Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:16 am


If the 4pm munchies are abusing you at the moment, try having a glass of milk. I am also a 4pm muncher (anything will do) and I find a glass of milk around 3.30pm stops the worst of the munchies and allows me to get to dinner.

I love your comment of "Its not a slippery slope its a damn Luge run." - This is why I am working on One Day at a time otherwise I get derailed by yesterday's failures and the distance I still have to go.

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Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by bizzybee » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:55 pm

My afternoon witching hour solution is often a chai latte made with one cup of 1% milk and some sweetener (I am using truvia right now, trying to get off the Splenda) it ends up being 16 oz of warm sweet liquid and it often eases the need to eat urgency.

Today, both kids are home with yucky sounding coughs.
I just made us all breakfast.
I ate a big breakfast, 2 eggs, 2 slices of raisin toast with earth balance and 1/2 a grapefruit. I am stuffed. I haven't been stuffed in a while. Lunch is gonna be on the smaller side and probably later in the afternoon than usual.
I have leftovers a plenty for lunches and I am making an old favorite, pirogues in a mushroom sherry cream sauce and roasted asparagus for dinner.

I need to get so much done today, important conference call, scheduling meeting, mechanic has my car, kids need herbs... Oy. Its a red flag warning. Stuck at home, kids are needy and I'm in and out of the kitchen all day.

PS- Last night after I plated dinner I saw it was not nearly enough food, rather than shove a second burrito on my plate I opted for a grapefruit, but didn't cut it up till after dinner. I ate it about 10 minutes after dinner, but it was definitely virtually plated. Just makin' a note.

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Day 11, 12

Post by bizzybee » Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:44 pm

yesterday was a yellow, danger danger, will robinson.

I am giving myself two NWS days each month, so I lost one yesterday. I got really hungry and I had a snack. I should have had a glass of milk or a protein water or something. I now know that a bowl of cereal even super branny healthy cereal does not carry for more than a couple of hours.

This morning I had a protein and fruit smoothie and a slice of sour dough toast and didn't think about food for almost 5 hours. I think it has gotta be the 25 grams of protein in the powder I use + the flax meal and berries.

Anyway today has been great, lunch was a big salad and left over chili, I'm having some ice tea right now and just threw a chicken in the oven to roast. I'll make caramelized brussels sprouts and whole wheat egg noodles closer to dinner time.

My clothes are getting looser, I thought I might be imagining it, but these cords are falling off my hips today.

This weekend my DH and I are making Alton brown's cupcakes, just for fun. I'm so glad to be adhering to a diet that lets me bake on occasion.

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Day 13

Post by bizzybee » Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:34 pm

Wow, its day 13.

Yesterday went really well, meals were healthy things that I cooked. I ate a salad, it is so good to be able to chew again.

However if I had a glass ceiling system in place, I would have shattered it last night. I'm not a drinker, I go weeks without a drink. I like dark beer and red wine and will have one when out for dinner etc. But, last night, DH and I were having a long talk, we own a company together and we were in strategy mode, and catching each other up after a long week. He poured me a short glass of Pinot, and then kept refilling it, these little pours added up and the next thing I knew, we had killed the bottle. I am feeling ever so slightly nauseous this morning. I wasn't "drunk" I was giddy and warm and enjoying myself, I had the sense to drink a huge glass of emergen-c before bed.

So, today, Dh brought me an egg and cheese biscuit, I'm adding 1/2 a grapefruit to that and calling it a well rounded breakfast.

lunch will be homemade chicken salad on ezekiel pocket bread with heirloom lettuce and leftover veggies from dinner last night, also a sliced apple.

Dinner is lemony bread crumb crusted flounder with green beans and rice pilaf with lentils. yumm

I'm semi-aware that I weigh in again tomorrow. That is still diet mentality. I'm not so aware that I skipped the sodium soaked fat fest for breakfast, nom nom biscuits. But, I am thinking, lots of water today etc.
Hope I can get comfortable with Saturday being just another day pretty soon.

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Day 15

Post by bizzybee » Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:32 am

Another Saturday, another weigh in day. I am down 3 pounds now for a total of 7 in 2 weeks. Thursday and Friday were not great "Choice" days. In fact I had a big cheeseburger and fries dinner on Friday.

Today I have been snacky but, eating healthy stuff.

so S-day log

chocolate whey protein shake
vita-top muffin

flatbread pizza, bruschetta style, pear

vanilla yogurt, pistachios, diet coke

4 fudge stripe cookies

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:30 am

Congrats again!!! That is wonderful!! :wink:
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Day 16

Post by bizzybee » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:45 pm

Thanks Deb. I am happy to report that when I actually stick to this plan, it works!

I am trying to prepare myself for the inevitable slow down in that rate. I know I will be here pretty soon reporting no loss or even a gain. Its just how things go. But I do get to start back to the gym this week!

So, today.

DH brought 2 huge hunks of bakery cake home from a party last night AND a whole loaf of banana bread, this on top of some lovely Italian almond cookies I made yesterday, amaretti, yumm. So I have a sugar situation. I'm already fantasizing about chocolate cake and milk for breakfast.

Instead, I'll be having a new smoothie mix I bought with frozen bananas and strawberries.
Lunch is leftover fish and veggies.

Dinner tonight will be a cook's illustrated light recipe I grabbed for Fettucini AlFredo with a green salad. And, I suppose I will pick one sweet. My favorite way to do sweets is in the afternoon with a cup of coffee or tea. I am going to try to stick with my almond cookies or a slice of banana bread. The cakes need to go to the office. They are just a red-light food for me. I really love frosting, I'm afraid if I crack that door I may not be able to close it again.

Its supposed to snow here, tonight and tomorrow, so I need to get to the store early and make sure I have dinners covered. 3 inches of snow paralyzes the South. As a Vermont girl I find this so funny.

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Post by bizzybee » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:36 pm

I'm still here! My pants fit, yay. I can't believe its Wednesday. Monday and Tuesday were hard days but I made it through. The meals were big, I drank some beer, I had some sweetened yogurt with a meal etc. But for vanilla no s, they were green days.

I am hoping to pull it back together today. Thanks to snow days and colds I've had the kids with me for 9 of the past 11 days and today they go to school, late open but I still get 5 hours. I am so behind on work and the house is trashed and there are no clean clothes and I have not exercised at all in 6 weeks. That is the longest I've gone in many years.

But, trying to stay positive about ways I can re-assert control and order in my life.

Food today
big chocolate protein smoothie, bowl of pink grapefruit sections, coffee

lemon pepper fish, veggies, leftover WW pasta

tofu stir fry - new recipe from cook's illustrated, a little nervous as I have never made a truly excellent stir fry and I would love to get better at it. Also baked brown rice.

I have a catch up list made, phone calls and work to finally finish and pass off. I need to have an employee meeting and go over the next few week's schedule. No exercise today, no time, but if I knock out a bunch, maybe tomorrow.

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Post by bizzybee » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:12 pm

Oh yeah, need to mention , My S-days were pretty heavy this weekend, loaded with sugar. I was not sticking to my 3 meal ladder and I definitely had more than one sweet. So if the scale isn't moving much next Saturday, I need to remember Sat-tues were not light eating days.

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Post by bizzybee » Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:53 pm

OK, this week I will post every single day. I had some issues last week, ended up sick and used the amount of snow days and Holidays as an excuse to slide back into old habits. I did not have a single green day last week, (ETA- wrong both Monday and Tuesday were greens, sky is falling much??) except for Sunday where I inadvertently ate 3 meals and no snacks, I did have a second piece of cornbread at dinner but it was my closest day to a success and it was only at bedtime that I realized it.

so food yesterday
WW bagel and cream cheese
yogurt, granola bar and asian pear
FABULOUS dinner, spicy corn pudding, habanero smoked chicken sausage and onions, + greens.

Today's food is
weight control oatmeal and greek yogurt with honey

leftover roast pork, mashed potatoes and green beans, piece of fruit

mini chicken burgers, roasted root vegetables and broccoli slaw

I also have an optional whey smoothie built in if I need it and I made my own sugar free hot cocoa mix, (much better than the packaged) with chili powder and cinnamon. I like a small cup of cocoa before bed.

I am headed to the gym in about an hour for a not too strenuous cardio and weights session, my first in 7 weeks I think.

I'm psyched for the week.

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Post by bizzybee » Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:02 pm

Drive-by post to report I am sick, this time bronchitis...
I am so completely over feeling yucky all the time.

I've managed to stay green all week, no appetite. Actually, last night, I fought off a pre-bedtime snack urge, had some OJ instead. Maybe I'm getting better.

food today

kashi waffles with berries, yogurt, tea and milk

Amy's tofu and brown rice meal, fruit

chicken burgers, broccoli slaw and maple mashed butternut squash.

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Post by bizzybee » Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:15 pm

Still on track - about to cross off a green week-

I feel so much better today. I took a bunch of herbs last night at bedtime. Anything immune related and I took it all... and woke up feeling totally human.

breakfast was a chocolate soy protein shake and whole grain pomegranate bagel with cream cheese

lunch was a whole wheat burrito stuffed with pintos and rice (it was huge, also corn chips)

dinner will be twisted pasta and broccoli in peanut sauce (if I am ever hungry again)

also 2 cups of tea - with milk and splenda

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Post by bizzybee » Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:55 pm

Hi, still here. I'm still unwell. 10 days of bronchitis now, I'm on my second round of ABX and using inhalers etc. I am trying to avoid steroids but If I am not on the mend by Monday I'll probably need to get them started.
Steroids make me crazy, that's not an exaggeration, I'll need anti-anxiety meds in order to come off them. It takes 6 weeks for them to wash out of my system and I'll be panic-ridden, paranoid, unable to sleep the whole time. Crossing my fingers hoping to get better by Monday.

I'm tired of feeling this way.

No-s has been on the back burner, but I haven't been overeating and have been sticking to 3 meals a day pretty consistently. Habit is good.

I just feel like i need to get feeling a bit more normal before I re-dedicate.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:43 pm

Wow feel better!!
Try eating raw garlic throughout the day.. It's a great antiviral and antibacterial..
I'd totally avoid those steroids if that's what they do to you.
One of the best over the counter med I have used is Alavert.. When I thought I had pneumonia, and couldn't breathe, my doctor recommended it in case the symptoms might be caused by allergies..
Worked great and no bad side effects at all.
Get well soon!
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Post by bizzybee » Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:01 pm

Feeling better this morning. Thanks for saying hi Deb. I take zyrtec for my allergies to dust and kitties.

My dentist prescribed a new antibiotic for a flare up in a tooth about to be worked on, and suddenly I can breathe again, so I guess that it helped the bronchitis more that the other ABX had.

I don't know, I'm also taking a ton of herbs. I'm just grateful to feel a little more human today. I have a reflexology appt at noon and then a dentist appt at 4. I also need to get some groceries, gas and clean up my space a bit. I think I'm skipping work today.

food today
chocolate soy smoothie with banana

amy's tofu and brown rice bowl

somehing soft as yet unchosen, I'm thinking a stuffed rigatoni might be well accepted.

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I'm back, shuffling my feet

Post by bizzybee » Wed May 13, 2009 3:24 pm

I just read through this whole thread. Why did I stop No-S-ing? I was so sick from Dec-Feb, just one stupid illness after another, and I came out of it heavy and tired and weak.

Now my teeth are fixed and the cold season is behind us, other than the possibility of a novel flu virus out there, I think I'm into the good 6 months of the year.

I joined a new gym and have about 6 weeks of 3 days a week exercise under my belt. This week I am going for 5 days. This morning was a good one, I worked hard.

So, I made an attempt at No-S yesterday and ended up with ice cream after dinner. Well, I mean I put it in my mouth and consciously decided to eat it.

Today- breakfast was a banana and whey smoothie with an english muffin topped with almond butter

Lunch will be leftover chicken and spinach with couscous

Dinner is homemade baked beans with healthy twice baked potatoes (stuffed with broccoli, Quorn tenders, low fat cheese)

I'm about to grab some more coffee and check my beans.

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Post by midtownfg » Fri May 15, 2009 3:50 pm

Hi BizzyBee - since I didn't join until March, I hadn't read your old posts until today. I just have to ask - can I come live with you? You have the best meals in your house. Everything sounds so tasty.

You were doing so well before, even with all of the ailments. I'm glad you came back. You can do it. You know you can do it.

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