JWL's log

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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hand pain

Post by Lethaltoenails » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:57 pm

Hi there-
just a thought - when you do the shovelglove routine, if the handle is smooth and slippery you could also be overgripping to hold onto the thing too tight - maybe wear a pair of bike riding gloves with leather or suede palms to help grip the handle so it doesn't slip!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:38 pm

That's great!!!!
(well the muscle pain isn't so great! LOL..)
But yes, there is most definitely a correlation...
Often when there is a disharmony in any meridian, you will feel "pathway pain"... along the course of the energetic trajectory...
It's certainly not coincidence and I'm not surprised...

Usually, an acute pain will be a sign of the associated element working too hard and being too "Jitsu", or "full".....
A dull achy and naggy pain is usually a sign that the element or organ in question needs tonification because it is more "Kyo" or "empty"....

A long time ago I had a stomach virus that was wreaking havoc on me... Sure enough all the points along the face which correlated to the Stomach meridian were all totally sore and tender to the touch... You know, like when you have swollen glands... It was a sign of "Rebellious Chi" because the stomach energy is *supposed* to travel downwards and end on the second toe, but it just was "backing up" and not flowing the way it was supposed to... My whole jaw was feeling like a black and blue feeling...
Once my virus left, so did the associated pain along the pathway...

The relationship is always dynamic so don't ever fret that "oh my god" I have a terrible large intestine/stomach/liver etc... Rather, think "this is the state I am in right now, right here"....
For longer term disharmonies, the "Shu Points" along the spine are what need to be worked on.. this is where all that stuff gets stored when it's been a long term disharmony... In our backs!
"Shu points" are directly linked to our autonomic nervous system and can be found on the "Bladder 1" line...

Feel free to email me if you ever need more points or anything!
Peace and Love,
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DAY 56

Post by JWL » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:32 pm

Yesterday was fair.

No-S went well. I had leftover pizza for lunch, and a tempeh burrito with chips and salsa for dinner. No funny stuff.

Exercise was... different. Got some good frisbification in yesterday, running around the field was great. It feels so good to run the past few times we've done that; I literally haven't run in many years.

But, I skipped the squats (my quads were/are quite sore), and I didn't make myself an opportunity to shoveglove. I didn't get a chance to early in the day, and was utterly wiped out tired in the evening, so I just skipped it.

Back to it today...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:05 pm

You did right FW... Why risk an injury if you are so wiped out?...
I never even consider doing SG unless I have my full awareness and energy....
Glad you had fun frisbifying!!!!
Have a nice one!
Peace and Love
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DAY 57

Post by JWL » Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:55 pm

Yesterday was pretty far from succesful. Didn't exercise, had a huge dinner, and then a pint of frozen yogurt after dinner.

Gonna leave it at that, and do better today. I woke up with a bad headache that stayed with me all day, and there were some emotional stresses as well. Gotta love parenting. No matter how much we love our kids, they still drive us crazy. :roll:

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DAY ... OF RECKONING!!!!!!!!!!

Post by JWL » Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:04 pm

I weigh 345.2 lbs as of today.

So I have several thoughts about this. First, and most important, weight is just a number, and this particular number is nothing more than my starting point, despite the fact that I'm 58 days into my plan.

I was last on a scale over a year ago, and I'm down more than 10 pounds from that point. The thing is, over the winter I put on some weight, to the point where people close to me were concerned that I was 'ballooning' a bit. You can see the end of that cycle from the UK trip I took in March, go to page 2 of this thread to see it. I have no idea what I weighed there, but based on my appearance I'd have to guess that I was probably pushing 370 pretty hard in March. It bears repeating: this number is nothing but guesswork.

But more importantly, in March I can remember huffing and puffing my way across England. Going upBathwyck Hill and Glastonbury Tor were a challenge, but a doable one. Now, my legs are stronger and I could get up the hill more easily.

Additionally, I currently have more muscle mass than at any previous point in my life. And we all know the arguments about how muscle weighs more than fat. Yada yada.

So yeah, while it's a starting point, it still represents measurable progress (10+ lbs since my last Official Weigh In).

I have a history of following a diet/exercise plan until I begin to see measurable results; once I do, it's like part of my goes "OK, good enough, I'm done" and I drop off the bandwagon. So in my effort to reprogram myself in this area, it's very important that I stress that this weight is nothing more than a starting point.

Reinhard's wisdom also bears repeating, in bold, italicized, indigo type: "After" is a myth. It's "before" and "during." "After" is when you're dead.

This is my mantra, because I know that I have historically had trouble with this concept.
Last edited by JWL on Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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words of encouragement

Post by Kevin » Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:45 pm

Keep at it, FW. You're doing great.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:08 pm

Hey Freakwitch!
Ten pounds is good... I understand that you might have even lost more, since you didn't weigh yourself during that heavy time...
But you are on track now!!!
Sorry about the headaches and aggravation...
Remember to breathe......

You know, next time you go to the supermarket, pick up one of those large five pound bags of baking potatoes..Then imagine two of them, on your body.. dragging you down...
Ten pounds may not seem that celebration worthy in the skewed and perverted perception out there of what dieting success "should" be...
But put those bags on your stomach and imagine it's the fat you lost...
You will feel much happier with your loss...

Meanwhile, keep chanting your Mantra dude!!!!
Enjoy your weekend and don't give up..
(ps.. Headaches can be helped greatly by LI #4.. Maybe you are still experiencing some distress there..)
Keep up the great work!!!
Yes, muscle weighs three times as much as fat...
I'd just keep track of your belt notches for a few months at least...
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Post by reinhard » Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:22 pm


10 pounds is nothing to sneeze at, especially if it might be twice that. Weighing one self is not a fun activity when one is topping out. The 210 I list on the web site as my "before" is very conservative. My max has been over 220. I remember thinking "I weigh as much as Mike Tyson, the heavyweight champ of the world, except it's all fat."

Nice use of the RANT tag, Lisa Marie.

And nice use of bold italics, freakwitch. Don't hesitate to use blink if that's what it takes. :wink:

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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:00 pm


I don't really know how to write this, but I just wanted to say something.
I don't think I ever posted in your thread before, but I do read it every day. You're an inspiration to me. Don't lose sight of how you want it to be for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. I think belt notches are so much better as a measurement than a weight could ever be! I know a guy who recently lost 3 belt notches but actually got heavier!! He just started doing weight training and wrestling and not dieting. Beforehand, he was pretty much all fat. 'During', he became mostly lean muscle. He'll always be a large bloke, but he's so fit and strong. Yet even though there is hardly an ounce of spare fat on him anywhere now, his BMI still comes out as Obese!

I suppose what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is hang in there. There are good days and bad days. But mostly the good is better than the bad. I hope you manage to resolve things with your kid too.

You're amazing. Hang in there!

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Post by navin » Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:06 pm

Freakwitch -

Yeah, as Reinhard so eloquently put it, 10 lbs is nothing to sneeze at. And for motivation on making sure you stick with it - think of what you'll look and feel like in, say 5 years if you keep up this pace.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:34 pm

Wait.. One year will make a huge impact!!!
Five??? We won't recognize you...
Hi Navin!
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DAY 58

Post by JWL » Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:06 am

First, I am overwhelmed by the support. Thanks to one and all. This whole "virtual support system/artifical accountability" thing about the forum just took a big step toward the concrete.

Today was a success. I did NoS, had a wrap for breakfast and 3 slices of pizza, a bowl of salad, and half dozen cheese/crackers for dinner. Had to do some virtual plating, but it worked out OK. There was yummy chocolate cheesecake there, and I managed to avoid it.

I did a full shovelglove routine, and it actually increased my energy before Freakwitchery (band practicing) tonight. That was good. I'm still dragging, my allergies are going ballistic lately, which explains the headaches. So I'm still low energy. It's definitely related to the herbal cleansing. I can feel energies releasing and clearing out one several levels.

And, I got some more frisbification in. That was good. A bit mellower than last time, but still good.

So, it's on to work this weekend. These are S-days, and I will treat them as such, but I think I should be careful about excesses. No ice cream. I have a lot of leftovers in the house I can take in to work.

I should get a couple hours of walking in, too.

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DAY 59-64

Post by JWL » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:03 am

I've been away from the computer since the end of last week. I worked all weekend (both S days) and then from M-W I went north to Ellsworth, ME to visit a friend's camp and help with some construction there. It's a very nice, peaceful spot where the Union River empties into the Atlantic. So I got a nice bit of peaceful nature. I went up with my daughter. We had a nice canoe ride.

The labor was fun. I'm glad I've been shovelgloving! When I first got there, there was a large chunk of stone/concrete in the way, too large to be moved easily. The first question out of my friend's mouth (after hello) was, "hey Jim, did you bring your sledgehammer?"

So I got to whack the hell out of a huge chunk of concrete with large stones embedded in it; for several sessions of several minutes each (probably 30 minutes total, maybe more) there where stone chips flying and concrete dust was thick in the air (yes I had on glasses). How exhilirating! I'd been jonesing to just see how hard I can hit something with the sledgehammer, and this has really been my first opportunity. This is good magic. No wonder Thor was so powerful.

Anyway, after the stone was no longer in the way (w00t! rraawrrr!) we built 2 4x8 platforms and laid them in the walkway, which had been dug out and sculpted just to be able to accomodate it.

So I did lots of hammering, and lots of actual shoveling in clearing out the 4x16 foot trench, digging down about 6-12" deep and then rebuilding it to an even, 4" deep trench.

Playing in the mud. Digging in the dirt. Moving Earth. Gotta love it.

Needless to say, I didn't worry about shovelgloving or squats while I was there. Why simulate work when you can use that same energy -- and more, as much as you want -- on the real thing?

In case it isn't clear, new rule: one is exempt from shovelgloving when one partakes in another activity that is at least as strenuous, and gets Real Work done.

In terms of No-S, I would say that I didn't really use the No-S "map" strictly while I was there but I ate completely sensibly, with probably a total caloric intake comparable to my average successful No-S day. Though I did drink probably 4 beers or ales over the 3 days, so that might bump it up a bit. My friends tend to have more, smaller meals, and I just wasn't hungry as much, though I was quite hungry on the drive home and ate more food yesterday than I had the previous 2 days. But all in all, I'm reasonably certain I burned more calories than I consumed over the trip.

So... today.

Today was a No-S day with one slip-up...grrrrr. There is funny stuff, and there are slipups. This was definitely a slip up. Gotta kick that frozen yogurt habit. It's tenacious.

I did a full shovelglove routine, but with the 10 pounder (I still haven't reattached the ankle weight since my work this week). It was good to use lower weight as I'm still somewhat sore, especially in the hands. But I figured out what the technique problem was there; the sore hands come from when I'm shoveling and put the point of the handle pointing directly in to the palm of my hand. More power, but at a price. I so seriously need to heal this area; it's right on the meridian Deb told me about (see above). Silly suburbanite-raised urban dweller, learning proper shovel technique. I now know how to avoid this silly injury. It's just a matter of healing it. I'm having a hard time administering self-reiki to these areas, since that's the area where the reiki comes from. It just doesn't seem to flow. I think I want to get the help of another energy worker to clear it out energetically, and then help it to relax with some good massage technique.

And, I concluded that I'd hit my threshold on the squats, the day++ algorithm. Doing in the 50s on consecutive days was just killing me, giving me good reason not to do it every day (legs being devastated and all). So today, I did 36 (that's my age). I want to work through the soreness and try some consistency, doing 36 per day. Perhaps after my next birthday I'll do 37.... heh. I'm going to experiment with the squat thing a bit. I love the exercise, I just want to feel good during the week, not like I can hardly walk. It's just a matter of not overdoing it, and it became clear that I had passed that threshold.

Tomorrow is my physical, discussing test results with my physician. Trying not to be overwhelmed and obsessed by the Katrina stories, a constant battle to be sure, in this media-mad culture of fear.

So, ever onward!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:11 pm


If your legs hurt after doing so many squats every day, then you should consider doing them every other day so the muscles get a chance to recover. Doing your age number is fine, but if you can do 50, that will work, too, just don't do them every day.

I really enjoy reading your posts, although I don't get a chance to respond to many of them (or anyone else's for that matter.). Life gets too busy and dial-up is too slow. But I read nearly everything. Sounds like you're really doing well on No-S!

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Post by JWL » Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:05 pm

Hi Jan, thanks for the advice about squats. I do plan to experiment with them over the next few weeks. My goal is to find a good balance with the squats that is challenging, sustainable (as NoS and shovelglove are), and that will increase my energy levels rather than kick my @$$ all the time.

So I went back to the doctor today for the consultation about last week's battery of tests.

First thing. Today I weigh 341. This means I'm down 4+ pounds from last week. Weigh in was precisely 7 days after the previous, same time of day, etc. So if I extrapolate this curve of roughly 4 pounds per week, it would confirm my estimates that I probably weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 370-375 when I started at the end of June. Very cool.

Even cooler is that all of my test results were quite healthy. My cholesterol is 160, my good cholesterol is on the low side of normal (could be a bit higher), and everything looks healthier than it's been in a long time. As a result, my doctor (who is thrilled with my prognosis) doesn't need to see me again for 2 years (rather than the annual visit he's insisted upon since I began seeing him).

So yeah, it's good to get this good news, as well as medical confirmation of the efficacy of No-S/Shovelglove/squats.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:25 pm

Rock on James!!!!!!!
Great news! :D

No matter what you were in the past, you are moving into a bright and healthy future....
I commend you!!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:56 pm

Another thing you could do with those squats...

Jorge Cruise talks about a method of exercising called "active rest" which is just alternating between sets of two different exercises that use different muscle groups. For example, yesterday, I did 10 push-ups, then 25 crunches, then 10 push-ups, then crunches, etc., until I did the number that I wanted of each. While I'm doing the crunches, my arms, shoulders, etc., are resting, and the abs muscles rest while I do the push-ups.

You could split the squats up into sets and alternate them with something that uses the arms, but not the legs, like maybe your Shovelglove movements. Do 10 squats between each movement maybe? Well, just an idea for you!

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DAY 65

Post by JWL » Sat Sep 03, 2005 5:30 am

Today was good.

No-S was fine. I had a gyro and a smoothie for lunch, and 5 slices of homemade pizza for dinner. No funny stuff.

I did a full shovelglove routine, with the 10 pounder, choking up a bit further. My hands are still quite sore.

Got through 5 squats and I had to stop. My hamstrings aren't too happy, not quite sure why. Probably just lingering fallout from the work I did this week.

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DAY 68

Post by JWL » Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:01 pm

Today is good. It's only about half-over, but I'm confident enough that I can post now. :-)

For lunch I had a plate of pasta bake, 2 savory scones my wife made, and some cheese slices. For dinner (I'm working today) they are providing pizza for us. So not a great day nutritionally (need more veggies and fruit) but it'll be OK quantity-wise and No-S wise.

Did a full shovelglove routine with the 13-pounder; I reattached the ankle weight.

Did 36 squats.

The weekend was actually pretty good, a few treats, but my overall consumption is right there with a NoS day (a bit more).

My attitude is quite good; I've absorbed the successes I've had, and rather than get complacent I've reaffirmed the Big Choice(tm) that this is a longterm plan. Stick to it, and I will continue to get healthier.

Feeling good! Ever onward......

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DAY 69

Post by JWL » Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:06 pm

Yesterday was good. No funny stuff. Leftover pizza for lunch, a yummy tempeh-broccoli stirfry with basmati rice and a hawaiian teriyaki sauce for dinner.

Did a full regimen of shugging, and 36 squats. My energy is returning; I feel better than I have in a while. Also, my hands are finally healing; playing guitar last night for Freakwitchery was less painful than it had been in a while. :-)

So far, today is good (except for fighting with a new Linux installation on my laptop...grrrr). I'll post more about today later when the day is over.

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DAY 70

Post by JWL » Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:16 am

Today was moderately poor. Heh heh. At least from a No-S/Shugg perspective. I totally skipped shovelglove and squats.

I did have 2 meals, though the 2nd one involved virtual plating and eating after 9pm. So, yeah.

Though I did manage to get my laptop back up and running, with a shiny new install of Ubuntu Linux. That's cool. Man, Linux has come a long way. This is really, really cool!

All for now. I could shugg now, but it's nearly 1:30am. Don't think so. Tomorrow is another day.

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Post by Tonsha » Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:01 am

Hey Freakwitch!

I just caught up on your Daily Check In and wanted to say "Well Done!" along with everybody else. It sounds like you're making fantastic progress and seeing the benefits too.

(I'm just impressed that I've pulled in a belt notch after 2 weeks...)

And congrats on getting Ubuntu installed on your laptop too! Linux is just fantastic! I use MEPIS on the main machine at home, and 'play' with other distros on the spare PCs (Puppy, Vector & BLAG are the current ones, but I'll be trying ELIVE again very soon).

Keep going!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:32 pm

Congratulations on your continued progress, Freakwitch. No-s wise, your "poor" doesn't sound all that bad... and in any case, it's anomalous.

I'd treat the squats like any other shovelglove exercise: instead of getting caught up with a constantly increasing rep count, stick a more moderate, sustainable number in there. Reevaluate if desired after a few weeks. It sounds like you may have hit this with 36, but it still sounds kind of high to me. Rep count is so good for the ego, but days on habit is better.

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Post by JWL » Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:20 pm

Thanks for the replies, all. I agree with your assessment, Reinhard; that's why I decided to stop pushing myself relentlessly and settle on a manageable number, that's the 36. Still somewhat challenging, but my legs don't feel slaughtered when I'm done. At least not so far. I think I will be able to sustain it; yesterday was (as you say) an anomaly given to this Geekwitch Freakwitch.

And I agree Tonsha, Linux does rule! When I first starting using it 6 years ago, it was a hobbyist thing, with some ethical weight behind it (you should use this because it's Free) but now I say, you should use it because it utterly smokes anything I've ever experienced in Windows, in addition to being Free! Ubuntu is quite good with KDE. I'm very excited about this. The Linux desktop experience just keeps getting better and better every time I install a new version.

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Post by navin » Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:32 pm

The Linux desktop experience just keeps getting better and better every time I install a new version.
Linux is great... we use it at work all the time. One of these days I may go back to using Linux at home, maybe when they come out with a Linux version of Snood. :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:50 pm

Richard likes Snood! LOL...

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Post by JWL » Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:13 am

I bet you could get it running with Wine....

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Post by navin » Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:34 am

I've wondered that... and had mixed results with Wine in the past. It's no doubt gotten better though.
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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DAY 71

Post by JWL » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:31 am

I'll call today good.

Stuck to No-S with a bit of funny stuff: meal #1 was a bit smaller than normal; and meal #2 was a bit larger. I suppose that balances out, so no harm done.

Did a slo-mo shovelglove routine, as it was late (around 10pm) and I was tired. I did it for 14 minutes though. I just skipped chop the tree at the end as time was up.

Skipped the squats.

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Post by hlidskjalf » Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:56 am

I hear Snood plays under Cedega.

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picture from today

Post by JWL » Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:31 pm

Today my family and I went on a walk on Mackworth island, just off the coast of Portland. My wife snapped this photo (hopefully I look less like evil biker bouncer dude...heh):


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:41 am

James!!!! You look wonderful!!!!!!
And believe me, I notice a huge difference in you since your vacation photos from England.. Yes you are wearing different clothes.. blah blah, the distance is different, blah blah blah!!
But I can see a fantasic change!!!
You look adorable and very healthy!!!!
And not a trace of grimness anywhere around... Hee...
Way to go baby!!!!!!! :D

ps. your daughter and doggie look pretty cute too!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:45 am

Yeah, just checked your original photo..
You look like you dropped about 40 lbs!
I am totally happy for you :D :D :D
Major inspiration there dude!!!!!
Keep it up!

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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:53 am

James, you look great!!! You must be the most cuddly biker bouncer dude ever. And what a little cutie ya got up there on your shoulders!
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DAY 72

Post by JWL » Sat Sep 10, 2005 6:54 am

Thanks for the love, everyone!

Yeah, my daughter is a cutie. I've been carrying her like that since she could hold her head up. We didn't use a stroller much; rather we had a really nice child-carrier backback that I'd urban ranger all over Portland with her. It was great, since she got to experience urban rangering from the time she was born, and continues to this day. Before too long she'd walk for some of it, and when she got tired I'd put her in the backpack. When she outgrew the backpack, she could walk for a good while but when she got tired I'd just put her up on my shoulders as in the photo. This exercise (urban ranger with kid) was responsible for my first round of weight loss several years back.

And Reinhard, your little one is a year old now, so I highly recommend getting one for an experienced urban ranger such as yourself. I expect your kid would love it, and it gets them used to safe urban rangering habits (ie, crossing the street, avoiding death by bus impact, etc). Now, my daughter is 8 and I just don't even worry about her walking through the city.

Anyway, today cannot be called a success. In actuality, I will probably count it as an S day, and substitute one of the days this weekend. I had a yummy vanilla milkshake today. My wife made a spinach and garlic quiche for breakfast. And for dinner I had leftover pasta. After dinner, my wife made some oatmeal choc chip cookies, of which I partook 2. I skipped shovelglove and squats, but we went on a 90 minute walk today.

I'm thinking of cutting back a bit on the exercise department, not in time but in weight/reps. Specifically, 25 squats and the 10 pound sledgehammer. Ride that for a while until I feel like changing it again. I'm also thinking about 3 meals per day again. Going into winter, I may need the extra fuel. Gonna ruminate about this some more.

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Post by cvmom » Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:57 am

Hi Freakster.

I have to wonder if hiking with an 8 year old on your shoulders qualifies for a substitue shoveglove session? :lol:

Darling photo. You do look a lot thinner.

Carry on....


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DAY 75

Post by JWL » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:08 am

Today was a success on many levels. I was due for a day like this.

Did a full shovelglove routine (at a somewhat higher tempo) with the 13 pounder. I also did 25 squats. I've been slacking on squats lately. I think it's because I shot well past my comfort zone in terms of squats. I realized I'd been doing several sets of squats, the first one around 20 or 25, the next one 10 or 15, and the next 5, and the next 3, and so on. So, what if I just cruise on one set per day, with the most I can regularly do in one set?

So, my goal this week is to do 25 squats and shovelglove each day through Friday. And I want to adhere to No-S this week. No funny stuff. Then on Sat and Sun, I can relax a bit. I realize these goals are high: shoot high. But I know for sure that if I stray too far from the letter of the No-S law (elegantly simple as it is, sharper than Occam's Razor, capable of cleanly slicing its way through any of my increasingly desperate rationalizations) then I'm probably not functioning at maximal health.

Today, No-S was a success quantity-wise. Shaky nutritionally. I had a plateful of leftover pasta bake at noon. And at 8pm, dinner was at a good friend's birthday party: spaghetti and salad. Ah well. Fresh greens were good. I need to eat more fruit, I think. I miss smoothies....

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DAY 76

Post by JWL » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:56 am

Today was a success.

Did a full shovelglove routine.

Did 25 squats.

I also experimented with 'hindu pushups' from the Matt Furey program. The opening position of the pushup is the downward dog pose, and since I have no experience with yoga at all, I tried downward dog today. It was fun. I sortakinda did a hindu pushup just to experiment, but it's clear that I need practice holding downward dog correctly before I can really do the hindu pushups effectively. My wife, and one of my best friends, are both experienced yoga practitioners, so I'm gonna work more on that pose.

No funny stuff with No-S. I had a bowl of leftover homemade lentil soup with some homemade bread with butter for lunch. Dinner was "scrambled tofu" with broccoli, green peppers, onions, garlic, corn, and salsa over basmati rice on a bed of fresh spinach. Yummy!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:15 am

I want you to become my cook James!!!
That sounds wonderful!
Good luck with downward dog...
I bet you would love Yoga..
Why not try out a class with your friend?
ps.. Hope all is going smoothly for your little cutie in school.. It's nice to have that structure back again here in our home.. Are you and your wife enjoying the rest between 9-3? LOL...
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:32 am

Hi Deb,

Next time you're in Maine, let me know. I'll feed you a yummy meal. I love cooking for people.

I know what you mean about the shift we feel at back to school time. Going back to school at the end of August pounds that new rhythm into us very effectively. We have attuned this sensation with the fall; the air cools off, the humidity lifts, the skies get bluer, the night skies are much clearer and vivid (mmm, stars....). This is my favorite time of year.

We homeschool, so my solitude comes mostly at night, around this time. We don't really delineate "summer vacation" in quite the same way; we certainly aren't going to to tell her, "no, don't work on that, it's summer." As long as she gets enough time outside, she can pretty much do what she wants. She loves to read. She's so excited, she just finished her first "chapter book." She read PolyAnna to herself. Yay for her!

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Post by Blondie » Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:09 am

Hey Freaky,
Sorry to be so late checking in--just wanted to say that I also LOVE this pic of you and your little cutie. You look GREAT--much slimmer and not scary at all! And keep up the great work!


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Erm... correction.

Post by Lisa Marie » Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:32 am

Hey, Freakwitch -

Pollyanna wasn't her FIRST chapter book. She's been reading chapter books for about 8 months now. The reason that she was so psyched about THIS chapter book was because it was so freakin' huge: 297 pages, I think!

Just to clarify - and because I'm mired in Proud Mom Syndrome.

Signed, Mo's mom and FW's wife... Lisa Marie

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Post by Lisa Marie » Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:33 am

Love the misspelling of "Pollyanna" in your post: "Polyanna"! Lots of hidden meaning there! LOL!

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Post by MerryKat » Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:12 pm

Hey Freakwitch

I love the photo of you with your little angel - she is gorgeous and you look so hail, hearty and healthy. I was not around when you posted your last photos, but you look really good now. Enjoy being healthy and with all your exercise.

To Lisa Marie - you have every reason to be "mired in Proud Mom Syndrome" - reading now a days is a huge achievement, so many kids won't and don't read voluntarily.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:49 pm

Hey James, I second that "Yay for her" mention...
I think it's very nice how proud you are of her recent accomplishment...
Good for you for being the caring Dad you are...
My sons Dad almost never calls and never writes, unless it's to bitch to me about how he doesn't know how he can pay his child support to me.. He doesn't show a lick of interest in talking to Richard or asking how he is...His loss!!! A total narcissist, and too mired in his own problems to be concerned with other's lives... In nine years, he has never once asked "What's Richard doing in school?" or "Does Richard have friends?", "Read books" or anything...
Hey Lisa Marie, I guess your post was a little jibe between you and your hubby, for fun, but don't forget that you are lucky...
Be very thankful for the fact that you have a caring life partner and your Daughter is getting love from two great parents...
Keep being proud of your little daughter (and your big guy!) and enjoy proud Mom syndrome!!!...
I commend you both for home schooling your daughter! If you want something done right..... :wink:
It must be quite challenging!
Peace and Love,
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DAY 77

Post by JWL » Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:11 am

Today was another success. No funny stuff at all.

Did a full shovelglove routine. 25 squats. And downard dog felt much better, I didn't have anyone watching me, but it felt like my back was straighter and that my body was at least closer to the V shape. It's fun.

No-S: I had leftovers from last night for lunch, and dinner was a good mixed beans, spinach, guacamole, tomatoes, cheese, jerk salsa burrito and some chips and salsa from Granny's Burritos here in Portland.... my beautiful wife and I had a date tonight! :-)

I'm feeling good again. Gee, do you think there is a correlation between avoiding funny stuff and feeling good? Duhhhh..... ;-)

Addendum: I forgot to write that on our date we took a good walk, from our house on Munjoy Hill down to the Old Port in Portland and back, with a return trip around the Commercial St./Eastern Prom walkways that circle around the Peninsula of Portland, and then up the hill back to our place.
Last edited by JWL on Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by JWL » Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:12 am

I think we just had different ideas about what constitutes "chapter book." Though the definition in my head was less accurate, in that yes she has read books with chapters before. But this was by far the biggest book she's read yet on her own. Just careless language on my part, nothing more.

Usually I like for my words to have, as Rob Brezsny would say, "sonorous precision." :-)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:28 am

Your Wife is lucky! How wonderful to have a husband who never forgets to appreciate her!
I went to practice Yoga today, and as soon as we got into Downward dog I thought "Hey Freakwitch this downward dogs for you!" LOL...
Glad it's fun..
Peace, Love and Granny's Burritos!
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DAY 78

Post by JWL » Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:58 am

Today was a success. As big a success as I've had in a while, in that I overcame some serious slug-inertia to create a success day for myself.

It started with me being short on sleep. I couldn't get to sleep last night until after 3am. And at 7am, I was wide awake. And man, was I hungry.

So at 9am, I'd made a huge meal of pasta with sauteed veggies, pesto, and tomato sauce with mozzarella cheese. My daughter was quite surprised to eat a meal like this so early, but there it is. I did some virtual plating (2 bowls full rather than 1 plateful), borderline funny stuff, but I'll call it square in retrospect.

Dinner was some of my homemade seitan loaf, mashed potatoes, vegan gravy, and a salad. Yummy.

I was dragging all day, no doubt as a result of the lack of sleep. After the first meal, I did manage to nap off and on while my daughter watched a movie and played with the "learn to type" Linux program on my laptop.

Anyway, I didn't get a chance to exercise until about 9pm. I started by saying to myself, "self, I'll just do the shovelglove and skip the squats." I finished the first 2 moves with the 13 pounder (Driving Spikes and Churning Butter) and had to switch to the 8 pounder. No energy at all. But I finished the shovelglove routine and then said, "what the heck, the squats will only take 3 minutes." So I cranked out 25 squats.

I've decided what to do about the squats. I'm good at reading my body when I'm pushing it. In other words, when I need to end a set, I know that I need to. I've been able to make it straight through 25 squats each day with no difficulty whatsoever. So this is clearly a sustainable baseline, that may be not quite difficult enough.

I think I'll finish out this week at 25, but beginning next week I'll just do squats, M-F, as many as I can do in one set. Let my body set the number on a daily basis. Just go until I'm done with the set. Ride that groove for a while.

I'm also considering a series of exercises that work on the core.... more yoga-ish and martial arts exercises in the Matt Furey realm (though he hardly originated them; these exercises are thousands of years old).

Also, one "little choice" victory today: after dinner my wife and daughter went to the local ice cream/yogurt stand. I declined! Whee! This is a huge achievement for me, and took quite a bit of focus, to the extent that I think I weirded out my daughter by being almost surly when she asked me if I was coming and I barked, "No!" :-) Surliness aside, this is huge, and more than counteracts the borderline funny stuff with pasta this morning.

So all in all, today was a success!

One other observation: I wonder if my sluggishness today is related to eating such a huge, carb-heavy meal so early in the morning? Hard to tell, though there are compounded causes (that and lack of sleep both contributed, most likely).

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:46 am

Hey James!
You are getting sleepy,,sleeeeeeeepyyyyyy.....sleeeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeee

I'm hitting the hay!
Turn in soon man, the body needs sleep to thrive!
8) Deb

ps.. Great Job not eating that frozen yogurt! The weekend is real soon!
You can enjoy it then...
Yay you!!!!

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Post by JWL » Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:00 am

Hi Deb,

Well I had a lovely evening with my wife, and after she was sound asleep I decided on a whim to go dancing with friends. I was reminded how much I am generally not compelled to dance with prerecorded music. Ah well.

Anyway, it's late. Now I'm really tired. Sleep... Good....

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Post by MerryKat » Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:55 am


Well done on your "little choice" in resisting the temptation of ice cream / yoghurt.

I hope the sleep aspect is improving.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
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DAY 79

Post by JWL » Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:18 pm

Well, it's still early but I'll post anyhoo.

Today was a success.

Did shovelglove, a full regimen with the 13-pounder.

Did 25 squats.

For breakfast, leftover seitan, mashed potatoes and gravy. For dinner, homemade pizza and a salad.

No funny stuff.

This means, I made it through the entire week with no funny stuff. Yay me!

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DAY 80

Post by JWL » Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:24 pm

Today is an S-day, and I normally don't post on these days.

But I just wanted to say that I really, really enjoyed the pint of Ben and Jerry's I ate earlier. Man, did I earn this one..... :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:29 pm

Good for you!
What??? No frozen yogurt from your favorite yogurt joint?
Enjoy the rest of the weekend James!
8) Deb

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DAY 81

Post by JWL » Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:33 pm

Yesterday was an S day, it was pretty good. Had 2 solid meals, but I did indulge in a few snacks at work.

Didn't do much exercise at all this weekend. It was good to rest.

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DAY 82

Post by JWL » Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:10 am

Today was borderline. Could have been a lot worse, but certainly could have been better.

I did No-S reasonably well. had a smoothie for meal #1, and meal #2 was lentil soup with a slice of homemade bread. I had a cherry coke with dinner, so that's some funny stuff. But, I managed to avoid the other temptations of the vending machine at work. I'm going to pick up an extra shift every week for the near future, so I'll have to sharpen my resistance skills in the normally-N-day environment at work when I'm there during the week.

I did a freestyle shovelglove today. Actually, it was more a slow motion session with the 8 pounder. I did this because it was late, after midnight when I did it. On days when I work, I need to get into the habit of shugging before I go in.

I did not do any squats today, nor did I do any of the other exercises I've been reading about that I want to start doing.

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DAY 83

Post by JWL » Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:13 am

I'll call today good.

There was some funny stuff in No-S. Nothing major, which is why I'm still calling today good. Well, one reason why anyway. I did some virtual plating tonight at dinner. I made the best batch of seitan yet, starting with homemade BBQ sauce. I started with a finely diced onion and minced garlic sauteeing in olive oil. I added tomato paste, blackstrap molasses, maple syrup, white vinegar, mustard powder, and some veggie bouillon dissolved in cooking wine. Mmmm, BBQ sauce....

Anyway, I made the seitan the usual way, rubbing a coat of bbq sauce into the loaf and then baking it with more sauce dissolved in the cooking liquid (along with lots of water, EVOO, and some bragg's). Mmmmm.

So I had the best seitan I've ever had with homemade french fries and a salad. The fries were ready in 2 batches and I had the salad later. So all told I probably ate more than a plateful of food. It was a huge meal.

I had another smoothie for my first meal.

Exercise was quite good today. After using the 8 pounder yesterday, moving slowly, hyperfocusing on perfect form, today I did a normal routine with the 13-pound sledgehammer.

I did 7 new core strength exercises that felt very good and intriguing to do. It took about 15 minutes to try them all. I want to add these exercises to my groove, that way shovelglove will get upper body, squats will get lower body, and these will get the core/back/abs (though shovelglove def gets these as well).

Today my set of squats was 34.

So, I'll say that the funny stuff at dinner and the 15 minutes of additional exercise today cancelled one another out, leaving me with a good day.

It was capped off by a wonderful exchange of reiki, massage, and energy tonight with a dear friend of mine. This was long overdue and helped me assimilate the new exercise energy really well, along with grounding some other overlingering energy that had worn out its welcome. Letting go is good!

So yeah, I feel very good tonight. Good exercise, great food, and yummy energy work. :D

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Post by cvmom » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:55 pm

Hi Freakwitch.

How long and at what temp to you bake the Seitan? That sound like something I'd like to try.


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Post by JWL » Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:04 pm

Hi Dru,

I bake the seitan at 375 for about an hour. The first half hour, the pan is covered so that the liquid stays inside; the 2nd half hour I remove the foil and then just cook it until the liquid is gone.

It took me several tries to get the hang of seitan. The first time I tried it, it was almost slimy and rubbery. Not good. But I've gradually gotten better at it. You have to get the consistency of the dough right (ie, right proportion of vital wheat gluten, nutritional yeast, water, and flavorings).

I suppose if there is enough interest I could post my recipe here....

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DAY 84

Post by JWL » Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:30 am

Today was a success.

I had some leftover seitan for my first meal, and homemade pizza for dinner. No funny stuff.

Did a full shovelglove complement.

Did 36 squats, all in one set. This is awesome; back when I was doing 36 I'd have to stop several times. Today I cranked them all out in a row.

So today means I've made the 21x4 club. Whee!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:15 am

Whee indeed! :wink:
21x4 club?
I guess your habits are four times as strong now, as they were before!
Congrats on your squattage James!!!
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:33 pm

21 X 4!!!!

Yeah for You James :!: :!:

I am gonna try your recipe. I usually make Seitan Fajitas but that sounds much better.

Have a good day.


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Post by JWL » Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:13 pm

Hi Dru,

Yeah the key is to find Vital Wheat Gluten from which you can make seitan. My homemade seitan recipe actually comes from The Nutritional Yeast Cookbook, though I've slightly modified my recipe.

It's amazing how much cheaper, and better, homemade seitan is compared to the store-bought, $3.99/half pound "chicken substitute" you get at the health food stores.... heh heh heh

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DAY 85

Post by JWL » Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:25 pm

Today was a success.

No-S wise, I had some diced leftover bbq seitan mixed in with some pasta and cheddar cheese. This itself was a small victory, as I made a fraction of the amount of pasta I normally do. I was the only one eating it and didn't want to make too much, which in past experience would tempt me into overindulgence. So I just made about a cup of pasta in our smallest sauce pan. It was an interesting if somewhat counterintuitive combination, and very tasty.

Dinner was burritos, with cheddar, rice, pinto beans/onions/garlic/peppers/salsa, fresh tomatoes, and fresh spinach. I filled my plate with 2 burritos, and am completely stuffed at the moment.

Also, I modified my exercise routine. In the past I'd do the shovelglove and then the squats. But I wanted to finish out with shovelglove, doing other activities to "warm up."

So I did my new core routine as a warm up, which was quite nice. It was good to skip this yesterday, to get my body used to these movements. But it felt even better to do today.

Then, I did my set of squats. Today it was 30 squats. By the end I was (as always) out of breath, so I wanted to jump right into shovelglove, allowing my body to catch its breath while still working ... taking advantage of all the "wind sprint" benefits.

After this routine, I was utterly dripping with sweat, and it felt very very good and healthy. The hot shower afterwards felt even better, not to mention the tasty dinner waiting for me at the end. :wink:

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Post by JWL » Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:31 pm

I just had another observation I wanted to record here for posterity.

I was up late again last night, and on around 2am I was quite hungry, ready to eat, listening to all the yummy leftovers beckoning to me in the refrigerator. I managed to resist (it's pretty easy to do these days, at least compared to my pre-No-S existence), reminding myself that I'd be able to eat when I woke in the morning.

Well, I woke this morning and I wasn't hungry at all. Still am not hungry.


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DAY 86

Post by JWL » Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:18 am

Today was an S-day.

I did this on purpose. I've decided to make Fridays and Saturdays my S days. The main reason is that Friday is the day that my wife and I are both off from work. So traditionally, Friday is "family day." It seems to make sense to make this an S day, since we traditionally do stuff together, eat yummy food, and often go for ice cream.

So we did today. I also made homemade lasagna for dinner that turned out quite nicely. For breakfast, I had an egg/salsa/spinach/cheese wrap. I also had a slice of pizza at band practice.

Exercise, I took a small hike around Falmouth Nature Preserve in Southern Maine with my family. It was fun.

This means that Sundays need to become N days. I'm choosing this also to get me used to following No-S while working.

So yes, this is a major modification of my routine, but I think it makes sense for me. I just need to stay on top of the transition.

I've come a long way, and have strong habits. But I am mindful that I am only in "during," which is where I will remain. But my body is changing rapidly. I want to stay on top of this plan until my body stabilizes at a comfortable, healthy weight. This will certainly take many more months, or perhaps it will be measured in years. I did, after all, have more than 100 pounds to lose.

Making this shift, I hope, will make my plan even more sustainable.

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Post by cvmom » Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:15 pm

Great James.

I'll be curious to know how it goes. (It certainly makes sense if Friday is a family day!!)

You are doing excellent and I know you're in it for the long haul.

Have a great day!


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Post by JWL » Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:28 pm

another observation: my pants fell down again today! :D

Time for yet another new belt notch.....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:08 pm

Hey Freakwitch!
Wish I was able to be there for that! LOL.... :P

I am so happy for you James! :D
That is the best feeling (as long as it's not in the middle of a large crowd of people! LOL....)

Enjoy your happy feeling~
Peace and Love and Loose clothing!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by JWL » Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:52 am

It was weird. I was walking home tonight, on a slightly longer route (about 30 minutes). It makes the uphill climb longer, but more gradual. A different kind of endurance.

It also happens to have 2 convenience stores on the way home, each of whom have a well-stocked freezer of benandjerrys. Not forzen yogurt, but ice cream only. All my favorite flavors, only a bazillion dollars a gallon (Ben & Jerry's is an order of magnitude more expensive even than gasoline!)

Anyway, tonight I walked in to both stores, looked at the ice cream, smiled at it, turned around, and came home, empty-handed.

I had ice cream yesterday. Don't need it 2 days in row. Even if it is the last few hours of my S day for the week....

But if they'd had frozen yogurt, I'd have gotten it...

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Your doing so well!!!!!!!!!

Post by lynne2005 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:14 pm

I wish my pants would fall down!!!!!! I wouldnt even mind if it was in a crowded place lol.

Keep up the good work and i love the bit about you smiling at the ben and jerrys in the freezer! Hope your not near the hurricane belt.

Take care,

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Post by JWL » Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:26 pm

Hi Deb and Lynne,

Hee! Maybe we can start selling tickets.... COME SEE FREAKWITCH'S PANTS FALL DOWN! heh heh heh

No, they didn't fall down to the extent that I was flashing exposed skin. Usually when I flash exposed skin, it's intentional... :twisted:

But each time I cut a new notch in my belt, I feel awesome, it helps that today is the first fall-like day we've had, cool and crisp here in southern Maine...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:31 pm

Yes sell tickets...
Lynne could be the opening act!

ps.. Lynne.. Maine is as north as you can get on the East Coast of the US, before you hit Canada... The Hurricanes are all down near the Gulf of Mexico, so Freakwitch is, thankfully, safe from that! And from Ben and Jerry's!

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Post by JWL » Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:37 pm

Then I would truly be a sideshow Freak(witch).....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:16 pm

You'd be the Freaky show headliner dude!
8) Deb

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DAY 87, 88

Post by JWL » Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:05 am

OK, so a report on the first weekend of my modified No-S.

Yesterday I did pretty well. I wrote about the ice cream avoidance above. I did have some sodas on sat at work, which are utterly gratuitous. Must start drinking tea again, going in to winter I'll enjoy hot beverages again.

Today was good. I took leftover lasagna to work for my first meal. My 2nd meal was a 12" subway club with all the veggies. Nothing out of the vending machines, no soda. Drank a lot of coffee and a lot of water. Success!

I also got nearly 3 hours of walking in the past 3 days total. Today I walked up the steep and short part of the hill, and it just didn't feel right. I had long pants on (normally been walking in shorts). Maybe that was it.

I didn't do shovelglove or squats at all this weekend. It's just not feasible for me on days when I work a 12-hour shift. As such, next weekend here's the plan:

My S-days will be Friday and Sat in terms of diet. However, I will continue my exercise routine as being M-F, resting on Sat and Sun, the days I work.

Put another way, put my exercise plan back to the way it was, and keep the diet where I just moved it.

Still feeling good. The belt notch I cut almost seems too loose. I cut it a bit shorter than I had been, maybe just under an inch. I'll probably compensate on the next notch, make it a bit over an inch to compensate.
Ever onward!

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Post by carolejo » Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:24 am

On the avoidance issue - My husband thinks I'm crazy, cos I actually *like* walking down the cake and sweets aisle in the supermarket, knowing full well that I'm not allowed to buy anything there. Somehow I derive an amazing amount of satisfaction from just walking past it all. It's partly because I know it's there if I really 'need' it, and partly that sense of smug self-satisfaction you get from resisting it all! When there are cakes in the office, instead of trying to ignore them, I go up and SMELL them. It's like saying "there are cakes there. I know they are there. They smell really nice. They don't bother me though, cos I can think of something else I'd rather eat than these cakes, and I'll eat that this weekend instead". Most of my colleagues view this with much amusement! Some of them have rechristened NoS as 'Carole's wierd cake-smelling diet' :lol:

So far the only thing that really got me was last week when one of my workmates bought in a packet of perfect jam doughnuts.... still, nobody's perfect!


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Post by cvmom » Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:50 pm


I agree with you that the B & J's ice cream isn't something I want 2 days in a row. It is delicious but very rich. I can almost feel the cream going into my bloodstream. Yuck.

Have a good No S week.


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DAY 89

Post by JWL » Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:06 am

I'll call today good, with a wildcard used in the hand.

It could have been an S- day, but I stuck to the N-diet. I had 2 egg and cheese sandwiches for lunch, and dinner was a potluck with some virtual plating of chili, pea soup, and bread. The only bowls left at the feast were small kids bowls, so I had 2 bowls of chili and a bowl of pea soup, with several chunks of bread. I avoided the yummy looking pie.

No shovelglove or squats, but I got to haul logs from the forest and chop them up with my axe today. I probably worked on that for about an hour. So that's the "useful work overrides shovelglove commitment" wildcard. We had a fall equinox bonfire tonight, and we needed wood for it. I was happy to oblige.

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stokin !!!

Post by lynne2005 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:07 am

Hiya Le Freak,

Ive been quiet because ive been reading everybodys logs, its taking a long time to go right the way back but its really interesting.

Keep stokin and smokin !!!!!!!


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DAY 90

Post by JWL » Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:59 am

Well, I'm three months in. Time flies.

Today was probably not a success, though it wasn't dreadful. Yesterday's hauling and chopping left my hands sore. The same ones that were injured a few weeks ago. That injury healed, they weren't hurting any more, but they still don't have all their strength back. So I don't think it will linger, but those same muscles are tweaked. I wanted to rest those muscles, so I skipped shovelglove today.

In an interesting correlation, I've had quite a bit of emotional energy flow through the past few days. And I've managed to more or less stay on track.

I had my 2 meals today, with no funny stuff, except that the 2nd meal was after 9pm. I didn't eat my first meal today until about 4:30, and at 10 I was really hungry so I bent the 9pm rule. You gotta know the rules before you break them; I instituted that rule to eliminate bingeing. And today definitely wasn't a binge. It just happened that my 2nd, No-S-compliant meal was later.

I did get a good walk in today, it was about 45 minutes of equal part meander and equal part strenuous striding up the hill.

No worries. I'll likely get back to shovelglove tomorrow. And I'll continue with NoS. I also want to do more of the core exercises again (those still aren't habit), along with possibly breath of joy (I miss that one).

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Strange Sleep Habits

Post by lynne2005 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:08 pm

Hiya LeFreak,

Ive got a similar problem, Im going to do a post about it in my daily post today. Well done overcoming it ! xxxxxxxxxxx

Love to you and yours,

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DAY 91

Post by JWL » Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:35 am

Today was a success, with some funny stuff.

I worked today, and as I've written I've struggled to come up with a "work-safe" No-S/exercise routine. But I managed to do pretty well today.

Before I went in to work, I did a full exercise routine with the core warmups, 33 squats, and shovelglove. I'm glad I got to this before hand.

My first meal was eaten at 4:20 today, it was a 12" subway club with all the veggies. I got home from work at 10:45 today, and was still ravenously hungry. I thought about picking something up on the way home, but decided to save some money and make an omelette instead. So I did.

So yeah, the funny stuff was eating after 9pm. Which isn't really funny stuff in a strict no-s sense; it's my own rule that was imposed to control binge eating. And like yesterday, there was no bingeing, just my 2nd meal was later in the day.

As a result, I'll call today good!

I want to rethink the 9pm rule, as I don't even want to binge anymore at all. Even on S days, I haven't had a binge in a long time. So I'm not sure how to think about this rule. Should I keep it in place, knowing that there will be times like the past 2 days where I'll break it? If so, what's the point of the rule? Or, should I think of it as a guideline? Or should I just drop it altogether, and stick to the strict No-S guidelines, modified for my 2-meal-per-day habit that is well formed by now? In other words, with my No-S habits being reasonably strong by now, do I still need this rule?

Anyone have any insights or suggestions to share on this issue? I feel like I'm doing OK with this, but I'm not sure whether this rule has served its purpose, and is no longer needed.

Reinhard, do you have any advice on this (or indeed anyone else)?

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Post by carolejo » Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:30 am

personally, I'd leave it as a guideline. Keep posting it as 'almost funny stuff' so you can track how your behaviour changes over time. If it creeps up and up and you're eating more and more after 9pm, consider re-instating it properly, but if it tails off consider dropping it (after about another 6 weeks or so of monitoring).

Just my take on it, anyway.

Sounds like you're doing really well though, Freakwitch. Good job!


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Re: no eating after 9 rule

Post by Lisa Marie » Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:55 am

I'd keep it as a rule for a while longer. The reason I'm saying this is because you are still in a phase of reprogramming. Granted, the binge thing hasn't been an issue for a long, long time, but the mentality is still taking shape. The time to let it go is when you no longer feel the need to post to this blog, when you no longer think of food in terms of snacks or sweets - and just intuitively know what's right and not right for your body.

There are so many tiny adjustments you're making on so many levels; just let yourself BE with this no-food-past-9 thing for a while. You know it works. And the few times when circumstances make it such that you have to eat a little later, don't make it a big deal. Just allow that exception.

There's no need to re-evaluate what you're doing. You know the things that work for you. Let them work. It's the Old Self questioning whether you should keep doing it or not.

My two cents... Lisa Marie (FW's wife)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:33 pm

Yo James!
I think you are very smart to impose this rule since you had big problems with it in the past...
If by getting rid of the rule, it means you will start eating, regularly in the wee hours of the night, and start creeping back into bad old habits, then I'd say... Hmmmmm.... Well, the rule is your friend....
However, maybe you can think of your rule in terms of having become more or less habituated, and you don't need to "think" of it as much...
I don't know... Even after a year now, I have horrible problems with the deeply ingrained bad habits I have lived with for so many years...
Case in point:
Last night...
Chinese leftovers=midnight "numbing agent" aka, midnight snack... :evil: :!: :roll:
As a result, I feel rather crappy today, and had pretty messed up nightmares from the food in my stomach last night...
I was pretty much set up though (by me!) because I didn't have enough food during the day and I guess, I was "making up" for it, with a vengance, later...

Late night meals are my absolute worst "bad habit", and it seems I keep falling into it, no matter how much I hate the feeling the next day, emotionally, and physically... Oh damn Chinese... why does it have to taste so good cold!!! I'd probably eat it frozen, if I had to... :P
Meanwhile, as annoying as it is, 80% success at all the other times, makes me not be so freaked out by this... And I only have Chinese about 2 times a month, if that much, whereas it used to be two or three times a week... so big picture... I'm doing pretty well...
I'd probably be smart to institute a rule myself! I can't say I've had much success in this one area, and maybe it's cause I didn't really try? I don't know... LOL...

In your case yesterday, you were really hungry and you just waited way too long to eat your dinner.... You weren't really bingeing...
If anything, I'd say, really just strive to have your dinner at an earlier time...
I'd say, you really should just follow your own inquiries to their own answer...

Find a quiet moment to introspect.. Get calm and then, when you are calm, pose the question you have to yourself again...
It might take a while to get the "static" out of the picture, but hey, you really know the answer...
Does eliminating rules make you more "Normal" or "Better"?
If you feel you need that rule to be kind to yourself, with a bit of tough love, then keep on imposing it... But I agree with Lisa that if you goof it up once in a while, don't let it stand for anything other than a minor setback... You are going forward!!! This happens...
As sage as our loving Reinhard is, I don't think he has the final answer, though we all look to him for advice! You have the answer, and I really believe you can figure this out...

I lived for nearly my entire childhood without much discipline..
Lots of nagging, but not really discipline... I didn't form good "Self care" habits as a result... I resisted everything, because I just never felt empowered enough to deal with life...
My room was a mess all the time, my schoolwork was always late, what else, well, I think food got pretty tied up in that mentality of "Fu*$ everything" as well...
Honestly.. These last five years, or so, have been the first attempts I've made in creating a better life for myself... And, especially, since my son was born, I have a lot of respect for well applied rules, when they help one in this goal.... I think the clearer the discipline, the easier it is to take care of ourselves...

Okay my lengthy ramble is now at a close!
But you asked! LOL....

Have a Freakin' great day Freakwitch!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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DAY 92

Post by JWL » Fri Sep 30, 2005 6:42 am

Today was an S day, it was my wife's birthday. :D

I had pasta with pesto and cheese for lunch. Dinner was pizza (4 slices) and ice cream and birthday cake. That's it. So it was basically a normal N-day just with the birthday stuff. No eating after 9, no other funny stuff.

I did the core exercises today, which are taking some getting used to. My sides are sore, good sore. I did 32 squats, and I did an abbreviated shovelglove routine, I only did the chop the tree move, very slowly. I wanted to work my core a bit.

Tomorrow and Saturday are also dietary S days. But I hope to exercise tomorrow.

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Post by cvmom » Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:28 pm

Tell Lisa Marie that I wish her a big

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!


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Post by reinhard » Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:54 pm

Happy Birthday, Lisa Marie! Mine's Sunday.

James, it's really your call about the 9 PM. I'd keep it because unless you're a vampire, it's not going to be a meal you're eating after 9. It's not really a modification, it's basically just a an added reminder to stick with the basic no-s rules. I don't eat after 9 either -- because my 3 meals are done by then. But since you've had specific problems with late night eating a little rule-redundancy can't hurt.

I think we're going to have to start a "pants fell down" club as well as a 21 day club. Congratulations!

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DAY 93,94,95,96

Post by JWL » Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:05 am

Friday and Saturday were both S-days. 'nuff said.

Sunday was an N-day at work. It was a challenge, but there was no funny stuff. Again, I wanted ice cream on the walk home, and this time I didn't even stop and smile at it.

Today was another work-N day. I had a tofu/cheese burrito for lunch, and a quiznos sub and cup of soup for dinner. Funny stuff: 12oz can of pepsi with dinner.

Exercise was another matter. I didn't shugg on Fri, and didn't walk much over the weekend. I've been low on the energy curve for about a week. Today I was back on track: core exercises (my sides are still sore from this, good stuff), 25 squats (low energy), and a full shovelglove.

So, back on track today...

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DAY 97

Post by JWL » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:03 am

Today was a success and a failure.

No-S: success. Though I did have a big Indian dinner tonight.

Exercise: abject failure. Skipped it utterly. And given the hour I'm not gonna do it now.

In other areas, it was a success on several levels. Got lots of Good Stuff(tm) done today. The rest of this week is very, very busy so I'm a bit concerned. I'll have to cut myself some slack, yet try to keep up with my exercise stuff.

Tomorrow I get to go see Dead Can Dance in Boston! Whee!

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Post by cvmom » Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:11 pm


I am beyond jealous that you are going to see DCD. Now I have to check out their site and see if they are coming here. I love that band. Have a great time!!!


P.S. Some weeks we just have to cut ourselves some slack.

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DAY 98, 99

Post by JWL » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:33 pm

Yesterday was a success.

I did a somewhat shortened exercise routine yesterday, because we had to drive to Boston for the Dead Can Dance show, which was wonderful.

But I managed to stick to No-S, even going out for Indian before the show (2nd night in a row for Indian food! Whee!).

Today is shaping up to be a success, I had a burrito for lunch, am about to go make pizza for dinner, and already completed a full exercise routine.

I'm again thinking about increasing the weight of my shovelglove. The 13 pounder works well, with my hands choked up on the grip. My upper body hasn't been sore from shuggage for quite some time; it may be time to crank things up a bit on the intensity-o-meter.

Another observation: I'm really starting to notice a difference in my abs from the core exercises I've been doing. The core muscles are limbering up and strengthening nicely... if it wasn't for the dozens of pounds of fat still lingering in my midsection, I'd have a nice 6-pack.... heh. As it is, I have a keg. :D

I also want to go weigh myself again.... I haven't done so in just over a month. This would give me even more evidence as to my "progress" (he said while consciously stepping around the trap connected to "progress").

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:06 pm

Hey Freakwitch!!!
So happy things are going well for you, NOS and Shuggish wise....
I bet a big guy like you can handle a 13 lb'der... I use one...
Oh, are you saying you want to upgrade to 16 or something...
I bet you could do that, but it is a big difference, so obviously, if you do...
Go easy for a while...

How's downward dog treating you these days? :wink:
Wow... Indian food is sooooo great..
Why did I have to read your post *before* eating dinner??? LOL...
Don't worry too much about the "keg"... I have one too, and though it's a bit depressing.. time and perseverence will get rid of it for us both!!!
Hang tuff!

Have a great evening..
8) Deb

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Post by JWL » Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:48 am

Yeah Deb, I'm trying to decide whether to increase the weight, and if so to what. I've been doing 13 pounds faithfully for several months. So I'm thinking I may try to go to 15 again, which I tried briefly several months back and it just wasn't sustainable. But I'm more in a groove with the 13. If it doesn't work, I can always revert.

I haven't been trying the downward dog as much. Next time I try that, I want to spread my feet a bit further apart than I had been.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:51 pm

Hey JWL...
Why not experiment with just increasing the intensity (of course after a good bit of getting warmed up first) of the workout...
You can do that by just upping your speed a tiny bit, and maybe going for a small handful of extra reps...
That should exhaust the muscle pretty well...
Check out Reinhards post today about his Birthday Present (ha that reminds me of the Hobbit... gollum...)

Anyway... Good luck and keep it up!!!
As far as Downward dog... I suggest that you try the whole "Vinyasa", which is a "flowing" series of moves.. And, of course, disregard the suggestion if you aren't into it..

1.Downward dog (flows into)
2.Plank position, which is basically a held pushup... (flows into)
3.Chaturanga...which means, knees, chest and chin lower to the ground...
(flows into)
4.Upward Dog or Cobra, back into
5.Downward dog....

repeat till you are good and warmed up....
Also, coordinate your flow with your inhale and exhale...

For these poses, you can look at www.yogajournal.com
for pictures....
Best to you and the fam!!!
Have a lovely weekend..
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by JWL » Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:53 pm

Hi Deb,

I've experimented with increasing the energy intensity of the workout, but it comes at a price. To increase intensity, you can either increase the weight or increase the tempo.

The problem with increased tempo with these exercises is that eventually you get to a point where momentum is providing much of the swing motion, as opposed to the muscles. I find it hard to maintain form at higher tempos because I'm battling inertia.

Slow with good form is, for me, always preferable.

Thanks for the yoga advice, as always. It looks familar to a Furey-esque "hindu pushup."

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:17 pm

I wonder how much Furey studied Yoga?
Yeah, if you start swinging around, crazilly, at a wild tempo, it could get ugly! LOL.. And yeah.. Controlled and smooth movement is way preferable..

8) Deb

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