Cynthia's *new and improved* Daily Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Cynthia's *new and improved* Daily Check-in

Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:54 pm

Day 1: :mrgreen:

Egg, buttered bagel, few bits yogurt, coffee with lil cream.

Salad w/ vinegar and olive oil, stuffed red pepper (w/ rice and beef), orange.

Sandwich (meat and cheese), apple, nectarine.

-Walked to and from school
-32 mins on treadmill, 6 pushups (haha)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:25 am

Rock on Cynthia!!!
You beat my pushup record by four!!!
(though I really do like doing plank pose and then "chaturanga" in Yoga, but this is mainly going *with* gravity, not against it! LOL... :lol: )

Keep it up!
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Post by navin » Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:51 am

-Walked to and from school
-32 mins on treadmill, 6 pushups (haha)
Hey, no need to laugh. That is infinitely better than had you said:
-Drove to and from school
-Hung clothes on treadmill, ate 6 ice cream pushups

Seriously though, have you done much exercise in the past? Getting started can be the hardest part.
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:07 am

Navin!!! I am laughing so loud now that it's just a good thing we live in a cottage, not an apartment building or I would worry about being evicted!
That was the funniest!!!!
:lol: Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:04 pm

Hey Deb, thanks for the encouragement!
Navin, thanks for pointing out that some exercise is better than none! My exercise is kind of periodical. In the summer I got too busy working and socializing that I didn't do any formal exercise.
Now that I am in school the walking is about 1 hour.
Last edited by Sinnie on Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Trigger point therapy....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:58 pm

Hi Cynthia! If it's a soft tissue condition like trigger points in your neck muscles or your rotator cuff muscles, or possibly entrapment of the brachial plexus, you could get a lot of pain just by being in a position where your arm is at your side... And frustratingly, these conditions don't show up on MRI's and those kind of medical tests... Doctors aren't always equipped to evaluate myofacscial dysfunction, and usually will miss those possibilities... Not to alarm you or anything, and it's certainly not possible to evaluate someone without checking in person, but I think you probably just have trigger points and tendonitis.... Trigger points are hypertonic areas in the muscle which are constantly in spasm (they are small, like the head of a pin size...) but they overwhelm the nervous system with pain signals and then they will often cause pain referral into nearby areas... Trigger points in the scalene muscles, will often cause dysfunction in the arm, sometimes misevaluated as carpal tunnel syndrome, because they affect the median nerve, which goes through the carpal tunnel too...
This can be helped with neuromuscular massage aka Trigger point therapy, one of my specialties... and gentle, consistent stretching of the tight areas keeping that nerve bundle trapped.....
Do you use comps a lot???

In the meanwhile, if it is because of TOS (thoracic outlet syndrome)
that means that your nerves to the arm, which exit from the neck, run under the clavicle and inbetween the clavicle and the first rib, under the pec minor muscles, and then enter the arm through the armpit and around the scapula in back, might be getting entrapped between that clavicle and rib... There's not a lot of space there... it's really a tight space.. So if you have having neck issues and your shoulders are "high" anyway, from postural distortions and "hunching" them up (usually people do this at the computer and when they use their shoulders as platforms for holding the phone to their ear, or a shoulder bag on one side, this will tighten that space (the thoracic outlet) and pull the ribs up high enough to trap the nerves in that space, which is now pushing up on the clavicle...

Assuming I am correct in my guess, which I may be totally off and incorrect, you can try using a bunch of pillows under your affected arm when you sleep in sidelying position... The arm has to be elevated enough to take the pull and pressure off the clavicle... When the arm is resting and hanging down the clavicle closes down on the rib... If you can elevate your arm enough with a good bolster, it might help....
Try to look into ways to stretch your pec muscles in a doorway as well...
This might help lengthen tight muscles which are probably involved in trapping those nerves too...
If you are interested further in this... Let me know. I can look stuff up for you to help you understand how to properly do this... The web has everything! :)

Wish I could see you in person...
Hope you find a good massage therapist, if possible...
Someone who understands and knows how to do effective triggerpoint work...
Good luck... Congrats on NOS so far!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Sep 09, 2005 10:06 pm

Day 2: :mrgreen:

Breakfast: 1/2 orange; small apple; 2 slices whole wheat bread with pb & lil bit jam; coffee

Lunch: salad; soup; mini pizza & few fries; orange; 2 dried apricots

Dinner: bean salad; 2 small whole wheat tortillas (w/ beans, cheese, salsa, spinach, sour cream); nectarine; chunk of whole grain bread w/ peanut butter & tiny bit jam and milk

I ate breakfast around 7:45am, lunch around 1:30pm. By my 5:30 pm workout I could only make 26 minutes before feeling very faint and I had to stop. I was very suddenly so hungry and shakey it was hard to stop eating hence the larger dinner. I am slightly overfull but still totally and completely on track!! I feel much better. Tonight I am going to see a movie and we're going for coffee first, I will just make sure to avoid the sweets :)

Deb, thank you so so much for the information. I am in a bit of a rush right now but I am going to come back and read it more thoroughly later on! thanks again!

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Post by Blue Daisy » Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:48 pm


You are doing great! You go girl!

You mentioned in your first post on your check in

"By my 5:30 pm workout I could only make 26 minutes before feeling very faint and I had to stop. I was very suddenly so hungry and shakey it was hard to stop eating hence the larger dinner."

I had a similar problem of being very weak in the late afternoon right before supper. A few of the other members reminded me to make sure I get enough protein with each meal. It has worked so far, no weak spells.
The secret to success is small, but very consistent changes.

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:45 pm

Day 3: S day! :D

I wanted to keep it to 3 meals, but with the nature of the work I did today (helped out with an event my sister was holding) it just didn't work. I don't feel as good as usual, and realize sweets make me feel yucky - even a few.

2 frozen waffles with a lil syrup; 1/2 an orange

At work:
coffee with cream; protein bar; candy and chocolate

After work:
Slice of thin crust pizza

At home:
Nachos with cheese, salsa, sour cream, homemade chili; chuck of whole grain bread with peanut butter and jam; milk

I am going out to a club tonight with friends. I most likely won't drink, but I may have one or two - we'll see. At least I will be dancing for some exercise! Although I was standing all day at work.

Blue Daisy thanks for the reminder of protein. It is very important and I have to consciously tell myself to not stray so far on "s" days because I definitely didn't eat properly and totally don't feel near as well as I usually do.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:20 pm

Day 4: S day....

Binge at 3:30am....

Lunch: waffle & syrup, bagel with butter on half, pb & j on other, small apple; crackers

Dinner: nachos and cheese; yogurt; cereal and milk; 2 waffles with syrup

Snack: sugary gum; apple

I probably ate more but can't remember. I am going to do the treadmill soon, hopefully for 1/2 an hour.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:54 pm

Yeah! You might have had more, but who knows???
You might have slipped into a food induced coma for a minute there!
Just kidding..
S days Rock!
So do Nachos! I think I'm going out with Richard to get some now! Thanks for the idea... :lol:
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:05 pm

Day 5: (yesterday-monday) FAILURE

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Hang in there

Post by MerryKat » Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:44 pm



Every failure is part of the learning curve, so learn from this one and come out fighting.

Hugs from Sunny South Africa
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:46 pm

Mo is right!!!! You can learn from yesterday and use it to make today better! Hope the rest of the week goes better for you... :wink:
We all have "less than optimal" days... the trick is to keep on going and just get back on track!

You can do it Cynthia!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:40 pm

Mo and Deb, I appreciate the encouragement tremendously. I have signed myself up to do this for 3 months. No matter how much I feel like giving up (I usually don't last doing one thing for more than a few weeks) I am going to force myself to ride it out for 3 months and then assess. Hopefully by then I will be stuck on it!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:50 pm

Hey Cynthia... In the past, when I was actually dating :shock: , before becoming a single mom, I would usually use three months as the "litmus test" period to see if I liked a guy! Then he either stayed or got dumped!
Yeah, three months can teach you a lot about anything...
Diet, jobs, guys!
Just see, you won't dump NoS... It is a bit slow though and you need to combine it with some form of regular exercise...
Reinhard walks nearly three miles a day, every day, and he SG's and he is very strict... Look how great it worked for him...
I am eagerly awaiting his new 2005 photo, which he has promised (hint hint Reinhard, people are looking for a good example here!!!)
I know he looks amazing and you won't believe what good habits, over time, can achieve! I am waiting for my friend to send me a copy of my "before" pic... I look pretty different from when I started, and I've only been doing NoS with 75% success...
But trust me, it gets better with time!
Just tweak it if you need to... It's the best thing out there.. I've had plenty of experience with really doomed diets... this isn't one of them...
Good plan, and good luck!
Peace and Love,
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Post by navin » Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:17 am

I would usually use three months as the "litmus test" period to see if I liked a guy! Then he either stayed or got dumped!
Wow, you're generous! Most women give me maybe 3 hours, max.
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:54 am

Isn't he cute? With that self-effacing humor? This is why all the girls on the board adore him.
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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:58 am

OOPS, sorry to gum up your blog, Cynthia, with my moon-eyed nonsense.

Back to the subject at hand ... failure ... ah, don't fret it too much. I decided early on I couldn't deal with the f-word so I labeled my screw-ups "non-success" or "less than satisfactory" or something wishy-washy like that. Maybe I'm a wimp, but it's workable.

I had to find some way to not throw in the towel and call it quits for the entire day just because I had a piece of chocolate at 4 in the afternoon.

I love your three-months idea. Now that's creative thinking!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:22 am

Wow, you're generous! Most women give me maybe 3 hours, max.
I'm less so now... that was during my wild and crazy days! LOL...
When you come to visit in NY I will give you three hours!
But that's it..
Indian food and some really good dessert and cappucino...

I'm not getting any clickbeetles mad!
Hee hee...
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Post by Blondie » Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:59 am

Hi Cynthia!
Sorry to be late checking in and cheering on your new and improved effort, but I just wanted to say...YAY WALKING TO AND FROM WORK! YAY PUSHUPS!

A trainer once told me that pushups are his MUST-DO exercise for women. I hope your arms don't bother you! Adding one or two per week readlly works! I've been steadily increasing the number I do--I do them 3x per week and add 1 pushup per set each week.

You're doing great--keep it up!

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Post by cvmom » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:09 am

Hi Cynthia:

I know you were thinking that you would "do" this for three months but don't beat yourself up over lack of perfection. The diet mentality is to get all "psyhed" up and grin and bear it. What I have found out is that life happens. Time passes whether or not you are adhering 100% to the rules. I had a few muck ups in the beginning and now I've pretty much stuck with it for 4 months.

Amazingly (and I really really bow to our genius Reinhard) I have lost weight while: eating what I want, not counting calories, not doing a points system, eating like a chow hound on S days and actually enjoying exercise. That is a complete 180 of how I felt last April. I was miserable and trying to gear myself up mentally for "once and for all" dealing with my eating problem.

So, I promise you that time is on your side here. Every little change is progress. You can do this.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:31 am

Yay Dru!!!!

Hey Cynthia! How's it going?
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:40 pm

Hey guys! Thanks for checking up on me :D Tuesday didn't go so well, Wednesday was better. Eventually, I will get this...Sorry about not posting often now, I don't always have internet access these days.

Reading your posts has really motivated me - so thank you!!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:02 pm

Yay Cynthia! Don't sweat one or two "off days" in the beginning, or even in the middle...
You'll find your groove as long as you stick with it and don't punish yourself for the little bumps you may encounter....
I personally could only do about a 75% version of NoS for about the first 6 months.. Maybe even a bit more.. But now, it's finally becoming easy to do it 90% (10% screwup factor on pms weeks! LOL..)
I lost weight very slowly, but the habits got formed...
That is the big big thing...
Mine were wayyyyy out of control before I found Reinhard... I was utterly miserable...
So, I'm psyched and love to hear that our stories are encouraging to others... I totally felt scared and out of control last year...
What a turnaround these systems have brought about!
Getting the habits down is just going to take time and repetition...
Practice practice practice!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:53 pm

Day 1 of 21: SUCCESS

I am making a point to eat more fruit before meals for gut fill. Seems to work, I had no trouble not snacking. I am not going to say "hopefully I will make it the rest of the night", even though technically I just did, because I don't want to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Yay for Day One.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:01 am

Yay you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

I prophecise that you will do great! :wink:

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:16 am

Thanks Deb! :mrgreen:

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:20 pm

Day 2 of 21: SUCCESS

Breakfast: orange; coffee; 1/2 a bagel with cream cheese; egg

Lunch: apple; veggie burger; salad

Dinner: apple; slice bread w/ margarine; 1/2 bagel with cream cheese; smoothie (banana, strawberries; milk; yogurt)

Granted that was a bit of a "snacky supper" meaning not dinner food but hey sometimes ya gotta make do.

Now hopefully I am going to see a movie tonight to avoid any unwanted snack situations haha.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:27 pm

That sounds like a completely healthy and delicious dinner (and the rest of your day too!)
I didn't see you mention pork rinds and m&m's anywhere! So don't worry...
Watchout tonight at the movies!!!
What are you going to see?
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:07 am

Day 3 of 21: SUCCESS

Breakfast: 2 apples, bagel with cream cheese

Lunch: pizza sub and kidney bean salad with veggies and sunflower seeds, apple

Dinner: orange, ironically another sub

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:33 pm

Day 4 of 21: SUCCESS

Breakfast: oatmeal, 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, coffee with cream, orange.

Lunch: apple, 2 chewy candies, soup and crackers, 1/4 bagel w/ cream cheese, spoon of peanut butter, bite of chocolate

Dinner: haven't had it yet (but will report if I screw up!)

***I know that the sweets mentioned at lunch are to be forbidden on N days, but it seems so miniscule that I don't mind it because that is hugely better than binging on it on a Saturday (like usual) so I consider leaving it at that and NOT wanting more a gigantic success.

Updating on dinner: A small chicken breast sandwich, some potatoes and tangerine in class. At home had an apple, and then went out to Starbucks with my friend and got a pumpkin spice latte (it was sooo cold out today!).

I feel like eating more, but I am so proud of myself for not and it's actually quite easy saying no. Despite not being a perfect eating day I have no desire to throw in the towel, give up and binge.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:43 pm

Day 5 of 21: NON-SUCCESS

I will update as the day goes on...

Breakfast: coffee with half&half, 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, apple

Lunch: caffe americano (with half&half) and pumpkin muffin at Starbucks (I think this was a violation, but at the very least it was lunch, albeit not the most healthy).

Afternoon Snack went awry...spoon of peanut butter, one egg and toast, cereal with milk, and chocolate. Yikes. If dinner is small I can still somewhat save the day.

Lets just say it didn't go so well....
Last edited by Sinnie on Sat Oct 01, 2005 1:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by reinhard » Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:57 pm

Congratulations on bouncing right back and your latest string of successes. Remember that even if you bounce around between success and failure for a few weeks, if that's what it takes to get the habit down it's effort well spent. The hard part is up front with No-s. That's so much better than the time-bomb of most other diets. Get your failures over with fast and up front.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:36 pm

Thanks Reinhard!

It is very true that the hard part is first, and gets easier. It is hugely encouraging and motivating when the master himself is checking up on your daily thread :lol: Woohoo!

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:54 am

Day 6 of 21: S day

Day 7 of 21: S day

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Oct 03, 2005 11:20 pm

Day 8 of 21: SUCCESS

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:59 pm

Day 9 of 21: NON-SUCCESS

I don't want to be a downer on my own thread but I'm not doing so well again. It's so hard for me to stick this out because I'm depressed over my weight. I weighed this morning and this is still the highest weight I've ever been, and yes I'm having a pity party, and yes I will get over it. Just not fair :cry:

/end rant

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:16 pm

I have complete sympathy for you as I am still over two hundred pounds....
But I used to be more like 225 or 230!!! That was a year ago... Be patient and stick with this, even when it's a bad day... I've had plenty of those and still do... But the good ones wayyyyy outweigh the bad ones at this point...

May I be so bold as to suggest two things...
1. Consider today a learning experience and put a positive twist on your pity party... No one is immune to "bad" days here... So you are human...
Forgive yourself, but don't pity yourself... Instead congratulate yourself...
A setback is a sign that you are going somewhere... Reinhard and I disagree on this, but I think *I* am right here! LOL... (Sorry founder, please don't excommunicate me now! I love you and NoS soooo much! LOL...) The success/failure model isn't something I really like as a filter...
It's just sooooo depressing when it's not a success.. So... anyway...

Only the people who *aren't* trying to change and aren't going in a forward direction, are the people who don't experience setbacks, so consider this a kind of sign of your progress... As strange as this may sound, I say, look at today and embrace it and learn from it... I know it's not easy though...
2. Stay off the frickin scale for a whole month and just do your best...
When you know you have tried your hardest, and that might just be an imperfect "hardest", you can't be less than satisfied... How can anyone be mad at themselves when they really know they are doing their best for right here and right now? Please.. Trust me... Only go on the scale once you are *already* in a good place and don't *need* it to validate your experience... it is such a mood killer if it doesn't "say" what you want it to..
Stop relying on it as the only source of your progress... Instead. focus on the good things you are doing for yourself...
Tomorrow is a new day... You will do better.. Get off your pity wagon and put your head into a happier place!!! You can do it!
Even 50% success is better than not trying at all!
Hope you feel better soon girl~
8) Deb

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Post by MerryKat » Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:42 pm


I second what Deb had to say and would like to add further to her 2nd point. Get a tape measure and start taking measurements - this is a far more reliable method of judging your progress.

Just think where you would be if you were not having so many good days with a few bad thrown in?? You are doing something to halt the gains and that is the main thing. It will get easier every single day.

Lots of Hugs
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:32 am

Thank you both Deb and MerryKat. Logically what both of you are saying makes TOTAL sense, even something I would tell someone else. I guess I am being so whiney because it seems nothing is getting better over the years despite my attempts everyday to eat right, and here I am today only gaining weight and at the highest weight. It's just the most frustrating thing...but I will keep plugging away.

Thanks guys!

Day 10 of 21: NON-SUCCESS

Let's hope today is better.

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Post by carolejo » Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:25 pm


the scales are really not your friend. Firstly, it's perfectly possible to gain weight AND become leaner and healthier. Add to that the fact that most bathroom scales are only accurate plus or minus 2 lb anyway (which is plenty to wreck your mood, I know!) AND your bodyweight will naturally vary by as much as 4 lb during a day anyway, and then rethink it. Why do we even bother with these things...?! What a waste of time! I know several people who started to diet and exercise at the same time and the addtional muscle mass meant they GAINED weight, not lost it. Even if that's not what's happening to you, relax. The basic equations are true. You won't be any the worse off for sticking it out and you have the rest of your life to get this right! Go with MerryKat's suggestion, work on how your clothes feel. measure with a tapemeasure. It doesn't lie to you. It's not wildly capricious and unreliable.

Secondly, you're allowed to feel down and you're allowed to mess up sometimes. You're a human being. None of us are perfect. Fortunately, we only have to be 'good enough'. You'll get there if you hang in there. Every 6 hour period between your meals where you stuck to the rules and didn't snack inbetween is a victory. Every meal where you didn't have seconds or sweets is a victory. So many victories, relatively few failures!! 80% good is enough to tip the balance and start building better habits. Each sucess day is actually 6 mini-successes, and each 'failure' day is rarely more than 2 mini-failures with 4 mini-successes! It's not so bad, really. Every mini-success means the next mini-success is easier to achieve.

Hang in there. I'm really impressed you're still going. I worried for a while that you'd lost faith and given up. Sometimes just 'showing up' (I mean it metaphorically here) is the hardest thing to do in the whole world.

When I was teaching undergrads at Uni, one of the things I always did at the start of the session was tell them 'congratulations and thanks for managing to show up.' I reallly meant it, but most of them had never given it a second thought. Sadly the ones who most needed that encouragement were the ones who never managed to get out of bed in time.

Anyhow, this is now another essay and I'm wandering off topic. Hang in there. It really does get easier. Results are slow, but you'll get there.

...and congratulations on managing to 'show up' *grin*.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:22 pm

Carolejo, that made me smile *thank you*. I especially smiled when you told me how you told your undergrad class "congrats on showing up". I want to be a teacher, I love motivating and being patient with other people (I have to learn to be more patient with myself!). You are very inspirational, and so is everyone on this board. I will take all this advice to heart and really try to listen to it.

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Post by cvmom » Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:23 pm

Hi Cynthia.

We are all rooting for you. I know how you feel. I want everything NOW. But you have to give this a few months. Just don't get on your scale. Go by your clothes. I rarely get on the scale. Why were scales invented anyway? Was it some evil plot to keep the sufferjets down??? We don't need them in our homes. Let's all chuck our scales out the window.


PS. The holidays are coming and you will feel great doing No S. Think about this: the holiDAYS are S days and you can enjoy them to the full extent. Meanwhile you don't have to say "oh s@#$w it, it's the holidays,"and get out of control. Come on, you can do this :!:

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Post by carolejo » Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:46 am

Hey folks, at the risk that some might find this 'too much information', I found a new use for my bathroom scales last night.

My loo in the new flat is a bit higher off the ground than my old loo was, and I was finding it a little 'offputting'. so I dragged the scales over and used them to park my feet on :lol: . Those 2 inches in height gained are the best thing they've ever done for me!!!!!

Cynthia, Glad I made you smile. I was a little worried that you might think I was trying to preach at you or something :? Which definately wasn't what I was trying to do, but fortunately you understood what I meant and how I meant it.
You're great, and you're already doing so much better than so many others in that you keep on showing up, keep on having a go. What is it they say about the lottery..? Oh yeah, you have to be in it to win it. :wink:


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Post by Sinnie » Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:08 pm

Dru you are right about the scales, I'm staying off!
Carolejo, you pointed out something I haven't myself - that I AM coming back and continuing to fight to get this right, and that must mean something :)

Day 11 of 21: Not so good...

Day 12 of 21: SUCCESS!!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:43 pm

Hey CJ and Cynthia!
I sure wish I could win the lottery, but I never play it...
Why? I always lose...
I can't control the outcome...
This is entirely within your own abilities to control...
You will succeed here as long as you try!!!
That is a big difference...

You have the POWER!!!
Have a great day yall...
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:03 pm

Here I am, back and trying again. This is my third attempt and they say the third time is a charm, right? Obviously deep down I really believe this is an amazing plan or I wouldn't be so inclined to keep coming back. It's not that I try diets constantly or anything, I just want to lose weight but never really put forth effort for very long, calorie accounting just gets too complicated. There is a better way, the No-S Way.

I wanted to start a new thread but then I thought using this old one would be a good reminder of my past attempts, and why I am back here. I feel like I am so annoying so being so inconsistent, and I apologize to anyone who is reading this, and to those who are so supportive and try to help, and then I give up. This time, despite blips that are bound to happen, im sticking this out.

I am a person who is BIG on journaling. I love writing as it is a release for me, kind of my own outlet. So I will be journalling here.

Today is Saturday so technically an S Day, but I'm half counting it as an N-Day as I am super eager to get this habit down and I don't want to wait until monday (plus, the abundance of overeating I did yesterday makes sweets and seconds very unappealing today).

For me it is a problem of treating my appetite like a whining baby. The moment I feel the slightest discomfort, or get bored or am unable to concentrate, I run and get food. Even this morning I ate lunch early, at 11:30am, but I am using this as a opportunity to teach myself how to wait until 5 or 6pm to have dinner with my family. So I'm counting down the hours...12pm currently.

I know I can do this.

I am happy that I have gotten back into working out. The past three days I have gone on the treadmill for 30 mins and then do a few pushups. The days I'm in school I do a lot of walking too. I look forward to my treadmill session though.

That is it for now. I will most definitely report back on how good I know the rest of the day will go. However, in the spirit of an S-Day, I will allow myself to have a couple drinks, or a martini tonight, as I am going out to a dance club with a group of people, and we will be joined by some out-of-towners from New York, so this could also count as "special" S-Day!

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Post by carolejo » Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:57 pm

Hey Cynthia,

Only your third attempt! That's nothing. :P Most of us are on about attempt 20 or something, but I don't think of it as starting again each time. Even if I mess up spectacularly, it doesn't undo all the good work I did on the good days. I say as long as you have more good days than bad days (good days defined as better than you would have been without NoS) then you're doing pretty well in the grand scheme of things. :)

I'm psyched that you're back here, giving this another shot. I also do a lot of journaling and it's *your* checkin, so you can be as longwinded as you like :lol:

Don't forget that it takes a lot of time and effort to unmake all those bad habits and make some good, new, ones instead. 12 attempts on average according to one study Reinhard posted about on here. making it to 21 days on habit is just supposed to be a tool, not some magic thing. I think it took me about 5 attempts to do 21 days straight and I haven't managed 21 good days in a row since :lol: . Look at Deb too. It took her a whole YEAR to get into the 21 days club.

Enjoy your weekend and deal with each day an hour or so at a time. You'll get to where you want to be eventually, I'm sure of it.


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Post by Sinnie » Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:07 pm

Carolejo, you are so incredibly supportive and the biggest motivator for me! Thank you for believing I can do this. If you believe in me, well then I have to too. I feel very positive, especially knowing I can post and jounral here as much and I want and need.

It's one o'clock and so far so good, I haven't nibbled at anything yet! :) Thanks again for the encouragement, carolejo.

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Post by carolejo » Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:17 pm

Ha. 1pm. See? You're already more than halfway through for today.


It's a Saturday though, so you can actually have a little treat if you want one today.

Many people helped me along my NoS journey, particularly at the beginning and when I was finding it really hard. I'm just glad to pass on the favour somehow. Like good karma, or something! :lol:


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Post by Sinnie » Sun Nov 13, 2005 12:12 am

Carolejo, you are right about good karma! I will pass on the kindness shown to me here to other current and new members :)

Dinner ended up being 1/2 a turkey sandwich, and 2 tiny pieces of vegetarian pizza. I had one piece of chocolate a friend forced on me. So all in all a very good day! I will limit to one drink tonight.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:02 am

I had one piece of chocolate a friend forced on me.
Some friend!
At least they waited to force feed you chocolate for an S day :)!

8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:38 pm

Sunday Nov. 13, 2005

I exercised again today, that is my fourth day in a row :D

Breakfast: egg with extra egg whites and cheese, piece of white bread, coffee

Lunch: grapefruit, turkey bacon club sandwich

Snack: Piece of tiramisu from the bakery OOH LA LA yum.

Dinner: small whole wheat tortilla stuffed with turkey, cheese, lettace and salsa.

I didn't intend on eating dinner because the tiramisu was filling and very fattening. I wasn't even very hungry for dinner but I had all the ingredients and they looked so good.

But all in all, a very good weekend, and despite it being an S Day, I ate much better than I normally do!!!

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:54 pm

Ehhhhhhhhhh.............I feel like eating right now........................trying to hold off b/c there is no real hunger, im just used to always eating in the evening, and its something to do that makes me feel better....I feel like i've screwed up today b/c when I automatically begin counting the calories I realize i've had like 2000 calories...which i know logically isn't THAT bad...

Well, i grabbed a handful of baby carrots instead....I just needed to talk myself through it...I'm such a crazy girl, hehehe.

It wasn't even that bad. I guess you just have to know what you want, and do it, and make no excuses.

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:45 am

Darn it, I ate. I just find it irresistable to not eat when I am hungry. This will be a problem if I ever want to lose weight. I had bread and cream cheese, more carrots and ranch dip and 2 large tangerines.

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Post by navin » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:52 am

As Yogi Bera once said, it is 50% physical, and 90% mental. Keep working on setting up those good habits, and stuff like that becomes less common.
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by ang_grrr » Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:07 am

Cynthia wrote:Darn it, I ate. I just find it irresistable to not eat when I am hungry. This will be a problem if I ever want to lose weight. I had bread and cream cheese, more carrots and ranch dip and 2 large tangerines.
When I decided to tackle my overeating I put some time into learning when I was and wasn't hungry. I'd forgotten, you see, what hunger really was. When I thought I was full I was actually stuffed, when I thought I was still hungry, I was actually full and when I thought I was starving I was just slightly hungry. It took me about a week to "reset" the way that I felt (I don't know if that is slow or quick). Now this advice comes from the Paul McKenna hypnotism book but don't let that scare you. I think it worked for me and it may work for you.

Every hour or so for a couple of days rate your hunger from 1 - absolutely starving, you are going to faint if you don't eat in the next half hour to 9 - so stuffed that you feel physically sick. You should avoid feeling 1 or 9, by the way. 5 is about the middle. This is not full but not actually hungry, the way you should feel most of the time (and the way I used to feel when I thought I was hungry). You should aim to eat until about a feeling of 7 (comfortably full) and eat at about 3 (niggling feelings of hunger).

Once you've done this exercise you have a powerful weapon. Either you find you are eating when you have false feeling of hunger (i.e from habit) and you can do something about it (promise yourself you will wait until a feeling of 3, make sure you eat larger meals, or eat at a more suitable time) or you find that you are genuinely hungry and you can do something about it without the feelings of guilt. I don't get hungry of an evening but if you do then maybe you need to eat your evening meal later. I've been on diets where I tried to go to bed when hungry and it's the worst thing you can do.
Last edited by ang_grrr on Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by carolejo » Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:19 am

I'd agree with the 'going to bed hungry' thing. I just can't seem to get to sleep at all if I feel hungry! or cold! I think that's always a bad idea to go to bed hungry, although it seems to work for some people.

Cynthia, Hang in there!! It's one slip up in an otherwise OK day. Don't try to deal with your days a whole day at a time at this stage. Eat your breakfast, then get to lunchtime. Eat your lunch, then get to dinnertime. Eat your dinner, then get to breakfast time. Break your day up in to 3 chunks between meals and 3 mealtimes. If you have to, rate each one of the 6 'sections' as good or not so good!! Each time you have a good bit, it's a spiritual pushup that makes it easier to get to the next bit. If you're managing 5/6 every day, hell, that's pretty good. Certainly better than permasnacking, stuffing several portions of food in at every meal, eating sweets all day - all things I used to do pretty much all day every day, all at once.

I've also found before that it helps my mathematical mind to deal with it all a bit better if I think about how much activity I can actually do on the energy content of the food I just ate - to convince myself that I really am not starving! For example, a packet of crisps (30 to 40g - they're in small serving sizes already in the UK) contains enough energy to walk around for several hours, up and down hills. Put like this, it helps me to realise that I'm not actually going to come to any harm. The thought process is thus: I've been sat at a computer for several hours so I'm not going to waste away. :) Of course, I'm not talking about doing this all day every day! Who needs to ever go back to counting up the calories / points / units / whatever? I just mean that it can help to examine this briefly and convince yourself that you're not going to starve any time soon. The body is ultimately just another machine that needs fuel to keep it going. It will only burn a certain amount of fuel each day. The surfit gets stored as fat, a deficit is taken out of the body's own reserves. If your body and brain is used to getting the signals for 'mild hunger' and thinking "Quick!! I've got to eat something NOW!!!" it can take quite a while to reset the guage, as it were. I know it took me a long time - several weeks - to recognise for real when I was properly hungry, rather than 'just a little bit peckish'.

Anyhow, this seems to be another long rambling post on your checkin! Hey, you were worried that you might end up too longwinded! :lol:

Hope you have a good day today Cynthia. Hang in there. This is definately worth as many attempts as it takes to get it all down-pat.


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Post by Sinnie » Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:43 am

Well, I wrote a whole long reply before and my computer went funny and I lost it. Oh well :? hehe

If you read my post under "Waiting For Lunch" you will see I screwed up a bit today. But it seems every screw up I learn something. This time I learned that I must have been hungry, and although it was an early dinner at 4:30, I haven't eaten since and I've been perfectly satisfied. Maybe breakfast and lunch was too small? I don't really fill the plate by any means but im usually satisfied after...I do reckon that protein is awesome for keeping hunger at bay.

one egg, a couple pieces very thinly sliced ham, slice flax seed toast (1/2 with cream cheese, 1/2 with little butter) and coffee.

turkey sandwich, baby carrots with a little dip, a large tangerine.

Dinner (oh boy):
small container of yogurt
Natural peanut butter on a piece of flax seed bread
2 small whole wheat tortilla's with some cheese, salsa and lettace
handful of cheerios
3/4 piece pound cake
1/2 of a pastry from the bakery

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Post by carolejo » Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:45 pm

That's really the point. We learn best from our failures, all of us!!

Afterall, it's no good telling a small child NOT to touch something cos it's hot. Of course we still tell them - we want to protect them - but it rarely does any good. That kid just *has* to touch and find out for itself. Sure as hell though, they don't do it twice! :lol:

I think you're doing great. Hang in there. Every day another shot. Another thing learned.


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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:48 pm

Hello again after many moons!

After much (and I mean MUCH) contemplation of various plans to lose weight, I have made an official decision to try No-S again. It's not No-S that's the problem, it's me. I don't know how to handle hunger in any sense of the word. I have tried the naturally thin hunger/fullness approaches but I don't want to wait forever until a one pound loss shows up on the scale. The final reason I choose No-S is not because it isn't hard. For me, it is very hard. But so is every other plan for someone like me. But, of all plans, this one is the least hard. I had to really think of my lifestyle and what would fit in without looking like a crazy food fanatic to my friends and family. Obviously, this plan suits social meal times!

I am totally fed up with thinking of ways to lose weight. In bed last night I realized that thoughts of losing weight/what to eat/what plan to follow has literally consumed me. I'm not even joking. Being honest with myself I realized I am obsessed. Not obsessed with actually losing weight (if that was the case I'd be at my goal weight eons ago), obsessed with thoughts of how to do it. Every. Single. Moment. Of. Every. Day. Isn't that sick?

Even when I try, I end up overeating. When I feel hunger it seems unbearable and I can't concentrate on anything else until I eat. That I believe is largely mental, and something I have to overcome. I choose to not submit to this. It is my choice. I have to believe I have the power to make a choice.

This is a sane, stable plan. No one will know I am even doing it. I know this is breaking the rules, but, my "S-Days" are going to be Friday and Saturday instead. At least for now, so I'm not tempted to give up while I am so psychotic about making this work. The reason is I never go out on Sundays and they tend to be just normal days that are easy to stick to three meals. On the other hand, I almost always go out friday and/or saturday nights. Depending on where we go, refusing a drink or appetizers and only drinking water or coffee just won't fly. Not only would I look like a total kill-joy on a Friday night but it would be stressful on me. I hope this violation will be OK.

As for today, since it's already 12:45pm and i ate numerous times already, I will group those feedings and pretend it comprised of breakfast and lunch. I refuse to say "I'll start tomorrow. I want to start right this instant. Therefore, only dinner left.

I feel so much better after writing all that. Will I stick this out? I guess only time will tell.

Thanks a million for this website, Reinhard. And thanks everyone else on this board for being such supportive, amazing people.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:31 pm

I am totally fed up with thinking of ways to lose weight. In bed last night I realized that thoughts of losing weight/what to eat/what plan to follow has literally consumed me. I'm not even joking. Being honest with myself I realized I am obsessed. Not obsessed with actually losing weight (if that was the case I'd be at my goal weight eons ago), obsessed with thoughts of how to do it. Every. Single. Moment. Of. Every. Day. Isn't that sick?
Don't be so hard on yourself Cynthia!
You are not sick...
Pat yourself on the back for posting your feelings.. and now take action!!!
No more vacillating, as that will surely turn you into a neurotic mess.. LOL..

Make a commitment to trying NoS again, and if you only succeed, even 75%, with sticking to the rules, then you will probably still lose weight over time..
I did!

Many people have been posting, since you've been gone (or lurking? LOL..)
that they like a fourth mini meal in the afternoon..
If that's what will make or break the "hunger" issue for you, then I suggest starting out with a very small, and healthy fourth meal..

Another thing you may be experiencing is, possibly, thirst...

Our bodies have a two fold, autonomic nervous system, and voluntary...
Autonomic functions like keeping track of hunger and thirst are the duty of the hypothalamus.. Unfortunately, we often get a late signal, due to the fact that the hypothalamus and parasympathetic nervous system, which monitors our internal organs, like the stomach and whether we are full or empty or not, are a bit slow... So if you feel thirsty, chances are, you have actually been walking around for a little while, in a semi-dehydrated state already.. And thirst can seem like hunger too... It's a bit blurry and muddy.. The sensory/motor nervous system is way faster... If have your hand over a flame, the nerves must quickly send a signal to the brain to pull the hand away.. but the signals from our internal organs are travelling much much slower...

Therefore... Drink extra water to curb your "hunger".. it may not be hunger at all...

Another great way to insure that you don't feel empty so fast, is to include one or two servings of veggies and fruits and protein... One or two eggs or a slice of cheese... Something along those lines should help..
They don't disappear as quickly as a simple bowl of cereal or some toast..

Without pressuring you too much, I would like to encourage you to give NoS a whole month or two, and see what happens...
Don't divide your attention by looking into other diets, as the multiple rule juggling and often contradictory information will just burn you out mentally..
Put on your blinders to the rest of the dieting world, and not to sound too diet-religio-corny, but
Have some faith!!!

Overload your plate if you have to for the first few weeks.. It's Winter.. Maybe you're part bear and feel like you need more hibernation energy! LOL..
In the long run, this will change, but if you are really feeling hungry, and the things I mentioned before aren't involved (water, fiber, protein...) then I'm going to venture a guess that you just aren't eating enough at a single meal...

Continued good luck to you~
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:47 pm

Thanks Deb! You made some really good points that I'll be sure to keep in mind. I already tried the water thing which helped this afternoon.

I made it until about 5pm when I got realllly hungry. I didn't exactly add in a fourth meal, but had an extended supper. Meaning, I ate a handful of grapes and a cheesestring while preparing dinner, then ate the brussel sprouts when they were ready and finally had a bowl of homemade pasta my mom made (ooh la la it was good).

Now I'm just drinking tea and hoping to continue with good faith in NoS.

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:48 pm

Good Morning,

I am so happy that yesterday was the first day I didn't overeat!!! I didn't go to bed hungry either, I guess dinner was big enough.

Anyways, I'm off volunteering for the day but I wanted to start by posting breakfast:
-coffee w/ light cream
-whole wheat bagel w/ butter
-some grapes

-Mr.Sub (6 inch turkey on whole wheat)
-dried fruit strip

-cheese bun
-small slice beef
-mashed potatoes and cabbage
-few bites pastry
-toasted whole wheat bread w/ peanut butter (and tea)

I know dinner was big, but I would rather that than snack later from getting hungry. At this rate I should be just pleasently hungry before bed. I'm going to try to get a walk on the treadmill in but I still have some homework to do for tomorrow.

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:52 pm

So far, everything is going awesome. My goal with this is to hopefully lose 1-3 pounds a month. The last time I weighed myself was Jan. 14, 2006 the day after I got back from my vacation in Cuba. I weighed in at 142.5. Since then I have mostly eaten terribly but I still want to keep my weigh in day on the 14th of every month - so it will be half a month of No S.

-orange and small banana
-small bowl of oatmeal w/ tsp. natural pb
-one egg
-1/2 bagel w/ butter

-bean salad w/ vinegar
-veggie burger
-dried fruit and some peanuts
-cheese fish-shaped crackers

-orange juice (added some water)
-chicken fingers (3 or 4?)
-some rice and potatoes
-little cabbage
-banana chips
-spoon of natural peanut butter

I am not sure whether this is a violation, but I didnt finish all the crackers and trail mix at lunch so I ate the remainder around 5:45pm because I was getting hungry and knew I wouldn't be home until 7:30pm.
Last edited by Sinnie on Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:21 pm

How I would give my left arm to be 145 for a day!!!

Hope you reach your goal!!!
I'm just concerned that you are setting yourself up to lose weight "on demand" and that if you don't hit your goal each month, you might get upset..I suggest that you really focus on long term success, which means changing habits...
Once those are changed, you won't ever gain back the weight you want to lose...

Take one day at a time and you will get there!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:02 am

Deb, I totally know what you mean about giving your left arm to be a lower weight! But thanks for putting it into perspective.

If I don't lose that much each month, it will be hard for me to take, you are right about that. It is slightly worrisome now thats its been brought to my attention. It just seems like such a reasonable goal......just one pound a month...but this shouldnt be about making a goal weight but making habits stick....I will have to re-think myself a bit here....

Well I am still sticking this out if it kills me because I can see now that it's so do-able!!! No matter how long it takes.

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Post by carolejo » Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:49 am

Hi Cynthia!

I just realised I'd been really amiss and hadn't welcomed you back yet. Sorry about that :)

Anyhow, glad you're back.


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Post by Sinnie » Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:17 pm

Thanks Carolejo!!! :D :D :D It feels great to be back.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:18 pm

-coffee with light cream
-egg with light cheese
-1/2 bagel with butter
-small glass orange juice

-small banana
-bean salad with vinegar
-cheese string
-2 breaded chicken strips

-fried calamari
-some nacho chips with spinach/crab dip
-two small chicken fajita's

The reason for the fattening dinner was I took a friend out for dinner to celebrate her birthday. I can't believe HOW MUCH I've turned around since my desperate post a few days back. Despite having a so-called "bad" eating day due to the restaurant which was very filling and being surrounded by felt ever-so-natural to just stop there, and even finally being home now after a very long day, I have no urge to go pig out downstairs. This is what I call incredible. I don't want to jinx myself, but I truly think because I eat substantially enough at each meal, I am never famished but still eating less overall because of no snacking. Therefore, it will take a lengthy time to lose weight, but this is SO permanent!

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Post by carolejo » Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:02 pm

Good for you!

I know what you mean about needing to eat enough at each meal, and then it being much easier to resist temptation because there's no NEED to snack.

It's a great feeling to be in control of your food intake, rather than the food being in control of you! 8)


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Post by Sinnie » Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:06 pm

Today is Friday so its my "s day". I didn't mean to have the snack, it was supposed to be lunch but it was too small and I was starving by 3pm when I had my real lunch. I wish I hadn't but at least its not too bad yet.

-bran cereal w/ skim milk
-coffee with flavored cream
-small piece of ricotta strudel

-small piece of pizza
-few pringles
-sample chocolate

-veggie burger
-3/4 of a bagel with butter
-1/2 a granola bar
-few crackers, spoon of peanut butter

It is the evening now. I couldn't even begin to fill in everything else i ate, but brownies was on the list. It was an S day and how. Wow. I ate a lot, basically it was a binge. I am mad at myself now. I know I shouldn't be, and this is part of the learning curve, and it will get better....but I am annoyed :x Once lunch went off-kilter, everything else followed. Plus, it was a stressful day and it will be a particularly stressful weekend, which didn't help. meh.

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Post by carolejo » Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:15 am

Hi Cynthia,

Please remember- you CANNOT FAIL ON AN S DAY!
Even if you go totally postal!!!!!

That's all part of the learning process. Don't worry about it. It will get easier in time.


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Post by Sinnie » Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:30 pm

All I've had today is brownies. LOL. One for breakfast, one for lunch (pretty nice sized brownies too). I am not hugely into sweets, but rich brownies are my weakness. I rarely ever eat them. They are in the fridge and nothing else appeals, thank goodness it's an S-day. I am going to someone house today and will be having dinner there. At least I went for a walk this morning.

Let's just leave the rest of the day as "it was an S-Day".

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:34 pm

Today is back to normal for me. A regular N day.

-one dried apricot

-bun with butter
-salad topped with a taco bake (ground turkey, veggies, refried beans YUM!)

It was my best friend's birthday so I made lunch for her, hence the brownie. Oh well. No giving up - I will try to make dinner extra healthy to compensate.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:21 pm

So far I have really stuck with this, and it looks like I will for the long haul. For now I just want to get the habit down pat which I think will take a couple months or so. Once that is established, I will start counting 21 days of perfect no-sing.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:25 pm

That's great Cynthia!!!!

Have a great day :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:12 pm

I went a little bonkers at an early dinner around 4pm. I ate sooo much. I guess damage control is the best i can do at this point. No more for tonight, which should be easy. At least I went on the treadmill for 40 minutes!

Update: I did eat more tonight, but only fruit (a mango, small pear, 1/2 orange). I am FULL. On the bright side, at least it was fruit. Hard to imagine getting fat on that.

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:23 pm

Okay, so yesterday was a right-out failure. I'm okay with that, I just have to work harder.

-coffee with half & half
-1/2 bun w/ butter

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:03 am

Yesterday went okay, no snacks, but major funny stuff: oatmeal cookies after BOTH lunch and dinner. I need to start cutting way back. Will continue reporting!

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Post by carolejo » Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:10 pm

Glad you can stuff up and still keep going. That's the real key to succeeding long term here.

Heres wishing you a very pleasant text-book N day today!

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Post by doulachic » Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:51 pm

oatmeal cookies are evil... :twisted: they are my downfall as well...but at least you didn't eat the whole cookie jar, so that's something, right? :D

"When you are in a jam, a good friend will bring a loaf of bread and peanut butter..."

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:55 pm

Hey Carolejo and Tricia!

Thanks for your support....I need it

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:47 pm

I'm going through a bit of a rough patch with eating again. But instead of going crazy and getting upset, trying to come up with a new plan to get things going again, I am going to analyze why some days worked and why the past few have not.

Just now I was reading a post by Freakwitch which triggered a thought. He said:

"Make a good "big choice" to commit yourself to this plan, then back it up with lots of "little choices" to stick to it."

Last week when I committed 100% to this plan (that means no lurking on other weight loss boards which just feeds my imagination), I did really well. Then I relaxed a bit and things have gotten shakey.

I have made my "big choice" - No S. Now I have to make my little choices. For me, that means waking up in the morning and ONLY concentrating on TODAY. I literally have to say to myself "I am going to follow the No-S rules as perfectly as humanly possible today. I am not going to tempt myself by any other diet plan that tells me lies."

As much as I've screwed up since Friday with eating, I am truly proud of myself for still believing. That's the power of this plan. I will come out on top, and I will post before and after pics one day!

Today I managed to eat three meals, but I had sweets. It is not a particular weakness of mine (thank goodness, I have a hard enough time as it is!) but I will eat what's around or in front of me unless I am totally focused.

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Post by carolejo » Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:47 am

Good for you, Cynthia!

Those little choices... I swear, they're much harder than the big choices :lol: . Take it one section of the day at a time if you need to.
Say to yourself "I'm going to eat a satisfying, healthy and tasty breakfast that fits on one plate, with no seconds". Then, afterwards,
"I'm not going to eat anything else now until Lunch"
"I'm going to eat a satisfying, healthy and tasty lunch that fits on one plate"
"I'm not going to eat anything until dinner"
"I'm going to really enjoy one plate of good food for my dinner now"
"I won't eat anything else until tomorrow morning"
This way you only have a small, easy target in front of you. Also, if you don't manage perfectly at any point, there's another goal to aim for, just around the corner. Yes, you don't get a second chance to get each bit right, but there's no reason not to get 5/6 on a given day. breaking the rules between breakfast and lunch doesn't need to write off the whole day.

Go Cynthia, you can do this!

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:22 pm

Hey Carolejo! Well you'll be happy to hear that all my little choices yesterday added up to a great day! I was focused and it was so easy to do. I didn't even get that hungry, and ate smaller meals. I was really happy with yesterday - I am making today the same.

I'll report tonight :D

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:04 am

Good day again today!!!

cereal and skim milk; apple; small piece of bread w/ butter

turkey bacon sandwich

pad thai at a thai restaurant

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:26 pm

Well dinner was a little bigger than it should have been, but not totally overboard. Breakfast and lunch were just fine.

I finished supper by 5pm so at least I have quite a few hours before bed that I can start to burn off the slighty-too-big dinner.

I am confident I won't eat anything else today.

Wow, this is so great. I can't help but be astounded by how much I love this plan.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Post by 3aday » Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:00 am

It looks like you are doing well.
I have similar struggles with the funny stuff but I know, in my heart, this plan is the best plan out there. Some people catch on to it right away and some of us have little struggles until we get the knack of the habit.
Even half essed is better than full No S.
I think even if we make mistakes, we are more conscious of them than before and will actually help in the long run. I think, in time, we will get better at this
Have a nice weekend!

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:29 pm

3aday, thanks for reminding me that even half-essed is okay. Last night before bed I ended up eating some food. I was truly hungry and not tired at all, so I ate a little pasta, some veggies, a couple prunes and a bowl of cheerios.

This morning I woke up just about to let myself get into a very bad mood. But I caught it and told myself it's just a bump in the road, and I will try much harder today.


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Keep On Keeping On!

Post by KrazyKat » Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:57 pm

I have just read your logs; I surely know where you are coming from! KEEP working it and you will get it; and I agree; don't beat yourself up over a bump here and there; we all have a bump here and there; just git back on that horse and ride it!

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:31 pm

Thanks Krazy. I just went for a walk this morning, which made my ear hurt for some reason (I think it was too windy and cold :x lol). But I do intend on making this a successful day as best as I can.

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Post by KrazyKat » Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:52 pm

Yes, cold will cause ear ache; I use a head muff or headband; not sure what they really are called; but they are winter gear. I have to carry tissue too; when I runs, my nose runs! My eyes dooze tooze!

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:47 pm

LOL Krazy!!! Yes, I definitely should get some ear muffs! And next time I must remember the tissue haha.

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:51 pm

Okay, I wasn't supposed to weigh-in until February 14 (I'm starting once a month weigh-ins only). But something absolutely came over me just before as I was about to hop in the shower. It is not even noon yet, i've already had breakfast and went for a walk.

I couldn't believe my eyes :shock: The scale read 140.5lb.

Despite some horrible eating days since last weigh-in (January 14), I am still down 2 lbs from that day's weigh-in. I was merely hoping to at least maintain that weight!!! I almost passed out.

When I get to my official weigh-in day, all I want is to lose that 1/2 a pound. I'm not expecting to lose fast, and I don't want to. But this made my day.

No-S works miracles!!!

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:12 pm

So Saturday night I went to a birthday party. Aside from a few glasses of wine, some cheese, veggies and fruit, and a few bites of cake, the day went well!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:33 pm

That's great Cynthia!
I've had that happen too.. It's a shock eh? LOL...
This is kind of what I mean by doing NoS 80%...
It still works, because the way we ate before, presumably, was so much more unconscious...
So even when we aren't perfect, it has a big impact...

Big spluges, relative to our N days, and N days gone awry, still are a mere blip on the radar screen...

I'm happy for you!!!
Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:36 am

Thanks Deb!

I'm tempted to berate myself for over doing it today, but it is an S day so i'll let it slide. At the very least I worked out for close to one hour on the treadmill.

Today I just wanted to eat a lot. That worries me because I was having a pretty easy time during the week.

I hope tomorrow I am back to three meals with no problem.

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:10 pm

It's Monday morning and I am focused and ready to make this a perfect N day. Perfect can be a scary word, but I have to put a little bit of pressure on myself or I don't get anywhere.
On that note, I especially have to really concentrate as today is just as hard to eat well as on the weekend. The reason for that is I am home today which means plenty of time to eat while I do work, or rather, procrastinate from doing work.

I am totally motivated today! Here's to a great N-day for everyone :D

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