Anita's Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:00 pm

So much for checking in daily . . .


Weight is very steady right now. I have gotten a cold, and I'm really feeling it when I exercise. Annoying because I hate missing exercise, but I feel weak . . .

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Post by TexArk » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:53 am

Hope you get to feeling better soon. I, too, am having difficulty posting regularly since my laptop has died. Now I have to share the office computer at home or sometimes post from work.

I think we have this habit going forward, but I am not confident enough to stop checking in regularly. The loss is so slow that I need to see how others are dong and be accountable for my day. I did show a loss for this month of 1 1/2 pounds--that makes 3 1/2 in 3 months. SLOW, but man am I eating good!

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:55 pm


Ok, I hope everyone else's weekend went better than mine did. I think I just had too many "S"'s to cope with - - it was a weekend (SAT/SUN), my son's birthday (SPECIAL), and I have an awful cold (SICK).

The result was a lot of eating for reasons having anything to do with hunger. I just felt such low energy that I kept reaching for food. And there was a lot of junky food around because of the birthday.

Needless to say, it wasn't good.

Glad to be back to an N day. It's coming easy today because my appetite is poor.

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Post by TexArk » Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:20 pm

I am now at Day 101 so I am a proud trail blazer! I, too, had one difficult S Day--for the record, I didn't eat supper, but I had way too many bagel chips in the afternoon and in the evening way too many miniature Three Musketeers. My first inner dialogue reminded me of my perfectionist self: "Why do you do these things?", etc. then I realized that this behavior is really very mild considering I had ice cream in the freezer and other items that might have been devoured previously. I also did not stuff myself. I don't like being really really full any more. I am finding myself eating 1/2 of a banana and other such things just because I am satisfied and don't want any more.

Bottom line: We really are changing. Our bodies are slowly changing, but I can feel the difference in my thinking and I can see it also in your posts. Hurray for 3 1/2 pounds removed @ 1/4# a week.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:11 pm

TexArk - - You should be proud! 100+ days on No S. Yeah!!


While I haven't had problems at all with eating this week, I have had serious exercise issues. Which is sooo unlike me. I had a horrible cold in the early part of the week, and then I've just had all these meetings and stuff - - so I missed three days of working out which is really unlike me. I feel a little blech because of it.

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:58 am


Well, I've been on the plan exactly three months now. My weight loss is slow, but directionally all is well. I feel great. I'm normal weight now (BMI wise). Could I lose more - - yes? Do I care how fast it goes - - no? I'm a perfect size 6 right now, and if I maintained like this with the way I'm eating - - heck, I'd be very satisfied with that.

But I think I will lose more. It may take awhile, but you can see the trajectory in the graph . . .it's not flat . . .


This weekend was a bit of an eat fest given the holiday, but I was surprised to get on the scale and register a very good weight for me this morning. I think it was because I did a killer workout yesterday with seriously hard intervals. Usually, my workouts are longer and easier . . .maybe I need to intersperse some harder ones in there. At any rate, I'm excited to start off the week this way. My reunion is on Saturday and needless to say, I want to look good.

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Post by TexArk » Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:51 pm

Love the chart. Movement is in the right direction, but isn't all the zigging and zagging interesting. I don't dare weigh as often and certainly not on a Monday after S Days, but I feel good. I would like to catch some of your exercise feevah!

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:24 pm

Actually, I think weighing every single day has taught me a lot and now I worry much less. Obviously, the zigging and zagging is meaningless. And with no S, it doesn't change my eating behaviors. So I'm thinking as long as that trajectory is DOWN, I'm going to view this whole No S experiment as a big, slow moving success. If it starts to flatten out, then I'll worry.

I'll send some exercise fever your way!!!

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:41 am


Wow - - you think you are totally safe and in the habit when a FAILURE comes up and smacks you in the face. The funny thing is I actually got past a HUGE temptation early in the day and ended up in trouble in the evening.

I think it is good to take a look at the reasons for the failure or what might have caused it . . .and it isn't that simple.

It was a very ABNORMAL day for me. I was assisting with this big luncheon where I was prepping food from about 10 am to 2 pm. As a result, my lunch consisted of a plate of vegetarian food - - delicious and voluminous, but extremely light. It was eaten standing up at a counter while talking. I thought I did pretty well under the circumstance as there was an ENORMOUS dessert buffett with so many good desserts, and I didn't have a single taste. So I honestly was thinking I was home free.

Dinner time comes, and I'm pretty hungry. I make my plate - - it looks good. I eat it. And that's when the problem came. I just kept going.

I basically was eating leftovers while cleaning up, and then - - since I blew it anyway (such a harmful mentality), I ended up eating about a chocolate bars worth of dark chocolate.

Why did I do it? Soooo unlike me. If anything, my high risk time is usually 4 pm.

I think I just didn't eat enough fat and protein at lunch -- so my satiety was low. I normally eat a LARGE lunch. Probably my biggest meal of the day.

My lunch wasn't all that satisfying. It tasted good, but I felt like I was eating on the fly.

I am PMS which always amps up my hunger and my craving for sweets. I've resisted fine in the past, but I think the confluence of factors just hurt my resolve.

I seriously hope that I don't now move into a string of failures. There's no reason to believe that will happen, but I am concerned about it . . . I have tended to be very perfectionistic about diets in the past . . .

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Post by TexArk » Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:31 pm

Boy, can I identify with this one. I haven't experienced this yet with NoS, but in previous real diets I would go through this. I would hold up during an event like you described (a party where you are preparing and are around food) a vacation, or some such time where I would really hold it together and be proud of my self control. Then BOOM, that night or the next day I would fall off the wagon big time.

Your analysis is probably correct about not having had a real satisfying meal at lunch and then of course there is PMS (there are some advantages to post menopause).

I analyzed my failures after what had been big successes and decided that it was very much like how people manage a crisis without falling apart and then they lose it once the crisis has past (the child with the compound fracture that you calmly get to the emergency room and then promptly faint after the professionals take over; a car wreck or major storm, etc.) I had to start really being aware of post holidays and post parties. It hasn't happened on NoS because I don't feel so deprived. So your deprivation analysis (having enough of the right foods) may be the real reason. Maybe we need a name for this: Post Event Syndrome?

At any rate, you are doing great. Most of us have that perfectionist personality or we wouldn't be here in the first place. This slip up is not a pattern of behavior for you. It is just a needed reminder. I am glad you are continuing to post. I think I will need to be posting for a long time just to stay aware and be accountable.

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Post by Anne » Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:04 pm

Anita, I too know exactly how you’re feeling! But there is a HUGE difference between blowing it ONCE and blowing it regularly – every day or every other day or every week… Just get back on track, you are doing so great!

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:22 pm

TexArk and Anne,

Thank you so much for the support! I'm feeling some relief today that it seems more normal and no harder than usual. Of course the day isn't over yet.

I find it FASCINATING, TexArk, that you have had the same problem after exercising "extreme" self control. I didn't even really make that link ...but that could be an important key. I love your name - - Post Event Syndrome - - and honestly, I can live with one screw up. I just have such a fear that it will lead to multiple ones . . .just like I've struggled with on other diets. I want this one to be different. To be the one I can live with forever.

I think if I get through today with a success I will feel a lot better. I feel kinda vulnerable.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:58 pm


Thank goodness.

For some reason though I'm feeling more vulnerable this week. Like I could fail at any minute.

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Post by Anne » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:25 pm

Anita, I hope you're doing okay. I've been feeling shaky with the habit as well, and I actually failed quite a lot last week. Please don't give up.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:56 pm


Given last week's failure and my feelings of shakiness on the program, things went pretty well. And my S days weren't really over the top (for me) either. All in all, I can't complain. This week seems to be going okay so far. Keeping my fingers crossed. Sadly, I can feel a bit of my motivation waning. Hopefully the habit will hold though since it is more firmly in place.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:28 pm


All is going well though I have felt hungry. Nonetheless, I've been able to ignore it. Tonight will be more challenging as we are going out to dinner with another couple.

I am hitting my low weight today . . .126 . . .I'd be so excited if I dipped into the 125's this week. It seems feasible as it is only Thursday.

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:27 pm


Even though I went out to dinner on Thursday night, I thought I did well sticking to no S principles. I shared an appetizer (which was small to start), had about half a plate of salad, and ordered the half size of pasta . . .it was a heaping plate no doubt, but I'm pretty sure I could get it all on a plate.

On Friday, I wasn't feeling all that well so dinner was very light. The scale reflected that today as I saw a totally NEW number that I haven't seen in like a year. 125! I know it is going to go back up given S days and all - - and it is artificially low from the light dinner. Nonetheless, I'm still excited that I am continuing to slowly lose on No S. Could not be happier with this way of eating! Really.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:34 am

DAY 101: S DAY
DAY 102: S DAY

Well, the S days could have been a bit better. Saturday was especially poor as I started eating a lot of sweets throughout the day. I was disappointed in myself even though it is allowed. I just want to think I've got the habit down . . .and I do, on N days . . .lol. It actually didn't make me feel happy or good, so at least the feedback is negative. As a result I had a VERY reasonable Sunday.

I am marking days 103 and 104 as SUCCESSES, but I feel myself lowering the "walls around the habit" a little bit, and that concerns me. For example, at dinner on both nights, I didn't really fill my plate, and then when I was cleaning up right after dinner I took a few bites of leftovers from the kids. That's something I don't want to be doing because it is a slippery slope to not recognizing that I'm eating a lot of extra calories. So going forward, I am calling that a FAILURE. But this week, I am not going to because I did not let it snowball into anything more severe, AND also, my results are going great. I had another new low on the scale this morning - - 124.8. I'm very excited.

But, going forward, whether or not the extra bites would have easily fit on my plate and NO MATTER that it was two minutes after dinner . . .I'm calling anything like that a FAILURE. You heard it here first. I want to stay strict no S and not start getting lax.

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Post by TexArk » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:56 pm

Again, we uncannily share the same struggles. As a matter of fact, except for your love of running and exercise, we are just wired up alike. I have been staying green on N days but I see the boundaries need to be really firmed up. Yesterday at lunch I didn't put the cranraisins on my plate (this is at the office) so I got the bag and ate from it. Who knows how many I ate? Well, eventually the bag was empty. Again, this is not a horrible offense, but it is just like the nibbling as I cook or clean up. There is not a visual reminder of how much I am eating so I must mark a failure to be honest and true to NoS principles.

I have lost another 1/2 pound (4 1/2 pound total) but I know I need to tighten up. And sometimes the success makes me loosen up the "rules."
However, I think the two of us must be changing our habits because we are still here, we are losing, and the little failures have our attention. That has to be good. But when I do have a slip up or have an over the top S day, it just reminds me that I need to stay on this board and be accountable.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:31 pm

TexArk - - Ok, we are scarily alike!! I'm glad I'm not alone, but I wish we were both not facing these new challenges.


Yes, I said I wasn't going to do it, but then I did - - nibble after dinner - - so I know I need to mark that a FAILURE. Again, nothing way over the top and not a sweet or any kind of binging. But not GOOD.

Today is my younger son's birthday, and I'm thinking it may be a "Special Day", but I'm not deciding that until dinner time. There really isn't much reason it can't be an N day as we are going out to dinner so I control what I eat.

My weight popped UP as punishment for my nibble transgression (turkey sausage with what I'm sure it a ton of sodium). It's a good reminder to cut it out.

TexArk, just like you, I think when I start to feel successful is when I tend to start sabotaging the effort. It's a little bizarre. Let's try to help each other do what we know we need to. Put those fences back UP. They are working, and now is not the time to be relaxing.

Congrats on the weight loss. Let's stay in touch with each other the next couple of weeks with renewed vigor!

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Post by apomerantz » Fri May 08, 2009 10:30 am

DAY 109: S DAY
DAY 110: S DAY

Something odd (and not good) is going on. First, I'm just really, really wanting to eat some food while I'm cleaning up from dinner. It's getting very difficult to resist, but that's what I need to do. I'm attributing it to a couple of things. First, in the past, I've been drinking a lot of coffee in the late afternoon which has controlled my appetite. I haven't been doing that as much so maybe that's an issue. Second, initially I was waiting to clean up after dinner instead of getting to it right away. Now, with my sons' baseball, life is busier, and I'm trying to get it done. So I'm cleaning up before I have that feeling of total satisfaction. It's not working.

What is much, much more worrying is my weight. After three weeks of being really low and hitting new lows, it is REBOUNDING. That's really scary because I don't think I'm doing anything different - - or certainly not much. I did change up my exercise routine about three weeks ago. It is lighter on the cardio in terms of time, but the intensities are much higher. I'm wondering if that's the issue. Maybe the overall hours are too light. It's hard to believe because the past two weeks my weight was so low, but maybe?? I will be training for a marathon starting in June so that problem will disappear IF that is the issue, but I'm a little down about the situation right now.

My clothes still fit fine so I'm trying not to freak out . . .but in the meantime, I'm going to try to be really tight No S and also make sure to fill the plate with lots of fruits and veggies.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri May 08, 2009 10:35 am

p.s. I have had to Failure days in the past couple of weeks, but they've been very small failures. Not binges or anything. So I can't imagine that's the issue ...

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Post by Thalia » Fri May 08, 2009 3:44 pm

Don't worry about it -- it's very typical after you see a new low to see higher weights for a few days afterwards. It's just your body adjusting to the fast loss you just had. Unless it's climbing over the long term, those day-to-day fluctuations will drive you crazy -- you aren't seeing a fat gain.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri May 08, 2009 5:20 pm


Thanks for the encouragment! Since I weigh in daily, I have a very good sense of the ebb and flow of my weight, so I would DEFINITELY expect a bump up from a low weigh in. My concern is that for the past two weeks, I've consistently weighed 126ish (the low was 125), and now all of the sudden I'm weighing 127.5/128 every day. Like I really gained.

I know it is just a lb or so, but honestly I've only lost 4 lbs . . .so I'm not excited to see it.

I'm hoping maybe it is water weight or something . . .

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Post by Thalia » Fri May 08, 2009 5:26 pm

Could it be, shall we say, hormonal?

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Post by apomerantz » Thu May 14, 2009 11:02 am

DAY 116: S DAY
DAY 117: S DAY

I am going to give a four month status report in the next post, but basically this week is going fine. My Saturday was a little more toward the out of control than I'd have liked it to be (but nearly as bad as I have been in the past). Sunday was reasonable.

The good news is my weight came down some and seems very stable right now. I'd love to see a new dip, but it has been very consistently 1 lb loss per month.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu May 14, 2009 11:14 am

So, here's my monthly status report. I started No S four months ago on January 13th. As of yesterday, on May 13th, I've lost 4.2 lbs. And interestingly, my loss has actually been fairly steady state in the sense that I've felt that each month a pound has disappeared for good.

But the weight loss graph is so fascinating in the amount of variation. Clearly, the trend is good! But the past couple of weeks have been swinging wildly, and the reasons aren't clear.

I changed my exercise up a little bit, but I'm actually doing less than I was, but at higher intensities. So I thought that was why I had some new lows a couple of weeks ago. But then the next week was highs that I hadn't seen in a while and all week long. Frustrating! Not sure what in the world happened. Now, I'm back to a good place and have weighed the same for three days running *unheard of*.

I am just keeping my eye on the black trendline!! That's my reinforcement that I'm doing the right thing.

Four lbs doesn't sound like a lot, but it has made a world of difference for me . . .I am a size smaller in a lot of clothing for example. And I feel pretty good about my body right now. It's not skinny by any means, but I feel strong and fit and a lot more attractive. If I keep up 1 lb per month, I will be DELIGHTED. Really. It sure the heck beats out gaining one lb per month.


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Fell Way Off the Wagon

Post by apomerantz » Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:19 pm

and now it is time to get back on!

Ahhh, the slippery slope.

First, I stopped tracking, but still followed No S.
Then, I began training for a marathon which really made me feel as though I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted. And I kinda could get away with it.
Then, I hurt my hip and had to stop training, and really cut back.

The result - - weight gain.

The only good news is that before I ever met No S, I really had a binging problem. That seems to have disappeared. And that's a huge achievement in and of itself.

But, today, I'd like to return to the strict no S that had me losing weight and feeling great.

So, today will be DAY 1 for me. Let's hope it is a good one.

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Post by TexArk » Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:43 pm

It is great to see a familiar "face." I, too, had a summer hiatus due to family health issues. I was gone from home for 4 months and got no exercise and gained about 10 pounds. That does not make me happy, but I know that if I had not had my NoS training it would have been worse because the stress was BAD.
So here I am back to posting and keeping my HabitCal and I joined the September Challenge. It is much harder for me this time, but I know that NoS is the only way to go for me. I am working on getting my first 21 days again so I will be here often.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:29 pm

Yesterday went well. I wasn't especially hungry - - not sure why. And I ran four miles. The only dicey part at all was dinnertime when I had the whole "I'm using bowls so what is the bowl equivalent of one plate" quandry. Darn salads. Usually I like to try to just pile everything on one plate - - salad and all. But I made chili, and it was just a bit more fluid than usual so a plate wasn't going to work. I estimated as best I could. The salad was small so I think I did well.

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