Arlene's daily check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Arlene's daily check in

Post by arlene55372 » Mon May 04, 2009 1:46 pm

I picked up No S Diet book at library and started on the program on May 1st.

The weekend was difficult because I was allowing myself to have dessert without guilt. That didn't happen, I still felt guilty eating sweets. By Sunday, eating sweets felt like I was commiting a sin. I hope this goes away.

Today I am planning our meals for next weekend, so I have something "special" to celebrate with, like a small chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

The scale says I lost 3.5 lbs. that's good. I love the idea of a single plate of food, it is soooo liberating.


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Post by arlene55372 » Wed May 06, 2009 3:17 am

I am feeling so good about my food. I am eating many of the foods that I have denied myself for years! No, it's not sugars or sweets, but good-old fashioned "meat & potatoes" type food. I am not overfilling my plates = although I admit the first few days I did that - and I am satisified. Tonite I had that "snacky" feeling and I drank a glass of milk and it was gone. This is a great program, thank goodness for librarians.

5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by arlene55372 » Thu May 07, 2009 3:21 am

Hooray, I lost 8 lbs. But it doesn't end there, tonite I slipped into an old habit and consumed more sweets than I can eat on days with S. I have no idea what set this eating off, but I really thought I "could eat just one". Nope, doesn't happen that way. I really love the No S Diet and feel bad that I let myself down. Today is just one day, tomorrow I can start over again.

5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by arlene55372 » Tue May 12, 2009 3:44 pm

Well, it's been a few days since I've been here and they weren't good days either. After pigging out and getting my body and eating back into it's regular mode, along came Mother's Day. My son brought a huge ice cream cake and there was leftovers. I spent Mother's Day eating the cake as well as my regular foods and spent all day Monday following with stomach cramps and diarrhea. That should teach me a lesson!!

I am eating my normal meals, but am having cravings for sugary sweets. I didn't give in until later yesterday afternoon. I tried drinking water, going for a walk, reading, working on other stuff, but my mind kept coming back to "what's in the kitchen or frig that I can eat?". I kept telling myself I can't eat between meals, but my mind kept saying, "what's to eat?". How do I deal with the mental harangueing I'm getting. Why do I think I need to eat anyway, I'm not hungry. Is it boredom, sleep deprivation causing these episodes? I know I have not been able to take a nap since I started the No S Diet, I can't seem to fall asleep (just know that I tried). This is a good thing because I am sleeping much better at night, even when I have to get up and let the dog out at 3 am, I am falling back asleep much quicker.

I have to set some type of goal for myself. Setting a weight goal seems to be defeating for me. Maybe an exercise goal would be better. I am thinking I can get in exercise twice a day, if I start out early enough in the morning; but I have to be careful, this old body reacts to too much exertion.

I'll burn up some calories today just running errands; don't have to drive today, so I'm happy.

Arlene :)
5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

Posts: 21
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Post by arlene55372 » Mon May 18, 2009 9:00 pm

It' amazing how I can forget to come here when I am not following the no S diet program!!

I am in that "I want it now" state of mind and it's not going to happen. Doctors are looking at getting me a Cpap machine. She also said I wouldn't need one if I lost the weight!!! Help!!
5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by ~reneew » Tue May 19, 2009 12:16 am

arlene55372 wrote:
I am in that "I want it now" state of mind
That's tough. I'm usually there... also. I get a panic-y feeling and would do near to anything just to have it gone now!!! Try to trust that this will work if you steadily keep it up. It worked for you already and has for so so many others. It's the only sane way to "diet" because it's just eating normally. Good luck and keep it going. Set a small goal and reward yourself with a non-food thing. Keep in touch!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
Please pray for me

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Post by arlene55372 » Tue May 19, 2009 1:47 am

Thanx Rene for the positive note.

I have been walking every day with my step daughter and I am getting stronger with each step. I don't walk for very long, but I know I can build on that quickly.

I always need a pat on the back. you know, those old "atta boys".

5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by arlene55372 » Fri May 22, 2009 1:36 pm

This week has been a flow of SUCCESS. I weighed myself today and I am down in weight. Not what I had thought it would be, but I forgot I had a week off with the munchies. This week has been very good.

The doctor told me I wouldn't have to wear a cpap machine at night if I lost some weight. I don't want to wear the mask.

I think I am getting over that "want it now" feeling. I am content with 2# a week and that should take me a long way with weight loss.

I purchased the complete set of Richard Simmons CDs, Sweatin' To The Oldies. I love working out with his musicals.

5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by arlene55372 » Sat May 23, 2009 3:09 am

Today we were invited out for lunch at the local restaurant for a birthday lunch. I ordered smart, grilled chicken, roasted vegetables and fresh strawberries. When I got to the strawberries, a large chocolate lava cake was brought out and everybody sang happy birthday to the birthday girl (not me). The strawberries went well with the large piece of cake I was given. Then, I got home..... I had this sugar craving that wouldn't end. I purchased an apple pie at the local grocery store and ate half of it!!

I KNEW I should have turned down the cake, deep inside of me knew, but my mind was on having that cake. When I arrived home, I knew I was like an alcoholic, I WANTED MORE!!! AND more was what I got. Tonite I am not able to eat a healthy dinner because I am still stuffed from eating half of the pie. Tomorrow we are invited out for lunch again, I must stop giving in to my impulses and learn to eat what I need, not what I want.

5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by arlene55372 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:49 pm

Oh my, I can't believe it's been this long since I posted. I am doing fairly well with the No S Diet and am enjoying my S days with desserts. Some days I will eat more desserts and then I won't have any the next day, just depends on how I feel. Having just 1 day with desserts seems to "settle" my desire to do something for myself.

I have way more SUCCESS DAYS than failures. The weight is starting to come off. I finally got on the scale. Slow but sure.

Along with eating better, I am also able to handle stress way better. Maybe it's the healthy food, maybe it's because I am in control. I just know things don't bother me like they used to.

I still won't attend my 50 year high school reunion because of my weight. It's in September and I will still be obese by that date. Wishing won't make it true, but I wish I had never let myself get this heavy.

Arrlene :D
268 today
5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by arlene55372 » Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:23 pm

Sunday, May 31st.

Went to grandson's birthday party and had birthday cake and ice cream - good thing it was an "S" day, had no guilt eating it.

The dinner was hamburgers or bratwurst on big buns, cream cole slaw and creamy potato salad and lots of chips. How many carbs can you have on one table? I had the hamburger on a bun, no cheese, and about a half cup of the potato salad and cole slaw - no chips. I wasn't able to eat all of the hamburger and bun, so I threw it away. I made sure to save calories for the cake.

I am becoming filled up sooner than I used to be. Today I had an Egg McMuffin and I was barely able to eat all of it - I should have stopped when I felt full - this is something I have to be away of more often; a cup of coffee and that's it for breakfast. lunch is a chef salad (homemade) and dinner is roast beef (crockpot style) with lots of veggies.

Yesterday, I was not going to take my Nordic Poles with me on my walk, but after thinking about it, I decided they would be good for me when I get tired. Good thing I took them along, I changed my route and climbed more hills and the poles came in handy.

Today: 268
5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by ~reneew » Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:26 pm

You're doing great... and becoming more aware, and that's the biggest first step. I suggest Leslie Sansone walk C.D.s They go about 15 minutes for a mile and they are easy to mindlessly follow. I'm hooked on those. I have one that is a 1-2-3 mile one, and I choose how long I want to go. Some days just 1 mile and some days 3 miles. Another Leslie C.D. is one that goes 1 mile every day for 15 minutes. So, if you do the 15 minutes every day, you have a new routine daily. I love them! I don't need to change clothes to do them either. Not too sweaty after only 15 minutes. I have been known to keep going and do many miles just because they're fun. :shock:

As for the reuinion... keep up what you're doing and remember that the gut seems to be the first thing to go, so you might look better than you think! Besides... most people there will probably be overweight and ALL will look older. :wink: After the first 10 minutes, the self-conciousness will pass and you could spend the evening catching up and having a great time. Just a suggestion. It could be a good goal for you too!

Keep it up!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:34 pm

Sounds like you are doing just great. I have only been here a little over a month but my whole mindset has changed. I was a big time snacker, here a few chips, here a few cookies, here a healthy cheese stick, here a healthy yogurt, here a healthy protein bar.

And then I would eat all my meals.

Now, I just eat the meals, that's it. I don't even think about it anymore.

I am hungry when I eat and I have learned to embrace that empty feeling. It means that my body is using up the food I have given it at the earlier meal.

I LOVE this plan and especially the fact that it is normal. I went out to eat with my DIL on Saturday to a Mexican restaurant. Altho it was a S day, I didn't order the huge dinner I normally would have. I ordered just a chalupa and enjoyed the chips and salsa. The topic of dieting was never mentioned, didn't need to be as I was eating a normal meal like a normal person,

the beauty of this plan.

Good luck, I will follow your progress. I have a daily check in as well, doing better logging in but I forgot about it for almost a month because I was posting on the main page. :roll:


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Post by arlene55372 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:57 am

Reneew, thanks for the tips about Leslie Sansone CDs. I like to download my cds onto my MP3 player, since it's easier to carry along. I'll check out her tapes on line and see what's available. I used to have all of her walking cds but I gave them away because I was walking in my kitchen and I got bored.

StrawberryRoan, I, too, used to eat between meals and then I couldn't eat all of my regular meals. Now, I am hungry when I sit down and eat it all. I try not to load up my plate because I like to feel the hunger at the next meal.

5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by arlene55372 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:38 pm

Yesterday was a SUCCESS.

I am starting to feel bloated after I eat a meal. I wonder if that means I am eating too much? I will try smaller meals to see if this helps. This morning it was 1 1/4 oz of Cheerios with 1 cup of blueberries, 12 almonds, 2 T Wheat Germ and 1 cup of skim milk. Very filling.

Lunch is pork fajitas; dinner is roast beef cabbage rolls.

5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by arlene55372 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:34 pm

I am eating a half serving of Kashi cereal with 1/2 cup of blueberries before breakfast. Not only is it filling, but it also keeps me regular. I had a lot of gas when I first started eating Kashi breakfast cereal, but that's almost gone now.

I made some fantastic chunky tomato soup and it tastes sooo good. I divided the recipe into 4 servings so I don't overeat.

I started sleeping with my new bipap machine and I slept 7 hours last night. I feel good today; maybe this is what I needed to straighten out my metabolism.

268 today.
5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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