Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:50 pm

Hi Click beetle Betsy...
I don't get that quote, well at least I don't see what you were referring to..
I guess I need some help there...
You may explain now! LOL..

Well today was just a "take it easy, greasy" day...
We have been eating super spartan style...
Same reasons... low on funds...
Well the good thing is that we are actually used to being a bit hungry all the time now, so it really isn't bothering me much...
Very weird developments, but good!
Other than being really lazy because I'm waiting for my stupid cycle to start (rah!!!! :evil: ) and I am about 2 or 3 pounds of water to go along with that! (what fun!!! :evil: :evil: )
I expect the next few weeks to see a big change weightwise...
I'm being unbelievably good these days... I did have about five mini tomatoes last night with dressing, around 1:30 but I'm not in any way concerned about it...
I guess the thing I'm learning is that I have a night time eating habit that, if not cured, has been considerably tamed this year...
I'm not having two bowls of cereal etc... Tomatoes and dressing?
No one gains much weight from that!!!
And it is happening less and less...
We're just eating a bit too skimpily these days...
Must get more work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all had a great day at BBQ's and all that jazz...
Mmmm a burger would be like heaven right now!!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:56 pm

Hey everyone!!!
I found my family from New Orleans and everyone is all okay... Thank you Lord!

The internet is amazing!!! I posted a message on MSN and found four other messages from other family members all around the country..
Got in touch with Freddy's sister and we just finished talking... She said they are all safe in a shelter, with air conditioning etc...

Jan, guess where they all are?
Baton Rouge...

Thanks to all you guys for your support and love while I was waiting for this good news!!!
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Post by Lethaltoenails » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:39 am

Hooray for you and your family, Deb - glad to hear they're OK.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:42 am

Thank you Karyn!!! :D
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:53 am

Oh Deb, I am so glad they are all safe and sound! Baton Rouge was not much harmed by the storm, so it should be a very pleasant place to be a refugee in.

You've had a happy ending to your worries, and I'm glad! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:06 am

Hugs Jammin Jan!!!
Thanks so much!
Yeah, the major worries are out of the picture now...
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Post by Tonsha » Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:08 am


That must be a huge relief. I'm really pleased for you and your family. The horrible thing is not knowing where your loved ones are.

I guess we just have to keep hoping and praying for those who are still in that situation.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:40 pm

Hey Dave!
Thanks mate :)
Yeah, I don't know how many times I've gotten off the phone with my ex and thought infuriated thoughts, verging on the violent! LOL... :twisted:

However, when a real danger presented itself all that turned into nothing and I just couldn't bear the thought of any real harm coming to him...
Ha.. I'm crazy! :lol:
And especially didn't want any harm to come to my stepdaughters...
I may set up a small donation fund for their personal relief...

Yes I agree we all have to pray and hope for help for the helpless there..
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:21 pm

Here's a link to one of Freddy's albums with Dr. John...
He is the drummer on this and, incidentally it won the "Best Traditional" category at the 1993 Grammys....
I met him at a concert he was doing at the Blue Note, after the release of that album, and the rest is history!!! LOL... ... 4?v=glance

A collection of New Orleans traditional tunes, as done by the inimitable funky pianist and singer Dr. John, the "Night Tripper"....
Freddy is a real talent and really an unusual drummer...
Not your average musician... (or "average" anything! LOL... :lol: )

I figured it would be nice to expose you all to some of his music, since I've been asking you all for your prayers and such, and this will give you a "real life" feeling of who I was asking you to pray for..
(ps.. No Freddy isn't the guy with the Indian costume on,,, That's Mac, aka, "Dr. John".. LOL.., though Freddy's grandmother was, infact, Choctaw Indian... so drums are in his blood...)

He was also the drummer on the 1970's seminal (sp?) New Orleans classic album, also by Dr. John, "Gumbo"... A must have for the New Orleans music fan... Has the songs "Iko Iko" and "Junco Partner", on it...

Thanks you guys for holding my hand this week..
I'm really moved by your love and support! I won't ever forget this experience!
Enjoy the clips when you have time!

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:44 pm

I ate a bunch of dried cranberries and a whole bag of chinese fried noodles (about three ounces!!! :evil: ) at three thirty am!

What a rotten breakfast!!!! :lol:

While I was "sleepeating" through this surreal moment.. I thought...

"This is bingeing..." :roll:
It was... I hated it, it's over...
I guess I will just have to dump those crummy noodles next time....
This morning I was feeling like a piece of cra....ayons......

Not an excuse at all, but I've been really finding it hard to shut down at night and sleeping is somewhat off these days...
This will not happen again... My new goal is to attack my bad night time "cave in" habit this year... I feel confident I am great during the day, as NoS feels comfy as a glove to me... but wow, that night eating just has to stop somehow... It doesn't happen as much as in the past... Usually once or twice a week.. But it really is stopping me from losing weight...
If I can get through the night without even a handful of anything, no matter how healthy it is... like grapes or whatever, I know that my pounds will come flying off... I have always had fantastic success in the past, when I would totally stop eating after around 8 or 9.... I'd also notice the converse if I ate *anything* in the night... Even if it was healthy... I'd never lose weight on those days... Maybe it's all that "Shelptin!" LOL...
As far as not eating after 8.... I can't really keep that up now, since sometimes I like having a bit of a later dinner, but I can put a no eating after 11 until 7 am rule into effect...
Please cross your fingers for me!

Well it only goes to show, when our guards are down, our sneaky minds are out to get us and those crummy habits get the worst of us!
I'm definitely dumping that stuff in the future...
Notice how I didn't snack on something I had to prepare or cook...
Convenience foods are *too* convenient!!!
The road to fatness is paved with conveniences!!!!

Well I feel better now that I posted this...
Looking forward to the weekend... I have a bit more cash this week so I am psyched because I can stock up a bit more on goodies like luxury fruits I am craving!!!
Oooooh! Cantelope and figs, here I come!!!!
Have a great day yalls!

Peace and Love to all my friends here and all over the planet!
8) Deb

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Post by peetie » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:46 pm

Deb, Sounds like you are making your fall from grace a great learning experience. You have come to several very constructive conclusions on what to do here. And that's what shows us what we're made's not if we fall that counts, it's how fast we get back up, and how we shore ourselves up for the next time.

I really wouldn't call that a binge. If that is what you call a binge, my dear, my binges could eat your binges for breakfast!

It was just some mindless eating that you are not going to do again because you have a plan! Congrats on your quick recovery!

p.s. You should have a bowl of cooked prunes in the fridge. According to the California Prune Council, you can keep them for atleast a month in the fridge once their cooked. And you thought I didn't have friends in high places!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:53 pm

They'd be gone in one sitting!
And then I'd never be able to leave the house!!! LOL..
Thanks Prunesta!
Hope you enjoy your weekend and sheet cake!!!
(with prune filling!)

Just got home from shopping... wow it felt good to be able to go and buy more than 20 dollars worth of food..
I actually bought some Pulots to see what they are like!
Yeeks... nearly four dollars a pound! But I thought... You only live once!
Also got some nice looking "country style" white bread, you know with the flour sprinkled on top, and some bacon and beautiful tomatoes (again pricey!) After I have a BLT I will try a Bacon and Peanut Butter sandwich sometime soon! Hi Kevin!!!! :wink:
I wonder if I'm pregnant???? LOL...
That would be some kind of "S" miracle! Talk about "virtual S"!!! LOL.....
Going in to the city later to buy Richard a saxophone...
That is a big S!!!!!
He is starting lessons with Premik this week! Wooo hooo!!!

Check out my new talented and special friend!

Peace, Love (and Prunes)...
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:12 pm

Oh, I forgot to mention that I more than made up for my evening thing, which even though you say it wasn't a binge, Peetie, I feel it was...
To me, there's a feeling that goes along with this kind of stuffing.. Not just the mere amount.. But trust me, it was a big portion of those nasty fried noodles and they didn't taste that good eaten in this fashion... In my book, it just felt like a binge.. Binge, in the sense of "This really isn't pleasurable eating, why the heck am I stuffing my face??? Someone stop me!".....
So, today I did a half hour of elliptical as "penance"! :P
Got a good sweat going... The gym is under the supermarket so I got my paycheck, did my movement arts, and went shopping!
I will SG later tonight!!!!
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Post by peetie » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:25 pm

Yeah, that's true, Deb. A binge is in the eye of the beholder. It isn't a matter of mere quantity. What truly defines a binge is what it FEELS like, and we know it when we have it.

Enjoy your bacon. I'm sure it's from a Kosher pig.

A non Kosher pig

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:30 am

Peetie, you are the greatest!!!
As for bacon.. Richard really likes it, but we seldom buy it... Not because were Jewish, but just because it's so damn unhealthy!!!! LOL..
I think we buy bacon about twice a year... if that much....
I don't think you could ever find the right blessing to make a pig Kosher!
So, this one is probably plain old "traif"...
Have a nice evening Peetovitch!
:P Debbie

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Post by peetie » Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:56 pm

Deb, I love the taste of the stuff too, and try not to overindulge because it is pure fat and pure preservatives, and I feel like I am a cannibal when I eat a pig! What helps a lot for me are things like Cobb Salads....things where there is some bacon added for flavor, but you aren't really getting huge, unhealthy quantities.

Fat and salt....the perfect combination!


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Post by Tonsha » Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:42 pm

Bacon butties with HP sauce....I'm drooling again!

I know pork is unhealthy, but I just *love* the stuff!!

Gammon & chips with a fried egg on top...stop it! stop it!

Fortunately, I only eat meat about twice a month. So it's bacon/gammon the first time and chicken the second. I think my body can stand that.


P.S. Oh wait... Team meal at work is normally Steak & Kidney pie (pub lunch). Only once a month though 8)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:43 pm

Ah! English food! I love not understanding what any of that is! LOL...
Gammon, HP, Butties!!!!
Well it sounds like a party... :lol:
See you Tonsha and Sweetie Peetie MD...
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Post by carolejo » Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:16 am

At least Bacon can't be all bad, it's recognisable as 'meat'!

Unlike Sausages, which are really very grim when you think about it.....

....Yummy :!: :lol:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:24 am

Yeah! Who knows what's in those!!!!???? Or whattabout meat pies?
Remember Sweeney Todd? LOL... :shock:

LOL... Good to have our Carolejo here! I needed a laugh! :lol:
Are you in Tulip land yet? How did everything go???
Is Viscount Steve recovered from his skirmish with the golden bikini squad?

Missed ya CJ!
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Post by carolejo » Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:27 am

Hey! What time of day do you call this...?!

It must be, what, 4:30am in NY?!

The boy NoS recovered from his little 'shock'. He was very pleased to see me too *wink*


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:34 am

Yay!!! A family reunion! LOL..
Well, it's five thirty now....
Not usually up this early so I'm going right back to my snuggly bed now!
Ta CJ...
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Less is More!!!!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:31 pm

Hey all!!!
Man, I am perturbed at the fact that I ate a bit too much this weekend...
(Note, newbies, this isn't an S day syndrome to throw you into a panic, and make you worry about S days.. It was just plain stupidity! No sweets or snacks were anywhere to be found, for the record....)
It certainly wasn't a binge, and last year it wouldn't have even registered as a bad day at all... but I have higher standards now and a much more sensitive body these days...
I basically had a timing issue Saturday... I ate lunch and dinner, pretty much only an hour apart... Why???? Yo! I have no clue! I am pissed off that I ate when I wasn't even within two hours of hunger... It makes me mad because it was senseless...
Oh well..
Then yesterday, I ate a pretty substantial container of hot and sour soup... Salty but pretty nice... Not as great as I used to think it was though... And I used to eat this pretty often, so watchout Deb, MSG is not good! LOL...
Anyway,, after the soup I had about four turkey meatballs and about a cup of creamed spinach, well maybe not a full cup, but a big puddle of it...
I soooo totally didn't need that second course of food... I could have gotten away, without any remorse, with a couple of the meatballs and then just some water... I was so disgustingly full from that, I am even flabbergasted.... I mean, in one way this is a good thing, since now, eating minor excesses causes major discomfort and overfullness... But mainly I'm mad at myself...
Before the spoon hit my lips I looked at that soup and knew instantly, that it would be enough for my dinner... I had a very substantial lunch so it wasn't like I would die of starvation... But, did I listen to my inner voice??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! (ala John Belushi! LOL..)
Now that I'm thinking of it, however, I remember that I was eating this dinner fairly late, and felt frazzled before... I think it was around 8:45 or so... Believe it or not, my tummy is still hurting this morning...
I am not used to stuffing it to over full anymore! Also, I had quite a bit of grease in my system and ate meat at two meals for the day, which is something I'm not inclined to do these days anymore... It was revolting!
Okay so I'm going to end on a positive note and say, this was a great learning experience... I am going to be much truer to myself and listen to that "little voice" which knows right from wrong, and whether I should have soup or not! LOL..
I'm starting another run of 21 days today!!!!
Are you going to be my running mate??? LOL...
I will not be doing this kind of stuffing again, on S days, N days or Z days...
It is gross, I hate it.. I was burping and felt like I was some sort of bubbling sulfuric fumerole at Yellowstone National park, and would rather feel nice!!!!!!
The moral of my tale of woe:
"Less is more"
(more or less! LOL...)

Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:19 pm

Red Alert!!!! LOL...

Hi guys... Well, I'll be away for a little bit... (I will probably die of withdrawal! LOL)
My computer has a virus and I can't get the thing to go away..
I even considered waving my sledgehammer at the comp in hopes it would scare it straight, but that wouldn't even work!!! LOL....

I'm taking the plunge..
After days of aggravation, and wondering if it will just go away on it's own, to "drop the bomb" on this computer...
I'm going to try a factory restore today and wipe the slate clean... Unfortunately, that will also delete many things I've wanted to save, like drawings and special photos, art projects...
I saved most of them on disk, but I'll be losing my email address contacts so if any of you wish to contact me during the next few days, just leave me a private message since my home email will have to be reconstructed after I clean up the hard drive... At this point, I can't even open my emails or send them anyway, so what's the difference!? LOL..

Well, have a great day all!
Wish me luck...
And wish me luck on having a good N day, because I know those good vibes help us all!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:33 pm

Good luck with the new computer. You have my sympathy, having been through several computers in the last couple of years.
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Day One and counting.....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:15 pm

Orange alert... LOL

Ha ha... Well thanks Jammin Jan!
Actually I'm not changing computers, and thank goodness, because after spending 500 bucks on getting that saxophone, I certainly wouldn't want to have to get a new computer...
I'm just going to wipe all the stuff from the hard drive, with the recovery disc, and put it back into it's original "factory" condition...
Still, it's very annoying..
My computer geek friend Richard (no not mine, but yes coincidence)
will be coming around tomorrow evening to do this... But he is a flake so who knows if he will show up! LOL....

Meanwhile,,, dinner is cooking, I am going stir crazy because I haven't got enough work this week, and I'm a bit down...
So, today was Day One again, as I'm going to do the 21 day challenge again... Just to keep me on track... I think Reinhard is a real genius...
The three weeks seems very doable as long as we have our weekends for fun... It's challenging enough as a medium length goal, and hopefully, this time around, I'll see some weight loss results... I really hope!!!
It would be nice to drop between 5 and 10 pounds...
I'm going for it!!!!

So, we are having a nice steak for dinner with nice white boiling potatoes and I will probably smother them in olive oil and butter and garlic!!!!
Okay, the water's boiling... time to dunk them in!
Hope you are all well and having a nice one!
I don't anticipate any messups tonight as I am stoked to succeed!!!!!!!!
Lets Rock!!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blue Daisy » Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:16 pm

Good luck Deb! You can do it. Sounds like you are off to a good start.
The secret to success is small, but very consistent changes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:01 am

Thanks Daisy!!!
Hope your well down there in the Peach State!
8) Deb

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:44 am

Hey Deb, good luck with the computer virus fix, hope you will be back soon. And congrats on starting Day 1 again. I know this next 21 will go fast.


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Post by reinhard » Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:49 am

Deb, I remember when you thought 21 days wasn't doable for you. You've come a long way. You have the most important thing, which is long term stamina. You've been dong this for a year, mostly successfully, mostly happily, and getting better and better at it despite many obstacles. That's huge.

As for the midnight fridge raids: what happened to cerberus? Did he fare no better than zuel?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:05 am

Maybe if Cerebrus was really in my kitchen it might work!!! LOL..
Zeul never scared me much, especially because the though of it usually then jumps to the image of Rick Moranis going around saying "I am the Gate keeper" or the "Key keeper", and pretending he is a dog from the city of Gozer...
And that just makes me giggle!!...

Truthfully, those night raids are much more sporadic, and less terrible than they used to be... Not sure why I have such a difficult time with this on "those days", but I think it has to do with the fact that I am usually in a chronic state of serontonin depletion... Not that this is a good excuse, but sometimes the food just helps settle me down so I can get back to sleep...
Again, this is becoming much less of a regular occurance, and it used to be much worse...

Thanks for your lovely words Reinhard! You are such a great leader and friend!
I am sticking with it, because it is a plan that is enjoyable and makes sense, and because of you and the great group here!!!!
We all rock! I am really happy about it all.. I am hoping to tweak things once in a while to get the weight loss moving a bit more, but probably that's going to come from the exercise end of things... (and maybe not eat bacon/mayonaise sandwiches as often as I did this week! LOL.... Well it was actually only two!... Ha ha...)
Keep looking for a picture of Cerebrus for my fridge!
I couldn't really find a good and scary one! LOL..
Hope you and your little Engel (and big) are all well and enjoying Indian Summer...

Peace and Love,
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Post by Tonsha » Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:36 am

Hi Deb!

Sorry to hear about your bad S day, but remember that S days are there to allow us to blow off steam once in a while. And anyway, it's obvious that you recognised what is was doing to your body and how it made you feel. That's more than halfway to changing those habits for a lifetime!

I'd be happy to be your team mate for the next 21 days! (How could I refuse? Especially after all of the help you've given me for my first 21?)

I feel really positive after completing the initial three week period, and I have noticed the positive changes in my life from simply getting grip and this aspect of it.

I'm going to see how long I can keep it going for and set a personal best no. of days.

Stat wise: I started at 12st 13lbs (181lbs). The weight charts reckon I was 2st overweight (28lbs) and borderline obese according to the BMI index. I'd be happy to lose anywhere between 21-28lbs (but my wife was a bit horrified when I said this. I think she thinks I'd look half starved at under 11st). I'd lost 4lbs at the end of week 2, I just forgot to weigh myself this week.

The good news is: I got my 'before' picture uploaded to flickr late last night. I just need to figure out how to post it to my check in for all the world to see! Ha Ha! :lol:

Make it a good day, Deb!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:42 pm

Hey! I thought stones were for throwing!!!! :shock:
Actually, it's cool that you explained your method of weighing Dave, thanks... Occasionally a British Nosser will mention weight in stones, and I'm usually like "Whaaaaaa????" :lol:
Thanks for the translation here... We Americans can get so fossilized into our ways and often forget there's a whole world out there which uses different systems... So self centered! LOL...

Anyway... Congratulations on your four pounds down (*a whole third of a stone! heh..) and expect more in the future...
If you are exercising and gaining muscle in the process, not merely dieting, you will look amazing at even one stone down from where you are... If you don't exercise and try to shoot for more than 20 lbs down, then I'd tend to agree with wifey, that you might just become a "waif"! LOL... But you know what Dave? It's not for us to decide, it's your body, and you should be the happy one here, so set any goal you think will make you feel good about yourself...
Thanks for the cheer up talk there at the beginning, and yes S days are for letting off steam, but this one for some reason, was really troublesome.. I wasn't craving any particular treat, and I wasn't even hungry... I was eating to excess (and at this point, just having seconds on something is "excessive" so, yeah, big change in my physical and mental perspective!!! Nice!) and that just made me feel like
"Cacadoodoo" LOL.... Last night, however, we had yummy Steak and homemade mash potatoes (how do you say that in Cockney slang? LOL..)
and Richard finished half his food, then said "can I go to the park?"
Well that second steak was staring at me, sitting helplessly on his plate, and I was *ALL ALONE*.... It kept calling to me!!!!
But, I am proud to say, I packed the whole thing up, and shoved it into the fridge, away from *me* where it, and *I* would be safe again! LOL...
As a borderline treat, I had a glass of chocolate soymilk with my dinner...
That was nice!
Yesterday was a complete success!
I think that steak is *still* in me today... LOL..
I can't imagine what kind of heartburn people get when they do a heavy meat version of Atkins... Gross!!! LOL....
I have one massage scheduled at the club at 12:30...So pretty easy day...
Hopefully this week I will start a part time job at Whole Foods to help with my bills... It doesn't pay great at all, but it's consistent.. I am the kind of person who can't handle too much worrying about money, and at least, if I work there ten or twelve hours a week, my food bills will be covered and maybe the utilities too...

Much love to all! (and especially my Running Mate, our Dave,Tonsha! Good thing you didn't refuse!!!! You'd be in big trouble then! LOL...
Let's compare notes at the end of the week! I am probably up a pound or two, since that weekend thing... Oy!
Vote for us!!!
Deb and Dave for President!!!!LOL.....

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:03 pm


I am so proud of you that you resisted that steak. That is just one small choice that will have a big result. (Can you imagine how you'd feel today if you'd eaten it??)

Good luck on the new job. Whole Foods has the best salad bar anywhere.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:04 pm

Hi Drusky! Thanks :)
Good salad bar?? Yeah they do! LOL... That's almost going to be an occupational diet hazzard! Ha... Just kidding... I'm sure if I have enough of the salads, which are totally amazing! I mean roasted veggies, tabouli, tofu... etc..., it will do nothing but help... It's much better than Mc Donalds or Pizza everyday (not that I do that! LOL...)
Usually I don't even shop there much because they are killer crazy expensive, but maybe I'll have an employee discount.. I'm kind of hoping for that, because if I know I've got a great store like that to shop in, I'll have much more fun preparing stuff at home... Thanks about the steak resistance moment!!! Yeah, us parents have a rougher time with this issue, I imagine... Always the possibility to clear off the youngin's plates...
Not a good trend! Yeah, I would have felt so horrible today! But that's really something to consider each and every time we go for food that isn't really necessary... Remebering how good it feels to not overeat is a habit that I'm starting to love! Somehow, thinking "I will feel gross after this is said and done" never seems to work as a preventative measure for me.. Not sure, but I think it's because that is a *negative* motivator... Meaning, the outcome is negative, and the thinking behind it is also.. I would rather think, "how great it will feel to not be stuffed and feel normal!" yay!!! Postive attitude must be maintained!

When you think about it, almost 90 percent of the poor eating choices (usually snacks and sweets) are just impulses.... So it then goes to reason that since it's an impulse, it will also pass....
If we give ourselves a good stretch of time to really consider if we need or even really want that "impulse" food, chances are, we will be on to something else completely and the impulse will have passed...
If not, hey, maybe we really needed it... Like when Tonsha mentioned trying to "sate" his urge for a hot chocolate the other week and not being able to with water...
I guess sometimes we need sugar! LOL..

As far as the eating at home and wanting to steal the steak, I thought of a good scenario to help me in the future...
If you go to a diner or nice restaurant, would you ever even consider, much less actually act on, the impulse to eat off of anyones plate at another table??? Or even if you had guests with you, would you ever eat off anyones plate during a "business lunch"? Obviously that would be truly embarrasing and weird! So why should we do this at home???

Only because we are alone and no one is looking!
So I'm going to imagine, when this arises again, that I'm at a table with all my NOS members of the board, and having dinner with others...

Well I just SG'd and I'm a sweaty mess.. Gotta run and clean up!
I stink! LOL...
(note to self: Remember your deodorant *before* SG!!! Must not pass out during session! LOL...)

I'm about to have breakfast now...
A slice of oatmeal bread with a little peanut butter and half a banana smushed into it...
And, of course, another cuppa coffee!

Love to all!
Have a great day...
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:32 pm

Okay folks!!! I am so happy!!! I lost some weight guys!!!!
I can't tell you how much, only my running mate Dave, can know, and he does, LOL, because my big idea here is to make you all wait for the big 21 days "unveiling" and let you know how much I have lost for the whole month...
But I was too happy not to say something to you all!
Well back to my celebrational lunch of salmon sushi... :lol:
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by navin » Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:21 am

Okay folks!!! I am so happy!!! I lost some weight guys!!!!
I can't tell you how much, only my running mate Dave, can know, and he does, LOL, because my big idea here is to make you all wait for the big 21 days "unveiling" and let you know how much I have lost for the whole month...
But I was too happy not to say something to you all!
You ought to be a film director or something... you are definitely creating the element of suspense. :)
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:51 am

Heh heh heh!!!!

Places everyone!!! LOL.... And,,,,,,,, action!
Navin, try to give us some of that "anguished dieter in love" look!, Oh where's Betsy!???, "Ariel, could you please swing that SG a bit faster!???", "Peetie, Peetie, Peetie!!!,,, If I told you once, I told you a thousand times,,, No eating prunes on the set!!!", "Reinhard, you just stand there and look buff! LOL.."

Okay I'll give you a hint... It's less than 10 lbs and more than one! But only Tonsha can know my daily updates, as he is my special secret keeper for the month...Heh heh heh! LOL.....
Hope you are well Navinator!!! Thanks for writing :D
You better come visit me when you come to NY!
Or *else*!!!: :wink:

Today was a big success!!!!
We had my geeky computer guy friend over to help clear up all those nasty viruses, and after about two hours, it's all done... Yay!!!!
I got us a pizza, and in the back of my mind I was a little worried that I'd overindulge, as this is a bit of a hard one for me to handle... But I was totally satisfied with two slices.. Really full actually... So,,,Yeah!!!!!!!
It's a bit late now, but I will probably have a small plate of salad, just to keep the plumbing happy... (eeeewww! LOL..... How indelicate! LOL..)
Also, on an exercise note, I SG'd and had a massage to do today.. I am sure this is going to be very crucial, if I can keep it up, in getting my metabolism up again.. I was a slacker for the last several months, but when I do it, it always helps immediately... No coincidence there...
And on a non exercise/diet note, both Richard and I have been at practicing the sax for three days and it's starting to sound pretty okay! I would recommend learning a new instrument to anyone out there looking for a fun new hobby... It makes you feel like a kid again! Lots of fun :D
Have a nice evening Nathan, et all you other guys!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:47 am

Betsy, reporting to the set! (Late, as typical!) Wait, I don't recognize the director ... oh, that's because she lost so much weight!
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Post by Tonsha » Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:27 am

YAY! Way to go, DEB!!

Well done! This is a great way to start another 21 days! How positive can that be?

I'll be joining Deb and keep my weight loss 'secret' for the next three weeks. (But if you want to see how much I lost in the first three weeks - go look at my daily check in).

Stroll on! (Or should that be 'Ranger on!'?)

"The best diet is the one you don’t know you’re on" - Brian Wansink

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:23 am

Thanks Mate!!!
Hee hee hee!!!
Congrats on your great start too Dave! I knew I picked a winner!!!!! :wink:
We will show the world!!! :lol:
Mwah ha ha ha ha ha mwah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ala Dr. Evil!)

Boy I'm up early here... must go have some decaf to make myself go back to sleep!
See you later....
Big Hugs!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:05 am

Hey Deb!
Sorry I've been MIA! Great job on the weight loss! I'm sooooo envious if you get a job at Whole Foods---EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT???? I swear, tho, the salad bar would be my downfall...yum.


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Post by MerryKat » Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:01 pm

Well done and congratulations on the loss Deb - Now I can't wait to see how you do by the end of the 21 days!

Good Luck and enjoy the SG
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:32 pm

Thanks Mo and Mandy!!!
Hugs and Best,
8) Deb

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Post by peetie » Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:46 pm

Deb, A salad for the plumbing? May I recommend instead.....I think you know where this is going.....

Peetie, High Priestess of Prunes

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Day Three Down!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:50 am

Peetie!!! Remember the California Raisins?
Well you could launch a whole new Prune campaign, owing to the fact that you are all connected to the Californial Prune council and all!
Thanks for the idea!
I always know I can count on you being a *regular* on my checkin!!!
Just eating the first real meal I've had all day...
I don't know what happened to me today, but I woke up.. Very very late!!! I couldn't sleep last night so I made up for it by sleeping till after one in the afternoon! Yeesh!
Freakwitch and others who are self proclaimed "Night Owls" I have no clue how anyone can function like this on a regular basis! LOL...
Then I ate about one third of a banana.. I went to Yoga around 4pm...
Workout was great (see my Yoga thread for more exciting club details in the saga of the evil manager...)
and I just felt fine with almost nothing in me today...
But of course I was just futzing around and chilling out so,, cool~
Do I get a credit for extra food tomorrow??? LOL...
I'll say today was more than a success..
It was a freak of nature! LOL...
Well off to finish my one slice of pizza with hot sauce on it, and my delicious boiled artichoke.... (I threw some olive oil, garlic, salt, paprika, and a tiny bit of the left over bacon grease I saved from our bacon last weekend for flavor)
I'm going to dip it in vinagrette...
Have a great night Peetie, et all you guys!

Hi Dave!!! Today is day Three!!! How'd you do today?
I know you did great! (If you screw up, I will, still start over with you, so let's be honest! LOL....)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by peetie » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:29 am

There's an old Zen saying, "The wise man eats when he's hungry and sleeps when he's tired." So, Deb, you were just being wise today!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:38 am

Yeah, today was really very Zen!
Love you Peetie San!
8) Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:01 am

Hi Deb

Glad you had a good day! Things are going fine with me. No problems on day three.

(Lookin' forward to lunch on day 4, now!) :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:02 am

Good! I wouldn't want to restart!!! LOL...
Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a nice lunch...
What are you having???
Caro and Vitmo sandwiches???
Thanks Dave! My partner in NoS Glory!! LOL.... We will rule our stomachs!
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:51 pm

Let's see... Today was a very low eating day...
Fine with me.. I don't know how this is possible, but I'm just not feeling like having much... Very bizarre! LOL..
I had coffee and soy this morning and a half a pizza bread roll (stale and then microwaved to make it "chewy and stale" lol..)
It was kind of like chewing on rubber! Very good chewing exercise there!

Then I had Yoga for 90 minutes..... I really had fun..
Larry spotted me and I did a full headstand... Boy that is amazing..

Got home... Ate one piece of fried chicken, and a little corn and mash potatoes... (it was a tv dinner! LOL... tiny side dishes! Loaded with salt.. )

That's all I had today, oh wait, I did eat five small strawberries with about 1/3 of a cup of whole milk vanilla flavored Stonyfield farm yogurt...

So, I don't consider that bread to be a full meal, nor the strawberries... I'm going to have a very small *something* now... and then pack it in for the evening...
We were practicing Sax just now... I'm trying to learn how to play Beatles songs! Yay... It's actually a great diet aide, as it's pretty hard to snack and munch on things when you have a saxophone in your mouth!
Not to mention, it's so much fun, you don't remember to be hungry!
Ha ha!

Well in advance I'll say today was a smashing good winner of a day!
I got a call for a new private client tomorrow, so yay again!

Day 4!!!!
Wow, only one day to S days folks... I am digging this!
Reinhard I love you!!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Debbie
Hey Dave! Are you drinking some Caro now!? LOL....
Wait, I know....
That's some kind of Carrot drink! Right? :P

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Post by MerryKat » Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:08 am

Go Debs, you are doing fantastically well.

Isn't it strange how with the No S plan you stop obsessing about food - to the point where you can truely eat when hungry - AMAZING

Enjoy your S days this week - you deserve them after such a great week of N days.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:43 am

Thanks Mo!!!
I appreciate that.. You do the same!
Please make sure to hug those great kids this weekend okay!
8) Deb

ps.. My son is eagerly awaiting the weekend as my Mom went on a trip to Argentina last week and when she came back she brought along a huge bar of local chocolate for him...
He, like a good boy, told her he'd have to wait till an S day...
Wow, what a kid!

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:45 pm

Hey Deb!
You sure are doing great and you are SO exuberant!! I really enjoy your posts.
Enjoy your Sday weekend! (I am going to the Stones concert tomorrow in Albany - hee hee) 8)
When are you coming up to pick apples?

Love, Karyn

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Post by cvmom » Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:03 pm

Hi Deb et al.

Anything that you like to do that involves keeping your hands and mouth busy is great.

Saxaphone, knitting, gardening, piano playing, painting a room etc. I sometimes just start cleaning the house. I know, boring, but how can I snack when I have rubber gloves on?

Deb, a headstand is great. Where you up against the wall? Headstands are very intense. A good way to see the world from another point of view.

Karyn, I am jealous that you are going to the Stones. I never saw them. I remember during the Tatoo You tour that my dad wouldn't let me go. He didn't think a 17 year old should be going down to the LA Collosseum. I never forgot that because a lot of my friends went. So please rock on for me!!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:31 pm

Karyn, Say "Hi" to Mick and Keith for me!!!!!!!
They still got it!!!! I am jealous! LOL...
They wrote my theme song..
"Start me up!" cuz you know once I get started I never stop never stop never never never never!!!!!.... LOL..

I had to wipe all the stuff off my computer a few days ago and only my addresses which were saved to my regular hotmail account stayed...
Please email me again with your address..

Well, Dru is coming in the beginning of October, maybe somehow, we all could meet and hang for the day...
I think my car is up for the trip...
That's the best time for apples...
There's a really nice apple farm somewhere just outside of New Paltz.. I can't remember the name.. I have to find that out from my friend again, who turned me on to the place.. It also has the best apple cider and fresh cinnamon donuts around!
We could all meet on an S day and pick apples! LOL..

Dru, this is about a 3 hour drive each way.. but very nice... I've got room in my car for three adults and one kid! LOL.... But Oy, the gas money!!! I'll have to rob a bank now.... see ya...

I could snack with rubber gloves on.. And then my hands wouldn't even get dirty from all those cheese doodles! LOL...
Have a nice day.
Talk soon.
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:16 pm

Hi Guys:

Deb, that is very sweet of you to offer up your car. My husband may feel a bit neglected if I take off and leave him in Manhattan though. It's kind of a funny thought: 4 No S'ers in a car on an S day! Can you imagine the inside of the car? Smeared with cinnamon. Smelling of apples and sugar...

I thought of another thing that I do to avoid snacking: the crossword puzzle. Of course you could have a hand free to grab food but it is a good diversion.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:45 pm

cvmom wrote:Hi Guys:

Deb, that is very sweet of you to offer up your car. My husband may feel a bit neglected if I take off and leave him in Manhattan though. It's kind of a funny thought: 4 No S'ers in a car on an S day! Can you imagine the inside of the car? Smeared with cinnamon. Smelling of apples and sugar...

I thought of another thing that I do to avoid snacking: the crossword puzzle. Of course you could have a hand free to grab food but it is a good diversion.

Heh, the quote button weirded out again!
Dru, my car can take four adults and one child...
But if we go to visit Karyn, most likely, she will meet us in her car or we can all meet at the Apple farm...
NY Fall Foliage is something you don't get in California... You should tell your husband it will remind him of Jolly old England!
Think about it...
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:52 am

Day 5 Down..

Five Star Rating.... :D
Weekend looks good too!
Have fun everybody....
Hi Dave! Hope you had a winner too! I know you did!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:11 pm

I am researching all the apple picking info and will report later....


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:17 pm

Hey Guys!
Weekend was great!!! Yesterdays show was soooo much fun, and I even got up and played djembe for one of the songs...
I am beat since I went to sleep at three am this morning and then woke up again at 7:30... I decided to just stay up, enjoy the morning and feel happy!
Yay.. Last night, one of my S's, was half a beer with my mate Simon, and when I left the city I realized I had totally not had any dinner at all.. We were supposed to all try and hook up for something beforehand but it didn't pan out... By the time the show was over it must have been after midnight and I was starved..
I decided to treat myself to a McDonalds medium chocolate shake and I had a quarterpounder with cheese, also fries.... The fries... Good.
The shake.. Really really good.... The semi room temperature hard as a rock burger I finally got to eat when I got home, lameomatic!!!!
Yuck and, Oy! Did my stomach feel like blech this morning....
Today I'm all off kilter and floating around dazed and confused!!! (Cue Led Zeppelin now!)
I had one cuppa joe and I just had a great crispy Red Delicious Apple for very late breakfast... There will be more coffee for sure soon, and for dinner I will be preparing some fresh corn and probably some kind of omlette...
Before that I went to the gym to weigh in and take a nice, relaxing steam bath... I was going to Waldbaums (a NY area supermarket) to buy my coffee and apples, so I decided to drop in there too...
My weight is a teeny bit up, about a half pound, but I totally attribute this to salt and water retention... I had Chinese over the weekend, which was, well, probably full of msg, and also I had that McGreasy burger last night (or more correctly this morning! :shock: ) so, I'm sure that's all it is..

After last night, I just have to say, it is shocking to me how much I have truly truly changed over this last year.. The fast food was really not as great as it used to be, and I find that my cravings (except my java at home) have totally been obliterated.... I eat when I'm hungry.. I drink when I'm thirsty.... I don't even mind being hungry much these days...
It's amazing!!!!
I am thrilled!
I'm sure today will be a successful day, and will be weighing in again in about a week or maybe even longer... I don't like to get obsessed about it, and I don't want to crush my slowly developing momentum with a readout which will rock my world... Patience is my credo, and I would rather put that into action...
It's a bit hard though because working at the club, there are doctors scales everywhere you turn, and it could become a very bad habit...
I hope you all have a Blessed day!
Peace and Love,
8) Debbiedoo... LOL...
How's our Tonsha today??? No muffins for you banana boy! :wink:
I know you did good Dave!
(Don't you love my great grammar! LOL...)

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Post by peetie » Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:29 pm

Sounds like you are born again! I know what you mean about food being food.

Had a rather tumultuous Sunday with my daughter and there was a time I would have emotionally eaten over it. Well, surprise, surprise, my eating was just like it would have been without all the tumult. I had a sweet treat after dinner and it was enough. No need to obliterate myself with food to assuage my emotions. They took care of themselves eventually anyway, and I am not bulging at the seems today.

This is so cool!!!!!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:33 pm

Peetie!!! you make me giggle with delight!!! LOL!!!

I'm glad you didn't resort to stress eating yesterday!
You are growing up!
Yes I am born again! LOL...
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:42 am


Your McDonalds story reminded me of my own experience this weekend.

I am finding that the longer I eat this way the more sensitive I am to sugar and overeating. Saturday I had 1/2 an egg salad sandwich from the deli and a bag of chips. Man I was stuffed!!! And those honey dijon kettle chips just don't taste as good as they used to.

20 minutes later I had to sit down and rest. My husband was like, "What's wrong with you?" and I said "I need to digest. I'm just too full".

The old me would have eaten an entire egg salad sandwich, my chips, my sons chips and the crust off my other son's sandwich. So there!!!

Peetie: I'm sorry that you had a hard time this weekend. But kudos to you for not stuffing your feelings.

We all rock in my humble opinion... 8)


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 20, 2005 1:09 am

Yay Dru! It's great that you feel like eating less, naturally!
Oh, I found a nice Indian Restaurant for next month..
Make sure you don't eat kettle chips and egg salad before that!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:10 am

Deb, sister, I know what you mean! Coke tastes syrupy ... I can't finish a cheeseburger ... encountering cookies or other refreshments at a meeting no longer means I eat 3 and take 2 home ...

By the same token, real homemade food seems to taste extra good ... and I *enjoy* eating more than I used to!

(I mean, I enjoy it more, not I enjoy eating more food than I used to!)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:21 am

Ha ha! Betsy Sister!
I am happy for you!!!
Hope things are more comfy for you weatherwise these days...
Any blue herons floating around your yard today?
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:14 am

Day Nine went well *and* some!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Richard and I enjoyed a decent apple for dessert tonight!
It's nice to start thinking of this as our "intelligent default"
Yay us!
(and thank you Reinhard!!!)

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:45 pm

Day Ten! :lol:
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Ow's our luvable surfer, Tonsha eh wot? :P

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:44 am

Day 11, okay, but I had two sips of Dr. Pepper and two or three handfuls of wasabi green peas! Spicy!
The soda, well Richard and I had a long drive to get his Sax repaired..When we brought it home and Premik played it, he found a defect... Now it's fixed... We didn't have any water in the car (bad planning) and there was a pizza store next to Sam Ash.. We decided to bend the rules just for today while we waited for the repair guy to do his stuff...
I miss Tonsha!
Has anyone seen him??? :roll:
I don't think I can bear doing this without him!!!!!
Ha ha ha!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by navin » Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:19 am

two or three handfuls of wasabi green peas!
Wow, I can handle maybe two or three of those - individual peas, NOT handfuls! They are good though.
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:23 am

Yeah! They are really good for unclogging the sinuses.....
Have a nice night Naveman!
8) Debsabi!!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:56 am

Hey guys!
Time for,,,,,, bum bum bum!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,

I "bleeped up" pretty bad last night...
Don't even really want to go into the details, but it was definitely something that could be considered "Extremely funny business" but it didn't make me laugh!

It won't continue... I am thoroughly disgusted by the bad feeling I have and will make sure I have a good day today and good weekend...

Frankly, I blame Tonsha!!!!!
I mean, how can I do this without you Dave????
I'm weak!!!!!! I neeeeeeeed you!!!
Ha ha ha!!!!
Now I know you've run off with another woman!
Wait, oh yeah, that's your wife!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Special Hugs to CarrieAnn... Hope your baby is protected and safe...

Peace and Love,
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Post by MerryKat » Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:02 pm


I am so sorry to hear you had a bad night, but remember the rules - No beating yourself up over it and don't punish yourself this weekend! Enjoy your S days and get ready to start the N days with gusto.

Hugs from Sunny South Africa
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Post by CarrieAnn » Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:43 pm

Deb, you are one special gal :D Thank you for the special hugs! You hang in there girl, you are doing great! You are truly an inspiration to me :D

Hugs & Love,

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Post by peetie » Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:44 pm

Do not fret, Deb. Just take two prunes and call me in the morning.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:07 pm


Thanks Doc!
8) Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:17 pm

Hey Deb, It is all my fault!! :cry:

Sorry I've not been around for a few days. Don't worry about the *bleep up*. Maybe you can swap it for a Sat/Sun S-day. Remember that even Reinhard said that he goes bananas once in a while. :o

We've all just got to get up and keep moving again.

Strange how we both managed to stumble at around the same time. I struggled Friday night and just gave in to temptation! Decided to swap it for Saturday's S Day, so I've been N-daying today while Diane ate leftover birthday cake! :evil:

Still, I've been a good boy. See what you can do Sunday.

Bug hugs.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:03 pm

I feel better now! LOL.. :lol:
I never make up for a "bleep up" on S days... I only get two days a week for letting myself relax, and honestly, I don't like messing with that..
It was a minor messup anyway, but it made me feel like "blech!"....
But today has been very S low, so far.. I had one glass of homemade lemonade and two pieces, in one sitting, of a delicious spinach mushroom pizza.. :)

Going out tonight but really don't feel like overdoing anything...
Just want to mellow out...
Tomorrow I'll probably get a nice small chocolate or something...
Happy Belated Birthday to Squaw!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:05 pm

I just weighed myself at the gym this morning, and I am very happy to announce that, regardless of the fact that I am now fully into my pms week, which inevitably makes me gain one to three pounds, and although I had a very S indulgent weekend (see the general NoS discussion for details in the "S days" thread by Cynthia for exact S details! LOL..)
I have held my weight loss from the last two weeks and not even gained half a pound!!!

I'm stoked!!!

Unless I totally blow it this week (which I am determined not to) I think the next few weeks might really show some serious weight shifting here!

Rockin in the NoS world!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Dave, Dave!!! Look at meeeee!!! LOL...
What's going on with my mate today? :wink:

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Post by cvmom » Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:06 pm

Yeah Deb. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

That is terrific. I had a similar situation when I went to the Dr. 2 weeks ago. I weighed in and I was 3 pounds higher then I thought but it occured to me that:
1) I was pms
2) I had eaten breakfast
3) I was fully clothed
4) I have been exercising more and last but not least it was a Monday. So, I didn't freak out.

BTW, I read your other post. Twenty pounds over the last year is far from shabby!!!

I'm so happy for you. :D


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:35 pm

Clothing and pms? That would affect the readout for sure!

Thanks Dru!
You aint too shabby either!

Keep on NoS'sing with yo' bad self!

8) Deb

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your amazing !

Post by lynne2005 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:03 am

Deb youll probably notice that im just starting to catch up with everybodys daily posts, im in the middle of reading yours at the moment, ive just finished tonshas. Your always happy and so 'there' for everybody. You hardly ever mention your own probs (we all have them). Keep it up and well done with the weight loss xxxxx
When i say reading the daily posts, it means that im starting from the very beginning of everybodys posts. In your case 20 pages lol. All good reading so far.

Love Lynne xxxxxxxxx
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:52 am

Oh my God Lynne! You will certainly go blind if you read everything I write!!!! LOL...

Have a great night~
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:45 pm

Hey Friends!
I just wanted to share a couple of cool things for the moment...
Firstly, I created a weird but very tasty new kind of sandwich...
I think Daisy had mentioned that fruit sandwiches were popular with her family... I decided to try this, but with a little twist...
I took a red delicious apple, sliced a bunch of apple slabs, then put it on soft oatmeal bread, with a little shmear of mayo... (ha ha, somehow shmear and mayo just seems a bit strange... LOL... Not very Jewish of me! LOL...)
Then I took two slices of American cheese (how patriotic!), and I actually grilled it, with apples and all...
I wound up with a semi-dessert type meal....
You know in the old days of diners, people would order apple pie with a slice of melted cheddar cheese on it? Well, the grilling part cooked the sweet apples enough to make it seem like I was eating a piece of apple pie with cheese... It was really filling and really good~
I actually had to eat half for breakfast, and half for lunch...
Next time, I'll use real cheddar cheese instead of fake American cheese...

I just visited my girlfriend who recently gave birth to her first son, and was dropping off some gifts... A baby swing, and some clothes.... All Richards stuff! LOL... Well, I haven't really seen her since she was about 2 months pregnant, I guess that's around last December????
She kept staring at my face and after a little chit chat, she said she thought I looked like I lost a lot of weight, and thought I looked
That was a really nice thing to hear...
Well, see you all later~
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Azathoth » Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:01 pm


Just wanted to let you know that when I do have apple pie (thankfully that only happens rarely, or I'd be even more of a tank than I am now), I ALWAYS have it with slices of cheddar cheese on top... it's absolutely the best. I'm going to have to give that sandwich a shot.

And, of course, congrats on looking fabulous!

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Post by lynne2005 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:35 pm

You feel fabulous,
You look fabulous,
Hey, You are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:47 pm

Thanks Az and Lynne!!!
We are all bloody fabulous!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:59 am

Hey! Quick update..
Today got balanced out, but it was pretty darn unbalanced there for a while!!!
I ran out of my St. Johns Wort yesterday, and I have pms too...
This is a bad combination... I had that great sandwich today, but it was my breakfast and lunch, and frankly that was wayyy too little food to feel good... By the time 4:30 rolled around I was feeling like a crazed maniac!!! So so bad feeling.... Oh well.. I ended up getting delicious Beef and broccoli and some Lo Mein from our Chinese favorite restaurant and ended up eating seconds by dinner time... So when I said it got balanced out, I mean I ate two meals in one sitting by dinner time, to make up for the lack of a substantial lunch before... I was gobbling it up like a lunatic!!! LOL....
Kind of lame, I know, but I just wasn't taking care of my self the way I should and lost it....
I am pretty full now! LOL...

That's a Chinese compliment for you!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
ps.. I got my St. Johns Refill as soon as I started whacking out!
I feel so much better now...
It's scary to see how out of it I can get when I let that Serontonin slip out of my system, even for one day....
pps...Where in blazes is Tonsha! LOL...
Love ya Dave..
You have to quit your job now, just so you can post during the day, instead of doing your job... LOL...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:06 pm

I posted a bit of Debified Blog on James page aka "Freakwitch Log" LOL...
So you can check out what a screwy evening I had last night and check out my rant of the day.. :lol:

Things are going very well today... There's no Chinese food around, so tonight should be fine too!! LOL..

I even Urban Rangered a bit, *in the drizzly weather and all!*, today....
I decided to park my car at the office and walk the five or six blocks to the club to take my Yoga.. But Larry wasn't there!!!!!!!!
So I went shopping for Soymilk, chicken and frozen veggies and then I walked back to my car carrying it all... It was almost as fun as SG!
Those bags were darn heavy!!! LOL....

I miss Tonsha!!! I guess he doesn't love me anymore...... :P

Ha ha ..
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Oct 02, 2005 10:06 pm

I wanted to post a very funny thing Richard told me the other day..
He just got elected for SPAC in his school..
I think that stands for Student Principal Action Committee.. Or something..
He made a poster and everything... We were both cracking up because when I asked him how the other kids posters looked, he said one of them said "Vote for me" and that was all.. No name or anything!... Kids!

So the first funny thing is this...
He said that him and the other candidates gave their speeches in class and at the end he said.. Feigning political fervor,,,

"If you vote for me, I will not resign!"

He knew he didn't know what that meant, but he thought it was cool to say!
Then the teacher made them all talk about what "resign" means... LOL..

But he won! LOL..
Eight votes out of 20...

Okay, back to watching my video about Bob Dylan...
Love to all,
8) Deb
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Post by Tonsha » Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:17 am

Hiya Sweetie!

Don't worry - I'm still around (just locked out of the forum for most of the time :? )

Sorry to hear about your difficulties over the past week, but happy to hear about how you keep losing your pants! :lol:

It just goes to show how small mistakes don't completely cock-up the overall plan! It sounds like we both did great over the last 21 days (in the main) even though we both had a couple of hiccups, the end result has been positive.

The scales don't really matter. You can feel the differences happening to your body, and other people are noticing it too!

(Hey - nobody has said anything to me until *I* prompted them. 'You look fabulous' is a MAJOR achievement! Celebrate girl!)

Got to go now - but I'll try and catch up later tonight - after I paint the bathroom!


PS - We get to take a turn again! Want to be my buddy for the next 21 days?
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:03 pm

Hiya Sweetie!
Hiya Sweetie yerself!
Yay you still do love me! :P
Well good! Me too!
It just goes to show how small mistakes don't completely cock-up the overall plan!
Too bad for me! LOL... :lol:
It sounds like we both did great over the last 21 days (in the main) even though we both had a couple of hiccups, the end result has been positive.
Yeah, yer right...
Just because a cock-up caused some hiccups doesn't mean it wasn't a success of some sort...
Sounds like bloody good fun to me!!!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! :twisted: LOL.....

Thanks Dave
You wiped the frown right off my face... LOL......

I'll be doing the 21 days on a different habit this month.. I'm going to try and do my "Body Flex" exercise everday and see where that leads me...
Of course I will still post daily on my thread, and I consider you to be my permanent partner here for 21100,000,000 days....
Or until we are too thin to exist, whichever comes first! LOL....

Thanks for you sweet post! You are the best!
Of course I couldn't resist making those perv comments! They were too good... I never change! LOL....
8) Deb
ps.. Good luck painting the bathroom... Any nice colors? Will it be purple?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:13 pm

Oh yeah, forgot to mention this.. I had a big time triumph here guys... At least for me, since this is a big problem for me personally....
I ordered Chinese food for dinner last night and didn't eat the leftovers in the middle of the night...
I put the stuff in the freezer to dissuade me, and just made a solemn promise to myself to wait till lunch today...
This worked well!!!
I'm glad I kept my promise!

Have a lovely day yalls...
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:20 pm

Way to go, Deb!! That'll teach that pesky chinese food to be so tempting and yummy, freezing it's little Cha Siu - butt off in the deep FREEZE!!


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Post by navin » Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:15 pm

Way to go Deb! And your reward was a tasty lunch of leftover Chinese you wouldn't have otherwise had. :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 03, 2005 11:50 pm

Thanks Carolejo and Nate!!!
I am actually having it for dinner right this moment!!!
It even lasted through the lunch hour! LOL....
Hope you had a great day guys!

So Nathan.. Dru isn't coming to NY..
Hope you still are! LOL...
Peace, Love and Leftovers...
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:42 am


Putting the Chinese in the freezer was nothing short of brilliant!!!

I am so proud of you.

I think that Chinese food tastes better the next day anyway!!!
Hope you enjoyed it.

On Friday I realized that there was a packet of Mint Milanos on the counter for the entire week. Granted they were partially hidden by the coffee but still........very cool, huh?

Have a great night, in fact you are probably already asleep.


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Post by CarrieAnn » Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:27 pm

Hi Deb!
I love chinese food :!: In fact when my hubby and I go shopping we always go out for chinese food. Hang in there you are doing great! I've read that you use St. John's Wort. Does that help PMS? I have terrible PMS. It's so bad that my hubbly tries to avoid me as much as possible (can't blame him there). He says I am the sweetest person he knows untill those 4 or so days a month. Well my mom went thru menopause at 50 yrs. old, so that is only 6 more yrs. for me. Oh boy, did I just say I will be 50 in just 6 little ol years :shock:

Love & Hugs :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:22 pm

Hey Dru and Carrieann!
Thanks so much for your great comments!!!! You are rockin my world!!! LOL..

Carriann, I don't know if Menopause is all it's cracked up to be!
As far as PMS, the St. Johns Wort doesn't quite do the trick.. I am pretty sure that my iron/copper levels get totally kablooie during that time, and the St Johns Wort only helps keep Serontonin levels somewhat up...
I don't produce enough of that, normally, so I have to take it to keep from crashing into major depressions...
But PMS is a horse of a different color.. The funny thing is, as soon as I get my period, it's like a switch was flipped, and I'm totally fine again...
My blood is just not getting the detox it needs as I'm pretty sure, my liver energy is very deficient... So anyway.. Good luck.. If I ever find anything that helps, I'll certainly post about it... I'm going to really try and find something, because, in my mind, even 24 hours of feeling that bad, is awful... And usually, I feel bad for a good whole week... Which sucks big bananas!

Tell you husband to go and stay at a motel for a few days till we get a remedy! LOL...

PS.. Fifty aint that old! I plan on living at least until 90!

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