Flightisleavin daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Flightisleavin daily check-in

Post by flightisleavin » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:25 pm

I am toying with the idea of starting a blog. Right now I will do the daily check in. It seems to make a difference just to check in.

June 23:

B: 1 slice bacon, 1 mini bagel with 1/2 tsp of regular cream cheese, 1 medium egg scrambled, 1 espresso coffee with whole milk foam.

L: Lean hamburger cooked with 1 tsp of worcestershire sauce, regular bun, 1 slice of American cheese, 1 peach cut up.

D: Roast chicken, rice, green beans, 2 apricots served on 9 inch plate.

Seltzer water throughout the day.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:06 pm

Have not checked in but staying on program. One thing I cannot get over is how sweet fruit tastes when I am not eating sweet snacks. I would just pass on fruit before because it was never as good as a cookie or piece of chocolate. I am not eating much fruit, just a small amount with each meal but it feels like I am eating bag of sugar. I never had that happen before.

Now my challenge is making more time for exercise. I find time to get on the computer, time to watch Family Guy, cruise the news, etc. I can certainly carve more time to fit in regular exercise. A new daily habit.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:52 pm

Was wondering how you were doing. Stop by and visit us once in a while.

I agree, once we cut out the sugars, fruit tastes like a real treat. I would just as soon have a good fruit yogurt with peaches or strawberries in it than an ice cream sundae.

Well, almost.

As far as exercise, I do the exercise bike and listen to talk radio (Rush, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, etc.) or do the Gazelle glider while watching a show I like. Time flies.

To your health,

SR :wink:

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Post by flightisleavin » Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:08 pm

Thanks Strawberry. I like to listen to podcasts to pass the time so good idea. I did 2 miles a day to start out with and up to 3 miles now. I would like to get to 4. I also started a program which is called Core fusion which is strengthening the core and some weights.

Have stayed on the program. Don't know if it helps to actually list menus or if that defeats the purpose but some of the foods I have had include crepes, blintzes, vegetable omelets, whole wheat pancakes, breakfast sausages made with chicken and apple, berries, salmon, haddock and chicken dishes and fruit with every meal. I have been making my own dressings - blue cheese and Italian with olive oil and vinegar and seasoning. I have been eating small amounts of bread, pasta and rice.

I have a package of Cape Cod potato chips and a package of chocolate almond biscotti, neither of which I have opened. I really think it is because I am full.

So far, so good. I weigh in on Monday.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:42 pm

I weighed in this morning and I am down 3-1/2 pounds.

I did not exercise yesterday so my challenge is to work on making this a habit. I blew it off all day and did other things. That's is where I need some work.

Late last night was the first time I felt like I needed a snack. I ended up eating half a peach and a very small peice of cheddar (the way the French eat fruit and cheese after dinner). It was not too bad but I think it was because dinner was very small - smaller than usual. Or it is the reality of smaller meals hitting me?

Anyway I feel terrific and still very much on the No S program.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:50 pm

Green light day for food.

But again did not exericse. I'm not sure what my resistance is to this but I always find a gazillion other things to do. :roll: None of them are more important than exercising but I always convince myself that they are.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:39 pm

Green light for both exercise and eating for the last two days. Enough said.

I do notice that I get a little bit hungry late at night but I am not sure if that was a habit I had to always get a snack before bed. It seems to pass if I work through it.

Even though NO S is not calorie counting I don't want to take calories too low because I know that I will set myself up for failure and just plain not feeling well. My main purpose in doing no S was something I could live with and not feel the exhaustion that so many diets lead one to feel. So when I think about what I have eaten I am pretty sure I had enough food to be healthy but not so much that I will not lose weight. Monday's weigh in will tell me if I am on track.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:22 pm

Have stayed on plan with no non S days. If a special occasion comes up I would just go with the flow but so far have just stayed on regular No S diet. Worked out for yesterday and today. Another 2 pounds lost this week. I am on a roll!

I don't feel like I am missing anything. :wink:
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:14 pm

I never am sure if posting menus is a good thing or not. Maybe it is. This is what I had yesterday.

B: 2 egg omelet with diced green and red pepper and onion. 1 chicken and apple breakfast sausage. Latte with foam milk. I have been using organic eggs of late and I love them. I am definitely a breakfast person.
L: Chicken salad sandwich. I make my chicken salad with red grapes, tarragon and walnuts with full fat mayo. I had one small sandwich on French bread I had bought that day. 1 small plum.
D: Green leaf salad made with olive oil and vinegar dressing and feta cheese. Haddock sauteed in a little bit a butter with lemon and chopped parsley. Small serving of couscous. Small peach.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:04 pm

Seven really good S days in a row with a weigh in this morning showing another 2 pounds lost this week.

I am slowly but surely incorporating exercise into my life. I always think I have something pressing that needs to get done instead of doing that but then I realize that is how got overweight in the first place. I never thought I had the time or energy to eat less and exercise more.

I made a shrimp alfredo for Saturday night and I loved being able to eat it without any guilt. There were white pasta alfredo noodles (the carb police would issue a citation) and there was parmesan cheese, Vermont butter and whole milk (the fat police would arrest me). The difference from before was that I had one reasonable serving and now I have a nice little home made frozen dinner for a night when I don't feel like putzing around in the kitchen. I had a glass of Zinfandel with it also. It's great eating like this!
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:25 am

I have been doing well on the food front. 3 meals a day of one plate with no snacks so it continues to be good.

I am now figuring out which exercise I like the best and it turns out I like dance work out DVDs. I am finding the times flies for me and I am getting into it. Before ya'all make fun of me if you think dancing is for wimps, it isn't. It requires balance, strength and coordination and a strong core. I like the challenge of learning the steps so I my next plan is to sign up for an adult class. It sounds corny but it makes feel young again because I loved ballet class and jazz class when I was younger. I always felt supple and was certainly leaner when I was active in dance.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:46 pm

The last 3 days have been success with eating. I have been keeping track of my groceries because I have been buying almost no processed foods but buying mostly organic meat and chicken and produce which is more expensive. It is coming out in the wash because it is right about the same because I am using much less to make a meal. My grocery bill is slightly lower. I'll count that as a success.

I excercised for two out of the three days for 50 minutes each time. It is just getting into the groove. I enjoy dance DVDs because I have to think about the steps and getting them right so it keeps my interest more. But sometimes I just want to zone out with music and walk, so it has been a mix. I like the feeling that exercise produces...those endorphin thingies really exist. Maybe it is because my stomach is starting to shrink I feel better.

I splurged on some blue cheese crumbles and made a dressing. I love salads and fresh greens but I hate diet dressings so I was not eating many salads. With no S I don't have to do diet dressings. I can just a make a homemade dressing.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:12 am

Not sure if I had a non S day or not. No sweets, seconds or snacks but I think I did eat too rich today. :roll: I will know when I step on the scale Monday.

B: 1 blueberry pancake (homemade) and 1 chicken/apple breakfast sausage.

L: Cheeseburger on French bread and small plum.

D: Shrimp etoufee and salad with olive oil and vinegar.

I have not made shrimp etoufee in a long time and it was so good. I only had a small plate though.

I don't want to think about too much and just stick to the plate rule with no seconds but I always have this nagging feeling I should be eating less fat.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:00 pm

I guess the Saturday eating did not hurt me because I am down this week from last week so I can post a weight loss. Today back to exercise. I got a new DVD I am excited about doing. More dance steps to learn plus I have been doing a workout with light weights.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:09 pm

Yesterday and today have been good both on the workout front and the eating. I did an aerobic dance DVD for 30 minutes both days and a weight workout for 45 minutes. Tomorrow I will take a break from the weights but do the dance aerobic workout. That thing gives me energy. The Latin steps especially - they force you to use your core and stomach to do the movements.

Today for lunch I had a green salad with olive oil and vinegar, sliced egg, feta cheese and olives with a piece of crusty French bread. I enjoyed it so much and I thought to myself if were on any other diet it would be off limits because of the oil and cheese and bread.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by flightisleavin » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:01 pm

Havn't checked in for a while but I feel like things are on track. I have lost my first 20. :D

I have been pretty much following the plan. Some days I eat a little more than others but I stick to the one plate rule and no snacks. Sunday is sort of a No S day but not excessively so. I have been working out 3 to 4 times with both aerobic exercise and weights. I am really comitted to doing this and am so grateful that I have a plan that I live with!!!!Sometimes I leave a piece of fruit until later but it something I would have eaten during the meal and not extra. But overall I really like No S.

Now for my next 20!
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by howfunisthat » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:47 pm

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You lost 20 pounds! Just think about it...that's four bags of flour. Can you imagine walking around carrying those? You've done really well. Many congratulations!

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy...

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Post by flightisleavin » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:49 pm

Thanks so much howmuchfunisthat. I appreciate it.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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