Blue Daisy's Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Blue Daisy's Daily Check In

Post by Blue Daisy » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:31 am

I first found this forum back in June. It really interested me because I had done something very similar to this almost 4 years ago and it worked wonderfully, 3-0-1, three meals a day, nothing in between, one day at a time. I also elimnated all sugar and watched my intake of refined carbs. The No S Diet does not sound quite as stringent as that eating plan. Anyway, after 11 months of eating this way and loving the freedom, I had an emotionally trying incident that weakened my resolve and I eventually returned to snacking for comfort and escape. I have been unable to return to that way of eating since. What I remember was the freedom and lack of obsession about food. It was wonderful. I had filled my life with so many other things and then I slowly let the food take over again. I want that freedom again.

I remember from before that watching TV and snacking went hand-in-hand for me. I believe I stopped watching TV also during the first month or so when I stopped snacking. I will likely have to do that again. During the time I wasn't watching TV or would have an intense craving, I would read articles that would inspire me to stick it out until the next meal. By the end of 4 - 5 months I had lost 17 - 18 lbs and just stayed there, not fluctuating up and down the scale like a yo-yo. I could wear the same clothes week after week. It was wonderful and so freeing.

So it is my plan to start this tomorrow, 9/5/05, no snacking just eating my meals.
I also got myself a pedometer a couple of months ago and the goal is to walk 10,000 steps at least 5 days per week. I was doing good with that goal until last week. I plan to start that goal again tomorrow also.

It is my nature to plan so
THE PLAN for tomorrow is:

I will not snack - instead I can read, pray, journal, play the piano, play games with my children, walk, clean my bedroom, post on the computer
I will not watch TV - instead I can read, pray, journal, play the piano, play games with my children, clean my bedroom, post on the computer
I will walk 10,000 steps
I will go to bed by 9:30pm

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Post by carolejo » Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:39 am

Great! Good for you. Hope it goes well.

What I particularly like about this plan is the built in safety valves. Everything works so much better because nothing is absolute. If I really want to eat some sugary junk during the week, I can honestly tell myself that it's OK, hang in there and you can eat it on the weekend, guilt-free.

If you stuck to no snacks or sweets at all for so long, then this should come fairly easily to you. Afterall, the longest you ever have to go is 5 days.

Best of luck with your new resolve.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:43 pm

Hi Blue Daisy,

Welcome to No-S! If you've done something similar to this before, then it will probably come easily to you now.

I do the 10,000 step program, too, and really enjoy that!

Hope we hear from you often!

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Post by reinhard » Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:21 pm

Welcome, Blue Daisy. This plan might be a tad slower that your previous plan, since as you point out, it isn't quite as restrictive, but on the plus side, it'll probably weather crises better (and they always come). Given your outlook and previous "training," I'm optimistic No-s will be a good fit for you. Looking forward to hearing more,


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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:38 pm

Welcome, Daisy -- like you I snack a lot if I watch TV, and one of my little rules when I started this was to avoid snacking situations like that.

I have a real problem going to bed at a reasonable hour and so I would love to hear more about how your 9:30 goal works out and what strategies help you do that!

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Post by Blue Daisy » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:10 pm

Thank you all for your very nice welcome. I am really looking forward to some consistent freedom from snacking and overeating.

I really enjoy snacking. It is a form of entertainment for me. This weekend was not good. I did alot of snacking, staying up late, being generally lazy and I just don't feel good. I wake up each morning literally feeling like I have a hangover. This usually stops me from snacking for a few days but then I always go back and start snacking, then oversnacking and not feel good, stop snacking for a few days, relax my eating, start snacking again, not feel good.... You get the picture. I'm really tired of this yo-yo. I really want sanity and stability with food again. Besides I just can't believe this is good for my body. They say for optimal health you should have a consistent bedtime. It only makes sense that your eating should be the same too. I just remember after about a month of 3-0-1 how much better and more energetic I felt. I'd like to have that feeling again.

I weighed myself this morning. I am 5'7" and weigh 155lbs. Sorry, I won't be the horrendous before picture posterchild.

For me this is not about weight loss, although I know I will probably lose weight. But if I don't, for whatever reason, that is okay too as long as I am being healthy with my eating. This is about my health and generally feeling better.

I am not sure how often I will weigh myself, maybe once a month. I'm not expecting dramatic weight loss. When I was on the really really stringent diets, 800 -1200 calories per day, I remember I use to go weigh myself to encourage myself to continue to starve or torture myself with excessive exercise. Then I got really obsessive about weighing, sometimnes 2 - 3 times daily and the scale would determine my mood for the day. Not good! This is a life long habit, not a temporary fix. Maybe I don't need to weigh at all.

See this No S diet makes good common sense to me. I've tried it before, something similar to it, and IT WORKS!! But then I fall into giving into my desire for immediate gratification, unwilling to put off self-gratification for long-term rewards. That frustrates me at myself. I'm really hoping this forum and posting daily will give me the resolve to stick with it.

Now because I have oversnacked all weekend the next couple of days will probably not be much of a problem with no snacking. I expect by Wednesday I will be wanting to snack again. Snacking during the day, with the exception of the weekend, is not a problem for me. I'm busy at work so I don't tend to eat. It is when I get home in the afternoon that snacking is a problem, from 5:00 - 9:30pm. Maybe I should plan to go to bed at 9:00 so that gives me only 4 hours I have to deal with initially until I get comfortable again with no snacking. I need to plan how my evenings will be filled so that I will not have alot of downtime to snack.

Generally most evenings from 5 - 6pm I am cooking supper but I will graze while I cook which is a form of snacking. Maybe I will chew gum while I cook. I think I read on someone else's forum that they chew gum to trick themselves into thinking they are eating. I figure, I can't just unconsciously pop food in my mouth if I already have gum in it. I will conciously have to take the gum out to eat. Then eating and clean up usually takes until 7pm. That only gives me two hours before bedtime. I can use that time more constructively with my children; checking homework, reading, etc. Then make some time for myself for prayer journaling. That will be a good activity right before bed. It will slow and wind me down so I should hopefully sleep better. I've been having problems with early morning, 3am - 4am, waking and not being able to return to sleep.

Well so far the day has been good. I haven't snacked but I also haven't ate breakfast and it is 10:45am. I'll just eat a little earlier lunch.

I almost forgot. I vaguely remember that when I was sucessful before, in the inital phase, I felt really weak and hungry. It went away after about 3 - 4 weeks but initially it was tough. I would almost feel like I couldn't make it until supper, I'd be so weak. Then shortly after supper I would be really hungry again. I'm trying to remember how I handled it the last time. I believe I would do things to distract myself and keep reminding myself that I was not starving, that I could make it until supper. Yeah, I did alot of self-talk. I just need to remember the freedom and how food took the proper place in my life. It is fuel to feed my body so that I can live life.

I have high hopes that this will work again.

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Post by Kevin » Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:19 pm

Protein will help delay the hunger feeling. Don't skimp on it, particularly at breakfast.

We always include raw veggies (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, peppers) with dinner. If you snack lightly on those while you are making dinner, you'll be fine. You'll probably have a smaller dinner.

But don't skimp on the protein!
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Post by peetie » Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:31 pm

Blue Daisy - No reason to feel weak and hungry. Make sure you have a substantial enough lunch so you get to dinner with just a healthy hunger cause you've burned off your last meal completely.

I also started this program in hopes of stopping my crazy eating patterns. I was starting to scare myself with some of those binges!!! And this has totally helped with my eating like a normal person as opposed to a crazed lunatic.

I didn't even care if I didn't lose any weight. I just wanted to stabilize once and for all and was willing to accept myself a tad heavier than I would like. Well, surprise, surprise. Without trying, I lost 5 lbs. and so far, they haven't been refound.

You will learn as you go how much you need and what components, like Kevin mentioned eating enough protein for satiety.

Good luck!!!!


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Post by cvmom » Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:24 pm

Welcome BlueDaisy :D

I can relate to the food hangover comment. The beauty of eating with the No S principles is that you won't have to experience that anymore. Yes, you may overdo it on a S day now and again but once you turn off the mind the body is just so happy not to be stuffed that it will be satisfied with a lot less.

I say, Go For It and Good Luck.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:50 pm

Thanks Kevin and Peetie for the reminder about the protein. I'll be making sure I get at least 2 ounces with each meal.

Our home computer crashed yesterday afternoon so I wasn't able to check-in until I came to work this morning. Yesterday was SUCCESSFUL. I did find myself habitually opening the snack cabinet or refrigerator just to see what was inside. Then asking myself, "What are you doing?" This was annoying and funny because it happened more than once. It's like a knee reflex, I walk into the kitchen and immediately go to the cabinets to see what is in there. I already know what is in there from my last look an hour ago. Nothing else is going to magically appear and I'm not suppose to eat it if it does. :D
I also made my goal of 10,000 steps - 10,420 to be exact.
I almost made my goal of 9:30pm bedtime - 9:45pm actually
I did watch TV. I guess with the natural disaster our nation is dealing with I really don't want to stay completely away from the television. I didn't watch TV for entertainment though.

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:54 am

Welcome, Blue Daisy -
Your story sounds familiar. I've been on NoS almost 21 days and it's been great - I'll keep checking in on you...


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Post by Tonsha » Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:43 am

Hi Daisy! It's good to have you with us!

I'm sure you will be able to cope with No-S. 3-0-1 sounds quite a bit harder, and if you've done that once, you will be able No-S now.

Just make sure you get a decent plate of food at every meal. I've found that I need to feel comfortably full at the end of the meal in order to make it to the next one.

I've also found that my best S-days are those that are closest to N-days. In other words, I stick to my three meals a day and just have a 'dessert' after lunch and dinner (chocolate biscuit, cake, packet of crisps, whatever). The one S-day that I really did snack through the day, I felt so bloated by dinner time that I couldn't finish my dinner! (Your mileage may vary with this one, though :wink: )

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Post by Blue Daisy » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:38 pm

Thank you all for your continued support. :) I appreciate all the helpful hints.

Day 2: Successful. I did find myself grieving my afternoon swiss mocha coffee but it was short lived. I am still really excited to be starting this again. Once the new wears off and I wind down that is when"the rubber meets the road" so to speak. I really want to be successful at this. The interesting thing though is I'm kinda scared of the S days. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back to the N days. Before I would eat so much junk I'd get sick of it and want an N day. Well to do a good S day I need to only eat like Tonsha suggested. Moderation with sweets and snacks have never been a strong suit of mine. But we'll see. This really is a much saner way to eat. Even more so than the 3-0-1 that I did before. It gives me play room. Thanks Reinhard for coming up with this idea and sharing it. :D

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Post by peetie » Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:36 pm

Dave - I use your plan usually for S days. Last Sunday, I didn't and just hogged it up on junk all day, and boy did I feel rotten and stuffed, and realized I no longer love the stuffed feeling, but can't abide it at all!! It felt SO good to get back to my "clean living" here with NoS the next day, and I know that next weekend I will definitely be back to dessert tacked onto a meal.

Reinhard once told me to look at it as a "reward". That makes it feel more contained to me.

So, Blue Daisy, I think you will find, although it may take awhile, that you will learn to like the feeling of coming back "home" every Monday.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:23 am

Thanks Peetie for the encouragement.

Day 3: Successful. No S today Breakfast - Oatmeal and two scrambled eggs Lunch - Baked chicken breast, salad w/ Ranch dressing and 4 saltines Suppper - Wendy's small chili and baked potato. I know I'm not getting enough veggies or fruits. I'll start working on that at some point.

My weakest time of the day is the evening but that has not been a problem for the past two days because I haven't gotten home from my children's sporting events until after 8:30pm each night.

I forgot to post my steps for Day 2 - 10, 472

I didn't make my goal in steps today though - 8, 375

I also didn't get to bed last night until 10:30pm I will try to do better tonight. Getting home so late with the kids makes it very difficult.

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Post by Blue Daisy » Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:43 am

Day 4: Successful A weird day. I had to prep for a procedure tomorrow so my eating was required to be sparse today.
Breakfast - 2 slices dry white toast
Lunch - baked fish and slice of white bread
Supper - chicken bouillon

Didn't make my 10,000 steps today - 5,674

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:13 am

I walked from my computer to the cabinet for coffee three times today!
I think you beat my record!
Good luck with the "procedure"...
I hope it's not anything serious :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by Tonsha » Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:10 am


Well done so far! You're doing great!

It's quite understandable to be nervous about S days. The first time I tried No S (About a year ago) I had a couple of false starts because of this.

False starts are (almost) to be expected. It may take a few attempts before we get the habits fully ingrained. See Reinhard's comments about it. Don't panic if this happens. Just pick yourself up and get going again. You're more likely to stick next time.

It's nice to see that Peetie has had similar experiences to me. Having a 'sweet' after each meal means that you are only breaking one of the S's on an S-day. You can still keep the 'No Snacks' and 'No Seconds' rules. Maybe you'll just end up having two plates with different things on! (that's NOT seconds!).

But you know what? Don't worry about S days. Especially if it is your first one! Eat what you like - this is the beauty of No S. Sat/Sun allow you to let your hair down and break free from the rules!

Eventually you'll settle into a routine that works for you.

Keep going!

"The best diet is the one you don’t know you’re on" - Brian Wansink

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Post by Blue Daisy » Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:10 am

This is really odd, I have posted to my check-in and a couple of others tonight and it was all gone. Even the new information put in my profile was dumped.
Day 5: Successful
Breakfast at 10am - Ham omelet w/ grits, bacon & toast
Supper at 6:30pm - Deer cubed steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans and 1 slice buttered toast.

There was no reason to worry about snacking today. I haven't felt like eating since breakfast. I kind of made myself eat supper. My tummy has not been feeling to well since the procedure/test.

Again thanks Dave for your encouragement. I'm going to take your advice and plan my S for the weekend. I will probably add them to the end of my meal as a dessert. I like that structure. It makes me feel safe. I don't really know what I would like to eat yet though.

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Post by Blue Daisy » Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:19 am

I am up late tonight because of my tummy. It's hurting. I figure to distract myself I will do this as a test to see if all my changes to my profile worked.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:56 am

Hi Blue Daisy,
Reinhard was changing the computer server on his home computer....
That probably caused your loss of information..
The site has been crashing every few days so the server had to be changed...
Sorry about your tummy pain...
Try to go really easy on food for a day or so..
Get some jello and applesauce... Maybe rice cakes...
Peace and Love,
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Post by Blue Daisy » Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:47 am

Thanks Deb, I was wondering what happened and if I had done something wrong. Thanks also for your concern about my tummy. I still wasn't 100% when I got up this morning but as the day went on it got better. I did what I planned to do. I cleaned and straigthened up the house first. Then I cleaned out my closet and a couple of drawers. I have two bags of clothes to take to Salvation Army. Then I steam cleaned the inside of my van and washed the outside. Then I went to town shopping with my six year old, came home and cooked supper. I stayed really busy today so there was no mindless snacking. I have snacked on purpose today. Right now, I am fixing myself a decadent dessert for tonight, Chocolate Turtle cake with ice cream. I feel like a little kid. I'm so excited about this dessert. It is in the oven cooking and it smells soooo good. What is really neat is I am going to just let myself relax, eat and enjoy this dessert. No guilt! I vaguely remember the last time I have let myself enjoy a dessert like this without reservation. I believe it was when I was a very young child. Oh this is wonderful. No diet I have ever been on has allowed this. Thank you Reinhard!

Day 6: S day
Breakfast - sausage, cream of wheat and swiss mocha coffee
Lunch - Beef Stew with mixed veggies over rice and toast with blueberry jam (It was really nice to be able to eat my homemade jam. On the 3-0-1 plan I would never have been able to eat it ever again)
Supper - Mini Fiesta Meatloafs (2) and green beans. I also had butter and herb noodles on my plate but they just didn't taste good so I didn't eat them. I'm excitedly awaiting my dessert. I did pre-taste the caramel sauce and a couple of the chocolate chips. YUM.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:33 am

I'm about to go to bed, it is 11:15pm. My going to bed early goal isn't working out yet but that's okay right now.

Anyway I had to post about this. I finally got to eat the dessert that I had been anticipating, chocolate turtle cake and ice cream. Well, interestingly, I only ate half of it, not the whole thing. It was good, really good but I felt satisfied at half. I can't remember the last time I ate half of a dessert/sweet. for thought.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:37 am

Quality not quantity seems to fall into play a lot here!
Congrats on enjoying the treat and not going overboard!
Good work :)
I am happy you seem to be feeling better Daisy....
Peace and Love,
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Post by Blue Daisy » Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:48 pm

Deb you are really great! Thanks for all your support. :D
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Post by Tonsha » Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:50 pm


You're doing really good. Keep working at it. 'success in small steps' is absolutely right.

Your experience with the dessert mirrors one of mine. I am amazed at how quickly I've become satisfied with less food at each meal.

Today was Day 21 (and an S day) for me. I've snacked intermittently but not excessively. It's nearly 10 pm and I'm comfortable. I've not had anything to eat for about 2 hours. Normally I'd be reaching for 3 or 4 bowls of cereal about now.

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Post by Blue Daisy » Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:36 am

Thanks Dave for the encouragement and YEEHAW it's your 21st day. Congrats!!!

Day 7: S day

Today has been a relaxing S day. Got up this morning running late for church so for breakfast had half a bagel and a couple of sausages on the way to church. Lunch was good. I had put on a pot roast with vegetables before church. So lunch was salad, then pot roast with potatoes, carrots and onions and a side of green beans. For dessert I had a biscuit with the blueberry jam. Around 3 pm I had a Swiss Mocha coffee. Went back to church at 6pm and got home at 7:30pm. For supper had a leftover Mini Fiesta Meatloaf (1) with some green beans. I really don't have a taste for a dessert. I might have something later.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:36 pm


Breakfast - 3 scrambled eggs, slice of toast
Lunch - chicken, broccoli and carrots
Supper - pot roast w/ potatoes, carrots, onions with side of spinach and toast

I find it has been helping me to kind of plan my supper meals, not officially write then down but kind of know what I'm going to cook that week. Then I look forward to eating that meal and tend to not want to spoil my appetite with snacks. Alot of the time, not always, I will just throw something together for supper and wouldn't be that satisfied after eating. Now I'm trying to make supper almost a treat but with no sweets. A really good meal that I want to eat. The reason I'm more particular about supper is because it is after supper that I tend to snack. I think sometimes I snacked because I wasn't really satisfied with the meal anyway.

However, tonight's meal wasn't as satisfying for me for a different reason. I after eating I just didn't feel satisfied but I wasn't hungry. I thought about it and I think it is because it was kind of a hurried meal. I really like my evening meal to be relaxed. My husband and youngest son had to rush to get to soccer so there was none of the normal table chatting and sharing that we do. I couldn't say what it was at first that was missing but immediately thought of eating more food. Well food is not going to fill that void. I'll just spend a little extra time with them tonight after they get home from the game.

This forum is really neat. It helps me to stay on track and keeps me accountable because I know I will have to post my success or not. It also helps me to process some of my thoughts or feelings about food.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:20 am

Great self learning there Daisy!
I totally agree...When food is rushed, it isn't at all enjoyable...
It's hard sometimes when we all have busy days....
Being prepared, to even a small extent, will keep your from really straying into danger zones.. Like the candy section at the checkout counter!!!
Good going!
8) Deb

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Post by spiralstares » Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:47 am


Congratulations on passing your one-week mark. You seem to have the right attitude to make this work.

Oh, and I think our avatars make a cute couple.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:25 pm

Why yes, now that you mention it, I think they make a cute couple too, Spiral. :wink: Thanks for your encouragement. I really want to make the 21 days and get this habit established.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Wed Sep 14, 2005 2:24 am


Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs and oatmeal
Lunch - Hamburger with lots of lettuce, tomatoes and pickles
Supper - Bruchetta chicken bake, potato fans, roasted carrots and green beans

This week seems harder than last week. This morning as I was going to get my breakfast the large banana nut muffins called to me. I still want one now. I may just have to buy some Friday to bring home for everyone to have for breakfast Saturday morning. Yes, that is what I think I will do. I'm feeling better already making that plan.

My husband says he likes this diet. He has been enjoying the suppers I have been making. :)
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Post by cvmom » Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:51 am

Hi Blue:

I have noticed that our "womanly cycles" have an effect on appetite. There are a few days per month when I am physically hungrier but they balance out the other few days where I don't feel like eating at all. (Very Few Days :lol: )

Perhaps that is what you are experiencing.

I'm glad that your husband likes the diet. I think mine is just so relieved to get food and not "South Beach" or "Dr. Phil" dinners...


PS You are almost in the home stretch of your 21 days. Congratulations.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:56 am

Yay Daisy and Hubby!!!!
You are doing great!
8) Deb

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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:07 pm

My home computer is acting squirrely again. It took a long time to load anything and the dial-up kept disconnecting. Then when I got ready to submit my post there was a modem error. Aggghhh!!!!


Breadkfast - 3 scrambled eggs & 1 slice wheat toast
Lunch - chicken, orka & tomatoes and lima beans
Supper - Taco Bell Chicken Chalupa and bean burrito

CVmom - I had not thought about the "cycle" playing a part. That is a possiblity. I did fine walking past the muffins yesterday. I think making the plan to eat them Saturday helped. I've just put it off but I'm going to eat them. There is no depriving, only delaying. :wink:

Deb - Thanks for your continued support. You're so sweet. :)
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Post by peetie » Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:48 pm

Blue Daisy, I love reading your food diaries. Reading about other people's food consumption is my version of pornography!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:02 pm

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you!!!
(giggling until I'm almost peed myself!)

Daisy! You are sweet too!
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Post by cvmom » Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:05 pm

Oh Peetie that is hilarious. LOL Bigtime.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:21 am

Peetie you are too funny! :lol:


Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs & oatmeal
Lunch - baked fish and squash
Supper - grilled sourdough bread and ham sandwich, vegetable soup and an apple

Yesterday at work was not pleasant. I ended up in the middle of a "hornet's nest" at no fault of my own. There was alot of chaos and I don't like chaos. I like order. At one point a co-worker told me "Just go get a candy bar and it'll be better." I gave it a very brief thought and then immediately pushed it aside. I knew a candy bar wouldn't fix anything. It would only make me frustrated at myself after I had ate it because I had failed. Stuffing my face with food will only numb those feelings and I won't address the real problem. I thank God for answered prayers and that I was not pulled into that chaos again today.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:26 am

Wow Daisy!!!! That's great baby!
Yeah, don't take no bad advice from someone like that... You were totally right.. It just would have added insult to injury because, like you said, it wouldn't have solved anything...
You impress me girl!
Keep on leaning on that Rock!
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Post by MerryKat » Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:23 am

Go Daisy

Well done on resisting temptation and getting through such a trying day.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by cvmom » Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:08 pm

Well Done Daisy

As a mom I do have to resist the tempation to say, "It's okay honey, here, have a cookie" That candy bar thing may be part of our culture. Some people go and have a cigarette or something. Deep breathing is a better option for stress. And it is S-Free


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Post by Blue Daisy » Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:36 pm

Thanks for the support and kudos Deb, MerryKat and Dru. I didn't really think about what had happen that day until I was so relieved the day after that I was not instructed to get back in the middle of the mess again. WHEW!! Then I remembered that comment from my co-worker. You know Dru, I think you are right about the culture thing and as you said deep breathing is "s- free" and it's calorie free too. :) And in thinking back I did that at one point when this one person was yelling, accusing and just bulldogging in a meeting. I got paged in the middle of that mess, (Thank you God) and went to the phone to return the call. At that point, I propped my head on my hand and took quite a few deep breaths as I waited for my return call to be answered. God knew I needed a break in the middle of that chaos. I hadn't even thought about that until now. What a small but wonderful blessing.

Other good news. I feel like doing a little dance. When I went to get my breakfast this morning I also picked up the 4, softball sized, banana and walnut muffins for breakfast tomorrow morning. I'm so excited. I'm going to heat them up and my husband and I are going to eat them on the front porch with our morning cup of coffee tomorrow. Maybe the kids will join us too. They like to swing in the swing on the porch. This is all actually alot of fun planning for my weekend treats. But somedays it does feel like I'm not going to make it but I remind myself, Saturday is only __ days away.
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Post by cvmom » Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:18 pm


That's funny. I did the same thing with some scones at our club. (Yes, they put out scones and croissents and coffee every morning). So I nabbed scones for tommorrow.

See, aren't we all doing great?????


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Post by Blue Daisy » Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:58 am

I'm hoping this will post. I'm using a Pentium 60 with Windows 3.11 as an emergency back-up. It's pretty frustrating to use too. Our other computer's modem or dial-up or something won't work.

Good job D. Sounds like we are doing pretty much the same thing. That's a good sign because you guys have already made it to the 21 day club, right? I'd really like to get those 21 days behind me since Reinhard said that is about how long it takes to establish a habit with this way of eating. Does week 3 get easier? Last week was toughter than the first week. But that may have been the cycle thing or the stress at work.


Day 13: S day
I've kept myself busy today with the usual cleaning but I also stripped and sanded down the top of my dining room table. I plan to stain and varnish it tomorrow. On the weekends I'm doing alot of the things I have been putting off.
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Post by cvmom » Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:30 pm

Hi Bluey: (I love your avatar btw),

I have found that my productivity in daily life has increased since I am not obsessing about food or looking online for my next weight loss program.

I think you too will get more done in other areas of your life. After about 3 weeks I just fell into the habit. I've been "officially" no S-ing since the beginning of June. I can only say that it has become second nature even to the extent of dreaming about S days! So I believe that the longer you do it the easier it becomes which is the complete opposite of a diet.

We are going to be moving house and over the next month I will be packing boxes and dealing with all the stress of buying, selling etc. So it will be a true test of my S habits. I overate for a variety of reasons but stress was always a good reason to overeat so I'm just hoping that my habits stay intact.

Good luck on the table. I've always been nervous about doing things like that. Brave Girl.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:34 pm

Day 14: S day

Thanks D. My husband helped me find the avatar.

I'm hoping the no "S"ing will become second nature too. I'm still in that period where it is still not quite comfortable yet. I still want to resort to old behaviors.

Oh no, you're going to be moving. That's a good thing. I'm assuming you're moving to a nicer home or nicer area. But I know it be very stressful. This will surely be a test to see if the no "s"ing habit has stuck.

Taking on this table project has been more than I expected but I'm enjoying it. I've stripped the table and sanded it. So far I have put 4 coats of stain trying to match the rest of the table. I believe one more coat and it should be dark enough. Then I start with the polyurethaine coat on top. I'll probably put 3 coats. That will be time consuming too because I have to sand each coat. But anyway, it is looking pretty good so far.
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Post by navin » Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:27 am

That will be time consuming too because I have to sand each coat. But anyway, it is looking pretty good so far.
Yeah, I have made the mistake of *not* sanding it properly between coats... it's time consuming but it really does make a difference. :roll:
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Post by Blue Daisy » Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:50 pm

Hey Navin. Glad to hear from you.

What did you refinish? After I finish this table top I'm thinking I might try to tackle a desk. But it really is very time consuming and I really don't have alot of it, time that is.

Here's a tragic funny. Since I was busy with the table this weekend my husband was helping out, doing things he doesn't normally do and accidentally locked my keys in my van. He left for work before me this morning so my youngest and I were stranded at home until he got to the office and got the message. Then he had to turn around and drive 35 miles back home to let me in my van. So we were all late today except our oldest son who had been dropped off at school earlier by my husband. But he had forgotten his Gatorade for football parctice so I had to run that by his school before I got to work. What a way to start a Monday morning. :roll:
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Post by navin » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:12 am

What did you refinish? After I finish this table top I'm thinking I might try to tackle a desk. But it really is very time consuming and I really don't have alot of it, time that is.
Some hardwood flooring. The deal was, the only people I could find to refinish it had another big job coming up, so they could either refinish the floor, put on stain and one coat of urethane and I'd do the rest... or I'd have to wait a couple months to get it all done. I took the chance.. and it doesn't look horrible, but you can definitely see areas where I didn't get some of the coats sanded as wel as I could have.

So good luck with your table top and desk!
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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:15 am

Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs & 1 slice toast
Lunch - Ham, turnips and mixed veggies
Supper - grilled ham and cheese, chicken leg, chicken noodle soup and peach

I was hungrier than usual tonight. But today I fell back into the routine of not eating snacks or sweets again pretty easily. I hope by the end of this week it is a habit. If not, I'll keep at it until it becomes a habit.

This weekend I snacked a little heavily on some of my favorite crackers "Hot&Spicy Cheezits". I hadn't been eating alot of salt during the week and I could tell by this morning I had overdone it on the salt. Oh well. It was an S day. Live and learn. I think I will try the "not eating out of the box" rule some of the others on the site use.

I'm still staining the table. Hope to start the polyurethaine tomorrow.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:24 am

Remember to really open up those windows :)
You are a cool home improvent chick!
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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:06 am


Chance favors the prepared. - Louis Pasteur

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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:05 pm

Oops :oops: Thank you for correcting me ClickBeetle. So it is no eating out of krinkly bags. Funny how you read one thing and interpret it another way. I think I will also stop eating out of boxes too. But wait a minute. The box has a krinkly bag in it with the snack in it. I think most boxes with snacks do. Okay. So I'll not eat out of krinkly bags, including those in boxes. :lol:
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Post by Blue Daisy » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:12 am


Breakfast - grits & 2 scrambled eggs
Lunch - baked chicken, sweet peas and turnips
Supper - grilled ham & cheese, soup and peaches

I want to stop in and check in on every one to say "Hi" amd maybe give some words of encouragement but I can't. I'll be here all night. This computer is painfully slow. Aggghhh!!! I just hope everyone is doing well with their NoS days.

I put my first coat of varnish on the tabletop. I have to let it dry for 3 - 4 hours. I don't believe I'll get to sand it tonight. It is still looking really good. I'm really surprised.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:24 am

Yummy! I'm eating at your house tomorrow Daisy!
8) Deb

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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:15 pm


No funny stuff just unusally hungry last night at supper.

Well I guess the table is finished. It looks better than it did. I'm still not pleased with it. As I feared the varnishing part of the project just ... It doesn't look... There are slight lines in the varnish. If you stand at certain angles they can be seen. My husband says it looks great and I'm too much of a perfectionist. I'm really considering sanding it again and putting another coat on it but I don't know that that would help. My husband suggested that if I wanted to do anything else to it, try buffing it.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:02 pm


No funny stuff just 2 unhealthy meals back-to back. Two hamburgers and french fries in one day is a bit much. My youngest son's soccer end-of-the-season party was held at Burger King last night and we just happened to have a coupon for one of those new Burger King burgers. But I stuck with 3 meals, no snacks, no seconds and no sugar. Although not so healthy, it was successful otherwise.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:16 pm

Blue Daisy!
Think how much less healthy it would be with Soda or a Shake...
Congrats on sticking to NoS!
The mentality of "Let's throw in the towel, now that I've had a Burger, I might as well have five other value menu selections" is what we are trying to change...
You're doing that! I bet if we all tallied up the calories we used to consume from impulse soda or candy consumption, we would just pass out from shock! Put your emphasis on this, as you have! The "Healthy" choices, will start to speak up for themselves as you get better with your habits and accustomed to eating less garbage... You'll see...
At this point, if we get fast food, I always steal about nine fries from Richard and that's enough to satisfy...
Unless it's an S day, we don't order soda.. And sometimes even on S days, because there are so many better S'sses to choose, why waste it on soda???
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Post by peetie » Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:57 pm

Yes, Blue Daisy, quality is key. I don't settle for twinkies.....I will get a cupcake from a good bakery instead. There's no point in eating your treat on an S day if it doesn't really ring your chimes. And when the chimes get rung....amazingly, you actually get done!


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Post by Blue Daisy » Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:44 am

Yes, I agree with you both, healthy and quality is much more desirable. I can always tell a difference when I'm eating more fast food. If I eat fast food it is generally only one meal during a day. I really don't like to eat at burger joints too often. But it didn't cross my mind that we were going to Burger King that night after the game. So I ended up eating a burger for lunch and burger for supper. When I eat too much fast food I tend to retain water from the extra salt and just feel more sluggish.


No funny stuff and much better meals today. I start my 22nd day on Monday. I'm curious to see how much I weigh. I believe I have lost some weight because some of my clothes are more loose on me. I'm not sure that this is a habit for me yet. Although I'm doing it, it's still not second nature for me yet. But my initial first goal was to become sane in my eating habits and they have been much more sane over the past three weeks. I am really happy about that. I plan to continue this way of eating.
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Post by cvmom » Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:50 pm


You said it in your quote. "Sucess is small but steady changes"

Stick with it and your clothes will not only get looser but the other clothes in your closet that you been saving will start to fit too.


P.S. I've never varnished a table. But try some Bri Wax. That stuff is amazing for buffing.

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Post by Blue Daisy » Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:34 am

Day 20: S day

The 2K run/walk was fun and I took second place in my age group. My oldest son took 1st place in his age group and came in second in the race with a time of 8 minutes 27 seconds. Woo Hoo! My youngest son took 3rd place in his age group. We all came home with trophies. I think we've got the fever now and will probably be entering more races. My husband is actually the runner in the home. He didn't place because he was running with my youngest.

I'm fitting nicely into my size 8 slacks. They are a little loose but still fit well. I bought a size 6 skirt last week. Weight loss really wasn't the issue with starting this eating plan. I needed structure with my eating habits. I wanted to stop the 5 - 10 lb yo-yoing. I believe it is much healthier to maintain a weight within 2 - 3 lbs. I like this plan because I am not deprived of treats. They are just delayed or contained to special days.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:30 pm

DAY 21: S day

Another quiet, restful Sunday. I was sore from the run/walk on Saturday. I've always said I didn't see the sense in running unless you were being chased or needed to get away fast. :lol: I'm a walker and walk at the least 2 miles but usually more a day. I did not expect to be as sore as I am from a 2K race. Anyway... I've researched a running schedule to supposedly have me running 3 miles in 2 months. :? I'll believe it when I see it. My husband is happy because he has been wanting me to run with him for a while.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:37 am

Day 22 (B1): SUCCESS

No funny stuff and I made sure to eat veggies with lunch and supper.

Well I started the running plan tonight. Whew. It was tough. I still don't see what is enjoyable about this. But again my husband is happy. :D He was looking in his Cabela's catalog and found an internal frame backpack on sale. He said "You know, if we all get these rock hard in shape legs that means we can do different types of vacations like hiking in the mountains."

I walk/ran 2 miles tonight doing a 60 second run with 90 second walk intervals. My daily total of steps on my pedometer - 13,525.
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Post by cvmom » Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:51 pm

Daisey Girl:

There are vast differences between running and hiking aren't there? I mean, I hike and I do see the odd nutcase running up a hill once in a while but you'd never catch me doing that. :lol:

You are in GA, right? Have you ever read that book by Bill Bryson called "A Walk in the Woods"? It is a very funny account of how he attempted to walk the Appalachain (sp?) trail.

Anyway, I hope you have a good No S day.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:03 pm


I just laughed out loud when I read your post. :lol: Yes I definitely agree there are vast differences between hiking and running. Actually my husband did hike about 15 - 25 miles (I can't remember exactly) into the Appalachian trail 10 years ago. He went in at Newfoundland Gap. (I think that is the name of it.) He went in December with a friend and almost froze. So I'm not going to be doing any of that foolishness with him. I might do a day hike or something to get my feet wet, so to speak. I'll have to get him that book you recommended for Christmas. :wink:

Where do you hike? And how far do you normally go in a day? I really don't know anything about hiking. My one experience was on our honeymoon. We went in at Newfoundland Gap too and hiked in about 2-3 miles. He had me wear a 15 - 25 lb pack just to get the true experience. It was hard. We had baby within a year of that and never made it back to hike again.

Have a great NoS day too.
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Post by cvmom » Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:54 pm

Hi Daisy.

I live on the Central Coast near Monterey, Big Sur, Carmel, etc. So we are very spoiled for hiking here. You can do easy hikes or you can go far back into the Ventana Wilderness. I used to hike frequently with a friend who would take me on these long crazy treks but sadly she moved to the east side of the Sierras. (Her husband is a mountain climber.) So I don't hike as much as I'd like to.

Still, I really enjoy being outside and working up a sweat. To me hiking doesn't feel like exercise. It is always an adventure. A good hike is about 3 to 4 hours. No backpack. Just water and cell phone. I don't hike alone though because we have mountain lions in our neighborhood. I'm trying to talk my husband into getting a dog but so far, no luck. :cry:

Now that your kids are older you may want to take them out sometime. My boys dread it but once they start walking they end up having a great time and usually are weilding sticks and finding rocks.

Are there any trails near you? Let me know if you go.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:27 am

Day 23 (B2): SUCCESS 6,900 steps

No funny stuff. I believe this week is easier than the past two. I guess I need to explain that for the history books. Someone is always bringing home cooked goodies to work. Or my mother will cook some type of goodie she will want me to try. I've had practice for gracefully declining such offers so that was not the problem. But just seeing the goodies would set up a craving. I didn't talk about it much because I purposely wanted to put it out of my mind. So it was more of a struggle those past two weeks. Today my Mom offered me an open bag of candy which I declined but I did end up bringing home homemade Molassess Crinkles cookies and Skittles. They were put in the cabinet for an S day and they did not set off a craving.

Dru, my husband says you are REALLY in the mountains. We just have foothills over here on this side of the U.S.. :) Actually we live in the flatlands of Georgia with a few rolling hills. If we were to have a fun hike around here it would be in the woods. :P We have to go 5 or more hours north for the mountains.
Mountain lions? That's scary. It's too bad your friend moved away. It sounds like you had fun on those crazy treks. Hope your husband will agree to go out with you more often or get you a dog.
I like your idea of hiking, water and a cell phone, so much better than a 20lb pack.
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Post by cvmom » Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:26 am


Well done on resisting an open bag of candy!!!!! You get 10 stars for that.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record (or a skipping CD for you pipsqueaks on the board) but The Longer You Do This The Easier It Gets!!!

BTW, I went to GA last spring and stayed at the Ritz Carlton Reynolds Plantation. I walked around your terrain and found it to be very lovely.

Have a great night.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:04 am

Day 24 (B3): SUCCESS

No funny stuff. It was a very stressful day at work. There are some major changes coming down the pipeline. Although stressed, I did not think about eating but I did want my afternoon Swiss Mocha coffee. I didn't get it though. My co-workers were stressed too and a number of them were eating chocolate candy bars this afternoon. My neighbor, with the help of a couple of other co-workers, went through an entire bag of Herseys miniatures plus another large size Hersey bar. I can remember overdosing on chocolate. Thankful that I didn't today. I still remember that hung-over feeling after too much sugar.

Did my second interval run/walk tonight. I could breathe easier tonight. I used my inhaler this time.
Total steps for day - 10,129
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:16 am

Wow!!! Stressful work day and no caving in and eating hersheys miniatures???

YOU RULE!!!!!!
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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:26 pm

Thanks Dru and Deb for the encouragement. BTW, Dru the area you were in, north Georgia, is very beautiful. The rolling hills with pasture land is just breathtaking. It's pretty flat around here but not as flat as Florida. I do think our some of our forests are pretty but we don't have alot of hardwoods anymore. They've been harvested and replaced with pine trees. There is alot of pine tree farming around here. Pines are just not as attractive as Oak trees or other hardwoods.

Got good news today and another reinforcement to the fact that it's not wise to eat over problems. About 10 o'clock this morning it was announced that we would not be following through on the plans yesterday that had everyone pretty stressed. There were three - four meetings held yesterday to discuss this and plan it out. It sounded like a done deal but then this morning.... it all changed. So we stressed about nothing. What is that saying... something about only a small percentage of what you worry about ever really happens.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:56 am

Day 25 (B4): SUCCESS

No funny stuff. It's becoming pretty routine. Not feeling the need to plan snacks or sweets for the weekend. Not really craving anything.

Total steps today - 8,645

For the history books, the place I found the running schedule is It has alot of good information about running for beginners. It even has a running log where you can log your daily exercise and will graph it. I've started doing that. I really commited myself yesterday and purchased a pair of running shoes "Asics Gel Cumulus VII". My husband said I can't quit now that I have made this investment.
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Post by cvmom » Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:27 pm

Hi Daisy!!

If you aren't craving anything that's great but don't deprive yourself. :shock:

I'm glad it's becoming routine for you.

Have a great weekend.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:30 am

Day 26 (B5): SUCCESS

No funny stuff. Had a mexican supper with a hodge-podge of burrito, chili, chips and cheese dip. Had to virtually plate the meal but I think I did okay.

Did my 2 mile walk/run tonight. Also got my new running shoes today. It was like running on a mattress. Increased my running time 30 seconds to a minute during the intervals.

Total of 11,886 steps.

Hope everyone has a good S weekend.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:40 am

You too Daisy!
I like sleeping on a mattress, but I'm glad running feels that good to you!!!
Remember your pre and post exercise stretching :)
8) Deb

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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:35 am

Day 27 (B6): S day
Day 28 (B7): S day

Day 29 (B8): N day

Had a swiss mocha coffee from the vending machine this afternoon. I was tired and wanted a pick-me-up. Is that a failure?
Had three meals, no funny stuff with the meals.

Ran/walked tonight. Intervals are up to 90second run and 2 minute walk. I actually ran some 2 minute intervals. I'm beginning to enjoy it a little bit. I want to run again tomorrow night. Those shoes have really made a difference. My legs and feet just don't hurt after the run.

Total steps for the day 10,257
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Post by Blue Daisy » Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:53 am

Day 30 (B9): SUCCESS

No funny stuff.

I ran again tonight. I'm to only run three days a week but I've been improving so and the shoes have made such a difference. I ran 1/2 mile tonight, without stopping to walk. That is 5 minutes of running. I couldn't believe it. I ran another 4 minute interval at one point. Keeping up with all my time was sort of hard tonight. I've been running with my miniature schnauzer. Tonight a strange dog took up with us. It had a Pit Bull head and a bird dog body...strange. I didn't know if it was friendly or not. I kept trying to chase it off but it wouldn't leave. After awhile I decided it was friendly and just let it run with us.

Total steps 11,897
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Post by cvmom » Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:17 pm

Pit bull head and bird dog body, huh?

What kind of experiments are going on in Georgia????? :shock:


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Post by Azathoth » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:24 pm

My friend had a dog that was half saint bernard, half cocker-spanial... now just picture that unusual combination... (I'll leave the other obviously painful implications for you to imagine)

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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:49 am

Day 31 (B10): SUCCESS

Dru, you are right it does keep getting easier. :D Why someone would put that combination of dogs together, fighting dog/hunting dog, I don't know. It had to have been a accident. He was wearing a collar though so I assume he had an owner.

Aza, that doesn't sound possible. :o I can't imagine how. :shock: I bet the dog did look unusual.

Didn't run tonight. Yesterday satisfied me. I look forward to running tomorrow night though. Total steps today 8,047

I'm doing a little happy dance but you can't see me. I'm on vacation.....I'm on vacation....I'm on vacation. Yipee!!! :D
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Post by carolejo » Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:49 am

Maybe that doggies daddy just snuck in somewhere he wasn't supposed to be....?


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Post by Blue Daisy » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:52 pm

Vacation has been terrific and every day, 6 of them, was an S day. They were purposeful S days, no mindless snacking, and I enjoyed some terrific desserts. I'm sure I gained weight. Oh well. Since I was only 10 days into my 2nd 21 days, I will start over, beginning today.

So far so good. No funny stuff.

Ran/walked 2.33 miles last night in 30 minutes. Time has improved.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:04 pm

Day 1: (2) SUCCESS

No funny stuff.
Total steps - 6,748
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Post by carolejo » Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:58 pm

welcome back, BTW. Glad you had a good holiday!

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Post by Blue Daisy » Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:08 pm

Thanks for the welcome back, CaroleJo. I did have a wonderful and much needed vacation.

Day 2: (2) SUCCESS

No funny stuff with my food. I am surprised but pleased at how quickly I fell back into the the 3 meals a day with no snacks, sweets or seconds. I thought it would be a problem following the vacation but it hasn't been. I really like this way of eating. It is so sane. It allowed me to really enjoy my vacation by relaxing and not getting uptight about my eating.

Ran/walked 2.2 miles in 29 minutes last night.
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Post by reinhard » Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:48 pm

Blue Daisy,

Sorry it's been so long since I popped in here, but it sounds like you're doing great. Lots of green "success," lots of steps, and precious little pain and suffering. Your "S" vacation was well deserved, and from what it sounds like, well-handled, too.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:50 pm

Thanks Reinhard for the encouragement. I really do like this way of eating. There is so little stress to this. I just don't feel so uptight about my eating anymore. I could probably eat more healthy but I really don't want to get caught up in that yet until I'm really comfortable with this. I tend to become compulsive and I'm trying not to be compulsive about this at all.

Day 3: Friday N day
We had a campout for my son and his friends; s'mores and brownies

Day 4: Saturday S day SUCCESS

Day 5: Sunday N day
I had an Apple Pie following supper.

I weighed myself this morning out of curiosity. I did not gain weight. I haven't lost anymore either but I didn't gain any, to my surprise. :shock:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:28 pm

You know, Daisy, this really should be one of the main selling points of NoS...
I have often stepped on the scale sometime after a week of "moderate" eating with, even a few screw ups, to find I haven't gained...
It's such a comfort when that happens... I have never, in over a year, had any substantial gains with NoS...
It helps with the mental stability part...

Reinhard put it something like this...

On S days, it's nice to be able to enjoy, not only "guiltless" eating, but, "fearless eating is unbeatable!!"
And he is right! So get used to that Daisy! Unless you just fall off the wagon for days on end, you won't gain with NOS... Really...

I think that worrying constantly about "ballooning" up when we get a little off plan, is the crummiest, and most negative motivator for any diet, though so many diets are inherently "set up" with this type of consequence and mentality, and are real Spirit killers....
I have to say, that living through a freezing NY Winter, most people gain at least 10 if not 15 pounds, during the bleak months...
I didn't even gain during those times! This is a major plus!

See you soon!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:07 pm

Way to go Deb. Not gaining during the freezing NY winter is quite an accomplishment in my book. It doesn't freeze in Georgia so I don't have an excuse and I still tend to gain about 10lbs in the winter. And I agree completely with you, the stability should be one of the main selling points of this eating plan.

But I'm still surprised nonetheless that I did not gain weight over the 6 S days that I took for vacation. I really expected to gain something. I enjoyed a dessert everyday; some really rich desserts and even overdid it one day with goodies. :P Then I still took my 2 S days over this past weekend and when I weighed this Monday morning; nothing, no weight gain. That is just not normal for me. It could have to do with the running... but I didn't run during my vacation. I'm puzzled :? ... but pleasantly puzzled. :)

No funny stuff with the food.
Total steps 13,647

I'm in week 4 of the running program. Tonight's plan was to run 1/4 mile, walk, run 1/2 mile, walk, run 1/4 mile, walk, then finish with 1/2 mile run. I was somewhat nervous thinking I might not be able to do it. Well, I made my second 1/2 mile run but then kept running. I ran a little over 3/4 of a mile that second time. I still can't believe it.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:20 pm

Day 7 (2) : SUCCESS

No funny stuff (snacks, sweets or seconds) with the exception that I was really hungry for protein. I probably ate 6 - 7 ozs. at supper. I am guessing the exercise has caused that craving.

Didn't run. Total steps 7,768
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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:07 am

Day 8 (2): SUCCESS

Funny stuff - Supper was REALLY quick and small before church tonight. I was still hungry after church so I ate an apple when I got home.

Total steps - 6,349
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Post by Blue Daisy » Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:18 am

Day 9: (2) SUCCESS

Ate my 3 meals today but they were not the healthiest. I had my flu shot today. I don't know if it is my imagination but I'm not feeling too well :( after having it.

Did the 2 mile walk/run intervals tonight.
Last edited by Blue Daisy on Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:39 pm

I have been in a state of rebellion for the past few days. Between not feeling well (first 3 - 4 days) and stress, I have not delayed any gratification. It's really not a good excuse. I know from prior experience that eating over something does not make it better. Anyway, here is my check- in.

Day 10 (2): FAILURE
Day 11 (2): S day
Day 12 (2): S day
Day 13 (2): FAILURE
Day 14 (2): FAILURE
Day 15 (2): FAILURE
Day 16 (2): FAILURE

So far today things are going well and I believe I'm ready to get back on the wagon.
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Post by carolejo » Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:10 pm

Hiya Blue,

good for you that you're still here and gonna give it another go. I reckon that's about the hardest thing EVER to do - just to show up! Nobody seems to rate it, but you'd be amazed how many people just fail to show up for their own everyday lives.

Congratulations on posting all in red (it's much harder to admit that you failed than it is to write about success) and best of luck getting back into the green. I look forward to reading about your NoS journey, even if the path is not a straightforward one.

Glad to see you, anyway. Hope you're feeling much better now after that Flu jab. They can be quite nasty, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting flu, I guess! :lol:

May your weekend be calm and as stress-free as possible and may Monday be a welcome change.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:42 pm

What Carolejo said!!!!

I had a bunch of failed days as well, but no matter what, they are still 3 times better than failures from the old days...
As long as you keep the faith, you will still progress forward, even when you backslide a bit...

No beating up is necessary...
I hope you are feeling better these days Daisy..
Peace and Love,
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Post by reinhard » Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:35 pm

Blue Daisy,

Here's a good mini-goal: go for a mirror image of that last red bout, a week of solid green.

Congratulations on staying firmly accountable and honest with yourself. Now with a clear conscience, shake it off and go for green. It looks awful here, seeing just that week, but think what a tiny, insignificant blip it will be in a year of green, in a lifetime of green.


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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:35 pm

Thanks for the encouragement guys. And yes it was hard to type in that week. ALL RED, yuck. Mirror image - good idea Reinhard.
I always like to start on Monday so here goes. I am hoping for a good 21 day stretch like my first three weeks. I was afraid of this though. I'm good out of the gate, a sprinter. It is the longterm commitment/marathon that I have trouble with. I did good with that other eating plan I talked about initially but it was too restrictive and I eventually failed with it too. I have not been able to make myself be that strict since. I still like the sanity of this plan. It's just sane...if I'll do it.

Day (1) : SUCCESS

Funny stuff - I ate an apple "officially" after supper but it virtually fit on my plate. However, I realize I'm already starting off on a bad foot by playing with my eating.
Planning my meals for the next day helped before. I may try to get back into that again.
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Post by carolejo » Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:46 am

Go go go!!!

Fantastic work climbing back on the horse, Blue Daisy!

Congratulations. Don't beat yourself up about the apple - just be mindful that it doesn't slide.

I'm really glad for you that you're having another go at this.

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