Azathoth's Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Azathoth's Daily Check In

Post by Azathoth » Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:43 pm

I suppose I should start one of these. I've been improving my diet greatly over the past few weeks, but I'm going to call yesterday, 2005-09-19 my first official day of "No-S". As I am trying to keep my metabolism up I may split my 3 full plate meals into 4-6 smaller half-plate meals using virtual plating on certain days (I have been successul with this so far without overdoing it).

A brief history of my health before I begin: I'm 24 years old. I was a wrestler in Jr. High and High school and was in outstanding shape. Senior year of high school I wrestled 103 pounds (probably weighed 115 or 120 in the offseason) and had 1.5% body fat. Throughout my 5 years in college (B.S. in Computer Engineering... I took my time) my weight rose to approximately 185 pounds. Since college my weight has continued to rise to ~215 pounds where I decided to make some life changes (this is about 3 weeks ago). Since I have been in good shape before, I know what it takes to get there... but I've never let myself slip so far before, so I know this will be harder.

My main areas to target are: cutting out snacking at all times (except occasionally on "S" days), cutting out regular soda (I've almost done that already anyway), getting regular exercise, cutting my intake of alcohal significantly (including majorly cutting out regular beer), and finding and fitting into a routine that I will continue with indefinately without feeling as though I need to force myself to do it. All of this seems possible with No-S, and the stricter variations I am imposing on myself will only be required until I reach my target weight of 170 pounds. By that time I should be in the shape I need to be where No-S should carry me happily onward from.

I am aiming to take in 1500-2000 calories daily with 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. I will attempt to consume a minimum of 144 fl oz of water daily. I will shovelglove on weekdays (possibly with other lifting) mixed with as much walking as possible (until my shin splints/stress fractures from the last few weeks of running have time to heal) and then mix running/walking from there on out.

I will attempt to keep a log of my daily intake and other information here, at least until I have completed my first 21 days.

I will post my progress from yesterday here, and will continue with the rest as time goes on.

[Day 1 (2005-09-19)]

Roasted Chicken on Wheat from Subway with cheese, lettuce, tomato, olives, and onion

Two peanut butter and american cheese (1 slice each) sandwiches. 10 Ritz crackers with spinach dip

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:24 pm

Hey Az,
I wish you all the best of luck!!!
NoS is very liveable...
I bet if you cut out snacking and just throw some moderate exercise into your daily routine, whatever you like to do, it will make a huge impact.
I think if you are suffering from "computer/sitting on @ss syndrome", you won't necessarily have to go back to full time wrestling to get into shape again.. Just do something every day!

Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:57 pm

Welcome. Sounds like you have a pretty good plan laid out to succeed. I agree with Deb NoS is very livable.
The secret to success is small, but very consistent changes.

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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:58 pm

Welcome. Sounds like you have a pretty good plan laid out to succeed. I agree with Deb NoS is very livable.
The secret to success is small, but very consistent changes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:16 am

Wow! You must really agree with me! You did it twice! LOL... :P
Deb :lol:

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Post by Azathoth » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:26 pm

[Day 2 (2005-09-20)]


Subway 6" Turkey Breast and Ham on Wheat w/ cheese, lettuce, tomato, olives, onion. 1 servering of fat free pretzels.

Two peanut butter and american cheese (1 slice each) sandwiches. 15 Ritz crackers with spinach dip. 2 glasses of fat free milk. 2 Coors Light's, 1 Dry Gin Martini w/ 2 bleu cheese olives.

Funny Stuff: I didn't need 15 crackers, I should have only had 10... they all fit on my plate, so I didn't break any rules, I just didn't need them. As far as the booze, I suppose I could have done without.

Goal for today: Walk at least 3 miles, stick with No-S, Shovelglove, and hopefully hit the library to get some audiobooks after work (walking to the library, of course).

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Post by cvmom » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:37 pm

Azathoth :!: :!: :!:

Your avatar is cracking me up!!!

Just had to tell you that...


P.S. Don't worry if your plates are a little on the heavy side in the beginning. You need to make sure you are satisfied. Ciao.

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Post by CarrieAnn » Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:39 am

Hi Azathoth,
Welcome! Looks like we started No S on the same day, Sept. 19th. I am also going to check in daily with what I ate for my meals at least until I also hit the 21 day mark. Stick with it, we can do it!

Your avatar reminds me of my son, not that he looks that way, but when he was here at home he was always drawing things like that. He can draw pretty good. He is 19 and joined up in the Army right after he graduated High School in 04. Anyway good luck to ya and hope we both make it!


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Post by Azathoth » Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:58 pm

Heh... glad you guys like the avatar. CarrieAnn, it could be your son's art for all I know, I ripped it off from someone on the net ;) It actually reminded me of something my brother would draw (and I'll have him draw my avatar when I get a chance)... he's an excellent artist, once did a similarly strange and horrifying mural across the wall of my apartment, it was so cool.

Anyway, on to my recap of yesterday:

[Day 3 (2005-09-21)] - Success

1 bowl of dry cheerios

Chicken Breast Sandwich on toasted bread w/ tomato and lettuce and 1/2 cup of pasta salad.

Homemade Toasted Pita Chips w/ Hummus, 1/4 cup cottage cheese (it's all that was left in the container :P)

-Funny Stuff-
Unfortunately on days my boss comes into work (which varies from never some weeks to every day other weeks) we all go out to lunch together and he picks up the tab. I say unfortunately because it's usually an excuse to get a huge lunch at a nice restaurant without paying for it, so now I am fighting to get the healthy option while everyone else fills up. At any rate, they just wanted pizza today so I just ordered a chicken sandwich and watched them enjoy the pizza... there was nothing too funny about this, except that I would have rather made a lunch or grabbed a 6" sub from Subway than the greasy-bunned, overly large chicken breast and pasta salad I had.

I walked ~3 miles on a trip to the library and back, so that was good. I was succsesful at NoS and did my shovelglove at the same time in the morning.

Goals continue to include doing SG and NoS as well as walking at least 2 miles today (less planned walking because I need to help my brother move a 100-gallon fish tank down 3 flights of narrow stairs this evening out of his apartment then take it to our grandma's which is about an hour away to store it temporarily... gonns eat up my whole evening).

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Post by cvmom » Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:25 pm

Hi Aza.

I eat out a lot and I think I've got a few tips that might help you. First of all: know your restaurant. Some restaurants serve obnoxiously large portions. If you know you are going to one of those then plan on leaving a lot of food on your plate. (You could box up the rest for dinner if you want) If you are having a salad and they bring bread limit yourself to one slice either before or during your entree. (No Seconds Rule in place.)

If everyone is having dessert then just have a latte or coffee. You can say you are not in the mood for something sweet or that you are too full. You don't have to tell anyone that you are not eating sweets because it is a Wednesday.

Get something that you really enjoy. This is probably one of three eating episodes of your day so make sure you like what you are eating. (I have become much more discerning about what goes into my gob.) You could have had a slice or two of pizza yesterday and a mixed green salad. Depending on the size of the plate that probably would have fit. So make sure you like what you are eating.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. If I were you I'd look forward to those Wednesday lunches. They will be a good opportunity to hone your No S skills. :D

Have a good one.


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Post by Azathoth » Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:56 pm

Thanks for dining out advice, Dru! I think eating out can be bad for those who are on a diet if they aren't prepared to meet the challenge of actually having to make portioning decisions themselves... Your tips will be taken to heart, I promise, and are good advice to anyone who is eating out (whether they are dieting or not). Restaurants these days give FAR larger portions then they traditionally would have, and the overall physical size of the average person demonstrates this. I, and others, must try to remember common sense when eating out to protect us from the unnecessarily large portions served.

It's funny... The same society that provides men and women with a particularly (and unhealthily) tiny image to conform to in the media can advertise and entice the population with such ridiculous portions at dining institutions. I suppose the cycle created is in the interest of maximum profit (Huge Portions -> Get Fat -> See Media Image of what we "should look like" -> Diet til we hate ourselves -> See more huge portions -> Get fatter... repeat until disgusted).

I avoided the pizza not so much because I wouldn't have made a small plate out of it, but because I am in a mode where I'm aiming for maximum weight loss along with constraining myself to No-S, so I figured the empty calories and high fat could be better substitutde by a chicken breast... As I lose the next 36 or so pounds I have left to lose I'll slowly start incorperating "bad" items back into my plates sparingly, but so far I'm not unhappy with healthier choices. For the record, I'm not losing weight to fit into some pre-determined weight that I'm told I should look like, but I am returning to a weight in which I once felt comfortable and healthy, rather than out of shape and lazy.

It is good also that everyone at work knows what I'm doing in terms of my diet. I am not afraid to tell people what I'm doing to get myself back into shape, and other than my boss who likes to give me shit all the time (about the diet or anything else), everyone else I work with is very supportive (and also debating joining me on my shovelglove and No-S quest).

Thanks for all the support, I really do appreciate it... now my journal for yesterday:

[Day 4 (2005-09-22)] - SUCCESS

One Nutri-Grain Cereal Bar

6" Sandwich from Subway with Turkey/Ham on Wheat with the usual (tomato, lettuce, olives, onion).

Two peanut butter sandwiches and 2 hard boiled eggs. 2 beers after helping my brother move the 100 gallon fish tank (which was a MONSTER to move).

All were met.

-Funny Stuff-

My goals will continue to be the same until otherwise noted: Stick with Shovelglove and No-S and do a minimum of 2-3 miles of walking with an urban range state of mind (meaning I walk to the store, library, or anywhere else I can get to instead of driving if it's less than 2 or 3 miles away and I have the time to do so).
Last edited by Azathoth on Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by carolejo » Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:20 pm

There's a small rule that I use in addition whenever I eat anything - either at home or out in a restaurant.
It applies to all those of us who are 'allergic' to leaving food on our plates...

If I put the food on my plate myself, I really should try to eat it all. Otherwise I was being very gluttonous and my eyes were bigger than my belly :lol: If someone else put it on my plate however, it's perfectly allowed to leave it, no matter what, because how the hell could *they* ever know how hungry I was...?

If I can't eat everything I put on my plate, well, I will leave it nowadays, cos I'm not doing ANYONE a favour by stuffing myself, least of all myself. But I will (mentally at least) hang my head in shame and try not to be greedy and too much on the plate next time.

The restaurant advice is definately good stuff. For me, it's the bread basket that usually does be in, every time!


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Post by Azathoth » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:28 pm

[Day 5 (2005-09-23)] - SUCCESS

Nutri-Grain Breakfast Bar

Egg Salad Sandwich and Cottage cheese

Various meat, rice, pitas, and hummus (went out for dinner).

All were met.

-Funny Stuff-
Dinner was bigger than I would have liked, and theoretically I could have fit it all on one plate (though it would still be larger than my normal meal size), so I will consider the day a success, but due to the complications with eating out and how things arrive it was not physically served on a single plate. Also, following dinner (because we were out with my soon to be sister-in-law and her husband) we went back home and had a number of drinks. Not a healthy way to spend the rest of our evening, but nevertheless, it happened.

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Post by Azathoth » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:36 pm

[Day 6 (2005-09-24)] - An S-Day (automatic success)

A brat, several beers, some chips and dip, and some salami rolled with cream cheese.


-Late evening snack-
1 chicken wing, 3 potato skins with cheese and bacon, and more beer.

A bowl of cheerios and skim milk.

None set for this day, due to the complications described below.

-Funny Stuff-
Everything about this day was funny. The reason for the strange breakfast is because myself, my fiance, her sister, and her brother-in-law (the same two we spent friday night with, we stayed at their place in Evanston, IL and got up early to go to the Northwestern game. The odd food and beer was the result of our tailgate before the game.

Following this (still on very little sleep from the night before) I had to drop the fiance off at home and head to a bachelor party that I had to be at Saturday evening... so there was some more bad food and beer (not to mention all kinds of other bachelor party activities) before I finally headed home and had a bowl of cheerios.

All in all, it was a bad day for eating, but that's okay, it was an S-Day.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:41 pm

It's okay Az, Strippers are approved on S days... LOL...

Good luck this week! :lol:
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Azathoth » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:43 pm

[Day 7 (2005-09-25)] An S-Day (automatic success)

Two (very small) chocolate and caramel covered rice krispie treats (leftover from Saturday's tailgate, they looked too good to pass on for an S-day).


Several slices of ham, dinner rolls, a little pasta salad, regular salad with some type of oil and vinegar dressing, and a few handfulls of mixed nuts.

None set for this day.

-Funny Stuff-
Again, since it was an S-Day, funny stuff doesn't really matter... but I didn't really eat breakfast or lunch (the two bits of rice krispie bars don't really count as much of a meal). There was an afternoon memorial service for my fiance's grandfather who had died earlier this past week. He was 94, one of the most active people I have ever met (not to mention the funniest and happiest person to ever walk the earth), and we will miss him dearly... however we were extremely happy that he was active right up until his last days, he never lost even the smallest part of his memory and was never held back from doing the things he loved by physical ailments. We were able to have dinner with him and his wife 2 weeks ago, on which date we had formerly announced our engagement and he had welcomed me into the family. I will cherish that memory forever.

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Post by Azathoth » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:45 pm

lol... you're absolutely right Deb. I have officially added to my version of the No-S diet:

No Sweets,
No Snacks,
No Seconds,
and No Strippers,
except on days that start with S :twisted:

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Post by Azathoth » Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:30 pm

[Day 8 (2005-09-26)] - SUCCESS


Chicken Sandwich and various greens with a light vinegar type dressing.

Bacon Cheeseburger, 5 individual steak fries (I gave the rest of my pile of delicious steak fries to my brother and his girlfriend). 2 Coors Lights.

All met - Walked 4.4 miles (to the pub for dinner and back), Shovelglove was GREAT this morning, felt the burn while doing it and shortly after, recovered quickly and wasn't overly sore the rest of the day... my body is finally getting used to the morning workout.

-Funny Stuff-
No breakfast! I'm not sure if this is a direct violation of No-S or not, but I simply was too busy at work this morning to grab the small bowl of oatmeal or cheerios I usually try to have. I did not want to throw in another meal just for the sake of having three meals, so I simply had the other two. I was not overly hungry or in any way dissatisfied with my food intake, so I'm considering this day a success.

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Post by Azathoth » Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:29 pm

[Day 9 (2005-09-27)] - SUCCESS

Small bowl of Oatmeal

6" Roasted Chicken Breast sub w/ cheese, lettuce, tomato, olives, and onions.

Turkey Sandwich from Panera, 1/2 cup of soup, and a handful of chips.

All were met.

-Funny Stuff-

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Post by CarrieAnn » Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:53 pm

Hi Azathoth,
Sounds like we are both making it so far. I am looking forward to posting in the 21 day club, how about you? Does it seem to be getting easier or harder for you as time goes by?

I sure like seeing your avatar. As I told you before it reminds me of my 19 yr. old son, because of his drawings. His army base in LA was hit by hurricane Rita, but we finally heard from him Monday and he is fine. Keep up the great work Azathoth, and we will both be in the 21 Day Club at the same time.

Good luck to ya! :D

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Post by Azathoth » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:27 pm

CarrieAnn, I am very much looking forward to making the 21-day club. I was very glad to hear that everything is alright with your son. Keep up the good work and we'll both be in the 21-day club in no time!

[Day 10 (2005-09-28 )] - SUCCESS
Small bowl of oatmeal.

6" Turkey Breast and Ham on Wheat from Subway

2 Peanut Butter and Cheddar Cheese sandwiches, a small handful of chips, and a hard boiled egg.

All were met.

-Funny Stuff-
Dinner was a little large, but not unreasonable... nothing too funny.

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Post by Azathoth » Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:38 pm

[Day 11 (2005-09-29)] - SUCCESS

Small bowl of Oatmeal

6" Turkey Breast on Wheat from Subway

8oz boneless, skinless chicken breast grilled, cottage cheese, steamed zucchini, and a small hunk of bread.

1 shot of Captain Morgan, one Coors Light

All met... walking is easy to meet if I walk at lunch (hike to subway, then to the park to eat it fast, then around the lake and back to work), shovelglove is also easy to meet, because it is officially a part of my morning routine and I love it.

-Funny Stuff-
Nothing too funny today... it was a good day.Image

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Post by Azathoth » Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:29 pm

[Day 12 (2005-09-30)] - SUCCESS

Small bowl of Oatmeal

Chicken breast and various small snack foods (while travelling in the car)

Turkey Sandwich

All Met

-Funny Stuff-
We were travelling up to northern Wisconsin and since this created an unusual set of eating opportunities I did my best to ration a select amount of various things that theoretically would have fit on a plate for "lunch". It may have been a big plate, and it was spread out a little bit through the drive to keep me awake, but I did my best to stick with my pre-planned portions so I am still going to call this day a success even though my lunch was spread out over a few hours of smaller partial "meals" (don't want to call them snacks, for obvious reasons). Some may say this day was not a success based on this, but because I was conciously aware of it and thinking about it, I did not "cheat" myself and I feel confident about my ability to stay within my mentally set bounds.

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Post by Azathoth » Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:35 pm

[Day 13 (2005-10-01)] - S-Day (success)

Success was unaviodable, but I did well anyway even by S-Day standards. I had a very small breakfast consisting of a single "doughnut" (which was more like 2 doughnut holes pressed together, very small, but still it was a sweet) and a cup of coffee. Lunch was 2 beers, and dinner was a rather large meal at Famous Daves (the original, in Hayward, WI... damn good food).

[Day 14 (2005-10-02)] - S-Day (success)

Again, success was unavoidable, but another unusal day. This day was our drive home, so snacking was done again (without as much care this time, because I knew it was an S-day and I really just wanted to wolf down a ton of beef jerky). Dinner was a 6" subway sandwich on the way home and I followed the evening up with a bottle of wine after we got back in and settled down.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:09 pm

Beers and donuts for your first two meals of an S day????

Now this man knows how to live it up!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Azathoth » Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:50 pm

lol... yeah Deb, I do try to take advantage of my S days. Nothing better to relax with on the weekend then beer and doughnuts.

[Day 15 (2005-10-03)] - SUCCESS

Bowl of Oatmeal

6" Chicken Breast on Wheat from Subway

Boneless, skinless chicken breast sandwich with american cheese and a handful of steak fries. 3 beers.

All met. Walked approximately 7 miles total today, so that was good. I thought I would have trouble getting out of bed in the morning for Shovelglove, but found that even though I only had 4 hours of sleep (after drinking an entire bottle of wine) I felt surprisingly happy to get up and start working out.

-Funny Stuff-

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:48 pm

You are wine drinking wild man!!!!
Hope you get at least five hours of sleep tonight!

8) Deb

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Post by Azathoth » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:13 pm

haha... I love your comments Deb. They always make me laugh when I stop in to enter my daily activity. I will start thinking of myself as more of a "wine-drinking wildman" from now on :)

[Day 16 (2005-10-04)] - SUCCESS

-Breakfast- (was closer to normal lunch time)
6" chicken breast from subway on wheat.

-Lunch- (was after work, because I knew we were having a late dinner)
3 beef sticks (I know, it sounds like a snack, but I just needed a very small meal to hold me over til the late dinner and I need more protein anyway)

Steak, asparagus, and cottage cheese. 1 beer.

Were NOT met. I only managed to walk about half a mile in total today. Shovelglove was done in the morning, of course (I would not miss that), but I did not walk my minimum of 2 miles. I will make no excuses for my failure and I will try to not repeat it.

-Funny Stuff-
Besides the time shift for my meals and the unusual "lunch", everything was fine. My eating was not a failure because I only had 3 meals, even if the middle one was unusual.

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Post by Azathoth » Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:42 pm

[Day 17 (2005-09-05)] - SUCCESS


2 small chicken breasts, a small steak, and some mashed potatos and mixed vegetables

Pork tenderloin, asparagus, cottage cheese

All were met.

-Funny Stuff-
Was too busy at work this morning to have breakfast, no big deal, I didn't miss it much and I had a slightly larger plate at lunch than would be typical for me, but that's okay too.

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Post by Azathoth » Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:54 pm

[Day 18 (2005-09-06)] - SUCCESS

Bowl of Oatmeal

6" Turkey Breast on Wheat from Subway

Tuna melt on a pita, steamed zucchini slices, cottage cheese. 1 beer, 1 glass of wine

Were NOT met again. I was only able to manage about a mile of walking and did not reach my goal of two miles. Again, I have no excuse for this as I did play video games for an hour in the evening and I should have walked instead. I punished myself with a more hectic shovelglove routine than usual this morning and was really happy with the way I felt afterwards. I was able to turn up my performance quite a bit and even this much later in the day I still feel good.

-Funny Stuff-

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:23 pm

I punished myself with a more hectic shovelglove routine than usual this morning and was really happy with the way I felt afterwards. I was able to turn up my performance quite a bit and even this much later in the day I still feel good.

I'm sending you a vicarious
Enjoy your weekend Azathoth!
You earned a whole bottle of wine for opening up that can of whoopass on your bad self!!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Azathoth » Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:26 pm

[Day 19 (2005-10-07)] - SUCCESS

(I just noticed that for some reason my dates after 10-04 reverted back to Sept.... what the heck was I thinking, eh?)


Pork Sandwich

Fish and Chips, several beers

All were met

-Funny Stuff-
A few beers too many, the fish wasn't the healthiest thing I could have chosen, but still successful.

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Post by Azathoth » Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:42 pm

[Day 20-21 (2005-10-08 - 2005-10-09)] - S-Days, automatic success.

Well, I suppose I've reached the 21-day club. Both days were S-days, so I really couldn't lose. I will comment that I ate pretty badly most of the weekend and drank FAR too much. My fiance's college friends were in town to watch the Northwestern/Wisconsin game on Saturday so we had a long weekend of drinking and partying. Sunday afternoon following the bears game my friends and I played a long (and very rough) game of football. We were all beat up pretty bad by the end of it.

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Post by Azathoth » Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:44 pm

[Day 22 (2005-10-10)] - SUCCESS


Club Sandwich and Fries

Bacon Cheesburger, several beers

All were met

-Funny Stuff-
No funny stuff related to No-S, unfortunately I was not able to shovelglove today due to being in pretty bad shape from the football game the day before. As Reinard says, if you are too sore it is safer to not do SG than to risk hurting yourself worse. SG will resume tomorrow as normal.

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Post by Azathoth » Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:27 pm

Since I am past day 21 now I will only post if there is anything of interest to note. I will probably at a bare minimum post weekly or bi-weekly with a general status report. If I find failure creeping up on me I will resume my daily posting here. I will, at the very least, continue to update my account with my daily information to track my calories until I reach my target weight.

So far this week, all is going well.

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Post by Azathoth » Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:44 pm

Fell completely off the wagon on 2005-10-12... it all began with one of our few employees in my office having a birthday, so I had a small slice of cake. I knew I had failed so I just let myself get worse and worse as the day went on, finishing up with a TON of pizza for dinner. I'm okay with the failure, and have been back on track since... I kind of think my body needed this, I haven't gone too crazy on my S-days so I think my body finally needed to just let loose.

Everything is back on track since, I'll continue to record any funny stuff, and I'll see everyone back in the 21 day club in 3 more weeks.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:21 pm

I say,
The only *real* failure is if you give up completely, or worse, if you never even tried!

You have a great attitude and just keep it up dude!!!!
I made a rhyme! LOL..
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by CarrieAnn » Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:21 pm

You have been doing great! You and I started the same day and I fell off the
wagon before I even reached 21 days.

CarrieAnn :D

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Post by reinhard » Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:21 am

Azathoth, you've been doing great. Now show that you can take a punch and hit back. Looking forward to your next entries.

On a more practical note: the coffee machine is my best friend at work parties. Moping around with your hands in your pockets won't do, but a having mug in your hand is apparently sufficently festive not to elicit any comments.

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Post by Azathoth » Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:02 pm

Thanks for all the support guys, sorry I haven't posted in my daily log lately but I've been pretty busy. Nothing funny to report, so that's good. I've been back in my routine since my failure and nothing has really posed much of a problem.

I'll be sure to give the coffee mug defense a shot... anything to get the coworkers off my back when the cake starts flying around will be great ;)

I'll check back in soon.

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Post by Azathoth » Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:02 pm

Nothing new to report since my last check-in. No funny stuff and everything is going smooth. I missed the last 2 days of shovelglove due to the fact that I haven't been feeling well. I'm getting annoyed with the inactivity though (even though I'm still walking) and I have vowed to SG tomorrow whether my throat still hurts or not. My time with my sledge is too precious to continue to pass on.

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Post by carolejo » Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:46 pm

Hi Az,

get well soon, mate! There seems to be quite a lot of it about.

So, is it bird-flu or is it man-flu...? :lol:


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