Kodama's check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Kodama's check in

Post by Kodama » Tue May 26, 2009 10:14 pm

Hi, I'm Stephen. I'd like to check in here on occasion both for my No S Diet and my Shovelglove habits. Quick bio: I'm 43, and I started taking my weight seriously on Feb. 15, 2009, when I weighed in at an all time high of 246. I quickly discovered sparkpeople.com, which helped me (and still does) to the point I'm at now: 221 lbs. However, I'm really losing my patience with counting calories, and somehow, I stumbled upon the No S Diet website. No S AND Shovelglove sounds great, so here I am.

Today happens to be Day 2 for both No S and SG. Yesterday was a Success for both, and today looks to be good as well.

No S Diet: I can see that it might take a few days for me to learn to judge what a proper amount of food is for me, so that I'm neither starving or still full for the next meal.

Shovelglove (8 pounder): Yesterday I did the first 5 canonical moves, plus Ring the Churchbell type squats (8 minutes), 2 circuits of 7 reps. Today I did the remaining 5 canonical moves, plus pushups, (10 minutes), 2 circuits of 7 reps.

Amusing annecdote: Because of the weather, I did todays SG workout in the basement. When it came to 'Tuck Bales', the ceiling was not tall enough, so did it at the bottom of the stairway. Well, it seemed natural to put one foot forward on the 2nd stair. While I was 'Tucking the Bales' like this, up the stairway, my imagination did not picture bale tucking, but instead I pictured myself as a medieval warrior, attacking the defenders of my enemy's castle tower stairway. 'Thrust the spear UP at his head, UP at his chest! Take that!' hehe! It sure made the exercise MUCH more enjoyable than imagining a mundane task having to do with hay...
Last edited by Kodama on Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by midtownfg » Wed May 27, 2009 8:08 pm

Great shovelglove story. When I read Reinhard's comment that some imagine battle scenarios like that to make the movements more enjoyable, I sent the info to my husband. I thought that was right up his alley. But no. He just won't try it. I'm glad it's working for you.

Best of luck and welcome.

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Post by Kodama » Thu May 28, 2009 1:49 am

midtownfg, sounds like your husband could benefit from letting his inner little boy out to play... :wink: Oh well, we each have to find our own forms of exercise that we enjoy, so we can stick with them.

Day 4 of No S Diet: Success! Total Success! Today, I finally managed to get my meal portions correct. So THAT'S what it feels like! Never stuffed, never starving, often satiated. Very nice. If I can learn to manage this more often, I could really get hooked on this! :D

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Post by Kodama » Sat May 30, 2009 11:40 pm

Week 1 is a complete success! in both No S Diet and Shovelglove. No reds this week!

And I'm happy to report that I've dropped a pound... :)

Onward Ho!
--- Stephen ---
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Post by magicman » Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:31 am

Do you have a public profile on Hacker's Diet online?

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Post by Kodama » Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:25 am

My Hackers Diet Online alias is "Beta Camelot", and unfortunately, it seems the only way to see it is to also have a Hackers Diet Online account. Then you can find me under "Browse Public User Accounts". That's a little disappointing that it cannot be completely public.

So I'm going to use my physicsdiet.com account and start the log from the first day I started No S. The link is: http://www.physicsdiet.com/Public.aspx?u=OneDay, and it's also in my sig line on this forum.

So we two are in a small club here eh magicman? No S + Hacker's Diet combo... :)
--- Stephen ---
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Post by magicman » Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:09 pm

I signed up on Hacker's Diet Online, and I guess I'll keep it up, but I like Physics Diet better in all respects. Especially to track fat % and calories eaten. Neither one can track protein eaten, though.

To each his own, I suppose.

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Post by Kodama » Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:00 am

My second week of No S went just fine. I'm losing about a pound a week. Seems like I've taken to No S like a duck to water.

It is sooooo nice seeing that my weight is continuing to decrease, AND I'm not spending all that time and energy tracking calorie intake. That was SUCH a drag.

I'm taking a training class today and tomorrow, then I hope the weather will cooperate for bike commuting. I miss my bike...
--- Stephen ---
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Post by Kodama » Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:01 am

Week 3, no FAILURES, lost 1.4 pounds (nice!)

Total weight loss 4.2 lbs.

I'm in the 21 Club! And today happens to be an S-day. We went out to the Mennonite Farmers Market first thing in the morning. I wanted to pick up just a few veggies for grilling. They had mini-pies! And one was Strawberry-Rhubarb! Oh, my o my that takes me back to my childhood in Wisconsin... I knew then and there what my S-Day treat was going to be! :)

It's a mini pie, but it's still enough to make 2 servings. I had half with some coffee in the afternoon... Sooooo Yummy!
--- Stephen ---
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:44 am

Sounds like you're rollin' - - Good work, Stephen.
21 days club member.

Nice treat too, half a mini pie. See, this is good, you split the pie in 2 instead of having it all at once, this way you get to have the other half a bit later, 2 small treats on separate days, better that way ! You 'saved' the 2nd half for later.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 06/10/2009 : 212.8 pounds
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Post by Kodama » Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:43 am

Thought I'd share my 'Summary Table' of my google doc weight loss spreadsheet. Goal weight of 190 is my best guess that I think I'll be happy with. Goal date of November 1 has special significance for me, very very special. The 2nd line: Weight Loss / Week is calculated from the last 30 days, so it acts as a trend. The last 2 lines are a quick way for me to see how 'on track' I am. I'm doing great, 4 days ahead of schedule! :)


I set this weight goal back when I started, Feb 15 '09. (246 lb start weight!) Originally, my goal date was 1 year later, Feb 15 '10. After a few months, I saw how far ahead of schedule I was, and set the new goal date. I know that weight loss can get harder as you get thinner, but I really think I can do this!

There! Now anyone who see's this has a summary of my weight loss history and goals... it's public... another motivator! :wink:
--- Stephen ---
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:47 am

Hey, you are doing great

You and marc will get along fine, you both appear to be stat-men...

I have had great success with the No S plan and have made so many new friends here, an added bonus.

I'll be watching you :D


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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:37 pm

Wow, this sounds great, Stephen !

What are your diet and training habits ?? I'd be curious to know what a 'typical' day is for you ...

I'll take a picture of your chart there and maybe set up something similar with my SpreadPro program, I hadn't thought of doing that before, 'Days ahead of your goal' that sort of thing seems like a nice angle.

I see You plan on losing 56 pounds within 8 and a half months and my plan (which never really changed) is to lose 85 pounds within 12 months, same ballpark. Yeah, it's harder now for me, I'll reach my goal but I need to be really good just to lose 5-6 pounds per month now, when I began in nov. 2008 I wasn't exercising or even dieting as hard as I do now and
I was still losing twice as much.

Hopefully we will both make it. Hey, I see we even have the same 'final day' ... nov. 1st 2009, lol !

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 06/10/2009 : 212.8 pounds
7 months 10 days / 67.2 pounds

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Post by Kodama » Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:39 am

Week 4, lost 1.7 pounds (very nice!)

Total weight loss 5.9 lbs.

This week, I've been making bento lunches: http://justbento.com/

I used a 2 cup square rubbermaid container for my bentos. It seems like it's less food than I'm used to eating for lunch. On friday, about 1/2 my bento was a mesclun salad. Well this calorie light lunch finally made be crack and have my first No S Day FAILURE: I had a vegetarian burrito, chips and guacamole from Chipotles for dinner. I suppose it could've all fit on one plate, but I'm counting it as a failure anyway because it was a LOT of food. I was stuffed! Much more than I needed for dinner.

Lesson learned: Salads have to be more than 1 cup in size. If I want part of my bento lunch to have salad, I'll have to get a larger bento box.

Despite the failure on friday, I'm enjoying putting more effort into my lunch. I like the variety of food, dressing it up, making the meal special. :) Today, I went shopping at an asian supermarket hoping to get some real bento boxes. No luck. But I did pick up some very nice quality Lock & Lock food containers with dividers in a few different sizes. I got 3 plastic ones, and 2 glass ones in case I want something that needs microwaving. I also bought some umeboshi (pickled plums) to put in my onigiri, and some Korean kimchi. It's fun to try new foods! 8)
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Post by magicman » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:45 am

I noticed you have Body Fat % on your PhysicsDiet page now. What are you using to measure it? Thoughts on adding that metric?

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Post by Kodama » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:06 am

Hi magicman! Yeah, while I was cleaning up the basement, I came across my old Tanita scale, that I thought was broken. The lens over the digital readout had cracked apart and a few pieces of the lens are gone. On a whim, I changed the batteries and it worked! I feel like such a dope! Oh well, at least I was too lazy to throw it away those many years ago when I thought it was dead... :oops:

So the Tanita scale has those metal plates you're supposed to stand on barefoot so it can take Body Fat % reading, I forget what technology that's called.

So I figured I'd just start using this scale, it's higher quality. After entering a few BF readings, it occured to me that the smoothing trend principle for weight readings can apply to BF% as well. With the trend line going, I really like taking my BF% again.

And that's really all thanks to you! You had put that little seed in my head... :)
--- Stephen ---
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Post by magicman » Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:38 am

Always glad to be of service!

Do you think the numbers you are getting for Body Fat % is accurate? I'm thinking that mine is lowballing, but then I'm getting a consistent downward trend line.

I mean if it's correct, my current stats are:
46.7% Body Fat (Trend)
228.7 Pounds Lean
200.3 Pounds Fat

If that is the case, my goal of 155 pounds makes no sense! I'm doing my best to eat a lot of protein, and I'm lifting heavy... I'm able to lift more every day in the gym, which would suggest gaining muscle mass, but if I go by my Body Fat % device, I'm not losing fat as fast as I'm losing weight.

Eh, I'm losing weight and gaining strength, those are the real metrics.

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Post by Kodama » Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:17 am


You ask, s BF% accurate? Well unless we get the water dunk lab test version of body fat, it's quite true that the alternative measurement methods have inherent inaccuracies. I also wouldn't doubt that with more body fat on a person, the inaccuracy rises. So if you think your device is lowballing, it very well may be true.

Because of these inaccuracies, I wouldn't put a numerical goal on it, like 15% BF as a goal. Body measurements would be better, waist (around the belly button for us guys) is a great measurement to track for weight loss progress. There's alot of talk about Waist to Hip Ratio, as a good healthy BF indicator.

I've been tracking Waist, Hip, and Neck measurements monthly since I started back in February. Every month has been a great improvement that is a joy to discover. I can post these if anyone gives a hoot.

Oh, another thing besides BF% inaccuracy. What about the body's reduction of the skeletal system? Surely as we lose lot's of weight, our skeletal system adjusts and reduces as well? That must account for our fat free mass somewhat, don't you think? I mean, living bone tissue is kind of heavy, right? And it's a fat free part of our mass. So, reduction in bone size would reduce lean body mass. That's my theory and I'm stickin' with it.

So because of these things, I would say it's very premature for you to call your goal weight senseless. You should ask yourself though, if you've ever been 155 in your life or near it? If so then you know it's a realistic goal. If not, then you're just picking a number based on some BMI or BF% or other guideline, and you may have to re-assess what will be realistic after every 6 months or so. Or go with an additional goal such as 'Get my Waist to Hip Ratio to 0.95' (under 1.00 is considered healthy for men, if I recall correctly). Or just simply something like fit into size 36 jeans. Heck set up multiple goals (it's what I do). That way I have multiple signs of progress, more to celebrate! (Plus I like numbers...)

Well, this has been quite a long post. I hope it has some value. Let's both keep rowing our boats to our destination. Stay the course!
--- Stephen ---
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Post by Kodama » Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:56 pm

Today, I have met my goal weight of 190 lbs!

I started this past February at 246 lbs, so that's 56 lbs lost!

A few weeks ago, I went to the hardware store to pick up some supplies for installing some fence posts. I went to pick up some 50 lb bags of cement. As I lifted and carried them to my cart (oooph!) I thought: "Geez! I used to carry this much weight around with me in fat, all day long!" For some reason, this real life lesson cemented in me (heh, heh) the reality of what I accomplished. I feel so much better now, it's truly incredible.

So what's next? Well maintenance of course. I've also been keeping careful track of by body fat for awhile too. So I know that I currently have 33.5 lbs of fat and a lean body mass of 157. What I'd like to do now is incorporate a strength building routine, while keeping that fat mass down. You have to look at the fat mass because when strength gaining, you might gain total weight, but the weight gain might be muscle mass (which falls inside lean body mass), not fat mass.

I'm not truly looking to gain muscle size though, just strength and endurance. But some gain might come along too and that'd be fine. I just have to keep a close watch on the fat level.

I'm exploring what's out there now, in terms of strength training. I'm leaning toward a bodyweight routine.

I plan to post an update here about once a month for awhile, as a record of how my maintenance is going.

Enough for now... I'm hungry for breakfast!
--- Stephen ---
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Post by Starla » Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:23 pm

Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment, and it's very encouraging for those of us who still have a lot of weight to lose.

I started No S in September, so I had never seen your thread before, but it was a lot of fun to read. You sounded like Errol Flynn in that first post - you almost made shovelglove sound appealing!

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