My No-S Life :)

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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My No-S Life :)

Post by Grace » Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:57 am

No more excuses! I'm here for a lifestyle NOT a diet. I'm finally sick and tired of diets (I don't see this as a diet). Diets DON'T work (at least not for me), so I'm here choosing the freedom of No-S over the 'promises' (lies) diets shell out. So, that being said, here's my habits for today:

No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

Great to be here!
:) Naomi
Last edited by Grace on Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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It's a marathon, not a sprint!

Post by Grace » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:37 am

Today went well. I start my day with coffee (cream & sugar), because I'm not hungry. So, I don't eat until lunch time (so, that's my first meal of the day). I have the same thing for lunch every day (M-F): a medium baked potato with turkey chilli (sprinkled with some shredded cheese) and sour cream. It's extremely yummy and has a lot of fiber, so very filling. Then, my next meal is right after school (I teach). I, again, am having the same thing (M-F): a Smart Ones Lasagna Florentine (and today, since I ate it when I got home, I also had a side salad and a piece of's a lot, but I'm just starting back on No-S so I'm letting myself have that full plate!). Dinner is the meal that changes each day. Tonight I had a burger and fries (made at home).

No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

It's a journey...I'm in it for the long haul!
:) Naomi

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Post by Grace » Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:42 am

Another good day of forming habits for life!

Breakfast: SmartOnes lasagna
Lunch: salad with two slices of toast with butter
Dinner: Massaman curry with chicken, snow peas, potatoes and celery on rice

No Snacks: SUCCESS :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS :)

I was very busy today, so eating the No-S way was very normal. I love how 'unstressed' I feel about this way of eating! I love not stressing over what diet I need to do to get this weight off immediately. I'm actually looking at a loooooong range goal: my retirement from teaching in 5 school years (and turning 50 the same year!). My husband and I plan to take a cruise from NYC to the British Isles to celebrate my birthday and retirement. I'd love to be living the No-S habits as second-nature by then and be at a weight that feels and looks good on me. That seems very doable!

:) Naomi

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Post by Grace » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:31 am

Oops! I haven't written in the past 4 days, so I need to log in.

Sat & Sun went well. I ate quite a bit of candy on Sat. (went to World Market and got some Maltesers and Rowntree Fruit Gums....British candy I grew up eating in Hong Kong...YUM!), but I'm not restricting myself on my S days at all right now. I know that desire to eat a lot of sweets on the weekends will pass. My goal is to have a nice dessert or two on S days instead of just candy, but since this is my way of eating for life I have plenty of time to develop that habit. :) It has not been difficult at all to wait until Sat. & Sun. to eat sweets either (and that I find amazing about this way of eating!).

One thing I have done to make No-Snacking and No-Seconds a bit easier is to adjust my meal times. Since I'm not a breakfast eater (just give me a cup of coffee and I'm happy!), I don't eat my first meal until lunch (12:00), then I eat my second meal right after work (3:30 - I'm a teacher and I'm always really hungry right after school. I eat my second meal at school, because I have a 30 min. drive home and I don't want to tempt myself to pull over and buy some snacks on the way home.) Then, I eat my dinner (third meal) with my husband when I get home (5:00 ish). Adjusting my meal times has really helped me not need to snack or be as tempted to go back for seconds.

No-Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No-Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

No-Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No-Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No-Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

I have to say this first week on No-S for life has been wonderful. I LOVE THIS WAY OF EATING! I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all and that's the best part for me! :) I lost 4 lbs. this week, too, so I'm pretty happy! I know it's that initial quick loss and it will be slowing waaaay down, but I'm very happy to see this initial loss. Hope everyone else is enjoying their No-S plan, too!

It's such a lovely ride...
:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Grace » Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:15 am

Another great No-S Day :)

No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Location: Mobile, Alabama (on the Gulf Coast)

Post by Grace » Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:31 am

Another great No-S Day! I was so busy at work I wasn't able to have my first meal until right after work (3:45). So, my 3 meals were all in the evening, but that's okay. In fact, because of that I couldn't even complete my 3rd meal (I threw what I couldn't eat into the trash! :shock: ). That's the second time I've done that this week and it feels SO good to think "you know I'm full and I feel good right now, but if I keep eating I'll feel really uncomfortable"...and then throwing the rest away! 8) Pretty cool!!

No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS!! :)

Lovin' this No-S lifestyle!
:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Aquapixie » Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:52 pm

Hi Naomi! WTG on all your successes :)

I like how you modified your meal times, what a great idea!

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Post by Grace » Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:02 am

Thanks, Aquapixie! :) I think modifying my meal times to suit the way I eat is key for me...and probably others as well! Try it, maybe it will work for you, too! :)

Okay, update...

S days were great (of course!)! :)

Monday & Tuesday:

No Snacks - SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets - SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds - SUCCESS! :)

I'm really enjoying this way of eating!
Tomorrow is weigh-in day...
:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Grace » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:18 am

Today was a successful No-S Day, but I'm noticing I'm starting to want to have really full plates at some meal times (especially at night), so I'm going to try to be more careful about that. It's too easy to start making internal excuses and suddenly every meal plate is piled up! :shock:

Well, today was weigh-in day and I must admit I was really surprised (and discouraged) that I only lost a half of a pound. :oops: After losing that initial 4 lbs. my first week I thought I'd lose at least 1 lb. So, I'm going to be watching my weigh-ins carefully. If I find that when my weight loss is too slow (or nonexistant) some weeks that that discourages me, then I'm going to quit weighing in (maybe do it once/month...or if that's too discouraging - once/quarter!). The main thing is that I am making healthy changes in my eating for life.... NOT that I'm losing 2 lbs./week. I'm determined not to make the same mistakes I've made in the past and quit No-S just because the weight loss is so slow. I've got the rest of my life for my body to reach the place it is happiest. What's the rush?

Here's today's stats:

No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

Here's to another great No-S day!
:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Grace » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:18 am

Today was a successful No-S Day, but I'm noticing I'm starting to want to have really full plates at some meal times (especially at night), so I'm going to try to be more careful about that. It's too easy to start making internal excuses and suddenly every meal plate is piled up! :shock:

Well, today was weigh-in day and I must admit I was really surprised (and discouraged) that I only lost a half of a pound. :oops: After losing that initial 4 lbs. my first week I thought I'd lose at least 1 lb. So, I'm going to be watching my weigh-ins carefully. If I find that when my weight loss is too slow (or nonexistant) some weeks that that discourages me, then I'm going to quit weighing in (maybe do it once/month...or if that's too discouraging - once/quarter!). The main thing is that I am making healthy changes in my eating for life.... NOT that I'm losing 2 lbs./week. I'm determined not to make the same mistakes I've made in the past and quit No-S just because the weight loss is so slow. I've got the rest of my life for my body to reach the place it is happiest. What's the rush?

Here's today's stats:

No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

Here's to another great No-S day!
:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Grace » Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:43 am

Today went well, except I was so busy at work that I ended up not eating my first meal until about 3:30 pm. So, I went through a McD's on the way home and got a fish fillet sandwich and a large order of fries....which is fine on this eating plan (which is great), but that meant I had two more meals this evening still to eat (I'm trying not to eat less than 3 meals.). So, my next meal was a salad with a couple of slices of toast (small slices). Then when I had my last meal of the day (Pad Thai), even though it was really yummy I only ate about half of it and I put the rest in a little container for lunch tomorrow! :) What I love about this way of eating is that it's slowly getting me out of that diet mentality and a little more in tune with the way my body feels. I'm starting to realize just how miserable my body feels when it is stuffed. I know this is something that will take many, many uncomfortably stuffed experiences to really 'get' (and even then there will be the occassional time when I do it anyway), but it's nice to see me actually putting food away for another meal (or throwing it away sometimes), because I *don't* want to feel that way! :wink:

Well, okay, here were today's stats:

No Snacking: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

All in all a pretty good day of learning to listen to my body!
:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Grace » Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:52 pm

Here's my update for yesterday (Friday). Another super busy day where I didn't have time to eat at work, so end up having my first meal at 3:30 pm. So, another drive through McD's on the way home (fish fillet/large fries). I do love their fish fillet sandwiches, and I've always loved their fries. My second meal was dinner with my husband (a burger & fries...I know fries twice in one day! :shock: ). I ended up eating about 2/3rd of the burger and fries (and throwing the rest away - yay!!), because I was quite full. I LOVE it when I decide to throw food away, because my body says, "ENOUGH!" :mrgreen: Then, my last meal was a smidge of leftover Pad Thai (yum!) and a grapefruit. All in all, a very good day! :)

No Snacks - SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets - SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds - SUCCESS! :)

:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Grace » Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:51 am

S-days were great as usual! :)

It's been a VERY busy (and stressful) week (the state review team is out doing their annual review of our school system...but it's over now!), so I'm behind logging in.

Mon, Mar.8:
No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

Tues., Mar.9th:
No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

Wed., Mar.10th:
No Snacks: SUCCESS! :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS! :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS! :)

I was so happy (and suprised) that I lost another pound this week! That's 5.5 lbs. down. After eating McD's fish fillet sandwiches with a large fry at THREE of my meals last week :shock: , I'm just really blown away that I lost anything! I'm so glad that some weeks show a loss (that will hopefully help with the weeks where I don't see any). I love being able to eat and lose this way! I love my No-S life! :mrgreen:

:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Location: Mobile, Alabama (on the Gulf Coast)

Post by Grace » Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:55 am

Well, I'm up at 1:50 am due to 'work thoughts'. As soon as I finish logging this in I'm going to try to get to sleep, so I can be somewhat coherent tomorrow!

Here's Thurs., Mar.11:

No Snacks: SUCCESS :)
No Sweets: SUCCESS :)
No Seconds: SUCCESS :)

My husband and I were going to go see the movie The Single Man tonight (at a little theater downtown), but the theater owner was sick, so he's postponing the movie to tomorrow. Anyway, David showed me a bag of snacks (mostly sweets) he had bought for us to eat during the film and I just simply reminded him that I can't eat that (on No-S days). It wasn't any big deal, just matter of fact. That's not my life anymore. Of course I DO plan to buy a glass of wine to enjoy during the movie (this is a little art theater and they sell wine! They also have some great lazyboys if you get there early and can nab one!).

Well, now I'm heading back to bed...hope I can get to sleep!
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by marygrace » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:45 pm

We have a movie theater similar to yours in our town. There are actually long tables in front of each row of seats, and you can order a meal, movie snack, dessert, drink, or whatever else you can imagine and a server will bring it to you. It's a lot of fun!

Great job saying no to the snacks. Sometimes my husband asks if I want to have some kind of treat on a weeknight after dinner, and saying no can be hard!

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