Staring Again

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Staring Again

Post by Aquapixie » Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:40 am

Day 1: N Day Success February 17th, 2010
Day 2: N Day Success February 18th, 2010
Day 3: N/S Day Success February 19th, 2010
Day 4: S Day SuccessFebruary 20th, 2010
Day 5: S / N Day Success February 21st, 2010
Day 6: N Day Success February 22nd, 2010
Day 7: N Day Success February 23rd, 2010

Day 8 : N Day SuccessFebruary 24th, 2010
Day 9: N Day Success February 25th, 2010
Day 10: N /S Success Day February 26th, 2010
Day 11: S Day Success February 27th, 2010
Day 12: S / N Day Success February 28th, 2010
Day 13: N Day Success March 1st, 2010
Day 14: N Day Success March 2nd, 2010 (one S event.)

Day 15: N Day Success March 3rd, 2010
Day 16: N Day Success March 4th, 2010
Day 17: N / S Success Day March 5th, 2010
Day 18: S Day SuccessMarch 6th, 2010
Day 19: S / N Day Success March 7th, 2010
Day 20: N Day Success March 8th, 2010
Day 21: N DaySuccess March 9th, 2010

I accidentally posted this on the general form. I'm moving it here where it should be. :)

I failed miserably on my last challenge, so I'm beginning afresh.

Today is day 1. So far, so good. I had raisin bran cereal with milk for breakfast and mushroom soup with crackers for lunch. Supper will be pasta with peppers and sausage.

This journal is going to be a place to come when I think about eating when it's not time. I'm sure once I get through a few days in a row, I'll be able to continue without much effort. Right now I'm hungry. Not starving, just hungry. Luckily there's not too much in the kitchen I want to eat. I've had one glass of water so far. I know I need to drink more water, I'm just out of the habit. I use to drink loads and loads of it.

Saturday my cousin is coming over and we're going to watch an English TV series we like. I'm going to make hot wings and popcorn. Not very nutritious, but some of my favorites.

I'm feeling a bit out of sorts today; I think I may be coming down with a cold. I hope not, though it will decrease my appetite.

That's all for now. I'll probably write more than I should, but if it works, it works.
Last edited by Aquapixie on Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:09 am, edited 24 times in total.

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:04 am

I had my dinner about 2 hours ago. I'm not feeling terribly hungry, but have an almost uncontrollable urge to eat. We're going to the grocery store in a bit, as it's been snowing here the last week and we're out of everything.
I'm trying to think of foods that are yummy, nutritious, and filling to get. My mind is blank right now.

For breakfasts, I'm going to stick with the raisin bran for breakfast, as it tasted really nice this morning. I could have bacon and eggs if I feel more industrious.

For lunch, I'm going to have soup and either sandwiches or crackers.

Supper will be meat and some sort of veg. I'm not going to restrict my portion sizes too much this week, but next 77week I'll make sure that they're smaller and each week reduce them.

I've been reading posts here, trying to soak up everyone's experience of what works and what doesn't. One thing that keeps coming up over and over, is that this is a slow process. I'm trying to get my brain around the fact that this isn't going to be a few weeks ordeal and then be over. It's a real life changing event. Forever. Can I do that? I'm not sure at this point, but I need to try. Each week sees extra pounds on me. In November I was 177, now I'm nearly 200. I'm out of control. I eat when I'm not hungry, when I am hungry. When I'm happy, sad, lonely, for celebrations and consolations. Nothing is a treat anymore. That's one reason why this plan appeals to me; when I was a child, candy and desserts were very seldom occasions. For the holidays, we'd have lots of lovely sweet and savory treats, but now, every day is a holiday. I want to change that.

Earlier, I made a spreadsheet of predicted weight loss.... if I lose .5 pound a week it will take until May of 2012. That seems like such a long time, but if I keep it off it will be worth it. June of 2012 is my 15th wedding anniversary. How wonderful it would be to be at or below the weight I was when we got married?!

I'm sorry this is so long, but I'm hoping it will help me stop from eating. :)

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You can do it :)

Post by Grace » Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:41 am

Hey Aquapixie :)

I just wanted to write to encourage you. I just started back on No-S today, but if there's one thing I think I've finally learned from all my many years of dieting it's this: however you lose the weight *has* to be the way you can live. Of all the plans out there, to me No-S is the closest to a natural way of eating. It doesn't really seem like a diet to me. Like you, I've just started again and getting into the habits is difficult, but it is SO much easier for me to say no to snacks, sweets and seconds than to have to follow a meal plan or count anything (calories, carbs, points, etc.). That doesn't mean it's a breeze right now, but if I compare it to everything else out there, it just looks SO much better to me. Like you, over the past couple of years I have really been gaining the weight. I went from 150 being unreal to now weighing 170 (a number I thought I'd never see on the scales). It can happen SO quickly. I realize that as a 45 y/o woman in early menopause that any weight loss is not going to be fast for me...and because this plan isn't nearly as severe as other plans, the weightloss will probably be even slower. But, guess what? Losing .5/lb. week is FAR better than continuing to gain weight, huh? :) Part of why I'm following No-S is to stop the out-of-control way I've been eating that is causing my weight to spiral up and up. So, you're definitely doing the right thing! I know it's difficult to think of a slow weight loss (hey, I have friends I'm going to see in about 8 weeks and I'll probably only weigh 4 lbs. less by then!), BUT we've got to change our views of the way we eat...from a temporary fix to a permanent, healthy way of life. I'm sorry to go on and on, but I really just want to encourage you. You can do it (and I can, too!)! Keep going and look at No-S as your way of eating for life!
With you on the journey,
:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:31 pm

Hi Naomi, Thank you so much for encouraging me. You're so right, that it's difficult but easier in a way, from the complicated diet plans. I tend to be a binge eater. I think I'm addicted to food, if that is possible. But addictions are habits, so I just (as if it's easy!) to break the habit and it will be better.

One that that is worrying me, is I'm afraid on my S days, I'll go overboard. Then again, if I do, as long as I do my No S days correctly, it should even out. Or so I hope. :)

Yes we can do this! Thanks again for stopping in my journal, visit as often as you wish. :)

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:55 pm

Day 2- So far, so good.

I had the same breakfast as yesterday, a bowl of raisin bran. For lunch, I'm going to have chicken noodle soup and crackers. I do love soup and bread. I've done low carb before and that was forbidden. I might add something to it, but I'm not sure what it would be.

I decided not to go to the grocery last night, as by time my husband finished working, it was late and I was feeling poorly.

Getting through last night was hard, but I did it. I feel quite proud of myself, as the first day or two, I tend to give up. I drank lots and lots of water, and even had to get up in the middle of the night, something I normally don't have to do. Along with the water, I had three cups of hot tea, with milk. They were very soothing. I'm on my second cup today. I think I'll have to measure out how much milk I have, so I don't go over board, but right now, since I do have a cold, I'm going to allow myself.

I had breakfast at 8, even though I got up at 6:30am. I wasn't hungry when I first woke up, which surprised me. I thought for sure, I'd be ravished, but that wasn't the case. I'm hungry now, but it's not as bad as before. I'm going to eat at 12pm, so it's not too long away. The long gap is between lunch and dinner, as we at 6pm. I guess if I had a larger breakfast, I could make it until 1 for lunch. (I stay home with my daughter, so my times are very flexible. )

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:55 pm

LOL! It just occurred to me that the forum is for "daily" check in. For me, it's been nearly "hourly" lol never mind, whatever works!

Okay, I just had lunch. It was yummy and filling. I filled my bowl with soup and crackers, then commenced eating. The funny thing was, 3/4 of the way through my soup, I felt full. I took a few more bites and thought, should I finish it anyway? It will be a long time before dinner... in the end, I left it. I'm full. In the past, I would just eat and eat until it was all gone. I'm not sure if I have more will power or what, but I'll take it.

Just saw the edit feature, so I may just do one post a day, but edit it when I feel like posting.

We didn't have a very nutritious supper, but I didn't over eat terribly. I had one and 1/2 chicken sandwich with ketchup and a normal portion of mashed potatoes. I went ahead and put the 1/2 sandwich on my plate, knowing I didn't have to eat it if I wasn't hungry. I ate it first and then waited a minute to see if I really wanted the whole one. I'm not really sure if I did. I didn't feel full, like I did at lunch, but not starved. I think I could have be satisfied on just one or even the half, but the thought of not eating again until morning urged me to eat it. Now I feel full, though not overly full.

I'm aware I didn't eat any veg today. I have to change that. I don't like veggies, so it's hard to make myself eat them. I'm not going to worry too much with it, but will make more of an effort. I intended to make something, then when I was mashing the potatoes, realized I'd forgotten to get them out and cook them. I still could have made something.

Tomorrow my cousin is coming to visit in the afternoon. I'm hoping that will help me to keep from getting too hungry. I've also decided to change my S days to include Friday evening and Saturday. Sunday will be no snacks, but I can have a desert if I want. Hopefully that will work!

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Post by Dandelion » Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:14 am

You're right - whatever works. I find it helpful to browse here or at least poke around on the internet in the afternoon during that long gap between lunch and dinner.

I also agree with the idea of not worrying about vegetables, etc for now. If you've dieted for a while before, it's natural to want all the things you couldn't have. Just get used to the idea of eating what you want without guilt without the snacks and sweets - and the rest will fall into place in time.
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Post by Aquapixie » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:59 pm

Hi Dandelion :) Browsing this site has gotten me through many times over the last few days. It really is a good idea. Though, I have found myself craving peanut butter and jelly sammies and cream of wheat, after reading about what people are eating! I'm planning on having the cream of wheat for breakfast tomorrow. I consider it a sweet, as I only like it with loads of sugar! lol. Mmmm I can't wait!!

Last night was easier than the night before. Hopefully it will get easier and easier. I'm going to include Friday night as a S day, though I'm going to try to be sensible about it. My plan is to eat a normal dinner and then if I want, have a sweet or snack and a few drinks. I may or may not do this every Friday, but it will be allowed if I want it. My snack will most likely be popcorn with butter or chips and dip. Saturday will be similar and then Sunday a N day, unless there is something special going on.

I'm getting a bit hungry now, (haven't had my breakfast.) I'm considering making bacon and eggs. I know that will fill me up more than the cereal, but the cereal has gone well so far, so I don't know if I should change it.

I just had breakfast! Yum, yum!! It was sooo good. I had one egg, 1 potato cake, 3 pieces of bacon and a slice of toast with butter. That's a huge amount of food, but all legal. I'm so use to Atkins, where I can have bacon and eggs, but not bread or potatoes, that I really savored my meal. I even left about an 1/8 of the potato cake and part of my egg.

I've decided to start photographing my plates. I'm going to put up a website to put the pictures on. I think it will be interesting to see how my meals change as I go on with this way of life. Also, I may have said this before, but I'm going to only weigh once every three weeks. Also, if the first three weeks go well, I'm going to buy smaller plates. Maybe!

Lunch is done. I had a ham and cheese sammie with a small serving of tortilla chips. I'd planned on having tomato soup and grilled cheese, but because my cousin was here, time go away and I didn't have time to make the soup. I was not terribly hungry at lunch time. I guess the bacon and eggs (and potato cake,) really filled me up at breakfast.

We'll be out for the rest of the afternoon, so not eating will be easier. For supper, I'm going to make homemade potato soup and bread. Yum Yum. It will be a S night, so I'll probably have popcorn and maybe a few rum and cokes.

Just had a snack! woo hoo. Two oreo cookies and one potato chip. Pretty good for portion control. I've eaten a half package or oeroes at a setting. This was at my daughter's drama class, so that made it easier not to over eat.

Supper was yummy. I had a bowl of homemade potato soup and bread with butter. I normally eat 2 or 3 bowls, but one was a enough. Last night was a S day, so I also had 2 cookies and 2 Irish coffees with cream. I could have had popcorn or cihps, but I just didn't fee like it. Partly because of my cold. It's going in full force right now. I even had to take medicine for it. I'm sure that has decreased my appetite, but I'm not complaining.
Last edited by Aquapixie on Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Dandelion » Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:06 am

Sounds good to me : ) I like Cream of Wheat, too, but I don't eat it often cuz no one else in my family likes it (they're English and just don't 'get it. That's okay, I don't 'get' Wheatabix :) ) I also like fried potatoes. Fried 'fauxtatoes' don't do it, do they? :)

Yesterday I really wanted - don't laugh, or gasp - fried bread, so I planned on making it for breakfast. There was a lot of snow this morning, meaning I needed to leave for work earlier, but I didn't let that stop me. I fixed bacon and fried bread and enjoyed it thoroughly.

Still on the bread kick, I had focaccia, mozzarella and tomato with lots of olive oil for lunch.

I deal with the Friday thing by making it our night to eat out (or order in) It's a big special meal and that's enough of a treat for me and doesn't leave room to even contemplate a snack or sweet. Tonight we ordered Indian :)

I have no idea what the 'sweets/treats' will be for the weekend. I have a gallon of cream to use up - I see ice cream and panna cotta as possiblilites.
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Post by Aquapixie » Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:27 pm

Hi Dandelion :) MMmm fried potatoes, cooked in bacon grease. I'm going to have to have those soon. This way of life is really wonderful with all we can eat.

BTW, my husband is English. We've lived in the US for so long, he's a bit Americanized now. lol He even says Garbage can instead of rubbish bin.
Do you live in England? We lived there after we got married, for three years, but moved back after our daughter was born.

I've had fried bread, but didn't really like it. How do you fix yours? Mine was very hard and greasy. Course when I had it, I was excepting something like French toast. I'm glad you enjoyed yours. I'm starting to realize, I will need to make time to cook. Homemade is much better, not just in taste, but nutritionally as well.

I love Indian, wish we had a place near by. We live in a tiny town and have to go about an hour to get one.

I just read the first page of your journal, (would have read it all, but I'm saving it for later, when I want to over eat! lol) You're a reward. :) You
did really well right from the start, even with a few little hiccups. It was interesting when you said, weighing made and being up, made you go off plan. I can see how that would do it for me too. It made me feel more determined to not weigh until the 21 days is up. I'm going weigh whether I make it to the 21 day habit or not, just after three weeks. I'd like to go a month, but no I wouldn't last that long.

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Post by Aquapixie » Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:38 pm

It's hard to believe I'm at day 4 already. This had been almost painless. I've been up for an hour and a half and I'm just starting to get hungry. The eggs and bacon really worked yesterday, so I'm going to add bacon to my breakfast this morning. I wanted to have cream of wheat, but just found out I'm out of it! Arrgh. Funny, I have it in the cupboard when I can't have it and now that I can, it's gone. I'm going to the store later though, so pick some up for next weekend.

I'm also going to my Mom's to view my nephew's graduation pictures. She told me she's plaining on make homemade cinnamon buns. It feels wonderful to not have to decline them!

This first full S day is a bit worrying to me though. I feel like I should eat very lightly at meals, so I can snack / have sweets. I don't think that is what we are suppose to do though. I listened to the recording about S days out of control yesterday, and it seemed to say not to even worry about S days until we have N days down pat. I'm going to try to do that. It's hard though, as I'm so use to denying myself the things I want.
I'm going to do it though. :)

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Post by Dandelion » Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:27 pm

How much we have in common, I see :). We married in England and lived there for nearly 10 years - until our son was nearly five. We're coming up on five years in the US. My husband and son both lost their accents very quickly and my car nearly says more 'English' words than my husband. (It says 'the boot is open', etc)

I've been using the 'Artisan bread in five minutes a day' method, so I have bread dough ready to go all the time. I've been doing lots of things with it other than just 'bread'. Last night I made hot dog buns. They're ugly, but they taste good :). I'll get better at it. When I made the fried bread, I used this dough, stretched it quite thin and fried it in duck fat. (I only cook with traditional fats like butter, lard/goose/duck/beef fat, coconut oil or ghee. I use olive oil, but usually don't heat it) It puffs up nicely. When we have leftover chili, I use this as a base for Navajo Tacos.

Do try not to worry about S days yet. I know it's tough, but once you have the weekday habit, it's really does carry over to the weekend. I am so used to not snacking anymore, I don't do it on the weekend partly because it's habit - but mainly because it just feels horrible and heavy to have food in my stomach all day. If something comes up, I just work around it. There's always a way and with time and practice, you'll find what works for you.
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Post by Aquapixie » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:02 pm

Hey :) That book looks really good. I downloaded a sample to my kindle. I might by it. We had roast goose for Christmas the year before last. Yummy :) I didn't think about saving the fat. That's a great idea to cook with. I use butter, though to fry with I use peanut oil.

My S days for this week are over now. I think I did pretty well. Today, I had S day until 3pm, then went to N day. I'd intended to do N all day, but really wanted that cream of wheat! lol. Since I started at 4pm on Friday, I'm just counting it as a success. I didn't eat as much as I thought I would, mostly because I have a cold. This is what I've had:

Breakfast- 4 pieces of bacon, toast with butter and 1 T. jelly

Snack - 2 homemade mini cinnamon buns

Lunch - 2 slices of bread with butter, honey and peanut butter

8 hot wings with homemade sauce.
1/2 plate full of french fries with cheese sauce. (processed kind.)
had full of cheetos

Breakfast -
Cream of wheat with sugar
2 slices of bread with butter

2 slices of bread with butter, honey and peanut butter

large hand full of cheetos
one oreo cookie

I think that is all. My cold is full blown now. I feel awful. Been taking medicine and sleeping on and off all day. I was going to make a pork roast for dinner, but didn't get it marinating in time, so we're going to have chicken sandwiches and french fries. Not very healthy, but food.
We'll have the pork tomorrow. Dh likes to have a roast dinner on Sunday, but he'll understand as he knows I'm sick.

I did pretty well on my water yesterday, but not so well today. Will try and drink some more before bedtime. I've had 3 cups of tea so far and probably will have a few more before bed.

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Post by Dandelion » Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:26 pm

Sorry your cold got you! Hope it goes away fast.

Ah, the British 'Sunday Roast'. My husband's family always has a roast on Sunday, and we used to, but I usually want to do something else with my Sunday besides cooking. Not that you could tell from my weekend!

I was supposed to be making a pork roast today - but I forgot to get it out of the freezer :(

I'm thinking of roasting a goose one of these days just to get the fat. I don't mean we won't eat it - but goose fat is expensive when you consider it's easy to do yourself.

I made bath buns with the artisan bread dough. I used the basic dough but added butter, egg, sultanas and mixed peel in the amounts in my Mrs Beeton cookbook and they were fantastic. My husband's new-to-the-US cousins were here and agreed.
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Post by Aquapixie » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:33 am

Hi Dandelion :)
Thanks :) Feeling a bit better today, though not normal. Almost took a S day for Sick, but decided not, too.

Do you do the roast potatoes?? I think that is my all time favorite British food. Speaking of British foods, have you seen this webpage ... _index.asp ?

I order a big package for dh for Christmas each year. This year, we had their pork roast with crackling for dinner. We like their bacon rashers and sausage, too. It's not quite what you in England, but close. I ordered sausage rolls this year, too, but we've not tried them yet.

I've not heard of Bath buns, so looked them up. Looks yummy. I'm going to order that book. I'd like to do hot cross buns for Easter. I tried a few years ago, but they didn't turn out very well.

What part of England did you live in? We were outside of Portsmouth and then in Basingstoke.

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Post by Aquapixie » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:41 am

I've been in bed most of the day, but it's been a success, at least so far.

I had hot tea with sugar and milk for breakfast. Just not hungry.

At lunch time, I had 1/2 a sausage biscuit with jelly. I couldn't remember if jelly / jam is allowed or not, but thought I'd treat it like the sugar in coffee.
It was just a small amount and then I didn't even eat it all.

I'm the leader of my daughter's Girl Scout troop and today was our bi-monthly meeting. I had to go. Hope I didn't give this cold away! On the way home, we stopped at the grocery store. DD wanted steak for dinner. I said no, not tonight. We're trying to cut down on some things and I hadn't planned on steak. Plus I have the pork roast, but didn't get it cooked and it's going in the freezer for end of the week. Anyway, she said if I pay for it myself can we have steak? Hmmm... sure. She bought us 3 huge T-bone steaks. I had about a 1/3 of mine with some fried potatoes and corn. Two starches... never mind :)

Having more hot tea now and will be heading to bed early.

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Post by Aquapixie » Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:21 pm

Still not feeling well, but I have such a busy day, I can't stay in bed.

Breakfast- Cream of Wheat with a little bit of sugar (it wasn't as sweet as I would normally have it and it was okay.) 2 slices of toast with butter.

Just got home, after running around all day. Had a ham and cheese sandwich with mayo and a small bag of chips for lunch. Nice to have chips. I'm starved though.... not really of course. Just feeling overwhelmingly hungry. Having a cup of tea now and am trying to resist the temptation to eat something before dinner. We're not eating until 6:30-7:00, so I still have about 2 hours before dinner. I hope I can make it....

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:31 am

Made it through another day! :) Feeling much, much better. Didn't get much done at home, but had a great time visiting with friends at the park.
Then dh and I watched an old movie. It was pretty good, though a bit too deep.

I skipped breakfast, then for lunch we ate at Arby's. I had an order of potato cakes and a beef and cheddar sandwich. Supper was a chicken and fries. Two not very healthy meals, but legal.

Think I've had about 4 cups of tea and will have another before bed.

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:51 pm

Today is going to be another day out of the house.
Had raisin bran for breakfast and a cup of hot tea.

Not sure about lunch yet, I'll either eat before we go, (very early,)
or pick something up while we're out, (not very healthy.)

I'm going to try to drink more water today. I feel thirsty.

We didn't have time to make lunch before we left, then were running late, so we didn't get it out either. So I just had 3 slices of toast with peanut butter and a bag of chips. I felt terrible about eating so late, but I was really hungry and afraid it might cause me to binge. So dinner is in an hour! lol Not sure if I'll eat, or maybe just wait till later. I have terrible headache, so might go to bed early and call it a night.

Thankfully, my headache is better. I did eat, though I delayed it to 7:00. Had corn, noodles, and an apple and chicken sausage. It was yummy.

After dinner, I went to the grocery store. I did really well, just bought what was on my list. Was only a little tempted by the candy aisle.

I'm going to have a hot drink, then turn in. Early day tomorrow.

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Post by Aquapixie » Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:39 pm

Day 10! Woo Hoo!! It's hard to believe I've been at it this long. It's not been that hard, though there have been moments that seemed to last hours.
It's getting easier and easier.

Today is half N day, half S day. Yay! I'm really looking forward to it.

Breakfast / Lunch - Ham and cheese croissant and 1/4 of dd's order of nachos and cheese.

Supper- Pastie thing, mashed potatoes, green beans. Irish coffee.

Snack- Sugar Daddy candy

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Post by Aquapixie » Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:03 pm

I'm ready for this cold to be gone, though it seems to want to stick around. The only good thing about it, is I'm not really hungry. Of course, it could be this new way of eating that is diminishing my appetite. I hope so. :)

I haven't eaten anything today, though it's nearly 10am. I have had two cups of tea. On Thursday, I started using honey in it instead of sugar. It's pretty good. Less sweet tasting, but still good.

It's confession time... I've been weighing myself for the last 4 days. :( I wanted to wait until the first 21 days was up, but I couldn't resist. Looking back, I should have moved the scale. Never mind. I'm happy to say, I've lost about 3 pounds!! That's a lot quicker than I thought. I guess it's probably water weight anyway. I need to do measurements, as they're suppose to be much more accurate. Still, I'm happy, but disappointed, as if I'd made myself weight for the 3 week, it might have been even more.

Exercise still hasn't found it's way into my routine, yet. Walking is going to be the easiest form. I'm so out of shape, that much else isn't feasible, though our local gym is opening a swimming pool soon, so I want to do some classes and free swimming. I also like the idea of the Urban Ranger. I think that will help motivate my daughter to come with me.

ham and cheese sandwich (it was about 11am)
Lunch- tomato soup and ritz crackers
snack- chess bar slice

Probably going to have a junk food night. Went to the store and bought chips and dip and ice cream.

Supper- Salisbury Steak, mashed potatoes and corn.
Snacks- Pop corn with butter, coffee milkshake.

Had a junk night. I don't feel bad about it. At dinner, I didn't eat nearly as much as I normally do.

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Post by Dandelion » Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:13 pm

Congrats on the three pounds!

Have a good S day today :)
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Post by Aquapixie » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:41 pm

Thanks Dandelion :)

Another junk day.

Brunch - chicken noodle soup with crackers
Snacks- popcorn (left over from last night.) Slice of chess bar, (it's all gone!) Also, a small bag of cheetos. I bought the big variety box of chips, since I can have them with my lunches.

Not sure what we'll have for supper. I got a pork roast out to defrost, but I don't think it's quite thawed. I might go ahead and cook it on a lower temp, haven't decided.

Even though I ate quite a lot, it's much less that I would have normally consumed. Usually, I'd eat a whole big bag of chips over the course of a weekend, sometimes in a week!

Dinner was premade lasagna. It was okay. Not what I would have picked really, but it was fast and the roast wasn't done. At leaset I only had one slice and didn't snack afterward.

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Post by Aquapixie » Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:41 pm

Monday, March 1st! Woo Hoo :) A new month, and oh so closer to spring!!

Breakfast : tomato soup and ritz crackers.
2 cups of hot tea with honey and milk

I ate at 10:30am, so not really breakfast but, I'm going to have something for lunch soon. Not sure what.

Lunch : nacho and cheese. This was a poor choice. It sounded good, but didn't fill me up and left me wanting more! *sigh* Not that long till dinner time though and is a good lesson. Save this kind of thing for S days!! It's still okay, but I would have rather had something more filling.

Ugh. I'm so hungry! Trying to distract myself from wanting to have a snack. I don't want to fail on the first day of the month! That would be too sad. I'm going to get my hair done this evening, so if I can just make it another hour, I should be okay. We'll eat early since I'm going out.

I made it!! Woo Hoo! I had apple chicken sausage, fried potatoes and green beans for supper. Yum Yum. I haven't had fried potatoes in years!!

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Post by Aquapixie » Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:38 pm

Today makes two weeks since I started this program! Yay! It's working!! I've lost 5 pounds!! Woo Hoo!!! I'm so excited. :) I realize I won't be able to sustain this level of lose, but woot woot! I'm happy today.

We're going to attempt to make homemade dumplings today. They're my girl's favorite food, and since her birthday is coming up, I thought it would be nice to try them.

So far, so good:
Breakfast: raisin bran with milk (no sugar! woo hoo)
Lunch : mushroom soup with Ritz crackers

2 hot teas with milk and honey.

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Post by Grace » Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:16 am

Way to go Aquapixie! I'm really happy about your 5 lbs. lost, but even happier that this way of eating is truly becoming a way of life for you (and me!). :)

You ROCK! 8)

:) Naomi
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! :)

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:02 am

Thanks Naomi :) It really is becoming a habit. :) Yay for us. :)

Yesterday was good.
Brunch - mushroom soup and ritz crackers
out during lunch, so skipped it.
Had two irish coffees and for supper we went to logans.
I did really well! Had one roll with butter, 1/2 of a ribeye steak,
a handful of fries and a few bites of fried apples. I skipped
the peanuts.

I did have a desert, not at Logans, but at Dairy Queen. I dipped cone.
But I'm still counting yesterday as a success as we were celebrating.
Also, we could have had a big dessert at Logans, but they didn't have anything I really wanted, so we went to Dairy Queen. Then we watched a movie and I skipped popcorn!! woo hoo. I'm a popcorn fanatic.

Today has been a busy, but successful day, so far anyway.
No breakfast, as I was out all morning. Then we want to a local art museum and ate in their cafe. I had half a club sandwich and a few french fries. Afterwards, we took the kids for an ice cream cone, but I skipped it and had water instead. I'm not really missing it, since I had one last night.

We're having chicken and rice for dinner, but it's going to be about 7 before we eat. Another hour or so, so I'm having another coffee.

My weight was still down this morning. Yay!

Day was a success!!!

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:26 pm

Have had a lazy day, so far today. I'm not feeling terribly well and I've a lot to do. Will be going out in an hour or two, to run errands, get groceries.

Breakfast: mushroom soup with Ritz crackers. (it was 11:20 when we ate.)
1 cup of tea with honey and milk.

Lunch: nachos and dip

Supper: chicken sandwich, noodles, salad

I feel very good about today's success. I had to go out to the grocery store and as I kept putting it off, it was lunch time. I was tempted to get fast food for lunch. I know it legal, but it tends to make me want to over eat. I didn't give in, and had nachos and dip (on a plate,) instead.

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Post by Aquapixie » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:52 pm

I'm going on a Mom's retreat this evening. Not sure how / what I'll be eating, but since it doesn't start until 5, I'll be on the S part of my day.

I'm feeling a bit hungry this morning. Weird, as I hadn't really felt hungry in the morning. Maybe I'm just thirsty. I weighed this morning.... up a pound :( Feeling quite bummed about it, but realistically I know that it is going to fluctuate. I've been going crazy weighing... every time I go in the bathroom.
I wish my husband would agree to put it upstairs, but he really likes to weigh everyday. Once I get to 21 days, I'm going work on only weighing once a month or 21 days.

Breakfast is going to be cereal and milk. Lunch might be that, too, unless I make soup.

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Post by Aquapixie » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:20 pm

The Mom's retreat was awesome. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the year. We had baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans for supper. Then cake and a few chips and two dove candy pieces. Breakfast was sweet rolls, muffins, ect. I had 1/2 of three different things.
Then for lunch I had a roll with a piece of chicken in it.

I came home exhausted (stayed up to 4am playing games! lol) Snacked on some Ruffles chips and dip, then had pizza and a small dish of ice cream for supper.

I'm going to make a plan for this weeks supper menu and try to stick with it.
Will be encouraging my daughter to eat No S, so I want her input on it too. She's still has this cold though, so I'm not going to make her stick with it, though that is my plan eventually. It won't hurt her and may help her in the long run. She's not even a bit overweight, so it won't be for losing weight, just healthy eating.

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Post by Aquapixie » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:24 pm

Did well yesterday. Not feeling particularly hungry this morning, but I feel overwhelmingly tired. I have to take my daughter to school, then I may come home and sleep, though I really need to be cleaning.... *sigh*

Not sure why I'm exhausted. I slept okay last night, though I did have bad dreams. My husband will be working from home today, so I will feel guilty if I nap.

Made it through the day. Had an egg, 4 slices of bacon, two English muffins for breakfast

Lunch was two more English muffins

Supper consisted of corn beef, fried potatoes and green beans.

Think I over did the English muffins, but they were sooo good.

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Post by Aquapixie » Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:56 am

Woo Hoo! I made it through 3 weeks!! I've lost 5 pounds. I'm a bit disappointed in that I lost the 5 a week ago and haven't lost anything since, still I'm happy. Hopefully I'll lose another 5 in 3 weeks.

Today was a green day. :)

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Post by Aquapixie » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:28 am

Did fine today. I can have another meal if I want to, as I skipped lunch, but think I will probably just skip it. Dinner was sausage, noodles, and broccoli. Yummy :)

My weight is the same. I can't seem to stay off the scales. DH likes to weigh everyday, so I can't put the scales up and can't seem to use my willpower. Will just have to accept whatever number it says. :)

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