Duckling's Daily Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Duckling's Daily Check-in

Post by Duckling » Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:12 pm

I'm a complete newbie at this so, it seems like a good idea to go ahead and establish some accountability. :)

Feb 12, Day 1: Success!
Feb 13, Day 2: Yellow Day
Feb 14, Day 3: Yellow Day
Feb 15, Day 4: Success!
Feb 16, Day 5: Planned NWS Yellow Day

I have to admit, I feel a little like I'm cheating with my Day 5 NWS day. It was a planned girls' night with my favorite aunts, which only happens once a year or so, so to me it was pretty special and I wasn't an idiot (didn't snack, didn't have seconds, just indulged in dessert at supper). So I think I'm ok. I may trade a weekend S day though for it. I can't decide - I don't want to get into the habit of punishing myself for true S days - that would defeat the point.

That being said, considering that 3 of my days have been yellow already, no wonder, right now I'm finding this fairly easy!

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Post by Duckling » Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:58 pm

Feb 17, Day 6: SUCCESS!

I'm beginning to notice something interesting for N days. Waiting a long time between breakfast and lunch doesn't bother me, but as I eat my last bite of lunch I actually begin to panic about making it to supper. I know its just a mental thing, of course I can make it that long without food. So far to deal with it, I'm eating lunch rather late and also reminding myself that if it gets to be too much I can have milk to tide me over. It is so odd though!

I'm sure that part will get easier.

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Post by Duckling » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:04 am

Feb 18, Day 7: FAILURE

I'm staying with my folks while visiting the corporate office. I made the mistake of saying to my mom that I couldn't make a decision about what to have for supper because I was so hungry I wanted to eat everything. And so she made nachos and brought me a plate. I could have said no, I didn't.

I did only eat the 5 that she brought me. I didn't use it as an excuse to blow the rest of the day and have seconds and dessert. Calorie-wise it wasn't bad as I'd only had about 400 so far (hey, genius, maybe that's why you caved to snack). And it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Also I was disappointed to then NOT be hungry for supper.

Sigh. So one week, with one failure, and 3 S-days. I'm seriously going to have to batten down the hatches.

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Post by Duckling » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:29 pm

Feb 19, Day 8: SUCCESS
Feb 20, Day 9: Weekend Yellow day
Feb 21, Day 10: Weekend Yellow day

I can't believe I'm through Day 10 already. Although facing 5 days without snacks and sweets seems hard this morning. I'll get through it though. I will do this.

I'm thinking about starting shovel glove as well. My husband looked at me a little funny though when I said I wanted to go buy a sledgehammer.

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Post by accmom » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:21 pm

Duckling my husband did the same when I told him I wanted a sledgehammer. He asked why I thought he would willingly buy me a weapon! LOL!
I just started No S today and so far so good.
I wish you the best on your journey!

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Post by Duckling » Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:44 pm

Feb 22, Day 11 - a resounding SUCCESS!

I'm especially pleased because I've had a bit of insomnia lately, and when I'm tired, I eat, eat, eat! But I did well yesterday. I know its too early to have formed a habit, but not eating outside of meals is feeling more like the norm right now.

Accmom, too funny about your husband! Best of luck with no S. I'm sure you'll love it. Looking forward to chatting with you. :)

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Post by Duckling » Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:10 pm

Feb 23, Day 12: SUCCESS

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Post by Duckling » Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:37 pm

Feb 24, Day 13: SUCCESS

I'm back to eating pretty much as a vegan during daylight hours. I really enjoy eating this way when I have access to my own kitchen.

For breakfast I had homemade wholewheat bread with just a touch of real butter. For lunch I had sauteed onions, eggplant, and chickpeas over wholewheat cous-cous. Lunch was early though and supper wasn't until 8, so I had a small latte around 5 or so (fullfat milk, one packet of raw sugar). I was surprised that I couldn't finish it!

And now that I read all the dairy I had yesterday, I'm clearly eating more like a vegetarian than a vegan!

I bought an 8-lb sledgehammer, but I haven't started shugging yet. Maybe I'll try later today or tomorrow.

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Post by Duckling » Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:01 pm

Feb 25, Day 14: SUCCESS

I notice I keep pushing supper back later and later. I'm just not getting hungry until late and I'd rather go out and do things than concentrate on that meal.

I think I'll jump on the scale and do a few other measurements on Saturday morning. I'm curious to see what's what.

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Post by accmom » Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:05 pm

Duckling, sounds like you are doing really awesome. Great Job!! This weekend will be my first "S" day weekend. I'm hoping I don't go crazy. I don't feel like I need or want to. Hopefully that feeling sticks! Anyway, I enjoy reading your posts. They keep me inspired. :D

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Post by Duckling » Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:45 pm

Thank you! I would hardly consider myself an inspiration, but I'm glad my posting helps. I've been enjoying reading your different posts too - I'm not the only one whe's doing well!

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Post by Duckling » Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:51 pm

Feb 26, Day 15: Success!
Feb 27, Day 16: Weekend
Feb 28, Day 17: Weekend

I did a few measurements before the weekend. In the last 2 weeks I've lost 4.4 pounds. In the past week, I've lost 1 - 1.5 inches off my natural waist (I'm never sure about that measurement), 1 inch from my tummy, and 1 inch from my hips. I didn't measure before I started so I don't know exactly where I was measurement-wise then, but regardless, I am very, very excited.

Also, I'm suddenly in a bit of a "situation" with my jeans. Yesterday, it was all I could do to keep them up. I can't believe that this small shift in numbers would make such a difference, but maybe it can. If I stay on track, I think I'll need a smaller size in a week or so.

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Post by Duckling » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:20 pm

I probably should have just put this on the last post, but yesterday was another yellow day. So...

Mar 1, Day 18: Non-weekend S day

It was our two year wedding anniversary yesterday. Actually, we were married on Leap Day, but we celebrate it on the 1st. I didn't snack or have seconds at all, I just had dessert after supper. I don't have anymore weekday S days this month, so I'm pleased about that.

I also did a shovelglove workout for the first time. Using an 8-lb sledge, I did 21 shovels, 21 butter churns, 21 oven stokes, 21 cut down trees, and 21 firemans per side, plus 21 hoist sack, and 21 (per side) of something that I call "Up & over" which is actually sort of a clean and jerk move. I decided to it to help me get better at lifting my carry-on into overhead bins in planes. I have to stop briefly to pant between moves, so I didnt' get a chance to repeat any sets.

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Post by Duckling » Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:31 pm

Mar 2, Day 19: SUCCESS!

A good, old-fashioned green day, what a relief!

I didn't shug yesterday because I had bowling league last night and shugging turns my arms to limp linguine noodles - didn't think the team would appreciate that. I did walk to my hair appt and back, but that's only about 14 blocks round trip.

As I'm getting closer to the 21 day mark, I do feel like this has become a habit. I haven't been perfect, but I've done very well and I'm pleased. I do want to continue working on my supper portions. We've been eating a bit late because of schedules and I don't care for trying to sleep with such a full tum. I'll get there though, I'll get there.

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Post by Duckling » Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:40 pm

Mar 3, day 20: SUCCESS

It seems crazy to me that today is 21 days already. I suppose I don't get to truly join the 21-day club since I had a failure, but I do feel that I've formed a habit and I'm very proud of that.

I shugged yesterday and feel a bit less sore than last time, although that might be because I also was moving slower than last time too.

The weather's turned pretty so I'm hoping to get a walk in while it lasts.

Now that I have vanilla no-S down, I'm going to start working on getting rid of my diet soda habit. I know they're awful for me, but that doesn't seem to matter to me. I just need to do like I have with no-S and make it a rule. Then form the habit and be done with it.

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Post by Duckling » Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:40 pm

Hmmm, I wrote up a post Friday, but apparently didn't actually hit the submit button. Just as well - it was whiney. Anyway...

Mar 4, Day 21: SUCCESS
Mar 5, Day 22: SUCCESS
Mar 6, Day 23: Weekend
Mar 7, Day 24: Weekend

I am very proud for making it to 21 days. Following no S, just feels like a normal habit now. Every once in a while I get an urge to eat outside of meal time, but it just reminds me how I was eating before.

Saturday morning the scale was up 0.2 pounds from the week before and my measurements were the same. I'm not letting it bother me. I started doing shovelglove this week and I'm sure that has something to do with it. Despite my measurements not changing, my jeans are loose and need constant pulling up. In fact, I can actually take them off without unbuttoning and unzipping them. That has to be a good sign (although potentially embarassing!).

I'm off diet soda as of Friday and feeling good, although I did have a couple of regular soda's this weekend. I wasn't too much of an idiot, but I am glad to be back to normal for the week.

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Post by marygrace » Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:22 pm

Congrats on your success, Duckling! It must feel great to have your jeans be so loose. And you're right--the added .2 lbs is probably from shovel gloving. Also, I can't emphasize enough how much of a favor you're doing yourself by quitting the diet soda. It's not good for anyone, and the real stuff (enjoyed once in a while, of course) tastes so much better. My husband used to crave the stuff, but eventually he lost his desire for it after I encouraged him to stop drinking it.

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Post by Duckling » Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:00 pm

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, marygrace! What a great pick-me-up!

Mar 8, Day 25: SUCCESS

I managed to be successful both on standard no S and continuing the diet soda ban. It helps not to have in the house at all.

No shovelglove yesterday or today. I have bowling tonight and last week after doing shovelglove on Monday, I showed a distinctive lack of control in Tuesday bowling! I'm actually not much of a bowler anyway, so I need all the help I can get. :)

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Post by Duckling » Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:25 pm

Mar 8, Day 26: SUCCESS

Still off the diet soda. I want to keep tracking that until its habit then I'll stop mentiong it so much! :)

I've been noticing the eating habits of my husband and step daughter, both who are naturally slender. I'm thinking about writing up a post in the general discussion area about it - I find it very interesting. Although maybe its just weird that I notice other people's eating habits.

Bowling and building a desk where the only exercise for yesterday. Although one of the calorie calculators I came across says that carpentry burns 400 cals or so an hour. I'll take it!

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Post by Duckling » Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:19 pm

I'm still around and I'm still having success. I was on business travel the past week and while I did consume diet soda (boo) I did not have any slips when it comes to S's.

I haven't been on the scale in awhile and I'm not sure when I'll get back on. I've read the various debates of weighing here and elsewhere and I can't decide where I stand. In the past, when I ignored the scale, I gained weight. But I wasn't tracking healthy behaviors and habits then, just weight. I had thought that weighing myself frequently motivated me, but in reality it makes me feel bad more often than not and causes me to indulge in some odd habits the night before weigh-in.

That being said, I suddenly feel great about myself. I'm down from a very tight 16 into 14Ws (so not quite to a normal 14 yet) and I almost feel like myself again.

I love how easy this has become and I love that I'm no longer obsessed with food.

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Post by Duckling » Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:55 pm

I'm pleased to say things are continuing to go well. All green days last week. Now that I'm home again, I'm off the diet soda again. Its easier here.

As far as S-days go, I was a saint on Saturday and a little bit of an idiot yesterday. I've decided the two balance out.

I've also noticed I seem to be eating less at meal times, supper, in particular. I've always been a clean your plate kind of girl, but lately, even just using a salad plate, to eat it all seems like too much. I'm not complaining!

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Post by Duckling » Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:58 pm

I'm still doing alright and am fairly green, but I think I need a little accountability again. I've had a few between meal bites of things and ate cake without even thinking about it on Friday night.

I'm not beating myself up about it, it's just a slippery slope and I want to nip it in the bud right now.

So for the next week and a half or so (until we leave town for a family wedding), I'm going back to daily accountability posting.

Some good news though - I'm wearing those 14w jeans as my new everyday jeans, and I can button the 14s (but still too tight to wear in public in my opinion). Some frustrating news is that the lovely dress I want to wear to the family wedding that's marked a size 14 is several inches too small. Its designed to be fitted just under the bust and then flair out - unfortunately that's my widest point. Oh well. I'm still pleased with my progress - I just wish women's sizes were more universal.

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Post by Duckling » Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:50 pm

By the skin of my teeth, yesterday was a green day . I ate too much at lunch (and not very healthy either) and also had hot chocolate after supper. I don't consider the hot chocolate a sweet, just a drink, so it is something I indulge in from time to time when my hunger gets to me.

On the good side though, I ignored the huge slab of cake my husband ate, the chocolate chip cookies sitting on the counter, and stopped eating supper when I was full, even though I still had quite a bit left.

Not bad, but today will be better.

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Post by Duckling » Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:49 pm

Planned NWS day. It was the bowling league fun night and potluck.

I didn't indulge in S's all day, just at the potluck. And I didn't go nuts. No seconds, and just a cookie and half a mini-cupcake for dessert.

My team won first place, a teammate won highest game, and I won most improved bowler. A good night, all around.

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Post by Duckling » Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:03 pm

Another successful green day yesterday.

I'm having hard moments from time to time though. Like the cookies calling my name while I made supper last night (I ignored them). But I expect that, sometimes I'm just going to want cookies.

It doesn't help that I'm feeling fat lately. The smaller jeans still fit, so I'm not putting on weight - its just in my head. But I'd like it to go away.

This is hard enough without my mind playing tricks on me too!

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Post by Duckling » Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:28 pm

Another green day on the charts.

We had thundersnow yesterday, so that was fun. I've only seen it once before. It did put a damper on my plans to go for a walk though.

My throat is hurting pretty badly. I'm pretty sure I'm on my way to getting sick. Which is ok, I haven't really gotten sick this winter. But with my cousins wedding next week, I'd like it to go ahead and get here so I can be some semblance of better by then.

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Post by Duckling » Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:08 pm

So last Friday was a big, fat FAIL. :oops: Marked it and moved on. Saturday I was saint like. Sunday was Easter so I was less saint like, but since I was hostessing, not too bad.

Sunday evening and yesterday I felt miserable. Went to the doc's and came home with a pneumonia diagnosis. They're blasting it with everything they can to try to get me better for the wedding this weekend. I do feel a bit better, but right now I'm exhausted.

So since sick starts with an S, I'm eating what I want when I want. Which really, honestly, is not very much - I have very little appetite when I'm ill. I'm forcing the fluids down (water, tea, and oj), and resting as much as I can, but that's all I can do besides wait for the meds to do their magic.

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Post by Duckling » Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:16 pm

Feeling better now, so back on track. I'm still not a 100%, but I feel much more human now! After a long weekend of excess, I'm looking forward to a good, green week.

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Post by Duckling » Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:11 pm

I'm almost scared to say this, but I think I'm back.

Its been quite the few weeks! First, the pneumonia put me in my place, then we were traveling for my cousin's wedding, then I managed to give myself a minor hernia from the coughing ( I have a history of injuring myself in spectacular ways that no one else could manage). With the exception of the occasional hacking fit, I seem to be healthy again, the hernia has almost healed, and I'm back home and back on track.

To mark this, I made myself some sun tea to drink (no soda), there's a pot of vegetable soup simmering on the stove (my chosen lunch when I'm on track), I had fruit for breakfast, and I've put all the sweets in the cabinet until the weekend.

I have exciting plans to do a TurboJam DVD this afternoon.

Its going to be a good week.

And through all this, the smaller jeans continue to fit. Which is testimony to how No S has changed my habits. Even when I'm "off" I'm on. I eat less and snack less automagically (I love that made up word). Still, its nice to be full on again.

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Post by Duckling » Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:51 pm

I was right, I am back!

A happily successful No S day on the books.

I never did get the TurboJam DVD in though. I think I'm a little afraid that I'm not healed enough to do it yet. I really don't want to re-injure myself and I definitely do not want surgery.

This afternoon I have a hair appointment at my salon. I always walk ( I want to say its 15 blocks round trip, so not much of a walk) and I think how I feel after that will be a good indication of whether I'm ready for more activity.

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Post by Duckling » Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:26 pm

Another good day yesterday.

I felt good after my little walk, so I think I can keep at it. I'll know if I'm doing too much. I am going to keep avoiding weights and shovelglove for now though.

I'm contemplating stepping on the scale on May 1. I don't know though - I'm pleased with my progress and I don't want to mess with my head.

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Post by Duckling » Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:48 pm

Yesterday was a success. It was a close one, but it was a success!

All afternoon I wanted cookies. Cookies, cookies, cookies! I even thought about posting "I WANT A COOKIE!" as a thread on the main No S board, but I couldn't be bothered to reboot the computer. Instead I took a long shower and then made a complicated, but delicious supper.

And after supper I wanted candy. Specifically a Reese's Peanut Butter egg. And I was truly hungry. I had a glass of whole milk instead.

Sometimes this is very easy. And sometimes I'm counting the hours until my next S day.

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Post by Duckling » Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:06 pm

Yesterday was a weird day. And sadly, I think no matter how much I want to excuse it, I think it was a failure.

Because we split our time between here and across the country, we have one car here and one car there. Since I work from home most of the time this generally isn't an issue, but everyone once in while we hit a snafu. Yesterday was one of those days.

My stepdaughter was getting out of school early and my husband had too many meetings to leave work and get her, so I ran them both to work and school in the am so that I could have the car to pick her up later. Of course, I forgot about this plan and slept too late and woke up starving so I grabbed a yogurt on my way out the door.

A few hours later, I was so hungry, I was shaking, so I ate again.

Then the kiddo got out of school an hour earlier than expected (she was supposed to have a rehearsal that got cancelled) so I ran to get her and when we got back the power went off and stayed off.

I waited for a few hours, but ended up eating fruit and cookies for lunch.

After that the day stayed crazy, but it at least normalized, eating wise.

I'm off to a good start this morning though and I've marked it and moved on.

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Post by Duckling » Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:30 pm

The weekend was good. I was not an idiot. I also had some major victories on the weight loss front. Fair warning: this is going to be a long post - I'm super excited and prone to rambling!

First, I'm starting to notice some changes in my body again, which signal weight loss. For one, the shape of my chin is sharpening. I know that sounds odd, but when I gain weight, the shape of my face rounds out. When I lose weight, my chin sharpens and I go from oval-shaped face to more heart-shaped.

The other major thing I've noticed is that I seem to be ready for smaller clothes. Yesterday we did some shopping and I bought a pair of sleep capris from Old Navy in size large. I wore them last night and I'm thinking I could have bought a medium. I also bought a top in large and a t-shirt in XL. Before, I would have bought those things in XL, XL, and XXL.

Then at Target, where I always wear a size larger than I do anywhere else, I bought several things in XL (used to be XXL or not being able to fit in them at all) and a pair of linen capris in L. I was super-excited about the capris, because I actually thought they were a size 16 which I figured wouldn't work for me (since it was Target sizing) and then it turns out they were much smaller than I thought!

My hernia seems to be almost completely healed now, so I'm looking forward to being able to exercise this week. My doctor is still saying no to weights though, so no shovelglove yet.

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Post by Duckling » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:27 pm

Yesterday was a total failure. Pitiful really.

Oh well, marking and moving on now.

Someone told me today about a place called Quick Weight Loss Center. They meal plan and sell you supplements and promise 7 to 3 pounds of weight loss a week. For a moment, I was tempted by the quick fix.

And then I remembered - any diet will work if you can stick with. I couldn't stick with their complicated regimen and I couldn't abide by their prices ($100/wk).

This is just so easy. Even when I fail. I just can't see purposely restarting my food obsession at this point.

Quick, someone remind me it would be a temp fix and not worth it in the long run!

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Post by KareBear » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:08 pm

One thing we all know for sure is that there is no quick fix that lasts. We may be able to loose 7-10 pounds but we know we will not keep it off. Thereby starting the whole cycle over again.

I am glad to find so much humanity on this web site and so many people that validate me as a person and not me as a number. You are doing great, one day at a time.

Chin up! Do not buy into the lie of fad diets. They are all so evil.


160/ 160 /135

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