How did this happen??

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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How did this happen??

Post by Grammy G » Mon May 31, 2010 8:36 pm

Well, I haven't posted in a long, long time! ... and the news is not good :oops: I am pretty much right back where I started weight wise :cry: and another :cry: I will say that I have a different outlook and am not beating myself up for this slip. I will also say I tried a week of going back to calorie counting and measuring and thinking about food all the time and quickly realized that was what I was trying to keep from doing. I have, for the last two weeks, been half-heartedly trying to get back on board. THIS is my turning point!! I am going to begin (again) posting and reading posts and tracking. Tomorrow is June 1st and it is going to be my new beginning. I CAN do this!!! I hope
Last edited by Grammy G on Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by butterfly1000 » Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:42 am

Yes you can do this!

I know how you feel about counting calories and measuring things... me too, I end up thinking of food all the time when I have to count & measure. I'm trying to take 1 meal at a time ... and do the best I can with it (make healthy choices as often as I can and when I don't I'm going to try really hard not to beat myself up about it and not to sabotage the rest my day because of it) ... I'm taking it one meal at a time.

I haven't been very successfull with the monthly challenges and then I end up dropping out because I get discouraged. I'm looking forward to Reneew's current challenge because it's whatever you want it to be, so I'm just challenging myself to be more physically active for now. I'm taking it one step at a time.


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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:59 am

Butterfly, you may have seen that I copied your "more exercise" for the month of June. I just gotta!! I'm hoping that by saying only 20 minutes a day required that.. once I am into the activity, I will just keep at it for a longer amount of time. If I am not into it..I will quit at 20 and still have a success. I know Reinhard says to go for 15 minutes..but..I'm going for 20. Surely I can find 20 minutes a day to be active!!
I am studying the entries on the site tonight..hoping to get enough inspiration to carry me through tomorrow! I haven't been here for a few months.
I'll be looking for you on the June Challenge page. I'm thinkin' a nice walk tomorrow morning, how about you?
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Post by mrsj » Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:20 am

See you all on the June Challenge! No more Shilly-shallying! Time for some serious No S! We can do it! (Cheerleaders waving pon pons)
Nothing is impossible-only improbable.

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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:49 pm

Mrsj: I love "No More Shilly-shallying!" I am going to post that on my frig!!
It will not only be an inspiration, it will make me smile!! :wink: I haven't used that term in a long time and I think I will revive it! You are right, I think I have been doing a LOT of Shilly-shalling lately! Thanks for the support!! :D ...and the smile!!
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Post by Starla » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:26 pm

Welcome back, Grammy!

You can do it! As a very wise woman says: "If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."

Sending all sorts of positive energy and positive thoughts your way.

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Post by mimi » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:38 pm

butterfly1000 wrote:Yes you can do this!

I know how you feel about counting calories and measuring things... me too, I end up thinking of food all the time when I have to count & measure. I'm trying to take 1 meal at a time ... and do the best I can with it (make healthy choices as often as I can and when I don't I'm going to try really hard not to beat myself up about it and not to sabotage the rest my day because of it) ... I'm taking it one meal at a time.

I haven't been very successfull with the monthly challenges and then I end up dropping out because I get discouraged. I'm looking forward to Reneew's current challenge because it's whatever you want it to be, so I'm just challenging myself to be more physically active for now. I'm taking it one step at a time.

Yes...Butterfly and Grammy G - TO NEW BEGINNINGS for us all!
Mimi :D
Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
Restarted once again: July 14, 2011
Quitting is not an option...
If you start to slip, tie a knot and hang on!
Remember that good enough is... good enough.
Strive for progress, not perfection!

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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:49 pm

Starla and mimi.. It actually brought a tear to my eye to see you found me again and took the time to be so supportive!! You don't know what it means to me having old friends in my well as new friends.... Starla..thank you for reminding me what I do Know..a positive outlook is the only way to go... mimi.. it is always good to have you watching my back!
I am now smiling on the inside as well as the outside! this will be a good day :wink:
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Post by ~reneew » Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:06 pm

Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go :wink: go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go :D go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:23 pm

Thanks,Reneew! I am trying! Getting on site and seeing new messages of encouragement is going a long way to help me get this show on the road! Managed a reasonable breakfast and lunch and dinner is planned and semi-prepared so I can stay out of the kitchen (unless I decide to scrub the floor!) all afternoon. I fit in some yoga.. think I will put an old "Sweating To The Oldies" VCR tape into the machine and hope it works! Haven't done one of those in ages but it is raining a bit so walking outdoors is not going to happen today.
By jove..I think I've got this day covered!!
(maybe I can quit shouting on my subject line and calm down to normal sized, lower case letters...mmmm...) :roll:
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Post by kccc » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:36 pm

Welcome back! I always enjoy "seeing" you here. :)

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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:34 pm

Day one for me has been a success! I spent a lot of time here on the computer reading entries and reading all the encouraging words from my fellow travelers on this journey.
I brought myself upstairs right after dinner so I am not tempted to revisit the kitchen!
One of the things I love about no S-ing is the flexibility. I thought I was going to do an old Sweating To the Oldies VCR tape for my exercise but then it quit raining long enough for me to get in a walk....and I managed a bit of yoga too!
I am going to spend the evening upstairs...luckily I have a nice little study, just for me, here and can actually work (play) here as well as downstairs.
I have an annual check-up coming up tomorrow. Kinda nice to do this re-start with a bit of medical input.
Thanks everyone!...couldn't have done it without you!! :roll:
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
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Post by Grammy G » Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:45 pm

Day 2 success!! I got some major drawer cleaning done in my kitchen..and had only a glass of unsweetened iced tea for company! I am still coming upstairs soon after dinner rather than be tempted by the frig calling me if I stay downstairs.
Got dinner organized early and, instead of sitting down and reading the paper, I moved on down to the basement and did some weights for 20 minutes...I felt full of virtue as I came back to the kitchen to finish dinner. i am lucky that I have a hubby who does the dishes and kitchen clean I took myself out on the deck and read the paper after dinner! (Usually I feel very guilty..I think all kitchen chores are mine...and I stay and clear the table and put left overs more!!) I'm learnin'!!!
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Post by Scrybil » Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:43 am

You're off to a good start my friend.....thanks for your encouraging words to me, now take care of yourself too! :wink:

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Post by Grammy G » Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:20 am

day three=success! It could be my best bet is to plan dinner and do as much of the prep as I can right after lunch. that way, I am not tempted to eat as I prep and dinner is easy to put together. I made an easy whole wheat penne and white bean soup in a chicken stock base...with (naturally) carrots, onions, celery and garlic. Put together a salad. Cut up some fruit. Did it all by dinner was easily put together while I enjoyed a glass of wine! I managed to stay downstairs reading until 8Pm.. the kitchen didn't call to me.javascript:emoticon(':wink:')
This was not one of my "exercise w/vigor for 20 minutes" days.. I did a massive grocery shopping instead. I always end up circling the store at least twice and doing all the aisles at least once. The cart was extra heavy, it seemed to me. I'm not counting it as "with vigor' because I didn't walk quickly enough to qualify for that. :?
thanks, Scrybil, for checking in! pretty ho-hum day here in PA! Years ago, when my kids were small, I had a sign in my kitchen that stated :'Normal Day, Let me be aware of the Treasure You Are" I think I jst had one of those!! :D
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Post by Scrybil » Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:15 am

Somehow, once I had kids, I started to treasure 'normal'.......boring is a relief.

That bean/pasta dish sounds yummy - I make something like that, but also add sauted kale or spinach and a can of diced tomatoes to the white beans and broth. Serve it over WW penne nite one, then put it all in a big pot, add more broth & about 1/4 cup of 1/2 and 1/2 for a great soup.

You're doing great - keep the faith!

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Post by Grammy G » Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:22 am

that is so funny.. I will be adding kale and tomatoes to the left overs and it will be another meal. Doncha love planned left-overs??
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Post by Scrybil » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:59 pm

I knew I liked you! lol

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Post by Grammy G » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:52 am

day 4 VERY Special..Hubby's birthday
Thought I had the day all planned out. That lasted until about 9:30Am when the tree removal folks arrived to remove tree stumps..and then a call from a friend who lives across the country and was in town to meet for lunch..I thought about not going to my yoga class so I could be "in charge" of the tree people and get presentable to have lunch with a friend I haven't seen in over a year. I thought:"What do I know about tree stump removal?? What do they need me here to do?" Then I thought.."why can't I go to lunch in my yoga clothes..just add a spritz of perfume!"So that is what I did! Walked out the door and drove to yoga class and then to a nice lunch with an old friend. I returned home to a ringing phone..Friends again! Folks we haven't seen since our winter in FL and they wanted to come and pick up a suitcase we had transported for them. They live an hour away. Changed plans again and invited them to join us for dinner at a restaurant we all love. It was a great visit and a nice birthday treat for hubby. I had one bite of taramasu (sp!!) and a little extra cheese with dinner. This sure wasn't a normal day but it sure was a treasure! :wink: Lessons I am s-l-o-w-l-y learning: I do not have to be in charge of everything. I do not have to be perfect.
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Post by kccc » Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:15 am

Grammy G wrote:Lessons I am s-l-o-w-l-y learning: I do not have to be in charge of everything. I do not have to be perfect.
Well said. Those are lessons I'm also learning (and sometimes revisiting multiple times).

I think No-S has actually helped with that journey... the "moderation" mindset carries over, and learning to shrug off little failures and get back on track is good practice for life in general.

I also like the "treasure normal days" line of thinking a LOT. :)

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:59 pm

Here is a new friend to support you. Here's to sanity!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:30 pm

**Tiramisu** ! ;-) Mmmmmmmmmm .... but you have to go to confession later on though (Gluttony is a sin !), it's so good, hard to stop at just one bite ...

Sounds like you had a stressful time, good thing the yoga helped to relieve the stress.

I had a pretty strange week, a lot of stress, trying to deal with all sorts of things, some that were not expected, some bad news, plus a big family dinner coming up and I know there'll be people there I would prefer not seeing, that sort of thing ... hard to BLOW IT OFF though. I would prefer to be a hermit instead, kickin' it on a sunday afternoon, relaxing ... oh well... ;-) At least I didn't gain 5 pounds this week dealing with all those situations.

I was spot on with my diet all week long even if I had a lot of stress which surprised me actually. Normally I would have been stress/emotional eating and gaining a few pounds ... but no, I was rock solid all week long. It feels good when you behave, doesn't it ? That's one thing I was trying to improve : Cutting down on the stress/emotional eating.

Good luck !

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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Post by Grammy G » Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:16 pm

What a crazy re-start this has been! More S days than N days . But that was a good trial for me and a chance to reflect, get loads of support from YOU, and fasten my seat belt and be ready for the "real thing" this week!
Everyone has been so helpful! Scrybil when I looked for the soup to add the kale (fresh from the farmers' market!) and was gone!! Hubby had eaten it for lunches! so I made a pot of kale/ potato soup which he doesn't know about so we can have it for dinner tonight! KCCC.. a friend called asking me for advice and I gave her, what I thought, were several good options. I ended the conversation by saying, "No matter what you decide to do, don't dwell on it, just do it and move on! :lol: ..out of the mouths of noS-ers!!! oolala53.. I am always glad to have more folks in my corner!!! I decided to not look at the no-S site until Monday morning because I knew I would find the support I needed to begin the week with vim and vigor!! bluebunny27: I also had a gathering to go to on Sunday.. a large party which is NOT my thing..I prefer quiet dinners with a few friends.. My modification was to go an hour late and leave when I had had enough..two hours later. Luckily, hubby feels the same! Someone at the party asked him why we were late and he told them that we are both retired and no longer subscribe to dead-lines! Now, if this was a small group, I would have either just said no to the invite or been on time but it wasn't for a sit down dinner or a ceremony so... a little late is good! Here is something else I've learned marc, "if someone throws you a ball, you don't have to catch it!" When my parents passed, I decided that I didn't have to go to or host every family event that included second and third cousins..and their kids and inlaws.. I'm sure you know what I mean!! I really don't enjoy those things at all and kept up the practice for my parents' sake. I see the relatives I want to see and always enjoy those times. (the first time I didn't invite everyone, my sister-in-law called and told me I had forgotten to invite cousin so and so and his family and uncle X and his she had done it for me!!! I told her she better get on the phone and uninvite them because I was no longer inviting half the world to my home for dinner! She said she would call me back so I would have time to 'think' about it. I said I had and she needed to make those calls because I wasn't changing my mind! whew!! stones lifted from my shoulders!!! ):wink: But notice..I couldn't bring myself to do this until my parents weren't around!! I was still into pleasing them and putting myself second. You do a great job my little preschoolers used to say "being hav" (as in..the rules of the classroom are; being quiet and being hav)! Wishing ALL of us a great week!!
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Post by Scrybil » Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:47 am

Wow! You are my hero! You stood down the obligatory now-you're-the-matriarch hostessing duties! Rock on sister!

Last year, I refused to host the annual Christmas Eve brunch gathering that kept growing, and growing. I ended up crying in the bedroom from the tension of being that assertive, but - you know what - we survived and still seemed to have a great Christmas without it! So - lesson learned.

Something about being over 55 has changed my perspective on these things. I see it at work - these ambitous youngsters get all worked up over the inevitable political shenanigans. I just think,"Ah, who the hell cares anyway? The universe goes on......"

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Post by Grammy G » Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:28 am

Well, the day started out great!! I got a walk in..did some yoga..did some overdue "spring cleaning" a bit...enjoyed a predinner glass of wine on the deck. Then.. :cry: made the mistake of turning on the kitchen TV !! My downfall..the kitchen after dinner..and I knowit!!! :( I remembered the marshmellow caramel candy (left over from Christmas) I found in a drawer during my drawer cleaning spree..why on why didn't i throw it away!! :( :cry:
so..I ate the very stale marshmellow candy and followed it up with a wayward Girl Scout cookie]. I guess I will have to return to my plan of coming upstairs as soon as I finish dinner :cry: Looking back, I think the problem began when I told hubby I would do the dishes because he had work to finish in the yard...that led to my old habit of finishing the dishes and plopping down to nosh and watch TV. Ok..I've confessed..marked it and I am moving on!! Now that I am recognizing the trigger, i will do my best to avoid it!
On the good note; I did get in 20min. of very brisk walking on steep hills, a nice 20 minutes of yoga stretches and an afternoon of moving furniture that I will call "weights"!
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:40 am

Sorry for your slip up. You're right-mark it and move on. I had a horrible weekend from overeating. The effects lasted right up until about 10:30 am TODAY, Tuesday, even though I ate no sweets on Monday. I tell you this because by my evening meal tonight, after eating nothing after my brunch today being content until dinner with a friend, I felt great and on track again. It's amazing to me how healing it is to get hungry and then eat moderately.

May I say: I wonder if you really believe that you need to give up sweets during the week? Before I started this back in January, I was thoroughly convinced that I had to drastically reduce my exposure to sugar. Some people claim they feel too deprived if they can't have a sweet most days. And some of them actually succeed at having just a few bites and stopping there, but I've noticed on the Sparkpeople board I also participate on that sweets are usually people's downfall. I will be one of those people who can eat just a serving of sweets on S days by the end of the year. But I am very sure I should not have sweets during the week. I've had very few slip-ups. I've got a theory on why the slip -ups happened, but this is your thread.

Anyway, use whatever techniques you need to in order to ingrain this habit. I believe at a later date, it won't matter what is in the kitchen on a N day, but until then, give yourself the best chance you can.

Regarding the fact that you ate the candy you found, I know I could top that but I won't get into a competition. We are becoming new people! Those will be hilarious stories someday. Maybe soon!

Have a great Wednesday.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by Grammy G » Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:11 pm

oolala... I agree putting something off limits is a calling card for wanting it! But, my doctor said my numbers were a bit higher than 6 months ago for 'sugar" on my blood tests and I should be careful and see what happens on the next test. So, I am trying to be mindful of what goes in my mouth..stale marshmellows and old Girl Scout cookies just shouldn't be on my radar let alone in my mouth!
Today is another day and I am going to an nice long yoga class this morning. I will probably sweat marshmellow and that will be good too! :wink:
Glad you are back on track. Why do we let ourselves do that crazy eating thing?? I guess if we knew that, our problems would be solved!
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
Peace Pilgrim

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Post by kccc » Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:25 pm

Mark it and move on!

Another great line from a friend is "put your energy into the future." She means, don't waste energy beating yourself up; instead, use that energy to plan for next time, to make needed changes, etc. I find this a really useful idea.

And you know what? Stale marshmallows are NOT what you deserve! I bet it didn't even feel like a real treat. Get something REALLY good on your next S-day. After you eat enough "good stuff" (especially if you've been denying yourself for years, like I had!), the really junky stuff doesn't even look like something you're supposed to eat anymore. It's what Michael Pollen calls "an edible food-like substance," as oppose to REAL FOOD. So, plan some good treats to re-train your "treat radar," and do a pantry purge to get rid of distractions. :)

Congrats on the exercise.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:29 pm

If your glucose numbers are up, and your doctor is cautioning you, it probably is imperative that you curtail the eating of sugar. I'm sure even Reinhard would tell you that you should not let No S get in the way of your health needs. However, even he would say we need to have " a fence around the law" for the few restrictions No S asks for. I hope those glucose numbers jump into your head next time you come across any unexpected sugar item and you can say nyet no matter how appealing it is! Though my blood panels are very good, you are reminding me that I have some risk factors that may inspire me to speed up the process of sticking to the spirit and letter of the law, namely waist size. I'm going to practice visualizing that tape measure in preparation for S days and more moderate eating then.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:13 am

KCCC..this is so funny..I thought exactly the same thing about eating those stale candy when I was showering this morning! I do deserve better than stale candy..that I really don't care for even when it is fresh! then i thought...wait a minute..that candy has been here since November (well, granted I was away Dec.-Apr) and that cookie (I do like those!!) has been there since we came home. ..and I didn't eat them ..or even look in the cookie box..until June! Good for me!! I am still keeping myself out of the kitchen in the evenings for awhile :roll:
oolala...Thanks for the pep talk. I am not normally a sugar kind of gal and I Ithink I need to be aware of the amount of fruits I am eating. I spend the winter in FL where I walk out the back door and pick grapefruit and tangarines. I drink the juice of two grapefruit (2 cups) at least once a day and munch on a tangerineor two at lunch.. and then there are the mangos. I enjoy dried fruit on my oatmeal. I am going to be more aware of keeping the fruit servings down and adding more veggies in their place. Last thing I will give up is me evening glass of wine, but I don't think it will come to that! I think I will do some research on blood glucose numbers. I seem to remember that there should be three tests and the numbers averaged. I think I had a week of crazy eating right before I went for the test. In the long run, it is better to have me watch the sugar in my diet no matter what the glucose test shows!
This was one of those days that ended up being a totally different day than I had planned! I didn't get to my yoga class..I didn't prepare the dinner I thought we were going to have...I didn't get to the chores I had thought I would do! But I didn't do any snacking. I didn't pout about my missed class or not done chores. I enjoyed the day I had and will get to yoga on Friday. Marked it and moved on!! :wink:
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Post by Scrybil » Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:28 am

So sounds like today is better than yesterday, and that's definitely progress.

It's strange how something beneath our dignity can make us compromise a commitment. I'm with KCCC - you DESERVE better, and today you gave that to yourself

I love 'mark it and move on'. I've spent too many day/weeks/months beating myself up for failures. I wouldn't treat my worst enemy as poorly as I do myself!

Your upbeat and positive disposition serves you well GG - you are back on track quickly and decisively. That's how success gets built.

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:44 pm

Well, ladies and gentlemen.. :cry: ..I looked at some postings yesterday for inspiration and then turned into a slug!! It was/wasn't a good day.
Hubby was up all night w/stomach virus.. naturally, i woke up every time he got up or came back to bed. By morning, he was still ill and I was exhausted and couldn't decide if I was also ill. (On Wednesday, I totally skipped dinner because i was feeling "full" from lunch and never did feel like I didn't and that was maybe my saving grace :lol: ) i just flopped around from couch to chair to bed and repeated that dance the whole day. I put hubby on the BRAT diet and decided to do that too. We are both recovered this morning, thank-you-very-much!! As you can see, I am still waiting for the "Normal Day" in my life...for over 40 years now (when kids appeared in my life!!). I guess I will just treasure the days as they come!!
Here is my problem for the day today: my plan was to go to yoga this morning and host mah-jongg this afternoon. But, I got nothing done at the house yesterday and feel I need to do some prep for the mah-jongg ladies. IF this were my hubby's problem, he would give the house a quick once over and go to yoga... I cannot do that!! I know there is nothing I couldn't fit into an hour or two of house work..and still go to yoga and be home in time for lunch and the 1PM "let the games begin" time...but...I just am in turmoil about doing that. This is crazy!! :roll:
OK..writing this has clarified the issue. I am going to get out of my comfort zone and give it a try!! I am going to get everything set up for the afternoon..give myself 1 hour to clean bathrooms and feather dust and swifter (what did we do before swifter..skate around with rags on our feet, I think!) the floors. So..that ends my time here,I will check in tonight with (I hope) a success story!! Whew! Decision made!!
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Post by kccc » Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:17 pm

Hope you had a great time! Sounds like a good decision to me - and kudos for moving out of your comfort zone (that's how you expand it, you know!). :)

Will look for that report back!

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Post by Scrybil » Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:24 pm

As long as the bathrooms are clean and the dishes aren't stacked in the sink, no one will notice!

Feel better(your husband too) and enjoy your friends. Life's too short to clean :wink:

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:40 pm

This is funny: My topic"How did this happen?" was right above "Idontknow" this morning! :lol: Well..still looking for a day to go as I planned. As soon as I closed up the computer yesterday, the phoneS began ringing..all calls I tried to keep as short as possible but felt (maybe i need to change this mindset) I needed to take. By the time I got off the phoneS, yoga wasn't going to happen. I thought about this and decided to use the Clara (see some postings about good ol' Clara) method of exercise and really clean the downstairs bath and my nightgown. so I "with vim and vigor" scrubbed,bleached,polished,and then vacuumed the living room! A quick shower, actually put on my one sundress ....and earrings...and even a little make up! Served Girl Scout cookies (didn't eat any) and a good time was had by all!! It was a beautiful day and evening here so we could sit in the deck and enjoy a glass of wine before dinner. Not what I had planned but an OK day! I am writing this sitting on the deck once again. I love having morning coffee here listening to the birds and the wind in the trees. My morning mantra is: Quiet Morning..Whisper My Hope For A Peaceful Day. I suddenly remembered I could use my computer out here! My plan for today: farmers' market/ help friend with garage sale/do my own yoga&weights&walk/dinner with hubby and friend at my favorite restaurant/ end the day with quiet time on the deck. any bets on how much of that I will actually do?? my $$ is on ALL of it!! :D
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Post by idontknow » Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:58 pm

One of my favourite song lines is 'life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans' by John Lennon. That seems to sum up your days - lol :D

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:04 pm

My Zen teacher says it's an illusion that we're making anything happen. Which doesn't mean we don't make plans and efforts. Just don't get too attached. I'm still working on that one.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by Grammy G » Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:12 pm

I have always loved the 'life happens while you are busy doing other things".. Had a poster of that on my frig in th early 70s! It is true..that is me to a "t"!!
thanks for reminding me, Idon't know!!
Oolala, that is a very good lesson to try to learn..I'm going to work on it. I've gotten pretty good at detaching myself from material things. I still like "things" but realize they are just that..things. If I misplace attitude is, "you are either going to find it or you are not...does it matter that much to who you are?" Maybe I should look into Zen a bit more..
MY Day Good think I didn't bet any real $$ is all I can say! I was making a list for the farmers' market and realized how many veggies I still have since hubby and I were both doing the BRAT diet for a day or two..and the granddaughters are coming for a few days which means green beans, carrots, and corn on the cob (I'm such a push-over!!) which I have. market.. my friend called and said the garage sale was very slow.. stay home..OK by me!! It is so hot and humid that I am not going out there and suffer through a walk. That's three down! :shock: I did 20 min. of yoga and am going down to the cool, cool basement and do 20min on the bike and 20 minutes of weights..while I throw clothes into the washer and dryer! Still on for dinner at woo hoo. This is the21st day of my reentry into noS! I like to use 21 day cycles to reevaluate my goals and plans. I can see that the June challenge is helping me keep a more regular exercise schedule and that is helping. I lost 3.4 pounds this 21 day period and I am happy with that. :D It seems to me that having my exercise days off not coincide with my S days of food is helpful to my keeping control of those S day binges. I started the challenge for June saying I would exercise 5 days a week "with vim and vigor" for at least 20 minutes. That means i needed to exercise on S days if I didn't get it done during the week..that seems to be a good thing and I think I will plan it that way from now on. "quiet morning" did turn out to be a "peaceful day" ..just a little different than I had imagined! Wishing you the same!! :wink:
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Post by Scrybil » Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:32 pm

Well, your life is indeed happening, and quite nicely I might add! And you sound full of energy, optimism and commitment - helped along I'm sure by getting results!

Regarding those 'things' - Have you noticed that there's actually nothing left to buy? LOL I honestly can't think of one thing I need, and frankly much of what I already have that I don't need either. Easier to detach from the material as we get more attached to the spiritual......

So maybe we're emptying out the vessel - allowing room for good habits to replace bad, for peace and calm to fill the emptiness instead of food.....

Getting all Zenny on you here.....

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Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:04 pm

Scrybil Love your post!! Exactly how I feel!! :D :D
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Post by Scrybil » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:56 am

:wink: Must be that 'child of the 60's thing'. Zen and the Art of Self Maintenance

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Post by Grammy G » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:24 pm

Scrybil, I actually read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance , not when it was written..but 2 years ago!!
I joined a book club in the little town where we spend the winters. Their method of choosing a book to read: see how many people there are attending and then find books where they had that number of copies available to them! So we ended up reading "Zen .." I was probably the youngest person there..and the rest were good southern "church ladies". I couldn't believe they chose this book out of three choice!! I ended up buying it..the last tattered copy at a used book store..and I also ended up being the only person who actually read the whole thing!! The only reason I got through it was because we had traveled to most of the places he talked about, I once had a motorcycle, my 1 son had spent 18 months touring the country on his cycle and another had gone cross country to meet his brother and then come back together. (ages 17 and 20.. :roll: i was one worried Mom!!) Anyhow, I couldn't believe no one bothered to read the book they had chosen and, from comments made, decided that I just didn't fit this group so that was the end of my experience! Your comment brought back all those memories!!
Yesterday went well.. I ended up walking for my exercise and my big treat was to have a Coke and2 small left over biscuits for an afternoon snack.
Today, I am going to yoga..I will not answer the phone after 9:30 and stop a conversation (if I am having one) at 10!! My two youngest granddaughters are coming this evening and not going home until Wednesday. i probably will not be back here until Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. Those two keep "granddad and grammy" jumping! But what fun!! We have turned hubby's study into the Princess bedroom (I have 5 princesses!!) and his huge wood storage unit is now "Mingo Manor" complete with a flock of plastic flamingos, furniture, and decorations both inside and out. (Well..he wasn't using it..much...since we don't spend the winters here anymore :wink: )It sets behind a flower garden and is a nice 'away from the house" but still in sight' play area.
Here is the thing...I have nothing to report out of the ordinary about food!! how great is that?!? So instead I ramble about life in general!!! mmmI think that may be progress!!! :)
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:03 pm

Rambling about life is definitely progress! Although I'm enjoying myself on the boards now, I really have a goal that within a year or two this whole issue will have faded from my life as a concern. Then i can torture myself over some other issue!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:44 pm

Grammy - I love your posts! They are so entertaining - I just love hearing about your life :D

Thanks for the encouragement and support on my check in - much appreciated

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Post by Scrybil » Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:00 am

I love your posts too!

And I laughed out loud at your sweet little Southern ladies choosing"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and them NOT reading it (and you were so good to slog through it!) and then kicking you out of bookclub.

You know, of course, what they were saying behind your back: "Bless her heart!" (Anytime you need the translation of that paticular Southern phrase, just call on me down here in Georgia!)

Have a great time with the Princesses!

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Post by kccc » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:29 pm

Grammy, sounds as if you were better off without that particular book club - though I am amused that they chose that book!

I will admit that my book club often chooses things that I don't care for. I consider that it enlarges my horizons. And the payoff when I read something that I didn't expect to like, and did, is worth it. (But sometimes... I don't read the book. So there.)

Scrybil, I'm in Georgia too (Athens), and am very familiar with "bless his/her heart"! (Grammy, you can say ANYTHING about a person without being thought mean-spirited if you include that phrase as part of the judgement.)

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:12 pm

Well. bless your hearts for all the nice comments!! I'm gonna give that phrase a try.. sounds like something a Grammy would say and, now that you've told me it can envelope all manner comments and makes almost anything is mine!!
Great time w/ the girls! We painted birdhouses, caught bugs, walked to the ice cream store, made veggie soup, read stories, played dress-up... all the things I love to do with them. They left before dinner last evening and I told hubby(bless his heart) to graze in the frig whenever he was hungry and I would do the same.
the bad part.. :cry: I got a little carried away with my grazing into the kids' treats.. tried a Toaster Strudel (the college age princess left a pack here when she cleaned out her dorm frig and went home) .. A couple Girl Scout than a couple... a stack of pita crackers with pepperoni and cheese on them.. a bowl of blueberries and orange chunks. I ate the food in that order! I guess it is good that I got back to healthy food in the end!! Just a lapse of judgement in the beginning?!? I was up at 5 A.M. feeling a little out-of-sorts and upset with myself and just decided to make coffee and begin my day and mark it and move on!
the good part :) I did so much walking and stair climbing and child lifting and dancing and marching with those two..whew!! Today, I am going to do some yoga to stretch out all those kinked muscles and get the house all "unstickafied"... and just relax in my grandmotherhood! It is good to be the Queen Mom and send the (bless their little hearts!!) princesses back to their palace after a few days!!
...and you are right, I can write "bless his/her heart" and be thinking anything I want and yet I sound so nice!!
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
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Post by Grammy G » Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:13 pm

Thursday was a "get real" day for me. three meals.. no snacking...but, alas, no exercising either!! Lots of runnin or, true be told, sloooow walking up and down stairs getting everything in order in the house...but, I'm not conting that as exercise in the "vim and vogor" class. Going to yoga class this morning. I will practice the "no phone calls after 9:30 rule" so I actually get there.
b:shredded wheat/fiber one/ 1/2 banana/milk
l:leftover chicken noodle soup (homemade) 1/2 apple
d:salmon/veggie stir-fry w. brown rice/watermelon/1 glass red wine
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Post by kccc » Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:08 pm

Enjoy your yoga!

(And yes, sounds as if you've got "bless his/her heart" down pat! It can be used either with genuine kindness or as a criticism-cover-up. Sometimes both together, lol!)

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:37 pm

Thank you,KCCC, I did enjoy my yoga class...always do! I just read (in two days) The Help and the "bless her heart" phrase fit right into it! The book is about the south in the 60's and the relationships between the hired help, read black housekeepers, and the ladies of THE house. I loved it! I think it has gotten very good reviews too.
I am carrying on my experiment of keeping the exercise going during my S days, which for some reason keeps me a little more sane about the food I am eating (or so I think). This is the second weekend I am trying this.
Friday (declared S day)
b. shredded wheat/fiber one/blueberries/milk
l. tuna salad (made with lots of veggies) pita/raw carrots
d. restaurant meal: grilled mushrooms/gin&tonic/ salad/grilled salmon/jasmine rice (boxed 1/2 salad, salmon, and rice)/2 glasses white wine/ 1/2 slice white cake w/ raspberry filling. Hubby had left overs for lunch today.
Saturday (declared normal day)
b. blueberries,banana (1/2), fiber one cereal, Greek yogurt
l. salad topped with salmon/veggies and hummus
d. (planned)meatloaf,green beans,1/2 baked potato topped w/ Greek yogurt, watermelon/ red wine
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Post by Scrybil » Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:22 pm

Grammy, so glad you enjoyed "The Help" -I grew up in a town just like that one,with women - white and black - just like those characters.

Sounds like you're doing really well....and the yoga - are you taking a class, practicing on your own?

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:10 pm

I was thinking about you,Scrybil,..and KCCC as I was reading it! You guys were .. how old? 7? I graduated high school in 1961 and was married by 1963 and living in Fort Knox. That is the closest I've come to the life-style described in the book... being a 2nd luiey's wife. It drove me crazy!! Teas and luncheons and meetings and dressing up!! I never had to deal with "Help" so that was all very foreign to me. How did you feel about the book?

I do take a yoga class through our hospital's wellness program. I take a very easy stretch..pose..relax class. I call it "old ladies" yoga because the class is made up of ladies my age. I can go 1, 2, or 3 times a week. I have never made it to class three times a week but often go twice. I try to do some stretches before I get out of bed in the morning and a couple times throughout the day as well. It has really helped me. Two years ago, I couldn't vacuum.. make beds (yea, I can that be a bad thing to not have to do!!) or walk more than a 1/4 mile without having to stop and stretch out my back. After the first yoga class, I knew this was what my body needed! It is also what my mind needed... I would suggest trying it to anyone. It is one of those "can't hurt, might help" things in my book! :wink:
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
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Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:05 am

Well, it really wasn't Sunday when I posted was Saturday evening. right after I posted, I decided to watch the news while "resting' and promptly fell asleep! So now it IS Sunday..almost 2 AM and here I am ..wide awake!
Dinner yesterday was not as I planned. It was just too hot to cook.. what was I thinking..meatloaf in June?? So we had hambugers instead and I skipped the potatoes.
Today's plan:
b:oatmeal w. blueberries
l:tuna salad on sprouted wheat/1/2 apple
d:crab legs/ 1/2 baked potato/salad/watermelon Happy Fathers' Day

Hope to get in a nice walk when the sun comes up. there is a beautiful red moon out there right now.
*#@%!!! there is a mouse in my kitchen wall right at a wall outlet!! I am seldom up this late so haven't heard it lately..but %$@#! there he is! A couple weeks ago, I heard a noise behind the outlet..took off the cover and there was a little pink nose sniffing the air!! I sprayed insect spray (the only thing I had!!) at it and hoped that did the trick..guess I will be trying something else. I need to figure out where it is coming in, don't I? %#@!!
On that happy :cry: ..signing off!
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
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Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:24 am

3:15AM.#$%@ mouse still in same place in wall!! I have been pounding on wall every 5 min. or so :( . My next post will probably be asking how to fix a hole punched in the wall! Yikes..then it will be in the kitchen!! I think I'll make this hubby's problem when he gets up. ..which may be soon if I keep pounding on this wall!! (He will say,"Don't get up in the middle of the night and then you won't hear it!")
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
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Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:23 am

4:20AM @$#*!!! mouse has gone to sleep!! ..and i may have figured out this time thinggy... but still can't reduce a pic. for an avatar!! :cry:
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
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Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:25 am

mmmm..this time I remembered to hit "submit" when i did the time change.. let's see...OK!! time posted is MY time :D
birds are beginning to sing.. I feel like a bat because NOW I am sleepy!!
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Post by Scrybil » Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:13 am

LOL - I am cracking up over your battle with the mouse in the wee hours!

Sounds like you won, though? :wink:

In answer to your questions about the South - grew up during Civil Rights movement, but remember the 'colored' entrances to public places, and of course, segregated schools. My early years were pretty much exactly what you read about - ladies who lunch, maids in the background. I remember the day my mother, shocked, reported:"Ora got in the front seat of the car today!" Big turning point....and I'm pleased to report, one that my parents fully supported.

By the time I entered high school, desegregation was in full swing & I ended up at a formerly all-black HS - so I was the minority. Most white families whisked their kids into private schools - my parents supported desegregation & off I went.

The whole era was a remarkable journey.....

Today, on Father's Day, I am missing my wonderful Dad, who stood up for social justice and lived it everyday. He ran the local mill, and was in a 'power position' in that small Southern town. He used his authority to make change happen - perhaps on a small scale in that community - but it was meaningful. I'm proud of you Daddy - thanks for what you taught me.

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Post by Grammy G » Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:25 am

Scrybil, what a beautiful tribute to your Dad. I am honored you put it on my thread. What an interesting childhood! Do you keep in touch with many of your friends from that period of your life? Just wondering what direction they took,,
MY @#$%! mouse!! I didn't really will probably be back tonight but I won't be up to hear it, that's for sure! I did turn the problem over to hubby who put out traps around the basement and we are going to take the outlet cover off tomorrow and drop some poison pellets into the opening and then replace the cover.
I did get some sleep between 5 and 8:30 and I did get that morning walk in..35 minutes and a 20 minute session of yoga. Our Fathers' Day activity was cleaning out the garden shed! We never seem to get to it and we both had the time. I guess this was actually a pretty normal day! I got all the laundry done and the house dusted and vacuumed..and the sheets changed. Wow!! Good for me!
Seem to be on track and feelin' good about that... wonder how long this peaceful feeling can/will last??? :roll:
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Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:37 pm

The thing I love about this site is that I signed up to try and lose some weight, but I feel as though I am becoming involved in people's lives. There are book recommendations, anecdotes about important times in history, tussles with rodents :wink: and family stories. The connection with others across the world is amazing! Thank you Grammy, Scrybil and everyone else who posts :D

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Post by Scrybil » Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:08 am

idk, I can't beat the mousefight, that's for sure! Grammy, I think those little buggers are nocturnal, and sounds like you will be too :wink:

Grammy, I don't keep in touch with folks from HS well, but Facebook seems to be changing that. Our last HS reunion, I was too pregnant to travel. I won the award for ONLY one still getting knocked up.

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Post by osoniye » Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:48 am

Scrybil- that is hilarious!! :)

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:27 am

Good for YOU, Scryb!! I wonder how many people you inspired at that reunion?? You may have caused a population explosion :lol: !! I got a call last night @ my 50th (yikes) HS reunion next year.. f-i-f-t-y... 5-0.. I can't believe it!! I doubt they will be offering that award!!
I have no knowledge of continuing mouse activity. (I am practicing in case I ever have to testify before the government!) The traps are empty and I didn't stay downstairs past 10pm. mmm..I'm just thinking...I usually have the TV on in the kitchen if I am up and the noise may keep it at bay since it's gnawing is in the wall right behind the TV.
Bad news to report Yesterday was a flop!! It began Ok but went downhill in the worst time to deal with anything. I needed to go clothes shopping (did I ever mention I HATE to shop??) and a friend, who is a shopper, offered to take me directly to the stores and departments within those stores that would be my size (women's petite). She did her job well! Here is how I shop:try on black skirt/capris in purple, brown, navy,moss those...move to new store..tops in white/purple print/yellow/light blue/green those. Buy necklace in silver and black. Done. Two stores and we were ready for lunch. Had a wonderful sandwich..and ate too much of it because there was no way I could tote it home in the heat of the car. That was mistake #1 Drove home..we were over an hour away. Collapsed on chair..glad that was done. Not hungry at dinner time so picked at turkey breast and watermelon. That was mistake #2 Phone call at 8:30 which I took in the kitchen! That was mistake#3 I know I can't be in the kitchen at night!! so I "browsed" the frig..the freezer..the if i didn't know what I can see the :evil: taking over, right?? I ate turkey and crackers... a dish of "bubblegum" flavored ice cream (how disgusting!!) and 4 GS cookies! mistakes,mistakes, mistakes!! During this time, I tried to talk myself into simply walking into the living room and doing some simple yoga...noooooo... :evil: my evil self had taken over!! So...had to miss my exercise happy face on my chart....missed a good stretch and relax time...and ate more than 3 meals and sugar!! Not happy w/myself at all!!
I gotta plan even more for times like these! :idea: I should have thrown out that 1/2 sandwich..What was I thinking?? Then I would have had dinner and the day would have been fine. I am probably going to do one more shopping run in the near future and will plan accordingly!
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Post by idontknow » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:21 pm

Hey Grammy - yesterday may have been a flop - but at least you know why and you can change things for next time. I've got an evil self too - it tells me that if I've had one chocolate (just one!) I've ruined my day so I might as well have 10 more things and ruin the day properly! We need to find a way to dump the evil ones when they appear. They are very powerful, though. Good luck getting back on track :D

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:58 pm

b:WASA cracker and almond butter (not really hungry after yesterday's frenzy in the PM but I need to eat something)
l: bacon and egg sandwich/sweet potato soup (lunch w/ friend at a farm shop)
d:talapia,green beans,tortilinni w/ fresh tomato,garlic,basil sauce/wine

I moved upstairs immediately after dinner and am going to stay up here!! I am going to have to work on getting rid of :evil: that likes to lurk in my head after dinner. For some reason, he is quieter upstairs!! Idon't know, if you figure out how to get rid of this little devil, let me know!!
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    Post by Scrybil » Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:13 am

    So, maybe we all start locking ourselves in our bedrooms at 8pm? I had the same problem last night. Couldn't sleep, got up to read a while,said what the heck ataround midnight - DUMB! I had a perfect NoSday, then screwed up -literally - in tthe 11th hour.

    It really does come down to habit for me. Those late evenings are fraught with danger as I'm tired, alone, and something (idk's little demon?) tells me it doesn't count And, then of course, next day = remorse, discouragement, and frustration.

    Back on the NoS horse....... If not that, then what?

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    Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:58 am

    Those sound like darn good meals.
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    Post by Grammy G » Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:51 pm said you messed up in the 11th hour.. I messe up my exercise on day 21 (and I kinda do a 21 day and re-evaluate thinggy).
    are we not ready for success?? I don't know, but..I just may keep myself upstairs in the evenings until I figure it out because I know this is a head game and :D is losing to :evil: !!
    b cereal,milk, 1/2 banana
    l. 1/2 bagel with ham,cheese,grainy mustard,lettuce, and apple slices.
    mid-afternoon iced milky coffee
    d.(planned) brown rice,black beans,peppers,onions, cheese, on tortilla/salad of lettuce, tomatoes, avocado w. olive oil and balsamic vinegar/watermelon

    All in all..pretty normal day!.. so far :roll:
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    Post by idontknow » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:25 pm

    Your dinner sounds lovely - hope the little :evil: was under control. We need to lock them in a box and keep them away from the food cupboards!! :D

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    Post by Scrybil » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:17 am

    I'm thinking bedroom lockdown might be good for those days when I know the stress is getting to me. I can track back to every deviation from what works for me and see how I enetered into my evening with pent-up frustration or nursing hurt feelings. And,somehow, I think food will resolve all of that. Crazy, yes. But it is a habit of many,many years.

    Grammy, you're building better habits. I think, if we can look at NoS as our 'normal' behavior and these evening forays into the kitchen as the anomoly, perhaps we can put these events into their proper places?

    Meanwhile, I'm going to bed early again tonight!

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    Post by Grammy G » Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:18 pm

    Well Scrib, at least we are well rested! :wink: i actually stayed in the living room until 9pm last evening...and then :evil: I started thinking about a little i took myself upstairs where :evil: is much quieter!
    tonight, I'm upstairs at 7pm...I am just tired today and see no reason to fight this feeling any longer! i may have a touch of some bug or other because I have been wearing a sweatshirt outside and it is in the 80s. I'm just going to bed and hope for better things tomorrow!
    b: egg/toast/orange
    l: tortillini, veggie soup/slice of luncheon meat ham &pepperoni
    d:grilled steak/toasted Italian bread w/olive oil/veggie&lettuce salad w/feta//fresh strawberries/red wine
    No exercise today..I was just wiped out :cry: !
    I am going to order a bunch of books everyone recommended as good reads and then just go to bed.
    Oh.. for those of you who grill. Here is my marinade recipe. Everyone who has steak at my house askes for it..Ive even had parents of kids here for dinner call me and ask for it. It is THAT good!!
    from Three Rivers Cookbook Faye's Flank Steak..adapted a bit by me.. (we use it on any steak we are grilling and it is always a success!!
    1/4 cup soy sauce
    3 T. honey
    2T. vinegar (I use apple cider vinegar)
    1/2 tsp. minced garlic
    1/2 tsp. ground ginger (I grate fresh)
    3/4 C salad oil
    1 chopped onion
    1 flank steak... or any steak
    Combine all ingredients, except the steak. Marinate the steak for an minimum of 6 hours. Cook as you usually cook your steak..let rest 5 minutes under a foil tent...enjoy! I like steaks charred on the outside and rare inside ...left overs (IF you manage to have any!!) are great for steak sandwiches.
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    Post by Grammy G » Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:04 pm

    Friday check in! :D Feeling much more myself today..really think I had a touch of something yesterday.. am pleased to say I didn't turn to food to solve a non-food problem.. and didn't "reward" myself today for being good yesterday!! For me, this is a giant step!! :D :D :D
    I usually make a pot of coffee and wander around the house and deck drinking a couple mugs for an hour or so before I break down and make myself a breakfast. I try to get up an hour before anyone else so I have this time to myself.
    b: cream of wheat/strawberries
    l: pita w/ham/lots of veggies (left over last night's salad) and cheese/
    d:(planned) salmon/corn-on-cob/sugar snap peas/ watermelon/white wine
    my beverages during the day are usually water or iced tea w/lemon.

    Looking forward to a peaceful and sane weekend..wishing you the same!
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    Post by oolala53 » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:05 pm

    Grammy, I will be looking for a reason to try that marinade.

    Good luck keeping to dinner plan. It sounds delicious and satisfying.
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    Post by idontknow » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:08 pm

    Me too - definitely going to try the marinade. Glad you're feeling better- enjoy your weekend :D

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    Post by Grammy G » Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:11 pm

    You will LOVE that marinade, I'm sure!!
    I decided to use Friday as an S day as I was making hubby some dip from hummus, sour cream, a little hot sauce, and chopped up cold fried peppers (all left overs) to have on some left over crusty Italian a starter for dinner. So we had a nice glass of wine and some munchies on the deck before dinner. I didn't finish my 1/2 ear of corn or my salmon at dinner :D and had just 3 Girl Scout thin mint cookies mid evening. I think a pretty darn good S day!!
    Today, I'm planing to hit the local BBQ joint and pick up ribs and brisket for dinner along with some finds from the farmers' market where I'm heading this morning. Breakfast will probably be fruit and Greek yogurt..not really hungry this morning...lunch a salad topped with left over salmon and a boiled egg. I will make strawberry shortcake for a special treat...the local strawberries are so good right now!
    I'm planning to keep up my exercise challenge today. It seems if I keep that in place on S days, I handle the eating so much better. Yesterday I got out the weights and an old TAPE and did a routine I haven't done in ages! I'll try to get it in my schedule at least two times a week from now on.
    It is a beautiful morning in PA! We have all the windows open and a nice breeze coming in..sun shining..AAAHHHH! I wish the same to you! :D
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    Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:16 pm

    How Saturday really played out:
    b. 1/2 banana
    l. pita w/salmon and salad
    snack:2 slicse swiss cheese/drinkable goat milk yogurt (from farmer's market yum!!)
    d.crackers with fresh goat cheese and hot pepper jelly/BBQ ribs/1 small redskin potato (not very hungry so didn't eat much)
    snack: 4 Dove dark chocolates
    I did get in 20 minutes of exercise as planned besides all my running of errands for the day. all in all, I think a successful S day!

    Sundays plan:
    b. cream of wheat (not really hungry after having a chocolate snack last night)
    l. strawberries,banana,orange fruit salad w/ fresh Goat cheese crackers
    d. veggie pasta, olive-rosemary bread, salad with a bit of salami, pepperoni, and hard boiled egg
    so far, have had breakfast.... good luck to me!!
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    Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:26 pm

    ya know, I am just not a planner! :cry: ..or I AM a planner and then I don't carry through w/ those plans :shock: either way, my planned Sunday menu didn't happen!
    B; well, I hd already had that when i posted :roll:
    L: whole wheat,grainy toasted pita w lots of veggies (including avocado) and feta
    d. stir fry veggies/brown rice/1/4 rack of ribs/strawberries/ 2glasses wine
    I actually was 10 minutes into my 20 minutes exercise when I heard a friend's voice on the telephone answering machine ..rushed upstairs to answer it! :cry: I had not brought the phone into the basement on purpose so I would/could do this 20 minutes..bummer... i could have called her this evening..tomorrow... :cry: I can still get the 10 minutes in, probably won't..bummer!! Still need to work on that!! :oops:
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    Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:05 am

    Hey, Grammy, have you ever heard of the Tabata protocol? I don't mean it should replace your planned workout, but it has sometimes made me feel better when I've missed even my short (15-18 minute, depending on whether I do the version with instruction, which keeps my form more exact) workouts. There are a lot of versions of it on youtube, but basically it's named after a Japanese researcher who found that 4 minutes of exercise done in a precise manner could raise a person's metabolism for 36 hours. The subject does as many repetitions of some whole-body type movement for 20 seconds-moving pretty fast-, rests 10 seconds, and repeats this 8 times, for a total of 4 minutes. I've seen some versions in which a person does only 2 exercises for 4 rounds each, or 4 exercises for 2 rounds each, etc. I've done it at least 3 days this week and I can tell it was easier to keep up in my West African dance class today than it was last week. I'm not thinking it's going to get me skinny or even slim, but I think it will help keep me on the trajectory of improving my fitness so that the dance camp I am going to next month doesn't kill me. And onwards from there.
    Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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    Post by Grammy G » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:42 am

    thank you oolala for the info. I have NOT heard of that. Is it the same as t-tapp (or something like that..that, as you can tell, I have also NOT heard of!! :D Guess I'm stuck in a little la-la land.... anyhow, yes, thanks, I am going to check that out.. sounds like just what I need!
    Monday morning..quiet time w/my coffee on the deck...decided several things: I need to get exercise in in the morning or right after resolve starts to dissolve around 2pm!
    I need to pay more attention to my body and STOP eating as soon as I feel full. (I tried practicing that this weekend and my weight is down a bit ). Mindful eating(thanks for the reminder about this KCCC)..enjoying every bite..stop when it is just "eating".)
    I was up a little before 6 this morning, after my coffee, decided I was hungry and made a scrambled eggs sprinkled with cheese. toast, 1/2 banana and 1/2 an orange. I took it outside to our picnic table where I could just enjoy the food and the trees. It was very calm. I left a good chunk of egg..1/2 slice toast and most of the banana and orange..full!! I almost ate it all because I won't be having lunch (with a friend) until 1 or so and am going to yoga class this morning..almost let :twisted: win!! Remembered I have wonderful goat yogurt in my frig (like buttermilk) that I can drink after yoga if I need it! Chalk up one of the :D !!!
    I hope this is a turning point for me in this journey and I remember these lessons when things are not so calm and quiet!! :shock:
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    Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:03 pm

    Hi Grammy - well done on beating the :evil:!
    I love goat's cheese but have never had goat's milk - I will look out for it and give it a try :D .

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    Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:30 pm

    The Tabata protocol uses a lot of traditional movements and is only for the 4 minutes at a time. T-Tapp is an exercise system promoted by Teresa Tapp. It involves a lot of different movements, but done in a very precise posture in and a particular order. The workouts are from 15-55 minutes long.

    I think most people haven't heard of either one of them, so don't consider yourself out of the loop at all!
    Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
    Age 69
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    Post by Grammy G » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:51 pm

    Monday evening I didn't need the yogurt drink to get me to lunch! I went to yoga class and just had time to get home and change for
    lunch out w/friend: White PIZZA
    dinner: Italian wedding soup/fruit salad/bread stick/2glasses wine
    A good day!
    OOlala: I checked out the Tabata protocol and I'm not sure it is for me. I will have to think about it. I AM, after all, an overweight 66 year old with high blood pressure..even though I think I'm a 35 year old who can tackle the world! I have seen several of my friends get into something way over their heads and suffer injuries. I'm not willing to have that happen. I'll study it more..but thanks for the heads up! I'm going to check out the T-Tapp at least I will know what it is.
    Idon'tknow: The goat milk yogurt in liquid form is just like buttermilk, which I love but had to give up because of a lactose problem..goat's milk does not have as much lactose, so I am told, and I can drink it without having to take a digestive aid. The fresh goat cheese I got at the farmers' market is better than cream cheese and the feta..oh my..wonderful! Hope you can find some!
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    Post by Scrybil » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:43 am

    Grammy, you may not be 35, but I do believe you can tackle the world.... :wink:

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    Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:39 pm

    AAhhh, Scribll, you are so kind. Right now, feel almost my age! :cry: I went for a 40min. walk-like-you-mean-it walk this morning and then decided to pull weeds and trim trees for two hours. Ate lunch and thought I'd hit the local mall and then the grocery store. Four hours later, I was lugging groceries into the house, putting them away and beginning to prepare dinner.. I am zapped!! It was nice cool, low humidity day..perfect for everything but sunning! Hope I'm recovered by tomorrow! I am not a shopper so the most tiring part of the day was spent at the mall! I did find some tops for the trip and a bunch of adorable outfits for the littliest 2 granddaughters. Everything on sale!!
    B:1/2 a ham sandwich
    L: fresh fruit salad w/Greeek yogurt and fiber one cereal sprinkled on top
    D:a few slices ring bologna and a glass of wine (I was starving) 2 chicken wings / mixed saute of sugar snap peas, fresh corn, new redskin potatoes/ baby greens w. tomato and olive oil. (The chicken was a grocery store roasted one..all I had to do was serve it. The veggies were left-overs, already prepped and ready to pop into a little EVOO, I had the lettuce cleaned and ready for a little dab of EVOO and a few tomatoes..quick and favorite!!)
    I'm upstairs and NOT going back down unless there is a fire and I must exit the house! :wink: :D
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    Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:30 am

    That is one active day!

    I know what you mean about the Tabata protocol. The last thing we need is an injury and when you are moving fast, that is the most likely time to sustain one. But the 4 minute part is still pretty good!
    Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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    Post by Grammy G » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:43 am

    Well..the house didn't burn down and I didn't go downstairs last evening! I was up at 6:15 and am still woking my way through my last mug of coffee before I fix some cream-of-wheat for myself. I feel aches or pains..a tribute to yoga stretches AM and PM I think!
    OOlala..the 4 min. does look good and I am considering giving the process a try using my stationery bike (the less likely to get injured, I think). I am going to read more about it and wait until we return from our trip west. I don't need any injuries for that adventure!! I'll start at a really low time and slowly get to 4 minutes...maybe by the time I am 70 :wink:!
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    Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:22 pm

    Ain't that something about not dying from the urge to snack? It's even better than a poke in the eye!

    Remember, the 4 minutes isn't straight all-out effort. You just might experiment with bouts of higher intensity for awhile. You'd have to work out longer but I'd think even a few 20-seconds "sprints'--whatever that would mean for you-- interspersed in a 10-20 min. ride on you stationery bike would be a good practice. But you know your body. And I agree about not jeopardizing your trip.

    Have a fun day all around.
    Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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    Post by Grammy G » Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:42 pm

    Oolala: You are thinking along the same lines I am...try some sprints at what ever I am doing and that will help. I did have a trainer a couple times a week about 10 years ago. I worked with her for about two months. (It was a rough emotional time for me, parents and aunt all needing special attention from me and I was still working ). I was smart enough to realize I needed exercise and I needed someone pushing me or I would turn into a slug sitting in front of the frig!) I really could see the difference in my stamina, mental outlook, and physical ability... and we did lots of sprints as we did our circuits! I actually kept up the routine for over a year on my own!
    REPORT ON YESTERDAY :twisted: :evil: :twisted: WON!!! BOOHOO!!! :roll:
    Here is what happened: I was really tired in the evening and decided if I went upstairs, i would fall sleep and then be up and wide awake in the middle of the night listening for the #@% mouse again. THIS WAS :twisted: TALKING!! I KNOW, IKNOW!! It sounded very reasonable to me at the time. so..this also sounded reasonable...I SAT IN THE KITCHEN AND SWITCHED ON THE TV!! YOU know what is coming next, right!!?? I ATE!! Cheese with jelly on top... finished the last four Girl Scot cookies..probably something else..I don't even remember!! I let HIM :twisted: win!!! OK..enough.. :roll: I am "marking it and moving on"!!
    This morning, did some yoga and weights and had a normal breakfast. i refuse to let :evil: take over my life!!
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    Post by idontknow » Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:05 pm

    Well done, Grammy - mark it and move on. Don't let that little :evil: (or the mouse!) win!!
    Hope you have a better day today :D

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    Post by Scrybil » Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:48 pm

    Oh Grammy, how familiar this is to me! Last night, in my hotel room at the college, if I there had been cookies anywhere near me I would have done the same. In fact, I almost went out to GET food, because I could not stop thinking about wanting something to eat. All (I think) because my baby boy is moving on.....and I have to face a new life without young men lounging all over the house, the energy of kids around, the fun of their wacky words and ideas, and - ofcourse - the lack of structure an empty nest brings.

    I do think it's that lack of structure that tends to trip me up most often. When it's late at night, everyone else is asleep I feel unfettered and unmanaged. And I can talk myself into damn near anything. Except taking care of myself, of course.

    So to recover the way you did - getting up the next day, launching into exercise and healthy eating, NOT giving yourself the excuse of giving up - that's so very positive. And shows great progress toward taking care of yourself consistently.....even when no one is watching except YOU!

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    Post by Grammy G » Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:45 am

    Thank you IDK and Scrib for your encouraging words! I am always amazed that a fairly intelligent, been-around-the-block-a time-or -two adult (me :shock: !!) can act like I know nothing about anythng and let my emotional eating take over! It seems to me that being tired has a lot to do with it and I need to focus on remembering that..especially when I am tired and I don't wanna think at all...
    Yesterday had a dental app't thrown into the mix. My dentist saw a cavity under a filling on my x-rays and didn't want me going on a month long trip without him fixing it. By lunch time, my mouth was still quite numb and I didn't feel like eating with that feeling so I went off to do errands. AT 3pm, realized I was hungry. Came home to a bit of liquid goat's milk yogurt and 1/2 a banana. That (yeah!!) held me over until dinner. Good for me..good decisions...but then I wasn't sleepy!! I didn't press my luck and took myself upstairs for the evening where I read a stack of magazines a friend shared with me. All goood :)
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    Post by oolala53 » Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:42 pm

    I have finally learned on N days to lie down when I'm tired. I don't give myself the option to eat and it's made it even clearer when that's the problem. Now S days are a different matter. I often eat so much I have to lie down!
    Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
    Age 69
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    Post by Grammy G » Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:10 am

    What a nice day! Got a haircut I really like! (':)
    Had a relaxing pedicure and now have "To Eros Is Human" painted toes
    :D :D
    Visited friends.(':)
    Fixed an easy dinner :) (ham steak, black beans and rice, tossed salad, white wine) ..
    and I am still downstairs and no :evil: is trying to get me into the kitchen!! SUCCESS WhooHoo :D :) :D
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    Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:31 am

    I am so jealous of the people who can type in color. Doesn't work for me. But I had a success of an N day today. Higher priority.
    Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
    Age 69
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    Post by Grammy G » Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:07 pm

    As I've mentioned, I like to rethink and adjust my plan every 21 days and ..ta is the day! I haven't lost any weight to speak of these 21 days but I have gotten clothes in a size smaller and I have had people say ,"you've lost weight!" I think it is the exercise that I did on a regular basis thanks to the June challenge. So.. I've learned I must ramp that up a bit more..I need to stay out of the kitchen in the evenings..if I am tired, I need to take myself upstairs and refuse to come down unless the house is on fire! I found that exercising on S days helps me not go wild, and I will continue that....and I've found I am naturally eating less on N days. Good, good, and good again!
    I think this is the perfect place for me to quit posting until iI come back from my trip. It may be about 21 days so I can report on how I did without the help I get from all of you. I will be lurking and may have to add my two cents here and there ..but for now...Grammy is signing off!
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    Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:13 pm

    Well, if you do check in after signing off, just want to commend you on your insights and successes, as they certainly seem to be. I'll be interested in your report of life away from us.
    Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
    Age 69
    BMI Jan/10-30.8
    1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
    9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
    2 yrs flux 6/20 22

    There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

    Posts: 134
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    Location: atlanta

    Post by Scrybil » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:37 am

    Hi Grammy - you are really honing in on what works for you, great insights here.

    We'll MISS you!

    Posts: 3957
    Joined: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:12 am

    Post by kccc » Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:16 pm

    Have a wonderful trip! I'm home again, and really appreciated all your comments when I checked in on the road. Thank you!

    Like the "21-day check in" idea, and intend to steal it from you. (Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, don'cha know...) :)

    Look forward to hearing about your trip when you get back!

    Grammy G
    Posts: 636
    Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:00 pm

    Post by Grammy G » Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:19 am

    Mannnnn.... this is NOT good! How, I ask you HOW, can I know what works for me and yet.. just plain NOT do it when I decide that I am just going to log off and be on my own while traveling??? So, for the record, I am still packing up the place..not even really gone..just getting in the travel mode... and so far..I have been grazing (tell myself I will have to throw away anything left in frig..all neighbors gone..SO WHAT?? THROW IT AWAY!!!) I have been watching evening TV in the kitchen (we know what that does to me :twisted: )..
    I have avoided exercise.. I am out to get ME!! :?
    I have NO GOOD things to report!! How sad is that???
    So.. while having my morning coffee on the deck, I decided that I need to post. I NEED this support. I need to carve out a time daily and post no matter what. That (big sigh here) is what I am going to do.. Beginning right now!!
    Here are a few things I thought about this morning (I drank lost of coffee!!). The reason this type of support works for me is that it is here right when I need it. At WW or other meeting type plans, the subjects for discusssion are picked out for you..they happen only at get one view. Even if you are in a program working w/ a "sponsor", your support is from one person..scheduled check-ins are a thing you do. This plan, lucky for me, lets us all state a problem anytime and get help from so many people! ..and the help keeps coming....which is also great. I just need to know that I am not ready to give up that support right now or
    :twisted: will take over. So friends HELP!!!! :oops: :cry: :oops:
    "If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
    Peace Pilgrim

    Posts: 398
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    Post by Starla » Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:36 pm

    Grammy, read your signature! STAT!

    No need to be negative, especially when you're headed for a break in routine. You had a failure; mark it and move on. You've very eloquently shown that you know what you need and what works for you, so relax and trust yourself to get back to that.

    You can do this!!!!

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    Location: San Diego, CA USA

    Post by oolala53 » Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:06 pm

    I hope you can turn this energy into action for yourself! I know exactly what you're feeling, but if it was simple, we'd all be thin. Actually, the fact that we don't operate against an object at rest, so to speak, is very rational.

    I have a suggestion for your trip, if you will not have much access to our support. Bring a journal/ spiral notebook. Turn it on it's side when you write so that you can make two columns, but they won't be as skinny as the other way.

    One column is where you write YOUR thoughts. The other side is where you imagine what one of us would say in response. You can also change off and sometimes imagine what other characters, real or fictional, would say, too. (I sometimes use Katharine Hepburn. She's very unaccepting of my self-criticisms. She's rather no-nonsense, but also mostly a chin-up, get-back-in-the-ring type when I mess up. She doesn't tell me how stupid and weak I've been. In fact, she looks at me as if doing that is all part of my weakness. "You've got to pick yourself back up, not beat yourself down!" She sounds slightly disgusted then, but she's so damn feisty and smart, I'm not hurt. Nelson Mandela never sounds disgusted. He's heartbreakingly patient, even though my woes sound so piddly next to his incarceration. He doesn't point that out, though. Amazing! Buddha never says anything. He doesn't have to.) Cuckoo! but it can work. And just considering how cuckoo it sounds, you may decide you don't need it after all!
    Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
    Age 69
    BMI Jan/10-30.8
    1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
    9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
    2 yrs flux 6/20 22

    There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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