idon'tknow's check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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idon'tknow's check in

Post by idontknow » Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:57 pm

First 2 days have gone really well. I made sure I waited for lunch until 1pm, and then didn't eat dinner until 7.30 yesterday and 8pm today. (not purposely - just family circumstances). I was scared of being hungry, but coped fine with waiting - I even did some work to take my mind off eating!! S days coming up - going to make a lemon and ginger cake for my dad. Decided to plan a couple of treats so that I don't go mad all day long. Hope I do as well next week when I have to do 5 whole days...

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Post by idontknow » Mon May 03, 2010 7:19 pm

I hope I'm not posting too early, but I'm declaring today a success! It's still about a couple of hours until bed, but I reckon I've worked too hard to make today a success to blow it now! Today hasn't been easy because it's a bank holiday here so I've been at home without structure, but I managed to work through the hunger at 4pm and wait until dinner.
Feeling v proud of myself :D

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Post by idontknow » Sat May 15, 2010 8:06 am

I haven't been doing the daily check in because I've been posting my successes/failures on the team vanilla thread in the general discussion forum. I've been doing no s now since 29 April - so 2 weeks and 2 days. In that time I've had one red day and I've just completed my first full week of green days. 8)
I have read so many threads and posts all over the forum and it seemed to me that vanilla no s was the place to start. I have learned so much about my eating habits over the last 2 weeks and want to make a record of my first thoughts.
When I started this way of eating I had a real fear of being hungry. I realised quite quickly that this is nothing to fear.
Mornings are fairly easy. I eat a good breakfast - fruit and porridge at about 7.15. This easily sees me through until 12 ish without feeling hungry or thinking about food. That is a real achievement because there is an open tin of biscuits in the staff room at work which I have to walk past about 15 times an hour!. I've started waiting until 1pm for lunch and I make sure I fill that hour with activity to take my mind off my grumbling stomach.
Lunch is a sandwich (granary bread, ham/cheese, salad), a couple of pieces of fruit and a cereal bar. This fills me up and I generaly get through until about 4.30pm without being hungry. This time of day is my worst as this is when I used to get home from work and binge. I would eat biscuits, crisps, crackers, humous - anything that was in the cupboard. I've replaced that with a glass of fruit juice. I find the sugar in the juice gets me through the couple of hours until dinner.
Making dinner has been another revelation! It's usually my job to make dinner and the packed lunches for the next day. I cannot believe how much mindless picking I used to do during this task - bits of cheese, salad, bread etc etc. My one red day was down to unthinking behaviour at this time. It was only a couple of pieces of red pepper with very few calories, but the behaviour is what I want to change so I am being very strict with myself.
Dinner is generally a family meal about 7pm. I generally use an 11 (ish) inch plate, but it has a border. The space for food is about 7 inches, so the amount of food I can fit on the plate is not excessive. Again, one of the things I have learnt is that my meals are not the problem - it's the amount I ate in between meals.
I've also found that if I go to the gym or exercise then the hunger recedes. Yesterday I didn't eat until 9pm because I went to a yoga class. I didn't feel hungry at all during the class - even though it started after my usual meal time. I was very hungry when I got home and ate more than usual because my dh had prepared my dinner. He always gives me more food than I need so my 7 inch plate was piled high. Of course I ate it all because I was really hungry by this time.
My former habit was to eat chocolate after dinner with a cup of tea. I now just have the tea. This was hard for the first few days, but I'm used to it now.
Having said that I have been craving sugar for the past couple of days. I haven't given in to it, but was looking forward to today (s day) so I could wallow in sugar. However, I've been awake about an hour and have resisited the urge to eat biscuits. I know I can - this is an s-day. However, my morning habits have always been fairly sound so I'm trying to stick to those and plan something really tasty for this afternoon. The 2 weekends of s days I've had have not been any more wild than before and I plan to try and keep it that way.
So - impact of what I've learnt. I've lost about 3/4 pounds. I know it's early days and have done ww enough times to know that's normal for me when I cut down on food. More importantly, I feel less bloated - I can see the difference in the size of my stomach and my clothes are less tight. I feel healthy and this week a couple of people have mentioned that I look well. I'm putting that down to the reduction in sugar. I am losing my fear of hunger. I know that so long as I eat properly I can go about 8 hours before eating if I need to. I have 2 children who are allowed sweets after dinner so we have a sweet jar in the cupboard. Usually on shopping day (today) this is empty :oops: . Today it is half full and so my shopping bill will be reduced :D
Phew! What a long post. I just wanted to write it all down so that when things get tough I can review my first couple of weeks and renew my motivation.
I'm now aiming for the 21 day club - this is big motivation for me. I'm about halfway there and can't wait to post.

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Post by idontknow » Sun May 23, 2010 8:17 am

Another week on and N days are much easier. This week has been all green and by Tuesday I will have completed my first 21 days! I'm getting used to not eating at 4pm - on one day I didn't even feel hungry until 5.30 (huge breakthrough!).
Yesterday (S day) I was an idiot. I had the intention of keeping the 3 meals as a structure, but for some reason it all fell apart. This just proves to me that I need to keep practising N days until the S days look after themselves (thanks to KCCC for the 'phases of No S' sticky). I've been awake on and off all night feeling sick - because of all the S's I ate yesterday. There's definitely a lesson to be learnt from this.
I haven't really added to my initial weight loss of 4 pounds. 3 reasons for this: 1 too much food for dinner - I'm so hungry that I load up my plate with too much food. There is actually no need to do this. I can reduce the amount on my plate, eat more slowly and still be full at the end. I know from ww how much I should be eating, so I need to put that into practice. I'm no good at leaving food on my plate, so I need to make sure I don't put too much on in the first place.
2 S days - I'm an idiot - but hopefully (as discussed above) learning not to be
3 Exercise - For various reasons I wasn't able to go to my usual classes last week. The next few weeks are also going to be tricky - I need to find a way round this, because it makes a difference to how I feel.
Here's to Sunday and unidiotic behaviour!

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Post by idontknow » Fri May 28, 2010 9:13 pm

Oh dear. It all went badly wrong. I lost the plot on my 21st day - very frustrating :x . I'm surprised by how positive my earlier check-ins are - all of a suddent I felt very demotivated and felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. Each week I have lost a couple of pounds, only to regain at the weekend. I know that this is not proper weight loss - probably just water, which just adds to the frustration.
I feel like I am eating too much at mealtimes. By the time I've finished lunch I feel bloated, but am hungry by 5pm - and so hungry by dinner time that I am really grumpy and eat far too much again.
So the question is.... do I keep on trying with vanilla no-s, add some 'mods' (eg eat part of my lunch as a small meal at 5pm), or give up completely?
I did feel healthier when I was successful with vanilla no-s, and I know I shouldn't be expecting huge weight loss - but I'm finding it all a bit frustrating. Need to think it over....

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:16 am

June 1st - re-energised and re-motivated by some thoughts on the message boards
weigh in every day (I know that will motivate me)
track what I've eaten each day
record weight and meals every evening
divide lunch into 2 smaller parts so I can eat about 5pm
exercise more (this is tricky - I need to plan this)
reflect to make the link between weight, food and exercise

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:43 pm

1st June
Weight - 139lbs
Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, 1 slice fruit toast/margarine
Lunch: Ham salad roll, 2 satsumas, pear, cereal bar
Dinner: Oven chips, roast lamb, 2 onion rings, peas, 1 slice bread and margarine

Exercise: Body pump class

Managed 3 meals today without splitting lunch. It's the school holidays therefore I had a later breakfast. Body pump was at lunchtime, so it was 2.30 before I ate lunch which meant there was no problem going through until dinner. Dinner may seem large, but my plate is only 7 inches across, so all amounts were small. Part of the rationale of keeping this daily check in is to lessen the amount I eat while keeping track of my weight. I realise that I am probably eating too much at the moment, but I need to reduce amounts slowly so I don't get hungry and frustrated. I am going to eliminate coffee from the afternoon - I tend to drink it very strong and it makes me very hungry.

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:11 am

Weds 2 June -weight 138.8
Breakfast - Small bowl mango/natural yogurt. Fruit toast/marg
Lunch - goats cheese panini, few wedges, salad
6pm - grapes/pear
Dinner - tuna steak, noodles, stir fry veg

Exercise - 75 min yoga class, walked into town, some gardening

The goats cheese panini was probably a mistake in healthy eating terms, but it was lovely and we were out for lunch. The yoga class meant I would not be eating until nearly 9pm, so the fruit was to see me through until dinner.

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:11 am

3rd June -
Weight 138.4lbs
Breakfast - Small bowl of mango/natural yogurt, 1 slice fruit toast/marg
Lunch - MacDonalds :oops: quarterpounder with cheese, regular fries
Dinner - cheese sandwich with saladcream, grapes, pear

No exercise apart from half hour walk around shopping centre.

Visit to my dad's today, so I knew it would be difficult to make healthy choices. However, I avoided all the biscuits, ice cream and sweets that he'd bought for the girls.
Eating more healthily should be easier now - the holiday outings are finished

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:28 am

Friday 4 June
Weight - 138.2lbs

Breakfast - half grapefruit, slice fruit toast/marg
Lunch - cheese salad roll, 2 tangerines
5pm meal - pear, grapes, cereal bar
Dinner - pork chop in pepper sauce, mashed potato, broccoli
Small beer

Exercise - went to yoga class, but was cancelled because teacher didn't arrive!

No need for the extra meal really because there was no yoga class. I'm looking forward to next week in a way, when I'm back in a work routine. With a regular routine it will be easier to establish good habits and to see if I can reduce the amount I eat during the day. Much easier to plan during work days than in holidays.
Really need to cut out the afternoon coffee - makes me hungry.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:46 am

Sat 5 June - 137.8lbs

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:56 pm

It doesn't sound like you are eating that much during the day, though it is good if you can get from lunch to dinner without snack you chew. But keep working it!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by idontknow » Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:09 am

Hi Oolala - thanks for the encouragement. I know from ww experiences that I don't eat too much at meals - snacks and sweets are my downfall - so when I cut these out I know I can lose weight.
Eating at 5pm is a very entrenched habit for me. My plan is to first split my lunch into 2 parts and eat the 2nd part at 5pm instead of eating extras. I am then going to reduce the amount I eat at 5pm until I can go through from lunch to dinner. The problem is that sometimes I exercise at 7.30pm - so going from lunch at 1pm until dinner at 9pm needs some work. I tried cutting out the 5pm snack but it just made me want to give up the whole thing and I really don't want to do that - I want to find a way of eating that will stop me obsessing about food.
Thanks again for reading my check-ins and for the encouragement. :)

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Post by idontknow » Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:29 pm

I had a bit of a lightbulb moment this weekend - a time when KCCC's post on the 5 phases of No S made complete sense. I started Saturday well - not an idiot at all - but by mid-afternoon (obviously a trigger point for me) I was looking for things to eat - crisps, biscuits, cake etc. The voice in my head was saying 'you'd better have them now because if you don't you'll have to wait until next weekend. Get the taste of them! Don't miss out!' So, of course, I gave in!! And then I realised that this will happen until N day habits are routine. That's why it's so important to nail them - so that S days are a continuation of the habits with added extras.

So this week - 2 things to work on: solid establishment of the N day habits and eliminating my 5pm hunger. I'm going to ditch the cereal bar at lunch ( realised I view it as a sweet), get rid of coffee from late afternoon as it makes me hungry, and save one piece of fruit from lunch to eat if I get too hungry waiting for a gym class.

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:56 pm

Great job! :D it seems that you are gaining insights into your own needs in the food department. Going until 9pm from a 1pm lunch does seem like a long time, especially if you are doing exercise in the evening. I like your idea of an small fruit meal in there. The only time I put milk in my coffee is if I decide to have a cup in the late afternoon. Black coffee also seems to make me hungry.. usually for a sweet! I usually warm up half a mug of fat free milk..beat it with a tiny whisk until frothy..add coffee (pouring it down the side of the mug) and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top... better than bought and very filling!
I'll be watching your posts!
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Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:10 pm

Thanks Grammy G - the coffee sounds lovely. I'll definitely try that to see if it fills a gap. Thanks for the encouragement - much appreciated.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:13 pm

7 June
Weight 141.7lbs
Breakfast - small bowl fresh pineapple, porridge with honey
Lunch - ham salad roll, pear, 2 satsumas
5pm - 2 plums, few grapes
Dinner - oven chips, roast chicken, peas, 1 slice bread/marg, 2 small onion rings

Exercise - 45 minute step class

Weight up today (tom?). No cereal bar or coffee late afternoon, but too hungry by 5pm. Will try milky coffee tomorrow.

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:53 pm

Tuesday 8 June
Weight: 140.4lbs

B/fast - melon, porridge
Lunch - ham and philli salad roll, 2 apricots, 2 satsumas, pear
5pm - 2 satsumas, 2 apricots
Dinner - jacket potato with cheese, tuna, bacon and salad

Shaking badly by 4.15 - need to find more filling lunch. Will try cheese tomorrow - the fat might fill me up more. Also need to use granary bread - much better than white roll. Might also try yogurt and fruit after lunch tomorrow.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:34 am

I definitely suggest adding some cheese to your sandwich or just bringing some nuts. I can't believe the difference in how long I am satisfied if I add just about 100 calories' worth of a fat. I know we don't count calories; in amount, it's usually enough cheese to add a thin slice to a regular sandwich, thicker if the bread is small, or about two tablespoons of chopped walnuts. If I forget them, I feel it!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:50 am

peanut butter or almond butter always works for me. It works as a spread on apples and bananas.. I love to add a little almond butter to my oatmeal and stir it in (top with a bit of dried friuit).. I even like almond butter and cheese sandwiches!! ..or peanut butter and dill pickle on a nice sprouted grain bread. No matter what you try, I agree with oolala ..more fat will help you get to the next meal. Good luck and don't give up!! :wink:
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Post by idontknow » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:54 pm

Thank you Oolala and Grammy G - adding cheese to my sandwich today made a big difference. Thank you also for checking on me and making suggestions - I really appreciate the support.

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Post by idontknow » Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:01 pm

Weds 9 June
Weight 139.2

Breakfast - melon, porridge
Lunch - goats cheese salad sandwich, 2 apricots, 2 satsumas/yogurt, pear
Dinner - steak with italian sauce, mushrooms, jacket potato, 1 slice ciabatta

Exercise - 75 min yoga class

Today much better - had lunch later (2.30pm) and wasn't particularly hungry. Goats cheese and yogurt seemed to fill me up for longer - managed not to eat until after yoga at 8.45pm. It will be good to eliminate the 5pm meal - it's the gateway to eating the cupboard bare!!

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:25 pm

Weight - 137.8lbs

B/fast - mango, porridge
Lunch - goats cheese salad sandwich, pear, satsumas/yogurt
Dinner - tikka mince with basmati rice

Hungry but coping - avoided 5pm mini meal :D

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:02 pm

I hr yoga class

Breakfast - 1/2 grapefruit, porridge
Lunch - few bits party food, half sandwich, pear, 2 satsumas
Dinner - fish, mashed potato, pea

This was another good week. Good advice from Oolala and Grammy G has helped me to start cutting out my 5pm mini meal. This time of day is crucial for me if I'm going to establish good eating habits. Over the weekend I'm going to try and stick to my 3 meal structure with some nice treats after dinner. I won't deny myself - S days are supposed to be a release - but I'm not going to go looking for things to eat just because I can.

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Post by idontknow » Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:18 pm

Sat - 136.8lbs
I hour bodypump class
Sun - 30 minute walk

Reflections on another weekend:
It is still difficult to resist the temptation to eat something just because I can - and because I have the knowledge that I won't be able to taste chocolate/crisps/sweets/dessert for another week so I need to taste it now! I'm hoping this desire to taste will disappear over the coming weeks as I retrain my taste buds.
There have been a couple of occasions this weekend when I have turned down something sweet because I didn't feel like it, but there have also been occasions when I have eaten it even though I didn't feel like it! (Costa chocolate twist - just because they have usually sold out by the time I get there! :oops: )
However, on the bright side: on both days I have avoided the 5pm mini meal - which was my main aim for the weekend. I have also noticed that the habit of not picking while cooking or preparing food seems to be sticking. I am not tempted to do this at all. A few weeks ago I had to taste everything I removed from the fridge/opened/chopped.
So some things still to work on. Some successes. I'm looking forward to further embedding the habits this week.
Targets: eliminate 5pm mini meal
Things to watch out for: exercise difficult because the old man is away.

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:31 pm

You are doing a great job! Remember that you are on a "bumpy" road..not a sliding board into perfection! Every little step counts..and there are bound to be times you just can't resist.. Please notice those times become fewer and farther between and less important to you as you build confidence in yourself to control the situation.
Be sure you are eating enough foods with 'staying power' to get you from one meal to the next.
have a great week!!
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:52 pm

Do I have this right? Are you about 6 weeks into this? Sounds like you are doing pretty well. Four months in I started having weekends in hell, not to mention what Monday was like. I feel I finally came out of that tailspin just the past couple of days. Grammy's right-most people don't have a graph line that goes straight down in terms of behavior or weight. It fluctuates; all we want is a downward TREND.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:41 pm

Thanks Grammy and Oolala - it really is great to know that you are both supporting me and cheering me on.

I've decided to just weigh in on Saturday mornings from now on - I thought I would find it useful to track my weight but it's just inconsistent and demotivating as it goes back up over the weekend. I'm going to concentrate on the habits of No S and exercise and make sure they are ingrained and embedded.

Exercise today: 45 minute step class
B/fast - half grapefruit, porridge
Lunch - soup, fruit
Dinner - scampi, oven chips, bread, peas, onion rings

No mini meal - hurrah!

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:37 pm

Disaster today. :( All was going well until 11am - I felt so hungry and tired and started to eat and eat and eat - toast, biscuits, cake, sweets - whatever I found in front of me. And now I feel sick.

Why did I feel the need to eat? I've been really tired the last couple of days with no real cause. Work is frustrating and irritating.
What could I have done differently? I could have had a drink and found something to occupy me. I've got strategies I have used at other times when I have wanted to eat, but this time I chose not to use them.
Last time this happened I had managed 20 days, but then had a week off and ate whatever I wanted. This time I've managed 14 days, but I'm restarting immediately the same day. I'm putting it behind me and starting again. I'm going to mark it and move on!

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Post by sophiasapientia » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:49 pm

I'm going to mark it and move on!
That's awesome! Good for you! :D
Restarted No S (3rd times a charm!) January 2010 at 145 lbs

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:37 pm

Not sure what time the urges hit. Was there an opportunity just to rest? You said you had been tired. If I can, I've started to just put my head down and concentrate on my body sensations to take the attention away from my thoughts. If I'm home, I lie down! Never underestimate the value of a good power nap, an old boyfriend used to say.

Despite that you called it a disaster (!), you sound like you are being relatively objective about this slip, which is good. All we can do is what you've done. Getting right back into the swing of things is the right tactic. And you're building character!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by idontknow » Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:14 pm

You're right Oolala - this really is not a disaster. Just a minor setback.
On further reflection I have realised my tiredness came from deep frustration at work. These feelings sent me reaching for comfort food. This is quite an established pattern - and not just at work. I get fed-up - I eat sweet things. So I need a different strategy - not sure what but I'll reflect and work on it.
On the postive side - I didn't carry on eating - managed to get back on track quite quickly. That is a new departure for me - I normally discount the whole day if I spoil my habitcal. Very pleased about that and definitely see that as building character! :D

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Post by kccc » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:40 pm

idon'tknow wrote:You're right Oolala - this really is not a disaster. Just a minor setback.
On further reflection I have realised my tiredness came from deep frustration at work. These feelings sent me reaching for comfort food. This is quite an established pattern - and not just at work. I get fed-up - I eat sweet things. So I need a different strategy - not sure what but I'll reflect and work on it.
On the postive side - I didn't carry on eating - managed to get back on track quite quickly. That is a new departure for me - I normally discount the whole day if I spoil my habitcal. Very pleased about that and definitely see that as building character! :D
I would consider the "getting right back on track" as a MAJOR accomplishment. It's "breakthrough" status in my book!

And figuring out the trigger for comfort eating is also a big accomplishment. Now you have, you can look for other strategies to address that feeling. Small breaks, a vent to a colleague, a moment journaling, attacking the set-back or problem area head-on (when that works, it's SUCH a feeling of accomplishment), meditation, just acknowledging the emotion and being with it a while, a short walk away from the desk, promising yourself a later non-food treat (flowers, etc.)... Whatever works. I also like having something to look forward to that allows my mind a "mini-vacation" when I think about it.

Congrats on your progress!

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Post by idontknow » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:54 pm

Thanks KCCC.

Today was another failure. Things went well until after dinner - didn't stop eating. No reason. Just my choice.

I only have 2 days to go until the weekend and S days. The next 2 days will be green - I am determined.

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:57 pm


Breakfast - half grapefruit/porridge
Lunch - goats cheese salad sandwich, fruit
Dinner - not sure yet. Promised to take girls out for dinner - they will favour the american diner we usually go to so they can have sticky ribs!

Back on track today. Gone back to weighing because it gives me an incentive (that resolution didn't last long :roll: !) and seems to work for me. Also - I've noticed that delaying lunch is fairly easy. I didn't eat until 3.45pm today - that's a long time since breakfast at 7.30 but doesn't seem as hard as going from 1pm until 7pm. Can't explain it, but it seems to work for me!!

Strange thing, but getting back on track today feels like going back to normality. It's as if this is the way I eat now and the last 2 days have been the exception to my eating habits instead of seeing no-S as the exception days (if that makes sense!?). I've been doing this for nearly 2 months - started on 28 April - and in that time I've had 7 red days. Not brilliant, but all the green days are obviously starting to have an effect on my habits. I really didn't enjoy how I felt yesterday after dinner - need to try and remember that I feel better on green days.

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:49 pm

Friday 18/6

Failure again today. Went well until friend came round. I'd bought chocolates for her birthday and she insisted I have one. I said no several times, but she wasn't going to take no for an answer. Eventually I realised my refusal was stopping her from enjoying them so had to take one. Things just went from bad to worse from that moment....

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Post by kccc » Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:38 pm

Pick yourself up, dust off the crumbs, and get back on the wagon!

Finish out the day well. And enjoy your S-day tomorrow! Plan something SPECIAL! What will bring you pleasure?

(And maybe next time, give the birthday girl scented candles or a scarf or something...)

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Post by andreamuse » Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:44 pm

Social pressures are really hard. :( I know that's my single weakest link in every single eating plan I've ever had. But all you can do is tell yourself that it's just one day out of many and every day try again. All the days of effort? Are probably better than all the days before when you might have been eating like that more often and regularly!

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:08 pm

Yep - you are both right - thank you.
Not a good week (3 red days) but I need to learn from it and move on....
Next week will be better because I will be strict and stick to the rules!!

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:24 pm

It's the "downhill from there" that does us in, not the one chocolate, and this from many downhill experiences here! Once in awhile, I've given myself permission to designate a small slip as a yellow S day--when I've managed not to let it turn into a free-for-all. But you've got to do what helps you most.

Enjoy your S days!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:29 am

Oh my!! I'm sure if your friend knew you were really trying to not eat that candy she would not have insisted you eat it.. what kind of friend would?
I agree those are very hard situations! I like the idea of a scented candle or scarf for gifts!! Fresh flowers are always a treat for me to receive.
Someone said on this site "If hunger is not the problem, then Food is not the answer" and I try to remember that when I am searching for "something" for comfort/to fill time/to relieve tiredness/no reason at all! I think KCCC has given you good advice as well as oolala. I know it is hard to think of any solution but food in that moment of need. Maybe it would help to make yourself a "cheat sheet" to carry around for awhile: if I am tired: nap, walk, drink cooffee/tea//if I need comfort: ask for a hug/quiet music and warm drink//I need to fill time (bored):put on music and dance/exercise/walk/change activities. Your list would be better than mine and more appropriate for you... but a list would put those ideas in the foreground when your mind is trying to talk you into eating! What games our minds can play..even when we don't wanna participate :wink: .
This will be a good week for you! Keep us posted!!
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Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:27 pm

Exercise: was on my way to a step class, but the road was blocked by an accident so couldn't get there. Walked to meet the big girl from her club instead - only about 15 minutes but better than nothing.

Breakfast - melon/porridge
Lunch - small plate of buffet food/small bowl of fruit salad
Dinner - chicken drumsticks, oven chips, bread, peas

Today was a success - in attitude as much as in food eaten. I was at a training session in a hotel and had no trouble leaving the snacks on offer at breaktime. Also I didn't feel very hungry between lunch and dinner - even though there was a six hour gap between the two.

There are some habits I seem to have fixed - like not picking while preparing food. My downfall seems to be emotional eating - mainly when I'm bored or under pressure. All the suggestions given on my thread are very helpful - I need to work out which will work best for me. In the short term I'm aiming for a week of successes. My weight doesn't seem to be reducing much yet. I'm not too worried about that, because I reckon if I get the habits in place I can then reduce the amount I'm eating to lose weight. So as an incentive in the short term I will buy a book for my e-reader if I manage 5 green days this week. The ereader was a present last year which I haven't really got to grips with yet. I think I'll pick out a book which I'll buy on Friday after a successful week.

Thanks to everyone for the helpful suggestions - they are much appreciated and I do think hard about the best way of using them. The support here is fantastic - thanks again :D

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:16 pm

no structured exercise - but I walked around London for nearly an hour - in heels!! I couldn't find the conference venue and ended up going round and round in circles. My feet are so sore now... I only wore heels because I knew the venue was 5 minutes from the tube. I am defintely challenged when it comes to following directions :roll:

However, on the plus side - good choices with food today.
Breakfast - melon/porridge
Lunch - ignored the starter and the dessert and had plateful of lots of lovely things - red snapper, green beans, sweetcorn, pasta... a very lovely restaurant in a lovely hotel
Dinner - more pasta with tuna, goats cheese and garlic bread.

A very lovely food day. I enjoyed everything I ate and wasn't hungry between meals :D Back to sandwiches and fruit tomorrow...

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:25 am

Ouch to walking in heels. I wonder if we use as many calories hobbling?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by idontknow » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:13 pm

Exercise - planned to do yoga class but didn't get there. England were playing and my lovely in-laws came over. So we extended the party after the game and had fish and chips (not healthy but yummy :oops: ).

B/fast - melon/porridge
Lunch - chicken salad sandwich/fruit
Dinner - fish and chips

Ate my lunch late - I seem to be able to delay lunch until 3/4pm without noticing - probably because I'm busy. However, when I get home I immediately want to eat - from years and years of habit. That snack on arriving home is proving a hard habit to break!

And my feet are still sore from yesterday!?

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:50 pm

My feet hurt just thinking about your adventure! Oh dear!! I don't think I have worn heels since I retired! (I wonder if I even own any.) Did you give your poor tootsies a soaking in cool water..and then a liedown on the floor with your feet up on a chair or couch?? i can't imagine wearing anything but flip-folps for a few days.
You know, I was always looking for a snack right after work too..I think that is very common. I was reading an article about (this is going to sound soooo silly!) women who think they have to pee all the time. The article states it is often just conditioning..the key in the door..time to pee/ walk into a restaurant..time to pee...get in the get the idea. The solution was to just not give into the "urge" and un-condition the response. Guess we have to do the same!! (Easier said than done in both cases, I think!! :D )
One plate of fish and chips is "legal"! We are so "conditioned" (there is that word again) to believe we shouldn't eat so many things!! You are not having that every just ate what everyone else was eating...normal eating!!
Hope you enjoyed every single bite!
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Post by idontknow » Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:16 pm

No exercise - (really must start to address this!)

B/fast - half grapefruit/egg/toast
Lunch - goats cheese salad sandwich/fruit
Dinner - Baked lamb with potatoes, garlic and rosemary/veg

Another good day. Leaving lunch until later seems to suit me (3pm today). You are right, Grammy, - we condition ourselves to certain behaviours. I'm working really hard on breaking the habit of eating when I get in. This week it is working - last week it didn't - we'll see about next week. V busy at work this week which helps a lot - with food choices, if not stress levels. Got my :evil: well under control this week - the lbs are coming down slowly but surely :D

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:10 am

I totally agree about the later lunch helping things out. Then I'm not so completely ravenous for dinner.
But, socially it's hard, I've realized as most people eat at noon! (when it feels like I just had breakfast!).
Good job with the steady weight loss!

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:18 pm

Thank you lbb - eating lunch later also helps with evening exercise as I sometimes don't eat until 8.30pm. You're right, though - people expect you to eat at 12 - eating later means you are a bit isolated. I'm going to stick with it at work when I can- it will be more difficult at home!

1 hour yoga class

B/fast - half grapefruit/egg/toast
Lunch - goats cheese salad roll/fruit
Dinner - chicken paella/1 small beer

Really enjoyed the yoga class - feel very stretched and relaxed now. The teacher is lovely - she is so encouraging and supportive.

Pleased with my weight - I'm down 4lbs from a week ago!! I'm also pleased that this week has been all green days. Last week was hard (3 red days) but this week has been easy - haven't even thought about eating between meals. Just need to make sure that I'm not 'an idiot' at the weekend - don't want to undo all the good work!

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Post by idontknow » Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:41 pm

A strange weekend. Saturday - I was not 'an idiot' at all. I had half a chocolate twist for breakfast, shared bag of liquorice with the big girl in the afternoon, and some champagne truffles after dinner - that was my serious S day treat. The chocolate twist was very unsatisfying - I would rather have had a proper breakfast.

Sunday has been a bit of a different matter. It started ok, with a proper breakfast and a step class. Lunch included crisps - and that set off the 'mouth hunger' - picked at sweets and other stuff all afternoon. It's very easy to fall back into old habits. This weekend was better than others and once again I've learnt more about my habits which will help me over the coming weeks.

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Post by Graham » Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:07 pm

Hi there, I'm returning your visit - champagne truffles are the work of the devil in my opinion! I think even for an S day they are too much for me at the moment - save them for Christmas perhaps? This weekend was my worst ever - I gained 3lbs from Saturday to Sunday and the ten truffles were definitely part of that!

I'm not sure I understand the "mouth hunger" idea - but there are those foods that I find too tasty to stop eating once I start - tasty crisps, good chocolates, oh Lord I mustn't go there - I'm fasting... But yes, those foods where I watch myself eat on and on and on - I guess that's why No s one plate works - it sets a limit I can abide by - till the S days anyway.

Regards, Graham

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Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:57 pm

Hi Graham - I bought a box of champagne truffles on Saturday. We shared them between 4 of us - only 2 and half each. They cost the equivalent of 50p each - not sure if they are value for money but they were lovely. If only I had stopped eating after the 2 and half truffles my S days wouldn't have been so bad.....

Today - weight 138.6lbs
45 min step class

B\fast - half grapefruit/porridge
Lunch - goats cheese salad sandwich, fruit
Dinner - beef, oven chips, peas, bread

Straight back into N days today - no problem adjusting to the rules. Also managed to go straight back to a late lunch. I've found that I get fairly hungry around 1pm, but it soon goes away and I have no problem waiting until about 3.30pm.

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:12 pm

No exercise today

B/fast - half grapefruit/egg/toast
Lunch - goats cheese salad sandwich/fruit
Dinner - chinese rib/wedges/green beans

Another easy day. Now that I am leaving lunch until later I am not feeling so hungry at dinner - so I think it's time to make an adjustment by reducing the amount I eat then. All I'm going to do is make sure I've got some white space on my plate.

Having said that - tomorrow might be tricky. I'm at a meeting in a hotel from 8am until 6pm :shock: !!!!! Lunch will probably be at a more traditional time, so I will be very hungry by the time I get home for dinner. Just hope I can keep the :evil: under control when the biscuits come out in the late afternoon

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:12 pm

good luck with the :evil: whispering in your ear tomorrow! Now that you have identified the problem, maybe it will be easier to ignore him (I KNOW :evil: is a HIM!!). Maybe a nice cup of milky tea?? Maybe plan a dinner that will take no time to prepare once you do get home? This time that :evil: doesn't have the advantage of surprise!! I think you will win the battle!! :D
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Post by idontknow » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:57 pm

Thanks for your faith in me Grammy. You were right - I resisted the :evil:! Hurrah! There was a lovely hotel lunch and I ate enough to see me through until dinner. Managed to completely resist the biscuits and double chocolate muffins, which wasn't too hard because I don't really like them anyway. That wouldn't have stopped me eating them at one time, though :D!

Breakfast - pineapple/egg/toast
Lunch - lasagne, veg, few potato wedges
Dinner - provencale crusted cod, mashed potato, cauliflower

2 things: I'm having some work done on my teeth. They are very tender and this will probably affect what I can eat for the next few weeks.
Secondly - I've now been doing NoS for 2 months. I've had 9 red days, which doesn't sound too bad. However, when these are added to the number of S days I've taken (only weekends - no special events) this makes a total of 27 days where I have eaten exactly what I want. So out of the 2 months I've only followed the plan for half the time and I've still lost about 5lbs!! This is very motivating, particularly as I'm starting to find N days quite easy - just hope I'm not speaking too soon!!

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:08 pm

You will not be speaking too soon if you keep at it. Even if you hit hard spots at which you have failure days that surprise you, it's the build up of N days over hundreds of meals that really counts. At least that's what I tell myself. I had some failures after weeks and weeks of Vanilla No S with no declared S days. It shook me a little but I am back in the swim and it feels great even though I'm still not at peace with my S days. I can't let myself be sidetracked when I have reduced my crazy eating by so much. I'm 6 months in; you're two months in; these are our salad days, no pun intended. I'm excited still for where we'll be by Christmas, but I think mostly about the next meal--and waiting for it.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:54 pm

I've found a routine that's working for me and I'm just keeping my head down and slogging through the days. Some days are easier than others - today has been hard (good quality cookies in a meeting.... for example), but while I can see the scales coming down I'll keep ploughing on. Like you, Oolala, I'm excited to see if I can continue this way of eating and to see where I'll be at Christmas.

Mini workout

B/fast - half grapefruit/porridge
Lunch - goats cheese salad sandwich/fruit
Dinner - turkey roulade, mini roast potatoes, veg

Teeth still sore, but not really stopping me eating (surprise, surprise :D )

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:13 pm

I see good habits forming and that is what this is all about! Your menus look like "normal people" eating.. not someone with food issues! Good for you!!
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Post by idontknow » Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:34 pm

Thanks Grammy. I do feel like I'm eating normally, and I have no problems refusing extra food during the day. I'm eating less than I've eaten for years and I am enjoying my food. I actually feel much lighter because I'm not weighed down by heavy food (if that makes sense!?).

Missed yoga because the other half had an accident in his van and was late home. Van is a write-off, but he's ok and so is the other driver, which is the main thing.
Did my short workout and practised headstands - getting better!!

B/fast - half grapefruit/porridge
Lunch - egg mayo sandwich/fruit
Dinner - indian takeaway - one plateful of different bits. Left some because I was full. Also my aching teeth mean I can't eat quickly so I get a bit bored and can recognise when I'm full. A useful skill to cultivate....

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:46 pm

[quote="idon'tknow"]Thanks Grammy. I do feel like I'm eating normally, and I have no problems refusing extra food during the day. I'm eating less than I've eaten for years and I am enjoying my food. I actually feel much lighter because I'm not weighed down by heavy food (if that makes sense!?).

I'm sorry about your accident! Oh that is the worst.
Just had to chime in about what you said above! I am SO enjoying food more. And whether the scale reveals it or not, I just feel SO not bogged down by food anymore. Of course that makes sense! I don't think I realized how bloated and weighed down I really was until I don't feel that way anymore! (of course, until my "S" days!)...
Good luck this holiday weekend.!...

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Post by idontknow » Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:50 pm

No real exercise - just housework and generally being busy

B/fast - yogurt and honey/fruit toast
Lunch - sandwiches, yogurt, few celebrations
Dinner - italian steak, oven chips, peas
S's - grapes, yogurt, fudge, chocolate, generally lots of picking at fod

So now, at the end of the day, I'm feeling quite sick. And I no longer have that lovely 'light' feeling that we were discussing lbb :(
The things I've eaten weren't particularly nice. I just walked to the shop for chocolate (not a long way, but still an effort) and it didn't taste as nice as I expected - just sugary and sickly.
Is this just because my N days aren't properly established as habits yet, or do I need to put constraints on my S days? Think I need to reread the '5 phases' post again and consider it.

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Post by idontknow » Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:11 am

Day 67

So, I reread KCCC's sticky about the phases of No S and I reckon I'm probably still in phase 1. I haven't managed to complete a 21 day run of green days yet. I have nearly been there twice, but didn't quite make it.
Since my last red day I have noticed a change in my attitude. I don't see N days as deprivation - I enjoy the structure and I enjoy the feeling of 'lightness' I get from not overeating.
I am tempted to add rules to S days. However, I think this would be a bad move. The point of S days for me is the freedom, and that I cope with that freedom as a rational, (fairly) intelligent adult. I need to apply the learning from N days to S days as a choice - not as a restriction.
I have to remind myself that there is no rush. I am not following this plan so I look ok on the beach :oops: . I am doing this for my health, my self-esteem, and to eliminate the constant thinking and worrying about food. A side effect of that is that my clothes will look better all year round for the rest of my life :D

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Post by kccc » Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:24 pm

Since my last red day I have noticed a change in my attitude. I don't see N days as deprivation - I enjoy the structure and I enjoy the feeling of 'lightness' I get from not overeating.
Wow, what great progress! :) That's a huge step!

Those feelings WILL carry over to S-days eventually. Just keep on, and give yourself time.

But if you are beginning to think about S-days, perhaps just try one or two "positive" rules? What I mean by that is not to restrict what you eat AT ALL, but ADD some things that you know will help you. For me, it was remembering to drink enough, eat some veg/fruit, and (later) to stick to the "3-meal" structure as a backbone, regardless of what else I ate. (I still don't limit what I CAN have on an S-day, because my diet-head rebels the instant I do... but my intake has naturally dropped over time.)

Good luck!

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:56 pm

That's a good idea KCCC - thank you. I like the idea of being positive rather than restrictive. I know I often fail to eat my 5 a day at weekends, so I might start there. Water is something I need to work on, too. I'll definitely give this some thought.

Monday 5 July
45 min step class
mini workout

B/fast - fruit/porridge
Lunch - sandwich/yogurt/fruit
Dinner - oven chips/pork/peas/bread

Tuesday 6 July
mini workout

Breakfast - fruit/porridge
Lunch - sandwich/yogurt/fruit
Dinner - pasta/tomatoes/peppers/goats cheese/garlic bread

2 more successful days - nearly the middle of the week already!

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Post by Scrybil » Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:16 am

That KCCC - she is one smart lady!

I agree, it's GREAT that you are recognizing what works for you. If you know that the structure is of your own choosing - chosen from a place of taking care of yourself - then the structure is indeed comfort. KCCC has pointed this out: if we are as kind to ourselves as loved ones, we do indeed set boundaries, establish structure, make considered decisions.

It's SO hard to do this for ourselves though, isn't it? I too struggle with the out-of-control feelings of SDays, and really find NoS to be easier.

idk, what are 'oven chips'?

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Post by idontknow » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:09 pm

75 min yoga class (feel very relaxed now - lovely class)
mini workout

B/fast - egg/toast/mango
Lunch - goats cheese salad sandwich/fruit
Dinner - barbecue chicken, potato wedges, veg

Late lunch so I could hold out until after yoga. Hungry today - could eat anything and everything. Not letting :evil: win, though!

Scrybil - oven chips are french fries cooked in the oven rather than fried in oil. (I laughed out loud at this - we speak the same language but I'm failing to communicate :lol: )

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Post by Scrybil » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:11 am

Ah, I thought so! I make those too, just didn't want to miss out on some English delecacy! :wink:

Wow - 75minutes of yoga - I'm impressed!

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:14 pm

No exercise

B/fast - egg/toast/fruit
Lunch - sandwich, fruit
Dinner - lasagne, chips, salad

Ate out tonight in honour of the youngest one's birthday. Huge portions but didn't eat everything. V v full now, though!

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:02 pm

mini workout - (yoga class cancelled)

B/fast - fruit/porridge
Lunch - sandwich/yogurt
Dinner - tikka mince/bread

No weight lost this week. However, I've worn 3 pairs of trousers that were too tight a few weeks ago, so I'm not stressing about the weight. I reckon I've lost about 6lbs since I started this in May - definitely 4lbs since I started weighing daily. I can tell the exercise is having an effect too. I'm not going to make any changes to my meals yet because the work on my teeth starts in earnest this week and that will make a big difference to how and what I can eat.

I am going to take KCCC's advice and add to my S days. I'm going to make sure I drink enough water and eat my 5 a day.

Best thing - I've just done 3 whole weeks of green days - I'm in the 21 day club!! :D :D :D

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Post by kccc » Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:18 pm

idon'tknow wrote:
Best thing - I've just done 3 whole weeks of green days - I'm in the 21 day club!! :D :D :D
Congrats! Another milestone!

:) :) :)

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Post by Scrybil » Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:58 pm

WOW! Great idk - so pleased for you!

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Post by sophiasapientia » Sat Jul 10, 2010 12:43 am

Best thing - I've just done 3 whole weeks of green days - I'm in the 21 day club!!
Yay! :D Congratulations!!! :D 8)
Restarted No S (3rd times a charm!) January 2010 at 145 lbs

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:08 am

Twen-ty one! twen-ty one!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by idontknow » Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:31 pm

Thank you everyone! I've earned another e-book for the last 2 weeks of green days. I'm now going to extend it to every 3 weeks - it's been a good motivator for me.

No exercise - although I've done some cleaning, and walked round town. Haven't been sat around all day

B/fast - fruit/fruit toast
Lunch - tuna sandwich/tomatoes/crisps/yogurt/plums
Dinner - lemon turkey steak/leek mash/peas

Snacks - coconut ice, few sweets, birthday cake, - too much sugar!!

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Post by idontknow » Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:11 pm

Sunday - 1 hr step class. Sensible breakfast, but then a big family barbecue. Started drinking - not too much - but grazed my way through the afternoon. I was surprised by how sick I felt at the end of the day and I'm not sure whether this was because I'd eaten so much, or because I'm just not used to grazing like this any more. I didn't like how it felt, in any case.

45min step class

B/fast - fruit/toast
Lunch - sandwich/fruit
Dinner - chips/pork pie/salad/bread (Lots of leftovers for dinner from the barbecue yesterday.)

I have lost 1.8lbs during my 21 day challenge. This is roughly in line with the recommended half pound a week - so while it doesn't seem much, I'm fairly happy with it. I know that I can sustain this way of eating, and I am actually enjoying my N days. It was a relief to get back to them today and although I was craving sugar after my step class I managed to restrain myself and wait for dinner. I could add some mods to try and speed up the weight loss, but I think I will wait until after my dental treatment - this is bound to have an effect on the way I can eat for a while. :(

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:12 pm

No exercise

My weight seems to be creeping up - but this is after a couple of days of processed food from the party and leftovers. I hope it will start to come down now I'm back to cooking.
B/fast - fruit/egg/toast
Lunch - mackerel pate salad sandwich/fruit
Dinner - tuna pasta bake/garlic bread

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Post by Scrybil » Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:09 am

Salty foods do it everytime. Drink a TON of water and get that processed stuff outtathere!

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Post by idontknow » Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:22 pm

No exercise

B - fruit/egg/toast
L - buffet lunch - 1 plateful
D - mushroom spiced steak/chips/sweetcorn

Scrybil you are so wise!! I'm down 1lb from yesterday. Today lunch was provided so I'm afraid it was some salty processed stuff again. However, I didn't touch the biscuits and chocolates at the meeting - I glanced at them and thought 'I don't eat those during the week'. No cravings, longings - nothing! :D
Very late home from work and very tired tonight. Bed early for me, I think...

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Post by Scrybil » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:15 am

I'm an expert on the salt-response. I can stare down chocolate anytime, but a bag of potato chips will be my downfall!

Glad you're better - you're making great strides!

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:13 pm

No exercise

B - half grapefruit/egg/toast
L - tomato soup/soft cheese sandwich/yogurt
D - mashed potato/pizza style cod fillets/veg

2 teeth out today - feeling v sorry for myself, and hence the soft food. Weight has come down though - this is one of the reasons I like to weigh every day so that I can plot the reasons for gain/loss and plan a response.

Thanks, Scrybil :D

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:42 pm

No exercise

B - fruit/porridge
L - sandwich/yogurt/fruit
D - chicken paella

Mouth still very sore - and I'm still very miserable about it :(

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Post by idontknow » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:38 pm

No exercise

Although I've done no exercise I've been on my feet all day. The littlest one had a birthday party for her friends - they went out in a pink limo and then back here for a barbecue - so I've been busy all day - only just sat down!

I was craving sugar when I woke up this morning. I've felt a bit odd the last couple of days and really couldn't get enough of chocolate and other sweet things this morning. This is quite odd, because even before NoS I wouldn't have had sweets for breakfast - but today I ate chocolate, cake, biscuits - anything and everything that contained sugar. I feel fine now and am hoping that I've got it out of my system. Don't know if it's anything to do with having teeth out (ie sugar to counteract the shock to the system)??? Not sure if that's scientific or not. However, I no longer feel 'odd' and am happy to leave the sugarfest behind me now.

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Post by idontknow » Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:01 pm

No formal exercise - missed step class because of littlest one's gymnastic comp (she got bronze medal!! :D ). Did go for hour's walk this afternoon - although it was broken up with a drink in pub so probably not as good as it sounds!?

Another day of mad eating - reflected in the scale this morning and will be again tomorrow... :(

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Post by idontknow » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:27 pm

45 minute step class

B - egg/toast/fruit
L - goats cheese salad sandwich/fruit
D - oven chips/roast pork/2 onion rings/1 slice bread and marg/peas/bit of mayo

The scale reflects the devastation of the weekend. However - I have had no trouble getting back to N days today - a relief in fact. I think some of the eating this weekend was a reaction - braces are fitted on Friday - then it will be soft food only and a definite reduction in sweet things!!

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:05 pm

No formal exercise

B - fruit/porridge
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - tuna and pasta bake

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Post by idontknow » Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:55 pm

No formal exercise but I spent 4 hours moving all my stuff from my current workplace to my future workplace. I was hot and fractious by the time I'd finished!

B - ikea breakfast (scrambled egg, bacon, hash brown, tomato, bread)
L - sandwich, fruit
D - provencale crusted cod, mash, cauli

Tomorrow is the last day of term and I am organising a 'ready, steady, cook' session for the students at the centre. Hopefully we'll be able to give parents lunch with the food they have made. This will mean lots of tasting! It's also my last day before braces so I'm tempted to call an S day - will give it some thought....

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:17 pm

NWS day today - it took no thought at all once it actually came to it. There was no way I could encourage the students to cook and not taste their food! It's my first NWS day this month so don't feel too bad.

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Post by Scrybil » Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:38 am

Hi idk - just checking in on you, I've been traveling for work & absent a few days. Looks like you're recovering nicely from a dental crisis and a 'mild food crisis - 'mild' because you are right back on track.

Nice work :wink:

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:32 pm

Thanks Scrybil - lovely to have your support again. :D

I now have braces - like a teenager - without the youthful looks! My orthodontist assures me that I'll be delighted with the results, but at the moment it's a bit uncomfortable and my mouth is sore. This is obviously going to have an effect on my eating. Sweets have to be eaten only after meals - no grazing - so that will have an impact on S days. It's the rule I've been waiting for.
I also got my pedometer today. I've been thinking a lot about how to increase my exercise. I enjoy yoga and step, but can't get to them regularly enough to rely on them as exercise. I don't have enough free time to add other exercie into my day - and that will only get worse with my new job in September. So, after reading people' threads on this board I've invested in a pedometer to try and add extra steps into my normal day. I will be posting my steps daily as well as my weight.

Food for today
B- half grapefruit, toast
L - soup, yogurt
D - chilli, mashed potato (pitifully small amount)

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Post by DielleNicole » Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:43 am

Hey IDK,

I just realized that I never returned your welcome message. Thanks so much for welcoming me into the NoS world so nicely!

I'm glad to see that you are doing well. :D Good luck with those braces. I'm sure you have an amazing smile and it'll only get better when that's all done. :)

Keep doing amazing!
Starting Age 26 - Height 5'6" - Peak Weight 334
Goal = To be healthy, to not have the joints of a 65 year old, to escape the family curse of Obesity, Heart Disease, and Diabetes

"Be Renewed in the Spirit of your Mind!" Ephesians 4:23

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Post by idontknow » Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:20 pm

Thank you, Dielle - I am already looking forward to the day when these braces come off, I can tell you!

However, - I am already down a few pounds after 3 days of soup, yogurt and milkshakes! Weight today - 134.8lbs.
Exercise - 1 hour step class
I now have pedometer - will begin using it properly tomorrow.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:33 pm

45 min step class
8500 steps (including step class) - this total would have been pitiful if not for the step class.

B/fast - fruit smoothie/porridge
Lunch - soup/cheese sandwich/yogurt
dinner - few oven chips/peas/beef/yogurt

Wouldn't normally have yogurt after dinner, but I am still struggling to eat solid food. I ate about a quarter of what was on my plate - and that took me about 15 minutes. Everything tastes of metal and the food gets stuck on the bar across the roof of my mouth. Feeling bit sorry for myself :(

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Post by kccc » Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:00 pm

I had braces when I was a teen, and remember my mouth hurting after adjustments, etc. It does get better, but takes a while.

Your smile will be beautiful, though. :)

And you seem to be doing very well with No-S... keep it up!

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:27 pm

KCCC - you are right (as always :D ) I need to be more positive. One of the things I have learnt from No-S is that I like - and need - a challenge. The reason I am committed and succeeding at No S is that I am learning new things about myself and learning how to do new things. I am doing well with no-S. I have no desire to eat in betweeen meals and I am losing weight.
This is the same breakthrough that has led me to change around my exercise classess. I no longer take part in repetitive, mindless exercise because it isn't motivating or challenging. I prefer a choreographed step class and yoga instead. I've bought a pedometer to challenge myself every day.
So - I need to see the braces as a challenge. I need to practise speaking to get rid of the slurs and the lisp. I also need to think about the food I am preparing so that I can eat properly. I will also remember why I have chosen to do this - (yes, chosen!) - I want to smile openly instead of being ashamed of my teeth.
My orthodontist recommended that I eat 3 meals a day with no snacks! I should only eat sweet things rarely and after a meal. It's a good job I have been doing No S or I might have really struggled with this concept :D
And one last thing - I can only eat small amounts, so this is a real boost to my weight loss!

3,500 steps (pitiful - but I'm using this week as a baseline)

B - fruit smoothie/porridge
L - cheese omelette
D - mashed potato/pork chop/green beans (tiny amounts)/yogurt

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Post by idontknow » Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:28 pm

4,500 steps

B - smoothie/porridge
L - soup/cheese sandwich/yogurt
D - macaroni cheese (small amount)/yogurt

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Post by Scrybil » Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:00 am

idk, you're down almost 5 lbs,right? GREAT!

I want to hear about those braces - did you get the invisible ones or go for the shiny smile? :wink: I hear it's pretty uncomfortable for adults.....but I'm considering it myself!

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:42 pm

Hi Scrybil - very nice to hear from you again.
Since I started posting my weight I'm down nearly 5 lbs, but I had already lost a couple of pounds before that - just wasn't keeping an exact check. My clothes are much looser and I've thrown away a couple of pairs of trousers!! :D
I went for the shiny braces - they are cheaper and work more quickly than the ceramic ones. The braces themselves are not much of a problem - my teeth are a bit tender and it can be difficult to chew. The main problem is that I have a trans-palatal arch to anchor my back teeth in place. This goes across the top of the roof of my mouth and unless I cut all food up into tiny pieces then it gets stuck on the bar. It makes eating slow and can be uncomfortable. However, it's having a good impact on my No-S habits :D . I've had them for about a week now and I'm still eating soft food, but I'm just focussing on the end result (2 years from now!!). Let me know what you decide to do.

2,700 steps (how rubbish is that!? :roll: I had a really busy day - but obviously very little movement)

B - fruit smoothie/porridge
L - jacket potato with tuna and cheese/yogurt
D - smoked haddock/mashed potato/peas

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:24 pm

2900 steps (another rubbish day)

B - fruit smoothie/porridge
L - cheese omelette/yogurt
D - fish and chips (very small portion)

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Post by idontknow » Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:24 pm

8,900 steps (big improvement - hurrah!)

So - an S day with braces... Since I started No-S I have returned to my long-term habitual pattern of eating on S days - grazing on sweet things all day - and feeling sick and full by bedtime. However - I can now no longer do this. The orthodontist has imposed a no-S type regime on me. I am allowed sweet things, but only after a meal and then I have to brush my teeth. And chewing is difficult. My meals all week have been very small portions of quite soft food.
So today I have had an ice-cream Reeces's cup shake (yum!) which left me feeling very full - probably more calories at once than I've had all week! After (a very small) dinner I had a (small) bowl of ice cream - to mark the S day, as it were. And now I've brushed my teeth and that's that. Not a bad routine, really...

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Post by kccc » Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:19 pm

It took me the LONGEST time to stop perma-snacking on S-days and maintain my regular meal-type pattern. But once I did, I enjoyed my S-days more. (Still miss on occasion.)

Have a great day!

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