Steph's Daily Check-In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Steph's Daily Check-In

Post by photogrrl77 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:14 pm

I'm new! lol I have lost weight this year by doing the hCG diet. I did really well on it, went from 202 lbs to 167. But, I am back up to 185.6. I had some life difficulties and just started EATING ALL THE TIME!!! It's crazy!! The hCG diet is soooo strict, it is almost PAINFUL to think about starting it again! I know it works, but it doesn't really teach me how to eat well, it just makes me want to eat all the crap I cannot have, like chocolate and ice cream!

Soooo... I decided to try something just a little different, kind of an experiment. I'm going to do the No S diet, along with my husband, and we are going to take the hCG drops, and see if they help with weight loss or appetite control.

So, anyway, this is how I started my day:

Run/walk - more walk then run this morning, I am out of practice.
Breakfast: 1 bagel with Nutella, handful of grapes, 1/2 bottle of Naked juice

Lunch: more of a snacky lunch lol, about 1/2 cup baby carrots, some colby jack cheese to dip into 2T hummus, 1 banana, 4 THIN slices genoa salami(12 pieces per serving, so yeah, it's THIN!) with 1 wedge of laughing cow cheese spread on it, and sliced almonds sprinkled on it, then folded up, and 1 glass chocolate milk.

I went downstairs to the candle shop t do some physical labor lol and the owner bought PIZZA! I was so good and didn't eat ANY of it! I told her what I was doing and that I had already eaten lunch lol I AM kind of hungry, but I am dealing!

Dinner: 5 low carb sausage balls
3 pancakes with syrup(I didn't eat all this, I loaded my plate knowing I cannot snack later, but I physically could not eat all of it! lol)
1 iced coffee made with heavy cream and sugar free vanilla syrup

I'm FULL!! LOL, we will see how things go when hubby gets home at 10 pm and wants to eat his dinner(he is doing 4 meals a day, because his "lunch" at work is too early) and I can't eat anything! LOL

I really think I can do this!! I think one thing that I will probably do is allow myself to drink whatever beverage I want when I'm having a MEAL, but if I am not eating, I have to drink WATER or herbal tea only.


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Day 2

Post by photogrrl77 » Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:55 pm

Day 2:

Weight 184.3 (lost 1.3 lbs!) Woot!

Getting ready to go run and then I will update with food!:)


Breakfast: 1 1/2 leftover pancaked, 2 leftover sausage balls
1 banana
iced coffee with heavy cream and sf vanilla syrup

Lunch: 2 ham and cheese crescent rolls, 1/2 cup baby carrots, 1T hummus, half handful of hot puffcorn, 1 apple, 2T The Bees Knees peanut butter, sweet tea

2:30: I'm either hungry or I just want to eat lol I have gum! But I still cannot wait until dinner... I mean, I WILL wait, but darn I hope it hurries up and gets here! LOL

Dinner: 1/2 crispy ranch chicken breast, mac & cheese, and mashed potatoes, with chocolate skim milk(anytime I say milk, I mean SKIM lol)


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Day 3

Post by photogrrl77 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:04 pm

Well, I am back up to 186.1, gained 1.8 lbs. lol It's ok, this is just the beginning and my body is getting used to eating 3 full meals a day instead of snacking so much. Today, I am going to scale back just a bit on my eating and see if that helps. Also, not getting enough water, so I will work on that as well!:)

No run today, hubby has a job interview and my hip was hurting BAD this morning!

Breakfast: bagel with Nutella, 1 banana, iced coffee with half & half and sf vanilla syrup

Lunch: snacky lunch, all on one plate: 1 ham & cheese crescent roll-up, 1/2 c baby carrots, colby jack cheese, 1/2 c grapes, salami with cream cheese and almonds(5), 1T hummus, handful of chips, 1T ranch

Dinner: low-carb pizza, apple, 1 T Bees Knees, sweet tea


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Day 4

Post by photogrrl77 » Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:21 pm

Have some photo stuff to do this morning, so rushing!

Breakfast: 1 bowl Waffle Crisp with skim milk, 1 banana, iced coffee

Lunch: leftover low-carb pizza, buffalo chicken dip with fritos, the rest of my iced coffee from breakfast

Dinner: a weird combination for sure lol: stuffed jalapenos, deviled eggs, 1 leftover pancake with sf syrup and a plum, and 1/2 20 oz bottle of diet coke I found in the fridge that still has fizz!!! :)

My 3 boys are at play rehearsal and hubby is working tonight, so I am home alone! gonna go watch some photography videos and listen to the silence! Wish they were home! It's too quiet! lol


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Day 5

Post by photogrrl77 » Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:49 pm

Applefest today! I will be working in the candleshop all day and I have requested kettle corn for a treat today! yum!

Breakfast: bagel w/Nutella, 1 banana, 1 jello-cheesecake snack, iced coffee


OK, after that it went DOWNHILL!!! I ate way too much over the weekend... kettle corn... OMG, too much, fried foods for lunch, Lonestar for dinner, Sheridens for dessert... Sunday: leftovers, kettle corn, apple pie... junk junk junk!!!

Bad weigh ins: 10/2/10: 183.9, 10/3/10: 186.5, now 10/4/10: 188.1


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Day 7

Post by photogrrl77 » Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:19 pm

Weight: 188.1 (up 2.5 from the day I started)

Ok, yep, I know what I am doing wrong, and I will just have to correct it. Smaller portions, not so much JUNK! On S days: one or two things that I REALLY want... not everything I have been wanting all week! LOL

Ok, this week will be better!

1 bagel with Nutella, 1 yogurt, 1 banana, 1 iced chai latte

You have to understand, that I do like my coffees and teas, and I will continue to drink them, but I can drink on one for hours sometimes, so it is over the course of the day, I usually only have ONE and they are mostly ice, which melts to water!;) lol

2nd meal... I had breakfast so late that I am just now, at 4:30 having my second meal of the day:
Leftover buffalo wing dip with fritos, low-carb pizza, pineapple, and sweet tea

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Post by Meikmeika » Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:33 am

I'm a coffee addict myself and refuse to give it up. I drink more cups a day than I care to tell...hehe!

You're doing good! I'm on my 2nd Week of NoS and those S days can be killer. Going crazy in the beginning is very common though, so I don't feel bad about it.

Keep it up!

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Post by photogrrl77 » Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:01 am

Meikmeika wrote:I'm a coffee addict myself and refuse to give it up. I drink more cups a day than I care to tell...hehe!

You're doing good! I'm on my 2nd Week of NoS and those S days can be killer. Going crazy in the beginning is very common though, so I don't feel bad about it.

Keep it up!
LOL, yep, coffee is sooo good! I used to do more Starbucks and Seattle's Best frufru coffee drinks, then switched to the Sugar Free Vanilla Iced coffee at McDonald's because it was about 1/2 the price, and now I just make my own at home. I have more control over calories that way too!

I'm trying to keep positive about it! I know what I am doing wrong, I just need to change some things! LOL


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Day 8

Post by photogrrl77 » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:01 pm

Breakfast: bagel with Nutella, 1 banana, iced coffee

Lunch: 2 small pieces low carb pizza, 3 small slices Irish cheddar cheese, and little cup of diced peaches

Dinner: 1 Flatout with Bees Knees PB, Grapenuts and 1 banana rolled up, 1 c baby carrots, 2T spinach & artichoke hummus, and 5 thin slices genoa salami with cream cheese and sliced almonds. Also breaking down and having an iced Chai latte.

Not too bad today! really watched my portions!

Weighed 187.4 today, which is -0.7lb


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Day 9

Post by photogrrl77 » Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:14 pm

Weight: 185.2 -2.2 lbs

Breakfast: 1 bowl Crunchberries with skim milk, 1 ice coffee

Lunch: Chicken burrito bowl from Chipotle, rest of iced coffee

Dinner: pasta and mixed vegetables

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Day 10

Post by photogrrl77 » Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:14 pm

Weight: 185.0 -0.2lb

Breakfast: bagel w/nutella, 1 banana, iced coffee

Lunch: 5 salami cream cheese sliced almond things, 1/2 c baby carrots, 1T hummus, 1/2 c grapes, handful of chips with 1T dip, iced coffee

Dinner: grilled cheese(1), mac & cheese, diced peaches, the rest of the iced coffee from lunch

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Day 11

Post by photogrrl77 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:38 pm

Field Trip day! Weight: 185.4 +0.4 lbs

Breakfast: 1 bagel with Nutella, 1 banana, 1 ice chai latte

Lunch: 1 leftover grilled cheese, puff corn, 1 apple, ice tea

Naked juice

Dinner: 2 bowls cereal(movie night with son(15)

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Day 12 &13

Post by photogrrl77 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:40 pm

S Day: I'm not gonna go overboard. I will eat as normal most of the day, but will have ice cream tonight.

Weight: 185.4 no change

Breakfast: 1 bagel with Nutella, 1 banana, strawberry milk

Lunch: 6 genoa salami bites, 2 small pieces of Irish Cheddar, 2T hummus, handful of quaker oat cakes, 1 c dived peaches, and 3 rectangles of Hershey's chocolate bar, iced chai latte

UGH, candle lady had pizza, so I had 2 small pieces

Then hubby and I went to the amusement park to go through their haunted houses. We were hungry after so I had 1 chicken flatbread at Taco Bell and 2 bites of a burrito.

We had ice cream when we got home.

No weigh in on Sunday, can't really remember much of what we ate, but I did make pancakes and sausage balls and we had ice cream.

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Day 14

Post by photogrrl77 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:10 pm

Weight was BAD!!! 194 +8.6 lbs... not sure how that happened!

Bare in mind that I am still taking the hCG drops. I feel this might be detrimental with this diet... but it is an experiment. I figure I have gone almost 2 weeks on it, so I might stop the drops now and do 2 more weeks and see what the numbers are then...

Breakfast: 1 bagel with Nutella, 1 banana, orange juice

Lunch: 1 bagel with LC cheese, 5 salami things, 1 apple with 2T Bees Knees PB, sweet tea

Dinner: a little bit of this chicken casserole stuff I made, 1 bite of a plum that had no flavor, and a bowl of cereal because I was NOT satisfied! I also had a chai tea latte.

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