nowornever83 daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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nowornever83 daily check-in

Post by nowornever83 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:43 pm

Okay-- so I am beginning daily check-in because I think it will really help me to sort through challenges and plan my approach to success. I have been on a diet for what seems like forever. I was always thin growing up but ballooned in high school, and then lost 20 pounds. I have kept those pounds off through the past 10 years, with even thinnner stints in college (how I did that with my partying, I will never know!) but have settled at an "average," but uncomfortable 150ish pounds. Although this is considered "normal" for my height, I am not happy with my weight and have spent the last 3 years trying to get to my ultimate goal of 135. I am small framed and know it would make me much happier.

I tried weight watchers over the years with some success, but much discontent. I have grown to detest counting points and calories and feeling like I cannot live my life, even though it is still engrained. I am hopeless with just eating smart on my own and need some restrictions. I have read several books on all types of healthy eating and weight loss. French Women Don't Get Fat and In Defense of Food resonates with me most and I believe are the best fit for my lifestyle. With that being said, I need more boundries than outlined in the aforementioned books and I think No S will provide that balance.

I have no self control once I start eating poorly, craves salts more than sweets, and have horrible exercise committment.... I hate exercise. Well, while AFTER I exercise I am happy but before (WORST) and during (UGG) I do not. Perhaps I just have not found what works for me.

So, I started No S a few weeks ago with some challenges as the week wears on. On a positive note, I have improved weekly (from 3 failures, to 2, to 1).

I will begin No S this week with one mod: Exempt days Friday and Sat. Hopefully that helps AND doesn't lead to a slippery slope. I also need to control binging on S days. I need to allow a sweet (a good one, not spoonfuls of nutella) and one snack-- but NO excessive binging (like today). I am filled with self-loathing when that occurs.

So, the plan of attack for my fresh week are as follows:
--Make 5 N days in a row! (Sunday-Thursday) NO cheating.
--No picking much before dinner


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Post by tobiasmom » Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:05 pm

Welcome! Sounds like you have a great plan for the week!!! I am taking my S days on Friday and Saturday also.

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Day 2: S Day

Post by nowornever83 » Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:26 pm

Thank you for the warm welcome! I am glad I am not the only one taking Friday and Sat. as my S days. :D I think it will work much better for me. How is it working for you?

Today is day two and I am worried about being a little to wild... I am hosting a Halloween party that will include my greatest weakness: appetizers and sweets! My goal is to ENJOY these treats on this S day without overindulging... the balance is definitely hard to find.

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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:48 pm

Welcome! And Happy Halloween! Enjoy your S day! :D
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

A Flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms!

Diets Don't Work.

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Day 3, 10/31

Post by nowornever83 » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:18 pm

Well, good thing today is an N day for me as I certainly enjoyed my S day yesterday! Yuck, the scale wasn't pretty but I am sure there is a few pounds water retention with all the drinking. I had lots of fun and I guess that is why we have S days! I didn't go overboard with eating appetizers and just had a few nibbles. I had a very light dinner to compensate. I am ready to tackle my first week of 5 N days in a row! I am geared up and ready to go. I would also like to add to that goal to incorporate 3 days of exercise.

I feel motivated and positive.

Weight today: 156.3 (eek)

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Monday 11/1

Post by nowornever83 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:32 pm

Alright so although I feel nasty from the weekend's feasting, I am having a good day.

Breakfast: Turkey sausage muffin and V8, green tea
Lunch: Italian beef wrap, blue corn chips, jello
Dinner: spinach salad, grilled chicken, whole grain bread, wine

I feel less hungry and less urge to eat. I feel positive and look forward to gettting on track this week. Although tempted to weight-in, I really think it would be good to hold-off until Friday, after 5 N days. Although yesterday I stuck to the rules, I felt nasty and super stuffed after dinner.

I am excited to start toning and really get into SHAPE. I need musle, strength, and flexability.

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Post by good enough » Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:40 pm

Hello! Your story sounds a lot like mine. I too have been on and off diets and let them rule my life (most recently ww). I also have problems when 'left to my own devices' with food and tend to lapse into destructive binge-starve cycles and emotional eating. That's why I'm trying this - seems like just enough structure without being too stifling. Haven't lost any weight yet but still finding my way around. Have just switched my S days to Fri & Sat too!

Welcome and good luck on your journey! :D

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Post by nowornever83 » Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:10 pm

Hi Tofu Queen! That is nice to know others relate to what I am going through. :-) How long have you been NoSing? Any tips for me? :)

Today was a good day and I definitely feel my urge to snack subsiding. Delicious smells are quite tempting, but my overall emotional need to eat (typically stress and boredom are the culprits) is ebbing-- which is INCREDIBLE. With all my diets, emotional eating has killed my plan (typically after 3:00 p.m. in those afternoon hours).

I set-up a HabitCal for exercise as well because it does very much help me to track and visualize my progress. My goal is to consistently workout 3 days per week. I know if I set the bar higher than that, and don't or can't do it, then I will be disappointed and just say "screw it" and do nothing that week. Although busy with work and quite socially active, there is NO reason I couldn't manage 3 days per week. I figure anything more than those 3 days is simply a bonus. I will not, however, designate the days until the week before when I have my schedule. If I say "M, T, Wed." and can't make one day for a good reason-- then my habit is crushed. Rather, I will plan ahead on Sunday which days work best for my schedule. This week, I am starting today, tomorrow, and Friday.

I think one of my biggest flaws from achieving the weight loss/fitness success in the past is consistency. I rarely, if ever, followed through long term. I would have an excellent few days, or even a week, then slip.... off I went. Then, I'd be back on, off, on off, on, off.... each time getting more and more frustrated and feeling hopeless of ever being "off" a diet or losing the weight or toning as I desired.

This time will be different. If I can consistently make it 5 days of NoSing a row this week (first week ever) AND add that 3 days working out, I will be thrilled. I am taking it one week at a time and if I can do this for the entire month of November that will be a monumental achievement in my consistency track record and I know I will continue from there.

No S has given me hope, because it is so reasonable to me and so freeing to not count calories (not to mention I love cooking and real food!), to achieve this consistency.

My only fear is that I won't lose weight and then get pissed and want to try something new (story of my life). I REALLY want to stick this out until I get results. I NEED to shift my mindset about wanting FAST loss and be patient and consistent. The same goes with exercise-- I know for a fact that once I start seeing the muscle build and the softness firm-up I will WANT to continue because I will see results. I need to realize it may take months for that to happen, which is very hard to swallow for an impatient, instant gratification seeker. I think that has been my downfall all along-- I want things so quickly and easily it never happens and the cycle continues.

My goal is to last until the end of the year 2010 with 100% success on 5 days and 3 days before I judge the results. I feel hopeful, motivated, and excited. I just need to build my commitment and stick it out.

B: Shredded wheat (ate a little too much, cut down serving), green tea
L: Chicken Caesar salad, breadstick
D: 3 pieces homemade wheat pizza, carrots, low-fat ranch, 1 beer
Last edited by nowornever83 on Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by good enough » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:10 pm

Hi again :D

I have been no-Sing for just about a month, though I am currently challenging myself to do 21 days straight without failing, and I'm on day 8 of that. Not really long enough to give you any tips I'm afraid! I'm just trying to stick with this for a while, because just like you I have a bad habit of throwing in the towel and moving onto the next thing if I don't feel that a diet gives me results in 5 minutes. I think you know what I mean!

Your exercise plan sounds great too. I do 30mins a day and find it really helps my mood and energy. I don't really push myself especially hard but it gets the blood flowing. It's therapeutic and I don't like to start the day without it now!

You sound so positive and motivated. I'm sure you will do well. Here's to finishing 2010 out strong with No S! We can do it!! 8):D

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Post by AnneK » Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:15 am

Finishing out the rest of the year on No S sounds like a great plan. I think I'll join you. I'm just on day 17 but I'm so pleased with the results so far. Not just the (slow but surprising) weight loss, but the freedom from all the worry and decision making. I think it'd be especially good to make this commitment because of all the holidays coming up. Just having a good plan would make things so much easier.
Starting weight Oct 16 2010: 156
Current weight Nov 13 2010: 153

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Post by tobiasmom » Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:30 pm

Oh, my goodness. Reading your last post describes my life completely! I'm with ya. I'm a serial dieter. I get these high hopes in my mind of losing like 10 lb a week or something. I dunno. I just finished 30 days and lost 2 lb this month. In the "real" world that's super slow, but I didn't torture myself this month and I'm able to stick with it. In a year that's gonna be 24 lb that will stay off!

We're all in this together. This new-diet-of-the-week craziness is gonna stop! It is so sensible. You can have ANYTHING you want. You just have to wait until S days for the really special treats.

I'm excited for all the changes we'll make by next November....not just physically, but mostly mentally!!!

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Post by nowornever83 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:58 pm

Great day! I love how my urge to snack and binge (afternoon binging was bad) is totally subsiding-- it feels great so be in control. I had a nice workout yesterday and have the good sore feeling today-- off to the gym later tonight. I feel so empowered to be in control and know this is something I can and will sustain.

B: Shredded wheat, green tea
L: Salad with grilled chicken, BBQ chips, n-f greek yogurt
D: Shrimp stir fry with brown rice, wine

Tobiasmom-- That is SUCH a great way to handle the slow loss. Looking forward to the future and multiplying those small pounds by months and knowing the loss will last is important to keep in mind. Best of luck to you!

AnneK-- I am glad to have a partner on board to finish the year strong and committed. :)

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Post by nowornever83 » Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:24 pm

YEAH-- 5 days No S, NO cheating! Wooo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feels so good to have achieved my goal and be successful.... for the first time since I started. I think daily journaling and habitcal help. After tomorrow, I will have achieved my exercise goal as well. YES. I am pumped to keep going and it is definitely getting easier daily.

The only thing I am nervous about is weighing in tomorrow. IF I don't lose weight I HAVE to stick with it regardless and KNOW it will come in time. I cannot let me impatience throw off my consistency and commitment. I will buy a tape measurer this weekend as well. I think especially with my strength training that will be good to track.


B: Turkey sausage muffin, iced coffee, V8
L: Homemade deli wrap, chips, n-f Greek yogurt
D: Jimmy John's veggie sub, thinny chips

Shouldn't have had chips twice, but it is uncommon anyway.

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Post by tobiasmom » Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:05 pm

Great job! Isn't tomorrow an S day for you too? I thought you said you were gonna take them on Fridays and Saturdays.

Anyway, don't judge the whole process by tomorrow's weight. This is gonna take some time. But isn't it enjoyable?? I am LOVING it!!

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Post by nowornever83 » Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:59 am

Thank you tobiasmom! Yes-- today is an S day for me as well-- I think (for some odd reason as 5 days is 5 days) taking my S days on Friday and Sat. made a difference in the 5 days success. Have a wonderful weekend!

Alright: Down 5.3 pounds!
Current: 151.0

I know the loss is bigger because of the water weight I probably had on Sunday, but I will take it!

I will set goals next week for ways to improve my 5 N days (now that I had it through 5!!!). I am proud that even though I did not set a goal of exercising my 3 days last week that I accomplished that too. I think setting very specific small weekly goals is important and will keep me focused and motivated. I could not be happier about the 5 days and look forward to continuing that success.

SO, for now, I have goals for my S days:
  • No binging
    No perma-snacking
    Have a sweet, have a snack-- enjoy the flexibility and freedom-- release the emotional need to overeat.

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Post by tobiasmom » Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:17 pm

Oh, that's wonderful! Isn't this fun?

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Post by nowornever83 » Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:37 pm

Yes-- this is fun and liberating!

Yesterday was an S day for me and I really think taking Friday is quite helpful to staying on track. I wrote down everything I consumed just to compare how much more that was compared to N days, and it certainly was.... which is why I am especially glad S days are not everyday like BEFORE!!!

I did have a wild S day, but no binging per say. My plan is to be much less wild today-- one snack, one sweet. Yesterday went something like this: shredded wheat, crackers and l-f salami (morning snack), 1/2 fresh veggie burrito with chips and salsa (lunch), caramel apple lollipop and cookie (p.m. snack), pizza and salad (dinner), tootsie pop, m&ms, chips (after dinner at a party). WOW, if this was an N day I wouldn't have consumed: crackers, salami, cookie, 2 lollipops, m&ms, and chips. All of this is unhealthy and unnecessary. I think it is important to have S days to keep sane and committed, but I love how this reinforced that 70% of the week I should be restricting this unnecessary eating, and 3 healthy square meals will satisfy me and take me far.

I love No S.

I just got Mindless Eating and look forward to reading that to better enhance this lifestyle change.
Last edited by nowornever83 on Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by nowornever83 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:20 pm

Yesterday I did have a much more controlled S day, with enjoyed flexibility.

B: Whole-wheat waffles and nutella
L: Wrap, chips, apples
S: M&M cookies, spoonful nutella (unnecessary)
App: Spinach art. dip
D: Petite filet, mashed potatoes

So I had an appetizer and sweets I wouldn't have on an N day and that is it, unlike yesterdays perma-eating. I did find myself listening to hunger cues more rather than eating "just because." Around 3:30ish I felt the urge to snack, but I wasn't hungry, so I DIDN'T. What a concept? :) It felt so good to be in control and not let urges and emotions take over.

Today I am back on an N day and look forward to filling that calender yet again with 5 green boxes and 3 for working out.

My goals for this week:
  • Continue 5 and 3 successful days
    No eating unless off a plate (or bowl... or lunchbox) ie. no sneaking bites while preparing lunch or dinner.

My eating for today was:

B: 2 whole-wheat waffles, nutella
L: Homeade quesadilla, low-fat tortilla chips, guac, pineapple
D: Salad, pesto tort. with garlic chicken sausage, bread, oil, win

I measured my waist, hips, thighs and arms to track my toning. As of today:

Waist: 30''
Hips: 38''
Thigh: 24.5'' (high/fullest part)
Upper Arm: 12''

I will remeasure in one month and continue that trend monthly to track inches. I hope to see these numbers shrinking!

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Post by nowornever83 » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:49 pm

So, today should be a good day. Going to the gym after work to start week 2 of my committment.

B: Shredded wheat, green tea
L: White chicken chili, salad, potato salad, greek yogurt
D: Homeade chicken burrito, l-f chips, guac, 1 beer

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Post by nowornever83 » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:13 am

My plan of attack for tomorrow (it helps me to think ahead!)

Also, got the No S book-- reading that currently along with Mindless Eating. :-) LOVE THIS!

B: Shredded wheat, green tea
L: L-f tortilla chips, beans and guac, Greek yogurt, string cheese
D: 3 slices homemade wheat BBQ chicken pizza, Caesar salad, wine

I had a bite of a muffin, but it was literally a tiny bite so I will still count today as a success. I knew not to do it, but did and will try better next time. I cannot eat for awhile and am already getting hungry-- darn-- I thought my protein rich lunch would cut it. Live and learn.

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Post by nowornever83 » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:57 pm

Darn it. There was a luncheon at work today and tons of delicious baked goods. I caved and it SO was not worth it. I brought a granola bar to appease this craving, but left it! Grrrr.... I regret it already. Totally should have waited until Friday.

Instead of marking today a failure, however, I am going to make today an exempt day and Friday and N day. Therefore, I still should have 5 days of success. I am mad at myself. I knew I wouldn't need it but caved. I know for next time.

B: Shredded wheat, green tea
L: Salad with chicken, bread, brownie, 2 small cookies, sliver of coffee cake (YUCK)
S: 2 brownies, cookie, small handful nuts
D: Chili (i scoop second serving), bread, beer, one square dark chocolate

I feel disgusted with myself even writing all I consumed but it REALLY helps me to be blatently honest and see the gluttony of all this.... I am sick with myself. Nasty. All that sugars and all those sweets gave me extremely little pleasure and a whole lot of guilt. I really regret blowing my normal S day today, but again, I will make 5 N days this week per my end of the year goal.

At least I stuck to the workout, but it was much less satisfying picturing all the crap I consumed and knowing the workout was barely making a dent.

YUCK YUCK YUCK, SICK. Bad S day. I am sure this will make my weigh in much worse as well.

Tomorrow, is a new day and will be a much better day. The plan that I will stick to:

B: Turkey sausage on a whole wheat English muffin, cheddar, iced coffee
L: Hummas, crackers, string cheese, apple slices, granola
D: Subway sub, baked lays, carrots, light ranch

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Post by nowornever83 » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:31 pm

Today is MUCH better than yesterday. I lent another teacher my projector, and when I came into my room there was a "thank you" chocolate chip cookie on my desk. I threw it out and didn't even think of tasting it. The lounge smells soooo sugary from this cake from yesterday, and it actually repulses me. Certainly does not lure me. I am really proud of these changes.

Additionally, I have that good sore feeling in my body from my workout. I am going for day 3 of my goal this week today. YES.

Being successful and in control feels great. Yesterday's lack of committment and control did not. I need to remind myself of that next time I feel the need to cheat.

Although tomorrow is an N day instead of the S it should be, I don't mind because I know that means I am regaining control. :-)

My eating went as planned on yesterday's post.

Tomorrow's plan:

B: Shredded wheat, iced coffee
L: Salad, crackers, hummas, granola
D: Italian fare at Capri with the hubby

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Post by nowornever83 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:06 pm

Weight: 153.6

Up 2.6

I was warned from other posts about this happening. I will not let it deter me from sticking to this plan and ultimately achieving my goal weight. Plus, I had a bad day on Wed.

Unfortunately, I forgot my darn salad.... which makes me mad because I had a great lunch.

So, now I will have a stupid lunch which will go as follows:

Hummas, crackers, granola, fresh fruit, V8 (IF still hungry, 1/2 bagel)

BOOO, that salad would have really filled me with good fiber on few calories to last until dinner.

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Post by nowornever83 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:50 pm

Goals for next week:

Stretch nightly
No fudging days, 5 CONSECUTIVE

Tomorrow is my S day-- going on a roadie to visit the college gals for the night. I plan to be as mild as possible with snacking and sweets-- perhaps no sweets.

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Post by nowornever83 » Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:54 pm

Okay, I leanred a valuable lesson: screwing up during the week and claiming you will fix it by changing your S days on the weekend DOES NOT WORK. It just doesn't; therefore, NO giving in on N days and claiming that is the justification. Not at ALL. I learned my lesson and it won't happen again.

I am proud of my week 2 of successful working out and will continue this week.

5 consecutive days
No pop
Stretch at least 4 days

Plan for tomorrow:

B: Waffles, nutella, V8, green tea
L: blue corn chips, guac, orange, Kashi bar, string cheese
D: Homemade pizza, beer

Go, go, go! Have a great week and be diligent, consistent, committed, and positive.

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Post by nowornever83 » Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:57 pm

Nooooooooo-- had a sucker at team meeting. Mad. Also, my Wed. gathering with girlfriends is going to involve baking pie.... grrr.... that will be two days I mess up with S.

I will be realistic and this weeks are unusual (well, today I have no excuse for). I will just plug along but make my one freaking goal of 5 consecutive days. That should be my only goal (with workout days) until I really get this down.

On a high note, weight was 151 today. Although, I still have no made the magical jump into the 140s. I will prevail if I persist.

Plan for tomorrow:

B: Waffles, nutella, tea, V8
L: Crackers, hummas, string cheese, apple, kashi
D: Jambalya, beer

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Post by nowornever83 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:14 pm

Okey dokey-- today was a GOOD day. Solid no S.... and it was easy... it is easy and doable... there is NO reason to cheat. None. Although, saying this I feel guilty knowing tomorrow sweets will be consumed... damn pie day.

I really need to make 5 consecutive N days a priority.

Tomorrow's game plan:

B: shredded wheat, green tea
L: guac, chips, greek yogurt, kashi, string cheese
D: salad, baked most., slice garlic bread, wine

PIE--- damn.

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Post by nowornever83 » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:04 pm

New stretching plan: On off days when I am not working out, I need to do stretches.

This week, that would be today, Friday, and Sat.

This way, I get 3-4 days of stretching into my workout routine.

I LOVE this working out, but really need to master 5 consecutive N days (which I have done a couple times). I am typically in the 4 day range, which certainly is not good enough. After I master that, I need to work on eating mostly clean natural food. I am better in this area than most, but there is always room for improvement. Setting goals is very important to my success and drive.

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Post by tobiasmom » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:40 pm

Great job on the exercise. You're making progress! I, too, need to "clean" up my eating.

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Post by nowornever83 » Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:13 pm

Thanks Tobismom!

Well, yesterday went as planned. Had pie on the girls night and made it an S day. I was good and glad a tiny sliver. BUT, a problem I realize I need to control regarding S days: If I know it is an S day I say "screw it" and cave in other ways (ie. making it more wild). For example, I knew I was going to have pie in the evening, so when offered a sucker I took it even though I didn't need or want this. Yes, it was a 60 calorie sucker but unnecessary. I think I am going to limit my S days to ONE sweet and ONE snack (except Special days.... Thanksgiving and Christmas....etc.) If I cave once, I am done for and that is why I love N days. They control that lack of control!

I really would like to make Friday an N day to make up for yesterday. Last week, that didn't work, but I want to try.

Plan for today:
B: Waffles, nutella, V8, green tea
L: Appetizers at work party: cracker, cheese, salami, chips, dip
Snack!!!! :(: String cheese, baked cheetos bag
D: Vito, thinny chips, beer

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Post by nowornever83 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:24 am

What I have learned:

Working out feels oh so good and I am loving my routine. I look forward to continuing this and reaping the benefits.

I don't handle screw-ups well. If I mess up once, the day is done for (bad habit). If a mess up an N day once, chances are there will be another to follow. Failure for me means more failure; therefore, I cannot allow these slip-ups to happen. At all. Period. Last night, although the girl's activity was to bake pie, I could have given a reason not to try (although have gotten shit from my friends). I cannot give my self slack, excuses, or allow any slips such as that because then my day, and worse, much of my week tends to crumble. All the reds on N days this week (3, I am embarrassed to say) are only hindering my own goals. I am essentially being self-destructive. The beautiful greens for working out are uplifting and inspiring. I cannot. I will not. No more excuses, slips, or b.s.

I WILL make it until January 1st without missing my designated workouts AND without cheating AT ALL on N days. I promise, I declare, it shall be done. I will and I can.

6 weeks-- let's go. Starting this Sunday. Let the countdown to consistency, committment, and resolve begin.
Tomorrow and Sat. are S days. I will put this week laden with failure behind me and charge forward with a new understanding and strengthened resolve.

Furthermore, I will weigh in tomorrow as planned and will not be discouraged by an unflattering number. It will only be a reminder as to what these 3 days of failure resulted in. I will change. I have learned so much and LOVE THIS! :)

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Post by nowornever83 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:48 pm

I feel so icky and bloated from this week's poor eating choices, which reinforces my conviction to get on track once and for all. Today, I felt so nasty that I didn't even stop for my Friday iced coffee treat. No good. All because of 3 bad days. As someone posted, last night after having snacks I didn't even feel hungry for dinner/didn't even look forward to it.... which was disapointing! I like being hungry and ready to enjoy my food and not feel like I am eating for the wrong reasons. This realization and change is huge and love what I am learning.

My goal for these undeserved S days is to allow ONE sweet and ONE snack. Period. Then, stick to the other No S rules.

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Post by nowornever83 » Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:45 am

S Day eating log... honesty is the best policy:

B: English muffin, turkey sausage, cheese, V8, spoonful nutella
S: M&Ms, bite of doughnut
L: Hummas, crackers, orange, string cheese, kashi
S: Chips and salsa, beer
D: Lettuce wraps, sesame chicken, beer, wine

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Post by nowornever83 » Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:18 pm

Plan for today:

B: Shredded wheat, iced coffee
L: Quesadilla, guac, chips, salsa, pear
D: Sirloin cheeseburger, roasted potatoes, green beans, beer

ONE snack allowed and ONE sweet.... Nope didn't do this... gotta get these S days under control:

Afternoon snack: 2 mini-bags baked Lays (I think I am addicted to chips!), string cheese, spoonful nutella

After dinner (at bar): 3 slices Pepperoni pizza (eek...also addicted to pizza, luckily 99% of the time I make a homemade healthy version and eat it at dinner, not midnight!) Night eating is never a problem for me... except when I am boozing it up. Oops. Live and learn.
Last edited by nowornever83 on Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by nowornever83 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:04 pm

Is it weird I am actually EXCITED to be on an N day? I look forward to getting in control and having 4 days of success in a row (just 4 this week with Thanksgiving). I felt nasty and bloated Friday and especially yesterday.

My S days are too wild, and after I Master 5 consecutive days, that will be my mission to work on so they don't undermine my N day successes. This week though, I will aim to workout 5 days instread of 3 because my schedule allows for it. It will also benefit the increased drinking/eating with holiday fun.

Goal for week:
100% success Sunday-Wednesday
Workout Monday-Friday

Plan for today:
B: 2 eggs, veggie sausage, V8
L: Quesadilla with black beans, guac, chips, salsa, 1/2 pear (soooo yummy)
D: Stew, biscuit

Flaw, one extra bit of stew and small handful chex mix.

Plan for tomorrow:
B: waffles, nutella, V8, green tea
L: Stew, baked lays, pear
D: 2 homemade chicken fajitas, chips, salsa, beer

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Post by nowornever83 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:27 am

Plan for tomorrow:

B: Waffles, nutella, V8
L: Leftover fajitas (2), chips, salsa
D: Italian beef, fries

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Post by nowornever83 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:53 pm

So, just for sample's sake I am going to count the calories I am consuming on normal No S. According to a site I found ( it is awesome!), to maintain my current weight I am consuming 2258 calories (eek). I need to consume around 1258 a day to lose 2 pounds per week. I am curious just how many I truly am consuming so will calculate the rest of the week (minus Thursday) to see what the number is. I know that most people drastically underestimate how many calories they actually consume. My Cooking Light showed how many calories are consumed before even eating Thanksgiving-- with nibbles here and wine there. Interesting!

Today I will have consumed around 1846. I am sure the number 2258 is an average, which includes my weekend eating.

Much to my dismay but in the hope and encouragement of other CC success stories here, I will resolve to count calories per my goal of 1258; however, I do feel like I need a mod to stick with it and my eating out/partying now and then. I am not someone who eats out more than once a week typically, but, when I do, I don't want to have to agonize over what I order calorie wise. SO, I think I am going to follow the No S model of having 2 free days. I will:

Stick to No S Sunday-Thursday with 1258 as my calorie goals
Friday and Saturday, I will record everything I consume just to see and be good, but not be restricted by any set calorie limit (sounds scary, but is the premise to No S). I figure if I am very conscientious 5 days out of 7 and continuing my workouts, this should still give me results. Although, I realize easing up on calories two days will slow those results. I have to accept that or be super strict all the time (which I know I can't maintain with my social life).

I will do this strictly for four weeks, at which time I will determine effectiveness. I will not allow myself to preemptively quit until I make it four weeks.

Additionally, I will follow basic No S principals as I think they have definitely helped my emotional eating. I will avoid snacking but allow leniency, as well as sweets. Seconds are not really an issue.

Thanks to those CC who have inspired me. I really hope and pray this is IT for me. I cannot take any more disappointment. :(

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Post by BrightAngel » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:36 pm

It sounds like you have a good plan.
Good Luck with it.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by nowornever83 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:06 pm

Thanks Bright Angel! I feel good about it. :-)

B: 2 eggs, veggie sausage
L: Black bean quesadilla, chips. salsa, guac
D: Homemade whole-wheat pizza with ground italian turkey sausage

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Post by nowornever83 » Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:55 pm

So I am all set to begin calorie counting and am actually excited! I love the site I use, it could not be easier and literally has never brand you could imagine of any product you might consume. Luckily, I am organized and plan all the dinners for the week before I go shopping. I have entered all the dinners in for the week so that I know what my calorie limit will be for lunch and breakfast. I can already tell that implementing calorie counting will encourage me to really make HEALTHY choices. I plan on limiting portions but enjoying good food (love Cooking Light, so many delicious recipes, many dinners under 400 calories). I think I am, like most Americans, just used to eating far more than I need to eat and will have to adjust to that.

I will no longer post what I eat on here as I am logging it on another sight, but will check in periodically to update progress. Even though I know it will be tough to begin calorie counting right before Christmas when treats are rampant, I know just waiting and doing the stereotypical resolution after I pack on pounds is not a solution (as was mentioned in the NoS book).

Anyway, I have began counting today as I weigh-in on Fridays (even though it is the weekend). I went back and forth on how to allow a little leniency to make calorie counting work for real life. Sunday-Thursday I definitely should be able to stay within my restriction (1275). Friday and Sat. I have two culprits: One night eating out (want to enjoy a great dinner on the town without calorie counting!) and my social drinking... definitely no glass ceiling on my weekend night out (I am in my 20s and still in party mode a bit :P). I figured I could approach this one of two ways: Have Friday and Sat. still be my "S" days and release the calorie restriction, while still logging to stay pretty good. OR, allow one meal out per week where I don't count calories and one night out drinking where I don't log the booze cals. Hmmm.... it probably would end up the same. I think I will start by having Fri. and Sat. be S days (no calorie limit) BUT track. If that doesn't work I can modify.

Other calorie counters..... do you have suggestions? Or were you just super good all the time about being in your limit? I am afraid that if I don't allow a little leeway I will not be able to maintain my commitment.

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Post by TexArk » Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:21 pm

Welcome to NoS + CC. All the tech help available makes it so easy as you have found out.
To answer your question about staying within your calorie limit: I don't really worry about this because for me the NoS principles and the recording of the calories just seem to take care of the problem. I don't wait until an S day if there is something I really want to eat. Otherwise the desire builds and builds. I don't obsess about how many calories I have left or worry that I have gone over my budgeted total for the day. Some days I may be hungrier than other days and so my calorie total may be higher than other days. When you are keeping tabs though, you can see what the overall average daily consumption is. You are not driving blindfolded! I don't feel restricted at all so far even though I have averaged well below my budget and you can see my progress. Of course I am not close to goal weight....stay posted.
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Post by nowornever83 » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:23 pm

Thanks Tex! That makes sense-- not to be so obsessively strict that it becomes a burden. Like I saw many of you CC post, it is fun and sort of like a game.

Yesterday, I planned my day but because it was an "S" day for me I had an extra little serving of pasta at dinner, which, after I recorded it, cost me 185 calories. It is eye opening... just a moment thinking, "Why--I didn't need that!?" Good luck to you! Thanks for the input!

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Post by nowornever83 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:43 pm

Okay so I am on day 3 of CC and lovin' it! I feel truly in control, because I am, and feel like it is almost a game to get it right. With technology it is soooo easy-- I am addicted to The database is unreal and so accurate. It is really neat to see sodium, protein, sugar, and other inputs other than calories as well. I have done so well the past three days and it is very motivating. I am surprised how much I can stretch 1269 calories. I am eating really good food, and good portions. I also include my nightly drink-- glass of wine or miller 64.

As for my S days (Friday and Sat.) I think I will have to feel out what is best for me. I need flexibility. I just need to find balance. For now, the exercise I log I do not add into my daily totals (regardless of cals burned, I still eat a max of 1269), but figure those bonus calories are a bank for the weekend (about 1000 I burn per week). I also plan to add an additional workout day on weekend that is 1 hour of aerobic if I have a big eating/drinking weekend. I definitely know I am making smarter choices. I will basically allow freedom on the weekend but try to be as smart as possible and still log every bite and sip-- just to stay honest and aware. I am curious about my weigh-in Friday.

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Post by nowornever83 » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:50 pm

Still here and loving my workouts and loving my CC.

I am down a 1/2 inch in my hips and wasit today after 5 weeks of consistent workouts designed by my coach husband. It really is motivating.

Additionally, after this week of CC I am down 3.5 pounds.

Today and Sunday are my S days for CC. I was super strict this week about staying exactly in or under my limit and did not factor in calories burned. My plan is for that to help offset going over today and Sunday. Although, I don't want to go over! I know I "need" to allow those days to account for normal life. I still plan on logging everything I consume and keep those allowances within reason. I don't want to, but realistically, it will happen. I plan to add an all aerobic workout tomorrow to burn those beers tonight.

I just had a sugar cookie and logged it-- that tiny thing cost me 190 calories! NOT worth it. CC definitely makes you think about the choices you makes and to choose wisely and healthfully to stretch those precious calories. LOVE IT.

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Post by TexArk » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:04 pm

nowornever83 wrote:I just had a sugar cookie and logged it-- that tiny thing cost me 190 calories! NOT worth it. CC definitely makes you think about the choices you make and to choose wisely and healthfully to stretch those precious calories. LOVE IT.
So true! My daughter has just started tracking and now knows how the fast food orders and Dr. Peppers and cookies add up. Because we are not really restricting she can have them, but she records all food and I have noticed that she never has more than 2 sodas a day now. If she had tried to ban them or if I had tried to be food police, she would have felt deprived. Now she is just spending carefully.

Enjoy your S Days.
24.7 bmi Feb. 2019
26.1 bmi Sept. 2018
31.4 bmi July 2017

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