Sharpie's Accounting of Days

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Sharpie's Accounting of Days

Post by Sharpie » Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:07 am

Newbie, so this will be attempt #1.

Day 1 (Dec 28, 2010): N Day Success. No snacking, which is certainly my problem. Also exercise success. Made some lovely bread this evening. When I cook, I am much better about not snacking- the food is worth looking forward to, I guess.
Last edited by Sharpie on Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Sharpie » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:55 pm

Hmm. Day 1 was accidental, so to speak. Today... I feel paralyzed. I haven't eaten breakfast yet and it's far after time. I am hungry, and that is an is not the problem. I can be hungry, I won't die, but how do I choose what to eat? Gah! I'm too used to mindless permasnacking, never actually choosing what to eat.

ETA: I have my plates- they're 9" across, which seems reasonable. As I plated breakfast (banana, cornbread, 3 pieces of bacon) I realized that my food looked very loney, and that trained as I was by my grandma, I added in a handful of baby carrots. The idea of a plate of food without veggies is apparently just wrong in my head. Now, going all day without using a plate or eating a veggie, that's gotten a pass until now. :roll: Lunch (hummus roll, tomatoes, bread, broccoli) was the same. If I put it on a plate, there has to be something green on there too.

Snowstorm today, so definitely got my exercise shoveling it all. Ouch.

In other news, I also realized for the first time that I have no idea how much I actually need to eat. I know I need 1500-1800kcals/day, but I have No Idea what that LOOKS like on three plates. Not snacking has been weird, but doable. I have found myself, more than once, wondering vaguely, "Hmm, should I eat something?" And have shut it down with a) No, that would be an S, and b) I'm not even that hungry. Very odd for me.

Day 2: N Day Success
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Post by Sharpie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:32 am

I have decided that yes, I can handle a 3 meal a day system. I wasn't sure, give my history of chronic stomach issues, but this is the third official day and my stomach is doing just fine, so I will not do four meals a day as I had originally considered.

Exercise is done for today, luckily something more interesting than shoveling (too much) snow, though it looks like that might be tomorrow's task again.

Today: N Day Success. No sweets, three meals, I won't say 'no problem' but still, possible. Beginning to really WANT to snack, even after consciously acknowledging I am not hungry. However, I was medicating my dogs, which involves me putting about a half teaspoon of PB on a butter knife, sticking the pill on top and holding it out to them, when I got some PB on my hand from the jar and licked it off without thinking about it. It was a smear, not a spoonful, a taste, or a snack, but I still feel badly that it didn't even occur to me not to. I don't think I'll count it as a failure, but I will count it as a caution and a reminder how powerful old habits are! I think that seems reasonable...?

The funny thing is that this is the cheapo Jiffy stuff I only use for the dogs, not even my good Adam's PB.
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Post by Sharpie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:16 pm

Today is a Special Day, being New Year's Eve and all that. Gettheweightoff posted a topic that was a big concern for me too- just starting, and here are three S days in a row! I am going for Vanilla No-S with a fence about it, and since I have already felt the temptation to modify things, I am even more certain that sticking to the basics is the best plan I can have. Every time I even look at the kitchen I wonder about getting a snack, because that is what I do. Did. Now, I do not. If I tell myself that enough and act it out enough, it has to stick.

Wosnes replied, "Well, if that's what you decide to do [going back to permasnacking], then that's your decision, your choice. I don't think that's the decision you want to make, though." And that's dead on. I have to CHOOSE to stick with it. Choosing to go back to my old ways is also a choice...not automatic, even if it feels like that because of habit. I think I forgot that. It's not like anyone is going to Make me have snacks starting Monday, even though there may be temptations.

My goal today and this weekend is to stick with three plates, and then have something that looks tasty if it will actually make me happy... rather than just because it is there. This whole 'being hungry for meals' thing reminds me of when I was a little kid, not in a bad way, but just because that was the last time I really ate definite meals.

Exercised today too, though I guess that was optional, but it was too gorgeous out to stay in.
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Post by Sharpie » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:51 pm

New year's eve went well, fairly moderate, though I did snack on more peanut butter balls than I would have had they not been just sitting there tempting me. New year's day was an S day, and I did exercise a bit, 45 minutes out with the dogs, but when it's 13 degrees F, it is hard for me to really get going, especially since even walking is dangerous with the ice. The gym was closed for the holidays though, so walking it was. I did eat three meals, though there was definitely some after dinner snacking on sweets to be had.

Day 6, today, is also an S day, and I will likely be taking advantage of that exemption for exercise as well. It still hasn't warmed up any and I am a cold weather pansy. I just don't like it. I had breakfast and will be sticking with a base of three meals today, though 'dinner' might be stuffing myself on popcorn. We'll see about other S's today... not planning any just yet.

I've been weighing myself. It was blinking 126 at me up until Friday, where it switched to 124. Still that this morning. I wonder if not snacking has affected my sodium intake enough that I've lost 2lbs water/salt? I am a salt person. Love it, use tons of it, luckily have low blood pressure/cholesterol and so haven't been taken to task by my doctor for it. Though I do stand by (cling to) that study that it's only a problem if you're that X%age of the population that is sensitive to salt to begin with.

I think my word for this year, since I like the concept of word of the year, is going to be Choose. A) I've noticed it a lot in my posts thus far, and B) I think it is a good reminder for me in many things that no matter what, I am and have been making choices. If I want to get out more and do more fun things, I can choose to make that a priority. If I want to meet new people, I have to choose to do so. I can't sit there and just hope it happens and then be sad about it. Well, I can, but that again, is my choice, which when framed like that seems awfully foolish. I have to choose things that will result in what I actually want.

And then tomorrow. Back to N days, and back to my rotations for the first time with this new plan. I need to choose what I am going to eat for this upcoming week so I can bring it in and have it ready, or have the plan in place when I get home so tired, hungry, low-willpower me does not go back to what has been my default in the past and binge all evening.
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Post by Sharpie » Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:22 am

Day 7: I wound up plating a meal, then packing it today. Definitely still figuring out how much I actually need to eat. But it was a good N Day and exercise day. Not being home much at all probably helped though, less to tempt when you're running around busy.

That's one whole week!
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Post by Sharpie » Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:43 am

Day 8: N Day and Exercise Success. Today was terrible in terms of cravings. I tried oatmeal (snoqualmie falls) with blue berries for breakfast along with my coffee. By 10:30 I was so hungry I was having trouble focusing. Perhaps luckily I was too busy and didn't actually get to eat until nearly 2pm. Lunch was fine, about the same as yesterday, though I added an orange to the rice and beans with baby carrots because I was hungry and tired/sluggish prior to dinner yesterday. By 5pm I was hungry again, though not tired like yesterday. I sustained myself with thoughts of the pepper streak salad I was planning. Got home, made it, ate enough to be satisfied, but didn't really enjoy it because I just wanted to eat at that point. Could have been cardboard and I wouldn't have cared.

Then, even after I ate dinner, and I didn't stint on my plate, I still wanted to keep eating. I was full, but I desperately wanted to eat more. Popcorn, sweets, cheese, anything! After about an hour, I made myself some tea with milk and things have settled down a little. I can think about other things at least. Today sucked. Weight hasn't gone back up though, so I am optimistically thinking that it looks like those two pounds may stay gone (my scale measures to the nearest pound, so small changes are lost), which is some comfort, though very little at the moment. :evil:

ETA: Somewhere in the third week of January I may use both my NWS days. That week I will be going to see two sides of my family that I have not seen in more than a year and expect there will be dinners and desserts to make up for me not having a holiday with them this year. Just putting that out there, because knowing I can figuratively flip the bird at this whole No S those days (and still 'win') makes me less grumpy right now.
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Post by Sharpie » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:26 am

Success with N day and Exercise today. It was much less painful that yesterday, though I did have a sleepy spell this afternoon. Bit of funny stuff- ate a chunk of beef that was to be part of my burrito while I waited for my veggies to microwave. No worries that it wouldn't fit on the plate or anything and there was less than a minute lag, but worth noting because it was an 'autopilot' move that I am fighting.
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Post by Sharpie » Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:15 am

Yesterday: N day success and Exercise failure. I think that is still pretty good considering that I forgot to pack dinner (along with lunch) and had an ICU shift that meant that I was at work for an extra three hours after an already 12 hour day. Of course, I feel like the 'failure' to exercise is justified because of that, but it still comes down to: It was a weekday and I did not go to the gym or do anything beyond my dogs' morning walk.

Today: N day success and Exercise failure. Long day (as usual) and didn't leave until an hour late, when I was invited out to a dinner with friends. Gym or dinner with friends? Dinner won, easily, and now I'm full and home and tired from a long week and I sincerely doubt I will be doing fourteen minutes of anything before bed unless something inspires a wild hair.

Tomorrow and Sunday are S days, thank goodness. I have an ER shift and so much patient care this weekend that I'll likely be even more tired Monday than I am now. And I already know Monday is going to be a long, exhausting surgery day. Alas.
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Post by Sharpie » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:19 am

This weekend's S days were not extreme. Ate out a lot though. Here's to another week!
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Post by Sharpie » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:02 am

Exercise success. No S failure on today, which would have been day 14 I think. Worst day I've had in months, one of the top 10 for the past four years. When my friends recommended getting dessert with dinner, I said yes. Because today was awful. Did only eat three meals though, even if one of them was a vending machine bag of pretzels. Which was a side effect of rest of awful day, not a contributing factor, though it didn't help.

Yes, this is a perfect example of emotional eating. The amount of cursing was another example of emotional behavior. So be it. Tomorrow is a new day (thank goodness).
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Post by Sharpie » Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:49 am

Tuesday: N day success (Day 1 of Attempt 2) and Exercise success. This was despite/because of utter exhaustion. I ate dinner and really wanted to get seconds/sweets but decided to make a cup of tea first. I had fallen asleep on the sofa before the water even finished warming in the microwave!

Today: N day success (Day 2) and soon to be exercise success once I walk the the dogs. Maybe I'll finally get that tea tonight!
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Post by tobiasmom » Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:31 pm

I'm on attempt number 2 myself! Today is day 2 for me. We can do this!!!

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Re: hey

Post by Sharpie » Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:04 am

tobiasmom wrote:I'm on attempt number 2 myself! Today is day 2 for me. We can do this!!!
I hope so! It's a bit depressing having to reset the clock though... at the time, it was totally worth it. Now, I wonder. Maybe that regret has to build up and that's what the 12 attempts are all about! Lol!

Today was N day success, Exercise failure. Just didn't wanna. Lame excuse, but No S is priority one, exercise is #2, so it gets the short end when I'm running short on willpower.
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Post by Sharpie » Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:54 am

Friday was a NWS day- the celebration of the end of my community practice rotation! Though, to be honest, I don't know if it was really worth it... some things were tasty, but a real meal would have been been more satisfying than the snack fest that that the celebration was. Yesterday wound up being a N day, even though it was an S day. I was busy and that's just how it worked out, but had lovely fresh made chips and a burger at a pub with friends. Back to the real deal tomorrow!

(Yes, S days are real too, but they don't feel that way yet. They still feel like cheating.)
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Post by Sharpie » Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:04 am

Ugh. Family together in my honor today. Last S day for ages I hope. Feel cruddy from snacking constantly on this, that and the other. I'm looking forward to normal, for knowing what I can/can't eat/and when. This long weekend has been exhausting.
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Post by Sharpie » Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:12 am

Today was a good day: N Day success, and exercise success (walking the dogs) I even brushed the dogs' teeth today! Staying N was hard today, huge temptation including chocolate covered strawberries, bananas and other fruit! But I just stayed away, in another room so that I could avoid the temptation. I knew if someone offered me directly I wouldn't be able to say no so I tried to stay far enough away that no one would think to ask me. ;)
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Post by Sharpie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:34 am

Despite some conflict, no S is going according to plan, (as is dog tooth brushing) but my third Jan resolution- exercise, is kinda failing multiple times a week. Sigh. Two out of three isn't too bad right now though, considering I'm not at home (externing) right now.
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Post by Sharpie » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:34 am

This weekend was S-day-y. Kind of weird though. My doughnut was delicious even after its stint in the freezer, but only ate about 2/3rds of it before tossing the rest in the bin since it was too much. I ate sweets and snacks I didn't really want to (as in, desire to taste them/enjoy them) because after last weekend I felt deprived and rebellious.

Tomorrow will be 21 days of vanilla no-S. Today, after spending the morning snacking for the pure reason that I could, I felt kind of sick. Saw the fam snacking later in the evening, had no desire to join in, so there's a no-s habit beginning to settle in for you, and wound up not eating for about 7 hours because the snacking messed up my meal eating and I forgot about eating. Which is WEIRD. I saw the family snacking and eating and it did not occur to me to go get some food. Just didn't even think about it. I think maybe that's a bit of habit beginning to carry over as well.

So, I am beginning to think about some mods. I'm thinking I should go with the 'must eat off plates' rule. That seems to encompass what I'm going for most clearly. I am not wanting to restict what or how much I eat, even on S days, but just make sure it's actually a marked event that I am eating rather than sitting around with my bag of cheetos. I do this most of the time, but I think making it a stated goal, including S days, would help me visualize things better.

The other would be adding S events so that I don't binge on sweets. For better or worse, sweets have never been my downfall (unless I'm not supposed to have them, apparently), it's always been salty snacks that I gobble down endlessly. I think, after tomorrow, I will allow myself a sweet with a meal a day. If I want it, which is probably low odds to start with since they're not my big thing. I have never been a 'eat a pint of ice cream' person, so a sweet with a meal would be something like a piece of chocolate from the gift box the clients gave us with lunch or similar. No snacking still- it would have to fit on my plate and be there before I start the meal, but I think it would defuse a lot of my current resentment.

I have never been a dieter and my goals here are not weight loss, but to develop good eating habits- primarily retraining myself off of permasnacking.

1. Starting Feb 1, 2011, I will be following No-S with the mods of using dishes for all food even on S days and allowing 1 sweet a day on N days if desired (no, they don't accumulate/roll-over if unused! Lol!). This is what green/red days will be based on.

2. Starting Feb 1, 2011, I will continue to work on getting at least 14 minutes of exercise activity daily. Walking dogs, riding horses, or housework all count. Just DOing SOMEthing!

3. Starting Feb 1, 2011, I will continue to make the following healthy actions habitual: brushing the dogs' teeth (hey, you spend $400 on a dental for them!) and taking my vitamins!
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Post by Sharpie » Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:59 am

No S failure yesterday- it was fresh veggie day at work. Lots of delicious chopped veggies and pineapple. I abstained last week... but not yesterday. I felt like I 'deserved' to participate and snacked on them through the day.

Today was much better, but I've had to fight the urge to snack all day. It's like one day of going back to old habits makes the struggle that much more difficult. Interesting.
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Post by Kevin » Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:42 pm

Wait, you have fresh veggie day at work? Where there is cut up broccoli, peppers, carrots, etc? And fruit? What a different idea...

Sharpie wrote:No S failure yesterday- it was fresh veggie day at work. Lots of delicious chopped veggies and pineapple. I abstained last week... but not yesterday. I felt like I 'deserved' to participate and snacked on them through the day.

Today was much better, but I've had to fight the urge to snack all day. It's like one day of going back to old habits makes the struggle that much more difficult. Interesting.
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Post by Sharpie » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:46 am

I'm about 3 months shy of getting my DVM. Clients bring us candy all the time in thanks and believe it or not, we all get tired of it! (The candy only, the sentiment is ALWAYS appreciated!) So yes, fresh food day it is! There were chopped peppers, celery, snap peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even some pineapple, which is not a veggie but very delicious anyway.

I am still having problems, not really with NoS strictly speaking though. With the 1 sweet a day mod, the last couple of weeks have been shiny green and happy, in addition to being nearly automatic. No idea what my weight's doing since I am hours of driving away from my scale, but I'm betting it's just been stable since my pants still seem to fit the same. Maybe a little looser, but that may just be wishful thinking. :)

My problems are with ANY of my other habits I would like to cultivate! I am failing miserably. I know part of it is that I am on vacation. I have been away from home on an externship for a month and now I am honestly on vacation with zero commitments. I can't deal with it. I must have routine, but with zero pressure, I get zero done. I know that once I am back home and back into my normal routine, the habits will be easier, but I am so very frustrated with myself. I have all the time in the day, WHY don't I DO the things I say, and I really do think I should be doing? It's just absurd. It's just excuses and more excuses that I'm making to myself.
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Post by Sharpie » Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:09 pm

Dear Habitcal,

Sometimes I hate you and your little red squares. Sometimes I hate your little yellow squares too, because dammit, I want green even if it was a Saturday. I know I can't trade, barter or bargain, because down that road lies the failure I've already known many times, but that doesn't make the frustration less uncomfortable. Which is probably good. Hopefully it will snowball into a significant force that will compel ME to DECIDE to do what I think I've already decided to do, but haven't really committed to.

In summary, you are an uncomfortable thorn and reminder. I will exercise today, even as I curse your existence and gentle pressure.

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Post by LoriLifts » Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:59 am

In summary, you are an uncomfortable thorn and reminder. I will exercise today, even as I curse your existence and gentle pressure.
I love this!
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Post by Sharpie » Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:50 am

Scale said 124 this morning. That's good in the sense that even though I was eating out and lots of steak and potato type meals with zero (real) exercise, I did not gain anything during the weeks I was out of town.

Now that I am back, it is back to work! I also need to get in shape by May... I report for active duty then, and if I don't do the work now, it will be exceptionally painful. No S, check! Exercise, still my nemesis, but working on it!

Way too much red on my Habitcal. Part of that is the fact that the last two weeks were vacation, so lots of family and friend activities that made me feel 'entitled' to eat/do/not do whatever I wanted. Thurs was an S day because it is the last time I will see my family until May (graduation), and then not again until no one knows how long.
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Post by Sharpie » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:34 am

I will be going off No-S for a week starting Sunday at 8pm/making the whole week yellow in advance. It's not because of anything I really want to do, but I will be working 8pm to 8am emergency/critical care shifts, just for that week. Between trying to switch from a day person to a night person, being stuck there for 12 hours straight, and the nature of emergency medicine, I will be eating what, when and how I can just to get through the week, hopefully all the while retaining some semblance of a human being. If I can maintain N days, great, if not, I am not going to worry about it, the entire week is exempt since I will have much bigger fish to fry.
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Post by Sharpie » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:17 am

So, when I began, my scale was reading 126-128 with a certain regularity, and occasionally up to 132. This afternoon it told me 121. We'll see if that maintains, but if it does I will be thrilled. After my overnight shifts I will be heading back to the gym to get this whole 'exercise' habit under control. I'd like to maintain weight while gaining muscle, so we'll see what happens. Often I start eating a ton when I'm exercising regularly and I'm never sure how much of it is legitimate upreg of metabolism and how much is an excuse to just eat more. I'll keep a close eye on it and be asking myself if I really am hungry enough to make and eat a big (single) plate or if I just want to eat because it fits and I was 'virtuous' enough to exercise and now 'deserve' more food.
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Post by Sharpie » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:38 am

Back on track after the hellish week of overnights. Weight still at 121 during a random afternoon (not my normal time/situation) weigh in, so I don't think I did too much damage. :) I've found returning to a normal schedule of day/night has made returning to No S just as automatic.
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Hello out there

Post by Sharpie » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 pm

Fell off the face of the planet, but not off of NoS until the past couple of weeks. Graduating, moving, living in a temp place without any of my stuff like cooking supplies, books, or dvds, and STILL waiting to move into my actual place. Stress is a big eating trigger for me, but the habits were good enough to hold me up until I wasn't able to cook any more. The past two weeks have been terrible. I can't make real meals, so I don't feel at all satisfied even when I eat, I'm stressed, then I snack because a) I am actually hungry because my meal was crap that I don't want to eat and hence don't actually eat enough of and b) I am also unhappy and bored. I also don't have my coffee maker, which is miserable, because reaching for a cuppa joe was always my reliable way to de-stress and defuse the munching impulse.

Boo. On the first I get to move into my real place and actually go grocery shopping and have real food again. Until then, I'll be getting back in the habit anyway, even if it means having to exercise (gasp!) a little self control in between my "meals" of microwaved taquitos and dried fruit.
"If you only do what you know you can do, you never do very much.†-Tom Krause

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