Kevin's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Kevin's daily check-in

Post by Kevin » Fri May 20, 2005 5:01 pm

Forgive me if this is more or less a duplicate post... I thought I'd posted previously, but I might have timed out and not posted.

Hi. I'm Kevin. I eat too much. So here I am on my first day of NoS: starting on Friday might not have been the best idea, but starting on any day is better than not starting.

I'm maybe 30 pounds overweight, a 45 year old insulin-dependent diabetic (and have been for 25 years), using an insulin pump (without which I probably wouldn't be able to do NoS).

Diabetic hypoglycemia dictates that I eat sugar from time to time between meals, but I'm going to think of that as medicine.

Wish me luck. Oh, and try shovelglove. It's good for the soul (and the shoulders).
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Post by ida » Fri May 20, 2005 6:34 pm

Good luck! It'll get much easier as time passes (its not hard to start with in my opinions) and you'll be so happy with yourself for trying it!! I know you'll do great, even with the extra challenge you have.

Take care, love Ida xx

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Friday and Saturday Success

Post by Kevin » Sun May 22, 2005 12:51 am

Friday was a success. I did graze a carrot and a cucumber slice before dinner, but other than that minor accident (hey, they were on the table and old habits die hard), I was 100%. So say I was 99%.

Saturday was my first S day... I had a big dinner, and a beer with it, but it still fit on one plate), but that was my only S day allowance. So I'm calling that 100%.

I did treat hypoglycemia twice, but with orange juice instead of candy. Can't fix this problem. Life goes on. I'm taking these all as bogies.

Blood glucose readings have been excellent.
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May 22 - Success

Post by Kevin » Mon May 23, 2005 3:56 pm

Very busy Sunday. My only concession to it being an S day was a beer before dinner and one extra piece of bread with dinner (I'm not giving up beer, I just usually have one with dinner).

Insulin requirements are d-r-o-p-p-i-n-g quickly... Pump basal setting down 25% since Friday. Holy crap! (For you non-diabetics, this is a good indicator of the amount of digestion being done).

Had to treat two hypoglycemic episodes with gum drops (all that was available "in the field"). Again, as a diabetic, I can't count this against myself.

This can't mean anything (yet), but Friday morning I was 194 lbs., this morning I'm 190... that's probably still within the margin of error, or maybe I've lost a pound or so.

Calculated my total insulin intake... Based on the reduction, I think I was getting 35-40% of my calories between meals!

So far, so good.
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon May 23, 2005 4:27 pm

Kevin, sounds like you're doing really well and the insulin is going down, down, down. Keep it up! (the effort, not the insulin).


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Monday 5/23 - SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Tue May 24, 2005 12:57 pm

Had another successful day. Still hungry between meals, but I'm getting to the point where I don't fixate on it - keeping busy is the key.

In three weeks, when this is a habit, I'll be a happy guy.
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5/24 Success

Post by Kevin » Wed May 25, 2005 1:07 pm

Tough time in the late afternoon. I was very hungry at 5:30 p.m., but I gutted it out. I'm hoping that for every time I keep this promise to myself, it'll get a little easier the next time.

Diabetes update: Total daily insulin intake is down 30% since the week before the diet and still dropping. Hypoglycemic in late afternoon, early evening. Still making pump adjustments.

Sleeping like a baby - this alone is worth the effort.
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Post by reinhard » Wed May 25, 2005 2:39 pm

Kevin, I think the toughing it out will pay off. Sounds like you're doing great. Hope those readings aren't a total fluke! They sound a little too good to be true, but let's hope it's just a little. Treating the sugar you need as medicine is an excellent idea, especially if you keep it in medicinable quantities. I know too many people who use their medical condition as an excuse for obesity, which is odd given that obesity is often largely the cause.

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Post by Kevin » Wed May 25, 2005 4:47 pm

I don't know that the changes I'm seeing in my insulin requirements are unusual. What they point out should be a lesson for all No-S devotees.

When you use an insulin pump, you infuse insulin in two ways. First, you program a basal rate that provides you what you need for normal anatomical function without regard to what you are eating. Second, you program boluses at mealtimes to cover the amount of carbohydrate you eat. The tricky part is being able to accurately estimate what you need for background body function versus what you need to cover ingestion of carbohydrate - it all acts the same once it gets below your skin.

A 30% reduction in total insulin intake pretty much means a 30% reduction in total carbohydrate ingested. Since snacks likely contain a higher fat to carb ratio than meals, it probably means an even-greater-than-30% reduction in total calories ingested.

How else can you easily cut, say, 35% to 45% of the calories from your diet?
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Post by Kevin » Thu May 26, 2005 11:54 am

A successful day yesterday. I'm lucky that I have a pretty regular schedule.

Evening snacking is not an issue anymore (not even a temptation, even when I'm watching TV) - but the stretch from lunch to dinner is still a bit of a challenge.

Scale says I'm 189, down five pounds in a week, but some of that is in the noise. I'm probably down 3. Plenty for one week.
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5/26 (Thursday) Success

Post by Kevin » Fri May 27, 2005 12:04 pm

Today marks the beginning of my second week.

My only difficult times are from 4:30 till 6:30, other than that, I'm cruisin'.
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5/28 Saturday SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Sun May 29, 2005 3:13 pm

Had lunch out with my 11 year old. He wanted to go to McDonalds after Karate (first time in two weeks - we limit it). I had a cheeseburger and a diet soda - then came home and had a salad. Fit on one virtual plate although it did spread out over an hour and a half or so. Still, better that salad than a side order of fries...

No other concessions to it being an S day. I'm being strict until I make a habit out of it. I might have a beer today. There hasn't been any in the house, so I haven't been drinking any.

Good luck, all.
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Sunday May 29 - SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Mon May 30, 2005 3:20 pm

Worked in the yard a lot, had several hypoglycemic episodes even though my pump was turned way down. Not far enough down, I guess.

My concession to it being Sunday was a single beer after dinner while watching the Sox - there is a God - beat the best-team-that-money-can-buy in the New York Yankees. Priceless. You gotta wonder how a corpulent looking 42 year old guy (Wells) can throw the ball that well into the 9th inning...

And my new local team, the Nationals, won earlier in the day.

Life is good. Especially with an occasional beer.

Good luck everyone.
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Monday 5/30 Success

Post by Kevin » Tue May 31, 2005 1:47 pm

Other than treating several hypoglycemic episodes (again - next weekend I'm just turning the damn pump off all afternoon), I did well today.

No concessions at all to it being an S day, except for slightly larger meals.
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Tuesday May 31 Success

Post by Kevin » Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:28 pm

Pretty easy day.
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Wednesday 6/1 - Success

Post by Kevin » Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:39 pm

Another fairly easy day. It does keep getting easier.
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Thursday, June 2 - Success

Post by Kevin » Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:32 pm

Of course, we went to a dinner for Sunday School teachers at church (I do teach Sunday School), so I ate less well than I usually do, but still just one plate. Okay, I had a second piece of chicken breast, but it was all but forced on me.

I'll call this 90% successful and not look back.

Friday starts my third week. I'm still hungry in the late afternoons. That's really the only trouble spot.
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:42 pm

Sunday School Supper...sounds like a special s-day to me!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:44 pm

Sunday School Supper...sounds like a Special S-day to me!

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Subject Friday June 3 SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:27 pm

Thanks for the dispensation, Jan.

Friday afternoon was terrible. I went home hungry and very crabby, got in a fight with my wife but swore I wouldn't break down and snack.

Tested my Bg before dinner (I'm diabetic). Turns out I was pretty low (low 50s), hence the crabbiness. Hungry and low go together. It's sometimes tough to distinguish one from the other.
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:45 pm

Hope you are doing much better today, Kevin!

I get crabby when I get a migraine, and I have really learned to keep my mouth closed so I don't start arguments at home. So, I sympathize with you! Hope you and your wife are all made up, and you are in better spirits.

By the way, I meant to tell you in responding to your last post, but forgot like the ditz I am, that I was so happy to hear you are a Sunday School teacher. That is, in my experience, the most challenging of Church ministries, but also the most important. So...good for you! :D


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Post by reinhard » Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:16 am

I know Friday wasn't much fun, but barring that, it sounds like you're doing fantastic. As for the still tough afternoons, maybe you should schedule one of your medicinable sugarings then? Is this something you feel confident/safe toughing out or would it be better to think of some kind of systematic intervention? Maybe even something as simple and unproblematic as a regular beverage break then would help.

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Sunday 6/5 SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:42 pm

My sole concession to it being Sunday was a big pretzel and a diet soda while I watched the Nats conclude a sweep of the Florida Marlins...

Also drank orange juice twice to treat hypoglycemia. I dug two, twenty-foot-long, two-foot-deep ditches in the builder's backfill yesterday to run some downspout drains. What fun. And it was hot. Of course, I upped the shovelgloving Saturday afternoon to a 12 pound hammer, so my shoulders are beat today. Not nearly as beat as they would have been before I started shovelgloving, though.

Reinhart, thanks for the suggestion. What I really have to do is test my Bg when I feel hungry and crabby to see if it's low. I just got too involved with correcting homework, trying to get the computer to run my kid's camera program, etc.
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Monday 6/7 SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:02 pm

It wasn't even hard today. I did eat a bigger lunch than I had been, but dinner was smaller.

I was eatin w-a-y too much between meals. Way to much.
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Tuesday 6/7 SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:34 pm

Another fairly easy day. I'm hungry sometimes, but it doesn't bother me. I'm coming up on my three week anniversary.

Began at (at least) 194 pounds, currently down to 186.5. I know others don't like to watch the scale, I personally find it interesting. When you drop seven or so pounds in three weeks, it's a pretty rewarding experience, but I do not expect this rate of decline to continue. Beginning Friday, I'm going to weigh myself only once a week. This daily habit might be harder to break than my snacking habit was...
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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:11 pm

Congratulations! Again, I don't even think you'd want to be losing faster than this.

It's not so much the scales that are the problem as people's relation to them. If the scale doesn't tell them what they want/expect/think they deserve, they tend to freak out and let everything go to pot. They don't keep in mind that 1) behavior takes a while to translate into pounds lost 2) scales are not the most accurate instruments 3) not all pounds are created equal (that whole muscle vs. fat thing) 4) your weight will fluctuate a bit during the day just from ordinary input/output. If you have a more mature relationship with the scale, great, then there's no problem, it's a useful thing. More measurements might even be good, if you keep track of them, since you'll see and be less freaked out by this ordinary fluctuation.

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Wednesday 6/8 - Success

Post by Kevin » Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:13 pm

Dinner was postponed until 7:30, so it got a little tough to avoid the snacks laid out at my son's school play, but I pulled it off.
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Thursday June 9 - Success

Post by Kevin » Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:17 pm

Another difficult day with the dog at the vet and the kids going every which way.

I do have to report that right in the middle of dinner my daughter realized she had a meeting a church in 10 minutes. So I ate a piece of pizza off a napkin in the car, then returned to eat the salad and pasta. I'm still calling this succcess. I ate only what I planned to eat, I just split it up a bit.

Still SGing, too.

Saw 185 for the first time in six years on the scale yesterday. That's nine down from three weeks ago - three weeks ago today. I'm going to avoid the scale until next Friday.

Willpower rocks.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 10, 2005 9:53 pm

Excellent Kevin! That's fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Rock :)

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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:09 am

Kevin! Your three weeks is a real inspiration. I'm glad about your nine pounds and especially about your reduced insulin requirements. How is that going - is it continuing to go down?

I weighed approx. 185 (height 5'5") when I started a week ago. I have recently become concerned about the extra weight because it put me at risk for developing Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome) or pre-diabetes.

My good cholesterol was a little below the threshold where they call it normal, and my triglycerides were above normal. With the extra pudge around my middle and my BMI where it is, I was really getting in the danger zone. One of my good friends is diabetic and she says, "You DON'T want diabetes."

So here I am, finally getting serious about getting the pounds off and getting in shape. I've never been a real couch potato -- I do walk to the grocery store, the coffeehouse, and I like to walk in the woods -- but I just don't do enough all around.

The last ten pounds I gained were while I was laid up with a broken leg. I think that was the most depressing part -- I was already pretty overweight when that happened.

Fortunately that did heal (not everyone's does, and a lot of people take longer to heal that I did.) So I feel lucky to have the ability to walk around now and I want to take advantage of it.

Anyway, Kevin, I have gone on about myself too long but I am interested in your story because it is so encouraging about some issues that I am trying to be aware of. Wow!

Actually, I am very encouraged by all of you that have shared your weight-loss and fitness journeys ... thanks.
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Friday, June 11 - Success

Post by Kevin » Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:04 pm

Friday was another successful day. I did drink black tea in the afternoon just to give myself the idea I was having something... but I think that's allowed.

ClickBeetle, Deb, you're too kind.

One of the things that got me wanting to try something - anything - to improve my diet, was that my son was recently diagnosed with diabetes, So now I really am a role model. We twisted arms and got him on an insulin pump in the first month after diagnosis, and he's doing as well as I could ever hope - he's a much tougher human being than I thought.

But being a middle-aged Type I diabetic with two kids bound for college in the next 10 years - one diabetic - meant it was time to get serious. Truly serious. I needed to show my son optimal Bg control, and I needed it for myself. My Bg average for the last 7 days is 122. For those of you that aren't Type I diabetics, that's a very, very low number, almost in the normal range. It's down about 25 points from before I started. I don't have any more hypglycemic episodes than before, either. My insulin usage is pretty stable at about 34 units a day, which, for a 185 pound guy, isn't that much, and is down from an average of about 45 a day (it's the decrease that matters).

And the boy is (sort of) modelling this behavior. He rarely wants snacks between meals (when he does, he can have them - the beauty of being on a pump). He's pretty much satisfied with three meals a day. He's unhappy with readings above 140 before meals.

So, I'm sticking to this. At least, I'm going to try.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:00 pm

Good for you!!!!
My Uncles wife has juvenille diabetes and when we have family dinners she always seems to have some sort of really rich dessert around and both her children have absolutely no restrictions at all... Every time I see them downing the sugar like there's no tomorrow, I think, "wow, she sure likes Russian roullette...."
Oh well, it's easy to judge others I guess... Kudos to you for laying down the law and giving yourself and your family some good tough love!!!
I think that being overweight is the main factor in diabetes, almost more than dietary sugar... You are really getting a handle on that, and you will reap the benefits! Woo hoo Kevin and family!!!
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overweight and Diabetes

Post by Kevin » Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:02 pm

The two kinds of Diabetes sort of blend into one in the end...

Type I diabetes has nothing to do with weight. It begins as an autoimmune response: your body destroys certain cells in your pancreas whilst trying to attack a virus. Neither my son or I was overweight or inactive when we were diagnosed. I was 19 and as fit as I'd ever been. The boy was an athletic 10.

Type II diabetes is thought to be your body forgetting how to use insulin - in fact, Type II diabetics are often producing prodigious amounts of insulin. Of course, once one ends up on insulin therapy to control blood glucose, the body shuts down its own production... so you seem just like a Type I.

Type II diabetes is thought to be "caused" by lack of physical activity and too rich a diet, which also lead to being overweight. I guess it all looks the same in the end.

At least, that's the way I understand it.
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Saturday, June 11 - SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:52 pm

This keeps getting easier.

I went to a picnic late yesterday afternoon. There was a huge spread, none of which I felt a great desire to eat. Once the burgers hit the grill, I cracked a beer. I had a burger, a few chips, some salad and fresh vegetables, and a big dill pickle (I like mine with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57, and french fried... oh, never mind).

Anyway, I finished that. My wife inquired what concession I was making to it being an S day. So I tried a hot dog. I just had no desire to finish it (and I do like hot dogs - a lot). Later, I tried another lite beer (the word "lite" being my first mistake) and couldn't finish that either...

One big plate of food is appealing. More than that just isn't anymore.

This afternoon might be harder. Another picnic, a smaller group: I'm sure there will be food right in my face the entire time.

This just keeps getting easier. Three weeks really seemed to be the tipping point.
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:49 pm

I have no personal knowledge of diabetes, but I remember that when I was doing that fat-free vegan diet (the McDougall Program), there seemed to be quite a few people who were able to quit the insulin therapy altogether after switching to that diet. I thought that was interesting. Weight loss followed, along with an increase in activity. It really does matter what we eat, doesn't it?

Just my Sunday afternoon musings..

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McDougall and Diabetes

Post by Kevin » Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:09 pm

I did McDougall once, quite a long time ago. It was a very strenuous diet. If you are a type II diabetic who still produces insulin, the combination of a healthy diet, weight loss, and regular, aerobic exercise might get you off insulin therapy.

The outcome for someone who no longer produces insulin would be quite different. Heck, if my pump stops delivering for two hours I start to feel awful. Maybe I'd last a week or two? I don't know. I'm not going to try.
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Sunday, 6/12 - SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:17 pm

Another easy day. I did very little eating in concession to it being an S day.

I have gained weight over the last three days. I haven't SG'd because my shoulders have really hurt. I'm going to have to modify my exercise program for a while, I think.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:11 pm

Two steps forward, one step back still equals success! Keep doing that and all those single steps will add up... You lost a lot so far! Also, Kevin, the exercise really changes the weigh in... Muscle weighs 3 times as much as fat... Try measuring your waist and arms and legs once a month for a better picture of your transformation...
Don't fret and don't get down on yourself... You are doing great!!!!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:44 pm

Hi Kevin,

Hmmmmm...five years on that McDougall Program and I heard a lot about how diabetics benefitted from the program, but never once did I hear that there are different kinds of insulin needs, and that it would not work for everyone. I really hate it when I get selective information, so I appreciate your telling me this. I am glad to be here at No-S...McDougall was very restricted. Here I feel free and in control. Hope it all goes well for you! You sound like you're settling into the program very easily.

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two steps forward, one step back

Post by Kevin » Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:42 pm

Deb, if I took two steps forward and one step back then I would have done more exercise than I did all weekend. :0)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:24 pm

Aw come on! You couldn't have been that inert! :P
And even if you were, sometimes you just need to recharge, so cut yourself some slack mighty Kev!
Consider the weekend an exercise in Zen meditation...
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Post by navin » Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:02 am

Kevin -

I wouldn't worry too much about the scale for day-to-day weighings. I've found it helpful to have a set day and time of the week that I do my official weigh-in. Yes, it so happens to be Friday before dinner, when I'd theoretically weight the least (before any S-days). You might do this, or once every other week, or once a month, or whatever works for you.

I've found (and I'm sure Deb will second me here :) ) that weight can be somewhat deceiving. It can fluctuate from day to day for all kinds of reasons.

Hopefully you are not as much of a nerd as me, but I even put in these weigh-in numbers into a spreadsheet and graph them. I figure, even if there are little blips here and there, as long as the overall trend is in the right direction, I'm in good shape.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:15 am

Kevin, I'm happy to hear how well your no-s discipline is going. It seems like your habits are really firming up. As for your scale blip in the wrong direction, remember that these things will happen. A single measurement is not that accurate/important. Navin is right: if you're going to measure at all, you're almost better off taking zillions of measurements and recording them. I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder. Do you think maybe you're going up to the 14 pounder too fast? You're doing the right thing to take off SG as long as something hurts. If you're antsy to do some exercise in the meantime, remember urban ranger... it's not going to turn you into Mr. Universe, but it's as safe as can be, as pleasant as can be, and enough for weight control. Big picture, it sounds like you are doing phenomenally for you and your son. Don't ignore the soreness (do ignore the scale blip), but don't let it throw you either.

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Monday 6/13 - SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:44 pm

Another successful day. I'm probably going to go to a once a week posting.

Reinhard, thanks for the encouragement. I'm not sure what's going on with my shoulders, but I'll be 46 tomorrow, and the march of time might be contributing. Although they hurt, I'm getting more muscular. It feels like tendonitis (it feels better when I start moving and worse upon waking in the morning).

Anyway, I'm sort of developing my own, what, scenario? My working title is "Tire Iron". It's going to involve more squats and tire flips, pick ups and carries, and hitting/driving the tire with the hammer. I think this will get me more big muscle exercise and reduce the stress I'm putting on my shoulders.

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Post by cvmom » Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:37 pm


Please post more then once a week if you can because I enjoy reading of your progress.

As for your shoulder, take some motrin (or other A.I.) and try not to get too bummed out. I know it is hard when you get on a roll to stop doing something. There are lots of other things you could do. Maybe, for example, you could go on a bike ride.

Anyway, hope you have a Happy Birthday.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:50 pm

Hey Kev! Just a quick thing on the tendonitis issue...
If it is tendonitis, try doing that circular ice massage thing I mentioned back on the old group...
Step 1. freeze a glass of water, large paper dixie cups are good...
Step 2. rub the ice on your shoulder, where it hurts, using circular motion... Keep the ice moving and not in one spot....(note: this will hurt at first, but stick with it....)
Continue to massage area until it gets numb (or until you can't handle it any more, whichever comes first...)
This brings fresh blood to the area, and pumps out whatever built up waste is in the surrounding tissue....
I usually do this in the shower.... This way I can let the ice drip all over the place and also combine it with heat, aka "Contrast Bathing"....
Start with hot water to the area, then I do ice massage, then I do hot water (actually warm, not hot) then back to the ice massage... You can do this three or four times, but always finish with ice... Don't finish with heat as you want to reduce the inflammation, not increase it..... You won't believe how great this feels after! Let me know if you try it :)

The thing is, Kev, what you are mentioning, ie: worse in morning, better with movement, really is the hallmark, not of tendonitis, but of arthritis...
Arthritis feels better once theres some stuff in there to lubricate the joint, which is what happens when we get ourselves moving....
I have heard great stuff about taking Glucosamine Sulfate, which you may want to look into....
You could have both, actually, it's not so uncommon.... Any muscle with significant tendonitis will "protest" when put under "Load", and shovelglove is certainly considerable load!
Good luck this week, and oh yeah,,,,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Deb, thanks

Post by Kevin » Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:13 pm

Thanks for the treatment: I'll give it a try.

I'd hate to think it's arthritis... but if it is, it is.

Anyway, I've heard good things about Glucosamine sulfate, too. I'm trying to determine if it has any effect on blood glucose before I dive in to that particular pool.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:34 am

Hey Kev,
My friend who owns a health food/vitamin store, and who is very up to date on product info, said that even though there is some glucose there, several studies have shown that it doesn't affect blood glucose and is safe for diabetics... I just called him now... He told me that there's another product called "Celadrin" which is supposed to be really good too, maybe even better...
Let me know how long you were able to ice your shoulder before screaming! LOL....
It's funny... After you do the ice and the hot water a few times, it really does have a pretty good anasthetic effect!
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Tuesday 5/14 - SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:47 pm

After three and a half weeks, it's an easy habit.

Today is an S day for me. I'll probably go out to dinner, but I'll still not snack or eat dessert.

Have a good day, everyone.
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:23 pm


Hope your shoulder is feeling better!

I really do enjoy reading your posts, and find a good bit of inspiration therein.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:22 pm

Kevin, you're a champ. You're the first one here on the check-in to hit the magic 21 days. You even beat me, the founder!

People are getting a lot out of your posts. If daily is too much of a pain, maybe consider going weekly or monthly (or whenever the urge strikes)? You get a little gentle pressure to continue on your path of virtue, other's get inspiration to start.

Happy birthday! Very nice timing on that, by the way.

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6/15, 6/16 - Success

Post by Kevin » Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:08 pm

On my birthday Thursday, I made one concession to it being an S day - I held fast. No special treats. I'll celebrate on Saturday, instead.

Thanks to all for the Birthday wishes. Deb, I'm not opening those e-cards on my pathetic internet connection (my dial-up is running at 26.4 for some reason)... I'll save them for when Verizon finally comes through with DSL.

Today is four weeks. I've been graced with a good schedule, so I've had no failures (other than that time I was making lunch and found a piece of ham in my mouth. I did not spit it out, but just put less on my sandwich. And that time I nabbed a cucumber slice before dinner - again, an accident, but not one I'm willing to declare a failure. It probably took more calories to chew it than it contributed.).

My Type I diabetes is under the best control ever. However, the No-S diet would be very, very difficult to manage for an insulin dependent diabetic that was not using an insulin pump, unless they went to five meals a day, which is probably a reasonable concession if the meals were kept small.

Starting weight about 194, current weight about 184. I doubt I'll keep up 2.5 pounds a week, but if I did I'd be at my (revised) target of 170 in another six weeks... I would never have thought that possible.

I'm slowly developing my own (outdoor) variant of shovelglove - experimenting with the combinations of moves that leave me the most winded and the least shoulder-sore.

Reinhard, thanks for the great ideas.
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Who you gonna call? "S-Busters"!!!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:55 pm

Kev!!!! You are a pillar of strength!!!!
Honestly, snacking while preparing food, is just part of cooking, but it could add up I guess... The main thing is you are really being hardcore with your habits and NoS guidelines, and in many ways, that really makes it easier and more likely that you will succeed!
Children need discipline, and guess what?
We all are really children inside, no matter what our bodies say! LOL
Tough love, limits, discipline are all a great way to care for ourselves and quite frankly, I know *I* personally didn't have hardly any real guidance as a child and hardly knew what a boundary was... (other than "nagging" and "threats"...) My parents divorced when I was 12 and they really had plenty of problems for many years before, so I think they were in their own little world... My overeating really started around 9 or 10 years old...
Like I said, I really didn't know what a rule or structure was back then.. I suffered in school, and in many other ways. I always did best when I had a teacher who was, for a lack of a better word, a ball buster! LOL... I needed and thrived with those types of mentors who expected excellence and were really really strict... (not mean, though, just strict)
Well, it's no surprise that NoS is such a saving grace for me and, I'm assuming, for many here...
Reinhard and the, clear, strict, yet loving structure of NoS are the
"S-Busters" that all our little stray inner children need!
"Mr. Reinhard, Mr. Reinhard!!! Ooh I know the answer! Pick me!!! LOL..."
Congrats on you great first month Kevin! I bet going down to that weight was the best present you could give yourself! You are inspiring me too!
Thanks and save me a cucumber sandwich! :wink:
(ps.... Dialup is so lame! Once you have dsl you will never turn back!)
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Post by margaret » Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:51 pm

DSL was going to be a long time coming to the woods - so I opted for satellite. It's not quite as good as DSL, but beats phone lines older than me for dial-up.
ten pounds - four weeks - perfect...the dietbook junkie in me loves those kind of stats. My husband is insulin dependent and it is a whole different kind of hungry. Proud of you.
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S days... 6/18 and 6/19... maybe not so much success

Post by Kevin » Sun Jun 19, 2005 11:54 pm

Okay so it was Father's day today, and we went out to dinner last night. I hat too much beer. Let me tell you, my friend, that second one really lowers your resistance to snacking. Still, I only ate the crabcakes and didn't even touch the fries. Had a couple of crackers back at home. The Nats were losing; I wasn't particularly happy. Overall, I'll bet I still ate way less than I used to on any given weekday.

Today was a tough one: had ice cream for lunch, then nothing till dinner... what am I saying, that's not a bad day given it's an S day... Bg stayed low as we walked about six miles in Washington DC. Mom was in town so we went to see the FDR and the American Indian Museum. The FDR is a really beautiful monument if you haven't seen it. It really gives you a sense of the hero that that man was. The American Indian is, literally, two floors of exhibition space covering two floors of gift shops. Sigh. Beautiful architecture, though.

On to another week. Shovelgloving (lightly) tonight, too, just because I want to. That's one of the odd effects of shovelglove... it's recreation.

Peace. Good habits on you.
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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:17 am

Kevin, ... Well done! You are really setting the pace for us all, out there at the four-week mark!

It seems to me your weekend fare really shows how well you have followed the plan ... what a great feeling that has to be, and I'm so glad that your diabetes is under improved control.
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Post by margaret » Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:48 am

Kevin, envy your daytrip, that is one of my short-term dreams, a trip on Amtrack to DC and all the time I want at museums, the Archives, etc. I need to be an urban ranger there though, I guess.
Sounds like you're normalizing your eating. My husband is a Type I, and I know how it's a little trickier for y'all. You have to be sure you have adequate meals on a regular basis. Bless your son.
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Monday 6/20 - Success

Post by Kevin » Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:07 pm

Successful No S day.
Successful SG day.

Weight is not dropping, but muscle mass is increasing and weight is not increasing, so I'll take that.

I hope everyone is doing well.
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Tuesday June 21, SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:51 pm

I hope everyone is well.

I didn't shovelglove because I'm sore from using my new 14 pounder. I'll be back at it tonight.
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Post by sibyl » Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:45 pm


How are you managing the mid-afternoon snack attack? I find that the period between lunch and dinner is the worst for me. Any advice?

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snack attack!

Post by Kevin » Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:57 pm

After three weeks, it's not an issue anymore. That should be comforting to you, but maybe not so much right now, huh?

I will say that it took a while for my body to adjust. I had to dicker with my insulin pump settings to keep from getting low in the afternoon - low blood sugar will make refraining impossible.

I got through it with tea. That and ice water were the things I used to keep my mouth busy. Again, not a problem anymore.
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Wednesday 6/23 - Success

Post by Kevin » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:24 pm

Rollin' on. Not losing much weight, but I'm okay with that. Only lost maybe half a pound this week.
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A ramble from Miss Debbie :)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:35 pm

Kevin! You are doing great!!!
You lost a considerable amount your first month, so don't worry if you go through a little plateau here and there... Be persistent, as you have been, and maybe, take your attention off weight for a few weeks. If you concentrate on how you really feel inside, and how your clothes fit, you won't really even have to check the scale to stay "safe"...

My first month or two, I lost around 7 lbs, I think... Then I just really slowed down, and I bent the rules alot during the mid Winter... Even got a little disheartened and worried that maybe I need to tweak something I was doing for it to work for me (and the tweak really turned out to be exercise and curbing night time eating as much as humanly possible)
I am still moved deeply by Reinhards email to me, which continued to encourage me to not give up... I think his words were "We will get you through this Deb"... What a great guy!!!!!!! Love ya Rein!
But now I'm not feeling the need to eat as much as during the bleak Winter months, and when I really get both strict with "no extras" and combine it with aerobic activity, I go down again... Let's see, since I started working at the health club and doing moderate regular exercise, with a stress on moderate, because I'm not really doing anything major "cardio" wise... I went from weighing 213 to 208... That's five pounds over about 6 or 7 weeks... I am thrilled by this, but I won't lie, at times, I still feel very seduced by the "quick loss" mentality... I think "This has worked for me before, why not have some shakes and really go nuts exercising...." But I know this thinking will lead to more suffering and fundamentally, it is a big fallacy... It's easy to delude ourselves into thinking that losing weight fast, is a good thing, but it just never stays off that way... That is the truth.... Has Reinhard gained back anything? I'm guessing that on his worst month of three years, hmmm maybe around Christmas time?, he probably only fluctuated within 2 or 3 lbs... Am I right Reinhard?
I don't wish to be a "Yo-Yo" anymore, and if I add something to my life, like some kind of exercise, or take something away, ie: dietary restrictions outside of NoS, I will do it because I want it to be something I will do forever... These days, when I lose weight, I really think of it as icing on the cake, because my focus is so strongly on the great fact that I am simply not gaining back anything.... I did so many diets in the past with quick results, and then a year later I'd gain it all back... With NoS, there have been, and I don't expect this to change at all, absolutely no substantial weight gain periods... This to me is the biggest blessing! I'm slow man, but I will get to my optimal size and health in my own time, and I will have the reassurance from my experiences this year that once I get to that state, whenever I do, I will not backslide and I will never have to look for a way to eat other than the way I do now to maintain a healthy weight.
Sorry, I started on your experience and ended with mine, but heck, sometimes I likes to ramble, cuz I'z a ramblin' girl!
Peace and Love,
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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:37 pm


You are the man!!!! Don't give up.

Your body is probably shrinking but it is not registering on the scale because you are builing muscle mass and your muscles are retaining water. Try on those other jeans, you know the ones that were tight a few months ago? LOL I'll bet they are getting loose.


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Post by margaret » Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:37 pm

One time I got very ill and was bedridden for several months, I was so happy not to gain weight. When I finally got out of my bathrobe, none of my clothes fit. My muscles had turned to fat and it works vice versa. BTW, the two times I lost significant weight, like 50 lbs, in five months, etc. I gained it back, lowered my resistance against disease and lowered my metabolism. Like Deb, I want it gone quickly, but know slow and sure is the only way. Let tortoises be our totem. I appreciate your helpful words.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:56 pm

Tortoise power rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are cute Margaret :wink:

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Thursday, June 23rd Success

Post by Kevin » Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:53 pm

Okay, so I walked by my son's popcorn bowl and had a handful in my mouth before my brain even kicked in. I'm not counting this as failure - my brain did kick in and I didn't eat any more.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:40 pm

Good job!!!!
Have a good weekend!
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Post by margaret » Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:42 am

Eating is a easy as spending money. I picked up a mint at the attorney's office today but caught myself before I opened it and just dropped it in my purse. At least we're developing an awareness.
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the lost weekend

Post by Kevin » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:51 pm

Okay, so Saturday night I went to town. I mean, I ate extra servings, snacked, etc.

I felt really, really crummy Sunday morning. I don't think I'll be doing that, to that excess, again.

Sunday I drank a beer and ate pizza for lunch at the Nationals game (I went to watch them lose their first home game after 12 wins - sigh). But it was my family's birthday present to me, and we all enjoyed the outing - way more than I thought we would - so all in all, a successful, if overfed, weekend. RFK Stadium looks great for as old as it is, and we had nice, covered seats (folks in the sun were moving back to the cheap seats).

Today I get back to basics. This week I start to work seriously on portion control - I need to get to the downhill side of this plateau I'm on - and add a walk to my evening ritual, both for the dog's well being and my own.

I'm going to introduce more variety to my exercise routine. I'll still be SGing, but probably every other day. I like bodyweight strength training, too (pushups, pullups, dips, situps, etc.), so I'll be doing that again.

Best wishes to everyone for an easy No-S week.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:33 pm

Sorry you felt crummy Kev...
But this is a good thing... I can remember the days when those occurrences were so normal that I got to the point where I no longer remembered how "non crummy" felt...

Remember that feeling and just pat yourself on the back for having the awareness to see it for what it is...

The only way we can change our problems is to truly recognize them and own them, and then we can be responsible and accountable...

Also, try to remember that we need to have some rain to appreciate the sun... Good luck on tweaking your portions... You are relatively a NoS newbie, though you are a SG old timer! Just FYI, I overloaded for about the first six months... But then, magically, the size just changed all on it's own with almost no conscious effort...
I notice how totally full I feel if I go back to the way of eating from the first few months... Don't pressure yourself too much to change everything too fast... patience will bring you big rewards!!!
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Monday 6/27 - Success

Post by Kevin » Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:01 pm

Success today. Smaller portions for breakfast and dinner. Still eating a big lunch. I don't think I'll cut back there for a while.
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Post by sibyl » Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:21 pm

Well, I heard that it was better for the digestion to have your 'one big meal' in the middle of the day rather than near the end.
I don' t know if its true or not, but I do know several people who live that way - light breakfast, big lunch, light supper - and it works for them.
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big lunch

Post by Kevin » Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:58 pm

For me, it's self defense. If I don't have a big lunch, I'd never make it until dinner.
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Tuesday 6/28 - Success

Post by Kevin » Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:34 pm

I've been trying to decide when a near-failure is a failure. Here's what I've come up with:

If you catch yourself unconsciously snacking, and immediately do something to rectify the situation, it's not a failure. For instance, I reached for some raisins that were in a ziplock bag and got them in my mouth before I'd even thought about it (actually, chewed and swallowed). So, I put the bag in a place where I couldn't see it anymore, leashed up the dog and walked two blocks. I could rationalize this: I had treated hypoglycemia a few minutes earlier and was still feeling a little low, but I was minutes away from normal blood sugar.

I mention this because I think it's human to have small failures, and humane to move on. The trick is to keep them from blossoming into failures of will. The point at which you tell yourself "oh, so what. It's just a raisin/apple/chocolate/ice cream/beer," without trying to reinforce your new habit, that's a failure.

There's a thin line between failure and creating new success. I'm hoping I'm staying on the right side of that line.
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Post by sibyl » Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:31 pm

I mention this because I think it's human to have small failures, and humane to move on.
I think you have a good approach, Kevin. You're right - eating a couple of raisins (or cherries, or nuts or whatever your downfall is) shouldn't be a failure if you realize it and take steps to stop and redirect. Because when you say "oh, I've failed", and you feel like a failure, that's when you start pigging out and revert back to old (bad) habits. That's the failure - not the raisins, but the lack of conviction and faith in yourself.
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Wednesday 6/29 - Success

Post by Kevin » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:01 pm

Maybe not the best portion control day, but I did stick to No S.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:17 pm

Kevin! You are doing great big guy!!!
(And I mean tall :wink: )
Are you very concerned about portion?
Your portions will change on their own in time.... Truly...
You are our Willpower hero!
Be patient... The big picture sometimes takes time, and distance to see...

8) Deb

(who overloaded for at least the first 3 or 4 months... and who now would barf if I tried to go back to those days....)

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Thursday June 30 - Success

Post by Kevin » Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:36 pm

A pretty easy day. I did have to treat an episode of hypoglycemia after dinner, but I'm not taking of points for being diabetic. It would be a lot easier to not have diabetes and not have to be insulin dependent.

July 1 (today) is six weeks. I've lost 12 pounds (195 to 182). Good enough for me.

I'm going to drop back to once a week postings, on Fridays, I think.

Have a nice weekend and 4th, everyone.
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:52 pm

You have a great weekend too!!
Go fireworks!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 01, 2005 6:38 pm

Way to go Kevin!!!!!!!!
12 lbs is fantastic, and we are very proud of you dude!!!!!
You have a great weekend too!
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Post by 3lilgals4me » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:07 pm

Kevin--awesome progress with the weight loss, no-ssing and especially managing the blood sugar as well. Thanks for all the posts and I look forward to reading your weekly check-ins!

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It's been a while... SUCCESS, mostly

Post by Kevin » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:59 pm

I had to face a vacation in Florida with the family over the last two weeks. I took 5 "special" days in two weeks, although they weren't Saturday or Sunday. Still, I did as well as I could have expected on a theme park vacation and continue to lose weight.

I saw 180 on the scale yesterday morning... had to weigh myself twice to be sure I wasn't hallucinating... I haven't been SGing very much, so it might just be a 1.5 lb. loss in muscle mass.

Anyway, have fun everyone.
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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:16 pm

Kevin, Kevin, Kevin:

We have missed you. As you can see, the board is expanding while we are all shrinking. :lol:

I'm curiuos to know how you felt on your vacation. I have to go on vacation soon and I'm a little worried about losing momentum. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.



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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:24 pm

Kevin, sounds like you're doing great...keep it up!!!

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Vacation tips

Post by Kevin » Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:17 pm


The big problem on vacation for me was that meal times could be really stretched out - dinner wasn't until 8:30 a couple of nights and boy, was I hungry by 8:30. Keeping - as much as you can - to a schedule will help a lot.

My wife is parsimonious, so she doesn't mind not spending for meals out. When we did the parks we packed water and snack crackers, etc. for the kids, then just bought lunch. That worked out fine.

My 14-year-old daughter has been watching me lose weight and is getting quietly more aware of what she eats, so this has been good for her anyway. She's an athelete, but she's realizing she can't consume everything she wants and perform at her best (extra weight doesn't do much for middle blocker/outside hitter's leaping ability).

My 11-year-old diabetic kid was just happy to be able to eat ice cream for lunch one day (he's on an insulin pump and can manage that). He measures everything before he eats it, so he likes pre-packaged snacks.
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Post by reinhard » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:45 pm

Congratulations, Kevin. The body is an odd thing. Sometimes its reactions are delayed. Often this is a source of enormous frustration ("I was good but gained a pound!"), but occasionally it's wonderful. Sounds like a very nice vacation!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:57 pm

Gee Kevin! That is amazing!!!!
Glad you and your fam had a nice vacation... It's really easy to put on pounds when you are in that type of scenario... I'd almost go so far as to assume an automatic gain of 3 or 4 pounds.... But you didn't!!!
You're doing wonderfully!
Peace and Love,
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Post by Kevin » Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:03 pm

I'm not sure the weight loss over vacation week was a good thing. I really do think I lost some muscle mass from not swinging the hammer.

Still, I won't complain. I wouldn't have been suprised, or upset, if I had gained a pound or two.
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Week Ending 7/23 SUCCESS

Post by Kevin » Sun Jul 24, 2005 5:04 pm

Pretty good week.
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Week Ending 7/29

Post by Kevin » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:50 pm

Had a really tough day yesterday, suprisingly. Stuck with it, though.

Other than that, a successful week.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:58 pm

Not to pry too much, but how was it tough Kevin? Hope you and yours are all okay...
Enjoy your weekend dude! :wink:
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tough day

Post by Kevin » Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:49 pm

All I meant by that tough day statement was that I really, really wanted to eat. I was hungry all day long and resisted the urge.

I'm pretty lucky otherwise. The spouse and kids are doing well, the sun shines occasionally, and I have lots of work to keep me busy.
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:16 pm

Having resisted the urge on a difficult day makes your habit that much stronger. Sounds like you are doing well week by week.

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Post by Kevin » Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:13 pm

The three meals a day rule has been too tough on my diabetic self. I've introduced a very small meal in the late afternoon to maintain my Bg and my mood. I have locked lunch at a sandwich and an piece of fruit to make sure that my caloric intake doesn't increase. I'm adding 30g of carbohydrate at 4:00 p.m. (another piece of fruit, usually).

I hesitated to do this, but the hypoglycemia has just been too much to handle. Anyway, strictly speaking, a fourth meal is not disallowed. So, I'm still with the program. It's just a very, very small meal.

I do feel a bit bad about it, though.
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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:45 pm

Hi Kevin,

Glad to hear that it's still going well for you. One day I hope I'll be able to join you doing just weekly checkins! *grin*

Personally, I bent the rules slightly at the outset as I knew I would find it pretty tough to get through the afternoon blood-sugar wise, and I don't even have any medical issues. I've always allowed myself 1 piece of fruit as a 'N-snack' each day. It helps me to have that safety net and I haven't always wanted to eat it, but I'm sure it's prevented me losing my willpower completely and heading off to the demon snack machine on several occasions!

The thing is, in the past I would have eaten the fruit, and then some chocolate, and probably a bag of crisps and and and... I reckon by just eating the fruit and nothing else thats good enough for me. I count that a success.

Besides, I'm sure nobody ever managed to get fat on just eating fruit. Most fruits (especially the harder ones like apples and pears) are essentially calorifically neutral anyhow by the time you've expended the energy needed to digest them. Plus the vitamins and minerals are good for you.

The other thing you could do I suppose if you wanted to stick a bit closer to the original concept of 3 meals no snacks is to plate the fruit with your lunch, but then leave it to one side for eating later. This is really more like what I do most days.

Well done anyhow. Keep up the good work!:D


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:52 pm

Don't feel bad about your additional mini meal...
It's not a triple pepperoni pizza, and it's for a good reason...
Keeping you up and running! You have a real condition which, without a doctors note, allows you the exception to the "Three Plate" rule....
It's not mindless snacking... It's totally kosher!

It's great that you are honoring your feelings...

So.... Peanut butter and bacon? That sounds interesting!
Fruit in the afternoon? No biggie... Just virtual plate it towards your dinner meal....

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Thanks for the encouragement...

Post by Kevin » Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:15 pm

I really wanted to stay between the lines and not justify to myself why I can't do three squares a day. Oh, well.
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Post by navin » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:43 am

Peanut butter and bacon? That sounds good... except for the bacon part. :) Seriously though, peanut butter is great stuff... I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who uses it with odd combinations.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:49 am

Yeah, If I didn't know better, I'd think that Kevin is really a pregnant lady, trapped in a mans body! :lol:
8) Deb

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