Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:57 pm

Okay.. I just confessed to Sister Michelle on another post...
Have to fess up here too...
I ate 2 pieces of grapefruit and 2 handfuls of almonds last night around 1:30 or 2???
It was annoying and a minor screwup, but not too terrible..
I tried to drink water first, but I seemed to have trouble sleeping soundly last night and got up about two more times..
After two glasses of water, I caved in and ate that stuff..
But the fact that my first attempts were to drink water was a move towards creating a healthier habit.. And it wasn't a bowl of cheerios..
So, still a big improvement..

I'm still counting my day...Though not a perfect example for people going for pure strictness, it's good enough for me.. I don't have this problem during the day, and it still seems to be 1000% percent better than in the "old" overeating days..
Way better...

I'm waiting to hear from Reinhard to see if I can post a new funny "Fridge Sentinel" which I created from his recent 2005 photo..
I think that will really keep me in check!

See you later guys!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:20 pm

Hi Deb:

I am getting to the point where these minor screw ups are just that. Minor. Awareness of them is key. As long as the night eating does not become a habit then you will be okay.

I have done a few things like slip a piece of bread in my mouth before sitting down to dinner. Consciously, I know what I am doing is Anti-No S but what can I say? After 7 months of doing this I have relaxed a little and perhaps tweak what I eat. Maybe I eat my dinner on a salad plate so I don't take as much food.

Yesterday after my hike I ate a handful of nuts. Heck, I was hungry. But, I also knew that I didn't have the nuts on my cereal like usual so I felt that virtual plating was justified.

I think each of us needs to take one day at a time. Some days we eat more then others. I snarfed a hugs lunch yesterday. I was way too full. (Mexican food, of course). But later in the evening, I just had a small sandwich. So it all balances out.

I hope you had a nice yoga class. I need to do more yoga. Thanks for the reminder.

P & L,


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Post by cvmom » Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:22 pm

oops, re reading my post...a "hugs lunch"...I meant huge lunch. I hugs lunch could be quite interesting though....depends on the interpretation!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:09 pm

Waiter, I'll take a Hugs lunch with a huge lunch on the side!


Thanks for writing Dru!
Yoga was very good, though that time where Larry was away and I was sick and doing moderate practice at home was nothing in comparison to the workout today..
Thank God for him! He doesn't even realize it, but every time I go there, and sometimes more than other days, he says just the right thing at the right time.. It's like a direct connection to healing!
I had a very rough morning and Richard and I had a minor fight, but then I realized, while looking online, that I had bounced a small check and it just was enough upset to send me into a major crying/freaking out spell..
We almost never ever have fights, but when we do, it restimulates such a lot of emotional baggage from my childhood, as I used to have periods of crying and fights with my Mom which left me totally hopeless and helpless for hours at a time..

Anyway.. we are home and relaxing and Yoga helped me feel a lot better..

Also, I have been practicing headstand a lot on my own, and I asked Larry to spot me and I managed to stay up for a good solid 15 seconds in the middle of the floor!!! No wall...

Well maybe we will have a hugs lunch sometime next year if you come to NY! Speaking of which, Carolejo, in the middle of Yoga, and after that whole sad morning, I found myself laughing out loud because I remembered my new nickname..


For now, I'm all off kilter, and *just* had part of a virtual breakfast/lunch..

So far I've only had 2 eggs, half a cup of black bean salsa, one cup of coffee (pre yoga) , and now I'm having one more cup of coffee and a slice of American cheese with one small Thomas's toaster corn cake..

Not sure what I'll have for dinner..
We shall see...

So, unless I suddenly find myself face to face with a few pizzas and haagen Daaz, I will pre-report a successful day...

Day 5 down...

Have a nice evening all :)
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:48 pm

I think under the circumstances and the day you have had today, you are doing great.
Also, your late night snack was healthy!
I think that should count!
Have a nice day,

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:06 pm

Thanks Becky!!!
You are sweet :)
Hope you are having a good evening!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:39 am

It Deb, it's me again....

I know what it is like to argue with one's kids. I hate it. It makes me feel like a bad person, like somehow I should be more mature. They can be so frustrating that before I know it, it's me acting 12 or 8 or whatever. :oops:

But, this parenting stuff is really just another journey with another human being. Like any relationship some times we get it right and sometimes we just have to apologize, bite our tongue, be humble. Parenting and humility go hand and hand!!!

So, I just wanted to say Hey because I have had moments with my boys too.

Big Hugs,


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:19 am

Thanks Dru!
Honestly, this is so uncommon with Richard...
It was just a bad morning!

Let's have a Hugs lunch tomorrow at 12...

:wink: P&L,

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Post by carolejo » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:20 am

Hi DebNY!

Glad I managed to provide a small lift in the midst of a turbulent day. May today be calmness and sweetness and light for all us. :)

15 Second free-standing headstand! Yay! That's awesome. They're so so hard. We had a lecturer in Astrophysics who used to do a headstand on the front desk until everyone had come in and taken their seats in his class every day. For the first class with a new bunch of freshmen he'd even deliver the introductory part upside down, telling them that they were capable of more than they realised. I think it was even more 'impressive' to the 18 year olds, given that his was approaching 70! Really cool guy - we got to be pretty good friends when I was in Grad School. I actually missed him quite a bit after he retired.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:08 pm

Hey thanks Carolejosterdam!

Let's see.. my numerous nicknames..

and now

LOL.. Sounds very British.. Like Stepney or something...

Yeah.. That teacher sounded like a trip!!!!

So, I have someone at my office today, soon.. which is nice..
And I'm feeling fairly perky and peaceful..
I do hope we have a great and light filled day!

Yesterday was indeed a total NoS triumph..

I had a fairly substantial dinner, which was very much "comfort" food..
Six mini turkey meatballs with mashed potatoes and a very small salad on the side of mesclun and chickpeas..
For dressing, since I didn't have any vinegar or too much more of anything else, I used a little veg oil, and juice of half an orange...

I've been noticing that since I've added protein and veggies/fruit into my day, even though I may feel physically "hungry" on a "my stomach is empty" level, before meal time (again a normal hungry not raging..)
I feel much more level blood sugar wise thoughout the day..
On retrospect, my prior breakfasts were very protein poor...
Now I'm either having some beans or some eggs or some cheese or all..

Just enough.. Not alot..
It's a helpful change this year..

One last thing... Yesterday, I got, yet another, most exquisite
"You are looking good girl!!!" comment from one of the personal trainers I'm friends with.. He hasn't seen me for about three or four weeks..
That is sooo awesome! Maybe all the Yoga, with or without Larry, has been remodelling me.. I really hope that by next year this time, I will be at my goal of a) 40 lbs down, or b) 32 inches waist.
Whichever comes first... I am imagining that these are interchangeable, somewhat.. but wouldn't it be funny if I hit my 32" goal, and only lost 20 lbs.. That would be cool! I'm 37.5 right now..

Have a great day everyone and see you tonight!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb(ny) :lol:

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Post by carolejo » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:34 pm

I think personally that being a 32" waist but only losing 20lbs is much more impressive than if you lost 40lbs to do it. Just *think* how much healthy strong muscle tissue and good bone density that equates to! Surely in that case, heavier is DEFINATELY healthier! :P
...Of course, the beautiful thing about NoS is that it's your body that will decide what is the healthiest weight and size for you, not some arbitrary number on a scale, once it all gets in balance. :)

Great news that people are really noticing. It's such a lift when that happens. 8)

love C.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:39 pm

Hey!!! I spoke with my client before and he's running half hour late, so here I am again..

I just measured my waist and my arms after my last post to see if being good on NoS and having a moderately intense Yoga class yesterday did anything to my shape...

I am down a half inch on my waist and a half inch on my arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I didn't tug or pull anything... Really!
(There would be no need to fool myself with doctored results at this point... I like myself too much to lie to me..)

I'm almost more elated about my arms, as proportionally, they have always given me the most grief... I want strong "slender" arms not giant sausages... NoS Power!!!!!!

I am sooo happy guys!!!!!!!!!

What a way to end my first good week on habit again!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:44 pm

Thanks CJ!!!!
I like the idea of losing 20 lbs better, but if you saw my Buddha belly in person, you'd realize that, my belly alone is probably 10 lbs of pure fat, held to my body in a flacid pouch! :twisted:

(Ah, C sections and surgery and obesity combined produce such interesting results..)

But there will be no Lipo for me!
And no tummy tucks...
Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a nice one friend!
Hugs and seeya..
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:13 pm

My client today told me that, since he has known me I look like I really have gone down in weight.. When I told him that since July I have technically only gone down from 213 to 208 now, he was amazed..
He said I look like I lost more like 25 lbs...

Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!
I told him "I love you!" LOL..
in a burst of uncontrolled fervor! LOL..
(Note to self: Work on professional decorum.. heh...)
We talked a lot about NOS and Shovelglove too... He might get a SG for himself.. LOL!

We just ordered a pizza and I haven't even eaten lunch yet (Yikes!)...
I did a two and a half hour massage, so I'm really ready for some nice pizza!

I will count it as dinner too...

So, I'm starting S days tonight with a small S...
A can of coke with the pizza..

Just have a little hankering for it...

This week has totally rocked for me!!!!
Thanks to all my friends who have been so supportive and I wish you all a great weekend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:27 am

PS... Day 6...pick up sticks!!!

Good night :)

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Post by navin » Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:02 pm

PS... Day 6...pick up sticks!!!
Now there's a good upper-body workout that will help you get those muscles in your arms. Just make sure they're not pretzel sticks. :-D
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:07 pm

That reminds me..
I think I will hit the park and collect some kindling and get some fresh (cold) air next week...
It was fun when I did it last year..

Pretzle sticks are not heavy enough!


Have a nice weekend Nathan!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:31 pm

Oooh! We are in for a good S weekend!
We just got a lot of totally nutritionally void products, minus the healthy fat which comprises the cream cheese used in


Also we got chocolate cool whip, something I've never actually purchased before, and real whipped cream would be better, but, oh well, Richard wanted chocolate cheesecake and that will go on top! Hee hee hee...

Had a super fun afternoon with my Bro and his boyfriend..
They treated us to see HMS Pinafore at NY City Center Theater...

It was fun!
Hope I never get cast in the role of Buttercup!

Oh, I went a bit nuts this morning.. I miss Yoga sooo much when I don't do it.. Things were too tight schedule wise to make my class or even practice at home! Oh well.. I will tomorrow for sure! When I don't practice I really notice a difference in my personal happiness and centeredness.. (is that a word? LOL..)

Having a good weekend guys? Hope so!
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:14 am

Post script chocolate cool whip follow up......

That stuff is nasty!!!

Neither I, nor Richard ate it after a few bites for taste..
We decided it tastes like shaving cream with chocolate flavored ex lax :shock: !!!!

Or maybe chocolate flavored milk of magnesia....

Really disgusting stuff....

But the cheesecake was okay...

See yall..
Ha ha..

8) Debny... LOL

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Post by carolejo » Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:04 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, but you had to get it and try it anyway! Otherwise you'd have never known and I bet Richard would keep asking if he could have it everytime you went to the store too!! :twisted:

Shaving foam mixed with choco-flavoured Ex-Lax.... Yummy! *not*

:lol: :lol: :lol:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:09 pm

Ingredients in Chocolate Cool Whip:

Water, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, corn syrup, cocoa processed with alkalai, chocolate, natural and artificial flavors, xanthan and guar gum, polysorbate 60, and last but not least, Sorbitan Monostearate...

Ahhh, such inviting ingredients..
No wonder it tasted like it did...


Have a nice day and remember folks...
Go for the REAL stuff on your S days!!!
Not stuff with polysorbate 60!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:49 pm

i wonder if you could just get whipping cream (the liquid stuff from the dairy section), add some chocolate syrup or something and whip it up yourself?? maybe worth a try. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:23 am

Well, I'm not going out of my way to make whipped cream that I will then crave every day.. LOL..
It's almost good that I bought something hideous!

But if I did make fresh whipped cream,,, I'm pretty partial to making it with vanilla extract..
Then I'd put the chocolate sauce on top!

Day 8 is complete :)

No more cheesecake around to ruin my N days..
(gee I wonder where it went???)

I started the day with Yoga..
But when the cd got up to my Shovelglove song I couldn't resist..
So I ended up Shovelgloving for about four minutes, and then went back to Yoga.. LOL..
I felt it in my biceps later in the day..

Oh how I long for warm weather again!
Winter is getting on my nerves!!!!!

Sorry to bitch guys.. LOL.

Have a nice evening!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by mstevens » Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:13 pm

Still wondering whether to have a go with shovelglove.

Feel like I need to start buying better nutritionally void products now I can't have them so often.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:39 am

Still wondering whether to have a go with shovelglove.
Why not try them out in a hardware store for an afternoon fun day!
You will know if you like it right away..
Then you just need to find some jamming tunes which motivate you...
Feel like I need to start buying better nutritionally void products now I can't have them so often.
Forbidden fruit or something???

Don't worry.. those nutritionally devoid foods will still taste the same in four days... Try to wait!

I have to admit that I'd love something tasty right now and full of fruit filling!!! Oh, this week's gonna be a toughie!

But I'm happy to say that I had a perfectly NoS friendly day so far... Aside from a little watermelon we had as dessert after dinner, all the rules were in place..
Sadly, the watermelon was totally tasteless.. :twisted:

Day 9 is complete! Yay!!!!! I'm really on a roll!

Just incase anyone is curious about my dietary choices today: (how exciting!!! LOL..)

Breakfast: coffee and two fried eggs with hot sauce..

Lunch: Rice with some chili and green beans all mixed together..
more coffee...

Dinner: Total comfort food...(I was really stressed today...)
White cheddar mac and cheese, baked beans and three spare ribs..
Watermelon for dessert....

Exercise 90 minutes of Yoga.. Great workout.. Went in feeling like crap, came out feeling wonderful... I think that's what Heaven will feel like when I die one day...

Wishing you all a Peaceful and relaxed evening!
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:52 pm

Hey all!
I am happy to say that since New Years Day, and my commitment to NoS rules again, 21 days on habit style, I have dropped all my pre and during Holiday fat... I had gained about 2.5 lbs during the Holidays (not much but still....) and it's been 10 days now, since my last weigh in... I've been very good with NoS and exercising an average of 4 days a week...
Even though we had a very decadent dessert last weekend, on *both* days... (the cheesecake...) I have dropped all that weight... Perhaps even a little more, but I'm not totally sure, since I weighed in at a little later time of the day...
Boy folks.. I'm beginning to think that my goal of losing five inches or between thirty or forty pounds this year may actually become a reality!!!
Very simply put.. When you really use the rules, they really work...

Boy I can't wait until I get those pre-NoS "before" photos from my friend..
She is sure taking her time!!!
I mean they were from 2004!!! LOL...
But wow, I think I look like a whole other person now...
Or half of a whole person..

Meanwhile, the chiro who I work with, who a year and a half ago, told me that NoS style of eating wouldn't work except as a maintenence plan, and had dropped about thirty or forty pounds over about four months of "extreme" restriction.. Like, no eating after 6 pm, seems to have put on every single pound he lost all over again...
What's that phrase?
He who laughs last laughs best?


Ha ha ha!!!! LOL...

Maybe I can convince him to try NoS!

Have a great eveing yall..
8) Deb

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Post by navin » Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:50 pm

I have dropped all that weight... Perhaps even a little more, but I'm not totally sure, since I weighed in at a little later time of the day...
Way to go! And to think, you're way ahead of most people who have by now already broken their "lose weight" New Years resolutions, too... Your persistence - you've maybe been doing this as long or longer than me even?? - is an inspiration to us all.
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:40 am

Hi Nathan!
Thanks dude!!!

Oh, post dinner update...

Sadly, I just couldn't stop myself from having seconds of hamburger helper today... But I'm just considering this a little tiny screwup, which considering that I spent much of the day having total panic attacks about work, and have been experiencing extremely high stress moneywise (went to the supermarket with a can of pennies the other day..)
was still better than an all out binge.. I also didn't have a great breakfast, which I think, caught up on me... There wasn't any protein in it again.. Oh well.. I ate what was in the house (and there wasn't too much of anything... Cue violins..)
I also had a huge break between lunch and dinner.... from 12 to 7:15....

By the way...
I am pretty sure you had already been with the Yahoo group for a half year or a year longer than I was... I distinctly remember thinking how you had been (and still are!) an inspiration to me, because of your perseverence and patience in getting your weight down over time..
People who don't give up, even when things don't always seem like they are going their way, or are taking a longer time to reach their goals, are the real heros!

So, back to my screwup on seconds, instead of calling this an S day, and granting myself S day immunity, I'm just going for 20 days on habit! LOL...
That's still good. Tomorrow I'm going to make sure not to repeat the long gap between lunch and dinner...

Woo hoo all of us!!!

:D :D :D

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:22 am

Hamburger Helper is my dowfall too : )

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Post by doulachic » Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:38 pm

Oh i LOVE hamburger helper!! it's just good down home comfort food! YUM! :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:46 pm


Hope you are having a nice day!
Becky and Tricia.. I guess I just have to save Hamburger helper for S days! LOL...

I am so grateful to Reinhard today!
This is really a perfect weight loss and, most importantly, weight *maintenence* plan!

Let's sing along!

We love you Reinhard and NoS, oh yes we do, we don't love anyone in the diet industry/computer/librarian world, as much as you... When your not near us we're blue (and fat) Oh Reinhard, all together now....

We Love YOU!!!!

Peace (of mind) and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:29 am

I've decided to still count yesterday... I shouldn't have had the seconds on dinner, but I really had a good day besides that..
So yesterday was day 10 (with a little messup) and today is day 11!!!
I exercised twice today...

Five sets of 20 crunches this morning... then 90 minutes of Yoga at 4:15...

Today NoS went great! I treated us to a cup of hot chocolate for "dessert" after dinner tonight, but Wintertime without cocoa is almost criminal... It's better than a slice of pie or a candy bar, so I consider it borderline...

Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:34 am

OK Guys, I'm gonna do that 'confused Brit' thing on you!!

What is "Hamburger Helper"? What makes it super yummy? What is it made from? Can you make it at home?

Really. I keep reading about it on here (Jan, Deb, several others mention it too) but I've absolutely no idea what it is.

Please put me out of my misery!! :lol:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:26 pm

Hello my confused Brit! LOL...
That's okay... You confused me before with Lemsip, Vitmo and probably some other cool British thing... LOL...

So anyway.. Hamburger helper is one of those evil processed food products, from Betty Crocker company, I think?, which normally makes baked goodies, which is probably totally unhealthy and I refuse to look up the ingredients... Well I'll check next time..

Basically it's a noodle and sauce mix which you throw a pound of browned hamburger meat into... There are many different varieties of flavors like
Cheesey Hamburger (ala mac and cheese) Beef Stroganoff, Taco flavor..
You put the water noodles, sauce pack, milk and meat into a pot and simmer till the noodles cook and the sauce thickens...
It's heavy duty "comfort food" as it's just not in any way dietetic and full of starch fat and flavor... LOL...

I assume there must be MSG in it... It's pretty hard not to want seconds...
Probably a ton of corn syrup or something in it too, as there's a rich kind of sweet edge to the sauce as well..

I'll send you a couple of boxes if you want to try it sometime CJ...
Just email me your addy..

Okay girly!
Have a great day!!!
Hugs and Love,
8) Debny (The balrog??? LOL...)

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:42 pm

You can make that Hamburger Helper at home, from scratch, if you like. All varieties of HH follow the same basic pattern:

1 pound ground beef or turkey, browned and drained.
starchy something, like noodles, add to the meat.
saucy something, like brown gravy or cheese sauce, add to meat and starch; cook covered on low until the starch is done.
often, more cheesy stuff.
some seasoning, usually too much salt.

Here are some to get you started:

1 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons dried parsley
1/3 cup instant onion
3 tablespoons onion powder
1 tablespoon salt
1 2/3 cup nonfat dry milk powder
3 1/2 tablespoons beef bouillon granules

Combine all seasoning mix ingredients; use in recipes as directed below.

Cheeseburger Casserole

Brown one pound hamburger, drain fat. Add 1 cup water, 1 cup uncooked macaroni, one 16-oz. can chopped tomatoes, and 1/2 cup seasoning mix. Simmer covered 20 minutes or until macaroni is tender. Remove from heat, add 1/2 cup grated cheese.

Chili Tomato Macaroni

Brown one pound hamburger; drain off fat. Add one cup water, one cup uncooked macaroni, one 16-ounce can chopped tomatoes, one Tbsp. chili powder and 1/2 cup seasoning mix. Simmer covered 20 minutes or until macaroni is tender.

Potato Casserole

Brown one pound hamburger, drain off fat. Add 3/4 cup water, 6 peeled and thinly sliced potatoes, 2/3 cup seasoning mix. Simmer covered 20-30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Stir. Uncover and cook until excess water is evaporated.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:34 am

Thanks Jammin Jan Crocker! LOL... Hey! You really are queen of crock pot cooking! I'm sure your recipes will give Betty a run for her money! :wink:

Well folks... I just totally cracked today...
And boy am I thirsty!!!!!

I ate two bowls of potato chips and five, count them, five kosher garlic pickles!!!!!
Well... ye gods of water retention.. please be merciful upon my sorry self! LOL...

So I screwed up NoS wise, but except for the potato chips, and the scary five pickle snack (and these were not gherkins!) the rest of the day wasn't bad...
If I didn't know better, I'd worry that I was pregnant!!!
Boy what a miracle *that* would be! :P

Had a very frustrating few days of phone calls, and searching and searching for some steady work. I'm trying to stay positive, but with the pressure of each new bill, and no income, it's pretty hard to keep myself relaxed... I went to Yoga yesterday, but skipped everything today...
I actually have a strained neck muscle which is in a bit of a spasm..
I'll hopefully be able to get treatment tomorrow, from my chiro...

Took my Dad to the dentist today... What joy and fun! (sarcasm)...
He is impossible... He starts fights with everyone and anyone... Well, not really fights, but uncomfortable exchanges, and he was exhausting...
Well it had to be done, and in the end he really appreciated my taking him and complimented the dentist as being very nice... LOL..

So the potato chips were kind of a "bad habit" band aid...
In retrospect, they really didn't taste too great, and interestingly enough, since it wasn't an S day, I really didn't enjoy them... I was just kind of shoving them in my mouth, waiting for them to taste good... :shock:

Very interesting indeed!

Hey! Is it a full moon tonight? Anyone know?

I'm meeting my friend tomorrow for dinner and she is finally going to give me my "before" photo from back in 2004...
Some time next week I'm going to scan it at Kinkos and put it on disc to show you all what I looked like before NoS...
It's not a "Jared" transformation, but it's pretty dramatic, in my opinion...

Most importantly, as Reinhard states about his own (great) pics, it's real and sustainable!!!

Well folks, wish me luck in finding some small amount of financial stability... It's not easy out there! One thing I still haven't done yet this week is to advertise my office special with some flyers around town...
I'm planning on doing that tomorrow...
Cross your fingers for me friends!

Have a great night
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:07 pm

I still think you are doing great.
Stay positive and stay focused!
I will pray for you so that more steady work comes your way.

I can relate to the pickle incident. I have had similar encounters with those pickles.
Whenever I go home, I have issues with kosher garlic pickles, pizza, bagels, sabrett hotdogs, knishes, perogies, etc. etc.

To me, they are the ultimate comfort food and I have no self discipline. It's like I plan my trips to NJ around the ability to eat my favorite foods!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:59 pm

Hi Deb...sorry things are difficult right now. They will get better soon, I'll wager. Meanwhile, here's a little something to cheer you up.

Please go here:

and turn your computer speakers up nice and loud!



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Post by 3aday » Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:48 pm

Full moon and Friday the 13th!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:49 pm

Thanks Ladies!!!

Jan... Although I have never used LSD, I can imagine that the guy who did that song *did*!!!

Becky, I looked up the full moon chart and I think tomorrow is when it's full.... But yeah, it's Friday the 13th so I am going to watch out for Jason!!!

You guys are great cheerer uppers!!!

I'll be plastering the town and nearby towns with my new promotional flyer over the next few days... I think someones gonna bite..
Hopefully a bunch of people will....

I'm offering a 3 for the price of 2 special to new clients... It's a really good price, so I think that might just get some response...
Pleeeeeeeeeaaaase!!!!! This is crazy... I love my work and, it's just the business end of it which is a non stop uphill climb...
This is putting me to the test, big time... I might have to seriously consider just biting the bullet and finding something non-massage related... At least during this lull... But that's hard to find too...
Okay sorry guys I, know I'm complaining like crazy...
This is like a free group therapy session for me!

At this point I don't have to worry about overeating today, since there's almost nothing in the fridge to eat... :roll: ......

Still have a few bucks, and I'm getting some more Hamburger helper for dinner later... I saved some browned meat and some frozen peas and I'm throwing it all together later on...
But no pickles for today!

Hey Becky.... Do you live around NY? Hmmm.....
Yeah... Though salty, and greasy... A Hebrew National Hot Dog with saurkraut, mustard and a Dr. Browns Cream soda, is a New York classic...
I hardly ever eat that stuff anymore though, as it's sooooo salty!!!!!

Have a great day all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:20 pm

Deb, are you trained in prenatal massage? just an idea, but that may be a good thing to put some flyers/brochers in the OBGYN offices, birthing classes, baby stores, ect...this is something i thought about getting training in, but never got around to.. :wink: Just an idea...maybe tap into a new client base for you...

just my two cents... :D

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Post by 3aday » Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:35 am

Yes, yes tomorrow is the full moon.
I thought it would be tonight.
It would have been an interesting coincidence.
No, I live in Jacksonville, FL now.
I dream of living up North again but I don't think I will ever be able to afford it : (
Grew up in Central Jersey by the shore.
My parents still live there and it's my favorite place.
I so love the food up there (and my parents too!)
My grandparents lived in NYC from my birth until I was in my late 20's so I spent alot of time eating there.
Yum, Hebrew National, favorites.
Some people go crazy over gourmet and I go crazy over NewYorkmet (please pretend it rhymes!)
My favorite cuisine is the kind you can get on the street corner!
It is very salty, though.
It's amazing how attached we are to our regional foods.
For instance, I hardly ever eat chinese food here. It just doesn't taste the same.
And it took me 8 years of living here before I ever ate grits.
I was soooo scared.
I have developed a deep love of cheese grits with lots of salt and pepper when done right.
I bought some instant cheddar grits and I tried them the other day and sadly, they were not yum.
Oh and cream soda, yum, yum, and triple yum.
I used to always get one when I had a salami sandwich on rye with mustard. Perfect combination!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:04 pm

Oh! So you were the Jersey Girl Tom Waits wrote that song about!!!

Yeah... Chinese food outside of NY City limits is pretty lame (sorry non New Yorkers it's true, except in China!)

I have had Chinese food in a few states besides here, and it's usually horrible!!! :twisted:

Well, Friday was a NoS screw up day... but I did some exercise! Crunches and SG..
Saturday too... I did 100 crunches again! But no SG or Yoga as my back and neck needed an adjustment and I was really feeling a lot of discomfort... I had Richard walk on my upper back!!! :wink:

Saturday I thought I'd try to make an N day, but that never works!
So we had a wild and crazy party (I'm starting to like less wild, after it's said and done...) of icecream and hot fudge (couldn't eat all the fudge.. tasted too gooey..) and a whole bag of good kettle cooked, natural potato chips...

I feel pretty bloated from it all... LOL...
I attibute this pig out to the fact that, the whole week, we really didn't have balanced meals, and were going into "deprivation" mode...
So that usually makes you feel like going overboard when S days come..
The deprivation was because of my finances to buy healthy foods this week... But I'm really working on changing that... I'm trying to stay positive though and not get too upset or down...

I'm expecting my period mid week and I will probably not weigh for a couple of weeks... I got in 9 good N days before a medium sized screwup so I'm going to start tracking again and pick up where I left off...
I'm not taking Martin Luther King Jr. Day as an S day, though it certainly is celebrating a very special man, and Richard will be home tomorrow...
I'm letting him have the remainder of the ice cream tonight and tomorrow..

Minus the Friday screwup (which kind of felt major to me... :twisted: ) I am just taking up from yesterday.. so that makes today day 11....
I got back the pics of me pre NoS.. I have to say it was fairly traumatic to look at them... It hurts to think I was so down that I just let myself go so far...

I will never forget how blessed I was to find NoS "by chance" on the web...
I can't even imagine what would have happened to me if I hadn't...

Feeling very instrospective today... probably my cycle!
Have a nice rest of the weekend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:58 pm

Hi Deb,
I think you and I are on the same "schedule"
I have been feeling a little introspective myself today.
I think you are still doing such a WONDERFUL job with "No S".
You wrote that you had nine good days and were not going to start over.
I think that is probably the healthiest mental thing you can do.
Just blow it off and keep on trucking.
I know for a fact that naturally thin people have days that are not perfect when it comes to eating.
However, they get over it. Immediately. They don't think about it, feel bad, or beat themselves up like I would. I know when I mess up on a diet, I can't think of anything else. Then I started thinking "I blew it", I'll keep eating and start over again. I don't know why I had this epiphany yesterday but I figured if naturally thin people can have a screw up and go right back to normal eating, maybe I can too. seems to me that is what you are doing.
So THANK YOU! for showing me how easy it can be to not let one thing set you back and to keep on going.
Oh, I hope this post made sense.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:20 pm

Thanks Becky!!!

Your post certainly made sense, but don't think that I didn't go through at least one day of feeling like "I stink!" LOL...
The twenty one days on habit is something that I have had problems with in the past, but why beat myself up like you said!
I just don't have the energy for the mental ups and downs...
It's better to just admit that I had a screwy day and then keep positive...
Thanks for writing!
We are learning to be "naturally thin" LOL..

Yay Instrospection!!!


Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:28 am

Today was almost a success, but I wound up eating some leftover rice and peas and a little extra serving of fruits...

Not a total mess..

Richard is singing some songs for me now which he will be performing with his school to celebrate Dr. King...
Mostly Spirituals, folk songs and such.. Like "If I had a hammer", and "I shall not be moved"...

I am proud of him!

Had an adjustment today.. Wow Robert is a great Chiro... Boy did I crack all over the place! Needed to get that done... Felt much better after that, then I have for weeks.. Whew!

Oh! I spoke with the famous Prunie Peetie today!
She is awesome!!! :D
I even bought some prunes at the supermarket today in her honor! :wink:

See you manana all..
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:48 am

I have no idea why, but I really am excited about your prune purchase!
Do you like dried figs? I think they are yummy too. I think they are in the same fruit family.
I have read that in France, some people end their meal with a little bit of cheese with dried figs.
Supposedly, the little protein/carb combo helps keep you satisfied a little longer.

I am still doing 4 meals a day but one of my favorite meals is 10 almonds with 5 prunes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:59 pm

Plus it is just yummy! LOL..
Somehow I have a hard time with the idea of European cultures thinking of foods in terms of nutritional "categories" like we do in the US..
I think that's just a nouveau trend created by the dieting industry here..

Well.. I've been thinking that I should weigh myself today, regardless of the fact that I have my period coming and I had a few screwup days...
Not to beat myself up, but because it will be nagging away at me if I don't.
I just feel I need a reality check today...
Hopefully, it won't be as awful as I'm thinking, and I won't let it ruin my day... I haven't really practiced Yoga for about a week now, due to my neck and shoulder problems that were building up...
Oh Winter!!!!
I am dying for a chance to have Spring breezes come through our door and windows..
Feels so stuffy around here these days!

Sorry to bitch all you guys!

Wish me luck this week.. I have a few people coming into my office from previous gift certificates, and hopefully they will decide to buy "new client" packages afterwards..

All I need is two or three sales and I'll be in the clear with my bills which are due next week.. :roll:
After that I will be applying to, hey Reinhard, the library for a part time job in the mornings... Hope that works out as the starting pay is just as good as any clerical position... Then I'll continue with all my office promotions without having to freak out over each and every sale I make...

Thanks for listening guys!
Have a nice day!!!

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:20 pm

Well, I weighed in a little while ago and now I'm home having breakfast..
I've been so messed up mentally, over worrying about money, that it impacted my mind and I truly expected to be up two or three pounds..
I actually dropped a quarter of a pound!!! :shock:

Wow! That was a nice surprise!!! :lol:

See you later :)
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Post by mstevens » Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:08 pm

Worry always makes me lose weight...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:53 pm

That's funny M! LOL..

Hey! Guess what folks???
My most recent "favorite" club manager has decided to take away my club priviledges, including my Yoga classes, unless I pay for them...
Isn't that nice??????? :evil:
This was her twisted way of punishing me for not selling massage packages or something...

It all came about today because I have had absolutely no clients at all on Tuesdays, and so I wanted to switch my day to Friday afternoons...
So then she said that only full timers get the club memberships/access, and that I haven't "earned" that..

Wow.. I was between tears and feeling like I wanted to take my fist and make her a new nostril...
(Yeah, there was no "peace and love" in sight!!!)

Whatever.. I will survive and turn this into a positive thing...
I guess I'll just have to practice Yoga at home as much as possible and possibly go to classes on weeks I can afford it...
Maybe it will motivate me to make more money!

All in all though, I was really proud that I didn't just walk up to this woman (aka evil horrible littleminded loser jerk!) and say "I quit", though I had considered it... Better always, to take the high road!
I have a client in my office this afternoon so see you later tonight yall!
So far the day has been a NoS triumph and I just need to figure out how I can keep my Yoga classes in the picture...

Wish me luck!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
Last edited by gratefuldeb67 on Wed Jan 18, 2006 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by 3aday » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:12 pm

Wow Deb, I am really sorry to hear about the club's classes : (
Keep your spirits up.
Sometimes we get hit from all sides at once.
I will pray that things get a little easier for you during this tough time.

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Post by Kevin » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:59 pm

Chin up. You did the right thing. Way to go!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 1:31 am

Thanks Becky and Kevin!
You guys rock!!!!

I had a great session at my office and that always renews my excitement and conviction to just build my own practice and be "Mistress of my domain"! LOL...

Thanks for the support!

Some things can make or break us, and I'm just hoping this will actually make me reevaluate things to get myself a whole better situation...
If I can only go to see Larry once a week, I'll miss him, but better once a week than nothing...

Have a great night!
I have had a great NoS day, and my only little borderline thing was that we went to 7/11 for nachos for dinner and I decided to get a Ghiradelli hot chocolate... It's really good!
See you tomorrow~

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:33 pm

Hi friends :)

I wrote a post on Shovelglove yesterday, on the fsck the gym, thread..
Incase you didn't glance at it.
I'm finished at the gym, and apparently, according to the most recent manager I'm "barred" from ever stepping in there again..
All because I called to give her my notice on the phone...
It wasn't working out anyway and I was planning on treating my last guy this Friday, but she said she didn't want me to come in for the session, or ever again. She knew I was into the Yoga, and so she tried to hit me where she'd hurt me, being the little minded ugly hearted person that she is (where do they scout for these managers???) and so I'm sure when she told me that I'd have to pay for the classes, subconsciously, she probably was just trying to make me leave..
She was so miserable when I came in, and actually "escorted me" around the gym when I was getting my belongings, like my radio and massage supplies..
Being treated like a criminal wasn't really too nice, and several of the members who like me, saw how she was talking to me, and I'm sure it didn't look too good for her...When things cool down, I will be calling the head office and telling them all about "being barred" from the club, when I had intended to leave on good terms and possibly buy a membership in the future. I mean if she got ten dollars a class for the Yoga, which if I had it, I would pay it, just to have Larry!, that's equivallent to a membership rate... I like going twice a week..

Oh, she also told my client, who I spoke to immediately to let him know he had to see me at my office not the gym, once I got barred, that she had to schedule him with a different therapist, because "I had quit", when in fact, I had told her I was planning on coming in to treat him and she wouldn't allow me to come work on my last client... He had two hours of massage paid for over there, still left on his account, and I didn't want him to lose it...
So, she is a liar, and two faced and all that stuff..
I guess it's best that I left there after all, but it is sad that it couldn't be done in a civil way... My mom totally backed me up over all of this, which was a real pleasure and surprise for me... I needed that..
She said that she thought the manager was acting disgusting...
So I've been going through some mental ups and downs, but I'm mostly feeling good...

With all that yesterday, I only gravitated away from NoS once, after dinner by having a bowl of dessert cocoa crispies with soymilk, but the rest of the day was very good...

Well, guess I won't be using that scale anymore..
I gave my card to a member who told me that he was really sad to see me leave there, and felt like the circumstances were terrible..
So I asked him to give me a call when she leaves the club..
I mean, how long can someone like that last? They seem to go through managers, so I'm sure she's next...
If she leaves, and I don't cause any stir, I'm sure that if I offer them my money and approach the head office politely and cheerfully, they will "unbar" me from the club.... LOL..
Still.. I'm so relieved that Larry teaches at a different place on Sundays here in town... Actually it's very close to my home..
Once a week with him is better than none..
I think I would shrivel up and die if I couldn't see him for Yoga!
That's my therapy!

So have a great day all!
Wish me well in my new job seeking efforts..
I cut away some dead wood and now it's time for new growth!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:37 pm

Wow Deb,

I don't really know what I could say to that!! That manager is a stinky nasty low-life.... but it's just not worth getting worked up over people like that cos they're just not worth spending the effort.

Glad you can still see Larry elsewhere.

Chin up, Girl! You're better off without these people.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:06 pm

Thanks CJ...
I don't know whether I'll ever go back as a member (but if she leaves and I can afford it, I might one day) but I am definitely going to talk with the owner of the whole company and let him know how I got treated after giving my time and effort to his company for nine months, and mention the fact that she wouldn't allow me to work on my client, though it was I who sold him the whole massage package, which really is bad business, and the kind of send off she gave me, plus the bit about lying to my client...
If he has a stitch of integrity in him, he will possibly see my side and, beside "unbanning" me from the club, as a future member, he will get to see a side to his newly appointed manager, which I'm sure she wouldn't want him to see..
I have my honor to protect and whether he acts on anything or not, is doubtful but I don't like people trying to make me into something I'm not, and in most situations with jobs before, I have always tried to leave positions on good terms... I don't like carrying the bad energy with me to the next place... If I say my piece to him, I know I will represent myself in a good light and get to say, for myself, "thanks for the opportunity to work at your company" and part on friendly terms.

The sooner I can get that string tied up, the sooner I'll be able to just let go and leave mentally.. I'll be calling him next week...

Well the sun is out and I hope it's a great day!
Plans: Clean apartment and exercise
Fill out application at library for part time job in the mornings
Go to office for one massage client in the afternoon :)

I'm waiting for my period but it's taking it's time coming so I'm sure when it does, I'll be feeling even better..

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:03 am

Hi guys :)...
Had a great NoS day today...

Just made a really good dinner, if I must say so myself..

We had broiled pork chops with pineapple juice and spices...
Fresh mashed potatoes, and garlic and ginger curry flavored spinach...

For dessert we had some pinapple rings and (a not great) mango...

breakfast was a grilled cheese and fish sandwich, one clementine and two cups of coffee...
lunch was half a banana...

I have three clients in my office tomorrow, so I'm excited!

Have a nice night friends!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by reinhard » Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:47 am

Ugh, sorry about the club situation, Deb, that's awful. At least the home office front (and maternal support, and no-s) is going well...

Sounds like you're handling the situation with remarkable composure. Hope things turn up and you'll need less of it going forward.



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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:54 am

Thanks Reinhard!
You da best!

I am really feeling okay, overall, and yes the home support team is wonderful!!!

Well.. I guess that I won't be teaching Shovelglove classes there this year!

I probably wouldn't be so composed if I thought I'd never be able to take another Yoga class with Larry, but he does teach one day a week in a studio near my cottage, actually walking distance, and so I'll be starting at that place in about a week.. I've got some good promotion ideas, and I am going to apply for a part time clerical job at, guess where????
The library! LOL...

Now we know that I'm taking this whole "disciple of Reinhard" thing too far! LOL....

Peetie suggested that I take all the diet books and put NOS on all them...

Thanks for your support and friendship!

Hope you are well too...

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:41 pm

Hi guys!
Mid day report here..

So far NoS is in place and I just came back from the office where I did a 2hr. massage... Since my cycle started today (two days off schedule!!!! :evil: ) I got hit with some big time exhaustion and had to reschedule the last two people... I just get totally physically drained on the first day... Kind of like a mack truck hit me..

I showed my client this morning my 12 lb shovelglove, and when he went to lift it up he blurted out... "Wow that's really heavy"... LOL...
I told him that he should start with something along the 8-10 lbs lines, if he does...

What a nice guy! He knows that Richard is becoming a virtuosic Saxophonist, and he brought me a present, especially for him...
A CD of a group called "Sax in the City" LOL...
I'm going to check it out after I post...
How considerate eh? These people I work with are a small group so far, but they are all great people!
If it takes me a few years to develop that kind of clientelle, that's fine...
Like with NoS, I am going for quality and enjoyability here...

As soon as the session was over, I got a call back from a very high end salon, for an interview on Wednesday... They need someone for alternate Sundays, up till the Summer, and then starting again in the Fall... The great thing about this particular place is that they offer a salary... If it turns out to rain that day or it's just dead, then I still get paid for my time... If I get massages, no doubt, there will be generous tipping included, as this is a fancy place... So it's win win... They pay less per massage, but I'm assured a certain definite amount of pay per month that I can count on... I don't know what exactly they offer, but it will be okay as long as it's at least as much as a starting clerical job...

I ordered a Chinese takeaway lunch special today, and when I went to pick it up, the woman who works there, who has known me for about five years now, said "You lost weight"!!!
I love that!!!!


We are going out tonight to see Premik and some other friends of his at a late night coffee shop gig... So yay, I can bring Richard too!...
Probably will start S'sing tonight, over cappucino and dessert...

Have a great day all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:22 pm

PS... I just had a major epiphany!
I just went through one of the most weird and stressful weeks of this year and didn't run for a giant candy bar or ten bags of cheetos!!!

Yay NoS!!!!

Enjoy your S days friends :)
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:42 pm

You're my hero!
You did super for having a majorly stressful week.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:33 pm

Thanks Becky!!!
Have a great weekend~
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:07 pm

Had a good weekend, but I was a bit down, still, from leaving my old job..
Just because I hate the feeling of leaving anything on bad terms...
Always leaves a bitter taste...

Anyway... I worked on two people Sat.. One being a personal trainer from my ex gym job... I was working my ass off as he was really muscular..
Just about six feet tall (and I am 5'2") and let's just say that muscle definitely weighs more than fat, and it's a lot harder to move heavy arms and legs like that!

Afterwards he came out the room with a classic "relaxed" and almost dazed look, and said he was so relaxed and I did an excellent job!!!!

Yay!!! I sure was trying.. I asked him to mention my massage to everyone he knows, clients, family, etc...

We had brownies on both Sat and Sunday...
I wasn't too thrilled with the brand we made this time (but ate them anyway.. they weren't that bad! LOL..)

Also we split a five ounce bag of potato chips, and I ate a whole can of black olives...

Saturday I still had a pretty heavy period, so massage was my only exercise.. Yesterday, I was a lazybones, but I did do my 100 crunches before breakfast, and I felt the burn!!!
In a few weeks, I'll attempt to add a few more to my regime..
Probably do three sets of fifty... And eventually I'd like to work up to 200..

Used to do that many before, with the ab roller, and I definitely got results at that many reps...

I feel a bit thrown off by not having the club scale anymore, so I'm probably going to buy a home scale again, though I would love to hear some of you guys opinions of what kinds are fairly good...

I don't want to spend a fortune either...

Loads of laundry today, which is perfect, since it's raining and blechy today..

Have a great day all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:22 pm

Hey all!!!!!!!!!
I was just about to do my crunches, and since I don't have a scale at home yet, I thought I'd take my measurements to have a reference point from here on, till I do...
I'm down a half an inch since last week!!!!
I think the crunches are a workin!!!!!!

I am thrilled... even after an S weekend of moderate indulgence and being mid period, I am going down in size!!!
I guess the good N days and the exercise is paying off!!!!

Yay!!!!!! This is major!!!!!

Only four and a half inches to go to get to my goal!!!!

Peace and Love,
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Post by 3aday » Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:34 pm

That's awesome!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:38 pm

Hi friends!

I had to do some laundry at my Moms today.... So I decided, since it was pre-breakfast, and my usual time to weigh for the day, that I'd try out her bathroom scale.. It's fairly new..
I'm happy to say that my weight is exactly the same as the gym scale showed last Tuesday...
I'm 208 right now...
I am really happy and relieved that I didn't have to go through a mental psych out, by seeing some two or three or five pound difference... To me consistency is very crucial...
For newbies here who weren't in the past Yahoo group, I actually had a horrible scale at home when I started NoS... When my Mother bought a new one for her bathroom, there was a 9 pound discrepancy between her's and mine, and I was in a foul mood that day... I decided to smash my bathroom scale with my shovelglove!!!!
What an exhillarating feeling!!! LOL..
Then when I went to my club, there was a five pound discrepancy between my old bad scale (now smashed) and the doctor's scales...
That was also a minor annoyance, since I know that I didn't gain five pounds that week...

So, this scale I used today is the same one which my Mom bought, and it's the same readout as the club scale last week. I'm going to weigh in at her house once a week, or less, and know that it's consistent and realistic representaion of my weight progress this year...

I will be so happy when I decend into the "sub 200" range... I know I don't look quite that heavy anymore, as I believe I look more like 190 or something even a little less... Mentally, somehow, it just hurts to keep saying I'm over 200.... Sorry if that sounds vain.. I'm only 5'2"...

I'm going to really try to start walking again...
Somehow, without a destination and having my car available, I just haven't been able to motivate myself to get out...
Winter does that to me, but it's really bad to be inside so much!!!!

I keep thinking of things which are holding me back, like lying to myself that I should be doing some other, more important chore, or promoting my office (yes those are important) but I'm just using them as reasons to sit around!!! Rah!!!

When I walked every day, it made such an impact on my weight loss, and on my mindset....
I need to get a walkman already and do it!!!!!

Yoga and Shovelglove have helped build muscle (and that's partly why my numbers aren't going down too quick, since I'm replacing fat with muscle) but I am sure that walking would push me into another level of health and weight loss... Then I'll be toned and strong and the extra layers of fat will melt away faster! I mean, I'm not about to screw with this diet at all... So it just has to come from exercise tweaking...

I'm starting today after I finish my crunches, and breakfast... It's supposed to be 45 or 48 degrees today... I'll go for a walk around my special park... That's about two miles...

Have a beautiful and Blessed day all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:15 pm

I know what you mean about walking. I'm just itching for Spring to get here, so I can get outside and walk. Minnesota winters just last forever!

As long as I'm on the subject, do you know what the four seasons are here in MN?

Almost winter.


Still winter.

Road construction.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:30 pm

I am *not* moving to Minnesota!!!!!!!
Hey Jan.. Thanks for writing Richie this morning..
He was too rushed to think of much to say as we were just leaving for school...
Have a great day!!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 24, 2006 6:01 pm

Okay... last mini post till tonight.. I'm all off schedule...
I just did 200 crunches folks!!!!
Two sets of 100..

I also did headstand and Wheel, but I have to admit that Wheel kicked my mother loving ass!!!!
I haven't attended Larry's class for close to two weeks now.. That move has atrophied!!!
I was actually screaming when I got up into it and could only hold it for about 10 seconds...Keep in mind though, that the Wheel is probably considered one of the very hardest Yoga asasnas there are...
Most people in class just skip it altogether...

James.. If you are reading this, lol, I think that this is the "Wrestlers Bridge" you were mentioning yesterday on your thread...
Am I right?
It's hard!!!

I took a few photos of myself with the tripod this morning, but there's no flash on my camera, so let's see how these come out... Not too sure they will.. But one of them is me doing headstand..
I had to set off the automatic timer and then had 15 seconds to run and get into position! LOL...
That was funny!!!

Ha ha ha!!!

Okay.. going to eat my "breakfast" now..
Boy I am totally off schedule with food...
I'll shovelglove later when I'm not dying of hunger.. LOL..

See yalls..
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Post by kcin49 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:31 am

Hey Deb, sounds like you're doing really well with all the stress you've been under. Stress brings me undone - I head for the fridge at the slightest sign!! Come to sunny Melbourne and do some walking - it's going to be 40 degrees tomorrow (celcius that is - don't know what equivalent is) I think I'll walk on my treadmill in the aircon. Tomorrow (Thursday) is s-day here - Australia Day public holiday - so am looking forward to a treat. Keep up the good work and thanks for the encouragement you've given me.

:lol: Stick with it.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:09 pm

Thanks Nickky..

Hope you are enjoying Ozzie Day!

Long live Paul Hogan! LOL....

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:57 pm

Deb, that's great!
Between the crunches and the headstand, you are my idol!
I can't do any of them!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:12 pm

Thanks Becky!

I like being somebody's idol! LOL...

You could do crunches galore with this great device the Ab Roller..
In addition to shovelglove, a must have for every home!, I highly recommend this little device..

It reduces neck strain to nothing and you can really focus your energy and hit the abs effectively...

It takes less than three minutes to do these crunches, so even though it's not what our "ancestors" did, LOL, it's a minimal time investment which I feel is worth it!

I had a cesarean birth of an 11 lb baby, and another operation to remove widespread endometriosis a few years before that... My abs need more toning than shovelglove and even Yoga, can do.. Actually, Shovelglove and Yoga seemed to impact my tranverse abs more, which are the stablizers of the spine, and not the rectus abdominus much..
Crunches work that for me, and it's so stretched out that I need to put extra attention there...

(See photo of me on page 27, yes I'm purple colored in it, with my Buddha Belly hanging out of my shirt! LOL... But not for long... :twisted: )

Have a great day Beckers...
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:33 pm

Hi guys and gerls... LOL..

I had a bleh day yesterday and NoS wise it wasn't to terrific..
Too little food during the day, plus I did a massage which took energy, and simply couldn't afford to buy milk and coffee till *after* the session, since I'm down to change! Not even.. Rah!
And I had a big cancellation for today too... Wah! :twisted:
So actually the food I ate was all fine, infact I didn't overeat at all, but I ended up eating at weird times and had no structure at all.. And then I also had two tiny spoonfulls of cold "hot" fudge which we bought, two weeks ago.. (interesting that we seem to be able to handle stuff like this for the bulk of N days without being tempted...)

It was just a stress day... I'm not calling it an S day, but it certainly was "special" in it's own way!

The latest great news is that I finally connected with the manager of the yoga ashram about five blocks from my home, where Larry teaches on Sundays... They have other instructors too, and once a week wouldn't be enough for me to stay sane, so I asked him how he would feel about bartering massage for bi-weekly Yoga.... So it's settled and I think, a very fair agreement... I get to go eight classes a month and he gets a massage once every three weeks...
I've really been sad for a few days and super stressed and lot's of it had to do with my abrupt "cold turkey" ceasing of my Yoga classes...
That's my main therapy folks... I wasn't too pleased to stop..
Also, I didn't really fancy the idea of having to be tied to that last job in any way, or have to eventually pay for any membership there, with the bad energy that resulted when I left the job... So now I don't have to...
The place is only about five blocks away, and I'll probably be walking to it...

Mentally, and emotionally, I realize I've been holding my breath worrying about the future of my Yoga practice.. I'm so happy that I can relax about it again, and know that even when I am too poor to pay for class, I can still go to it since I'm trading massage~


Hope you all have a great day.. Going to the office now for one session and I'll see you later..

For the record, I did my 200 crunches this morning too!
They are getting really easy! Maybe I'll start trying to do some oblique ones as well...

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:43 pm

I started doing oblique crunches a little differently about a month ago, from the way I have been doing them for years and years. I lay on my back (love my yoga mat for this!) with my knees bent and feet on the floor, hands lightly behind my head. I drop my knees over to the left side, right down to the floor. So my torso is straight, but knees point left. Then lift, straight up (don't twist). Then point knees in the other direction and lift some more. I love this! I can feel those muscles kick in so much more readily than with the way I was doing them before.

Glad to hear your 200 crunches are getting easier!

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:30 pm

Deb Dahling:

I wish I could be there to give you a great big encouraging hug.

I don't know what happened at yoga because I haven't been on the boards lately. (My schedule is a lot busier with the puppy), but, anyway, maybe you can go check out some Rodney Yee DVDs.

Just wanting to say hello.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:51 pm

Hi Jan and Dru!!!

Jan.. that's great advice... It puts your body into a postion which isolates and puts your obliques on a stretch... Good idea! I'll try it out...

Drusky Dahling!!!
Oh I don't want to subject everyone here to a retelling of my recent gym expulsion... LOL...

If you feel like a headache scroll back a few pages and you can get the full story... But the current situation is really hopeful and I am very happy..
I will be starting Yoga classes again Sunday.. Or maybe even tomorrow, at a studio which is about five blocks from our cottage, and I'm trading massage with the studio manager as payment for the Yoga...
This is a big relief for me since I couldn't afford to pay for the classes at this point, but I can't afford not to go, for my well being!!!

Hugs and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by peetie » Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:52 am

Oh, Deb, it's so good to hear you so optimistic again! You are a survivor, and I was sure you wouldn't be down for the count for long. I hate it when you're in the pits....prune pits ofcourse!

Love and optimism,

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:55 am

Today was a decent day..
Had three cups of coffee
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.. Half for breakfast half for lunch around 3:30...

Then dinner was mac and cheese with spinach and green peas mixed in, plus about 8 chestnuts on the side.....

Minor dessert after dinner was a bowl of Life cereal with plain soymilk...

I need to go shopping soon or we will be eating raw onions for snacks tomorrow! :twisted:

Hope all you guys had a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Debbie

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:19 am

Hi Peetie!!!!!
I like Pitted Prunes!!!!

Thanks my California Councillor!
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Post by carolejo » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:59 am

Yay for you! That's great news about the studio and your deal with the guy there Deb. Who knows, maybe he'll even end up sending a little more business your way too.

Hang in there, sweetie. I reckon you've turned the corner now on this little drama and things will soon start to get better again.

So.. have you decided which other guruji you're going to go to see on the day that Larry isn't around? I guess you could try them all out and see which session is your favourite. It could also be a blessing in disguise, as you might get something new from it all as well.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:12 pm


In a shaker jar combine: 2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, 1 cup water. Shake very well to get the lumps out. Pour into a small saucepan. Cook and stir until thickened. Remove from heat. Season to taste with black pepper, and (optional) garlic and/or onion powder. You can also add a can of drained mushrooms if you like, but the basic recipe for plain brown gravy with black pepper is terrific by itself.
Last edited by Jammin' Jan on Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:58 pm

Announcement: Stay away from the brown acid, I mean, brown gravy!!!

Ha ha Jan! I *knew* you would send me your special homemade gravy recipe!!! LOL...


Yes CJ... I can't wait to try out all the different teachers... But sorry..
There will be only one true Guruji for me!

I actually love a quote said by a very famous swami whose name now eludes me, but he passed away about three years ago..
I think it was something like:

The teaching is the real Guru...

Funny.. since I haven't formally practiced the Yoga, including the shoulderstand that supposedly is good for insomnia,,, I've had some pretty bad insomnia for the past two days... Wide awake.. thinking thinking thinking...
Just want to say..
"Mind... take a break okay!???" LOL..

I'm sure that Yoga will bring me back that quiet calm, which I seem to lack most of the time...

Have a great day and S weekend all!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:18 pm

Recipe restored!

I missed the Woodstock reference, but get it now. Growing up in LA in the 60's was not the same for everyone, I guess.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:14 pm

Jan!!! What's up???? LOL..

You didn't offend me!!!
Didn't you ever see Woodstock????

Guess not.. :lol:

I know you are too healthy to have used LSD in the sixties, but I thought you might at least know that reference since you grew up then...

I'm sure your gravy is certainly delish and probably not acidic at all!!!
Just brown.. LOL..

Hugs silly Jan~

PS..... I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thrilled because after doing the crunches for at least five out of seven days this week,

I'm down another half inch from Monday and that makes a total of one whole inch off my waist since I started doing those crunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I went and weighed myself again (yes I know the week isn't up but I was curious to see if anything had changed since the inch loss...)
I haven't lost any weight at all, but I'm gaining healthy muscle and my fat is burning off!

Woo hoo!!!!!
It's my birthday... It's my birthday
Go Debbie... Go Debbie!!!


Great way to start the weekend!
I have been jumping for joy for the past hour!!!!!!

Pax and Amo (not ammo, and not acid!...)
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:29 pm

Where's my gravy recipe????????? :twisted:
Oh Jan! You can post any recipe for anything on this thread..
(except home made pipe bombs or something like that...)

Now I need to buy some big ol potatoes and some pork chops to go with it!
Maybe some curly Kale too!
Since CJ said it's good with gravy!

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:43 am


Call me nosey, idle, or just curious, but I did go back and read your horrific gym scenario.

What baffles me is that people can treat others so unkindly.

I don't know how it is in NY State but CA is a state that favors employees. As an employer, (okay, my husband's business but I do some HR work), I have to be so careful how I treat anyone, even the contractors. So I am surprised that she could treat you like that and get away with it.

Anyway, I agree that moving on is the best scenario. Things happen in life for a reason and sometimes these lessons, as hard as they are to learn, serve us well in the future.

I hope you have a great night and a great S weekend full of treats. I am hanging on by a thread as I'd love to munch a bag of popcorn right now!!! But, I can have it tommorrow if I still want it.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 28, 2006 1:22 am


Call me nosey, idle, or just curious, but I did go back and read your horrific gym scenario
I'll call you a great friend Dru!!!!

Thanks for your support there... It was quite a mess but it's over and I'm over it! Yay!!!

Moving on and up!

Hope you enjoy your bag of popcorn!
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:08 am

Hi Deb,
I hope you have a nice S weekend!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:12 am

Thanks Becky!
You too!!!
I can't wait till Sunday so I can get back to my Yoga class!!!!
Tomorrow I will be playing my son Richard at Monopoly..
I hope I get a lot of Monopoly money!!! LOL..

8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Sat Jan 28, 2006 6:10 pm

Enjoy your yoga class!
You deserve it!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:33 pm

Thanks Becky!!!
I am enjoying today too!!!!
Wow.. it feels like early Spring on Long Island today.....
Richard's at the park behind our place now and we had a late lunch of Subway today as a treat..
I didn't want any soda, but let him have a soda and a cookie..
I did a long and drawn out, and very energetically draining massage at my office today and didn't do any crunches yet, and probably won't today because I am off schedule..
That just has to happen pre breakfast.. Back to it tomorrow and Yoga at 11 am... with my LARRY!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Guru! I feel as if I shall die if I can't see you again!!!


But today, I have tons and tons of cleaning to do here which I've been procrastinating on.. vacuuming etc..This place is a mess!!!!!!
The beautiful weather is allowing me to open up my windows and door for fresh air, which is so nice..
I ate my sandwich and chips sitting on my outside chair before and soaking in the sun... But I have to clean this place so there's no getting out of that...
Well here I go!
Wow.. Hope this weather becomes a trend...

Weird S note about yesterday....
I probably shouldn't do this, but usually on Fridays, we welcome the Sabbath in with some small S... So yesterday we shared two chunks of milk and white chocolate breakup from the chocolate store in town...
First of all, let me say, that just going in there made my head spin...
This place makes fresh chocolate daily... What an aroma!!!!!!!!
But the weird part was that when I got home and we split the chocolate, perhaps a 2 square inch piece of it for each of us, and ate it, I can't say that I was all too crazy about it... I must be becoming a real candy snob or something... It didn't taste very chocolatey, just like filler and sugar, and I almost didn't eat it at all after the first bite... I was like
Meh... big deal...

Then today, Richard got a stomach ache after I gave him a piece of bread with peanut butter and left over chocolate fudge... I didn't heat it up, and just smeared it on the bread like nutella or something...
He felt sick from it!!!
I think it's not the sugar at fault, since that doesn't happen with soda or ice cream, unless he eats/drinks a *lot* of it..
I believe it was because the fudge was actually made out of partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, which I've read is pretty nasty for the digestion... We don't use margarine or many products with a high amount of that, and I'm pretty sure it was that...
Come to think of it, when he had the fudge for the first time, about two weeks ago with the ice cream, he didn't even want to finish it, and neither did I, and he complained of a stomach ache then too, and nauseousness..

The other little NoS triumph that I wanted Richard to post on his thread, but he hasn't felt like writing, is that the other day he went with his Grandma for dinner and a special night out... It had been a really rough few days for us and he even had a minor incident in school which upset him a lot, so I told him, under the circumstances that he could have an S with Grandma when they went out... I had to work..
When I saw him later, he told me that they went to a diner.. I asked if he had any S's, since that place has lots of great cakes, pies, and cheesecake, but he told me that he couldn't finish his dinner, a hamburger and fries and a small hot cocoa with whipped cream, and because he was too full, he skipped the dessert....
Even with permission to "Ess" he just listened to his body and decided not to!!! I was really proud of him!!!

Part of me thinks this also has to do with our being somewhat programmed at this point, to eat S's on the weekends... It's like his body didn't really crave it during the week...
That's my read at least..

Okay... I'm really procratinating on cleaning, but there's only a few more hours of light here, so off I go!!!

Best to all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:21 pm

You know what, Deb?

As much as I like sugary, chocolaty things I have never been able to stomach fudge. I remember my great grandmother used to bring it over at Christmas time and I could barely take a nibble. It almost tastes like pure butter, or something I don't know...

I'm jealous about your weather. It was cold here yesterday and rainy. I never used to bother about the weather, but the older I get, the more I am affected by the weather. Yesterday my boys talked me into taking them to Chuck E Cheese. The previous owner of my new house, who also happens to be a friend, left a bag of tickets and tokens. (Gee, thanks...I'm sure she didn't want to have to take her kids to Chuck E Cheese! LOL) Anyway, we made a deal that if we got there upon opening (so it wouldn't be crowded) that I'd let them stay for an hour. So it was tolerable and actually not crowded. I had a small S triumph in there since the old me would have sat down and read a book while eating a cookie. But, even though it was an S day I just had a cup of coffee. They had some desserts there but nothing that seemed appealing. We do get choosey now, don't we?

Anyway, sorry to ramble. What was supposed to be a short comment about the fudge has turned into a diary. LOL

Have a great Sunday. D.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:36 pm

You are certainly not rambling Dru!!!

I think it's great that this program has turned us into more discerning S eaters!

Reinhard has created a group of dessert snobs!
Love it!

Going to Yoga soon and then off to buy some soup ingredients cuz some little guy has a really bad cold today...

Don't be jealous of our weather today, since it's going to be cloudy and rainy....

Have a nice day Dru..
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:36 am

I really like fudge, but only the 'real' kind where it doesn't have any nasty artificial stuff in it :lol:

I make it myself from unsalted butter, milk and sugar, with a dash or vanilla or some good quality plain chocolate, or chicory coffee extract as a flavouring. Some of the stuff you can buy in the store is just YUCK.


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Post by 3aday » Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:49 pm

How was yoga?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:31 pm

Hi CJ and Becky!

Becky... Can you believe this?????
I didn't go.... :evil:

Richard came down with a bad sinus infection and was running a little fever too... lowgrade, but not your run of the mill sniffles..
I couldn't leave him like that...
He's home now too...

Hopefully he will improve tomorrow.. I may attend a hot yoga class tomorrow evening and then try to catch Larry this coming weekend..

Thanks for asking!
8) Deb

Posts: 452
Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:04 am

Post by 3aday » Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:41 pm

Oh wow! I hope he feels better soon!

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