Pinkhippies daily check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:38 pm

Linda thank you. That is really comforting to hear that hormone stuff affects you less as you get older! I feel like Im on a roller coaster lately. Looking forward to getting off the ride and onto stable ground. Yeah fluffy books are pretty much all I read these days. I like this author as they are very black or white, no shades of gray. The villain is the villain and the good guy is the good guy. Sometimes that is comforting. (if not very realistic)

Jen, yeah my body is confused too I think. Its so true that being a good parent means not being liked, and I do remind myself and my husband of that.

Can't believe I haven't checked in since Tuesday! That missing period returning really took it of of me! ( sad little pun there) but really. I felt lightheaded and extra hungry, and tired all week. I have just started feeling better today.

This week has been a haze of snacking and eating seconds and chocolate.

Today I had

B: coffee with cream

L: pasta with 2 slices garlic bread

S: oatmeal with peanut butter

D: will be chicken nuggets with roasted brussel sprouts, some kind of ice cream

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Sun Mar 14, 2021 4:37 pm

Hormones keep us on our toes :lol: I always though I was failing with food during crazy hormone times but when I gave myself a little grace I realized it’s SO NORMAL.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Mar 15, 2021 3:26 pm

Glad you’re feeling a bit better! Right there with you with the fluff. And to think I was once an English major whose favorite authors were Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner. 😊
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:46 pm

Jen, they sure do! It is important to give ourselves some grace absolutely.

LInda, LOL I have never been a heavy duty literature reader, which is why I hesitated at the idea of being an English major. Fluffy books have always been a love of mine. I am almost through the 4 season collection. And then I will take a break and maybe read that Sue Grafton mystery that has been waiting for me. I am all the way to W is for wasted but I am bummed that she died before she could write Z, so I am less motivated to finish the series.

Good weekend. I realized kind of the same thing as ladybird. smaller portions work in the short term, but just not in the long term. I noticed I had that feeling over the weekend of just being HUNGRY. And so I had to eat regardless of it was my structured mealtime. I would rather keep my structure but eat enough to not feel that hunger of biological imperativeness. So this weekend I just made sure to eat enough at meals. And I haven't looked at the scale. I have to get better about not settling on a weight, but settling on habits and behaviours which will lead to a weight which I then have to be OK with because it is a result of sustainable enjoyable habits and behaviors.

B: Coffee with cream ( I was planning on breakfast, but this time change got me. I was not hungry until about 12)

L: roasted potatoes and carrots, half a pbj and half a glass of milk

S: a package of honey roasted nuts

D: will be quiche
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:37 pm

I was sad to hear about Sue Grafton - I had my own ideas about what might have been a satisfying resolution to the series, but it would have been nice to have had hers.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:28 pm

Me too on smaller meals don’t work. I’m best off with meals that actually leave me satisfied & being hungry but not too hungry when I eat. When I tweak it, it starts out great but always leads to overdoing it later!! I was tempted to weigh myself recently but didn’t, I’ve been so much better off basing how I’m doing on non scale victories like good habits & eating in a way that feels goo!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:02 am

Oh i downloaded that series too and a, now listening to The Magnificent mrs mayhem. Im loving it so much. It’s exactly the type of book i was wanting. Perfect for listening to while puttering around the house. I didn’t know that about sue grafton. What a bummer! My favorite book is The Buccaneers by edith wharton. It’s so good and not too heavy!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:54 pm

ladybird, I know, I loved the character development of Kinsey that went throughout the book and the little mysteries of her background being revealed.

Jen, yeah that tweaking is so tricky for me! It's funny how hard it can be to figure out how big my meals should be on a regular basis. I need to settle on an eating schedule and try to stick to it rather than the all-over the placeness of my eating. The time change is not good for that at all.

Linda, the Magnificent Mrs. Mayhem sounds good, I will look for it. I have never read the Buccaneers, I will check it out!

Yesterday I spent most of my day helping my 11-year-old with her french horn. Long story, but apparently she has a double horn and she was playing the f horn fingering using the thumb lever that makes her horn a b flat horn. So, she has been coming in last on all her chair tests and playing the wrong notes. I can't believe her teacher couldn't tell what was going on! It's a zoom class, but still. Anyway, with my help and the help of the internet to tell me what various french horn notes should sound like, we are figuring it out. And she has already really improved and wants to practice nonstop because she likes to be good at things. I should have realized something was wrong when she didn't want to practice her horn and wanted to quit band. She knew there was something wrong but she just didn't know what it was. Poor baby. :(

I am trying to get back to a regular 3 meal a day schedule.

B: oatmeal with peanut butter coffee with cream

L: quiche

D will be barbecue chicken quesadillas

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:50 pm

ladybird, I know, I loved the character development of Kinsey that went throughout the book and the little mysteries of her background being revealed.

Jen, yeah that tweaking is so tricky for me! It's funny how hard it can be to figure out how big my meals should be on a regular basis. I need to settle on an eating schedule and try to stick to it rather than the all-over the placeness of my eating. The time change is not good for that at all.

Linda, the Magnificent Mrs. Mayhem sounds good, I will look for it. I have never read the Buccaneers, I will check it out!

Yesterday I spent most of my day helping my 11-year-old with her french horn. Long story, but apparently she has a double horn and she was playing the f horn fingering using the thumb lever that makes her horn a b flat horn. So, she has been coming in last on all her chair tests and playing the wrong notes. I can't believe her teacher couldn't tell what was going on! It's a zoom class, but still. Anyway, with my help and the help of the internet to tell me what various french horn notes should sound like, we are figuring it out. And she has already really improved and wants to practice nonstop because she likes to be good at things. I should have realized something was wrong when she didn't want to practice her horn and wanted to quit band. She knew there was something wrong but she just didn't know what it was. Poor baby. :(

I am trying to get back to a regular 3 meal a day schedule.

B: oatmeal with peanut butter coffee with cream

L: 2 slices quiche

D: 1 barbecue chicken quesadilla and 1 glass of homemade chocolate milk
I really wanted something sweet, we were out of fruit and I am not having chocolate this week. I put a little dutch processed cocoa and a little sugar in a glass of milk and mixed it up. It hit the sweet spot and filled me up just a little.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 17, 2021 12:57 pm

Oh geesh, poor thing! Boy, the online learning is just causing a lot of challenges isnt it? Rosebud loves playing the piano but hasn’t been able to take lessons for a year now. In the beginning she would still play almost daily but she hasn’t been playing much lately. Kind of saddens me but im hoping she can start up lessons again soon!

Good for you for figuring out how to help her and awesome that she likes practicing. Music is so good for their brains!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:31 pm

Linda, yeah the online structure definitely has its flaws! She was able to play for her teacher in her zoom class today and show him what she had been practicing and he was very happy with her performance(probably amazed) so she is excited and happy and wants to practice for her solo. Glad we figured that out! We have our pteacher conference tonight.

Also I didn't realize the magnificent Mrs Mayhew was a Milly Johnson novel! Glad you are enjoying it. She does seem to be a really good fluffy "feel good" author.

I have noticed that my body is so much happier with oatmeal! I know that sounds really funny. But, it gives me the carbs I seem to need and eliminates hard core carb cravings at night. Also, digestion is better and I just feel better. So, back to the oatmeal breakfasts.

B: Oatmeal with berries and walnuts, coffee with cream

L: Chicken salad sandwich

D: Will be barbecue kielbasa with rice and cornbread
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:41 pm

I’m on an oatmeal kick now too!! I do better with carb breakfasts!! I prefer sweet to salty in the morning. I used to force myself to eat eggs because “diets” said that was better but they never left me feeling done the way a carb heavy breakfast does!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:10 am

Okay, you guys totally have me craving oatmeal now. I think i know what im having for breakfast tomorrow! ☺️
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:14 pm

Jen, yeah I know what you mean about carb breakfasts! Its weird, like I don't eat it thinking its the most delicious thing ever. But, if I don't have a carb breakfast I notice I lean towards wanting more carbs all day, usually in the form of toast or sugary stuff. Oatmeal is definitely a better choice for me as far as satisfaction.

Linda LOL, Oatmeal! Soooo delicious. :)

Today I decided to add some fat to my oatmeal by using peanut butter instead of pb2 and wow! It made a difference. I felt much more satisfied and actually full instead of hungry a few hours later. I might need to tweak it because I eat breakfast late and I don't want to have a late lunch but it was interesting the difference.

My 11 year old got to have an in-person horn instruction with her band teacher after school, just her and him and it was sooooo good for her! She is going to do another one after spring break, and we have signed her up for blended/hybrid next year and she is really excited. I'm not sure what to do with my 8 year old though. Her school doesn't offer blended. It's either in person 5 days a week or virtual.

Today is the Friday before Spring Break and I am excited! The little girls are going to their grandparents and the teenager will be here with us. So, sort of a kid break.

B: Oatmeal with peanut butter and banana, coffee with cream

L: leftover tater tots with cheese and sour cream, half a glass of orange juice

D: will be chicken nuggets, broccoli and ice cream

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Mar 24, 2021 5:15 pm

Wow, time flies!

DH took Monday and Tuesday off so we have been Spring Breaking it up here at the house. We went for a 12-mile bike ride on Saturday, and 7-mile bike ride yesterday. I am glad to slowly regaining my strength and stamina. I need to figure out a way to continue to ride. I get so bored on my trainer at home but feel guilty about leaving the kids at home when I go out and enjoy myself on a ride. However, riding with all of them isn't really a good option as my 8-year-old is too young to keep up. Plus she really needs a new bike.

I have been sticking pretty closely to No S, despite vacay. I notice that on riding days, I might need a piece of fruit in between meals or a small amount of seconds with dinner because I am extra hungry. But for the most part, I have been 3 meals a day with no seconds. This week I have been having a square of dark chocolate after dinner and it's been nice.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:31 pm


I have been gone for a while. Not sure why really. It's a busy time of year for us, this is birthday month. Today is my birthday, Friday is my 17 yo, Tuesday is my Dh's and then the 21'st is my 8 yo. So, going to be LOTS of S days and cake and goodies! I try to keep it as reasonable as possible.

I have been doing pretty good with 3 meals, no snacks no seconds and a few small squares of dark chocolate after dinner. I have decided not to weigh myself for a very long time because I feel like that messes with my mind now. It is too likely to get me to unconsciously restrict and then boomerang back with overeating. I think I mentioned this earlier, but my goal is to be the weight I am at when I follow these habits, whatever that may be. No goal weight. Although, I also think it's reasonable to still be able to fit in my pants and look and feel good because this size is my comfortable size that I have been almost my whole life and I think it's a weight range of about 10 pounds. Anyway, I like the structure of No S. I feel really good eating this way like I am not eating too much and I am not eating too little. Like just "normal" eating.

We went on a 15 mile bike ride last weekend and it was amazing! It felt really good to be able to push myself and be able to do it. I really haven't lost as much as I thought I had and that makes me happy.

Nothing else really going on here. I think I have'n't updated in weeks because my life is so uneventful right now... and I guess that is good!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:44 am

Happy Birthday 🎂!! That’s how our May is. All of girls bday the same week. Fun, but crazy. I love that you are not weighing yourself. I really like the idea that whatever you weigh while sticking to habits that feel good is the right weight for you. And yay for the long bike ride!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:27 pm

Hi Linda thanks! It's funny how that seems to work out in families. I know another family that seems to have all their birthdays in May as well!

Yesterday was good! I had half of one cupcake and half of another and that was all I could eat. Then today I ate the rest. Which in hindsight may have been a mistake because I am really full now since I also had a chicken salad sandwich. But its all right, just means it will take longer to get hungry.

I have stopped beating myself up for doing nothing with my degree and accepting that helping the girls get through virtual school and getting my senior graduated is enough.

Also, I think I may have forgotten to mention that my dog's x ray results came back and she is cancer free! The vet thought it might be a bit of very mild pancreatitis, even though she had hardly any symptoms, and prescribed low-fat food. Amazingly, she ate more low-fat food than she did the other kind and her appetite seems to be coming back over this past week. Now she is eating a lot more and slowly gaining weight and acting peppy and happy again. ( knock on wood) It is SUCH a relief! I know she can't be with us forever, but I'm glad to know she has a little more time and that she is enjoying her life.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:58 pm

Yesterday learned the lesson again to not eat even a normal-sized dinner if I am not hungry. did it anyway, stomach paid the price for a few hours before bed. I have realized I have gotten excellent at waiting until I'm hungry for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is still a tricky challenge. Yesterday I didn't snack between lunch and dinner but had a bigger lunch than normal and then a regular size dinner at dinner time.

So, in the future, I need to have a smaller sized dinner or wait. It's hard to wait with our schedule around here, so a smaller dinner would have been a good idea. This is the second time in a few weeks that I have done this so hopefully, I will remember. Today I had a slightly big lunch, but it was earlier so hopefully will be hungry for dinner. I always get worried about not being able to wait till dinner so I wait and have a late lunch and then I think it backfires on me. So I pushed lunch about 30-45 minutes earlier than normal. We will see what happens, now that I have gotten into the habit again of not snacking between lunch and dinner.

Tomorrow my 17 yo turns 18!!!! It's hard to believe. I still need to wrap her presents and am procrastinating a bit. Need to jump on that.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:15 pm

Last night I could have stopped at one and a half burritos but I ate the whole 2 burritos for dinner. Haven't figured out yet psychologically why it's SOOOO hard to stop eating dinner. After dinner is very pleasant. Well, except for the dishes. I don't THINK that is it. Usually, I wash some dishes, and DH washes the rest. I always try to wash the cooking dishes if possible before I sit down. Then I talk with DH, nibble my dark chocolate, and retreat to have some relaxation time while DH plays games with the girls. After that, it's break time and I get time all to myself in my room. Well, I will try to be more aware of my thoughts next time I don't want to stop eating dinner even though I can tell my body is full.

Today my oldest turned 18! I don't feel like I would have an 18-year-old daughter, but there you are. I do, and I had her when I was 26, so it's not even like I had her young. This weekend Dh and I are celebrating our joint birthdays. So I expect lots of food, some kind of sweet things and maybe some alcohol. My plan is to at the very least stick to 3 meals a day over the weekend.

I haven't weighed myself but my clothes fit and I like how I look in the mirror. So, I am going to keep on keeping on not weighing myself and working on the No S habits.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:33 pm

Happy birthday to your daughter!! Me too on not feeling old enough to have such old kids :lol: and me too on the 26 when I had my first!! He turned 19 in August so I much be about 1-2 years older than you :D

Me too on not weighing (almost 4 years now) & I’ve been tempted as my clothes get looser. I keep reminding myself that it didn’t go anywhere good, healthy habits leave me feeling lighter & enthusiastic to keep up with healthy habits. In my scale days the scale wouldn’t always show a lighter weight even when I felt lighter & would discourage me & a lot of times lead to throwing in the towel :roll:

And one last “me too” on struggling to stop at enough after dinner. Apple cinnamon or sleepy time tea sometimes helps but it’s a struggle for me too!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:34 pm

Oh boy happy Birthday to all of you! My daughter has her 18th bday next month. Do you have any good ideas for presents? Sweetpea doesn’t have a lot of specific wants so it’s hard. I was thinking maybe a nice overnight bag and/or a grown up purse. I want to get something nice but she’d hate any designer bags. I think i might get her a nice pair of pjs and cute slippers for when she’s in the dorm. Im not sure. But, btw, 26 is young! I had just turned 35 when i had SP. ☺️

So happy your dog is okay. One less thing to worry about!

Oh and yay for dropping the guilt. It took me awhile but ive done the same. We know how hard we work everyday so what difference does it make if it’s in a home setting or something more formal? Besides I realized that my choice to stay home does make me kinda unique and interesting (at least in my own head 😆).
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Apr 10, 2021 7:37 pm

Thanks Jen! That's neat we were both 26! It was 3 days after my 26th birthday so yeah you must be a year or so older. I am impressed you have managed to not weigh for 4 years! I think that is a real accomplishment. I was tempted the other day but I held fast. Tea definitely helps me on those tough days but actually leaving the table can be a real challenge!

Thanks Linda!

I probably don't have any good ideas for presents. We usually just get my daughter's specific wants. She sends us links to a bunch of stuff, and we buy her some of it. This year she got some boots from Demonia (takes me back to the 90's goth scene) and some jewelry and a gift card. She LOVES clothes and I would never dare buy any clothes for her that she didn't specifically pick out. An overnight bag sounds like a good idea! My daughter got one a few years ago and she loves it and gets a lot of use out of it.

Yeah, 26 didn't feel young but I realize now it is! I had my 8-year-old right after I turned 36 and that felt much different than my pregnancy when I was 25!

It's true, we do work hard every day and I have friends who work full time who swear to me they wouldn't want my job of being at home for anything because they think it's harder. Being a stay-at-home mom really suits me but it's hard to let go of the feeling that I should be out there making money. Yes! Makes us unique and interesting. :)

Yesterday my plan was to have only 3 meals but around 8ish I was feeling hungry after dinner and I had some peanut butter crackers. Mmmmm did those hit the spot! It was the rare balance of being exactly satisfied and not hungry but not feeling like I ate too much. I would like to get there with all my meals someday.

We were going to go for a bike ride today but it was 46 feels like 37 this morning with no sun and only getting into the forties. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the seventies though, so we will try for that.

Had oatmeal for breakfast,
lentil soup for lunch
and will have some sort of take out for dinner.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:26 pm

Ended up doing about an 11 mile bike ride! I felt it, not having ridden or done ANY exercise in two weeks. This week I need to make it more or a priority.

Although, this week is busy! Took 18 yo (feels weird to type that) to get her Covid test today because she is getting her wisdom teeth removed on Thursday! I am nervous for her. Made the grocery list of lots of soft foods and will be getting those later today. My wisdom tooth experience wasn't bad but everyone else I know seems to remember it as the world's worst trauma and so I am very nervous for her.

I just saw something on FB that made me squirm. An old online friend has a 12-year-old like me only she has a son. She posted a picture of him holding his school picture from the fall and it was a before and after picture. Apparently, he has lost 35 pounds by having willpower and cutting out junk and eating only veggies and meats, and exercising every day. On one hand, that's great that he is healthier now. On the other hand, floods of comments telling him how much better he looks now and getting that validation that thinner is better seems very damaging for him. Especially since we know kids gain weight around that time. Errk.

Today is just oatmeal for breakfast, some kind of sandwich maybe chips for lunch, and I'm not sure about dinner yet.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:23 pm

I feel really sad for that 12 year old!! At 12 especially, cutting junk food & only eating only meat & veggies seems extreme!! I’ve never heard a “happy ending” to a childhood dieting story!! It all seems to create a terrible relationship with food & a lifetime of struggling only to keep weighing more as the years go on. Yet at the same time I totally feel for parents with kids where they struggle with emotional eating! It’s hard enough to be a teen without having excess weight. My son has been on the thicker side since middle school & at times it was hard to not want to intervene or help, but as he got older he’s slimmed out & learned to eat & exercise from a place of self care & not from a diet/restrictive place.

I got my wisdom teeth out & it wasn’t bad either!! I bet your daughter will do great!! I’ve heard it’s easier younger so it’s good shes getting it over with :D

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:59 pm

Hi Jen!

Thanks for the reassurance of your story! She got it done this morning and so far so good but the numbness hasn't quite worn away.

Yes, It is hard when kids are a little on the thicker side but I really believe if parents just leave them alone and don't mess with their hunger fullness body cues, that eventually everything will even out like with your son. My almost 12 year old has gained weight with puberty and I try to encourage her to get out and ride her bike and play, and tell her to eat when she is hungry and she doesn't have to eat when she is not. As far as I can tell, she is doing a great job. She eats breakfast sometimes, and not other times. She eats not much for lunch sometimes, and big dinners, or big lunches and small dinners. It seems like she eats according to her body and that is all I really want for her. I just hope she herself can not get sucked into diet culture. Other girls her age don't hesitate to tell her that she is too big. :(

Been eating pretty well with 3 times a day. It was DH's birthday Tuesday and I made cupcakes and then had 2 because they were so good! I had one last night after dinner as well. My 8 year old told me she wants a strawberry cake for her birthday this year so Im going to try to figure out how to make a small one.

I have been riding my bike with the girls every day this week, just around the neighborhood but its fun and its just a little bit of activity and that feels good.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:30 pm

Hey Pinkie! Bike riding sounds like a nice thing to do on these lovely spring days!
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8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:09 pm

HI auto! Yes! Dh got the little one a mountain bike for her birthday coming up and he is planning to take both the younger girls mountain biking with him when the weather gets a little nicer. We are having a weird cold front with rain this weekend. Boooo. :(

Today the 18 yo is very grumpy. She is swollen and upset about it, and says she isn't really in pain that much, but the swelling is uncomfortable and she misses eating solid food.

April 16 Friday

Breakfast: Grape nuts with milk and banana

Lunch: Turkey and provolone sandwich, some baked cheetos, some leftover strawberry smoothie, a few bites of banana

Dinner: 5 chicken nuggets, a lot of broccoli, honey mustard and 2 ramekins of frozen yogurt with chocolate shell.

Today didn't get formal exercise. Yesterday hit my steps on my Fitbit just from all the frantic dashing around checking on my 18 yo and bringing her medicine, food, drinks etc..
Last edited by pinkhippie on Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Apr 17, 2021 1:20 pm

Oh dear, im sad for that boy. Ive talked about this before on my thread i think but i went on a diet at 10 years old because I put on a little weight. Well that started a lifetime of yo yo eating and body obsession. On the other hand, my youngest put on a little weight around the same age but we said nothing and just encouraged her to listen to her body like you did. Well she eventually slimmed out and has a healthy relationship with food. Even if she didn’t slim down, i dont think going on a restrictive diet would help anything. And posting that on Facebook is just... ugh, in my humble opinion. ;)

I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery. Rosebud had them out. A miserable few days but them she was fine. Plus we got some hilarious videos of her all drugged out. Okay, probably not my best parenting moment but she laughs at them as well. ☺️
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Apr 17, 2021 2:23 pm

Linda - our family is always shocked/amazed by those America's Funniest Home Videos about people after oral surgery!!! What is the deal with that anesthesia? Can you ask your husband what makes people so goofy after that kind of anesthesia? :-)

Pinkie - neat about the new mountain bike! No cold front here today - it's supposed to be 82 degrees!!!!!!!
Also, I love biking but I usually walk/jog/hike so I can bring dog(s). So I had this hilarious image in my mind of your Basset jogging gloriously alongside your family. :lol: How is your other dog doing these days, btw?

Speaking of your fitbit Pinkie - purchasing question! :-) My fitbit (versa) broke last fall and I haven't replaced it. Do y'all have a recommended type for me to buy? I liked the one that you can clip on your pants, since I am not super loving the idea of wearing a watch, but I'm open to ideas on this one.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:51 pm

Linda yes, I think that can start a lifelong issue with food if we aren't careful as parents. I hope that what I am doing for my 12 year old will help her. This mom is young and SUPER opinionated. Every online group I have ever been in with her she has gotten kicked out or left because she got offended, got in huge fight with everyone and will NOT listen to opposing opinions. So I wouldn't be able to even do a gentle suggestion.

My daughter was loopy but then just cranky. I have read that being irritable can be a thing after surgery/anesthesia. Today Im keeping her a little more on pain meds. Yesterday she wanted to try to go without them as much as possible but I don't think it was worth it. So, she is sleeping a lot which is probably better.

Auto, we took our basset hiking the other day! He loved it and could have gone for MILES more. They are muscle endurance dogs! I don't think he could handle jogging though...

My other dog is doing good! The low-fat food is really helping her. SHe is eating well again. She was having bad anxiety at night but we started letting her sleep out of her crate and now she is so much better.

I have a Fitbit inspire HR. I like it. There are a few things that annoy me about it. The first one is that you CANNOT see the screen in the sun. If I'm on a bike ride and need to pause or something I have to get in the shade or I can't see anything at all on the screen. The second is every once in a while it will stop working and it has to be reset. But that is not really a big deal. Resetting so far always fixes it and I have had mine for almost 2 years. You can get clips for the inspire HR but as far as I know, it won't record your heartbeat properly when it's in the clip. I originally got one of these and found I rarely used it because I got used to the watch: ... UTF8&psc=1

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:56 pm

Saturday April 17 2021

B: grape nuts

L: peanut butter crackers, half a cheese sandwich, a small bag of chips

D: 3 slices of cheese pizza, 1 ramekin of ice cream with shell

Not a lot going on today. I am sticking close to home today to take care of the 18 yo today so no walks or bike rides.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:07 pm

Woke up kind of depressed and with a hormone headache! Grr.. I have this multivitamin I have been taking, Rainbow Light Menopause One and shortly after I started taking it the headaches went away. I thought maybe it was a coincidence but this week I had two days where I didn't take my vitamin because I was so busy with my 18 yo's multitude of pain pills, abx, probiotics, mouth rinse etc... So, I wonder if those vitamins are magical and I have to take them every day for like the next ten years?

DH took the younger girls mountain biking today and they had a blast. I stayed home with the 18 yo.

Last night I wanted to eat more pizza after dinner just because it was a weekend and I had gotten into the habit of after-dinner eating on the weekend. But, I didn't because I used to stick to 3 meals every single day and felt better for it. I was glad that I resisted the habitual urge.

Sunday April 18 2021

B: 1 cup coffee with cream, 2 waffles with butter and syrup, 3 pieces of bacon(we got like 9 pounds of bacon for free through DH's work so there will be bacon in my menu choices for a while)

L: 2 pieces of cheese pizza, a few pieces of sauteed broccoli

D: Not sure, kind of hungry but not sure what for. I have been super light on veggies lately and every time I eat them I can feel my body rejoicing. But cereal or yogurt sounds good too. It's kind of a fend for yourself dinner today because everyone had lunch at 3 pm.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Apr 19, 2021 3:04 pm

Sorry about the headaches, but on the bright side, glad that maybe the pills are helping?
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Apr 20, 2021 6:16 pm

Thanks auto!

I think the vitamins are probably helping. The only way to know for sure is to keep on taking them and see if the headaches come back anyway. The headache finally left yesterday and the mood of doom and gloom left this morning. Its so crazy to me. I have always considered myself well able to control my moods. I look on the positive side, think most things happen for a reason, learn from my mistakes... yet when this mood comes down, its like I see everything with dread. I don't even want to get through my day, everyone and everything irritates me to an insane degree and I have less energy. No amount of positive thinking fixes it. I was so glad to wake up this morning and within the first 30 seconds of getting out of bed, I was grateful for something( that my husband cleaned a pile on the floor so I didn't trip on it). I knew then that my bad mood was gone. And it is!

So I really miss vegetables! I took like a vegetable vacation or something and it was long enough for me to miss them. So I decided to have vegetables AND fruit with my lunch every day and aim for dinner as well. Now that Im not worried about weight or calories or whatever I am joyfully buttering my spinach and green beans with abandon. Yum!

April 20 2021 Tuesday

B: fiber one with banana and raisins, milk, a cup of coffee with cream

L: a bowl of spinach, a bowl of black bean soup, clementine
My brain felt hungry after this meal but I realized my stomach was full. It was a weird sensation. I have decided if my brain is still hungry by 2:30 or so I will have a decaf coffee with cream

D: plan Barbecue chicken quesadilla (weirdly I am craving chicken)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Tue Apr 20, 2021 8:49 pm

I sometimes take veggie/fruit breaks too. And I love not counting, but my problem is that I only have so much hunger!! I’ll want foods that satisfy me & sometimes I feel like other foods are more satisfying than fruits/veggies.

I think 40s just makes PMS worse!! And now I notice I have a few grouchy days around O too LOL. Me too on usually managing my mood but lately I’ve worked to give myself permission to feel annoyed, grouchy, or anything else & it actually helps!! I don’t expect my kids/husband to be all sunshine & roses every minute of every day so it’s a little unfair of me to expect that of myself. And sometimes not fighing the bad mood seems to make it end sooner :D

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:59 pm

I know what you mean Jen! I had to substitute the veggies at lunch for the chips or pretzels I had been having. It's ok for me to do that most days, I don't like having chips every day.

Definitely the 40's make it worse and my grouchy days were pretty much the day after Ovulation. So its nice to be able to look at a cause. I totally agree on giving permission to be cranky. I used to fight it but now that I see it for the pattern it is, I am more able to recognize that its short term and just be a cranky pants. :)

I have been working on the No S three meals no seconds and only a small desert usually a few squares of dark chocolate after dinner. Yesterday was my now 9-year-olds birthday and I had a slice of birthday cake I made which was AMAZING. I spent like all day making it and it was the most complex intricate cake recipe I have ever followed so darn straight I was having a piece! ( Ok a piece and a half :D )

Anyway, I pretty much have Breakfast and Lunch all the way to dinner with no snacking down. I very rarely feel like I need a snack between breakfast and lunch anymore and if I do, often if I have a big glass of water, I feel fine and realize I was thirsty. But dinner! Dinner is still a challenge. I celebrate my between lunch and dinner no snacking because I know I used to struggle with that but why is dinner so hard? The temptation for seconds is very strong, and sometimes I want to just eat with abandon. Or, I want to eat a lot more than a few squares of chocolate.

I know dinner is completely different than any other meal.

First: I spend the most time cooking it
Second: I eat it with other people
Third: Its the only meal that I am eating that other people are eating too
Fourth: Its the last meal of the day

I am going to try to be more aware of what my thoughts are during dinner. Maybe I feel like since I did all the work of cooking I want to have as much as I want? Maybe I am tired by dinner time and just want to relax and eat a lot of food. Maybe the emotional stress of being surrounded by people makes a difference? Maybe subconscious scarcity is enacted eating the same thing with people. I will try to be aware of what I am thinking and feeling, rather than just "eat it all!"

B: grape nuts with bananas, strawberries, milk, coffee with cream

L: Turkey sandwich with green beans, a clementine

D: baby carrots, two bean cheese and rice burritos, a very small slice of birthday cake and a half glass of milk
I became aware halfway through dinner that I was eating but not enjoying because I was arguing with my 11 year old who was refusing to eat her one vegetable of the day... a baby carrot. Once I realized that I stopped eating until it was resolved and tried to focus on my food more. I tried not to eat too much cake because I don't like how I feel after I eat a lot of sugar, and I noticed a light feeling in my stomach after dinner rather than a heavy one. Maybe the key to calming dinner down is doing the same thing I did for lunch which was allowing myself a snack if I needed it between lunch and dinner. That helped me feel less like I needed to stuff myself at lunch. A snack after dinner just seems like the gateway to overeating for me though. Things to ponder...

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:59 pm

Pink, dinner/night feels harder to me too!! And I do the same thing you do where I’ll try adding in something, almost a 4th mini meal. It’s almost like 3 isn’t quite enough, but the 4th tends to be too much :lol: I can’t quite nail the perfect amount & I’m pretty sure it varies day to day, but I’ve never been good at knowing when I need it vs. just turning it into a habit.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:33 pm

Jen yes same here. It's hard to know the right amount and I feel like eating after dinner so quickly and easily becomes a slippery slope habit for me that I would rather be hungry than eat. But then that knowledge makes me overeat at dinner sometimes. It's a quandary. I could try a glass of milk or something not pleasurable to eat, but that goes against my eating philosophy. but maybe that could work? I will have to experiment. Like after dinner, rather than a glass of milk if I'm still hungry, chocolate milk sounds great. why? Because its after dinner. I like sweet comforting things after dinner if I do eat.

Yay its Friday! We made it through another week! The younger girls are spending the night at Grandmoms on Saturday and my oldest is going to her stepmoms for the weekend. Now that she is 18 she isn't obligated to go to her dad's anymore and she is taking advantage of it. I'm glad because I think her stepmom(who I love) provides a much better supportive environment, plus her 20 year old daughter lives with her and her and my daughter are great friends. Anyway, so no kids, and THEN my husband is going to leave the house for the morning to go on a bike ride and I will have the house all to myself! Im looking forward to that. But got to get through today first. :)

Friday April 23 2021

B: Grape nuts, milk, banana and strawberry coffee with cream

L: Turkey sandwich, baby carrots, a clementine

D: Chicken nuggets, broccoli, ice cream with whipped cream, 2 pieces of "mothers day" chocolate
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:47 pm

The house to yourself!!!! 8) :mrgreen:
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:54 pm

It was glorious!

Can't remember what I ate over the weekend, but I still tried to have a vegetable with lunch and with dinner. I made some amazing lentil soup that doesn't taste like lentil soup, but more like curry with lentils or something. Very good.

I also got in an 11 mile bike ride and it was great. I did better than my previous ride and I felt really good.

My 18 yo is talking about moving in with her stepmom soon. Her stepmom has a huge house and my daughter has her own bedroom there, has for years. It's just her and sometimes her 12-year-old and her 21-year-old daughter so it would be a different situation than here. Way more independent, Stepmom doesn't really do family dinners every night at 5 as we do here, it's mostly just fend for yourself in almost all ways. So, it would be a nice way to move out with training wheels. And, it would let us give our soon to be 12 year old her own room. The little girls room is getting so crowded the older they get. But we will see...

My 18 yo also doesn't want to do her high school graduation ceremony. I understand, she had to go to a different virtual high school for senior year. She knows absolutely no one and they are doing it indoors which makes her nervous. She graduated back in February so she is ready to move on, get her driver's license, move out, get a job, go to college, etc... I just don't want her to regret not doing the ceremony. Ironically, *I* am attending MY graduation ceremony this Saturday. It's outdoors and I am excited to be able to do it.

Yesterday April 26, 2021

B: Grape nuts with strawberries, banana, coffee with cream

L: bowl of lentil soup, half a turkey sandwich, some sauteed broccoli and a kale salad

D: 1 pita pizza, kale salad, a clementine and 3 squares of dark chocolate

Today April 27 2021

B: Grape nuts with strawberries, banana, walnuts, milk, coffee with cream

L: bowl of lentil soup, half a turkey sandwich, some mixed veggies, a clementine

D: 3 pancakes with butter and syrup, bananas, strawberries, and 2 pieces of bacon

Later decaf chai with honey and milk
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:08 pm

Have fun at your Graduation!! How exciting!! It sounds like a good gig for your 18 year old!! A nice transition to more independence/responsibility with some training wheels :D

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:03 pm

Thanks Jen! And yes training wheels! Thats it exactly. We will see if she follows through. I can tell she is already a little freaked out by the idea of leaving. She has been spending lots of time with her little sisters and hanging out with us more.

Well my information session was cancelled due to the flooding in the area. We have serious flash flooding going on here. I am bummed. I had my outfit picked out, and was having/am having an amazing hair day. This is very vanity laden but I haven't seen a lot of those people since I lost my 30 pounds last year and I was looking forward to showing off that difference. Ahh well. I still have graduation!

B: Grape nuts with strawberries, bananas, walnuts, milk and coffee with cream

L: last of the lentil soup, half of a turkey sandwich, mixed veggies

D: 3 chicken fajitas with 2 pieces of mothers day chocolate
Last edited by pinkhippie on Wed Apr 28, 2021 11:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:55 pm

Ah I rarely have amazing hair days, and when I do - you can bet I want everyone to see! I send more Marco Polos on those days for sure! :mrgreen: :lol:

Sorry about all the flooding and the missing the conference.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:22 pm

I’m sorry about missing the conference!! That’s how it goes for me to, I’ll love my hair and have no where to go & no one to see & then when I want to feel good about how I look it won’t turn out right at all :lol:

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:09 pm

Jen yeah it was a bummer, but I was glad to not have to drive in the rain!

Auto right? Definitely want to show that off! A good hair day is a great day to get visual interaction done!

Well my graduation is Saturday. I am nervous! I HATE being the center of attention even for 3 seconds. It's pretty funny that I am even choosing to do this.

I have been trying to figure out my restless legs. TThey have gotten worse, and its probably related to not getting as much exercise anymore, but too much exercise bothers them too and I am feeling super unmotivated. I have been doing a good job with no S though!

I think there is a sweet spot on the steps and the exercise, but not sure what it is or when it is either.

B: strawberry oatmeal, walnuts, coffee with cream

L: 2 chicken fajitas, mixed veggies, 1 clementine

D: barbecue kielbasa, rice, corn muffin, green beans and 2 pieces of mothers day chocolate.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:59 pm

Sorry about the rain and the restless leg. I remember gin Stephens saying sugar really effected her restless leg but who knows. I bet it’s different for everybody.

Sounds like a good love for your 18 year old. This is a hard age, they still need our guidance but now we are limited in having real control. Although DH says if we’re paying for college we still have a say over things. I guess that’s true.

Enjoy your graduation. You earned it so stand up proudly!!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:33 pm

Hi Linda!

yes, I have read that about the sugar. I don't know if it affects mine or not. I don't notice it being worse on weekends when I eat a lot of sugar, so I don't know if its a cumulative thing? I have started taking a hot epsom salt 20 minute bath before bed and making sure that I am tired when I go to bed and that has been helping the past two nights. Often times we go to bed early because dh gets up at 5:30 but I don't get up until after 8 so I lay there and read, but I notice after about an hour my leg will start to bother me. So, I have been getting up earlier to be able to fall asleep earlier.

I have to get up REALLy early for graduation! Its at 9 am 30 minutes away and I have to be there at 8:15. Ugh. that will be a shock to the system after months of sleeping past 8.

Today the little girls are going to their grandparents so we can have child care for the graduation. Im only allowed 4 guests, so they can't come. Not that I think they would want to... They are really out of practice for sitting still for big events too.

B: peanut butter, banana and nutella oatmeal with coffee and cream



Steps: Im trying to see if a certain number of steps/activity helps restless leg. I have gotten REALLY inactive and yesterday was about 4 k steps.
Goal today: 4, 500 steps.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Sat May 01, 2021 3:03 pm

I hope your graduation goes well & you have a great day celebrating!! Congratulations!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue May 04, 2021 3:17 pm

Thanks Jen! It went well! I am really glad I did it, even though none of my professors were there and I didn't know a single person. Most of the people I went to school and class with graduated last spring. I happened to stretch my degree out an extra semester so I wouldn't lose my mind, so I graduated with no one I knew. Still an awesome experience though.

I did get sunburned which has kind of wiped me out.

I did a good job with my No S yesterday. I have allowed myself a seconds tweak which is that I can have seconds on vegetables. I like this because it encourages me to make vegetables for the meal, and then I get extra veggies if I still feel hungry or if I feel that need to eat. I had the idea to just snack yesterday because why not, but then I realized that was because I was feeling pretty happy with how I was looking and like I could "loosen the reins" But then I was like, that isn't why I am doing this, I'm doing this to feel good, healthy and content with where ever I fall on the weight spectrum eating like this. The whole point is making it a habit and the more I don't follow my habits the harder it is. So, I didn't snack and I was totally fine. And I enjoyed dinner a whole lot more too.

Also, I have been taking a warm bath for 20 minutes before bed with Epsom salt and using a weighted blanket at night and my legs feel so much better! I am also getting much better sleep. It's pretty amazing.

Monday, May 3 2021

B: oatmeal with strawberry and a little Nutella, walnuts, coffee with cream

L: 1 piece of fried chicken, half a turkey sandwich, an apple, and mixed veggies

D: spaghetti, baked chicken, salad, a garlic roll, half a banana, and a piece of mothers day chocolate

After Dinner Tea: Sweet Dreams with a little honey

Tuesday, May 4 2021

B: Oatmeal with banana, strawberry, peanut butter, and Nutella, coffee with cream

L: Turkey sandwich, an apple and mixed veggies

D: Amazingly delicious vegan chickpea curry with rice( had about 1.5 servings)
Last edited by pinkhippie on Wed May 05, 2021 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed May 05, 2021 11:14 pm

Today my 6th grader had her first band class in person! I dropped her off for about 2 hours. It is a huge new combo middle school high school so it was very intimidating. But she did great. We are letting her do the Spring concert this semester so they want her in practice in person to figure out how to play with the whole band.

Wednesday, May 5 2021

B: raisin bran with bananas and strawberries, coffee with cream

L; leftover Chickpea curry with rice, an apple

D: Pulled pork sandwich, broccoli, handful of potato chips and 2 pieces mother days chocolate
Had a strong urge to eat after dinner today. Was contemplating bread with peanut butter. But on reflection, it wasn't like I was starving. I knew I had an adequate amount of food today. My stomach was full, my head just wanted to eat. After about 20 minutes that urge faded and I am grateful that I didn't eat.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Fri May 07, 2021 8:54 pm

I like your seconds on veggies/fruit mod!! I have done that too & it really helps me know when I’m actually hungry vs. just not wanting to meal to be over because I have to be hungry to still want more fruit or veggies!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 13, 2021 4:50 am

Yay on your leg feeling better! Epsom salts are fantastic. Congrats on graduating and very exciting your daughter is going to band practice. It’s just so great that many of us are getting back to semi normal. Feels amazing.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue May 18, 2021 6:31 pm

Wow, I guess I was gone for a bit!

I had my 11 year olds concert which was crazy! I had to drive her to class and rehearsals twice a day. Then my dog got sick after her dental cleaning and I had to take her to the vet and get meds for her... and in the meantime we are getting ready for my 11 year olds 12th birthday tomorrow! Sos its been busy!

Linda, yes! Epsom salts are really helping! I also got a weighted blanket and its really been helping too. Kind of weird. It is nice to start getting back to normal. Dh and I and our 18 yo all got vaccinated last month and I was glad during the concert because at the end, we kind of all got crushed together in the lobby. It was alarming but also crazy! And hard to breathe with masks on! But, yes it definitely felt like the beginning of a return to normalcy.

Jen, yes increasing my veggies has really helped!

Well, its the kids last week of school this week and I am so glad! I drove the 18 yo to school today to pick up her diploma. Now it really seems real, she graduated! My 11 yo has put off a science project until the last minute, it is due tomorrow and she has to email her teacher to continue on, and he hasn't gotten back to her, so she is all stressed out. Le sigh... Maybe this will teach her not to procrastinate???

I have been pretty good about not eating between meals. Last week I think I did snack a bit early in the week, but nipped that in the bud and have done well so far this week with only 3 meals.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri May 21, 2021 6:53 pm

What a busy week! My 18 yo got her first job! It's as a carhop at a fast food place. She rode her bike 3 miles each way for the interview and paperwork stuff. And, she is going to ride her bike to and from work as well. Hoping this motivates her to get her license!

The kids finally finished school! YAY! So happy about that! Now that they don't need me every day for schooling, I am hoping this summer to get the house in shape and do some serious decluttering. I have been getting more done every week these past few weeks, but I plan to ramp it up this summer.

I am doing well on my habit of eating only 3 times a day. Not as well on seconds. Thats a tough one for me at dinnertime. Its especially tough because sometimes I don't take a lot of food when I serve myself because I don't know how much the kids will eat and I want there to be enough. I think I am going to stop stressing about seconds because of that. Sometimes it's clear that I am eating more than I need, but other times, my portion, to begin with, is very small. I'm not going to stress over it. I do try to eat a lot of vegetables at lunch and dinner, and fruit at breakfast and lunch.

This is the first weekend we will be kid-free in a while, and I am looking forward to it. Especially after the stressful busy weeks ramping up to end of school this year. It's raining just about every day here, so not sure if I will get a bike ride in, but still plan to enjoy my day.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Thu May 27, 2021 2:06 pm

Seconds is always the hardest habit for me too!! Lately I’ve been motivated to be hungrier at meals which helps, but seconds is always the one I push the limits on too!! I hope you had a fun kid free weekend!! I always love having time away & then I feel like a more attentive & invested mom after :D

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu May 27, 2021 5:29 pm

Thanks Jen! It was fabulous! DH and I went on a 17 mile bike ride one day and walked around downtown historic district another day. Now we have a kid rich weekend! DH has time off and we are all together for memorial day holiday.

I have finally finally read the Ellyn Satter books. And I have made some changes. I have instituted 3 meals, 2 snacks. I started to notice that my 12 yo was eating A LOT at meals, and just kind of wolfing food without paying attention. My 9 year old grazed all day and was constantly hungry. I realized that this year when I was so busy and gave my 12 yo the responsibility of feeding herself it was stressful for her and eventually she stopped making herself lunch and just ate a ton whenever she got the opportunity. I want her to feel food secure so I took over making lunches again but I also stopped short order cooking and make one meal for the family at dinner with at least one thing the kids can eat. I have been putting it in serving bowls and letting them choose whether or not they want to take any. Having 2 snacks also alleviates the anxiety about if dinner is something they don't like. So far, it's really been working well. I feel like I am serving more nutritious meals, mealtime is way less stressful. And my 12 yo has stopped wolfing food down like she is starving when she eats. She eats more slowly and says things like "I'm full" when there is still food on her plate.

So I decided to adopt this way of eating myself just to reinforce it, help them out. I have been sitting down with them for meals and snacks as well. Once again a lot of work and something I had not been doing. I noticed a similar effect on myself. Knowing that I have an available snack a few hours away, I don't feel the need to eat as much, and I am not struggling with overeating at dinner anymore. So... I don't know. I'm going to keep it up for now and see how I continue to feel.

A lot of things about Ellyn Satters book struck a chord with me in my own childhood upbringing of food which was scarcity and neglect. Maybe I just need that self-reassurance right now( at age 45) that there will always be plenty of food for me to eat. Not the loose unbounded intuitive eating, but knowing there is food available in a few hours if I need it. I will be interested to see what happens as I continue. My meals have naturally gotten smaller, and today I even left food on my plate at lunchtime for the first time in a long time.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Thu May 27, 2021 7:47 pm

I love Ellyn Satter!! It sounds like you are taking great care of you & your crew :D my mom & daughter both need snacks to feel their best!! I think we all work different & trying to fit into someone else’s box is what screws so many of us up :lol:

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat May 29, 2021 11:33 pm

Thanks Jen! Yep just figuring out what works for us is the most important!

I actually ended up weighing myself a couple of weeks ago and was happy to see I am only 5 pounds higher than I wanted to be. I weighed myself again after about a week of eating the snacky way and I weigh less. It could be a coincidence, but honestly, I know I eat less because I am not trying to cram myself full of food. The security of knowing there is more food available should I want it makes a huge difference. Maybe it's not just because of my food scarcity as a kid, but also then my years as an adult basically starving myself and not allowing myself food. I am interested in my experiment and will continue.

Today we went to lunch at the grandparents so there was no snack. I noticed I couldn't eat as much at a meal as I used to, which was fine. I feel more in tune with my body and my hunger since I started eating smaller amounts more often. But, I think only eating 3 meals a day for as long as I have has been really important too because it really helped me learn what hunger is and isn't. I think that is what used to get me with intuitive eating. I didn't really understand what hunger and satisfaction were so I just ate constantly. Supposedly if you keep that up over time eventually you learn, but that didn't seem to happen for me.

Anyway. I will keep documenting my experiment and seeing how it goes for all of us. We now have family snack time at like 8 pm. Everyone comes to the kitchen and has a snack, including DH. It feels very anti-everything I have been striving for all these years, but it's also really nice, and my snack usually is pretty small because I'm not that hungry and that feels nice too. Like its ok to eat just a small amount. I hope it helps the kids too.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon May 31, 2021 7:58 pm

So far so good on snacky snack. I feel bad talking about it here because we kind of strive to NOT snack. Just knowing that I can have food soon helps me not overeat though. Often I won't even have a snack, or just an apple slice or something, I think it's the mental safety of knowing it's there, which then helps me not overeat at mealtime.

Anyway dh has been on vacation and it has been great. We got the younger girls mountain bikes for their birthdays and DH and they have been out mountain biking at least 3 times in the past 5 days. It's pretty awesome to see them getting better at it and my DH getting to share one of his favorite things to do with them. I don't have a mountain bike, I have a hybrid, but I have been busy or just hanging out at home by myself while they ride so I am happy to miss it.

Today is a weird food day because DH got fast food for lunch after the kids went on a ride. Fast food is SoOO filling, so no snack, and probably a light dinner. My 18 yo is working until 5 and she rides her bike 3 miles each way so she will probably be really hungry so I am making a filling dinner for her. I'm going to serve it to everyone with little sides that they can choose to take or not. I think it will work well.

Anyway, life is galloping along but it's been enjoyable.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:17 pm

When I was a small child, back in the 1950s and 60s, we had 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. As an older child morning tea was dropped, so it was a regular 3 meals and one snack. Then I hit my teenage growth spurt, and I was hungry all the time. My normal lunch wasn't enough, even after eating a big breakfast, and I was starving by the time I got home. Nowadays, I mostly eat 3 times a day with a snack once or twice a week. I don't particularly worry about seconds, as I prefer to finish the meal when I feel like I have had enough to eat.

I think that its the regularity of the eating that's important, to avoid getting into the grazing habit, and that the number of eating times is best decided by the person concerned. Good to hear how you are going. It sounds like that supper is becoming a nice family occasion.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:22 pm

Ladybird thats interesting. I agree, whats most important is to have some kind of structure, and not be mindlessly eating all day. Yes supper is becoming very nice with the whole family. Its more work to put everything in serving bowls but it saves me having to hop up and down during a meal, or having to tell a kid they have to wait til I'm done and then trying not to rush but obviously rushing to finish my dinner.

Things have been going well. I started my weights back up this week and I decided to just stick with my 3 pound weights. I always stop my weights because I pull a muscle eventually. I think I go to a higher weight too soon. So I was inspired by Jen, and Im just sticking with the 3 pounds. It felt good! I'm hoping I can stick with it. It's the first routine exercise I have managed to do for a week in several months. I'm also working on a coding project 30 minutes a day so that I don't lose my skills.

I'm anxious about my 13-year-old dog. She has to have TWENTY teeth pulled on Monday. She has been doing so well lately since her dental cleaning and me feeding her shredded chicken with her meals. Perky, bouncy, playful, and full of energy. I hate to have her undergo surgery when she is doing so well. But, hopefully, this will make her do even better. The vet says she has very advanced gum disease and rotting teeth. :(

Other than that, not a lot going on. I am enjoying the kids not being in school anymore. I'm trying to encourage physical activity in both younger girls. My 18-year-old is now biking about 24-30 miles a week back and forth to work so she is all set!

I'm continuing to enjoy the freedom of smaller meals more often. I love feeling like I don't have to eat a lot to be ok for five hours. Maybe I naturally just lean towards this way of eating. It definitely takes a lot of anxiety out of food and I don't end up thinking about it as much. What has been challenging has been the kids and making the new way of eating a habit and something that is easy. we are still figuring it out. They often want to eat a lot at snacktime and I've been trying to figure out how to make limits so they aren't just eating nothing for meals and saving it all for snacks, yet make them feel like they are getting enough food. It's challenging. But, at least for myself, I feel pretty at peace and easy with food.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:28 pm

My dog did well her teeth pulling. Can't remember if I mentioned it but after her dental cleaning she got really sick, so I was worried that would happen this time. But, knock on wood so far she has been fine. Getting her to eat is a challenge but she has an appetite and is currently eating baby food so that's something at least.

I have still been doing the snacky snack. I weighed myself this morning and Im down another pound. I think my body is just happier eating smaller amounts more often. I notice now that I can't finish a restaurant meal and have to save some for later. I can't eat as much in one sitting as I used to and I think that's good. It's just more comfortable for me. I definitely feel more in tune with my body this way.

Summer has hit here and it is insanely hot and humid. I don't even like going outside right now. We didn't really have a chance to acclimate because we had all these cold fronts and then BAM 97 degrees.

Hope everyone is doing well! It's pretty non-eventful here right now and that is GOOD. :)

Oh I have also kept up with my weights, just sticking with 3 pounds 3 times a week and that makes me feel good.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:42 pm

My dh noticed the muscle tone in my legs from just 2 weeks of weights. (and squats) I build muscle so quickly, sometimes I feel guilty that I don't do more with it. But, I really am feeling better with my regular weight lifting. I am not pushing myself to do any aerobic exercise since I really don't like it. I like biking with my husband on weekends, but on my own, it's not as fun. Right now I'm just building the habit of weights with no pressure to add to my routine.

Food is still pretty boring. I realized my snacking is really just a way to give myself permission to eat less and feel ok about it. Some days I feel like I need a snack, and some days I don't. I have stopped doing it at a super-specific time and only have a snack if Im hungry and its more than an hour until dinnertime or if I am slightly hungry a few hours after dinner. That does sound like a slippery slope, but it's still very structured, sit down at the table no grazing or eating standing up(although last night my after-dinner snack was 4 spoonfuls of greek yogurt standing up right out of the container! LOL) But I try not to. And only two snack occurrences a day as well. If I'm listening to my body, I really don't need to eat more often than that it seems.

I also am eating lunch slightlyly earlier, and dinner slightly later by about 30 minutes, and then I feel better and more hungry for dinner than I used to, even if I have a small afternoon snack. I think it's because knowing that afternoon snack is coming up, I don't stuff myself at lunch the way I was previously.

That used to be a problem I really struggled with, not being hungry at dinner time and eating way too much at dinner. I don't have that problem anymore.

My little dog seems almost completely better from her surgery and has started eating almost normally again, so I'm super relieved about that.

My 18 yo has decided not to go to school this semester and just work, and she is still working at her fast food job and riding her bike weather permitting 6 miles round trip. Im proud of her still. :)

Life has been good lately. Just not a lot to update.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Jun 14, 2021 6:50 pm

Exercise thoughts:

I have still been keeping up with my weights. I noticed today that I was actually enjoying myself and it felt good to move around. Its a different feeling than I usually get which is I enjoy myself because I am pushing myself harder and harder each time. It just felt good to do it. I don't even have a goal except to make it a habit. Maybe it has always been tough for me because usually when I exercise its to change the shape of my body and improve myself. I don't ever exercise to feel good. Like I know I will feel better after I exercise but its like feeling better after you get a nagging chore that has been hanging over you kind of way. I don't feel that way about my bike rides with dh, I genuinely enjoy those. Maybe I can finally heal my relationship with exercise?

I know I have issues with exercise. Taking this much guilt free time off has been great for me. I am enjoying the benefits that are coming with my recent exercise which is feeling a little stronger, having a little more energy and better posture. Since I am not striving to whittle inches off my body or tone up soft areas, it feels really different. Im going to try to keep it up. Its like the other half of diet brain for me. I think its hard to sort out b because exercise really is good for you, and endorphins, and all that but I have ALWAYS been resistant to exercise. Like I hate doing it. I can force myself to do it for a period of time(just like a diet) but it never becomes something that I have heard other people describe, like they feel better with it, and their day doesn't feel right unless they exercise.

Anyway, things are going good so far. I noticed a small urge to push myself but I have been doing a good job of keeping things relaxed and easy and not doing extra exercises or aerobic exercise or anything like that.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:36 pm

More exercise:

I went for a walk with my dad today. He hurt his hip and had to walk slow. Not like shuffling along, but shorter smaller steps. Once I adjusted to it I found I loved it. I didn't work up a panting puffing sweat but it felt great to be out there just walking. I think maybe my problem with exercise has always been how much I push myself and feel like its not exercise if its not hard and uncomfortable. Maybe I just need to get out there and walk like a 70 year old man who has a hurt hip! :lol: Not quite but more that mentality than walk as fast as possible as hard as possible and invariably end up with shin splints and sometimes messed up ankles.

I thought I would put my food for the week because now that I am incorporating snacks it might be helpful for me to look at later. My anxiety levels have spiked lately so I have been drinking a lot more herbal teas during the day and after dinner

B half a cup of raisin bran, half a banana, coffee with 1 tbsp cream
L Turkey sandwich with mayo and pickles
S a ramekin of vanilla yogurt
D 3 chicken sliders
S 1 square of dark chocolate with a half tbsp of peanut butter

Tea after dinner

B half a cup of raisin bran with half a cup of blueberries, coffee with 1 tbsp cream
L 2 chicken sliders
S 1 small apple with spoonful of peanut butter
D 1.5 pig in a blanket, a cup of green beans, and a handful of homemade baked potato fries
S half a cup of vanilla yogurt, 1 crescent roll

Tea after dinner

B half a cup of raisin bran, coffee with cream(same amount of cream always)
L 1 chicken sandwich with roasted red peppers and mayo(YUM)
S 5 ritz crackers, a cheese stick
D 1.5 slices of spinach alfredo lasagne (YUM)

This is where the knowledge of an after dinner snack helped me out. I was cleaning up after dinner and there was half a piece of bread and a slice of apple. I was just about to pop them in my mouth when I was like "wait, Im not hungry and if I really want these later, I can have them later tonight for a snack". And so I put the bread and the apple in a bag and put it away for later. Snack before Dinner also really helps me not go nuts at dinner. I feel much more comfortable and laid back. Maybe I was just letting myself get too hungry? I don't know.
Last edited by pinkhippie on Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:40 pm

A few weeks ago I had 3 minutes of ridiculous (to anyone watching) and enjoyable exercise - dancing around the room to Pharrell Williams Happy. That is how that song makes me feel. I hope you can find something that is as much fun for you.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Soprano » Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:58 am

Glad your evening snack is working well. I walk for exercise and agree sometimes good to slow it and take in the scenery.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by oolala53 » Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:25 am

I was going through a really bad time about six years ago and I used to put on the 24-hour version of Happy and dance, do housework, and sometime cry to it. It's still infectious.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:55 pm

ladybird, I love that! I love dancing around the room to some songs, its just that I have to be in the right mood.

Thanks Soprano!

Hi oolala! Thanks for checking in! There is a 24 hour version?! Wow! It IS infectious!

I have been doing good! I have kind of been tapering off snacks. I am discovering that an afternoon snack usually means I am not hungry for an after-dinner snack and vice versa. I'm not doing it on purpose, just listening to my body. I do love the freedom of allowing myself to eat when I am hungry though. I have discovered the easiest stretch of time for me where I take a long time to feel hunger is between breakfast and lunch. Maybe from years of IF? I used to eat nothing in the morning so now a bowl of cereal feels decadent! I don't know... I usually have a moderate to small lunch. Then I typically get hungry an hour before dinner and I eat something light and am hungry for dinner. After that, I feel satisfied and don't usually need an evening snack. However, the possibility is always open and I can have a snack if I want it.

I have been doing my weights 3 times a week and about a 50-minute walk once a week. I'm feeling pretty happy. My weight has remained stable at about 158 pounds which for me is BMI 23.3. I would like to be a little less, but really, my clothes fit great, and I am really happy with how I look in shorts and a t shirt so what else do you need? :lol: I think the weight lifting is giving my legs and arms a little definition, and helping my posture, but also it's great just to be stronger and be able to lift stuff. I got some wireless blue tooth earbuds which are super great for exercise because my headphones were always slipping down.

I got new multifocal contacts that I am still adjusting to. I have only had them for a week, so sometimes things still look 3D close up, but for the most part I am loving them. After being a full-time glasses wearer for 2 years, I can really appreciate not having to wear glasses all the time anymore.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by oolala53 » Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:43 am

I was just on a site earlier today that displayed a chart that showed that a BMI of 24 was actually the best one for longevity. Now I just flipped back through all my open tabs and can't find it.

Great going!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:35 am

It’s great you’re listening to your body. I never got there. Glad things are going well and in my book, a BMI of 23 is fantastic! I’m guessing you’re tall? 😊
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:06 pm

Hi Oolala! I would be interested in that statistic if you ever find it!

Linda yes, Im about 5'9". My 18 yo daughter is about 6 foot! Not sure where that came from...

I have been doing pretty well with eating and exercise. DH had a 6 day vacation and I gained about 5 pounds! I'm hoping that will come down gradually over time as I get back to what I am used to doing. I haven't been snacking very much at all and I think it's because I'm not hungry and my body is trying to regulate to its happy weight. Maybe. Like I overate on vacation and now my body is just compensating for that. If that five pounds doesn't go away I will look into more strict measures but for now it just feels so good to eat according to my body and not an outside stricture! I will keep doing it and see what happens. I still pretty much use the framework of no s with only 3 meals and just have an occasional snack here and there if I need it. And I don't do dessert on weeknights still. I prefer to save those for the weekend just because they taste so much better if I don't have them every night!

I skipped my weights last week but other than that have been consistent. I have been walking about 45 minutes every Wednesday with my dad or stepmom and that has been good too.

We are supposed to go on vacation for the first time in several years in a couple of weeks. We are taking our dogs because the air b n b we rented allows dogs. This will be a true adventure since we have never taken both dogs on vacay. But, I didn't want to board my 13 year old toothless special needs dog and I didn't want to board my other dog without her for company. He really loves and relies on her a lot. So, vacay with dogs here we come! It is only a couple of hours away by car so hopefully, it will be ok.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:52 am

Totally get you on not wanting to leave your dogs. Mine are getting harder and harder to leave. Luckily the girls are old enough to watch them or we get an overnight sitter. I don’t think they could handle being kenneled. Glad you’re getting a vacay though—yay! So nice to being able to travel again.

Btw, I bet that 5 lbs will come off pretty quickly!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:21 pm

Hi Linda thanks! I know at least 2 pounds have come off...

Something I am discovering with snacking... It's harder and harder for me over time to keep in touch with my hunger cues because I naturally want to eat more than I actually need at mealtimes. The structure of 3 meals and no snacks allows for hunger to build, it kind of forces it and so a little more food is needed at meals. So, I am going back to vanilla no S for now, since I feel like over time I started losing touch with my hunger cues.

Vacation time is coming and I have 8 million things to do! I hope I can get it all done.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:38 am

I have found regulating my eating much easier on 3 meals & no snacks, even though it is not without some difficulties
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:21 am

Yeah the no snacking thing is so important. I do not know when to stop eating if I’m not hungry when I start. I eat much less in fact when I’m truly hungry for my meal. I guess it’s because I never reach satisfaction from eating when not totally hungry so I keep eating to try to satisfy it. Funnily, I’ve been learning more about fasting and I learned that you are not supposed to snack during your eating window. You’re supposed to sit down for every meal and each meal shouldn’t be longer than an hour. I was like oh duh, it’s basically nos compressed in a shorter time frame. It’s really helping me as it just never feels good to mindlessly snack.

Good luck with packing! 😬
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:54 am

lpearlmom wrote:
Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:21 am
it just never feels good to mindlessly snack.

No indeed it doesn't
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by oolala53 » Wed Jul 28, 2021 1:48 am

Well five pounds of FAT would be eating 17,500 MORE than your body needed, give or take a few hundred. I think we'd be hearing about how sick you were from all that eating in six days if that's what had happened. The good news is that since the gain probably wasn't all fat, you don't have to have a deficit of 17000+ to lose it.

I have found the same thing as Linda and that's why I've been floundering for awhile as hunger had seemed to have run away. I would get tired of waiting to be hungry to eat, so eat when I wasn't hungry, and still not feel done with a reasonable amount. Jeesh. Now I'm practicing learning to be honest with what I know is about the right amount of food with a little adjusting. Man, this having access to an overabundance of food is tricky!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:47 pm

Ladybird its so true! Im glad I experimented with snacking though, at least just as a refresher of why it doesn't work.

Linda, yeah I just read that too with the fasting. I have kind of fallen back into a 18:6 pattern of eating the past couple weeks so I decided to read a fasting book since I kind of am doing it already. You are so right that it never feels good to mindlessly snack! And its kind of a lot of work to MINDFULLY snack. If you are doing 3 meals 2 snacks that is sitting down at a table and paying attention to food 5 times a day minimum. Thats a lot!

Oolala good point! It does seem like I am hovering around maybe 3 pounds gained? Which is impressive right!? My DH is a terrible influence. He eats A LOT on vacation and weekends.

Speaking of vacation we had a successful trip! The dogs did great! They settled in pretty quickly and even slept in their crates at night with no whining. I was worried about that. I followed a fairly similar 18:6 /16:8 eating window on vacation but every meal was fast food or restaurant and we got ice cream twice a day sometimes! I came home and am the same weight I was when I left, so I consider that a win! We also walked EVERYWHERE. My Fitbit got to clock 10k steps a day for maybe only the 4th time in its 2 year life. :lol: It was also about 107 degrees and we spent a lot of time outside! But we survived and had fun.

I noticed a HUGE improvement in my restless legs and my sleep quality from all that walking so I have been trying to walk more since I got home. I'm trying to get in one big walk about 3 times a week. I went on about a 3-mile walk on Sunday, and I plan to do another 3-mile walk today. Something I realized is that exercise has to be enjoyable and rewarding. I don't enjoy exercising when the kids are here. I dont' enjoy exercising when I have to juggle parenting and house chores and errands. But, I do enjoy running away after dinner and going for a walk by myself with no kids or responsibilities. That is AMAZING! And our current schedule allows for it. My husband is very supportive and will take over after dinner so I can get out by myself. I can walk down to our local park about a mile away, walk a lap around it on the trail, and back home for about a total of 3 miles. I was walking after dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY two years ago but two things I did wrong. I walked as fast as possible, and I pushed myself way too long and way too much. I injured myself and burned myself out. This time I am only aiming for 3 days a week and I am not trying to speedwalk. Just an enjoyable moderate walk.

The other thing I am working on still is not snacking and just eating my meals. Yesterday I caved and had a banana but today I think I will make it to dinner with no snacks.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:55 pm

pinkhippie wrote:
Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:47 pm
I noticed a HUGE improvement in my restless legs and my sleep quality from all that walking so I have been trying to walk more since I got home.
I too need a certain minimum amount of daily exercise, about 5000 steps per day, to stop me tossing and turning in bed. I believe that humans are made to walk, and I miss it when I can't.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:15 pm

Ladybird Yes! I have continued to walk 3 times a week and trying to increase my steps on non walking days. My fitbit finally died so I got a garmin and I am loving it. Its nice to be able to track my walks and my steps. It definitely helps. I have noticed better sleep and less anxiety with my daily walks.

School starts for us this Monday... I am nervous. My 9-year-old is fully virtual and my 12 year old will be blended, in person 2 days a week. We will see how it goes! My 18 year old is working.

I ordered a mountain bike with my graduation money! I can't remember if I mentioned that My husband and my 2 younger girls go mountain biking together on weekends. I wanted to be able to ride with them and to be able to go with my husband. So, we will see what happens! I don't have it yet.

My weight has stayed pretty stable and I have continued to eat in probably a 5 or 6 hour window. So far I enjoy it because I am hungry at mealtimes no matter what and I love that feeling. Three meals sometimes feels like too much food and its hard to time them so I am hungry at the right time. By compressing it into a shorter eating window I am hungry for both meals.

Nothing else is really going on except getting ready for school!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 15, 2021 3:53 am

My daughter was super nervous about going back too but after the first day was fine. I don’t know what’s going to happen with covid though.

Enjoy your mountain biking. It’s a blast! I just walk my bike during the super scary parts.
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:18 pm

I thought I responded to this but I guess my post didn't post?


Thank you! I still don't have my mountain bike yet. Bikes are short on the ground and supposedly it will be here in a few days. Fingers crossed!

So far my 7th grader is liking her few days of in-person. I am totally nervous about Covid. If she has a headache or a tiny sniffle I freak out. She is vaccinated and wears a mask with all her classmates wearing masks as well, but we all know how contagious Delta is.

Eating wise I feel stuck. Weight wise I feel stuck. I am in the weight range my body seems to really like which is just above 159. So 160/161. Once I get to 159 my body seems to be happy moving down to 155 but in my experience, I stay at the low 160's for a long time before anything happens.

I am still eating probably only about twice a day in a 5-hour window and liking it for the most part, but I am starting to miss breakfast again. I am not sure if I should go back to a bigger window and just follow my hunger... I typically naturally get hungry after about anywhere from 16/ 18 hours of fasting. I like not having to worry about breakfast in the morning because my mornings have gotten really hectic with school starting and virtually schooling one child, driving the other child to school, and I joined a homeschooling group that does morning outdoor meetups for their kids. I'm excited to have my girls have some social interaction, especially my 9-year-old. So yeah mornings are busy, and it's nice to not even think about food until 11 or noon.

So Im still finding my way. sigh... I wonder how everyone else we haven't heard from in so long is doing. I hope they pop in and give us a quick update one of these days!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:58 pm

Ok, I have decided Im going back to vanilla No S. LOL LOL

Seriously it seems to be the best most sustainable way of eating that keeps me from getting too crazy. AND keeps me in touch with my hunger cues. And keeps me from going nuts on Oreos during the week, and makes desserts more special... I need to look back at my journal and see why I stopped.

Eta: I did look back and it looks to me like I was worried about eating too much at dinner and being too full so I started eating less at breakfast and less at lunch to be hungry for dinner. Then I started being hungry between lunch and dinner and added snacks. Then I went nuts and ate a lot and gained weight and tried to cut my meals again. And so then I got hungry and overate and it was a vicious cycle. So, I'm going to try to not worry about eating too much at meals. ESPECIALLY dinner. Maybe if I had just been patient and not tried to manage my other meals, eventually dinner would have fallen into place. I think I probably triggered scarcity feelings with my smaller meals. It looks like I also started having a sweet on the weekdays which really doesn't work for me. ALSO! Holy COW! I'm sure I was STRESSED! Wow-what a year! Reading back over it makes me feel so grateful I got through it and also realize how much I was really struggling. No wonder I stopped exercising or doing anything around the house. It took me all summer to recover and I just started being motivated to walk a few times a week and declutter the house. But, I couldn't see it at the time. I'm glad I listened to my body and took a break from exercising though, it sounds like I really needed it.

AUgust 24 2021 Tuesday

B: Cheerios with cherries, crushed walnut pieces, milk, coffee

L: 1 square of ziti bake, 1 garlic knot, 2 oreos
I made my no S decision AFTER the oreos with lunch LOL

D: will be pulled pork sandwich, some kind of green veggie and roasted potatoes

Walk after dinner, probably only 2 miles due to the heat advisory

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:53 pm

Sounds like your records were really useful.

When I start finding sticking to No S hard, I end up making life easier for myself by not worrying about how much I am eating at meal times. It cuts the crazy cycle, and meals start levelling off of their own accord. The temptation to snack then is much less. Sometimes it takes a little while to reset my thinking though.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by oolala53 » Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:28 am

Another idea is to be willing to eat more at earlier meals and have lighter dinners. But have food you really want at dinner.

It's hard for me to admit that a lot of my success for years on No S was based on having a pretty routine work/eating schedule. The school set the lunch time and of course the start of the work day. I can't find something as simple being retired and especially with Covid, which I am not willing to flout much yet.

Happy vanilla-ing!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Aug 25, 2021 5:23 pm

Ladybird that is really wise. I guess I tend to be impatient. I have only been doing No S again regularly for about a year and a half! And my weight has been a little higher than I wanted for about 4 of those months. Rather than just keep on keeping on, I tried to change things up. So I need to remember in the future to not worry about meal size. That IS one of the core tenents of beginning No S after all!

Oolala, that's a good idea. I sort of did that naturally when I was dabbling with IF. So hungry at lunchtime would eat a huge meal and then only a few hours later a smaller dinner. I also have been walking after dinner and a big meal right before that feels bad.

Yes, routine really is so helpful! I am home all day every day with the kids. We have errands and such but the food routine is up to me. It's just me and the kitchen all day long.

We got new plates a couple of days ago! They are pretty and not huge. Not salad plates or saucers either but they aren't like massive platter plates. I like them a lot and last night laying my dinner out on them, was very satisfying to see. It looked like a good amount of food but nothing insane and I was satisfied when I was done.

August 25, 2021

B: coffee with milk, oatmeal with banana, pbutter, and Nutella

L: pulled pork sandwich, roasted potatoes, fresh cherries

D: thin crust homemade Canadian bacon pizza, fresh cherries, and a ramekin of trail mix.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:22 pm

Today has been a good day. I finally got my mountain bike and I have ridden it only in the neighborhood. Today I went out with the kids and we rode a few miles. It is a heat index of 104 so that was intense!

Getting my 7th grader to do her schoolwork is a challenge as always and she is having to figure out how to juggle virtual school and regular school. Neither one takes her schedule into account. She is automatically behind if she doesn't do virtual on school days as well.

Thursday August 26 2021

B: coffee with milk, banana, strawberry, blueberry oatmeal with nuts

L: barbecue pork sandwich, potato chips and cherries

D 2 chicken fajitas


3 mile bike ride
3 mile walk

Was really hungry at about 8 pm. Couldnt' stop thinking about food. I had already decided that in order to maybe not stuff myself at dinner, I would give myself permission to have a snack after dinner if I really needed it. I think all my exercise made me pretty hungry. Plus my cycle started yesterday as well which always makes me extra hungry the first few days.

So snack was a ramekin of trail mix and a piece of bread lightly spread with peanut butter. I felt much better after this, but also it took a lot longer to get hungry this morning which was annoying. So, I was thinking maybe a protein shake for a snack in the evening if Im hungry after exercise would be better. I will do that next time.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:30 pm

Spent a majority of the day decluttering my 9-year-olds half of the room with her. Take advantage of virtual schooling! Real-life skills! :lol:

It was successful but exhausting.

Today is my S evening.

August 27, 2021 ( where did August go? Like seriously)

B: cheerios with blueberries, milk, crushed walnuts, coffee

L: Pulled pork sandwich, chips, cherries

D: chicken nuggets, sauteed broccoli, a ramekin of ice cream

No purposeful exercise. Decluttering, house chores are enough today. Tomorrow I am going mountain biking for only the second time.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:34 pm

Can't believe it's September!

Been experimenting with "allowable snacks". So, my goal is not to eat a snack but if I am really hungry, I will have a snack.

This accomplishes me not eating until I feel I will burst or overeating at meals. The problem for me is, I have a history of disordered eating with restriction so I can actually not eat even when my body really needs it. And then I get that feeling of starving scarcity and overeat at the next meal. So, by having allowable snacks, I eat until I am satisfied at a meal and if I truly get hungry between meals, I will have a snack. This is working well so far.

Also, I have discovered a HUGE difference in how much I eat when I just eat versus eat and read or look at my phone. Not always but often. Yikes. I don't know why it's SO hard for me to eat without looking at something. Back before phones I always had a book I was reading so it's an old habit. I feel like it takes away a lot of the pleasure of eating if I can't read and eat. Obviously, this is an issue.

Been walking, Been mountain biking, working very hard on that, only fallen a few times, thank goodness for pads. :D

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:58 pm

I have found that allowing myself to have a snack if I am really hungry works well, but requires a fair amount of self interrogation and honesty. Sometimes its better to wait and find out if it is just a mid afternoon energy slump rather than true hunger.

I still count it as a failure on N days, but just note it on S days. Its better than going to bed hungry and being unable to sleep.

Reading while I am eating is one of life pleasures I don't intend to give up. But the pleasure ends when my plate or bowl is empty. The no seconds rule is golden here.

Keep up the good work.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Sep 09, 2021 8:05 pm

Thanks Ladybird!

Yes, it IS so pleasurable to read and eat, isn't it!?

I have been trying to only read in between bites. LOL That helps slow my eating down. Also, I have noticed that if I tune in, I CAN feel when I am full but if I'm reading it's really easy to ignore it. So, I have been working on checking in every few bites and seeing how my fullness is doing. I also tell myself when I sit down to eat that I don't HAVE to eat it all. It's a funny reminder that removes a lot of my unconscious anxiety about having to eat all my food. Now, this week, I have been eating almost all my plate because I am hungry. But the week before, I was leaving bites on my plate because I wasn't hungry. I need to stay tuned in to my fullness signals.

I also agree Ladybird about snacking and being really honest with yourself. I have discovered I don't really like snacking because then I'm not as hungry for my meals, so I have been back to 3 meals a day but it's ok if I absolutely need a snack. This week I have felt slightly hungry between meals but after waiting and drinking water, I feel fine and wait for dinner no problem. Last week a few times at night after my 3-mile walk I was so hungry I was lightheaded and uncomfortable and couldn't stop thinking about food, so I had a snack. It is a fine line for sure. But I think I am getting more in touch with my hunger where I can tell if it's a "oh food would kind of be nice right now" versus " I need food now!". One thing that helps me with the urge of "food would be kinda nice right now" snacking is that I know I will not be as hungry for my meal and I won't be able to eat it all. That usually keeps me from snacking when I don't really need the food.

My knee is bothering me today after quite a while of doing much better so I am going to do a quick bike ride this evening. DId a bike ride with the girls yesterday. Just 3 miles.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:03 pm

I forgot to mention one other thing I have been really trying to do is to eat what I really want. Especially at lunchtime when my appetite is the strongest and I have the most freedom in food choice. I have tried not to worry about health or anything like that. I do try to make sure I have a good mix of protein, fat and fiber but that's pretty easy to do while still honoring my appetite desires. So all week it's been egg salad sandwiches. One day I really wanted chips with my sandwich, the next day I wanted only fruit. And then today suddenly I craved a huge bowl of vegetable soup and toast with butter. It's a nice reminder that if I just give myself what I really want to eat, I think my food cravings and desires balance out. It hard to get out of health head but I think it's really beneficial to me. If I eat what I really really want, then the food tastes good, hits the spot, and it's easy to tell that I've had enough, versus eating something I don't really want because its good for me or because I need to use the leftovers it's harder to tell when I am truly satisfied because I'm not ever going to be satisfied eating something I don't want. Also when I eat what I really want, my body typically feels really good as well. In the long run, I think that is actually healthier and better for me, regardless if my food choices are "healthy". Whatever that is these days... :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Soprano » Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:02 pm

Sounds like a good way forward, our bodies know what they need. I struggle to decide what I want, I do occasionally know what I don't want though :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:43 pm

Thanks Soprano! I definitely have trouble figuring out what I want sometimes, but practice makes better right? I often know what I don't want and work from there! LOL

Things are going well and boring. I found that after a while of paying attention to my meals and not finishing them, that my appetite increased and I started eating more at meals and usually finishing them. I think that is because previously I was snacking and so my body had extra food? Without the extra food, I have a bigger appetite at mealtimes.

My weight is still right around 161/162 lbs. However, I was looking at pictures from a year and a half ago when I was first losing my weight and 162 pounds and my body looked really different. A lot more soft and less toned? I don't know, I think I have built up a lot of muscle over the year. And now with mountain biking, I am getting even more. I look a lot more toned and have more shape. So, I guess as long as I fit in my clothes, the weight doesn't matter. I don't know yet because it's too hot to wear jeans. I haven't tried my jeans from last winter yet. We will see. However, I am maintaining and I'm still at what is considered a healthy BMI(23.9) and I eat whatever I want and don't obsess over food, so these are all HUGE wins in my book. I'm going to keep doing what I have been doing.

Also in other news, my 18-year-old (yes 18) finally passed her permit test! (yes permit test). She failed it twice and finally passed it today. It's really hard in our state. Weird obscure questions that have nothing to do with relevant rules of the road. I failed it twice 30 years ago myself. Anyway yay! I am proud of her. She really wanted to drive until her aunt(her stepmoms sister) died in a fatal car accident when my daughter was 15. After that, she stopped wanting to drive, so getting her permit is a huge step.

Been doing more mountain biking and getting stronger. I'm pretty sure that mountain biking is one of the best cardio exercises on the planet. My cardio is actually weaker than my leg muscles so it's been really challenging but good. I'm going to go Saturday, and I just went for a ride today with my 2 younger girls.

Happy tomorrow is Friday!

Meals today

Breakfast- Grapenuts with banana, strawberry, milk, crushed walnuts, coffee with cream

Lunch- rice with sweet and sour chicken, veggies, 2 sandwich cookies

Dinner- baked ziti, garlic bread, spinach salad, and a small ramekin of chocolate ice cream to celebrate teenager getting her permit.

( have been allowing myself S's on regular days and it's working for me THIS time. I think maybe last time it didn't work because I hadn't legalized foods for myself? I don't know. I find it really keeps my S days pretty moderate so far. We will see....)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:43 pm

My growing back toenail from last year is having some problems. I woke up with it really hurting. I have been soaking it and applying antibacterial cream to it as I think the part that hasn't grown back yet got infected. I think it will heal but I may not be able to ride tomorrow. :( Today I can barely walk. Sigh...

Food for September 17, 2021

Breakfast- Grapenuts with milk, walnuts, banana, and strawberries, coffee with cream



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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:08 pm

Wow its been a while since i updated. Its just so boring. My toenail is almost fully recovered now. :)

I have been working on 3 meals a day with no snacks. I discovered that I do get lightly hungry in between lunch and dinner but if I drink water, it goes away and then I am truly hungry for and enjoy my dinner much more. So I guess I have chosen to wait to eat until I feel a certain level of hunger. I have started having popcorn on Friday nights sometimes during movie time and I enjoy that a lot. Otherwise, I stick to 3 meals. Sometimes I will have a cookie or a piece of chocolate with dinner, but not always. I do think having something sweet every day if I want it, has helped make weekends a lot calmer with sugary treats.

I have been mountain biking and walking occasionally. I feel a lot more relaxed about both food and exercise, and I think that is a good thing.

And that's about it. BMI holding steady at 23.9

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by oolala53 » Fri Oct 01, 2021 9:58 pm

Given the nuttiness out there with regard to either rampant compulsive eating or its opposite, sounds like you are doing quite well.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Soprano » Sat Oct 02, 2021 5:22 am

I agree, sounds like you are in a great place.

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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