kaalii's daily check-in...

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by kaalii » Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:56 pm

monday - green!

last week was hectic... hopefully in this one im going to be back on track...
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:24 pm

Good luck! It's been quite in 'interesting' month for me too! :wink:
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Post by kaalii » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:04 pm

haha, yes, rawcookie - just when i think im on a roll... :D
but this is what i love about noS - the positives seem to add up more than the negatives... and starting anew is just a meal away... :)
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Post by kaalii » Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:13 pm

tuesday - green!!

it is not so freezing so some biking around doing stuff...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:03 pm

wednesday - green!!

walk/jog in the forest
5 tibetans later
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Post by ModBod » Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:02 am

3 greens in a row, well done!
I went jogging yesterday by the lake, and the trees are beautiful at the moment, so a jog in a forest sounds heavenly :)
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by kaalii » Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:18 am

oh yes, such an amazing autumn here, too!!

i live next to the forest with lovely trails for walking, jogging, biking, just accross the street from our house... it is in my avatr pic... and every day i wake up to the look out of window to the beautifully changing trees...
im so sad im going to have to move by the spring time from here because the owner wants to renovate it and up the price because it is dirt cheap (for switzerland)... i really felt i would have loved to live in this house all my life...
oh well, i better enjoy it while i still can... :)
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Post by kaalii » Thu Nov 24, 2016 6:07 pm

thursday - green!!

(fast) walking to and from my son's drumming lesson... he was running next to and ahead of me - a bit like urban parkour style... it was fun...

3rd day decluttering after work... 2 X 15 min. ... it feels good... i really hope to keep it up... im motivated by the upcoming move in some months but i know i might fail at continuing it...

and here there is no thanksgiving or any eating holidays...so just a weekend upcoming as usual...
just a lovely autumn evening...

and night out dancing with my girls... 70s and 80s disco... so lovely... lots of singing, too...
biking there and back together... such fun and the best kind of exercise... biking and dance... :)

tomorrow swimming during my son's swimming practice... yaay! :)
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Post by kaalii » Fri Nov 25, 2016 7:06 pm

friday - green!!

swimming was so satisfying today... there were more of the better swimmers today in the pool so i didnt have to navigate too much between the people who basically float and just enjoy the water rather than "really" swim and make sure not to hit them accidentally when taking over... that makes me have to change the rhythm a bit and can be annoying...
i even raced (and won, both times!!) two quite athletic men... i dont think i would be able to do it in crawl but in breaststroke i have pretty good technique, endurance and strength... now im motivated to work more on my crawl technique to improve endurance in it... i can do 50m crawl but then i start really losing breath, rhythm and enjoyment... so great to have youtube free coaching, hahaha...
swimming is such a meditative practice... breathing, breathing...
like running or walking but more gentle on the joints and back...
im so gratefull that i have this opportunity/nudge to go once a week with my son!
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Post by kaalii » Sat Nov 26, 2016 7:03 pm

forgot to buy treats for Sweekend... but not fancing anything in particular, either... i can always make pancakes or popcorn which i love...
so today turned out to be a normal Nday... except when i cooked i sampled couple of asparagus dipped in sauce hollandaise... and some smoked tofu as i was cutting it... i avoid that on ndays normally...

and a beautiful walk up and down mini-canyon 10min. bike ride from our home with my best friend, the dog she is dogsitting and my son... im actually checking out the possibilities of the new home in that area if i dont find anything close to my current home and forest...

more bike riding today upcoming as im going to hang out outdoors by the fire with some friends tonight...

only one 15min decluttering session... better than nothing, like yesterday... but yesterday was the laundry day so im not so hard on myself... oh i just want to get rid of stufffffffff... im not into minimalism but i want to know and love everything i own... i want to be light when i move to the new home...
i just might do one more session tonight...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:34 am

i actually did more of decluttering last night, 2 bags of my son's clothes to donate! yay!!

today again not a big S day...
half of the margarita pizza for 2 people... that would normally be 2 meals because quarter of that pizza is almost 9inch plate... but i had the half in one go and felt stuffed... plus some ice-tea they gave us for free with the ordered pizza... that is actually a real S for today...
and the dinner was one generous plate... peanut butter on 2 toasts with gruyère, smoked tofu and fresh cucumber slices on top and on the side... also felt stuffed...

day off exercise-style activities...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:01 am

haven't had a measurment day in a while... im glad this is again happening that im forgetting about it altogether...
i know monday is not the best day for measurments but i thought i might forget again and skip this week's check again... i might want to go back to carefree frame of mind of the first 3+ decades of my life but i want the habit rolling waaay better before i consciously allow it and toss the scale and calipers in the attick...
anyway, the results are amazing:

i gained weight and i have lost fat!!
59kg/130lbs/19.5 BMI and 17.6% body fat percentage!! and waist 69cm/27inches!
this means i gained muscle and lost fat! yesss!
(well, unless that is water weight, then i have only lost fat)

i do look more toned and have a better posture!
and i feel stronger, more energized and move-able! my swimming , running and biking stamina is better and better! winter will slow me down, im sure, but this is a great way to enter it...
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Post by ModBod » Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:55 am

That's wonderful, kaalii - and, as you say, it feels so great to enjoy feeling fit and noticing stamina etc! Well done!!
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by kaalii » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:51 pm

thank you, modbod!
it feels good, indeed! :)
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Post by kaalii » Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:10 pm

monday - green!!

2 plates today, both of which had lots of veggie-nuggets so i felt more full than usual... but now just before the sleep i feel hunger again... that weird hunger after eating junk... but it is too late now for a third plate i dont feel good eating in the night any more...

lots of walking and stairs and playing at work today. with elevated heart-rate... but no special exercising after that...
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Post by kaalii » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:36 pm

tuesday - red!!!

after dinner, friend's homemade seytan burgers in freshly baked homemade buns i just couldnt resist... and snacks...
fullblown failure...

it is cold but biking around town...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:49 pm

wednesday - green!!
and 3 sessions of 15min. decluttering! yay!

so, november was habit-wise less succesful than i expected...
but my stats are better than ever, probably because it has been more active... and i think including 5 tibetans in my favourite ways of being active outside of work has something to do with it...
i do hope to have a better december... but mum is coming to visit and im going briefly to italy and maybe even to croatia again so im not expecting too much...
kaalii wrote: :arrow: :arrow: 01 02 03 04 8)
8) 07 08 09 10 11 8)
8) 14 15 16 17 18 8)
8) 21 22 23 24 25 8)
8) 28 29 30 :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

9.11. - a handfull of chips and around 15g of chocolate biscuits/wafers "napolitanke" from the package my mum sent us from croatia
11.11. - more of those mama's biscuits with milk, couldnt wait for saturday :D
15.11. - apple pie for dessert
16.11. - some chocolate
18.11. - 2 pbj sandwiches and popcorn (!)
29.11. - after dinner, friend's homemade seytan burgers in freshly baked homemade buns i just couldnt resist... and snacks... fullblown failure...
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:14 am

Yay on the decluttering! I'm reading Spark Joy in an effort to get myself psyched up for a top to bottom decluttering session.

Your fails sound so yummy. I can't say I blame ya. Glad there was no damage to your stats.

Here's to a green December!

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Post by kaalii » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:19 pm

haha, yes, linda, even though i have a move coming up in the fairly near future, i have to also read stuff to motivate myself... it does work, from time to time... :D

aaand thursday - green!

super active and long day... lots of walking, doing errands etc... sent an application for one lovely appartement on the foothills... seen another one i like immediately after that... let's see...

cant wait for the swimming tomorrow...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:12 pm

friday - green!!

swimming was satisfying... each friday i feel stronger and faster...

4 decluttering sessions... im ready for the flea market tomorrow!!

90% of all the clothes, my room and the living room are almost done...
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Post by kaalii » Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:46 pm

having a lovely Saturday...
crisps for late breakfast... a bite off a friend's snickers bar... 8)
pumpkin soup and a buckwheat crèpe with gruyere, spring onions and fresh tomato slices... and one crèpe with strawberry jam for dessert...

i feel done for today...

and what a day...we did the fleemarket... we sold something (just for a bit of a good feeling, not much)... donated warm clothes i had for the refugies, this is what they need lately a lot... 2 bags of my son's clothes to a friend with two sons that knows where to pass them on after she takes what she wants/needs... i always give my son's clothes to her... also, i have sent sms and fb alert to a number of my friends to pass to the fleemarket and take for free anything they fancy from my stand... and the rest (still a lot) went to the "free shop", a "shop" in our neighbourhood where everything is absolutely free... i love that project...
im tired but happy and lighter in my head today... and i love how my appartment is starting to look and feel...
a nice dose of serotonine flowing through me today, i guess... :)
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Post by Merry » Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:08 am

Sounds like a great day! Cleaning out always feels good and nice when you can pass things on to others who will use them.
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Post by kaalii » Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:45 pm

oh yes, merry, it is a great feeling...
i also realised i want to commit more deeply in post-materialist lifestyle/attitude... reduce the stuff in my life not only to make space for more new stuff in but to become even more selective in bringing the new stuff in... to save and channel the money even more to travel, fun activities with my son, helping out my family back in croatia, treats like professional massage or a romantic hiking or spa weekend with my bf...

today i have been decluttering for hours... im exhausted physically and emotionally (decluttering involves so much concentration, planning and decisions) - but im satisfied... i still set the timer to 15min. and keep prolonging it... i like it to ring to remind me that im allowed to stop... otherwise id be discouraged by the amount of work ahead of me... like this i focus on smaller chunks of space and on time... not the whole job done and how much i have left to do...
tomorrow i attack the kitchen... good that mom is coming on tuesday... she will be happy to help me out... and proud of the work i have already done...

oh,in addition to other stuff i have written - later yesterday i made a bowl of popcorn while watching a movie...
today's treat: ben and jerry's cinnamon bun ice cream for the first time in my life! delicious!
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Post by Merry » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:44 am

I do that too with the 15 minute timer! Usually I keep going, but definitely, knowing there's a short goal with an end in sight is what gets me started!
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Post by kaalii » Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:14 pm

monday - green!!

no exercise but couple of chunks of time for kitchen decluttering...

oh, and i got an appartement 5min. walk from the place i live in now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we are moving 1.3. next year!!!!

it is not idylic nor as cheap as this home right next to our forest but we will not be far away... the new place actually looks very similar and even has a little extra room... so i am very happy today, this is a big relief for me... i can see and visualise the future more clearly!!!
and we will be able to adopt a dog!!!!
i cant wait to be a dog-mama again!

and as my son went to bed i stuffed the boots he put in the window with treats from st.nicolas... i love that custom... both the memories as a child waking up to the boots filled with treats and now as mum, setting the alarm clock to make sure not to forget to stuff them and at the same time not to wake my son up with candy paper rustling and decorating in the dark of his room...
tomorrow i also get my treats, my mum is coming from croatia!!
NWS day for me! 8)
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Post by Merry » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:36 am

Aw, I hope you enjoy your visit from your mum, and your son enjoys the treats too! You'll have to post about your dog when you get one--how wonderful!
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Post by kaalii » Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:29 pm

yees, enjoying having mum over here...
so yesterday was NWS day for me... the S was traditional st.nicolas little bread shaped as a man and a litttle piece of chocolate... the rest was on 3 plates...

today - green!!

mum's kitchen, yummy and lots of vegetables!

i took a day off work on monday and going for a prolongued weekend in italy tomorrow after work... looking fwd to this little gettaway...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:16 pm

back from the mini-holidays in italy...
managed to stay on plan totally!!! even while driving! awesome!
lovely Sweekend and thursday, friday and monday - green!!

i had a huuuuge dessert on sunday - calzone with nutella and mascarpone...
split in half between my bf and me... whoever invented it is a genius but i have no idea how can a single person possibly finish a whole one... :D

i tried another new italian dish.. from the north, the region my bf is originally from... canederli, they call them... (basically knödels that we find in german, austrian cuisine but with italian twist)
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Post by kaalii » Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:24 pm

tuesday - green!!
but only 2 meals/plates...

and some kitchen decluttering...

today is my best friend's bday... i have brought her a selection of lovely food from italy and a bottle of borghetti, an italian version of coffee liquor that we developed a taste for since our trip to galicia back in 2010... but we have troubles finding something similar in switzerland...
the real party will be this weekend but going to visit her tonight, too... so if she prepared something non-sweet i might have a little 3rd plate, too...

tomorrow i plan to dedicate a big portion of the day to decluttering...listening thorugh konmari's book motivates me so much... to the point that i cant wait to do it... :)
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Dec 13, 2016 6:13 pm

Have a wonderful evening, and enjoy that decluttering tomorrow!
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Post by kaalii » Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:01 pm

thanks, rawcookie...
i did enjoy the bday... i havent had any cake
because really it wasnt that appealing... i just
had some tea-schnaps and that was fun...
my best friend lives uphill from me 20min. speedwalk...
so i pushed my bike up there and drove it downhill...
just to incorporate a bit more movement and enjoyment
of outdoors in the wintertime...

when i got back home i was still not tired and started
feeling a bit hungry while talking with my mum... so
i prepared myself a light 3rd daily plate, unusually
late for the day (i practice IF 16:8 every days for the
past 2 years, almost) but still within the noS greenery...

and today - green!

a slow but longer forest walk with my mum...

decluttering of papers took me 3-4 hours with a break
for lunch... it was exhausting but i managed to keep
the focus and got rid of loooooads... god, i have no idea
how those discarded papers used to fit into that place...
i will go through all of it again while packing and
unpacking during the move... but this is already
amazing... it looks and feels amazing!
i might do a couple of more 15min. decluttering chunks
in the kitchen this evening because im on a roll... but
have to go to bed early because tomorrow i have a
looong day at work as im replacing a sick coleague in
the afternoon... so my day will be 7am-17:30... it will
be exhausting but i have great plans to catch up with
some winter decorations with the kids...

it feels weird to use this "diet" forum for daily rants ...
but somehow noS is to me about the quality of life (home,
health/exercise, relationships, work and stress) just as
much as it is about the food so i somehow feel like i
actually should be keeping track of that, too...
and it also shows me how much noS is not a "diet"...
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Post by kaalii » Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:45 pm

thursday - green!!

very busy and productive day but no time for decluttering...
going to meet up with a friend from berlin who is on tour,
now in switzerland, and has a couple of days off... haven't
seen her in over a year...
so that will be 2 times 20 min. bike ride... it is cold outside
but dry, no way im taking the car... im glad i still get to use
my bike so late in the autumn...

tomorrow swimming with my son... mum is joining
us, too, she loooves to swim... yeee!
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Post by kaalii » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:38 pm

friday - red!

triple bday party and had a snack there and a tiny piece of cake...

swimming quite intensely for 45min...

no decluttering but lots of home budgeting work done, all bills
paid and one long project finished, finaly!!!
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Post by kaalii » Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:15 pm

nice Sweekend and loads of decluttering!
kitchen took a long time (a stretch over 13 days!! ) but managed
to finish it and start with the bathroom today... another 110l garbage
bag is out and the next one is already half way full... mum helped
and cooked as well so i could focus on the decluttering only and
even get some rest so not feeling overwhelmed... decluttering
involves so many emotions!

the transformation so far is amazing!!
to the point that, now that im about half-way there to total
declutter, i feel a slight anxiety... im reading that these are the
feelings we liberate with decluttering... i feel them and breathe
through them... i guess it takes courage to let go and accept the
coming of the new things in life... for example, i still cant believe
that i managed to finish that project on friday (it may influence my
career and salary eventually)... i procrastinated with it
soooo long - whereas in reality it didnt take so much time to do it...
it is crystally clear to me that it is some sort of mental block not
letting me finish it until now, some sort of fear of success... and im
sure it is decluttering that helped...

uff, i just have to focus on those 15min. at a time on my timer
and not give up... i feel the worst is behind me...

and a lovely walk/run in the forest with mum and my son... daydreaming
of a dog and taking him/her to our forest and playing! cant wait for
the springtime! already checking out online the swiss shelters...
getting ready for adoption...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Dec 19, 2016 6:23 pm

monday - green!

another super-busy day... no energy nor time for additional exercise...

maybe tibetans later...

and for sure one or two 15min. decluttering sessions...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:53 am

tuesday - green!!
virtual plated a mandarine...

super busy day... some biking... extra walking... appointment to show the new flat to mum and my son... they love it... measured it to draw the floor plan and already start the furniture placement ideas...

some decluttering, too...
bathroom could be finished tomorrow...

tomorrow i also want to take the family to the swimming pool... my son's semester of swimming is over and starting again only in the second half of january... thining of going for a swim or two in the meantime, anyway..
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Post by kaalii » Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:05 pm

wednesday - green!


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Post by kaalii » Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:29 pm

thursday - green!

last day of work!! holidaaays!!
no exercise proper but loads of walking after work organizing the rent of the snowboarding gear for my son's ski camp in january... buying a brand new awesome vacuum cleaner in the second hand shop... then vacuuming the s**t out of our home, of course... :lol:
still plan to declutter a bit later...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:40 pm

friday - green!!

laundry day - 4 machines of it and carrying the laundry loads up and down the stairs from the basement (we live on the 2nd floor)... and decluttering...and taking another box of stuff to donations...
and we got a crate full of different organic vegetables and fruits for free!!

plus doing more budgeting and finding online budgeting app that is based on the oldschool principles of envelopes budgeting our grandmothers used to do... perfect for me... since i have been doing envelopes before and some of its principles stayed and im never in debt nor living paycheck to paycheck... but now i want to up my game...
i know and calculated that i am well off enough to save beyond travelling funds and car repairs funds... i just need to bring more awareness and calculations into it...
the point is - i think i have found doing actual budgeting that will replace now 8months of vacant calorie accountant seat in my mind!! :lol:
while noS has proven to do a perfect, stress-free and fun way to keep my feeding optimal! 8)
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Post by kaalii » Sat Dec 24, 2016 7:49 pm

3 churros for breakfast on the christmass market with my son this morning while going to pick with him his christmass gift...
and 2 delicious yet simple organic all-vegetable plates mum made today...

in our homeland croatia christmass eve is traditionally and spiritually a fast... cleaning home, introspection and peace/quiet family time... which somehow with time and consumerism became a ridiculously wasteful and gluttoneous feast... just replacing meat with fish to call it a "fast"... :roll:

im glad that she is spiritually liking our atheist "christmass" - she didnt even have any churros this morning...
and tomorrow, when my son comes back from his father's and their family christmass gathering - we will have a simple feast... with lots of veggies and and fruit based sweet bakes from the old recipes she makes so well...
nice to have her here this year for christmass!

and more decluttering

and a walk/run with mum in the forest

merry christmass to all who celebrate it! :)

and happy festivus for the rest of us! (from seinfeld tv-series) :D
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:52 am

Sounds like you're having a wonderful Christmas. So lucky to have your mom there and cooking for you too!

You're doing great with the decluttering too!

Happy holidays (btw, watching sinefeld as we speak ;) )
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Post by kaalii » Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:05 pm

oh, cool, linda!
love seinfeld¨! my favourites are soup nazi and festivus episodes! :D

such a classic!

im sick, since yesterday... Image appetite going down slowly... luckily mum is here so i can afford to be proper sick in bed and do nothing if i want to... i havent been sick, cant even remember when... maybe last winter...
im caughing, sneezing, nose full, irritated eyes, nose and throat, no fever so far - feels like super strong pollen allergy or something in the middle of the winter... but it is probably just a common cold... i feel im getting a fever as i write...

did manage to do some decluttering, though, finished the hallway... one room left and attick...
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 26, 2016 5:46 pm

aww too bad about being sick. Do you have any zinc? Take one every three hours when you first start feeling that little "tickle" and it'll stop it. I've been fighting my BF's cough for a few days now...seems to be working.

anyway, thank goodness, mom is there to care for you :) feel better!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:41 pm

Bad luck! Get well soon!
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Post by Merry » Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:21 am

So sorry you're sick. I hope you're feeling better soon. What a blessing that your mom is there!
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Post by kaalii » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:04 am

thanks bunsofaluminium, rawcookie and merry! :)

im still sick but it is moving in healing direction, not stuck or getting worse...

yes, so good my mum is here, since she is cooking for us and being generally very helpfull... it is almost pleasant to be sick, ahahha...
and today my friend's son is over for the whole day while she is away and i didnt have to cancel it coz mum is taking care of most of the stuff...
eating is all over the place... honey helps...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:42 am

i have recovered... still sneezing and talk through my nose, eyes and throat itchy but i feel overall healthy... :)

since the last measurement i have lost one kilo and half (2.2lbs)... down to BMI 19.0 but im not putting it in my signature because of possibility of variations due to sickness...
what is important is that my body fat percentage is the same, 17,6%...

yesterday mum and i took my son and his friend for a long but slow walk in the forest... it was harder, being sick and all, i had no energy to run even a little bit but fresh air and movement surely helped me heal...

i used my bed-ridden time to take all of my son's old school materials and decluttered it down to one beautiful big notebook... (i have decluttered all his drawings couple of weeks ago and it is down to 1 big and 2 small folders, plus some drawings that are on our walls)...
and then, after his friend had left, we started decluttering his toys together... we always do, but this time i said we were going to let go a bit more of them and keep only those that spark joy (i actually used the word from my native language that roughly translates "dearest" toys)... he "got it" immediately and it was actually such a nice moment of reconnection for us that we almost couldnt stop... but i wanted him to unwind before going to sleep so i stopped it even though he kind of wanted to keep going... :lol:
1/4 of them is done...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:44 pm

and a green wednesday!

at least 2 hours of walking around the city doing errands while my son was at a bday party...

more decluttering with my son of his room... and taking 4 big bags and a heavy old guest mattress down to the street for the garbage collectors to pick them up tomorrow morning...
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Post by nettee » Thu Dec 29, 2016 7:33 am

Hello Kaalii - have just skimmed through some of your thread. Brilliant that you are so motivated by maintenance, gives me hope and inspiration for the future.

Great that you are doing all your decluttering sessions too. We had a week off work before Christmas to do that and have another one arranged for the end of January. 15 min sessions going forward sounds like a better plan but we are about 5 years behind ...
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Post by kaalii » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:41 pm

thanks, netee...
my 15min/day is the minimum i have to do... the phone is there to remind me every 15min. just that im allowed to stop... to avoid overwhelm or being drained after a day's decluttering session... i did have some 0 minutes days in the past 6 weeks, too... and i have had many more multiple 15min. sessions... even hours and hours on days off from work... besides sometimed doing clothes or toys i was also some years behind in decluttering and i have to say i have actually never done it this thoroughly (or id stop before reaching even half of my home)... this time something clicked... and the fact that we are moving helps to motivate me and decluttering helps me cope with moments of fear of change it will bring and transforms it into feelingof having it under control... ;)

so thursday - green!!

finished the tooooys!!!
final touch ups of my son's room (since his clothes had been done before i did flee market some weeks ago and his non-school books are still in decent order from the last time we went through them) and im off to the final stages - attic!!
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Post by kaalii » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:50 pm

oh, and zero exercise today...
im bleaching (just a touch up, nothing radical) my hair for the new year instead... 8) :D
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Post by kaalii » Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:17 pm

so friday and the last N day of the year - green!

decluttering the attic - physical amount-wise half way done... but ahead of me are couple of bags of memorabilia and some bags full of books... this will take more time and mental energy... i'll do it next year! :D

december was pretty good habit-wise, only one red day, as opposed to 6 in november... but 2 sick, bed-ridden days here, too... and one NWS day... i take those rarely...
maintenance still perfect (never out of my established bmi range and at the moment even at the lower side) and body fat percentage steadily standing on my lowest since i started noS, 17.6%...
kaalii wrote:
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: 01 02 8)
8) 05 8) 07 08 09 8)
8) 12 13 14 15 16 8)
8) 19 20 21 22 23 8)
8) &#129319; &#129319; 28 2930 8)

16th - triple bday party and had a snack there and a tiny piece of cake...
26th, 27th - Sick days
no exercise today, either... but laundry and hauling stuff up and down the attic got me puffing...

there will be some dining and partying tomorrow... some dancing, too... yeee!!
happy new year, everyone!! :)
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Post by kaalii » Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:28 pm

nice partying for new year's and totally sane eating but today i just wanted a couple of pieces of chocolate and wanted a bigger dinner...
maybe im still hangover from the new year's...
so monday - red!
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Post by kaalii » Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:43 pm

tuesday - green!

a long but slow walk in the forest...
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Post by kaalii » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:38 pm

wednesday - red!

had a glass of cola with the dinner... just felt like it so much, haha...

thursday - green!
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Post by kaalii » Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:12 pm

friday - green!!

beautifull snow over here... nice to be home for the holidays... mum left back to croatia... and we back to school/work on monday...
weight and body fat percentage stable... no change... so good!
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Post by osoniye » Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:57 pm

kaalii wrote:weight and body fat percentage stable... no change... so good!
Sounds like you've really got this, Kaalii! I'm glad!.
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Post by kaalii » Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:50 pm

thank you, osonye! :)
it really feels that noS is amazingly simple and very effective way of eating for me...
i have given myself a task of checking in here regularly for at least 2 years before calling it a solid habit...
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Post by Traci0829 » Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:15 pm

That's a great idea about your check! Your success is inspiring!

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Post by kaalii » Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:49 pm

thank you, tracey! im so glad it is inspiring! i am also very inspired and motivated by this beautiful and supportive online community!

monday - green!!

first day of work after the holidays... even without special exercise time, moving more than during the holidays...
it felt good to bring lots of my son's toys to work - kids loved them...

also, got a slight promotion, a new contract with augmented salary... nothing glamurous but feels good... but im working on more serious promotion/salary increase and that will take some more time, decisions and actions... it is amazing how unambitious i am - i could have done many of those moves before... but it is ok - i really love my job and im financially good (in switzerland it is not hard to do that at all)... this process is just about valuing my education, experience and work more - especially seeing how some other people are maximising their "assets" to ridiculous extents... im glad im not like that and more relaxed about everything - but i am getting curious what the possibilities might be...
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:22 pm

Congratulations on your augmented salary etc - sounds like I should have moved to Switzerland when I was younger! It's is definitely not easy to be financially OK over here in the UK!

Well done with the green Monday too :)
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Post by kaalii » Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:45 pm

oh, i know, rawcookie... my friends from different european countries tell me the same (except for the scandinavian countries)... it has definitely become harder and harder to be financially ok no matter how we look at it...
the funny thing is, im am actually technically poor for swiss standards ( i live on what is just a bit over the "minimum vital", how they call it) but - wow - that is such a comfortable and beutiful living, i even get to help... a lot... i lack nothing, travel and know i can have almost anything i want without "sacrificing my soul" for it...
ok, my perspective is of the one coming from a war ridden country and i always loved simple non-mainstream styles of living surrounded by artists, alternative cultures and creativity in general where money doesnt measure value, at least not efficiently - but still i feel that objectively here is just easy no matter what lifestyle we prefer or come from... here it is a matter of choice, always, hardly ever a necessity...

tuesday - green!!

besides work, the daily exercise was cleaning the snow from my van (i think i slightly pulled a muscle in my arms while cleaning the roof) and going to visit friends on foot... the snow is just too beautifull today to waste the walk in it on a car ride... around 30min. there and back...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:16 pm

wednesday - green!!

a walk in the forest in the snow with couple of friends, my son and a dog...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:38 am

thursday - green!

besides work, one hour walk to the dentist plus 40 min walk to my son^'s drumming lesson and back...
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:22 am

Wow look at you go!&#128154;
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Post by kaalii » Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:27 pm

oh, thank you, linda! :) good days, indeed...
but i primarily say this because, as you can imagine since you have dogs, i fell in love with one dog (i will post the pic when im 100% sure we can have him) and im going to visit him in a rescue center tomorrow for the first time!! so excited!!

friday - green!!
no exercise whatsoever...
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:35 pm

Ohhhh that is so exciting!! I wish I knew how to post pics here. I'd show you my dogs too.

Hope it works out!

Linda :)
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Post by kaalii » Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:17 pm

oh, i think i have seen one of them on your instagram photos... the little one... so cute...
to post photos that are already uploaded somewhere on the web, because you need their URL address that you can get normally by right-clicking on the photo and then copy the URL address...
then, when you are here on the forum when replying on a post:
1-press the IMG button up among the available buttons when you are replying (it should come out as this - [img] )
2-then paste the url address of the photo
3-then IMG button again (it should come out like this - [/image] )

the photo should be displayed when you press submit...
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:16 am

Oh thank you for detailing that for me kaalii! I'm not so good with that stuff. Also, thanks for checking out my photos. I do have all my dogs on there. I don't know your username but hopefully I'm following you back. &#128522;
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Post by kaalii » Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:50 pm

no problem, linda!

oh, im not on instagram at all.. i just went to check your photos there because i have seen your name in your signature here on the forum...
so i have seen the greyhound (?) too... beautiful animals...

me, im totally out of my head!!! im so in love with our sweet bolt!!
we went to visit him on saturday in the shelter... and had the first face to face talk about adoption process... and a play time and then we also took him for a walk in their forest... wooow!!
he is just as i imagined he would be plus 100 times more sweet ... :lol:
he is excited and not yet educated well but i already started working with him a bit and he is responding beautifully... such a smart dog... and so eager to learn... he needs active people to exercise him a lot and i feel im up to the challenge - cant wait!! :D
the woman in charge of the shelter will bring him to our home sometime this or the next week, she says... depending on the weather/snow... that will be the final talk, the check of his new home (i like that they make sure to check who are the new family of the dog as well as the environment where they are going to)... that will be the final confirmation... and bolt is coming to live with us...

so, today was green!!

lots of chores on foot, besides the work... the walking was very fast because i had lots to do... but i anyway always walk fast... i have always liked it... so today i was flying... :D
and some dogproofing the home and cleaning...
im beat...

also, im thinking that with such an active dog i might need a bit more calories not to start losing again... i dont want to add a snack to mess with the habit, im more thinking of changing the plates from 9" into a bit bigger ones...
but let's see first how it goes... and whether i will need that...
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Post by kaalii » Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:10 pm

tuesday - green!!

no exercise...

so i called the shelter to see how our dog is doing and when can we expect them to bring him... thursday or friday!!! oh, so great!! on average the adoption process here in switzerland takes around 2-3 weeks... seems like we are on the faster end... the woman actually tells me it is only becaue of the weather (she doesnt like to drive in cold and snow so much) that she waits... otherwise she'd would have probably already brought him home... yeah!!
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:51 am

Very excited for you! Yes we have a greyhound and a wolf mix as well.

We adopted the greyhound just last year. He is a sweetie! They brought him over for what was just suppose to be a "meet & greet" but when he came in he looked around, curled up on one of our beanbags and was pretty much like yup I think I'll like it here. He's been with us ever since. &#128522;

Good luck with your adoption. It sounds like a great fit.
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Post by kaalii » Wed Jan 18, 2017 6:44 pm

wow, 3 dogs! so great!! one big happy family!! :)

bolt will be home on friday! im so excited!
today i have finished all the dogproofing of our home that i could notice... and some finishing touches of decluttering... rolled up the livingroom carpet because they say at the shelter that he is not yet housetrained, or has forgotten about it, as it is often with shelter dogs... i am reading and watching a lot about dog training and rehabilitation even though i am generally very good with all dogs... but i also grew up with a small and calm dog so this new dog will be completely other story given his energy level and medium size...

wednesday - green!!
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Post by kaalii » Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:10 pm

thursday - green!!

feel like im on a roll again... dont wanna jinx it but couldnt help but notice that it is really easy in the past couple of weeks to stay green... i dont even think about it... good appetite but zero cravings... lovely feeling!

BMI stable 19.5 and body fat stable 17.6%... :)

tomorrow an active and sweet dog that we called bolt is coming into our lives!!
gonna be a dog mama again!
i'm excited like a little girl! :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:03 pm

Yay! Let us know how it goes! :)
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Post by kaalii » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:56 am

i will, linda! :)

oh, and forgot to tell you that i love your signature!! it motivates and really captures the whole point of noS and life in general...
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Post by kaalii » Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:39 pm

soo our new dog bolt is home! sweeeeetheart!!!
it is a lot of work/going out because he is not housetrained, although no big accidents untill now... just couple of small ones...
he is also learning the leash so well... but it is a work...
his fetch is also not so bad (this, i have a feeling, someone was doing with him some time before in his life because he is too easy to teach fetch to as it is not something necessarily easy to learn in a day)...
i am physically drained from so much walking, running, playing... my son is with us also sometimes and this is so much fun... bolt is so active, i will have to go on bike rides with him as soon as his leash-heel is stable and the snow/ice melts... because 30min. of intense fetch play and he is not even panting... :lol:

so friday was green!
and exercise - huge YES! :D hours of speed walking, running, having him chase me, playing fetch... all my muscles are pulsing...
my mind, too... becuase this is a body-mind training for me as much as it is for bolt!
and here is his photo from the shelter... it is not easy to make a good photo of a black dog that is moving a lot in the winter and fog with a phone camera, hahaha...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:27 pm

monday - green!!

exercise - 5 dog walks in our forest, still potty trainig and learning the leash and recall basics to the dog... the shortest 20min. the longest almost 2 hours... adds up to at least 4 hours... not counting the work...
it will not always be like this... but i like it...
so yes... lost a pound over the weekend... no wonder...

my son left for a week at the ski-camp with the school this morning... wow, this is the first time im home alone without him for longer than 2 days... well, not alone... the dog is here now... but food wise i feel so weird... on one hand i can cook with all the stuff i love and he doesnt - integral grains, legumes, aubergines, coconut cream... on the other, im totally not motivated nor used to cook only for myself...
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Post by kaalii » Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:16 pm

tuesday - red!!

had two cookies for desert... i just felt like it... but had only two meals... was too full...

exercise - 5 walks... all over 30min... the dog is clean for the past 2 days... but im still working on solidifying the house training...
and these walks are such an awesome bonding and training tool...
i miss my son who is at the ski camp with his school...
but he sounds happy...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:16 pm

wednesday - green!

exercise - 4 x 30+min. walks with my dog...
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:07 am

Awwww your dog is so adorable!! I'm so glad it worked out and he's very lucky to have such a dedicated owner. You're making me feel a little guilty. I think I need to up my dog walking game. ;)

I always look forward to my kids going away to camp but when they do I feel like this empty spot in my heart. You can never turn off being a mom. Glad he's having fun though.

Looking forward to more puppy updates!

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Post by kaalii » Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:29 am

thank you, linda!
my son is coming back today, im happy... yes, cant turn off being a mom... and parenting so often involves some cognitive dissonance... such an opportunity for growth...

thursday was - green!

exercise - 5 x 30+min. walking the dog... a small accident in the morning... still learning...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:24 pm

friday - green!

exercise - 5 x +30min. walking dog

my son came back with half-fractured wrist from the week of snowboarding... and what looks like a flu... so going to the doc to get the longetta/cast... and healing time... so swimming and drumming on hold...
plus some more preparations for the move... plus still teaching bolt everything, although he is a fast learner...
so at one point today i was so overwhelmed...
my son managed to calm me down just by being himself... amazing human being, my boy... everybody says i am raising him so well but i honestly think that for the biggest part i'm just so lucky... he is just so great naturally... :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:31 am

Oh he sounds amazing! I would be overwhelmed too.

That's a lot of walking. Lucky doggie!!
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Post by kaalii » Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:04 pm

haha, yes, that is a lot of walking but i feel he needs it, it feels therapeutic to him and makes the adjustment easier... and housetraining is not yet solid so it is also my way of avoiding unpleasant cleaning... which im disgusted with even though im not showing it so as not to complicate the training even more... although, knock on wood, no big accidents yet...
im hoping to be able to get down to 3 walks a day eventually... and some of my life back, hahaha...
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:58 pm

Hi Kaali - I put the recipe for those peanut butter oat bars on my thread.
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Post by kaalii » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:42 am

thank you so much, rawcookie!

im quoting it here to have it handy:
RAWCOOKIE wrote:I don't have a link - it's from the book Forks Over Knives Cookbook. Peanut Butter Granola Bars

It was 1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup of liquid sweet stuff - they say half maple syrup and half rice syrup - I used Sweet Freedoms' fruit syrup
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups oats
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon

melt peanut butter and liquid sweet stuff in a pan
remove from heat - add vanilla, then add oats, salt and cinnamon
mix very well
wet hands, press into a lined 8" pan
press firmly
bake 18 mins at 350F - or until edges are browned
leave 10 mins to cool in tin
lift from pan on the paper, leave on cooling rack (with the paper underneath) until competely cool
cut into 8 bars - cut firmly, don't saw
Store in air-tight container at room temperature.

The recipe worked perfectly, They cut into 8 very nice, firm bars. Not too sweet - with a nice sweet-salt balance

Here's a link to another recipe you might like - oats, peanut butter, dates
http://minimalistbaker.com/3-ingredient ... nola-bars/
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Post by kaalii » Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:06 am

uff, i guess i waited too long this morning to take the dog out and he peed all over... stopped for a second when i clapped the hands loudly catching him... but then went on... i guess he needed to go...luckily i removed everything carped like and control his movements in the house but still... im a bit discouraged...
so took him out and swept all the floors (again! the floors haven't been so clean in a long time), then sprayed everything with vinegar/water mix to make even dog not able to smell it and re-do it... aired...
my son is better already so it might have not been a flu but a common cold... good...

as suspected not just a fluctuation, because of the newcomer in our family, my weight and body fat is down, even on weekend measurment...
bmi 18.8 and body fat 16.6%...
that is too low, for my taste, at my age... my wrinkles show more... i dont want to look dry, hahah... i want to up my weight but not like this summer by adding snacks or sweets... just bigger/fuller plates...
i dont want to mess with this beautiful noS habit and peace of mind it is giving me...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:12 pm

monday - green!

exercise - 5 dog walks

today im not feeling so good... tired... a bit nauseous... i just hope i wont fall sick after my son...
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Post by kaalii » Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:52 pm

tuesday - red!!

took a donut and a half for dessert...

5 shorter dog walks (20-30min each)...

and this is my january...
lost weight and body fat because of intense walks with my new dog... i hope it goes up as his housetraining is progressing... well, the weight at least... body fat can stay low...
kaalii wrote:
8) 02 03 04 05 06 8)
8) 09 10 11 12 13 8)
8) 16 17 18 19 20 8)
8) 23 24 25 26 27 8)
8) 30 31 :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

2nd - 2 pieces od chocolate and seconds for dinner...
4th - a glass of cola with the dinner...
24th - 2 cookies for dessert
31st - donut and a half for dessert
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Post by kaalii » Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:10 pm

wednesday - green!!

exercise - 5 dog walks... only one of about an hour... the others under 30min. ... even though there were 2 minor accidents at home today, i feel our dog is getting it...something about him tells me he is really getting it...

also, pulling on the leash is so much better/almost gone... meeting other dogs and people less enthusiastic, hahah... the wait before crossing the street, exiting and entering places, before starting to eat is better and better...
i am noticing i get to enjoy the forest again... but funnily, he is re-discovering our forest to me... reminds me how my son re-discovered the city to me on our walks - as opposed to how i had seen the city before having a child... ducks, playgrounds, certain decorations, puddles of rain, elevators, candy and little balls dispensers and then all that continues till now, actually... all unknown or uninteresting to me before having my son... (i actually got really interested in dinosaurs and superheroes because of him, hahaha)
and now my dog is doing something similar... fresh look at te world...
sweet! :)
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Post by Merry » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:26 am

Aw fun! And 5 walks, awesome!
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Post by kaalii » Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:12 pm

thanks, merry!

thursday - green!!

exercise will be again 5 walks...managing to do again 4 around only 20min. and one long one about an hour...

tomorrow is normally my day off but replacing a colleague at work... cool, extra hours will come in handy around the move day...in switzerland legally, for a move we have a right to one day off work but i might go and take 2... my boss wouldnt mind anyway as long as i organize the replacements myself and/or make sure that the team is ok with my absence on a given day... but nice to have extra hours already in place...
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:16 am

I love your post about rediscovering the forest. Very beautiful & I can see how much you live nature. So happy the training is coming along. Dogs are the best!
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Post by kaalii » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:32 pm

dogs are really the best! :)
such a beautiful change in my life!

friday - green!

exercise - 5 dog walks... one of speedwalking over 6km... took him to the city to buy the ticket for my brother who is coming to visit in 12 days and help with the move... beautiful day here so i decided not to take a car and show the city a bit to bolt...

i feel like i need some yoga or 5tibetans tonight to balance out all this walking, move the energy, so to speak... my joints and back need some "airing"... the last thing i want is even more exercise but, since i cant get a professional massage (nor unprofessional one because my bf is not here), i might make couple of rounds of suryanamaskars... and a soothing bath... my body feels almost like back in the days of intense dance rehearsals...
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Post by kaalii » Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:45 pm

it is nice to even forget that it is Sweekend... and then to remember it... :lol:
i normally really pay attention only to N days and let the S days be more relaxed but not crazy as reinhard clearly points out...

it was a good idea to do a bit of yoga and one exercise from 5 tibetans last night... i feel my bones are adjusted...
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:10 pm

I agree - I rarely actually forget that it's an S day - but my S days are now very tame! I don't have time/space in my stomach for the treats I use to cram in when I first stated No S! My S days are better if they are basically, as you say, N days with a few things thrown in. Today I enjoyed an apple with almond butter as a mid-morning snack after running, and a small handful of peanuts after doing some gardening. Dessert tonight is frozen banana 'ice-cream' with some strawberries (canned due to it being winter!)
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Post by kaalii » Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:52 pm

oh, delicious sane treats, rawcookie!
great to hear you are running...

i had a big bowl of popcorn with my son while watching a movie with him today... i love popcorn and have it almost every Sweekend...
and 2 bites of his fresh pretzel while we were walking the dog...
and yesterday a french toast as a snack while walking around the house, just because i can, haha... we had them for lunch with ajvar (typical homemade south-east european spread), cheese and carrot-onion salad...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:22 pm

monday - green!!

exercise - 6 dog walks, 2 longer ones... im getting used to this... but looking fwd to bringing it down eventually...

and going (on foot) to the meeting with my son's teachers for bi-annual evaluation of progress... so proud of my son... all top marks and excellent behaviour... as well as they notice that he is a happy child!!
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Post by kaalii » Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:01 pm

oops, tuesday - red!!
i had a donut for dessert...
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