Noni's check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Noni's check-in

Post by noni » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:46 pm

I've decided to start a check-in after all this time on No S. This is my third attempt at this wonderfully sane diet.

First, my stats: 60 y/o female at this writing (the female will stay), and height is 5'1" (*gasp*...I shrunk an inch!) BMI is at 27.8. The BMI works for me, but not everyone. My 21 y/o son is considered borderline overweight by the BMI chart. What a joke! I've even calculated the more "ideal" BMI chart, the one where they ask your gender, age and even if you are Asian. Mine and my son's calculations are still exactly the same as the original chart. Where's the leniency I was hoping for? What's the deal with that?

First time on No S (vanilla): Feb. 2009 - Dec. 2009, I lost enough weight (around 25 lbs) to be just at the normal border on the BMI scale. But continuous weekend gluttony couldn't hold me there. Discouragement, the Holidays, more red days, then dumping No S rules caused all my weight regain.

Second time on No S (vanilla at first): June 2012 - Oct 2014, After two months of pure vanilla, I added a mod of IF two days each week for 22-24 hr fasts. I lost 30 lbs got just within a normal BMI that was good enough for me. But my sweet-abundant weekends never tamed, and the weight started to creep up, discouragement caused more red days and I dumped IF, then a few months later, No S, gaining all weight plus 2 more lbs on this aging, getting shorter body.

Third time on No S (vanilla): May 2016-present (with an added mod later). I'll go with, "third time's a charm', rather than, "three strikes and you're out," motto. Had previously lost about 10 lbs before restarting, loosely following No S, but in May I became more committed, mainly because my acid reflux was killing me everyday. I was tired of Tums-popping and OTC antacid pills (don't like takin' dem pills). Every time I stopped No S my AR would return. I guess I must suffer from short-term memory loss.

My weight this time around fluctuated within a few lbs until the end of this past Dec. Continued wild weekends and a decent share of red days will do that. I started out in May (when I started to keep track) at 153.4 and by the middle of Dec I was 153.6 lbs. ( I didn't want to count in the holidays, but that only added one lb gain, anyway. Not too bad for me). The hopeful difference is I didn't chuck No S after the holidays this time.

On Jan 1st I started to use a smaller plate. Previous plate was 8 1/2" for many years, down to a 7 1/2" plate. I will use it on S days also, except with company or on Saturdays. Saturday is pizza night. No triangular pizza will fit on that plate. I now cut down to 1 slice of a large pizzeria pizza. I select a good size slice, cut it in half and eat one half at a time. Last week was homemade pizza. It's smaller, so I take two. In spite of this my weekend S-days are still not where I want them to be sweets-wise. I will buy anything that looks good to me at the supermarket and freeze. Then come Saturday, I bake a thing or two. Gotta try that new recipe...Oh no, I have to defrost this stuff in my freezer or I'll have no room for other stuff! I have two upright freezers and two full size refrigerators, but no room.

Also in Jan I started to weigh myself daily (I was a weekly weigher). This has helped me to gauge my eating and to see if smaller plates are helping. They are. I went from 153 lbs on Jan 1 and today I weigh 147, altho' 147 is a bit unstable, yet.

I own an old Dr.s scale that is reliable, and I'm postmenopausal, so weight doesn't take big dips or climbs as long as I eat basically the same volume.

My main problem is still S-days. I will gain 1 to 1-1/2 by every Monday, taking me two or three super-strict N days to remove it. That's why this month I'm going to try the sweet after lunch and/or dinner mod on N-days. I just need to see if allowing myself a small dessert will help me control the sweet monster I have been fighting so long. I know I can't have milk chocolate candy, or some intense sweet, but cake or cookies may be a better fit. If it is not - and I'll know by my weight gain and/or reflux - I will drop the mod. But I am curious to see if I can do this. I tried it with chocolate candy some years ago. That didn't work. I kind of like experimenting.

No fear, I will be keeping things hereon short and sweet (no pun intended). I'll track my daily, if it goes up, green if loss, and black if the same as day before.

I thank Oolala for asking me if I had a daily check in. It gave me the push I needed. And I thank Lifeisablessing for the mod idea and daily weighing, altho my husband has been trying to get me to do this for years... "A prophet is with honor, except in his own country."
Last edited by noni on Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:59 pm

Thanks for the shout out, noni! :) And lol--I love your Biblical reference to what your husband told you!! Isn't it funny how sometimes those closest to us have the best solutions?

Big congratulations on your weight loss! And best wishes on the mod(s) working for you. I'm a big believer in adding mods to suit your lifestyle, so hopefully you'll find that your additions help you towards your goals.

Looking forward to following your progress this year! :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
~Jimmy Dean

The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective.
~El Fug, on the NoS Diet

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Post by noni » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:12 pm

Life, thanks for the encouragement!
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Post by noni » Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:27 pm

Catch up time: small plate, daily wt (that morning), sweet mod

Wed, Feb 1
Wt: 147

B-coffee with a little cream, small bowl of oatmeal
L-1 slice of homemade pizza, 1/2 orange, small slice of choc cake
D-sm piece homemade hoagie, pot chips, 1 butter cookie

Thur, Feb 2
Wt: 147

B-coffee with cream
L-leftover piece of hoagie, banana, sprinkling of nuts
D-spag with a meatball, sm piece of choc cake.

A short stint of mild heartburn a couple hours after eating. Could be the choc cake.

Object of these posts is to see if eating a little sweet after meals will help my over-the-top weekend S days.

I skip breakfasts quite a bit on N-days; my past experience with IF showed me I could do this and not die.

Fri, Feb 3
Wt: 146 1/2

B-Coffee with a little cream
L-1/2 of an avocado, piece of cheese, mixed nuts
D-Fish, veggie/potato medley, 1 cookie
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Post by noni » Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:05 pm

Sat. Feb 4
Wt. 145 1/2 hmmm...1 lb loss in one day. This is highly suspicious.

B-a rather large banana muffin, to test my new silicone jumbo muffins pans (don't ask!)

L-Pizza... son is experimenting on making personal-size stove top pizzas for the last three Saturdays. I wish he would get it right so he would drop it; small slice of lemon meringue pie, homemade, without using anything metal to rid of the metallic taste (it worked!).

Snack-one Dove choc.

D-More homemade pizza, from the oven (2 sm slices), some pot chips.

Snack-brownie with 1 scoop of ice cream, another small slice of lemon meringue pie, later with husband.

Grandkids are visiting for the weekend. I made an extra dessert for them (the brownies), My first set of S-days could have been worse considering all the homemade goodies around.

I would have skipped the second dessert, except my husband remembered I talked about making a lemon meringue pie. Rats! Hoping to wait until tomorrow to put it on the table.
Since I walked down the steps to get it from refrigerator #2, I figured it warranted a slice of pie. It is my dream to serve someone a goodie and not have to eat it also. N-days, they scrounge on their own.
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Post by noni » Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:26 pm

Sun Feb 5
Wt:147-1/4 I Knew it :( !

B-One pancake with butter and syrup (this is the am't I always eat, because I'm not a big pancake fan)

L/D-Beefed up Raman Noodle soup (grandkids requested it); sm slice of lem meringue pie.

Normally, I would eat a sweet snack between breakfast and lunch, but I resisted with the reminder of the mod of eating sweets on N days. But sweet snacks were, unfortunately, throughout the evening. I made an angel food cake, because I was wary of the frozen egg whites in my freezer that didn't whip up properly for my meringue pie, so I defrosted the entire jar that happened to be just enough for a cake...just to test it ;). It whipped up beautifully, so I proceeded with the recipe. My daughter and son-in-law came to pick up the kids and bought a tiramisu cake for dessert. So...

Snacks-Another piece of LM pie (which, incidentally, did have a slight metallic taste, afterall, the longer it sits. Heard it may be the cornstarch); piece of anglefood cake; tiramisu cake; and tiny piece of a brownie.

Even with all that at night, under the circumstances, I actually ate less than usual, knowing I did not have to have my fill before Monday; I could have a little sweet with L/D on N days. I sent home my daughter with the rest of her cake. I had enough sweets here.

Next weekend is more family company for dinner and dessert(s).
It's always something.
Looking forward to an entire quiet weekend to see how I fare.
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Post by noni » Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:01 pm

Mon Feb 6
Wt: 147

I'll make my wt numbers red if I've gained from the day before, but I'll only make them green if the number is less than any other number from starting the small plates in Jan. Otherwise it could be, gain a pound (red), lose a 1/4 lb (green), gain 2 lbs (red), lose 1/2 lb (green). See where I'm going with this? Those types of losing numbers will stay black. You won't see the next green number until I get below 145 1/2 lbs. Still trying to work it all out.

B-coffee with cream
L-small bowl of cheeseburger soup; 1" square brownie; 1 oz nuts;
D-1 measly (stop!) taco; pineapple; string beans; small piece of lem mer pie. (I can't seem to get rid of this thing) Getting more metallic tasting the longer it sits, but not yet inedible. Just when I thought I used everything plastic or glass this time to make it, I remembered I used a stainless steel strainer to remove the lumps. Now I have to try again. Later.

The meringue did not weep, tho. I tried something different from the internet and it worked, but it's a softer meringue.
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Post by noni » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:53 pm

Tues Feb 7
Wt: 146 1/2

B-coffee with cream
L-leftover fish; 1/2 orange; 1 oz nuts
D-chicken chili soup; bread; last piece lemon meringue pie (yay)
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Post by noni » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:55 pm

Wed Feb 8
Wt: 146

B-coffee with cream
L-slice of toasted sourdough spread with guacamole and topped with a fried egg; 1 oz nuts; 1/2 blueberry donut
D-minute steak sandwich; chips; pickle; sm slice cherry pie
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Post by noni » Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:57 pm

Thur Feb 9
Wt: 146

B-coffee with cream
L-1/2 chicken salad sandwich' 1/2 pear; 1 oz nuts, cookie
D-spaghetti with a meatball; banana; three bites of cherry pie
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Post by noni » Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:48 pm

Fri Feb 10
Wt 145 1/2

B-coffee with cream; sm bowl oatmeal; 1/2 banana
L-salted roasted chicken skin (I know, weird); 1/2 banana; 1/2 blueberry-filled doughnut.
Snack-oops! 2 crackers
D-tuna noodle casserole; salad
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Post by noni » Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:14 pm

Mon Feb 13
Wt 146 1/2

My highest weight day much like many No Ser's.

Sat/Sun I stuck to 3 plates, but I still like to bake and eat sweets on S days.
I'll eat a sweet for breakfast on Sat and usually Sunday, too. Then I've been eating a sweet after lunch and dinner. It really is less sweets I've been consuming on weekends this month, but my weight does go up some, yet all in all it's been declining a little each week.

Sat was company and several desserts. That is where most of the weight came from, altho' if I take care this week it should come back off.
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Post by noni » Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:06 pm

Mon Feb 13
Wt 146 1/2

B-coffee with cream
L-Smart Ones for lunch
D-Lasagna with a meatball and sausage and salad. All fit on my little plate. The piece of garlic bread did not.
Last edited by noni on Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by noni » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:32 pm

Tues Feb 14
Wt 145 1/2

B-coffee with cream
L-1/2 chicken salad sandwich; 1/2 avocado; an orange; 1 oz nuts
D-beef & barley stew; bread; sm slice cheesecake

Valentine's Day is a Special Day, but since I already implemented the sweet mod, I'd say the licking of the cheesecake batter paddle was "special"
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Post by noni » Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:40 pm

Wed Feb 15
Wt 145 1/2

B-coffee w/cream
L-leftover lasagna; broccoli; 1/2 orange; nuts
D-minute steak sandwich; chips; 2 pickle slices
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Post by noni » Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:46 pm

Thur Feb 16
Wt 145

B-sm bowl cereal w/milk
L-more leftover lasagna; broccoli; 1/2 orange; nuts; choc covered cherry
D-spag w/sausage; other half of orange; thin slice of cheesecake

Daughter and granddaughter visited this morning. Gave them a slice of cheesecake, but didn't indulge, knowing I'll have some after dinner tonight.
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Post by noni » Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:47 pm

Fri Feb 17

B-1/2 banana
L-one taco; 1/2 avocado; 1/2 banana
D-chicken; rice mx; salad; nuts
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Post by noni » Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:11 pm

My Sdays:

Sat. 144 1/4
Sun. 145 1/4

Not too bad weight-wise. I didn't gain Mon from Sun. Total 1 lb gain on S-days altogether.

Made a German choc cake on Sat and between the four of us it was gone by Sun night. I probably had 3 slender pieces.

One slice of pizza for dinner, cut in half.

Some leftover fudge from Christmas was defrosted from the freezer at the request of my son on Sunday. I had a couple pieces.

On the whole, not a bad weekend as opposed to "trying to get it all in."
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Post by noni » Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:27 pm

Mon 2/20
Wt: 145 1/4

Having a problem with acid reflux. Could be the German choc cake with all those nuts in it (and sugar!) I'm sure the fudge didn't help either. Need to drink more water.

B-coffee with a little cream
L-1/2 PB&J sandwich; a few torilla chips; nuts
D-chicken and rice; kale; one cookie

Got on a nut kick with lunch, and I hope I won't have to stop. They are a salt-free mixture I put together myself with seeds and sometimes I'll throw in some dried cranberries, or other fruit. I make a big batch of it for the rest of the family, too. They love it. I take about 1 oz with my lunch, M-F.
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Post by noni » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:41 am

Tues 2/21
Wt: 144 1/2

B-one piece toast w/butter and an egg; coffee w/cream
L-pizza slice; orange; nuts
D-sm bowl potato-corn chowder; crackers; pie
Snk- 1/2 choc shake; some fries

Went to hospital to visit a relative with DH and sons. Youngest wanted a Shamrock shake afterwards, so we all treated ourselves to a rare visit to McDonalds drive-thru.
Last edited by noni on Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by noni » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:45 am

Wed 2/22
Wt: 145 1/2 (yeah, I figured something like this would happen after our fast-food visit late last night.

B-coffee w/cream
L-(Mom visit) sm bowl of broc/chz soup; square of choc; pie slice
D-minute steak sandwich; sm handful chips; slice of pie
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Post by noni » Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:16 am

Thurs 2/23
Wt: 145

B-sm yogurt
L-chicken; rice; a few bites of turkey sandwich; few grapes; thin cookie; nuts
D-spaghetti' sausage and meatball; slice of buttered iced raisin bread

Altho' I could fit all savory foods on my little plate, it was obviously calorie packed.
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Post by noni » Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:03 pm

Fri 2/24
Wt 145 1/4

B-one slice iced raisin bread w/butter
L-half avocado; handful of leftover McDonald fries; nuts; 2 thin cookies
D-one thin slice of saus-stuffed pork roast; salad
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Post by noni » Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:50 pm

Sat. 2/25
Wt-143 1/2

Sun. 2/26
Wt-144 3/4

Sat, I stayed with the 3 meals. I had unexpected company this night, and ordered Sicilian pizza. I ate 1 1/2 squares. Would have loved to have more, tho'. Two desserts followed along with some candy.

Sun, Two main meals. Went to visit a sick relative in the evening. Lots of nuts and candy around, and I did have some. Also a piece of the cake I brought for visitors, and well...I was a visitor.

Hit my all time low weight on Sat morning, usually my lowest weight, as with anyone who follows No S. But now my goal is to go below that new number.
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Post by noni » Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:55 pm

Mon 2/27
Wt-145 1/4

L-tuna sandwich; half banana; nuts; small cookie
D-Kung pao chicken; rice; pineapple spear; salad; cookie

I'm a little disappointed in Monday's number, but it's not totally unexpected. It's also No S's highest weight number, normally, after a sweet weekend. But I'm determined to be neutral about it as much as I can. It just tells a story, you know?

I don't put the cookie on my plate, because the plate is small (7 1/2"). All desserts are off plate, but on an N-day they are small portions.
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Post by noni » Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:11 pm

Tues 2/28
Wt- 145

B-one bread slice with butter and jam
L-turkey sandwich; 1/2 banana; nuts; cookie
D-baked ziti; salad; 1/2 banana; thin slice choc cake
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Post by noni » Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:13 pm

Wed 3/1

B-1/2 banana; coffee
L-( I should post everything down as I eat it, or I'll forget, like now)
D-1/2 minute steak sandwich, few chips; mac salad; sm slice lem meringue pie.

I could have eaten the whole steak sandwich, but I know I'd want a piece of pie, so i saved it for another mealtime.
Last edited by noni on Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:31 pm

Noni, I was reading your foods per day. You are doing great! I love how you're having a small sweet with your meal if you want it. I may do that on a day I'm having a major sweet craving, which isn't very often. But nice to know it's an option. As long as it fits on the plate, right? And as long as we aren't putting a whole pie on the plate. ;-) I'm glad I stopped over and checked out your menu. It's giving me a new perspective on how to go about this way of eating.
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Post by noni » Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:19 pm

Thanks for commenting Elizabeth! I was able to go all "vanilla" up to now, but my S-days never got under control, even after years of it. It's sort of an experiment to see if adding the sweet, or at least knowing I can, will reduce the cravings on S days. Problem is, I haven't had many normal weekends lately. A lot of company or visiting them has been more the norm.

The smaller plate also made a difference.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:30 pm

I'm really glad I read what you wrote on your check-in because it's made me decide to do the same thing. In the past when I've tried No S, I've gone overboard (especially with sweets) on weekends and it was really difficult getting back on track come Monday. So I agree with you that knowing we can have a sweet with our meal if we're craving one is going to be a huge help to me. Thank you for sharing, because I would have tried to stay strictly vanilla, had I not read your entry. I think this way is much more doable. :)
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Post by noni » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:10 pm

Elizabeth- adding a sweet is still No S, just with an added mod. If at any time I feel it's not working, I'll drop it, at least for the time being. But so far, so good.

I'll always appreciate Vanilla, as it has taught me I could go without sweets for days in a row. Sometimes, especially when first starting the sweet mod, I was forcibly looking for a sweet to eat after a meal, just so I don't go into my usual S mode on weekends. I was so used to baking on Sat, consuming it all (with the family) by Sunday night so it doesn't temp me on N days. But that can stop now. I can leave some cake or pie for the N-days after dinner, and like last night, I made a lemon meringue pie again and can enjoy a small slice this week with my DH.

Thur 3/2
Wt 144 1/4

B-coffee w/cream
L-other 1/2 of steak sandwich; fruit mixed with a little plain yogurt; nuts and thin cookie.
D-pasta w/ bolognese sauce; LM pie

I've been on this lemon meringue pie kick, because the last few times I've made it, it started to get a metallic taste after the first day it was made. I've researched it online, but various reasons were suggested. I settled on ordering a glass pot to cook the lemon filling in, as my stainless steal pots are getting old and maybe with the acid in the lemon, are releasing metal ions into the filling. So when my pot came in yesterday, I couldn't wait to try it, and since I didn't have any good desserts around, that filled the bill. Tonight will be day 2 for the pie. If it's like usual, the metallic taste will start to shine through. Hope not!
Last edited by noni on Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:02 am

noni wrote:I'll always appreciate Vanilla, as it has taught me I could go without sweets for days in a row. Sometimes, especially when first starting the sweet mod, I was forcibly looking for a sweet to eat after a meal, just so I don't go into my usual S mode on weekends. I was so used to baking on Sat, consuming it all (with the family) by Sunday night so it doesn't temp me on N days. But that can stop now. I can leave some cake or pie for the N-days after dinner, and like last night, I made a lemon meringue pie again and can enjoy a small slice this week with my DH.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I'm also glad that mods are allowed without judgment here. You don't find that with every plan/message board.

I hope the new glass pot works for the lemon meringue. That sounds delicious!
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Post by noni » Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:13 pm

Fri 3/3
Wt-143 3/4

B-sm bowl oatmeal mixed w/dried fruit; coffee
L-1/2 egg salad sandwich; fries; 1/2 orange; nuts; cookie
D-1/2 large red pepper stuffed w/lamb etc...; salad; fruit; sm slice lem meringue pie.

3rd day for LM pie, and happy to report that it didn't have a metallic taste. Using all glass, plastic and wood for the filling (and glass pie pan) did it. Altho' I did alter the recipe to have less water to strenthen the lemon flavor, I have to add some back in, because DH said lemon was too strong. Powder Puff.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:54 pm

LOL @ Powder Puff! Noni, I'm glad the new pot worked for you!
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:13 pm

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Sat/Sun I stuck to 3 meals, very light snacking, and had my fair, but moderate share of sweets. S-days are under more control, because I know if I want to I can have a little sweet on N-days.

Sat 3/4
Wt-143 3/4

Sun 3/5
Wt-142 3/4

Sunday's weight was unusual in that it's the first time I lost it after an S-day. Didn't count on it staying that way, though. Not being negative, just realistic.
Last edited by noni on Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:27 pm

Mon 3/6
Wt-143 1/2

B-1/2 cream donut; coffee
L-pizza slice; few chips; nuts; cookie
D-Chili pie; salad; sliver of sweet potato pie; two choc cookies (small)

I made the choc cookies, because I like controlling the size. I made bigger cookies for the rest of the family, and small ones for me. I froze them, and will take out one at a time for lunch. I already have two packs of these Swedish cookies I bought at the supermarket at 99cents each. They are very thin, and doing the math, they come to about 21 calories each. Nobody else wants to eat them, though, so I painted myself into a corner.
Last edited by noni on Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by noni » Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:20 pm

Tues 3/7
Wt-143 1/2

B- coffee
L-Pizza slice; 1/2 orange; nuts
D-Taco soup; bread slice; 1/2 orange; cookie
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by noni » Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:15 pm

Wed 3/8
Wt-142 3/4

B-Sourdough slice w/ butter and jam
L-egg salad sandwich; 1/2 orange; nuts; square of choc
D-homemade hoagie; chips; 1/4 of a plum (serves me right for buying out of season); cookie

Bought 3 of the large Cadbury milk choc bars, on sale for 3/$5 with a $2 coupon. I couldn't resist my favorite choc bar at $1 apiece.

This is my Achilles heel. I always start with the intention of eating some of it only on an S-day, perhaps lasting a month for one large bar. It never has worked out that way for long. It is usually gone by one set of weekend S-days. When I am doing No S seriously, I just don't buy them.

I was going to wait longer, but then the sale happened. I rationalized buying those bars because of the sweet mod I instituted, knowing I could have one or two of those little squares after a meal. So far I can handle a small piece of pie or cake or a single cookie, they were never a big problem, but this chocolate will be the real test for me. I cut them all up into the squares and put them in a container. We'll see. I might end up giving them to my sons, which is usually what happens. I do believe they root for my weakness!
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:03 pm

LOL Noni, I totally gotcha on the chocolates. My weakness are the Lindt Milk Chocolate or Caramel truffles. Stay strong! :)
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Post by noni » Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:25 pm

Elizabeth, two of the Cadburys are caramel. So good!

Thur 3/9

L-pizza slice; 1/2 orange; chips; 2 prunes; nuts; choc square
D-spag w/a meatball; banana; cookie
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:55 pm

:-p~~ Oh my...stay strong! haha
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Post by noni » Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:19 pm

Fri 3/10
Wt-142 1/4

L-pizza slice; chips; grapes; nuts; choc square
D-1/2 egg, bacon and cheese bagel sandwich; grapes; chips; choc square

I'm happy to be finally done with the pizza in the fridge. It was good, but eating it for most of my lunches was getting boring. And I can't seem to eat it without chips.

The bagel sandwich was a large size, so I cut it in half to eat at a later meal. I wouldn't be able to fit anything else on my small plate if I ate the entire sandwich. I don't count calories, but that whole sandwich would have been a whopper!
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:31 pm

Noni, I'm curious as to what size plate you use? I have a 7.5" that I use and I wonder if I may get more benefit from No S if I ate from a smaller plate. If so, maybe I can find a good size at a thrift store just for my meals. Thanks!
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Post by noni » Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:26 pm

Elizabeth, I changed my plate size from a luncheon size 8 1/2" to a 7 1/2" like yours, since this past January. I have two plates; the other one is 7 1/4".
I use them for all dinners except Sat pizza night, if we buy from a pizzeria. The pizza hangs over, so I go back to the 8 1/2" plate. Sometimes my plates are in the dishwasher, then I will use the 6 3/4" (dessert size) for lunch.

This is the size (dessert) my 33 y/o daughter uses for dinner. This surprised me because she is not overweight. Her husband has a fat-a-phobic thing going, because all his family are very overweight (except him), and quite unhealthy. But DD is not troubled by this, and her weight is at normal, so I'm not troubled by it either. I got the small plate idea from her.

I'm only 5 ft 1 1/2", if that, and 60 y/o, so I don't need much food. Do you mind sharing your stats? I suppose if I stop losing, I'll go to the dessert size, because I not ready to give up the sweet mod.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:58 pm

Thanks for the plate information, Noni. If after eating some less dense foods through the rest of this month, I don't see any weight loss, I may go for a slightly smaller plate, too.

I don't mind sharing my stats at all. I stepped on the scale this morning and was still at 223.8. I haven't measured my height in many years, so my husband and I just took the measurements. I know that over the years our spines do curve some, but I have gone from 5' 4-1/2" to 5' 3-1/16" I've lost nearly 1-1/2". I'll be 54 years old in September. So, like you, with my height and age, I definitely don't need near the food I allow myself. I've got to start doing better.

As I wrote in another post, I've been eating a lot of dense foods. I said I was going to start making changes today. It was a busy day, though and we ended up eating out. Not the healthiest food, by the way. But tomorrow I'm truly going to get my act together and start incorporating better vegetable choices. :)

Like you, I'm not giving up the sweet mod! (I'm so happy I read you were doing that! Great idea!) But I do need to eat more non-starchy vegetables. I've been a meat and potatoes gal nearly my entire life. That's gonna have to change. I'll still have my potatoes, but include non-starchy stuff more often! :)

Next time we're thrift shopping I may go ahead and look for a smaller plate to use on the days I'm not feeling particularly hungry. I just wish I had more of those days than the aggressively hungry days! lol

Here's to a new day tomorrow to do better!
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:30 pm

Noni, I couldn't believe I had never looked at your thread, especially after I suggested one to you.

Your journey has been poignant. I was successful at loss only a few times in my adulthood with long bouts of regain and more in between. I could not make myself keep to a plan any more often though I was always telling myself I needed to rein things in. Oh, the excuses I used and the denial I excelled at to the tune of 45 lbs. over decades. I keep finding symptoms of it. I did have a setback on No S at one point that had me gain too close to my original weight enough that I started getting honest again about how important it was to me to decrease my overeating. The overeating felt more rotten than the weight, but the weight made me tell the truth about how consistently I had relapsed. But you've been able to come back repeatedly. That is a feat. (But I know what it's like to be on the way back up and feel rather helpless. Let's none of us do that again. )

Would you rather not know what the typical calorie range is for women in long-lived, degenerative disease-free regions of the world?

I thought for several months before I hit two years on NO S that I had gotten into my normal BMI range, not that I was purposely aiming for that. It was about where I was in high school when I was not completely disordered yet, but definitely did not handle sweets well, as most of us didn't, and not exercising systematically, though I did walk to school. Given how imperfect I was then, I thought it might be reasonable I could weigh that again when I was eating sanely, though I refused to aim at it. Then I measured and found I had lost an inch. Back in the overweight zone overnight! It was a bit annoying, but since I wasn't willing to eat one bite less at that time, I put the whole idea on the back burner. The emphasis is still on vitality and the core value of moderation, though there is "using" at times.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by noni » Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:25 pm

Elizabeth, I was going on thinking I was also 5' 2-1/2" for years. I guess that one time I thought I finally hit my BMI, I didn'

I'm also rather sedentary, and resist exercise, even though it's stretching, something I enjoy. I'm a bad initiator. And they say stretching helps keep your height.

Veggies! I am so lazy. I have piles of them in my freezer from my summer garden. Every time I go to the supermarket, I buy lots of lettuce. Salad is good because you can put lots of raw veggies in there, but because of it's decayability (okay, I made that up), I keep making it, and freezer fare is left out in the cold. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm gonna start using it.

What size plate are you looking for, since 7.5" is pretty small?

Oolala, thank you for stopping by and sharing that. Oh how I loved eating when I was young. My mother loved that I never complained about lentil soup, or any of her concoctions like my siblings. My summers were spent walking with my sister and cousin to Heritages and eating Hostess Snoballs tastycake pies, etc... I remember sitting by myself on a curb, eating an entire pizza steak before dinner. At times, I was perhaps only 5-10 lbs overweight, but we did a lot of walking back then.

Which reminds me, of kids today. They get picked up by the bus in front of the house even if the bus stopped three houses down. I'm talking about high school kids. Then the kids hold up the bus driver and those vehicles behind the bus, because he saunters out like he's worth waiting for. I push my son out the door on a daily basis, because he would do the same thing. Yeah, I still have a kid in high school; no empty nest for me and my husband in the near future. Off topic, but rant over.

I think I looked up something inspired by Bright Angel concerning caloric needs. If I remember, mine was around 1,000 cal a day. Yikes. It may be less than that in longevity countries? I figure I won't be able to reach a normal BMI, because I'm also not willing to eat little enough, and that's okay, since I'm 60 and already snagged a husband. Besides, he says he feels he's married to different women what with my yo-yo-ing and all.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:11 pm

Good Morning Noni, Hahaha about the BMI. Just when you think you're there! lol

You're so right about the salad. I've never been one much for salad, but try to eat one now and then. I hate waste. We made one salad from a fresh head of lettuce a few days ago. I chopped it with a produce (plastic) knife. Two days later, it's turning pink. :shock:

About the plate. I would love to have the size that you find at a buffet bar. I've never measured a buffet plate. I'm thinking they may be 6 or 6-1/2 inches. I think that may be just about the right size for perfect portions. I may go thrift shopping later today and see what I can find. I saw some buffet style plates at a thrift store several years ago and later regretted not buying them.

The fresh/frozen vegetables out of your freezer sound great! It'll be planting season again soon, so it's time to start cleaning your freezer out to make room for more! I think we're going to only plant tomatoes this year. We don't have much of a green thumb and spend more money on the garden than we get out of it. I envy those with green thumbs, though!

I know you already post your food for the day. I think I'll start doing the same. I'd be ashamed to share my past menus publicly. :oops: Making it public should shame me into eating more vegetables! haha

Enjoy your day and hopefully some of the wonderful home grown vegetables, too! :)
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:18 pm

Sat 3/11
Wt-141 3/4

Sun 3/12
Wt-143 3/4

Big 2 lb jump because of Sat company. We had our annual corn beef and cabbage dinner. I Stuck to 3 meals, no seconds, but our dessert after dinner is like snacking, because we clean up and pow-wow a while. Then we bring out the desserts, not a few. Must try everything. Wouldn't want to hurt anyone's It really is better to eat dessert for weight management right after dinner, because your belly still has the food in it. Waiting an hour or two, makes room for more. But my weekends are still S-days even if I model them to look more like N-days.

Concerning my Cadbury chocolate weakness: I decided to forgo it on weekends for now because of my wild S-day memories with it. I'm just taking a square of it with lunch and/or dinner if there is nothing else around. Usually, there is nothing else during the week, so sweet mod is small. At dinner I add that thin Swedish cookie that calculates to be about 22 calories. They're good, but there's like a thousand of them, so it's going to take forever to eat them one by one and no one in the house wants such frivolous, silly cookies.

I thought the family would be home today with the big snowstorm, so I told DH I would make us coconut custard pie (cozy, cozy), but it turned out pretty wet and wimpy. Now I guess I have to make it today instead of the weekend. Me and my big mouth.
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:24 pm

WTG on the candy, only having a small square. You're a determined lady!

Coconut Custard! My husband would kiss the ground you walk on! Sounds pretty good to me, too!

I meant to reply earlier about your having a son in high school. My grandparents had two children after they married and two more twenty years later. My grandmother and mother were both pregnant at the same time, in fact.

Now that I've talked your ears off this morning, I'll let you get on with your day! Have a great one!
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:11 pm

My saucers are 6.5 inches. I'm glad if that works for anyone here, but they make me want to cry looking at it "filled" with food.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by noni » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:37 pm

Elizabeth- Wow, kids 20 years apart... it's like starting all over again! That's something about your grandmother and mother both being pregnant together. You don't see that too often, and yet I knew someone like that. My oldest is 35 and my youngest is 16, but I have kids in the middle. When my son back talks her, it seems disrespectful, because I 'forget' they are

Oolala- 6.5" plate. That's a dessert plate! I thought I was doing good on a 7.5" plate! You're even taller than me. Now I think I'm gonna cry!
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:56 pm

Hahaha I know what you mean Noni! I don't know how it felt to my mom and uncle to have a brother and sister so young. But in my case, my aunt was my sister's age (two years older than myself) and her brother four years older than me. I considered them more cousins than aunt and uncle. :)

As for the plate size, I ended up buying two 7-1/2 inch plates after all. lol While they are the same diameter as my usual dinnerware, these are wide rimmed so that food will only cover approximately 6-1/4", or so. I won't be cutting back a lot by using these new plates, but any little bit can help.

PS What makes me want to cry is when I see the food almost gone from my plate. ;-)
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Post by noni » Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:01 pm

Mon 3/13
Wt 142 3/4

L-hoagie, chips, banana, nuts, choc.
D-meatloaf, potato patties, salad, choc.

Lunch was heavy laden, but it did fit on my 7.5" plate.

I like chips and nuts as you can tell. I probably will have to do away with the chips at lunchtime someday soon. I'll wait till my weight stalls for a while first. Baby steps.

My husband is used to me sharing any choc candy with him that I occasionally buy for myself. I had to give him the bad news that I won't be doing this with my Cadbury. I need to know it's always there for me, especially since I don't go grocery shopping every week. I've been eating it in secret after dinner, and I don't like that. I want to relax and nibble it at the table with my hot tea. The dear took this news very well, I must say. Maybe because he always has a stash of peanuts, mixed nuts, Swedish fish, dark choc Doves, dark choc coconut candy and a seemingly endless supply of home made fruitcake, all stashed away in his dresser cabinet all for him.
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by noni » Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:23 pm

Tues 3/14

L-1/2 of the leftover bagel sandwich; chips; 1/2 orange; nuts; choc
D-Saus/green bean soup (it was a concoction); piece Ital bread; small slice coconut custard pie.

The pie was pretty good. I fussed with the recipe, previously, but it's still not where I want it to be. More experimentation later. Sort of like the lemon meringue pie obsession.

The soup- remember I was encouraged by Elizabeth to use my veggies. So I rummaged in my freezer and found green beans, corn and I added potatoes. I did make a dire mistake by salting the veggies, and aromatics in the pot while cooking and then I, w/o thinking, tossed the corn beef broth I had saved, into the pot. Salty City!! And I love salt! I drained half of it, and replaced it with unsalted chicken broth, added potatoes, potato flakes and more halved potatoes to absorb it, just to bring it to a up to a soup that's a little too salty. It's hard to believe I had 40 years of cooking practice.

And don't worry Elizabeth-I'm not blaming you. Really.
Last edited by noni on Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:33 pm

LOL no blame felt here. ;-) Boy have I been there before. The potato trick has worked for me in the past, but I have had to waste some food in the past because of that wonderfully evil salt. Thankfully, only once or twice.
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Post by noni » Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:21 pm

Wed 3/15

L-corn beef mixed with mashed potatoes; 1/2 orange; nuts; choc
D-1/2 minute steak sand; chips; pickles; fruit; sm slice coconut custard pie.

Gonna visit Mama tomorrow. I'll give her some of the pie. She used to taste test my food like a food critic. She's 91 y/o now, and likes everything. So now I use certain of my children to do it. I have more family critics than I dreamed of. Aren't I lucky?
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:46 pm

Yes you are blessed, Noni! Very blessed to still have your mom with you, too! :)
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Post by noni » Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:12 pm

Thank you, Elizabeth. I'm so grateful that my mother is still healthy and able to live alone; I know that's what she prefers for now.

Thur 3/16
Wt-141 1/2

L-with Mom, we ate the corn beef, cabbage, and potatoes I brought; nuts; choc
D-spag and meatball; custard pie
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by noni » Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:57 pm

Fri 3/17
Wt- 141 1/2

L-chicken salad sandwich; 1/2 snack bag of sun chips; nuts; choc
D-mac and cheese; peas; salad; 3 mini Rolos

It was a red day, because I had seconds on salads. I didn't know what to do with the rest of the Sun Chips, so I broke them up and threw them into the salad. They were just that good!

Made another coconut custard pie to improve on last one. Cooling in fridge for Sat.
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by noni » Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:42 pm

Sat 3/18
Wt-140 3/4

Sun 3/19
Wt 141 1/4

Weekend was quiet. No company. I had two desserts around, Mississippi mud pie and a coconut custard pie. Just ate one dessert after lunch and dinner, all weekend.

Even though I have the sweet mod, most of my baking is done on Sat, and sometimes Sunday, if there's time. I still have S-Day head, and I'm okay with that, because they have calmed down quite a bit. I'll have a sweet or pancakes for breakfast on the weekend, as well. I mostly don't have breakfast except coffee with a bit of cream on N-days. If I'm in the mood for an egg and toast, it's easy for me to make it at lunchtime, since I'm home.
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:57 pm

Noni, I admire how you can have just coffee with cream for breakfast. I've noticed that. I usually have two small cups of coffee with cream in the mornings, but later seem to need food. I would love to get where you are with having only coffee.

How did the coconut custard come out this time?
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:00 pm

Mon 3/20 (yay, spring!)
Wt-141 1/2

B- sm bowl of cereal; 1/2 banana
L-pizza slice, chips, 6oz Izzi drink; nuts; choc;
D-Creamed sausage over a biscuit; kale; canned fruit; smallish piece cake

I had a little Raisin Bran this morning. Less than 1/2 serving. But I'll never be able to eat enough of it; I have about 11 boxes of it piling up for my DH who will never eat it again, I believe. For the last couple of months, I've been making a large pot of oatmeal for him, and he eats it all week to lower his cholesterol. I had forgotten that, and was buying his favorite cold cereal, anyway, adding to the growing collection. My boys are not too crazy about RB, so I been looking up recipes to make with it, like muffins, bars, cookies, etc...Maybe I'll check in with my neighbors.
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:19 pm

Hi Elizabeth, I just saw your post and smiled because I just wrote down that I had breakfast, on Monday. I do love to eat it on weekends, because it's a donut, or some other sweet. Sometimes Sun it's pancakes, but I'm not a pancake lover, so I only eat one.

I think skipping breakfast came from doing IF for 1-1/2 years. Twice a week I went without breakfast and lunch, so it didn't feel foreign to me. Besides, I have a high-schooler that takes so much of my energy and aggravation to get him out of the house and onto the bus. I then would have coffee, play on the computer and before I knew it, BF time passed. And as a time-driven person, I wouldn't eat lunch before 12 noon (that's why I had a hard time with IE).

The custard pie came out much better. Used half and half instead of all whole milk, toasted coconut sprinkled on top instead of mixed in the custard, and less time in the oven made all the difference. Next time, I'm not going to toast the coconut and see if the oven will toast it sufficiently.

Thanks for asking!
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:46 pm

I'm impressed that you did IF for 1-1/2 years. I tried it and barely lasted two weeks. I would have loved to have stuck it out, but it just wasn't for me. But, I'd love to get past feeling the need for breakfast. I always wait until I'm really hungry to eat. Sometimes that may be well into the morning, but I always go there! haha

Toasted coconut! Delicious! I hope topping the pie will work for you next time, without having to do the extra step of toasting it first. I made a coconut pie several years back that was topped with a toasted coconut/pecan blend. It makes my mouth water thinking of it. I need to see if I can still find that recipe. My husband loves coconut pie, but poor thing, I bake once in a blue moon.

Have a fabulous day!
No S Restart 05/22/19

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Post by noni » Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:41 pm

Was that a coconut cream pie? They are even better than coconut custard, and less fussy. Pecans sound delish with it!

Tues 3/21

L-chicken salad sandwich; 1/2 orange; nuts; choc; remainder of Izzi drink 6oz
D-chicken noodle soup; small piece Ital bread; sm piece custard pie.

First time in almost 3 months that I gained on a Tues morning since starting the small plate and then the sweet mod 1 month later. Only 1/4 lb, though. Just unusual. My lunch and dinner yesterday were well spiked with calories, but, as I get closer to a more normal weight it will get tougher. I was talking to my 62 y/o sister today, and she was always a very slender person well into her 40's. She told me how hard it has become shedding the pounds now, compared to just a few years ago. How true. As you age, more drastic measures are needed to lose the same amount of weight you lost and then gained back, previously.

Confucius say, stop yo-yo-ing
Last edited by noni on Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:35 pm

Yes it was a cream pie. I absolutely love custard, though. Shoot, I love them both. I hope to still have that recipe saved.

I know what you mean about it being harder to lose weight. I have thyroid issues on top of my age. As much as I want to lose weight, I more want to start eating normally and get out of the diet mindset. But I can't say I won't be disappointed if I stay this size, should I get to the point of normalcy.

You ate great today. :-)
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Post by noni » Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:04 pm

Will losing some weight help the thyroid work better? Or is that controlled some other way?

Yes! Normalcy is the best policy, but I'll bet if you stick it out with No S, even with your thyroid problems, you will lose weight.
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:38 pm

I'm sure you're right about losing weight, Noni. Thanks for the support!

I don't know that much about the thyroid issue. My doctor does a bloodwork every 6 months and adjusts my med as needed. I just go with what she tells me and follow her advice. I should really do some research to learn more about it.

I can't blame my thyroid for my weight problem, that's for certain. My hand to mouth problem is the true reason I've been overweight all these years. :wink:

I was looking at how you finished your day with dinner. You had a very good day!
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:13 pm

Hi Noni, I saw a post you made on Allisonmeg's page about the cross-stitch. Those she has made a beautiful! You should try it if you would like something to keep your hands busy. It's really not hard. I'm sure you must have a Walmart near you. If yours is like ours, they have small kits you can buy to get started. The kits are inexpensive and small projects. They would be a great way to see if it's something that would interest you. I don't have an artistic bone in my body, but cross-stitching is really easy and relaxing. :)

Have a fabulous day! :)
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Post by noni » Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:16 pm

Wed 3/22
Wt-141 1/4

L-corn beef and mashed potatoes (when is this food going to spoil?!); 1/2 orange; nuts; choc
D-1/2 pork sammy/coleslaw; chips; 1/2 of a pickle slice (yuk); custard pie (last bit)

I made homemade pickles from cukes in my garden last summer. One jar Imade from a certain recipe, was good, but the other recipe, one I made the most of, are awful. Too sweet for "dills." as they called them, and too sour, also. Last jar, I emptied 1/2 of the brine, added salt and water to them, but the damage was already done to the poor cukes. We have another jar after this to suffer through, altho' my husband and son are tolerating them better than me.

Kind of a sickish day, Wed. Early morning, I was bending over and looking for a spice and when I straightened up the room was spinning. Thought it was that, and not eating in morning, combo. But my stomach, all day felt like I'd been on an amusement ride that likes to torture you with flips and spins. Didn't stop me from eating, though, as you can see.
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Post by noni » Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:20 pm

That you Elizabeth. My SIL does beautiful crosswork, too. We do have a Walmart or 2 nearby. I really should get off my lazy butt and check it out.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:59 pm

I hope you're feeling much better today!

LOL on the pickles. I hope you get through them soon enough. Your pickle story reminded me of Aunt Bee's awful pickles episode on Andy Griffith.

I think you'll enjoy the counted cross-stitch. :)
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Post by noni » Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:23 pm

Did you say counted? I have to count??! In all my diets, I've never counted calories, either :P

Netflix has Andy Griffin on it, and I watched that episode a year or two ago. Funny! That show makes me nostalgic.

Thur 3/23
Wt 140 3/4 lbs

B-one med Raisin Bran muffin
L-leftover meatloaf and tater tots; nuts; choc; cookie
D-Spaghetti w/meatball and sausage

Had some cashews at MIL's house.

The sweet trio for lunch is not as bad as it looks. I cut back on the nuts to make room for the 21 calorie cookie. I've been neglecting them.

I'm getting confused with dates and weights. I'll report on weight once a week, probably on Friday.
Last edited by noni on Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:51 pm

hahaha Yes, I'm afraid counting is required. ;-)

A 21 calorie cookie. Yes! :)
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Post by noni » Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:28 pm

Don't know what happened, but repetition of post. Gotta write something or I'm trapped in this box for life.
Last edited by noni on Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by noni » Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:42 pm

Fri 3/24
Wt-140 3/4

B-coffee; two dried apricots
L-pizza slice; 1/2 orange; sweet trio, like yesterday
D-paella; salad; choc and a cookie

Baking day tomorrow.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:45 pm

Noni, As always you had a super day yesterday! :)
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:40 pm

Sat 3/25 and Sun 3/26

I gained 2 lbs in one day. It probably was the sweet-tart candy my son brought home. I had a good handful of that. Also a little snacking and tasting, but nothing like my S-days used to be. I made a plan in my mind that I would go easy on Sunday.

And I did. I had a Raisin Bran muffin for breakfast with a large cup of coffee/w cream. Lunch was a pasta dish that was heavy, but not too much on a small plate. I don't cook again on Sunday nights since we eat later meals for breakfast and lunch. The fellows in this house will snack, or eat a bowl of cereal at night, and usually both. I made Raisin Bran bars (still getting rid of the cereal) and had a piece of that in the evening. So my last filling meal was at 3pm. I went to bed hungry, and it was hard to sleep. This is not unusual for me on Sunday night, anyway, but I should have gotten up and drank some warm milk, but my bed was cozy, and I'm lazy once I'm in bed.

It's funny, but when I awoke, I didn't have that hunger anymore, gnawing at my stomach. I lost the 2 lbs (easy come, almost easy to go). But I went food shopping and bought 5 boxes of Tasty Cakes on sale. I'm rarely tempted by that, so I guess I was hungrier than I thought.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:02 pm

Noni, Congrats on taking the two pounds right back off!

I thank you for stopping by my check-in and leaving good advice.

I've decided to get out of this diet mindset, and honestly being here doesn't help in that regard. As one poster suggested in another topic, I (or people in my "group") must have a mindset of legitimizing overeating and being overweight. That's not the case at all, but I am going to quit worrying so much over eating in general and simply start making better food choices, and enjoy my life!

I've thoroughly enjoyed our messaging with each other and I wish you well on your journey! Take care, my friend! :)
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:07 pm

Mon 3/27

B-coffee w/cream
L-one egg on buttered sourdough toast; 2 lg strawberries; 1/2 clementine; nuts; choc
D-chicken thigh; sm baked potato; broc rabe; one strawberry; one Tastycake

Out of curiosity, I wanted to have a ballpark calorie count of my sweet/nut trio. I looked at the nut mix that was on the can. That was my husband's can of nuts, but I use it to store the nuts I mix for myself. They are basically the same mix of unsalted nuts, so I checked it out and 1 oz of mixed nuts is 170 calories! The little square of chocolate is about 30, and my thin cookie is 21. I take about 1/2 oz of nuts, maybe a bit more so let's say the nuts are 100 calories, add the 30 and the 21=151 calories every day, M-F. That's about 750 calories every week! And this is just the snacky part of my lunch. I really enjoy this part of lunch the most, but it's very informative to be aware of the consistence habits you develop that stall weight loss or will eventually cause you to gain.

I'm not going to give it all up, yet. If I have weight stalls/gains, then at least I'll know it's for a reason. I'll cut back on something, then. But I don't necessarily have to cut anything out permanently. Just gotta do a switch-a-roo.
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Post by noni » Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:17 pm

Tues 3/29

B-coffee w/cream
L-corn beef; cabbage; piece of clementine; nuts; choc; cookie
D-escarole and bean soup; lice of Ital bread; one piece of Tastycake

The corn beef from over two weeks ago was still good. Salt, the great preserver! Now there is some ham salad left over for a sandwich, that has seen better days. I hate to waste, and as long as it's good enough, I'll have that for lunch on Wed.

I can't seem to get rid of the leftovers fast enough. The men here don't eat them for snacks and there is not enough compiled for a Leftover Night.

I tell my family that my immune system is better than theirs, because the the 'fermented' food I'm saddled with and compelled to eat. But it all started way back on the sidewalks of Philly when I was a kid. Although my mother always had gum for us in her purse, I enjoyed the activity of scraping blackened gum off the sidewalk, digging down to the soft minty core of discarded gritty chews.

Don't disrespect me.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:46 pm

Noni, sometimes those little extras can keep a person from jumping ship! Only you can tell which ones are expendable and when. I saw after a few years that I was using decaf stevia mochas as a crutch between meals, not a remedy for real hunger. I also came to doubt the wisdom of how often I ate fast food, even though it was in moderate amounts at any one meal. I just couldn't justify them anymore, though I doubt anyone could have convinced me of that sooner. I felt pretty good with them until I didn't. They were responsible for about five pounds over the course of nearly a year, though I honestly didn't expect that change. (Exceptions on between meal coffee drinks on vacations.)

On the other hand, I used to get soft serve at Costco sometimes and not think much of it. Just for the heck of it, I looked up the calorie count one time. It was as much as I often ate for lunch! I wasn't even trying to give them up, but I think I've had only two since I learned that. Now, if they were as easy to get as discount chocolate after holidays (with the scarcity factor thrown in), it might be a different story. :roll:
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by noni » Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:51 pm

oolala53 wrote:Noni, sometimes those little extras can keep a person from jumping ship! Only you can tell which ones are expendable and when. I saw after a few years that I was using decaf stevia mochas as a crutch between meals, not a remedy for real hunger.
Yes...the reinforcement of habits that we really don't want to reinforce. For me, it's, "the nuts are good for me, the little bit of chocolate keeps me from wild S-days, the cookie"...well the cookie is okay, but I still have so many of these very thin things left. My husband and sons laugh at them, so I eat them alone. (When are my grandkids visiting?). But I don't want these things to become habit. The nuts are healthy, yes, but if we ate everything "they" tell us to eat for our health (and what confusion), we wouldn't have room for the foods we really enjoy. Life is too short. All things in moderation.
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Post by noni » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:51 pm

Wed 3/29

B-coffee w/cream
L-ham salad sandwich; banana; nut/sweet trio
D-1/2 minute steak sandwich; pickle; chips; single Tastycake
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Post by noni » Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:15 pm

Thurs 3/30

B-coffee w/cream
L-paella; 1/2 clementine
D-spag 2/meatball; 1/2 banana

Tomorrow is the viewing/service of my husband's aunt. There is a luncheon at 2:30pm. Since dh is taking off the whole day for this, he asked if I wanted to go out to breakfast. My response was, "eat out twice in one day?" He reminded me that lunch was later. I would have jumped at this chance, had I not been on No S, because we rarely eat out. Truth be told, I also thought of the progress I made, and the upcoming weekend to boot (even though I basically stick to 3 plates on weekends, I have no hard rules, because I do enjoy the freedom. Snacking between meals is my nemesis) would sabotage me. But this is an opportunity to think this out. Scale down eating today (no nut/sweet trio after lunch), eat very lightly for dinner today and tomorrow without the sweet mod. I'll still have to make dinner tomorrow. Two hungry sons at home. That's all I can think of right now, except with very good compliance to my No S come Monday, the excess weight should eventually come off by the end of next week. We shall see.
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Post by noni » Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:39 am

Fri 3/31
Wt 138 1/4

B- out to eat. Shared a little.
L-Late funeral luncheon. A lot of food. Doggie bagged a lot for sons.
D- very light (happy I didn't have to cook)

Lowest weight so far since the new year. It's a little lower than would normally happen today, as I skipped my sweet mod, and ate lighter yesterday, in preparation for eating out twice today. I'm pretty certain that come Monday, I'll be seeing the 140's again. Not being negative, just realistic.
Last edited by noni on Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Larkspur » Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:03 pm

Just read your gum story. LOL.

I want to congratulate you on the low weight but I am conflicted, as I know we place more emphasis on habit and moderation than we do on scale weights. But I'm always happy when the scale drops LOL and I'm happy for you.

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Post by noni » Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:25 pm

Absolutely, Larkspur! Most important is habit and moderation, for peace with food. Conversely, for me, the weight removal instills my moderation and habit. I used to weigh myself less, but it didn't solidify my habits. Not enough motivation for me. I would experience wicked reflux and No S habits have helped where they are almost nil, but other medical issues were not apparent, so I had to fall back on weight loss to encourage me to stick with these wholesome habits.

I am on longer posting my weight everyday. Once a week for now, and maybe soon, not at all. I don't want to be a scale watching, so-called inspiration or stumbling-block to anyone. So far it's working for me, but I know many posters here have a problem with scales. I've done the once a week weighing (not enough motivation), and not weighing for long periods at a time (thin days, or who cares, days). And since it's been only 3 months of this, I may find I grow weary of it, or it doesn't work for me anymore. And I'll be more than willing to post that.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:32 pm

Out of curiosity, noni, do you not feel any different from your eating before you see the result on the scale? Does the body feel neutral but the weight goes up?

Stored glycogen will weigh more and will usually feel at least a bit different.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by noni » Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:35 pm

Oolala, I think you mean physically feel different when the weight goes up? Not for 1/4 lb, but I do feel a little bloated from the weekend weight, which is more. I'm thinking because of eating more sweets, retention of fluid. You say glycogen? Not sure what that feels like. Do you have to be at a normal weight before you can pinpoint it? I still need to lose a good 10 lbs to edge my way into a normal BMI.
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:56 pm

No, I mean more feeling rather full from your eating. Do you see your weight go up even when you never feel full, or does it usually follow a fair amount of overeating?

Feeling bloated is often from eating past the point of satiety before it kicks in. It can also come from water weight long after the meal, which often comes from processing sweets and starches, though it can also be from salt. The body stores as much extra calories as glycogen as it can before it gets to fat storage, and takes it out with a bias towards glycogen before fat. Most daily fluctuations are that water. Usually when people say they feel fat-I know you didn't say that but people often do when they say they feel bloated-, it's from satiety hormones and water.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by noni » Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:03 pm

Oolala, many times I feel perfectly normal when my weight goes up, not bloated, but it's usually been after S-days, or when I overindulged. And lately, when I've overindulged, it was small-scale, just more than N Days.

The last three days, for instance, were S days. I ate quite a bit more, but still less than those wild S days I used to have. I knew I would gain, but it was more than I thought, because I didn't feel bloated, or full. There were a few days since Jan of this year that I gained 1/2 lb during a successful run, and wondered why, since I always feel empty on green N-days.

Ooh, the days I could eat and eat and remain a normal weight are in the distant past.
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:43 am

Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by noni » Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:58 pm

Tues 4/4

Three S-days in a row had me gaining almost 3lbs. Most of it came off with diligence to my N-Days up to now. My husband, who wrestled, used to tell me that I could eat a lot one or two days, but as long as I return to your normal pattern it would come off. As I get older, the same holds true, but it may take a few more days to come off, even tho' my "eating a lot" is not nearly as much as before.

I'm hungry a lot, but not starving. It's certainly bearable, or I would've ditched my small plates by now. I do like that my S-Days are finally under control. I always gain over the weekend, because they are still S days to me, even tho' I have a sweet mod. Saturday is usually my bake-something-day.

Now and then I have food fantasies. Just can't help myself.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:27 am

Regarding food fantasies, me, too.

I'm pretty sure Brian Wansink found all over the world that people tend to gain a bit on their respective weekends and lose it during the week. The amounts have to be mostly water because the weight loss does not coincide with calorie reduction great enough to change the fat amount that much. It takes a relatively consistent reduction over a period of time of a little more than 200 calories to lose one ounce of fat and stabilize there. Fun!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by noni » Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:45 am

oolala53 wrote: It takes a relatively consistent reduction over a period of time of a little more than 200 calories to lose one ounce of fat and stabilize there. Fun!
Oh my! Consistency is the key. This had been my problem, and a problem for the masses.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:15 pm

It takes an average deficit of 100 calories a day (or a bit more on N days so that S days can be a bit more generous) for an entire YEAR to sustain a 10-lb. weight loss. That's a 365,000 calorie deficit, not 350,000 we would expect because the body adjusts downwards.

Knowing that fact helped sober me up! I didn't count calories, but it helped me develop modest meal routines using smaller areas on my plate for dense foods and adding more veggies for volume. Meals were and are still delicious!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by Larkspur » Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:40 pm

This is why it's so easy for the metabolically thrifty to stay overweight. 300 extra calories a day (sooo easy to do) is 30 pounds.

On the other hand, it's encouraging too-- walk two miles, and consistently cut 100 calories--?

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Post by noni » Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:55 pm

Larkspur, I have a treadmill in my living room, which mostly stays up against the wall. If ever I go over, 40 min of a normal walk on it, I get shaky and want to eat anyone that passes by. I'm the only one who uses it (occasionally), but my husband doesn't want to get rid of it. I tell him we are the Hotel California - whatever he brings into this house can never leave. Well, I look at it as an expensive toy for my grandkids.

Oolala, are you still using those little dessert plates. They are smaller than mine, 7 1/2".
"Never go back for seconds. Get it all the first time." - Garfield

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