Allison's Springtime check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Allison's Springtime check-in

Post by Allisonmeg » Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:19 pm

Count the positives!
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Post by Allisonmeg » Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:37 pm

I'm starting a new chapter for March. I got a lot of things I was dreading out of the way and am excited to get back into a good No S groove.
I've eaten chaotically this entire past week and have once again seen how out of control I feel. I had the entire house painted (and no access to kitchen) so snack food was my go to. Plus we gave up our daily gyros for lent, which puts me where I need to plan lunch ahead of time. Also I had some kind of just not caring week after getting my physical (weigh in) out of the way for the year. Then celebration that I don't have skin cancer or breast cancer, and the final answer that I am full on in menopause.
. And finally got the fellows college weekend at Elon I've been anxious about taken care of. So time to start a fresh spring in a fresh, clean and finally happy-colored house! (Our house was LITERALLY dark brown including all the ceilings; ugh)
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Post by Merry » Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:43 am

Allisonmeg wrote:(Our house was LITERALLY dark brown including all the ceilings; ugh)
Oh my! Wow! So glad you were able to get it repainted, and I hope you have a lovely spring :-)
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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:11 pm

Thanks Merry, a happy spring to you as well!

Today I'm implementing a new rule that will be harder for me than it sounds:

No dinner until at least 4 hours have passed since lunch.

6:00- Buds (1c)
11:00- Cobb salad w/ roll at Saladworks
3:30- small bowl of chili, 4 totino rolls

Made it through my husband eating tortilla chips in car, and was hungry for lunch. Another victory with making an ice cream cone without delving in.
Now to get motivated for my workout, which I'm not!

Update: Success! Got the workout in too. Amazing how taking a week off seems like starting everything over. Anyway I have realized that my salad today had well over 1000 calories. No more Cobbs from Saladworks, the bacon alone was almost a cup.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:19 am

This may be a hard morning; up since 330 and ate breakfast around 5. Not a preschool morning either so a lot of time to wait for lunch. Couldn't sleep and just looked at cross stitch patterns. If anyone out there cross stitches I would love to know...I think I'm the only one!

5am- Grapenuts
10:30- tuna salad, ritz, chili
4:00- 2 small pieces of pizza

So this looks all pretty green on paper, but it was such a red day in my mind. I was food obsessed the whole day.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:25 pm

B- Fiber One
L- Mc Bacon ranch salad, orejitos
D- Harvest Grain cereal, pumpkin seeds

Chicken coop around the law today :roll:
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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Mar 09, 2017 2:08 pm

Moving this whole big snippet to Allisonmeg's 2017 check-in
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Post by Merry » Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:21 am

It would have been fine to post on my thread, and I'm glad it was encouraging to know you're not alone! This whole week has been tough for a number of reasons, so...I get it. I'm sorry so much revolves around food in negative ways in your home--sounds exhausting to have a husband watch so closely and to feel like you have to make separate meals for the kids. Oy! I have one very picky eater (I was a picky eater as a child, but grew out of a lot of it--a lot of texture aversions etc..., but my picky eater isn't growing out of it!). I don't make separate meals, but I do find myself not wanting to make meals I know that one will hate (and then my dh has food sensitivities which is also limiting...sometimes it's hard to know what to cook here!)

Are any of your kids old enough to get themselves a peanut-butter sandwich? I had a friend when I was growing up who had several siblings, and they allowed any child who didn't want the meal to make a pb sandwich. Maybe not a perfect solution--but better than you making so many different meals and wearing yourself out. Anyway, praying for you tonight, for you to find some peace with food and to take baby steps towards your goals.

I'd encourage you to write exactly what you eat. I think this is a pretty safe place to do that. I've never seen anyone come down on someone for what they ate--people aren't watching that (if anything, we're all too busy worrying about what we're eating ourselves, LOL!) Although sometimes I read food lists and think, ooh, that sounds good, LOL! Anyway...think how freeing it would be to know you could just write what you ate and know we're here to support you and not make judgments. That could be an important step towards healing for you. (((Hugs)))
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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:11 pm

Thank you so so much Merry.

B- Bagel w/ cream chesse
L- Cheeseburger
D- Creamed spinach, chicken w. buffalo

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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:59 pm

S day.

B- Fiber One
L- Orejitas, 4 pizza bagel bites, bite chix noodle soup
S- 5 peanut m&ms, about 4 pretzels
D- hodgepodge

Not much appetite today. Hubby and I will be spatting but he'll wait it out since it was totally something I did. Church is going to be painful.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:09 am

B- Grape Nuts
L- Slice Sam's pizza
D- Crab salad

This is one of those weeks I feel bipolar or something NOT good. Anyway I was awesome only having one piece of pizza at Sam's and gave the second slice to dh. Also did not have any licks of ice cream cone I made for ds. The crab salad was more of a taste testing meal (because dh wanted me to make some that tasted like from the deli). So it was gross and there's a ton of it now. I put a Splenda packet in it to give it sweetness, ugh nasssssty!
Also joy, is the 7th anniversary of what used to be the most horrible day of my life but now is lagging after last year's events.
I will be back when I'm feeling more positive, but feel pretty confident it will be a good S day AND a good workout day.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:01 pm

B- Harvest Grains
L- Mcdonalds salad
D- Bagel thin w/ cream cheese

I looked up my ideal weight on a bunch of different scales. They all come up to about 135. I got on scale today and am up to 152. This menopause is really slowing my metabolism. Most models say just to maintain I should be eating about 300 to 400 less than what I am eating, numbers that used to be what I ate TO diet! My first area needing improvement is accepting that I have to eat less calories just to STOP gaining.

Today went great, nice strong green. I reordered my diet journal and I felt at peace, lol! I didn't realize I had bought and used every page of 6 other (yearly) ones until I saw past orders. Anyway I'm just going to try to keep meals under 500.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:39 pm

:oops: Randomly ate an Entenmann's plain donut when putting groceries away and finished an ice cream cone. Must mark and move on and not continue this nonsense!

B- Oatmeal
L- Taco salad, 2/3 of shell (meant to eat a little piece)
S- donut, ice cream, 3 jalapeno poppers (No bacon)

I did pretty well for the rest of the day. The problem that led to the donut was when I figured out how many calories were actually in the taco salad...I'm talking well over a thousand!! So as always, I did a WTH with the sweets right after. But success in that I did not continue that attitude the rest of the day, so that part was a victory!
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Re: Allison's Springtime check-in

Post by Elizabeth50 » Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:26 pm

Allisonmeg wrote:****DINNER AT LEAST 4 HOURS AFTER LUNCH*****
Allisonmeg, You're doing great with your eating, I think! I'm trying to get brave enough to post my foods. Maybe I'll get the courage up soon.

Your plan and mine are the same; waiting 4 hours between meals. I try to wait longer, but that's my minimum waiting limit. I try waiting until I'm truly hungry, but some mornings I wake up in the wee hours and have to have a pretty early breakfast. If it turns out I have an early supper, I am allowing a snack before bedtime if I feel the need.

You mentioned in one of your posts that you were curious if there are any cross-stitchers here. I have cross-stitched for years. I am working on one for my daughter right now, a silhouette of palm trees. What project are you working on? Or are you still searching patterns?
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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:59 am

So nice to hear from you Elizabeth! Yay another cross stitcher! I am currently finishing up a Mirabilia of Snow Angel (girl, may not do the matching boy). What exactly is your pattern? I would love to look it up! I think next in line will be SamSarah's Daily Life series.

I hear you with writing it down, it's a struggle for me every day to keep doing it! I would have to say I'm much more accountable than I was when I wasn't writing it down.

B- Oatmeal (prepackaged bowl)
L- chix cup o soup, 2 huge croissants
D- Chix fried rice, small salad

I'm finding doing my oatmeal in these little bowls is getting me used to eating less in the morning.
Well after saying that, I was really struggling at 10:30am and had a cup of broth.
I know the croissants were a totally unhealthy choice but we've been buying them from Sam's club for 2 months and I finally gave in...and yes they were worth it!

Boo ugh, a little mess up. Boys wanted ice cream cones and I definitely had a few licks too many. So dh said we're going out tonight, which is dreaded because we haven't been speaking all week. So this means we're clearing the air, which most likely means DENSE FOG. :shock:
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:40 pm

Good Morning! I'm glad to hear that sharing your food publicly is helping hold you more accountable. That's my main reason for starting to share, as well.

I looked up the snow angel patterns. How adorable those are! Are you making that one for yourself or as a gift? I've always given my finished cross-stitch to others. Most have been the Paula Vaughan patterns. I love her stuff! I have one somewhere that I never did get framed. After my mom passed away I took back a couple that I did for her years ago, one a Paula Vaughan pattern.

I wish there were a way to share pics here! The pattern I'm doing now is called Palm Beach Sundown by Andrew Farley. This pattern printed out in 15 pages, and I have approximately 1-1/2 pages left. This is, by far, the most difficult pattern I've done and although I enjoy cross-stitching, I doubt I'll take on such a large project in the future. But, one thing I do enjoy about this one is that there is no back-stitching. :)

I look forward to hearing about your future projects. I hope you do decide to do the boy snow angel, too. You've gotta have the set! lol
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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:21 pm

I have no idea if this link will work but here are some I've done if it does work. I looked yours up and WOW that's a big one; just lovely! I got about 9 pages into a huge one and gave up, so your work is admirable. Ok you talked me into it...I'll do the boy next. I already have the snowy hand-dyed fabric ready to go!
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:06 pm

Oh my goodness! Absolutely beautiful! I'm am so impressed! Just gorgeous, and I love the matting and frames you chose!

I'm so glad you're going to do the boy, too! You'll have to share photos when you're done with both of those! :)
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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:26 pm

Thank you...I'm so glad it worked!!

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:31 pm

Me too! Please continue to share your projects. :)
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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:20 pm

B- No breakfast (broke the glass ceiling last night)
L- 2 slices cheese pizza, salad from Amalfi's
D- 1 cheese stick, small bowl of edamame

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Post by Merry » Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:31 am

Wow, really beautiful work!
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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:40 am

Aw thanks Merry!

I actually started off with eggs this morning! Made them for hubby's bday and they tasted so good I made myself some. Haven't done that since way back in the Atkins days. I am planning on, for this S day, to treat it like any other N day with the exception of one piece of hubby's cake. I think I might finally be on the verge, after 5 months, of having a ladylike S day!

B- Eggs w' cheese, 1 sausage
S- Carrot cake
L- Lean cuisine w/ sour cream( 3 Southwestern egg rolls) bite of croissant
D- 6 sushi California rolls, bite of deli turkey, bite of carrot cake

Yay to today, it was rather ladylike! I think I've had my first modest S day!!!
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 12:56 pm

A ladylike S day. I love the way you put that! lol

Isn't it nice to eat eggs simply because you want to, and not because you have to?

Happy Birthday to your hubby!
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Post by Allisonmeg » Sun Mar 19, 2017 12:32 pm

Thanks Elizabeth, S days are usually "wild-grazing-beast" days! And yes I hated eating eggs when I was forced to :lol:

B- Small oatmeal, 2 pancakes/butter
L- 3 Lean Cuisine spring rolls w/ guac, 1 S/F cookie
S- 13 Ritz
D- Macaroni salad, ice cream cone

Cheers to my first successful feeling S weekend! Had treats but didn't go nuts. I am having a good feeling about this week. The last few have been off, but I think a few issues are resolved.

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Post by Merry » Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:00 am

Allisonmeg wrote: Yay to today, it was rather ladylike! I think I've had my first modest S day!!!
Awesome! and love your description of it being ladylike!!
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Post by Merry » Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:00 am

Allisonmeg wrote:
Cheers to my first successful feeling S weekend! Had treats but didn't go nuts. I am having a good feeling about this week. The last few have been off, but I think a few issues are resolved.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:32 pm

Had a little ice cream mishap at lunch. Melting yumminess (hour sit in the trunk) called Monster Cookie that I was fixing for the little one. A couple of licks lead to me making my own cone. Will NOT let the day go though!

B- Oatmeal
L- Greek salad, half roll, ice cream cone
D- Small piece of pizza
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:35 pm

Good for you, Allison! As TexArk mentioned this morning, that's why some here use the term "Mark it and move on!" I'm going to remember that one, myself. Have a great rest of your day! If you get tempted, pull out your beautiful cross-stitch and start stitching.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:23 pm

Thank you for the encouragement Elizabeth...I did take your advice and stitch more than usual!!! Kept my hands away from other tempting things!

B- Buds (1c)
L- Croissant, chicken ranch salad w/ added feta &olives
D- Small portion dh homemade spinach pie

Disgustingly full after lunch. Oh wow, I had three ice cream cones I had to make for the boys in the evening--I actually broke out in a sweat not eating any!!! And then one left that last bite that is my very favorite and I THREW IT AWAY! huge :lol:
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:00 pm

What a beautiful craft you have! Such talent! I wish I could do something to keep my hands busy. Are you able to do that while you watch TV?
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Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:24 pm

Thank you noni, it's really not hard at all and I either watch TV or listen to an audiobook. It's a habit that I start every night at the same time and keeps me out of the kitchen :wink:

B- All bran buds
L- Elizabeth's slice cheese pizza, salad w blue cheese, 1 bread w oil
D- 2 pieces of Harvest grain bread w/ butter

I've been keeping track of calories the last 9 days and find that my lunches are usually verging on 800-1000. This is really good to find out and start working on getting them down a bit.

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:45 pm

You're doing great, Allisonmeg!

I haven't picked up my cross-stitch in a few days, but when I do, I enjoy watching something online or on TV, as well. It's a great way to keep the hands busy. I'm looking so forward to seeing your girl snow angel finished. :)
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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:20 pm

Thank you E, I'm getting close to finishing her, then have to bead the snow!

B- sausage, egg, cheese biscuit (huge)
L- Protein shake
D- Lean cuisine

Again lots of soft ice cream that I said NO to. It's all of a sudden a major kid staple. Today's challenge was Breyer's Strawberry Shortcake that my sick husband had me make a bowl of. Also melting out of the car, but all these NOs are making it easier each subsequent time.

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:32 pm

Almost done! It's gonna be beautiful!

WTG on staying strong! :)
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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:37 pm

Weird morning. Hubby still sick in bed, kids all gone so I'm pretty pace-y around the kitchen. On my second cup of chicken broth and hot sauce to make it to lunch. Rather obsessed with new sweet potato chips that I haven't tried and the sugar-free blueberry muffins sitting on the counter.

B- oatmeal
L- Chicken corn chowder, 10 crackers, 14 Terra chips
D- very small bowl refried beans, afternoon creamed coffee
S- Cookies n cream, about 1/2 cup

Made it to lunch to try out the chips! Feeling back to normal. I had one of those strange OC feelings this morning that I would binge, but I didn't. I beat it! I remember a book I read refer to thinking of that feeling as a lizard. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Something with your reptilian lower brain?

:oops: UPDATE: Fail. I made FIVE ice cream cones for family and by end I just went in for the melty bite on sides...which led to several more bites. Still it was a controlled fail which is some kind of success :wink:
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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:50 pm

B- 2 granola bars, 3 btr pancakes, bite sausage
L- Blueberry muffin, 2 mini snickers
D- Lean cuisine w sour cream, c-n-c ice cream cone
S- Terra mixed veggie chips several times thru day, late night donut fiasco

Clearly a sugary, snacky S day, so I counted calories (1750)
Eesh, add donuts to that total :?
And worse, totally busted sneaking it right before bed to which is obviously a whole other story I'll save for my future therapist lol. Yet again another Ambien-induced eating horror story. I really think lack of sleeping is my answer here (sleep/eat, not sleep/stay in control).
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Post by noni » Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:15 pm

I love those sweet potato chips. Sometimes I get the Terra mixed veggie chips, too. I just read today, that they are no healthier than potato chips. No kidding. Potatoes are healthy, too, until they're fried.
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Post by Elizabeth50 » Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:37 pm

Allison, Good for you in not letting things get out of hand! I hope your husband is feeling much better soon.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:14 pm

Noni I just got those mixed Terra chips today! Figures that why I like them so much...fry it in some oil and I'm your girl!! :lol:
Thanks Elizabeth, littlest one threw up this morning and has temp, so I'm afraid we're just getting going :(

I am deeming tomorrow NO SWEET SUNDAY as my battle armor. There are donuts everywhere I look. Daddy/ dh was being generous after church and bought a bunch of markdown donuts PLUS plain Entenmann's. They aren't doing anything for me now, but by morning, with a cup of coffee and an S day, you never know. So snacks yes, and sweets NO. I would love for this to be a new tweak to start simmering down on the S days. Maybe sweets on Saturday and snacks on Sunday?

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:41 am

Oh my goodness. I hope the little one gets over it quick and none of the rest of you catch it.

I like the way you're tweaking your S days to suit yourself! Sounds like a plan! :)
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Post by Allisonmeg » Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:56 pm

B- oatmeal
L- lean cuisine s/w rolls w sour cream
D- spinach pie plus seconds
S- Terra chips

Sugarfree Sunday. Way too much spinach pie though. Pretty much a bust of a weekend. I am in a foul mood, where I'm not confident in my No S for the upcoming week. Usually a bad S weekend gets me revved up for a new week. Ugh have to pull out

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:32 am

You might wake up feeling different tomorrow. It's hanging in there when it's hard that strengthens the habit!
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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:59 am

Thanks oolala, I AM feeling good for today after all!

B- Oatmeal
L- Spinach pie w/ 3 lean cuisine spring rolls
D- Spinach pie w/ spaghetti sauce

Had a K-cup soup this morning when things got rough. Got workout in even with a really bad cold (And thankfully the spinach pie is almost gone).

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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:09 pm

B- Oatmeal
L- Mcdonald's salad w/ added feta, avocado, olives
D- 1/2c rice krispies (to not go nuts on) piece of pizza

Pretty easily done since I'm so congested and can't taste anything.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:08 pm

B- Protein bar
L- Ruby Tuesday salad bar
S- Caramel popcorn :oops:

An unusual one today....Cookie dough orders came in from preschool and one of our orders was for a giant bag of caramel popcorn. My daughter opened it and left it on counter. I ended up having four handfuls. No good excuses come to mind :twisted:

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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:50 pm

Big fat fail....caramel popcorn AND cookies/cookie dough. Only good news is I finally saw the scale drop. I saw that AFTER the fail, so I'm determined tomorrow. I hate two red days in a row. Didn't eat much today either; just what I ate was unhealthy. Per usual, let stressing out get the best of me. College acceptances coming in and am nervous of finances/hubby/daughter/best school etc.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:49 pm

Ok I'm feeling back with it today. Got two kids out sick, I'm still sick, dh went to work after 3 weeks off. Had to break it to dd that her first college choice was much more expensive than the second. Drinking hot V8 juice mixed with half water and hot sauce as a midmorning "get me through".

B- Oatmeal
L- Tomato soup, 1/4c natural unsalted almonds
D- 3 Lean Cuisine rolls w/ sour cream

Though against my usual nut rule, I had these because I was out of crackers and knew tomato soup alone would not be enough to carry me through to dinner, (not trigger-ish like roasted, salted kind).

I'm going to skip the 'S' this weekend and keep it green since I failed two or three times this week. I am sick of hearing myself whine about ice cream or donuts. I need to give the sugar a rest and I don't want to graze like a cow all weekend.

Having one of those moments I must calm down and not wish horrible things on certain people.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:09 pm

Well never mind the green Saturday. Sweet Saturday after all.

B- Oatmeal
L- 6 lean cuisine rolls w/ sour cream, Terra chips
S- Ice cream, 2 cookies, popcorn

This is one of those days that looks better on paper than it really was
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:06 pm

Be careful of not letting yourself bargain next week to fail and make it up on the weekend. That can get very out of hand.

At the same time, eat so that you feel good today. 8)
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Merry » Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:18 am

oolala53 wrote:Be careful of not letting yourself bargain next week to fail and make it up on the weekend. That can get very out of hand.

At the same time, eat so that you feel good today. 8)
I agree--keeping S days is important. Start fresh with N days on Monday, and make those boundaries really clear for yourself. "Mark it and move on" as they say with the red days!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:28 pm

Ok guys, I know you know what you're talking about so I will definitely take your advice!

B- Oatmeal, few bites of Fruit Loops
L- 3 Lean Cuisine rolls, ice cream cone
D- Terra chips, lettuce & lite dressing

A few spoon licks I made for kids but nothing crazy today. I'm definitely happy I listened to oolala and Merry because if I didn't have any treats this weekend, there's no way I'd be keeping it green until next weekend.
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:44 pm

I think there's a big difference between thinking, "I can't take an S day," and "My last meal was enough. I'll save my appetite for the great one coming up," or "I'd really rather eat more savory foods than leave room for dessert." Etc. Without dwelling on it. See if there's a way to make the day compelling with other pursuits. Not saying I can do it- most times it's more like I'm filling the time-, but that is ideal.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:21 pm

Thanks oolala, your input is always greatly appreciated. I know exactly what you mean with those differences of mindsets. I just wish the day would finally come when I can accept an S day without all the added thought. I'm slowly getting there!

B- oatmeal
L- Mcdonalds salad w/ added feta, bleu cheese dressing
D- 3 pieces of raisin toast w/ butter

Few licks of spoons so a little fuzzy on the fence. must tighten up on that tomorrow

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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:29 pm

No spoon licks today!

B- Oatmeal
L- Mcdonald salad w/ added feta, sf seeds, olives
D- piece of freezer pizza

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Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:17 pm

B- Oatmeal
L- Huge taco salad from Rio
D- 2 bites of spinach pasta

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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:24 am

B- 2 granola bars
L- Mcdonald's Salad w/ added veggies, lite dressing
D- 3 pieces raisin toast, cup of grapes

Today has been pretty easy food-wise. Hubby wants to go out tonight, which I don't want to. It's been nice being wine-free for 3 weeks. Plus I'm in some sort of crying-at-news in the newspaper kind of day. And I've still got pent up anger issues. I know that's why dh wants to take me out tonight because it's the only way he can get anything out of me. I just can't take being the middle person between husband and daughter and I have absolutely no one I can talk to about it

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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:20 am

I didn't even finish my second glass of wine last night, so proud I finally stayed below the glass ceiling!

B- Oatmeal
L- Tripp's salad w/ salmon, blue cheese, roll
D- cup of chopped salad

Had a small oops when I was passing out the sugar-free pudding pie. I kept evening out the slices. Also tried a bite of dh's freebie spinach/feta wrap at Starbucks. Nothing out of control but not exactly fence around the law either!

:oops: Update: Major fail after all. Daughter made "chocolate chip cookie dough oreo brownies" and I kept eating little bites until I'd probably eaten a third of the whole thing (just out of oven and hot and gooey). Can only be described as an 800 calorie binge. :shock:
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Larkspur » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:56 am

Just saw your post from a couple of days ago. I'm so sorry you are feeling caught in the middle. I hope things are feeling easier.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:58 pm

Thank you is feeling a little easier today!

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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:14 pm

S day. My "breakfast" this morning will be my brownie binge from last night. I'll try to eat veggies for meals today to get back on track.

B- Brownies
L-Brussel sprouts, popcorn
D- Sesame sticks and Oreo/butter almond ice cream cone

Wow, this is quite a winner of an S day gone wild! :roll:
However did not eat a single Mcdonald's fry!

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Post by Allisonmeg » Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:44 pm

S day. Didn't go so well at the end of day

B- Oatmeal
L- 6 lean cuisine rolls w/ southwest dressing, hf sesame sticks
D- Mixed nuts, strawberries, big cinnamon roll dd homemade

Just have 4 kids at home; dh on a trip and dd at the beach with my mom. Not only do I feel more relaxed, it's made me notice how utterly obsessed with my 17 yr old I am. I'm always (mostly in my head) blaming my husband for being so cold to her and about her. But with her not here, I'm realizing how I watch her every minute and worry about her incessantly. In simple terms, her issues (cutting, suicide attempts, rehab) this past year have caused us to react completely opposite. She recently asked me why he doesn't love her and told me how she wakes up crying over it. I've been in such a silent rage at him over this even though he doesn't know it. He thinks I'm having a menopause dip. Yet I am grasping the realization that I must be so claustrophobic for her. She's starting college a year early this fall and I just hope this is the change we all need.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:15 pm

With the kids home this week, today seems like a Sunday! Must be extra careful not to eat like an S day. Dh gets off trip in a few minutes. I'm sure we'll take the kids to Chuck E Cheese or Mexican--neither of which I'm usually good at refraining from.

B- Grapenuts
L- 6 lean cuisine rolls dipped in dressing
D- 3 l/c rolls dipped, bag of steamed cauliflower

Yay...a stellar N day!
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Larkspur » Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:39 pm

I'm so sorry to read about your worries regarding your 17 year old. Parenting little kids is an absolute cake walk compared to parenting teens. The stakes feel so much higher and the solutions more difficult to see. I hope your daughter connects with her strength and that you are able to worry less. I always think of that line from the movie Parenthood-- "You never get to spike the ball and do your touchdown dance." Though I do feel like with my two adult kids, I don't worry quite so much. They seem to have a reasonably good tool kit to deal with things. I hope the transition to college is good for everybody at your house.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:29 pm

Thank you so much Larkspur. Your post got me thinking a bit. My oldest is married with 2 kids and living in Germany. In retrospect, I was the same way with her (she was the super wild child and always getting in trouble). And now I don't worry about her and we have a great relationship. Such a great line from Parenthood, and so so true. I really appreciate the support!

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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:30 pm

B- Oatmeal, raisin toast
L- 3 lean cuisine rolls w/ ranch, 2 sushi, blackberries
D- cup Terra chips, steamed broccoli

little fuzzy on the edges with those terra chips, may have to add them to my nut rule as I have a hard time stopping eating them once I start.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:17 pm

Amazingly it's not even 8 am and I already HAVE A RED DOT. Dd was in the kitchen sneaking Peanut Butter Party ice cream and I joined her and then even went back for more when she left :shock:
So this is definitely where I have to take the bull by the horns, mark it and move on!
AND we're going to Mexican today. I'm definitely counting calories.

B- Raisin toast, ice cream
L- Taco salad withOUT shell (yay me)!

I dumped my taco salad out on my plate and put the shell in the middle of the table where everybody else ate it. I have to say, this is a first for me. Not only not eating the shell, but a REAL mark and move on. Any other time I'd say WTH, I already messed up. So yay for me and plan to keep it going!

Update: Ate more ice cream when making Heath bar crunch for kids :oops:
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:47 pm

Headed to Chuck E Cheese today with the kids. Must be strong with the pizza and one plate!

B- Oatmeal
L- Simple salad, 2 pieces pizza

I think I did pretty well at Chuck E Cheese. I had a cup of broth before I left and then ate a big all lettuce salad before just having 2 slices of pizza. Going out tonight, but feeling good about it this time!

Update: FAIL AGAIN on the stupid Heath Bar crunch ice cream. I am seriously throwing it out today and I told my husband that I for real can't have this in the house. :oops:
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:01 pm

B- Grapenuts
L- Bagel & 5 ritz w/ cream cheese
D- Sushi, watermelon

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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:20 pm

S day. Dh made all sorts of sweet breads for the Easter weekend so I've been sampling those all morning. And at lunch we made Kielbasa (which is not something I usually eat) and am loving it with horseradish.
Let's see, the rest of the day only involved some cheese puffs and a pretzel rod. Planning a big Easter lunch tomorrow. Then finally it will be back to a normal, kids in school week. This was a preview to the crazy eating of summertime, which I am going to be so happy to have NoS to adhere to.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:35 pm

S day AND Easter!

B- 1 1/2 Plain donut
S- Mixed nuts
D- Salad, ham, mac n cheese, broccoli casserole, few baby potatoes, cheese danish

The dinner part went very well but still overindulged on the cheese Danish once alone in kitchen.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:52 am

B- 2 pieces nut roll bread (not sweetened, no butter)
L- Gyro
D- Cup broccoli casserole, piece of ham

Yay finally got first Gyro since Lent! Dh ordered fries on the side of MY plate which I did NOT eat! Making leftovers of Easter dinner for my daughter now and trying to stay out of the Honeybaked ham.
Ate dinner really early so it has been a bit white knuckled for a while now. Having a cup of Sleepytime tea

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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:05 pm

B- Oatmeal, small piece nut bread
L- Mcdonald's salad w/ added feta, olives
D- 3 Lean Cuisine roll ups w dip, cup strawberries

We were at store today and hubby put that Monster Mash ice cream (previous red dot) in the cart. I ended up pleading with him not to get it because of my lack of control with it. He ended up getting a flavor I'm not slightly tempted by. That was actually a big deal for me to speak up about it. I also made a frozen pizza for the boys that I was so tempted by. But because I didn't get the ice cream earlier it helped me not to cave in to the pizza. I have a much more peaceful outlook than I have in the previous weeks, not so obsessive over every little thing.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:20 am

Woke up and just started eating everything in sight. Not sure why except it was the stuff I wanted yesterday, like jumbo fresh croissants, leftover pizza, a plain donut, nut roll. I must take the line from my profile and think of it today...If you find yourself in a hole, STOP DIGGING; a little off-shoot of 'Mark it and Move on'.

Update: Pretty much of a wth day.
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jen1974 » Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:21 pm

Do you think that maybe you try to limit yourself too much? Sometimes your posts remind me of how I used to be when I was overly restrictive about what & how much I was eating, always trying to eat less than what was realistic for me & than caving when I couldn't live up to those expectations. These days I make a meal of frozen pizza if it's what I really want instead of choosing something "healthier". I actually refuse to eat anything that resembles diet food. I don't do salads anymore because they leave me feeling deprived, I eat raw veggies with a meal instead. For me I found that 2 pieces of "frozen pizza" or whatever other less healthy choice sounded good to me may have the same number of calories (maybe even less) than most salads, but doesn't leave me feeling deprived which always leads to failure. And it's easier to wait until Saturday for desserts when I'm feeling satisfied with the other foods I'm eating!!

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Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:06 pm

I have definitely been trying to limit more lately. I haven't lost any weight since restarting NoS in October, so I have been counting calories this month to figure out what my new menopausal number is. And sadly I'm dipping back down to what my old dieting numbers were. So I don't quite have a grasp that I seriously have to eat so much less just to STAY at 150 (when I have been in 20/30s most of my life).
And wow, you're exactly right. I'm sick of salads and would much rather have something less healthy with most likely LESS calories. Thank you, Jen! I get exactly what's happening and I don't even know how I missed it.
As soon as I start counting calories, I start the binge cycle back. It's been this way as long as I can remember. I still don't know how to lose this weight though.
NoS is a huge factor in my sanity and I don't want to really add any mods either. I get a good workout in everyday, so I don't this just the weight I'm just destined to be post-menopause? And now that I've started counting calories, I hate the thought of the loss of control of NOT writing. I'm back to the way I've been for 20+ years, counting every miniscule bite of food and writing it down. I feel like this has been my way of taking control when other factors of my life have been chaotic. But obviously if I'm bingeing, I have no control here either. Wow I definitely see what needs to be done!!
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:34 am

Happy to start a new day. Yesterday was just not a day I want to repeat with a huge fail right out of the shoot. I am going to try to get back into just eyeballing that my meals are roughly 500 calories instead of writing it all down.

B- Grape-nuts, half piece nut bread
L- Bacon ranch Mc salad
D- 3 Lean Cuisine rolls w dip, strawberries, few pistachios
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jen1974 » Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:19 pm

I too have a love hate relationship with calorie counting. For me it created a feeling of one bite of cookie, one forkful of cake, a tiny corner of brownie, a spoonful of ice cream was not enough calories to count & then I would proceed to eat more than intended & end up worse off than if I just sat down & enjoyed one serving of whatever I was trying to sneak.

I would sub lower calorie choices which usually meant lower fat which left me never feeling satisfied & always hungry. Going to a restaurant was awful because I would see the number of calories & either decide not to count which would leave me eating so much more because the freedom to eat without counting felt good or trying to choose a low calorie option that left me feeling deprived.

When I would quit counting calories I feel like meals would sneak upwards to the point where I tend to at best not lose & at worse slowly gain. I find I'm most successful somewhere in the middle. I ballpark calories & will put a meal into MFP to make sure it has enough (but not too many)calories & plenty of fat but don't do it often enough where I feel like I'm taking a break when I don't do it. At restaurants I don't do this but follow No S rules of no seconds & make sure to always order what I want although sometimes that means I save 1/2 for later.

I make sure to eat a lot of fat in every meal. I eat veggies & fruit but choose things like veggies, berries, and grapefruit where calories are low per serving so I can "spend" the rest of my calories on more filling options. I noticed as I got older it was harder to lose & read a lot about calcium. When I started getting 120% calcium from food (mostly cheese & full fat yogurt) it made a huge difference. I never change out high fat for low fat (like eggs for egg whites) to save calories, but will trade out things like bun for 1/2 tortilla when we have burgers. I like grapenuts too but will have less & mix them with yogurt (Noosa Carmel with grapenuts & cinnamon is the best thing ever)

Eating this way makes it much easier to skip dessert during the week when my kids have it without feeling like I'm deprived. I quit grazing on anything. If I want ice cream I have to commit to an entire serving, my go to is the Ben & Jerry's mini cups because it's a good amount & I'd never think I should have a second. A lot of times though I'll choose a noosa yogurt instead because it gets me closer to my calcium goal.

Sorry for the novel (: I recognize myself a lot in your posts so I though maybe some of the things that have worked for me could help you too &#128522;

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Post by Larkspur » Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:23 pm

Interesting. I am sorta hoping to lose a poundish a week and I have not been quite meeting that. I ballparked my dinner calories yesterday and came up with 680. So if I'm eating roughly that x 3 plus 150 calories of juice and coffee creamer, I'm maintaining with cause :) I could try to burn more calories (always a goal) or I can sorta ballpark my calories at dinner and try to eat no more than 500. I have this idea that it doesn't matter as much how much you eat at breakfast and lunch :) (I don't have to be rational, do I?)

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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:07 pm

Thanks guys, absolutely love the input. Judging from the past few days, I think I still need to count calories just to figure out where I need to be. I averaged about 1800 for the month. The scale's not going down at that, but it's not been going up either. I've been thinking too that, this is the first time in 20+ years that I'm not carrying a baby and/or toddler around all the time(6 kids). My youngest is 4 now and I believe it's not just menopause, but a definite lessening of physical labor as well.
On Monday, I'm going to put my food journal away for the week, trust my ballparking, and see if that helps me get back into my full NoS mindset.

Today was another fail :oops:

B- Harvest Grain cereal, piece nut bread
L- Gyro
D- Orange chicken, strawberries, leftover salad, few bites broccoli, 2 mini cherry pastry bites (none on a plate, all from different containers)

This fail had nothing to do with hunger but feeling annoyed/anxious over dh and dd again. I don't know why I keep eating when I get upset.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:30 pm

S day, I officially made an ice cream cone!

B- All bran Buds
L- Bagel w/ cream cheese, ice cream cone
D- 3 Lean Cuisine rolls w/ dip, hf pistachios

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:47 am

You keep eating when you're upset because it's a strong habit. It's made up of sensations that you associate with eating and likely thoughts that excuse it. It's a brain pattern that produces these in order to protect the habit. It really thinks it's protecting you. It's likely that the only thing to counteract it will be acknowledging it, reminding yourself that it's not a signal that food is needed, and choosing to ignore it by trying to go about other business. It might be pretty anxiety-provoking at first to do that and periodically anyway. This is a protocol that has been shown to change the brain patterns of people with OCD. I saw that my eating compulsion was very similar. These steps were what I used A LOT in the beginning of No S and do sometimes now, as I have the anxiety brain pattern in general, so my wire still gets tripped. But I'm NEVER sorry I when I wait it out, no matter how hard it is, and it can still be.

Keep telling yourself that you will be so much happier when you face this down no matter how hard it seems while you learn. It's likely most of your fails and even a lot of your overages are related to similar patterns. Hurray for the prefrontal cortex to make new patterns!

BTW, I haven't read all your posts so I might be blowing smoke.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Merry » Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:29 am

Allisonmeg wrote:I have definitely been trying to limit more lately. I haven't lost any weight since restarting NoS in October, so I have been counting calories this month to figure out what my new menopausal number is. And sadly I'm dipping back down to what my old dieting numbers were. So I don't quite have a grasp that I seriously have to eat so much less just to STAY at 150 (when I have been in 20/30s most of my life).
And wow, you're exactly right. I'm sick of salads and would much rather have something less healthy with most likely LESS calories. Thank you, Jen! I get exactly what's happening and I don't even know how I missed it.
As soon as I start counting calories, I start the binge cycle back. It's been this way as long as I can remember. I still don't know how to lose this weight though.
NoS is a huge factor in my sanity and I don't want to really add any mods either. I get a good workout in everyday, so I don't this just the weight I'm just destined to be post-menopause? And now that I've started counting calories, I hate the thought of the loss of control of NOT writing. I'm back to the way I've been for 20+ years, counting every miniscule bite of food and writing it down. I feel like this has been my way of taking control when other factors of my life have been chaotic. But obviously if I'm bingeing, I have no control here either. Wow I definitely see what needs to be done!!
Instead of counting calories, have you tried simply using smaller plates?

I also am amazed (and sometimes discouraged) how little food I need (I'm ready for menopause to happen but am still in the peri-phase, but my activity is certainly less than when I had babies and toddlers). Sometimes I find that still including a lot of variety, though in smaller quantities, will satisfy. For example, I can't have a whole sandwich, piece of fruit and a large handful of pretzels, but I can have a half a sandwich, piece of fruit, a few pretzels and a few almonds.

Sometimes I end up with weird plates because I really want to taste a bunch of things but can't have more than a bite or two of several things--but I'll find that I can still get a sense of satisfaction if I include variety on that smaller scale.

Anyway, just a thought :-)
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
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Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:38 pm

Thank you for the wise responses oolala and Merry! I took a smaller lunch plate and put more little things on it. And I'm ready to fight my compulsion when I get stressed. I'm going to stay very aware.

B- Rice Krispies/Golden Grahams mix
L- 6 Lean Cuisine rolls, strawberries, cashews
D- Salad, strawberries

Fail, too many tastes of microwave-in-a-cup muffin, and ate 2 handfuls of popcorn I was packing for kids' snack. So from morning to night, I already lost my resolve again. And as always, nothing food related; just dh partying in Brazil and my brain in overdrive.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:27 pm

Yet another fail! :oops: On the up side I keep coming back. In the past, when I've hit a red streak like this, I will disappear for a while.
Spent all day doing a deep cleaning for MIL flying in on Thursday; just kind of grazed in the way I have most of my life when I clean. So it was more of an "I don't care" kind of red day than a WTH.
In saying that though, I did dump the big bin of mixed nuts and the bowl of pistachios in the trash. I still don't seem to be able to stop eating them once I start, so I am once again implementing nuts for S days only.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:54 am

Well, you haven't been able to stop eating nuts YET. But relegating them to S days for now is acceptable, as long as you feel you've still got plenty of delicious food you can eat on N days. They're kinda mainstays for me, but there's still lots to eat even without them!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:51 am

Allison, if I've told you this before, I apologize, but I can't stress enough how important it was for me to make a list of the reasons I wanted to eat moderately. There were all kinds on there, but most did NOT have to do with appearance. They were more likely to be the antithesis of what I didn't like about overeating, and there was plenty not to like besides the effect it had on my weight. I didn't officially include this, but the backdrop behind all of it was that I just couldn't stand the idea that I couldn't pull it off without counting calories, or eliminating a food group. The very fact that I suspected that if I lived in a different environment, a slim culture, that I wouldn't be heavy made me even more determined to learn to live as if, even if it took years. I also was very aware that things would likely get worse if I didn't do something. My weight had been briefly even higher, and I saw that it could climb back up there. Plus, it took more and more food to satisfy the binge urge. These might not be your issues, but SOMETHING besides overweight on its own must bother you, and it is THAT that you have to see No S as your salvation from.

Anyway, I hope this isn't too much, but I hear your frustration. I read that list over and over for months, and I declare it was THAT that kept me on plan many times during the days when before my morning resolve would have dissolved. Well, that and that No S is such a reasonable way to limit eating.

Here's to fierce moderation Wednesday!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Location: Oak Ridge, North Carolina

Post by Allisonmeg » Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:57 pm

Oolala, thank you for your post. It helped me several times throughout the day to read it when I was close to slipping. I have thought a lot about your list idea and can see why it's so important. You're so right that the appearance part is really not that high on there. Other factors definitely bother me.
I feel I'm at a turning point right now. I need No S to keep me in control, yet my obsessive old ways of calorie counting is threatening to take over. The devil on my shoulder is now my food journal. I think that's the top one on my list. Thank you, today was finally successful!

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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:45 am

Ok I did it. The food journal is ripped up and thrown out. I'm back to being free with NoS!! Yay me!


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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:36 am

This doesn't mean that over time, you won't work out some guidelines for your meals. It doesn't have to be either rigid or a free for all. In slim cultures, it's pretty common what people eat at each meal. Maybe not the exact food, but the food group and amount. That ends up functioning like a food journal, in a way. But that might change over time for you, too, and to some degree, by the season.

Just keep going! And enjoy every bite.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Location: Oak Ridge, North Carolina

Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:46 pm

The first morning back to the way I love No S. The freedom of not counting the calories of every morsel of food I put in my mouth is heavenly.
MIL will be here in 2 hours for 5 days. Already struggling at 10am because I'm hungry, but ignoring it.

B- Apple cinnamon sugar-free yogurt with Grapenuts mixed in
L- Mcdonald's bacon ranch chix salad, split 1/2 little cheeseburger w dh
D- Spinach pie (bigger piece than really should have)

I did it! It feels like a brand-new start. I have felt anxious today, with MIL here, and dh/dd having an unpleasant encounter (with me in middle as usual), but No S kept me strong. This has been a very good lesson for me. 30 years of calorie counting (and then not counting until this last 2 months of NoS) just shows me that counting turns me OCD instantly.
Also when I started NoS 7 months ago (for the 3rd time), the scale finally stopped going up and started going down very slowly. These last 2 months with basically an added "mod" of counting as well, I've noticed the scale creeping back up.
And the binges have been coming once or more a week. I started, as I always do, bargaining. With bargaining comes the binging. I would eat 3 meals but come in say, 300 over, so reduce the following day by 300. I have daily calorie totals, averages for the week, averages for weekends only, averages for the month. Tons and tons of notes; it just can't be normal. Ripping it all up last night was a recommitment to NoS and trusting my judgment to eat in moderation.

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Post by Larkspur » Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:23 pm

It all sounds really good. I'm sorry you got caught in the middle. I hope it's a good visit and not too stressful.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:06 pm

Thanks so much Larkspur :D

B- Peanut butter protein bar
L- Gyro
D- Spinach pie, strawberries

Hubby and I went out last night after everyone went to bed, had fun! Normally I would count the calories for the drinks last night and take them off today's tally. That's how most of my binges would start. So back to my true NoS self, I ate 3 meals today. A bit heavy on the spinach pie again, very rich and cheesy.

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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:06 pm

Really setting down the S day EVENT rather than all day affair!
Last edited by Allisonmeg on Sun May 14, 2017 1:50 pm, edited 21 times in total.

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Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Mon May 01, 2017 1:36 pm

Bit by bit.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 563
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Location: Oak Ridge, North Carolina

Post by Allisonmeg » Sun May 14, 2017 1:49 pm

01Mo- :mrgreen:
02Tu- :oops:
03W- :mrgreen:
04Th- :mrgreen:
05Fri- :mrgreen:
06Sa- :) Good at my S event of having an ice cream cone after lunch!
07Su- :) Ice cream cone again and blueberry muffin, no grazing. An "event" again
08Mo- :oops: Bingefest late at night
10Tu- :oops: after effects of last night's binge
11W- :oops: few bites of ice cream while making cones for kids.
12Th- :mrgreen: Ok I'm ready for a green day. Haven't had my heart in it!
13Fr- :mrgreen:
14Sa- :) Nice ice cream cone event, bite of Capn crunch. going back to my normal way of logging in beginning Monday. I don't know that I feel accountable enough this way!
15Su- :) Mother's day, dd made me biscotti with a chocolate and nut top, so that's my S event for today.
Update: Sadly turned into an all day grazing affair. Was in such a WTH mood. Ready for Monday and back to my daily update

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Location: Oak Ridge, North Carolina

Post by Allisonmeg » Sun May 14, 2017 11:10 pm

Mother's day S day.

Ugh. Just snacked all day long.
B- Biscotti, cereal
L- lean cuisine rolls, salad
D- raw baby potatoes w/ salt, mashed potatoes w/ cheese,
S- butter crunch ice cream cone, more biscotti

Hmm, it IS better to write it down. It doesn't look quite as bad on paper :wink:

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Location: Oak Ridge, North Carolina

Post by Allisonmeg » Mon May 15, 2017 2:35 pm

Monday and house to myself for a little while. Ignoring the biscotti today!

B- Oatmeal squares cereal
L- Big salad I made at Lowe's salad bar
D- 2 chicken wings, fresh roll w/butter

I was making cauliflower for dinner but the bread sounded so much better lol!

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Location: Oak Ridge, North Carolina

Post by Allisonmeg » Tue May 16, 2017 2:31 pm

B- Leftovers from dinner
L- Veggie pita from Mad Greek, bite of watermelon
D- Harvest grain bread with butter

And then
Ice cream tastes while making cones for the boys. I'm going to make a habitcal for ice cream...this is ridiculous!

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Location: Oak Ridge, North Carolina

Post by Allisonmeg » Wed May 17, 2017 11:19 am


B- Oatmeal squares cereal
L- Veggie pita
D- Spaghetti, piece bread w/ butter, cantaloupe

had part of dd's bean/cheese quesadilla for absolutely no reason.
I did make a new No Ice Cream drop/lick/taste on my "7 weeks (to break a habit)"app. So it's a new mini-habit that seems like I can conquer.

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