Tonsha's Log

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Tonsha's Log

Post by Tonsha » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:45 am


Quick intro: I've been here before about a year ago. (well, not here exactly, but on the Yahoo list). Did well at No S, and at Shovelglove, but receievd a back injury while digging in the garden. Injured again SG'ing about two weeks later. Injured again at Self-Defence club another two weeks later.

Gave everything up for weeks and went through sessions with the chiropractor. Totally knocked everything out of whack and stopped doing the No S. Bit depressing really.

Anyway - it's ten months on, and I'm feeling much better. Decided to start at the start again. Yesterday was fine - no problems with the diet.

Not started SG'ing again yet, but will adjust the routine to try and minimise any awkward back movements (No Driving Fenceposts, No Chopping Wood), at least until I build up a bit of strength.

I'll check in again tomorrow.

Ta Ta!


P.S. Nice to see Deb still here. Always giving encouragement and inspiration! It's much needed. And Reinhard's insights are always enlightening. It's nice to be back people!

P.P.S. I'm also an Urban Ranger (Never stopped doing that actually). Currently walking 15 minutes to/from the bus stop every weekday, along with a 30 minute jaunt at lunchtime (down the hill and back again).

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Post by carolejo » Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:40 pm

Hiya! Another Brit!

Glad you made it back. I've not been around all that long (about 3 months) but am feeling that this is a sustainable and worthwhile thing to do, so hope to be around a lot longer.

Best of luck with your attempt this time. I'm sure it'll go fine for you.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:09 pm

Welcome back, Tonsha. If you like the spirit of shovelglove but want to be extra careful about your back, there's a lot you can do using the general structure of schedulistically insignificant 14 minute routines every N day. Every move doesn't have to involve the sledge. You might even want to slip some specifically chiropracter recommended stuff in there.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:28 pm

Hey Tonsha Dave!!!
Thanks for the hello!
Wow! Sounds like you've been through the wringer...
I know what it's like to be depressed about an injury, as I had an upper back strain due to/which lead to (not sure since it was pretty simultaneous) having a few rib heads get dislocated in my lower ribcage...
I then had all the muscles in my shoulder girdle go into spasm and the whole thing resulted in over 10 months of unabating pain and total entrapment of all the nerves of my right arm... Thoracic outlet syndrome..
I thought my massage career was over before it started as it happened on a break in between semesters at school, from shlepping a very very heavy speaker cabinet to a music job I had...
I went from healthy strong arm to basically not having the strength to hold a toothbrush or pour a cup of tea... It was major scary..
But then after a year of continually self stretching and then getting a healing treatment from my massage therapist, who to me is like a shaman and practices a technique called "Ortho-Bionomy", I recovered and the pain dissipated and my strength came back...
Honestly I have to credit Shovelglove for a lot of rehab to my right arm which had become greatly weakend by the experience.. Infact it even atrophied to a significantly smaller size than my left and I'm a righty....

Wow!!! Now you know my tale of woe!!!
I'm just trying to say, I know how you must have felt as chronic pain and disfunction on a musculoskeletal level, can make you feel very very depressed and it becomes a vicious cycle of inactivity and more depression...
Glad you're back with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rock on!!!
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Post by Tonsha » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:47 am


No problems today. Everything went well. (I'll try and up post a 'before' picture at the weekend: I've got one from my holiday last week).

Urban Rangered yesterday as well. 'No shugging' yet, though.

Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Carolejo: Yep another Brit! I know NoS works, so it's just a matter of getting back into the habit, and always remembering "I'm in it for the long haul". And I know what you mean when you talk about Twix bars...

Reinhard: Good thinking with the none-SG exercises. I never thought of that before. I guess it's all a matter of building the regular daily habit. I would do chiro-approved exercises if there were any. Chiros & Orthos in the UK seem to be against giving specifc advice in this area. Probably to avoid potential legal backlash. I was encouraged to do 'whole body' exercises such as yoga/pilates. I've been doing 5-tibetans for a while, and that seems to help.

Deb: your story sounds horrible! I sympathise & empathise. My little injury was nothing compared to what you've been through. Strange to say it gives me a big boost - if you can stick at it with all you've gone through, I'm sure I can too!

Chat again tomorrow.


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Post by Tonsha » Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:08 am


Funny Stuff: about 4pm I needed a drink of something other than water. Since I don't drink tea or coffee, I ended up having a 'chicken soup' from the machine at work. No idea of the calorific value. I'm counting it as a 'drink', so I'm only scraping a success today :wink:

I can't remember what the thoughts are on sugared drinks (Is there a searchable archive anywhere, Reinhard?). When I started, I decided to cut out the Vimto at work and just go on water. I guess this is the backlash.

No problems in the evening, though. My wife had prepared a HUGE meal for me. Beanfeast Spag Bol with mixed veg on the side & two pieces of garlic bread - all on one plate! I think I need to get a smaller plate....

One cup of Caro before I went to bed and that was me.

Rangered as normal, but no SG. I'll get around to it eventually.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:11 pm

Hi Dave, What's Caro??????
Oh, by the way, chicken broth is about 20 calories.. It's really mainly salt.... I mean the kinds that are available in those vending machines..
Now if you are talking "Cream of Chicken soup with Dumplings" then we are talking about an S violation....

I think you are well in the clear!
8) Deb

Thanks for mentioning Spaghetti Bolognase.... I think that's what I'll make for din din!!!
See you later!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:15 pm

And what in blazes is Vitmo!????
LOL.... :lol:

If it's soda or laden with cornsyrup, as in the "fruit punches" not really juice, then it's probably an S.....

Real juice is okay... Just don't go overboard, and see if you can have it along with your meals, if that's not too inconvenient for your life...

I have about one glass of OJ a day... A medium sized one... never more than 8 oz...
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Post by Tonsha » Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:18 am

Day 4: SUCCESS! (and no funny stuff)

No problems through the day, today. Had another big plate of food when I got home. My wife's doing the Slimming World diet, and makes this fantastic quiche with pasta, vegetables and cottage cheese. I had some of that, left over pasta bake, new potatoes, wifey's rice salad and the last hot dog in the pan (Nephew stayed over, so the kids had hot dogs for dinner). I took a picture of it and I'll post it at the weekend to make your mouths water!

Rangered as usual. No SG.

Deb: Thanks for the info on the 'chicken(?) soup'. I'll try and give it a miss as much as possible! :lol:

Other than it being a rather unfortunate anagram, Vimto is a fruit cordial (dilute to taste). It's also available as a carbonated drink (blech!!) and, I just found out, as a jelly for spreading on toast/bread. You can even get Vimto Jammy Dodgers (Got to get some of them for S-days!). One of my fondest memories as a child is buying Vimto Lollies from the Ice Cream van in the summer. They made them themselves in polystyrene cups! Fantastic!


Couldn't find a website for Caro, but it's a cereal based beverage made from barley. Can be used as a tea/coffee replacement, but it's nowhere near as tasty. Still, you have to acquire a taste for tea & coffee, so it's possible to do the same for Caro.

Here's an info link:

Caro Extra is a bit stronger, and that's what I drink.

Incidentally, I should say that I'm LDS (Mormon) so I don't drink tea, coffee, or acohol. Hence the rather obscure drink selections.

You'd think that I'd be well on the way to having an incredibly healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately I like to eat. Mormon joke:

Q. How many Mormons does it take to change a light bulb?

A. 100. One to change the bulb, and the other 99 to bring the refreshments!


Catch you all tomorrow


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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:33 am

Yummy Vimto! We used to make our own vimto lollies as a kid, and vimto ice-cubes (just put the mixed vimto in ice-cube trays, perfect size for you just to suck on a piece at a time).

I think vimto is probably an S. I personally count all squashes as an S, unless I drink it with my meal (that's another brit word that will cause confusion with our US friends! Talk about being divided by a common language! I don't mean pumpkin-type squash, Deb. Squash is a name for a non-fizzy soft drink syrup, which you dilute up with water). I figure I'm allowed to have reasonably sweetened drink along with my food. (no coke etc, that's *definately* banned on N days!) Plus I like to to be made up pretty weak, so I don't think it actually has all *that* much sugar in it, by the time I'm done! I'm talking 1 part syrup to 10 parts water.

The've started making a low cal version of Vimto, but personally I find all low cal drinks to be VILE. I'd rather 'save up' and have a real one on a saturday as a treat.

Keep it going Dave, you're doing great!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:34 pm

Thanks Dave, that was illuminating... (and you even made a "lightbulb joke"! LOL..)
Carolejo, I have actually heard of squash before, as in "Lemon Squash"...

Please continue to use British'isms...
They are fun!

Good for you, Dave, that eating most foods is allowed for you!
I am drinking coffee right now, not that it's good for me! LOL...
Don't expect me to give that up just yet...
I've heard of people drinking cups of "Chickory"... I wonder how that would taste.. Probably horrible! LOL...

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:55 pm

Hi Tonsha, and welcome back!

I'm a chiropractor, so if you have any particular questions and your doc can't answer them, maybe I can help with the exercise issues with SG - I think the main area of concern is to make sure you keep the SG close to your center of gravity and engage your abdominal muscles all through the movement, never letting the weight of the SG get too far away from your center. That way you won't tweak your back. I tell my patients to try making their waist a couple sizes smaller by bringing their navel to the spine and holding the contraction. This engages the transversus abdominus which stabilizes your back. Pilates classes do just this very thing with all their exercises. Core stability = back safety.

On the coffee substitute - for those of us here in the US - go to the health food store and try Postum or Pero - they are grain beverages that taste a lot like coffee and are very satisfying.

That Vimto website was a gas! I have never seen that product here but I will look for it at the next fair I go to - my kids do Irish step dancing and sometimes they have UK and Irish products there.

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Post by cvmom » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:33 pm

Hello DaveA and all:

I have to chime in regarding all the interesting treats they have in England. Let it be known here that England has the best biscuits (cookies) and chocolates that I've ever eaten. I'm glad they are 8000 miles away!!! LOL

To throw another one at you Deb: Ribena. Now that is a squash drink that is made from black current juice. My nieces and nephews down that stuff like water. A lot of English children do. My kids don't like it too much but they do like Smarties, Twix and some odd candy that comes with a little plastic "Footballer" (soccer player).

Personally I swear my allegiance to Hob Nobs. Gosh, those are the biz.

Thank goodness it is Friday. I may have to go to the British store this weekend.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:53 pm

Hey Lethal!!!
I agree about stabilizing that core... I am often reminded in my Yoga to do this...
A bunch of months ago, on the last SG group, I posted a link to some good sketches of transverse abdominus... Most people don't realize that the abs wrap all the way around to the back...
Good info! I will see if I can find that article again.. They were great sketches... Found by that guy, Tom Meyers, who wrote Anatomy Trains and is big on Structural intergration, as he was a long time student of Ida Rolf....

Hey Dave, I can't help but ask you....
What's Tonsha?
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Post by Tonsha » Sun Aug 28, 2005 9:58 pm

Wow! What a weekend! I've missed a couple of days, so I'll quickly fill in the missing parts:


Day 6: S Day

Day 7: S Day

Everything has gone well, and even both S days were fairly moderate (compared to how I normally eat. I could certainly have eaten more fruit Sat/Sun than I did this weekend though).

No walking or SG'ing over the weekend. I did check the no. of steps taken on Saturday and it was woeful (about 4,000). I'll check how I do on weekdays next week.

CaroleJo: I'm OK with the reduced sugar version of Vimto, but for the sake of habit-building, I'm sticking to water on N days.

Lethaltoenails: Thanks for the advice. I'm going to try SG tomorrow, and I'll make an effort to concentrate on stabilising my abs in the way you suggest. There'll be no fenceposts or wood choppin' for me though!

cvmom: The last time I visited the states I went loaded with hob-nobs and Yorkie bars for my friends! (My faves are plain chocolate digestives though!)

Deb: I generally use the term 'juice' rather than 'squash' but that's us Mancunians for you. And 'Tonsha' is just an anagram of my surname (Ashton), it has no other meaning as far as I am aware. Although I do believe that it is a first name for some people. How strange...

No pictures yet, but I'll see what I can do tomorrow - its a bank holiday!


P.S. And at some point I'll definitely have to sort out an Avatar.

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Post by Tonsha » Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:16 am

Day 8: SUCCESS !

Funny Stuff: I had a headache for most of the afternoon (an after effect of too much sun and banging my head on the shed doorway). My usual analgesic combination (2 aspirin, 1 paracetamol) did not clear it, and by 8 o'clock it was threatening to turn into a migraine. "Enough is enough!" I said, and promptly repeated the tablets and chugged a Dr Pepper (for the caffeine hit). This, of course, did the trick.

I'm happy discounting the soda, due to taking it for medicinal purposes only :wink:

Other than this the day went very well. Started SG in the morning - keeping the core stabilised as suggested above. No rangering though.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:19 pm

Hey Dave! :)
Just FYI, though I'm happy your remedy helped you... You might want to consider using Ibuprofen products rather than aspirin.. They have an antiinflammatory effect that aspirin does not, and they are less irritating for the stomach... A cold compress would be good too...
Watch out for that shed!!!! :wink:
Peace and Love,
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Post by Tonsha » Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:05 am

Day 9: SUCCESS! No funny stuff.

I Rangered for slightly longer than normal today (an extra mile) and SG'd just before bed!

Almost the perfect day...

Deb: Thanks for the heads up. I always thought Ibuprofen were worse on the stomach than aspirin, though. I'll have to do some extra research. Fortunately I don't use them very often. Generally stick with paracetamol for a 'regular' headache.

Still no photos...


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Post by Tonsha » Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:13 am

Day 10: SUCCESS!

Funny stuff: Once a month I go to lunch with the rest of my team. I knew I wouldn't 'last' until then (for some reason my body likes to eat lunch 4 hours after breakfast), so I took a banana into work to tide me over.

I fully intended to virtual plate my lunch. I expected to leave enough food on the plate to represent the banana I had eaten earlier. But when the meal arrived, the portions were so modest I thought "What the hey! I could easily fit TWO bananas on that plate!" and subsequently ate the lot! :lol:

Really enjoyed that Steak & Kidney pie...

SG'd & Rangered as well. Everything going well.


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Post by Tonsha » Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:15 am

Woops! I've missed a coupla days...

Day 11: SUCCESS!

No funny stuff and no SG (layoff day - I've got a shoulder pain following day 10's session). Rangered as normal.

Day 12: SUCCESS!

No funny stuff and another day's layoff from SG. No rangering, 'cos I went on an errand at lunchtime and caught the bus :)

Sorry I'm not getting around to contributing to the rest of the forum. I'll see what I can do at the weekend.


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Post by Tonsha » Sun Sep 04, 2005 3:49 pm

Day 13: S Day

And what a day! I was snacking here and there throughout the day. When I got to dinner time I found that I couldn't finish! I was too full! I actually left food on my plate. (I still don't believe that).

It's amazing how much my capacity has reduced since starting this. What I ate on Day 13 would have been a 'normal' day for me just a couple of weeks ago.

I'll be taking it a lot easier on day 14...


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:26 pm

Good job Dave!!!
It is amazing how quickly our bodies and minds get used to having less..
Actually, the mental part is sometimes off with me.. (no laughing!!)
I'll sometimes look at some food and think, "one serving just won't cut it" and then as long as I eat relatively slowly, I do wind up feeling just fine...
The mindset is a hard one to change when we have been so habitualized to overeat for ages...
Great that you are proud of your growth here!!! It will get even better with time!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:56 pm

I'm a couple of days behind again...

Day 14: S Day

Day 15: SUCCESS!

No funny stuff today, but I did have a rather 'hairy' moment around Dinner time. I filled my plate and then took three pieces of french stick as well, thinking "It's a bit of a cheat, but it doesn't matter".

I began to feel rather guilty while eating the meal, and started thinking about how I would have to confess on my check in and reset my count to zero.

This caused me to virtual plate the meal - I ate the bread, but left an equivalent amount of food on the plate. Enough to have placed the bread on the full plate without overhanging.

I reckon this is my biggest triumph to date in terms of willpower and habit forming. I really didn't break my resolve (although I was sorely tempted) and stuck with the diet.

I also SG'd and did a mild 'range.

Life is good! :D


P.S. If you hadn't already noticed, I uploaded an avatar. Yes - this is my ugly mug. I thought about using an abstract symbol or something, but thought "What the heck!"
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:34 pm

Wow Dave!!! That is a feat of control which just earned you about 100 Spiritual pushups in one shot!!!!
I am so proud of you... In the end, our mindset takes the longest to change.. I'm guessing that once the meal was done and the mental temptation had passed, you probably felt completely satisfied with the amount of food you ate...
I'll say it again,,,,
I am super proud of you!!!

Also, you are cute as could be!!!
Love your sweet mug!
Good on you for a great moment and keep it up!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:12 pm


I love your photo too. The angle of your head makes it look really cool.


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Post by Tonsha » Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:01 am


No funny stuff. Rangered as normal, but no SG (I just got caught up in family stuff and didn't get around to it. By the time I realised it was a choice of SG/Bed - and the bed won out!).

Deb & cvmom - thanks for the comments on my pic. It turned out quite nice once I chopped out the head and made it B&W. The head angle is because I was sitting cross-legged on the floor in the tent while I was opening a jar of jam (jelly). I can't remember if I was smiling or grunting with the effort (More SG required to beef those muscles!)



P.S. I've now got my very own page 2 as well! I'm beginning to feel like an old hand now, even though I'm only on Day 15. :lol:
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Post by Tonsha » Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:11 am

Day 17: SUCCESS!

Funny Stuff: This would be one of my hardest days so far. Everything went fine until around 3pm when I suddenly had an attack of the 'munchies'. I made sure I drank plenty of water, but it didn't sate the urge, so I had a Hot Chocolate from the machine. A (well) sugared drink, but nothing too terrible since it was only one. OK after that.

SG'd OK. Only did 30 mins rangering ('cos I took the car to work today).

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:22 pm

Sorry it was such a toughie yesterday!
I think you did great!
I'm happy you are so close to your 21 days!!!!
You just have to make it till Friday Dave!!!!
After that, it's S time and so that last day should be a "cakewalk"
(oh okay,, groan!!!! LOL...)

Yay Dave, you are in the home stretch!!!
Hot chocolate is no biggie!
A Hot fudge sundae,,,that, would something else!

Peace and Love,
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Post by Tonsha » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:02 am

Thanks for the pep talk Deb - you're a sweetie!

It was a tough day but... not *that* tough, really. A Hot Choc fixed it, but I realise now that I could have made myself a Caro or something (got to remember I've got Caro in my desk draw - I always forget!). AT least that way there would have been no sugar.

And I don't reach 21 days until Sunday - started on a Monday. Which reminds me...

Day 18 (Thursday): SUCCESS!

No funny stuff whatsoever.

Rangered as normal (15 - 30 - 15 mins). SG'd in the evening.

A good day :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:30 pm

Richard started on a Monday too, so when he got to Friday, essentially, all the hard days were done...What I meant was that since the weekends are S days, and you technically can't fail on those days, it's an automatic credit to your 21 days...
Today is almost over since you are over there in the Sceptered Isle....
What's for dinner???

If you don't want to forget your Caro (I thought that had sugar, but if it doesn't that's cool) why not premix it when you get to work in a big water bottle and just leave it on your desk so you see it...
I have always found that if I leave my giant water bottle around where it's visible, already filled up, I will wind up drinking more water throughout the day... Otherwise it's easy to forget, unless it's like ninety degrees...

(ps... I saw your question to Carolejo about your before photo! LOL.. Just remember that she might not be checking her email for another week or so, because she said she was going to do her final shove from Britain to Tulip land... Try for it on your own! LOL...)

All the best!
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Post by Tonsha » Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:37 pm

Day 19: SUCCESS!

No Funny Stuff. (Other than a minor virtual plating incident at tea time: Isaac's left over pizza fingers were too much to resist! I left room on my plate for them :wink: )

Rangered as normal, but no SG as I had friends over in the evening.

Deb: You are right once again. I have done it! I cannot fail!

I AM INVINCIBLE !! ..ahem... :oops:
(It sure feels good !)

I will not officially enter the Hall of Fame until Monday morning, though. I will wait until the 22nd morning to make the announcement all the sweeter :lol:

Thanks to everyone who posted encouragement, suggestions and tips (Especially Deb for being so enthusiastic and kind, and - of course - Reinhard for thinking up this brilliant system in the first place).

I'm going to see how long I can maintain this for, so I'm going to continue my count in base 21 ( I am *SUCH* a geek!). So today is officially day J21 :roll:


P,S. Deb - dinner was packet pasta and leftover vegetarian chilli :D
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:24 pm

Hugs Dave!!!
I think I am totally confused about the numbering lettering base 21 thing!!??? LOL!!
You computer guys speak another language.. Heh heh..

Yes you are invincible! There's never any shame in starting over!
People who are on the road to success, self improvement, nirvana or anywhere else good, are going to encounter minor bumps...
It's just part of the process..

Still, you are a success, no matter whether you complete the 21 days or not,,,perfectly or imperfectly, whatever... because you are
doing something, as opposed to *nothing*!!!!
Also, as my Yoga teacher reminds us in class, the attempt is just as important as the achievement...
Give yourself a pat on the back each time you consciously make the effort!!!!
Hey, by the way, even Reinhard cleaned off his little baby's plate a while back when she was eating yummy avocado! It's just part of being a parent...
My Uncle, ten years junior to my Mom, used to say (when I was much younger, like 33 years younger!)
"Hey!!! Debbie... Look over there!!!! See out the window there's a bird!" or some other thing...
And then he would steal my food! LOL....
Pasta and Veggie Chili!
Sounds nice... Can I come over sometime for leftovers??
I just need to get the plane fare and I'm there... :lol:
I just made a great giant and oh so heavenly brunch of
Scrambled eggs with sauteed onions and fresh mushrooms, plus a delicious mushroom flavoured brie cheese!!!!
Wow... That was really drool worthy!
My son started his Sax lessons today, so I made food and ate it with Premik before they started... Fun to have the company, and a good reason to clean up before!!! LOL...... And what musician is going to say "No" to a home cooked meal!
My place still smells like fried onions... :lol:
I'm learning Sax too! Richard did great... I'm having fun, but he is better than Mom :P

Hope you are having a great day Tonsha...
Keep smiling!!! Happiness Rules!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blue Daisy » Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:15 am

Congratulations Dave you're going to make the 21 days and get to join the 21 day club, YEA! Also, thanks for the support you have given me. I hope to make it there in 15 days myself.
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Post by Tonsha » Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:37 pm

Day K21 (20): S Day

A really nice day today. Enjoyed having sweets & a very occasional snack (1 I think). Had chippy dinner at a mates house and couldn't finish it.

The base 21 thing is just a bit silly (grin) but I wanted to keep track of consistency in multiples of 21. Would 1.1 make more sense? (That would be day 22)

Deb, you are spot on when you talk about doing something rather than nothing - even if we only make the attempt. We have at least succeeded in *striving*. And we will eventually succeed if we don't give up.

Your scrambled eggs with mushrooms sound yummy! Good luck with the sax! Its my wife's favourite instrument. (I think she thinks it sounds sexy!)

Daisy, I am sure that you can make that 21 days. Pile up your plate at each meal if that is what it takes you to succeed. Build the habit first, and then think about controlling what's on the plate. Work towards small success/habits and eventually you'll succeed on the big habit!

Catch you all again tomorrow morning when I check in on the 21 day thread!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:56 pm

Yeah! Tell you're wife there's nothing like good sax! After sax I think it's good to smoke a cigarette, but wait I don't smoke...
Ha ha ha....

I don't quite sound sexy on that yet, maybe in a few more lessons! LOL...
Richard practiced the first thing in the morning before even being asked..
I'm even feeling like I have a bit of a better aumboucher (I have no clue how to spell this! LOL)
You should check out my friends website... He does sound sexy!!
He played with a whole bunch of people including Whitney Houston and Mahavishnu Orchestra, and Santana...
And he is the guy giving us lessons!
Talk about a dream come true....
Listen to his clip from the Regina Belle song on his soundclips...
If that's not sexy I don't really know what is...

Have a great day "K22.21.93" :)
This is almost seems like you need someone to catalogue your NoS quest like people who catalogue music..
You know, BWV22.Kochel#57....
(don't mind me, I'm just getting silly on you now... hee...)
Peace and Love,
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Post by Tonsha » Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:14 am

Didn't log in for Sunday did I?

Day 1021: S Day

Yahoo! I'm now a member of the 21 day club!

Day 1121 (Day 22): SUCCESS!

Had a conversation with someone which wound me up a bit. Around supper time I was *really* tempted to eat. A couple of bowls of cereal was the comfort I craved. But I'm glad to say that I didn't.

I'm was still replaying the conversation in my head this morning, but I'm happy to say that's cleared up now :roll:

(Incidentally, it was all my fault. But at leaast I've stopped beating myself up about it now :) )

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:15 pm

Hi David!
I'm sorry about that upset you had, and it's rough to have it roll around in your head, well after it's done...
You were very good not translating that stress and upset into eating a bowl (or two) of cereal...
I say, it's moments like these where someone should send a band and tickertape parade into the house playing the "Theme from Rocky" because they are our personal triumphs, and they deserve a big cheer!!!!
*Almost* messing up, due to non-hunger issues, in other words, stress/emotional eating, and then catching yourself before it happens is a herculean feat! A mark of your blossoming Willpower!!!
Alright mate, you just earned 100 more Spiritual pushup points for it....
There's a good lad!!! :lol:
I am proud of your great choice there...
You are setting a good example for me too, as this is a scenario I am pretty familiar with too... I will think twice about running for Rice Krispies if I want to kill my rotten boss at work one day! LOL...
As far as not wanting to rerun the conversation in your head, unless it goes against your own personal beliefs (which it shouldn't) I suggest you find a Yoga instructor and attend some classes...
One of the main reasons for Yoga, is to calm the mind... The racing thoughts and repeating "scenarios" have a much weaker impact (and usually just go away completely) when you are concentrating on your pose and getting that blood flowing, and breathing in a relaxed and deep way...
But Yoga or not, you are doing a great job with self control and self awareness....
Beating yourself up is unnecessary...
God wouldn't do it, so why should you... You didn't kill anyone, or anything, and finding fault with yourself is just a way of draining the batteries and lowering your self esteem...
There are divine reasons for everything Dave... Maybe that experience has somehow left you and the other person involved with a valuable lesson you won't fully realize until some time in the future when you can see the bigger picture...

Thanks for being my running mate! I know I picked a winner!!
You are already influencing me!
Hey, maybe that was the whole purpose behind that whole experience...
When the Universe thinks you are ready for a challenge, it gives you one...
So the Universe must really believe in you Dave!
Your example has given me more inspiration to "catch myself" in "the act" and stop it before the act is done...
Have a great one today, I will make it a good one, like you said in my thread!!! See you later.. :wink:
Peace and Love,
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Post by Tonsha » Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:33 am

Day 1221: SUCCESS!

No funny stuff (other than a Hot Choc at around 3:30 pm).

Rangered as usual, but no SG. I'm laying off the SG for two weeks. I've got some shoulder pain from 'churning butter'. :?

The good news is: I weighed myself this morning and lost another 2 lbs! This makes a total of 6 lbs over my first 21 days of No S. If memory serves me correctly, I had a 6 lb loss when I did this a year ago, so that is cool.

What is different this time around? Well, I am definitely following the the diet more 'strictly' (it certainly feels that way to me anyway - hot chocs in the afternoon notwithstanding!). And I'm doing more rangering than I did last year. Those fifteen minute walks to and from the bus stop morning and evening all add up!

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Post by Tonsha » Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:58 am

Day 1321: SUCCESS!

No funny stuff at all (still had my 3:00pm drink, but bought Coffeemate at lunch time so I could have Caro instead of Hot Choc/Soup).

Rangered as normal. No SG or any other exercise.

A good day. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:07 am

Good for you!!!!!
Nice planning ahead! Tonsha knows how to rock and roll! No funny stuff is what we want to hear...

Oh, so Caro must be like a fake coffee thing eh?
(that remind me to make some coffee now! LOL... Thanks Dave! LOL..)
Well if it get's your through your urge and it's not a mid day Gin and Tonic, well hey, go for it!
Less Hot Chocolate (except on S days) will definitely make a big difference overall, if you have five less of them each week...

Yay our Dave!
Peace and Love,
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Post by Tonsha » Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:14 am

Day 1421: SUCCESS!

No funny stuff. Rangered as normal. No SG or any other exercise.

(Is this getting boring? Maybe I should start telling jokes or something...)

Oh, Deb. I was thinking: Just in case you get another virus, or your hard disk crashes (heaven forbid), it might be a good idea to get a Live Linux CD. Basically, it is an entire OS plus applications on the CD. Your computer can boot up and run eveything on the CD without installing anything directly to your hard drive.

This means that if you do have another problem, you can still connect to the internet and contact people and stuff, even if Windows is completely screwed! How good is that?!

I'd recommend SLAX. It's got just enough stuff to make it functional, but still looks purty:

There are loads of other out there if this one doesn't work on yuor PC. Maybe Freakwitch has some recommendations too.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:50 am

DAY 14????? I'm only on day 4 mate, why are you winning??? LOL...

Computer guys!

Successful days are never boring!
Yay Dave!!!!

Got any goodies lined up for this weekend?
Vitmo maybe!?
(just kidding... Your Vitmo is like Peeties Prunes! I will probably beat it into the ground!)

Hugs and Best,
Your "Ex"
(only Dave can understand this joke! LOL...)
8) Deb

PS.. I'm not telling you guys how much Dave lost, but it's alot!!!!
Ha ha! :P

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:58 am

PS.. Forgot to say thanks for your Linux link.. If I ever need help, between you, Reinhard, Justin, Freakwitch and Navin, I could probably put together an entire tech support company!
It would be the cutest comp staff on the planet!
Have a great day!
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:38 pm

Dave, I remember reading here somewhere before about these becoming 'boring'. It's like some version of a modern day wish / prayer:-

May you and your family be happy and healthy, and may your diet blog be boring :lol:

I wish you and all Nossers here the above!

Boring is good in this case. It means you're doing really well.


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Post by Tonsha » Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:16 am

Phew...what a busy weekend. Got three days to catch up on:

Day 1521: SUCCESS!

Day 1621: S Day

Day 1721: S Day

Everything going well so far. No funny stuff on Friday (well.. we had a family video night and the boys had a new popcorn. Smelled interesting, so I tried 3 kernals just to see what it was like. *YUK!* Technically a 'snack' but I reckon its neither here nor there).

The weekend was a bit mad (Kit-Kat or Banana muffin anybody?) but soon got full.

The result is - I lost! (Not telling how much until the end of the next 21 days, but I'm quite happy).

How was the weekend for you Deb? Keep going girl!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:52 am

YAY Dave!!!!

See, even with mad muffin making and kitkat crunching you still are doing great!!!
That's because of your non-funny other days!!!!

I truly don't recognize you Tonsha!
Come over here now so I can check it's you for sure! :lol:
I am so happy for you my buddy!

Yeah, yeah,,, don't tell a soul about your great loss... Only me! Ha ha ha hah! You will all have to wait for 2121 days!!!

As for me... I got to sleep at 3 am, so will fill you in on my shenanigans for the weekend later... But Dave it was great...
Thanks mate!
No worries!
Are you having a little lunch now, with some Caro or Vitmo!?
Don't save me any of that Yucko popcorn... :lol:
8) Deb
*who picked a winner of a teammate!

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Post by Tonsha » Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:27 am

Day 1821: SUCCESS!

No funny stuff. I was really tempted around supper time, but forced myself to have a drink and just get on with my chores at home.

Rangered as normal, but no SG. This will be my second week of layoff from SG and my shoulder ached today (had to do a little bit of digging on Saturday, so I'm feeling it Monday). Went to bed with a hot wheat bag on my shoulder. I'll see if that eases it.

The only other exercise I did was paint the kitchen (2nd coat) and check out how many tiles I needed for the kitchen floor. I'll get my wife to order them in the next day or so. :o

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:14 am

Hi Dave mate! :wink:
There's a nice product you might want to try (though it smells a bit mentholish..) called "Biofreeze"... Mostly a massage therapy/physical therapy product, so it's probably not available at the drugstore.. But you could find it online...
If you have some tendonitis rubbing a bit of it in should help reduce some of the pain and inflammation... If you put it on an unaffected area you might be like "So?,,, What's the big deal?..." but if you have tendonitis and some warmth already, you will notice a big difference when you apply it... It's really effective.
You could always order some from

Hope the "Hot Wheat" bag works... If it's the cream of wheat kind, make sure you add cream and sugar, or it won't work... :P
Digging and painting will definitely instigate trouble if you already have a somewhat recent injury there...
I bet it's your mouse hand side, from when you are working at the comp...
Hope it feels better soon Dave!
Wish I could be of assistance somehow...
How frustrating!
It's wayyyy to far for a home call for me!

I'm proud of you Dave!
No funny stuff tonight, even when sorely tempted..
That's hard to do!
You are my hero!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:36 pm

Put a reply to the Flickr image thread on the 'I'm confused' topic.

Hope it helps. If you need any more assistance, please feel free to contact me again.

Best of luck and I look forward to seeing that picture up here soon!

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Post by Tonsha » Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:39 pm

OK. Here we go...

The BEFORE Picture:


Frightening isn't it? That was me the week before I started No S again (About 4 weeks ago). More importantly, this photo is the *reason* I started No S again!!

I'm glad that my arm is covering up that belly, 'cos I'd be even *more* embarrassed about it than I already am.

It's got better since then...

Thanks to CaroleJo for helping me with instructions on getting it posted. (I bet some of you wish i hadn't now, eh?)


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Post by Blue Daisy » Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:37 pm

Dave you are doing great! You have accomplished alot; made the 21 day club, lost 6 lbs and now going strong into your next 21 days.
Sounds like you are doing some home improvements too. That'll keep you busy and your mind and hands occupied so there is no munching. :) Or so I've found. I've been stripping my dining room table too. Fun, fun.
Hope you don't mind, I forwarded the information you gave Deb for when her computer crashes to my husband at work. Our main computer at home is acting squirrelly and we can't dial out. I've been using our old ancient computer. It's torture. I think it is a Windows 3.11, something, something.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:08 am

Can I go swimming with you please? LOL... :lol:
I don't think you look frightening, so stop all that.... Meh, it's just a little extra that came with your value meal! LOL.. But hey, we all have our own ideas of beauty and such, so if you feel motivated to change, for yourself, it's all good!
Yay you!!!! It's under your "belt" now and you are on your way!
I am eagerly looking forward to your "during" picture!
You are really brave dude, for putting yourself out there like that.
I am not sorry you did it! When you see *my* before photo, you will really see what a big person looks like... You are only medium! LOL....

Oh, on a non-diet note, love the shaved head look.. really cool, and I knew you would look great without glasses! LOL..
Peace and Love
Yer Mate,
8) Deb
ps.. How good are you at Boogie-boarding? Where was the pic shot at ?
Hugs Surfer dude!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:21 am

Oh, hey! You left out some pertinent info!
How'd it go today?
Day 1921, or what?
Details swimming man, details!
Don't be telling me you had some hot chocolate (just kidding! LOL..)
ha ha ha...
Boy that sounds good actually!
Wow, it must be getting close to that "chocolate" time of the month! LOL..

Dave, report in, or I will steal your boogie board! LOL..
Seeya in the morning...
:D P&L

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Post by carolejo » Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:08 am

I put my 'before' photo up too. Like you, the photo I picked is the one that made me go 'holy crap! I really have to do something about this!!!'.

Nice to see you anyway, even if it's not the image you really want us to see! Looking forward to seeing your first 'during' photo for comparison.


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Post by Tonsha » Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:23 am

Day 1921: SUCCESS!

Funny stuff: Hot choc in the afternoon. Some virtual plating at dinner time.

Rangered as normal. No SG. Continued with the wheat bag when I went to bed.

Hi Deb! I always post the day *after* - that way I know it has been a success. There's no way to cheat then :lol:

Anytime you want to go surfin with me, just come on over. Bring Richard as well - I'm sure he'd love it!

We go about once a year to a little place called Plwmp in south Wales. (Pronounced 'plump' - how appropriate!! :lol:). Surfing takes place at Llangranog, which is a nightmare to drive to, and a tiny beach, but the surf is pretty good when the tide is right. It was pretty poor when that photo was taken, but me and the boys had a great time regardless.

Carole. Thanks again for help in getting the picture posted. I'll post a 'during' picture around Christmas time, I reckon. Before Christmas - not after! :lol:

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Post by Gman » Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:31 am

Good on you Tonsha for doing something about it. Do you follow Salford Rugby League team?

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Post by cvmom » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:53 pm


I can't believe you aren't wearing a wetsuit. The Irish Sea can be pretty bloody cold!!! I don't recall putting a toe in the water when I was in Wales. :lol:

I agree with Deb that your photo is not as bad as you think. (What did she say? A few extra value meals...)

I had a bad photo taken in July that pushed me in the No S direction too. But I am way too vain to post a photo in a bathing suit. (Not to mention that I am way too computer illiterate to figure it out.)

Good on You Man!!!! You will reach your goals. I know it.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:51 pm

I have decided that whoever settled first in Wales must have been a very inebriated dyslexic...

I can't ever imagine how any of that is supposed to sound! LOL...

Next time you go swimming, try out Lake Kloaplthathgothenblandgergdonetongogen!

:lol: Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:18 am

Good morning DaveA!
How are you today my dear friend?
Let's say we call in sick to work and go to Klangothen!? :lol:
:wink: Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Sat Sep 24, 2005 4:42 pm

Howdy everyone! Wow, it's been a crazy week. Work, Church and family have been more hectic than *five* really hectic things! :lol:

The important stuff:

Day 1A21 (Wed): SUCCESS!

Day 1B21 (Thu): SUCCESS!

Day 1C21(Fri): S Day

(I can hear you all say "Whaaat!"). Yes. Went to a birthday party with associated BBQ. Had intended to be good, but it was too much too resist! In the end I just went mad. Ate 3 burgers, a hot dog, and dived into the cake for good measure. In the end I decided to take it as an S Day. Well, I actually decided to swap it with Saturday's S Day.

Been a good boy so far today (Sat). It's an N Day and everything going well. Pizza and chips for dinner (Diane is out buying them now), so I intend to simply fill my plate and then leave it there.

Sorry for not being around for the last few days!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:38 am

Yo Dave!
So what day are we on now? I am all lost in these numbers already!!!
Are we starting over or what? LOL..
I had a pretty good weekend, how bout you?
Any more cake??? :twisted:
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:00 am

A whole day without Dave again!!!
Sniff, sniff,,, sob,,,,


I guess I'll just have to end it all then!
(LOL... Just kidding!)

(very mature)
:P Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:03 pm

Oh, dear. Another couple of days missed...

Day 1D21 (Sat): SUCCESS!

Day 1E21 (Sun): S Day

Day 1F21 (Mon): SUCCESS!

Day 1G21 (Tue): SUCCESS!

Rangered as normal on all N days, but no extra exercise (SG or anything else) other than Saturday. I did some gardening on Saturday, and my shoulder is complaining a bit, so I will be laying off upper body work for another week.

The extra good news is: I weighed myself again on Monday morning and registered another loss! I really thought I would only have maintained due to cutting out SG (that was the most i was hoping for). The loss is a nice surprise!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:22 pm

Yay Dave!!!!!!!
Hey everyone! I know how much Dave lost! But we aren't telling yet! LOL...

Dave, believe it or not, the SG actually slows down pounds lost... It's really messes with your numbers because the muscles adapt very quickly and muscle weighs three times as much as fat... So it's really quite hard to see the numbers go down when you are coupling diet with weight training... You are increasing muscle mass and therefore it screws up the readout on the scale, though, in all likelyhood, you are certainly losing overall "mass", fat mass that is... LOL...

Sorry about your shoulder Dave! I mean, if you can pay for the ticket to Salford, I'd be happy to give you a session!
I highly recommend finding a competent therapist with specialization in treating trigger points... Sounds like you have tendonitis, and where there's tendonitis, there's normally trigger points in the muscles, and vice versa...

Have a great day Dave!!!
(or night since it's very late for you now! LOL...)
PS.. Thanks for the new, and weird numbering system.. I have always liked the alphabet! LOL...
Hey! Tomorrow is already *mid week* Ha ha ha!!! Then the weekend...
Will we unveil ourselves this coming Monday or next? I kind of want to wait till the following week, because I am going to get my "you know what" this weekend so it will most likely, totally whack out my real weight... (How vain of me! LOL....)

Peace and love,
8) Deb

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reading but not posting

Post by lynne2005 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:44 pm

Dave your doing brilliantly, im watching you lol xxx have a good one and hope your shoulder eases off soon, how about having a bit of a bike ride with the kids in the time that your not able to do the shovelglove thingy???
Love Lynne
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forgot to say

Post by lynne2005 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:46 pm

I like the 1:2 system of keeping track of your 'attendance' makes more sense to me! but ill learn lol byeeeeeeee
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:14 pm

Hey Dave!!! :D
I'm watching you too, like our Lynne, but where the heck are you??? LOL...

I can only assume you are doing so great that you have nothing to report...
I hope!
8) Deb

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Is he so thin hes vanished!!!

Post by lynne2005 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:20 pm

Dave !!!!!!!!! Where are you, we miss you !!!!!

Lynne xx
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Post by Tonsha » Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:40 am

Hi everyone!

Thanks for all of the comments and encouragement. I'm really struggling to get time to check in and do review everybody's dailys, but I'll try and do a bit better over the weekend.

Down to business:

Day 1H21 (Wed): SUCCESS!

Day 1I21 (Thu): SUCCESS!

No problems or funny stuff. Rangering for 1 hour a day (15-30-15), but no SG or any extra exercise.

(For those of you completely confused about the numbering system: in base 21 the units column goes from 0 to K (20). 1021 equals 21 days. 2021 equals 42 days or 2 lots of 21. Make any more sense? :twisted: Ha Ha!)

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Post by carolejo » Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:42 am

He LIVES!!!!

Go Dave, Go Dave (can you tell I'm on a sugar high...?)

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Post by reinhard » Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:46 pm

(For those of you completely confused about the numbering system: in base 21 the units column goes from 0 to K (20). 1021 equals 21 days. 2021 equals 42 days or 2 lots of 21. Make any more sense? Ha Ha!)
Dave, this is truly awesome. You could give a very compact representation of several habits.




I'm thinking of giving each system a line of its own and doing something like:


in my own log (as soon as I count them all up), but in base 10 as a sad concession to comprehensibility :-)

Then I could have some kind of weird formula to give me an arbitrary but impressively precise "score." Now that would be cultish... :-)


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Post by Azathoth » Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:59 pm

Tonsha must be a computer guy... no one else counts in any system other than base 10 :P ... In short: I'm considering adopting this system myself now that I see how cool it is (and how much sense it makes given the whole 21-day emphasis)

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Post by Tonsha » Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:58 pm

HAH! The geek stuff gets multiple responses from the guys! Amazing...

(There was a reason I put the 'twisted' symbol onto that post...)

AZ - I'm just a computer guy wannabe. I work at a software company, but in a management role. They haven't let me touch code for over ten years !!

Reinhard - the numbering system sounds interesting. Work out your numbers and post it up so we can see it!

Carole - Yep, I'm still here and still going strong. But I'm having to twist and hammer the heck out of No S to get it to fit my calendar at the moment. specifically:

Day 1J21 (Fri): S Day

Day 1K21 (Sat): SUCCESS !

Yes, I ended up swapping Saturday's S Day for Friday's N Day again, simply because I had a night out with mates. It was a great night and we all had lots of fun and got in late, but those chocolate digestive biccies were screaming at me ("Dave! Daaaaave! Eat me! C'mon ya wimp! Eeeeaaaat Meeeeee!").

I won't post to the 21 Day club 'till tomorrow, but I think I can safely say that I have completed today successfully (since it is an S Day). So:

Day 2021 (Sun): S Day

I am now - officially - a Two-Timing Nosser. :lol:

PS - AZ: I never responded to yours & Reinhards 'Lovecraft' discussion, but my faves would be 'Rats in the Walls' ('cos the idea of rats in the walls really creeps me out) and 'Shadow Over Innsmouth' (because the lead character got a scarey chase through the streets of Innsmouth and that got my heart in my mouth and my blood pumping at the time). 'The Music of Erich Zann' is another fave for me.
Last edited by Tonsha on Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:59 pm

Hey Dave!
Congrats on being a "two timing nosser" (now that does sound almost rude!!! LOL...)

I'm glad to be personally involved! LOL....
Just kidding! Ha ha ....

Tonsha... I'm not in the "two timers" club, because I goofed up a couple of days this week with seconds at dinner... I've got my "you know what" coming imminently, so I won't weigh in for another week, or maybe even two.. :wink:
This has been a bit of an "off" few weeks for me, Spiritually, physically, emotionally, and some fourth thing that ends with "lly" I think stepping on a scale tomorrow might be enough to send me over the edge! LOL...
Must be strong and back into my regular flow before I do that!
Enjoy the weekend mate!
Peace and Love,
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Post by Tonsha » Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:26 am

Day 2121: SUCCESS!

No funny stuff. Whatsoever. Although I was sincerely tempted on a couple of occasions (Seconds at dinner. Finish off the boy's supper :twisted:)

Rangered as normal, and remembered to SG just before I went to bed. Not a 'pure' SG. Kept the routine to exercises that wouldn't hit my back or shoulder:

Shovelling - Squats - Shovelling - Squats - Stoke Oven - Sit-ups - Stoke Oven - Sit-ups - Flip the Lever.

Not masses of variety, but I'll probably switch the routine at the start of each month to keep things lively.

My aim is to develop the 14 minute habit. The exercise routine I use is (almost) secondary. SG will be the core of it (it's good for upper body) so I will continue to call it SG.

'til tomorrow!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:48 am

Yay Dave!!!!
Good for not eating your kids dinner... I have to say I did eat about three bites of Richards leftovers about four days ago...
It is hard until you actually get a real "I'm full" signal from your belly.. But it's especially hard if you are just in that habit...
Imagine you and Diane are dining at a really posh restaurant with your adult friends... You wouldn't eat off one of your friends plates now would you? It would be bloody embarrassing!
So try and embarrass yourself into not clearing your kids plate too! LOL...
As for the Shovelglove... Go really really really slow... 14 minutes of anything physical beats the heck out of 14 more minutes at our desks!
You'll get yourself straight and just enjoy what you are doing without hurting yourself..
Even Reinhard said "Standing around staring at the wall" fulfills the 14 minute thing! LOL....
You are doing great! It cheers me up to read your posts...
8) Deb

Hey I just pushed your posts over to the fourth page!!! Go page four!!! LOL :lol:

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Post by Tonsha » Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:11 am

Thanks for the encouragement Deb!

Day 2221: SUCCESS!

Well...success at No S. UR'd for half an hour today, not the full hour. SG just didn't happen (I finally got around to painnting the Bathroom ceiling - maybe this could count as exercise!)

I'll do better today. But I'm not beating myself up about it. The No S was good.

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Post by cvmom » Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:09 pm


I tend to count home improvment projects as physcial activity!!!! (As long as it's not sewing). I detest painting ceilings!! I have to paint one next week. I hope we don't hurt our backs. :lol: :lol:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:04 pm

Big Hugs Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Painting is certainly exercise!!!!
See you tomorrow mate!
8) Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:19 am

Day 2321: SUCCESS!

No S seemed almost easy today. No real temptations or hunger pangs. I'm really chuffed. Only rangered for 30 mins, but SG'd in the evening.

A good day.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:30 pm

What's "chuffed"? LOL...
Whatever it is, Tonsha, I am too!!!!!
( I think, unless it's too weird...)

Have a great day chuffing it!!!!!
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Post by cvmom » Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:26 pm


I think chuffed means happy with one's self.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:57 pm

Thanks Dru!!!
You make me feel very chuffy!!! LOL..

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Post by Tonsha » Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:30 am

Day 2421 (Thu): FAILURE! :shock:

Bit of a shock this, as it is my first failure. The problem came at dinner. Had a 'full' plate, but it obviously wasn't 'full enough' as I finished my meal and didn't feel satisfied. That was the first time since I started the diet.

I wanted another slice of bread. I knew I didn't need to eat it, but I also knew that I would struggle for the next few hours with feeling hungry. In the end I gave in/listened to my body (pick your choice) and had another slice of bread.

I felt satisfied after that, and was fine for the rest of the evening. was a qualified failure. I don't feel disappointed in myself. I've learned to make sure I have a 'proper' meal.

I'll just carry on as normal for Fri-Sun, and restart my count on Monday ('cos the Monday thru Saturday thing was working very well for me).

And I have a Personal Best to beat! 2321 (45) days!!

Roll on next week! :wink:

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Post by carolejo » Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:59 am

Hey Tonsha!

Your personal best is better than mine by about 15 days!!! :lol:

Good on you for keeping it a 'controlled failure'. I often finish dinner and think 'I could eat that again', but I've developed a rule that I won't eat anything else for at least 30 minutes after I finished my plateful. If I still feel consistently hungry and haven't forgotten about it, I will then have a piece of fruit to appease the hunger beastie inside. 9 times out of 10, by the time 30 minutes has gone by, I've moved on and am doing something else entirely, not thinking about food / hunger and not hungry anymore. Usually it's just a case of my brain needing to catch up with the message from my stomach that it's full. Did you know it can take 8 minutes between your stomach getting full and that message reaching your brain..?! I guess I probably eat a little too quickly sometimes.

Anyhow, I'm also trying to build the 14 minute habit. I will also be basing it around SG, but my 12 pound hammer is really just a little too heavy for me to weald properly for a full 14 minutes, so I'm trying to do 8 to 10 minutes of that and the remainder of something (anything!) else.

Good going, anyhow.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:40 pm

Oy Tonsha!!!LOL..
I "failed" yesterday too, cuz I ate cheetos at 11:45 pm in the middle of a darkened room!!! LOL..
In the morning, the tell tale "Orange fingernails" were the reminder!!!

I think you're choice to have a little more, due to actual hunger, was a good choice... Every day is different... Better than what I did! LOL...
But the rest of the day was really good, so oh well
We "Bleeped" up a little bit, but as you say,,, today and next week lets just
"Roll up, Roll up for the mystery tour!!!!! LOL...

Let's have a little cyber hug and move on!!! LOL....
Ha ha ha...

PS.. How's your shoulder feeling today? Hope better...
Have a fandabbydozie weekend dude!!!

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Post by Tonsha » Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:46 pm

OK - A quick update for the weekend before getting stuck in tomorrow...

Friday: SUCCESS!

Saturday: S Day

Sunday: S Day

Saturday was a major snack day (especially since I went to the cinema in the evening - lots of popcorn 'n' chocolate!!)

Today was much more modest. I had dessert after Dinner, and that was pretty much it.

Very happy with things this week, and I will be looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow morning. (I did a 'sneak preview' on Saturday, and was quite excited! Here's hoping is doen't fluctuate upwards before the 'official' weigh in!)

See y'all!


PS went to see Serenity if you're interested. Great movie, but I am GUTTED at the shock plot twists. :evil:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:52 pm

Hey Dave, can I check your BMI tomorrow???
I have to do it by giving you a hug...
Have a nice night...
See you soon.
ps.. I'm only going to weigh in *next* week! LOL....

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Post by Tonsha » Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:09 pm

Day 1 (Mon): SUCCESS!!

No problems today and no funny stuff. I also UR'd and SG'd today, so I am 1:1:1 :D

Checked my weight this morning and I am 12st 2lbs (170lbs). That's another pound lost (although Saturday morning's sneak peak had me at 169).

Deb: my BMI came out as 27.4 at this site:

It was 29 when I started, which was approaching the 'obese' range. I didn't feel like I was obese though, and I imagine quite a lot of people don't either...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:31 am

No problems today and no funny stuff. I also UR'd and SG'd today, so I am 1:1:1
Dave!!!! I am proud of you!!! And your 1:1:1 record is my "Lucky" number!!!!
You are definitely rolling with the flow!!!

Don't let your sneak peek made you freak!!! LOL.. Fluctuations of between 1-2 lbs are very normal from day to day... I'm totally getting used to that, and don't really like to check more than once a week, because I know it's gonna just be a mind game...

Congrats on a whole pound Dave!!!
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Deb: my BMI came out as 27.4 at this site:
I prefer to do a manual evaluation my dear Dave! :wink:
That's way more fun than those boring BMI sites!!!
Hmmm... Let me see... How would you stand the pinch test? :P

I'm so happy you are doing well!!!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:46 pm

Hey - I've not posted for two days....

Day 2 (Tues): SUCCESS!! 2:2:2

Day 3 (Weds): SUCCESS!! 3:3:3

Things going OK so far. Tried pulling in another notch on my belt. It was a bit 'snug' so I let it out again. Next week maybe!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:24 pm

Maybe I can help you squeeze it in!!! LOL...
Have a great day Dave.. I am running now like an idiot!
Just wanted to say
8) Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:03 pm

HA! Monday!

Day 4 (Thu): SUCCESS!

Day 5 (Fri): S Day It was the ward birthday party (1 year since we moved into the new building). games, dancing & food. Definitely an S-Day...

Day 6 (Sat): S Day

Day 7 (Sun): SUCCESS! Didn't SG but went on a Self-defence seminar (4 hours). I'll count this as SG & UR all rolled into one!

It was a rather odd order, but it averages as 5 N-days and 2 S-days, so that's a successful week!

So...I didn't weight myself this morning (forgot), but I was able to cinch in my belt another notch. Comfortably! Sorry, but no need to accomodate you, Deb! :lol: We'll have to arrange some other time :wink:

I'll weigh myself tomorrow and let you all know what the result is.

Take Care!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:14 pm

HA! Monday!
I see nothing funny about the first day of the week Dave!!!! :evil:
Day 7 (Sun): SUCCESS! Didn't SG but went on a Self-defence seminar (4 hours). I'll count this as SG & UR all rolled into one!
That sounds great! Are you planning on becoming some kind of mercinary/vigilante or something, or are you simply preparing to protect yourself from twin boys when they hit adolescence?
So...I didn't weight myself this morning (forgot), but I was able to cinch in my belt another notch. Comfortably! Sorry, but no need to accomodate you, Deb! We'll have to arrange some other time
I *never* have any fun anymore!

Glad you went down a notch Dave!!!
I am thrilled for you ducky! :wink:

I think, not weighing all the time is a fine thing, actually... Unless your pants start getting tight on you again, I wouldn't worry too much...
I guarantee that you will hit your goal weight healthfully, and happilly!
Have a great week our Dave!

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Post by Tonsha » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:34 am

Quick Update:

Day 8 (mon): SUCCESS! 8:8:8

No funny stuff. UR & SG as normal.

Weighed myself this morning, and I've maintained (12st 2lbs = 170lbs). But I've cinched my belt that extra notch as I mentioned yesterday.

I guess I'm starting to put muscle on and toning my middle. :D That's FANTASTIC! I Exercised 5 days last week, so it's all adding to the changes my body is making.

Hooray for me!


PS. Deb's Q: Mercenary or Protection from Adolescents? A: A bit of both... :twisted:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:12 pm

Hooray for me!
Ditto Ducky!!! : :lol:

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:14 pm

Day 9 (Wed): SUCCESS!!

...well No-S & UR was a success, but I was so busy last night that I didn't SG. D'OH!

Never mind - start again tomorrow: 9:9:0

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Post by Tonsha » Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:54 am

(Not so much of a 'daily' check in this, is it?)

Day A (Thu): SUCCESS! A:A:1

Day B (Fri): S Day The boys & I had a movie night in front of the TV (Jason & the Argonaughts - the classic 1963 version. Brilliant!). Popcorn and Jam Oaties meant this had to be an S -Day...

Day C (Sat) S Day C:C:3

Day D (Sun) SUCCESS! So, basically, I swapped Friday's N day with Sundays S day. However, no SG today (ARGH!). Start again tomorrow...

(Mon Update) Weighed myself again - maintained. I'm pleased about that, especially considering the excesses of the weekend S days.


P.S. just discovered that using capitals in the daily count switches the smileys on! Have to use lower case from now on - hence the format of Sundays count.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:24 pm

(Not so much of a 'daily' check in this, is it?)
Hi Dave!
I'm at the library!!! (Yuck!!!! Aaaahhhhggghhhh!!!!)
I'll be hooking up the DSL again this coming Friday...

I really miss being able to check in and post when I want/need to...

The daily thing isn't necessary unless, I guess, one wanted to, or was doing their attempt at 21 days on habit...
I think, as long as it's weekly, it's alright...

Sorry I've been so sporadic and the quality of my posts has diminished...
(even resorted to saying "ditto" a few times! LOL....)
It's the time restraint here and the fact that I am brain dead without my coffee at the comp!!!
Isn't it fun to watch those old movies??? I took out a Charlie Chaplin film the other day for Richard to see, and we were both in stitches!
Funny how a lack of movie technology/special effects, forced the first few generations of movie actors to actually *act*!!!
You actually had to have talent!

I look forward to having a good week this week, as last week was certainly not by the books!...

I still don't get the whole number/letter/upper/lowercase thing, but whatever that all means,,,,,,,
Rock on Tonsha!!!!! :lol:
Okay.. gotta run now...
Hugs Ducky...
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Tonsha » Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:03 am

Wow. I think this is the longest I've gone without updating my log. And I haven't got your library excuse, Deb! A *whole* week!

Day F (Mon): SUCCESS f:f:1

Day G (Tue): SUCCESS g:g:2

Day H (Wed): SUCCESS h:h:0 :(

Day I (Thu): SUCCESS i:i:1

Day J (Fri): SUCCESS j:j:0 :(

Day K (Sat): S Day k:k:0 (I'll start SG again Monday)

Day 10 (Sun): S Day 10:10:0

Well that's 21 days, so I'll enter my name in the HoF tomorrow. I'll also weigh myself tomorrow, but I don't think I've lost again this week. Hopefully just maintained, which is perfectly fine.

(Incidentally, you may have noticed the counting system getting a bit cocked up along the last 21 days - even I'm getting confused by it!! :lol: )

I'll be thinking of ways to adjust my routines to start losing again. Varying the propotion of food types on my plate seems like a good place to start, as well as getting a smaller plate! :D Getting the SG routine going will also be good.

Sorry I've been absent recently everyone! I'll try and catch up with everyone's logs later today.


"The best diet is the one you don’t know you’re on" - Brian Wansink

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