Becca's check in.

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Becca's check in.

Post by becca » Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:11 pm

I read about this diet a couple of months ago, and really knew I should join but kept on putting it of.. Then I went to a size 18 and decided you know what I must do something about my weight now. I don't have a scale and I'm not sure I'll weigh myself I think I'll just go by my size???

So Monday morning I just decided I'll start this diet.

On Monday I didn't have any Breakfeast food So I had

Breakfeast: Lean Cuisine meal

Lunch: A Bowl of Pasta

Dinner: A Lean Cuisine Pizza

Note I was kind of concerned that I hadn't eaten enough that day because I was still hungary, and well also I did work out that day too. So I had two cereal bars that I had at home for fourth meal. (I didn't have any fruit or anything.) So I'm not sure if Monday was a success or failure. But can I point out that we have tons of Coke at home and I didn't have any. And I didn't buy any sweets etc.


I still don't have an breakfast food, so I had One Smart One's Quesidella

A Lean Cuisine's Pizza for Lunch

I went to subway where I had a six inch (I use to get foot) Southwest Steak and Cheese, I also had chips and a small little bag of apples.

I then went to the store where I bought some milk, juice, cereal/waffles and a few dinner things..Along with some fruit. I drank some orange juice when I felt hungary last night. So success.

This morning I had 3 waffles syrub, and an apple with orange juice. I'm worried three is too many, but I can always bring it down.

For lunch, I had a bowl of ravoli I planned on apple/banana too but left it it at home

For dinner I'll probably make the fajita's I brought. I'm thinking two and apple? Is this okay?

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Post by howfunisthat » Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:02 am

Hi Becca,

Welcome to the forum! I've been on this plan for 73 days...and I love it...I don't know if I can answer all your questions, but if you keep reading here, you'll get a lot of info that will really help you in this adventure. Also, if you haven't read the book yet, I highly recommend it...the cost is low, but the information is wonderful.

There's a thread in the General Discussion section about scales. Some people weigh often, some people weigh occasionally, some people (like me) never weigh at all. It's such a personal have to decide what is best for you. I get find myself being emotional about the numbers and easily discouraged, so it's better for me to avoid them completely. Do whatever works for you.

As for deciding if your plate is too full, I'd encourage you to not worry about it right now. It is more important at the beginning to solidify the 3-meal a day habit, than to worry about whether you're eating too much on each plate. Even if you eat more for each meal that you normally did, try not to worry about it...try to concentrate on three meals...and you can think about whether you need to cut down on your portions later. I know that sounds so foreign in comparison to other diets, but this is one of the brilliant points in the you train your body to eat only three meals, you'll find that you naturally start balancing out how much you really need. You just won't eat as much as before because you'll learn how much you need to be content from meal to meal. It's a strange & wonderful concept!

Lastly, try to remember that even though these first few weeks are hard, hang in there because it really and truly DOES get easier. There are hard days, but you are going through the hardest days now....conquer one day at a time & you'll succeed!

Ask any questions you want & I've no doubt you'll find great insights on this board...

Hope some of this helps....janie
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Post by becca » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:39 pm

Well Last night I had three fajita's instead of two. They were much smaller when I made them and yes they were on one plate but still. I'm kind of concerned that I may force myself to eat more at meals to make sure that I don't go hungary. I did go for an hour long walk though.

However, I found when I was making the fajitas that I had a small piece of chicken less than a dime (maybe two that's it.) I didn't even notice what I did it was just normal for me to taste the food I was cooking to make sure that it was okay... I noticed when I decided to try a piece of pepper...And then I stopped. So I don't know if Wednesday was a success or failure. I kind of feel like it wasn't a complete failure though because I did stay away from the Coke and the Snacks.....

I mean my tasting the food I was cooking was kind of an unconscious thing. I'm not sure tasting what you cook is breaking this diet too if it's really a small taste? What do you guys think? I think I'm going to do my best to stop it though..

Since I'm concerned that I'm eating more than I have to in my meals. This morning I decided to eat two waffles and an apple. Two waffles was the serving size, so it should be enough for me. And so far, two and half hours later I'm not hungary.

Still I'm finding this diet fairly easy to follow. And I'm not really craving anything. I hope that I won't go too crazy on my S days coming up. However, I'm planning on making sure that I get a lot more exercise on Sat/Sunday to make up for things.

I think one of my problems has been to much fast food, so I think I may try to limit fast food to S days... If I am in a hurry (maybe, get let's say something like a subway sandwich but really cutting out the fast food would save me money too. If I really don't have time to cook, I can always get one of those lean cuisine things.

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Post by becca » Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:47 pm

Well Thursay SUCCESS

Friday Success

Saturday S day.. Well around 1 am I was hungary so I figured it was my S day. I had though a banana. In fairness to myself when I was hungary at 1:Am this morning I did not eat.

Saturday, I had breakfeast cereal, lunch (Lean Cuisine) and Dinner (Lean Cuisine) I treated myself to a nice Brownie Sunday at Baskin Robins and also felt it was too big, I'll have to go for something smaller next time.


I tried to if I wanted a snack, I tried to stick with things like my bananas.

Lunch- I went to Mexican Restaurant. However I did walk 4 miles that day. I tried a Margurita and hated it.

Later on I went to the movies and had a Diet Coke, Raisanets and a small bag of popcorn. I thought of having dinner later but wasn't that hungary.

So I think my S days were okay this weekend, I didn't go too crazy or anything like that.

Today, I woke up really late because it's a holiday. So I had a lunch like meal.. I'll have another lunch later and a dinner.

I've been doing really well with my exercising, and I think I've already been losing weight. Although the new scale I bought makes it hard to tell.

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Post by howfunisthat » Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:07 pm

Hi Becca,

Sounds like you're off to a great start!

Don't worry about that piece of stopped yourself from eating more & I just plain wouldn't concern myself with it. I used to try a lot of the food I was cooking too...but I'm really cautious now because I know a lot of it was unconscious eating.

I know this plan is so foreign when it comes to having liberty to eat a full plate of food, but try not to worry too much about how much you are eating at meals. The most important thing right now is developing those no-snacking, no-seconds, no-sweets habits. Let those get really ingrained into your life before you worry too much about the plates. You can tweek the amount you're eating as you go along, but try not to be overly concerned about it at the start.

You're doing great! These first few weeks are the hardest, IMO...

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Post by becca » Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:41 pm

Wednesday- Success. Thursday Success. However, I did have a whole bunch fo tick tacks? But I also turned down a lot of sweets.. Honestly this week the NO snacking NO Sweets has been really hard for me, and it's taken sheer will power for me to hold on.

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Post by Kathleen » Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:33 pm

I evaluated the tasting while cooking just like you are, and I concluded that it isn't a failure. Instead, it is a convenient way to determine if the food is done and tasty.

As for tic tacs, however, I would have given myself a failure on them. I've considered getting a travel toothbrush and toothpaste so I'm not tempted to have tic tacs during the day.

What I see, and I am a newbie just five weeks into this, is that you need to tweak the diet a little for yourself, asking yourself questions and determining if something like tasting while cooking is a failure or not. Everyone is different, and Reinhard even says that people need to take the diet, try it out, and see what works for you and what doesn't.

The first week was absolute torture for me. I told my husband I was on vacation because nothing got done. Now, five weeks into it, it seems quite easy. If it was a 10 in difficulty to follow it the first week, it is now about a 2 in difficulty -- so just hang on and see if that isn't your experience as well!


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Post by becca » Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:54 pm

Kathleen wrote:Becca,
I evaluated the tasting while cooking just like you are, and I concluded that it isn't a failure. Instead, it is a convenient way to determine if the food is done and tasty.

As for tic tacs, however, I would have given myself a failure on them. I've considered getting a travel toothbrush and toothpaste so I'm not tempted to have tic tacs during the day.

What I see, and I am a newbie just five weeks into this, is that you need to tweak the diet a little for yourself, asking yourself questions and determining if something like tasting while cooking is a failure or not. Everyone is different, and Reinhard even says that people need to take the diet, try it out, and see what works for you and what doesn't.

The first week was absolute torture for me. I told my husband I was on vacation because nothing got done. Now, five weeks into it, it seems quite easy. If it was a 10 in difficulty to follow it the first week, it is now about a 2 in difficulty -- so just hang on and see if that isn't your experience as well!

Actually the first week was easy, it's this week that was tough. Part of it was I took the train to work this week, didn't last week. I always use to eat on the train this week I couldn't. Plus, I had tons of stuff to do around the house because we are having a garage sale...

It's made me realize how much I use food for entertainment and emotional purposes.. But it's okay because I've been holding it up...

As for this diet, I think that this diet (or some variation of it is right for me long term) It will definetly be my maintence diet. Now I may look into something short term if I'm not losing the weight fast enough. But I'll decide that months from now and I'll come back to this for maitenance.

I have to do something about my weight. I'm gaining way to much and I was making bad choices. To much snacking and sweets and not enough exercise (along with fast food). If I allow myself to snack, I'll eat the bad things. I know it. So I'm better of with the NO snacking rule.

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Post by Kathleen » Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:59 pm


The second week was really tough for me, too, but the corner was turned after that. If you try a quick weight loss program followed by The No S Diet, you won't be accustomed to this diet, and the quick weight loss diet may end in "diet backlash".

I've gained 60 pounds between January, 2002 and last month. Why? I decided, after my last child was born that I was going to lose the 20 - 25 pound weight gain from pregnancies. Instead, I experienced "diet backlash", the uncontrolled eating which follows the end of a diet. The harder I tried, the more I gained. For a time, I thought it was emotional overeating, but I came to realize that it really was my body's revolt against starvation.

What's nice about this diet is the overeating is controlled because it is limited to S Days.


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Post by becca » Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:45 pm

I have no interest in starving myself. I know it won't work. Right now I'm happy where I am.......Right now I'm focusing on developing good habits and not as much on healthier foods although that some. Later I just may pay a bit more attention to calories. Or have more high intensity work outs if I find myself platauing.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:23 am

Good luck Becca :)
8) Debs
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Post by becca » Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:36 pm

Well I think it's been three weeks now (I believe) and I'm still going basically good on this diet... My scale is kind of messed up so I'm not sure if I lost some weight (any at all) but my clothers are getting baggier. The main thing though is that I have better habits than I had before. My mother commented on the fact that I'm no longer snacking at night.

This week was interesting Tuesday was my Grandmother's birthday, so that made it an S day, since I went to a party for her. I've not decided completely if I completely want today to be an S day or night. I kind of do, but than I have the weekends for S days as well. So I haven't completely decided yet. The walking this week hasn't been as successful. Monday, I got home late and it was too dark, Tuesday I had the party, and Wednesday I feel alseep. But I did do my walk yesterday.

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