Marygrace's check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Marygrace's check-in

Post by marygrace » Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:05 pm

I was successful on NoS for a long time before letting some big life changes (starting my first job, getting married, and moving across the country all at once) erode my good habits. I'm finding it a bit harder than I'd like to stay on track, so would like to start holding myself accountable.

I'm 23 years old, 5'5", and am guessing I weigh around 125 lbs (though I don't own a scale and haven't weighed myself in probably 6 or 8 months). What I do know is that when I was first successful with NoS, I got down to about 118 lbs--and was much happier there. The next opportunity I'll have to weigh myself probably won't come until I go to visit my family in New Jersey later this spring (my parents have the scale I always used to use, so I'll keep using it, but only when I'm there to visit!).

*One note: I take my S days on Friday and Saturday. It's what I did in college (since Friday was always a fun, socializing afternoon and night and Sundays were usually spent in the library) and it's something I've grown accustomed to and am happy with.

I'll start by listing what I ate yesterday.

-Breakfast: Brown rice farina with almond milk, raw honey, cooked blackberries, and a spoonful of almond butter; black coffee
-Lunch: Oatmeal bagel with hummus, green and red cabbage slaw; water
-Dinner: Kidney bean curry with mixed vegetables, white rice (not something I'd usually choose, but we were eating at a friend's house), small piece of walnut raisin bagel; water

-Exercise: 40 minute walk with the pup in the morning, 25 minute walk to and from meeting my husband for lunch at the university, 15 minute walk with the pup after work, 20 minute walk to and from dinner at our friend's apartment.

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Post by marygrace » Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:46 pm

Friday 3/6: S-DAY

Went a little wild but I'm not really worried about it. After good amount of sugar yesterday, I doubt I'll be in the mood for much today.

-Breakfast: Brown rice farina with almond milk, cooked blackberries, raw honey, and a spoonful of almond butter; black coffee
-Lunch: Homemade raisin walnut bagel with peanut butter, cabbage salad, handful of black olives; water
-Treat: Chocolate hazelnut cookie bar--I tried this on impulse at the grocery store. It was pretty good but super sweet so I probably wouldn't bother getting again.
-Dinner: Scrambled tofu with onions and sunflower seeds, 2 homemade whole grain waffles; water
-Treat: 2 homemade cookies with coconut milk ice cream

Exercise: 15 minute AM walk with pup, 1 hour power yoga, 45 minute afternoon walk with pup, 20 minute walk up and back to pub to meet friends.

For the past couple weeks, I'd been experimenting with allowing myself a handful of raw nuts before power yoga (usually I go to class many hours after my last meal and am a bit hungry). When I skipped the snack in the past, I'd find myself uncomfortably ravenous during class and feeling like I couldn't give it my all. But when I would have the nuts, I not only felt bad because I was having a snack, but it also made me feel uncomfortable in positions like headstand or downward facing dog--like I would vomit. Yesterday, I tried going again without a snack and felt really, really hungry, weak, and lightheaded (to the point where I almost considered leaving class early). I guess this is something I'll have to experiment with.

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Post by marygrace » Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:25 pm

Saturday 3/7: S DAY

-Breakfast: Migas, a small biscuit, spoonful of cheese grits; black coffee. Going to Whole Foods for breakfast on Saturday morning has been a ritual for me since college. I like to sit by myself, people-watch, read the paper, and treat myself to something delicious.
-Lunch: Breaded tofu sandwich with vegetables on sourdough; tea.
-Snack: Handful raw cashews and dried apricots
-Dinner: My husband and I split an order of spinach dumplings plus two different noodle dishes at a Thai restaurant. I left feeling pretty full, but not stuffed.
-Treat: Soy latte at a coffee house (I know this is technically allowed on N-days, but I usually reserve caloric coffee drinks for the weekend).

-Exercise: 60 minute AM walk with the pup, 60 minute PM walk to and from restaurant for dinner

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Post by marygrace » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:33 pm

Sunday, 3/8: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Bagel with hummus, black coffee.
-Lunch: Scrambled tofu with onions and sunflower seeds, whole grain waffle with almonds and cooked blackberries; water
-Dinner: Parsnip scallion pancakes, broccoli stir-fry with peanuts and tofu; water

-Exercise: Not much, just a short walk to and from the coffee shop in the morning and an hour of vinyasa yoga at night.

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Post by marygrace » Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:35 pm

Monday 3/9: SUCCESS!

-Breakfast: Wheat farina with almond milk, dried apricots, and raw honey; black coffee
-Lunch: Veggie wrap on whole wheat tortilla with almond butter, handful of olives, handful of dried apricots; water
-Dinner: Whole wheat pasta with roasted cauliflower, chickpeas, and pesto; water

-Exercise: Just a 40 minute AM walk with the pup, it was rainy the rest of the day.

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Post by marygrace » Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:39 pm

Tuesday 3/9: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Oats with cooked blackberries, almond milk, chopped dates, and almond butter; black coffee
-Lunch: Grilled cheese with tomato and avocado, side salad; water
-Pre yoga: Handful raw cashews
-Dinner: Broccoli, tofu, and peanut stir fry, parsnip scallion pancakes; water

I'm considering yesterday a success even with the addition of the cashews. Having something small in my stomach right before dinner when practicing yoga for an hour is a modification I'm probably going to keep.

Exercise: 50 minute AM walk with pup, 15 minute post-lunch walk with pup, 1 hour power yoga, 20 minute post-dinner walk with pup

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Post by Duckling » Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:19 pm

Your meals all sound so yummy and health! They're giving me lunch ideas.

And you're dog is awful lucky to be going on all those walks. I wish my cat liked being on her leash. :D

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Post by marygrace » Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:36 pm

Wednesday 3/10: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Wheat farina with almond mil, cooked berries, raw honey, and almond butter; black coffee
-Lunch: Veggie wrap on whole wheat tortilla with hummus and avocado, handful of peanuts, two dried nectarine halves; water
-Dinner: Whole wheat pasta with chickpeas, roasted cauliflower, and pesto; water

-Exercise: 40 minute AM walk with pup, 15 minute walk to and from university at lunchtime, 20 minute PM walk with pup

Thanks, Duckling! I think my pup is happy about all those walks, but I'm sort of forced into taking her for all of them--she's small, but has got a ton of energy and would tear the apartment to shreds if I she didn't burn up all that energy outside. But I'm not complaining, it's good exercise for me =)

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Post by Izbiz » Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:00 pm

I'm intrigued by the parsnip/scallion pancakes. How do you make them?

I've got three parsnips lurking in the bottom of my veg box, again. Last week I made parsnip bread which was absolutely foul, so a good recipe for using up the little devils would be very much appreciated!

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Post by marygrace » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:34 pm

Izbiz wrote:I'm intrigued by the parsnip/scallion pancakes. How do you make them?

I've got three parsnips lurking in the bottom of my veg box, again. Last week I made parsnip bread which was absolutely foul, so a good recipe for using up the little devils would be very much appreciated!
Hi Izbiz, thanks for stopping by. These are more similar to potato latkes than the scallion pancakes you might be thinking of from Chinese restaurant, but they're still really good dipped in soy or hoisin sauce.

4 cup shredded, peeled parsnips
1 cup finely chopped scallions
1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
2 teaspoons canola oil, plus extra for frying
1/2 teaspoon salt
Black pepper, to taste
1/3-1/2 cup water

Combine all ingredients except water, then add enough water to create a moist mixture that holds together when you give it a squeeze. Form 2 tablespoons of batter into a ball and flatten into a disk, then pan-fry for 2-3 minutes on each size or until golden brown. Transfer to a paper towel to drain excess oil. Makes about 16 pancakes.

I hope you like them!

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Post by marygrace » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:38 pm

Thursday 3/11: SUCCESS!

-Breakfast: Wheat farina with almond milk, cooked berries, raw honey, and peanut butter; black coffee
-Lunch: Veggie wrap on whole wheat tortilla with hummus and avocado; raisins and peanuts; water
-Dinner: Homemade falafel and hummus, salad with tahini dressing, whole wheat pita; 1 glass red wine

I also had a glass of almond milk while I was cooking dinner because I was really hungry and it was making my stomach uncomfortable.

-Exercise: I'm just going to write my total walking minutes from now on as well as any yoga I do. Today was about 85 minutes urban rangering.

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Post by marygrace » Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:10 pm

Friday 3/12: S-DAY

-Breakfast: Homemade raisin bagel with almond butter, raw honey, and dates; black coffee
-Lunch: Falafel, hummus, whole wheat tortilla, salad with tahini dressing; water
-Treat: Chocolate chip cookie at coffee shop, it was delicious
-Dinner: Wheat farina with almond milk, chopped dates, raw honey, and almond butter. I knew I was going to have another treat after dinner so I wanted to keep my meal pretty small.
-Treat: Brownie waffle with ice cream. SO GOOD.

-Exercise: 40 minutes urban ranger, 1 hour power yoga

I consider this a pretty good S day. I definitely like to get my sweets in, but there was a time when I'd feel the need to snack throughout the day one whatever was around, too, which would leave me feeling pretty gross.

I'd like to start scaling down my portions a bit. I'm sticking to the one-plate rule, but my plates are definitely bigger than they need to be. A lot of times I finish my meal more full than I'd like. At this point at least, I'm not the kind of person who will leave food on a plate--I'll eat whatever's there (unless it's an ungodly huge restaurant portion, but even then, I've eaten the whole thing before and regretted it). I'm not exactly sure how to measure this or systematize it beyond not being an idiot, so maybe I'll just call it a portion mod. I'll know when I succeeded or failed.

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Post by marygrace » Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:12 pm

Saturday 3/13: S-DAY

-Breakfast: A little bit of everything from the Whole Foods hot bar--migas, a small biscuit, spoonful of bread pudding; black coffee
-Lunch: Tofu po'boy sandwich; iced tea
-Snack: Raw food cupcake (basically consisted of nuts and dried fruit but boy was it good). Later on had some peanuts and raisins.
-Dinner: Dinner out with my husband to our favorite vegetarian restaurant to celebrate our anniversary. I had Tortilla chips, bbq tofu with mashed potatoes and black eyed peas, and a glass of Reisling.
-Dessert: Small cup chocolate and coconut sorbet

-Exercise: 2 hours urban ranger

I definitely ate too much yesterday (I think it was the mid-afternoon eating that put me overboard) but I'm not going to dwell on it. My husband decided he wanted to start running again so I said I'd join him. I used to run 20-25 miles a week but haven't done so in at least a year. While I like the idea of being able to get all the exercise I need from walking and yoga, I don't think that actually works for my body--unless I want to eat considerably less.

I've approached exercise and "healthy" eating a number of different ways since high school, always fluctuating between the same 5-10 lbs. When I was at the low range, I felt good. When I was at the high range, I felt gross. One of my goals is to find a system that works for me and gets me to and keeps me in that lower range, and NoS has been a great help here. Yet I've been doing NoS since August of 2008, and here I am again trying to lose weight. So yesterday, I tried to think about the recent times when I've felt best about my body and what I was doing food- and fitness-wise. The first time I came up with were fall of 2008 when I'd first started NoS, was doing really well (eating moderate portions of food I loved), and was running moderate distances 4-5 times per week. The second was last summer before moving to Austin--I think I might've been eating a bit more (still NoS but the portions were a bit bigger) but bike commuting 4 miles each way to and back from work most weekdays. The biking kept me in awesome shape and felt pretty effortless because I had to get to work somehow, so taking 30 minutes on my bike to get there and get home seemed perfectly reasonable. It fit seamlessly into my life, unlike running, which took a bit of effort for me.

So I realize that to be at the weight that makes me feel best, I need to eat moderate portions and exercise vigorously most days of the week. Since I now work from home, the bike commuting is out--and I just don't have an extra hour each day to ride my bike around the neighborhood. So I'm going back to my runs. This morning we went out for the first time and made it about 1.5 miles. I'm pretty confident I can get back up to 4 or 5 miles within the next few months. Hopefully I can get the pup to come along too.

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Post by Izbiz » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:21 pm

Thanks for the parsnip recipe - I'll give it a go, sounds easy! Tomorrow we're trying them roasted with butternut sq and red onions, with pesto and baby spinach.

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Post by marygrace » Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:09 pm

Sunday 3/14: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Spoonful of PB and soy latte
-Lunch: Vegan mac and cheese with broccoli, black beans; iced tea
-Pre-yoga: Small handful nuts
-Dinner: Had a few bites of the eggplant dish I made before deciding it tasted to bad to keep eating, so had some oatmeal with berries, almond milk, and raw honey instead.

Also had a Woodchuck pear cider late last night when we met some friends at the pub. I usually only have 1-2 drinks per week, so I'm fine with this.

-Exercise: 1.5 mile run, 80 minutes urban ranger, 1 hour vinyasa yoga

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Post by marygrace » Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:50 pm

Monday 3/15: FAILURE

-Breakfast: Oat bran with almond milk, dried apricots, raw honey, and blueberries; black coffee
-Lunch: Vegetable wrap on whole wheat tortilla with hummus and avocado, dried figs; water
-Dinner: Homemade buckwheat waffle and scrambled tofu with onions and mushrooms
-Failure: Banana scone after dinner

-Exercise: 1.5 mile run, 40 minutes urban ranger

We have a friend coming to visit today who's staying for a couple of days so I made some scones for breakfast and really wanted to see how they turned out. Of course I could've just taken the tiniest nibble and would have been fine calling it a Success, but I was feeling snacky and so ate the whole thing. This was a conscious choice on my part, though, so while it's still a red day, I don't feel too bad about it. There aren't really any NWS days occurring this month, so I know eating the one scone isn't much of a problem. I think the best part is that while I was debating whether or not to have the scone last night, I thought of this check-in thread and asked if I really wanted to have to put a red day down. Even though I ultimately ended up deciding it was worth it, acknowledging that accountability (and owning up to it today) is important.

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Post by marygrace » Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:39 am

Tuesday, 3/16: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Banana oat scone, spoonful of cashew butter; black coffee
-Lunch: Scrambled tofu with mushrooms, onions, spinach, and hummus, wheat tortilla; water
-Pre-yoga: Handful raw almonds
-Dinner: Black bean burger with avocado, fries; water

-Exercise: Just an hour of power yoga, it was too rainy out today for any walking or running.

The almonds before yoga helped me so much. I really felt so much more energized during class and was able to give every pose my all. What's more, I knew I was really eating them to give myself energy--not just for the sake of snacking--which made me feel good about the choice.

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Post by marygrace » Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:38 am

Wednesday 3/17: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Oat bran with almond milk, raw honey, and dried apricots; black coffee
-Lunch: Veggie burger with avocado; water
-Dinner: A friend is visiting so we went out. I got a veggie plate with refried beans, grilled zucchini, sauteed mushrooms, and a delicious slice of Texas toast.

-Exercise: 1.5 mile run, 80 minutes urban ranger

Running is getting easier, but definitely isn't easy. Also, I have a huge urge to snack right now but am trying to ignore it.

Changing yesterday to a FAILURE. After posting this I ended up eating two banana scones. I think it was mostly out of boredom; I notice some nights if I'm home alone and my husband is out, I tend to want to eat a lot. Incidentally, when we were still dating and he was away doing research for most of summer 2008, I would eat tons of snacks any night I didn't have plans to do something outside the house. I gained a little bit of weight, and that was actually my motivation to originally start NoS. Once I committed myself, I was very successful, so I'm not sure why I'm having a problem this time around. Nothing I can do about it now except move on, though. I ate a balanced breakfast and intend to keep it green today.

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Post by marygrace » Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:06 am

Thursday 3/18: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Oat bran with almond milk, dried apricots, raw honey; black coffee
-Lunch: Scrambled tofu with vegetables and avocado, whole wheat tortilla, dried figs; water
-Dinner: Whole wheat peanut noodles with vegetables; water

-Exercise: 1.5 mile run, 85 min urban ranger

Got right back on track today after last night's mishap and it feels good. Tonight was another night alone (my husband and his friend who is visiting went out after dinner. After a long day of work I just wanted to relax at home) and I was very tempted to snack, but I resisted. And I've already brushed my teeth and am upstairs at this point, so I know I won't be eating anything else tonight. This might be the first time I can remember a failure that didn't completely throw me off track for a good while with guilt, more eating, and rationalizations.

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Post by marygrace » Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:48 pm

Friday 3/19: S-DAY

-Breakfast: Oat bran with almond milk, cocoa powder, chopped apricots, and peanut butter; black coffee
-Lunch: Peanut noodles with vegetables; water
-Treat: Ginger raisin cookie from coffee shop
-Dinner: Peanut noodles with vegetables; water
-Treat: Homemade blueberry crumble with vanilla ice cream, tortilla with peanut butter

-Exercise: 1 hour power yoga, 40 minutes urban ranger

I was happy with my S-Day yesterday. The tortilla with peanut butter at the end of the night was kind of random, but I actually WAS hungry. I was hungry all day long yesterday--I think it was the really intense yoga class coupled with the running I've started to do again. The running has ramped up my appetite. But I know after my body gets a little more used to it the intense hunger will die down. Either way, I've been feeling really great this week. Despite the fact that this week had some setbacks (the banana scones! I'm just not going to bake during the week anymore. It's too tempting) and even had french fries with my meal one night, I felt better about my body than I have in a long time. This makes me happy.

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Post by marygrace » Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:17 pm

Saturday 3/21: S-DAY

-Breakfast: Hot bar from Whole Foods. Migas, biscuit, and a small spoonful of strawberry french toast bake; black coffee
-Lunch: Oat bran with almond milk, chopped dates, peanut butter; water
-S: Banana scone
-Dinner: My husband and I went out to our favorite vegetarian restaurant. We split a cup of lentil soup and shared the complementary tortilla chips. I had a housemade veggie burger with guacamole for my meal.
-S: We each ordered a dessert and split. I ordered a slice of blueberry pie, he got chocolate peanut butter. SO GOOD.

-Exercise: NONE. The weather was rainy and very cold so we lounged around the house most of the day. It's great to do nothing once in a while.

Felt great about this S-Day. Yes, I ate a lot at dinner, but I didn't go to bed feeling sick or stuffed, and I woke up hungry this morning, so I'm doing something right. I have to go dress shopping sometime in the next few weeks to find something to wear for my sister-in-law's wedding and I'm really looking forward to it.

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Post by marygrace » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:45 pm

Sunday 3/21: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Wheat bagel with peanut butter and honey; black coffee
-Lunch: Lentil soup with spinach, cherry almond granola; water
-Pre-yoga: Handful raw almonds
-Dinner: Kale and potato gratin, baked tofu; water

-Exercise: 1.5 mile run, 1 hour vinyasa yoga

Great day, not too much to report. I would've loved to get more (any) walking in this weekend, but the weather just wasn't very nice. I plan to get a lot of walking time in with the pup today, though. Also, a lot of times I spend Sunday feeling really bloated and uncomfortable from the previous night's excess, but this time I felt pretty good!

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Post by marygrace » Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:47 pm

Monday 3/22: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Oat bran with almond milk, dried apricots, and cashew butter, blueberries; black coffee
-Lunch: Veggie wrap on whole wheat tortilla with hummus and avocado, 3 dried figs, spoonful peanut butter; water
-Dinner: Kasha and bowties, salad

-Exercise: 1.5 mile run, 80 minutes urban ranger

Good day. I ate an extra big breakfast at 7 because I knew I wouldn't be having lunch til 2. It kept me satisfied and I didn't feel the urge to snack on anything to tide me over.

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Post by marygrace » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:02 pm

Tuesday 3/23: SUCCESS

Breakfast: Oat bran with almond milk, dried apricots and walnuts, blueberries; black coffee
Lunch: Veggie wrap on whole wheat tortilla with hummus and avocado, dried figs and walnuts; water
Pre-yoga: Whole wheat tortilla with peanut butter
Dinner: Baked tofu, kale and potato gratin, 3 crackers with hummus; water

Exercise: 1 hour power yoga, 80 minutes urban ranger

I still feel bad sometimes having that snack/mini-meal/whatever you want to call it before yoga, but during class yesterday I was so glad I'd had it because my instructor was giving some especially intense poses.

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Post by marygrace » Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:35 pm

Wednesday 3/24: SUCCESS

-Breakfast: Whole wheat pita with peanut butter, dried apricots; black coffee
-Lunch: Brown rice with veggies topped with cheddar, tortillas; water
-Dinner: Kasha and bowties, salad; water

-Exercise: 1.5 mile run, 30 minutes urban ranger (it was rainy a lot of the day)

Tomorrow's an S day and I'm making monkey bread after's going to be so good.

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Post by marygrace » Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:39 pm

Thursday 3/25: SUCCESS

Breakfast: Oat bran with cocoa powder and peanut butter, blueberries; black coffee
Lunch: Vegetable wrap on whole wheat tortilla with hummus and avocado, dried figs and walnuts; water
Dinner: Sauteed mushrooms on toast, salad; water

Exercise: 1.5 mile run, some moderate amount of Urban Ranger that I can't remember

I feel like I've gotten my habit down pretty well. I probably don't need to document all of my meals anymore, though there's still something I like about being able to look back at a record. So we'll see.

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Post by marygrace » Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:40 pm

Monday 3/29: SUCCESS + S-EVENT

I'm not exactly sure what color to mark days where I have an S event. I'll try this way for now.

I was looking for a way to make my porridge extra filling yesterday morning because I knew I'd be having a late lunch. I made it with almond milk, then also added a big spoonful of peanut butter mixed with wheat germ and shredded coconut. WOW. Kept me full all the way til 2pm, and breakfast time was at 7am. Lunch was a veggie wrap and apple, dinner was kale salad and matzoh brie. After dinner my husband and I decided to finish up the monkey bread, so that was my S-event. I'm happy with the way it went because after I finished my treat, I didn't continue eating just because. I'll probably save the other two S-events for the weekend anyway--probably a sweet on Friday night and then dinner at a really good Indian restaurant on Saturday.

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Post by marygrace » Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:57 pm

Tuesday 3/30: SUCCESS

Porridge for breakfast, veggie wrap for lunch, tofu and sundried tomato pesto sandwich and salad for dinner. Also had a handful of cashews before power yoga, and I'm sure glad I did because it was one of the most intense yoga classes I've ever experienced. I wolfed down my dinner like nobody's business when I got home. That is all!

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Post by marygrace » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:38 pm

Wednesday 3/31: SUCCESS

Yesterday was good. I had a roll with peanut butter and fruit for breakfast, potatoes and veggies with cheese for lunch, and matzoh brie and kale salad for dinner. My puppy got spayed yesterday and won't be able to do much walking for the next week, which means I probably won't get much walking in either. I hope she recovers quickly, seeing her in pain is very sad.

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Post by marygrace » Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:07 pm

Thursday, 4/1: SUCCESS

Nothing too exciting to report from yesterday. I had a sweet potato with peanut butter for breakfast, a vegetable wrap for lunch, and some delicious salad and risotto for dinner at a friend's house. The dinner sounds pretty light, but oddly enough I woke up this morning not that hungry. Usually, my stomach is rumbling as soon as I get out of bed.

Exercise front has been a bit lighter than normal. My pup is still recovering from her surgery and the vet says no walks until the middle of next week. I feel bad leaving her at home and going by myself, so I've been staying in with her instead. It's tough because she doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain and is dying to get some of her energy out (she's a terrier mix and normally is bouncing off the walls all day). Instead, I've had to keep her confined to the couch next to me or in her crate when I can't be home to watch her, because too much movement could rip her stitches. Poor girl. I can't wait til we can play together again.

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Post by marygrace » Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:25 pm

Friday 4/2: SUCCESS + S-EVENT

Had my normal three meals yesterday plus a dessert that left me feeling pretty yucky. I was pretty full after dinner but had already planned my treat out (and baked it--chocolate chip crumb cake) and my husband was looking forward to it. He loves having pretty much any dessert with ice cream as an accompaniment, so I usually join and do the same. Ugh, last night it was just tooooo much. I didn't have to eat my whole portion, but I did, and felt pretty nasty when I woke up this morning. Smaller portions next time.

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Post by marygrace » Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:59 pm

Saturday 4/3: SUCCESS + S-EVENT

I went to Whole Foods for breakfast like I always do on Saturdays, but since it wasn't a full S-Day and I didn't want breakfast to be an S-Event, I had scrambled eggs and potatoes instead of migas and a biscuit. Still very satisfying. I wasn't too hungry at lunch so I made myself a green smoothie (spinach, banana, apple, almonds, and almond milk) and drank that along with a tortilla. Dinner at the local Indian restaurant was my S-event--my husband I shared pakoras for an appetizer, then had chana masala, a vegetable dish in a coconut curry sauce, and naan. It was delicious and I was pretty stuffed afterwards, but the walk home was a good half hour and that helped.

So that was 3 total S-Events this week: Monkey bread on Monday, crumb cake on Friday, and Indian restaurant dinner on Saturday. I'm going to try this mod for one more week to decide whether or not I like it enough to stick with it.

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Post by marygrace » Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:33 pm

Sunday 4/4: FAILURE + S-EVENT

Refried beans and rice taco for breakfast, blueberry pancakes for lunch, pasta and cauliflower with pesto for dinner. My one handful of nuts before yoga turned into 3 handfuls, so that's the failure. After dinner I really wanted some chocolate ice cream so that was the S-event, which was fine. I had one helping and that was it.

I'm not sure how I feel about S-events. I decided I'd try them out for two weeks before making a decision. I have this week left, but am leaning towards going back to S-days. At this point, it's been hard to mentally escape the structure.

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Post by marygrace » Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:48 pm

Monday 4/5: SUCCESS

AH. Back to normal. Sometimes I wish I could give up sweets completely--or that I didn't crave them--because I always feel much better on days I don't eat them. More energetic and clear-headed, for sure. Maybe that's a sign I'm just eating too big a portion, but I haven't yet reached the point where a tiny bit of something will satisfy me.

Meals were fine yesterday. Baked sweet potato with almond butter for breakfast, big salad for lunch, and vegetable fajitas for dinner. My family is now in town for the next week, so I'm we'll be doing a lot of eating out. I'm not too worried, though.

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Post by marygrace » Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:47 pm

Tuesday 4/6: SUCCESS

Yesterday wasn't too exciting, food-wise. I had porridge for breakfast, salad with refried beans and a tortilla for lunch, and a veggie plate at the local Mexican restaurant for dinner. My family wanted to try the place out. Sometimes I'm really tempted by the chips they set out at the table before the food comes, but last night I didn't touch them. It wasn't difficult, either, because I knew I had a delicious meal coming out, and I really wanted to be hungry for it. What's more, it was actually kind of gross to watch--they must have brought out 4 or 5 baskets of chips along with guacamole, queso, and sour cream. You could make a meal out of that alone! I watched my brothers devour the stuff (they're teenagers so I guess it's expected), but what grossed me out even more was that they each ordered huge sodas that were automatically refilled for free I think 3 times. So they must have drank about 60 oz. of soda each last night. Ugh. A few sips of cold soda are refreshing once in a very rare while, but usually it's too sweet and the carbonation makes me feel bloated. Anyways, felt great about what I ate last night--didn't even feel bad about eating the white Spanish rice (when given a choice, I always choose brown because it's been pounded into my head that it's healthier).

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Post by marygrace » Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:49 pm

Wednesday 4/7: SUCCESS + S-EVENT

Porridge for breakfast and migas for lunch yesterday. In the evening we went over to visit my family in the house they're staying at while visiting. My mom made a big dinner so I took an S-event, and it was well worth it: Lime and coconut curry with tofu and broccoli, brown basmati rice, and naan bread. After dinner she set out these delicious pita crackers with sugar and cinnamon, and served apple crumble. So very, very good. I definitely ate more than normal, but not so much that I was stuffed. In fact, when we were getting ready to leave I almost wanted to fill a little baggie with those sweet pita crackers for the ride home, but then decided against it because I'd definitely had enough. Yay!

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Post by marygrace » Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:35 am

Hmm, so yesterday I took an S-event because I really felt like having the leftover ice cream from earlier in the week. That was fine. Then today, though, I wanted more sweets, but it just turned into snacking around the apartment because I was bored. I didn't go crazy, but I'd already had my 3 S-events for the week so it was definitely a failure.

I've done 2 weeks of S-events, which is what I set out to experiment with. I just don't think it works for me, as appealing as it might sound. For the past few months I'd been doing very well with Vanilla NoS, and I think after all this its better to just keep building on that habit. S-events will probably keep tempting me, so I think I'm going to formally decide that I can't consider this idea again until at least one year of vanilla NoS.

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Post by marygrace » Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:46 pm

Monday: 4/12: SUCCESS

It was a busy last couple of days, but my family left town and now things are back to normal. Yesterday I had porridge for breakfast, broccoli and tofu salad with peanut dressing for lunch, and chickpea ricotta gnocchi with sauteed mushrooms for dinner.

Things are normal on the exercise front. I'm going to start adding sprint intervals 2x a week, or rather replace two longer runs with sprint intervals. They take all of 15 minutes, and whenever I've done them in the past the weight sort of just falls off. Of course, the reason I've stopped is because they're not fun at all and sort of uncomfortable. But when I was taking a longer run this morning I realized I don't really like these longer runs either, so if I'm going to do something I don't like that much it might as well be the most effective thing that takes the least amount of time.

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Post by marygrace » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:38 pm

Tuesday 4/13: SUCCESS

Yesterday was easy. Polenta and blueberries for breakfast, broccoli and tofu salad with peanut dressing for lunch, and chickpea ricotta gnocchi again for dinner. I also had a handful of almonds before power yoga.

I've been drinking a mug of warm almond milk with cocoa after dinner most nights for the past few months and I think I'm ready to stop. Once in a while might be OK if I'm actually hungry, but I've gotten into the habit (yes, habit!) of drinking it all the time whether I'm hungry or not. It probably ends up being about 100 calories each night that I don't really need. It's starting to get pretty warm in Austin anyway (low 80s) so if I want something to drink I'll have water (maybe mixed with a drop of fruit juice or lemon or lime) instead.

Exercise was good yesterday. I ran a couple miles before breakfast, got a lot of walking in with Charlie throughout the day, and yoga was exhausting (in a good way).

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Post by marygrace » Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:46 pm

Wednesday 4/14: SUCCESS

Oat cereal for breakfast (raw oats with berry compote, wheat germ, and almond butter with almond milk...sounds weird but tastes great), migas and black beans for lunch, and chickpea cutlet with twice baked potato and kale for dinner. I was kind of hungry after dinner and did end up having my almond milk, but I'm not marking it as red because it is allowed. Maybe I should just decide before I have it whether I'm really hungry or not.

On the exercise front, I did sprints plus lots of walking. The sprints were tough!

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Post by marygrace » Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:51 pm

Thursday 4/15: SUCCESS

We went to the movie theater last night (would've preferred to go on the weekend but there was a special showing last night). Our theater serves meals like a restaurant, and since we had a gift card we had dinner there. I had a black bean burger with fries. It was a bigger portion than I'd have at home, but not insane. I ate the whole thing and didn't feel bad about it.

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Post by marygrace » Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:51 pm

Friday 4/16: S-DAY

Yesterday was a great S-Day, the kind I'm hoping to have more often. I had three normal meals and two treats. In the afternoon I enjoyed an oatmeal raisin cookie from the coffee shop while I worked, and after dinner my husband and I went out for dessert. We each got a different slice of cake and shared. I was full afterwards, to be sure, not not stuffed, and I woke up this morning hungry for breakfast.

What struck me about yesterday was I actually forgot it was an S-Day some of the time, something that's never happened to me before. I don't think it first occurred to me that it was an S-day until mid morning. Also, after work I was unwinding on the couch for a while just watching TV while waiting for my husband to come home before dinner. Normally on an S-Day, I'd be eating everything in sight and would end up being not hungry at all for dinner (but would eat dinner anyway--and then have dessert). Yesterday, it didn't even occur to me for a while that I *could* have something to eat while I waited if I wanted to. When the thought finally popped up, I just dismissed it because snacking for no reason felt unappealing and I knew I wanted to be hungry for dinner. This makes me so happy!

Things were good on the exercise front yesterday, too. I went for a short run in the morning, walked the pup after breakfast, and went to an hour of power yoga.

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Post by marygrace » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:39 pm

Saturday 4/17: S-DAY
Sunday 4/18: SUCCESS

A great S-Day on Saturday. I had a moderate breakfast and lunch, then my husband and I went out for Thai food for dinner. I had dumplings for an appetizer and then some noodles with tofu for dinner. I ate everything, but felt fine afterwards. Normally I'd eat the fortune cookie they give you which doesn't even taste good, but tonight I wasn't interested. After dinner, we shared some ice cream. That was it!

Yesterday was good as well. I didn't wake up feeling gross. I had a tofu and spinach burrito for breakfast, falafel and hummus wrap for lunch, and whole wheat pasta with vegetables for dinner. Very simple and very good.

Saturday I did sprints in the morning and walked with the pup for an hour, and Sunday I did a 2.5 mile run and an hour of vinyasa yoga.

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Post by marygrace » Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:11 pm

Monday 4/19: SUCCESS

Feelin' good. I had a breakfast skillet burrito in the morning, big salad at lunch, and leftover pasta and vegetables for dinner. Took a break from running yesterday but took the pup for an extra long walk instead. Not much else to report--things were pretty normal.

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