Roxy is Back and Trying Again!!

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:14 pm

Hi guys! Sorry again for being so quiet. This has been a hectic week! Phew!! Anyway, re. Jackie Chan. He does indeed look good, oolala. Incidentally, I was watching him on a tv talk show recently and he stated that he "never eats chocolate because it makes him put on weight". I must say I admired his willpower. But I don't think guys in general have much of a sweet tooth anyway. That is not to say ALL guys, of course, but I think women are more prone to it than men :roll:

Re. the weighing - omigosh, I really really wish I could stop it and I think I may give it a try until at least September anyway. Part of me thinks its useful to keep me from straying too far from the straight and narrow whilst there are many advantages of not knowing as well, not to mention the sanity of not fretting and worrying about what to eat - or not to - to keep the weight down. It would (in theory at least) be 'better' to stick to a regular routine of eating etc. then the weight should take care of itself or in my case, remain mostly static. But we're only human and it can be difficult to stick to the same eating and exercise patterns, day in and day out. On the flip side, some days our appetite or our opportunity to eat isn't as conducive as others. (Mind, other than this virus I had, I have a pretty healthy appetite and the urge to eat is always there!) Okay oolala, I am going to join in and make a pact not to weigh myself either. I also find that if its going good, like at present when I lost a few lbs, I tend to focus too much on food and second guess myself before I eat anything. No S helped to get me away from this 'diet head' type of thinking. This morning, for example, I reached for my usual 2 granola bars but only ate the one after all. I felt 'guilty' about having 2 even though they are very small and probably wouldn't fill a fly! Personally, I don't think my N Days were at fault; however, my S Days certainly could do with the structure. Not to mention eating less sweets. Ah well! soldiering on.....
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:36 pm

Had a funny dinner this evening. Just turkey breast slices and a square of cornbread. Cornbread... yummy! I consider it to be a sweet/dessert type of food so I think I failed this evening. Trying not to get too obsessed but when I have these snacky type of dinners, I tend to put on weight. BUT I hadn't been having controlled S Days so perhaps - fingers crossed - if I can get my S Days under control (last week was an excellent start and I am feeling confident) maybe it won't matter as much what I have for dinner on N Days. I must continue to remind myself to take baby steps as I am doing with the 1 granola bar instead of 2 per day.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:23 am

My homemade corn bread is definitely not a sweet, although I do use sugar, but I think commercial ones are part cake mix. However, it's probably not a sweet. So no failure. (Don't make it too hard on yourself!)
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:05 pm

Thanks, oolala! :D

Yes, I do have a tendency to be a bit hard on myself sometimes when it comes to eating especially! Or I go the other direction and throw caution to the wind! It can be hard to find the happy medium!
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Post by Amy3010 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:47 pm

I'm looking for that happy medium, too! (although this week has been very heavy on the side of caution to the wind...) :wink:

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:42 pm

LOL! Amy! Thanks for cheering me up with your post! :lol:

Hi guys! Again, feeling really guilty for not posting as much recently and not posting on my fellow NoSers' threads. Its been pretty manic lately what with one thing and another but I still read all your posts and think of you and wish you the best. I just didn't want anyone thinking I had abandoned the boards or anything :oops:

I'm still suffering the after effects of this darned virus I picked up. Its getting better but very, very slowly. Trying to be as positive as I can however. One knock on effect is that I haven't been very hungry. I still eat my three meals however but I have been forcing myself sometimes to finish my plates. Today was an S Day but I haven't ate very much at all. No skipping of meals but I basically ate like a regular N Day. Only had a parfait and a black coffee at McD's for lunch instead of my usual cheeseburger and dessert. Making the most of it while I still can. I know my appetite will eventually come back with a vengeance lol! This evening, I had a big plate of mac n cheese but half way through I almost left it since it had lost its flavor. (my sinuses playing up and I lost my sense of taste I think). I did finish it eventually but afterwards, I did not have my usual S Day treat of a dessert. No temptations whatsoever. Who knows if this could be the start of a new pattern or is it just the aftereffects of the bug? I won't knock it anyway. Weight still 168 lbs. Yeah, guys, I couldn't 'help' myself. Curiousity got the better of me. :roll: BUT I wish I could wean myself off the scales for the time being, especially when my appetite is artificially low. Have a wonderful weekend all, and again just popping in to let you know I'm still here and still No essing!! :D :D
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Post by Amy3010 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:58 am

Was just thinking about you - hope all is continuing to go well! Have a good weekend! :D

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:43 pm

Hi there Amy ((((((hugs)))))) Thanks so much for your nice message and glad that you are thinking of me. Hope all is well with your good self, too, hon!

Anyway all - again so sorry I have been quiet lately. Combination of things: mostly been very, very busy with work (working extra shifts) and making arrangements to go on a 'girls' only vacation with a group of close friends. Another reason is nothing really remarkable (weight wise at least!) to post here guys. But I will add that I think - fingers crossed - that I might at last be getting a handle on my S Days! Whether or not it was the bug I had that started it or I just got tired of my over indulgent S Days - this being my 3rd week of sanity on S Days. I haven't even had an urge to buy or consume anything for dessert this weekend. I have however, found myself baking more during the week and taking a sneaky nibble here and there -- oops! Better nip that in the bud! Overall though, no big time cravings for anything in particular. Weekends are starting to look just like N days. Very pleased! Perhaps I should have had more faith in No S and more to the point, myself, in believing that my S Days would indeed streamline after a time. A l-o-o-ong, long time, in my case lol!! I don't really feel like weighing myself or even giving much thought to eating plan(s) in general. Actually don't know why I even wrote 'eating plans plural' since the one and only plan I am on IS and will continue to be NO S!! A funny thing happened this evening too: after dinner, I felt like I should take advantage of my S Day by having a dessert of some kind to end the meal....but... a little angel on my shoulder said that it would be a pity to spoil a good run of sensible eating today and after all, I didn't really feel like eating anything else, did I? Whereas before, I would have had treats just for the sake of it. I don't even appear to be anticipating my S Days anymore and thus... I am not dreading them either! Early days guys, even after 3 weeks, but I remain optimistic that I now have my S Days under control! Wonderful! I don't really care now if I lose or not as this 3 week period has proven to me that I can relax and not worry so much. I've realized that the importance has shifted more from the scales and onto the controlled S Days.

Here's what I ate today:

2 x granola bars and 1 ff yogurt; orange and grapefruit segments

1 cup ice cream (from McD's w/NO sauce!), sliced apples, black coffee

Nibbles (throughout day): 2 gummy worms; 2 squares dove chocolates


generous 3 slices of pizza

Yes, okay I did have nibbles so if I was going to be really particular, I could say that said nibbles were indeed my dessert/sweet treat for the day but when I compare this to what I was normally eating on an S Day, it is much less and more organized (aka controlled).
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:25 pm

Hey, I've been out fo the loop, too, reasons in my thread.

Things sound better for you. Don't want to rain on your parade, but I do have a question. Why do you say you force yourself to finish plates of food? Part of No S is being free to stop when you've had enough. There is no obligation to finish your plate of food. esp. if you are not still hungry or know you will feel very full. When you feel sick, it's likely your body needs less food. It takes many weeks of not eating well because you're sick for it to cause real problems.

Anyway, hope you have another S day that you're happy with today!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:00 am

Hi there my friend, oolala! :D So nice to have you back too! Just read your latest post and was sorry to hear about your internet dis-connections! That can be a real pain in the neck to say the least. Must be catching too! MY internet connection had been playing up last week and I was unable to use my pc for a few days! AARGH!! Its amazing how one gets attached to their pc, just another piece of everyday life['s essentials that we come to rely on and take for granted....when its not working! Boy, did i miss not having that computer! Plus it seemed like 1001 things cropped up all of a sudden that I needed to have the computer to gain access - like mapq&est and stuff! :evil:

Anyway - had a reasonably 'good' S Day again today:


Apple and blueberry coffee cake (a little indulgent but quite a reasonable sized slice!)
fat free yogurt and grapefruit segments


1 cliff bar
1 pkg freeze dried sliced peaches (very nice indeed!)
1 can diet 7 up


Not much of a dinner a very heavy sounding asiago cheese bagel with cheddar and bacon


4 caramel candies
1 fruit ice lolly
nibbles of german chocolate cake I was preparing for during the week

Hey oolala - thanks for your question and also your concern. Perhaps the forcing myself to eat on S Days (as a food lover and former binge eater, I have to ask, do I really force myself to eat? lol) stems back to the fact that my brain has 'programmed' itself to relax and have more leeway/expect treats on S Days. The urge has dampened down somewhat recently however I still think there is a little devil on my shoulder when it comes to S day compliance Hey guys! Apologies if this message sounds a little scattered etc. half asleep at the typewriter this evening after an extremely busy day. zzzzzzzzzz
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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:42 am

It sounds like you're doing well - despite the internet connection thing! My computer is my lifeline - it would be really hard for me to have to miss it for a few days!

Have a great week!

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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:25 am

Hi guys!! Long time, no hear ,huh! I know, I know! :oops: :oops:

Just keeping in touch to let you know I'm still on the planet, still following No S and I know I said I wouldn't but I decided to return to my diet classes last week after deciding that whilst I really love being on No S, I couldn't get past the frustration of being 20 plus lbs overweight with not much change for the past 2 plus years and the prospect of meeting up with some very trim figured friends who I am vacationing with in a month or two (whom I hasten to add are lovely people and non judgemental) but was feeling very 'self concious' about having gained so much weight since the last time we met. My goal is to follow the No S rules and with the added support of the class, to get at least 10 lbs off for the vacation at the end of August. I must admit, I toyed with the idea for several days but decided to give it another - proper - try this time. I was pleasantly surprised that there was no pressure this time to follow a specific plan and when I mentioned the No S method (didn't mention it by name, just the guidelines because I have been surprised by the no. of people who just don't get it) they said that was fine by them. Well this week has been pretty hectic guys and I don't know if that was what helped, but I weighed in last week (after eating breakfast and lunch mind you and of course I'll be wearing clothes all the time lol) 174 lbs and this week, pre breakfast weighed just over 167 lbs on the same scale. Really pleased and because I was so busy, often it took my mind off of eating and for some reason I didn't have much of an appetite last week. I did not starve myself by any means guys and I am just eating much the same EXCEPT and this is what could also - fingers crossed - be helping?? I have been carefully watching the sodium levels of the foods I am eating and drinking more plain water than I ever did. I haven't quite gotten to the recommended 8 glasses or so a day however I did make an effort to drink more plain water throughout the day than I normally do (not a great deal so it wasn't too hard). I also changed it up a little bit with crystal light etc. Early days I know but feeling really good right now and I think for me I did make the right decision, particularly being in this frame of mind. In fact, i didn't even have my 2 S Days this weekend. Just didn't feel like it. I hope at the other end of the scale (no pun intended lol) that I don't get too enthusiastic about cutting back. Wouldn't like to get a 'backlash' further on down the road when I wasn't feeling so strong willed. But, I guess I can cross that bridge when I come to it. I just wanted to let you guys know I am still very much here (even though I haven't been posting recently); still enjoying reading everyone's messages etc. Will keep you updated on my progress which hopefully will continue to be as good as it started out. I realize I can't expect to lose every week and there might be gains every so often along the way... however, if this is the booster to get me started on the way down again, then I will grab it with both hands! IF however it doesn't quite work out the way I planned then of course I will remain on No S from the comfort of my own home, no diet classes and doing what I have been for the past few years because I like the sanity of No S (on my N Days at least!) But I can at least give it a try to see how it works out. Here's to a great No S week everyone!
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:09 am

Glad you're feeling more hopeful. Congrats on the loss!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Amy3010 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:26 am

Wonderful news - I'm really pleased for you! :D

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Post by snapdragon » Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:20 pm

Hi Roxy!!! Have. Ot been around lately but wanted to say hi since you are always so kind and supportive!!!! So *waving emphatically* HI!

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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:24 pm

((((aww)))) snappy! You are too nice ! lol ,,,,, :oops: :oops: :oops:

Thank you ALL guys once again for your continuing support and well wishes and for keeping in touch even though I haven't been posting as much. So very nice of you to drop by and give me encouragement. Glad to hear that your pc is now up and running oolala! I think I was coming out in sympathy with you last week since my pc had to go in for repair and I was without it for a whole week! I don't like to admit it but boy did I have severe withdrawal symptoms :p)! Thank goodness it seems to be up and running now.

I know I have swung back and forth from this diet class over the past few years but I think as usual I may have been over thinking it and worrying too much. This time, i am taking it a day at a time and trying not to give too much thought to what I am doing until the next weigh in. I feel (somewhat) extra motivated because of the upcoming vacation with my friends. Hope I can keep it up and stay this motivated even after the trip! I am so glad however that they didn't force me to stick solely to a taylored diet plan and have to buy a lot of extra stuff. It meant I could continue to follow No S with - fingers crossed - the added support I perhaps needed. TBH, I think what has helped most - I never tire of saying this - is checking the sodium levels on foods (I eat a lot of frozen stuff which tends to have higher sodium contents and I admit I hadn't been checking them til now) and drinking more water. If nothing else, at least I have picked up this knowledge from the diet classes :) I guess some of you may be saying well it doesn't take a diet class to educate you on things like that!" Agreed but I really hadn't given it a thought myself until the diet center advised me to.

Anyway, thank you all for your nice posts! Have a great week guys and I will call back in sometime soon with any updates (fingers crossed it'll be positive news! :)
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:45 pm

So what if you get your info at the diet center! If it keeps you from being consumed by it all, I think that's a plus. And sometimes we do need other influences to help us do what we know would be better. We're just ready at different times, too. It sounds like they are reminding you that you can make different choices for your meals.

I took a diet book out of the library because I saw long ago that it had recipes I might like with interesting spice mixes and such. I still haven't copied any recipes and it's due (already renewed once) tomorrow! So if you are implementing what you're hearing, good for you!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:23 am

Thanks, oolala for your encouraging post! :)

I, too have been looking at a few 'healthy recipes' that I can prepare myself rather than rely on my staple of "TV Dinners" most of the time! :p) I know I keep bringing up the S Word (sodium) but the sodium content of those meals is pretty hefty most of the time, even on the healthier versions :(
Hey - just dawned on me that it could be another No S mod - No Sodium (Salt) but wouldn't absolutely NO salt on food make for a very bland diet so I guess you could apply the sometimes tag!

I'm a bit of a lazy cook or more to the point procrastinator (especially when it comes to preparing my own meals! Go Figure! I have no problem making casseroles and stews etc. for the DH and Kids :roll: )
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:12 am

Why don't you eat the casseroles and stews? I imagine a serving of one of them plus some veggies would make a good meal, no?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:06 pm

Hi oolala! Yes indeed! I really don't know why I can't bring myself to eat any of those casseroles I make. Perhaps I inherited my grandmother's aversion to her own cooking! I never could understand this when my mom used to mention it. Now, I can relate. Go figure ! :roll:
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:09 pm

Weigh in at the diet class tomorrow morning. For the most part, I've been really compliant and had no S treats at all. I've had a few teensy weensy nibbles but nothing major. I hope I'm not going to get too strict on myself and then have a revolt! :P

I'm finding the classes most helpful for keeping me on the straight and narrow for NOW but there's always that "You're gonna have to do this yourself sometime" niggling in the back of my mind. Oh well, I said I'd go along with it til my vacation in a few weeks' time. I think I should at least honor my decision thus far.
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:37 pm

At diet class again today, pleasantly surprised that I lost another 2 lbs. Had a bit of a mini binge when I came home to celebrate ! well duh! :roll:

Actually, just getting rid of all the treats I had baked up (the kids took some of them to school) once and for all. I didn't really enjoy the treats I had - 2 squares of 7 layer bar and a small blueberry muffin. I really don't want to get in the habit of bingeing on trash once I come home from weighing (which is what I used to do when I used to go to this class regularly around 4 or 5 yrs ago). I have to say, I did not enjoy the treats and I kinda wondered what all the fuss was about i.e. my yearning for sweet foods and sentimentality over not having them around anymore. I really hope this time I have it sussed out. It feels like I am on a roll right now. Weight loss surprisingly good considering how unsuccessful I had been since Christmas. Now I know for sure it was the goodies at the weekend that had been the culprit. Also the high sodium content of the frozen entrees I had been consuming on a daily basis did not help. Its still early days yet but I am trying - with No S's and the diet club's help - to tailor some kind of low fat healthy eating plan that I can live with for life. The No S guidelines are marvellous and I credit No S for helping me to stick with the diet guidelines at the club. Which are not very far removed from No S anyway. At times however, I still get a niggling voice in the back of my head telling me to ditch the club and that I can do this all by myself now. I will keep reminding myself however that its early days and I could have a relapse at any time so I will keep on keeping on. I'm also quite excited and curious to see where my latest journey takes me. What weight will I settle on? Will I be able to maintain with ease? I got a little scared by how easy it was to scarf down those sweet treats after almost 2 weeks abstinence. (long time for me). I think for me it would be best just not to have any treats or sweets in the house, full stop.
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Post by mimi » Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:52 am

Hi Roxy! Hope things are still going well for you with combining NoS and your diet class!

Mimi :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:09 pm

Thanks so much mimi! sorry again I've been so quiet - have still been lurking and reading everyone's messages; just like to extend a big HELLO and lots of hugs to all my fellow No Sers whilst I'm on here!

Yeah, mimi, so far the diet club and the No S seem to be going pretty well together. I don't intend (I think!! :roll: ) to stay with the diet class long term since I want to be able to do it myself with the aid of No S and the boards etc of course as before. HOWEVER, the class has certainly given me ideas and the added inspiration. It also pointed out to me clearly (fingers crossed!) where I was going "wrong" if there is such a thing with No S ! Too much sodium (salt); overdoing it on weekends and not paying much attention to the portion sizes etc. can all add it up, I have found out to my chagrin. Basically, I think (particularly at my stage in life with the change and thyroid issues on top) I will more or less have to give all the desserts etc. a miss UNLESS I have them once in a blue moon or really special events like CHRISTMAS or Thanksgiving! Its not such a hardship, now I've gotten used to eating lighter this past few weeks. In fact, this morning after diet class I decided to eat a few rich treats for breakfast and dinner and I immediately regretted the decision. It was the horrible feeling of fullness and discomfort that got to me the most.. plus I thought it was counterproductive of me considering the money I am shelling out on the club, only to delay my progress by overindulging after weigh in. A habit I will swiftly have to nip in the bud! I seem to have got over the "S Day must have" way of thinking at the weekend however. So that is indeed something as that was my goal (even though S's are allowed of course); just for ME it was only deterring me from losing anything. I'm not incredibly overweight for my height but I was getting tired of putting in the effort and not getting any rewards. I realize I had to do something different or try to be a peace where I am now. Another reason for spurring me on, is my upcoming vacation with my (skinny) girlfriends who haven't seen me in a year or two and wanting to look my best (or as near as) . I'm losing slowly but surely right now. I'm also entering 'danger zone' - the threshhold of taking it all the way to lose more OR saying WTH with it and drifting back up again. I hope I can ride with it to the end, this time. The classes are very laid back but the accountability of the weigh ins seems to be clicking with me at the moment and I have a bit of a competitive edge on now; lets hope I can make it to the finish line and beyond...of course, as weight loss is only the first part of the journey. Maintenance is the next stage.

BTW Mim, many congratulations on your ongoing success with the No S Plan. I saw your latest lovely photos and you are doing GREAT!! WELL DONE! :) :)
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:23 pm

Roxy, I saw your post on the thread of someone who is also doing WW about how the diet club has helped. I wondered what you've replaced the frozen dinners with. Are you actually counting the calories in your meals or doing something else? I'm always curious about what conclusions people come to naturally and what they come to from other influences. I admit that my meal choices since the beginning were influenced by diet practices from the past that stuck with me because I preferred them, such as having sizable portions of veggies at lunch and dinner (most days) and making a lot of my own food, though supplemented with commercial sauces that I use sparingly compared to others. However, having read a fair number of daily check-in threads of people who've been successful, I've seen there are many tactics that work.
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:21 pm

Hi dear oolala! Thanks for your question :)

I must 'confess' that for convenience sake and just my own personal preference, I am still sticking with frozen dinners. However, when I buy frozen meals now, I always check the nutritional content i.e. sodium, fat grams, calories. Whereas before, I wasn't paying attention to any of that stuff. Now, this might be a double edged sword (is that the right expression? lol) because now I am becoming more aware of these finer details but previously I had not been concerning myself and generally just ate whatever frozen dinner appealed to me at the time. I will stress that so far I haven't been too consumed (scuse the pun!:) by it all and it seems to working so far (touch wood). I will admit that it takes a bit more of an effort trying to find meals that have these attributes. The Heath Food Section of the grocery store tends to have the best range. Can be a little pricier obviously than the regular frozen dinners. Ultimately, I don't intend to eat ALL frozen foods forever. My aim is to start preparing more meals with the family that we can ALL enjoy and benefit by. For now, though, I am happy to continue with this. At breakfast lunch, I have more or less the same foods I had been eating before. The biggest difference lately - aside from checking the food labels - is my S Days or lack of. I have been eating more or less the same on S Days as I do on N Days. So far, I haven't missed or craved the desserts I was enjoying on the weekend. I credit my mind set (the goal of getting a bit slimmer for my vacation) plus getting weighed in at the club each week to helping me with this.

Anyway - sorry it was a bit of a long winded reply. I will be sure to refer back to this again whenever I find myself struggling or weaning myself off the diet club - lol - which I presume will (have to) happen sooner or later !

Thanks again for stopping by, oolala and as always continuing to be my inspiration. Have a great weekend, my Fellow No S-ers!!
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:44 am

That didn't seem long-winded at all. Although it does take a bit of effort, it seems like a fair trade for the effect.

It would be nice if the pendulum just comes to rest in the middle regarding S days...
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:27 am

Agreed - on all counts, oolala! :)

Yeah, at the moment since I haven't had sugar/carb cravings to speak of, (not sure why this is, but I ain't gonna knock it!) and whilst my mind is set and very determined to stick with it, it hasn't been such a 'hardship' this time around. I just wish I could for once shake off the niggling doubts in my ability to be able to keep this weight off long term, like you yourself have done, oolala. IF I could get to the 150s and remain there I would be delighted. If there was indeed some middle ground but at the moment, it seems that I am getting the best (any!) results by avoiding rich foods in their entirety which is great whilst I am in this frame of mind, but can I go long term? What happens if I do decide to have some - one - S day treat again? Will I have a revolt? Trying not to focus too much on these issues though, since I am in a really good place right now (mentally) and want to take advantage of this whilst I get the chance. :lol: IF long term I find I can stick without the treats and not have cravings as a result, then I will indeed continue BUT I hope that I can make room for special S Events such as Christmas etc. because that will mean I have made even more progress.

I am wondering if this is perhaps another stage in the No S process that I have reached - or would have reached on my own even without the aid of the diet class, if I had had the patience. Perhaps the class has just reinforced what might have been a natural progression anyway? Well, writing this all down here makes it sound as if I am focussing and thinking about it all too much and TBH I haven't been giving it as much thought recently and just taking each day as it comes. I will confess however, to weighing myself just as often - if not more - because i am liking the recent weight loss (es)! :oops: :roll: :lol: :oops: :roll:
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:29 pm

Hi guys! Just back from a weigh in at the club.... and hoorah! I'm down another 2 lbs this week! :D :D (162 lbs).

I'm very happy about this of course BUT I have started to get into a bit of a habit of eating c%%rap after my weigh ins (i.e. treating them like S Days) now i know there isn't anything 'wrong' with this per se, but it irks me that I seem to be 'unable' to eat sensibly as I have been doing the rest of the week! (I guess the fear of excessive S Days is still rearing its ugly head). I realize that to FOR ME to lose anything, I should be sticking to a reasonable low fat style of 'diet' 7 days a week. Sadly, the S Day weekends of the past just weren't working out IF I wanted to lose any weight at all. Don't get me wrong, I didn't go crazy over eating today or anything - just a few sweet treats (heavy on the chocolate, sugar and fat - :) My 'irk' is that i am not treating this new lifestyle like a new lifestyle and now I'll be using the excuse of not getting weighed in for another week to overindulge in desserts and such like. You may think I am being overly concerned and/or cautious here but in order to lose and more importantly MAINTAIN for the rest of my life, just as I have adopted the No S lifestyle, I now need to go one step further and implement my plan for life (with modifications as necessary). Ideally, I shouldn't be buying the sweet and sickly desserts to tempt me anyway! And to be honest, (fingers crossed) I have not had a desire for this type of stuff anymore ... only eating it to get rid of it (ha ha yeah right) and using this as my excuse for indulging!

However, so far so good - things are going well on the weight loss front and I continue to pay attention to the nutritional content of foods. Folks in the supermarket must think I am crazy since it takes me about an hour to chose a couple of my frozen foods dinners - as I meticulously check the sodium and fat levels. Not so concerned about calories - I don't want to get into the calorie counting habit again - although I do tend to look at those as well but I (hope ) won't obsess over it.
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Post by idontknow » Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:23 pm

Well done on the 2lbs - fantastic news :D
I know what you are saying about the habit of overeating after your weigh-in - I used to do exactly the same at Weightwatchers. Could you find a non-food way of rewarding yourself after your weigh-in? Not quite the same, I know - but if you do want to wean yourself off the sweet treats then it might be a way forward.

Keep on doing well! :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:58 am

Hey idk! Thanks for stopping by. That sounds like an EXCELLENT idea (she says after scarfing a whole plateful of coconut ice :P :( :roll: :oops:

At least that way I would still be rewarding myself for any weight losses and it would give me something to look forward to.... other than FOOD!!!!
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Post by tobiasmom » Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:15 pm

Every time I check in on you you are always doing awesome! What an encouragement! Keep it up!

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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:24 pm

Aww gee, tobiasmom -thanks!! :oops: :D :oops:

Its' about time too! I had almost given up on ever losing a lb ever again lol)
I guess I seem to be on a bit of a 'roll' right now and I just hope it will keep up! You know how weight has a sneaky habit of creeping on you! :)

Thanks sooo much for your encouragement hon and again, I apologize for not visiting my No S friends' threads as much these days. But still very much here.
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:50 am

Just popping in to say hope you're all having a great weekend. And a quick update: I've had another good week this week. I don't know what it is right now, but I seem to have lost my sweet cravings entirely. I know from experience that this can change overnight but I'll take it whilst I can. :)

I was reading one of Berry's posts where she said she pretty much eats well 7 days of the week rather than 5 days on and 2 off and has the occasional dessert and it appears to have been working very well for her. It definitely struck a chord with me since I have been looking at this in a temporary fashoin i.e. my 'new mod' of not having much in the way of S Days and using the diet club as a reinforcement etc. I do think the club has been very beneficial in giving me a jump start so to speak but I confess in the back of my mind I had been thinking of sticking with it till my vacation and then doing my own thing after that. By doing my own thing, I had planned on giving myself cart blanche S weekends again but... I'm not sure if I want to go to that extreme now. I am feeling pretty good within myself right now and as mentioned, no real hankerings for the sweet stuff and desserts so it would be a pity to start eating them regularly again "just because I can" . One thing I won't do though, if and its a big if - I continue to remain in this state of mind - is deprive myself on social events and holidays ie. Christmas and Thanksgiving etc. I just think that would do more harm than good and I have to learn to be moderate around my favorite foods just like slim people are.

Okay friends, sorry for going off on a long rant again. Just dropping in to keep you updated on my latest comings and goings and to let you know as always I am still very much here and still very much a No Ser! :)
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:01 am

Hi there, stopping by to wish you well and to continue to encourage you. I thought I had already stopped in but I guess I was chatting with you on my thread :D

Yes, I admit that when I first came here I did the strict No S but it wasn't really for me, I like to be more consistent with my eating, not erratic. I try to ask myself before each thing I eat, Is this doing my body any good?

Sometimes the answer is yes, physically as in - it is time to eat!

Sometimes the answer is yes, emotionally as in - it is a Christmas party !

Sometimes the answer is NO, those are the times I try to just have a cup of hot tea or something else instead. :wink:

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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:04 pm

Hi Berry! :) Thanks again for stopping in with your wise words and inspiration! Yeah, No S has been great as far as curing my bingeing habits are concerned but if I wanted to lose any weight, unfortunately, for me personally, the S days were just undoing all of my hard work throughout the week. Another rather interesting thing is that overall I haven't changed much about my eating patterns - 3 decent meals a day. Again, all thanks to No S for engraining the habits in the first place. However, I have not had as much carb-y foods (for the record, I don't count carbs ), have been watching sodium levels like a hawk, trying (still a work in progress) to drink more water; activity levels just about the same - in fact, with this recent spate of uncomfortably hot, humid weather, I haven't been walking outside as much as I was previously. When I eat out now, I don't tend to have the scones or coffee cakes or burgers (low fat or otherwise), favoring lighter options such as yogurt and fruit etc. This is obviously making a difference whereas before I was stuck at the same weight and couldn't understand why. I am glad I decided to make a note of this so that if I find my weight creeping up again, I will know what to do.

BTW - haven't really figured out a target weight. I'm quite happy to continue doing what I have been for the past month or so and just seeing where it levels out at.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:17 pm

Hi again guys! :) Just dropping in again for a quick update etc. Had been doing very well again this week and so pleased when i weighed on my own scale to see that I had reached the 160 mark! Perhaps I got a bit too complacent after that.... I baked up some german chocolate brownies and started nibbling on them before dinner last night....oops. Old habits do die hard, don't they? Weighed in at 163 lbs on my scale this morning. Just goes to show how quickly weight (albeit water weight) comes on again, especially if you've got a sweet tooth like me. i froze some of the brownies and threw out the leftovers. I have come to the firm conclusion that rather like an alcoholic, I cannot be around sweet foods! Still got a few days to go until I weigh in at the club. I had hoped to get to 160 lbs this week. Maybe I'll have undone some of the damage by that time. I was tempted to skip lunch today .... but hunger and common sense got the better of me. I don't want to get too paranoid about it again whereas i had been pretty laid back towards my weight goals etc. recently. I'm still just going to go with the flow and see what happens with regards my weight. I also have to be able to live with whatever method of eating I chose, and sustainable weight loss. At least I can see some of where I was going 'wrong' before. The little tweaks I have made have not been too much of a hardship so far. My cravings for sweets is my biggest downfall and one I am constantly having to work on.
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Post by tobiasmom » Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:44 pm

You are doing so great! And realizing your pitfalls before you gain a to of weight back! I can't say I've done that in the past....

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:58 am

Aww, thanks tobiasmom, for your nice and encouraging comments ! :) Thanks for that. I really needed it :)

Sometimes, I think I sound like a diet bore because I am always fretting about my weight! However it gets frustrating when the scale shows a loss one minute and then I'm up again the next and it doesn't seem like I've done anything out of the ordinary. I think part of the problem is weighing too much and getting fluctuations. BUT.... I am still in a good place right now. I have also been taking a multitude of cold medications etc. recently because i picked up a cold virus from DH. This could also account for the recent gain. Feeling really detemined right now so I hope I can shed a few more lbs for my vacation. It has really helped to spur me on this time!
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:34 pm

This IS the place to fret, if you're going to.

You know, No S was never meant to be "good during the week, nuts on the weekend." In fact, on page 105 in the book, it says that "a perfect S day is when you've basically stuck with your three-meal rhythm but have added an extra reward, something especially nice, and enjoyed it without reservation or guilt." What you and I have often done on S days is not that. We kept hoping for the urge to be an idiot to go away and it didn't. Even Reinhard admits that some people need mods. Perhaps your diet club will help you figure out what the best mod is for you.

Be very careful of "I'll do this until..." There's got to be room in the long run for the variety you want and an acceptance to limit the variety for your real goals.

You can do it, darlin'! Moderation, even with rewards.
Last edited by oolala53 on Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:16 am

Thank you very much oolala for your kind and helpful words. Always great to get your POV ! :)

Yeah, I think I really did misinterpret the No S Plan in the beginning by thinking S Days were to be free for alls! lol!

However, on the flip side, esp in the beginning when it was hard to get into the N Day compliance, the prospect of having as much as one wanted to eat on S Days definitely helped ! Realistically though, and as you rightly pointed out, excessive OTT eating on S days, in the long term wouldn't work for weight loss, certainly not for this chick! :p).

But I guess before I get too hard on myself I should add that it helped a lot with my obsession with dieting and bingeing and if one is prepared to be patient and/or create mods (as you wrote "mods work for some people"), perhaps the over indulgent weekends will gradually get better and less and less over time.

Its quite a comfort now, once you get into the frame of mind, that is, to realize that No S didn't intend one to have free for alls on S Days, I definitely believe I need mods/some kind of boundaries (guidelines) to follow rather than being left to my own devices on the S Days.
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:14 pm

Well, the mods are your own devices, too, or become your own when they become your default. If they don't, then you get to pick new devices to try. I know when I got to the point at which I started thinking that it was okay to experiment with different guidelines for eating without each one being a measure of my strength as a human being, it was easier. It's okay to try something, give good effort, and discard it if it induces worse behavior. And even if I don't give good effort, I realize it's either wrong for me or I don't have my motivation clear. Either way, I can be only where I am.

My devices didn't work great yesterday, but it's not a catastrophe. I think it will go better today just because I think I'll see the slippery slope sooner AND because I have a social plan for dinner that I want to be hungry for. I had a good week last week and am looking forward to green days this week, too. I keep saying I'm going to use Habitcal...
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:54 am

Yeah, being able to create your own mods and tailor them to suit your needs as opposed to a one size fits all "diet" , its all good :) :)

That's another thing I love about the No S Plan - it is flexible and as Reinhard mentions in the book - can be implemented alongside other plans. Way back when I first (seriously) got started on No S and N Day compliance was very shaky to say the least, once I got a couple of N Days under my belt, the confidence slowly built up and I was able to carry it over long term. Hope I'm not being too presumptious/premature here, but thanks to No S, I also feel confident that I will be able to carry forward my streamlined S Days into the long term too :)

Will keep you all posted on my next weigh in which is tomorrow. I'm feeling confident I might have lost a litte bit again.... but... who knows? My weight fluctuates like the weather AND I must remember to drink more water!!!

Have a wonderful week, all!
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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:42 am

Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow!

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:51 pm

I think if you really believe down deep that your S day mods are fair and reasonable, they will become your new default.

Happy Monday!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:02 pm

Thanks guys, again for all your support and GRREAT advice! Well, unfortunately no weight loss this week - 162 lbs! I guess that ain't bad in the grand scheme of things... but I had wanted to get to 160 lbs at least for my upcoming trip. I'm getting nervous now that my body might have reached a plateau or in other words is clinging onto the 60s for dear life! Might have a problem getting any lower. I do look quite a bit slimmer, even if I say so myself and I guess I should be pleased with my progress so far even if its "only" 12 lbs or so. Came home and scarfed a slice of blueberry coffee cake and had a huge energy bar... stuff that is normally out of sight and out of mind - lol. Well THAT kinda behavior will certainly not produce the results I want. However, I'm over it now and just want to knuckle down... aka carry on as i have been doing and hopefully will see some results for next week. Fingers crossed I can get to the 160 mark next week.. I am a little nervous now since as the weight starts to come off, it tends to slow down a bit. I am at the threshhold again if I start to gain, then it could all come back on again very quickly or if I start to lose again, perhaps I may - slowly - get to my target weight (of which I am not sure yet; I guess around the 150 mark if I were being realistic or should that be optimistic? :)
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:27 am

Keep your eyes on the habits! I gently suggest that you just make it a goal to stick to the habits now and through your vacation because you are looking for a way to live! Even if you get to 160 before the vacation, if you aren't committed to eating moderately most of the time, you know what is going to happen. You are going to have to keep doing pretty much whatever you're doing to maintain any loss you have anyway.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by Amy3010 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:20 pm

I'm with Oolala - if you can let the habits carry you thru your vacation, you'll be much better off in the end... Good luck!

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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:08 pm

EXCELLENT ADVICE, guys! :) Thank you so much for your support and particularly for your words of wisdom oolala! From memory, (its been quite a while :) I think that was what put me off the diet club eventually... it got to be rather stringent (my goal weight at that time was much, much lower - unrealistically so - than my projected one is now, which didn't help). Actually, I think that this vacation couldn't have come up at a better time now since it will mean that I will be changing up my routine and with that, my attendance at the club (won't be going there for a few weeks; if I decide to return, well I'll see how I feel nearer the time; one good thing about the club is that if I do reach maintenance, I only need to go back occasionally if I want to, just to keep an eye on things. Getting to that stage might help to keep me on track; but it will be a real test whilst I'm away to see if I have ingrained some of the good habits. I fully intend to stick to the No S Habits ... whether I cave in when the time comes, well that remains to be seen, but right now, i'm feeling pretty confident that I can handle it. :) :roll: :twisted:
I've also realized that it may be inevitable to gain a few (even if I'm being fully No S compliant) since restaurant dishes tend to be much bigger portions - who says you have to clean your plate? :P) and I won't be able to keep track of the sodium levels. BUT as long as I can keep somewhat level headed, any poundage will only be temporary anyway and should get back to normal within a few days. I must remember to drink enough water! I've been noticing that whilst I drank plain water (esp in the beginning), my losses have been much better. Slipping back into the diet soda habit again, these days :roll:
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:43 pm

Seem to be having a good week this week (weight wise!) According to my scale, I've lost another 2 lbs or so - but all will be revealed when I go to the diet club this week :) :twisted: :)

My vacation is coming up very shortly but this time, I don't feel like i am dreading the eating out etc. like I might have done. Apart from nibbling at my baking (which I do to pass the time and use up all the sweet /dessert-ty ingredients in my cupboards :) I don't have sweet cravings at all right now and although the thought passes thru my head : "mmm, it might be nice to have a cookie or a cake right now" it goes away as soon as it came. Fingers crossed I could be turning another corner with No S! I also think its good that I decided to remain with the No S boards during this time because the danger could be that if I put too much emphasis and credit onto the diet club, I might be worried about stopping it in future or think I couldn't do without it.

Hope you are all having a great weekend guys and "see" you all again next post :) :)
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:11 am

Yayy!@!! So pleased today to see that I have actually broken the 160 barrier and am now approx. 158 lbs! Amazing!! Sometimes tho - being the doubing Thomas that I tend to be - I wonder why I am getting so much better results these days i.e. quicker results than I was before? I guess it just goes to show how much those innocent little nibbles add up !@ :twisted:

Its funny - being fairly tall (5 ' 7"), I suppose I carried my weight well since no one has commented on the fact I have lost any weight not even DH. I am tbh quite glad since I really don't want to make a fuss about it. I think the more I ponder and focus on weight, the harder it is to do anything about it. Seems to be that way for me anyway. The biggest 'test' has yet to come - my vacation in a few days' time. It will be interesting to see if I can overcome the challenges of eating out on a daily basis etc. for about a week or so. Will keep you posted guys once I come back. Also, not sure whether or not I will be returning to the diet club after that. Again, we'll see how it goes but it hasn't been too much of hardship so far. I just want to feel I can do it on my own again. Another ironic thing is I haven't been doing as much exercise recently (too busy at the moment) but it doesn't seem to have affected my weight loss which is good to know and rather exciting since once I get started on my walking regime again, I hope it will help towards maintaining any loss(es).
Last edited by NoSRocks on Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:49 pm

Hi folks! Just popping in to say bye bye for a few weeks as I head off on vacation today. :) :)

Weight this morning on my own scales: 158 lbs. It'll be interesting to see what happens when I come back in a few weeks' time. Will let you know either way i.e. good or bad!! This vacation will be interesting - of course I am going to enjoy myself and (try) not to focus on weight issues BUT I will be away for almost 3 weeks; there will be no access to a scale during this time ... unless I really went out of my way to look for one (I won't!), food choices will be up to me and a lot of it will be restaurant food so that in itself may be a challenge; I won't be visiting the diet club for moral support etc. The club tbh only helps me IF I am in the right frame of mind in the first place so has the club helped in the grand scheme of things?? I'm still open minded about that. Also whether or not I chose to return to the club is still up for debate.

But enough over-thinking ! I'm off to enjoy myself and I do actually feel quite confident that I will be able to control myself and stick to the No S guidelines.

I was also reading Texark's post where s/he mentions only having S Days on very special events and not regularly every week. I think - hope! - I may have reached this stage myself. I don't feel the urge to have S Days anymore, having bypassed them for a month or so. Again, we'll see how it goes. Take care guys,"see"you all soon!!
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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:56 am

It sounds like you are doing really well and have turned a corner mentally - good for you! Have a great vacation and don't stress too much about the food aspect of things!

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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:05 pm

Hi Folks! Hi Amy :) :) Thanks for your lovely message which I am just getting a chance to respond to now. Sorry I didn't see it before going on vacation but you must have been working your 'influence' on me since I was very, very good on vacation without being a diet bore or worrying about it so thanks again for passing on your good wishes - lol! :wink: :P :D

Ate out almost every night and during the day as well. It was kinda tricky but still manageable. I stuck mostly to grilled chicken and salads but had the occasional pasta dish (it was hard as the food was sooo yummy but I tried not to clear my plate on those occasions when I had pasta/carbs). Always had an alcoholic drink - or two - or three - :oops: at meal times though - as you do!! Lots of walking/sightseeing I'm sure would have helped to burn some of it off. Came back weighing 153 lbs but have been hovering between 154 and 155 the past few days. I am pretty pleased so far but it will be interesting to see what happens over the coming weeks (if anything). Toying with whether or not to return to the diet club or carry on as I am. If I go back to the diet club, I only have a few lbs to lose to be at the higher end of their recommended weight range. This means I only have to return once a month or so to get weighed in and (as is the nature of this club) buy some of their products if I feel like it. Once you reach target, you're no longer expected to buy their diet products i.e. supplements, etc. It may be a good way of keeping on track so we'll see what happens. Meantime, had a wonderful time away but really happy to be back home and settling into my normal routine and eating patterns. I am still very much No S and always will be guys. The only thing I am doing differently now is not taking the S Days and for me, it seems to be working fine (fingers crossed!) I think if the mood takes me I may try the S Events strategy that some of you have talked about; say for Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year Holidays etc. But I think the best thing for me is not to overthink or plan too much in advance and simply take it as it comes. I guess I still am not confident enough to say that once I have a treat, I can stop at one and not start craving sweets etc. again. BUT it would be nice I think to have a little treat once in a while, like at Christmas for example and some alcohol after dinner on weekends if we have company. So far, so good, I haven't been craving anything sweet and even the 'sweet sentimentality' as I like to call it in reference to memories of the "good old days" when sweets and desserts were the norm and eaten on a regular basis - hasn't reared its head in the past month or so and it is very freeing not to have that worry about od-ing on them anymore. I don't dread the weekends any more as I treat them the same as any other day now. Will have to catch up on my exercise a bit though; haven't been walking outside as much recently. Otherwise, life is good!
Hope you all have a great week guys. Its been great catching up on all your posts!!

Lots of love from ROXY xx
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Post by r.jean » Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:04 pm

I am really impressed that you stuck with No S for a long time while maintaining and now have left the plateau and started losing. Way to hang in there!
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:43 am

Thanks rjean! DITTO to you, too! You are doing a marvellous job and continue to be an inspiration to me ! :) :)
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Post by snapdragon » Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:00 pm

Wow Roxy you are doing great!!!! So happy for you. This really works!!!!
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Post by milliem » Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:42 pm

Hey Roxy, thanks for stopping by my new thread :) I've just read the past couple of pages of updates here and I wanted to say a huge well done! You've done an amazing job in the last couple of months!! You sound so sane and relaxed about how things are going for you :)

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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:10 pm

Hey guys! Many thanks again for stopping by my thread with your very encouraging and supportive messages. It means a lot ! :) :)

Weighed this morning and it looks like I'm back down a few lbs again to nearer the 153 lbs mark. Very pleased indeed! The great thing right now is that it seems to be effortless or I should rephrase that to say I haven't been dwelling nor thinking about it as much and that has helped a lot! Of course, I have made a number of tweaks over this past month or so and it is amazing how effective this has been. Oops, better not brag too much because you never know how things might turn out in the end! lol

I don't have a weight goal in mind as such: just to keep going as I have been doing and see what happens. I know there has to be a cut off point sooner or later and my next task - the hardest one - will be maintenance. But trying not to think about it and just taking it as it comes. Enjoying the lack of hunger between meals and on S Days (which I no longer take) for now. Things could change again but for now, I'm happy to continue on.

Keep you posted guys! Thanks again for dropping in with your good wishes!!!
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:18 pm

Hi guys! Just checking in again this week. Still continuing to do well :)

I weighed in at 151 lbs this morning on my scale (almost at the 150 mark). Yayy!! Still undecided about returning to the diet club. At this moment in time, I don't think I need to go back, really. But will it help further down the road? Hmmm... I think I'd prefer to wait it out and see what happens now doing it on my own.

Haven't got a target weight in mind - yet - as before, I think I'll wait and see how it levels off. 130 and 120 lbs have crossed my mind, but hey - I have to be realistic. My aim is to carry on like I have been doing (fingers crossed forever) and not have to think about it as much.
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Post by eschano » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:49 am

You're doing really well!
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:24 pm

Thanks so much, eschano! Doing good yourself, too, Well Done ! :)

After being stuck so long at the same weight, it seems like - fingers crossed - I may have turned a corner. I still eat 3 meals a day like before but it seems that cutting out S Days and eating less carbs i.e. bread/scones has made all the difference.
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:06 am

Just a quick check-in, guys! :) Decided to go back to the diet club for a few weeks. I really think I might have gotten them out of my system now so its more of a courtesey thing for now. Plus, almost at the target weight we decided on at the beginning, gave or take a few lbs. However, thinking I might want to keep my hand in for a week or so incase I decide to return to them longer term at a later date. I guess I am also curious to see how they handle their maintenance members. But... hmmmm - not sure if I am comfortable setting a goal weight right now. Still keen to see what happens soldiering on by myself - with the aid of No S of course - and what weight I settle naturally at. I am thinking (having been at 151 for about over a week now) that I may be nearing that level. But we'll see how it goes....

More great news last week: I got a blood test (cholesterol) and it came back normal ! Last few times, my levels were quite high. If that doesn't inspire me to keep my weight down, what will! ? lol.

Still no comments from anyone (friends and family that is!) re. my weight loss. Have mixed feelings about this, tbh. If i put weight back on again, perhaps no one will notice either :) :lol: !! Also, thinking back on someone's post here.... sorry forgotten the name of the not really wanting too many comments re. their weight loss or 'don't lose anymore' comments etc., etc. I kinda like that no one has really mentioned it. Weight is a very personal thing, what one person deems to be their ideal weight can vary a great deal from another's.

And on that note, ladies and gentlemen...have a fantastic weekend!!
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Post by ironchef » Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:02 am

Nice work! Sounds like you are in a really great and healthy place, both physically (yay for low cholesterol) and mentally.
NoSRocks wrote:Still no comments from anyone (friends and family that is!) re. my weight loss. Have mixed feelings about this, tbh. If i put weight back on again, perhaps no one will notice either :) :lol: !! Also, thinking back on someone's post here.... sorry forgotten the name of the not really wanting too many comments re. their weight loss or 'don't lose anymore' comments etc., etc. I kinda like that no one has really mentioned it. Weight is a very personal thing, what one person deems to be their ideal weight can vary a great deal from another's.
I don't really comment on other people's weight unless they bring it up. Firstly, because it seems so personal. Secondly, I always wonder if I'm wrong, and therefore it will seem weird, or will come across as me saying "hey, I noticed you were fat before" or some other awkward thing. Seems better to me to just keep my mouth shut. So, perhaps people are noticing, but not commenting?

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:21 pm

GREAT point, ironchef! :)
I once made the awful mistake of asking a work colleague when the baby was due (she wasn't pregnant!) :oops: :oops: Luckily, she was very good and understanding about it! But I won't be making that mistake again in a hurry!

Hovering between 150 and 151 lbs on the scale this morning (heck, I really should cut down on the weighing!) Still had no treats - nor desire for them. I still get the little niggling doubts in the back of my mind about what would happen if...? or Should I start having snacks again at the weekends to see how it affects my weight? or Can I control myself around these certain foods? etc., etc. For the most part, just ignoring them and getting on with life. Perhaps I'll have a slice of pumpkin pie and some chocs on Thanksgiving if the mood takes me. Might be a case of just wanting to be sociable and be seen to be letting my hair down. I really have not had any cravings or desires for such foods lately. I guess the eating disorder history I have makes me dwell on these issues more often. In a good place right now and so far, so good, long may it continue.
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Post by r.jean » Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:17 pm

I am pretty amazed at your progress. I feel I am stuck due to pushing the No S rules to their limit. Weekends have gone from occasional treats to free for alls. I am learning from your recent experiences. I need to go back to having treats sometimes rather than constant weekend eating. I was successful this weekend. I am afraid to get on a scale because I know I have gained in the last 2-3 months.
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:47 pm

Hello dear r.jean (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) Thanks so much for stopping by my thread with your very nice and inspirational message. I'll say it again - it means a lot!! :)

Also great to hear that my postings here are of help to anyone (blush). I don't know what it is right now, but I will take it, the weight seems to be continuing to come off at a pretty good rate. I know for a fact there will be a day when it will indeed slow down (it already has somewhat) and of course it could be just as likely that I will gain - you never know . :twisted:
Recently, I have been asking myself if perhaps I might have a wheat or gluten allergy (not entirely sure what the symptoms of those are - will have to do "my research" - lol!) I haven't been deliberately restricting carbs or anything. NOT that I was a big potato, bread, rice eater to start with BUT I was fond of Cakes and teabreads such as scones and brownies and I was fond of having those for lunch at work i.e. when I ate out at cafes etc. However, this past couple of months I have not been having those kind of foods for lunch.. . Even the so-called lower fat varieties... preferring yogurts and fruit and/or granola bars. I also credit the diet club -( esp at the beginning when it was hard and I'd got into an S Day weekend rut i.e. overeating for the sake of it) for the accountability and for helping to take the focus off of the weekends. I was getting weighed in during the week therefore if I wanted results, I couldn't really afford to indulge at the weekends as I had been doing. NOW I don't focus on the weekends anymore and just treat them as I do my N Days. At this moment in time, I feel confident (and coming from ME, that is huge!) that I will be able to carry on with this WOE long term (I hesitate to say for life - YET!)

Got 150 lbs reading on the scale this morning so that's down a pound in just under 2 weeks. Which is not excessive and I'm really happy since I figure I am getting nearer to my 'recommended' weight range.
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:26 am

Hi guys! :)

Hope you all had a great weekend. Just popping in for a little update etc. Not much to report really. Think I might have lost another 1lb this week but its hard to tell as the needle kept wavering! The diet club were delighted by my progress and they - naturally - want me to keep attending even though it won't be as frequent. Having mixed feelings about this; I think for me the next stage of no S and my new S mod should be NO SCALES or at least not weighing for a few weeks instead of daily as i have been doing recently. The diet club puts the focus on the scales too much for my liking and I think tbh I am going to be fine going it alone now. I have a bit of a conscience though as if I am abandoning them (does that sound crazy?) by not going anymore. I don't like the feeling of being tied to a club or dependent on it. They were fine at the beginning esp when i needed a boost to get me losing on No S but I think I have run the course with them now.

Another aim I have is ideally to keep eating the way I have been for the past few months and just accept/see what happens and where it takes me. If I gain or lose or maintain or whatever. I definitely think the focus now has to come away from the scales if I want to look at this as a permanent lifestyle change. I hope you understand where I am coming from. lol!
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:32 pm

....down another 2lbs to 148 lbs YAYYYY!! :D :D :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:34 pm

Decided to post a testimonial on the Board last night folks! I have to say, I found it very difficult to put into words just how much the No S diet means to me and has improved my life. In SO MANY WAYS!!! I may have to revisit my post sometime in the future when I have more time to devote to it. But I did think it was about time I posted something to the Testimonial Boad, particularly in view of my recent weight losses/success.

I now weigh 148 lbs! Cannot believe it! 170 lbs is fast disappearing from the dial and at the other end of the scale, I can almost see the 120's. Had a look in the mirror the other night. I was taken aback to see the love handles above and below my waist line. I still have ways to go. BUT I am not fretting over it and just taking things as they come. Perhaps I'll have to do some exercises specifically for the upper body/back area in order to lose those flabby pieces of skin. Sorry if TMI but I guess you'd call it bra overhang. Funny how I never paid attention to this before. But I wouldn't want to be turning my focus too much on these little imperfections either.

Didn't manage to get my walk in yesterday - too much to do around the house. So I'm going to head out now so I don't put it off any longer. I'm kinda getting out of the habit of exercise which is ironic considering I'm at a lower weight.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good week so far. The time is just whizzing by isn't it? Have a great day and 'see' you all next time! :)
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:29 pm

Hi again guys! Just another quickie from me. I really wish I could spend more time on the board, I feel I have so much more to contribute and say to my fellow No Sers! But with time constraints, sadly, I just don't have the time I need to devote to it. I feel as if my testimonial was lacking too... but I hope it was sufficient to let others - particularly those just starting out on their No S Journey - see what a marvellous, sustainable and successful plan this is (almost got 3 ss'ss in there, lol!)

Decided for now, I am not going to return to the Diet club. As far as they are concerned anyway, I have reached my target weight and from then onwards, you only need to go back occasionally to keep an eye on things (if you feel like it). I think I'm doing okay on my own now. My next goal - as I have already mentioned - is not to weigh as much since I have tbh gotten a bit obsessed/carried away by the scales lately - expecting to see losses all of the time. So far, I have been getting great results and long may it last; but there will come a time as Mimi stated in her latest post, when I will have to learn to maintain. I also think as Mimi very cleverly mentioned, that this will be it from now on; this is in fact maintenance - how i will be eating from now on if I want to remain at this weight. I have to say, I really really feel comfortable at this weight - and it would not hurt me to drop more if I were aiming for a streamlined shape i.e. no excess overhang :) and I would still be within the recommended weight range for my height (the lowest I could go is around 120 lbs).

As I've also been saying recently - no real goal weight in mind. Just going to carry on and see what happens. I am still enjoying 3 meals per day after all.
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Post by milliem » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:46 pm

Just wanted to pop in and say congratulations on your weight loss, you've done so well!

I have to say I'm curious though, are you actually having any S's on the weekends (or at all?) Or is every day an N day?

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Post by mimi » Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:29 am

Congratulations Roxy! I am very happy for you and the decisions you've reached. I am just inside a normal BMI range now, but I'm happy being here because it's a weight that I believe I can maintain. In the past it was always about losing down to a number on the scale and how "thin" I could be, never about health or the bigger picture. I never thought beyond "getting there," and as a result, I could never stay there. I never figured that part out.
Right now my body is happy with my eating style and satisfied with the amounts that I consume at each meal. My plates are not overly full - unless it would be with fruits and veggies, but I have learned what I need to have in order to not only be satisfied, but to not become too hungry before the next meal time.
I feel that I have finally arrived at S days that work for me - very tapered compared to what they once were. My weekends look like my N days, with a few special treats thrown in, and I have learned to discriminate about what I'm willing to consider a treat! My body doesn't seem to notice the extra calories consumed, or not enough at least, to prevent continued weight loss until I reached my goal.
Best wishes as you carry on with your journey!

Mimi :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:11 pm

Hi again girls! :) Thanks so much - as always - for popping in again with your supportive and inspirational messages. Many, many congratulations again to you, Mimi on reaching your goal weight. :)

Just to answer your question re. my eating habits now vs. a few months ago. I don't have S Days anymore - or at least for the time being. I just treat the S Days the same as the N Days now: 3 meals a day and nothing inbetween. It seems to be working better for me since I used to get tied in knots over my S Days and would think about them too much, often as not overeating or just eating snacks vs. proper meals. However, my aim is to enjoy treats (S Events) on special occasions like Holidays, birthdays, family get togethers etc. That is something I may need to work on though: reintroducing the occasional snack or dessert without feeling guilty or without feeling I am going to go overboard on the sweet foods again. For now, I am feeling satisfied with my current WOE. Maybe when it comes to the holiday season I may not feel like having any extras. I'll try to take it as it comes and not think about it too much beforehand.

Thanks again girls for your interest and most of all, for stopping by with your encouragement and support. Have a great weekend :)
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Post by milliem » Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:26 pm

It's great that you've found a way to eat that suits you :) I'm definitely not ready to kick the sweets habit!! :)

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:41 am

Hi again milliem! :) Again, thanks for your nice, supportive comments.

Glad you are enjoying and continuing to include the S's ! They are a very important part of No S - especially when you are trying to form lasting habits and I certainly believe this was what kept me going on this plan for as long as I have done.

Mind you, it's funny how something just clicked in my head with regard to not having S's. After all, as I said, the S Day treats are an integral part of this eating plan. I think in my case, maybe I was fed up with my lack of control on S Days; or constant focus on the upcoming weekends and wondering what my eating would be like on those 2 days.

I still think long term it would be a pity If I felt I had to cut out the S days entirely, though. Hopefully, I can start reintroducing the S's again into my eating plan sometime, esp at the weekends or occasions where I am out with family and friends.
(if I can trust myself that is - lol :P Yeah, I still have that niggle).

Overall, the ideal scenario for me would be that I don't want to get too strict about not having any treats because I think it could back fire on me and I have to learn to relax around those foods I consider to be my S's.

My ultimate goal - like everyone else - is to be able to eat without thinking about it and let the weight take care of itself. Even though weighing myself (daily!:oops::oops:) is a bit of a novelty right now as I am liking the results :)

Well, sorry guys - I seem to be rambling on here with my thoughts etc. I hope I'm making some sense - lol!

Have a great weekend, my fellow No S-ers. Take care and 'See" you all again soon !
No S-er since December 2009
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:21 pm

Stopping by to say Hi.

As you may remember, after the first year here I decided that I love the forums but don't really prescribe to the N days S days, I just try to eat well everyday, if that day includes a homemade spice muffin and cup of ginger tea while watching tv at night, I have it. Whether that be a Wednesday or a Saturday. But not every day.

I ask myself, is the majority of what I am eating healthy and nourishing my body?

The answer is yes. :wink:

I am glad you are doing so well.

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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:18 pm

A big HI to you, too, Berry ! :) Thanks so much for stopping by with your support and encouragement. Well done to you too on your ongoing weight success. We are approx the same weight now... wow! I can't believe it. This time last year or even a few months ago I'd never have imagined I'd lose a significant amount of weight never mind getting down to the 140s! :) :):)

It certainly took time but having faith in the No S, sticking by it and with natural progression, it seems I have now moved on to consider my weekends (former S Days) the same as my N Days. I also have been a little stricter when I eat out at lunch - eating lighter foods like salads or fruit and yogurt instead of the burgers and scones. Its not been a hardship at all, and actually given that I don't get much time for lunch anyway its been much more pleasant having a lighter type of lunch. I don't crave or want anything else these days. I suppose - fingers crossed - my body is getting into the way of it. i.e. preferring the lighter choices. I still eat 3 times a day so its not like I am starving myself either. Its really great right now the way the weight is coming off gradually. Something i can (hopefully) live with for life. Not weight coming off all the time, the eating plan I!!

Have a great week, all, and again Berry thanks so much for stopping by and for your nice wishes re. my weight loss etc. :)

Take care!

PS: Hovering between 147 and 148 lbs this morning :)
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:53 am

Well, you are getting downright skinny, girlfriend :P

So happy for you, I agree - it does become a way of life. Soon a bunch of grapes actually tastes better than a donut and a salad is what you crave (I just had a spinach salad with red grapes in it as a matter of fact).

A sense of control is wonderful, isn't it? I will probably get back down to 145 and see if I can stay there in preparation for the holidays. Like you, I don't really plan on doing S days where I abandon all the healthy habits, but more like S events, a piece of cake and some yummy ice cream at the hubby's birthday party last week or something like that.

Enjoy your success and
Keep on keepin' on...

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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:31 am

Thanks Berry! Hear, hear - I agree with everything you wrote - (esp the getting skinny part :P :P ha ha I wish) esp with regards to feeling in control now and at peace with food and eating. It's one less (big) thing to worry about!

Yup, DH's birthday is coming up pretty soon and I always bake him a cake! Soooo I will treat myself (I think !) right now, I feel pretty much take it or leave it... but once I get a lick of the frosting, that could change! :)
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:43 pm

Have to warn you. From my own experience, I think you have to through a phase in which you possibly eat a little more than you "should", i. e., lose a little control WITHOUT FEELING BAD ABOUT IT before you lose the sense of fear that you are going to go overboard. I don't know how long that will take. WE may be able to keep things under wraps as long as it seems crucial, but someday, it just has to get to the point at which we know we can recover no matter what. And I think having less riding on it increases that possibility. This is a fine-edged sword! Let yourself have until next year before thinking about it.

Also allow the possibility that you may actually rarely really want sweets, not because you're afraid of them or that they're "bad" for you (which I know is nor your motivation now), but because they just don't add the pleasure that they once did. Large numbers of humans have consistently been eating sweets for only a few hundred years, really. They may become "take it or leave it" in your life. When they are, there is no sense that you are missing out if you don't have them, just as there is no sense in my life that I miss out because I rarely drink alcohol. I just don't care enough about it. Or you may become someone who takes the cake and leaves most of it on your plate because you just don't have the appetite for more of it.

I'm not there, yet, either, but I think the "water" is flowing that way. At this moment, I've given up trying to make anything happen faster than it is.

You sound like you're in a pretty good place, getting closer to this is just how you live. Nice!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:14 am

Hi again oolala! :) :) Many thanks for your great post! So very helpful and some great advice and pointers in there, thank YOU!! :)

As I was reading your post, it did suddenly strike me that "you know, I think I have got to that stage where sweet foods don't mean that much to me anymore!" although I have taken on board what you said about erring on the side of caution - at least till I have been in this particular frame of mind/habit for a much longer period. I don't seem to dwell on food i.e. what am I going to have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? like I used to do either. I am not sure what has eventually lead me to this stage. You know, its only when i start writing things like this down that it actually dawns on me: I have not been this weight in at least 6 years! And that was a bit of a 'one off' since at the time, I had taken on a very physical and demanding job which meant I was on my feet and walking steadily for most of the day, every day. Prior to that job, I was probably around the 160 plus mark. Hadn't seen the 140s in approx. 12 or 14 yrs before the job. Once I stopped working that particular job, needless to say the lack of consistent excercise soon lead to me gaining it back and more.

Again, I will stress that I really haven't got a goal weight as such - just want to see where I end up continuing to eat this way. i.e. enjoying 3 meals without the desserts and sweet stuff. I too, am not a big fan of alcohol oolala, although I did enjoy some drinks - mostly wine - on vacation.

Okay then, that's it for tonight. Thanks again oolala for another wonderful and insightful post! Take care all and "see" you all again next time!
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Post by Amy3010 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:11 pm

Congratulations! I just read your testemonial and it is so inspiring - so thanks for sharing!

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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:57 pm

Awww!! Thank you Amy, for your kind words! :oops: :oops:

I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

I was a little 'concerned' that I hadn't given enough time and thought to what I was writing at the time but I think I was being too critical!

Anyway, thanks again for popping in with your lovely message and hope you have a great week ! :) :)
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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:13 pm

Hi Roxy....I was on facebook and saw the link to your testimoney! Awesome for you. I need to do something as I'm up to 190, holy moly...but you inspired me, so I think I'll give it a try again. Use my habitcal. Didn't diet while away, can never ever do that again, but need to follow this simple plan..please say a prayer for me :)

Great job and it has been a few since I've seen 158...but it felt GREAT to be there when I did.


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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:46 pm

Awww! Thanks hon :) :) So great to hear from you too - In fact, sheer coincidence: I just posted a quick message to your thread a few minutes ago ! :)

PS: Just curious to hear you read my link via facebook. I had no idea I was on there, so that was a bit of a surprise, pleasant one of course!
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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:05 pm

oh ya, nosdiet is on facebook and they posted the link to your testimoney, hence how decided to come back..really hard the first day here..had 1 prune..and stopped...I hope to make it thru the night...i have been so stuffed i can't sleep well.

so what kind of special things do you have on the weekend?

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:51 am

Hi again Deb! Nice to 'see' you again :)

Thanks for your question re. my weekends: actually, I've kinda stopped having S Days altogether and just treat them as N Days now which is basically 3 meals a day with nothing inbetween. As you'll read in some of my previous posts, this seemed to be a natural progression (I think!) after getting fed up with excessive S Days and no weight loss.

So far, so good, hasn't been too difficult this time around (but I hope that doesn't sound smug or anything.... I'm really quite amazed at how my mind set has somehow 'turned around'! Not to get too complacent mind, this past couple of days, I have put on a few lbs which I think has been down to not being so particular about sodium levels in food as I had been. (I have to watch it like a hawk!) and eating higher fat foods such as my yogurts. Seems these little things add up for me and I have to nip it in the bud if I want to see more results. Will keep y'all posted, guys!

Meantime, have a great weekend, gang, and talk to you all again soon :)
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:38 pm

Doing better on the weight front this morning. Looks like I'm back to the 146.5 lb mark again. A few days of watching those sodium levels and sticking to the fat free yogurts seems to have helped (fingers crossed!)
My next goal is to get to the 145 lbs mark and then we'll take it from there.

I'm setting small weight loss goals for myself right now - which I believe is the 'best' way to do it (for me anyway). However I do now have a 'target' weight in my mind of where I'd ultimately like to be. But I am hesitant to write it down here incase it comes across as unrealistic / looks like I am putting undue pressure on myself.

And btw - I cannot stress enough that I am very happy (understatement) at my weight loss results so far and I guess if I were never to lose another lb, it's still all good.

Have a great Sunday folks and I will chat to you all again soon!
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:54 pm


145 is about my "perfect" weight. When I first joined here, I got so into it that I lost down to 132 ! I looked old, sick and skinny - not good at all. I never did like the eating more on S days so I guess I just wasn't eating enough and/or exercising too much. At my age, going on 64, I have to be careful not to look too gaunt, it is very aging.

So I figured out a healthier approach, and have stayed more or less in the 145-50 range. I am 5'4 or 5 (depends on who measures) but I have exercised my entire life so I guess I can carry more weight than the charts suggest.

I wear a size 6 or so on the bottom and an 8 or 10 on the top so I have no complaints. I just don't want any of the middle flab which is what I work on when I gain a few pounds.

You are doing great. Once the mind is in the proper place, it really does get easier doesn't it?


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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:10 pm

YaY!!! Berry! Just noticed your lovely message as I was about to log out (have an appt to go to this morning). Just taking a few minutes to write back so I'm sorry if it sounds a little bit rushed lol :p)

I'm with you on the 'getting skinnier' part! I know what you mean and once you get on a roll it can be a novelty and a bit of a challenge! Good one at that, esp when one is seeing results ! :)

However, I can also emphathize/agree with the drawn face/looking older part esp as I have quite a sagging jawline to start with (eek!) and it did concern me that I might start to look drawn and/or wizzened if I lose too much or too much too quickly. Mind you, recently the pace of weight loss has slowed down somewhat so I guess I shouldn't worry too much about that.

Gosh - is that the time!! ?? Eek, sorry guys! I have to be going at least 10 mins ago - lol! Sorry this was such a hurried message but thanks again for stopping by Berry. Big hugs to you and have a wonderful Sunday!!
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:54 pm

Just wanted to let you know that at your present weight, you would weigh less than 81% of the women in your same age/height peer group in the United States. (Not that that's the point.)

If you've found a lifestyle, you've probably found your weight. If you can't live like this permanently, you might gain a little, which sounds like it wouldn't destroy your good looks. You may even find after a year that you need even less or are inspired to exercise more.

I think you looked less bulky than you thought, and that's why people haven't noticed. Aren't you lucky! Or maybe you're not wearing clothes that show the new you.

Anyway, no need to reply. I affirm for you that this will just become the way you eat and will be less of a focus as time goes on, unless you want to make a career of it. We won't be hearing from you as much, and we'll miss you, but that's part of growing up!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:34 pm

Roxy, I would not have skipped dinner (as you saw I did on my thread) if I had not had a snack, even if I wasn't particularly hungry, so S days aren't completely about hunger, as of now. I might have skipped dinner if I had a lunch WITH a sweet and was not hungry. But it is not to lose weight! I really don't know if I will. I'll probably be a little disappointed if it doesn't, but the main emphasis is that I just don't feel as good on S days as I do on N days but I kind of can't believe I'll happily never snack or have desserts. I'm trying to find a way to live in between.

You're already doing so well. You've lost in three months almost as much as I lost in two years. And your BMI is lower than mine. (Not that we're comparing, but so much of desire in weight loss comes from comparing ourselves to media ideals, which are so incredibly thin- the weight of the average in countries with STARVATION) Is the weight lost the only reason you like how you are living? How much more could you cut and still be living a reasonable eating life PERMANENTLY? If you cut more and lost more, but found it was not a sustainable way to live, do you think you could accept putting weight back on, as Berry did? Or would you just keep wishing you could be thinner?

I lost a lot more weight twice in my adult life, weighing even less than I did when I graduated from high school, but I was living in an unsustainable way, both times. Therefore, I never let myself think it's important to get back to that weight. If it happens while I eat and move in a relatively joyful, non-obsessive way, it happens.

Hope it's okay I ask these pointed questions. Reinhard never had a specific weight loss goal, and says he would have been fine with the first 20 lbs. he took off. The other twenty has definitely been a surprise, he says, and you never get the sense that he eats or exercises to maintain that weight. Maybe he's not telling the whole truth, but the guy doesn't seem like he hides much.

I just worry a bit that the emphasis on weight rather than on lifestyle will come back to bite you in your much smaller a$@ later. In America, women of your height and weight keep thinking they should be thinner, too, but where does that come from? It is not for health's sake, as nearly all the data that suggests such a thing can be countered with either alternate data or different ways of analyzing what's there. It just depends on who's looking at it and how much they're invested in the outcome-- or how honest they're willing to be. Some researchers had to finally admit that they'd been wrong assuming that thinner was better. Of course, you're not aiming at the low weights that are just as dangerous as morbid obesity, but still. Some women here on No S say they used to be thinner and just want to get back to the way they felt on the inside. I can understand that.

Of course, it's none of my business. I guess I'm just trying to justify why I don't want to aim at a lower weight, and keep fighting the urge because everything I think of that would get me that weight sounds like torture right now. But others are entitled for sure. They're even entitled to torture themselves to get there! but you don't seem to be at that stage yet. :lol:
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:05 pm

Hi again oolala! :)

Thank you again sooo much for your most insightful and thoughtful posts! Not to mention the very nice compliments re. my figure! I will be getting big headed at this rate :) :P)
What you wrote was very thought-provoking and as ever, struck a chord with what I had been thinking about at the time as well.

That has indeed been a consideration of mine, not sure if I am concerned yet (at this stage) but the question remains of whether I would be able to sustain a much lower weight or even the current weight I am at now. I think (but can't say for sure 100%) that I should be able to live with the current woe since it hasn't been too difficult or very far removed from the way I had been eating (post No S). That is where I credit No S for taking me slowly but surely through each stage to the stage I am at right now.
I think if I had woken up one morning (like I had done so many times before - pre NoS) and said "right, from now on, you're not going to snack or eat sweet things from now on and just stick to 3 meals a day"; if I were lucky, I might have lasted a couple of days but nothing long term. The changes all at once would have been too drastic for me to ever be successful. I know I did get antsy from time to time during my No S journey however, I am so glad that I did stick with it and not jump onto the next diet plan (if I did, I always found myself back with No S). I'll say it again, it is the only woe and dietary lifestyle change I have ever been able to stick to.

Hope you all have a wonderful week and look forward to 'seeing' you all again soon.
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:49 pm

Hi guys! :) Just a little message to wish you all a great forthcoming weekend!

Weight fluctuating between 145 and 146 lbs over the last few days. I actually saw 145 lbs on the scale on Monday morning and was thrilled! BUT I think I am weighing too often lately. I was actually weighing myself morning and night for a week or two there. Managing to keep it to just mornings for now. I hope one day I can weigh less often since I really don't want to become too preoccupied with it. That's a 'me' thing and a 'me' goal since I realize and appreciate that many folks find daily weighing beneficial. I think my 'fear' is I don't want to become obsessive and/or fret over any fluctuations which I discover by weighing daily (or several times a day).

Things are continuing to go great overall, guys. Continuing to eat my regular 3 meals a day. As oolala mentioned in her latest post to me, with the natural progression of things, eventually I might decide not to post as often but I will still pop in and read everyone's messages and progress. A Big thank you to you oolala for your continuing inspiration and words.

I am so thankful for No S!!
Last edited by NoSRocks on Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:23 pm

I weigh at night and in the morning, have since - well - forever I guess. :D It is just habit, like brushing my teeth or something like that. It is encouraging to see the number where I hope it to be but I don't freak too much if it is not if I know that I am doing the right things. I know that there can be several pounds due to fluid, sodium, etc. It is just something I do. What is funny, I can almost always guess the exact number, without fail.

I wouldn't worry about it if you are keeping on track and treating your body well.

One can't go wrong by doing right. :wink:

Thanks for the good wishes for the weekend, same to you my Noser friend.

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:27 am

Hi Berry! Have a great weekend yourself my friend :) :)

Yeah, I guess with regards the weighing: it depends on whatever one is comfortable with and what works for the individual at the end of the day.

I think I start fretting about stuff like this aka sweating the small stuff - is when I read 'dietary guidelines'etc. recommending one should weigh once a week maximum (almost as if it were deterimental in some way to do it more often! if you know what I mean...?) Again, regarding 'diets' and eating plans, there is no one size fits all in any case.

Yeah, it's funny not to mention really neat that you can tell what weight you're going to be before stepping on the scales, Berry! :) :wink:

Anyway, have a wonderful weekend, Berry and all my fellow No Sers and again, thanks for popping in! :) Bye for now!!!
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:28 pm

Hi guys! :) Hope you all had a great weekend! Went out for dinner with DH on Saturday night. First time I'd been out for a meal in ages, I was a tad nervous about what to chose from the menu since very big portions served. I got some marinated chicken breast with lots of veggies and salad in the end. I think hubby was surprised since I started my new regime of making healthier choices but hadn't really spoken about it - I think he wondered why I ordered salad instead of my usual fare. If there had been a choice of side dishes like rice or pasta, I would have chosen them also but unfortunately, this particular restaurant doesn't offer that.

Weight holding on at 145 lbs...thought I saw the needle dip ever so slightly down to 144 lbs this morning - phew! That would still be perfectly acceptable if I continued to lose some more. I've got a figure of around 120 lbs in my head - whether or not I get there is anyone's guess. There's always a chance my body won't like being at a certain weight and/or find it to be unattainable. The 'nice' thing about all this is that with No S's help I have gradually developed many healthier eating habits along the way and I am happy to carry on eating like this indefinitely and whatever happens, happens. I am sure there will come a time when my body will decide for itself an ideal weight to level out at.
Anyway - the ironic thing was I baked some brownies for the weekend (for the kids and DH - lol!) and ended up nibbling on the batter etc. as I was preparing them. Haven't done that in a while. :)
Last edited by NoSRocks on Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:12 am

Hi all! :) Just popping in to wish you all a very happy weekend!

Weight still steady at 145 lbs. I am pleased ... but you know, I guess I wish I could lose a little more. But isn't that always the way? :p)

I got a very nice compliment from someone in work today who hadn't seen me in a while re. my weight loss. Funny tho, (sorry for repeating myself!) no one else has noticed or at least mentioned anything not even family members - lol ! Perhaps they're just being polite. Some folks say they don't like to compliment others on their weight incase they take it the wrong way. I guess I can see where they are coming from. I've also been wearing the same clothes.... (you're right, oolala - :lol: ) but they are getting a bit roomier these days! :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:02 am

Had a very nice Saturday, guys. Hope you're all enjoying your weekend too.

Weight still 145 lbs but... looked like it was hovering ever so slightly below!
I am sooo happy, I know I repeat myself a lot of the time, lol, but I have set my next mini goal of losing a bit more. Not sure if I've reached my limit now, though
:P :P

I've been eating slightly more at breakfast this week, i.e. 2 granola bars instead of my usual 1. I know, it doesn't really sound like a lot but I think for the rest of the week, I might eat just one again to see if I can get the ball rolling again...just a little bit!
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