Roxy is Back and Trying Again!!

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by milliem » Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:54 am

Glad your feeling so good about things NoSRocks :)

It does sound like you are a little weight driven at the moment though, which kind of goes against the principles of NoS doesn't it? E.g. focusing on a specific weight rather than habit, and eating less than a plateful because you want to lose more... not knocking it if it works for you, just an observation :)

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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:22 pm

Good morning, milliem! :)

Thanks so much for popping in again with your well wishes. You know, that indeed was a very good point re. no S and the fact that it is not about weight/body image etc. in fact, it is really to get the focus off of that way of thinking and putting food and body image back in its place; ie. not the be all and end all.

Now that I come to think about it, I definitely have been getting a bit too focussed on the weight/scales and its been happening more lately. That's still something I have to work on and it does concern me a bit. Its great right now because I like what I see - although on the flip side, I admit I am getting impatient at the weight loss slowing down or whatever - even despite the amazing progress I have made recently - and it is fairly evident in my posts and also how I am conducting my daily life. I don't intend changing up my way of eating therefore I guess I should try to take the focus away from the scales and let things happen naturally i.e. my weight will stabilize at whatever number it feels comfortable at. I have to admit, it is a bit of a novelty right now, seeing the consistent weight losses and 'good' results and for many people, keeping an eye on one's weight on a daily basis certainly works for them and keeps them on track. However for myself - truthfully - I am somewhat concerned about my fixation on the scale because I don't want to start pushing myself too hard and who knows, going to the other end of the scale (literally). I don't think its likely that will happen but I know its only myself who can break away from the habit.

That having been said, life is great and I am thoroughly enjoying my woe and freedom from food anxiety and dieting. Wow! Thank you sooo much NO S! Glad I am staying with you throughout this journey. Coming from a former diet obsessed binger, who no longer thinks about food in the same way that is indeed a biggie :) :):)

Bye for now guys. Have a great Sunday!!! :) :)
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Post by milliem » Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:30 pm

You should give yourself a lot of credit, you've done so well over the past few months!! I suppose it's easy (and understandable) to become wrapped up in your successes and want to keep having those good feelings that come from them. You know what the pitfalls could be though - too much weight focus and too much restriction often leads to rebounding back to what-the-hell thinking and behaviour.

As you say, keep doing what you're doing and focus on those habits and eating in a way that makes you happy :) Hope you're having a fab weekend :)

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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:27 am

Thanks very much again, milliem for your kind and flattering words!! :) Hope you had a good weekend too!

BTW - you have hit the nail exactly on the head in that regard! There is certainly a lot of pleasure and excitement right now to be getting the results and losing the weight that I have been wanting to lose for so long. I tell you, I am like a kid on Christmas morning these days - lol! :p)

However ideally i.e. long term, I would like to start cutting down on the weighing and take some of the focus off of the scales and just concentrate on where I am now/including sticking with this woe and taking it from there. I had been thinking upon a strategy earlier on this evening. I don't think I can cut out the weighing cold turkey but it wouldn't go amiss to cut down on it gradually. Sooo... if I can practice what i preach... I'd like to start off by weighing less even just a day or two to start with and then with any luck, cut it down to once a week. I think once a week - for me anyway - is still perfectly reasonable - enough to keep an eye on things but not too often that I'd be in danger of fretting over the numbers! I may also cut down on the number of times I post to the board... even though I do enjoy it and don't post as often as I used to - just posting when I have some particular milestone to celebrate. Its just a thought, whether I do decide to do so in the end is another story but at least I can give it a try. I do think it would be beneficial in the long run esp when it comes to the maintenance part.

Okay guys - hope you all had a wonderful weekend and will catch up with you all again soon. Take care and all the best, love from Roxy xxx
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:10 pm

Hi guys! :) Hope you all have a great weekend. Things continuing to go great. As of this week, I'm 142 lbs. A few people have started to notice now and have received very nice compliments/remarks from them. Its very nice of course to hear but for me, it isn't all about that. I just want(ed) peace from all of the diet head and food anxiety I have had for so many years. I'm a little concerned that I am not totally relaxed as yet around my new eating habits. When eating out, I have a bit of bother trying to decide - and of course, the weighing which is still a constant fixture at the moment. However, as milliem so nicely said I have had fabulous results on No S recently and I should indeed focus on that and take pride in it. I think we as humans oft times struggle when it comes to acknowleging our achievements. Or maybe its just another one of the quirks of my personality...? :p) (just kidding! :)

As mentioned often in my posts recently, I don't have a goal weight and I basically intend to carry on (for life, I hope!) eating this way. Therefore I am not sure why I am so taken in by the scales when really that isn't my main priority. Although I can't deny it is certainly up there in terms of importance. My belief and goal is to carry on with what I have been doing indefinitely and see where it takes me; what weight I will settle on will be up to my body to decide. Anything else I happen to lose now will be a bonus ... even though I have a ridiculously (probably too low) number in my head.

Guys, I just want to emphasize that I am so very happy and content right now even if I have my little insecurities etc. going on - i.e. those listed above with the weighing etc. I guess its only natural to have these issues, given my life long struggle with food and body related issues however - overall, I am truly in a great place right now. Thanks again for listening guys and again, hope you have a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to reading all your latest posts and keeping up with you all. Will pop in again real soon with my latest update and (fingers crossed!) progress. :)
....Oh and by the way when I say 'progress' I am referring to my goals of not weighing as much and loosening up in restaurants.... if you catch my drift - lol!@
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Post by Sweetness » Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:57 am

Congrats to you on the weight loss Roxie! You are an inspiration to me!

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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:20 pm

Aww, gee - thanks so much, Patty for your kind words. You guys are also an inspiration to me, too :oops: :oops: :wink: :wink: :D :D

Great to 'see' you back on the No S Boards again! Enjoying catching up with you and your latest news.

Have a great week! :)
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:37 pm

Hi all! :) Just popping in as its been a week or so since I last posted. Continuing to do good and real happy right now. Weight has been 140 lbs for this past 2 weeks. Looks like I am losing once every 2 weeks recently - anything I lose now I consider a bonus since I am feeling satisfied and happy at this weight.

IF I could stop weighing as often (every day, sometimes even at night) I would be even happier but...sometimes I find the lure of the scales too great to resist!

I know Ive said it often enough, I am trying to set goals for myself on that issue: i.e. trying once a week or at least, once every few days instead of every day. Maybe I will manage it some time. Fingers crossed! lol

Have a wonderful weekend, guys and 'see' you all again soon!!
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Post by Sweetness » Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:41 pm

Congrats to you on your weight!
Perhaps you could put the scale on a shelf in the closet. One friend put it in the trunk of her car! 8)

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Post by milliem » Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:02 pm

Nice to hear you are maintaining/losing and are still happy with how you are eating :) The weighing thing will probably come with time, I bet after a good few months of maintaining you'll be bored of seeing the same low numbers on the scale and it won't matter so much ;)

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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:29 am

LOL! :) :)

Thanks guys for your nice messages and your great suggestion about the scales, Patty! Certainly would make them less accessible although I've a feeling I might venture down to the basement to haul them back out again!

Great idea tho! :)

PS: I think we may have talked about this before some time ago - i.e. hiding the scakes ... shows you how far I've come since the last time... not!!!

ha ha ha :wink: :P :P
...just kiddin!!
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Post by Sweetness » Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:33 am


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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:31 am

Hello again, guys! :)

Just another little update from me to say hello and let you know I am still on the planet - lol!

Weight still holding steady at 137 lbs. Have been this weight for approximately 2 weeks now. I am not sure if I will lose any more now... but ... hey, you never know! Again, it has been no hardship now I have got my head around it, to stick to my current WOE. After all, its No S I am continuing to follow and since I have been plugging away at this for the past 3 plus years, the habits are becoming more automatic and not having to think about it really at all. I must say tho, the little devil on my shoulder is still cajoling me into thinking I should try to lose more. 'He' won't be quietened down until I at least see a few more lbs coming off... but at this stage, again, anything I did lose would only be a bonus since I am very happy with the way I look in clothes these days. I wouldn't want to become too obsessive or have to drastically reduce in order to get to the 120 mark or whatever. That would be entirely counterproductive.

But I do find nowadays that my choices of meals are automatically healthy - went out for a meal with DH and kids tonight and had grilled chicken with plenty of salad and veggies. It was wonderful and it didn't seem like I was deliberately trying to be healthy or virtuous !

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and if I don't get a chance to write before then - Happy Holidays to all !!! :: )
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:04 pm

Girl, you can take the burden off: you're slim and you are eating happily. You have what millions of women dream of. Enjoy and write your novel, paint your pictures (or your dining room), dance your jig, run your foundation or just relax (your mind- not your eating; your eating is already relaxed) awhile. The great thing about NO S is that it doesn't really get in the way of just about anything else you want to do with your life to eat three meals a day. Wear your laurels with peace and a smile.
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Post by Sweetness » Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:16 pm

oolala53 wrote:Girl, you can take the burden off: you're slim and you are eating happily. You have what millions of women dream of. Enjoy and write your novel, paint your pictures (or your dining room), dance your jig, run your foundation or just relax (your mind- not your eating; your eating is already relaxed) awhile. The great thing about NO S is that it doesn't really get in the way of just about anything else you want to do with your life to eat three meals a day. Wear your laurels with peace and a smile.
Like! :wink:

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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:42 pm

Agree - me like too!! Very much, oolala :) :)
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:42 pm

Hello everyone! Just a quick update from me and to wish you all a VERY HAPPY AND HEALTHY HOLIDAY SEASON! :)

As of today, I'm hovering between 135 and 136 lbs. A week or so ago, I was at 134 lbs but recently, on the run up to Christmas, I've started up my nibbling and baking habit again :twisted: :twisted:

I just ate a whole can of vanilla frosting as I sit down to write this note and feeling very bloated and sickly. The sweet taste (after abstaining for the best part of 6 months) is really overpowering!! But I'm scared guys that I am falling into bad habits again and could undo all my good work so I thought I'd just post here because sometimes just writing down my feelings helps a lot. It just goes to show, that when one has issues with eating patterns, they can indeed come back to haunt you. I just hope, fingers crossed, that this is only a temporary hiccup. I've hoticed the past couple of weeks when i have these mini blow outs on sweet foods, my weight goes up about 2 lbs and takes almost a week to come back off again. I know you guys will be saying weight wise I have nothing to worry about but I fear that if this carries on, I will be back where I started again in no time. Haven't got the good habits totally engrained yet. But I will be taking it one day at a time... almost like starting again from the beginning when my willpower was strong and I didn't give sweet junk a second glance!
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:22 am

Roxy, you are exhibiting the classic signs of reigniting the attachment to sweets. If you abstain for long periods, as you have, the urges will for the most part go underground. If you eat the food again, the desire will come back and if you give in to the urge to overeat (the desire will be strong) it VERY GREATLY reinforces the cycle so that urges start to roar! That is the binge-restrict cycle all over again. It is very habit-forming.

It's very important now to hold on tight after eating any sweets because the urge to overeat them will likely be quite strong. The urges will get weaker if you consistently DON'T overeat them but also don't abstain completely. Unless you plan never to eat them again. it's actually better to have some (at intervals- not every day) and hold it at a moderate portion. Don't be surprised if you find yourself thinking about them a lot on non-sweet days. It's a neurochemical thing. Neurochemicals even drive your thinking, saying anything to convince you to eat that binge food. Just keep telling yourself: "It's the neurochemicals talking. I don't need to do what they say. I can thwart this cycle."

It's not personal! But it is real and is the reason I committed to No S in the first place. I knew I had to have a system and a mindset to thwart it.

Stick to your N day tomorrow. You might have snacks or seconds on your S days this weekend, but sweets?. I'd say don't avoid sweets this weekend IF Christmas wasn't coming up. For those who had already gone through this, I'd say do what you will, but I'm going to stick my neck out here and say avoid eating sweets on a three of the days between now and Christmas. Don't be panicky about it. Just be calm. Don't think you have to avoid wonderful food. Eat moderate quantities of foods that are especially delicious and even rich to you and enjoy the hell out of them. Delight in some reasonable sweets on the holidays. And continue with N days. Just restore the habit and you'll be fine.
Last edited by oolala53 on Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sweetness » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:07 pm

I caught key words here: Baking habit. Can you get all that baking stuff out of your house? I'm guessing it was you who put the tub of frosting in your cart, and brought it home and I'm guessing you we're alone when you ate it! Alcoholics don't have alcohol in their houses... Why do so many women feel compelled to bake at this time of year? To me it's not worth it!

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:42 pm

I agree. If you think you must bake out of love, bake when the recipients are there to smell the aromas and see the sights. In other words, when there are witnesses!

I'm always trotting out the French, but women there bake pears, not cinnamon rolls or red velvet cake. Maybe a souffle once in awhile. They BUY their croissants and their patisserie. And there are no leftovers.

Here is a quotation from the website epicurious

In a French meal, the main course is called le plat de résistance, and it's meant to be the biggest deal in the lineup. But I was pinning my hopes for hosannas on dessert — and I got a pretty great response, which at a Paris dinner party means a lot of ooh-la-la-ing. I got enough ooh-la-las to mention, as casually as possible, that I'd made the cake myself. You could have knocked me over with a cream puff when the first words out of a friend's mouth were, "Why'd you do it? I mean, it's great, but cakes like this are the reason pastry shops were invented."

There was the key: French women leave fancy restaurant food to fancy restaurants and fancy desserts to the pâtisseries.

Read More ... z2Fddng4jJ

Just a suggestion, hon. :)
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:19 am

Hello again girls! My goodness, thanks ever so much for your supportive and great suggestions! :) Feeling a lot better today since I was at work all day and didn't have a chance to even think about sweet foods. Oolala, you are so on the ball as ever: and thank you so much for the reassurance that I am not a weakling or a drop out (even if I feel a bit like that right now) for re-establishing the old habits again. That is indeed what has been happening recently: not sure if its an excuse because Christmas is just around the corner but I think that is what has triggered this off. Yay, Patty! Nice to hear from you too, hon! thanks also for your supportive message - again much appreciated. You're right - The answer really is simple: DON'T buy the sweet junk in the first place! Its odd the way the mind works at times - the way it likes to over complicate stuff when the answer is so very plain.

Thanks girls for your wonderful input and making me feel so much better! Yeah Patty - like an alcoholic has to avoid drinking, I think I was doing much better by total abstinence of the Ss rather than the occasional S but thanks for the suggestions, oolala.

have a wonderful holiday season, all my no S friends! You are indeed the greatest. :) :)
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:52 am

It's not odd at all how the mind works. It's in perfect keeping with the neurochemical underpinnings.

It is of course your choice, but total abstinence is what sets up the fall. Just remember what the dynamics are if you stop abstaining. Long term, occasional users fare better. But they have to go through a period of raging urges. Most don't want to face that.

Then again, you're the one jumping around in a skinny body this Christmas!
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:04 pm

Hi again oolala! :)

Yeah I know what you mean - 'odd' wasn't really the word I was looking for, I kinda wrote that on the run without much time to think - lol.

Regardless, thanks again oolala for your most helpful posts and insights. Not sure how the total abstinence idea will go either; tbh though I had or should I say have (fingers crossed) managed to get over the sweet stuff and didn't crave it for quite some time. I'm not really craving it now to be honest, I think I just bought the stuff to test myself, using Christmas etc as the excuse.

Anyway - have a wonderful holiday season everyone and I will post back in a week or so for an update. Feeling pretty good right now. Weight 135 lbs.
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Post by Sweetness » Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:37 pm

oolala53 wrote: Then again, you're the one jumping around in a skinny body this Christmas!
That's so true! Congrats again on the weight! Have a peaceful happy blessed Christmas!

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:09 am

:) :) Thanks Patty! :) :0

A Very Happy Holiday Season to you and yours also!! :) :wink: :wink:
and thanks both for the compliment, very much appreciated !)
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:11 am

Hi all!

Just a little note to say I'm still here and continue to read all of your great messages. Weight down to 133 lbs now. This is still well within the recommended weight for my height. Unfortunately, I have still got the bake nibble habit in the afternoons and although it hasn't - so far - added weight on, I just wish I could get out of this habit before it gets a real hold and undoes any of the good work! :) Re-reading over oolala's excellent post here recently regarding the body/brain's reaction to abstaining from sweets and then reintroducing them again is very comforting and insighting. It seems I can go 2 or 3 days before the urge to bake/nibble starts up again. I guess if I can go a week or so, then I have a good chance of breaking the habit again. I don't want to never, ever eat sweets again but I'm worried about this pattern that seems to be developing. Otherwise, life is good and I am really pleased and overwhelmed with my progress on the weight front.
Here's to a Happy and healthy 2013, all! Love from Roxy xx
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Post by snapdragon » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:43 pm

So what kinds of things are you baking?
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:52 am

Hi snapdragon! :) :)

Thanks for your question. Basically, cakes, brownies and fudge. The sorts of foods I had managed to steer clear of for the past 6 months or so. :roll:

Today for example, I decided to try out a chocolate brownie recipe in the afternoon, ate a few squares, which then led onto a bit of a bingefest....eek!

Ironically, I weighed 131 lbs this morning before breakfast and at the end of the day, I somehow managed to pile on a massive 8 lbs... !! :roll: :twisted: :evil:

Trying hard not to beat myself up about it right now.
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:35 am

Water weight gain.

Okay, girl, I have to ask. WHY are you baking in the afternoon on an N day?
Whatever reasons come up are just the habit and sugar talking. Not rational!
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Post by snapdragon » Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:35 pm

Yeah I second oh lala even with four kids I would not attempt such a thing! Playing with fire. I might make banana bread for kiddos snack. You are brave to try!
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Hi Roxy

Post by NoSnacker » Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:56 pm

Hi there, are you still around??? Congrats on your success on No S..I'm back trying...never to give up :lol:
Age 56: SBMI=30.6 (12/1/13) CBMI 28.9 (2/2/14) GBMI-24.8

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Posts: 1137
Joined: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:51 am

Post by NoSRocks » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:56 am

Hi there dear No Snacker! :D :D :D

Thank you so much for your lovely message and checking in on my thread. So sorry everyone who has sent me messages etc. thank you all very much. I still continue to lurk around the NO S board on occasions and read all your messages. You all continue to be a great inspiration to me.

Just to let you know guys - as of today, I weigh 130 lbs. Give or take a few extra lbs (I have been swinging from 130 - 134 lbs this past few months), I have continued to maintain my weight loss.


I intend to pop in from time to time (even if its only once a year - lol) to keep you updated on my progress. All the very best to you all and have a very happy and healthy festive season!

Lots of love from NoSRocks
No S-er since December 2009
Streamlined S Days: 6/25/12
SW: 170 /CW: 127
Weight loss to date: 43 lbs

Posts: 10072
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:46 am
Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:06 am

You made it past the brownie/fudge afternoons! Nice to hear it's still workin' for you. Are you still avoiding sweets and breads?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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