Simmstone's 'Obsessive Moderation'

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Simmstone's 'Obsessive Moderation'

Post by simmstone » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:33 pm

About Me:

Three years ago today, I weighed 275 pounds. I had dropped weight before during my past as a competitive athlete, so I decided that I needed to lose weight again and I did, using a highly regimented, bodybuilding-style nutrition and exercise program. 9 months after I started, I had gotten my weight down to 190 and felt great.

Of course, I had not thought about how 'sustainable' my plan would be, and, I had subtly created a mindset where I was either 'on' or 'off' the plan. Almost as soon as I reached my goal weight, I inevitably began to tire of the intense style of weight loss I had chosen. This mental fatigue led to rebellion in the form of binge eating and sloth. Personal setbacks in life compounded the feeling of being 'off' plan, and the binging and sloth escalated. Consequently, I have regained 75 of the 85 pounds that I lost.

Three years later my current weight is 265. It takes a lot to fight my natural urge to embark on another rapid progress diet to quickly get the pounds down, but I am reminding myself that, if my normal strategy was truly beneficial, I wouldn't need to look to dieting at all.

Today is my first day of really deciding to commit to trying NoS - and, more generally, moderation. I have a few goals besides losing weight:

1) Be 'obsessively moderate', if you will, and resist all urges to speed up progress by using non-sustainable modes of exercise and diet
2) Resist all 'orthorexic' concerns about what is on my three plates per day... focus only on containing meals to one plate and eating what sounds good to me.
3) Resist all competitive urges to excercise more or differently in the short term than is resonably sustainable long-term (i.e. keep sessions to around 30 minutes, 4-5 days per week)
3) Enjoy/Use ALL recommended/predetermined S and NWS days.. but, ultimately, arrive at a point where they are never used as BINGE days... and, thus, become Binge-free
4) This is kind of a 'pie in the sky' goal but I want to resolve to complete 21 '21 day challenges' (i.e. 441 days of NO S) in a row. 21 is just a number, of course, but I feel like I can REALLY make this a lifetime habit if I can follow Vanilla NO S for that long and commit to seeing where a sustained moderate effort leads. Instead of 'pounds lost' it will motivate me to focus on 'challenges completed' (i.e. days on plan). This will also deter me, I think, from finishing one 21 day challenge and then trying something that gets me faster results for a while (which I have definitely been known to do) and, then, telling myself I'll return to NO S for maintenence someday... only to never reach a point of maintenence. Completing 21 challenges in a row will force me to stick with this plan (which is the most workable, in theory, that I have found) and give me ample time to truly adjust the bad habits (mental and physical) that I've accumulated during my many years of disordered eating.

Away we go...
Last edited by simmstone on Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by simmstone » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:49 pm


Day 1: Wednesday, Sept 28, 2011
Weight - 265.4 lbs
B (9:30am): 3 egg scramble with chopped bell peppers, onions, and small amount of mexican cheese, Water @Home
L (2:30pm): Mandarin Chicken, Steamed Mixed Vegetables, Water @Panda Express
D (7:30pm): Small Ribeye, Roasted Red Potatoes, Asparagus/Mushroom/Onion mix, 2 glasses Ken Brown Santa Maria Valley Pinot Noir @Home
Notes: Run-Walk Intervals - 38 minutes, 3.3 miles

Day 2: Thursday, Sept 29, 2011
Weight - 263 lbs
B (8:00am): 3 egg scramble with chopped bell peppers, onions, shallots, gorgonzola, homeade salsa, Water @Home
L (1:15pm): Baked Whitefish, Spanish Rice, Collared Greens, Water @ Luby's
D (7:00pm): Honey-smoked Wild Salmon, Fire Roasted Vegetable Medley, 2 glasses Lange Estate Pinot Noir @Home
Notes: Pushup, Situp, Squat - 6 sets X 10 reps (continuous), 15 minutes/ Run-Walk Intervals - 36 minutes, 3.3 miles

Day 3: Friday, Sept 30, 2011
Weight - 259 lbs
B (7:15am): 3 egg scramble with aparagus, onion, mushroom, feta cheese, rosemary, and homeade salsa, Water @Home
L (1:15pm): 2 meat plate with Brisket, Ribs, Beans, Cole Slaw, Diet Coke @Railroad BBQ
D : Skipped... had to work from 6-11pm and was not hungry after work
Notes: Travel day, unable to formally workout...

Day 4: Saturday, Oct 1, 2011
Weight - N/A on an S day
Result: S DAY
Notes: Gotta love S days... mostly because you can't fail!

Day 5: Sunday, Oct 2, 2011
Weight - N/A on an S day
Result: S DAY
Notes: Nice to watch football with some buddies and not have to worry about getting my chops busted about being 'on plan'... I like the fact that I can pretty much keep NO S to myself, and, on any given day, no one would know I'm dieting.
That said, I definitely overate this weekend, including some behavior that I would label as binge-like (i.e. eating in the car, mindlessly eating some candy, drastically overeating breakfast tacos on sunday morning). This isn't a cause for alarm for me... it is going to take some time to learn to indulge without overdoing it. I plan, simply, to note my general impressions of each weekend as my eventual goal is to be done with binge eating for good.

Day 6: Monday, Oct 3, 2011
Weight - No scale available (travelling for work)
B (7:00am): Skipped - still stuffed from yesterday
L (12:05pm): Mandarin Chicken, Steamed Mixed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @Panda Express
D (8:00pm): 2 meat plate w/ Brisket, Ribs, Pea Salad, Cornbread dressing, Diet DR. Pepper @ Up in Smoke BBQ
Notes: Travel day... No exercise. It was all I could do to stick to the diet rules today, but I managed it. Tough day, though...

Day 7: Tuesday, Oct 4, 2011
Weight - 261.8 lbs
B: Skipped (slept late - 9:30am- since I didn't rest well while travelling this weekend, then was not hungry at all when I awoke and decided just to wait until lunch)
L (12:45pm): Mandarin Chicken, Mixed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express
D (7:20pm): Spicy Shrimp and Veggies (Grilled shrimp, mixed veggies, olive oil, red pepper, garlic, roasted red pepper hummus), 3 glasses (maximum glass ceiling amount) Penner Ash Pinot Noir @ Home
Notes: Weight Training - 30 minutes, Upper Body (Chest, Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps).
It was much easier to comply with the NO S rules today. Why is that? If I had to guess, it's because, for me, overeating seems to lead to more overeating, at least at this stage of my journey... and I was coming off a very excessive S day yesterday - so the desire for me to overeat was high.
This seems like it might be another important reason to avoid binge-like behavior on S days, as, for me, it may tend to make it harder to comply with NO S on Mondays.

Day 8: Wednesday, Oct 5, 2011
Weight - 258.8 lbs
B (8:00am): Skipped... not hungry at ALL
L (1:00pm): 1 plate of Spicy Shrimp Caesar Salad (Romaine Lettuce, Boiled Shrimp, Low-Cal Caesar Dressing, Red Peppers, Green Olives, Garlic, Salt, Pepper), Water @ Home
D (7:00pm): Grilled Salmon, Long Grain & Wild Rice, Green Beans Almondine, 2 glasses Perrin & Fils Rhone Villages Cuvee @ Home
Notes: Cardio - 35 minutes (walk 2.0 miles uphill at 3.5 mph).
I just haven't been hungry for breakfast this week, so I haven't been eating it. On my former orthorexic plans, I ate meals because I was worried about metabolism slowing down, fat loss halting, muscle loss increasing, etc... even if I wasn't hungry. I know Reinhard suggests in his book that it is extra BAD to skip meals for the sake of weight loss, but I'm honestly not doing that... I am just NOT hungry for breakfast sometimes. And, given my background, one of the things I want to make sure I do - even following NO S - is to honor my hunger. If I skip a meal I don't 'make up for it later' and it isn't to compensate for anything I ate before - it is simply because I am not hungry. This is pretty radical for me, but 'normal' eaters do it all of the time. And 'normalcy in eating' is, for me, the MOST desired outcome of following No S.

Day 9: Thursday, Oct 6, 2011
Weight - 256.8 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped... still not hungry for breakfast at all this week
L (12:05pm): 1 plate of Shrimp and Gorgonzola Salad (Romaine Lettuce, Shrimp, Gorgonzola, Pepper, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Carrots, Red Peppers, Garlic, Low Cal Caeser Dressing), Water @ Home
D (6:30pm): Grilled Chicken Salad with Field Greens and Vinagrette Dressing, Water @ Kirby's Prime Steakhouse
Notes: Weight Training - 30 minutes, Lower Body (Quads, Hams, Calves, Abs)
Maybe my appetite for breakfast will return soon, but, until then, I'm not going to overthink it. I am definitely not skipping it to lose weight faster... I just wasn't hungry this morning and no longer have any interest in forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry

Day 10: Friday, Oct 7, 2011
Weight - No scale available (travelling for work)
B (8:00am): Skipped
L (1:00pm): Grilled Medeterranian Salmon, Roasted Artichokes, Green Beans, Coke Zero @Cafe Express (Woodlands)
D (11:00pm): Breakfast Platter (Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Biscuit), Diet Coke @Whataburger
Notes: Cardio - 35 minutes, (walk 2 miles uphill at 3.5 mph)
Meal spacing wasn't ideal today, but I worked from 5-10:45pm and could not eat during my shift, so I had a plate of breakfast food for dinner after work because I was hungry. The nice thing about NO S is that I still can count the day as a success, as I'm allowed 3 plates per day.

Day 11: Saturday, Oct 8, 2011
Weight - N/A on an S day
Result: S DAY
Notes: Will be working at a charity event all day and opportunities to eat may be sporadic and choices limited... but, since it is an S Day, I have a little latitude to work with if someone offers me a snack or a sweet.
Already, as I'm following this way of eating, I can see food fading into the background of my thoughts... which I believe is how most normal eaters view food. I am starting to mostly eat when/if I am hungry and am neither waiting like some ravenous wolf (binging behavior) OR watching the clock like some obsessed meathead (orthorexic behavior) for my next meal.
I have not been in a place like this, mentally, since I can remember... it feels right!

Day 12: Sunday, Oct 9, 2011
Weight - N/A on an S day
Result: S DAY
Notes: I'm going to visit my grandmother for an early supper (as she still calls it) today, and she is making all of the yummy food that grandmothers tend to make. It is nice to know I can enjoy her cooking (which makes her VERY happy at this stage of her life) and not have to worry about dietary restrictions while I am doing it.

Day 13: Monday, Oct 10, 2011
Weight - 265.6 lbs
B (8:00am): Skipped... stuffed from yesterday
L (2:00pm): Salmon Salad (1 can Kirkland Pink Salmon, Spicy Mustard, Mayonaise, Chopped Green Olives, Chopped Red Peppers, Chopped Garlic, Lemon Juice), Green Beans Almondine, Diet Dr Pepper @Home
D (8:00pm): Swedish Meatballs, Peas, 2 glasses '06 Erath Pinot Noir (Prince Hill Vineyard) @Home
Notes: Cardio, 35min (walk 2.15 miles uphill at approx 3.6mph)
Reinhard makes a nice point about the relative nature of the scale in his book when he relates the anecdote of 'losing' 10 pounds overnight only to 'gain' back 9 of it the next day. I know from my past that it's true... scales don't exactly 'lie' but most large daily changes in weight are simply due to water distribution in the body's cells... which means that we usually attach a signifigance to a scale number that is not completely merited.
Until my S days calm down, Mondays are invariably going to find me posting a significant gain, which will be gone and then some by the end of the week. I know this from my days following "Body For Life" which had a Sunday 'Free day'.... I would usually gain 10-12 pounds each Sunday (which was mostly water, of course), then would lose it all and a pound or two more by the next Sunday morning. No need to panic or change anything.
I did have "S Day Hangover" this morning, though, and it did not feel good. Most of the weekend eating was tame, but Sunday night got a bit out of hand and I paid for it this morning. I need to think twice about any inclinations toward future 'Sundays gone wild'... as it makes Monday morning unpleasant!

Day 14: Tuesday, Oct 11, 2011
Weight - 260.4 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped... not hungry
L (12:15pm): Spicy Schezwaun Chicken, Rice, Veggies, Water @Home
D (7:00pm): Peppercorn Crusted Pork Tenderloin, Blue Cheese Infused Mashed Potatoes, Grilled Broccoli Spears, 2 glasses '09 Byron Santa Maria Valley Pinot Noir @Home
Notes: Weight Training - 30 minutes, Upper Body (Chest, Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps)
It occurs to me that not everyone may find weight training sustainable or enjoyable, but I have always loved it. My problem with it has been doing too much for too long, for the purpose of aesthetics, which tends to burn me out after an extended time. This time, I am really doing it for the purpose of health and enjoyment, and, in doing so, I am keeping to Reinhard's excercise philosophy of not exceeding my pre-decided alotted time, even when I feel like it. And, honestly, training with weights only twice a week for 30 minutes is really invigorating, so far.

Day 15: Wednesday, Oct 12, 2011
Weight - 257.6 lbs
B (7:00 am): Skipped... not hungry
L (2:30pm): 1 large plate of Grilled Chicken Salad (Mixed greens, Grilled Chicken, Feta Cheese, Broccoli, Red and Green Bell Peppers, Green and Black Olives, Purple Onions, Fat Free Italian Dressing), Diet Coke @ The Salad Bowl, Denton, TX
D (7:00pm): Roasted Salmon, Long Grain and Wild Rice, Creamed Spinach, 5 glasses wine (1 French Burgundy, 2 Stoller Pinot Noir, 2 Perin and Fils Gigondas Rhone) @ Home
Notes: Cardio, 35 minutes (walked 2.35 miles uphill at 4.0)
Had a group of friends over for dinner and wanted to pour them a diverse group of wines- thus, failed at glass ceiling, but still stuck to one plate for dinner

Day 16: Thursday, Oct 13, 2011
Weight - 255.4 lbs
B (7:30am): Skipped
L (1:30pm): Smoked Turkey, Roasted new potatoes, Cucumber salad, Diet Dr Pepper @TX Smokehouse (Venus, Tx)
D (7:30pm): Roasted Chicken, Beans, German Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper @Salt Lick (Austin)
Notes: Weight Training - 30 minutes, Lower Body (Quads, Hams, Calves, Abs)

Day 17: Friday, Oct 14, 2011
Weight - No scale available (travelling for work)
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (11:00am): Chargrilled Chicken Salad, Light Italian Dressing, Diet Coke @Chik-fil-a (Kyle, TX)
D(6:00pm): Smoked Turkey, German Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw @Salt Lick (Driftwood, TX)
Notes: Cardio - 35 minutes (walked 2.3 miles uphill at 4 mph)

Day 18: Saturday, Oct 15, 2011
Weight - N/A on an S day
Result: S DAY
Notes: This S-Day started a bit earlier than I would have liked... ate a big meal and desert at about 12:30am, after I got off work. Not ideal, but still 'legal' by the letter of the law. I definitely don't want to make a habit of that... but I don't want to overthink it, either. Still kept yesterday green, and am moving forward.

Day 19: Sunday, Oct 16, 2011
Weight - N/A on an S day
Result: S DAY
Notes: This was definitely not a weekend that would qualify as moderate. I ate WAY too much and lapsed into binge behaviors - eating in car, and eating past 'full', etc... clearly, I'm still learning to moderate these rule-free days without rigidly legislating them. But that's alright - I haven't even finished my first 21 day challenge yet, so growing pains and learning are to be expected.
I've read enough of the board to know that mastering this middle ground takes a long time for some, and is still a work-in-progress for many, but that I should not let it deter me from continuing this plan.

Day 20: Monday, Oct 17, 2011
Weight - No scale available (travelling for work)
B (7:30am): Skipped... not even the least bit hungry
L (2:30pm): Mandarin Chicken, Steamed Mixed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Kyle, TX)
D (7:40pm): Smoked Chicken, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Coke @ Railroad BBQ (Kyle, TX)
Notes: Cardio - 30 minutes (Run/Walk 3.0 miles)

Day 21: Tuesday, Oct 18, 2011
Weight - No scale available (travelling for work)
B (10:15am): Chorizo and Egg Scramble with Pico De Gallo (tomato, onion, green peppers), Salsa, Water @ Cousin's house
L (3:05pm): Thai Cashew Chicken, White Rice, Mixed Steamed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express
D (7:45pm): Brisket, Pan Seared Chicken, Green Beans with New Potatoes, Water @ Cousin's house
Notes: Resistance - 18 mintes of Pushup, Situp, Squat - 3x15 (60 seconds rest between each set)
The last day of my first 21 day challenge (which, truly, is just a number, I get that... but it's just a fun little thing to track) and I finally ate a 'too' big dinner tonight. It was only an 8 inch plate, so I had to 'stack' the bits of seared chicken breast on top of the brisket and thought about Reinhard's observation that it is difficult to fool yourself on this diet - you can see when you are probably eating an oversized meal. But that doesn't mean you have to freak out and overexercise, binge for the rest of the day and start over tomorrow or starve yourself at subsequent meals to make up for it... it is simply information.
I can honestly say that this is the first time in 21 days I have felt my dinner was too large... so I am confident it is not a trend. Rather, I am staying at some family's house this week while I work in the Austin area and my cousin cooked dinner tonight. I really wanted some of the left over brisket from this weekend, but also wanted to taste her pan seared chicken - so rather than pick only one and think about the one I did not choose for the rest of the night, I had both. I still kept it to one plate and can put the temptation that would inevitably come later in the evening behind me.
This is where it is helpful to be honest with myself about my eating patterns/history... a dinner that is a little large is most likely better than the potential 'binge' craving that might have built inside of me had I ignored my instinct to want to try both flavors.
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:38 pm, edited 93 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Good job!

Post by Barb » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:04 pm

You sound so much like me! I am scared not to be on a "diet" scary to me. It scares me to not count something..points or carbs or calories. I am a professional at this....but if I truly was a professional I don't think I would weigh what I do..haha

Welcome! We can do this..I know we can. We can trust ourselves with our 1 plate 3 x a day.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Austin, Texas
Starting Date: 09/26/11
Starting Weight: 251.5
Current Weight: 250
Goal Weight: 160
Height: 5'7"
Age: 59

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Location: TX

Lesson's Learned from first 21 days

Post by simmstone » Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:27 pm



1) My 'appetite' is not the beast I had thought it was.
3 meals (or even 2 meals per day) seems to be plenty for me. Usually, when I want to eat outside of these times, even on S days, I am doing it for some reason other than 'hunger' (boredom, anxiousness, social participation, compulsion, etc). This is an important lesson for someone who has always just considered himself a big eater by default.

2) My meals will get healthier over time, but it is important to keep things 'realistic', given my own lifestyle.
For me (someone who travels a lot) 'realistic' means eating fast food or eating out a fair amount and making the best choices that I can in those situations. I have 'done' the routine of carrying around 'healthy' food in containers and I am over that... I don't see normal eaters doing that, and becoming a normal eater (non-binger, non-orthorexic) who vexes toward healthy habits is still my major desired outcome from all of this

3) "There is no spoon"
There is a scene in the science fiction movie, "The Matrix", where a young boy who looks a bit like a Buddhist monk is bending a spoon with his mind. The Keanu Reeves character is dumbfounded by this, but the young boy explains to him: "Don't try to bend the spoon (with your mind), that's impossible... Instead, only try to realize the truth: There is no spoon. Then, you will see it is only you that bends."
I read a lot of the daily check ins on the board and am inspired by some, while others break my heart. But the common thread for most of them is the consternation, time, emotional and physical effort put into dieting and food obsession. Even on the board, I can see subtle ways that (even successful) dieters come to make their weight struggle an intergral part of their identity. Some feel they need to do this to keep things under control, I suppose. I do think that some others simply don't have much of an identity outside of their weight struggle. But my observation after doing NO S for 21 days is this: "It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal"
I wake up some days and wish I didn't have to go to work, that I had already hit the lottery and were wealthy, but I know, if I want to pay my bills and have health care, that I need a job. I don't over-dwell on my plight... I am grateful to even have a job. Likewise, I am not a person who has the internal governor that effortlessly regulates my food intake, so I have decided on a system (NO S). I wake up each weekday, briefly, and wish I could eat a box of Captain crunch, but I know, if I want to have a decently healthy/happy body and life, I need to adhere to the system I have chosen. I need not over-dwell on my plight... I am lucky to even have the option to eat three meals of whatever I like per day.
In both situations, I mildly wish things were different, but I know they aren't - I am not, most likely, going to hit the lottery or magically self-regulate food intake without a gameplan. But, in both situations, my plight is still pretty darn good, and certainly not in need of the consternation or anxiety I have put into it all these years. It's just food. There is no spoon.

Onto 21 day Challenge Number 2...
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:16 pm, edited 9 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Location: TX


Post by simmstone » Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:37 pm


Day 22: Wednesday, Oct 19, 2011
Weight - No scale available (travelling for work)
B (8:30am): Skipped... still full from last night's big dinner
L (1:30pm): Grilled Tilapia, Black Eyed Peas, Spinach, Diet Coke @ Luby's (San Marcos, TX)
D (6:30pm): Italian seasoned Pork Tenderloin with Basil Pesto, Brown Rice and Quinoa, Aspargus, Water @ Cousin's house
Notes: Cardio - Run/walk 3.5 miles, 35 minutes (Walk .1 miles in 1:30, Run 3.0 consecutive miles in 28 minutes, Walk .4 miles in 5 minutes)
I like running. Really. Especially at this time of year in Texas - when it is no longer 100 degrees outside!
I once viewed running as a chore. I no longer do for a couple of reasons:
1) I learned to do it correctly for my body type/gait.
Running is NOT for everyone. I get that. I do, however, think a lot of folks might gain a better vantage point from which to decide if running is right for them if they actually learn proper form before making a judgement... at least, that was true for me (hated it until I learned how to do it correctly; then learned to/did it correctly for a while and found that I actually liked it when it didn't hurt my knees).
For me, 'proper form' means avoiding heel striking, keeping a reasonable pace, and wearing minimalist shoes to encourage landing on my midfoot/forefoot during my run (similar, but not identical to/as 'mystical' as the 'Chi Running method'). I find this technique minimalizes impact on my joints, so running doesn't hurt anymore. This allows me to enjoy being outside and simply using my body... which leads into
2) After years of orthorexic exercise, I am finally taking the approach of simply enjoying using (rather than ABusing) my body
My dad was diagnosed with brain cancer at 49 years old and beat the statistics by surviving it for 8 years before he passed away (most survive 6-18 months). I quit work after the second year of his illness and started my own business so that I could take care of him during most weekdays while my mom worked, since his body continued to diminish and he needed 24 hour care. As he diminished, I watched him slowly lose his ability to walk on his own, then stand up on his own, and finally, saw him lose all mobility. There were days when he spent hours trying to simply cross his legs....
Excercise does not have to be about self-punishment or excessive vanity - it can simply be a celebration of the fact that, for today, at least, God has blessed us with the ability to MOVE!! Millions of people on this earth would give anything to simply be able to stand up, which makes it seem absurd that any of us who can move our bodies would find the nerve to complain about it. The ability to move is a blessing, not a birthright. When we move, we often spend too little time thinking about how it feels to inhabit a body that works, and too much time thinking about what we don't like about the body we live in. If we are able to perform them, walking, running, lifting, shovelgloving, gardening, etc are all activities that can connect us to a blessing that not everyone has - movement.
As I have started NO S, I have also resolved to enjoy my food AND my activity each day in a spirit of humility. How blessed I am today to be able to move my body! How silly it is to think of movement as torture, when my dad would have given anything in his last years just to be able to stand up! No more. I pledge to honor the blessing I've been given today... as I can't know if that blessing will always be there.

Day 23: Thursday, Oct 20, 2011
Weight - No scale available (travelling for work)
B (10:30am): Chorizo and Egg Scramble with cilantro, tomatoes, onions, and roasted red pepper salsa, Diet Pepsi @ Su Taco (Kyle, TX)
L (3:30pm): Grilled Chicken Salad with romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, shredded carrots, purple onion and fat free ranch dressing, Diet Coke @ Whataburger (Kyle, TX)
D (9:30pm): Smoked Turkey drizzled with a bit of spicy BBQ sauce, German Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Coke @ Salt Lick (Driftwood, TX)
Notes: Resistance excercise 17 minutes - Pushup, Situp, Squat (3x15 with 60 seconds between sets)
Being away from the scale so much these last couple of weeks has been really liberating. It has convinced me that all I should focus on in the beginning of this jourey are my behaviors. I will weigh again, but I think it needs to happen every 4-6 weeks, rather than every week.

Day 24: Friday, Oct 21, 2011
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (1:00pm): Mandarin Chicken, Mixed Steamed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Kyle, TX)
D (10:00pm): Charred Beef Brisket, German Potato Salad, Whie Vinegar Cole Slaw, 2 glasses Peach Sangria @ Salt Lick BBQ (Driftwood, TX)
Notes: Run - 30 minutes, 3.2 miles
Allergies are KILLING me today. Worked from 5-9:30pm tonight, so meal spacing was not ideal (nor was meal choice), but I ate when my shift ended and the dinner was free.... plate was awfully stuffed, but I was hungry from the 9 hour gap between meals. Still kept daily total to two total plates, so it was definitely a green day, but I probably ate too much at dinner...

Day 25: Saturday, Oct 22, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: I wouldn't put today on a "How to have a moderate S day" poster... sinus infection affected my appetite early, so I ate 3 cookies (and nothing else) for breakfast. Then worked a long shift, drove 2 hours back home after my shift and ate WAY too much fudge (which had been brought over by a family friend). Binge-like and permasnacking behavior during the evening after I got home - probably due to complete lack of 'real food' eaten during the day. I've noticed when I don't consciously keep the 3 meals structure on S days, all hell breaks loose - may need to aim for being more rigid about 3 meals + S events for S days in the endgame.

Day 26: Sunday, Oct 23, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: For some reason I spent today eating as if it were my last meal... I sure do hope to calm these S days down eventually. I wonder if it is detrimental for me to ever differentiate an entire day (or two) as a day 'off' an eating plan... as a grown-up, I should be able to realize that 'relaxing the rules' does not mean 'binge', but I sure do have trouble stopping that urge on days like this.

Day 27: Monday, Oct 24, 2011
B: Skipped
L: Fat-free Cheese Omelet with Salsa, Oatmeal with blueberries, Water @Home
D: Garlic Chicken, Brown Rice, Mixed Veggies, Water @Home
Notes: Weight Training - Chest, Shoulders Triceps, 30 minutes
I felt the need to eat really 'clean' today. I know from experience that clean foods (lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, veggies) help combat some of my allergies, and I certainly need that right now as I head (hopefully) toward the downslope of this sinus infection.
Also, I no longer feel it necessary to track times of meals... I originally wanted data to see how often I got hungry after meals, but now I know it is generally every 4-6 hours (unless my schedule prevents it).

Day 28: Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011
B: Bowl of Cottage Cheese with Sliced Amonds and Mixed Berries, Water @Home
L: Plate of Grilled Chicken Salad with Romaine Lettuce, Shredded Carrots, Fresh Broccoli, Snap Peas, Olives, Garlic and Low-Cal Caesar, Water @ Home
D: Seasoned Roasted Salmon, Feta-Creamed Spinach, 2 glasses '09 A to Z Estate Pinot Noir @Home
Notes: Cardio - Walk 2.0 miles uphill in 34 minutes
Feeling much better today! I have been craving fresh, healthy food this week, so I ate lots of greens, veggies, and berries with my meals today and they really hit the spot. After lots of fast food last week, I am really enjoying eating real, home-cooked food again!

Day 29: Wednesday, Oct 26, 2011
B: Fat free Cheese Omelet with Roasted Red Pepper Salsa, Oatmeal with cinnamon and blueberries, Water @Home
L: 1 plate of my Home-made Terryaki Chicken Bowl (Grilled Chicken, Brown Rice, Grilled Onions, Broccoli, Sliced Carrots, Snap Peas, 2 tbsp Very-Yeri Terryaki Sauce), Water @Home
D: Beef Roast, Stewed Mixed Vegetables, 2 glasses '09 A to Z Estate Pinot Noir @Home
Notes: Weight Training - 30 minutes, Back, Bicep, Abs
I used to make myself the omelet/oatmeal breakfast combo almost every day and then stopped for some reason. Now that I have had it twice this week, I can definitely say that, when I have the time and facilities to cook, it is by far my absolute favorite combo! I will definitely consider it for an intelligent dietary default (as per Reinhard's definition of that term in the NO S book...)

Day 30: Thursday, Oct 27, 2011
B: Protein smoothie with mixed berries @Home
L: Chicken with Dressing, Corn, Salad with peas/tomatoes/carrots @Aunt's house
D: Beef Brisket, Scalloped Potatoes Au Gratin, Fire Roasted Mixed Vegetables, 2 glasses '07 Ken Brown Clos Pepe Vineyard Pinot Noir, 1 glass '06 M Hermitage Syrah (3 glasses=Maximum Glass Ceiling Amount) @ Home
Notes: Cardio - Walk 2.8 miles uphill in 45 minutes
I got an unexpected call from some family that were visiting and they wanted me to come over for lunch. This is where NO S shines - if I were on some kind of orthorexic plan I would've had to eat beforehand, not eat and get hounded with questions about why I wasn't eating, or bring my own food and REALLY get hounded with questions about what kind of diet I was on in order to stay 'on plan'. But on the NO S plan, I just show up, eat one plate of whatever is being served, and compliment the family on how wonderful it tastes. No questions to answer... and no one is any-the-wiser about me even being on a 'diet'. And the day can still be a success. Genius!

Day 31: Friday, Oct 28, 2011
Weight - 253.0
B: Fat-free cheese Omelet with picante, Oatmeal with cinnamon and blueberries, Water @Home
L : Skipped
D: Roasted Salmon, Sweet Potato, Garden Salad with fresh mixed veggies and low-cal dressing, Water @Home
Notes: Weight Training - 30 minutes, Legs
Well, I've completed 30 days of NO S and can definitely say it has gone by quickly. That's a good sign. I am not 'watching the diet clock' waiting for the days to tick down so that I can get to my goal weight (which I have done many times on other orthorexic eating plans), so that I can start 'maintaining' (which I have never been able to do, because my methods were too extreme). This time, I feel like I am in it for the long haul, and I am in no hurry.
I'm also realizing that I can fit any kind of 'eating mood' into the NO S structure. Some weeks I may have ample time/desire to exercise and cook healthy, balanced meals. Some weeks I may have to eat fast food 75% percent of the time and fit 20 minutes of excercise in where I can. Some days I may have to wait 8 (or more) hours between meals. No matter - all of these scenarios count as a success on this plan as long as I keep it to no more than 3 plates a day and no sweets during the week. And counting 'successes' is important for a person who normally lets diet 'failures' send him into a tailspin of binging and waiting for 'next Monday' to buckle down and eat perfectly.

Day 32: Saturday, Oct 29, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: S day started early again... worked until midnight and got home around 12:30 and had various leftovers, some cobbler and cereal. Still a success by the letter of the law because it is technically Saturday, but I don't want to make a habit out of these midnight meals. I might need to consider taking something to eat for dinner to work with me and sneaking it in when I can, as 8 or 9 hours between meals seems to bring out the worst in my habits.
Even with all of that said, I still kept Friday green and am moving on. Don't want to get too fixated on these kind of S day episodes - just want to chart them and see if they calm down over time.

Day 33: Sunday, Oct 30, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: In spite of starting with the big post-midnight dinner on Saturday, this was my calmest S Day weekend to date. I fixed a big dinner with dessert for my Mom and I on Sunday night, but both days looked like N days outside of that.
I kept Reinhard's 'No Solitary Snacking' mod in the back of my head, and it was really powerful... the binge-like behaviors I engage in occur almost exclusively when I am by myself. And they never feel satisfying. I am probably going to use the mod going forward, though I don't plan to track it. I just want to use it as a mantra on S days to calm down any binging behavior.

Day 34: Monday, Oct 31, 2011
Result: NWS Day
Notes: Cardio - Walk 2.33 miles uphill in 35 minutes
Normal people have a bit of candy on Halloween and I know I will do the same. Of course the temporary motivation is to ignore the holiday for the sake of weight loss... but Halloween is a legitimate holiday and I know I will probably have a bit of candy each year on this day, so I might as well start doing what I will be doing in subsequent years, now.

Day 35: Tuesday, Nov 1, 2011
B: Skipped
L: Omelet with Fat-free Cheese and salsa, Oatmeal with mixed berries, Water @Home
D: Smoked BBQ Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato, Grilled Broccoli, 2 glasses '07 Stoller SV Estate Dundee Hills Pinot Noir @Home
Notes: Weight Training - 30 minutes, Upper Body (Chest, Back, Shoulders, Arms)
Today was really a tough day to stay on plan. For some reason, after dinner, I was really craving a couple of different things. This is the first time since I started following the NO S structure that I REALLY felt hungry/tempted outside of a mealtime. I know I could've had milk or tried to use some placeholder to diminish the craving, but I didn't. I was more interested in trying to determine why I was having cravings at all - and I couldn't come to any other conclusion than "I didn't eat enough today." I will try and do better tomorrow.

Day 36: Wednesday, Nov 2, 2011
B: Skipped
L: Kobari beef (Spicy stir-fried beef with mixed vegetables), Steamed white rice, Diet Pepsi @Panda Express (Cedar Hill, TX)
D: Grilled Shrimp and Mixed Fire Roasted Vegetables, 2 glasses '07 Lange Estate Pinot Noir, 2 glasses '07 Ken Brown Santa Maria Valley Pinot Noir @ Home
Notes: Run - 32 minutes, 3.25 miles
It occurs to me that last night's cravings likely didn't result from me eating too little, yesterday - I ate the same amounts I have been eating since starting NO S. I think the issue was that I ate dinner too early and, thus, started to crave a snack before bedtime. I ate dinner at 6pm yesterday, since I had eaten lunch at 11am, but I have been eating lunch at around 1pm and Dinner between 7-7:30pm (on normal, non-working days).
I went back to my normal eating times today and feel much more satisfied. Lesson learned.

Day 37: Thursday, Nov 3, 2011
B: Skipped
L: Almond Chicken Stir Fry (Grilled chicken, slivered almonds, brown rice, steamed broccoli, grilled shallots, terryaki sauce), Diet Coke @Home
D: Smoked Turkey drizzled with a bit of spicy BBQ sauce, German Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Coke @ Salt Lick (Driftwood, TX)
Notes: Resistance Training - 30 minutes, Lower Body (Bodyweight squats 4x15, Good mornings 4x15, standing calf raises 4x15, abs 4x15 - 60 seconds rest between sets)

Day 38: Friday, Nov 4, 2011
B: Skipped
L: 1 plate of Kobari Beef (Stir fried Flank steak, mushrooms, red bell peppers, onions, greens), Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Kyle, TX)
D: Skipped
Notes: Run - 35 minutes, 3.75 miles
I hadn't planned on skipping dinner, but I could not get a break during my shift... so I never got a chance to eat. As a result, I had the 12:30am S day meal again - it was a bit bigger than my normal N day meals and it had a desert, but nothing too outrageous.
It may look like these S days are too often starting just after midnight (making them 'legal' by the letter of the law, but 'iffy' on the spirit of it...), but I know it won't be that way forever... and this week's meal/desert was less than last weeks, so maybe even if the habit continues for a while, the amounts will dissipate. I also have to consider that my job requires me to work Friday evenings and that skipping dinner may happen sometimes... so the future key may be to just not go too overboard with the Saturday midnight feast. Last week, it seemed like getting this meal out of the way as soon as the 'rules' allow on Saturday calmed the rest of the weekend WAY down. We'll see if that continues this weekend....

Day 39: Saturday, Nov 5, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: I ate too much and too often today. No need to get overemotional... obviously the S day behaviors are just going to take a while to calm down.

Day 40: Sunday, Nov 6, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: This S day weekend never did get under control... I can either let it tie me up in knots or just keep building on and solidifying my N Days, which have been rock solid, so far. I choose to do the latter.

Day 41: Monday, Nov 7, 2011
B: Skipped
L: Brisket, German Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw (leftovers from Salt Lick BBQ) @Cousin's house (Kyle, TX)
D: Sushi combo plate, Diet Coke @HEB (Kyle, TX)
Notes: I was supposed to be back in Dallas today, but my car needed some unexpected work done and I have to be back in Austin for work on Thursday morning, anyway, so I just decided to stay down here this week. Missed excercise this morning (spent all day at repair shop), terrible S days this past weekend, time change, expensive car repairs, and grumpiness over not being home in my own bed have put me in a foul/depressed mood... it was a hard day to stick to the rules, but I did it.

Day 42: Tuesday, Nov 8, 2011
B: Skipped
L: Chopped Hamburger Steak with grilled onions, Country Potatoes, Skillet seared cabbage, Diet Coke @Luby's (San Marcos, TX)
D: 1 plate of Goulash Casserole (Ground Beef, noodles, peas, green beans, tomatoes), Diet Coke@Cousin's House (Kyle, TX)
Notes: 2 challenges down... 19 to go!
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:19 am, edited 94 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by Pangelsue2 » Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:54 pm

Welcome and wow, thanks for the insights. I love the Matrix example and also comparing eating with having a job. Both require effort and a plan. Both need to happen but neither is a big deal. I really like that. Congratulations on your first 21 days. You are smart to shelve regulating the S days for a while. It is much more important to get the N days down first. You also wisely observed that a big weekend can make for a tough Monday morning. It is like not smoking for 5 days, smoking for 2 and then wondering why it is hard to stop again on Monday. I think it is what leads most of us eventually to curb weekends. It is just easier to hit Monday morning without a hangover.
Best of luck and keep the good thoughts coming.
I'm baaaack.

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Post by Eileen7316 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:14 pm

Your meals sound so wonderful! I think it's your descriptions...

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21 Day challenge #2 Results/Lessons learned

Post by simmstone » Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:05 am



1) When I crave food, it is usually not about hunger which means food is, ultimately, only going to be able to distract me from, not satisfy my craving.
It has become apparent to me during this challenge that my desire to eat between meals (and specifically, to eat the KIND of food that I have typically eaten between meals) is almost never related to hunger. When I have gone five or six hours between meals, I don't crave pretzels or 100 calorie snack packs or twinkies... I want some protein, carbs, and vegetables - something substantial - and that's because my body is actually hungry.
For most of us who have dieted before or had weight struggles, including me, eliminating snacking and sweets is really code for "eliminating emotional eating." When I find myself thinking about snack/sweet type food, it usually accompanies a 'craving' and I have found these 'cravings' stronger during times when I am bored, anxious, or generally desiring 'change' of some kind.
My S days during this challenge have really demonstrated this to me - sometimes, I get anxious about eating amounts/behaviors on a given S day and I find myself eating more throughout the S day to calm myself from the anxious feelings generated by eating too much in the first place, even though I am already stuffed. It's insane behavior and logic, I know... but I have been guilty of it.
What No S is doing for me, so far, is highlighting how much emotional/mindless/impulse eating I have done over the years and still want to do. But I can clearly see now that it isn't being driven by hunger - and I am no longer deceiving myself about my appetite or cravings.

2) Just because I am tracking multiple behaviors (i.e. exercise, glass ceiling, NO S diet) it is important to remember that a day's failure on one does not mean that I have to fail them all.
In the past, if I missed a morning exercise session, I might have used it as a springboard for a binge. If I drank too much, I might've just said "Screw it" and indulged in a late night fast food junk-bomb. This has to do with lesson #1 for me - I might have had anxiety over missing exercise or excitement from a couple of drinks and used food to treat or supplement those emotions.
This time, I am tracking three behaviors and truly thinking of them all seperately. My chief objective and priority is to keep the 'Diet' part of my Habitcal green, even if I have a failure for the day on my other objectives.

Onto challenge #3...
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by simmstone » Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:20 am


Day 43: Wednesday, Nov 9, 2011
B: Skipped
L: Roasted Chicken breast, Potato casserole, Green beans, Diet Coke @Dickey's BBQ (Kyle, TX)
D: Footlong Sweet Onion Chicken Terryaki Sandwhich on Flatbread (with Green bell peppers, Tomatoes, Purple Onions, Spinach, Cucumbers, Black Olives and Spicy Mustard), Diet Coke @Subway (Kyle, TX)

Day 44: Thursday, Nov 10, 2011
B: Skipped
L: 1 plate of Goulash Casserole (Ground Beef, noodles, peas, green beans, tomatoes), Diet Dr Pepper @Cousin's House (Kyle, TX)
D: Smoked Turkey w spicy BBQ sauce, German Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper @Salt Lick BBQ (Driftwood, TX)

Day 45: Friday, Nov 11, 2011
B: Skipped
L: Leftovers from last night - Smoked Turkey w spicy BBQ sauce, German Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper @Cousin's House (Kyle, TX)
D: Skipped (worked through dinner)
Notes: Worked through dinner (5pm-9:30pm) and then had to drive back to Dallas (got home at 1:00am) since I am catching a flight to California at 8am tomorrow...

Day 46: Saturday, Nov 12, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: In California for vacation

Day 47: Sunday, Nov 13, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: In California for vacation

Day 48: Monday, Nov 14, 2011
Result: NWS Day
Notes: In California for vacation

Day 49: Tuesday, Nov 15, 2011
Result: NWS Day
Notes: In California for vacation

Day 50: Wednesday, Nov 16, 2011
Result: NWS Day
Notes: Traveled back from California. Vacation was fun. I wasn't interested in trying to track anything, diet-wise, on vacation - I think it's healthier long-term to just plan to relax a little if you are in a position to only take a couple of vacations a year... so I did.

Day 51: Thursday, Nov 17, 2011

Day 52: Friday, Nov 18, 2011
Notes: Never quite got out of the vacation mentality... and I ended this week with my first failures of my NO S journey. Oddly, I think it's good that I've failed. In the past, when I fail it has been an 'off the rails' experience where I eat poorly/binge for months because I am loathe to return to a life of fish and vegetables. So this is really the first 'test' of that nature that I've had so far following NO S. We'll have to see how I recover on my next N day...

Day 53: Saturday, Nov 19, 2011
Result: S DAY

Day 54: Sunday, Nov 20, 2011
Result: S DAY
Notes: It was a really excessive S Day weekend... I found myself lapsing into that "eat what you can today because tomorrow it's back to the plan" mentality - which is really stupid because all NO S limits during the week are sweets. Why would I convince myself that 'back to plan' means 'back to dread'? Because the kinds of plans I've followed in the past involved extended periods of fish, vegetables, and protein shakes after indulgences... so it is automatic for me to assume that the last day of a vacation week or a lapsed week should be an 'eat until you burst day'.
I just have to remind myself that NO S is much more gentle than those plans - so there is no need to to have an 'eat everything in site because tomorrow will be barren' day. But it is going to take a while to unlearn many of my bad habits. This is why I have a long range goal of completing 21 challenges... if I were concerned only with short term weight goals, last week would have set me back, so I would have doubled the excercise and really tightened down on carbs this week... which would have eventually caused me to have another 'eat everything in sight' day or weekend or month or six months... then more tightening down... then more binging, and on and on. Not this time. My main goal is to learn over the next few years (before I turn 40) how to NOT have an S day weekend like I just had and I know that extremism in dieting/excercise triggers the wrong mentality in me. So it is back to moderation tomorrow after a couple of failures last week.

Day 55: Monday, Nov 21, 2011

Day 56: Tuesday, Nov 22, 2011

Day 57: Wednesday, Nov 23, 2011

Day 58: Thursday, Nov 24, 2011
Result: NWS Day

Day 59: Friday, Nov 25, 2011

Day 60: Saturday, Nov 26, 2011
Result: S DAY

Day 61: Sunday, Nov 27, 2011
Result: S DAY

Day 62: Monday, Nov 28, 2011

Day 63: Tuesday, Nov 29, 2011

Day 64: Wednesday, Nov 30, 2011
Well, a vacation week kind of turned into a vacation month... no matter, I am not going to let it set me back, long term - no returning to extreme dieting or giving up altogether. I will just embark on another 21 day challenge. Since this one was sort of one long series of Failures, S Days, and NWS days (and the 'challenge' of a 21 day challenge is to have no - or few - failures), then I must honestly conclude that I did not complete the third 21 challenge. So I will just return to the business of attempting to complete my third challenge starting tomorrow.
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:55 pm, edited 18 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by tobiasmom » Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:26 pm

I do think that some others simply don't have much of an identity outside of their weight struggle. But my observation after doing NO S for 21 days is this: "It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal"
Your insights are awesome. You've given me a lot to "chew on" from your posts. I see this definitely as me - learning a new identity outside of this life-long weight battle. I'm the one that's made this a big deal all these years.

I also LOVE the idea of 21 21-day challenges!

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Post by simmstone » Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:24 pm


Day 65: Thursday, Dec 1st, 2011
B: skipped
L: skipped
D: smoked turkey, german potato salad, white vinegar cole slaw, diet coke @ salt lick bbq, driftwood, tx
Notes: Run/Walk, 3.3 miles, 37min
Weird day - had to travel for work and was running late so no time to stop for lunch. Then had to start working immediately when I got there, so I didn't get to eat until afterwards... so wound up only eating dinner. Poor planning, but at least I kept it green today - it's been a while since that has happened.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Onward and upward

Post by simmstone » Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:39 pm

Well, let's just say that December didn't go well and leave it at that.

Why? Lots of reasons... some emotional, others just the 'trappings of the season' I suppose. But the bottom line is I use food rather than eat food, sometimes. I have done this my whole life and I simply must accept that I may fail at restraining from this sometimes... but I need not relapse into it everytime I fail. I am really prone to the 'I'll start Monday/Next week/Next month/Next year' mode of eating, which finds me, consequently, saying 'I should eat as much of X as I can today, since I won't be able to once I start X diet'. Stupid thinking, I know - but I am also aware that it plagues many yo-yo dieters. And it has plagued me since my vacation in mid-November. Now, I have 6 weeks of complete failures after 6 weeks of success, and I am back where I started - physically (weight-wise) and mentally (using food, rather than eating it).

So, I'm starting again... but no '21 day challenges' this time (I am too prone to succeeding at these kinds of competitive excercises and then completely reverting, once I'm finished). I just need to get up everyday and try to stick to the plan, and not freak out if I fail every now and then. No S is a good eating plan, but it isn't the gospel - it is merely one way to approach eating for me that will work. But ANY approach that requires that I eat food, mindfully, and not use it, emotionally or mindlessly, will help.

So here I go (again). It feels like that Whitesnake song from the 80's should be playing on an old school-style boombox right now...
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by simmstone » Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:41 pm

Last edited by simmstone on Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by LoriLifts » Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:41 pm

"Like a drifter I was born to walk alone"

Now Whitesnake is stuck in head!

I've been at this No S thing for 3 years and still have my ups and downs. I haven't been able to get through a 21 day challenge yet. I'm tempted to try again on Jan 1 (it's a new year!), but I'm resisting the urge. In 2012 I'm focusing on strengthening the habits. If the No S rules are in place I'm hoping my weight will follow.

I enjoy reading your blog.
:) Lori
Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.

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Post by simmstone » Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:15 pm

Thanks, Lori!

Before this recent tailspin, I had 2 consecutive 21 day 'no failure' challenges... which underscores the point that I am very good at brief periods of perfection. It's just that I cannot sustain perfection in ANY eating modality for long - apparently, even one as moderate as No S causes me to subconsciously break and, then, rebel.

So, I, too, am going to try and think more 'big picture' (i.e. building habits, avoiding complete tailspins, etc) in 2012. In particular, I am going to pay careful mental attention to the way I process the terms 'success' and 'failure'. I want to work toward developing the attitude that 'Success' doesn't have to be perfect, and 'Failure' doesn't have to be epic.

Best to you on your continuing quest in 2012!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by Marsie » Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:01 pm

"So, I'm starting again... but no '21 day challenges' this time (I am too prone to succeeding at these kinds of competitive excercises and then completely reverting, once I'm finished). I just need to get up everyday and try to stick to the plan ..."

I just loved your thought about "just getting up every day and sticking to the plan" and have posted it in my check-in to remind me that too often, I am thinking ahead of myself and not focusing on TODAY! Thanks so much for your insights, and best wishes for getting/staying on track!

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Post by simmstone » Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:34 pm

January 2012
My goal this year is to not be so rigid about how I personally define 'success'. I want to start off, at least, by defining it, for me, as 'control'. Instead of 'did I eat three meals?' being the question I use as my barometer for success, I want to ask myself "Was I conscious and in control of what I ate today?"
Don't get me wrong, No S will still be my basic foundation, and, on most days, I will probably eat 3 or fewer meals... but I don't want a piece of fruit or protein smoothie in the afternoon to be a 'failure' this month, because terming an otherwise no-big-deal event a 'failure' seems to make me regress into the 'if I'm going to fail, I might as well fail EPICALLY" mindset. I think that, if I can just stay out of that mindset, I'll be alright... so I'm going to give it a try in 2012.
So I will pre-ordain a couple of default afternoon snacks (an apple or a protein shake) to use for the first month IF I feel I need something to tide me over until dinner. My guess is that I shouldn't need this crutch for more than a week or two, but I want to set myself up for success early on as I transition back to NO S from last month's binge-a-thon.

Mon, 1/2/12
Notes: 3 meals today and one snack (a protein shake) Totally in control.
Workout was Weight Training (Chest Shoulder Tricep) for 30 minutes.

Tues, 1/3/12
Notes: Meals were same as Monday.
Workout was walking 2 miles, uphill in 35 minuites

Wed, 1/4/12
Notes: 3 meals, 1 protein shake, same as Mon & Tues.
Workout was Weight Training (Back, bicep, abs) for 30 minutes.

Thurs, 1/5/12
Notes: 3 meals.
Workout was walking 2 miles, uphill in 35 minuites

Fri, 1/6/12
Notes: 3 meals.
Workout was Weight Training (Legs) for 30 minutes.

Sat, 1/7/12
Meals: S DAY
Notes: Even though it was an S day, I still ate 3 meals.
DEcided I felt like walking this morning, even though it was an S day. So workout was walking 3 miles, uphill in 45 minuites.

Sun, 1/8/12
Meals: S DAY
Notes: Today's over-the-top S day got all of my cravings out of the way and made me look forward to getting back on track tomorrow.

Mon, 1/9/12
B: Skipped
L: Grilled Salmon, Stewed Zucchini, Green Beans, and Diet Coke @ Luby's (San Marcos, Tx)
D: Kobari Beef bowl (Stir fried lean beef, red & green peppers, mushrooms, bok choy, steamed rice), Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Kyle, TX)
Notes: The meal descriptions are back... I think they may be useful information, so I am going to track them for a while.
Workout was Weight training (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps) for 30 minutes.

Tues, 1/10/12
B: Cottage Cheese, Fuji apple, water @ HEB (Kyle, TX)
L: Skipped
D: Mandarin Chicken, Mixed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Kyle, TX)
Notes: Spent 12 hours on a project for work today, and wound up working straight through lunch.
Workout was Walking 2.25 miles uphill in 35 minutes

Wed, 1/11/12
B: Skipped
L: 2 meat plate (Chicken and Turkey Breast), Stewed Green Beans, Diet Coke @ Dickey's BBQ (Kyle, TX)
D: Kung Pao Chicken, Steamed Mixed Vegetables, Diet Coke @ Panda Express (Kyle, TX)
Notes: Worked on that project for work again today... I barely had time to eat!
Workout was Weight Training (Back, Biceps, Abs) for 30 minutes

Thurs, 1/12/12
B: Skipped
L: Large salad with Ham, Turkey, Field Greens, Broccoli, Carrots, Tomatoes, Onions, Bell Peppers, Green Olives, and Fat Free Caesar dressing, Water @ HEB (Kyle, TX)
D: Shrimp Pesto Pasta Primavera (rigatoni pasta, grilled shirmp, pesto, artichokes, zucchini, red bell peppers), 2 glasses Maker's Mark/Diet Coke @ Alamo Draft House (Austin, TX)
Notes: Went out with some friends to a movie theater in Austin where they serve dinner/drinks. Stuck to one plate for my meal and kept to the 2 drink Glass Ceiling with the booze. Nights like this are why I love No S and will never even think about trying another diet again - I can have a life and still stick to the moderate rules of the program with virtually no social awkwardness.
Workout was walking 2.7 miles uphill in 40 minutes

Fri, 1/13/12
B: Skipped
L: Smoked Chicken drizzled with Spicy Barbeque Sauce, Jalepeno Baked Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Diet Coke @ Dickey's BBQ (Kyle, TX)
D: Three medium pieces of Domino's Sausage, Mushroom, and Cheese pizza (all fit side by side on a 9 inch plate, Water & Cousin's house (Kyle, TX)
Notes: My cousin was nice enough to order pizza for us tonight. On NO S, I don't have to ingraciously refuse her generosity... I can just take enough pizza to fill my plate and enjoy dinner with my family and still stay 'on plan'.
Workout was Weight Training (Legs) for 30 minutes.

Sat, 1/14/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Today is an S day, but I woke up wanting to go for a walk and so I did. My morning workouts often set me up to make much better choices throughout the day, and they put me in a good state of mind. So, even on S days, sometimes, I will probably walk outside... not every weekend, mind you, but just when I feel like it.
Workout was Walking 3 miles uphill in 45 minutes

Sun, 1/15/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Yesterday was fairly tame and today was not an all day pig out... but I did pig out a bit at dinner time. No worries - I got all of my cravings out of the way and am looking forward to the coming week.

Mon, 1/16/12
B: Skipped
L: 2 meat plate with Small amount of Brisket and Sausage, Pinto Beans, Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper @ Family friends' house (Palmer, TX)
D: Black Eyed Pea Gumbo (Black eyed peas, Peppers, Andouille Sausage, Tobasco) over Brown Rice, Water @ Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Visited some family friends today and took over some BBQ for lunch. Events like this are no big deal with NO S - I just had a 9 inch plate of food and turned down the cobbler and comfortably stayed on plan.
The more I do this, the better I get at it. I was not really even tempted by the cobbler... in fact, only the social factor of turning down desert made me even think twice about it. But I simply told our friends that I was full from the BBQ, and left it at that.
No Workout today.

Tues, 1/17/12
B: Skipped
L: Chung's Terryaki Chicken with Steamed Rice and Vegetables, Water @ Home (Dallas, TX)
D: Seafood Lasagna (Pink Shrimp, Rock Crabmeat, North Atlantic lobster, Romano Cheese, Green Onions, and Red Bell Peppers layered in Spinach-flecked Lasagna pasta with creamy lobster sauce), 2 glasses '09 Chehalem Pinot Noir (Stoller Vineyard) @ Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Workout was Weight Training for 40 minutes (Upper Body - Chest, Back, Shoulders, Arms)

Wed, 1/18/12
B: Skipped
L: Panda Bowl with Mandarin Chicken and Steamed Mixed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Cedar Hill, TX)
D: Chateaubriand (perpared French-country style with Potatoes and Carrots), 1 glass '09 Chateau de Macard Bordeaux Superier, 2 glasses '09 Siduri Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley), 1 glass '07 Ken Brown Pinot Noir (Clos Pepe Vineyard) @ Home (Dallas, TX)
After Dinner: Crackers, Cheese, Snacks
Notes: Made a special dinner tonight and had few too many wines with it... which led to a post-dinner failure. That's okay. It's been a good month, so far, and the key is just to keep it going.
Workout was walking 3 miles uphill in 45 minutes

Thurs, 1/19/12
B: Skipped
L: Smoked Chicken Breast, Broccoli/Cauliflower salad, Green Beans, Diet Coke @ Dickey's BBQ (Buffalo, TX)
D: 2 Grilled Chicken Fajita Tacos (fit easily on a plate), Diet Dr Pepper @ Whataburger (Woodlands, TX)
Notes: Workout was Resistance training for 30 minutes (Lower Body - Squats, Good mornings, Calf Raises, Ab Crunches: Body weight on each exercise for 4 sets X 15 reps)

Fri, 1/20/12
B: Skipped
L: Steak Fajitas with Rice, Beans and one flour tortilla, Diet Dr Pepper @ Taco Cabana (Woodlands, TX)
D: Skipped (worked late shift and did not have time to break for dinner)
Notes: Workout was walking 2.7 miles uphill in 45 minutes

Sat, 1/21/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Very tame day. Felt totally in control, food-wise
Felt like another S day morning workout today. Walked 2.3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes.

Sun, 1/22/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Today was a bit over-the-top, but I got all cravings out of the way and can now focus on a solid week of N days.

Mon, 1/23/12
B: Skipped
L: Footlong Subway Sandwich (Double Roast Beef, Spinach, Tomatoes, Onions, Bell Peppers, Black Olives, Red Wine Vinegar on Flatbread), Diet Coke @ Subway (Desoto, TX)
D: Grilled Salmon, Creamed Spinach, 2 glasses '09 Siduri Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley). 2 glasses '09 Chehalem Mountains Pinot Noir, 1 glass '07 Ken Brown Pino Noir (Clos Pepe Vineyard) @ Home (Dallas, TX)
After Dinner: Crackers, Hummus. Almond-Chocolate Toffee
Notes: A few too many Pinots with dinner led to some post dinner snacks... just need to keep going forward and try for a green day tomorrow.
Workout was Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 1/24/12
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Grand Parisian salad with shrimp, 2 glasses '07 Ken Brown Pinot Noir (Clos Pepe Vineyard) @ Home (Dallas, TX)
After dinner: Snacks
Notes: I was definitely not very hungry today... which I'm sure is due to last nights overindulgences. My appetite came back after dinner and prompted a failure.
Workout was walking 2 miles up a very steep hill in 40 minutes

Wed, 1/25/12
Result: NWS Day
Notes: Today, my aunt took me to a big Birthday lunch at a Brazilian steak house (my birthday is actually Saturday, but I have to work that day so I won't be able to do any extended celebrating that day/night).
I didn't want to spend my Birthday luncheon dieting, so I had already planned in advance to enjoy all courses and delicacies presented. It was wonderful, and now I move on to trying to make the next two days green
No workout today

Thurs, 1/26/12
Notes: My Birthday is Saturday and I am just now realizing that I have been in a kind of subtle "this is my brithday WEEK" mindset all week... which I have concurrently used as an excuse to fail. I am going to focus on just making tomorrow green and getting back on track.
I also want to be cautious about getting into the "I didn't exercise today so I might as well blow it" mindset that I have so often inhabited the last few years. The ONLY thing I need to focus on right now is sticking to a moderate eating plan. Exercise is merely a luxury at this point, and I must keep mentally painting it in that light to achieve the moderate lifestyle I desire.

Fri, 1/27/12
B: Skipped
L: Turkey/Angus Chopped Steak topped with mushrooms, Black Eyed Peas, Cabbage, Diet Coke @ Luby's (Duncanville, TX)
D: Skipped
Notes: No workout today. Shift ran through dinner, so I did not have a chance to eat. Ate when I got home from work, which was after midnight, so meal was 'technically' exempt from N day rules.

Sat, 1/28/12
Weight: 262.0 lbs
Result: S DAY
Notes: Today is my birthday and there are 36 months left until I turn 40. To meet my goal of weighing 185 on my 40th, I need to lose roughly 2 pounds a month for the next 3 years. This is easily doable following NO S. And if I keep reminding myself of what the long term picture looks like, it will hopefully help me in resisiting short-term extremism/perfectionism. Consistency, not perfectionism, is all that's necessary for a sustained 2 lb per month weight loss.

Sun, 1/29/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: It was a really over-the-top post-Birthday S Day. Every instinct in me right now, at this moment, says "You need to do a 12 week program and get this fat off fast."
But I'm going to ignore that voice, and just try for a green day tomorrow. One day at a time is how I need to take this journey...

Mon, 1/30/12
B: Protein smoothie with mixed berries @ Home (Dallas, TX)
L: Mandarin Chicken, Steamed White Rice, Mixed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Cedar Hill, TX)
D: Grilled Atlantic Salmon, Brown Rice, English Peas, 2 glasses Willamette Valley Vineyards '08 Founders Reserve Pinot Noir @ Home (Dallas, TX)
After Dinner: Cheese, Crackers, Cereal
Notes: Workout was Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 1/31/12
Notes: Car broke down and I had to take it repair shop and sit there all day. This threw off regular meal times and I ate more than one plate when I got home in the evening. It wasn't a total disaster of a binge or anything but, technically, I did not stick to NO S eating plan due to special/unusual circumstances.
Workout was Walking 2 miles up a steep hill in 40 minutes
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:58 pm, edited 83 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by Eileen7316 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:37 pm

Aw, I miss you listing your meals :cry: You always had the yummiest sounding things to eat!

I think you are smart in not being so rigid IF it means you might "fail epically". That's a cute phrase!

Good luck to you!

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Post by simmstone » Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:30 pm

February 2012
I succeeded and failed some in January. I am determined to keep using No S as my framework for an eating plan, as I now see it as the only plan with sustainable guidelines (and, in truth, all that's necessary for eating guidelines for me, if mostly followed). I will just keep tracking. I will keep getting up everyday and trying to stick to the plan. I will keep working on taming my S days. I will keep trying to get better and better at these NO S eating habits.

I am going to refrain from posting my 'lessons learned' from each month... chiefly because 'learning' something and 'doing' something are not synonymous with me. I re-read some of my old epiphanies and realized that they haven't always necessarily led me to different actions. So I will not be grandstanding or claiming to have learned anything. I find it more useful, these days, to assume that I know nothing.

Wed, 2/1/12
B: Skipped
L: T-Bone steak, Cabbage, Garden Salad, Jack and Diet Coke, Small cup of blueberry cobbler with Vanilla Ice Cream @ Dunston's Steak house (Dallas, TX)
D: Canned Chicken/Salmon salad made with horseradish mustard, mayonaise, olives, jalepenos, feta and cheddar cheese, walnuts, Willamette Valley Vineyards 2009 Founders' Reserve Pinot Noir @ Home (Dallas, TX)
Result: NWS Day
Notes: A friend of mine who was unable to see me last week wanted to take me out for a belated Birthday lunch today at a historic steakhouse that I have never been to. I did not binge, but I did have a salad and desert with my meal, which is a failure under the NO S guidelines. I planned to make today a special day, as I wanted to give myself permission to enjoy the specialties of the house, but there's no need to make the whole day a binge-fest... just enjoy the event, then get right back to NO S-style eating.
Workout was Run/Walk 3.3 miles in 35 minutes

Thurs 2/2/12
B: Skipped
L: Mandarin Chicken, Steamed Mixed Veggies drizzled with small amount of Madarin Sauce, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Cedar Hill, TX)
D: Skipped
Post Dinner: Multiple Snacks
Notes: I wasn't hungry at dinner time, naively skipped it, and then had sort of a mini binge before bed with meatballs, mexican dip, cheese and crackers. I knew better, but did it anyway. I'm just gonna keep trying... these last two weeks have been nothing but slip ups, and I need to get back to some consecutive green days next week.
Workout was Bodyweight Resistance Training for 20 minutes (Lower Body - Squats, Good mornings, Calf Raises, Ab Crunches 3 sets X 15 reps with 30 seconds between exercises)

Fri 2/3/12
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Grilled Salmon, Wild Rice, Green Beans, Grand Parisian Salad, Flatbread, Bergrstrom 2009 Pinot Noir (De Lancellotti Vineyard), and Blackberry Cobbler for dessert @ Home (Dallas, TX)
Result: NWS Day
Notes: I NEVER get a Friday off, so today was unique - and I had some friends over that I don't get to see very often for a dinner that I really enjoyed cooking for them. I had planned this dinner two weeks ago, so it definitely qualifies as an NWS day.
Workout was Walking 3.0 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Sat 2/4/12
Result: S Day
Notes: Dinner with friends in Grapevine, TX. Lots of fun!

Sat 2/5/12
Result: S Day
Notes: Lunch at my grandmother's house. Looking forward to getting back to solid N days this coming week.

Mon 2/6/12
Notes: Just could not seem to get it together today... lots of red and yellow days the last two weeks and my waistline is showing the result...

Tues 2/7/12
B: Skipped
L: Mandarin Chicken, Steamed Mixed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @ Panda Express (Cedar Hill, TX)
D: Swedish Meatballs, '08 Ken Brown Santa Maria Valley Pinot Noir @ Home (Dallas, TX)
after dinner: crackers, cheese, cereal
Notes: After dinner snacks tripped me up again. Gotta keep trying for one green day...
Bodyweight Resistance training - 18 minutes (Pushup, Situp, Squat 3x15, 60 seconds rest between sets)

Wed 2/8/12
B: Skipped
L: 2 Grilled chicken fajita tacos (fit easily on one plate), Diet coke @ Whataburger (Desoto, TX)
Afternoon: Snacks (Walnuts, Cheese, Crackers)
D: Jamaican Meat Pastry @ Home
Notes: I watched a show tonight on TLC called 'My 600 pound life' and it really struck me - I've been going about this process all wrong. The show featured a guy's journey through gastric bypass and paralysis, and he was focused on simply gaining mobility and surviving. I have so much, and so many blessings - I need to view taking care of myself as a way to celebrate and honor the physical blessings that I have been given (blessings that many people in this world do not have, and pray every night for).
I need to eat humbly because I have been given an abundance of (and access to) food.
I need to move my body because I have been given the ability to use it.
These things should not be chores, rather, they should be cherished.
I want to take this attitude into tomorrow and see if I can't turn around the recent funk that I've been in...

Thurs 2/9/12
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Coke @ Salt Lick (Driftwood, TX)
Notes: Imagine that someone who loved you uncondtionally (a parent, spouse, child, or friend) gave you a priceless gift. You opened the gift and, rather than thanking them for it, began to beat it on the ground in, at worst, an attempt to destroy it and, at best, a patent disregard for it. Seems rude, disrespectful, and bizarre, doesn't it?
Well, in my own case, the gift-giver is God, the Gift is my body and health, and the gift-receiver is me. And I have done my best to either destory or disregard the gift at various points throughout my life.
I want that to stop... and it starts with changing my attitude.
I want to move my body in a spirit of appreciation and reverence, not in contempt. I want to humbly enjoy the meal that is put before me in a spirit of gratitude for what/how much is on the plate, rather than begrudging what/how much is not on it. I want to do things for my body and my health as a way to show God appreciation for what he has given me, not as a way to punish, self-loathe, or denegrate it.
Even more important than what diet or exercise plan I choose, this shift in perception seems paramount to me, and I feel it is what I've been lacking.
Movement today was walking 2 miles uphill in 35 minutes. It was done in a spirit of appreciation to God that my limbs, heart, and lungs are strong and functional.

Fri 2/10/12
Notes: Didn't really eat much today. Worked on a project all day and then worked a late shift tonight... but when I finally did eat it didn't fit on a plate, and it included some sweets.

Sat 2/11/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Didn't really eat much today. Worked on a project all day and then worked a late shift tonight.

Sun 2/12/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Travel day - worked in the afternoon and then drove back to Dallas... ate quite a bit after work.

Mon 2/13/12
Notes: Didn't eat anything before dinner and then kind of grazed afterward... I really need to refocus!!

Tues 2/14/12
Result: NWS DAY
Notes: Valentine's day will likely be an exception day for me every year, so it qualifies as one of my NWS days. Some family friends cooked us a nice dinner and I had salad and desert with it... nothing off the rails, but still an exception
Workout was Weight training for 30 minutes (Upper body)

Wed 2/15/12
B: Skipped
L: Grilled Rib Eye Steak, Green Beans, Water @ Home (Dallas, TX)
D: Home-made Jambalaya (andouille sausage, organic brown rice, black eyed peas, baby carrots, onions, celery, bay leaves, spices), 2 glasses '09 Ken Brown 'A' Cuvee Syrah @ Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Finally.. a GREEN day! Eating wonderful food helped - the jambalaya was an awesome dinner and, though, I'm not in a habit of having steak for lunch, our friends sent leftovers home from last night's dinner... and the steak was delicious!
Workout was Walking up 2.1 miles up steep hill at varied paces in 35 minutes

Thurs 2/16/12
B: Skipped
L (1 PM): Corned Beef and Sauerkraut casserole, Diet Dr Pepper @ Home (Dallas, TX)
D (10:00 PM): Foot-long Roast Beef Sandwich, Diet Coke @ Subway (Woodlands, TX)
Notes: Worked an evening shift tonight and, thus, ate a late dinner. No big deal... that's generally how my Thursdays and Fridays are. The key for me on these nights is to simply eat a normal meal and stick to the plan, rather than have a late night binge-fest.
Workout was Weight training for 35 minutes (Lower Body)

Fri 2/17/12
B: Skipped
L (1:30PM): Chopped Turkey Steak, Fresh Green beans, Skillet-seared Cabbage, Diet Coke @ Luby's (Woodlands, TX)
D: Skipped
Notes:Worked a shift that lasted through dinner and couldn't take a break to eat.... when i finally did eat, it was after midnight
Workout was Walking 2.1 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes

Sat 2/18/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: S day started right after midnight with a Burrito and some brownies, the staples of any nutritious diet :wink: ... no need to panic - my first few s days back on plan may be a little over-the-top. Hopefully, the rest of the weekend will be a bit more tame...

Sun 2/19/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Definitely an 'over the top' day. On the positive side, I got all cravings out of the way and am ready for a week full of green days. If I can manage that, it will be my first full green week in quite some time!

Mon 2/20/12
Notes: snacks after dinner, again

Tues 2/21/12
Notes: Starting tomorrow, I'm going to make some better, balanced choices for my meals and see if I feel better. I need how I feel to be my biggest incentive.

Wed 2/22/12
Notes: Ate lean proteins and whole grains for meals today and already feel much better. Desire to snack in evening was greatly diminished.

Thurs 2/23/12
Notes: Ate 'clean' foods for my meals again today and had NO desire to snack/binge

Fri 2/24/12
Notes: Really noticing the difference in how I feel when I put good food into my body - so much more energy and control when I make good decisions for my 3 meals!

Sat 2/25/12
Weight: 258.8
Result: S DAY
Notes: I want to try and weigh around the 28th of each month, since my Birthday is on the 28th of January and my long term 'goal' is to weigh 185 on my 40th birthday in 2015. Some months, I won't have access to a scale on the 28th, so it may vary by a few days...
I will turn 40 yrs old 35 months from today and I need to lose roughly 75 pounds to reach my goal weight... that means I need to lose, a little over 2 pounds per month for the next 35 months. The goal for next month's weigh in will be 256 lbs.
Pretty tame S day today. One snack and that was it.

Sun 2/26/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Had some friends over and cooked dinner for them. Lots of great wine, food, and friends made this a relaxing, special day!

Mon 2/27/12
Notes: Didn't feel well today (was kind of nauseous and dizzy) so I ate lite... but I kept it to three good (though small) meals.

Tues 2/28/12
Result: NWS DAY
Notes: I had a root canal today, just before lunch... so I didn't eat much of anything before, or (obviously) for several hours after. As a result, I ate a couple of plates at dinner. It wasn't a binge, or anything... I was legitimately hungry, as a result of the reduced calories from the days events. I don't get root canals every day, so I think this qualifies as an NWS day.

Wed 2/29/12
Notes: Snacks after dinner again... I hope to do better in March, because February just wasn't clicking for me.
Last edited by simmstone on Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:30 pm, edited 42 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by LoriLifts » Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:41 pm

I am going to refrain from posting my 'lessons learned' from each month... chiefly because 'learning' something and 'doing' something are not synonymous with me. I re-read some of my old epiphanies and realized that they haven't always necessarily led me to different actions. So I will not be grandstanding or claiming to have learned anything. I find it more useful, these days, to assume that I know nothing.
I'm following the same advice on my blog!
Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.

Strawberry Roan
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:22 pm


Let me say that I have read every single word on your journal. Very inspirational.

I have never really had a weight problem to speak of, a vanity "want to fit in the sexy jeans" problem at times. I am almost 63 and yet still want to look and feel as good as I possibly can - for as long as I possibly can.

That said, I have been obsessed with food, nutrition, exercise, the whole thing for as long as I can remember. I just soak up information like a sponge, every day.

I love No S because this is the most supportive group of cyber friends I have ever made. They supported me at 158 too heavy, 132 too thin, 145, goal weight and 149 just a bit off goal. They don't judge because we are all in this together.

I will add that what I have learned is to embrace some of the No S concepts but not all. I have never been an S Days Gone Wild type, I try to eat pretty clean and never (if somewhere that I can) miss my exercise. I, also, like you often don't feel the need to eat breakfast. Certainly never an early morning one. Never.

I got a bit off track during the holidays, didn't worry a bit about it because I know the drill. Eat right, exercise, drink lots of water, get enough sleep.

And I learned to enjoy myself, my family, the food and company. And to Relax.

I want to tell you that I was very moved by the story about your father. I am so sorry for your family's loss. I so agree that we need to embrace and appreciate our bodies. My husband is facing a high above the knee amputation of his left leg and trust me, he appreciates every day he has until that happens. It is inevitable but we aren't sure when.

Thank you for sharing that reminder.

Good luck on your journey to a better, healthier lifestyle.


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Post by simmstone » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:08 pm

Thanks, Berry.

I do have occasional (though fleeting) moments of clarity and perspective :D The trick, for me, seems to be figuring out how to stay in that clear mindset. I am working on it, and it is getting better. NO S has definitely cured my orthorexic tendencies, but it may be a while before it helps in curbing my default overeating/binge urges. I do believe it is the best framework for me, and am committed to it.
It is inevitable, but we aren't sure when
For some reason, this line from your post really struck me... and reminded me of something...

Two months after my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer, we threw him a big 50th birhtday party. At that time, he was still mobile and talking, and LOTS of his friends and family showed up - after all, the doctors told us he had 6-12 months to live and many of the people there were already grieving, figuring it would be the last time they might see him alive.

It was a great day and we took a ton of pictures.

A couple of months after Dad passed, my friend who took the pictures sent me a link to them, as a way to remind me of the joy of that day. 8 years had passed and my last years with Dad featured him in a much diminished state from the day of that party... my friend wanted to remind me of a day when Dad was vibrant and still close to his old self.

But, as I looked through the pictures, it wasn't Dad's physical countenance that struck me. I noticed, instead, the pictures of the people who attended that day - friends, family, old high school classmates of my dad's no doubt assuming dad's life/health would end far before their own - and how many of them lost their own health or life during the following eight years... before Dad did.

It reinforced to me that health, for any of us, is, at best, only a blessing we have right now. And your quote really emphasizes that, for me - Losing it is inevitable, for all of us... we just don't know when. For that reason, it seems incumbent upon those of us who still have it on this day to humbly celebrate it and use it while we still have it. Failure to do so seems tantamount to a slap in the face to those who've lost it.

I am SO sorry to hear of your husband's impending amputation. I know what it is like to love and take care of someone who has an inevitable medical fate in front of them. It takes courage and perseverance on everyone's part to keep going and enjoying life in the face of that, and it sounds like that is just what ya'll are employing!

You and your family are in my prayers!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by weddingdresses » Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:04 am

You sound so much like me! I am scared not to be on a "diet" scary to me. It scares me to not count something..points or carbs or calories. I am a professional at this....but if I truly was a professional I don't think I would weigh what I do..haha

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March - 2012

Post by simmstone » Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:12 pm

March, 2012
Well, February was a rough month for sure, but, for some strange reason, I can feel a change building in me for this month. Maybe it's the nice Texas weather that has me in a good mood... I don't know - but I feel ready to have a spectacular month of nutrition and wellness.
For this month, I will define success, for me, as 3 meals and 1 snack per day. The snack will be predetermined (no 'snacking off the cuff'), and used in the afternoon, if needed - usually, it will be a Chocolate Met-rx protein shake with a couple of walnuts.
I know this isn't how some others like to do the program, but Reinhard, in his book, allows each NO S dieter to define their number of meals (he suggests 3, but allows for more, if needed). This strategy worked well for me in January, and is easily sustainable, long term.

Thurs, 3/1/12
Notes: Staying on track was really easy today. Nice workout this morning, too. The afternoon snack made all the difference, as I didn't get hungry after dinner.

Fri, 3/2/12
Notes: Another easy day... I noticed that (just like yesterday) I wasn't hungry at all after dinner. The afternoon protein smoothie killed my sweet tooth, and blunted my after-dinner hunger.

Sat, 3/3/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: I was traveling for work and had an extremely tame S day. Lunch was a foot long Subway ham sandwhich on whole wheat - it tasted great and kept me full through the afternoon, which, subsequently, also kept me from snacking.

Sun, 3/4/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: I did not snack today!! Instead, I enjoyed a small-ish breakfast and lunch, then had two platefuls of smothered steak and a piece of cake at dinner-time with our family friends!! It was a really wonderful and enjoyable S-day weekend... this is how I would love for them all to be!!

Mon, 3/5/12
Notes: I feel really good today. I had a nice weight training workout this morning and breezed through the day with my 3 meals and 1 snack. Maybe adding one small component to Reinhard's basic plan is all that I needed to do to make it a perfect fit for me...

Tues, 3/6/12
Notes: Had an invigorating cardio workout this morning!
I hate to toot my own horn, but I am a good cook. I realized, today, that it sure makes it easier to eat for wellness when you know how to cook your own food. One of the advantages of having this expertise is that I can make myself just about anything I am craving exactly the way I like it (with a few advanced culinary exceptions)!
I have been eating some of my standard dietary defaults for breakfast and lunch this week, and then putting energy into making a more involved dinner (Tonight was Broiled Seasoned Salmon, Organic Hummus-infused Brown Rice, and Mixed grilled vegetables). This strategy of making the evening meal 'special' really seems to help to curb any cravings I might otherwise develop in the post-dinner hours before bedtime.

Wed, 3/7/12
Notes: Nice cardio workout this morning with an uphill walk. Breakfast and lunch were tasty today, I had the protein smoothie late afternoon, and then made Grilled Pork Chops, Homestyle mashed potatoes, and Green Beans for supper. Another easy day, food-wise!!

Thurs, 3/8/12
Notes: Good lower body workout at home today (Squats, Good Mornings, Calves, and Abs, 4 X 15). Done mindfully, in a spirit of gratitude and humility that God has given me the blessing of movement for this day.
Travelling for work today/this weekend, and working late shifts for the next 3 days, so I won't get to make dinner an 'occasion'. My goal, though, is to feel the stress that travelling so much for work brings and sit with it, pray about it, and let it resolve... rather than eat it with a late night binge.
Ate Lunch and Dinner - 2 meals - successfully!

Fri, 3/9/12
Notes: Nice walk uphill this morning. Brisk and invigorating.
Improper planning today led to snacks for lunch, instead of my normal, plated fare. But there is no reason to go into a tailspin... it was just a failure for this one meal, on this one day. And, sometimes, I am going to fail. That is important for me to recognize. Failure is part of the journey to health, just like success is.
Despite my early failure, today wound up very tame. I technically 'failed' at the NO S rules, but I didn't binge at any point... in fact, I had snacks for lunch and then a lite dinner, because I wasn't very hungry.
It might sound odd to say it, but I need to have days like this. I need to learn that there is never a need to ravage a whole day after making one choice that falls outside the arbitrary rules of any eating system.... it isn't necessary to rebel against some misplaced notion of perfection in staying on plan. Today, I did well at remembering that.

Sat, 3/10/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Not a great S day, but not terrible, either. Worked on a project most of the day, had a late lunch with some snacks. The worked an evening shift and had a really late dinner with some snacks. I am travelling for work this weekend, and as I have reviewed this journal, I realize that things get a little scattered for me sometimes during those travels. But, overall, today was not that excessive... I have certainly had S days that were far more 'over the top' than this one.

Sun, 3/11/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Worked an afternoon shift today and then stayed with some friends in Austin for the night. A very tame S day... in fact, I didn't eat as much as I normally do on N days!

Mon 3/12/12
Exercise: None
Notes: Travel back to Dallas today and had some snacks... Did not binge, or anything, but still failed at the rule of plated meals. I'll get back at it tomorrow, but I am ready for a night of sleep in my own bed after the last few days away!!

Tues, 3/13/12
Exercise: 30 minutes of Weight Training (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps).
Notes: Good day today. Had two meals (lunch and dinner). Made dinner special (Grilled Ahi Tuna, Wasabi mashed potatoes, Aspargus), so no desire to eat after it was finished.

Wed, 3/14/12
Exercise: 30 minutes of Weight Training (Back, Biceps, Abs).
Notes: Did not eat enough during the day today and was ravenous after dinner... so failure came in the form of snacks and sweets. I must say, I have gotten really calm about failure. I find that if I overeact to it, I am prone to repeat it, but if I simply press on and try to correct my mistakes, it is easier to rebound from.
I plan to eat more and better during the day tomorrow, so as not to repeat last night's events.

Thurs, 3/15/12
Exercise: Walked 2.6 miles uphill in 45 minutes
Notes: Even though I had a failure last night, my weight is down this morning. This is proof that you can 'fail' at the No S rules, and still be in a calorie deficit for the day... of course, I already knew that, but it helps to be reminded sometimes. It keeps me aware of the fact that binge eating is a far bigger foe to my own weight loss than any one type of food (i.e. snacks or sweets).
Unfortunately, I also had a failure tonight after my shift was over... this sporadic day (schedule-wise) put me in the wrong mindset. Oh well. Back at it tomorrow

Fri, 3/16/12
Exercise: 30 minutes of Weight training (Legs)
Notes: Ate a really late lunch (3:30pm)... then skipped dinner during my shift at work. Then ate when I got home, but it was after midnight.

Sat, 3/17/12
Result: S DAY

Sun, 3/18/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Very relaxing weekend. Had some treats but did not binge. Had friends over for dinner on Sunday evening and made them a special dinner, Corned Beef Casserole, in late honor of St Patty's day - it was a fun night!

Mon, 3/19/12
Notes: Was really full all day, so wound up not eating until dinner time... then had a few snacks before bed.
Weight Training for 30 minutes (Upper Body) this morning

Tues, 3/20/12
Notes: Did the same thing I did yesterday... not hungry during the day, dinner at 7pm, then a few snacks at bed time. Did not binge, but did not stick to the NO S rules. Need to re-focus on eating lunch, at least...
Run 3.25 miles in 30 minutes this morning

Wed, 3/21/12
Notes: Good day. Had lunch and dinner, and no snacks afterward.
Weight Training for 30 minutes (Lower Body) this morning

Thurs, 3/22/12
Weight: 253.0
Notes: Workout today was walking 3.3 miles up a steep hill in 50 minutes.
It's been about 6 months since I started following NO S and journaling my results. Even with all of the ups and downs, I have lost over 12 pounds, so far, which puts me on pace to lose about 25 the first year.
More importantly, I am finding that, even when I do fail, I don't binge... and that I eat less, overall, than I did prior to attempting NO S. This eating plan has really done well at helping me overcome many of my food and exercise obsessions, and I have absolutely NO desire to try any other way of eating or living, ever again.
Though I still haven't 'gotten it down' (I have really only had sporadic periods of consistency), I want to keep trying. I have gotten better at not holding myself to some perfectionist standard, and I believe that, if I can improve the consistency of the 2 or 3 meal a day habit even slightly, I will get even better results.

Fri, 3/23/12
Result: NWS Day
Notes: I am taking a two day vacation to Vegas with 3 of my greatest friends (I've not seen 2 of them in over 6 months)... I think that calls for a NWS Day!
I've no plan or inclination to binge, or be an idiot (food-wise). I want to be flexible if we go to a guys dinner, but I won't be buying snacks at the airport and stuffing my face with them like my plane is going down... NO S has almost completely killed those desires for me!

Sat, 3/24/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: In Vegas

Sun, 3/25/12
Result: S DAY
Notes: Travelling back from Vegas
Last edited by simmstone on Thu Mar 09, 2017 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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June 2012

Post by simmstone » Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:40 pm

June, 2012

Day 1: Sun, June 10, 2012
Result: S DAY
Notes: No more excuses, explanations, or epiphanies... time to suck it up and just stick to NO S for good. Don't worry about psychology or deeper meaning - just do what I am supposed to do on this plan, period.
The alternative eating plans are far worse, and I need to remind myself of that anytime I feel that this plan is at all 'restrictive.'

Day 2: Mon, June 11, 2012
Weight: 274.4 lbs
B (8:00am): Skipped
L (2:00pm): Mandarin Chicken, Steamed Veggies, Diet Pepsi @Panda Express (Cedar Hill, TX)
D (7:30pm): Spicy Ginger-Curried Shrimp with Grilled Mixed Vegetables, Diet Dr Pepper @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
It greatly pains me to see the number next to my weight... proof that my default behavior has become binging. There isn't even a 'normal' for me anymore - I am either losing or gaining weight rapidly. This has got to stop.
I have packed on 20 pounds since I left for Vegas two months ago. Twenty pounds. Geez. Reinhard is right - simply managing to not gain weight (nevermind losing weight) is enough reason to stick to the NO S rules.

Day 3: Tues, June 12, 2012
Weight - 267.8 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (2:30pm): One plate of leftovers from last night (Shrimp and Salmon mixed with Brown Rice, Mixed Veggies), Diet Dr Pepper @Home (Dallas, TX)
D (7:30pm): Grilled Wild Salmon, Three cheese Macaroni, Garden Salad, Diet Dr Pepper @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Run/Walk 3.3 miles in 40 minutes

Day 4: Wed, June 13, 2012
Weight - 264.4 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (Noon): Chopped Angus Steak with grilled onions, New Potatoes, Turnip Greens, Diet Coke @Luby's (Duncanville, TX)
D (7:00pm): Butter-curried Chicken, Brown Rice, Mixed Veggies, 2 glasses '10 Kirkland Rhone Villages Cuvee @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Weight Training for 28 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Day 5: Thurs, June 14, 2012
Weight - 264.0 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (1:30pm): Leftover Chicken Curry over a Garden Salad with toasted almonds, Diet Coke @Home (Dallas, TX)
D (7:45pm): Pork Tenderloin, 3 cheese macaroni, Grilled Aspargus, 2 glasses '10 Two Vines Vineyard 10 Red @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Run/Walk 3.3 miles in 39 minutes

Day 6: Fri, June 15, 2012
Weight - 261.4 lbs
B (8:00am): Skipped
L (2:00pm): Foot-long Sandwich (Double Oven Roasted Chicken Breast on Wheat, Mixed Veggies, Spicy Mustard), Diet Coke @ Subway (Desoto, TX)
D (7:30pm): Seared Ahi Tuna, Roasted Red Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli Parmesano, 2 glasses '09 Siduri Willamette Valley Pinot Noir @ Home (Dallas, TX)
After Dinner: 2 glasses '10 Foxen Santa Maria Valley Pinot
Notes: Weight Training for 28 minutes (Legs)
The foot-long Subway sandwhich is a dietary default for me. I usually get double meat on wheat with spicy mustard, hold the cheese, mayo and dressings. Even though there is no plate with this kind of meal, I know that 'normal' eating does not always involve plates.

Day 7: Sat, June 16, 2012
Result: S DAY
Notes: Run/Walk 3.3 miles in 37 minutes
Felt like getting outside and moving this morning, so I did... even though it was an S day.

Day 8: Sun, June 17, 2012
Result: S DAY
Notes: Today was over-the-top. Back at it tomorrow, no excuses... done with psychology, done with failure, done with 'not doing anything.' I'm 'doing' No S from now on, period.

Day 9: Mon, June 18, 2012
Weight - 268.4 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (1:00pm): Skipped
D (7:00pm): Beef Tips with gravy over Brown Rice, Green Peas with Carrots, 2 glasses '10 Witness Tree Chainsaw Pinot Noir @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Run/Walk 3.3 miles in 36 minutes
Not ideal to skip lunch for me, but that's how today went - I just wasn't hungry today, no doubt due to yesterday's excess. I didn't consiously set out to only eat dinner - I just was not at all hungry by lunchtime, so I skipped it.
I think this is likely how normal eaters feel - they overeat sometimes, but their bodies naturally want less in subsequent meals. It isn't a conscious decision - they just eat when they get hungry again.

Day 10: Tues, June 19, 2012
Weight - 264.2 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (1:00pm): Baked Almondine, Roasted New Potatoes, Skillet Seared Cabbage, Diet Coke @Luby's (Duncanville, TX)
D (7:00pm): Salmon Bel Mar (Wild Salmon rolled with Feta, Spinach, and Red Bell Pepper), Smashed Butternut Squash, Country Green Beans, 2 glasses '09 Archery Summit Premiere Cuvee @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes - Upper Body (Chest, Back, Shoulders, Arms)

Day 11: Wed, June 20, 2012
Weight - 263.2 lbs
B (7:30am): Skipped
L (1:30pm): Smoked Turkey, Potato casserole with chives, Green Beans, Diet Coke @Dickey's BBQ (Cedar Hill, TX)
D (7:30pm): Angus Steak Stir Fry (takeout from Panda Express) over Organic Brown Rice, Diet Coke @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Walked 2.2 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes

Day 12: Thurs, June 21, 2012
Weight - 261.0 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (1:00pm): Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Toast, Diet Coke @Home (Dallas, TX)
D (7:00pm): Shrimp with Fire-roasted mixed veggies over Brown Rice, 2 glasses '09 Siduri Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Weight Training for 32 minutes Lower Body (Quads, Hams, Calves, Abs)
Really enjoyed the Breakfast food for lunch today! I am not a breakfast eater, per say, but I LOVE Breakfast food!

Day 13: Fri, June 22, 2012
Weight - 259.4 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (2:30pm): Brisket Plate with green beans, Diet Dr Pepper @Milt's BBQ (Kyle, TX)
D (7:00pm): Skipped
Notes: No workout today... had to travel this morning for work. Worked through dinner and wound up eating last meal after midnight

Day 14: Sat, June 23, 2012
Result: S DAY
Notes: Took my little cousin to a kids birthday party today and had hot dogs, cake, and chips. Fun times!

Day 15: Sun, June 24, 2012
Result: S DAY
Notes: Worked from noon-4pm today, so S day damage was limited to evening-time, at least.

Day 16: Mon, June 25, 2012
Weight: 265.4 lbs
B (8:00am): Skipped
L (3:30pm): Turkey and Roast Beef Wrap on Whole Wheat tortilla, Diet Coke @Sprouts Market (Cedar Hill, TX)
D (7:30pm): Roasted Atlantic Salmon, Steamed Green Beans with Garlic butter and bacon bits, 3 glasses '10 Beckmen Cuvee Le Bec @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Day 17: Tues, June 26, 2012
Weight: 263.4 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (12:30pm): Grilled Pork Chop, Black Eyed Peas, Collared Greens, Diet Coke @Luby's (San Marcos, TX)
D (7:30pm): Grilled Rosemary Chicken, Thai-style Eggplant Salad, Grilled Mixed Vegetables, 2 glasses '10 Napa Cellars Chardonnay @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Had to travel to San Marcos and back for a job interview today, so no workout this morning... but stuck to the NO S diet rules.

Day 18: Wed, June 27, 2012
Weight: 260.6 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (1:00pm): Roasted Turkey, Baked New Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Diet Coke @Luby's (Duncanville, TX)
D (7:00pm): Shrimp and Vegetable Paella, 2 glasses '10 Twisted Sisters Chardonnay @Home (Dallas, TX)
Notes: Run/Walk 3.3 miles in 39 minutes (Run/Walk in 60 second intervals for 2.2 miles in 21 minutes, then walk 1.1 miles in 18 minutes)
I like Luby's because you can get a different protein, carb, and veggie everyday, if you order smartly. And I think this kind of variety over the long haul keeps me compliant with NO S, and covers most of my diverse nutrient needs.

Day 19: Thurs, June 28, 2012
Weight - 257.6 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (12:00pm): Foot long Double Roast Beef Sandwhich on whole wheat with veggies and spicy mustard, Diet Coke @Subway (Desoto, TX)
D (6:30pm): Chopped Beef Steak with grilled onions, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Skillet Seared Cabbage @Luby's (Duncanville, TX)
Notes: Weigh Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Day 20: Fri, June 29, 2012
Weight - 258.4 lbs
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (12:00pm): Skipped
D (7:15pm): Cedar Plank Salmon, Creamed Spinach, Diet Coke @Kirby's Steakhouse (Southlake, TX)
Notes: Run/Walk 3.3 miles in 37 minutes

Day 21: Sat, June 30, 2012
Weight - 254.8 lbs
Result: S DAY
Notes: June started rough, but ended well. I feel like my plan is sticking and, moreover, relatively effortless right now.
Just gonna keep going. No excuses or rethinking... just NO S, period.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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August, 2012

Post by simmstone » Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:12 pm

August, 2012
I got a new job in July. Moved to Austin without a place to live. Stayed with some friends. Felt a bit scattered. Let my eating habits slip. Reverted to some binge behavior...
6 weeks have passed, and I am now all moved into my new place and the job is settling down. It is time to buckle down and corral my eating habits again, once and for all. I will be starting with three meals and one planned snack for a couple of days, and will work toward eliminating the snack.

Mon, 8/13/12
Weight - 266.4 lbs
B (7:45am): Large 'Good Morning Sunshine' meal, Water (from My Fit Foods) @ Home (Austin, TX)
L (11:45am): Large 'Chicken Taco Bowl' meal, Water (fom My Fit Foods) @ Work (San Marcos, TX)
S (3:45pm): Protein shake @ Home (Austin, TX)
D (7:45pm): Large 'Turkey Pasta' meal, Water (from My Fit Foods) @ Home (Austin, TX )
Notes: Weight Training 30 min (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 8/14/12
Weight - 262.0 lbs
B (7:45am): Protein Shake @ Home (Austin, TX)
L (11:45am): Large 'Good Morning Sunshine' meal, Water (fom My Fit Foods) @ Work (San Marcos, TX)
S (3:30pm): Protein Shake @ Home (Austin, TX)
D (6:45pm): Large 'Blazin' Cajun Shrimp' meal, Water (from My Fit Foods) @ Home (Austin, TX)
Notes: Cardio - Walk 2 miles up steep hill in 35 minutes

Wed, 8/15/12
Weight - 260.4 lbs
B (7:45am): Large 'Americano' meal, Water (from My Fit Foods) @ Home (Austin, TX)
L (1:00pm): Large 'Hawaiian Chicken' meal, Water (from My Fit Foods) @ Work (San Marcos, TX)
D (6:15pm): Roasted Salmon, Ciinnamon-infused Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Grilled Broccoli, Water @ Home (Austin, TX)
Notes: Weight Training, 30 min (Back, Biceps, Abs)
This is the first day I've stuck to 3 meals in quite a while... I definitely feel the most satisfied (and the most 'normal') when I do it this way - I've tried 2 and 4, thinking those were more tailored for me, but I think I'm gonna stick to 3 meals for a while... What a concept: following the actual recommendation Reinhard suggests of 3 squares.

Thurs, 8/16/12
B (7:30am): Large 'Luis Fit Migas' meal (from My Fit Foods), Water @ Home (Austin, TX)
L (12:30pm): Large 'Denises Kiier Chili' meal, Water (from My Fit Foods), Water @ Work (San Marcos, TX)
D (5:30pm): Roasted Turkey, Pinto Beans, White Vinegar Cole Slaw @ Salt Lick BBQ (Driftwood, TX)
Notes: Cardio - Walk 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes
Last edited by simmstone on Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Binge free for life...

Post by simmstone » Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:35 pm

I had an epiphany tonight at dinner. Let me explain...
After a year on No S, I can truly say that my orthorexic thinking has been cured. I haven't measured anything or broken down macronutrients profiles in the name of 'health' in a year. That's a good thing, and I am thankful. My binge eating issue is anything but cured, and I now need to address it.
I think that, for me, the key to successfully sustaining an eating plan designed to normalize my habits is to identify the most obvious places where my habits are poor, or abnormal, at the outset. Three meals is a good habit for me. Binge days are not. If I set aside certain days as the only ones I might enjoy a treat, it seems to mentally turn these things into the type of 'forbidden fruit' that causes me to stuff my face as if my plane is going down. I want to try a more general rule of normalcy - that is, examine each situation and do what is appropriate. Aim for a large goal of 3-4 treats per week, and see if doing that kills my binge habit. Not some kind of intuitive eating scenario, rather, simple rational thought.
Stopping on the way home for snack cakes at the convenience store = NOT APPROPRIATE for me. Getting up on Saturday morning and eating junk while standing at the fridge because it is a 'free day' or an 's-day' doesn't seem to help me normalize and maintain my weight, so it is no longer appropriate for me. Eating large amounts by myself, simply because it is designated time outside of diet rules is not appropriate for me, anymore. I can no longer have an approach that is 'on plan' or 'off plan' dichotomous... Apparently, I need a portable approach that forces me to man up everyday and not rely on someone's external eating suggestions, so that there isn't any plan or person to rebel against.
APPROPRIATE = Tonight, we were able to get cobbler with our meal (they usually run out by the time they feed the musicians). I love their blackberry cobbler - it is one of my favorite desserts. We are not playing there for a while, so I won't get the chance to have this dessert again for some time. I could have saved it for Saturday, but why? It is best when it is warm and fresh!! So I had cobbler with my large, but still single plate meal and thought 'that's normal'. No need to wait until Saturday, when it won't be as good, get up and eat it for breakfast and then continue that downward spiral for the rest of the day, just because it is an s-day. So I ate one serving of dessert, was full, but satisfied, and did not binge on anything else.
I think that if I allow myself to eat dessert or snacks 3 or 4 times per week (keep in my mind that I don't HAVE to do it that many times, rather I have the OPTION to do it if the appropriate situations present), from a caloric and mental standpoint, I am likely way better off than having two consecutive over the top days each week. Even if it slows my short-term progress, I certainly think I will be better off in the long run, as I may finally be able to break this lose-regain cycle that I seem trapped in.
So 'SUCCESS' for me, going forward, means NOT BINGE EATING. EVER. This will be similar to Reinhard's 'Glass Ceiling' in that Success/failure is monitored each day, rather than 5 out of 7 days. I truly think I need to conquer the Binge eating problem I have first and see where that takes my weight before adding any additional rules.
I will still record here. I will still use 3 plates per day as my template. They don't happen all that often, but, in social situations that involve eating out, I will consider 'normal' a success. At a Mexican restaurant, I will have a FEW chips with salsa, instead of the whole bowl. I will have a PIECE of bread, instead of a LOAF. I will only have dessert if I am not full, and if they have something that TRULY sounds unique and excellent to me... Like NORMAL eaters do. These occasions are not what trips me up - it is unabridged binging that causes most of my excess. So I don't want to over-engineer a solution to a problem that rarely occurs. Further, if I have a few chips, or a piece of dessert on a Wednesday, I NEVER AGAIN want to say to myself 'What the hell... You've blown it... Might as well eat everything you can because, starting tomorrow, you are going back to the rules!' Allowing treats when appropriate, I believe will help me to cut back on this kind of thinking.
Here goes nothing....

AUGUST, 2012

Fri, 8/17/12
B: Protein shake
L: Large 'Mix n Mash' meal (from My Fit Foods), Water @ Home (Austin, TX)
D: Roasted Chicken, Potato Salad, Cole slaw, Blackberry Cobbler @ Salt Lick BBQ (Austin, TX)
Result: SUCCESS - Did not binge!!
Notes: Resistance Training - 25 minutes, Lower Body (Squamt, Stiff leg deadlift, Standing Calf Raise, Crunch, 5x15)

Sat, 8/18
B: skipped
L (2:00pm): Foot-long Ham and Cheese on Wheat, Diet Coke @ Subway (Austin, TX)
D (10:00pm): Brisket, 2 pieces Cheesecake, Sangria @ Friend's House
Result: SUCCESS - Did not binge!
Notes: 30 minutes of movement - walk/run
Had a couple of smallish pieces of my buddy's birthday cake with dinner, after work. Totally appropriate, and definitely not a binge

Sun 8/19/12
B: skipped
L (Noon); 1 plate of various brunch foods, 1 small plate of desert (raspberry muffin, mini-danish, Diet Coke @ Jack Allen's Kitchen (Austin, TX)
D (10:00pm): Shrimp Taco Plate, Few chips and salsa, Diet Coke @ Adobe Verde (Gruene, TX)
Result: SUCCESS - Did not binge!
Notes: No dedicated activity today

Mon, 8/20/12
Weight - 263.0 lbs (-3.4 lbs from last Monday)
B: Skipped
L: Breakfast Casserole, Small Bowl Oatmeal with berries, Water @ Home (Austin, TX)
D: Homemade wheat spaghetti with meatballs, Small garden salad with light Italian dressing, water @ Friend's house (Austin, TX)
Result: SUCCESS - Did not binge!
Notes: Weight Training, 40 minutes (Upper Body)

Tues, 8/21/12
B: Skipped
L: Chicken Fettucini Alfredo, Green peas, Water @ Work (San Marcos, TX)
D: Roasted Salmon, Steamed Mixed Veggies, Pinot Noir @ Home (Austin, TX)
Result: SUCCESS - Did not binge!
Notes: Cardio - Walked 2.0 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes

Wed, 8/22/12
B: Skipped
Notes: Cardio - Walked 2.0 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Back to No S...

Post by simmstone » Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:21 pm

Back to No S...

Well, 'Binge Free' is a nice idea, but, for some reason, I cannot seem to navigate that one, simple qualification without structure... and the greatest amount of structure I can seem to tolerate is the NO S framework.

No two ways about it: Binge Free Life was a fail for me. My weight did not go up during the last month, but I didn't seem to be able to avoid binging (which is kind of the whole point).

Failure noted. Back to No S

Sat, 9/22
Result: S Day

Sun, 9/23
Result: S Day

Mon, 9/24
B: Skipped
L: Cottage Cheese, Apple, Water
D: Chicken and Zucchini garden pasta, Bread, Diet Coke @Jason's Deli
Extras: 2 glasses Pinot Noir
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes

Tues, 9/25
B: 2 egg/2white Omelette, Turkey Sausage Links, Water, Multivitamin
L: Chicken Enchilada Bake, Green Beans, Water
D: Tikka Masala, Brown rice with quinoa, mixed veggies, 2 glasses Pinot noir
Extras: 2 glasses Brodeaux
Notes: Weight Training 30 min (Upper body)

Wed, 9/26
B: Skipped
L: Tikka Masala, Brown Rice/Quinoa, mixed veggies (leftover from last night), Water
D: Grilled Shrimp Pasta, Veggies, Pinot Noir @Friend's house for dinner
Extras: Rice Krispy Treat, Protein Bar, 4 Cookies (binge on snacks on way home)
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes. Not gonna judge or overreact to tonight's binge. Just gonna get back to No S tomorrow.

Thurs, 9/27
Notes: Long drive to Dallas and binged when I got there

Fri, 9/28 - ONE YEAR ON NO S
Notes: Not a good day... more binging

Sat, 9/29
Result: S DAY

Sun, 9/30
Result: S DAY
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 156
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:31 pm
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Oct 2012

Post by simmstone » Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:28 pm

OCT 2012
Really struggling lately... my intentions have been good, but I just have not been able to avoid binging. Hoping I can turn it around this month...

Mon, 10/1
Notes: Drove back to Austin from Dallas... always seem to have have binging problems on these kind of days

Tues, 10/2
Notes: Another bad day of eating/binging after work....

Wed, 10/3
Notes: Very frustrated... but am determined to press on and trying to be kind to myself. Right now, just one green day would be wonderful.
I look back in my journal and see extended, effortless periods of green days and wonder, "How did I do that?" and "Was that a different person?"

Thurs, 10/4
Notes: Uuggghhh..

Fri, 10/5
Notes: Rough time...

Sat, 10/6
Result: S DAY

Sun, 10/7
Result: S DAY

Mon, 10/8
Notes: Pizza and cookies after work...

Tues, 10/9
Notes: Another bad day of eating/binging after work.... but did some soul searching and realized that I do value the life and health that God has given me. If nothing else, I need to think of taking care of myself as taking care of something that is precious to God....

Wed, 10/10
B: Skipped
L: Beef Stew, Water
D: Curried chicken, rice, veggies, Diet Dr Pepper
Notes: First green day in a long time!

Thurs, 10/11
B: Skipped
L: Chicken Tikka Masala, Mixed Veggies, Water
D: Roasted BBQ Chicken, beans, potato salad, cole slaw, Diet Dr Pepper
Notes: Two in a row! Have been in prayer a lot the last couple of days, and that has helped tremendously. I can't do it alone, but I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

Fri, 10/12
B: Skipped
L: Curry Chicken, veggies, Diet Coke
D: Skipped
Notes: Three in a row

Sat, 10/13
Result: S DAY

Sun, 10/14
Result: S DAY
Notes: Really over the top this weekend...

Mon, 10/15
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Meatloaf, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Diet Coke
Notes: Cardio - Walked 2.5 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
So full from this weekend's binge-a-thon that I wasn't hungry all day, so I only ate dinner. Today makes 6 days on habit

Tues, 10/16
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Meatloaf, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Diet Coke
Notes: Push-up, sit-up, squats - 3x10
Wasn't hungry today, and just had Leftovers from last night for dinner. 7 days on habit

Wed, 10/17
B: Skipped
L: Pizza Hut 6" Personal Pan Veggie Pizza, Diet Coke
D: Roasted Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Mixed Veggies, Pinot Noir
Additional: Snacks/Sweets binge after dinner
Notes: Cardio - 60 min walk/run
Everything went fine until after dinner at my friends' house... then I stopped at the convenience store on the way home for sweets... which made it a red day.
Back at it tomorrow. Still have a chance to get in 4 green days this week, which is more than I've had in quite sometime...

Thurs, 10/18
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Roast Chicken, Brisket, Potato salad, cole slaw, brad, diet dr pepper
Additional: Zingers after dinner
Notes: Worked my 2nd job tonight and didn't manage dinner before-hand and ate too much at dinner after work, and then had sweets afterward. Need to refocus. Going on vacation next week, and I have a tendency to fail when I look past the day at hand. Still have a chance for 3 greens this week.

Fri, 10/19
B: Skipped
L: Panda bowl with Spicy shrimp, veggies and white rice, Diet Pepsi
D: Hamburger and fries, Diet Coke
Notes: Weigh Training for 20 min (Chest, Back, Legs, abs)
S-day started right after midnight, but still made it a Green day. Not ideal, but still a success by the letter of the law

Sat, 10/20- Sun, 10/28 - Vacation

Mon, 10/29
B: Skipped
L: Foot-Long Ham on wheat, Diet Coke @Subway
D: Chicken and White Bean Soup, Jalepeno Biscuits (3 servings)
After Dinner: Sweets

Tues, 10/30
B: Skipped
L: 2 pieces supreme pizza (they fit on one plate), Diet Coke @Sam's
D: Shrimp, Brown rice, Quinoa, Veggies, Diet Dr Pepper
Notes: Tough day, but managed to make it a green one!

Wed, 10/31
B: Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Berries, and Walnuts, Water
L: General Tso's Chicken with White rice and Veggies, Diet Dr Pepper
D: Eggplant Parmesan, Diet Coke
Notes: 20 min Run/Walk
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 156
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Location: TX

November 2012

Post by simmstone » Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:54 pm

November, 2012
October was a rough month, but there were a few green days in there... which is better than none.

Starting this month, I am really going to work hard at my N days - specifically, I am going to try and eat something for breakfast each day, in addition to lunch and dinner. Reinhard mentions the folly of skipping meals in his book, and I have been reading a lot lately about the strong correlation between skipping breakfast and, eventually, binge eating.

Thurs, Nov 1
B: Protein Shake with Mixed Berries/Water
L: Bow-tie Pasta Alfredo with Chicken and Veggies, Diet Coke
D: Roasted Turkey, Potato Salad, German Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper @Salt Lick (Austin)
Notes: Gonna do my best to make November a gold medal month on my Habitcal...

Fri, Nov 2
Weight - 271.2
B: Footlong Western Omlette Flatbread Sandwhich, Diet Coke @ Subway
L: Skipped
D: Roasted Chicken, Potato Salad, German Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper @Salt Lick (Austin)
Notes: 2 in a row!! 100% so far for November.
My weight is up a bit from last month - likely due to the 10 day vacation I took to California. I will be weighing each Friday, to be consistent. I need to lose, roughly 3 pounds a month to reach my long-ago-desired goal of being 185 lbs on my 40th Birthday. I still believe I can get there using No S.

Sat, Nov 3
Result: S Day

Sun, Nov 4
Result: S Day

Mon, Nov 5
B: Skipped
L: Footlong Ham, Cheese, and Veggie sandwich, Diet Coke @Subway
D: Cajun-seasoned Shrimp, Brown Rice, Veggies, Diet Coke
Notes: Still 100% for November, and 7 days on plan, now.

Tues, Nov 6
B: Potato, Egg, and Cheese Croissant Sandwich, Diet Dr Pepper
L: Wild Salmon Sandwich, Mixed Veggies, Diet Dr Pepper
D: Red Beans and Rice with Sausage, Foley Pinot Noir
Notes: 8 days on plan... It's been a while since I've hit double digits in the 'days on plan' metric. I am determined to hit 10 and go from there....

Wed, Nov 7
B: Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich, Diet Dr Pepper
L: Beijing beef and chicken, white rice, veggies, Diet Pepsi
D: Turkey meatloaf, Potatoes Au Gratin, Green Beans, 07 Hitching Post Syrah
Extra: Sweets after dinner
Notes: First failure of the month. Back at it tomorrow... Maybe I can get 9 days on plan next time and aim to better my most recent mark

Thurs, Nov 8
B: Skipped (still full from last night's post-dinner sweets fest)
L: 6 inch Ham and Cheese Sandwich on Wheat, Diet Dr Pepper
D: Roasted Chicken, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper @Salt Lick BBQ
Notes: Glad to get back to a green day after yesterday's failure.

Fri, Nov 9
B: Skipped
L: Shrimp and Vegetable Lasagna, Diet Dr Pepper
D: Chicken, Rice, Veggie and Cheese Cassrole, Diet Coke
Notes: Walked 2.1 miles up steep hill in 35 minutes

Sat, Nov 10
Result: S Day

Sun, Nov 11
Result: S Day

Mon, Nov 12
B: Skipped
L: Foot-long Double Roast Beef on wheat with Veggies and Spicy Mustard, Diet Coke @Subway
D: Coconut Curried Shrimp, Rice and Veggies, '10 Perin and Fils Reserve Rhone
Notes: Weight Training - Upper Body for 40 minutes

Tues, Nov 13
B: Skipped
L: Shrimp Creole, White Rice, Cabbage, Diet Coke @Luby's
D: Turkey Meatloaf, Whipped Sweet Potatoes with chopped walnuts, Mixed Steamed Veggies, Diet Coke
Notes: 6 days on plan!

Wed, Nov 14
B (8:30am): 'Good Morning Sunshine' Breakfast Scramble (from My Fit Foods), Water
L (1:30pm): Chicken Verde Enchildas (from My Fit Foods) with fresh Pico de Gallo, Black Beans, Diet Coke
D (8:00pm): 1 bowl of Spicy Potato, Greens, and Sausage Soup, 2 pieces Ciabatta bread, 2 bottles Dogfish head 60 minute IPA @Friends' house
Extra: Small cup of Coffee infused Creme after dinner
Notes: Cardio - Walked 2 miles up a steep incline in 35 minutes
Tonight was a failure by the letter of the No S law, but a big success for a binge eater like me, because I had a normal No S compliant dinner, and then one small serving of dessert. I did not stop on the way home for more sweets because I had 'blown' my diet. Rather, I made a conscious decision that an artisan home made dessert was worth the splurge, indulged, was satisfied, and accepted that I was okay with this. It isn't small indulgences like this that are my problem... In fact, my problem is that I don't even know what a 'small indulgence' is, most of the time... It's usually either 'compliant' or 'binge eating' with no middle ground.
So, even though it counts as a failure, tonight was a win for me!!

Thurs, Nov 15
B (8:45am): 'Rise and Shine' Breakfast - Eggs, Turkey Sausage, Rosemary New Potatoes (from My Fit Foods), Water
L (1:00pm): Cold Potato and Sausage soup (Gaspacho-style), 1 piece Ciabatta bread, Diet Coke
D (9:30pm): Roasted Chicken, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper @Salt Lick BBQ
Notes: Ate dinner after my shift was over, rather then before it started... which ended up being later than I would have preferred. Still kept it to 3 plates today, though!

Fri, Nov 16
B: Skipped
L: Salisbury steak, bread, peanut butter and crackers, 3
Reese's mini cups, Diet Coke
Notes: Weight Training - Lower Body for 40 minutes
Got up, worked out, skipped breakfast, drove 3 hours to Dallas, then mini-binged at lunch. Poor planning all-around... these long-driving days seem to trip me up every time

Sat, Nov 17
Result: S Day

Sun, Nov 18
Result: S Day

Mon, Nov 19
Notes: Wound up staying in Dallas an extra day and pretty much turned it into another over-the-top S Day

Tues, Nov 20
B: Skipped
L: 6" Pizza Hut personal pizza (Supreme), Diet Coke
D: Foot-long Sub from Jersey Mikes, Cookies
Notes: Family coming in town tomorrow and thinking there is no way any of the next three days are going to be green led to lack of resolve toward end of the day.

Wed, Nov 21
Notes: Family in town and had dessert at dinner

Thurs, Nov 22
Result: S DAY

Fri, Nov 23
Notes: Carryover from yesterday... this week sort of got away from me.

Sat, Nov 24
Result: S DAY

Sun, Nov 25
Result: S DAY

Mon, Nov 26
B: Protein Shake with Mixed Berries, Water
L: Cottage Cheese, Apple, Water
D: Baked Atlantic Salmon, Roasted Red Potatoes, Mixed Normandy Veggies, Diet Coke
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Time to put last week behind me and make a real push to have lots of green days before Christmas!

Tues, Nov 27
B: Skipped
L: Cottage Cheese, Apple, Water
D: Grilled Top Sirloin, Peppers, 3 pieces bread, Pinot @ Friends' house
Notes: Movement - Walk 2.2 miles up steep hill in 35 minutes
Had a bit much bread and wine at dinner, but all the bread fit on a plate and I am not tracking wine, so, technically, a green day

Wed, Nov 28
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Baked Salmon, Roasted Red Potatoes w/ fresh dill, Green Beams with Walnuts, Diet Dr Pepper
Notes: Weight Training for 25 minutes (Back, Bicep, Abs)
This turned out to be a kind of 'Eat Stop Eat' day (no meals from dinner last night until dinner tonight).
I am considering trying the ESE program next month, within the loose framework of No S. I've heard a lot of positive things about ESE, particularly in regard to reducing binge eating. I like No S, but I'm over one year in and still have not been able to use it as an effective tool for me in my battle against binge eating. My weight and psyche have reflected that failure...
I want to de-villanize ANY food, on any given day, long-term. Limiting sweets to particular days of the week (No S style) seems to, for me, lead to over-consuming them on allowed days. Some people don't have that problem, but it seems to be one I cannot shake. If I allowed sweets each day (I've seen others on this board who institute the 'one treat a day' option), I believe I might be less inclined to binge on them.

My version of ESE would wind up being:
(1) 2-3 discreet meals per day on non-fasting days. No snacks
(2) 1 sweet treat allowed every day (if desired). An eventual goal of not more than 3-4 sweet treats per week
(3) 1-2 dinner-to-dinner (24 hour) fasts per week.
(4) 2-3 resistance training days per week
That's it. No free-for-all binge days ever... by allowing ONE sweet each day, if desired, perhaps I can demystify and recategorize them as 'just food'.

One thing is for sure, I am willing to give this ESE plan a shot. No S has cured my orthorexia, but not my rebound binge-eating.

Thurs, Nov 29
B: Skipped
L: BBQ Chicken, Rice, Mixed Veggies, Roll, Diet Coke @Work Cafeteria
D: Foot-long Roast Beef Sandwhich, Diet Coke @Buccees
Notes: Cardio - Walked 2.1 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes
Eating schedule was not ideal today ( ate lunch and dinner 10 hours apart, due to work). Still kept it green. Food has not really been an issue this week for me, for some reason. Maybe considering the change to ESE/No S hybrid with No binge/S days is already reducing my urge to binge on sweets?

Fri, Nov 30
Weight: 269.8
B: Skipped
L: Curried Shrimp, Brown Rice, Mixed Veggies, Diet Dr Pepper @ Home
D: Skipped
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - Legs
Made myself a nice tasty lunch today... every time I take the time to cook, I wonder why I don't do it more often!
I have already reconsidered the ESE approach for next month. After all, simply trying to go Binge-free for a month a while back was a disaster. No S provides the kind of accountability I need, without obsession. HabitCal provides the right tool for me to get general trends of my eating habits. The reason I have gone up lately is because I haven't been following No S very well, overall. I need to resolve to follow it more (not 'perfectly'...just 'more') rather than look for other plans.
Re-reading my journal today, I realize that I have the best balance of successful weight loss and happiness when I excercise regularly and eat lunch and dinner each day, M-F. I also re-read the No S book and realized that Reinhard talks about two NWS days per month in his book... So maybe I can just try a mod of allowing one NWS dinner during M-F of each week. I have dinner at friends' house once a week, and, rather than stressing about how that conflicts with No S, it seems to make more sense to just plan for it and see where that leads me.
It seems logical to me that averaging 4 green days a week beats the pants off of binge eating every day, and will lead to weight loss. I am going to try that in December!
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 156
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:31 pm
Location: TX

Dec, 2012

Post by simmstone » Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:54 pm

December, 2012
Diet goals for this month are:
1. 100% success on N days
2. No more than 4 NWS days/events (Chirstmas Eve & Day, NYE will take up 3 of those.. and I'll leave room for one more, if needed)
3. Exercise 4 days each week
4. Maintain body weight (weighed 269.8 on 11/30)

Sat, 12/1: S DAY
Sun, 12/2: S DAY

Mon, 12/3: SUCCESS
Weight: 277.6 (this number always jumps up for me after wild S days)
B (9:00am): Skipped
L (2:30pm): Spicy Shrimp and White Rice, Diet Pepsi @Panda Express
D (7:00pm): Creamy Grilled Chicken Pasta Florentine, Diet Dr Pepper @Home

Tues, 12/4: SUCCESS
Weight: 275.6
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (12:30pm): 6" Pizza Hut Supreme Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Coke @Work
D (6:30pm): Grilled Salmon with olive tapenade, Polenta cakes, Mixed Steamed Veggies, Diet Coke @Galaxy Cafe

Wed, 12/5: SUCCESS
Weight: 272.2
B (9:30am): My Fit Food's Mix n Mash (Chicken, Eggs, Cheese, Peppers, Rice), Water @Work
L (2:30pm): MFF's BBQ Chicken, Red Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Diet Coke @Work
D (7:00pm): MFF's Pork Tenderloin, Mixed Veggies, Brown Rice, Diet Coke @Home
Notes: Weight Training for 25 minutes (Upper Body)

Thurs, 12/6: SUCCESS
Weight: 269.6
B (7:00am): Skipped
L (Noon): 6" Pizza Hut Supreme Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Coke @Work
D (7:00pm): Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Dr Pepper
Notes: Movement for 30 minutes - Walk 2 miles up steep hill

Fri, 12/7: SUCCESS
Weight: 270.0
B (10:00am): Foot-long Roast Beef, Egg White, & Veggie Breakfast Sandwich on flatbread, Diet Coke @Subway
L: Skipped
D: Skipped
Notes: Weight Training for 25 minutes (Lower Body). Not a solid eating day, but a green one. Worked an unusually long shift, and ate Peanut Butter and Crackers when I got home (after midnight, so S day had started). Need to do a better job of making sure that I have a meal handy during long work shifts.

Sat, 12/8: S DAY
Notes: Movement - Run/Walk 3.5 miles in 40 minutes. Didn't get my 4th workout in during my N days this week, so had to get it in today to meet my December goals
Sun, 12/9: S DAY

Mon, 12/10: SUCCESS
Weight: 273.8
B: Skipped
L (2:30pm): Foot long Ham, Cheese, and Veggie Sandwich on Wheat, Diet Coke @Subway
D (7:30pm): Peppercorn Shrimp Stir Fry (from Panda Express), Diet Dr Pepper @Home

Tues, 12/11: SUCCESS
Weight: 272.2
B: Skipped
L (12:30pm): Cajun Meatloaf, Arroz con Pollo, Steamed Broccoli, Diet Coke @Office Cafeteria
D (5:30pm): Panda Express's Firecracker Chicken Breast, Red and Yellow Peppers, Onions, Diet Dr Pepper @Home
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Upper Body)
Quietly, I have put together 18 days on plan. This is my longest time on plan in several months. I am finding, right now, that completely de-emphasizing weight loss during December has been key in simply keeping on habit, and may, in fact, be key for me moving forward. I will, likely, still track weight, but my daily motivation seems highest when I conceptualize No S as a way to keep me feeling good and use that as my sole reason for doing it.

Wed, 12/12: SUCCESS
Weight: 269.4
B: Skipped
L (Noon): MFF's Chicken Enchiladas, Black Beans, Pico De Gallo, Diet Dr Pepper @Work
D (9:30pm): Hamburger, Medium Fries, Diet Coke @Whataburger
Notes: Walked 2.0 miles up a steep incline in 30 minutes
19 days on plan, though meal timing/choice were not ideal today. I went to see my nephew's play, and thought that we were doing Christmas lights AND dinner afterwards... but I misunderstood the plan (I thought we were eating a sit down meal after the play... but they just planned on grabbing fast food on the way to look at lights). So I made the best of it and kept it to one (virtual) plate.

Thurs, 12/13: SUCCESS
Weight: 267.4
B: Skipped
L (1:15pm): Moroccan Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Mixed Veggies, Diet Coke @Office Cafetria
D (9:15pm): Smoked Brisket, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Coke @Salt Lick BBQ
Notes: One thing I have learned on NO S (when I actually follow it), is to not get emotional about food. I had a Hamburger and fries at 9:30 last night and still woke up 2 lbs lighter today... revelations like these have really shown me over the last 15 months that it is mostly about calories consumed over a period of time. Case in point - my lunch yesterday was around 500 calories, and a burger and fries is around 1000... so, even though meal spacing/choice wasn't ideal yesterday, I ate well under maintenance. Long-term, days like this add up. No S's greatest strength is that it allows such a high level of adaptability to the requirements of the day at hand.

Fri, 12/14: SUCCESS
Weight: 267.4
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Skipped
Notes: Terrible planning today. Worked all day, did not get to take a meal break. Got home after midnight and had some sandwiches and peanut butter/crackers once S day had started. Need to work on planning better for Fridays, moving forward.

Sat, 12/15: S DAY
Sun, 12/16: S DAY

Mon, 12/17: FAILURE
Tues, 12/18:FAILURE
Wed, 12/19:FAILURE
Thurs, 12/20: FAILURE
Fri, 12/21:FAILURE
Sat, 12/22: S DAY
Sun, 12/23: S DAY
Wed, 12/26:FAILURE
Thurs, 12/27: FAILURE
Fri, 12/28:FAILURE
Sat, 12/29: S DAY
Sun, 12/30: S DAY
Mon, 12/31: New Year's Eve - NWS DAY
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 156
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:31 pm
Location: TX

Jan, 2013

Post by simmstone » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:23 pm

Last edited by simmstone on Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 156
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:31 pm
Location: TX

January, 2013

Post by simmstone » Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:37 pm

January, 2013

I am going to ditch any exercise requirements during this first month of 2013, and just workout on an 'as I feel like it' basis.... It will be enough of a challenge to just make sure my eating is in tact at the beginning of this year.

For this first month of the year, I am instituting a modification, as I am (still) looking to reduce my binge eating episodes, and want to try something a couple of other folks on the board are doing:
One S event (to be listed on my log under 'Extras') will be allowed during each N day
Ideally, I am hoping this will carry over to S days, too, so that every day is the same... but, initially, I won't intentionally limit S days, and will wait to see if my urges calm down over time after introducing this mod. These S events don't accumulate and will expire if not used, and I don't have to have an S per day, but I can if I want to... My plan is to rarely use this option.
I want to work on flexibility this year - if an S event arises, I want to have a plan in place that kills any excuse to binge. I also want to see if I can make it through 12 calendar months without going off the rails for an extended period, and I think this gives me even less structure to 'rebel' against. Lastly, I want to avoid the Sunday 'eat every sweet thing in sight' mentality that I have not been able to shake, so far, following No S. If this mod is a disaster, I will ditch it in February.

21 Day Challenge #1
Tues, 1/1/13 - Happy New Year!
Result: S Day

Wed, 1/2/13
Weight: 285.6 lbs
B: Skipped
L (12:45pm): Turkey Meatloaf, Sweet Potatoes, Mixed Veggies, Diet Soda @Work (MFF meal)
D: (5:30pm): Roasted Chicken w/ Basil Pesto, Grilled Veggies, Diet Soda @Home (MFF meal)
Extras: None

Thurs, 1/3/13
Weight: 280.0 lbs
B: Skipped
L (11:45am): Hawaiian Chicken w/ Brown Rice, Pineapples, Oranges, Pine Nuts, Diet Soda @Work (MFF meal)
D (5:45pm): Beef Brisket, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Soda @Salt Lick BBQ
Extras: None

Fri, 1/4/13
Weight: 277.0 lbs
B: Skipped
L (2:30pm): Foot-long Roast Beef Sandwhich on wheat (with mixed veggies & pepper jack cheese), Diet Soda @Subway
D: Skipped
Extras: None
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes
Worked through dinner, then ate after I got home at 1am

Sat, 1/5/13
Result: S Day

Sun, 1/6/13
Result: S Day

Mon, 1/7/13
Weight: 280.5
B: Skipped
L (12:15pm): Peppercorn Shrimp, Mandarin Chicken & Mixed Veggies, Diet Soda @Panda Express
D (6:00pm): 2 pieces French Bread Pizza, Diet Soda @Home
Extras: None

Tues, 1/8/13
Weight: 279.0
B: Skipped
L (Noon): Chicken Enchiladas w/ Black beans, Pico De Gallo, Diet Soda @Work (MFF meal)
D (5:15pm): Shrimp/Sausage/Chicken Paella, Diet Soda @Home
Extras: None
Notes: Read a very interesting book today, "Brain Over Binge," with a simple concept: an urge does not equal an action. The urge to binge/snack/eat does not inevitably mean action must be taken.
There are so many areas of life where I apply this concept effortlessly, and yet, I have failed to do so in my eating. I am really going to try to implement this idea. The childish/animal/knee-jerk urge to do something can be ignored and not even considered as a possibility - what if I include binge eating on the list of urges I sometimes feel, but would NEVER act on?

Wed, 1/9/13
Weight: 277.8
B: Skipped
L (11:30am): Grilled Salmon, Brown Rice, Mixed Veggies, Diet Soda @Work (MFF meal)
D (5:00pm): Chicken Parmesan, Pasta, Green Beans, Diet Soda @Home (MFF meal)
Extras: None

Thurs, 1/10/13
Weight: 276.0
B: Skipped
L (11:45am): Almond Crusted Chicken, Mashed Red Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Diet Soda @Work (MFF meal)
D (7:00pm): Black-eyed Pea & Andoulie Sausage Soup, Bread, Diet Soda @ Mom's house
Extras: None
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes

Fri, 1/11/13
Weight: n/a (traveling for work, no scale to measure)
B: Skipped
L (12:00pm): Peppercorn Shrimp over fried rice, Diet Soda @Panda Express
D: Skipped
Extras: None
Notes: Worked through dinner and ate after midnight... Green by the letter of the law.

Sat, 1/12/13
Result: S Day

Sun, 1/13/13
Result: S Day

Mon, 1/14/13
Weight: 280.0
B: Skipped
L (12:30pm): 6" Pizza Hut Personal Pan Supreme Pizza, Diet Soda @Work
D (6:00pm): Peppercorn Shrimp w/ Mixed Veggies over White Rice, Diet Soda @Panda Express
Extras: None
Notes: Weight Training for 25 minutes - Upper Body

Tues, 1/15/13
Weight: 276.2
B: Skipped
L (12:15pm): 6" Pizza Hut Personal Pan Veggie Pizza, Diet Soda @Work
D (5:15pm): Stir fried Shrimp and Veggies over Brown Rice @Panda To Go
Extras: None
Notes: Walked 2.0 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes

Wed, 1/16/13
Weight: 273.8
B: Skipped
L (1:30pm): Beef Tips (in gravy) over Brown Rice, Roasted Mixed Vegetables, Diet Soda @Office Cafeteria
D (7:00pm): Grilled Salmon, Polenta Cakes, Mixed Veggies, Diet Soda @Galaxy Cafe
Extras: None
Notes: Busy day... visitors coming in tomorrow, so had some errands/prep to finish and did not have a chance to get a workout in this afternoon.

Thurs, 1/17/13
Weight: 271.4
B: Skipped
L (Noon): 6" Pizza Hut Personal Pan Veggie Pizza, Diet Soda @Work
D (5:45): Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, Beans, Cole Slaw, Diet Soda @Salt Lick
Extras: None
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes

Fri, 1/18/13
Weight: did not weigh this morning (had friends over and forgot)
B: Skipped
L (3:15pm): Foot-long Ham, Cheese & Veggies Sandwhich on Flatbread, Diet Soda @Subway
D (11:00pm): Homemade Potato Soup w/ bacon, cheese and chives, Sourdough Bread @Cousin's house
Extras: None
Notes: Bodyweight Resistance Training - Lower Body for 20 min (Squats, Good Mornings, Calf Raise, Situps - 3x15)
Ate late again, after work, but kept it to a regular meal.

Sat, 1/19/13
Result: S Day

Sun, 1/20/13
Result: S Day

Mon, 1/21/13
Weight: 276.2
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (6:00pm): Grilled Salmon with Green pea Purée, Saffron rice, Mixed Veggies, Ciabatta bread, Diet Soda @Home
Extras: None
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes
Ate so much yesterday that I didn't get hungry for lunch and, thus, only had dinner... But I made it a big dinner and was completely satisfied.
Successfully completed my first 21 day challenge of the new year. Let's see if I can meet my old goal to do 21 3 week challenges in a row... might be fun!

21 Day Challenge #2
Tues, 1/22/13
Weight: 273.4
B: Skipped
L (12:30pm): 6" Pizza Hut Personal Pan Veggie Pizza, Diet Soda @Work
D (5:30pm): Shrimp/Chicken/Sausage/Veggie Paella, Diet Soda @Home
Extras: None
Notes: Resistance training: Push-up, Sit-up, Squat - 3x15

Wed, 1/23/13
Weight: 271.4
B: Skipped
L (12:15pm): Homemade Chili (with lean steak, rice, beans, & peppers), Diet Soda @Work (brought for me by our office admin)
D (5:15pm): White meat Chicken Pot pie (with peas and carrots), 2 glasses Rhone Cuvée @Home
Extras: Several drinks (went to see my friend's band)
Notes: Walked 2.0 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes

Thurs, 1/24/13
Weight: 268.4
B: Skipped
L (12:30pm): 6" Pizza Hut Personal Pan Veggie Pizza, Diet Soda @Work
D (5:30pm): Brisket, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Bread, Diet Soda @Salt Lick BBQ
Extras: None
Notes: Ate a big plate for dinner, and enjoyed it! I love BBQ :)

Fri, 1/25/13
Weight: 269.4
B: Skipped
L (12:00pm): Stir-fried Shrimp & Mixed Veggies over Brown Rice, Diet Soda @Panda To Go
D (8:00pm): Homemade Chicken Pot Pie, Green Salad w/ French dressing, 2 glasses Consilience Syrah @Friend's house
Extras: Multiple glasses Hahn Pinot
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes - Whole Body (Chest, Back, Legs)
Had additional food just after midnight, but kept Friday green by letter of the law. Still hoping to reduce this kind of mentality going forward

Sat, 1/26/13
Result: S Day

Sun, 1/27/13
Result: S Day

Mon, 1/28/13
Weight: 276.0
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (7:00pm): Birthday dinner! Chicken & Sausage gumbo over White Rice, Fried Oysters Contraband, 2 beers @Cafe Evangeline
Extras: None
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes
Today was my birthday, but I was so full all day today from yesterday's excess, that I didn't get hungry until dinner. Went out for a birthday dinner and kept it to one big plate with a few fried oysters from the appetizers added to my dinner plate. A big meal, for sure, but still completely reasonable!

Tues, 1/29/13
Weight: 274.0
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (5:00pm): Large Roast Beef and Provolone Sub with veggies on White Bread, Diet Soda @Jersey Mike's
Extras: None
Notes: Weight Training for 20 min (Upper Body)
Wasn't hungry today (probably still full from last night's big dinner), so only had dinner and was satisfied

Wed, 1/30/13
Weight: 270.8
B: Skipped
L (12:15pm): Baked Eggplant Parmesan, Diet Soda @Italian Garden (Birthday Lunch from folks at office)
D (6:00pm): Kung Pao Shrimp with Mixed Veggies, 2 glasses '10 A to Z Pinot Noir @Home (from Panda-To-Go)
Extras: 2 more glasses Pinot Noir after dinner
Results: SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.0 miles up a steep hill in 30 minutes
Folks from work took me to lunch today for a late birthday celebration... easily kept it to one plate and really enjoyed my meal. This is why I love No S!

Thurs, 1/31/13
Weight: 267.8
B: Skipped
L (Noon): 6" Pizza Hut Personal Pan Veggie Pizza, Diet Soda @Work
D (5:30pm): Beef Brisket, Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Soda @Salt Lick BBQ
Extras: None
Notes: An entire month with no failures! Great start to the year!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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January 2013 Summary

Post by simmstone » Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:12 pm

January 2013 Summary:
No S Diet Success Rate (via HabitCal): 100% (goal is 80% at end of year)
Total NWS days: 1
Beginning Weight/Waist (1/2/13): 285.6, 47"
Ending Weight/Waist (2/1/13): 267.0, 45"
Total Workouts: 13
Binge Free: 77% (Goal is 80% for the whole year)

- After 16 months on this plan, I'm almost exactly where I started, weight-wise... but I feel like I finally 'get it' mentally, and that the weight loss 'detour' was worth it. This is the best month, mentally, that I've ever had following No S! It was second nature (16 months of practice/failure at a habit is bound to cause it to feel natural, eventually). I really didn't think about my 'diet' at all, other than the gentle guidelines that No S suggests, and ate exactly what non-sweets I wanted on N days (including pizza, brisket, burgers, and fast food), but kept it to one plate and... presto: lost all of the weight I gained over Christmas.
- I am going to drop any notions of 'nutritionism' going forward. I have some natural food inclinations that are quite positive (I like veggies, dislike fried food/etc), and some that aren't so positive (diet soda, binge eating). My goal for 2013 is simply 'less'... I will worry about 'better' next year :)
- Adding the "no more than 1 treat per day on N days" mod did not wind up being much of a temptation at all... in fact, I didn't use it on sweets or snacks, at all. Rather, on 3 days during the month I had an extra glass or two of wine and that's it. I think I will continue the mod this year and drop it next year if it becomes problematic. I'm still hoping that, eventually, S days will calm down and I will view every day as a 'no more than one treat per day' kind of situation... but I am now thinking in terms of 'years'... rather than months
- I didn't set any exercise goals, but still got 13 workouts in this month. It seems like I will eventually settle in at 3-4 sessions of 20-30 min exercise per week (which means I need to wind up between a 42%-57% Success rate on HabitCal), so that's the goal going forward.

Good start to 2013... I think I have a plan I can work with this year!
Last edited by simmstone on Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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February 2013

Post by simmstone » Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:23 pm

February, 2013
Continuing goals for 2013:
- 80% No S Diet & Binge-Free SUCCESS rate for the year
- Mod: No more than 1 'extra' (i.e. snack/sweet/second) per N day
- Exercise an average of 3-4 times per week (42-57% SUCCESS rate on HabitCal)

Fri, 2/1/13
Weight: 267.0
B: Skipped
L (12:30pm): Beef Brisket, German Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Soda @Home (leftovers from Salt Lick BBQ last night)
D: Skipped
Extras: None
Notes: Weight Training for 25 minutes (Lower Body)
Worked through dinner and ate after midnight, again... Green by the letter of the law

Sat, 2/2/13
Result: S DAY

Sun, 2/3/13
Result: S DAY

Mon, 2/4/13
Weight: 273.8
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (5:30pm): Almond Crusted Chicken, Mashed Red Potatoes, Broccoli, Diet Soda @Home (MFF meal)
Extras: None
Notes: Run/Walk outside for 30 min

Tues, 2/5/13
Weight: 269.0
B: Skipped
L (1:00pm): 6" Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @Work (from Pizza Hut)
D (6:00pm): Eggplant Parmesan, Garlic-infused Green Beans, 2 glasses Bordeaux @Home
Extras: None
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min (Whole Body - 3 x 10-15 of: Dbell bench, Lat Pulldowns, Bdywt Squats, Stomach Crunch, Dbell Shoulder Raise, Tricep Pushdown)

Wed, 2/6/13
Weight: 268.0
B: Skipped
L (Noon): Chicken Enchiladas, Black Beans, Pico De Gallo, Diet Soda @Work (MFF Meal)
D (8:30pm): Grillee Curried Shrimp, Mango-infused Couscous, 2 glasses Pinot Noir @Friend's House
Extras: 2 glasses wine, Extra plate of food, Dessert
Result: NWS DAY
Notes: Walked 2.35 miles up steep hill in 35 minutes
Friends made me a good dinner tonight and I had a bit extra. NWS event, as I don't eat Wednesday dinner with them very often, but did not binge. Back at it tomorrow.

Thurs, 2/7/13
Weight: 267.8
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (5:00pm): Salmon Roulade (with Lobster/Crab filling), Creamed Spinach, 2 glasses Byron Pinot Noir @Home
Extras: 2 glasses Pinot Noir, post-dinner snacks
Notes: Was full all day from last night's big dinner, so skipped lunch today. No big whoop... just didn't feel my appetite coming back until dinner time. But then ate snacks after dinner

Fri, 2/8/13
Weight: 268.4
B: Skipped
L (1:30pm): Giant Roast Beef/Veggie Sandwhich on White, Diet Soda @Jersey Mikes
D: Skipped
Extras: None
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - Whole Body (3x10 of Smith Bench, Lat Pulldowns, Dbell Squats, Ab Crunches, Dbell Shoulder Raise)
Weight is up a bit today from last night's binge/snacking. Been reading a lot about Intermittent Fasting this week, and the ol' diet-head started messing with me. Lesson learned. Lunch and Dinner + optional treat everyday make Simmstone a happy dude... no need to tweak.

Sat, 2/9/13
Result: S DAY

Sun, 2/10/13
Result: S DAY

Mon, 2/11/13
Weight: 270.2
B: Skipped
L: Foot-long Roast Beef, Cheese & Veggie Sandwich on flatbread, Diet Soda @ Subway
D: Peppercorn Shrimp & Veggies over Fried Rice, Diet Soda @Panda Express
Extras: None

21 Day Challenge #3
Tues, 2/12/13
Weight: 267.8
B: Skipped
L (12:05pm): 6" Veggie Lovers Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @Work (from Pizza Hut )
D (5:30pm): Pork Tenderloin, Butternut Squash, Roasted Mixed Veggies, 2 glasses '10 Siduri Sonoma Coast Pinot @Home (MFF meal)
Extras: Pinot Noir, Snacks
Notes: Too much Pinot w/ Dinner...

Wed, 2/13/13
Weight: 268.4
B: Skipped
L: 6" Supreme Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @Work (from Pizza Hut)
D: Lasagna, Grilled Broccoli, Pinot Noir @Friends' House
Extras: Small Desert
Notes: Good dinner at friends' house. Utilized the 'one small treat' mod and had a fruit kolache for dessert. Totally reasonable and prevented any urge to binge. To me, that kind of normalcy is success!

Thurs, 2/14/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Veggie Lovers' Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @Work (from Pizza Hut)
D: Beef Brisket, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Bread, Diet Soda @Salt Lick BBQ
Extras: None

Fri, 2/15/13
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min (Whole Body - Bench Press, Pulldowns, Dbell Squats)
Drove home to Dallas and binged when I home

Sat, 2/16/13
Result: S DAY

Sun, 2/17/13
Result: S DAY

Mon, 2/18/13
B: Skipped
L: Foot-long Ham, Cheese & Veggie Sandwich on flatbread, Diet Soda @ Subway
D: Angus Beef & Veggies over Fried Rice, Diet Soda @Panda Express
Extras: Peanut Butter and Crackers after dinner

Tues, 2/19/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Veggie Lovers' Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @Work (from Pizza Hut)
D: Thai Peanut Chicken, Veggies, and Noodles, Pinot Noir @Home
Extras: None

Wed, 2/20/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Veggie Lovers' Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @Work (from Pizza Hut)
D: Sausage and Avacado soup, Grilled Veggie Quesadilla, Pinot Noir @Friends' house
Extras: None

Thurs, 2/21/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Veggie Lovers' Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @Work (from Pizza Hut)
D: Chicken Tikka Masala over Saffron Rice & Mixed Veggies, Diet Soda @Home
Extras: None
Notes: Run/Walk 3.5 miles in 35 min
This month has not been a 'train wreck', or anything, but it has been pretty mediocre, diet-wise... And looking back over this journal, it is easy to see why - too much wine with dinner during the week, and letting my exercise slack too much. For the remainder of the month, I plan to cut down on the drinks and boost my exercise back to where it was last month.

Fri, 2/22/13
Weight: 263.4
B: Skipped
L: Giant Roast Beef/Veggie Sandwhich on White, Diet Soda @Jersey Mikes
D: Salmon, Polenta Cakes, Grilled Veggies, Diet Soda @Galaxy Cafe
Extras: None
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes - Whole Body (Bench, Pulldowns, Leg Press)
Interesting that, even with the failures this month, my weight is down almost 4 lbs. I think that, over time, I have become satisfied with 'less'. So, in general, even when I do binge eat, I eat less food... but not purposely. I believe that, if you stick to the No S/mealtime concept for long enough (it has taken me almost 2 years), it really does begin to feel odd and unpleasurable to eat outside of mealtimes, and to overeat sweets/snacks ever. And that is exactly why Reinhard, in his book, advocates that No S gets easier over time - it slowly becomes your default. It used to be that overeating was my default, and No S felt more forced, but that has flipped. Now, even when I 'fail' at No S, I still eat far less than I used to, overall.

Sat, 2/23/13
Result: S DAY
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Sun, 2/24/13
Result: S DAY

Mon, 2/25/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Mushroom and Asparagus Risotto in Cream Sauce, '10 Siduri Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir @Home
Extras: None

Tues, 2/26/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Lemon Chicken with Orzo & Broccoli, '10 Siduri Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir @Home
Extras: None
Notes: Weight Training for 35 min - Upper Body

Wed, 2/27/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Sausage, Shrimp, & Veggie Paella, '07 WillaKenzie Pierre Leon Pinot Noir @Home
Extras: None
Results: SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2 miles up a steep hill in 30 minutes

Thurs, 2/28/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, Bread, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Soda @ Salt Lick (Driftwood, TX)
Extras: None
Notes: Walked 2 miles up a steep hill in 30 min
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post-February 2013 Summary

Post by simmstone » Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:06 pm

Post-Feb 2013 Summary:

Year-to-date goal percentages:
No S Diet Success:
Goal: 80%
Actual: 90.2%
Goal: 42-57% (3-4 days per week)
Actual: 42.7%
Binge Free:
Goal: 80%
Actual: 72.7%
Lose 4 lbs per month:
Beginning Weight (1/1/13): 285.6
Goal Weight for 3/1/13: 277.0
Actual weight on 3/1/13: 261.0

All goals are progressing nicely except my Binge Free goal of 80% compliance, and even that is not that far off. I like this system of quickly and easily determining compliance... it verifies that I simply need to just keep doing what I have been doing and work on improving on my Binge Free goal. Onward to March!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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March 2013

Post by simmstone » Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:13 pm

March, 2013
Continuing goals for 2013:
- 80% No S Diet & Binge-Free SUCCESS rate for the year
- Mod: No more than 1 'extra' (i.e. snack/sweet/second) per N day
- Exercise an average of 3-4 times per week (42-57% SUCCESS rate on HabitCal)

Fri, 3/1/13
Weight: 261.0
B: Skipped
L: Peanut Thai Chicken with noodles and mixed Veggies, Diet Soda @Home
D: Big plate of Roasted Chicken & Turkey, Diet Soda @Salt Lick BBQ
Extras: None
Results: SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 25 minutes - Lower Body

Sat, 3/2/13
Result:S DAY

Sun, 3/3/13
Result:S DAY

Mon, 3/4/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Roasted Turkey w BBQ sauce, Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Diet Soda @Home
Extras: None
Notes: Walked 2 miles up a steep hill in 30 min

Tues, 3/5/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Gnocchi with Chicken, Zucchini, & Tomatoes in Vodka Cream Sauce, '08 Chehalem Ribbon Ridge Pinot Noir @Home
Extras: None
Notes: Weight Training for 40 min - Upper Body

Wed, 3/6/13- Sun 3/17/13
Result:NWS & S DAYS
Notes: I will be on vacation in California/Austin for these days and have no plans to diet or binge... but will be exempting myself from food rules because 'food rules' on vacation are lame.

Mon, 3/18/13
B: Skipped
L: Seafood Gumbo over Brown Rice, Cranberry & Walnut Salad, Roll, Diet Soda @Work (Pot luck for Office meeting)
D: Thai Peanut Chicken with Veggies over Noodles, Diet Soda @Home
Notes: Run/Walk 3 miles in 30 min

Tues, 3/19/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Pizza Hut Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @ Work
D: Lemon Chicken with Orzo, Broccoli & Carrots, Diet Soda @Home
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - Upper Body

Wed, 3/20/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Chicken Tikka Masala with Veggies over Saffron Rice, 2 Jack & Diet Sodas @Home
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 min

Thurs, 3/21/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Flank Steak, Parmesan Cauliflower, Pinot Noir @Friends' house
Extras: Cake for dessert

Fri, 3/22/13
B: Skipped
L: Chicken, Shrimp, and Sausage Paella over Saffron Rice, Diet Soda @Home
D: Chicken Vegetable Soup, Bread, Baked Potato, Diet Soda @ Kirby's Steakhouse
Notes: Weight Training for 20 min - Lower Body
Ate a lot at late dinner, but it wasn't a binge... Just a big meal. These things don't stress me anymore.

Sat, 3/23/13
Result:S DAY

Sun, 3/24/13
Result:S DAY

Mon, 3/25 - Fri, 3/29
Notes: Had a stressful life event/decision come up and reverted to some mindless, binge eating behavior. It's disappointing that, after all this time, I am still prone to/capable of this, but I can't let it tie me up in knots. Just gotta get back on track and keep trucking.

Sat, 3/30/13
Result:S DAY

Sun, 3/31/13
Result:S DAY
Last edited by simmstone on Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:26 pm, edited 32 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by No BS » Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:22 pm

Gosh, simmstone, your stats & weight loss are pretty impressive!!

Keep up the good work! :D
If you are not living life on the edge you are taking up too much room!!

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Post by simmstone » Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:36 pm

Thanks, No BS!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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April 2013

Post by simmstone » Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:28 pm

April, 2013

Fast 5 diet trial-
I have been naturally gravitating toward the idea of an 'eating window' for a while now - even when following No S, I prefer to only eat 2 meals per day and, often, only one.
In accordance with some of my natural preferences, I am going to try the Fast 5 Diet principals for a little while. I won't bore anyone with the details, as I assume most folks who might read this are proficient with Google... essentially, I will eat in a 5 hour 'window' each day, between the hours of 6-11pm (I still plan to keep it to one big plated meal most of the time, and will add the occasional side-salad/dessert in situations where items like that are offered, appealing, and appropriate).
Should be a fun little experiment. If I hate it, I will simply return to No S.

Mon, 4/1/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (6:00pm): Gnocchi with Chicken, Zucchini, & Tomatoes in Vodka Cream Sauce, Diet Soda @Home
Notes: Walked 2 miles up a steep in hill 30 min
This style of eating worked well for me today. Exercised in the afternoon before dinner and felt great

Tues, 4/2/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (6:00pm): 'Grandma's' Chicken, Rice, & Veggie Bake, Diet Soda @Home
Notes: Weight Training for 25 min - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Wed, 4/3/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (7:30pm): Pan-seared Salmon with Green Pea Purée, Ciabatta bread & Pinot Noir @ Friends' house
Extras: Strawberry bundt cake, Rice Krispy treat, and Vanilla Wafers for dessert
Result: SUCCESS (ate dessert, but stuck within the eating window... was done by 10:30pm)
Notes: Walked 3.3 miles up steep hill in 50 min

Thurs, 4/4/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (9:30): Roasted Chicken, Potato Salad, Beans, Cole Slaw, Bread, Diet Soda @ Salt Lick BBQ
Notes: Weight Training for 25 min - Back, Biceps, Abs

Fri, 4/5/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (9:30pm): Roasted Chicken, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Blackberry Cobbler, Diet Soda @Salt Lick BBQ
Notes: Walked 2.4 miles up steep hill in 36 minutes

Sat, 4/6/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Variety of Italian dishes and wines at friend's surprise b-day party
Notes: Ran 3.1 miles (5K) in 31 minutes.

Sat, 4/6/13 - S DAY
Notes: Still leaving myself the option to take an S day (i.e. 'Off' day, 'Free' day... a day where I eat outside the 'rules' of a given diet program) or two every week, probably on Sundays.

Mon, 4/8/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (5:30pm): Big plate of Eggplant Parmesan, 2 glasses Perrin & Fils Rhone @Home
Notes: Walked 2.2 miles up a steep hill in 30 min

Tues, 4/9/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (7:00pm): Tamale Bake (Beef, Beans, Peppers, Corn-Soufflé topping), Diet Soda @ Home

Wed, 4/10/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D(7:30pm): Grilled Cheese Sandwich Sampler, Gary Farrell & Anderson Valley Pinot Noir @ Friends' house
Extras: Rice Krispy Treat, Vanilla Wafer
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes - Upper Body
Notes: Closed eating window by 10:30pm... but still felt a bit excessive with desserts. No matter, stayed well within the parameters of Fast 5.

Thurs, 4/11/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (8:00pm) Meatloaf, Mac n' Cheese, Red Table Wine
Notes: Walked 2.1 miles up steep hill in 30 min

Fri, 4/12/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: Skipped
Notes: Wound up working through dinner, and didn't eat until after midnight...

Sat, 4/13/13 - Sun, 4/14/13
Result: S DAYS

Back to No S...
After a couple of weeks on Fast 5, I have decided I enjoy the option to eat lunch if I am hungry, and think the two meal-a-day approach is more correct for me.
Fast 5 wasn't a disaster, or anything... I didn't go crazy in the eating window or do anything very differently than I do now. I learned more about my hunger, and my eating preferences. My weight remained stable, and is a down a little bit. I did fine with Fast 5, physically and mentally...
I could easily continue Fast 5 (as I can see myself only eating dinner some days) but I would rather 1 meal days happen organically and have two meal days as my default (with the option for 3 or 1 meal available, if I so choose).

Mon, 4/15/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (4:30pm): Lemon Chicken with Orzo & Veggies, Diet Soda

Tues, 4/16/13
B: Skipped
L (12:30pm): 6" Pizza Hut Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @ Office
D (6:30pm): Thai-Peanut Chicken with Noodles and mixed Veggies, Diet Soda @ Home
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - Upper Body

Wed, 4/17/13
B: Skipped
L (12:00pm): 6" Pizza Hut Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @ Office
D (6:30pm): Chicken Tikka Masala over Saffron Rice and Mixed Veggies, Diet Soda @Home
Notes: Walked 2.1 miles up steep hill in 30 min

Thurs, 4/18 - Fri, 4/24/13
Result: Failure & S Days
Notes: Went to Dallas for the weekend and binged for four days. Got back home and kept binge eating all week. Complete tailspin... I have to just press on. I may never be done with binge eating... but maybe I can keep it contained.

Sat, 4/27/13
B: Skipped
L: Peppercorn Shrimp & Veggies over Fried Brown Rice, Diet Soda @Panda Express
D: Large Beef and Bean Burrito, Diet Soda @Home

Sun, 4/28/13
Result: S Day
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep incline in 30 min

Mon, 4/29/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D (4:30pm): Baked Ziti with Pork, Mixed Veggies, Diet Soda
Extras: Small Dessert
Notes: Weight Training for 20 min: Chest, Shoulder, Tricep

Tues, 4/30//13
B: Skipped
L: Grilled Chicken with Tofu, Rice Pilaf, Mixed Veggies & Black Olives, Diet Soda @Office Cafeteria
D: Baked Salmon, Roasted New potatoes, Grilled Aparagus, Diet Soda @ Home
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 min
It has been a rough month, diet-wise... I was kinda all over the place - Fast 5, No S, Binge eating. The last two months have been inconsistent, in fact, and my weight has reflected that - haven't lost any since early March.
I need to get back to my two meals a day, every day, and exercise 3-4 times per week - that's when I feel the best.
Last edited by simmstone on Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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May 2013

Post by simmstone » Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:11 pm

May, 2013
Here's an update on where I'm at:
Continuing goals for 2013:
1. 80% No S Diet SUCCESS for the year
Currently: 71.4%
2. 80% Binge-free for the year
(Corresponding mod of no more than one 'S' per day)
Currently: 64.8%
2. Exercise an average of 3-4 times per week
(Equals a 42-57% SUCCESS rate on HabitCal)
Currently: 39.2%

So, essentially, I need to do a little better this month at complying with No S, exercising, and cutting down on my binges. But tracking these goals as a percentage over a longer period of time helps me to see that all is not lost. April was simply a poor month for me, in terms maintaining my habit goals... so I just need to make May a better month (not 'perfect' just 'better') to bring my overall compliance for the year closer to my goal percentages.
So, here goes May...

Wed, 5/1/13
Weight: 262.6
Result: NWS day
Notes: Planned dinner out with friends at a fancy restaurant that served multiple courses. Decided to call it an S day and enjoy it!

Thurs, 5/2/13
B: Skipped
L (1:30pm): 6" Pizza Hut Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @ Office
D(9:30pm): Roasted BBQ Chicken, German-style Potato Salad, Grilled Asparagus, Diet Soda @Salt Lick BBQ
Notes: Worked through my normal dinner time, and had to eat late... but kept it to one plate. Nice to get the first green day of the month under my belt!

Fri, 5/3/13
B: Oatmeal with Berries, Walnuts, Butter @ Cinnamon, Diet Soda @Home
L: Roasted BBQ Chicken, German-style potato salad, Cole Slaw, Bread, Water @Home (leftovers)
D: Skipped
Notes: Resistance Training - Legs (2x15 of Bodyweight Squats, Stiff leg Deads and Calf Raises)
Worked through dinner and had a BBQ Brikset plate after midnight... Green day by the letter of the law (and the food I ate after work fit on one plate, anyway)

Sat, 5/4 - Sun, 5/5/13
Result: S DAYS

Mon, 5/6/13

Tues, 5/7/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Pizza Hut Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda @ Office
D: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhiches (more than one plate)

Wed, 5/8/13
B: Skipped
L: Roasted Almond Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato quarters, Braised Cabbage, Steamed Broccoli, Cucumber Salad, Diet Soda @Office Cafeteria
D: Broiled Cajun Salmon, Roasted Garlic/Dill New Potatoes, Grilled Aspargus, 2 glasses Pinot Noir @Home
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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June 2013

Post by simmstone » Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:12 pm

June, 2013
May was a really rough month... One of the worst binge eating periods I've ever had. I really hope to do better this month.

Sat, 6/1/13
Weight - 276.6
B: 'Full Strength' Chocolate Protein Drink
L: 'Full Strength' Vanilla Protein Drink
D: Grilled Chicken with Mixed Veggies, Water
Notes: Gonna start the month with some detox-style eating, as I am really feeling like crap from last month's binge-a-thon

Sun, 6/2/13
Weight - 270.8
B: 'Full Strength' Vanilla Protein Drink
L: 'Full Strength' Chocolate Protein Drink
D: Grilled Chicken with Mixed Veggies, Water
Notes: Continuing some detox-style eating... this is not a permanent thing, just a way to get back into the swing of things. I'm gonna eat this way for a week or two, and then will go back to normal foods for my three meals.

Mon, 6/3/13
Weight - 268.4
B: 'Full Strength' Vanilla Protein Drink
L: 'Full Strength' Chocolate Protein Drink
D: Roasted Cajun Salmon, Sautéed Spinach, Fresh Roma Tomatoes
Notes: Weight Training for 25 minutes - Whole Body (Chest, Legs, Back, Core)
Continued detox-style eating and felt really good today.

Tues, 6/4/13
Weight - 265.8
B: 'Full Strength' Vanilla Protein Drink
L: 'Full Strength' Chocolate Protein Drink
D: Curried Chicken with Broccoli, Carrots, and Snap Peas
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes
Weight loss has been rapid over the first few days, but that's a bit misleading... I weighed 262 at the beginning of last month, and binge eating often causes me short-term water weight gain. So I would expect weight loss to tail off a bit in the next day or two, as I approach the weight I was at the beginning of May. That's really the idea of detox-style eating - getting my body back to some sort of previous baseline.

Wed, 6/5/13
Weight - 264.0
B: Skipped
L: 'Full Strength' Chocolate Protein Drink
D: Pan-Seared Tilapia, Mixed Veggies, Pinot Noir (@friends' house)
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes
Had a couple of extra glasses of wine, but kept my dinner to one plate.

Thurs, 6/6/13
Weight - 263.2
B: Skipped
L: Roasted Couscous-Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms, Brussel Sprouts, Water
D: 1/2 French dip Sandwich, small bit of meatloaf, mixed veggies
Notes: Weight Training for 25 minutes - Whole Body (Chest, Legs, Back, Core)
Ate at work tonight and left off half of my meatloaf entree to have half of my friend's French dip Sandwhich - it was delicious!
Alcohol last night and meatloaf today are not exactly detox items, but I still fit them into the No S structure. it's been a good week overall and I feel much better than I did at the end of May.

Fri, 6/7/13
Weight - 261.0
B: Skipped
L: Pan seared Tilapia, Mixed Veggies, Water
D: Meatloaf with Carmelized Onions, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veggies
Notes: Walk/Run for 45 minutes with a friend

Sat, 6/8/13 - Sun, 6/9/13
Result: S DAYS
Notes: Went for a 60 minute run with a friend on Sunday morning

Mon, 6/10/13
B: Skipped
L: 'Full Strength' Chocolate Protein Drink
D: Bison chili Frito Pie, Diet Soda
Extras: Chips & Queso before dinner
Notes: Had some friends in from out of town and showed them around the city. Took them to one of my favorite local restaurants - and the place has fantastic queso. So I had some chips and queso before dinner. Not a binge, and not a huge failure... but outside of the No S rules

Tues, 6/11/13
B: 'Full Strength' Vanilla Protein Drink
L: Turkey Sandwich, Diet Soda
D: Chef Salad (Spring Mix, Cubed Ham, Tomatoes, Avacadoes, Spicy Chipoltle Dressing), Diet Soda
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - Upper Body

Wed, 6/12/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Pizza Hut Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda
D: Vegetarian Italian-style Swiss chard wraps, Wine
Extras: Leftover salad, Rice Krispy Treat
Notes: Walked up 2.4 miles up a steep hill in 36 min

Thurs, 6/13/13
Notes: Travelled back to my mom's house in Dallas for work and binged when I got home. Happens every time...

Fri, 6/14/13
Notes: Bodyweight Resitiance training for 20 minutes - Lower Body
Something about being back home leads me to be an idiot in regard to what I put in my mouth...

Sat, 6/15/13 - Sun, 6/16/13
Result: S DAYS
Notes: Walk/Run 5.33 miles in 60 min on Saturday morning
This was not a good week for me. I need to corral my June eating before it turns into the trainwreck that May was... Still, even though I have yet to master moderation, there are positive signs - I have been exercising regularly and, even after going off the rails, I no longer revert to crash dieting for extended periods of time. No S has become my default goal behavior - now I just have to work on hitting the goal more regularly...

Mon, 6/17/13
Notes: Drove back from weekend in Dallas for work and binged... that's a 5 day binge-a-thon. Back at it tomorrow.

Tues, 6/18/13
Notes: I didn't binge today, but I had sweets with lunch. Gonna try to get an actual green day in tomorrow for the first time in a week

Wed, 6/19/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Pizza Hut Supreme Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda
D: Jersey Mike's Regular Original Italian Sub on White, Diet Soda
Notes: Finally, a green day. It's been a while...

Thurs, 6/20/13
B: 'Full Strength' Vanilla Protein Drink
L: 6" Pizza Hut Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda
D: Baked Chicken Parmesan, Pasta, Green Beans, Diet Soda (MFF Meal)
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Two days on plan in a row. Feels good to get back on track.

Fri, 6/21/13
B: Skipped
L: Cottage Cheese with Slivered Almonds, Organic Fuji Apple, Water
D: Skipped
Notes: Run/Walk 3.6 miles in 40 minutes
Worked through dinner and had 2 brisket tacos after midnight. Green day by the letter of the law and did not binge when I finally did eat. 3 days on plan now.

Sat, 6/22/13 - Sun, 6/23/13
Result: S DAYS
Notes: Run/Walk 3.3 miles in 35 minutes on Sunday

Mon, 6/24/13
B: Skipped
L: Skipped
D: 2 Stuffed Bell Peppers (Bulghur, Turkey, Spinach, Zucchini), Diet Soda
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes - Whole Body
6 consecutive days on plan

Tues, 6/25/13
B: Skipped
L: 1 Stuffed Red Bell Pepper (leftover from last night), Diet Soda
D: Foot-long Roast Beef, Pepper-Jack, & Veggie Sandwich on Wheat, 1 bag of Sun Chips, Diet Soda @Subway
Notes: Walked 2.6 miles up a steep hill in 36 min

Wed, 6/26/13
B: Skipped
L: 1 Stuffed Yellow Bell Pepper (leftover from Monday night), Diet Soda
D: Roasted Chicken with Baked Carrots and Almonds
Extra: Drinks after dinner, then late night snacks
Notes: Walk/Run 1.25 miles in 15 min (had to cut it short due to straining my calf muscle)

Thurs, 6/27/13
B: Skipped
L: 6" Pizza Hut Veggie Lover's Personal Pan Pizza, Diet Soda
D: Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Soda @ Salt Lick BBQ

Fri, 6/28/13
B: Skipped
L: 1/2 Turkey Wrap, Fruit Salad (from Jason's Deli) @Office meeting
D: Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Soda (leftover from last night)
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes - Whole Body
Notes: Had a burger and onion rings after midnight... Not ideal, but still kept Friday green

Sat, 6/29/13 - Sun, 6/30/13
Result: S DAYS
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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July 2013

Post by simmstone » Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:05 pm


A 6 month overview of how I'm doing so far this year:

Year-to-date goal percentages:
No S Diet Success:
Goal: 80%
Actual: 61.2%
Goal: 42-57% (3-4 days per week)
Actual: 38.7%
Binge Free:
Goal: 80%
Actual: 57.4%
Lose 4 lbs per month:
Beginning Weight (1/1/13): 285.6
Goal Weight for 7/1/13: 261
Actual weight on 7/4/13: 260.4

So, even though my compliance has been lagging, I am still at the goal weight I set for myself. However, I have been at this weight for a couple of months, and, to meet my continuing weight loss goal of -1 lb per week, I am going to have to increase my rate of compliance.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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January 2014

Post by simmstone » Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:42 pm

January 2014
My only goals for this year are compliance-related… I will track weight, but not make it a 'goal' - besides, my weight will be fine if I stay active and follow the plan most of the time. I let my compliance lag after July of last year, so my goal this year is to keep it going ALL YEAR!
To review:
Compliance goals for 2014:
No S Diet: 80% Success rate
Exercise: 57% Success rate (4 days per week)

W, 1/1- NWS DAY
Notes: New Years Day
Th, 1/2- SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.5 miles up steep hill in 36 minutes
Notes: Weight/Resistance Training: Whole Body
Wknd, 1/4-5- S DAYS
Notes: Ran 2.8 miles in 30 minutes on Sat
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Notes: Walked 2.5 miles up steep hill in 36 minutes
W, 1/8- FAILURE (Dinner at friend's house w/ multiple sweets after dinner…)
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - Back, Biceps, Abs
Th, 1/9- SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2 miles up a steep hill in 30 minutes
F, 1/10- SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - Legs
Wknd, 1/11-12- S DAYS
Notes: Ran 3.35 miles in 35 minutes on Sat
M, 1/13- SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
T, 1/14- SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up a steep hill in 40 minutes
W, 1/15- SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Th, 1/16- SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up a steep hill in 40 minutes
F, 1/17- SUCCESS
Notes: Weight training for 30 min - Legs
Wknd, 1/18-19- S DAYS
Notes: Run/Walk 3.75 miles in 40 minutes
M, 1/20- NWS Day
Notes: MLK day. Off from work. Stayed home with my mom, who was also off, and watched movies/had snacks
T, 1/21- FAILURE
Notes: Traveling back from my mom's house… these travel days always seem to trip me up.
W, 1/22- SUCCESS
Th, 1/23- FAILURE (Dinner at friends' house - seconds and sweets)
Notes: Walked 2.4 miles up steep hill in 36 minutes
F, 1/24- FAILURE
Notes: This week kind of got away from me… need to work to improve my response to failures and disruptions in routine this year!
Wknd, 1/25-26- S DAYS
Notes: Missed running on Saturday due to inclement weather
Mon, 1/27- SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Tues, 1/28- SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.6 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Wed, 1/29- SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 min - (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Thurs, 1/30- SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 3 miles on treadmill at varying inclines in 45 minutes
Fri, 1/31- SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes - (Legs)
Last edited by simmstone on Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:30 pm, edited 58 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by NoSnacker » Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:59 pm

I loved reading some of your insights....nice job on keeping track..
Age 56: SBMI=30.6 (12/1/13) CBMI 28.9 (2/2/14) GBMI-24.8

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Re: 21 Day challenge #2 Results/Lessons learned

Post by NoSnacker » Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:02 pm

simmstone wrote: 1) When I crave food, it is usually not about hunger which means food is, ultimately, only going to be able to distract me from, not satisfy my craving.
It has become apparent to me during this challenge that my desire to eat between meals (and specifically, to eat the KIND of food that I have typically eaten between meals) is almost never related to hunger. When I have gone five or six hours between meals, I don't crave pretzels or 100 calorie snack packs or twinkies... I want some protein, carbs, and vegetables - something substantial - and that's because my body is actually hungry.
For most of us who have dieted before or had weight struggles, including me, eliminating snacking and sweets is really code for "eliminating emotional eating." When I find myself thinking about snack/sweet type food, it usually accompanies a 'craving' and I have found these 'cravings' stronger during times when I am bored, anxious, or generally desiring 'change' of some kind.
This is one that I could totally relate to..when I don't snack, I don't binge..

The key to success is coming back from failures!!!
Age 56: SBMI=30.6 (12/1/13) CBMI 28.9 (2/2/14) GBMI-24.8

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Post by simmstone » Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:17 pm

Thanks, NoSnacker! :D
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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February 2014

Post by simmstone » Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:57 am

February 2014
January was a good month for me in 2 of 3 areas (No S and Exercise). Still need to cut back on binge eating, but I feel I will have better success avoiding binges this month with the holidays over.
To review:
Compliance goals for 2014:
No S Diet: 80% Success rate
Year to date(as of 2/1/14): 81%
Exercise: 60+% Success rate, using only positive tracking (about 4 days per week)
Year to date(as of 2/1/14): 67%
Wknd, 2/1-2/2- S DAYS
Notes: Ran 5K in 32:30 on Saturday
Mon, 2/3- SUCCESS, 10 straight Days on habit!
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Tues, 2/4 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.5 miles up steep hill in 38 minutes
Wed, 2/5 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Thurs, 2/6 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 41 minutes
Fri, 2/7 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Legs)
Wknd, 2/8-2/9- S DAYS
Notes: Ran/Walked 4.15 miles in 45 minutes on Sat
Mon, 2/10- SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today
Tues, 2/11 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Wed, 2/12 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Thurs, 2/13 - SUCCESS, 20 straight days on habit
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep incline in 45 minutes
Fri, 2/14 - NWS DAY
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Legs)
Wknd, 2/15-2/16- S DAYS
Notes: This weekend was a bit over the top...
Mon, 2/17 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today
Tues, 2/18 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Wed, 2/19 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Thurs, 2/20 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep incline in 45 minutes
Fri, 2/21 - SUCCESS
Notes: Bodyweight resistance training for 25 minutes (Legs)
Wknd, 2/22-2/23 - S DAYS, 30 straight days on habit
Notes: Ran 5K in 30:53
Mon, 2/24 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today
Tues, 2/25 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Wed, 2/26 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today
Thurs, 2/27 - FAILURE
Notes: Weight - 259.0
Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Fri, 2/28 - FAILURE
Notes: Walked 3 miles up varied incline in 45 minutes
Last edited by simmstone on Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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March 2014

Post by simmstone » Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:49 pm

March 2014
February was a good month for me in all 3 goal areas. Still have to work on reducing Binge eating, but Feb was a big improvement over Jan in that area.
Compliance goals for 2014:
No S Diet: 80% Success rate
Year to date(as of 3/1/14): 85%
Exercise: 60+% Success rate, using only positive tracking (about 4 days per week)
Year to date(as of 3/1/14): 67.8%

Sat, 3/1 - S DAY
Notes: Ran 4.12 miles in 41:30
Sun, 3/2 - S DAY
Notes: Today's eating was a bit excessive
Mon, 3/3 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today, drove back home from Dallas. Failed and binged.
Tues, 3/4 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Wed, 3/5 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Thurs, 3/6 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Fri, 3/7 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Sat, 3/8 - S DAY
Sun, 3/9 - S DAY
Notes: No workouts this weekend.. Sometimes, you just have a bad week. Back on the horse next week.
Mon, 3/10 - FAILURE
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Tues, 3/11 - FAILURE
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep incline in 45 minutes
Wed, 3/12 - FAILURE
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Thurs, 3/13 - FAILURE
Notes: Walked 4 miles up steep incline in 60 minutes
Fri, 3/14 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Sat, 3/15 - S DAY
Notes: No workout today
Sun, 3/16 - S DAY
Notes: Well, there isn't a lot to say about the last two weeks... they simply got away from me. I am going to get back on track tomorrow, and not dwell on the psychology of why, even after all this time of attempting moderate eating, I am still prone to tailspins.
Mon, 3/17 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Tues, 3/18 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Wed, 3/19 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Thurs, 3/20 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout today
Fri, 3/21 - FAILURE
Notes: Ran 3.15 miles in 32 minutes
Sat, 3/22 - S DAY
Notes: No workout today
Sun, 3/23 - S DAY
Notes: As good as February was, March has been the polar opposite. Gonna try to build a little momentum for April by getting back on habit for the few remaining days of this month.
Mon, 3/24 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today. Been a while since I've had a green day. Felt good!
Tues, 3/25 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Wed, 3/26 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today, but 3rd green day in a row!
Thurs, 3/27 - SUCCESS
Notes: 4 greens in a row!
Fri, 3/28 - FAILURE
Notes: No workout
Sat, 3/29 - S DAY
Sun, 3/30 - S DAY
Mon, 3/31 - FAILURE
Notes:Weight Training for 35 minutes (Upper Body)
Glad March is ending... it was a really rough month. On to April and, hopefully, better days!
Last edited by simmstone on Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:28 pm, edited 24 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by eschano » Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:46 pm

Wowzers, all in all a great February! Congratulations!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by simmstone » Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:02 pm

Thanks, eschano! :D
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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April 2014

Post by simmstone » Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:59 pm

April 2014
The best thing I can say about March, is that it's over.
Compliance goals for 2014:
No S Diet:
Goal: 80% Success rate
Year to date: 62.3% (as of 4/1/14)
Goal: 57% Success rate (4 days per week)
Year to date: 53.3% (as of 4/1/14)
4/1 - 4/10: FAILURES & S DAYS
Notes: this was just a continuation of the rough stretch that I've been on since last month... but I finally have my wits about me and am gonna get back to the task at hand - normal, sane eating
Fri, 4/11 - SUCCESS
Notes: Finally, a green day!
Sat, 4/12 - S DAY
Notes: Ran/Walked 5 miles in 52 minutes
Sun, 4/13 - S DAY
Notes: Over the top day, but I've had worse...
Mon, 4/14 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today
Tues, 4/15 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Upper Body)
Wed, 4/16 - FAILURE
Notes: Walked 2.4 miles up steep incline in 36 minutes
There may be some people who can walk into a buffet at lunch, eat only one plate of food and leave... but that was not me today. Bigtime failure.
Thurs, 4/17 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today
Fri, 4/18 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Lower Body)
Sat, 4/19 - S DAY
Notes: No workout today. Decided to do my weekly long run tomorrow.
Sun, 4/20 - S DAY
Notes: Ran 10K in 67 minutes
Mon, 4/21 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today, since I drove back from Dallas.
Tues, 4/22 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 38 minutes (Upper Body)
Wed, 4/23 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 3 miles up a steep incline in 45 minutes
Thurs, 4/24 - SUCCESS
Notes: No exercise today. I'm aiming for 4 sessions a week right now, so I will opt for Friday for weights and then either Saturday/Sunday for my longer run
Fri, 4/25 - FAILURE
Notes: Bodyweight resistance training for 30 minutes (Lower Body)
Sat, 4/26 - S DAY
Notes: Ran 3.25 miles in 32 minutes
Sun, 4/27 - S DAY
Mon, 4/28 - FAILURE
Tues, 4/29 - SUCCESS
Wed, 4/30 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.4 miles up a steep hill in 35 minutes
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:56 pm, edited 39 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by eschano » Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:17 pm

I don't know. Looks good to me. You beat the year to date stats!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
Started again January 2021

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:12 pm

I would echo what eschano said, it's clear March was a turning point for you this year! Keep on keepin' on!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Post by simmstone » Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:57 pm

Thanks for the support, eschano and automatedeating!!

It's discouraging, sometimes, to have such effortless success (February), followed by a month where it was all I could do to succeed for one day (March)… but, fortunately, I have learned that the only thing I can do is try to make the next day/week/month better. I am not even capable of extreme dieting anymore, so No S is the only way of eating I will ever attempt to make my default from this point on.

I also have realized that I consistently engaged in disordered eating for the better part of the first 37 years of my life - as a child, my parents often kept limited food in the house and I would binge eat when I went to relatives' houses where ample food was kept, and, as an adult, I used orthorexic dieting to achieve a physical ideal followed by long periods of binge eating to compensate…. the reality is, even though I have been attempting (with varied levels of success) to follow a sane way of eating (No S) since September, 2011, 2.5 years is simply not a large period of time to have mastered my new normal while overcoming nearly 37 years of a deeply disordered 'old' normal.

I truly believe in No S, now. It is the way I want to eat and, often, I do, but I have learned that there will be tailspins for me. Fortunately, No S has taught me to successfully resist the temptation to overcompensate with extreme dieting after those tailspins… and my hope is that, slowly, the tailspins will get shorter as the memory of my old ways fades further and further into my past.

In the mean time, there is simply no choice but to continue… so I will :)
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by eschano » Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:52 am

Such great insight! You can do it!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
Started again January 2021

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May 2014

Post by simmstone » Fri May 02, 2014 5:19 pm

May 2014
April wasn't even close to perfect, but I am back into a good mindset
Compliance goals for 2014:
No S Diet:
Goal: 80% Success rate
Year to date: 58%% (as of 5/1/14)
Goal: 57% Success rate (4 days per week)
Year to date: 52%% (as of 5/1/14)
Thurs, 5/1/14: SUCCESS
Fri, 5/2/14: FAILURE
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Lower Body)
Sat, 5/3/14: S DAY
Sun, 5/4/14: S DAY
Mon, 5/5/14: SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 3 miles up a steep hill in 45 minutes
Tues, 5/6/14: SUCCESS
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Upper Body)
Wed, 5/7/14: FAILURE
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes
I am going to be having Wednesday night dinner at my friends' house regularly, and I am going to eat dessert if it's served. Acceptable failure.
Thurs, 5/8/14: SUCCESS
Notes: No workout. Ate lighter today after last night's big dinner.
Fri, 5/9/14: SUCCESS
Weight: 259lbs
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Lower Body)
My weight has stayed steady this year, even with spotty No S compliance. I think it's because I have been pretty darn consistent in getting 3-4 days of exercise per week.
Sat, 5/10/14: S DAY
Notes: Ran 5K in 30 minutes
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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February 2015

Post by simmstone » Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:50 pm

February 2015
Sun, 2/1 - S DAY
Notes: No workout today.
Mon, 2/2 - FAILURE
Weight: 270.0
Notes: No workout. Sweets at lunch.
Tues, 2/3 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Upper Body)
Wed, 2/4 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Thurs, 2/5 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Fri, 2/6 - SUCCESS
Weight: 260.8
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Lower Body)
Sat, 2/7 - S DAY
Notes: No workout. Went to Houston for family event.
Sun, 2/8 - S DAY
Notes: Went to Houston for family event.
Mon, 2/9 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Chest, Shoulders Triceps)
Tues, 2/10 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Wed, 2/11 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Thurs, 2/12 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Fri, 2/13 - SUCCESS
Weight: 258.8
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Legs)
Sat, 2/14 - S DAY
Notes: Fun Valentine's day picnic with my lady
Sun, 2/15 - S DAY
Notes: Walked 4 miles up steep hill in 60 minutes
Mon, 2/16 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight training for 35 min (Chest, Shoulders Triceps)
Tues, 2/17 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Wed, 2/18 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Thurs, 2/19 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Fri, 2/20: FAILURE
Weight: 256.6
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Legs).
Dinner out with friends with sweets and seconds.
Sat, 2/21 - S DAY
Notes: Went out of town for a party
Sun, 2/22 - S DAY
Notes: Traveled back from out of town
Mon, 2/23 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Chest, Shoulders Triceps)
Tues, 2/24 - SUCCESS
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Wed, 2/25 - SUCCESS
Notes: Weight training for 40 min (Back, Biceps, Abs)
Thurs, 2/26 - SUCCESS
Notes: No workout today. Got in late from work last night (midnight) so I slept in this morning
Fri, 2/27: SUCCESS
Weight: 254.4
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes
Sat, 2/28 - S DAY
Notes: No workout today
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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March 2015

Post by simmstone » Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:29 pm

October 2015

Starting Weight: 275
Wed, 10/14/15
B: X-Large Coffee with 1/2 cup Almond Milk
L: PJ's Garden-Fresh Pizza for one w/ Diet Soda (Fits nicely on a single plate!)
D: Grilled Salmon, Herb Risotto, Green Beans w/ Sparkling Water

Thrus, 10/15/15
B: X-Large Coffee with 1/2 cup Almond Milk
L: PJ's Garden-Fresh Pizza for one w/ Diet Soda (Fits nicely on a single plate!)
D: Turkey-Chile Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Almondine w/ Diet Soda
Notes: Walked for 35 minutes

Fri, 10/16/15
B: None
L: Roasted Veggie Tostini Sandwich w/ Diet Soda
D: Grilled Salmon, Lemon-Scented Basmatti Rice, Mixed Veggies w/ Water
Notes: Walked for 40 minutes

Sat, 10/17/15
Result: S Day

Sun, 10/18/15
Result: S Day

Mon, 10/19/15
B: Cottage Cheese with Slivered Almonds, Large Red Apple, Water
L: 2 slices Thin Crust Veggie Pizza, Salad w/ Red Wine Vinegar, Diet Soda
D: Grilled Chicken, Baked Red Potatoes, Steamed Mixed Veggies, Water
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 10/20/15
B: Cottage Cheese, Large Red Apple, Water
L: Roasted Salmon, Baked Sweet Potato, Green Beans
D: Grilled chicken, Orzo, Green Salad, Red Wine
Notes: Walked for 40 minutes

Wed, 10/21/15
B: None
L: Large Grilled Chicken Salad, Diet Soda
D: Cheese Enchiladas, Refried Beans, Salad, Red Wine, Small plate of homemade Rugelach
Notes: Walked for 45 minutes

Thurs, 10/22/15
B: Protein Shake with Mixed Berries
L: Two Veggie/Hummus Wraps, Diet Soda
(snack - Banana and two small Rugalach pastries)
D: Vegetable Soup
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Legs)

Fri, 10/23/15
B: Protein Shake with Mixed Berries
L: Smoked Turkey, Baked Potato, Green Salad
D: Baked Potato, Clam Chowder w/ Diet Soda
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Back, Biceps, Shoulders)

Sat, 10/24/15
Result: S Day

Sun, 10/25/15
Result: S Day

Mon, 10/26/15
B: Protein Shake, Banana
L: Sushi (Veggie Roll), Diet Soda
D: Baked Chicken, Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes, Green Salad, Red Wine
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 10/27/15
B: None
L: 2 Wraps (Chicken/Rice/Black Beans), Green Salad, Sparkling Water
D: Baked Chicken, Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes, Green Salad
after dinner: Peanut Butter & Banana, Fig Bars
Notes: Walked for 35 minutes

Wed, 10/28/15
B: None
L: 2 Wraps (Chicken, Veggies), Cottage Cheese, Apple, Sparkling Water
D: Baked Chicken, Sweet Potato, Grilled Mixed Veggies
after dinner: Peanut Butter & Banana, Fig Bars
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Back, Biceps, Shoulders)

Thurs, 10/29/15
B: None
L: None
D: Salt Lick BBQ Dinner, Diet Soda

Fri, 10/30/15

Sat, 10/31/15
Result: S Day
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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November 2015

Post by simmstone » Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:11 pm

November, 2015
I haven't posted/tracked here in a while and I have let my habits slip a bit. Brief dalliances with other ways of eating have underscored, for me, that this is the only one I wish to aspire to.
So... back to it!

Sun, 11/1/15:
Weight: 264
Result: S DAY
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Mon, 11/2/15:
B: Protein Shake and Banana
L: Protein Shake and Apple
D: Baked Salmon, Green Beans, Sparkling Water
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 11/3/15:
B: Protein Shake and Mixed Berries
L: Protein Shake and Apple
D: Baked Salmon, Green Beans, Diet Soda
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, 11/4/15:
B: Protein Shake and Banana
L: Papa Johns Garden Fresh Pizza For One, Diet Soda
D: Baked Salmon, Quinoa, Green Beans, Sparkling Water
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Thurs, 11/5/15:
B: Protein Shake and Mixed Berries
L: Garden Hummus Wrap, Large Red apple, Sparkling Water
D: Baked Salmon, Quinoa, Green Beans, Diet Soda
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, 11/6/15:
B: Protein Shake and Banana
L: Garden Hummus Wrap, Diet Soda
D: 2 Bean Burritos, Diet Soda
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Legs)

Sat, 11/7/15:
Result: S DAY

Sun, 11/8/15:
Result: S DAY

Mon, 11/9/15:
B: Protein Shake and Banana
L: Grilled Chicken Breast, Mixed Veggies, Water (at Saltgrass Steakhouse)
D: Quinoa Patty, Mashed Cauliflower, Green Beans, Sparkling Water
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes

Tues, 11/10/15:
B: Protein Shake and Banana
L: Garden Hummus Wrap, Large Red apple, Sparkling Water
D: Large Greek Salad with Grilled Salmon, Sparkling Water
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Wed, 11/11/15:
B: Skipped
L: Papa Johns Garden Fresh Pizza For One, Sparkling Water
D: Large Greek Salad with Grilled Chicken, Sparkling Water
Notes: Walked 2.35 miles up steep hill in 35 minutes

Thurs, 11/12/15:
B: Protein Shake and Mixed Berries
L: Garden Hummus Wrap, Large Red apple, Sparkling Water
D: Turkey Meatloaf, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Diet Soda
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Fri, 11/13/15:
B: Starbucks Venti Americano with Half and Half
L: Garden Hummus Wrap, Large Red apple, Sparkling Water
D: Tapas plate (virtual plate), Red Wine
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Sat, 11/14/15:
Result: S DAY

Sun, 11/15/15:
Result: S DAY

Mon, 11/16/15:
B: Protein Shake and Mixed Berries
L: 'Veggie Combo' Sushi Roll, Apple, Sparkling Water
D: Papa Johns Garden Fresh Pizza For One, Diet Soda
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Tues, 11/17/15:
B: Homebrewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Large Greek Salad with Grilled Chicken Breast, Sparkling Water
D: Spinach Ravioli with Marinara Sauce, Garden Salad, Red Wine
Notes: No Workout today - hip flexor was bothering me this morning, so I decided to rest

Wed, 11/18/15:
B: Protein Shake and Banana
L: Papa Johns Garden Fresh Pizza For One, Diet Soda
D: Spinach Ravioli with Marinara Sauce, Wasabi-infused Cauliflower Mashers, Garden Salad, Sparkling Water
Notes: Weight Training for 45 minutes (Upper Body)

Thurs, 11/19/15:
B: Home-brewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Skipped
D: Grilled Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato, Mixed Veggies, Sparkling Water
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, 11/20/15:
B: Home-brewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Greek Salad with Grilled Salmon, Sparkling Water
D: Home-made Veggie Pizza, Garden Salad, Sparkling Water

Sat, 11/21/15:
Result: S DAY

Sun, 11/22/15:
Result: S DAY

Mon, 11/23/15:
B: Home-brewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Garden Hummus Wrap, Large Red apple, Diet Soda
D: Garden Hummus Wrap, Large Banana, Diet Soda

Tues, 11/24/15 - Sun, 11/29/15
Result: S DAYS

Mon, 11/30/15:
B: Home-brewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Papa Johns Garden Fresh Pizza For One, Diet Soda
D: Boca Burger, Sweet Potato, Grilled Broccoli, Sparkling Water
Last edited by simmstone on Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:22 pm, edited 26 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by gingerpie » Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:18 pm

Welcome back. The no-s way is truly the best!

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December 2015

Post by simmstone » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:24 pm

December 2015

Tues, 12/1/15
Weight: 258
B: Home-brewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Sushi plate (California Roll), Diet Soda
D: Large Greek Salad with Boca Burger, Sparkling Water
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes

Wed, 12/2/15
B: Protein Shake with Mixed Berries
L: Vegetable Korma over Brown Rice/Quinoa, Diet Soda
D: Grilled Salmon, Basmatti Rice, Mixed Veggies, Garden Salad, Sparkling Water
Notes: Weight Training for 45 minutes (Upper Body)

Thurs, 12/3/15
B: Home-brewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Turkey Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans Almondine, Sparkling Water
D: Grilled Chicken, Roasted Red Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Sparkling Water
Notes: No workout today

Fri, 12/4/15
B: Home-brewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Verde Cheese Enchiladas, Mixed fresh Veggies with splash of dressing, Diet Soda
D: Skipped
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes
Had a really big plate of very rich food for lunch and I just wasn't hungry at dinner, so I skipped it

Sat, 12/5/15
Result: S DAY

Sun, 12/6/15
Result: S DAY

Mon, 12/7/15 - Thurs 12/31 : FAILURE and S DAYS
Notes: December kind of got away from me...
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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January 2015

Post by simmstone » Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:44 pm

January 2016
My only goals for this year are compliance-related. I will track weight, but not make it a 'goal' - besides, my weight will be fine if I stay active and follow the plan most of the time. I let my compliance lag last year, so my goal this year is to keep it going ALL YEAR!

Compliance goals for 2016:
No S Diet: 80% Success rate
Exercise: 50% Success rate (or 3-4 days per week)

Let's Go!

Thurs, 1/1/16 - Sun, 1/3/16
Result: S DAYS

Mon, 1/4/16
Weight: 265
B: Skipped
L: Greek Salad with Grilled Chicken, Sparkling Water
D: Grilled Salmon, Cauliflower Mashers, Green Beans, Sparkling Water
Notes: Walked 2.4 miles up steep hill in 36 minutes

Tues, 1/5/16
B: Protein Shake
L: Grilled Salmon, Lemon Basmati Rice, Grilled Veggies, Sparkling Water
D: Tofu Stir-fry over Brown Rice, Sparkling Water
Notes: Weight Training for 45 minutes (Upper Body)

Wed, 1/6/16
B: Skipped
L: Bengal Lentils over Brown Rice/Quinoa, Sparkling Water
D: Tofu Stir-fry over Brown Rice, Sparkling Water
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes

Thurs, 1/7/16
B: Skipped
L: Chicken Poblano Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Beans, Sparkling Water
D: Turkey Chile Meatloaf, Garlic Mashers, Green Beans, Diet Soda

Fri, 1/8/16
B: Skipped
L: Kashmir Spinach over brown rice, Sparkling Water
D: Grilled Chicken, Roasted New Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Diet Soda
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Sat, 1/9/16 - Sun, 1/10/16
Result: S DAYS

Mon, 1/11/16
B: Protein Shake with Almond Milk
L: Grilled Salmon, Lemon Scented Basmatti Rice, Grilled Veggies, Sparkling Water
D: Stuffed Yellow Bell Peppers, Garden Salad, Sparkling Water
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 1/12/16
B: 2 Small Tempeh & Black Bean Breakfast Wraps, Sparkling Water
L: 1 Large Grilled Chicken/Goat Cheese Wrap, Carrots, Sparkling Water
D: Baked Salmon, Cauliflower Mashers, Green Beans, Sparkling Water
Notes: Walked 2 miles up steep hill in 30 minutes

Wed, 1/13/16
B: Home Brewed Ruta Maya Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Turkey Chile Meatloaf, Garlic Mashers, Green Beans, Diet Soda
D: Grilled Chicken Salad with Greek Dressing, 2 glasses Upslope IPA

Thurs, 1/14/16
B: Protein Shake with Mixed Berries
L: Grilled Salmon, Lemon Scented Basmatti Rice, Grilled Veggies, Sparkling Water
D: Grilled Chicken, Roasted New Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Diet Soda
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Fri, 1/15/16
B: Skipped
L: Grilled Chicken, Roasted New Potatoes, Broccoli, Sparkling Water
D: Grilled Salmon, Black Beans, Mixed Grilled Veggies, Diet Soda
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes

Sat, 1/16/16 - Sun, 1/17/16
Result: S DAYS

Mon, 1/18/16
Result: NWS DAY

Tues, 1/19/16

Wed, 1/20/16
B: Venti Cafe Americano
L: Bombay Potatoes over Brown/Red Rice, Diet Soda
D: Chicken Poblano Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Borracho Beans, Sparkling Water
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Thurs, 1/21/16
B: Venti Cafe Americano
L: Aloo Palak over Brown/Red Rice, Diet Soda
D: Beef Brisket, German Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Soda
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, 1/22/16
B: Protein Shake
L: Madras Lentils over Jasmine Rice, Diet Soda
D: Baked Chicken, Sweet Potato, Broccoli
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Sat, 1/23/16 - Sun, 1/24/16
Result: S DAYS
Sat Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes
Sun Notes: Walked 4 miles up steep hill in 60 minutes

Mon, 1/25/16
B: Skipped
L: Garden Fresh Pizza For One, Diet Soda
D: Homemade Vegetarian Enchiladas, Sparkling Water

Tues, 1/26/16
B: Skipped
L: Homemade Cabbage Rolls stuffed with Brown Rice, Tomatoes, and Lean Ground Beef, Diet Soda
D: Surprise Birthday Dinner!
Result: NWS Day

Wed, 1/27/16
B: Skipped
L: Homemade Meatloaf, Cauliflower Mashers, Green Beans, Water
D: Chicken Snitzel, Cornbread, Brussel Sprouts
Notes: Walked 2.7 miles up steep hill in 40 minutes

Thurs, 1/28/16
B: Skipped
L: Bombay Potatoes over Quinoa/Brown Rice, Sparkling Water
D: Chicken Snitzel, Sweet Potato, Green Beans, Diet Soda
Notes: Walked 4 miles up steep hill in 60 minutes

Fri, 1/29/16

Sat, 1/30/16 - Sun, 1/31/16
Result: S DAYS
Last edited by simmstone on Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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February 2016

Post by simmstone » Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:49 pm

February 2016

First, a review of January's weight/compliance goals:

1/4/16: 265
2/1/16: 255 (-10!!)
Notes: I don't have a specific goal for my weight, as I am willing to accept whatever weight results from successfully meeting my compliance goals... but I do want to track it.

No S Diet Compliance
Goal: 80%
Actual: 86.2% (3 NWS days and 2 Failures)

Goal: 50% (3-4 days per week)
Actual: 48.4% (this falls within an acceptible range - months with 31 days may have slightly less than 50% and months with 30 will likely show slightly over 50%)

Definitely a good start to the year. My goal is to keep it going!


Mon, 2/1/16

Tues, 2/2/16
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Wed, 2/3/16
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Thurs, 2/4/16
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Fri, 2/5/16 - Sun, 2/21/16
Result: FAILURE and S DAYS
Notes: Got a bit of the ol' 'diet head' and wound up derailed for a bit... but that's over with and, now, back to No S

Mon, 2/22/16
Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 2/23/16
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, 2/24/16
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Thurs, 2/25/16
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, 2/26/16
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Legs)

Sat, 2/27/16 - Sun, 2/28/16
Result: S DAYS

Mon, 2/29/16
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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March 2015

Post by simmstone » Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:19 pm

March 2016

Compliance review:

Year to date:
No S Diet
Goal: 80%
Actual: 70%
I need a solid March to get my yearly compliance rate up to goal

Goal: 50%
Actual: 53%
I'm right on track in the exercise category! Just need to keep it up.

Tues, 3/1:
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Wed, 3/2:

Thurs, 3/3:

Fri, 3/4:
Weight: 250.1
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep incline in 45 minutes

Sat 3/5 & Sun 3/6
Result: S DAYS
Notes: Ran 4.5 miles in 45 minutes

Mon, 3/7:
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 3/8:
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep incline in 45 minutes

Wed, 3/9:
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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May, 2016

Post by simmstone » Tue May 03, 2016 5:49 pm

May, 2016

Mon, May 16:
B: Skipped
L: Beef Brisket, Green Beans, Diet Coke
D: Cauliflower Fried Rice, Veggie Spring Roll, Pinot Noir
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Tues, May 17:
B: Skipped
L: Leftover Plate from last night's dinner, Diet Coke
D: Big plate of Sliced Beef Brisket, Diet Coke
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, May 18:
B: Skipped
L: Roasted Salmon, Japanese Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Diet Coke
D: Beef Brisket, Japanese Sweet Potatoes
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Thurs, May 19:
B: Large Coffee with Almond Milk
L: Big plate of Beef Brisket, Diet Coke
D: Lots of food and wine

Fri, May 20:

Sat, May 21 & Sun, May 22:
Result: S DAYS

Mon, May 23:
B: Protein Shake, Apple
L: Lemon Rosemary Chicken, Roasted Red Potatoes, Glazed Carrots
D: Homemade Meatloaf, Japanese Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, May 24:
B: Skipped
L: Turkey Meatloaf, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans Almondine
D: Big plate of Sliced Beef Brisket, Diet Coke
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, May 25:
B: Protein Shake
L: Grilled Salmon, Lemon Basmati Rice, Mixed Veggies
D: Big Bowl of Tofu and Vegetable Pho
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Thurs, May 26:
B: Skipped
L: Beef Brisket, Diet Coke
D: Tofu and Broccoli with Edemame Noodels
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, May 27:

Sat, May 28 & Sun, May 29:
Result: S DAYS

Mon, May 30:

Tues, May 31:
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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August, 2016

Post by simmstone » Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:24 pm

August, 2016

Mon, Aug 15th:
Weight: 277.0 lbs
Notes: Weight Training for 45 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, Aug 16th:
Weight: 269.7 lbs
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, Aug 17th:
Weight: 267.0
Notes: Weight Training for 45 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Thurs, Aug 18th:
Weight: 266.4
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, Aug 19th:
Weight: 265.3
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Lower Body)

Sat, Aug 20th & Sun, Aug 21st:
Result: S DAYS

Mon, Aug 22nd:
Weight: 275.0 lbs
Notes: Weight Training for 45 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, Aug 23rd:
Weight: 270.3 lbs
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, Aug 24th:
Weight: 266.4
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Thurs, Aug 25th:
Weight: 264.4
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, Aug 26th:
Notes: Lower Body resistance training - 25 minutes

Sat, Aug 27th & Sun, Aug 28th:
Result: S DAYS

Mon, Aug 29nd:

Tues, Aug 30th:
Last edited by simmstone on Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:27 pm, edited 14 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:11 pm

Interesting log! Will look for your posting.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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January 2017

Post by simmstone » Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:00 pm

January 2017

Well... back to it, then. I would love this to finally be the year that I just follow No S and let the result be whatever it will be. Here goes.

Mon, 1/16: Success Wt: 271.2
Tues, 1/17: Success
Wed, 1/18: Failure
Thurs, 1/19: Success
Fri, 1/20: Failure
Sat 1/21: S Day
Sun 1/22: S Day
Mon, 1/23: Success
Tues, 1/24: Success
Wed, 1/25: Success
Thurs, 1/26: Success
Fri, 1/27: NWS Day
Sat 1/28: S Day
Sun 1/29: S Day
Mon, 1/30: Success
Tues, 1/31: Success
Last edited by simmstone on Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:01 am, edited 8 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by Merry » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:09 am

Welcome back!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
29 lbs. down, 34 to go. Slow and steady wins the race.
Respect Moderation

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February 2017

Post by simmstone » Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:53 pm

February 2017

Onward and upward

Wed, 2/1/17: SUCCESS Wt: 263.6
Thurs, 2/2/17: NWS day - Grandfather's funeral
Fri, 2/3/17: NWS day - Grandfather's funeral
Sat/Sun 2/4 & 2/5/17: S Days
Mon 2/6: SUCCESS
Tues 2/7: SUCCESS
Wed 2/8: SUCCESS
Thurs 2/9: SUCCESS
Fri 2/10: FAILURE
Sat/Sun 2/11 & 2/12: S Days
Mon 2/13: SUCCESS
Tues 2/14: SUCCESS
Wed 2/15: SUCCESS
Thurs 2/16: SUCCESS
Fri 2/17: FAILURE
Sat/Sun 2/18 & 2/19: S Days
Mon 2/20: SUCCESS
Tues 2/21: SUCCESS
Wed 2/22: SUCCESS
Thurs 2/23: SUCCESS
Fri 2/24: SUCCESS
Sat/Sun 2/25 & 2/26: S Days
Mon 2/27: SUCCESS
Tues 2/28: FAILURE
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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March 2017

Post by simmstone » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:37 pm

March 2017

Keep on keepin' on...

Wed, 3/1: SUCCESS
Thurs, 3/2: FAILURE weight: 256, waist: 44 (I'll track this on the first Thurs of each month from now on)
Fri, 3/3: FAILURE
Sat 3/4 & Sun 3/5: S Days
Mon, 3/6: SUCCESS
Tues, 3/7: SUCCESS
Wed, 3/8: SUCCESS
Thurs, 3/9: SUCCESS
Fri, 3/10: FAILURE
Sat 3/11 - Sun 3/19: S Days & Vacation
Mon, 3/20 - Fri, 3/31: FAILURE (mostly)
Last edited by simmstone on Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Re: March 2017

Post by Whosonfirst » Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:50 pm

simmstone wrote:March 2017

Keep on keepin' on...

Wed, 3/1: SUCCESS
Thurs, 3/2: FAILURE weight: 256, waist: 44 (I'll track this on the first Thurs of each month from now on)
Fri, 3/3: FAILURE
Sat 3/4 & Sun 3/5: S Days
Mon, 3/6: SUCCESS
Tues, 3/7: SUCCESS
Wed, 3/8: SUCCESS
Thurs, 3/9: SUCCESS
Fri, 3/10: FAILURE
Sat 3/11 - Sun 3/19: S Days & Vacation
Mon, 3/20:
Tues, 3/21:
Wed, 3/22:
Thurs, 3/23:
Fri, 3/24:
Sat 3/25 & Sun 3/26: S Days
Mon, 3/27:
Tues, 3/28:
Wed, 3/29:
Thurs, 3/30:
Fri, 3/31:
Wow! You're 21 lbs. down from late last year, Keep it up. I see many series of five green days in a row on your charts too. That's eluded me for the most part.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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21 consecutive 21 day challenges

Post by simmstone » Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:43 pm

Back when I first started No S, I had a 'dream' goal: complete 21 consecutive 21 day challenges. I only made it through 2 before abandoning all together, but I think I am ready for something to shake me out of my complacency. I am past the point of doing any obsessive workout/diet plan, but I think I'm ready to truly try for obsessive moderation. Completing 21 straight 21 day challenges would provide a massive amount of satisfaction (and probably some weight loss, to boot)! I'm gonna try to live up to this check-in thread's name!!

21 Day Challenge #1

Day 1: Mon 4/17/17
Weight: 267
B: Protein Shake
L: Chicken Ala King, Roasted New Potatoes, Steamed Mixed Veggies, Diet Soda (at Work Cafeteria)
D: Crunchy Baked Pollock, Mashed Potatoes, Garden Salad, Pinot noir (at Work Cafeteria)
Result: SUCCESS - 1 day on habit
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Day 2: Tues 4/18/17
Weight: 260
B: Green Tea
L: Cajun Stew over Garlic Rice, Baked Sweet Potato, Sautéed Kale, Diet Soda (at Work Cafeteria)
D: Roasted Wild Salmon, Buttered Red Potatoes, Grilled Broccoli, Pinot Noir (at Home)
Result: SUCCESS - 2 days on habit
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Day 3: Wed 4/19/17
Weight: 256.8
B: Green Tea
L: Sautéed Beef Tenderloin Tips, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Diet Soda (at Saltgrass Steakhouse)
D: Pork Vindaloo, Basmati Rice, Sautéed Spinach, Cabernet Sauvignon (at home)
Result: SUCCESS - 3 days on habit
Notes: Weight Training for 40 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Day 4: Thurs 4/20/17
Weight: 256.6
B: Green Tea
L: Veggie Pizza for one, Diet Coke (Papa Johns)
D: Roasted Wild Salmon, Red Potatoes, Grilled Broccoli, Cabernet Sauvignon (at Home)
Result: SUCCESS - 4 days on habit
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Day 5: Fri 4/21
Weight: 254.7
B: Green Tea
L: Beef Brisket, Red Potatoes, Creamed Corn, Diet Soda (at Rudy's BBQ)
D: Cajun Jambalaya, Sourdough Bread, Sparkling Water (Mom's house)
Result: SUCCESS - 5 days on habit
Notes: Bodyweight Resistance training for 30 minutes (Legs)

Days 6/7: Sat 4/22 & Sun 4/23
Result: S DAYS - 7 days on habit

Day 8: Mon 4/24
Weight: 261.4
B: Green Tea
L: Garden Fresh Pizza for one, Diet Coke (Papa Johns)
D: Mixed Vegetarian plate with salad and soup, Hot tea (Casa De Luz)
Result: SUCCESS - 8 days on habit

Day 9: Tues 4/25
Weight: 260.4
B: Green Tea
L: Turkey Tetrazzini, Chickpea and Date Tagine, Spinach Vindaloo, Diet Soda (Office Cafeteria)
D: Grilled Salmon, Mixed Vegetables, Pinot Noir (Home)
Result: SUCCESS - 9 days on habit
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Day 10: Wed 4/26
Weight: 256.9
B: Green Tea
L: Calypso Chicken, Baked Potato, Three Bean Salad, Green Bean Casserole, Diet Soda (Office Cafeteria)
D: Turkey Chile Meatloaf, Roasted Red Potatoes, Sautéed Kale, Sparkling Water (Central Market)
Result: SUCCESS - 10 days on habit
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Day 11: Thurs 4/27
Weight: 254.3
B: Green Tea
L: Sweet and Sour Tofu, Drunken Noodles, Mixed Fresh Veggies, Diet Soda (Office Cafeteria)
D: Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, White Vinegar Cole Slaw, Diet Soda (Salt Lick BBQ)
Result: SUCCESS - 11 days on habit
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Day 12: Fri 4/28
Result: NWS Day
Notes: Anniversary Dinner with my wife, multi-course meal for dinner was planned a few weeks ago.

Days 13/14: Sat 4/29 & Sun 4/30
Result: S DAYS - 14 days on habit

Day 15: Mon 5/1
B: Green Tea
L: Moroccan Orange Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato, Mixed Steamed Veggies, Diet Soda (Office Cafeteria)
D: Ribeye Steak, Grilled Broccoli, Pinot Noir (Home)
Result: SUCCESS - 15 days on habit
Notes: Weight Training for 30 minutes (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Day 16: Tues 5/2
Weight: 257.8
B: Green Tea
L: Beef Brisket, Garden Salad, Diet Soda (Office Luncheon)
D: Bacon Wrapped Venison steak, Red Potatoes, Green Beans, Pinot Noir (Home)
Result: SUCCESS - 16 days on habit
Notes: Walked 4 miles up steep hill in 1 hour

Day 17: Wed 5/3
Weight: 253.7
B: Green Tea
L: Lemon Herb Cod, Baked Sweet Potato, Steamed Vegetable Medley, Diet Soda (Office Cafeteria)
D: Roasted Salmon, Red Potatoes, Grilled Broccoli, Pinot Noir (Home)
Result: FAILURE (got super hungry after dinner and binged) :(
Notes: Weight Training for 35 minutes (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Day 18: Thurs 5/4

Day 19: Fri 5/5

Days 20/21: Sat 5/6 & Sun 5/7
Result: S DAYS
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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May 2017

Post by simmstone » Mon May 08, 2017 5:25 pm

May 2017

Mon, 5/1: SUCCESS
Tues, 5/2: SUCCESS
Wed, 5/3: FAILURE
Thurs, 5/4: FAILURE
Fri, 5/5: FAILURE
Sat, 5/6: S DAY
Sun, 5/7: S DAY
Mon, 5/8: FAILURE
Tues, 5/9: FAILURE
Wed, 5/10: SUCCESS
Thurs, 5/11: SUCCESS
Fri, 5/12: FAILURE
Sat, 5/13: S DAY
Sun, 5/14: SUCCESS

Mon, 5/22: SUCCESS
Tues, 5/23: SUCCESS
Wed, 5/24: SUCCESS
Thurs, 5/25:
Fri, 5/26:
Sat, 5/27: S DAY
Sun, 5/28: S DAY
Mon, 5/29:
Tues, 5/30:
Wed, 5/31:
Last edited by simmstone on Thu May 25, 2017 2:36 am, edited 9 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by oolala53 » Tue May 09, 2017 12:01 am

January of 2010 (well, really Dec. 26, 2009) was my official restart. It basically stuck, though I had a big relapse at Christmas time, though it was over lost love, not holidays. I think that was the last time a life event threw me for a long loop. Weight bounced around, but was MOSTLY downwards with a few relatively small regains.

Anyway, it just became clear that I couldn't eat the next 20 years the way I had been. It was miserable! And fearing that that was what I might go back to has kept me going. Compliance and taming S days was my only real goal, though I suspected I could get back to high school weight, since I wasn't one of the thinner girls.

A paraphrase of what brightangel says is being compliant and moderate is hard but overeating is hard, too.

Hope you can cling to the hard that you really want.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by simmstone » Wed May 10, 2017 4:28 pm

Thanks, oolala. Your words are welcomed and your story/success is a big influence/inspiration to me.

I have reached the point where I know that No S is as 'strict' of an eating plan as I can handle, so, at the very least, I keep coming back to it (rather than some radical rebound diet). So, in that sense, I do feel that I have chosen my desired 'hard'... but I still struggle to turn my desired way of eating into my lived experience of eating (for more than brief spurts).

6 years in and I haven't made much progress (weight-wise), mostly because I seem to follow a pattern of 2-3 months of decent compliance, followed by 2-3 months of free-for-all eating... but all I know to do is to keep pressing on. As you mentioned, I do realize that I can't keep binge eating for the next 20 years. One of my greatest regrets is how much time food obsession/weight struggle has already robbed from me in my life, and one of my greatest fears is that I will someday die without ever having figured out how to beat it.

But, again, all I know to do is to press on and try with this way of eating - which seems like the most sane way to attack this issue. I remain hopeful that I can overcome it, in spite of the years of evidence I've now lived/observed to the contrary that I cannot.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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August 2017

Post by simmstone » Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:20 pm

August 2017
* I will weigh each Friday morning

Mon, 7/31: SUCCESS
Tues, 8/1: SUCCESS
Wed, 8/2: SUCCESS
Thurs, 8/3: SUCCESS
Fri, 8/4: 266.1 lbs FAILURE
Sat, 8/5: S Day
Sun, 8/6: S Day
Mon, 8/7: SUCCESS
Tues, 8/8: SUCCESS
Wed, 8/9: SUCCESS
Thurs, 8/10: SUCCESS
Fri, 8/11: SUCCESS
Sat, 8/12: S Day
Sun, 8/13: S Day
Mon, 8/14: FAILURE
Tues, 8/15:
Wed, 8/16:
Thurs, 8/17:
Fri, 8/18: NWS Day
Sat, 8/19: S Day
Sun, 8/20: S Day
Mon, 8/21:
Tues, 8/22:
Wed, 8/23:
Thurs, 8/24:
Fri, 8/25:
Sat, 8/26: S Day
Sun, 8/27: S Day
Mon, 8/28:
Tues, 8/29:
Wed, 8/30:
Thurs, 8/31:
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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January 2018

Post by simmstone » Wed Dec 06, 2017 6:18 pm

January 2018

Mon, 1/15:
B: Cottage Cheese, Apple, Water
L: Kale & Mozzarella Chicken Burgers, Sweet Potato, Sauteed Kale
D: Roasted Salmon, Cauliflower Mashers, Green Beans
Notes: Resistance Training (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 1/16:
B: Cottage Cheese, Apple, Water
L: Beef Roast, Red Potatoes, Green Beans, Sparkling Water
D: Grilled Chicken with Alfredo Sauce over Broccoli, Sparkling Wateer
Notes: Walk 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, 1/17
B: Cottage Cheese, Apple, Water
L: Grilled Chicken, Red Potatoes, Green Beans
D: Spaghetti Squash with Meat Sauce, Black Olives, and Tomoatoes
Notes: Resistance Training (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Thurs, 1/18
B: Cottage Cheese, Apple, Water
L: Skipped (not on purpose... just didn't have time)
D: Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, Cole Salw, Diet Sode
Notes: Walk 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, 1/19
B: Protein Shake
L: Grilled Salmon with Orange Caprese, Red Potatoes, Creamy Brussel Sprouts, Steamed Green Beans/Tomatoes, Diet Soda.
D: Spaghetti Squash with Meat Sauce, Black Olives, and Tomoatoes
Notes: Resistance Training (Legs)

Sat, 1/20 & Sun 1/21
Result: S DAYS

Mon, 1/22
B:Protien Shake
L: Cottsge Cheese, Apple
D: Grilled Chicken, Cauliflower Mashers, Broccoli
Notes: Resistance training

Tues, 1/23
B: Protein Shake
L: Cottage Cheese, Apple
D: Pad Thai Chicken
Notes: Walked 3 miles

Wed, 1/24
B: Green Tea
L: Meatlof, Red Potatoes, Mixed Veggies
D: Grilled Salmon, New Potatoes, Saiteed Kale
Notes: Sick

Thurs, 1/25: SUCCESS
Fri, 1/26: FAILURE
Sat, 1/27 & Sun 1/28: S DAYS
Mon, 1/29: SUCCESS
Tues, 1/30: SUCCESS
Wed, 1/31
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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March 2018

Post by simmstone » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:36 pm

March 2018

Thurs, 3/1 - SUCCESS
B: Ruta Maya Coffee
L: Cottage Cheese, Apple
D: Smoked Turkey w/ BBQ sauce, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Coke
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, 3/2 - FAILURE
B: Ruta Maya Coffee
L: Cottage Cheese, Apple
D: Binged

Sat 3/3 & Sun 3/4 - S DAY
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Mon, 3/5 - SUCCESS
B: Vegan Protein Cookie (White Chocolate), Ruta Maya
L: Hamburger Patty, Red Potatoes, Aspargus
D: Roasted Wild Salmon, Green Beans, Red Wine
Notes: Weight Training (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Tues, 3/6 - SUCCESS
B: Vegan Protein Cookie (Dark Chocolate), Ruta Maya Coffee
L: Hamburger Patty, Red Potatoes, Aspargus
D: Chicken Fajitas, Black Beans/Corn, Salad, Red Wine
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, 3/7 - SUCCESS
B: Vegan Protein Cookie (Oatmeal Raisin), Coffee
L: Smoked Turkey/Bacon Wrap, Diet Coke
D: Roasted Wild Salmon, Sweet Potato, Broccoli, Red Wine

Thurs, 3/8 - SUCCESS
B: Ruta Maya Coffee
L: Smoked Turkey/Bacon Wrap, Diet Coke
D: Smoked Turkey w/ BBQ sauce, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Diet Coke
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Fri, 3/9 - SUCCESS
B: Egg Salad Sandwich, Green Apple, Ruta Maya Coffee
L: Smoked Turkey/Bacon Wrap, Broccoli Salad, Diet Coke
D: Thin crust Veggie Pizza, Salad, Red Wine

Sat 3/10, Sun 3/11 - S DAYS

Mon, 3/12 - FAILURE

Tues, 3/13 - FAILURE
Notes: Worked 10 hour days at a trade show and did not stick to eating or exercise plan.

Wed, 3/14 - SUCCESS
B: Protein Shake, Apple
L: Turkey Bacon Wrap, Diet Coke
D: Chicken Fajitas, Rice, Grilled Veggies
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Thurs, 3/15 - SUCCESS
B: Protein Shake, Apple
L: Roast Beef Sandwich, Diet Coke (Subway)
D: Tuna Casserole, Grilled Broccoli, Red Wine
Notes: Weight Training (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Fri, 3/16 - FAILURE
Notes: Did fine during the day then binged at dinner

Sat 3/17, Sun 3/18 - S DAYS
Notes: It was a rough weekend... ate entirely too much, and binged. Ready for the week, now.

Mon, 3/19 - Sun 3/25 : FAILURE and S DAYS
Notes: Lost focus and momentum. Back to it next week... the only permanent failure is to cease trying!

Mon 3/26 - SUCCESS
B: Spinach and Egg omlette, Coffee
L: Grilled Chicken, New Potatoes, Carrots, Sparkling Water
D: Seared Ahi Tuna, Cauliflower Mashers, Grilled Broccoli, Red Wine

Tues 3/27-SUCCESS
B: Smoked Turkey and Bacon Wrap, Coffee
L: Grilled Salmon, Basmati Rice, Sautéed Mixed Veggies, Sparkling Water
D: Taco Salad made with ground turkey and black beans), Red Wine
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes

Wed, 3/28 -SUCCESS
B: Spinach and Egg omlette, Coffee
L: Smoked Turkey and Bacon Wrap, Sparkling Water
D: Turkey Chile Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans Almandine, Red Wine

Thurs, 3/29 - SUCCESS
B: Ruta Maya Dark Roast Coffee
L: Footlong Roast Beef Sandwich, Diet Coke
D: Smoked Turkey, Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Diet Coke
Notes: Walked 3 miles up steep hill in 45 minutes
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:27 pm, edited 21 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:42 am

Hope you have a marvelous march!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Post by simmstone » Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:49 pm

Same to you, automatedeating!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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12 week No S challenge

Post by simmstone » Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:52 pm

12 week No S challenge

The idea here is to use a fun '12 week challenge' concept to ramp up my No S compliance.
The goals are simple:
Diet: 12 straight weeks of 80% green days (4 21-Day challenges in a row)
Exercise: At least 3-4 days per week for at least 30 minutes per session
Weigh In - Once per week on Wednesday or Thursday morning

Here we go!

21-Day Challenge #1

Week One
Day 1: Mon, 4/16 - Success
Day 2: Tues, 4/17 - Success, Weight Training
Day 3: Wed, 4/18 - Success, Walked 3 miles, Weight - 261.5
Day 4: Thurs, 4/19 - Success, Weight Training
Day 5: Fri, 4/20 - Success, Walked 3 miles
Day 6: Sat, 4/21 - S DAY, Resistance Training for 25 minutes
Day 7: Sun, 4/22 - S DAY

Week Two
Day 8: Mon, 4/23 - Success, Walked 3 miles
Day 9: Tues, 4/24 - Success, Weight - 259
Day 10: Wed, 4/25 - Failure - work retreat, had unplanned snacks
Day 11: Thurs, 4/26 - Success
Day 12: Fri, 4/27 - Success
Day 13/14: Sat, 4/28 & Sun, 4/29 - S DAYS

Week Three
Day 15: Monday, 4/30 - Success
Day 16: Tues, 5/1 - Failure
Day 17: Wed, 5/2 - Failure
Day 18: Thurs, 5/3 - Success, Walked 3 miles
Day 19: Fri, 5/4 - Success
Day 20/21: Sat 5/5, Sun 5/6 - S DAYS

21-Day Challenge #2

Week Four
Day 22: Mon, 5/7 - Success
Day 23: Tues, 5/8 - Success
Day 24: Wed, 5/9 - Success
Day 25: Thurs, 5/10 - Success
Day 26: Fri, 5/11 - Success
Day 27/28: Sat, 5/12 & Sun, 5/13 - S DAYS

Week Five
Day 29: Mon, 5/14 - Success
Day 30: Tues, 5/15 - Success
Day 31: Wed, 5/16 - Success, Weight Training
Day 32: Thurs, 5/17 - Success, Walked 3 miles
Day 33: Fri, 5/18 - Success, Weight Training
Day 34/35: Sat, 5/19 & Sun, 5/20 - S DAYS

Week Six
Day 36: Mon, 5/21 - Success, Walked 3 miles
Day 37: Tues, 5/22 - Success, Walked 3 miles
Day 38: Wed, 5/23 - Success
Day 39: Thurs, 5/24 - Success, Weight - 256.5, Weight Training
Day 40: Fri, 5/25 - Success, Walked 3 miles
Day 41/42: Sat, 5/26 & Sun, 5/27 - S DAYS

21-Day Challenge #3

Week Seven
Day 43: Mon, 5/28 - NWS DAY
Day 44: Tues, 5/29 - Success
Day 45: Wed, 5/30 - Success, Weight Training
Day 46: Thurs, 5/31 - Success, Walked 3 miles
Day 47: Fri, 6/1 - Failure
Day 48/49: Sat, 6/2 & Sun, 6/3 - S DAYS, Walked 4 miles on both days

Week Eight
Day 50: Mon, 6/4 - Success
Day 51: Tues, 6/5 - Success
Day 52: Wed, 6/6 - Success
Day 53: Thurs, 6/7 - Success
Day 54: Fri, 6/8 - Success
Day 55/56: Sat, 6/9 & Sun, 6/10 - S DAYS

Week Nine
Day 57: Mon, 6/11 - Failure
Day 58: Tues, 6/12 - Success
Day 59: Wed, 6/13 - Success
Day 60: Thurs, 6/14 - Success
Day 61: Fri, 6/15 - Success, Weight - 253.7
Day 62/63: Sat, 6/16 & Sun, 6/17 - S DAYS

21-Day Challenge #4

Week Ten
Day 64: Mon, 6/18 - Success
Day 65: Tues, 6/19- Success
Day 66: Wed, 6/20 - Success
Day 67: Thurs, 6/21 - Success
Day 68: Fri, 6/22- Success
Day 69/70: Sat, 6/23 & Sun, 6/24 - S DAYS

Week Eleven
Day 71: Mon, 6/25 - Failure
Day 72: Tues, 6/26 - Success
Day 73: Wed, 6/27 - Success
Day 74: Thurs, 6/28 - Success
Day 75: Fri, 6/29 - Failure
Day 76/77: Sat, 6/30 & Sun, 7/1 - S DAYS

Week Twelve
Day 78: Mon, 7/2 - Success
Day 79: Tues, 7/3 - Failure
Day 80: Wed, 7/4 - NWS DAY
Day 81: Thurs, 7/5 - Success Weight - 252.6
Day 82: Fri, 7/6 - NWS DAY (vacation begins)
Day 83/84: Sat, 7/7 & Sun, 7/8 - S DAYS
Last edited by simmstone on Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:43 pm, edited 36 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 163
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Location: Singapore

Post by Crystal » Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:29 am

Congratulations on a successful week! I browsed through your thread and really enjoyed reading many of your posts. Very insightful stuff. And your meals sound amazing, even though I’m a vegetarian. 😂 Your posts make me homesick though as I’m originally from Texas. My family lives in Fredericksburg. Take care!
44 years old. Long time vegetarian.
Vanilla No S.
Starting Weight: 269 (17 July 2017)
Last year: 228 (14 August 2018)
Current Weight: 232 (6 November 2019)
Goal Weight: Wherever my weight eventually settles on No S.

Dalia negra
Posts: 276
Joined: Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:48 am
Location: Barcelona (Spain)

Post by Dalia negra » Sat Apr 21, 2018 7:04 pm

Good luck with your challenge !!! Like Soprano, I love your diary!

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Location: TX


Post by simmstone » Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:31 pm

Thanks for the well wishes Crystal and Dalia negra!!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:03 am

Glad to see you've been able to be more regular in 2018. I hope I won't undermine your resolve, but remember that expecting perfect compliance can result in big time WTHell rebound at the first fail. But there's nothing to stop you from being willing to go through a lot of hell (before WTH) from the body kicking up a storm and getting your mind to mess with ya. Like an interrogation from a cop determined to pin a crime on you that YOU know you didn't commit. :wink: Stand by your story!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 156
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:31 pm
Location: TX

Post by simmstone » Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:11 pm

Noted, oolala53... especially given my history of perfectionism. I already had a failure yesterday at a work event, so it's already essential that I realize the real goal of this challenge - which is to ramp up my compliance higher than it is now (i.e. to fail LESS, rather than fail never).

I will work to engage this challenge with the expectation that even 80% compliance for 12 weeks would be outstanding, for me.

Thanks, as always, for your insight!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Dalia negra
Posts: 276
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Location: Barcelona (Spain)

Post by Dalia negra » Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:52 am

I agree with Oolala, perfectionism will make the slightest mistake you want to throw it all away to start again. At the beginning I also took this as I used to take the diets before: I had to have 100% compliance, so, I came to the forum and I said that I had not had a good start, that I had fallen off the car and that I was starting from the beginning. Then Oolala told me that I wanted to say with that, that even having red days I FOLLOWED in the plan. And this opened my eyes. Since then, if I do it wrong one day, red frame and I continue, I consider it inside the plan :wink:

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July/Aug/Sept/Oct 2018

Post by simmstone » Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:51 pm

I'll be ramping it back up for August/September/October. My 12 week No S challenge went well, and then I took a two week vacation and spent the last month in a bit of a 'vacation' mindset... but the good news is that I didn't relapse into binge eating - I just relaxed the No S rules for a bit. It was a nice little break, and now I'm ready to get back to it and finish up the year strongly!

I've got a 5 day vacation coming up toward the end of October, so I've got time for another 12 week challenge prior to that. This is being done in fun - no perfectionism - I won't be micromanaging what I put on each plate, but I do want to complete these 4 consecutive challenges with limited failures, for once, just to know that I can do it.

21 Day challenge #1

Week One
Mon, 7/23 - Success, Weight Training
Tues, 7/24 - Success, Walking
Wed, 7/25 - Success, Weight Training
Thurs, 7/26 - Success, Walking
Fri, 7/27 - Success, Weight Training
Sat, 7/28 & Sun, 7/29 - S DAYS

Week Two
Mon, 7/30 - Success, Weight Training
Tues, 7/31 - Success, Walking
Wed, 8/1 - Success, Weight Training
Thurs, 8/2 - Success, Walking
Fri, 8/3 - Success, Weight Training
Sat 8/4 and Sun 8/5 - S DAYS

Week Three
Mon, 8/6 - Success, Weight Training
Tues, 8/7 - Success, Walking
Wed, 8/8 - Success, Weight Training
Thurs, 8/9 - Success, Walking
Fri - 8/10 - Success, Weight Training , Weight - 253.5
Sat 8/11 and Sun 8/12 - S DAYS

21 Day challenge #2

Week Four
Mon, 8/13 - Success, Weight Training
Tues, 8/14 - Success, Walking
Wed, 8/15 - Success, Weight Training
Thurs, 8/16 - Success, Walking
Fri, 8/17 - Success, Weight Training
Sat 8/18 and Sun 8/19 - S DAYS

Week Five
Mon, 8/20 - Success, Weight Training
Tues, 8/21 - Success, Weight Training
Wed, 8/22 - Success, Walking
Thurs, 8/23 - Success, Weight Training
Fri, 8/24 - Failed, Walking
Sat 8/25 and Sun 8/26 - S DAYS

Week Six
Mon, 8/27 - Success, Weight Training
Tues, 8/28 - Success, Weight Training
Wed, 8/29 - Success, Walking
Thurs, 8/30 - Success, Weight Training
Fri, 8/31 - Success, Walking, Weight -246.2
Sat 9/1 and Sun 9/2 - S DAYS
Last edited by simmstone on Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:30 pm, edited 62 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 5305
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:16 pm

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:59 pm

Looks like you are really focused! I have been feeling like that lately as well! Good job and here's to a great August!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

Posts: 156
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Location: TX

Post by simmstone » Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:56 pm

Same to you, automatedeating!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 10072
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Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:32 pm

I hadn't looked for quite awhile at your comments, so I scrolled to the top. It's been quite a journey. I've had some wobbling. I wish there was a word for the space between mayor and minor. That's what it's been.

Is it really true you have been binge free since the spring? That's awesome. I'm hoping it can inspire me to take my own advice from over the years.

I heard a Tedtalk by an obesity doctor who himself was obese. He said that first of all, no one should think that obese people are weak; and secondly, it's more like a chronic disease that must be managed rather than bing bang boom, it's over. I'm finally seeing what he's talking about, though I wasn't obese. I thought by now I could be almost completely carefree about the whole process. I might have thought of myself as weak to let things get where they are after so much time on an even keel, but for now I accept that I have a condition that complicates the simplicity.

We're in this together.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 156
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:31 pm
Location: TX

Post by simmstone » Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:41 pm

Ebb and flow seems only natural in all aspects of life - including our 'eating' life. There are inevitably bound to be periods of great passion, freedom, ease, followed by periods of struggle. I've certainly found this to be true for myself. I'm sure you recognize this, and, likewise, realize that you can't always create that psychological momentum from your sheer force of will. It's more like a lunar cycle - you just have to wait, sometimes, for the phases to change.

In light of that, I've found it quite helpful to read about human psychology lately, particularly evolutionary psychology, and I've gained a better understanding of just exactly why our brains work the way that they do. I think a natural next step in that progression of study is to read up on Buddhist philosophy - not for the spiritual aspects, like reincarnation or the deity of Buddha, but, instead, for the underlying psychology that our thoughts are not 'us'... they're an extension of a brain that has evolved to help us survive. Understanding this dichotomy has helped me realize that thoughts don't inevitably lead to action, and I'm capable of examining them the way I would any other phenomenon that transpires out of my control (like a lunar eclipse). This has been a great help in my journey to break free from binge eating - I realize that I might always have thoughts about it, but I also have thoughts about quitting my job or being a professional athlete - I simply explore, acknowledge and release the latter of these, because they are impractical. I've come to believe that I can do the same with thoughts about binge eating, and this has provided the breakthrough that no diet plan ever could.

I have little doubt that you'll cycle back to a mental space that feels better to you. You are such an inspiration and a source of wisdom for so many folks here... and you are also ALLOWED to not always be on top of it.

While you wait for the next phase, be kind to yourself and please know that you have done something far more important than controlling your weight or staying at an ideal BMI for these last years - you have made an actual difference in MANY people's lives here (I know you have made a difference in mine!). And that is the greatest thing you can do in this life.
Last edited by simmstone on Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

Posts: 2642
Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:20 pm

Post by eschano » Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:05 pm

So much here that is insightful and useful. Thank you both for sharing your conversation
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
Started again January 2021

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Location: TX

September 2018

Post by simmstone » Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:14 pm

September 2018

Notes on the last 6 months: I took a moment to re-read my entire daily check in thread... wow. What a journey. So many ups and downs, peaks and valleys. And all of it has brought me to now: I have not had a period of No S compliance this solid or effortless since I started following the plan in 2011. I have never had a period of time where I have gone this long without binge eating on S days (I'm coming up on SIX MONTHS!!!).

Years of having No S as a goal/base, going through long stretches of green days followed by long sessions of red days, persevering through weight gain and weight loss, resisting the urges to go back to more restrictive/controlled diets, over analyzing, journaling, habit cals, staying active on the No S boards.... and, then, suddenly, I look up my stats today and see that I'm at the goal I've been striving for since I started: 80% compliance over the last 6 months!

The only explanation I have is that I finally get it... and I get it BECAUSE of all of those struggles. I had to go through them to truly release my disordered eating practices, but I truly feel like I have finally expunged those practices from my natural tendencies. I mean, my S Days (which used to be an all-I-could-eat food-a-thon), now involve, perhaps, one small treat. One treat?!?! Who the heck am I?!?!

I hope and pray things can stay like this for me. What a nice way to live... it feels as great as always thought it would.

On to another 21 day challenge

21 Day challenge #3

Week Seven
Mon, 9/3 - NWS DAY (Labor Day Holiday)
Tues, 9/4 - Success, Weight Training
Wed, 9/5 - Success, Walking
Thurs, 9/6 - Success, Weight Training
Fri, 9/7 - Success, Walking
Sat 9/8 and Sun 9/9 - S DAYS

Week Eight
Mon, 9/10 - Success, Walking
Tues, 9/11 - Success, Weight Training
Wed, 9/12 - Success, Weight Training
Thurs, 9/13 - Success, Walking
Fri, 9/14 - Failed, Weight Training
Sat 9/15 and Sun 9/16 - S DAYS

Week Nine
Mon, 9/17 - Success
Tues, 9/18 - Success, Weight Training
Wed, 9/19 - Success, Weight Training
Thurs, 9/20 - Success, Weight Training
Fri, 9/21 - Success, Walking
Sat 9/22 and Sun 9/23 - S DAYS

21 Day challenge #4

Week Ten
Mon, 9/24 - Success, Weight Training
Tues, 9/25 - Success
Wed, 9/26 - Success, Weight Training
Thurs, 9/27 - Success
Fri, 9/28 - Success, Weight - 238.7
Sat 9/29 and Sun 9/30 - S DAYS
Last edited by simmstone on Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:32 pm, edited 35 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Location: UK

Post by Soprano » Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:14 pm

It's great to read posts like this. Congratulations :)

Posts: 1133
Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 10:41 pm

Post by ladybird30 » Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:18 am

It can take a long time, but it's wonderful when you feel like you are getting there.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

Posts: 10072
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:46 am
Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:00 am

A delicious accomplishment!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 156
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:31 pm
Location: TX

October 2018

Post by simmstone » Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:30 pm

Last edited by simmstone on Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:23 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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