Angology's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Angology's daily check-in

Post by Angology » Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:00 pm

Started on Monday (April 23, 2012). I was on Weight Watchers, but was starting to rebel at the thought of counting every little morsel that I put in my mouth. It seems to make me more obsessive.
So-I have been successful so far this week with the no Snack thing (the no seconds or sweets is not as much of a problem for me, and my recent months on WW have helped to put that in place), but I am super hungry right around 5:00. I can usually power through unless I want to work out before dinner-I find I get too light-headed if I am hungry. I will keep experimenting with my lunches to try and make them last longer. For now, I moved my workouts to well after dinner.

My challenge this week (and probably the next) will be to try and do without an afternoon snack. Next-I work on better plating skills. I have done some work on it, but need to concentrate on one hurdle at a time.

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Re: Angology's daily check-in

Post by Angology » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:45 pm

Wednesday status-still stuck to the no snacks rule and did my workout later in the evening. Tried some more filling foods for lunch. Had black beans/brown rice with salsa and topped with a small amount of cheese. At least I have the practice with portion control to know that I don't need a mound of cheese on top. I also had a couple of mandarin oranges to round out my plate. This all stayed with me a little longer.
Dinner was completely void of vegetables, but we only do this once in a while. Had oven fried chicken and rice with homestyle baked beans. I usually add in broccoli, but we were out. I don't have as much trouble avoiding night time snacks, just afternoon ones.
One problem I do face is that I am not fond of vegetables-they seem bitter to me. I try to get them in, but I end up getting tired of the few types that I like. Sounds like another challenge to embark on once I am further along-try new vegetables!

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Angology's daily check-in

Post by Angology » Thu May 03, 2012 5:35 pm

Lots to catch up on. I managed the first week as vanilla No-S. Thursday and Friday were non-eventful, from a No-S standpoint (aside from the fact that I was proud of myself).

We went to the beach starting Saturday. Lots of walking on the beach! My one sweet was a Pina Colada. Vacation eating is always a little crazy, but I did fairly well (aka-no overeating, even if the nutritional quality of the food was lacking). I bought some snacks for the hotel room, but in the small bag variety, which is a switch for me.

Sunday-the sweets of choice were again fruity drinks. The beach brings that out in me!

Even though I was on vacation Monday and Tuesday-it was back to No-S. On a long-weekend kind of vacation, I figured I could resist. Any leftover snacks were thrown out, and no fruity drinks were ordered. I figure when I go to San Diego for Comic Con-that is a true vacation that can be called a no-S day extravaganza!

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Angology's daily check-in

Post by Angology » Thu May 03, 2012 5:40 pm

Wednesday (May 3) Report:

I did decide to add in a pre-workout mini-meal. I really don't like working out at 8:00+. I did research working out hungry, and it doesn't look like a great idea. So-I went for a serving of walnuts and a mandarin orange-it was perfect.

If I am working out at 6:00-I will do the mini-meal-otherwise, I know I can do without.

Overall-I am really enjoying this new way of life. So easy to follow!

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Post by milliem » Fri May 04, 2012 9:35 am

Well done on your successful first week! :)

I often go for a glass of milk if I'm hungry between meals (or post-workout if there will be a little while before my next meal).

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Post by Angology » Fri May 04, 2012 8:50 pm

Thanks milliem-that is a great idea! Why didn't I think of that? That way I get a little protein to help with my workout. I will try that next week.

Thursday check-in: short and sweet-SUCCESS

Now-I am not working out this evening, so I will forgo the pre-workout mini-meal.

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Post by Angology » Sat May 05, 2012 2:55 pm

Friday was also successful.

Struggled with whether or not to enjoy some sparkling wine with DH as we often do on Friday evenings. Decided that this was not one of the behaviors that led me to gain weight. I don't drink much, and it doesn't make me want to snack. So, I enjoyed myself.

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Post by NoSnacker » Sun May 06, 2012 11:41 am

First I love your avatar!!!!

You are doing fantastic!!! I was on WW years ago and tried to go back a few times..I just can't count points, or like you said every morsel I put in my mouth. I was on spark people, same thing there, count calories...

The hope for me is sanity with food..

See around the posts!!
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Post by Angology » Mon May 07, 2012 3:36 pm

Thanks NoSnacker! I am a big Scott Pilgrim fan (if you can't tell). WW gave me a good start, but it just is not sustainable. At least it got me to eat healthy and find healthy foods I enjoy.

This weekend went really well for me. No idiocy!! The only sweets I had were some honey roasted sesame sticks (bought them bulk, and just one scoop so I wouldn't have leftovers) and pop (One was DIY from cactus pear syrup and sparkling water-that way I control the sugar; the other was a grapefruit soda cut with sparkling water again to make it go farther)

I didn't partake in seconds and just did a couple of snacks with the honey roasted sesame sticks. With those-I portioned out a serving each time, didn't just snack out of the bag, and had a witness. :)

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Post by NoSnacker » Mon May 07, 2012 4:00 pm

I totally agree, WW does give everyone the tools to eat healthy, at least when I went many years ago..never had broccoli until I was 27!! I have learned to make a lot of healthier choices for sure.

Sounds like a perfect weekend!

Keep up the good work!!
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Post by Amy3010 » Mon May 07, 2012 4:10 pm

I agree on WW - it is a great base for people who are trying to lose weight for the first time and know nothing about healthy eating...however, I also think that long term it can lead to disordered eating if one is susceptible (which I was)!

Good work on your first week or so - sounds like you are really getting the hang of it!

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Post by NoSnacker » Tue May 08, 2012 12:47 pm

Sure thing, any diet starts the process for binge eating disorders if one is prone, but I also believe that we can all become prone to it when we try that first diet and have success, then the yo yo dieting starts leading to an unnatural relationship with food. At 27 it all started with WW and now at 55 I finally found No S, and working on the sanity part.

Better to realize when younger that building a healthy relationship with food is critical..finding the sanity is soooo important and I believe No S is it.

I went to counseling, etc. for years, OA, etc., etc., tried so many different diets...diets don't work they only increase ones odds of developing an eating we all well know here.

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Post by Angology » Tue May 08, 2012 9:14 pm

So true NoSnacker-I have a lot of healing to do when it comes to my relationship with food. You know how some diets stress that you don't have to be a member of the clean plate club? Well-that has flipped for me to where I feel guilty if I eat everything on my plate. Sigh...

Thanks for the words of encouragement Amy3010!

As for yesterday-one word: SUCCESS!

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Post by Angology » Thu May 10, 2012 2:41 pm

Tuesday: SUCCESS
Wednesday: SUCCESS (even managed to go without the pre-workout mini-meal at 5:00)

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Post by Angology » Tue May 15, 2012 3:08 am

Thursday: Success
Friday: Success

The weekend went okay-no binges or anything, but I didn't feel like working out. We were on the go a fair bit, but I don't know where my motivation for working out went. :(

Oh well-today is another day. I did workout today, and am back on track with my workouts.

As far as No S for today: Success!

With all my workout woes, it's nice that this system is so simple! One less thing to worry about.

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Post by NoSnacker » Tue May 15, 2012 10:01 am

That is great you had a weekend you are happy with. I like to workout as well, and sometimes I go 2 days without and feel guilty about it..but our bodies need rest sometimes, at least I think mine does. I did challenge myself recently and worked out about 31 days straight with 1 day not. I have not challenges with myself at the moment, but will I'm sure.

Sorry you feel guilty now for leaving a little food on your plate, they say it is really a good thing to do, like your brain then believes oh I must have had enough and can actually help. So instead of guilt feel proud you can leave a bit...I still yet have to do that...I feel too deprived if I do :) Not even 1 bite I can leave..mmmm maybe I should try one meal a day....

Have a great day!!
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Post by Angology » Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:17 am

Hmm...It's been that long since I checked in. I've been busy spending my weekends at Comic Book Conventions-one in Dallas, and then one in Houston. Had tons of geeky fun!
As far as No S-things have one pretty well considering I have taken a couple of vacations. In Dallas, I was able to keep No S alive on Friday, even though we were traveling.
This past weekend, I did take an extended set of S days. Well-Friday, it was more of an S event. I had somewhat planned for it, so it was okay. Really no room for S Day idiocy like mindless eating when you are sitting in panels all day and getting autographs. Plus-there are limited food choices, so that helps.
It was when we got home Sunday that things went a little haywire. Not too overboard, but it did spill into Memorial Day. Apparently, the work week is what makes it easier for me to stay No S
Not to worry-I was back on track Tuesday. Wednesday was also successful, as was today.
I just have to plan ahead the next holiday weekend! Setting reminders on my phone has helped me in the past-may try that again.

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Post by Angology » Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:29 am

Thursday: Success
Friday: Success
The weekend: idiocy kept to a minimum!

I have lost seven pounds since I started. Slow but steady!

Oh yeah-did well today too. I am on a roll!

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Post by Amy3010 » Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:10 am

Going by the boards, Memorial day weekend was hard for a lot of us...
sounds like you are doing quite well, though - congrats on the 7 pounds (I also hit the 7 pounds lost mark at the beginning of this month - I started No S on April 1st)!

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