Linda's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 11, 2016 5:32 am

Thank you cookie & oolala!! &#128522;

Oh yes I agree with you oolala. I don't know if you're familiar with the Minnesota Starvation Experiment, , but it's very interesting. The men in the experiment became obsessed with food, cooking and recipe collecting. Maybe there's a little bit of that wrapped up in my cooking interests too. It feels enjoyable not obsessive at this point though.

Satter helped me feel saner about food. I wish I could follow her advice completely but I'd definitely gain some weight back. Don't want to go there again really.

Yesterday I felt awful all day. I'm guessing the excesses of the weekend finally caught up with me. I really don't think I can drink anymore alcohol until my health issues get resolved.

Feeling much better today though thank goodness. Was a very productive day at home--yay!

Break: gym rat smoothie, chai
Lunch: salad w pesto chicken, 1/2 bagel, yogurt w fruit, chai
Dinner: chicken Milanese w salad, yogurt w fruit ... ugula-and/

Really enjoying cooking simpler meals this week.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed May 11, 2016 6:32 am

That experiment is cited in much anti-diet literature, but I'm feeling these days like it was misleading to use the experiment the way it has been. I think motivation and retraining thinking can make a difference, as well as varying intake. With the right orientation, low intake days can definitely be incorporated with eventual adaption into the routine. Also, as far as I know, none of the participants stabilized at a higher weight than the one they started with afterwards, though some went temporarily higher. There is something different about going on a diet because one thinks his body is unacceptable and a voluntary starvation program for research that I think affects subtle mechanisms.

I wonder if during WWII anyone could have anticipated television shows highlighing getting people who are 100+lbs. overweight to basically put themselves in concentration camps to lose weight.

BTW, ironically, concentration camp survivors who emigrated to Israel were later found to outlive their peers who had not been through the camps. No one is sure why.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by osoniye » Wed May 11, 2016 8:29 pm

Hope you had a great birthday!!
lpearlmom wrote:Still my cholesterol did drop 20 points recently and I can't help but wonder if it was from the vegan eating.
Hope it doesn't rebound too badly. I have a blind friend who was single for a long time and ate mostly plain canned beans and tuna for his protein because it was accessible. Mostly vegan otherwise. Then he got married and started eating a standard American diet, and in 3 months, his cholesterol went up 40 points. He was surprised but his Dr. wasn't, not a bit.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 12, 2016 2:01 am

I figured you were familiar with the study oolala.
oolala53 wrote:
I wonder if during WWII anyone could have anticipated television shows highlighing getting people who are 100+lbs. overweight to basically put themselves in concentration camps to lose weight.
Creepy when you put it like this but you're right of course. What a world we live in!

Thank you Sonya was a great day! Hopefully my cholesterol will be ok still. My understanding is it's mostly genetic although obviously not entirely.

Today was good. So grateful to just feel good. I never knew reflux was so awful. I thought it was just a little annoying but actually your entire body feels awful. It's difficult to enjoy anything. Anyway felt good today & very motivated to avoid alcohol, large meals and other triggers.

Was a bit of a red day and I'm annoyed at myself for continuing to color outside the lines. I just can't seem to do this 100%. Nothing major but a little nibble here or there as I cleaning up or during prep. It adds up I'm sure.

I'm giving myself a 30 day challenge to see how it feels to stick to the letter of the law. I'm also going to try to cut back on all those chai lattes, sugar-free or not, it still adds up. I'm curious to see if my weight will be effected by being stricter. If not, there's no reason not to go back to a more relaxed mode. We shall see!

Was a good day. Got some stuff done including a long overdue photo update of my drivers license. Another horrible picture of course. &#128522;

I'm really enjoying this less intensive cooking routine. Dinner was ready by 6 & clean-up was done by 7 which gave me more family time--yay! Also, an early dinner is better for my reflux. Win-win.

+2.6 lbs boy my body loves this weight.

Break: gym rat smoothie, chai latte
Lunch: salad with baked chicken, handful black bean chips, bowl of yogurt w fruit & nuts
Snack: iced skinny mocha, nut & fruit bar (dr told me to eat if I have coffee)
Dinner: Rosemary chicken with salad, 1/2 egg salad sandwich on low carb bread

Was extra hungry today for some reason. Ate a lot! Dinner was very good & so easy! ... and-bacon/

Exercise: 25 min walk; 22 min bike ride (4 miles)
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 13, 2016 5:13 am

Day 1 ( of 30 day challenge)--green! :)

Good day! Felt real joy for the first time in awhile. Not that I've been unhappy but I think some remaining remnants of my old depression are finally falling away. Just feeling able to focus on things better. Not so much fuzzy brain feeling I guess.

As a result was another very productive day. I did laundry, cleaned out my pantry, made some phone calls I've been putting off and firmed up the details of dhs bday party.

I also got in a short bike ride which makes everything better. Feels so good to be outside riding past horses and farms and double acre lots. To be fair I also see freeways and water pumps but it's all on what you chose to focus on right?

I'm really enjoying my simplified cooking regime. I never realize how much time and energy I was putting into cooking and you know what? Everyone seems to still be enjoying dinner just as much. I still plan to get some baking done this weekend but the point is I don't have to kill myself to get a nice meal on the table every night.

Break: gym rat smoothie, chai
Lunch: salad w chicken, handful black bean chips, yogurt w fruit
Dinner: salad, small piece of hamburger casserole (was good. I subbed the meat for veggie meat)

Exercise: 15 min walk w dogs; 30 min bike ride 6.3 miles
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri May 13, 2016 7:56 pm

Nice one Linda! Well done!
I love Everyday Systems :3

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Post by cedar » Fri May 13, 2016 8:49 pm

Nice one Linda! It always feels good to get things done around the house. I like your 30 day challenge idea..all the best.
How is your reflux going? I get it from time to time and its horrible. I've been diagnosed with fructose intolerance and have been advised to follow the fodmap diet (no wheat rye onion garlic apples etc..etc.. ) and find if I can do that my reflux is under control. But it's not easy especially the onion and's in everything! My favourite hommus gives me terrible reflux and bloated belly which is a tragedy :lol: I haven't looked too far back in your posts to see all your trigger foods but just thought I'd mention. It's a tricky one because sometimes I can eat something and it's fine and sometimes it really upsets me..I mainly get bloated sore belly but reflux happens too.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 14, 2016 6:05 am

Thanks so much cookie!

Thanks cedar! I'm not totally sure what my triggers are but alcohol definitely seems to be one. Oh and stress. Other possible contenders--garlic, spicy food, hot drinks, tomatoes, coffee, fatty foods... Although you're right sometimes it's fine, sometimes not so hard to tell.

What I've been doing is avoiding coffee, alcohol, stop eating at least 3 hrs before bed and sleeping propped up with pillows (not as uncomfortable as it sounds). That plus exercise, moderate fat intake and of course my meds seem to keep it under control for now. Weirdest thing is that now my muscle aches which have been bothering upon waking for over a year have vanished as well. I can't help but think there's a connection. The only thing I miss is wine!!

Day 2--green &#128154;&#128154;

+2 lbs Down a little. My weight almost always responds well to strictness w a little exercise thrown in.

Break: piece of raisin toast, fruit, green tea latte
Lunch: 1/2 chicken sandwich, cup of veg soup, chai
Dinner: Chinese chicken salad

Still need to work on my drink intake but was very good w 3 plates so calling it green. Tomorrow is my daughters bday party so a piece of ice cream cake is def on the agenda. My plan is 3 meals plus 2 saucer size snacks/sweets per S day.
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Post by jackn » Sat May 14, 2016 2:17 pm


Cooking less of a burden.

And I wish I did the house work that's necessary at my place...

At meals only eat.
Only eat at meals.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun May 15, 2016 4:27 am

Thanks jack &#128512;

It's always hard to get motivated to do housework isn't it? You wouldn't believe the crazy stuff I do to get myself going in this area. One thing that works well is to set a timer for the stuff I'm really trying to avoid. Sometimes only 5 mins sounds bearable so I'll start with that. A lot of times I'll end up wanting to keep going after the timer has gone off but, if not, at least I got something done on it. And you'd be surprised how much you actually can accomplish in those few minutes.

Well so much for my S day plan. So much for my reflux plan as well. I did everything wrong in that area. I drank alcohol, coffee, ate fatty food and ate too late! Now I'm going to have to try to stay up till midnight. Just praying I get away with today's slip ups.

Was a fun day though. Took 8 pre-teen girls to the water park for 4 hours then back to our house for cake, dinner and a sleepover. Then tomorrow I'll need to make them all pancakes before sending them on their way. It's not too bad though as they're a sweet bunch of girls. Some of them I've known since they were in pre-school. So glad my daughter is having such a good time.

Ate a lot of junky food and too much of it. Oh well it's an S day. I can't fail.

Break: bran flakes w fruit, sf mocha
Lunch: French fries, 2 bites of chicken sandwich (was gross), margarita
Snack: sugar free mocha, small bag of Chex mix
Dinner: 2 smallish plates of Chinese food
Dessert: piece of ice cream cake

Exercise: bike 1 hr--11.7 miles
Got up at 5:30am to do this ride. Very unlike me so I'm feeling good about that!
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon May 16, 2016 3:47 am

Horrible sick and fighting with my daughter and just all kinds of social stress I just don't want to deal with right now.

I do not think I'm ready to have a teenager.

Tomorrow will be better right?
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Post by cedar » Mon May 16, 2016 8:16 am

You poor thing..I'm certainly not looking forward to the teenage years. Are you sick also?
Yes tomorrow will definitely be better..good luck xx

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Post by lbb (Liz) » Mon May 16, 2016 12:03 pm

Sorry about your day, Linda. I can’t imagine raising daughters in the teen years. I have all boys and I’m sure they won’t be any easier, but thankfully my oldest is 11 and not yet to that teen age.
It’s a new day and stay positive!

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Post by Jen1974 » Mon May 16, 2016 2:54 pm

I have a 14 year old son & teenagers can be such a pain!! But then you turn around & it seems your sweet child is back & wants to talk & is excited to tell you something & you can actually have interesting conversations, like ones you have with friends about things (: I used to be really scared of my kids growing up & losing the closeness we had when they were little, but I actually love (somedays) the relationship we are building.

But man there are times when it's just miserable to stick to your guns & parent a teenager that sometimes seems to think the LAST thing they want is to listen to anything a parent has to say LOL!!

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon May 16, 2016 4:30 pm

Thank you guys so much for the supportive words!!

OYes cedar, stupid reflux acting up again. Back to the doctor maybe.

After a cooling off period, I ended up taking her electronics away and telling her she could have them back when she was ready to talk to me in a mature way. Well that seemed to do the trick.

We had a good calm talk and worked things out. My youngest daughter was so upset by our fighting that it took us a good 45 mins to cheer her up again. Oh dear I have some intense girls. I have no idea where they got it from! ;) *phew* I love them but they are exhausting at times!
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Post by Jen1974 » Mon May 16, 2016 10:04 pm

The love of their electronics is such a great bargaining tool LOL!!

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 17, 2016 2:44 am

Jen1974 wrote:The love of their electronics is such a great bargaining tool LOL!!
Yep! If I knew how well that worked, I'd have bought them sooner! ;)

Red day :oops: but not too bad. Will restart challenge tomorrow.

Break: bite of toast w cream cheese (w meds) oatmeal, fruit, skinny chai
Lunch: sw chicken salad, handful cashews, watermelon slices
Dinner: loaded baked sweet potato handful black bean chips
Red moment: petite banana bread loaf--I made these for my kids after school snack & I just couldn't (wouldn't) resist. I didn't let it snowball into wth eating though so I'm okay with it. ... ana-bread/

Looking forward to a nice bike ride tomorrow and I'm sure I'll get back on track. Oh and the teenager is being sweet as pie today. &#128077;
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Tue May 17, 2016 4:01 am

way to go on not letting it "snowball"! that's a huge feat and "normal" to eat fresh banana bread (and then to move on).
Enjoy your bike ride!

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Post by cedar » Tue May 17, 2016 11:29 am

Yes I agree..such a great thing you could just enjoy the banana bread (I loooove banana bread!) and move on as normal. Good on you! That's such testament to well ingrained No S habits!
I'm sorry to hear about your reflux..must be so frustrating!

And I agree..the electronics is a constant bribery tool in my house :oops:!

Jen your explanation of teenagers makes me not so fearful about it eldest is 10, I just wanted to freeze him at this age forever but your honest words have changed my mind..thankyou!

Hope you can get some relief from your reflux Linda

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 18, 2016 3:07 am

Thank you Liz!!

Thank you cedar! Banana bread is SO good. My reflux is better today but I'm off to see the specialist Thursday. I'm not really looking forward to the barrage of tests I'll be facing but it's necessary I know. Thanks for asking!

Another red day. I'm blaming it on pms & fatigue. Dh didn't get home till after midnight last night. He'd been at work since 7am that day and hadn't eaten anything since lunch. So I stayed up and fixed him a plate of food when he got home. He left before I got up this morning and is still hard at it. I'm guessing it'll be another late night. Oh well nobody said saving lives was easy.

+4.2 lbs
my weight is up a bit today and I think that's part of why I had a red day. I know I'm not suppose to focus on weight but I'm having a hard time accepting that this is probably as low as my weight will go. Time to work on accepting that I guess.

Break: gym rat smoothie, banana, chai
Lunch: chickpea & avocado sandwich on low-carb bread, black bean chips w low-fat taco dip, nectarine, chai
Dinner: low-carb zucchini enchilada, bean chips w guacamole
Red moments: extra nectarine at lunch, picking after dinner, a lollipop

Exercise: walk dogs 15 mins (that's all I can handle w those rascals);
Bike ride--31 mins 6.49 miles
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Post by cedar » Wed May 18, 2016 10:22 am

Fatigue and pms..double whammy!
Good luck with your tests, let us know how it goes. Hopefully they can give you some answers.

It's hard to accept our weight some days..especially pms days!! Try be kind to yourself at this've got a lot going on and (not that it's for me to say) your red days don't look over the top so I'd be proud of that..

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Post by lbb (Liz) » Wed May 18, 2016 12:19 pm

Oh man the scale can do a number on our psyche, right? Stay positive and remind yourself of what you CAN do today...your "reds" sounded very moderate by the way and "normal". Keep at the great work and I'm sorry your husband isn't home much. I SOOOO get it! :(
Have a great day and focus on just doing well today! xo

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 19, 2016 7:02 pm

Thanks Liz and cedar!!

Liz: Yes hubby didn't get home till 2:30 am the next day. Last night he got home at a decent hour but was fielding calls a all night/morning. I'm sure you can relate! Anyway tomorrow he'll be off call so will have him back for a bit.

Went to the GI today and have to get an upper endoscopy next week just to make sure everything looks ok. Fun times!

Cedar: I've been reading that Eat Like A normal person blog and it's really made me think about some things. First I didn't think it really applied to me because I don't care for junk food and I haven't binged in years but upon closer look, I could see some things that really rang true.

When she talks about food addiction, she includes "constant picking" in her definition and I realized that's my problem. I feel the drive or compulsion to constantly pick at food (esp during food prep/clean up). I used to think it was just a bad habit but it may be more than that.

I then remembered what someone said (I think rawcookie?) when I mentioned my picking problem. She said I sounded like I was hungry. Then I thought about how this blog theorizes that it's lack of nourishing foods or a feeling of deprivation (I think that's what she's saying). And I realized that I live with a constant feeling of deprivations because I'm always attempting to eat less.

When I first did NoS, I used normal sized plate and filled them up with normal foods. I found not picking or eating between meals very easy. I even had a string off 100 green days once. I didnt weigh myself but seem to be losing some weight very slowly. When dh had his heart attack we were in serious weight loss mode--ate less, smaller plates, lighter meals & exercised like crazy. I'm happy we did it but I'm still in deprivation mode which is leading to this compulsion to constantly eat.

Yesterday I thought about how it's really about being honest about how much food I really need as well as feeling that I deserve to eat enough. For lunch I grabbed a normal sized plate and filled it up with what I honestly would satisfied me. It wasn't a ton and I realized it was about the amount I'd pack for my kids lunch. If they deserved to eat a satisfying meal, why wasn't I?

I know it's odd but seeing the plentiful, nourishing food made me tear up a bit. A lot of what comes up in my therapy is this theme of not feeling deserving of love. Not feeling good enough. I think not feeling deserving of a normal meal is along the same lines. Besides trying to eat smaller plates didn't work anyway. I still found ways to make up for lack of mealtime food by picking my way thorough food prep/cleanup.

But that's not a very satisfying way to eat. I deserve to eat satisfying meals and to be able to let go of my addiction/compulsion, right? :) my concern of course is that I will gain the weight back but the fact that my weight was down this morning, gives me hope. Probably because after a satisfying lunch, it was no struggle at all to not pick during prep. Yay it worked!

Also, I'm hanging on to this quotation from the blog:

"But it’s not your place to worry about your genetics. A seed without sunlight and water won’t sprout; you can’t blame the seed. You don’t know your potential ahead of time. You discover your potential."

No more specific weight goals. 3 nourishing meals, lose the unhealthy compulsive stuff, enjoyable exercise and trust my body to get to a good place. Oh and treats on special occasions. I think that's the other thing that stood out. She talks about having treats on special occasions like a normal person. Cake on bdays, chocolate on Valentine's Day, desserts on special nights out etc.

It made me re-think S days. Especially since for my reflux I really can't afford to have any times of overeating. I think what makes more sense to me in light of everything, is to keep my S and N days the same with allowing 3 special treats per week. That feels like a healthy normal way to eat. I will try it and see how it feels in actuality.

The only thing I still need to sort out is my beverages. Is my need to constantly have something to drink in my hand part of that food addiction/compulsion? Probably but I'm not sure what I'm willing to do yet in this area. Maybe I'll tackle that next.

Okay just so much running through my brain. Wanted to get it all down. Positive comments only please. I get derailed too easily by negative feedback. Thanks in advance!
Last edited by lpearlmom on Fri May 20, 2016 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Thu May 19, 2016 9:10 pm

So insightful, Linda!~ I learned so much from reading this, about you, and about my own issues! Great self-reflection.
After reading that blog, I do agree that the key to keeping “N” on NO-S is to not deprive! I honestly think the last round of my No-S ended because I started to restrict a little. “Hmmmm...maybe I’ll do No-S AND PALEO!”...”Maybe I’ll do No-S and Intermittent Fasting.” Then, I felt deprived, had a ton of red days, and over-the-top S days.
Though I don’t relate to the constant picking, I do have a sweets all or nothing thinking. It’s so hard for me to think of having one cupcake and being done~
I like the “3 indulgences/week” goal! That’s very moderate and would allow you to choose the indulgences wisely!~
Sounds like you’re really making great head-way!

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Post by Jen1974 » Thu May 19, 2016 10:27 pm

I don't see how anyone would have anything negative to say at all after reading what you wrote!! I absolutly loved everything you said (: I read a lot that I liked in that blog too!!

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 20, 2016 3:42 am

Thank you Liz! I agree that adding restrictions to NoS is a bad idea. If someone can't lose weight on vanilla nos then it might be because they don't actually need to lose weight. Just a thought.

Thanks so much Jen! &#128522;

Today was good & effortlessly green. Making my meals more substantial really did the trick. It feels a little scary but feels good to be allowing myself to have enough nourishment at the same time.

Breakfast: bran muffin, yogurt w fruits and nuts, green tea latte
Lunch: large salad with chicken, olives & (real) dressing
Dinner: grilled steak topped w tomatoes & onions, steamed potato, green salad, grilled portobello mushroom, an apple

Okay that was quite a big dinner! Steak was crazy good: ... atoes-red/
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Post by cedar » Fri May 20, 2016 6:53 am

I love everything you wrote linda..I've been having trouble logging onto the forum..(it says "cookies too large" or something) so I'm sorry for the late reply. I have had the same thought about my s days too..I was thinking along the same lines of 'just focus on 3 generous nourishing meals each and every day and if social/special situations arise that have a treat involved then enjoy without guilt' ...I need to think on it more..I guess my hesitation is it could be a bit washy washy..but your 3 s's a week would work well. I'll watch this space and see how you go:D

There is such a different feeling to the intention of eating truly nourishing, enjoyable meals and eating enough at each meal..I've been dieting since I was 11..(I'm 36) so even the word 'healthy' kind of triggers me and 'makes' me want to dive head first into a tub of ice cream..but reading the blog and doing No S has helped me so much with that rebellious streak..because there's nothing to rebel against..As you wrote..taking the time and making the effort to feed yourself proper nourishing meals as we do for our children or husbands so important and cuts out the constant picking or grazing desire because we are truly well fed and satisfied.

I hope all goes well with your tests and you can find some answers.
Thanks for all you've written I always enjoy your posts.
I love this forum it's so helpful supportive and full of kind gorgeous people!

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Post by Jen1974 » Fri May 20, 2016 3:20 pm


Your meals look awesome & not at all over the top, but things that you probably actually feel HAPPY when you eat. I think at some point we all thought that the only way to win with weight & eating was to be miserable. I love that I have found the happy in food again here!!

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Post by Jen1974 » Fri May 20, 2016 3:30 pm

I was thinking about the 3 S's a week & would not at all be against doing that as a line in the sand at all if I thought that if I didn't have it, I would consistantly go past it. That's my "no seconds", I have to decide ahead of time how much I can have or I will always go past it, but that's my only "real" restriction. There's something in me that rebels agains restrictions. I think that's always been my problem in the past. So now I let myself know that even in a week where there is a lot of things that come up, if I want something badly enough (I'll ask would I rather have this or that & is it worth it a lot to make sure it's something I REALLY want LOL) If the answer is yes then I can have it, as long as I decide on an amount & then say "no seconds" (:

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 21, 2016 3:57 am

Aw such a lovely post cedar--thanks!

I started dieting when I was 10 so I relate to what you're saying. It's hard to feed ourselves well when we started depriving ourselves at such a young age. Growing up everyone in our house was always on a diet and things were just too chaotic for regular meals. Our frig was often empty and I found myself lunchless at school on more than one occasion.

How I envied my friends who had 3 square meals and an afternoon snack waiting for them when they got home. It wasn't all bad of course. Parents do their best and it's our job to pick up where they left up. So here I am many years later trying to learn how to have a normal relationship with food!

Jen: it's good to know my meals don't seem too over the top. They seem huge to me! Yeah I hear ya. My inner rebel is strong too! It does tend to rear its head every few months and it says something like this "I'm sooooo sick of following someone else's rules, even sane rules that make me feel great!" Usually it just lasts a couple days and in over it but I think the more we can make NoS our own the quieter our rebel becomes. So good for you for knowing yourself well enough to allow the flexibility you need.

I've decided to make it 4 treats instead of 3. I don't know why but 3 felt like not quite enough. I'm reminding myself I don't have to take them though. Also they'll be no bigger than a salad plate. Gotta keep my clear boundaries in place. I have tried this in the past without success as it can become a slippery slope but I'm in a much different mindset now so would like to give it another go.

Today was good. I even got in a short bike ride before taking my girls to school. Now that's a great way to start the day! I ate a huge breakfast and then weirdly just could not fathom eating any lunch. Instead I took the girls out to frozen yogurt after school and took one of my treats. I felt crazy full after dinner. I've always avoided eating a big breakfast (leftover from my dieting days) but maybe it's actually a good way to start the day.

Who knows but very easy to stay green today. Feeding myself well seems to be paying off. I'm afraid of gaining all my weight back of course but will keep an eye on the scale to calm myself.

Break: bran muffin, bowl of bran flakes w fruit, small bowl of yogurt w nuts, chai
Lunch: Treat #1 Frozen yogurt w fruit
Dinner: large taco salad, small bowl of yogurt w fruit & nuts

Exercise: bike-5.5 miles; walked dogs 15 mins
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sat May 21, 2016 4:52 am

I REALLY like the idea of 4 treats/week. That would help me not to see it as an event to "get all the treats in" like I do on S days. But, instead, I'd have a solitary treat scattered throughout the week. I love it!

Sounds like you're doing great! I promise those nourishing and bigger, satisfying meals will calm your brain down, telling it it has no need to worry about being deprived!

Keep up the great work! (BTW: totally get it about restriction and someone else's rules. I keep reminding myself, "THIS IS THE MOST SANE THING OUT THERE. THIS IS MODERATE AND I CAN DO IT THE REST OF MY LIFE!"

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun May 22, 2016 6:57 am

Thanks Liz! Yes I need to keep reminding myself that too.

Fun day but lots of food. My daughter didn't want a bday party this year so we surprised her with a special day of fun starting w an early morning trip to a special donut shop where you can watch your donuts being made to order. Fun and def S worthy. Then we did a Harry Potter movie marathon, dinner w her bf, video arcade and back home for ice cream cake!

I'm feeling super panicked about weight gain with my bigger meals but hopefully it'll be okay. Will weigh tomorrow & hoping to get a bike ride in tomorrow morning.

Break: 2 1/2 donuts (treat #2)
Lunch: bowl of shredded chicken w chips, trail mix
Dinner: salad, 2 1/2 pieces pizza
Dessert: piece of ice cream cake (treat #3)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sun May 22, 2016 2:34 pm

Happy Birthday to your daughter! Sounds like a fun day! My 11 year old loves Harry Potter and we are going to Harry Potter world in 2 weeks. He’s so excited! Those donuts sound amazing!

Sounds like a sane and enjoyable “S” day. I like that you have enjoyed your “S” treats with people and in a celebratory manner. I have noticed my “treat enjoying” have been secretly stashing candy and cookies in my mouth and not an open, enjoyable treat. That is the difference between a treat and a binge, I guess.

Do you count your 4 “S”’ treats starting Monday to Sunday?

Happy Sunday!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun May 22, 2016 3:41 pm

Hey Liz! Oh my daughter wants to go there so badly!! We may try to get in a visit this summer. She's obsessed! :-)

Yes I'm counting my weeks starting Monday and am really just trying to take them when special occasions arise--not just cause I can. That seems like what a "normal" eater would do I think. We have company staying with us next week and we may go out to dinner so I may take one that night. Other than that can't think of anything else but if something comes up I'll go for it if it seems worthy.

I do like the thought that I could have weeks with just one or two or even no S treats. Not because I want to restrict but because I like the idea of saving them for very special and particularly enjoyable treats. We shall see how it actually plays out!
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Post by Jen1974 » Sun May 22, 2016 9:56 pm

I like how your doing your S events where they don't all have to be on the weekend!! It sometimes seems silly to have something just because it's a Weekend even if nothing is going on but then miss out when something is going on during the week. Makes so much more sense to skip the weekend treat for no reason & enjoy the weekday treat instead (: Sounds like you're doing great!! Love that (:

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 24, 2016 3:56 am

Thanks Jen! It seems like it could be a good solution. Time will tell. :)

Today was good eating wise. When I gave myself permission to make my meals bigger last week, they were initially a bit full. Today I'm wanting less but not so little that I'm driven to eat between meals.

When I was prepping dinner today I thought about popping a piece of veg in my mouth. My first thought was oh it has an inconsequential amount of calories, what difference does it make? But then I thought no it's about the habit. I'm going to be faced with these choices night after night when I cook dinner, wouldn't it be easier to just have the rule that I never eat dinner till it's finished and on my plate?

Takes so much less energy to just have rules in place that help us navigate this culture of endless eating opportunities. I mean I don't get up each morning and ponder whether or not to brush my teeth or my hair or make my bed. I just do it because I always do it and my reward for these habits is nice teeth and a room that doesn't look disheveled. Win-win.

Then when I was cleaning up I caught myself reaching for food and then I thought about how much more enjoyable it is to eat food sitting down with a plate and utensils. Like a civilized person. Then I thought heck if I'm going to be fat because I'm eating extra food, I should at least enjoy it. Anyway so I decided much better to just wait till the next meal and enjoy my food properly.

Sooo I seem to be getting through to myself about the futility of eating (even a slice of cucumber ) when it's not mealtime. *phew*.

+4 lbs
Weight is up a bit but I'm confident it'll get to a good place in time.

Break: gym rat smoothie, small container of homemade yogurt w granola and mango slices, green tea latte
Lunch: Chinese chicken salad, yogurt w granola, green tea
Dinner: portebllo mushroom burger, chips & guac, watermelon

Burger was SO good! ... -mushroom/

Yesterday I made homemade yogurt as well as a big batch of granola for company that's coming tomorrow. I'm dreading it and looking forward to it at the same time. Love them but it's a lot of work!

Exercise: woke up at 6 woot! Rode bike 5 miles--23 mins; walked dogs 15 mins

Yesterday: rode 1 hr--14 miles. I'm slow esp on my mountain bike but hope to get a road bike at some point. Suggestions anyone, Liz? :)
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Post by jackn » Tue May 24, 2016 6:10 am

Yes, the slippery slope.
And, yes, there are no "free" foods - a new twist, if you think about it, to "There's no such thing as a free lunch".

I'd gobble down carrots till the cows came home.
People asked me where I got my tan...
No-snacking put an end to it, and it's, as you say, much more relaxed and well-adjusted.

Sounds good, Linda.

Good luck to us all.
At meals only eat.
Only eat at meals.

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Post by lbb (Liz) » Tue May 24, 2016 1:09 pm

What a cook you are, Linda! That burger sounds relish. Sounds like you are doing well and more important, being positive! And look at you on that BIKE! Wish you could do this race I’m doing next week...I’m so not prepared! YIKES!
Have a great day!

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Post by Jen1974 » Tue May 24, 2016 2:45 pm

Way to go Liz (: Getting up to workout is hard but it feels so nice to be done early & all day feel a little happy to have done it (& even better that it is over for the day & no pressure to fit it in LOL). Love Grilled Portabello Mushrooms Burgers!! I'm going to have to try that recipe (:

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Post by Jen1974 » Tue May 24, 2016 4:42 pm

Was thinking how you not eating a cucumber before a meal was similar to what I had to do with seconds. Not even a Cheerio out of the cereal box after a meal which seemed so silly but now it doesn't even occur to me to have anything after a meal. I swear it carries over to the bigger things, like "should I have just one more small bite of brownie" (that sadly for me was then another, then another, then another) When your inner child realizes the answer is always no they quit asking (:

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Post by jackn » Tue May 24, 2016 7:25 pm

Jen1974 wrote:When your inner child realizes the answer is always no they quit asking (:
I like that, Jen.
Corrolary: and every time the bite is taken, the inner child learns that stamping their feet and pestering work.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 25, 2016 4:45 am

Thank you Liz! I do love to cook and now that I've simplified our dinners, I've been enjoying it even more. I wish I could do the race too although I'd probably pass out after about 25 miles!&#128513; I looked up the race & it looks pretty cool. Wish they had something like that around here!

Jack: I like the "no free lunch" idea. It's a easy way to remember these concepts. So funny about the carrots. Not sure if you were kidding but I have a cousin who did turn orange because his mother fed him too many carrots when he was a baby. She was trying to make sure he had good eyesight. He now wears thick glassss. &#9786;&#65039;

Love the inner child reference too Jen. We can extinguish a bad habit by simply not engaging in it. It's hard at first but eventually the urges get quieter and quieter till they're barely a whisper and then eventually, hopefully, gone completely.

Its amazing how the very things you thought could never give up aren't so hard to live without after all. My reflux has proven that to me. What are my favorite things? Wine, chocolate, spicy food, and my beloved coffee. Which ended up being the very things I had to give up. Was a struggle at first but I'm really fine. Life goes on and there's other pleasures to be found elsewhere. Okay to be fair I'm still mourning the wine a bit but I'll get over it.

I did find a great tea drink that I can have at home. Since I had to give up coffee I thought maybe it's for the best. All that money I spend at Starbucks is ridiculous. Even though I get the skinny mochas, it's still a lot of empty calories. So I invented a green tea latte with a sugar free vanilla mix that I add to frothed almond milk. All for about 100 calories.

Not that I'm counting calories but it's clear it'll be hard for my body to get to its rightful place if I continue down the Starbucks road. Now every time I pass up an opportunity to get a Starbucks, I put $5 in our vacation fund. Much better way to spend money!

Today was good. Got stuff done, I had put off. Having company has a way of motivating me. Got carpets cleaned, reorganized/cleaned pool area & cleaned out my frig. Yay! They brought us fresh produce from their garden and tamales from their farmers market. They also brought us super sweet homemade gifts. They're like family. I'm now feeling really happy they came. Tomorrow we're getting up early to go check out a farmers mkt. should be fun! I had a tiny bit of a red day. Didn't think to call it an S treat because it wasn't planned.

+2.6 lbs woot!

Break: yogurt w granola & fruit, 1 veg sausage
Lunch: turkey & avo sandwich, baked chips
Dinner: 3 turkey lettuce wraps, 1 tamale
Red: 1 lollipop
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Post by jackn » Wed May 25, 2016 6:00 am

lpearlmom wrote:So funny about the carrots. Not sure if you were kidding but I have a cousin who did turn orange because his mother fed him too many carrots when he was a baby. She was trying to make sure he had good eyesight. He now wears thick glassss. &#9786;&#65039;
True story.
The thick glasses one cracked me up, Linda. I actually found myself laughing out loud.
lpearlmom wrote: Now every time I pass up an opportunity to get a Starbucks, I put $5 in our vacation fund.
This, too, put a smile on my face.
Now the bucks give you stars in your eyes.
Beats any latte concoction.

Finally, I find myself feeling a pang every time I pass by a store in which I'd get sweets or other junk between meals.
Never occurred to me that I could feel the upside of not going in anymore, and it would be such a booster.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed May 25, 2016 6:36 am

Thank you so much for that link to Ellen Slatter (?) - I've donwloaded the pdf - cheers! will sit and read that in full later today. Quick scan tells me it will be inspirational. Thanks again!

oh, and by the way - 14 mph on a bicycle is not slow! The average speed for cycling is about 10 mph - you're packing in quite a punch there with your 'slow' pedalling! :wink:
I love Everyday Systems :3

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Post by jackn » Wed May 25, 2016 7:47 pm

I agree with Raw, Linda, about the speed.
Didn't strike me as slow.

But been meaning to ask you, since you've been at it for some time.
Can you say what it's been like so far?
I'm thinking of the waking up and whether it's at the price of sleep, of how it feels while you're at it and during the rest of the day, any effects you've noticed...
I'm often curious as to whether the exercise feels like a good-for-you drag, like a bitter pill to swallow, or, rather, a pleasure.

And, to me, it was encouraging to see you going for it.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 25, 2016 10:33 pm

Jack: so happy I could bring a smile on your face but sorry you really turned orange!!

Thank you guys for not saying I'm slow. I think I feel that way because I'm often passed up by serious hardcore biking types. They whip right passed me in their Lycra outfits with their heads down & their knees high but I'll get there.

Jack: it is hard to get up. I've never been a morning person but that may be slowly changing with age. The moment I start riding though I feel my mood lift. It just feels so nice to enjoy the peace and quiet of the morning. Seeing the friendly faces of other exercisers, and seeing animals (saw a coyote the other morning) is just very uplifting.

Not to mention the endorphin rush of exercising and just the feeling of accomplishment when I'm done. Of course I just really find biking enjoyable. When I pass joggers, I think you could not pay me enough but of course some ppl love to run, right? You just gotta find your thing but for me it has some social, physical & spirtual benefits so finding it a little easier to get up. I'm just shooting for 3 or 4 days. I'll see.

That's gotta be hard to get motivated to exercise with so little sleep. Then again if you're already up? Also, do you thing intense exercise would help with your sleep or no?
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 25, 2016 10:36 pm

Cookie: np! I like Satter because she's not an alarmist and she doesn't jump on every new diet trends. Well she doesn't do trends period. I don't know if it completely aligns with NoS as she does believe in sit down snacks and seconds (if needed) but she's very anti-grazing and anti-traditional diets so has a similar feel. Let me know what you think.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 26, 2016 3:56 am

Was a good day. We went to a farmers market this morning and they were selling my absolute favorite iced coffee. I was oh so tempted but mostly didn't want to feel lousy. So I resisted and that's another $5 in our vacation account. I ended up buying some nice loose tea to bring home and boy it did not disappoint.

I had to do a little bit of virtual plating at lunch but was okay.

As the day of my procedure gets closer, I get more and more nervous. Ugh.

+2.6 lbs.

Break: 2 shrimp tacos, horchata
Lunch: small yogurt w granola, couple bites of hummus with veg, tea
Dinner: southwest stuffed turkey zucchini, 1/2 tamale, hummus w veg, tea

Plan is to get up and ride in the morning. Also taking an S treat for froyo tomorrow.
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Post by cedar » Thu May 26, 2016 6:40 am

Hey Linda..what procedure are you having done..tried to have a look back back couldn't see. Is it a procedure to find out what's happening? Or to fix/cure the reflux..and when is it happening? Sorry for the 20 questions! I remember you saying about more tests...

Hope you're enjoying your visitors. It's always a bit mixed having's nice but can be hard work..and you are right..we always get things done that we've been putting off!

Enjoy xx

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Post by jackn » Thu May 26, 2016 7:42 pm

Exactly what I was hoping for.
lpearlmom wrote: The moment I start riding though I feel my mood lift. It just feels so nice to enjoy the peace and quiet of the morning. Seeing the friendly faces of other exercisers, and seeing animals (saw a coyote the other morning) is just very uplifting.
Sounds very good.
Reading you, it wasn't the first time I was wondering.
It sounds like you have so much on your plate every day, and so little time for yourself, given the circumstances.
So lots of pressure, few cool-down opportunities...
Do you mind my saying that?
I know I'm a spoiled brat on that count. My son left the nest, and I live on my own.

Exactly what I was hoping for.
lpearlmom wrote:for me it has some social, physical & spirtual benefits?
If you care to, I'd love to hear specifics.

Exactly what I was hoping for.
lpearlmom wrote: That's gotta be hard to get motivated to exercise with so little sleep. Then again if you're already up? Also, do you thing intense exercise would help with your sleep or no?
Lack of sleep makes me weak.
So, the general effect is I can do less, and tire early in the day.
If I really slept little, though, it makes me wonder whether I can/should go for a workout at all.
I tend to do it, but a more moderate one, as it feels like a way of holding on to life. And I always feel better during, and better after, just like you said.

No, I don't think harder exercise would help, though I don't know.
In any case, my first q is whether I can sustain any policy.
I feel what I do now is what I can sustain.
And I think what I do grows with consistency.
Though I'll take status quo for a great success, too.
It's been three months or so that I quit the gym, with annual dues paid, and like ten months to go... And never looked back.
Didn't trust myself to keep up the exercise, but so far so good. And I feel I'm doing things that suit me better.
I did wonder about shifting to evening exercise, though, but then, again, sustainability...
It'd be much more of a duty in the evening, as I'm pooped out then, and I'd miss the lovely workout-breakfast-shower sequence.
So, that's where it stands, the ongoing, feeling-my-way journey.

Hope you keep it up on your side, and at the cost of repeating myself, it's sincerely great to see you work out.

Good luck to us all.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 27, 2016 6:01 am

Hi cedar! So kind of you to ask after my health. I was supposed to get an upper endoscopy tomorrow to basically try to figure out what's going on with me. I ended up cancelling it though because dh couldn't clear the time to take me. Of course they can't fit me again till early July so I'll just have to manage my symptoms the best I can in the meantime.

It's definitely a mixed bag when company comes. This visit has been pretty good though. Usually I end up doing all the cooking and cleaning or we treat them to dinner out. Also they usually spread all their belongings across my kitchen island which drives me crazy. This time they brought us food, helped with cooking and didn't expect us to pay for everything. They still tried to spread their stuff all over but I just kept cleaning it up till they got the hint. ;)

Anyway I'll be glad to get the house back tomorrow!

Kind of a lot of eating today so I ended up using two of my treats. Drank too much tea to count! &#128522;

Break: yogurt w fruit & granola, chai
Lunch (treat #1) frozen yogurt w fruit
Dinner: (s treat #2) sauerkraut puffs, bread pork, potatoes, couple bites of dessert, glass of wine (I know)

Went to a German restaurant. Food was meh... Too heavy for my tastes.

Exercise: 30 mins; 6 miles. Slowish but felt good.

Jack: thanks for great comments/questions. Going to respond tomorrow because I'm just too dang tired at the moment. :)
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Post by cedar » Fri May 27, 2016 10:46 am

Oh right..sounds quite intense. It will be interesting to see what they find in July.
Yes I understand the visitor thing..we have moved from where we grew up and often get visitors, some are fantastic and some are painful but it always always nice to have the house back to yourselves again..enjoy!

Seems like your "s events" are working are you feeling about the change from s days to events?
It's good you still took the time for yourself for a bike ride..good on you!

My husband is Swiss German so I agree with that the meals are heavy, but I actually really love them..but maybe because it's a special event usually enjoyed with his family rather than an everyday thing..

Have a great weekend xx

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Post by jackn » Fri May 27, 2016 5:34 pm

lpearlmom wrote:Going to respond tomorrow because I'm just too dang tired at the moment. :)
Sure, but no sweat.
Eat what and however you like, and post likewise.

Good luck to us all.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun May 29, 2016 12:17 am

Jack: it's no sweat. I love the back & forthness of this community.

Thanks for saying I seem busy. I feel like I don't do enough yet I do find myself envious of your stretches of free time so I guess that's a sign I could use more of it.

Still you raised your child and earned the right to more time to yourself. Someday I'll have that too and be missing them I'm sure. Bittersweet victories.

Cedar: I do like that kind of food at times but maybe was just that particular restaurant. I'm getting pickier with age it seems.

Well yesterday I took an S(ick) day because my reflux was acting up. Stupid tiny glass of wine was so not worth it. Maybe I'll have finally learned my lesson.

Today I woke up in a bit of a funk. I opted to catch up on sleep instead of bike riding so missed out on those good feelings. Then my weight was up a pound (why do I still care so much?). Lastly my youngest kept telling me she was bored (it's only the first week of summer, lord help us!).

Anyway somehow I managed to turn the mood around. I put on some music and went swimming with the girls for a couple of hours. Then I made zucchini bread and afterwards went to my therapy session. Therapy is going well. Much less crying then the beginning. Lots of good healing happening.

I am feeling some financial stress though with our Alaska trip coming up and DHs surprise party directly afterward. Also our renters lease is up in June and they still haven't signed the new lease. If we have to get new renters, it could get expensive. Anyway we always manage so why should now be any different.

Okay and lastly I'm calling my S day mods a failure. Experiment over. It's not that anything went horribly wrong but... It was too confusing and I could see it wasn't a good long term strategy.

Like yesterday I wanted a snack and wasn't sure if I was breaking my plan or not. Do I just count this as an S event or is it red because it wasn't planned ahead? Also what if I use all my S treat before the weekend and then miss out on a lot of social eating that I find so enjoyable?

In the end I just called it a sick day because I was feeling so lousy. But I've decided S days work best on the weekends and my inner rebel probably needs a couple of unstructured days to keep her satisfied.

So back to vanilla (for now). I guess I'm better with simple rules. Today is a normal s day for me. Kinda snacky but nothing too bad.

Realllly looking forward to a long bike ride tomorrow morning. It's going to be 95 degrees but if I start at 6am, it'll be a nice 68 degrees. That's motivating!
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Post by jackn » Sun May 29, 2016 11:57 am

It's clear that not having the raising to do anymore allows me plenty of free time and leaves energy for self-care.
I had to learn to do so, though, and am still learning, and I'm a good deal older.
In other words, not only were all of my resources mobilized towards child-raising, but I was also extremely unaware of the body - on a conscious level, everything took place upstairs, you know, that blind brainy place, so poor on wisdom and experience.
If there's anything I've learnt it's to heed the body.
I didn't know it back then.

Lots of good news in that last post, as with healing, for example.
Would feel miraculous to me.

Hey, every day puts Starbucks money in your pocket.

I see what you mean by the tack you've tried not panning out, but, in my eyes, it's a success.
I don't mean this as some vacuous semantic positive spin.
I feel that experimenting is necessary in that no one can take the road but us.
And finding what doesn't work means progress.

In any case, I expect and hope to always remain on a quest, rather than to find.
Heaven can wait.

Hey, S(ick)-Day.
How did you come up with that one?
lpearlmom wrote: social eating that I find so enjoyable
Me too, and I've long decided I always say 'yes' to that.
I shudder to think of my vegan days and all the - expletive deleted - I'd pile up in the way of sharing a meal or anything casually offered.
How ungracious.

Enjoy the morning ride.
Sounds like a treat.
Hey, it's an S(pin)-Day, too.
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Post by Jen1974 » Sun May 29, 2016 4:26 pm


I think it's great you tried & realized it wasn't for you. I don't think I would have luck doing it that way either!! I love having a couple of days that are just free to be less structured & not be bound to only for something special!! I don't even take advantage of all of them, but it's good for my soul knowing I get to take breaks!!

Happy S Day (:

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Post by cedar » Tue May 31, 2016 2:00 am

I agree it's great you gave the 's events' a try..otherwise how do we learn.. Sorry to hear the reflux flared up again over a little wine..that's not fair!!

Hope you're feeling better and you got to enjoy a nice long bike ride xx

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 31, 2016 4:23 am

jackn wrote: If there's anything I've learnt it's to heed the body.
Excellent advice.

jackn wrote:Lots of good news in that last post, as with healing, for example.
Would feel miraculous to me.
It's more than I could have hoped for. I think I got lucky finding a therapist and a method that resonants with me. She uses EDMR therapy:

jackn wrote:In any case, I expect and hope to always remain on a quest, rather than to find.
Heaven can wait.
I love this and so agree!

Btw, reinhard does say Sick can stand for an S day. Also yes lots of Starbucks money in my pocket--yay!

Thanks for the thoughtful comments jack!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 31, 2016 5:06 am

I agree cedar, Jen & Jack--it's good information to have and can help me decide how to handle my S days going forward.

Well I'm finally feeling better today. After doing some research I've decided to try a low-acid diet to see if that helps. The first two weeks is a kind of detox and is pretty intense. There's only a handful of things I can eat and I can only drink water & chamomile tea. I can't have onions, garlic, peppers, tomatoes, citrus, cheese, chocolate, beef, fried foods, coffee etc.. After that I can start adding things one by one to try to isolate my triggers.

Planning dinners has been rather challenging. We have my daughter whose a vegetarian, dh who needs to eat low-carb and now me with my low-acid foods. I did manage to make a dinner that worked for everyone. I think I'll just have to keep things really simple. Really good quality food tastes best simply prepared anyway so it'll be okay.

I was very close to having a red day but resisted. One of the few sweets I'm allowed is a couple caramels a week so I bought some today for this weekend. I guess I was feeling a little sorry for myself and thought I deserved a treat but I knew I'd enjoy it more if I waited, so I did.

Break: oatmeal, banana, watermelon, chamomile tea
Lunch: brown rice w tofu, toast w avocado, melon
Dinner: grilled chicken, grilled eggplant, fennel, & sweet potatoes

Exercise: today-biked 45 mins; yesterday 1 hr bike ride. Thoroughly enjoyable!
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Post by cedar » Tue May 31, 2016 9:32 am

Wow..yes that sounds like some work Linda..but you're so right with just keeping meals simple..I happen to think they are the best meals anyway! Good luck with it!!

Also good on you for not having the sweets..I'm currently trying to resist some kit kat bars I bought for the kids today..they are talking to me from the cupboard!! But I think I'm just tired and cold..I'm going to have a bath and a cuppa and go to bed!

Your bike rides sound beautiful, you really enjoy them..good on you xx

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue May 31, 2016 9:53 am

re the reflux - have you looked at 'food combining'? I notice, for example, that you are eating melon after a meal - and I've read that melon should really be eaten on it's own. Banana can be quite acid too......... good luck!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 31, 2016 2:07 pm

Hi cookie thanks for responding! I'm following the dropping acid book ... k+%26+cure

They're the first to really make the connection between high acid foods & reflux as opposed to just trigger foods (onions, garlic, ect.). They've really done their research and have had some amazing results with their clients (offices in NyC).

Anyway, all the fruit I eat is with the meal but it hasn't been a problem for me yet. The last two days are the first days in awhile that I've felt better. Bananas & melon are the only fruit I'm allowed to eat during the detox stage.

Anything below a 5 is considered too acidic for this stage--the lower the number, the higher the acid content. Bananas are a 5.6 and melons are about a 6.1. Additionally bananas are listed as one of the best foods for reflux for reasons other than their alkaline properties. Other good foods--oatmeal, avocados, ginger, fennel & broccoli. Btw, most online food acid value charts are incorrect.

But yes, they do say later when you do add on acidic foods such as berries, it's important to eat them with alkaline foods like blueberries in your oatmeal with a little milk is perfect. Blueberries alone could be disastrous.

Anyway that's the books theory and so far (only two days in) it seems to be working for me. I'm also drinking a lot of alkaline water. At 9.5+ it appears to help to heal the damage done by acid so that's my mainstay right now.

Thanks for your input cookie! Having a chronic issue is such a pain!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 31, 2016 2:11 pm

Hi cedar--thanks for stopping by! Yes I was trying to simplify my meals anyway so I guess this helped move me along in that area.

Good job trying to figure out what you really needed. I've been taking a lot of baths lately. It's a nice escape from everybody and so relaxing.

Have a great day!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue May 31, 2016 5:03 pm

Well done with following the program - really hope it helps xxx
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:09 am

Thank you cookie! I'm trying to learn as much as I can.

Today was good. We had a bunch of people over to hang out and swim. I made a huge batch of ridiculously good oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (barefoot contessa) and somehow managed to refrain from even a single crumb. I can't have one even this weekend because it's not allowed on my detox program. Somehow it's easier though when it's for health rather than waistlines.

I woke up feeling really good today and just didn't want to ruin that feeling by stepping on the scale, so I didn't. I may just go back to weekly weighings but it got me to thinking about just not weighing or maybe just seasonally like oolala does (I believe). I'm not sure because in the past I let weight creep up easily when I didn't weigh. I'm too good at denial but it's something to think about.

Break: oatmeal w banana & watermelon, chamomile tea
Lunch: grilled chicken, 2 sweet potato wedges, piece of toast w avocado
Dinner: turkey & avocado sandwich, cantaloupe
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Post by Merry » Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:06 am

lpearlmom wrote: I made a huge batch of ridiculously good oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (barefoot contessa) and somehow managed to refrain from even a single crumb.
First, kudos to you!!!

Second, this sounds like a recipe I *need!*
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:21 am

Lol here you go Merry: ... D=1042&S=0

I usually get requests for the recipe when I make it. Also, I omit the cranberries and add walnuts as per my kids preferences.

They are gooood!&#128525;
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Post by cedar » Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:22 am

Yum..they sound delish! And yes I agree, it's a lot easier to say no when it's for health rather than weight. Sounds like the change of eating is working fantastic for you!

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Post by jackn » Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:04 pm

lpearlmom wrote: it got me to thinking about just not weighing
Happens to be my preference.
Seems to me part of being attuned to my body.
The device seems to me to come in between.
Feels to me like outsourcing sensing my body fat to the scale.
Also, it merely tells me weight, not fat.

Personally, I pay attention to facial tonus, to how hard a given physical exercise is, to how loose/tight clothes feel, to body definition...

I'm not saying this is 'right'.
Nothing is.
It's right for me.
And I hear you very well on past experience.
Just two cents'.

You pays your money and you takes your choice, right?!

Good luck to us all.
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Post by Merry » Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:55 am

lpearlmom wrote:Lol here you go Merry: ... D=1042&S=0

I usually get requests for the recipe when I make it. Also, I omit the cranberries and add walnuts as per my kids preferences.

They are gooood!&#128525;
Thanks :-)

LOL, I have no idea what "Fleur de sel" is!
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:20 am

Thanks cedar! Yes I think it's easier too because I know this won't be forever.

In a couple weeks I can add back foods one by one till I discover all my trigger foods. Then I will only have to avoid my trigger foods although certain behaviors will need to be continued most of the time. For example, soda will always be off limits and I will always need to make sure I eat at least 3 hrs before bedtime.

Jack: thank you for the feedback. It's good to hear how it feels not to weigh. It seems very freeing. I just need to learn to trust myself I guess. The scale has too much power though. I think it's time to take it back.

Lol Merry. It's just fancy salt. I just used a bit of sea salt I had but it can be omitted altogether without a problem.

Today was good but I was too tired to go biking this morning. My daughters sleepover friend woke up in the middle of the night in severe pain and had to go to the ER. She's okay but I didn't get much sleep. Hopefully I'll go biking tomorrow (no sleepovers tonight!).

I've been trying to drink only chamomile tea & water but today the caffeine withdrawal was too much. I made a cup of green tea and that did the trick. Next week I'm allowed to try one small cup of coffee a day. I'm hoping it's not a trigger for me!

Break: oatmeal w banana, cantaloupe
Lunch: brown rice w tofu, chickpeas and avocado, watermelon, 1 caramel
Dinner: Asian broth bowl with udon noodles, salmon, spinach & bean sprouts, melon

So thrilled I found a meal that worked for the whole family. I'm allowing 1 caramel per day as long as it's on my plate.

Exercise: walked dogs 15 mins, swam w girls
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Post by cedar » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:17 am

"I'm allowing 1 caramel per day as long as it's on my plate"

Sounds like a great plan!

What was wrong with your daughters friend? Sounds stressful!

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:30 am

Thanks cedar, it's helping me feel less deprived on this limited plan.

She had a ovarian cyst burst. Painful but she's okay now. Poor thing though to go through that at someone else's house. Luckily I've known her since she was in pre-school so she's kind of like family.
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Post by cedar » Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:05 am

Ouch! Sounds painful.

Are you still feeling the difference with the new reflux diet?

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:16 pm

Hi cedar--it is working well but going out to eat is very problematic. Garlic is in just about everything & im suppose to avoid it. I'm nervous about our upcoming Alaska trip because it's going to be really difficult to eat correctly while we're on the road (3 weeks--yikes!).

My therapist taught me some peaceful resolution techniques I've been using to help my girls when they fight. They roll their eyes and act like they find it ridiculous but I can tell they are secretly relieved to find a new way to handle issues.

Yesterday I witnessed them using the techniques all on their own. No yelling or tears. Instead they simply came to a compromise. Miraculous for these too! I'm sure it won't happen every time but definitely a step in the right direction!

Yesterday I ate out for lunch and dinner and it didn't sit well with me. Luckily I didn't have a full blown reaction but some symptoms for sure. Very frustrating because I tried so hard to order carefully. When I get back from our trip I'll only eat at home till I'm more fully recovered and I'll begin to slowly wean myself from the meds. At least that's the plan!

Break: egg white spinach scramble w smoked salmon & avocado, low carb toast, melon, small cup of coffee
Lunch: salad w salmon, corn, cucumbers, barley and a drizzle of dressing, bread
Dinner: sushi

Friday--52 mins bike; 10 m
Thurs--46 mins bike; 9 m
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Post by Merry » Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:04 am

lpearlmom wrote: My therapist taught me some peaceful resolution techniques I've been using to help my girls when they fight. They roll their eyes and act like they find it ridiculous but I can tell they are secretly relieved to find a new way to handle issues.

Yesterday I witnessed them using the techniques all on their own. No yelling or tears. Instead they simply came to a compromise. Miraculous for these too! I'm sure it won't happen every time but definitely a step in the right direction!
LOL, I love it! I used to make my kids role-play and walk through how to reconcile and resolve a conflict. And then they started resolving on their own--it's so great when they start to learn and actually employ strategies of working things out!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:18 am

Oh what an awesome idea Merry! Yeah it's amazing watching them work it out on their own. I wish I had started sooner but better late than never.

Today was good. Feeling better than I have in a couple of days. Clearly Its linked to what I eat. I went to a party tonight and ate nothing but watermelon, jicama & cucumbers. I drank chamomile tea and did not even feel like I was missing out on anything.

I focused on watching all the activity and enjoying the conversation. I barely knew anyone there and normally would have felt the need to have a drink in order to relax but I discovered I don't really need that. Did just fine on my own. Silver linings and all that.

Break: oatmeal, banana, watermelon
Lunch: bowl of grape nuts, banana, 2 graham crackers, 2 caramels, green tea latte
Dinner: small bowl of brown rice, tofu & garbanzo beans,
Snack: watermelon, jicama, cucumbers, chamomile tea w almond milk & honey

Hoping to get up early & ride!
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Post by jackn » Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:35 am

lpearlmom wrote:Feeling better than I have in a couple of days. Clearly Its linked to what I eat.
Good for you.
Definitely feels like that to me, Linda.
Also has to with how much I eat, in particular whether I went beyond appetite, on a mission to fill up my stomach.
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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:53 pm

Hi! It's been awhile since I visited your checkin, so I just wanted to say hello. Good job for sticking with your detox diet. Detox/elimination diets are hard! I hope you can get some answers. I still struggle with reflux sometimes, and I have found some of my trigger founds are pineapple, cooked tomatoes, orange juice, and most kinds of coffee.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:32 am

Jack: yes I agree, the size of the meal is definitely important. Timing too--not too close to bedtime.

Heather: thanks for stopping by. Yes I'm hoping to figure out I'm trigger foods. Hard to stay on such a limited meal plan as you well know. Hope all is well with you!

Rough day. Stress of trip preparation. Little meltdown but I recovered. Still tons to do but it'll get done. It always does somehow.

Feeling rotten too, unfortunately. I'm pretty sure I have an ulcer. Dh agrees it's likely. Not sure how this is going to play out while on vacation.

Ate more than usual but hard to go too crazy when not feeling well. Haven't weighed myself in awhile and it suits me just fine.

BreaK: oatmeal w banana, melon, tea
Snack: piece of low-carb toast with avocado
Lunch: brown rice, beans, tofu & avocado
Snack: 1 graham cracker, 1 lollipop
Dinner: chicken noodle soup, bread
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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:11 pm

Hi Linda,

Hope you're feeling better--it's rough when weeks start out stressful. Prayers for a quick turnaround and continued success with your diet detox. :)
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Post by cedar » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:26 am

Sorry you're not feeling well Linda..hopefully the week gets better for you. Xxx

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:07 am

Thank you blessing & cedar!

Much better today. Amazing how much better my day goes when I start it off with a bike ride and a nice hot shower. There's something about being fully awake and ready to go before my kid's even wake up that seems to put me in the right mindset.

My oldest daughter was gone all day at a friend's house and my youngest was occupied at home with another friend. So I ended up getting a ton and am not feeling so overwhelmed about our Destination Alaska trip. We laid out all the clothes were taking, made campsite reservations and made a bunch of necessary phone calls, paperwork etc. I'm also almost completely caught up on laundry! Yay!

Break: oatmeal, banana, melon, green tea
Lunch: low-carb turkey & avo sandwich
Dinner: vegan chipotle bowl, 2 caramels

Exercise: rode 8 miles
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:30 am

Another busy day getting ready for our trip. We bought bear deterrent & hardcore mosquito netting which really started to get me nervous!

Break: bran flakes, banana
Lunch: a fish taco, couple chips, chai iced blended
Dinner: chicken & avocado salad, bread
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Post by osoniye » Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:08 am

lpearlmom wrote:We bought bear deterrent & hardcore mosquito netting which really started to get me nervous!
Bear deterrent?? Wow! How cool is that?! Is that something you spray or...?
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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:28 pm

Good luck on your trip, Linda! Hope you never have to use the bear deterrent! :shock:
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:45 pm

Yes Sonya, it's some kind of weird spray. It really freaked me out.

Blessing--thank you! I hope not also!

Forgot to check in yesterday but it was a good day. Busy and green. Honestly my meals are so boring lately that for the first time in my life, food is just fuel at this point. I am feeling better though so it's worth it. Also, I think I may be losing a little weight. I haven't weighed but feel lighter.

I did get in a nice bike ride yesterday morning and will get in another last one before our trip tomorrow. I'm realllly going to miss my bike rides!!

Okay off to finish vacation stuff! Will check in tonight!

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:11 am

Crazy day. Getting up in 4 hrs to start our trip. My mom and her bf are here to watch the dogs & house for us. Took an hr to teach my mom the tv but I think she finally got it.

In the way to the airport I stopped at the mall to use my anthropologie bday gift cards and wow that's about the best experience I've had in years. Usually trying on clothes makes me want to cry or jump off a bridge or something but today it was actually an enjoyable experience. Half of the clothes actually looked good on me and I fit into mediums! Granted their sizes run big but still I even fit into a small in one of the dresses I bought. Amazing! I felt normal for the first time in forever.

Okay off to bed. Sorry I haven't been able to respond to other ppl's threads right now.

I may not check in for awhile but will be posting pics daily on Instagram!

Wish me luck!!&#128513;
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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Sat Jun 11, 2016 3:05 pm

Congratulations Linda on the successful shopping trip!! Doesn't it feel good to enjoy trying on clothes? Good for you!

And best of luck and lots of prayers for an enjoyable camping trip! :) See you when you get back!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
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Post by Jen1974 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 3:29 pm

Love those type of shopping trips Linda!!

Have so much fun on your trip. I might have to figure out Instagram so I can see some pics too (:

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:45 pm

Linda, sorry I've been out of the loop and I just missed you leaving on vacation. (There is a thread on another team that I actually "LEAD" on Spark and I found I hadn't really read the other comments since May 9.)

Your issues I believe are EXACTLY the reasons to "go on a diet," not necessarily a calorie-limitation diet, but one that limits foods. And having issues that cause real physical discomfort greater than the discomfort of bypassing the ease of opportunistic eating is a much more effective motivator. Not necessarily fun, but more obvious. And you may find out that it might all affect future habits happily even after you heal, which let's assume you will.

I really liked reading that you had an experience in which you were able to "fill up on" other stuff at a social event. I've been reading a book originally written for people wanting to quit smoking. He said one of the problems smokers have is that they are convinced they are giving up essential pleasure, including at social events, if they don't get to smoke. By shifting attention, they find out it isn't true. (Though I know some things involve sacrifice. I've felt some twinges since I made some changes back in February. Thankfully, I still get a lot of pleasure from PLENTY of foods I do eat.)

I hope you enjoy your time away. Know you are being rooted for!
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:36 am

Oh, I meant to tell you that I was reading fast at one point, and I thought I saw a reference to bear detergent. Puzzled! I wondered is it made from bear grease or is it for WASHING bears? Talk about brave! :wink:
Last edited by oolala53 on Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:16 pm

Hope your trip is going wonderfully! Love it!
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Post by cedar » Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:17 am

Linda hope you're having a fantastic holiday xx

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Post by osoniye » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:56 am

Hope you're having a great time and that the bear deterrent is working like a charm, Linda!
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:24 am

Thanks for all the well wishes! Came back from our trip late Friday night and then had dh's surprise party last night. The trip was amazing. Such an awesome experience & my kids did terrific. Oh and we never had to use our bear deterrent. *phew*

The party also went well. Dh was surprised, the food was over the top good and everyone seemed to have a terrific time. One of the walls of our little dining room was glass so we got to watch the chefs prepare the food. They even let dh plate one of the courses. So fun!

The downside is we are back to reality now. I've got a huge pile of laundry, mail to sort through, budgets to balance etc. My mom & mil are here so it's hard to get stuff done. I kind of just want to get back in the camper & go for another week or so! Oh well.

I didn't stick to NoS at all but I made a huge effort not to overeat and at some point on the trip, I had a shift in what I saw in the mirror. Usually when I look in the mirror I think " well it's an improvement but I'm still fat". At some point I looked at myself and thought okay that's definitely not a fat person looking back at me. Not sure if I lost weight ( stopped weighing) or if my brain finally got caught up to my weight loss but either way, it feels good. When I got home I noticed my face looks thinner, and although my clothes still fit, they're no longer snug in the stomach area ( I'm apple shaped). Also my wedding ring fits for the first time in years--yay!

I'm looking forward to getting back to my 3 meals and some regular exercise.

Okay off to catch up on everyone's threads!
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:17 am

Welcome home and so glad to hear about your mirror experience.
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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:06 pm

Great to have you back, Linda! :) And super news on all the body results-- it's amazing how changing up routine will nudge things along in a positive way. And glad to hear that no bear deterrent was necessary lol! :D
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
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Location: Cornwall, UK

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:30 pm

Yipee for your new self-image and 'not so snug' feelings!
I love Everyday Systems :3

13.6.15 124.25lbs
11.11.21 101.00lbs

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Posts: 1658
Joined: Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:14 am

Post by Merry » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:07 am

Love this update! So glad for the positive image (and who doesn't love clothes feeling a bit looser, too?!)
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
29 lbs. down, 34 to go. Slow and steady wins the race.
Respect Moderation

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