Well friends, this isn't diet related, directly, but pms sure does stink!
I am really hoping my period stops pretty soon and have even prayed for this to happen..
I am curious about what it's like to go through menopause?
Lately my cycle has been semi erratic and it has usually been fairly consistent over the years... Other than two times when I had a psychosomatic reaction to stress and thought I was pregnant, but wasn't, my period has been very regular for 27 years now... I'm almost 39 now and realize this is a little soon to wonder about this issue, but since I've been late for about three or four periods, and it's been pretty light/scanty except for the first day, I am wondering if this is the beginning stage of my cycle stopping...
I would love that!!! I am not interested in having another child, so no biggie even if it stopped tomorrow... Frankly the emotional ups and downs that go with pms really alter the quality of my life.. I'm eager for that madness to stop...
When I asked my Mom when her period stopped and she said it was in her forties.. That's kind of vague!
Then she said she really didn't remember the details...
I guess I have to forgive her senility as it was almost twenty years ago for her..
So, if any of the women here who have lived through menopause wouldn't mind sharing their tales of how it started and how it ended and how long that took, I would be very interested...
Of course this is fairly intimate, so feel free to private message or email me!
Thanks in advance!
I expect to hear from "Hot flash Peetie!"

Have a nice evening...
Peace and Love,

PS... I ate 6 Garlic Pickles and half a bag of potato chips and 1/3 of a cherry pie today...
pms isn't exactly helping me in the binge department today! LOL...
Now I'm really thirsty!!!!