Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:48 pm

Wow, well this weekend I've slipped back into night time eating.
Three nights in a row actually.. I think it's because I'm a little depressed these days, combined with the loosening up of rules on S days.
One night it was a bag of Sun Chips, last night I had half an avocado, and I think I had some cantaloupe or something on Friday night.. So nothing terrible, or binge like, but knowing my history with this problem, I'm very concerned about it anyway.
Getting strict again now and hope to nip it right in the bud.
I wanna have a really successful month!!
Enjoy the week all!!
Back to school!!! :wink:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:57 pm

Last night was a failure too, and a big one.. I guess I'm just slipping up due to the massive amount of stress I've been going thru lately.
But it was thoroughly unpleasant enough to make me *not* want to have a repeat performance for a very long time.
I'm still doing well with my 14 mins a day of exercise, as well as eating fairly well overall, so just going to pick myself up and brush myself off and keep on going!
My measurements are improving slowly and I'm building up my speed and endurance on squats, and trying to add in other unconventional exercise, through the chores I do.. For example, carrying the groceries a few blocks from the parking lot, versus dropping them at the door first and then parking, and same thing with laundry etc. I'm sure it all adds up. :)
Have a good day all!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:11 pm

Hi Friends! I am back for a quick check in now.. My Grandfather died last week, and me and Richie had to go down to Florida for a few days for his funeral. He was very ill for over a year with emphysema, and the last few months had been suffering terribly, and so I'm glad he is not suffering anymore. He lived 91 years.
Needless to say, I've have had some setbacks due to stress eating in the last few days during the trip, mainly the stuff I ate before and during the flights down there.. candy, and other junk really.. And exercise has been totally out the window for over a week now..
So before it gets completely out of hand, I'm jumping back in and restarting my HabitCal's today, and just calling the last three or four days S days.
Hope everyone has a good week and is doing well.
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Post by Kevin » Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:05 pm

I'm sorry to hear that your grandfather passed, although it does sound like it was a blessing in a way. Still, it's never easy when someone of big stature in our lives dies. Peace, Deb.
gratefuldeb67 wrote:Hi Friends! I am back for a quick check in now.. My Grandfather died last week, and me and Richie had to go down to Florida for a few days for his funeral. He was very ill for over a year with emphysema, and the last few months had been suffering terribly, and so I'm glad he is not suffering anymore. He lived 91 years.
Needless to say, I've have had some setbacks due to stress eating in the last few days during the trip, mainly the stuff I ate before and during the flights down there.. candy, and other junk really.. And exercise has been totally out the window for over a week now..
So before it gets completely out of hand, I'm jumping back in and restarting my HabitCal's today, and just calling the last three or four days S days.
Hope everyone has a good week and is doing well.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:51 pm

Thanks Kevin!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:12 pm

Hi guys! Quick update here.
I had gained about 3 or 4 lbs during my trip down to Florida for my Grandads funeral, and then, I got sick with a virus that I seemed to be trading back and forth with my Son for a few weeks as well, so my exercise was nil... But I'm pleased to say that even without the exercise, by staying on plan with NoS and not eating anything at night for a few weeks, I've managed to drop back down and am only one pound away from my lowest weight previous to the gain I had from the Florida trip.
And yesterday I restarted my 14 mins a day of exercise, with a bang, so I'm back with that too!

I'm making efforts to also choose organic foods whenever possible, and have really scrutinized whether I do or don't want treats on S days, and am very conscious when I choose them. They better be good, or they're out.
And when I say good, I don't mean "low fat" or made with Splenda! :wink:
Hope everyone is doing great!
I'm also now, officially weighing in on Monday mornings. It's just because that was my last weigh in, and I want to have some consistency.
See you again in a week or two!
Peace and Love,

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Post by ~reneew » Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:12 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:not eating anything at night for a few weeks
Very good job! Bad habits can be extremely hard to break and I know this is a nasty one for you. Good Job... you're on the right track! Woohoo!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by Kevin » Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:32 pm

Nice to hear from you, Debs.
gratefuldeb67 wrote:Hi guys! Quick update here.
I had gained about 3 or 4 lbs during my trip down to Florida for my Grandads funeral, and then, I got sick with a virus that I seemed to be trading back and forth with my Son for a few weeks as well, so my exercise was nil... But I'm pleased to say that even without the exercise, by staying on plan with NoS and not eating anything at night for a few weeks, I've managed to drop back down and am only one pound away from my lowest weight previous to the gain I had from the Florida trip.
And yesterday I restarted my 14 mins a day of exercise, with a bang, so I'm back with that too!

I'm making efforts to also choose organic foods whenever possible, and have really scrutinized whether I do or don't want treats on S days, and am very conscious when I choose them. They better be good, or they're out.
And when I say good, I don't mean "low fat" or made with Splenda! :wink:
Hope everyone is doing great!
I'm also now, officially weighing in on Monday mornings. It's just because that was my last weigh in, and I want to have some consistency.
See you again in a week or two!
Peace and Love,

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:37 pm

Thanks Kevin and Rene!!
I had a few failures since then, due to some really bad period symptoms, but I'm over it now.. I didn't mention before, maybe because I wasn't so sure how I'd do yet, but I also made a huge shift in my eating besides the organic stuff and cutting out high fructose corn syrup etc.. The night before Thanksgiving, I decided to cut out meat and poultry and now am mostly vegetarian but eat fish, eggs, and cheese.. It's been over a week and I'm doing very well with it, despite the occasional craving for some of my old faves (which I won't mention now cos that will make me want them! LOL)
My Son has been vegetarian for three years and I tried three times before to do this, but I never stuck with it.. This time I really want to and hope that my cravings will diminish over time and I stick with it..
I'm enjoying cooking again, and it's been going well!!
Next update two Monday's from now, as I'm not going to weigh myself till my period passes.
Have a great weekend everyone!

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Post by frugaltexan » Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:29 am

The French Toast sandwiches sound delicious!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:12 am

Hi Laura, i think you may have posted the french toast comment on the wrong thread?? I haven't made any of those lately :wink:
But they do sound good! :D
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Post by frugaltexan » Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:38 am

Ooops! :) Sorry about that.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:31 am

No probs!!! But now I want French Toast!! :wink:
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Post by frugaltexan » Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:34 am

Well, if it's still Sunday where you are ... no problem. :D
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:56 pm

So today it's the beginning of my third week of eating a mostly vegetarian diet.. (still include fish, cage free organic eggs, and cheese)

I'm really proud of myself today because actually I've had a very emotional week, and three times in the past few days, I found myself pondering getting some chocolate, when I was very down..
Each time I instantly rebutted myself with a "Nah, you don't need that.." or, "You're not getting that"....
Even today, I went to my Moms house, and she had a bunch of Fererra Rocher hazelnut chocolates there, especially left for Richie and me to take, and I decided to leave them there till tomorrow.. nobody else was around but me... I could have had one... Just one.. but,,,, I didn't!

Another amazing thing.. I've drastically cut down on any products with High Fructose Corn Syrup, and been reading labels to check etc...
The other day, I made a cup of tea, which in the past I'd usually put in (don't gasp too loudly) three teaspoons of sugar and some sweetened soymilk... Yesterday I made a cup and I only put two in, and then thought to myself "I hope it's sweet enough"... and to my surprise, rather than needing that extra teaspoon, I actually felt like it was *over* sweetened, and probably could have enjoyed it with only one teaspoon.
Couldn't believe it.
My taste buds are definitely "clearing" a bit since my overhaul in what I've been eating and *not* choosing to eat.

I've barely done any exercise, other than lots of stairs going to and from the house to the parking garage, so at least it's something. I'll have to find a way to just do it in the morning first thing and start forming that habit. I think now that I'm feeling quite solid with the new vegetarian habit, I will have more focus for solidifying the exercise habit again.

My weight went up a few pounds last week, during my period, but it's down again this week to 244.
I'm very happy about this.
I know that I'm going in the right direction. I know it's gonna be slow. But I'm on track. Night time eating has almost been entirely eradicated!!!
This is huge for me!!!
Once I add in exercise, I will lose more weight.
Also, I'm no longer going to weigh on Mondays..That's just too much like punishment and will ruin my fun on S days.
I'll stick to Friday weigh-ins from now on.

Have a great weekend all!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:01 pm

Hi guys, I know we all have our own daily check in threads, and habit cals, but I've been completely awol from daily exercise for several months now and feel like I want to make a more public disclosure of success and failure so I can get back into the swing of it until it's become habit. I am happy to say that my old bugaboo of night time eating has been virtually nil, these last few months, which I am thrilled about!!! And, I've successfully made the switch to mostly vegetarian, since the day before Thanksgiving last year, which admittedly required a lot of mental effort for a month or so, till it clicked, but sadly, I've been more sluggish than ever, and I'm just vacillating between gaining and losing the same two or three pounds these days.. That would be fine if I was at my maintenance weight already, but I'm not. So I'm gonna start a thread, to track my exercise.
I think the public accountability will be good for me. :wink:
Have a great day and week all!
Will be updating my own thread here a bit more as well.
At least weekly.
I think it helps me stay focused.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:57 am

I weighed this morning at my Moms, after a fairly good week on NoS (but not for exercise) and I have lost a little of the weight I put on in the previous weeks.. I think I lost about 1.5 lbs.. Since this is my week of pms, I am pretty happy about that, because I usually go up two to three pounds during that time, so a loss is very nice.

Have a nice weekend guys : )
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:57 pm

So I lost another pound since I last posted!!!!! :D
Go me!!! :mrgreen:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:43 pm

I was just thinking I'd check to see what my past year's HabitCal looked like for my "No nighttime eating" habit.

I've been having some very good months recently, with two to three failures at most, and all very minor stuff.. But when I looked back over the year, I saw what I was like before, and it's been some amazing progress for me.
In January 2009, I actually had 20 failures that month.

I'm absolutely *elated* that this problem, has really diminished to almost nothing!!! I may not actually lose weight as a result of successes in only this area, however, I *do* know that I won't gain more weight as a result.. The night time eating, over the last few years, was probably the biggest culprit in my gaining back about 50 lbs in two years, and I'm sure it just was bad for me overall because our bodies are built to rejuvenate and heal at night and not have undigested food in them sitting around for hours.

Anyway, really after a lifetime of having this bad habit, I'm almost feeling in a state of grace, and totally amazed at being able to conquer it this last two months!!! I'm also thinking, that perhaps my switch to being more vegetarian has possibly helped in this area, because that's how long it's been since cutting out meat and poultry. Not sure, but it all seems to go together :)

I just felt like shouting about it a bit.
Have a nice weekend folks!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:57 pm

Okay, I've decided to consolidate the rest of my posts on this thread, and ditch the separate exercise log.. I will update both NoS and daily 14 mins exercise here as well as my HabitCal... I'm happy to say I don't think I'll need to worry about night time eating much, as it's been really under control.

I'll come back tomorrow to mark if today's a success or failure, but for now, I just wanted to say, after a very very lean week, plus, having a very moderate S weekend (only one day we had S's cos no money :roll: ) I'm down a full 4 lbs from my weigh in about two weeks ago!!! I'm nearly into the 230's!!!
Wow, I'm excited!!! I've been stuck in the 240's for well over a year!!!

Have a good day guys :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:59 am

Exercise so far this week..
Monday failure
Tues and Wed success
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:30 pm

Yesterday I'm counting as a NoS failure.. It wasn't anything terrible, just that I bought a bottle of garlic pickles and couldn't stop snacking on them throughout the afternoon and evening.. I haven't eaten between meals at all these days, and so even tho they're not very caloric, it still didn't feel right to eat them as snacks..
Boy am i thirsty now :wink:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:33 am


Thursday failure
Friday success
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:02 pm

Oy vey!!!!! :shock:
This week has been completely failure fraught.. My Son's been home sick since last weekend. I could have fudged the HabitCal and deemed some of those days S days for myself, but *I* wasn't the one who was sick, just very very stressed out.. I don't see that as a good reaction to stress, so I'm not gonna reward it or let myself call it an S day.. I'd rather see it for what it is.. So... basically had failures most days this week.
I'm hoping he feels better soon. We are so cooped up as well, and that's not helping..
Incidentally tho, the failures were somewhat minimal, but I like being very strict with keeping my HabitCal honest.
I don't think much damage was done.
I'll check my weight at the end of the month as next week I've got my period coming so I'll just focus my energy on getting back on track.
Have a great weekend friends :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:57 pm

Ok, I'm finally back on track.. Yesterday was my first "triple green" day (nos, exercise, no eating at night)
Thank goodness!!!!
I'm going for straight green this week!! :wink:
Have a nice week all :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:55 pm

Ok quick update.. Last weigh in was March 25th.. i had lost 3 lbs over the prior 2 weeks...
Since then, my Son had his 14th Birthday, and that week we definitely had a lot of treats..We got the most yummy cake ever and I didn't dump the leftovers, so we had a few red days that week. So I gained a pound back, but I'm really actually glad about this, because I was thinking I might have gained all 3 lbs back, and I didn't... Other than the Birthday cake, I've been quite good on NoS, and other than that Birthday cake, I have continued to not use any products with high fructose corn syrup.
In May or June, it will be my one year anniversary of getting back on the bandwagon with NoS, after a two year hiatus, and since then I believe I've lost about 15 lbs over the year. Also, this month marks my fourth month of eliminating meat and poultry from my diet. I'm very pleased about it and it's going really well!!
Have a good month all I will update again in May, unless something really exciting happens before then.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:56 pm

Woooo Hoooo!!!! I have been really really really good and trying so hard to eat well this last few months.. I hoped it would turn into weight loss and it has!!!! This morning I weighed in and I am now two and a half pounds down from last time.. aaannnnd, i am now at my lowest weight in a whole year and into a new ten pound range on the scale!!! Yay meeee!!!!!!!! :)
I'm now officially in the 230's!!!!
I am soooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:36 pm

Hi Everyone :)
I have had a very tumultuous month this May.. we moved from our apartment, back to my Moms.. its a long story, but suffice it to say, I was very lax about keeping track on my habitcals for the last few weeks since then. My habits for diet have still be fairly good, tho i cant attest that the days were completely NoS kosher..
I did all the packing myself in about two days and spent a week in agony after them move, so sorry again, that i was awol.
At the same time, we got news that my grandmother fell very sick and ended up in the hospital. She just passed away this weekend and we have just returned last night from her funeral in Florida..
It was after a very long battle with Alzheimers and we are all relieved shes no longer suffering. She was 89.. and now shes with my Grandad who passed away last October.

Anyway, I am now very pleased to say that Im very motivated to keep a great record on my habitcals for all three of my habits Im tracking.
2.No eating at night.
3.daily 14 mins minimum of exercise of any kind.

I failed on exercise for months now, with the exception of the last few weeks when it was forced on me from all the packing and moving, and this is the main habit I will be focusing on getting right. I have to also say, that living back at moms house, has not been good for my no eating at night time habit.
This is where I established that bad habit for all those years, and its very interesting, and very scary, to see how easily I can fall back into an old habit due to my being in an environment which I unconsciously associate with it.
I will be really dilligent about that one as well, because it took *soooooo* long to beat it, and there's no way I want that to come back again.
My weight after my move was 239, which is what it was at last check in here.
I am probably up a bit since that trip to Florida, but Im not gonna weigh again until next Monday.

I will update once or twice a month on my thread here, but I will be keeping a extremely strict account on my three habitcals for the whole month, and its my hope that i will have all green on all three habits.
Have a good month all. :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:46 am

Well, I had a bit of an upsetting day today, but im happy to say that i totally stuck to my plan and didnt give in to emotional eating, even tho chocolate was in my head a few times during a few bad stress moments.
Yay me!!
I am going to be thin no matter what, and im gonna get there by just paying attention to my three habits.
Im feeling extremely focused and motivated!
I think i will post here daily.. today was a major success!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:20 am

Ok I had one cookie today since mom had lots of stuff here for her guests while she was sitting shiva, but I stopped at that and when all the guests left I threw away all the rest of them and gave some to our neighbours..
I exercised too today and feel great!! Im so glad i didnt eat more of those cookies or over do anything.. so i will call this a success!!!
Yay me!!! :D
and ps for the record, the cookie was about one inch wide by one and a half inches long.. not a mega sized one.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:53 pm

I am doing really well this week and have had all green days for NoS and no night time eating.. I had one failure, and two S days for exercise. The first was on the first day of my period last week, which was very heavy, and the second was for yesterday when I woke with a migraine which lasted all day.
I'm not totally feeling better since yesterday from the headache, maybe it's viral, so I'm letting exercise be optional till I'm better again.
I'm happy to announce that after a week or two of ups and downs since my Grandmother passed away and we had some family events during those weeks, my eating is all 100 percent back to strict NoS, and I'm eating very well, and now that my period is passed, my weight is back to 239 which was my lowest weight since restarting NoS in Spring 2009.
Have a nice day all and I will update again in another week or so.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:32 pm

I was sick all week till today with a virus, so there's been no exercise.
I really haven't taken a lot of liberties with extra S's, aside from half a small frozen drink at Dunkin Donuts on my worst day (still proud I threw out half of it yay me!!) and therefore, I have thankfully, not gained anything this week..
Now that I'm living at my Mom's house again, and there's a bathroom scale, I'm finding I'm weighing myself daily again and falling into that trap.. Wow, that is a tricky thing to avoid, and I must say, I did have one day when my weight went up from eating a salty meal, about 3 or 4 lbs in one day and I went slightly mental seeing that.. Of course it went back down within a day or so, but frankly, after a year or so of not having a scale around in our apartment, I got used to the niceness of not seeing those annoying daily fluctuations.. They really do your head in, if you let them! So, I'm just gonna try my best to only weigh once a week, on Mondays, as I had done before.. I think i will create a "No weighing except on Mondays" Habit Cal, to help reinforce this, while I'm struggling with seeing that scale in the bathroom now every day, until I am immune to daily scale stepping again. I will give myself a "green" each day I stay off the scale, and on Mondays I will weigh and put a "yellow".
Hope you all are having a nice weekend! :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:44 pm

ps.. Ok since I am starting this new No Scale stepping HabitCal today, I will make Sundays my official weigh in day from now on instead of Mondays.
I am glad I'm doing this because, daily scale stepping is really frustrating and a bad weigh in can really mess up my mood, and is just distracting from focusing on my eating and exercise habits, where my attention *should* be.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:35 pm

Well after spending lots of mental energy and being very annoyed at having to do that, I am ditching the No Scale Stepping idea... I thought it would be helpful, but it proved to be more annoying than helpful.. I wouldn't miss the scale if it weren't here tho, but since it is, and staring at me ever day, I am just gonna weigh once a day, and try very much, not to fret over the normal fluctuations, as well as be consistent about the time of day that I weigh myself to minimise the chance of major fluctuations in numbers.
Anyway... this morning I was down a pound, so that made me smile :)
Just wish I could find a solution to my monthly pms/period regular weight gain of between 2 and 4 lbs up. When you only lose that much in a month, it's frustrating to then see it all come back when it's that time of month.
I'm guessing water and exercise are probably the key and avoiding lots of salty things.
Have a nice day all :)
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Post by andreamuse » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:19 pm

I sure wish I knew the solution to the weight gain with period, too. I start bloating up a few days before my period and pretty much stay that way all the way through my period until a few days AFTER. It's like having nearly a 1/3 of every month being 3 to 5 pounds heavier than the rest of the month! I have tried everything -- drinking lots of water, not eating salty things, not eating too much sugar, taking diuretics during that time....and nothing seems to work for me. I'd be curious if anyone HAS found a solution to that! (My only solution now is to not weigh myself from as soon as I notice the pms weight gain until the day after my period leaves when I pee all day and know that I'm losing the water retention! :)) (tmi, I know, sorry!)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:29 am

Thanks Andreamuse, you sound like me :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:34 am

Last night I was so close to eating something after waking up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.. But, I talked myself out of it..
Something to the effect of "No you aren't!!!" repeatedly, and then I drank a bunch of water and went back to bed.. I am soooo proud of that moment!!
I never want to go back to that bad habit of eating when I wake in the middle of the night.
I just had to take a moment to write this down because I felt so great that I got through that without caving in! Yay me! :D
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Post by Grammy G » Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:47 am

Good for you!! I know that was a hard habit for you to break and how easy it would have been to give into it! ( Wouldn't it be nice if we would drop a pound or two each time we refused to give into a temptation?? :wink: ) I "do battle' with the scale too! I have gotten it down to weighing two times in the morning..and using the lower number! i like to keep a graph of my weight because it is easy for me to see that I really am losing..with bumps along the way and very slowly..but losing none the less. We all keep tweaking and personalizing little details but the big picture is what keeps us all together, isn't it? Keep up the good work..what a fine example you are for your son!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:03 pm

Thanks so much Grammy G!
I messed up last night tho, and had an orange in the middle of the night.. I was just thirsty and didn't feel like having chlorine tasting water (our water is very chlorinated here).. I almost tried to "fudge" and give myself a "green" for my "No Eating after bedtime" HabitCal, but I decided I would be just lying to myself, and what's the point of that?

I'm glad you are sticking with your graph and seeing your progress over time. Patience and perseverance, and just going over those "bumps" along the way, are the most important things to have when undertaking a slow, but healthy, weight loss regime.

I'm thrilled to announce that today, after being very very good on eating well, with loads of vegetable based meals, and rarely any junk food at all these days, even on S days, plus I've added walking again, finally, I'm down another pound from my lowest weight since restarting NoS last Spring, and have a new "low" now!!!
I've lost a total so far, of 22 lbs!!
Yay!!! :D
Have a nice day!
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Post by Grammy G » Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:13 am

Good for you!! So many changes in your life these last few months and you are still on track!! That says a lot about your commitment to living a healthy life style! I'm sure you will find a way to make peace with that bathroom scale! Just remember YOU are the boss..not the scale (seems like there should be a funny cartoon in there somewhere!!)you are free to ignore it's presence! :wink:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:23 pm

Aw thanks very much Grammy G! I'm hereby adopting u as my NoS Grandma! :wink:

Guess what! I am down *another* pound today!!! Couldn't believe it when I saw it!! I'm so used to seeing my one or two pounds lost, go back up then down, then up, ad nauseum!!
This weekend my Son and I enjoyed one nice treat, a medium sized serving of ice cream, but for the most part, have been eating very moderately at meals, and as you mentioned, we have been eating healthy!
For instance, last night we had tuna salad I made, with lots of celery and onion, on toasted baguette and I had an apple for dessert.

Anyway,,,, I'm sooooo happy!!! I am actually now starting to have that hopeful feeling, that I'm gonna be able to lose the weight I want to, and I am even further motivated to keep at it!! :D
Have a great week everyone~
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Post by la_loser » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:57 pm

23 pounds! That's great.

I'm so happy you're finding success. I've been MIA on the boards, but I have been trying to get caught up. Now you can be MY inspiration.

Take care.
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:36 am

Deb, I'm so sorry it's been forever since I popped by, but congratulations!

I was just reading something about how natural systems like the human body tend to have a lot of redundancy built into them so they can deal with adversity: two lungs, two kidneys, etc. We can live with one but nature has given us two just in case.

It might be that vanilla no-s would be fine to carry you through non-extreme situations all by itself, but practicing these other systems in parallel gives you some of that good redundancy (among other things).

Whether or not this verkakte theory of mine has any merit I don't know, but in any case it's clear you're doing very well, and I'm very glad to hear it.


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Post by Grammy G » Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:26 pm

i would be more than happy to be a noS Grammy to you! i see a Grammy's job as being encouraging and helpful and i am pleased to be here and do those things for you!! Isn't tuna salad a wonderful thing? i sometimes make it with apple and dried cranberries.. sometimes with curry powder added to that also. I've added cheese, and/or sweet red and green peppers...cut up grapes..YUM!!
How wonderful to see the numbers are coming down! i know we shouldn't measure by the scale, but it is sooo hard not to for some of us :roll: I'm sure you are more determined each day to keep going and I will be reading your posts and adding my Grammy comments as well as getting inspiration from YOU!! :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:13 am

Hi guys! Thanks Reinhard and Grammy G! :)
No worries Reinhard, it's been ages since I checked in here myself! :wink:

Well I've found a helpful thing for my water retention that I can recommend now Andreamuse :)
If you drink a large glass of water each day with the juice of half or a whole lemon, it really helps keep from getting bloated.. of course I have also been scrutinising things I was eating before which seemed to be triggering it as well, such as bottled spaghetti sauce and also, stuff on greek salads, like feta cheese and olives.. I've been kind of avoiding those to some extent, or having them in very limited amounts only very occasionally.
Seems to be helping a lot!

Well I thought I'd jump in and update after several weeks.
I am now down to 236.. so that is 3 pounds less than middle of June!!!
I'm so *psyched!!!*

Been really really focused on eating well and eating probably 50 to 60 percent veggies and fruit stuff over the course of the day.
Hope everyone is doing well and having a good month!
I'll update again in August
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Post by carolejo » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:21 am

Hi Deb,

glad to hear it's still going OK & you're headed in the right direction!

didn't want to 'read & run' so I'm just dropping you a note to say "Hi" *waves*

love C. xxx

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:19 pm

Thanks so much Carolejo!! Hope you and Steve are well :) Hugs xxx
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:30 am

Well, after many months, of only really focusing on NoS and on my changes in diet, ie: going mainly vegetarian, and elimination of artificial ingredients and hfcs as well as msg, where I actually had to put a lot of effort an attention on those, I am now happy to say, I'm ready to focus on adding regular exercise!! I let that part totally slide, but since my diet part is becoming largely automatic at this point, I am gonna put my energy and attention on forming a walking habit.. Once that's down, I will see if I will add anything other than stretching and indoor floor exercises, like squats, and light weights.... but not gonna do that, till i get in several months of walking on a daily basis... I like walking on weekends.. I'm not sure if I will do a 5 day thing.. I may do 6 days a week... we'll see :)
So far I have two green days down this week, after months of red.. so I'm pretty excited! It feels so good to make a commitment to something as enjoyable as walking! I going to go every day, regardless of the weather.
No excuses!!! :wink:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:45 pm

just checking in quickly before my checkin thread falls completely by the wayside.. I was sick for the past 4 weeks and still recovering.. it's been impossible to exercise feeling as I have, and very very depressing, but i'm slowly on the mend.
looking back to getting back to normal.
more updates hopefully of a positive nature to come soon.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:01 pm

Had my first walk in weeks yesterday after being sick for weeks, that really felt nice! :)
I really want exercise to be more of a priority and will be putting my energy on making sure I don't skip days. I still feel a little guilty about the past month, but considering I was really ill, I'm gonna try to just forget about that and forgive it.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:30 am

Sorry you got waylaid from your exercise plan. I keep having irritation problems with my left knee and it has definitely curtailed my activities, but there are so many things I can still do. I just started with 14 minutes a day of resistance work. Let's get this exercise thing down!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:02 pm

Thanks Oolala :) Hope u have a great week!

So I started doing planks today.. they are very hard for me.. my stomach is totally out of shape and I'm at least 75 lbs overweight, so holding myself in that position was challenging!! But I did three sets and counted for as long as I could hold it.. At first I could only hold it for 20 seconds or so, then the second time, it was less, 15 seconds or so.. then the third time, I could only hold it for about 12 seconds. I'll do these every day and see if over time my endurance will build up and my core will get stronger.

Also, I started a new HabitCal for myself, which is going to track my water intake.. I never really drink water much, and if I do, it's, at most 2 or 3 glasses a day, and then I drink about 3 or 4 cups of coffee.. so that's no good.. I got a 48 ounce bottle and am going to be drinking 2 full bottles daily.. That's 12 8 oz glasses per day. I hope this helps me with several issues I have, which are, I believe, all tied into being chronically dehydrated.

I'm also going to really give it my all, to do NoS and daily exercise with 100% compliance, as when I do that, it *always* pays off!
Have a great week all :)
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:12 pm

There is no way your endurance won't increase if you do planks consistently. However, you'll actually make better progress if you don't do them every day because your body needs time to recover. I've been going back and forth between arms/upper body and lower body for my 14 minutes a day. However, if you feel that it's not worth the complication, so be it. I'm still having probs with my knee, but I can do lunges, thank goodness.

Let's keep tabs on each other.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:51 pm

I'm very pleased to announce that, after a week of paying close attention to eating well, and drinking water more regularly, plus four days on habit for exercise, I'm now down 4 lbs since last weekend, and at a *new lowest weight* since may 2009!!! Also, today marks my tenth full month of being mainly vegetarian!!! :D
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:58 am

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:24 pm

Thank you Oolala :) Have a nice week!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:41 am

Wow I'm so excited!!! This exercise stuff has been just enough to flip the scales and get me off the plateau/gain lose the same two pounds for months cycle.. I'm finally losing weight!!! I'm down another two pounds since last Sunday!!! That's a new "low" for me since I restarted in May 2009!!!
I believe I'm now about 28 lbs down total!!!!
I'm feeling so super motivated and inspired!!!
The exercise part was the crucial missing part of the weight loss equation for me with NoS.. without exercise I seem to maintain only, or lose at an excruciatingly slow pace.
I'm so happy!!!!!!! :D
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Post by ShannahR » Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:29 pm

Congratulations! Isn't it great when you finally figure out what's been missing? Good luck with your new exercise program!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:17 pm

Hey! Thank you Shannah! I haven't checked in for some time and missed your reply.. Thanks a lot! :)

Well, I'm just updating my check in thread today. Both me and my Son have been sick for weeks, and it wasn't until just about a day ago, that I wasn't feeling awful. So, I did keep up my HabitCal for October, just to keep consistent, but I didn't exercise at all, and on occasion, I had some small S events which were sickness related, like having some extra soup, as a snack.. but I took almost the entire two weeks as "Sick days", even if they weren't wild ones... I did this on purpose to reduce my stress and figured that when I got better, I'd tighten up on the rules again.
Thankfully, and amazingly so, I actually didn't gain anything this past month, aside from a short spell when I went up in water weight from a few salty meals.. I'm thrilled about that, because, it's proof that NoS is pretty solid for me in an *unconscious* habit state... I was expecting to see a gain after two and a half weeks of no exercise, but the scale's been down to my lowest for the past few days, and I'm thrilled!
Tomorrow I'll restart daily exercise and also go back to drinking more water. I got rid of my HabitCal for water, cos I was starting to resent having to look at so many HabitCals... but, I'm definitely going to keep at making that a Habit of it's own... It works as long as I remember to fill my big water bottle (48 ounce recycled juice bottle) at the very beginning of the day and keep it in view during the day :)
I like the water and feel better when I drink it, I just forget to do it sometimes.
So, at the moment my weight is 232.5 , and my hope is that I'll be seeing myself down into the 220's by New Year!
As long as I exercise and stay strict on NoS throughout November and December, I'm sure I can do it!
I'll check in again in another week or so.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:05 pm

Hi everyone, I thought I'd update my check in thread.
Well, this might be a bit of a long post, but I wanted to tell people here that I have had a very difficult year due to a few long term, horrible illnesses. My HabitCal is nearly all "Yellow" to document this period as a sick period... now that doesn't mean I was taking S days on those days, in fact due to the fact that my digestive system got very thrown off, I actually had to deviate from NoS for several months to a diet which only included low carb fibrous vegetables and essentially *no* sugar at all, including fruits.
Back in the end of the Summer, me and Son got a case of pinworms.. He had picked them up in the end of August, when he was running on very muddy trails for his track team, and had already had some broken skin between his toes due to athletes foot... he had come home with his feet totally soaked in mud and two weeks later he developed pinworms.. the pinworm eggs are in mud and they can be transmitted thru the skin of the feet when its broken, and then they get into the bloodstream and wind up in the small intestine, then move to the large intestine when they are mature..I ended getting them a few weeks later as they are incredibly contagious.. What followed was probably the worst time of my entire life.. It took several rounds of medication and incessant cleaning in our home, to rid us of them, but also, I used lots of herbal remedies and tried eating lots of foods which were supposed to be good for expelling them, like garlic, coconut, pumpkin seeds and other stuff.
It was a total nightmare, as for about five or six months, they just kept coming back :(
What followed was that I ended up with a massive overgrowth of Candida in my digestive tract, because the parasites messed up my gut flora really badly, and I was horribly ill from that too.. I have been handling this all with diet and natural antifungals, and eating cultured foods, plus taking acidophillus supplements, and I can say I'm much much better now, but I've had to completely overhaul my diet as sugar and wheat, and anything with gluten, oh and caffeine, exacerbates the condition. So I've actually gone down from drinking coffee with sugar about three to four or five times a day, last Fall, to having less than a cup of coffee a day these days.
We've still been sticking with the structure of NoS, but there's been a lot of exception days for me personally, in the last six months, because on some days, I'd be too sick to actually eat a meal, and would just nibble on certain stuff like sauerkraut during the day, and then maybe have a large salad for dinner, so i guess you could call that "snacking" tho over all, I was eating much much less than I've ever eaten before on a daily basis.
Since November I am down another 7 lbs, and at my lowest weight in over two years! I can at least be happy about that.
It's probably gonna take me quite a while to completely overcome the Candida overgrowth, but what I'm doing seems to be working. I'm gradually going to be adding more exercise as the weather warms up, but that will probably just be walking. During my worst months with the pinworms/candida I couldn't even walk to the car from my apartment without massive difficulty and extreme fatigue. I'm grateful to say that I'm not in one tenth as bad condition as I was then.
I've been browsing the forums but have been a little too preoccupied with these problems to be very active in posting here, so please forgive me for being somewhat "awol" in discussions.
By April, I am hoping that I'll be well enough to start being able to track my NoS days where I am not counting almost every day as a yellow sick day and I will start giving myself "Greens and Reds" again.. for now, I've lived thru so much, I am just taking somewhat of a break from the traditional tracking.. I did feel it important that I marked something on my HabitCal's, even if it was a bit perfunctory.. just to keep up the Habit of marking them.
Anyway, I am now down to 225 lbs, which is 7 lbs less than I was in November, and I'm really happy about that at least, and I know as my health continues to improve, my weight loss will just continue as I actually like the way I'm eating now.. Oh also, a big change for me... after reading about some very bad syndromes and symptoms which are associated with eating non fermented Soy, I finally switched off drinking Soymilk after about 8 or 9 years of using that. It's quite possible that the soy was causing a lot of problems for me, including doing damage to my digestive system and immune system, and playing a part in me developing "leaky gut", as well as making it more difficult to lose weight.

Wishing everyone here in advance a wonderful Spring, a little in advance, and I'll be back to update sometime in the nearish future.
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Post by Kevin » Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:53 am

Wow, Deb, I'm glad you are better! That sounds awful.
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Post by LoriLifts » Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:28 am

I'm glad you're feeling better too....
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:44 pm

Thank you very much Kevin and Lori : )
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:53 pm

Ok so this will be my first official week, in over six months, of going back to marking my HabitCal's with Red and Green's again.. I am feeling much better these days, and so I don't see the need to call every day a sick/exempt day and mark it yellow.
I was actually happy to see that I had a "Red" day yesterday, because I'm well enough to not have to use "Yellow" as a default color, or an excuse.
I had seconds on soup last night, and also ate some sauerkraut very late in night after bed time, not terrible calorie offenses, but I really care about keeping my good habits in place, *especially* the "No eating at night" one I have worked so hard to overcome.
I have a lot of chores to do today, but I will only give myself a "Green" for exercise if I move myself continuously for 14 mins. I'm planning on doing some laundry over at my moms in a little while, so I will probably go for a walk around the neighbourhood while it's washing.
It feels amazing to be hopeful about my health again, instead of full of despair.
I'm sure that with my new, much healthier diet (much much less sugar and coffee, processed foods, etc) and with the addition of exercise, I will be able to lose much more weight this year.
Have a great day all!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:37 am

omg! i totally failed this week on almost all days... and today i just ate way too much.. i don't feel good at all.
i need to get back to having less food and better choices this week, and i'm starting tomorrow.. i had a lot of ice cream tonight and don't even want anything sweet again for a while.. i feel so yucky! :roll:
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:37 am

(((((((hugs))))))))))!! Just remember that tomorrow is another day, hun! Sounds like you're doing great and we can never fail on an S Day, right? :wink:

I, too, am feeling a little bloated, having o'ded on the sweet starchy stuff this weekend. But I'm feeling optimistic that now the 'naughty' foods are slowly getting eaten up, I won't buy them anymore. I will continue to treat myself on S Days for sure but with decent portions of something i really enjoy since I have been grazing/nibbling a lot on my S Days ... just for the sake of it!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:51 pm

thank you for your post and the hugs NoS Rocks :)
none of my failures were monumental really.. i had a few days when i had some seconds on soup, and other small stuff like a healthy snack.. but the day i wrote that post, i really overdid everything and was just feeling stuffed to the gills. i care about being accurate about tracking failures and successes, but i've been at this so long now, i am not phased by the word failure.. i wasn't bummed out about it.. i think i was just feeling really yucky that day, so i thought it was important to listen to how i was feeling and write about it.
as far as sweet stuff, i had about a cup of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, so not really bad at all, but it was on top of a lot of other food, so i was already bursting at the seams by then! lol :wink:
this week, the plan is loads of salads and fish several times a week, and i'm going to try as much as i can to stick to the rules. i may have a fourth extra small meal if necessary, we shall see.
have a great week!
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:36 pm

Gosh, Deb, I just read what all you (and your son) have gone through this past year. Sounds like you are on the mend and I am so happy to hear that. How's he doing?

I am sure you will get back on track as you know this system better than anybody on here I imagine. I do know that you were one of the very first to welcome me back in 2009 and I won't ever forget how sweet you were (and have always been).

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:07 pm

ah thank you berry, that's so nice of you! hugs :)
i'll have to catch up on how you have been.
i had a good morning today and already feel back on track. i just came here to post a little triumph and that is that i forced myself to walk to the supermarket instead of taking the car, and carried my groceries home. it's not far, but the lazy car dominated person in me was still fighting to convince me to take the car. my criteria for a success day for exercise at this point, is simply that i'm intentionally doing some kind of movement for 14 minutes straight, whether it be house cleaning, or even going for a short stroll to the store. so, i got to mark today green for exercise just now, and it sure feels great! i can't believe how much i mentally protested at it before i decided to just go and take the walk.. i will have to just keep telling myself, "you want to have a green day for exercise", because it's like getting a gold star as a kid when you're in school, when you get to mark your calendar green! :wink:
i also passed on buying some crap at the store and got good "real" food instead, so i'm off to make lunch now.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:23 pm

i passed up buying a "Juniors" cheesecake when i went shopping just now...... :shock:
to steal a phrase i recently saw Kevin use,,,,
(but i hope it's still in the store freezer on friday night haha :wink: )
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Post by Kevin » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:33 pm

Epic Win! That's internet talk!

Seriously though, good work, every step in the right direction is two steps away from a step in the wrong direction. Or something.... I was never good at math.
gratefuldeb67 wrote:i passed up buying a "Juniors" cheesecake when i went shopping just now...... :shock:
to steal a phrase i recently saw Kevin use,,,,
(but i hope it's still in the store freezer on friday night haha :wink: )
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:18 am

well kevin, i have only seen people say "epic fail" on the internet and you were the first person use it in a positive way.
so to me, you invented it! :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:39 am

Hi again Deb! thanks for your nice message. As Berry wrote, you do indeed come across as a very nice, sweet person.

Re. exercise: you must have been reading my mind this week since i have been making it my goal (started Monday) to get a bit of exercise in every day this week.

I do go for walks 3 - 4 days of the week but on those other days, i tend to let things slide. Even if its only for a few minutes a day, if I can get those extra steps in, I will be happy.

Here's to a great No S weekend coming up.

BTW - going to a St Paddy's day buffet tomorrow (eek!) Now that will indeed test my resolve!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:01 pm

today's very nice and sunny and i just had my first walk of spring :)
yesterday i did a lot of physical work cleaning the apartment from top to bottom, for several hours, so even tho it was an s day i counted it towards a green exercise day. it feels really good to have two days with green on my habit cal for exercise. :D
been having some weird water weight retention issues for the past two weeks, and going up and down literally five pounds, every few days.. it's been very annoying but i've been trying to not let it psych me out. today after taking a few hours nap, and going to the bathroom several times to pee, i found that my weight was down a full four pounds from what it was when i woke up.
anyway, i really hope i can stay focused on doing some daily exercise. i really do my best when i'm doing something regularly.

have a nice week all!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:35 pm

oh boy, i really need to stop making announcements about my intentions to exercise and just *do* it! i had two days green and then i turned into a sloth the rest of the week... i've also had my appetite return and i'm finally feeling better since taking acidophilus for almost a month now, but now since i'm not feeling ill and queasy anymore, i'm finding i've been going back to having too much at meals and not being structured enough.
so i've had some failures this week due to not sticking to structured eating very strictly.. not terrible failures but still, i want to be very honest about this so i can get myself to form truly great habits and i'm pretty far off to be honest. i even had night time eating thwart me a handful of times last week, and that *has* to stop!
i'm going to allow one fourth small meal per day, which will either be fruit and tea or some salad, or something in that vein.
this week's challenge will be to be ultra strict about eating my meals on plates. the one exception being my dinner salad which is already prepared at the supermarket, which is in a 16 ounce plastic container. yesterday i had chinese food, and i would have had a green day, but i ate it right out of the container, along with an appetizer.. definitely would not have fit on one plate and i ended up just overeating. this is the kind of thing i want to nip in the bud and stop doing all together. also, i'm having coffee with too much sugar in it again, tho i'm only having one or two cups max per day. not sure what my plan will be for that yet.
but i am so happy i have my appetite back and my digestive problems seem to be resolving!!! i was thinking i'd be sick my whole life only a few months ago, so this is a massive relief!! :)
i've gained back about 6 lbs since my lowest weight, since i have been eating bigger meals now and reintroduced some foods i wasn't eating much before, and i was a little disappointed about that, but i suppose that it's like when you lose weight when you have a stomach virus.. eventually when you get well again, that weight will come back. so now weigh 231. i truly hope i will see my weight go down below 200 by sometime next year. my personal ultimate goal is to be about 150 lbs.. it seems so distant. i'm trying not to get psyched out. without going crazy becoming an extremist about exercise (something i have done in the past) but doing something regularly, like walking, i'm guessing it will take me between 2 to 4 years to do this. this is realistic, tho it might feel excruciatingly slow.
so to recap, the goals for this week are:

NoS without virtual plating, urban ranger, and i'd like to get back to doing some squats, crunches and some arm de flabbing exercises, every day :)

i'm gonna start a new habit cal for urban ranger and then the other one i have there already, for daily anything/exercise, will be 14 mins of those other things i mentioned and maybe some dancing around my room :)
i'll check in again next weekend.
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Post by funfuture » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:44 pm

Wow, Debs, what an absolutely awful time of it you've had. Sounds like you are getting your health back on track now though. Errk, you poor old thing. Sending you hugs.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:21 am

thanks fun i really appreciate it!
:D debs
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Post by Grammy G » Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:26 am

Oh my Deb! What a mess!! Seems you have done all the right things to get your life back on track. Who would have thought that a track meet could lead to so many problems!! I had the TV on today while I was unpacking suitcases and Dr. Oz was doing one of his crazy show-and-tells. (I don't care for Dr. Oz) He was talking about whip-worms and how they may be used for weight loss and how the drug companies are trying to figure out how to make a pill of the chemicals these little squiggles emit. The woman he was talking to would have been willing to ingest the worms if Dr. Oz thought they worked for weight loss. UGH!! He told here to wait for the pill. ooouuuuuiiiiii!!!!! I bet you wouldn't be volunteering for the worm program, right! (Neither would I!)
I am so happy to see you still posting and will be keeping track of your progress as I get back to posting!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:54 pm

yeah i read some stuff about that too grammy, these women must be the stupidest people on earth to consider doing that... :roll:

thank goodness i am completely recovered now!!!
thanks for your kind words!! :)

well i'm here to report, that i ate a mango last night after bed time :(
i would have had a green day but that ruined it. i think i wouldn't have, if i had eaten my food at normal times yesterday, but it was one of those extremely weird days when i ate breakfast after 2pm and lunch by 6 pm!! and so i was just completely thrown off all together.
i was gonna fib and post green but then i thought, what's the point of lying to myself?
i obviously have to work on this again so it doesn't get a foot hold in my life. i have had problems with night time eating for years and had it under control last year after a long struggle with it.. i don't want it to come back.

on a positive note, i've had 4 green days last week for urban ranger!!!
yay me!!! :D
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 02, 2011 12:56 pm

ok so my hand-me-down scale, which had some fairly large cracks in the part you stand on, that i got from my mom, has been giving some pretty weird readings. it's always been off, as my son compared it to his school doctors scale and me to my doctors scale and it was about 7 lbs up from those.
so i decided to throw it out yesterday as that was really putting me through some bad mental changes. i will get another one sometime, but not sure when. in the meantime, this will get me to focus on habit a bit more, so that's a good thing :) when i do get a new one, i don't want it to be one that is going to be off that much. i don't mind seeing ups and downs of one or two pounds, but this one was going up and down 3 to 5 lbs every few days.. i know my eating has been fairly moderate, so that just doesn't make sense to me. i've taken my waist measurement, which is 41.5 inches, and my belly button area, the biggest part, which is 48 inches, (oy vey :roll: )and my arm measurement which is 16 inches around. these will be my starting reference points this year for my progress, and i will check them at the beginning of each month.. ultimately, i'd like to lose about 10 inches from my waist. oh and for the record, the last readout on that old scale i had, yesterday was 234 lbs.
i'm on a great start with urban ranger and have had 7 green days in april! :) i'm really psyched to have a great month!
will check in again soon. :)
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Post by Who Me? » Mon May 02, 2011 1:45 pm

Wow, you've been through a lot! Guess you're not going to take up barefoot jogging, huh?

Glad to hear that you're feeling better.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 03, 2011 12:44 am

hahaha no i'm definitely *not* taking up barefoot jogging!!! :lol:

actually the real danger is if you have open cuts or sores on your feet, which my son had from a bad case of athletes foot.. i don't intend on giving up all barefoot activity, but now know if i have a cut or anything, to put on shoes and avoid sandy and muddy places.

thanks a lot Who Me! :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 03, 2011 12:51 am

so i re weighed myself today at my mom's house, to check what hers says, since mine is now in the trash... and it said my evening weight was 230.. which probably means that my old one was at least 5 or 6 lbs off, since i always weigh 1 or 2 lbs more in the evening.
i'll check again next week. i'm really glad i tossed the scale here, as i was starting to get on it more than once a day, and it was totally off as well.
i'll just continue to weigh myself once a week at moms from here on.
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Post by Grammy G » Tue May 03, 2011 1:31 pm

I had to laugh at your scale "adventure".. you know, I did the same thing.. used a broken down old scale.. knowing it was probably off by several pounds and knowing it would give me different weights if I just got on and off several times in a row. If I didn't like the info the scale gave me, I would rationalize that the scale was never accurate anyway. :oops: What kinda thinking are we doing?!? I finally got a new scale and am amazed at the difference in my "weigh-in" attitude! I no longer get myself on the scale several times a day and I believe the info I get when do step onto that scale. (If my mom lived nearby, I would have made my weigh-in a part of a visit to her too!)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 03, 2011 1:53 pm

thanks for writing grammy g :)
this isn't half as "adventurous" as the last time i chucked out a scale... the first year i was on NoS, i decided to lay my old bad scale at the time, to rest by taking it out in the back yard, and smashing it to bits with my shovelglove!!!
merely throwing it into the trash the other day, felt very anti climactic in comparison :wink:
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Post by Grammy G » Tue May 03, 2011 1:59 pm

LOVE that story..I am picturing it now!!! :lol: :lol:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 03, 2011 2:05 pm

it was fun! :lol:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 04, 2011 6:16 pm

wow, yesterday was one of the busiest days i've had in ages.. i didn't go for a "walk" per se, but i marked my urban ranger with a green box as i spent several hours doing physical chores.. i cleaned my car by hand, went shopping, did laundry, went on several drop off pick up runs for my son at school, and probably climbed about 10 or more flights of stairs throughout doing these activities... i was *dying* by the end of the day!!! :P :shock:

i didn't feel like creating another habit cal, just for generic exercise, as having too many habit cals at once seems too hard to focus on. but i wanted to make a note in my daily thread about it. if i had a pedometer, i wouldn't be at all surprised if i walked over a mile just doing these activities, as i was going for hours from right when i woke up till evening.

also, i'm really happy to say that i've had three green days in a row for not eating at night, and urban ranger (i walked on sunday) so far and this month is getting off to a great start!! :D
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 05, 2011 12:42 pm

ughhh i had a failure yesterday for urban ranger... it was raining all day, but i could have gone in the early evening, and i just felt too unmotivated by then.. oh well.. i'm gonna have to stop making announcements about how great i'm doing because it seems as soon as i do that, i end up screwing up very soon after.. this is a pattern, and i'm really not sure what causes it for me. when i put something down as an official goal on paper, i immediately rebel against doing it. i'm really sad this time though, because i was so happy that i had a few straight days of green and it looked so great :roll:
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Post by Grammy G » Thu May 05, 2011 1:28 pm

I do the same thing!! :shock: I have been thinking about that too and I believe that it may have something to do with me not being a very good "rule follower"..or I follow so far(knitting a mitten/following a exercise plan/) and then think,"that looks/feels pretty good and I can do that.. I'm sure I make a few little changes and everything will still work fine..maybe EVEN BETTER !"
I guess I have had enough successes with that plan that I have made it a part of my being. BUT..I gotta remember that THIS is no place to practice that strategy! I am glad you brought the subject up. i will continue to think about it as I clean the house today! :lol:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 05, 2011 9:43 pm

thanks grammy :)

i walked today :)
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Post by Pangelsue2 » Sat May 14, 2011 12:53 pm

Hi Deb and thanks for saying hi on my post. I remember you well and what an inspiration you were to all of us newbies back then. How have you been the last couple of years? Lovely picture of the 2 of you.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 24, 2011 12:22 pm

hi sue, thanks for asking. well i had a big setback between 2007 and 2009.. my dad died in 2007 and i just spiraled down into a major depression and threw everything good i had achieved away and gained back everything i had lost previously. i can't blame NoS in any way. i was completely awol from here for that time and i just wasn't trying to do anything and also was completely inactive. i had gone from 200 lbs up to about 260 by spring of 2009 :(
i then recommitted to NoS and since then, slowly, i've nudged my way down, and am now 230. yes, very slow but i've been less than perfect on NoS and definitely not very active. i just started to walk again for the first time in about 9 months. i was really sick from last fall till about March this year, so that was also a major setback in my progress. hopefully though, by this time next year, i'll be another 20 lbs down or so, and i'll just have to keep persevering through till i get to my goal of somewhere in the range of 160 and 150 lbs.
thanks about the picture. that was taken around 2007 actually. my son is now 15 years old. he was 11 then :)

well, i wanted to report that i'm having a bad problem lately with eating at night again. i'm sure it's totally stress related. i will turn my focus on that immediately and i hope to have it nipped in the bud asap. this is something that took me over a year of trying, to stop doing, successfully.. it's a life long bad reaction to stress, kind of habit, i truly don't want it to get a foothold again. my bedroom is in the kitchen, which kind of makes it even more difficult, but i am also buying things that perpetuate this problem lately, which i will stop buying, for instance cold cereal. i have rationalised getting this because it's easier to grab and give to my son in the morning when we're both running to get him to school on time, instead of getting hot cereal. but whenever i get it at the supermarket, i hear a little voice inside my head saying "you're gonna eat it in the middle of the night" and i always do... i never have this problem with oatmeal at midnight, as i'm too lazy to make it.. it's just not impulsive enough to eat hot cereal. so i'm switching back to buying that. most of my failure/red days this month, were due to snacking in the middle of the night. if it hadn't been for those occurrences, they would have been green days, as my day time eating has actually been quite good lately.

i'm also going to refocus on strict urban ranger. i had a bad month this month with a lot of failure days.

the weather is finally starting to cooperate a bit and warm up, so i hope that helps to motivate me to go out more.

so here's to green days for the rest of this week for no eating at night and for urban ranger.
have a nice week all :)
Last edited by gratefuldeb67 on Tue May 24, 2011 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Grammy G » Tue May 24, 2011 5:40 pm

The dreaded nnnnniiiggghhhtttt eeating! Isn't that just the hardest thing to let go? I'm with you, I do fine for awhile and..oh it is just so easy to return to that practice! I have no solutions.. only encouragement. You have ben such a help to me and many others.. you know we are all pulling for you. I will meditate on giving us both the strength we need to resist that night time temptation so prepare to feel a surge of will-power coming your way beginning tonight! :wink:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 25, 2011 1:16 am

thanks grammy!! i actually had it beat for a while but it took a whole year of really focusing on it, to get to that point. i even created a habit cal, just to track that habit, separate from NoS.
thanks for your support! i can feel the surge of will power ;)
and i also have a strategy if i do wake, which is to have a huge glass of water ready on the counter, so i don't even have to open the fridge to get a drink :)
i had a really filling dinner, so i know i won't be hungry, and i walked just now, so i'm very pleased with myself for having a green day for urban ranger.. i am not gonna let myself mess up what looks to be a triple green Habit Cals day for me (NoS, Urban Ranger, No night time eating)...

catch u soon!
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Wed May 25, 2011 1:51 am

You can do it Deb :wink:

I agree that night eating is a hard habit to break, I just gave the hubby a few of the soft homestyle oatmeal raisin cookies (Archway) and a glass of cold milk. I didn't indulge but they looked mighty tasty....

Hubby happens to be 5'11 and 159 lbs. :|

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 25, 2011 4:16 am

cookies and milk look tasty at any time of day!
thanks for the encouragement strawberry :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 25, 2011 3:56 pm

ok well, i'm not sure how to mark this.. i am feeling guilty a bit, because i gave myself a green yesterday for NoS habit cal, as i had a really good day, but then i ate a very small handful of blueberries after i had gone to bed.. not unhealthy stuff, and not a binge or even a full "serving" of fruit, so it's not really that far i've given myself a green because i didn't wanna ruin the whole day because of that one tiny thing, but on the other hand, i am really feeling like it won't help me to create a no eating at night habit unless the rules are clear cut.
i think i'll change my habit cal's back to red, because unless i'm strict, that habit will just kick and scream for possibly months, till i can subdue it again completely..
but wanted to write this here to distinguish that it was a really minor failure and make a mental note to myself that i'm still doing fairly well.
wow, so much drama over a few blueberries :)
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Post by Pangelsue2 » Wed May 25, 2011 6:55 pm

It is tough to distinguish between being anal and playing with the rules. It has happened twice to me that I am cutting something up for supper and suddenly realize I am chewing. Do I spit it out or remind myself to be careful of mindless eating and not count it. Maybe the difference is if it is a mouthful of lettuce or whipped cream?? :lol:
Sounds like you chose the option that feels right to you and you are really the only one you need to please so good work!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 25, 2011 10:27 pm

thanks sue, i appreciate your support :)
it's the habit of eating *anything* after i've gone to bed which i'm trying to establish. it doesn't matter if it's lettuce or whipped cream :)
so yea, i'm actually very pleased i decided to mark it a red day.
i know i'll get it to turn around eventually if i stick to it, and then those green days will be even more satisfying as i know i will have truly earned them.
ps.. and as for your example of eating something during the day while cutting up food.. i would actually let something like that pass, unless i took a lot of extra bites.. but the night time eating is a killer.. and it's not just mindless eating, it's sometimes partially unconscious eating, if i wander over to the fridge at 3 am.
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