The Archers (probably just for Brits...)

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The Archers (probably just for Brits...)

Post by idontknow » Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:30 pm

Does anyone here listen to The Archers (the world's longest running soap on radio, for people who have never heard of it)? I love The Archers, but since my mum died a couple of years ago, and since I changed jobs in September I haven't had anyone to discuss it with. I've looked at The Archers message boards and they are a bit over-critical (it's only a soap!)so I'm not keen to post there. If anyone wants to join an occasional discussion let me know....

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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:08 am

Dum dee dum dee dum dee dum....
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Post by idontknow » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:50 pm

dum dee dum dee dum dum

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:03 pm

Nice cheery Mother's Day episode today. Poor Cathy. And poor Jamie.

Do you usually catch the evening, afternoon, omnibus or Listen Again version? I usually hear the 7 pm broadcasts, but miss them quite often. There is usually enough redundancy that missing episodes is not a problem, but if I've obviously missed something important I check the synopsis online and maybe listen to the Listen Again version.

I'm asking in order not to spoil plots by premature comments!

It will be nice to be able to exchange opinions online without the feeling that the creators may be looking over our shoulders.
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Post by idontknow » Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:16 pm

Hi Too solid.
At the moment I tend to listen about a week behind so I've just done the inquest and the day after. I download to my ipod and listen in the car on the way home from work. I tend to get a bit behind in school holidays and then it takes me a while to catch up - which hasn't mattered much because I wasn't chatting about it to anyone. I'll make an effort to get up to date and then spoilers won't matter!
I find Cathy very annoying. I know she's had a lot to put up with over the years, but she does whine an awful lot....and compared to some of the teenagers I teach, Jamie is an absolute breeze! But maybe I'll change my mind after the mother's day episode....

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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:29 pm

Don't feel you have to catch up, idon'tknow! I'll wait for you to initiate topics... although I won't remember much detail about things that have come and gone.

I only heard part of the inquest. I was expecting a Great Big Row when Elizabeth realized that David was responsible for the roof exploit, but maybe that is still to come.
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Post by idontknow » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:28 pm

Me too - he's obviously still agonising....
Feeling a bit sorry for Cathy after the episode I heard today. Loved Jim's April Fool joke, though :)

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Post by idontknow » Thu May 19, 2011 8:38 pm

Finally more or less up-to-date!
So Jamie has a girlfriend - will this mean a complete change of character?
Did Pip's new boyfriend really lift David's depression?
Love the Leonie/James storyline - anything that provides scenes between Lilian and Linda is worth listening to :D
Kate is v annoying - but surely Hayley and Roy saw that coming??

I am finding the writing a bit clumsy at the moment. There are too many convoluted explanation sentences - eg
- Have you seen Jessica? She's very upset.
- Well, that's because Elizabeth has told her that the falconry birds have to go at the end of the season because they cost too much to run, even though they were one of Nigel's favourite attractions.

That probably isn't a brilliant example - I just think that if I notice that things are being explained then the writing is probably intrusive. It won't stop me listening, though :D

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Post by Too solid flesh » Fri May 20, 2011 6:25 am

Glad you posted! I was hoping that you had heard yesterday's episode.

I have missed a number of episodes, but am fairly up to date all the same because of the redundant information included in the episodes.

I've been waiting with bated breath for Elizabeth to find out about David's having initiated the roof exploit. My goodness, they kept us waiting for that - it could have come out at the inquest, if not before. Presumably this fallout is the long term Shake Ambridge To The Core element. Family feuding for generations to come?

Jamie's girlfriend sounded suspiciously polite and pleasant. I haven't heard any Ambridge Extra - have you? Reputedly there is a lot about the young characters, so maybe she is a hellraiser in Ambridge Extra who is on her best behaviour with Kathy.

Agree that Leonie and James will be entertaining.
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My previous post contains spoilers

Post by Too solid flesh » Fri May 20, 2011 6:32 am

Sorry, it has occurred to me belatedly that you did not mention yesterday's events in your post. I'm so sorry if I have spoiled it for you. Maybe you'll see the header of this in your email and be able to avoid reading it if you are not completely up to date!
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Post by idontknow » Mon May 23, 2011 4:34 pm

Thanks for your message about spoilers- I'm glad I didn't know 'the confession' was coming. I was beginning to think I was attaching too much importance to the scene between Nigel and David on NYE. I'm not sure I like the idea of feuding Archers. I thought the scene was well done, though - especially with the birdsong in the background, the picnic, and just as Elizabeth was starting to feel better....
I haven't even heard about Ambridge Extra! I wonder if it will get my teenagers interested. They groan when I start listening :D
Haven't gone any further than Thursday yet, so I won't read any posts until I have!
Thanks again for the warning.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Mon May 23, 2011 7:23 pm

I'm so glad that you saw the private message first!

I did know that the revelation was coming, from something I'd seen in the following week's (now this week's) Radio Times. Yes, the birdsong was a nice touch, like the bouzouki in the cheese shop sketch. I had to listen to the scene again, to work out whether they had faded out the birdsong (like the bozouki music, which suddenly stopped to show that the situation was more serious), but it continued throughout.

So sorry, again - I misinterpreted "more or less up-to-date" as up-to-date. I'll be much more cautious in future.
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Post by idontknow » Wed May 25, 2011 7:25 pm

Definitely not your fault. I will be more specific about which episode I've got up to.
So - I've listened up to Tuesday's episode. It's all so depressing that I was glad of the scene between Neil and Susan in the pig shed - it made me chuckle out loud :D
What happened to the Fallon/Harry storyline? I was enjoying that at Christmas - have Kenton and Jolene taken over the love interest story, do you think? And I am really missing Jazzer - we haven't heard from him for ages.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed May 25, 2011 8:07 pm

I haven't heard the pig shed. I'll find it on Listen Again. Thank you for the tip!

I hope that things don't get too grim. I stopped listening for a while after the roof incident, as there was so much angst. Like yours, my teenagers also flee the room.

No, we haven't heard anything of Fallon and Harry, or Jazzer. Some jollier story lines would be welcome, there is so much melodrama at the moment.

What do you think is going to happen? My money would be on David's suffering from depression, and perhaps a suicide attempt, maybe with a tearful hospital bed reconciliation. On the other hand, they will probably want to milk the conflict for years to come. Maybe Elizabeth, in a widowly panic about finances, will want to withdraw her share of Brookfield? Lots of scope for drama.
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Post by idontknow » Wed May 25, 2011 8:30 pm

They have said it will have implications for years to come, so I think you're right - Elizabeth will probably want to take her share out. They keep hinting that Lower Loxley has financial trouble, but don't seem to be able to decide how far to take it. I'm not sure how planned the future is.
Like you, I'd like some light relief - too much depression and angst. Let's have Eddie, Joe, Jim, Vicky, and Jazzer in some scenes.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun May 29, 2011 4:01 pm

The book group meeting provided some much needed light relief.

I hope that the cricket does not come to take up too much time. I find it a bit dull.
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Post by idontknow » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:41 pm

I've been listening to the show for years now and I still don't know what silaging is or understand the single wicket competition! I like Jazzer and Harry as a fairly comic duo, but I am now heartily sick of Elizabeth and her strop.
Do you think Jonty (the newcomer moving into Lilian's house) will be a real character or a silent one?

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:21 am

I've missed Jonty somehow. Would he be the right age for any existing characters who require a mate?

Jazzer, Harry and Zofia should provide some light entertainment.

And Kate being reasonable... there's a first... my DH says it's a ploy.

How long have you been listening to The Archers? It used to be on in the background when I was a child, but I only started following properly in 1990.
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Post by idontknow » Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:13 pm

Like you, I remember it always being on in the background when I was growing up. I've listened through choice for about 20 years, but intermittently. Since I've been able to download the podcast (about 5 years now) I've listened to most episodes in the car on the way to and from work. It's a good 'distancer' from the job :D

Who's your favourite character? I was trying to answer this for myself and couldn't decide. When I was growing up it was Shula - but I just find her annoying now.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:37 pm

idon'tknow wrote:Who's your favourite character?
Clarrie Grundy. And I was very fond of the original Hayley (lovely Lucy Davis) and the late Marjorie Antrobus.

Who would be your contenders now?
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Post by idontknow » Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:42 pm

I love the Grundies - although Will can be a bit grumpy. I like Vicky Tucker - she's good fun. I really struggled to answer this question, though - which is a bit worrying! I'm not really keen on the posh characters at all.

Maybe Kate is having a personality transplant - a bit like Helen. Or the writers need Phoebe out of the show so have got to find a way out for her...

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Post by Too solid flesh » Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:11 pm

Or the actress playing Phoebe needs to concentrate on her GCSE courses. Or has her showbiz Big Break.

While searching for information about the actress (Lucy Morris; there isn't any) I stumbled across this: ... ages.shtml

ages old, and you've probably seen it already, but it's entertaining.
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Post by idontknow » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:25 pm

That's very entertaining. I hadn't seen it before so thank you. Just did a bit of surfing for Lucy Morris - it seems she's at music and drama school and has quite a bit of theatre work - you're probably right about her Showbiz Big Break. Phoebe will definitely be off to South Africa and may never return....

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:30 am

It's always a treat when Debbie comes back from Hungary. But Lucy Davis went for good.
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Post by idontknow » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:03 pm

I love the actress that plays Debbie - whatever she is in.

Listened up to Monday - has Kate had a personality transplant?? A bit like Helen??

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:46 am

Yes, I'm also a Tamsin Greig fan. As well as being wonderful herself, the work she appears in is always interesting.

Kate does seem to have acquired a long overdue maturity in a single bound.

Harry - Zofia - Jazzer are providing some welcome entertainment, a relief from waiting for the Archer family to explode.
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Post by idontknow » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:04 pm

I'm a bit behind, but loving the book club episode :D :D :D

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:55 pm

The book group was great fun, and much needed light relief. There is a lot of melodrama at the moment - I prefer the lighter elements.

I wonder whether Zofia will be here to stay. She is delightful, and certainly easy to distinguish from the other characters!

You're right about Kate's personality transplant. She seems to be behaving with sudden and uncharacteristic maturity.
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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:54 pm

idon'tknow wrote:I am finding the writing a bit clumsy at the moment. There are too many convoluted explanation sentences - eg
- Have you seen Jessica? She's very upset.
- Well, that's because Elizabeth has told her that the falconry birds have to go at the end of the season because they cost too much to run, even though they were one of Nigel's favourite attractions.
Did you see this in The Observer: ... NTCMP=SRCH

The radio critic attributes the excessive explanation to Ambridge Extra, which is interesting.
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Post by idontknow » Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:56 pm

Thanks for this link. I think it's probably true - I haven't heard any of the episodes for a couple of weeks (moving house etc) but was taken aback by the Chris/Alice storyline about the loan shark which seemed to intrude on Ambridge life in an odd way. I thought at the time that this was probably an Ambridge extra story which was adding to the clunkiness.

Anything interesting happened in the last 2 weeks?

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Post by Too solid flesh » Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:11 pm

I hope that your house move went as well as these things ever can, and that you are starting to feel settled.

I've missed quite a bit of Archers recently, too. The main themes seem to have been E. coli flavour ice cream, Billy Goats Gruff, and the farrier business. There's lots of scope for drama all round.
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Post by idontknow » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:14 am

The house move went well, thank you. We are settling in nicely now.

That's a very intriguing description of events. I will hopefully start to catch up this week.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:01 pm

I've missed the last couple of weeks. Are you up to date? If so, has anything major happened, please? I'm happy to have any news.

My family has kindly come up with a list of ludicrous things which might have happened in my absence, eg Linda's B & B is really a house of ill repute, Nigel's death and aftermath was all just a dream, etc.
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Post by idontknow » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:13 pm

I wish your family were the scriptwriters - it would be much more interesting! I haven't really listened all summer - I got fed up with the Chris/Alice storyline that was hammered in. I've listened to a couple of episodes recently - ecoli at Bridge Farm, Phoebe going away, David and Ruth at the dairy show (Spencer interested in the dairy herd - is he going to be 'the one'??) Joe's 80th and the flower and produce show.... Feel like I haven't missed much at all

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Post by Too solid flesh » Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:39 pm

I've missed a lot over the past few months, and am feeling rather at sea. There is a whole new character with a Welsh accent whose introduction I missed. And Clive Horrobin on the loose - a break from melodrama would be nice, we're still recovering from Nigel's death.
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Post by idontknow » Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:38 am

Me too, I've just started to catch up this week but am about a week behind, so I haven't come across the Welsh character or Clive Horrobin yet. Which way do you think the Peggy/Olona (Sp?)/Darryl storyline will go? Are they going to fleece her or would that have too many racist overtones??? :D

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:04 am

I've been wondering that, too. Sorry about the spoilers. I had assumed that the Welsh character had been introduced gradually over the summer, but maybe he's just popped up.

I think they've been paving the way for some Eastern European immigrants, what with Sofia (I missed her departure, but it seems as though she has gone?), and Elona being painstakingly set up as a sympathetic character. On the other hand, though, they did have a lot of fun with the previous disreputable occupant of the cottage upsetting Tom and Brenda, so there may still be some ruffled feathers.

The book group has been providing entertainment over the past few months.
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Post by Bobcat » Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:22 pm

I love The Archers! We listened to it as a family when I was younger! In fact the household stopped what they were doing at 7pm and stood in the kitchen listening to the radio! Unfortunately my friends aren't so keen on it, and I don't keep up with it as much as I should! Although I do enjoy the omnibus while I'm cleaning!
How lovely to have a thread for it!
I even have the Archers cookbook which provides me with many a No S meal!

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Post by Too solid flesh » Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:12 pm

Welcome, Bobcat! How nice to have a third Archers enthusiast. I can remember having to keep quiet for the Archers while sitting at a huge farmhouse kitchen table as a child, but only started to listen myself about twenty years ago.

I'm not completely up to date, but am following the wedding and also Pat Archer's current theory with great interest.
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Post by Blithe Morning » Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:14 pm

Ok, I am intrigued. I love radio drama. There is just so little of it here in the US though I think the internet is reviving it as an entertainment form. For a long while, the only radio drama I came across were old fashioned religious dramas.

Can you listen online or download episodes to MP3 player? How hard would it be to jump in? Is there some place I could read some background and catch up?

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Post by Too solid flesh » Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:40 pm

The BBC has an Archers section on the website:

It includes synopses of recent episodes, a Who's Who, and an About section in which Stephen Fry gives a three minute introduction for new listeners:

In the UK, it is possible to listen to the previous seven days' episodes online, but I don't know whether this is currently possible from other countries. You'd need to try it. Sorry.
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Post by Bobcat » Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:18 am

The wedding is a good one! Nice to be a bit calmer after Nigel last year, not too much melodrama!

Blithe Morning I think you might be able to listen online as radio isn't included on our BBC tv license. (it used to be, but now it's free I believe) You almost definitely can't watch TV online from that website, as we have to pay our license fee so we can watch BBC (no adverts)

And after a week you'll get to grips with most of the story! The episodes are only 15mins long! Obviously there will be a few character references and story lines that you won't know, but it's easy to get in to! I've popped in and out for the last few years!

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Post by Too solid flesh » Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:15 pm

It has an interesting back history. The Archers started in 1950, an "everyday tale of country folk", with the intention of providing agricultural advice for farmers.
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Post by Blithe Morning » Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:56 pm

I listened to an episode the other night. I got a kick from the family vs. corporate dairy farm plot.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:26 pm

Blithe Morning wrote: I got a kick from the family vs. corporate dairy farm plot.
There's lots of that in The Archers. It leads to family feuds from time to time.
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Post by Bobcat » Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:36 pm

That's brilliant you can listen to it! did you enjoy it?
The family that was in that feud are "the Archers" (David and Ruth Archer) versus the big man up the road! (Brian Aldridge)

I missed last nights and tonights but will have to catch up!

Also... Anyone have an opinion on the John/Sharon/Kylie/Pat storyline! Was talking about it the other day with my 94year old Grandmother who has listened to almost EVERY episode!

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Post by idontknow » Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:24 pm

Well, now I feel left out as I haven't been listening for a while.! I got a bit fed-up with the Clive Horobin storyline (more melodrama....) and then didn't get back into it. Time to catch up so I can join in the conversation, I think :D

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Post by Too solid flesh » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:32 pm

Great to have you back! There are some entertaining story lines at the moment.
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Post by idontknow » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:59 pm

Finally - I am (more or less) up-to-date enough to post. And where do I start? Pat is driving me a bit mad with the 'Rich' quest. However, I cannot believe how Tom and Helen spoke to her about it - I would never have dared tell my parents what to do - still wouldn't, in fact! Can you remember Sharon coming back after John's death - did that actually happen?
Love the walrus storyline - Linda can always be relied on for light relief.
I'm looking forward to hearing Jazzer sing again at the cabaret - I've been missing from the show recently so I hope he really is coming back.
I also love the pony, trap and canopy storyline. Bless Nic - she is a very sweet girl. A bit different from the child abuser she was cast as when she first arrived!

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:17 am

Looking forward to the wedding.

I haven't dared post about the whole Rick storyline, for fear of spoiling!

The News Quiz pantomime featured a guest appearance from Graham Seed (Nigel):

Happy New Year!
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Post by idontknow » Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:21 pm

Happy New Year, Too Solid :D
I am loving the storylines at the moment - I thought the wedding was great (especially the pony and trap ride!) and I loved the Christmas show! I'm surprised the Rich story has settled down so quickly - I thought it was going to go on and on. Will David and Ruth really have to get rid of the herd?? I actually can't believe that it's ten years since the Siobhan/Brian storyline - it feels a lot less than that.
I am actually up-to-date - that doesn't happen very often!
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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:17 pm

Yes, the wedding was lovely, particularly the cake debacle.

Have we heard Bert Horrobin before, do you know, please? I don't think I have, but I've missed a lot recently.
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Post by idontknow » Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:34 pm

I've never heard Bert before now. Loving Tracy as a character, though - she is adding a bit of spark.
Who is the leak? Adam?
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:37 am

I'm assuming Adam, too. I don't know whether the mole has been revealed? I've missed a lot recently.

How long do you think it will be before Tony has his heart attack or other health crisis? Characters have been banging on for months about how ill he looks, situations keep being set up where Tom lets Tony down and he has to do extra work etc. I didn't think they'd want to kill (or incapacitate) another character so soon after Nigel's death, but maybe Colin Skipp wants to retire.

There are certainly some interesting storylines simmering along at the moment.
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Post by idontknow » Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:51 am

I've missed the last 10 days or so - I'll catch up on the podcasts. I don't think the mole matters any more. We seem to have moved on to the family feud.
I've been thinking the same thing about Tony - but so many people seem to have died recently that they really can't get rid of another character. Which brings me to Bert Fry - he hasn't been heard for a long, long, time.
I love Tracey's character - she has been a breath of fresh air, I think. Although, I'm a bit worried that Neil is going ahead with alterations to the house without permission from the council (I'm married to a builder - can't help thinking about the ramifications!).
There are some good storylines - definitely better than a few months ago.
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Post by idontknow » Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:23 pm

Sabrina Thwaite is very clunky - if they want her to be a 'silent' character, then she shouldn't appear. People repeating things she is supposed to have said, and the silly cat noises in the pantomime just make the whole thing sound ridiculous.
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:40 am

I see what you mean about Sabrina Thwaite.

I like the feeling of context given by the extended silent cast, and they can be entertaining. Perhaps the Button girls will graduate to fully fledged characters in a few years.

Edward (as he was then) Grundy was ticked off by Clarrie a few years ago when he was still a non-speaking character, along the lines of "What have you got to say for yourself then? [Pause] Nothing, eh? Well, I can't say I'm surprised."
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Post by idontknow » Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:23 pm

You really do have a lot of knowledge about the programme over the years! I didn't know Edward had every been a silent character - don't remember that at all.

I like the silent characters too - I like being able to picture Mrs Noakes, or Neville Booth. I just think the whole Sabrina thing is not being handled well.

How long before Rich turns up in the village?
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Post by idontknow » Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:28 pm

You were right about Tony....
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Post by Too solid flesh » Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:18 pm

As were you, but more so because you anticipated that they wouldn't kill Tony off!

I'm so glad you posted, I haven't dared to in case of spoilers. Events around Bridge Farm should be entertaining, and there's a lot going on at Brookfield and Home Farm as well.

I'm enjoying Clarrie's and Susan's foresaking of gossip for Lent. There is bound to be lots of tempting scandal. It makes a pleasant change from people whinging about chocolate, which is the usual Lent default.
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Post by idontknow » Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:57 pm

I am really enjoying the storylines at the moment.

Did you know that the actor who plays Jazzer is blind?
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat May 26, 2012 4:53 pm

Yes, interesting about Jazzer. I forget when listening to him.

How up to date are you at the moment? I am up to date, but having missed a fair number of episodes recently. "So much drama", as my dd would say.
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Post by idontknow » Sun May 27, 2012 4:34 pm

I'm about a week behind. I've started downloading the omnibus and catching up on that during the week.
I think there have been some good storylines over the last few months. I enjoyed the Alan, Amy and Usha clash, and the Coriander/James episodes. I'm also entertained by Jennifer constantly walking in on Chris and Alice, and by Linda's attempt to have a cultural games event. However, I will get fed up and stop listening with too much drama - the threat to David's family is a step too far in my opinion.
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun May 27, 2012 6:21 pm

idon'tknow wrote:I will get fed up and stop listening with too much drama - the threat to David's family is a step too far in my opinion.
I couldn't agree more. It's the cosy villagey material which appeals, rather than the melodrama.

Jennifer's intrusions have been most entertaining. I've missed quite a bit of Coriander/James and Linda's games.
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Post by idontknow » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:52 pm

Harry, Vicky and the crown on the phone box. I laughed till I cried :D
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Post by Too solid flesh » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:08 pm

Thanks for the reminder, I'd forgotten about that!

Have you seen the article in the current Radio Times? The chap running the show is from East Enders. I'm not sure that he appreciates that the Archers audience is different - if we wanted fearsome melodrama, we'd be watching East Enders rather than listening to The Archers. I liked it cosy. Come back, Vanessa Whitburn.

The current Brookfield storyline is supposed to be getting darker. I'm thinking of having an Archers hiatus, as I did after Nigel died.
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:44 am

Did you watch the Olympic opening ceremony?
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Post by idontknow » Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:18 pm

I did. What did you think? I liked the spectacular bits - fireworks, the rings, the cauldron - but was a bit unsure about some other parts.
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:20 pm

We really enjoyed it, and I particularly liked the film going down the Thames at the beginning and the cycling doves. And the joyful athletes, and the young torch bearers with faces aglow. I wonder how much of it would make sense to an overseas audience, though - there was a lot of specifically British material.

The reason I asked, was that I was delighted to hear a snippet of Barford Green, along with the shipping forecast!

I'm still hiding behind the sofa with fingers ears as far as the Archers goes, and look forward to emerging when things calm down.
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Post by idontknow » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:17 am

Sorry - completely missed the point of your question! Oh yes - I was very pleased that it was included too. And I love the shipping forecast - reminds me of my mum who always had Radio 4 on at all times.

I haven't listened since before Farm Sunday. Like you I'm behind the sofa waiting for it to all blow over. I have the last three omnibus editions on my ipod and we're going on holiday tomorrow so I may listen from the safety of my sunbed!?
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Post by Too solid flesh » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:12 pm

I hope that you have, or had, a great holiday.

I haven't listened since before Farm Sunday, either, although I did hear a snippet from one programme afterwards. I'll come out when it's safe.
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Post by idontknow » Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:55 pm

Thank you - I had a lovely holiday. Hot and lazy - my favourite type :D

I have to confess that I didn't listen to any of the episodes on my ipod while I was away. It seemed as if there was too much to catch up on. I might just try and rejoin in September - it's not as if it's difficult to work out what's going on!
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:45 pm

Glad you had a good holiday.

I've caught up on a couple of weeks' worth of episodes by reading the episode guides online, but am not up to date because the episodes still on iPlayer do not have synopses available. There are some interesting story lines.

I wonder whether they will start to tone down the melodrama as a result of listeners' comments.
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Post by idontknow » Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:20 pm

I've started listening again as I drive to and from work every day. There is an excellent Mike and Vicky storyline which is very moving. I'm enjoying lots of the other storylines too. I read that the Eastenders producer was temporary and has gone now, so hopefully we will stay in the realms of male bread-baking, the gay love triangle, comedy at The Bull, and Jamie's love life problems.

Hope I'm whetting your appetite.... :D
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:33 pm

idon'tknow wrote:Hope I'm whetting your appetite.... :D
You did indeed! I've started dipping in and out.

Have you heard that Rosalind Adams (Clarrie Grundy) is leaving? ... rundy.html

It was on the news headlines a couple of days or so ago on R4. Interesting to see that they are recasting. The headline mentioned that Rosalind Adams was the third actress to play Clarrie, so I wondered when I heard it whether they would be doing so. She will be a very hard act to follow, but I couldn't see how Eddie and Joe could possibly manage without "Clarrie, love".
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Post by idontknow » Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:56 am

Jazzer and Jim - who would have thought it?! Loving their conversations

I did hear that Clarrie was leaving and that they would be replacing her. Still waiting to hear the new voice though.
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:13 am

Jazzer and Jim are most entertaining. Linda's Elizabethan Extravaganza, or whatever she's calling it, should be good value, too.
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Post by idontknow » Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:48 am

Too solid flesh - are you still listening?

Helen and Darryl are driving me crazy with their constant whingeing, but the panto (sorry it's a play!) rehearsals are very entertaining!

Which side are you on in the Darryl vs Daniel debate?
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Post by Too solid flesh » Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:19 pm

Good to hear from you, idontknow. I have to admit that I've been hiding behind the sofa since the dog fighting strand, and have only heard snippets. I did hear enough of Darrell staying with Shula to be able to guess the nature of Darrell vs Daniel, though, and think I'd probably be on Daniel's side. And you? And Shula: saint or doormat?

It's good to hear that the panto/play is going strong. It is one of my favourite Archers things, so I'll have to dip in more. I don't miss the angst listening less frequently, but I do miss the characters and the humour. The people feel like old friends now, for the most part.
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Post by idontknow » Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:03 am

Thanks Too Solid. It's nice to be back although I'm struggling as ever. My inner rebel doesn't really like rules...

I stopped listening around the time of the dog fight too. Got back into it around September time and have enjoyed some of the story lines but Darryl really getting on my nerves! I'm on Daniel's side mostly but he does need to grow up a bit. More on Alistair's side than anyone's.

The cookbook story is v funny. A real version would be a great Christmas present!
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:18 am

Thank you for the recommendation. I'll listen out for the cookbook story. The last I heard, I think Emma was editing it and getting a bit huffy?
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Post by idontknow » Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:33 pm

Linda is editing but has also edited some of the recipes. Things are about to get a bit heated!
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Post by Too solid flesh » Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:27 pm

Hello, idontknow, are you listening?
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Post by idontknow » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:15 pm

I am! I am loving the storylines at the moment, but am a week behind so am trying not to find out about the wedding until the omnibus at the weekend. I'm following the tweetalong, so have an idea and might just have to listen before then.
Have you joined back in?

My Archers listening is much better than my No Sing!!
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Post by Too solid flesh » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:51 am

Yes, I am also listening, though I've been missing a lot. Let's catch up at some point.
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Post by idontknow » Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:21 am

Are you ready to catch-up, Too Solid?

I am one week behind, as usual, but I am still really enjoying the storylines. Buddy and the 2 Steves, Tom and the pigs, the kitchen etc.

However, there are a few things irritating me:

The new Tony shouts all the time - I know the old Tony was grumpy, but this one has a voice which goes through me.

The road - this is obviously going to be a big storyline - why do they always have a crisis theme in the summer. I think last year it was the dog fights and the threats at Brookfield. We know the road won't go through Brookfield - how could it?? I find it tedious listening until it plays out to a conclusion we know will happen.

Rob - is he Mr Nice or Mr Nasty? I feel like the writers can't make up their mind. We've had hints of him being very controlling with Helen's hair and clothes, and hints that he isn't getting divorced from Jess, and then at other times he is portrayed as supportive and helpful. I suppose the writers are going more for a long-term story of him trying to take over the Bridge Farm empire, but I'm not impressed with the contradictions in the writing.

What are your thoughts?
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Post by Too solid flesh » Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:09 pm

I'm sorry to have been incommunicado for so long, idontknow. I've been away, which of course means that I am no longer up to date.

Agree about the new Tony. He's still bedding in, though - the old Tony was around for so many years.

Yes, also fed up about the road. (Although I did read a newspaper story recently about a farm which had set up a successful business selling produce and running a service station on an adjacent motorway.) I can't get worked up about a fictional bypass.

I thought Rob was evil and duplicitous, but with dipping in and out I must have missed some supportive and helpful bits. It will be interesting to watch the situation with his parents unfold.

Roy and Lizzie - poor Hayley! Let's hope things settle down. What would happen to Phoebe if they split up?

There are so many stories going on at the moment. Didn't things used to get quieter over the summer, so that people didn't miss too much with the summer hols? That doesn't seem to be the case now.

Do you follow the blog? I stumbled across Jim Lloyd's article about Brian: ... n-Aldridge
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