ZippaDee Do Da Days...

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by determined » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:56 am

Welcome back.....

"Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day."
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Post by r.jean » Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:35 pm

Summers are rough on routine! Welcome back!
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Post by snapdragon » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:21 pm

Hi Zippidee nice to met you I have four kids too. I find this rime of year hard because of my kids schedules!!!! Soccer season, fun and chaotic!
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Post by ZippaDee » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:03 am

Thank you so very much for the warm welcome back!!! I truly do appreciate it! Yesterday went well. :) Been pondering this whole habit thing. Have decided that for me it takes MUCH longer than 21 days for this change in eating habit to develop. In fact I'm thinking it's kind of like what they say about alcoholics....once an alcoholic always an alcoholics. Once a snacker always a snacker....once an overeater always an overeater. You have to continually keep your eyes wide open or the old habits come right back front and center SO very easily. I started this last October and stayed on habit with no problems for a good six months and one day BOOM all the old habits came flooding back. Have concluded that it will ALWAYS be like this. There will likely never be a time when they will not easily happen again.

Have a great day everyone!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:16 am

I'm baaaaaaack! Yes! Back and ready to really focus one day at a time. I had a nice run of success with NoS from Oct. 2010 until June 2011 or so. During that time I lost about 25 pounds or so. So I KNOW I CAN do this and I KNOW I LOVE it when I do! I feel so much better!

Then red days gradually began becoming a norm until I totally fell off the No S wagon. My old habits quickly took back over and I have nearly gained all my weight back. All but 3 pounds. I've been dwelling on that sad fact and living in self pity and doing nothing about it for long enough now. Time to look forward!

I considered starting a brand new check in thread, but decided not to do that because even though I'm ready to look forward and move forward, I plan on learning from what I have done in the past. So, instead of a new start I am considering this a continuation of my current journey. I don't want to "fall off the wagon" again, so I will continue to exam the "why" it happened and not let it happen again!

I weighed in on March 1st. Took me a few days of wishy washy thinking and a nice pep talk from a lot of very helpful folks over on the general thread (thanks!) to get my mind zoned in on where I need to be. It's all about the mind you know! I'm solid in my mind and decision to do No S long term!!

I've had two green days now on my eating. I already feel so much better. I'm not zoning in on the exercise just yet. Want to really just focus on my eating for now. I did go on a one hour walk the past two days though with my two youngest kiddos. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous hear in Michigan. The walking, air and sunshine has been good for my soul!

Gotta scoot for now! Will see you here again soon! Today the focus is TODAY! Taking this one day at a time!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:55 am

Day 3: GREEN! :mrgreen:

Good day today! It's much cooler today than it has been the past two days, but I still went on a 1 hour walk. Feels so good to be out enjoying the outside!

Tomorrow the whole family has been invited to dinner at some new friends that have moved into the area. It is our first time to their house. Not sure how I will handle desert. I feel that she may be insulted if I decline...and I don't know her well yet. Sigh.... Perhaps I will just plan on having just a small portion of whatever she offers :?: :?
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by r.jean » Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:12 am

I love the fact that you have kept your old thread and are continuing your journey rather than "starting over." Great attitude!

There were periods of time in the past when I pretty much started over every day and then gave up halfway through the day. With No S, I have adopted a lifestyle, and like you, I am on a journey! There are bumps in the road but no turning back.
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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:39 am

Thanks for the encouragement r.jean!!

Day 4: RED It was kind of a controlled, planned red if there is such a thing. As I said yesterday, we had dinner with new friends. I did not feel comfortable turning down dessert. As far as desserts go it wasn't too bad though...strawberry shortcake. BUT....I actually drank a glass of rootbeer before it even hit me what I was doing. YIKES! :shock: Definitely only on day is not a habit yet. Other than those two things the eating for the day was good.

Onward :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:41 am

Good Morning!

Had a pretty descent weekend. Saturday was fairly moderate as far as my eating. Sunday a bit more out of control. That's ok. It was my first weekend back. Focusing on getting my habits down pat. Aiming on 21 days of staying on habit with no RED days. Will start counting today since Friday was RED. The 23rd will be an S day for me since it is my son's 9th birthday. It is a Friday.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:04 am

Good Morning!
Yesterday...Day 7: :mrgreen: GREEN!! Jiggity Jig!

Yesterday was a busy, but good and productive day. Was unable to walk because we had some storms come through last night, but I did ride my exercise bike for an hour. Was reading back over some of my old posts here and one habit that I developed the last time I did NoS that has carried over for me is getting to bed at a descent hour. I feel sooo much better when I get good rest....who would have thunk it. lol!

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:56 am

Day 8: GREEN!! :mrgreen: Good Day! GORGEOUS Day! Enjoying this nice weather so very much. Took an hour walk this evening. Hubby went with me tonight. It was nice. 8 year old took a bad spill on his bike though. :cry: I began reading the No S Diet book again today.

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:13 am

Day 9: GREEN!! :mrgreen:

Very busy day today! I'm pooped. Heading to bed early to read my No S book! Hopefully I can read a bit before my eyes shut. :lol: Night all....

oh exercise today. No time and I'm out of steam now. Not really focused in on exercise just yet though. Focusing on 21 straight days of GREEN for eating.
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:50 am

Day 10: GREEN! :mrgreen: Stayed within the NoS parameters sweets, no snacks, no seconds, but feeling bloated and heavy tonight which I haven't been feeling over the past week or so. :roll: My supper was probably too much food even though it did all fit on my plate. Not gonna beat myself up about it too much. It's all about the habit!!!

We took an in town field trip at school today. (I work at a school) We walked 30 minutes there and 30 minutes back. It was a nice walk. Took my daughter to her monthly 4H meeting today and did NOT eat the snacks after....even said NO to one of my favorite frosted sugar cookies. :D

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:23 am

Day 11: GREEN!! Took some effort to stay green today, but I DID IT! Yippee Skippee!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ~reneew » Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:01 pm

You go girl! keep it up!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by ZippaDee » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:33 am

Thanks Reneew!!! :D

Have had a good weekend. Enjoyed some treats, but am actually ready to get back to N Days!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:28 am

Day 14: :mrgreen: GREEN Feels good to be back to N Days! Took a nice 1 hour walk with just me and hubby tonight. The weather is GORGEOUS!! WOW!

I think that I'm filling my plate a bit on the heavy side because of the fear that I will get too hungry before I eat again. I know this is true because I am not feeling hungry enough when it's time for my next meal.

I will be weighing in once a month on the first Saturday of every month. Perhaps eventually I will try to lengthen that to once every three months like Oolala does, but one thing at a time... :wink:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:55 am

Day 15: GREEN :mrgreen:

HAPPY SPRING!!! :D So, have been having a lot of talks with my 14 yo son about attitude and respect lately. :roll: Imagine that....a 14 year old with attitude. :lol: Today he actually came and apologized to me for some attitude problems he has been having. WOW! Good day! Yay! Progress. THEN he gave me a gift..."just because I love and appreciate you, mom" :shock: Guess what it was? An Orange Crush pop. I'm not a huge pop drinker, but I do enjoy one every now and then. It was so very sweet of him...I mean for him to think of me....and I'm saving it for a special treat on an S Day! YAY!

Went on an hour walk again this evening and I actually did a bit of running. Wowzers. This was not in the place, but I just felt like it! I'm not really focusing on exercise right now. I really want to get my eating habit more stable before I focus on exercise. But, I've been exercising because I just love how I feel when I do it!! Not stressing over it though!

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:12 am

Sounds like a plan, hon! i.e. the weighing idea. I wish I could go a week never mind a month without weighing cos I really think (esp in my case) that it can be counterproductive. Not so for everyone, mind, but from experience, the scales can be very unsettling! Still doesn't stop me from going on them every day, tho :roll:

Great job on the running too. Funny - this morning I was out walking when a jogger passed by. I felt myself adjusting my pace to keep up with her. Even if it was all of 5 mins! lol.... couldn't keep up for long! :oops:
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Post by r.jean » Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:09 am

Walking or running is the best! No equipment, no minimum, enjoying the outdoors. What could be easier!
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Post by ZippaDee » Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:59 am far as the weighing goes I am making my official weigh in the first Saturday of the month. Never said that I don't get on the scale in between...did I :?: :roll: I'm still getting on the scale everyday and writing it down here once a week and reporting in here once a month. Would LOVE to be able to just ignore it for a whole month! Maybe I will get to that point someday!

Day 16: GREEN :mrgreen: Started develping a sore throat and headache yesterday. ugh! No time for that! Big weekend coming up. My youngest turns 9 Friday and is having three boys over for the night along with grandparents.

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:47 am

Day 17: GREEN :mrgreen:

Very busy day yesterday. It's taking less conscious effort to not snack now than it was at the beginning. SUCH a habit for me to just pop food into my mouth. As Reinhard says...I'm putting a fence around the rules and that is that. Makes it easy.

Baby boy is 9 years old today. He is SO excited about the fun day we have planned! :D

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:49 am

Day 18: YELLOW

Had a planned S Event for my son's birthday yesterday. He had three friends over for the night last night and it rained. :shock: Wowzers....CRAZY evening. 4 nine year olds, 2 14 year olds, 2 18 year olds, a ten year old, two head is still spinning. :lol: Taking them to a movie this morning.

Reading on NoSnacker's thread about exploring the "whys" of binging. I've been thinking of this a lot lately too. If I felt so good and did so well the last time I did NoS WHY did I stop. What is it about food?? Why do I allow myself to get out of control when I end up feeling so miserable? Still exploring this in my head, but I think for me obviously I get short term tastes good while I am doing it. Other than the short term pleasure that I get I don't think I get anything else out of it. I don't really think I am filling any deep seated emotional needs......I don't think :?: .....I think it really just boils down to the short term pleasure. And, the feeling that I somehow deserve it. I work hard, so I deserve this pleasure. I deserve to just relax and let loose and not worry and just enjoy. I deserve downtime and pleasure and food gives that short term relaxing good feeling. So, I need to find another activity that does the same thing for me. hmmmmm? there lies the issue. WHAT?? Exercise makes me feel good, but is not yet something I crave at the end of a long day. It takes EFFORT. I want to relax.....and that has always involved eating..HABIT. Something engrained in me since I was a wee one. I have to change a 46 year old habit. It could take some time!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:51 am

Zippedee..hi there..thanks for commenting on my daily check in..Like you I just changed the title of my post and continued on.

I took, started to have red days that kept piling up until I gave up.

Like you, I want to be committed. This time for me I plan on digging deep and find things to do with myself when those darn night time urges hit.

The mind is where it all stems from..I can be totally stuffed and still want more and is true what they say the urges do pass.

I hope to someday when dinner is over, my mind shuts off as well about food...

Weekends were the start of my breakdown...

Have a great weekend...

Seems we all could write and edit the same book.. :)
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:56 pm

NoSnacker wrote: Seems we all could write and edit the same book.. :)
So true! What you two write are a reflection of me.

ZippaDee - You are doing Awesome! Only one week left! What control you have. 8)

I have a 16 year old son with attitude. He hasn't giving me a peace offering of a pop yet, but he did sit right by me on the couch yesterday and layed his head on my lap to watch t.v. I'm sure he didn't read as much into it as I did but It sure made my day!!! :wink: My 2 girls talk more than my 2 boys. WAY MORE!

Anytime you get through a birthday party with a bunch of kids without taking something for it, it deserves a "great Mom" badge. :wink:

Make it through the week girl! We're cheering for you!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
Please pray for me

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Post by HabitMaker » Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:49 pm

ZippaDee, I enjoy that you use the word "Green" for success. It is green on the HabitCal calendar. :D Thanks for checking in on my thread! It looks like you're doing great.

I overeat for the short-term pleasure myself. I use all those excuses - that I deserve it, etc. etc. This weekend, it was illuminating for me to notice that it also gave me short-term discomfort. So that was helpful to note. It might go a long way towards helping me hold back from excess in the future.

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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:11 am

Thanks so much for the encouragement ladies!!

Deb, Indeed it appears that we could all write and edit the same book. Even though I am sorry that you all share the same burden as does help that you do!!

Renee, How sweet that your 16 year old son put his head in your lap and watched tv! Guess what? My pop is still in the fridge! I just didn't feel like it this weekend. ODD!

Habit Maker...YES! The same thing happened to me this weekend. Too much food gave me short term discomfort and I took note of it. Self talk: "I overate and am uncomfortable..WHY do it?" Doesn't make much sense!

Day 21: GREEN :mrgreen:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

A Flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms!

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Post by HabitMaker » Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:24 am

Ooooh, 21 days! A milestone! Congratulations. :D

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Post by NoSnacker » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:27 pm 21 and GREEN....such a great feeling and success..

AND thank you so much for posting on my thread about my beating up the urge...I was being silly and thought people would get a kick out of it..but I guess not..

So thanks again..

I'm on the 21 days tread first round since being back full time :)

Here's to a successful night!

I have my fighting gear on...and ready to go.
Age 56: SBMI=30.6 (12/1/13) CBMI 28.9 (2/2/14) GBMI-24.8

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Post by ZippaDee » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:45 am

Deb, I DID get a kick out of it! :lol:

Well, I'm not quite to 21 days of straight green just yet. Here on this thread I am counting days since I begain NoS...again. Day 4 was RED for me. :? So, just a few more days til 21 straight green.

My daughter, who is 10, is participating on Girls On The Run this year. It's a 12 week program for 3rd thru 6th graders. They meet 2 times a week and run and talk about different topics like self repect, making good choices, etc. It ends with them running a 5K. Yesterday I came in on the end of it to pick her up and the topic yesterday was food and exercise. They were telling the girls to never EVER go on a diet. It is not good for your mind or bodies. They told them that eating is all about balance. You have some foods that you should eat everyday and some foods that you should eat sometimes, but there are no bad foods. Wow. That sounds familiar. Good advice for these young girls.

Day 22: GREEN :mrgreen:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:31 pm

Wow sounds like your daughter is learning some very valuable things...My granddaughter is your daughter's age and she is pretty over weight and every time they go to the doctor they comment and talk to her about cutting back and making better there ya have it...her struggles begin..

She does take after me I have to say in eating when bored..another big one of mine...

Hope she finds her way and I'm so glad your daughter has the support she needs...

Glad you enjoy my fight of the urge.

Today not so bad, so I think I won't have to fight too hard.

Have a good one.
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Post by ZippaDee » Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:20 am

Thanks for encouragement, Deb!! :D

Day 23: GREEN :mrgreen:

My daughter made chocolate chip cookies FAVORITE!!! I did not partake because it is not an S Day......putting a fence around the rules and that is that!

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:39 am

10 year olds running 5k's? I'm glad they're hearing not to diet, but I wonder what the follow up is. It seems so pervasive, esp, with the media images bombarding us all the time.

Regarding the question of why you do it, it's probably a little of both. But the cure is similar, though if there really is some lack, it will be harder to find replacement activities. Either way, if you're determined to break the habit, it will come to the surface and you can handle it.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by ZippaDee » Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:21 am

Day 24: GREEN Went for a bike ride with the kids tonight as well.

Well, the girls kind of walk/run. They keep track of how many miles they do total every practice a group. It's keeping them active and gets them talking about some positive things. I think it's a good thing.

I agree, Oolala...regardless of the WHY the CURE is the same. I need to eat less. And, I want to do it sanely...Vanilla NoS! :D

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

A Flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms!

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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:15 am

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Post by ZippaDee » Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:33 am

Thanks Roxy!!!! :mrgreen:

Day 25: GREEN
Day 26: YELLOW

Was a bit down and emotional yesterday. Just teary and blue. We clean a church building once a week. Normally all of us or a few of us do it together. Yesterday I thought it would be good to just go in peace and quiet and do it alone. So, I went to town alone (we live out in the boonies. :wink: ) On the way I thought Hmmmm? I could go to Burger King and get my favorite chicken sandwich meal with a cherry ICEE. yumm! It was an S Day afterall. I hadn't eaten lunch yet and it was time. When I got to town I really didn't feel like it. So, I thought ...ok, I'll clean the church first, which takes several hours, and then go to lunch. After I got done cleaning, lo and behold, I still just didn't feel like it. I came home without going because I WANTED to come home without going. It was no big deal at all! This is highly unusual behavior for me. :lol: Progress perhaps??? Or just a weird day? :?: I took note of it though.

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:25 pm

That is great what you did...ya know there is always another weekend ahead. We all really should keep track of all the little successes, well really a big success...

I think I will take my own advice and every time I have one, I'll take note of it to refer back to, to give myself some kudos!

Like my husband offered me some chocolate on Friday, said would you mind if I had tomorrow...that was a success, big success.

Have a great Sunday....

p.s. sorry to hear you were feeling teary and blue...glad those days don't hang forever :)
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:55 am

I've had several days in the last few months on which I felt like eating very little on S days, However, if you've read my posts, it's not a serene feeling. But I'm always glad afterwards I outwaited the fake hunger urges.
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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:13 am

Day 27: GREEN

It's Spring break this week for me and the kids. We don't have any big plans....will just be home trying to get some spring cleaning done. Today I finished a book. Was so nice to have the time to read!! Spent some time doing some deep house cleaning. Tried a new recipe tonight for chicken enchiladas. It was just so so to me, but the rest of the family really liked it! Also did about 4 loads of laundry. Tomorrow going to sort through some clothes. This week will be more difficult for me with eating because my schedule is different and we plan on just being home where food is more readily available. So far so good. :D
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:15 am

Be sure you have the ingredients for good meals you like. It helps to have good food to look forward to when you need to resist snacks. I usually plan a mid-morning cup of mocha or even afternoon to punctuate the gap between meals.
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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:15 am

Thanks Oolala! Yes, grocery shopping is done and I have the week's meals all planned out. Not a coffee drinker, but I could do tea. :idea: Thanks!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by Ann_48 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:12 pm

Enjoy your spring break! Go green for Spring...break..cheesy? yes..Thanks again for the welcome!

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Post by ZippaDee » Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:06 am

"Go Green for Spring"...I like it Ann! :D

Day 28: GREEN
Day 29: GREEN

I'm earning my GREENS this week! Having a great spring break just being here at home with the kids, but there is more food surrounding me than normal. Biggest temptation yesterday. Me and the girls went over to a friend's house. My friend is helping my youngest with some 4H projects...painting and drawing. My friend is MEGA talented in this area and I am.....well...lacking skills in this area. :lol: My friend baked peanut butter bars. They were baking when we arrived. Smelled SO good! Instead of eating one I asked if I could take one for the road. She gave me a plate with one for each family member...that is 7 peanut butter bars. I had to carry them on my lap while my daughter drove home. Put mine in a baggie to save for an S Day treat. Last night after supper my daughter made smoothies, my son popped popcorn, and they had McD's chicken bites in the house. Teenagers! :roll: I'm have put a fence around the rules and since it was NOT an S Day I did not partake in any of it! The peanut butter bars were the hardest only because I did not want to be rude and hurt my friend's feelings! You know what kept me on the right track though....this board. I did not want to come back here and have to report a RED on my April challenge!!!! :D Accountablity is good!

Have been Re-reading the book with highlighter in hand. Here are the snipets I highlighted in chapter 1.

"The rule is no sweets, not no sugar"....allowing myself a bit of sugar on my grapenuts in the morning or in my cream of wheat.

"They aren't binge days"

"You have no business worrying about antioxidants when you're 50 pounds overweight" This gave me a chuckle!

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:14 am

What an inspiring post..and congrats on not giving in to the dessert and saving one for the weekend, I'm sure it will be so much more appreciated, don't ya think!

Having teens around eating all day I'm sure is hard, but you handled it quite well.... :D

My goal this time around is to follow No S Vanilla all the way. Last time moderation on the weekend was not happening..after 3 months I gave up..but this time, I plan on eating 3 meals on S days..I think doing an unstructured approach can be harmful to me anyway...I dropped out...

So glad to be back and I love these boards and the people that I can't see :)

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Post by Ann_48 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:29 am

What a great reply to the peanut butter bars! Accountability is the best! WTG on resisting the temptation! When you think of it as "I can have this in a couple of days", that really helps, too. Go Green, Stay Green! Thanks for the quotes from the book! I can hardly wait till mine arrives! Oh how I wish I'd paid extra for the expedited shipping.

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Post by KL » Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:26 pm

Wonderful, wonderful! Isn't it empowering to say No, thanks?? I bet your friend was delighted that you wanted to take some home. She may have wanted them out of her house, as well!

On my S days, I eat 3 meals but have sweets usually at lunch and dinner on both days - and my plates may be a little bit more overloaded than usual! This is what works for me - and I'm not afraid when I wake up Saturday morning wondering how my food intake will go. That's how it used to be. I would dread the weekends because of the lack of structure.

I agree, posting here as kept me honest and clear minded. I feel so blessed to have found this way of managing my food. Here's to many GREEN days. :)
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:56 pm

Yes, vee shall be your taskmasters! Now, drop and give me 20! :)

Once again, I want to point out that thin people rarely feel any obligation to eat food because someone prepared it for them. If they think it will taste good and make them feel good-- they don't like to be too full-- they have it. Otherwise, they either don't take it or take it and don't finish it. I've seen my brother and nephew-in-law do it for just about all of my adult life! And the cook gets over it. Actually, I think anyone who guilts someone into eating is being rude, but I am fringe element.

You will get to the point at which the fragrance is heavenly but it is not necessarily associated with having to eat. You can savor the smell alone, not as torture, but as pleasure.
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Post by ~reneew » Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:16 pm

Very cute tigger picture zippadee! So, are you going to bounce around more now? More energy? :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:46 pm

Ya I like the peppy tiger, is he from Whinny the Pooh?

We are all going for the green and being sane with food..

Like oolala told me on my post.....getting out of FOOD jail!!! How true is that :)
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:16 pm

BTW, I didn't coin the phrase. It was from the title of an anti-diet book. One of the ones that recommended a plan that I couldn't implement at the time. It was one of the eat-from-hunger books, but it also recommended eliminating sweets and most junk food from the start. I came in the back door instead, nibbling my sweets and occasional Cheetos.
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Post by ZippaDee » Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:41 am

Thanks so much for the encouragement!!

Deb...YES!! I agree! My peanut butter treat will be much more appreciated on an S Day! :D YES!! Tigger is from Winnie the Pooh! You need to get a Pooh dvd and check him out ...he will make you smile! Just look at him. Did ya smile? :lol: :D YES!!...getting out of food jail! Like that!

Ann...hope your book arrives soon!!

KL...will have to work out my S Days. The past few weekends Saturday has been pretty reasonable with Sunday getting a bit out of hand. Trying not to worry about it too much yet. Hoping that eventually Sunday will calm down a bit. One thing I have done the past two weekends is I am having a sweet for breakfast in place of my regular breakfast not in addition to it. Like two chocolate chip cookies with milk. Not healthy I know, but so yummy and enjoyable since I am hungry.

Oolala.... :lol: I wish I could drop down and give you 20...maybe a few pounds from now. :wink: I hope I can get to the point where I feel no obligation to eat food because someone made it for me. Ugh. That seems a long way away. In fact, I would say this is one of the most difficult tasks for me at this time. The one reason I can see reds happening on my habitcal. It is how my family functions...when we get together a main part of the planning is the food and if I do not eat I am no fun!! I need to come up with a plan to deal with this!

Reneew...YES...I just look at Tigger and get happier and bouncier! I love him!!! :D FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN (the song)

Day 30: GREEN

Have undertaken an absolutely HUGE project this spring break. My daughter graduates in May. So, I decided to put together a video to be playing at her open house. One that plays to music and flashes have probably seen them at funerals. The problem is we did not go digital with our pictures until 03. She was born in 93..and after her we added 3 more children to our family. That is 10 years and MEGA pictures to sort and scan into the computer. I decided to just do them all and not just photos of my oldest....yes I'm ambitious!!! OH MY!!!!! :shock: We've been wanting to do this anyway...get them all on the computer for safe keeping, but OH MY!!!..I think I already said that! :lol: :lol: This does not include the 8 years of prechildren photos. Not going there at this point. Those are all nicely in photo albumns anyway. My mind is not on food...that's the good thing!

ONWARD :arrow: ....sort, organize and scan, sort, organize and scan. My two youngest have eye appointments today too. Afraid one of them may need spectacles. I don't generally say spectacles I'm just in a mood. :lol:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by Ann_48 » Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:07 pm

What a keepsake for your daughter. She'll love it. It is a lot of work, I'll admit. We made a DVD for my FIL after he passed away. It was beautiful though and several family members requested copies of it because many of the pictures were some they never knew about or hadn't seen in years. Good luck with you daughters DVD!

I saw that you mentioned eating sweets for breakfast. I am going to do the same. I bought some Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls last week because I had coupons on them and they've been calling my name. I think they'll be breakfast in the morning. You gotta love this "diet"..and I hesitate to call it that nasty 4 letter word, because it doesn't feel like a diet at all! :wink:

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Post by ZippaDee » Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:17 pm

Thanks Ann!

I too do not like calling this a diet! And, we are supposed to get rid of the diethead mentality. I've been trying to come up with something else to call it for myself. But what? hmmmm? Something short and sweet. Not too long...hmmmm???

Ok, I gotta get busy!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by Ann_48 » Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:33 pm

If you come up with a spiffy name, let me know. I keep calling it the "No S Way"..I hate that dreaded four letter word! Have a fantastic day!

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Post by determined » Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:33 pm

Pooh is the bomb!

I love this collection of some great A.A. Milne quotes:

Have a great day!

"Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day."
Winnie the Pooh

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:53 pm

I call it the eating plan I use.

I'm pretty sure I talked somewhere else about a study done on obese people who ate at least 500-calorie breakfasts that included something sweet. They lost much more weight than the comparison group mostly because they stuck with the total program for longer. The comparison group felt their program was too restrictive and gave up. If this increases your compliance, great! If it increases your desire for sweets... well, it's your experiment.
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Post by NoSnacker » Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:56 am

You are too the visual of the scanning photos..hope your back can hold out...I wonder if I can do that..I have a tote filled with photos'''that is a major project..but hey someday I might bring it up from the basement.

I know it is hard to explain to someone what you are doing without it seeming like a diet..

I guess one could say "trying to eat the way we were meant to eat" and how the french stay skinny... Or just use some of the things I learned here I'm totally full right now can I take mine to go...just like you did..perfect. We can slip No S ideas to people without them knowing :)

But here in the US we sure were brainwashed into believing we need snacks and should graze thru out the slipped it right by us.

You are doing fantastic..we have a lot of people on here doing great...I love to see encouraging to me as well.

have a great weekend..hope your cookies tasted yummy!
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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:02 pm

Good Morning! I started back to NoS officially March 5. Decided to weigh in once a month on the first Saturday of every month. May put more time between weigh ins later, but for now once a month. Today happens to be the first Saturday of the month.... soooooo...

Month 1: down 8.8 pounds

Happy Jig!! :D

Day 31: GREEN

Still thinking on the name?? "No S Way" is kind of short and sweet and easy to say, Ann. hmm? I've thought about something about "eating like my grandma did" "Grandma style" "Granny vittles" ...something to do with that. Still thinkin'. btw, like your new avatar! CUTE! :D

Janie..thanks for the link to the Pooh quotes..Will check it out.I LOVE quotes. The one in your signature line.."Rivers know this. there is no hurry. we will get there someday" Love that! Last year my word of the year was EASE and I used that quote a lot! :D

Oolala..Enjoyed my milk and cookies for breakfast this morning. Thanks for the info. Makes sense. No S works because it allows us that release valve.

Deb...was just telling hubby last night that it would be nice if i could sit down and scan. :lol: So far, so good for my back! :wink:

Guess what? Took my two youngest to the eye doc yesterday and BOTH of them need glasses. Wowzers. :shock:

Happy Easter!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by Ann_48 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:21 pm

Oh my gosh! I think my adrenaline just jumped for joy when I saw how much you've lost in a month! Woo Hoooo!!!!!! Congratulations!!! Now I can hardly wait for my weigh in on the last day of the month. I'm doing a happy dance with you this morning! AWESOME!

I love "Grandma Style"!!! hehehe

Thanks about the Avatar. Yours brings a smile to my face, too! :D

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:06 pm

What a nice extra!
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Post by NoSnacker » Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:43 pm

Congrats on the weight loss!! 8.8lbs is nice....think of that in weight of butter, potatoes, lard....and the body sure can feel the difference...

Nice job!
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:53 pm


Many congratulations on the weight loss --- that is - as Tigger might say - just fabbeedooo!!! :D :D :D

Also, kudos to you too on resisting the calling of the peanut butter bar... especially carrying them on your lap like that. The great thing about the No S PLAN as I, too, like to refer to it, is you CAN have the peanut butter bar and/or whatever your favorite treat, since its an S Day and overindulgent or not, YOU CANNOT FAIL ON AN S DAY! I think it would serve me well to remember this cool little adage the next time I am tempted to beat myself up for what I ate! :roll:

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Post by HabitMaker » Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:26 pm

Whooo! 8.8 pounds down in a month is quite an accomplishment! That also explains why it may have been difficult to do (I think I am remembering correctly that it's been a month of effort for you?). I find I'm hungrier as my weight is decreasing - I don't know if that's inevitable or not, but I've often found it to be true over the course of many weight loss attempts. GREAT JOB!

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Post by NoSnacker » Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:56 am

Popping by to say hi and have a great day! :D
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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:46 am

Day 34: GREEN

Thanks so very much for the encouragement everyone!!! :D Back to our regularly scheduled programming yesterday, which unfortunately means I probably won't be able to be here as much. Boo! Hubby is home this week working on the kitchen. Came home to all of my top cabinets off the wall yesterday. Things have to get worse before they get better. Hmmm? I think that may apply to forming new habits as well!

Happy Tuesday!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:48 am

One more thing...remember the peanut butter brownie that I saved for my S Day. Ended up not eating it. :shock: Took one bite and decided it just wasn't good enough. Gave it to one of the kids. Wow! Something is happening to me. :lol:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:06 am

Wow that is awesome!!!!!!! I think sometimes it all boils down to, yes I can have this if I want it, but chose not to...that is wonderful!!

You go girl!!!
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Post by ~reneew » Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:38 pm

ZippaDee wrote:One more thing...remember the peanut butter brownie that I saved for my S Day. Ended up not eating it. :shock: Took one bite and decided it just wasn't good enough. Gave it to one of the kids. Wow! Something is happening to me. :lol:
Yea! It's working! The longer I go with having strict green days, the more "default" it becomes. I forgot the icecream bars that I bought for the weekend... I guess I'll wait until next weekend! Before you start thinking that I behaved so well... I ate Easter candy all weekend.
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by ZippaDee » Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:45 am

Thanks Ladies! OH...I ate plenty of sweets over the weekend...sweets that I REALLY wanted! I was able to recognize that I didn't really want the peanut butter bar. That is progress for me! Same thing happening for you as well, forgot ice cream bars. :shock: :lol: Good for you!

You are exactly right, Deb! It loses it's power over you when you know you CAN have it if you want to.

Day 35: GREEN

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:04 am

Wow day 35 and going strong....I think Tigger has something to do with it..I love seeing his face on posts. I might trade my white flower in for something more of a go getter...

Ditto, keep on keepin on!!
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Post by Ann_48 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:37 am

WTG on giving up the PB brownie. So inspiring to see that changes like this can happen! That's awesome!

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Post by ZippaDee » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:47 am

Day 36: GREEN

And, I'm outta time. DRAT! Did I use that word correctly. :wink: :lol:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by Ann_48 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:14 pm

Going strong on Day 36th! Woo Hoo!!!

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Post by NoSnacker » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:24 am

This is so great!!!! You are doing fantastic....

Life is so much better when we find some sanity with food.

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Post by ZippaDee » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:48 am

Day 37: GREEN

So, yesterday for lunch I had fast food. It all fit on my plate, so I was definitely within the realm of the No S rules. I haven't had fast food on an N day for the past 35 days. I had such GUILT about it. I felt like I was sabataging myself. Definitely NOT the healthiest choice I could make. Is this diet head creeping in?

Things are going well right now. I feel confident, but I DO feel scared too because I know how quickly I can loose control. I did so well for 5 months the last time I did this.

Oh, I also had a smoothie for lunch. Would you consider a smoothie a sweet? I guess perhaps if it is questionable to me I SHOULD consider it a sweet. ??

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:34 am

Hi there...I would say you are okay with the fast food...see if you feel guilty that is when the diet head sets in and things can spiral..but you are allowed..I do that on occasion as well. The whole point here is to eat your 3 squares...I'm sure most days are of healthier fare.

As for the smootie, not sure, is it fruit and milk? Was it part of your meal? If people are allowed sugar in their drinks (coffee/tea)...I inclined to say part of your meal...others may differ...

I think you did fine..just focus on today and let yesterday go..okay.. :)

You can do it..

I'm back for my second time here...and it does get easier..I hope to keep it at my second attempt, but only time will tell.
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Post by Ann_48 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:37 am

Zippadee, I wouldn't consider a smoothie a sweet because everything added to it is healthy stuff, pretty much. Most of the sweetness in a smoothie comes from the fruit, itself. Just my two cents. :)

I wouldn't worry about the fast food. Once in a while won't hurt you any. I crave a McDouble now and then and I will have one come hell or high water at some point, no guilt involved. Actually, it'd probably be better for me than some of the things I cook at home :wink:

Another green day chalked up for you! WTG!

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:31 am

Again, I agree with Ann, Zippy! I wouldn't consider a smoothie a sweet or dessert type food either. I think you did really well!

Have a great weekend, hon, and thanks as always for popping in to cheer me up with your positive, cheery posts!! :D
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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:57 pm

Day 38: GREEN

Thanks for the input ladies! Yup, I have decided that feeling guilty for an occasional fast food meal is definitely diet head and I need to let go of that and just consider it a meal. Yes, the smoothie was with my meal. I drank them occasionally the last time I did No S and did not consider them a sweet, but because I was already feeling the guilt over the fast food I started feeling guilty about all of if. Letting go of all guilt about the WHAT that I put onto my plate.

Also, making the commitment to stay off the scale for one week! Gotta start somewhere. :wink:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:03 am

Hi there..glad you beat down the diet head..

Okay, I'm with weighing in until next Saturday..I just don't have the heart to put my metal friend in the trunk of my car...knowing me, I'll just bring it back in :)

Deal with one demon at a time!
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Post by ZippaDee » Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:21 am

Day 39: YELLOW

Going through quite a bit of stress lately. I am generally a pretty laid back person and I have my Lord to lean on, so usually I can handle quite a bit of stress. The past few weeks I have been feeling the stress. Some of the stress results from good things (daughter's graduation) but my body still feels it as stress kwim? Anyway, I have noticed over the past few weeks that I cry easily....a sign of stress for me. ugh! Something has happened over the past few days that has put my stress level over the top. It's not necessarily a bad thing really, just an extremely difficult thing. This on top of the stress load that I was already carrying. I try to focus on the fact that my Lord is NOT surprised by any of it. He knows and has everything under control. *I* do not have to do it...HE will guide me through. I do want to be able to handle the situation correctly. I have shed quite a few tears over the situation Friday and Saturday, but today I dont want the tears to fall. It is my youngest daughters birthday today and both sets of grandparents will be here after church today. I want/need to hold it together and make this a fun and happy occasion for my sweetie! She is 10 today! :D

The side affect of all of this....I'm not hungry! My stomach has been in knots.

If you are a person of faith please say a prayer for me. A prayer that I can relax and trust that God is taking care of things. As I said this is not really a bad thing...just a hard and emotional thing for many people that I love very much!! Myself included!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by SkyKitty » Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:38 am

I'm not a person of faith, but please accept my wholehearted good wishes in place of prayer. Whatever is in your life at the moment please remain confident that you are strong enough to face it with the support of your loved ones, whether they be present in person or in your heart.

Also, hope you do have a lovely day for your daughter's birthday xxx
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Post by NoSnacker » Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:23 pm

I surely will pray for right now "Father, I know during times of stress that seems unbearable You are there and you understand the situation. I ask that you bring a sense of peace and give our friend here, the peace of mind she needs to make it thorough these trying times. And when all is said and done, we know that she will be stronger for it." I ask for a hedge row of protection be placed around her, but more importantly the strength to move forward knowing you love her and are there for her. Amen".

Psalm 25:17
The troubles of my heart are enlarged; bring me out of my distresses.

Psalm 56:8
Thou numberest my wanderings: Put thou my tears into thy bottle; Are they not in thy book?

Hope the birthday party turns out to be a smash..I'm to am going to a b-day party for my grandson who is 13 :0

Enjoy the day as best you can...
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Post by Ann_48 » Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:09 pm

Saying a prayer for you. Keep remembering that God is in control.

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Post by ZippaDee » Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:57 am

THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!! Your prayers and encouragement mean so much! The birthday was GREAT! :D I enjoyed it and made it through the day tear free! Deb, hope your birthday party was great as well!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by HabitMaker » Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:33 am

Praying for your ability to relax, trust, and be at peace through these times of upheaval!

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Post by NoSnacker » Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:55 am

Birthday party for grandson was nice...didn't over indulge which was good. Glad you were able to get thru the party tear free :)

Here's to a new week... :mrgreen:
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Post by Ann_48 » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:12 am

I'm glad you all had a fun party! :)

Here's to a new week of going GREEN!

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Post by NoSnacker » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:00 pm

How are things going? Hope you are finding yourself in better sure can bring one down..
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:39 pm

Hey there Zippy! Sending you some much belated (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS!))))))))))))))))))))) and prayers and hope you're feeling better soon!!

Sorry hon, just logged in and read your message so I apologize for not answering sooner.

Sorry you have been feeling stressed out lately - life can be like peaks n troughs is what I say.... lots of ups n downs and often as not never enough hours in the day !

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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:20 pm

Yesterday...Day 41 GREEN

I'm doing ok. Still stressed, but ok. I AM feeling some better than I was a few days ago! :D Thank you all so much for your support!!! This too shall pass. I know that.

Food does not seem to have the same pull on me as it did a month ago....for now. I know this can change for me on a whim. But, for now it's going well and I am feeling good and confident.

So far so good staying off the scale for the's only Tuesday. :lol: I do fight the urge to get on every morning though. :roll: It's simply a habit because weighing every morning does nothing for me!

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:40 pm

Exactly, why do anything that does NOTHING for you/us/me, everyone..

Binging as one might think numbs us, really truly it doesn't, it is a distraction from life for a bit, that is about it..and then what happens we get bigger and bigger for something that does nothing good for us..

And the scale, it does nothing good for can feel good, you are following plan, the clothes are getting comfortable...tummy feels good and whammmm, we get on the scale and then all negativity breaks loose..

Let's take a stand and fight back :)
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Post by ZippaDee » Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:09 am

"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:19 am

Stopping by to see how you are holding up. Keep strong, you can do it...
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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:02 pm

Good Morning!
Ok, gonna stop counting days. Very busy time for me and I may not be able to get here everyday, so counting days gets difficult. Despite the stress and busyness in my life right now my week has remained GREEN YAY!! :mrgreen: I also managed to stay off the scale all week. I actually felt more urges to get on the scale this week than I felt urges to snack. :shock: A bit ridiculous the habit and relationship and pull I have with a piece of metal and a number! For now focusing on only weighing once a week. After a while I hope to change that to once a month....and then longer! Baby steps! :wink:

Taking time out of hectic pace this morning to take the two youngest to a movie. Hubby too! :D Popcorn will be included! Still busy scanning in photos!! And, remodeling the excited!! :mrgreen:

Happy Saturday everyone!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:51 pm

Hi glad to see you had a green week...I know at times I spend too much time on the boards here and over time I'm sure it will slow down a bit.

I bought some chocolate cake mix and some butterscotch chips to mix in instead of frosting..hope to make a batch and keep one for this and give the rest to my daughter and her kids..perhaps cupcake style.

Love to be able to eat some treats on the weekends....
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Post by ZippaDee » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:49 am

Ok, from here on out gonna claim the phrase..." Don't be an idiot" for my S Days.

Wasn't terribly out of control, but just S Days just not feeling how I would like them to feel.

ONWARD :arrow:
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by NoSnacker » Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:59 pm

yup the doctor did tell my grandkids and my daughter...they want my granddaughter who is 10 to fill out a sheet of what she eats, when, what she was now at 10 she is now on a diet!!

i hear ya about S days...i was not happy with mine at all this weekend..."don't be an idiot" is nice as I was..
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Post by ~reneew » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:17 pm

You not only are on track... you are a freight train that won't stop full speed ahead. You probably don't feel that way, but I thought I'd give you that visual since it's almost boring how plain green and yellow your month is! :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by NoSnacker » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:21 am

ZippaDee wrote:Ok, from here on out gonna claim the phrase..." Don't be an idiot" for my S Days.

Wasn't terribly out of control, but just S Days just not feeling how I would like them to feel.

ONWARD :arrow:
So on my 3x5 card and on a sticky I have borrowed your "Don't be and idiot" for my S Days as well.....

I agree with Reneew you are doing fantastic!!!!!!
Age 56: SBMI=30.6 (12/1/13) CBMI 28.9 (2/2/14) GBMI-24.8

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