
Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by FarmerHal » Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:41 pm

I was Shamrockmommy for a long time, and thought a new name might be good, we moved (#12) to a small farmette, which has been a dream for a long time and now I get to play farmer :). But I'm a fat farmer, and not only is it ugly but I feel weak, my joints and muscles are not strong anymore, and the burden of the fat is making me hate my body, it's failing me because I'm failing it.
236.5 lbs. 5'8" 35 yrs old lady


Coffee and coconut creamer.
3 bacon, 2 eggs (straight from my hens)
Fingerling potatoes

And then...
Chips, chips, chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. Curse you, costco!

I had put nos out of my mind long ago. Many retries.
Maybe this time I can make it stick, I need to because if I squat down, I can't get myself back up :(

Breakfast, lunch, dinner one plate, one serving, special yummy Saturday dessert.

I will not starve between meals, it just isn't possible!
Snacking wont solve any problems, just compound one already large problem

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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:13 am

I ate so many ruffles today that I made myself sick.

After bathroom trips and a digestive enzymes I finally felt better and had supper

Lettuce wraps with tuna salad. And apple slices with peanut butter and lots of water
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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:29 pm

So far Coffee/coconut creamer for breakfast.
I am hungry but appreciate not being in pain from the binge.

I should add here that I was (finally!!) diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis a couple years ago, after several other misdiagnosises. I was initially put on Humira, which is not a drug to be taken lightly. It destroys your immune system (so that it will not attack itself).
I had food allergy testing and celiac testing and gene tests for this and that all which were negative.

It took a trip to Disney, and me thinking I was going to do the Atkins diet (disney is really diet friendly, they have veggies and fruits at the snack bars and gluten free menu selections). I did this for 4 days at Disney and I was pain free by the end of it and haven't needed Humira for more than a year now. If I get into wheat, though, it's 4 days of joint pain, skin outbreaks and being exhausted and miserable. So I just stay away even if I'm not allergic or celiac, I certainly am intolerant!

I HIGHLY recommend going wheat free for anyone who has joint pain, fibromyalgia (another one of my dx's, which has disappeared), depression, arthritis, immune issues. Try it for a month, you have nothing to lose but pain.

Anyway, I'll post b'fast, lunch, dinner later.
It's a good day!

Food is fuel, not a friend!
I won't starve between meals!

B: 3 bacon, 2 egg, banana and coffee/coconut creamer
L: beef stir fry
S: apple with PB
D: grass fed porterhouse steak and green and wax bean salad. Nom!
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Post by Sinnie » Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:18 pm

Hi there FarmerHal!

Welcome back :) Don't worry, you are not alone with the stress/binge eating. I am QUEEN of that myself. Years later, and I still haven't broken the habit, but figured out how to still sort of manage my weight only because of No S.

It caught my eye that you wrote you were diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. Just this past week, I was told I have the same condition. I went in because every so often, my fingers swell up and this time I couldn't get my rings on even after the inflamation subsided. My knee swelled a lot too, but had surgery to correct it. They thought it was PVNS but turns out it's this. I have no signs of psoriasis though. What's your symptoms like? Hope you don't mind me asking!

Good luck this week :D

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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:52 pm

Well, off wheat (and I don't do much of the gluten free replacement stuff) I have verry little pain, some days completely none. Certainly less pain th an when I was on humira. Google paleo diet, and that is what I try to stick to, although potato chips and sweets tend to sneak in now and again (lately way too often) but anything wheat is completely not worth it. MSG (and its 11 different trade names) will set me off in pain and swelling in my feet and hands. And if I get "glutened" I suffer pain and swelling for a good four days.

I also saved up for grass fed beef, pork and chicken and have my own hens for eggs eating a gmo/soy free feed. That made the difference in getting all the joint pain to go away. Commercial feed lot meat was keeping me inflamed. I do have stiffness because of the joint damage, which is permanent, unfortunately. Ester c helps with that, I try to get 3000 mg in daily.

Before going paleo/wheat free, about two years ago, I was pretty much chair bound. My sacral joints were On FIRE and they hurt no matter what position I was in. Sleep was interrupted, walking was painful, sitting, laying down, anything. My feet and knees were also very affected, and my feet still battle swelling. They would swell u p like sausages and literally throb, felt like they could burst like a sausage. Being on the grass fed meat now my feet are much less painful. They also only get puffy around the ankles and in the tops of my feet vs all the way around and swelling up to my knees. But I was also suffering fibromyalgia and depression and ready to give up. That much pain at 34 was too much to bear the thought of being 40 or 50 or...
Humira helped for a time, but this is how it went for me, you take it every two weeks, giving yourself a shot. I would have a migraine after about fifteen minutes of taking it, which lasted three days. I had to time it so I could take it on Fridays, try to get through the day with the kids and wait for dh to get home and then spend the rest of the weekend in bed with a migraine. Then I would have about four days of no pain and feeling great. And then it would wear off and I would get to repeat the process in a week. I also had a hard time with wound healing... Scratches took forever to heal and colds were long and miserable.

Anyway, happily I don't need so much as a Motrin now. I highly recommend the book Wheat Belly, as it does a much better job explaining why wheat is so terrible. And also any of the Paleo diet books are also excellent as well.

If you have more questions, let me know. Life is much better and I hope I get to live a good long time! I know it would be better if I were carrying less weight though, and that's why I'm here now.

Edited to add: I had to really think to remember the pain I was in, hurt to turn my head left or right, mid back and ribs area hurt... Hurt to breathe, sacral joints, ankles, knees, feet joints (the are many!). Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, psoriasis patches on my face under my lips...
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Post by Sinnie » Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:26 pm

Hey, thanks so much for informing me on all that. It sounds like you've gone through a lot. So far, my symptoms have not been too great, just swelling that occurs once in awhile - at this stage anyways. The doctor decided to not put me on any meds because it has subsided and I want to get pregnant so she said we'll wait and re-evaluate later.

I need to look into the connection to wheat and autoimmune issues. I didn't know about that and she didn't mention anything. Your observations make me think it's something I really need to consider, but am also weary of adding more complexity to my food intake.

Good luck today! You can do it, and so can I. Three meals!!!

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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:46 pm

Your symptoms have subsided because the pregnancy hormones slow your immune system down so yr body doesn't reject the baby. I also had remission of symptoms when I was pregnant (and didnt know what was causing the pain at the time). So now your body also won't attack the joints as much.

My doctor actually rolled his eyes and laughed at me when I asked if anyone has Ever cured themselves with diet. Healso told me never go off humira or your body will build a resistance to it and not work when you try to go on it again and then what will you do!? He was very rude and I fired his fanny after that. I don't understand how doctors can't see how the food we are putting into our bodies couldn't also be poison for someone with a sensitivity!

Read wheat belly, get it out of your diet, especially since you are pregnant. You will be better able to see results after your baby is born... Eat wheat free/paleo style for a month, then have something wheaty and see what happens.

Anyway, I love this subject because a SIMPLE dietary change changed my life completely... Remember it was so bad I was ready to "give up." I'm sure you could figure out where that could have headed!
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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:47 pm

Day 3

B: scrambled eggs with leftover steak. Banana. Coffee and coconut creamer
L: salmon salad in romaine leaves, apple with PB. Water.
S: dixie cup of unsalted mixed nuts, water.
D: pork chop, spinach salad, carrots, water
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Post by Sinnie » Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:18 pm

Hey FarmerHal,

I'm actually not pregnant yet, we've been trying for over a year though. It's very frustrating. But hopefully one of these months it'll work out...

I hate that doctors can be so rude like that. Good for you for getting rid of him! I'll definitely look into Wheat Belly. Do you think there's still benefit even if I don't buy organic meat and all that?

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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:21 pm

Get off the wheat now then. There is some implication in wheat and GMO grains/foods causing indfertility in men and women. I would highly suggest you both looking into paleo foods now. Grains are very nutrient poor anyway so it makes sense to nourish your body with meats, poultry, fish, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds.

Put it this way, it took 13 months to get pregnant with our first, and I was eating a standard American diet. With my 2nd, I was trying the paleo diet (worked and I didn't have pain but at the time didnt understand why) and I got pregnant on the first try. My first born has ADHD and myn2nd child is perfectly fine.
Probably anecdotal, but now that I understand why wheat is bad it seems clearer to me...
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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:57 pm

Sorry, I didn't answer your question. Yes, eating commercial meats still has some benefits- getting off wheat will benefit you greatly, Eating Paleo style will help tons! Veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, meats, poultry fish are FULL of nutrients, whereas grains are refined, stripped of many beneficial nutrients and then only 4 minimum levels added back. Very nutrient poor.

nourish your body :)
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Post by Sinnie » Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:56 pm

Thanks for that info. It's nice to get some new information that sounds like it may support my fertility issues. I really appreciate the advice! Thank you :)

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Post by FarmerHal » Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:37 pm

Been doing well, day 4. today is technically an S day (having a little early bday party for my son). I plan on sticking to just one brownie, hopefully.

B: Scrambled egg and pork chop. coffee, banana.
L: gf crackers and hummus, non gmo organic corn chips with pineapple salsa
S EVENT: 2 brownie squares (GF), coffee
(wow those sweets gave me headache! might have been the fun and excitement too!)
D:chicken breast with bacon, lettuce tomato with lettuce wrap and waffle fries. Lemonade. Brownie.
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Post by Sinnie » Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:28 am

Hey Farmer!

Well, I've been looking into Paleo and started yesterday. I really hope this helps mainly my fertility but also my psoriatic arthritis which is okay at the moment.

I have a couple questions for you. How strictly did you/do you follow the plan? Do you allow any dairy, full fat or otherwise? Did you really completely eliminate beans/legumes? I just made a batch to add to some meat, but looks like it's a no-go. I did put some half & half in my coffee...

Thanks, and you're doing great!

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my 2 cents

Post by nonoodles » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:31 pm

Hi - Just chiming in here. I was always a healthy "moderate" eater, regular exerciser, and still was always fighting my hunger and an extra 10 pounds. I was never able to control my cravings or my weight until I eliminated the carbs - not just sugar. I'm not one to proseletyze, but everything about how I feel is better. I easily lost the 10 pounds, and as long as I stay away from carbs, I dont crave them. I follow this board, as I very much believe the 3 meals a day thing and hate when I fall prey to the habit of perma-snacking. (I am also post-menopausal, a time when everyone I know is gaining weight. The only people I see maintaining an actual waistline are the ones who avoid carbohydrates.) Good luck!!

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Post by FarmerHal » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:56 pm

Sinnie, I take S days and have nice sweets (or rather, being my first week back at it, I plan to take S days and make a nice sweet, they are the thing I miss the most all week).
I don't do dairy because my guts scream at me if I do LOL. I do tolerate yogurt and cheese just fine, but anything milk, cream, ice cream I do not. I don't like my guts to hurt so I avoid them.

I don't personally do beans/legumes because, again, my guts hurt!

I do full fat everything. Fat free is not the way nature intended, and, anyway, is not all that great for (most) humans anyway. Fat is needed in the diet! (Just not trans fat).

Look at it this way... instead of going all the way Paleo (being strict)-, just integrate the main idea, I think adding those VEGGIES and fruits (emphasis on veggies) is super important, they are full of the nutrients we need to thrive. The next thing is, the other things you add in, the beans, the dairy, listen to what your body tells you. I didn't realize for years that my guts didn't 'have' to hurt all the time. If you have reflux or heartburn or gas, then your body is struggling to process what you just put in there- listen to your body.

Nonoodles!!(love your name!) I find I experience the same thing. the book Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It explains the process that carbs/sugars cause in your body. I, too, will get that constantly hungry feeling, especially if I start the day with carby/sweet stuff!
I am glad it works for you. People will want to call low-carb a fad as well, but phsiologically, that is just how it affects the body!
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Post by FarmerHal » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:58 pm

Day 5. Hopped on the scale, even after DS's bday party whichI had brownies... 231 :)

B: Sausages, eggs, banana. 1 bite of kids' leftover GF toast and decided it wasn't worth it (I don't really care for any of the GF breads we've tried)
Coffee, coconut creamer

L: salmon salad romaine wraps. Blue tortilla chips and pineapple salsa. Water.

S: Dixie cup do nuts

D: ziti noodles (gf) with meat sauce. Steamed broccoli with mozzerella
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Post by No BS » Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:44 am

Congratulations on the weight loss, FarmerHal! You're doing great! :D
If you are not living life on the edge you are taking up too much room!!

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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:04 pm

Let me add a CONGRATS to that. I am also a farmer, this morning I hefted two 65 pound bales of hay shoulder high (well, one at a time) :D and carried them across the pasture. My husband (who is recovering from a trip to the ER but doing okay) said, You didn't need to do that. Lots of people are willing to help.

I said, I did it because I am so grateful that at my age (64) I am able to.

Keep up the good work, FarmerHal. :wink:

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Post by FarmerHal » Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:16 pm

Thanks you guys!
This morning, dh and I moved the hen house and fence. We are doing rotational pasturing where they spend about a week pecking around... Dethatching, eating weeds, bugs, scratching about happy as can be. It's a great way to manage your lawn lol. And their poo fertilizes the grass. A very fun hobby, I love it!
I also helped haul branches from Last weeks rain and wind. We are cleaning up the overgrown woods as well so I'm filthy and tired lol!

B: dh's specialty, which is pork sausage, peppers and onions and potatoes (we call it a skillet) with 2 fresh country eggs laid right in my own chicken coop :D

L: meat/tomato sauce leftover over a can of green beans, apple slices with peanut butter and water. May make some more decaf tho...

D: cabbage beef soup, gf crackers, water. Feeling like I need more food, but, hey, I won't die by breakfast! Bring on the water

Tomorrow is ds's birthday, so well have the family party tomorrow.
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Post by FarmerHal » Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:30 pm

Last night has an S. well it was an S day and I was feeling like binging so I went ahead and had a Dixie cup of dark choc covered acai berries

Today is ds's bday!

B. 3 eggs scrambled, 3 bacon coffee and coconut it creamer
L: 11 chicken wing sections, salt n vinegar, celery/ranch, water
SWEET: peanut buster parfait
D: bagel chips and hummus, water.
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:38 am

Hi! I am following your check in with interest, because I am trying to get back into No S (I fell off of the wagon for a long time), and my eating has evolved towards being somewhat Paleo, because I find that eating that way helps me feel better, and it helps with my gut issues. It looks like you're doing great!

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Post by FarmerHal » Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:46 pm

Welcome back, clarinetgirl! Yes, I stick to the principles of paleo, because I also feel my best eating that way. I do have the occasional dairy or legume and sometime gf noodles or whatnot but it is once a week or so and not too regular.

B: beef cabbage soup leftovers, probably will have coffee/creamer later.
L: California roll made with brown rice. Water
S: apple and PB
D: chicken stir fry over rice, water

Overly grainy lately! With the rice and gf crackers
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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:04 pm

B: 3 bacon, 3 egg, apple, PB. Probably will make coffee but have water at the moment.

I am amazed at how much I pee! I didn't up my fluid intake, but I'm guessing by. Not overheating and permasnacking, my body is able to get rid of the inflammation and extra water it hangs on to! Gross topic, but still interesting lol

Just need to make this NoS a lifetime lifestyle!
Crazy day today!
D: big bowl beef/ cabbage soup, gf crackers

Really need groceries!m
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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:34 pm

B: 3 bacon, 2 eggs, 2 GF toast/butter, coffee
L: Tuna salad on romaine, water
D: steak, rice and broccoli with cheese

I did have an S, one scoop ice yogurt with hot fudge and peanuts... I am not calling today a failure by any means, as I was successful in not snacking between meals and this was not a binge. I've been under eating especially at lunch so just too hungry. Granted I could've had something better, but, eh.

I don't like doing the red day green day thing, as it sets me up for failure.
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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:11 pm

Bad week last week! Got way off track and totally snacked and sweets.


B: leftover slices of pork roast, coffee

I think I'm going to have to go extremely low carb for a while. Just to get some weight off. Ugh. Willpower.
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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:07 pm

It's hard. :( I way overate during Easter weekend, so I've been really cracking down on my eating the last couple of days.

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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:36 pm

Yesterday I stayed on track. Can't remember off the top of my head what I had for lunch (probably was leftovers, but dinner was taco salad (no nachos or shell or anything).

DD is turning out to be a baker, which is sweet, but frustrating, since it's VERY hard for me to have that sweetsie stuff in the house all of the time!

B: leftover cold slices of pork roast, coffee and HWC (trying that since it's low carb, lower than the coconut creamer I've been using. We'll see if it gives me a stomach ache).

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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:02 am

Is HWC heavy cream? I'd love to drink something besides black coffee, but I'm not sure how my stomach would do with cream.

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Post by FarmerHal » Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:03 pm

Yep heavy whipping cream. What's interesting is I was buying organic cream and my tummy hurt. Organic milk products are pasteurized twice and this changes the proteins which can cause stomach upset. I tried the regular hwc and I've been good with one or two cups of coffee each day. Raw cream would be ideal. That's the only milk I can drink without any tummy upset.
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Post by Eeyore » Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:18 pm

Hey Farmer!!!

It was meant for me to check out your check-ins because my fiance is currently following the paleo diet and wants me to jump on board with him. I'm extremely hesitant because I love sweets and having meals that only consist of meat and veggies makes me a little queasy. I'm going to purchase a paleo cookbook and see how it goes.

I look forward to your future posts.

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:52 am

That's interesting about the organic vs. the regular whipping cream! I'm glad you found something that works for you.

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Post by FarmerHal » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:38 pm

Phew! Last couple of weeks have been crazy busy.
I've not kept very well to NoS, but I haven't been snacking or eating sweets, so that's a plus!

Been busy trying to get this little farmette together, teaching my kids (revamped my whole lot of materials). Busy!

I'll try to post more today.
B: Bacon, eggs, coffee/hwc/pumpkin spice
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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Dec 09, 2015 2:37 pm

Hooboy, it's been a while!
Let me give you a run-down of the last couple years:
DX'd with Lyme Disease and treated (twice- first time didn't knock it out) and all my joint pain, fatigue, all the things that I thought was Psoriatic Arthritis was actually Lyme, which I now believe I had for 17 years Untreated!

Anyway, here I am, STILL at 239. I've tried paleo, low carb, wheat belly. I can't keep it together, and as I re-read this check-in, I see myself repeating the same things over and over.

Lots of emotional eating for various reasons. Food always is nice and comforting to me. :( It's a bad habit. I'm not terribly happy at this weight, I'd love to be just 199, but it seems like I have extreme difficulty getting there no matter what I do. I haven't seen 199 for years, like 20 years.

Here I am. I promise myself to post when I need to!

B: decaf coffee with 1 t coconut oil and pumpkin spices
leftover spaghetti (1/2 the leftover container- I tend to overeat even if I stick to noS)

L: turkey sandwich with Apple and sunbutter
D: veggie beef soup, grapes and a strawberry banana smoothie which we make nightly to get hidden veggies in our DS.

Wish me luck. I can't go on like this year after year. It's hard to find clothes, etc. :(
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:14 am


You can do this. Trust me I had all but given up on losing any weight or gaining any kind of emotional peace with food but now I've got both. Trust the process & check in often.


Linda :)
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Post by FarmerHal » Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:25 pm

I will visit often! I will have good eating habits!

Yesterday went well. Even though I equate hinger with the most uncomfortable sensation of having to pee really bad, I made it through the day!!

Today we are going on a field trip so we will see what lunch brings
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Post by FarmerHal » Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:27 pm

Another N day.

B: rice and two eggs
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Post by Giada » Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:59 pm

FarmerHal wrote:Today we are going on a field trip so we will see what lunch brings
And lunch is whatever fits on one plate!

I know that you've had a lot on your plate (sorry, pun really not intended), but I'm glad to see you back (I'm another returnee). I plan to look at this as simply one step after the other on a life-long journey - there'll be valleys and peaks, easy days and days-from-hell. I just have to get through whatever this day hand me.

You made it yesterday - I hope it gives you the confidence that you can make it today as well.

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Post by FarmerHal » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:11 am

Thank you Giada, for the words of encouragement.

Today was, overall, good. I neglected to remember our field trip, and we all shared a little gelato, but at a fraction of what I normally would've gotten (It was a sample cup size).

I stuck to lunch (subway sandwich, chips and water), NO snacking, (even though I want to RIGHT NOW).
SUpper was soup plus sweet potato chips, from a handful and NOT the whole bag. Too easy to eat the whole thing that way.

Then we had the kids' 4H meeting and I did have 2 small cookies, one sugar (bleh, but dd gave it to me) and one mini sugar cookie with frosting.

So, it was mostly an S day given the circumstances, BUT I am PROUD that I didn't snack (my hardest, hardest problem) nor did I have seconds!

Baby steps, but will be able to be much more dedicated come January.
NOT making excuses. Just realizing how many S days there will be coming up. And repeating to myself that I have good eating habits, I have good eating habits!
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Post by FarmerHal » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:04 am

Ok good day!
B: rice and scrambled egg
L: turkey sandwich and apple with sunbutter
D: chicken wings (salt and pepper and baked) with grapes

Today was the real shovelglove. We had to moved the raised garden beds from the area they were because they are directly over the septic. Lots of shoveling and lifting and more shoveling!!
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Post by Giada » Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:23 am

Hope you had fun in the garden - I love how shovelglove translates so easily to everyday tasks.

(I have three massive compost bins waiting to be turned... I doubt I would have considered tackling them pre-shovelglove.)

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Post by FarmerHal » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:26 pm

So the weekend went well. Snacking and S's were kept at minimum, although yesterday got a little bit nuts with fresh cooked chocolate chip cookies (4) and then went to a caroling party and had 2 more (almond wedding cookies) and some spiced cider. So yum!

Today no snacks, no sweets, no seconds, Right on track (generally I prefer S days to be Friday night through Saturday night).

I keep telling myself I have good eating habits, I do not snack, I do not have seconds. These have to be my CORE habits, my way of eating, forever.

Funny analogy but my dogs- I keep them at a good weight (because they look nice, yes, but 2 of the 4 have orthopedic issues and must be kept lean) by simply feeding them appropriately. It's not a huge mystery (at least I hope!)

So I do for them, I do for myself.

My guts feel A TON better. And I have always HATED going to bed with that horribly overfull tummy, you know the one! Can't sleep, belchy, refluxy, can't get comfortable. I hate that!

So that's this first weekend in, in probably the worst month to start a new way of eating (not diet!), this is forever. It has to be. I don't see any other way, and lord knows I've tried!
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Post by FarmerHal » Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:48 am

Didn't post much this week. Lots of running around and just feeling cruddy dealing with heart palpitations. They seem to be better now thankfully.

I've been good about snacking last week anyway except today was snacky. Don't like the way I feel now, all bloaty.

So far have lost about 4 pounds. I must keep this up. I know it will work.

Funny how my body didn't really give a crap that I was eating just my one plate at meal time. My brain struggles but my body is very happy to not have to be continually digesting and digesting and digesting! Funny, that.

I anticipate January being tough as dh is going back to work after some good, long time off. I've rather enjoyed his company and help aroind the house.

I promise myself to keep trying and keep posting!
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Post by Giada » Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:51 pm

4 pounds gone: great! Hope the palpitations are under control.

(I'm not going to worry about January till I get there - but I think that realising how difficult it can be and being pro-active about it is key.)

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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:16 am

Well, I've finally gone and done it. I'm so fat it's causing a hiatal hernia, which is irritating my heart (because you guts isn't supposed to be shoved up in your chest cavity!) which is making it hard to breathe.

SO, instead of going to a cardiologist to start, DR wants me to lose weight and see if it helps. She wants me to do 30 minutes 5x a week.
I guess I really have no choice. Can't keep going on like I am, even if it is the easiest thing to do.


I hope I can sleep well tonight. No palpitations would be nice.

I've been SO stinking bloated, it's hard to get a good breath :(

I'm a mess.

Had a good N day today.

Not looking forward to Christmas meals :(
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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:23 pm

Good day so far.
30 minutes on elliptical. I watched the 2nd half of Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.
I do feel really good when I juice. I think I will make it a daily breakfast thing. It is full of micronutrients and I really feel great.

I kind think maybe the vitamins I was taking were making me bloat up so terribly. Dr. said that I have a hiatal hernia (stomach up in the chest cavity!) and so I had DH do a chiropractic move I saw on youtube. I could tell a difference right away and my heart stopped the palpitations! I was no longer struggling to breathe.
So, all that belly fat I have (I have a lot, a LOT). is pushing all my organs up, probably due to all the sitting I do. When I stand I feel a lot better. Sitting is uncomfortable. If I lie on my stomach, I feel like I am lying right on a big pillow. Not very comfortable.

I've not been a reasonable weight since I was 18. I'd kinda like to be there sometime.

When dr said my weight "shot up" it was such a sad moment for me. :( I can put on weight in a hot second, and I don't even eat the crap that people assume I eat.


Anyway, making good progress in the face of what is to come for me if I continue to do nothing. Now, to stay motivated.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:37 pm

I love that movie. Mostly because he doesn't claim to have all the answers, he's just sharing his personal experience. So sad what happened to that truck driver though (watch the 2nd one). It just shows how key social support is. I know this forum has been absolutely invaluable to me so keep checking in when you can.

I know it's hard not to feel discouraged when your weight is at a high point but you can do this. Slowly, steadily, sanely. I had really convinced myself that my body was just incapable of losing weight anymore. I was so discouraged and avoided social situations. I'm so glad I hung in there & so happy you are too.

You got this!

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Post by natj » Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:36 am

Just read through your thread.

I am sorry you are going through such a difficult time, but the good news is that you are keeping up your promise by continuing to try hard and post on this board. I think you are inspiring and I know you will keep it up even with having to navigate all of the holidays.

I agree with Linda, YOU can do this!

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Post by FarmerHal » Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:43 pm

How were everyone's Holidays??

Ours was good here.

Christmas dinner though... ended up with some WICKED bad GERD (yay). On a scale of 1-10, 10 being worst, it was an 8!! I had DH take me home early and he returned to the neighbor's house with the kids while I suffered.

IT's becoming clear I need to do low-fat "ish" for my meals. And not spicy. Some of the food was tex-mex. When the family was still at the neighbors (I left at 8pm, they showed up at midnight), I ended up cleaning the kitchen to just do something other than feel pain. Decluttered the tupperwares, cleaned out the utensil drawers, cleaned out all the cups (don't you think ti's time to get rid of sippy cups for your 11 and 9 year olds? they were unused but still taking up space in the cupboards LOL). I even cleaned under the kitchen sink.

So anyway.
Today, I ended up fasting till lunch, just to give my guts a rest. They felt much better. Lunch was juice (from a juicer- cucumber, pear, ginger, kale). Mid day I had some cranberry salsa/cream cheese dip with "mary's gone crackers" crackers (seed-based). I had 2 low-carb chocolate chip cookies (from wheat belly cookbook, I do appreciate that they have very low impact on blood sugar. I can eat 1-2 and be satisfied, VS the frenzy that happens with traditional choc. chip cookies). Then the heartburn started again. Ugh. My poor innards!

Supper was leftover turkey breast slice and mashed potatoes (no gravy), and one cupcake!

And then I tossed the rest of the cupcakes and froze the rest of the cookies for another S day.

Thought about doing a "reboot" (Juice fast) for a few days. My belly is really in a mess. Maybe come January. I don't know. But then it strays from the NOS principles and I start to fret and worry about food and then I set myself up for failure.

Well that's me.

I want to get this belly fat off. My body has sent some SOS's.

And then I think of my uncle Ron, who died from heart disease at 38. I'm 38.

One thing my dr said that made me realize it's not my fault---- (Well it sort of is, but anyway), she said some people have bad skin and really have to work at keeping their skin healthy, some people are overweight and have to work at that.

Reflecting on my family history, when she asked I was like eh, everyone's pretty much fine. But really they're not. My parents don't talk about it much but they have a miriad of health problems. Weight, heart, etc. My mom is on 12 medications. My dad is on 6. I can't even!! Can you? then they are dealing with the side effects of those. I'm not sure I see myself going down that same road.

I think a plant based diet makes a lot of sense. Have plants (not grains) be the center of the meals makes sense. They are packed full of nutrients, which support health.

ANyway, This is turning into a diary, whoops.

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Post by FarmerHal » Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:46 pm

Thank you natj and lpearlmom for your support <3
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Post by LoriLifts » Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:27 pm

Hiya FarmerHal.
Just stopping in to say I remember you and I'm glad you're back.
I hope you feel better soon.
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Post by FarmerHal » Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:33 pm

Thank you, walkerlori!

SO I'm completely annoyed. Heart palpitations all night last night. Was fine all day, now sitting here this afternoon with more palpitations.

I want to connect it to food. I can't figure it out! This is making me insane unhappy.

I had a bad N day, totally failed. Can't seem to get into a routine.


I'm always going to be fat, I'm always going to have these palps.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:43 pm

Plant based diet is definitely worth a try - try googling any of these:-

Forks over Knives
Happy Herbivore
Potato Strong
FatFree Vegan Kitchen
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Post by Merry » Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:28 am

FarmerHal wrote:Hooboy, it's been a while!
Let me give you a run-down of the last couple years:
DX'd with Lyme Disease and treated (twice- first time didn't knock it out) and all my joint pain, fatigue, all the things that I thought was Psoriatic Arthritis was actually Lyme, which I now believe I had for 17 years Untreated!
Just read your check-in thread, and we have something in common! My dh has Lyme disease. His went untreated at least 15 years (possibly 23--one doctor thought that 15 years prior to dx was a reinfection), and has multiple tick-borne illnesses. Anyway, I know treatment can be pretty rough.

Did the dr. give you any ideas of what could help the heart palpitations to be less painful or disrupting during this time while you work to take some weight off? This article on WebMD has a few ideas: http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guid ... lpitations

Anxiety and heart palpitations can also be effects of Lyme disease also--is your regular doctor the one who treated you for Lyme?

I hope you can track down whether specific foods are causing the issues. Hang in there and give your body time to lose the weight. I keep telling myself, I didn't put it on overnight, it won't go away overnight! Holidays are tough too. Give yourself some grace, don't look back, and take each day as it comes. You're off to a great start with 4 lbs. down, and can keep going. We're with you!
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jan 01, 2016 12:13 am

Missed your return. Welcome back. May I humbly say that you have plenty of incentive to use mods early on in this process. I didn't have actual health conditions when I started but I dwelt a LOT on how much I didn't want to feel uncomfortable from eating too much so much of the time. Thin people usually hate the feeling of being stuffed. Cultivate that attitude!

I would check google scholar for information on diet and palpitations. On the net, you are getting mostly opinions or people with an agenda.

Then again, it's worth some experimentation. Different combinations of protein, fat, and starch. Or just amounts. Less salt?

Might as well keep trying. You know what you'll get if you don't.

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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:43 pm

Merry and oolala, thanks for your support ((((hugs))))

I was having a pity party. Those palps are so disturbing, it's about all I can think of. I had them all day yesterday, plus the night before again.

It seems to correlate with... too much food all at once. In doing noS, trying to keep to 3 meals, I tend to load up a bit, so I'm not starving by the next meal time. Logically I know I won't starve, but getting used to having that gnawing hunger feeling is like trying to get used to having to pee really, really bad! LOL. Anyway, the hernia causes bloating and burping and pain and shoves all my guts up into my diaphragm. I was trying a low carb diet again. which ends up being higher fat amounts. My gallbladder is non functioning (thank goodness it doesn't make sludge or stones, it just doesn't work!), so I'm wondering if the fat is irritating it.

I'm thinking of going mostly vegetarian, meat, poultry, fish a couple times a week. Just to see what happens. Definitely staying off wheat though, it doesn't agree with me at all.

I also like how I do when I use the juicer, so I may add that back in (low carb says no, too high in sugar).
See how confused I am?!

ALSO. This year when the trouble with palpitations and digestive issues started I had begun taking magnesium supplements, using magnesium oil, and taking magnesium baths. Seems like EVERY time I take a bath with it, I have a couple days afterwards of palpitations and tummy trouble. Think I'm going to stop with the supplements, since I read that TOO MUCH magnesium can cause palps, digestive trouble, and shortness of breath, all which I had yesterday.

Last night i started to finally feel better. I took some digestive enzymes with supper and that moved things out of my belly pretty quickly and I slept with a hungry stomach all night. No palpitations.

Sitting here all squooshed up in my computer chair, I've had a couple.

Dr. is aware of my Lyme, aware of my weight problem, I had an echo and an EKG, all normal, so she thinks this is all primarily due to my belly fat. She prescribed 30 mins/5x week exercise and weight loss. She thinks more than likely I have a hiatal hernia.

It makes sense. I'm most comfortable tummy-wise if I stand. There's just so much fat mashing everything up into my diaphragm.

This morning I've not yet eaten. I feel much better. I'll eat. But I think 4 small meals vs. 3 big ones. Less meat/fat.


You girls are great! <3
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:23 pm

Just sticking to a limit of eating events will lead in the right habit direction.

It's very possible to still eat a lot of fat eating vegetarian, but you'll find out if it affects other conditions.

Are you not eligible for a referral to a dietician?
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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:34 pm

I am. I just don't want to LOL.
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:51 pm

My impression is that dieticians are more realistic than you'd think. But it's possible the palpitations are not specific-food related.
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Post by Merry » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:12 am

Good to hear from you! I do get having a pity party (occasionally throw one of those myself). I hope you are feeling better and that the 4 smaller meals might work better for you. (((Hugs))) to you!

BTW, dh saw a dietitian when he was pre-diabetic, and she was SO helpful! (He actually was able to get his scores back into healthy ranges through diet and exercise). Anyway...just wanted to share we had a positive experience with one :-)
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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:09 pm

Thanks girls.

I am very distrustful of doctors and any health related field in general due to the poor treatment I received when I was sick with Lyme disease for 17 years (never tested, never correctly diagnosed). I'm now 2 years post treatment and feel better than ever (unless you count the stomach misery). I still won't go unless I'm in pain that I can't fix myself.

As for the palpitations, It sure seems like when my stomach/guts are gassy/bloated, it all pushes up into my chest and then my heart gets these PVCs (pre ventricular contractions, harmless but so annoying). I had them last night after having veggie/barley soup (from Costco, very tasty!), and even having a small bowl, I was gassy, bloated, horrible stomach pain and of course that set off the PVCs.

DH is my savior, I'll say that much. He massaged my belly and worked the gas down from my chest. I was able to sleep pretty well but as long as I was either on my back or just slightly on my side, leaning on a pillow.

Today, I have not eaten. I'm really, really tired of the pain and bloating and PVCs. I did have slippery elm tea with a small amount of coconut oil to try to soothe the angered guts. I also had carrot-apple-cucumber juice from the juicer and that was tasty and inoffensive. I'll be having the same for lunch, and maybe right on through supper.

I need one day of peace, at least.

the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead crew is having a free reboot starting Jan 11. I might sign up. Free recipes and support for 5 days. I probably should. I don't even care about weight loss at this point. Now it's finding sanity!!! As in, no matter what I eat anymore I bloat and hurt and get PVCs. I need some peace.


But I'm here. And I'm grateful for my NoS family. :)
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Post by FarmerHal » Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:58 am

Ok, so the last 3 days looked like this:

Breakfast: carrot, apple, cucumber juice. slippery elm tea with coconut oil
Lunch: same

GAS What the heck.

Dinner. I was so hungry yet so miserable with belly pain. Quite the quandary to experience. Plain hamburger patty, can of green beans with butter.

Once things got moving, the tummy felt a lot better.

B: beef patty
L: beef patty, green beans
D: beef patty, green beans
Feeling better by then tummy-wise

Horrible, terrible awful palpitations, probably causing a panic attack in the middle of the night.

Pretty much the exact same. I had some almonds for a mid afternoon snack
Belly improved.
Very very anxious about bedtime. So worried it would be more misery. Some palps just upon waking. I realize I've been very worried about a handful of things, maybe that is what this is all about after all (it's what my dr mentioned). Sigh.

B: Ground Turkey/cauliflower
L: Turkey/cauliflower, almonds
D: Beef patty, 4 romaine leaves, tomato slices, red onion slices, sautéed mushrooms, raspberries.

Still have a few small palps. Trying to recognize/acknowledge the anxiety. Get the butterflies in the stomach and this ball of knotted anxiety right under my ribcage. Ugh.

Basically eating low carb. I have to say, my mind feels a lot clearer. I'm not very hungry between meals, and even if I am it's just a little bit.

I'm one hot mess. Phew. Yes, I think once I get all in Pj's and looking at the bed I'll probably start to worry that I won't sleep (torture).

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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:17 am

I really hope you can find some relief soon. I have some GI issues of my own, so I feel for you! Have you tried the low FODMAPS diet yet? It basically eliminates foods with sugars that can cause problems in the gut (such as onions, garlic, wheat, broccoli, apples, etc...). I did it for about 3 months last year, and I'm still sort of following it (I should actually get stricter again, because I've been having some issues). Anyway, it isn't easy, but it is doable. Good luck to you!

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Post by gingerpie » Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:14 pm

I'm very sorry to hear about your troubles. I dont really have any suggestions; just offering symapathy. I suppose you've tried a pre-bed relaxation routine/habit? Something you do every single night that signals to your brain that it is time to sleep. Once I'm in bed I count backwards from 100. (the other way is too easy and my mind can wander) Sometimes it helps me to pre-plan "worry times" then, if I wake up in the night anxious or worried, I can -gently- tell myself that I don't have to think about that right now. I'll think about that at such and such time tomorrow. I know someone who, when she wakens anxious in the night, writes her worries down and promises herself to deal with them the next day.

As to the GI issues. I can only offer sympathy, no ideas.

Good luck and kind regards.

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Post by FarmerHal » Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:25 pm

Thanks girls.

Yes, I'm following a FODMAP diet now, and much RELIEF belly wise!

The anxiety yesterday and today just DISAPPEARED... but that correlates with Aunt Flo arriving. I may have had an 'aha' moment! Used to be the first couple of days before Aunt Flow, I would be anxious, fixate on something and for me it was a huge "problem" (even though in reality it's completely not!)

I'm wondering if maybe there might be a hormonal link to the anxiety thing.
It's weird, and it's troubling, but then I get a glorious week or so where post Aunt Flo I am calm and reasonable.
BUT, add to that I was using FOOD to help myself relieve stress and now that outlet is gone, that may be an adjustment for my body, too.
It's just so weird!!

Ok, so food has basically been meat(beef, turkey, chicken) and veg (broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, sweet potato, etc), no fancy flavorings, sauces or such, just a little kerrygold butter and himalayan salt/pepper. That's breakfast, lunch and dinner and along with dinner I have some fruit, like raspberries, strawberries, banana, peach.

MUCH belly relief. MUCH!

My brain... it wants the food. The cravings are much better now off grain, sugar, dairy, beans. Much less intense hunger, too.
Yes, this is low carb, but the thing is, it helps my body function best. I can't argue with that.

So, NoS and Low Carb are hand in hand for me.
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:16 pm

If you have definite health reasons to limit your food types, go to it! I sometimes wish I had such incentives, but more like St. Augustine. ("Oh, Master, make me chaste and celibate - but not yet!") But it really seems a lot of people get in trouble when they try to impose those restrictions without the incentive of relief from suffering or real fear.

Isn't it nice to realize that the anxiety is temporary? And if it's hormones, it makes it even more rational to treat them the same way we treat urges to eat between meals. Basically realize they don't express a true need and divert! Nothing weird about having to deal with whatever role eating was playing.
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:20 pm

Glad you are feeling better. And, hey, whatever works - works ! I vary from the No S formula quite a bit as I don't really do things a whole lot differently on the S days than I do during the week.

A lot of people feel better eating fewer carbs, I know I did back when I was doing Atkins pretty religiously. I don't really eat much real meat but manage to get my protein in lots of other ways.

Again, very glad you are feeling better. :wink:

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Post by FarmerHal » Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:37 pm

Fitbit is the bomb, y'all! DH got one for me and its very cool. Tracks my heart rate (DH got this to help me track my palpitation issues), exercise (even recognized when I was on the elliptical!). And you can enter your food and it tracks calories, even sleep!

B: leftover steak, 2 eggs from my girls
L: Panera cobb salad, no bread, apple, almonds
D: turkey wing, green beans with butter
SWEET for this S day: Wheat Belly Chocolate coconut quick muffin (½)

Exercise for today was 25 mins on the ellipse, and then fitbit said I walked for 18 when shopping.

Woot! Good day :)

My S day goals were held to, and I'm happy I did the wheat belly muffin because it uses stevia vs sugar---- no effect on my blood sugar. No brain "rush" no racing heart, no struggling with craving more sugar.
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:08 am

I resist spending money on any more fitness stuff, but I've considered getting Fitbit because I think it might inspire me to do more housework and yard work. I got inspired this weekend and KNOW I burnt up some extra. I'm also interested because of the sleep monitoring, too.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:44 pm

Today's not been a good day.

Kinda slipping up and snacking.

Trapped indoors because of the record-breaking blizzard here in VA.


But, still exercising, which is good.

Hanging in there.
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:17 pm

Things any better? Got no excuse on this end in SoCal, and thankfully, infractions have been minor over the last week.

It's never too late to have a sane rest of the day.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:31 pm

I hope that no news is good news...
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Post by FarmerHal » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:05 pm

Phew. I posted on the dicussion forum about my bichon, Darby, passing away. Her last month was a bit traumatic for all of us, and we decided to let her go...

In that time, I let noS fall by the wayside, eating my sorrow and my worry.

I feel like I"ve made it through the fog. I still have 3 dogs. One day I hope to have just 2 small dogs! They are a lot of work! I have a PWD (she has the "short coat' which is improper, and sheds, which is a major pain!). She's also a good 50 pounds, into everything, even at age 6.

I have a mini poodle, 10 pounds. He's sweet, but he's got separation anxiety and freaks out regularly (sad to watch).

And a 3.5 pound 3-legged chihuahua. She's her own kind of special. Not only is she tiny and breakable, she also has an esophagus issue and requires her kibble be ground and mixed with warm water so she can swallow it. Otherwise she will aspirate chunks up into her sinus.

I feel like that is one thing filling up my stress bucket is the dogs. I mean, they are fun and sweet and loving, but at the same time, work! I have to vacuum a lot, etc. Lots of work. Can't leave the house for a long time because we always have to return to let them out.

I used to be dog crazy. I had 7 at one point! I think Ive gotten that all out of my system.

My dd also has gerbils and a rabbit, and I have to help her with their care.
And her cat! Lets talk about litter boxes and shedding.

Plus I homeschool 2 kids and as they've gotten older (I have a middle schooler and a grade schooler now), their activities have increased and much more running around and being on time and balancing all the things.

All these things add up, and my brain says "hey! This is STRESSFUL!! You should eat something, ANYthing! You'll feel so good when you do!"

Of course I did. And acid refluxx, weight gain.. you all know the story!

Breakfast: bubba burger (thawed and chopped) with some diced sweet potatoes in avocado oil, salt and pepper.
Lunch: 2 leftover chicken thighs, 8 french fries (kids didn't want) and 2 pieces banana bread
WATER! (maybe coffee, we'll see.)
Last edited by FarmerHal on Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FarmerHal » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:48 pm

Just wanted to add, I think I"m going to go by SIZE rather than weight.

With my Lyme Disease, and all the weird things that goes with that, sometimes if I eat the "wrong' thing, I can put on a good 9 pounds of just EDEMA (water retention) in a matter of hours. My hands swell, my face gets puffy, my belly gets very swollen, my legs and ankles/feet especially will balloon up. It's very depressing, honestly.

I've sorta narrowed it down to foods with MSG, nuts/seeds, alcohol. Well basically anything processed has a good chance that I will swell.

Good times.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:01 pm

Maybe it's an advantage. Letting go of most or all processed foods can be slow or fast, but it's something many maintaining weight losers seem to do. Not that I'd wish Lyme Disease on anyone for that result.

There are many great things to eat left, right?

ALL nuts?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by FarmerHal » Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:59 pm

Doing pretty well, Had a decent weekend. Ate some chinese food that made me siiiiick! No fun there!

Snacking is under control, HOWEVER, mid afternoon, I about have a breaking point of the hungries.

So I've decided a veggie/fruit "snack" is allowed, and my belly/body is happy with that.

Today's food:
B: ground beef and diced sweet potato, salt/pepper (I call this "people food")
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Post by FarmerHal » Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:43 pm

Uff Dah! Seems like a rollercoaster of eating lately.

Back up to 230 this morning. I can put on weight like easy fast!

Last week was 223!


I give up. We had DS's bday party, and I had one plate of food and one S (brownie and ice cream). I'm totally swollen and puffy. I really, really hate having these reactions to food!
The only things I don't react to are beef and chicken from costco only (tyson/perdue, omg not only do I swell, but end up in digestive misery!), sweet potato, potato, butternut or other winter squash, and veggies, melon, raspberries.
I can eat these and not swell. It's amazing.

Breakfast today: 2 beef patties, plain. Coffee with half n half.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:14 pm

I'm so sorry you're struggling with finding foods that don't wreck havoc on your body. Can you eat whole grains and raw nuts? Maybe a vegan diet would work?
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:03 pm

I absolutely don't mean to sound disrespectul It's just ironic that I at times have wished to have some kind of obvious reaction to foods right soon that would make me really want to avoid them. I've got a darn iron stomach. Gluten? Bring it on! Dairy? Watch me! Food coloring, nitrites, aspartame, etc. It all goes down the hatch, likely wreaking havoc I won't find out about until it's much too late. But to be honest, I eat less and less of the modern aberrations as time goes on.

You know, your list of okay foods sound rather similar to some of the foundational foods on lists of certain regional Blue Zone basics. It's limited but no one starves on it. Many thrive, though they don't know much else. (Apparently when they do, they overeat and get fat, too. Everyone's susceptible!)

Is it grains, either whole or flour products, that seem to do it? Dairy? That combo?

Hope this sorts out soon.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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