Imogen's Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Imogen Morley
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Imogen's Daily Check In

Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:21 am


B @6:00: egg salad sandwich, tall glass of sugar-laced iced green tea
L @11:00: curried tuna salad sandwich, kiwifruit, two cups of green tea

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat May 08, 2010 7:19 pm

All right, all right, I haven't been very consistent, both with the HabitCal and this thread. And, to tell the truth, not with the whole plan either :cry:

But I DO want to start over.

Anyway, I've observed something which makes me think I need to introduce a mod if I want to stick to the general rules of No S. One thing is that I have no problem following them on Monday and Tuesday, but Wednesday and Thursday are really HARD for me. Mid-week crisis, stress piling up? Entirely possible. All in all, to make it easier on myself, I need to plan some extra fun on those days, something I will look forward to, like watching an exciting movie or cracking open a brand new book, or perhaps a little shopping trip, to minimize stress and eliminate opportunities/reasons for overeating.
Second thing: weekend S-days are not working for me. Saturdays and Sundays are pretty busy, and most of my socializing falls on the weekdays, so I treat conventional S-days as excuses to binge and stuff myself with food I don't really want. You know, "because I can". Makes absolutely no sense. So my idea is to tweak the plan a little: allow myself two "floating" S-events per week and make them social. For example, if there's a friend's birthday's party coming up, I can plan the event in advance. Then, in the middle of the week, I may be seeing another friend for dinner and I'll make it S, so that we can share a fancy dessert. I use up my S-day allotment and I'm done, period.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:45 am

OK, Reinhard, you win... again. I'm not going to mod and tweak, and I'll try to remember that I can't fail on S-days.

So I'm giving No S another (hopefully long and successful!) shot. But no tweaking this time, no anticipating failures, problems and solving them before they appear. No snacks, no sweets, no seconds, 3 meals a day (one moderate plate each), S-days are free.

This is my first day. Scary!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:52 am

Three green days under my belt. So far so good! I love 3 meals a day routine, it fits my lifestyle and it's definitely something I'm going to stick to for life.

I'm planning some nice treats for Saturday and Sunday, but drilling myself in "you can't fail on S-days".

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:09 pm

Ummm... how many times have I restarted already?

Sticking with No-S long term is a big issue for me. I do fine for a week or a week and a half, and then... go figure. I am also VERY indecisive if it comes to sugar. Sometimes I think I'm seriously (on both physiological and emotional level) addicted to it, and sometimes (especially when I feel like trying intuitive eating again) I'm totally convinced I've been demonizing sugar and it's not that bad at all. In this first scenario, I'm paralyzed by fear when an S-day comes, believing that a bite of something sugary will set me up for a binge - and it almost always is a self-fulfilling prophecy. In the second one, I eat everything in sight, "because I can". UGH.

Vanilla No S sounds simple, sexy and elegant. I want to stick to it!

I'm pressing "reboot" now and trying again. I'll do my best to update Habitcal every day and post here as often as I can. Proactive planning my S-days (I've already compiled a list of absolutely decadent, delicious treats I could not live without) is another strategy I'm going to use which I have not tried with my previous attempts on No S.

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Post by NoelFigart » Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:10 pm

Maybe you should give yourself permission to go crazy on S days for awhile to get it out of your system.
My blog I talk about being a freelance writer, working out and cooking mostly. The language is not always drawing room fashion. Just sayin'.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:56 pm

I definitely am a perfectionist (which is just a fancier word for "epic procrastinator" :?) and allowing myself to go crazy is SCARY, but I know what you mean.

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Post by gettheweightoff » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:50 pm

Wow, I have the same issues as you and I am also torn about S days and feel like I have failed so many times at this.

The main thing is that we are always willing to re-try because ultimately we know there is a sense of peace with the no-s diet.

Keep on keeping on!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:30 am

I had a terrible, sleepless night, and woke up feeling groggy. I had "late" breakfast (at work) - 3 saltine and peanut butter sandwiches, which are my perfect defaults on days like this, and a small bottle of cherry yogurt. Then espresso with milk and two teaspoons of sugar.
I guess I just have to survive the rest of the day, get some exercise in the afternoon, and go to bed at a decent hour. Oh, and update my Habitcal before hitting the sack!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:57 am

On week in, two pounds down. I always seem to be losing weight easily once I start No-Sing, but being consistent and LIVING (not just dieting) with No S is a totally different story.

I had moderately wild weekend, which started (oops!) on Friday evening. I could have skipped a plate of greasy fries and 2 cups of chocolate pudding which I (sort of) binged on around midnight yesterday :roll: It was that pesky "I have to eat everything in sight before the weekend is over!" mentality kicking in. Lesson learned, I hope - there's no use eating something that isn't enjoyable. I really do like having my meals when I'm hungry - everything tastes sooo delicious!

5-day break from desserts made me very sensitive to sugar. A cup of ice cream with caramel sauce was waaay too sweet to finish it.

On hindsight, I should have planned my weekend treats, instead of "going with the flow" - which usually means snacking mindlessly on anything sugary I can find at home. Next weekend, I'll get 3-4 things from my list to make sure I have plenty of satistying options around.

Another thing that requires tweaking: I'm not paying enough attention to nutrition. My meals have been far from healthy recently :/ I don't feel good when I eat crap, so it's time to get off my lazy butt and start preparing healthy, yummy food I can grab anytime.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:44 pm

Aaaand... three red days in a row (sigh). Enough said.

I DO feel better when I eat three proper meals and don't cram so much sugar into my body. Why do I love eating more than myself?

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Post by Kevin » Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:56 am

Because mother nature says "eat." It's hard to argue with a million years of instinct developed around not-so-much-food just because it is unbelievably plentiful now. ;)
Imogen Morley wrote:Aaaand... three red days in a row (sigh). Enough said.

I DO feel better when I eat three proper meals and don't cram so much sugar into my body. Why do I love eating more than myself?
1/13/2011-189# :: 4/21/2011-177# :: Goal-165#
"Respecting the 4th S: sometimes."

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:59 pm

Been permasnacking all weekend. Not doing well at the moment.

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Post by Kevin » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:18 am

Yeah. Gotta respect the 4th S (sometimes). Before you eat something, try asking yourself if you are hungry or whether you could wait until you are hungry. Works for me.
Imogen Morley wrote:Been permasnacking all weekend. Not doing well at the moment.
1/13/2011-189# :: 4/21/2011-177# :: Goal-165#
"Respecting the 4th S: sometimes."

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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:18 pm

Inspired by the recent article from "Psychology Today", claiming that you need roughly 45 days to create new neural pathways, and tired with my flaky No S record, I want to try out a certain mod: eating desserts in moderation (max 2 servings) only on social occasions.

The S events I will indulge on need to meet the following criteria:
- be social (at least one other person involved),
- preplanned (like parties, birthdays, coffee dates, big shopping trips etc.),
- meaningful and special to me.

Examples of S-events: parties, birthdays, namedays, anniversaries and other celebrations of people close to me, dates with my SO and friends, travel, vacation, family Sunday dinner.
Examples of non S situations: coworker (especially disliked!) bringing ice cream to the office, boyfriend munching on cookies in front of his laptop and offering me some, or mom presenting a store-bought cake.

I'll do my best to document my progress (or the lack of it) both here and in my HabitCal for 45 days. Greens - days without desserts of any kind and successful S events (up to 2 servings of some sugary treat on social, preplanned, special and meaningful occasions). Reds - days of solitary snacking, days with too much sugar on otherwise perfectly acceptable occasions, and other slip-ups.

Off to re-read "The Willpower Instinct". Boy am I gonna need it!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:56 am

7/6 Two small pieces of cake and some ice cream (one large scoop or two smaller) at a preplanned family dinner.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:33 pm

8/6 Failure. Had seconds at dinner and then the what the hell effect kicked in, so I indulged in chocolate pudding - which I consider a semi-fail, as it was a social occasion, just not preplanned, and it wasn't an enjoyable experience at all.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:55 pm


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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:05 pm

Oh boy. MAJOR strep throat case. I didn't track anything for more than a week - a row of sick days, but if I wanted to be really, painfully honest, a row of red days.
My boyfriend pointed out that I was being too strict with this mod. He complained how it took away spontaneity and ruined enjoyment, and warned me that he didn't expect much success from this strategy. By chance, I've run across lbb's check in and read about Motorin's idea of, let's name it, "no solitary eating ever". And this is exactly what gets me into trouble... P got all excited, because that means he can bring me sweets on weekends (something he often does) and not get scolded.
Still not feeling very well, and still pondering that mod.

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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:17 am

So sorry to hear you've been sick - hope you're doing better soon!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:37 pm

Thanks, Amy! :)

I need to redefine my understanding of the word "failure". To somebody like me, struggling with emotional overeating (I think it's crucial to discern the difference between emotional OVEReating and emotional eating, which almost everybody engages in from time to time), failure is eating on autopilot, out of compulsion. Therefore, I think it is possible to fail on S days. Most frequent example in my case: eating everything sweet in sight on Sunday out of the fear of scarcity in the upcoming five days.
I love three-meals-a-day structure. I'm pretty sure I'll be happy doing it for the rest of my life. But I would like to eat sugar by choice. Not because "it's there", not because "it will make me feel better and forget all the bad things that happened today", not because "it's Saturday and I can". I want to eat treats for the right reason: pleasure, and nothing else.
In the light of this discovery, I went out for ice cream with my mother this afternoon. There's a certain ice cream parlor we had been eyeing for almost a year, and today seemed like a perfect day to have a sample - it's been awfully hot here. She had a medium cone with extras, I - small one, with no add ons, plain, just as I like best. I certainly didn't expect much from it - some cool relief on a super hot day, fleeting taste of sugar on my tongue. I ate my portion and felt OK with it. Most of all, I don't consider it a failure. Every day when I eat out of physical hunger (N days) and occasionally indulge for pure pleasure (S days) is a success. I'm wondering if I should skip S days altogether and just go with the flow... But then, I like having my options limited on weekdays, as it ends the exhausting inner debate whether to eat dessert or not...

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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:39 pm

Yeah, I can see why plain vanilla made me reach my "ideal weight" during the last 1,5 years. It completely eliminated the exhausting decision-making process. For the time being, I want to go back to basics, and set 600 kcal limit on my sweet splurges (Fridays and Sundays being my S days). No changes in my current exercise routine - 14 min of stationary bike in the mornings, and walking for 80 min total (errands, going to and from work, walks etc.) almost every day.

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Post by MJ7910 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:54 pm

Imogen Morley wrote: But I would like to eat sugar by choice. Not because "it's there", not because "it will make me feel better and forget all the bad things that happened today", not because "it's Saturday and I can". I want to eat treats for the right reason: pleasure, and nothing else.

I'm wondering if I should skip S days altogether and just go with the flow... But then, I like having my options limited on weekdays, as it ends the exhausting inner debate whether to eat dessert or not...
wanted to comment on these two points as i think about them a lot! i would also like to eat snacks and sugar when it is the "right" time and nto just because i can. i have a hard time so far being new to No S knowing when it's ok and when it's not so i just go with it on S days if i want it. I am hoping some day i will be able to just not desire that stuff but i'm not sure if that is realistic. sometimes you just need a good ice cream or a good brownie.

i wish S days were an option to "skip" but then i'm worried i'd never give myself any S days and I'd go back into diet mentality. Maybe what I want to say is "well it's an S day so I'm allowed to have a treat or two today if I choose and if it presents itself"... what a nice feeling that woudl be if i really wanted it and it fit right in without extra obsession
Current BMI: 22.9. Height: 5'4.5"
Highest BMI: 25.5 in August 2011.
Lowest adult BMI: 20.8 in February 2012.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:34 pm

I love your signature! This is exactly my goal.
I know, though, that people like us do best with clear rules, so No S is the most sensible option for now. I want to believe that I will have that nonchalant, carefree approach to food some day - but the first step is mastering S days. When I started No S, the only thing I wanted was weight loss. Now when that goal has been achieved, I want "normalcy" - ability to enjoy some sugary stuff from time to time without going overboard or obsessing over it afterwards. It would be wise to practice moderation on S days first.
Once I was planning weekend binges, no kidding. Now I anticipate mindful indulgences, but I still feel the pressure to get my sweet fix on S days, so "sometimes" is somewhere far down the road for me.
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by MJ7910 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:36 pm

yeah i know the feeling of early on S days. I don't feel like i'm planning a binge, but definitely planning on what treats i want.
Current BMI: 22.9. Height: 5'4.5"
Highest BMI: 25.5 in August 2011.
Lowest adult BMI: 20.8 in February 2012.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:34 am

Starting again...

19/06 SUCCESS I felt peckish in the evening after a walk, so I had some milk, otherwise - perfect compliance, yay! Feeling a little anxious about the fast approaching Friday, which is one of my two weekly S days.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:28 pm

20/06 NEAR MISS I had a cookie at the office. Not the best idea if it comes to forming a habit... but I stopped at one, so let's consider it a near miss.

21/06 NEAR MISS I barely slept, and my body is screaming for sugar. I bought two pastries on my way to work, half-asleep, and ate one for breakfast. UGH. It did terrible things to my energy level, as is always the case with carb overload. After a protein-based lunch accompanied by a cup of unsweetened latte I felt much, much better, mood- and energy-wise. Plus, I gave the other pastry to my coworkers to share. I'm planning to buy some nuts - cashews, almonds, pistachios - and keep preportioned servings (roughly 450 kcal) in my desk drawer at the office for days such as this, as nuts would make an excellent meal replacement.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:46 pm

22/06 S DAY: I've tested out the promise of reward today. Just for the sake of the experiment I didn't limit my sugar intake in any way, just grabbed the usual S day treats on my way home from work: two large scoops of artisan ice cream, then Magnum ice cream bar, and a small packet of cookies. Ate it all in under two hours. Results?
THEY'RE NOT AS GOOD AS I EXPECT. It was a totally mediocre experience, even though I was trying to eat as slowly and mindfully as possible. I'm curious if that discovery will have any lasting effect on my S day habits...

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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:06 am

I had a very sane weekend, actually. I ate sweets whenever somebody else was having them (-> social occasions only) and never more than two servings at a time, otherwise I didn't look for any. Yesterday I had a lovely, looong walk with my best friend, and simply didn't have time to think about food. What a relief!

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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:55 am

Awesome! :D

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:40 pm

News about the upcoming re-organization of my office, combined with the possiblity of a) losing my job, or b) being forced to once again work with abusive people I managed to escape from 1,5 years ago, made me abandon my sane eating goals and binge all week. 56,5 kg/124 lbs on the scale. Yeah, I'm still within my "perfect" range, but my main concern is the destructive eating behavior I've been engaging in. Not good. Especially in hard times, I need solid, reliable, DOABLE eating pattern - namely vanilla No S. Yeah, it will involve some extra work to keep weekends under control, but I have to believe I can do it.
I'll keep HabitCal as previously: green days - perfect compliance, yellows - near misses, reds - full-blown binges, blanks - S days/days with S events.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:05 pm

Just a thought: S-days teach me that sweets are something important. Is this healthy?

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:40 pm

I've never been good at pre-plating my food, I must confess. Now, as I am tightening vanilla No S a little (OK, a lot), I pre-plate EVERYTHING. All I want to eat must fit in a single layer (no stacking, even with bread!), and overflowing plates are considered cheating. It has to be a NORMAL plate, with some edges showing. I'm pretty enthusiastic about it - this an elegant solution which doesn't require any calorie counting. After reaching the "target weight", I've become downright lazy with No S, but no more - for the sake of lifelong good habits, I'm getting stricter. If I get leaner, too... well, that would be a nice side-effect.
Hunger is not a huge issue for me, and I find myself wondering how much of it is too much. My stomach starts growling slightly for about 1,5 hours before mealtime. Is that normal?

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:21 pm

After 5 days of strict pre-plating (and of course general vanilla No S) I weigh 55.2 kilograms/121 pounds, the lowest EVER.
Saturday has been totally unsatisfactory as an S-day. Most of my treats - not so long ago absolute favourites - have been bland and disappointing. There's one thing that is always worth a splurge, though - Magnum Almond ice cream bar. Contemplating going to my corner store and getting one... or maybe I'll wait until tomorrow? Or even next week?

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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:14 am


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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:38 am

20/12: SUCCESS. I did eat a slab of cheesecake my colleague brought me, but I skipped the lunch to minimize the damage and keep 3 meals routine.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:46 am

21/12: SUCCESS. Still a success, no binging, no what-the-hell-effect, but dinner plate was a bit overloaded, and I had a small slice of cake with lunch - another coworker bringing in homemade sweets. Orange/yellow successes are more like "near misses" or "little failures".

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:21 pm

22-23/12: SUCCESS. I don't feel like having a proper S weekend... I had a couple of bites/licks of whatever I was preparing for Christmas, though. I'm happy I haven't had the urge to binge even if I bent the rules a bit in the past few days.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:36 am

So here I am, again, after a totally unsuccessful experiment with intuitive eating. I do love having three square meals a day, so at least I wasn't grazing or snacking, just sticking to the routine that feels best. Sweets, however, are a completely different issue. Beforehand I was quite successfully following my tailor-made mod of having three desserts a week after Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday dinner. But then I decided to have sweets not on some predetermined days, but only when I really, really, really want them. Turned out I wanted them every day in the last week, and in industrial quantities. I simply forgot about two harsh truths:
a) your body can be fooled into thinking it needs sugar (lack of sleep, consumption of foods high in sugar and fat, stress etc. can do that to you)
b) I am an emotional overeater.
I haven't regained any weight that I previously lost (thanks to my rather active lifestyle, I guess), but psychologically I feel horrible. Unmotivated, disappointed, dirty. Too much sugar makes me feel uncomfortable and bloated. Suddenly I started yearning for good old days of vanilla No S - I need some serious detox, longer periods of time between treats, because, quite simply, the more I have it, the more I want it.
So yesterday I had a very idiotic S day ("last supper syndrome"). This morning, however, determined to have pleasurable, enjoyable, sane, and non-idiotic Sunday, I can't decide what treats I want, if any. Nothing sounds particularly good, so I might actually end up having an N day. I had two tiny pieces of brownie that I baked yesterday for the family, and they were pretty good.
Still waiting for an answer to a very poignant question: what's the most enjoyable use of my freedom today?
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:09 pm

Nothing looked particularly good, but nonetheless I polished off two more pieces of cocoa brownie plus a hazelnut wafer smeared with peanut butter. I took my time eating both treats, put them on a plate, used a fancy dessert fork, and poured myself a cup of hot English tea. Brownie was really good, chewy and crispy on the sides, and tasted divine accompanied by a glass of cold milk.
When I was out in town runnings errands I had a scoop of artisan mint ice cream from a seasonal ice cream truck. I hate eating when walking, so I sat down on a bench in the park to give myself sufficient time to enjoy my treat. They sell it only during summer, and it really is damn GOOD. My ice cream definitely exceeded all expectation, as it was very refreshing and not too sweet. Next Sunday I'm going to have two scoops of some flavours I've never had before. It would be fun to make it a summer tradition, and then wait for the whole year for the truck to appear in the same place in June. Also, I'm going to serve myself really decadent Saturday breakfasts: waffles, different oatmeal/porridge variations, French toast etc.
So far so good. Choosing only the things that I really want or treats that are seasonal, eating slowly, with utensils, in tiny bites, with hot tea on the side is a good strategy to maximize pleasure without sacrifice or deprivation.

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Post by snapdragon » Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:39 pm

Just dropping by to say "hi". I am just back too. I enjoyed reading your thread and understand about the ice cream! Enjoy your Sunday!
Starting weight 185
Healthy BMI 139
Willingness without action is fantasy

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:00 pm

Hi there, snapdragon :) You're very much welcome. I hope I'll be able to keep up with this thread!

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:25 pm

I shouldn't have looked for recipes when feeling peckish :( My family brought me an assortment of cakes from the party they were attending this afternoon, so I finished the day with two squares of fruit cake and a slab of cheesecake.
Marking this as red. I was an idiot - seven desserts in one day! *hangs her head in shame*
As wosnes rightly pointed out in my recent thread on the general forum, I'm overthinking the whole thing. Why not stick to my mod if vanilla never really worked? Still, I feel it's time to stop the slightly obssessive calorie counting anyway. I'm sitting on the fence if it comes to vanilla vs. mod issue. I'll see what happens. The single most important thing right now is to have perfect compliance tomorrow.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:17 am

I felt best and didn't have so many cravings when...
- I ate 3 plates a day and protein-based breakfast (eggs, fish, meat, nuts),
- had three desserts a week, after Wed, Fri, and Sun dinner,
- never ate any sugar between meals on empty stomach.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:54 pm

B: Hungarian lecso (pepper/onion/tomato stew) + slice of homemade wholewheat bread + 1/2 chicken sausage, coffee w/milk&sugar
L: slice of bread + guacamole + boiled egg + apple
D: 2 cabbage rolls + slice of bread (a peculiar but tasty combination)
Protein breakfasts keep me going for HOURS, and eating sugary stuff after proper meals keeps cravings at bay.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:02 pm

I have been doing well, though my dinner plate was decidedly overloaded. I feel a little bit too full right now. Treat for tomorrow - homemade raspberry cheesecake.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:57 pm

Lots on my mind right now...
I know what works, and what prevents the food obssession. Three moderate plates of food a day is a way to go. No snacks, they just spoil my appetite, and I really like being slightly hungry for my next meal - it makes everything 50% more delicious. I don't get as many cravings as usual and feel fuller for much longer on days when I include some nuts in my meals. Eating after 6 pm makes it difficult to sleep soundly and comfortably. Consuming sugar after a protein-based meal doesn't make me crave more of it later. I can even have pastry as a meal, provided that I round it up with milk or latte, fruit, and a handful of nuts. The more often I eat something, the more I want it.
Thinking of another little mod: eating sweets when I really want them or when I want to simply appreciate their flavour, but only after well-balanced meals and if the serving I intend to eat fits on my plate.
I'm allergic to intuitive eating. Yeah, giving yourself permission to eat whatever you've been previously depriving yourself of cures the psychological side of cravings, BUT it can backfire if it comes ot human physiology - sugar begets sugar. And eating high glycemic carbs makes you physically hungry. The body is easily tricked.
About emotional eating: I wouldn't go as far as saying that all emotional eating is a problem. Emotional OVEReating, scarfing down the food withour barely tasting it, desperate and futile attempts to fill the hole in your soul - that's . If it's the only coping strategy you know, maybe you should maximize its effect. Say, I'm craving pudding because I'm sad/bored/lonely etc. Fine. I grab a cup, pour its contents into a pretty bowl, take a spoon, my favourite book or just open my laptop. I browse Pinterest or read while taking tiny spoonfuls of my treat. I remember that when I used to eat for emotional reasons, but in that way - slow, celebratory, pleasant, without rushing - I was either satisfied/consoled very soon and/or with far less of the good thing or I just had enough time to realize that food won't solve the underlying problem. I firmly believe that reasonable amounts of food eaten for emotional reasons are not the problem. They can act in the same way as bubble baths or walks in the park - help you counteract uncomfortable events with pleasant ones.
I don't think that eating for coping or for pure sensory pleasure is bad and should be avoided at all cost. It's just needs to be... contained. Conscious. The consolation and satisfaction are not at the end of the experience, they're part of the experience.
No S gives me gentle limits I can live with. That limits are the number of meals and the diameter of a plate.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:29 pm

I've already snacked (4 cookies and a handful of pretzels). I'm determined, however, to minimize the damage. I'll mark today as yellow (near miss) if I finish the day with only one minor fail under my belt. Still, it's a major fail in terms of habit formation. Excuses won't be tolerated.
I'm going to eat my dinner as if nothing happened, and have the previously planned dessert if I find room for it on my plate. If not, it can wait.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:11 pm

So it's red. Damn. It was probably the what the hell effect kicking in. Or possibly the fact that I had too much sweets around the house. I didn't really WANT any of that stuff... it was an automated response to stress.
Note to self: don't keep sweets at home. Variety stimulates appetite. And buy smaller/single serving packages of your favourite treats when you want to indulge. One S at a time, so to speak.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:45 pm

I vividly remember my two perfectly sane weekends - the ONLY sane weekends I ever had when going full frontal vanilla for 3 years. I kept in mind research - how small&frequent pleasures beat fewer and larger, so after each of my three meals I had a small treat - a piece of homemade cake or a small portion of some really fancy dessert. I purposefully underindulged, kept my portions tiny but regular. I always had something to look forward to. I wasn't feeling stuffed or deprived, just serene, satisfied, simply happy. I never regret passing up dessert or taking a smaller portion, but I always, always, always wish I hadn't eaten so much during my weekends.
I've decided to do vanilla once more, and underindulge a little. The key to success, I think, might be limiting variety of my treats, so that I'm not tempted to go overboard. There's that fun idea I've been toying with for a while - drawing slips of paper with the names of my favourite treats from a special box. Intermittent reward at its best... And say, I get a box of really divine English shortbread biscuits. I'll have one after each weekend meal, and put the rest away until the next S day, and until the next... or I'll bring leftovers to the office. It might be a bit risky, keeping the box around, but I think I'll go for it.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:01 pm

A bit nervous about the upcoming weekend and weigh-in, but full of determination to go to bed on Sunday feeling satisfied, not stuffed and resentful.
My plates this week have been a little overloaded. I need to remind myself that a moderate plate has some edges showing :lol:
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:35 am

Well, well, well. 50,7. I gained on vanilla :/
I'm going to watch my plates more closely. They've been on a heavy side lately.
I've again grown to love being hungry for my meals. It makes the simplest of dishes delicious beyond words. Also, trying out the concept of underindulging this weekend, so desserts are kept for after the meals and in tiny quantities - 1/2 or even 1/4 of my usual portion.
Saturday update: so far so good. I'm not too happy about the fourth meal I had (that was pure gluttony): French toast, maple syrup, and strawberries. Carefully observing my feelings I realized that nothing I ate today was stellar. Nothing made my tastebuds go bananas. In hindsight, I could have skipped the biscuits - very mediocre. But I had only two of them, so - it's still progress!
Interesting: following Wansink's ("Mindless Eating") advice to have a bite or two of your favourite treat, and then go do something distracting, I managed to eat sugar in moderation that was completely astounding (but only after meals!). I sampled Kider Maxi King bar which wasn't particularly memorable, just OK. The cup of vanilla custard may be eaten tomorrow or next week, but again - if I employ that method, a cup should provide two or even three servings. Spoon some into a small bowl, and then eat.
Sunday update: sheesh! I should have known better. I'm SO bloated! I feel better when I compose my meals right, with just one serving of grains at each. And kefir, I love Danone kefir! I need to be stricter about plate proportions and general size. And just because I can have the fourth meal, it doesn't mean I should go for it - consequences can be irritating. I passionately hate it when my pants feel tight. In hindsight, I haven't exercised as much as I used to this week - I skipped it on several ocassions. Not a good idea. First, it breaks the habit. Second, clothes don't fit that well... I need to keep the routine of 60 minutes of purposeful exertion (walk, fitness video, yoga etc.) every single day.
I overdid it with cake after dinner, simply because I was lingering too long at the table. When sweets are hidden, I don't seem to be craving them so much. And I really DO need only a bit or two. Even my favourite custard was not something to write home about... which is the proof that Dr. McGonigal was completely right, stating that we simply can't tolerate the stress of waiting, and that the promise of reward rarely lives up to our expectations. Wansink, too: it's the food proximity, not the taste, that drives consumption. 15 minutes after a bite of cake I'm as satisfied as if I had a huge slab - but I'm 100% happier. Of course, I want more once I have the taste, I won't deny it - but I only need to do something distracting for the craving to quickly pass away.
I succumbed to the "stress of wanting". Or maybe I was just getting anxious that the weekend is almost over = no sweets (which I didn't enjoy THAT much anyway!) for the next five days? So I had a glass of milk, some pie, and biscuits. Damn. Things to remember: view every choice as the commitment to all your future choices. Tomorrow will be just like today. And remember that the promise of reward almost never feels as good as you imagine.
I'm torn between my love for the elegance and simplicity of No S and the obvious benefits of calorie counting. Some foods are just calorie dense, no matter how you look at it. I was the most successful when I combined calorie counting and three meals a day, no snacking. So... vanilla + back to counting?

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:15 pm

Following your thread with great interest. You may remember we both tried awhile ago to have a small amount of sweets daily, I think was the mod (after dinner or something). I've also tried calorie counting with limited success, but Vanilla hasn't been good either. I can't ever have unlimited access to food, because I binge. I really do prefer moderation every day.

Good luck and keep posting! Loving your posts!

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:02 am

Thank you for the kind words, Sinnie :) Yes, I do remember our collective tampering with vanilla! :D I'm slowly accepting the fact that I just can't keep to the original concept of No S. After two generously sugared up days getting back on track is VERY difficult, and the thought of quitting desserts for 5 DAYS *gasp* makes me feel panicky. I always have insane cravings on Sunday evenings!
I think it's time to get back to my last mod: having moderate dessert after Wed, Fri, and Sun dinner (3 preplanned S-events a week). Paradoxically, regular supply of my favourite treats made me happy and thin, but in order to be successful doing it long-term, I had to be very, very strict - dessert after dinner means no cookies with my coffee at work, thank you very much. I also need to be more vigilant about plating, and counting calories (just rough estimates) keeps me honest. I should listen to wosnes and not overthink the whole issue, just get back to the system that worked for me in the past.
And you know what that means? Dessert tomorrow! :)

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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:22 am

Only two days back on track, and my pants already feel a little looser, and the dreadful bloat is gone. Woohoo! I am careful about my plates, making rough estimates of how much calories each of them has, and I try to stay within 500-600 calorie range, which means I get mildly hungry before my next meal, but not ravenous.
Today is Wednesday - S event after dinner! In the spirit of the recent research ( ... snack.html) and my own weekend discoveries, instead of having 12 mini butterfingers, as previously intended, I'm going to have only 3. I need to keep in mind that if eating one piece of cake feels good, eating twenty pieces of cake won't feel like twenty units of good. The first two-three bites are the most wonderful. If I keep eating after that, I won't feel better and better - quite the contrary. There's a chance I'll feel worse. Eating more won't improve the taste or make me feel any better.
Oh, and the strategy of having small treats throughout the day definitely backfired last time in terms of habit formation. I quickly get used to having "a little something" after each meal, and my body soon started craving sugar. That's why I prefer to keep my S events single and contained, and not eat sweets every day, even if I can fit them into my calorie budget.
OK, I admit: I'm excited. Looser pants&Scottish butterfingers on the same day :D

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Post by snapdragon » Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:50 pm

I need to copy your bolded statement onto an index card and read it daily!

Have a wonderful day!!!!!
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Post by jw » Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:15 pm

Those really are words to live by! I am quite capable of being an Idiot on hot S days when there is ice cream in the house!
"The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective." -- El Fug

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:08 am

Thanks for stopping by!
Fantastic day yesterday - productive yet fun. For most of the day I didn't even remember about my treat! After dinner I put 4 mini butterfingers on a plate, poured myself a cup of delicious English tea, ate my dessert with gusto, and then I busied myself for the rest of the evening. Of course, right after I finished my treat I felt the urge to have some more, but as soon as I started doing something a little distracting (tidying up the kitchen in my case) it was completely forgotten. And I used to have an insatiable sweet tooth...
Just wait. Go do something interesting. It will pass.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:41 pm

Not so happy about today - I snacked a fair bit, all for emotional reasons. I had a hellish day at work, so I nibbled on pretzels and popcorn chips for the whole afternoon :( Life happens. I had normal dinner, though, and Friday means another dessert - more butterfingers for me!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:02 pm

Not a bad day, though not perfect either. I had a half of a biscuit (stress and paperwork piling up) before I left the office. Nevertheless, I'm sort of proud of myself - it didn't turn into a full-blown binge or a classic case of WTH effect, and I really stopped after just a half. The more I practice moderation with my S-worthy treats, the more I realize I don't need industrial amounts to feel satisfied. The key to moderation is, quite simply, waiting out the urge to have more that shows just right after you finish the first couple of (most flavourful!) bites.
Weigh-in tomorrow morning, and a major family event on Sunday + restaurant dinner.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:08 am


I've started losing again, slowly but steadily. If I hadn't binged last weekend it would have been even better :roll:
I'm quite anxious about tomorrow and that big family feast... Restaurant portions are SO huge!

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:09 pm

Major binge yesterday. I was doing fine with my small desserts mod, but no, I wasn't good enough - I told myself I should eliminate the EVIL stuff, like HFCS or palm oil, and keep my desserts "clean". And "Last Supper syndrome" kicked in, so I devoured leftover butterfingers and some almond butter, and pizza that would have been normally my breakfast. That's really stupid. Making food, ANY food, off limits always sets me up for a binge. So I vowed to myself: I restrict nothing. Even if it's swimming in trans fats, if I really want it - I'll have it.
I had a very thought provoking conversation with my wonderful fiance. I don't normally share my food struggles with him, but he reminded me that's also something he would like to know about. So I poured my heart out. At some point he asked why I eat sweets on some predetermined, fixed days, instead of eating whenever the mood strikes. He's always been a "normal eater", and I was always amazed at his ability to buy a sleeve of biscuits, eat one, two tops, and leave the rest completely forgotten. I've finally started to understand him a little better, because now I know I, too, can eat just one piece of cake and be perfectly satisfied with it. "What's your secret?", I asked. "I only eat sweets when I really, really want them", he answered. To him, my method - eating sweets on fixed days - is strange and ineffective in the long term. "You eat whether you want it or not, only because you fear it will be taken from you, fear you'll have to give it up".
He's encouraging me to take the plunge. Eat whatever I want, no restrictions, whenever I want - with caveats. It has to be a proper desserts after meal, not a snack, and something that I'm truly DYING for. I love P with all my heart, he's the wisest guy I've ever met in my life - but I'm scared. He understands, though, how No S takes the tiresome decision-making away, but he doesn't believe that decision-making is the biggest problem for people like me. Restriction, prohibition which fuels desire - that is. "Give it two full weeks and just observe, you can always get back to your previous mod". Well, in two weeks time I'm going to a bachelorette party, so weight gain would be a real bummer!
I'm torn. But I tried a bit today. When the family had challah bread after breakfast, I put aside three slices to enjoy it later. It's still waiting until a real craving hits. Then we had a major family event followed by a restaurant dinner. I was surprised when the waitress brought various dishes on big platters and encouraged us to serve ourselves. Great! I skipped raspberry cheesecake, because I can have it anytime I want, and I don't like raspberries that much. Instead, I had a small slice of strawberries&cream cake (not something I eat often, and it was really good), and ice cream, because it was an insanely hot day. I have a jar of Nutella in the cupboard (evil food full of palm oil!), so far zero desire to eat any.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:42 am

I'm in the minority here - I count calories, my allotment is 12 000 per week. I'm good at budgeting (both money or calories), and frankly, I quite enjoy it. After a few years I know the caloric value of virtually any food that I regularly eat, along with its proper portion size (adjusted to my needs), so the whole process is as painless as you can get. Tallying up for the day takes me three minutes tops. Without counting, I usually end up eating too much or too little, never "just right".
However, I've identified one trap I usually fall into: after I realize I have some calories left, I eat something sugary "just because I can", which is very similar to the problem I had while doing vanilla - eating sweets not because I really wanted them, but because I could. So the next time I have some room for dessert I'm going to ask myself if I truly crave it. I can save calories for those (rare) ocassions when I come across something particularly divine or a real craving hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm still practising moderation and I've learned that I need only a small portion to be satisfied (when I eat to appreciate flavour) or emotionally soothed (when I crave comfort food for emotional reasons).

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:58 am

Imogen, I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with counting calories in such a way. I know what you mean about enjoying it, and it not taking much time because you are already so familiar. I am not in the habit currently, but in the past have noticed the same thing. I find that even if I don't know the exact caloric value, I don't stress, because truly sometimes a good enough estimation is, well, good enough. It works for some people and that's great - keep it up!!!

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:04 am

Interesting observation:
I had a craving for a sugar biscuit (always in supply in my office), so I ate one after my lunch. It felt snacky to me, because I ate it at my desk, not right after the meal at the dining table... Then a craving for something even sweeter kicked in, so I went upstairs to get a Bounty bar from a vending machine - but as it was empty, I walked to our corner shop, grabbed two bars (Bounty and my absolute favourite, Peanut Butter Kit Kat)... and then waited like 10 minutes in a veeery long and slow-moving queue. During that time my craving passed completely, besides - now it would be a snack, not dessert. Another proof that Wansink is right: have a small portion of whatever you desire, and wait. In 15 minutes you'll be as satisfied as if you had a large one.
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:59 pm

Very discouraged right now. The moment my life gets even a little stressful, old habits take control.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:17 pm

Starting my personal vanilla challenge for August. Partially because I'd like to team up with my friend who's just started No S, and partially because my sugar cravings will soon get out of control. I'll try to refrain from excessive calorie counting, but I know it's going to be extremely hard!

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:43 am

Day 1

B: porridge/milk + blueberries + 2 apple fritters
L: quinoa/pork roast/broccoli salad + blueberries
three teaspoons of mango yogurt ice cream from my mom's cone (I was curious to try the one dubbed the best in my city)
D: potatoes + yellow string beans in yogurt/butter sauce

I have to admit I DO love the sense of calmness and normalcy while doing it all vanilla style.
Funny: only now I realized I've been eating low-carb for the past year, and piling up protein, although I don't need it that much. I work out at moderate pace 5x per week, and walk to and from work (total 30 min. - I'm so blessed to live so close to my workplace!), but it doesn't mean I shoud be polishing off 6-ounce steaks at dinner. It's funny how slim I was in my early teens, when my dietary staple was a humble sandwich... I'm going to cut back on protein stuff, and add more servings of bread/rice/pasta to my meals, as I'm a little concerned about the recent health issues I had. I know I'll most probably retain more water initially, but it should be all gone in two weeks time, so the second Saturday weigh-in is going to be the most accurate, I guess.
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Kittykat150 » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:36 am

Good luck Imogen. To you and your friend. Diet buddies are the best! Here's to a GREEN month!
Kat 8)
"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." -Harriet Beecher Stowe

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:58 am

Day 2

B: barley porridge, scrambled egg/spinach on toast, plums
L: pb/j sandwich, milk, plums, 10 pretzel sticks
1 1/2 scoop ice cream - totally unplanned and theoretically a fail, but in my opinion it was a special/social occasion (a super hot day + coffee date with mom); I compensated a bit by having my dinner on a rimmed, 7" plate.
D: rice pudding/blueberry yogurt sauce

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:45 am

Day 3 - S day! Here's my little mod to keep it as sane as possible: breakfast and supper are going to be served on 7" plates, dinner on my standard 9", and I'm allowed three desserts per S day, as long as they fit on a tiny 5" dessert plate/3 oz ramekin.

B: leftover cold rice pudding/blueberry yogurt sauce (so divine eaten straight from the fridge!), small slice of cheesecake
coffee/milk/TONS of ice cubes
cold cocoa (dinner was going to be late)
D: potatoes/onion/curry, kefir, peach, small slice of cheesecake
S: smoked mackerel sandwich, tomato
And then the binge started... I had dark chocolate, almonds, cashews, peanut butter, 3 slices of bread with nutella, a huge glass of milk, and ended up with a spoon stuck in the jar of hazelnut goodness. I'm trying to understand what happened, what triggered me to eat too much and too fast.
I'm not very comfortable with the idea of S days... I know my friend is struggling as well, especially as a newbie, and I think seeing how badly I, a rather experienced NoSer, handle them is extremely discouraging to her. I really, really love the concept of S events. Having my treats planned and spread out evenly over the week worked best, but somehow I got sidetracked...
I'm not sure if I can keep up with the August challenge. I feel bloated and uncomfortable. Thankfully, I've made a special, seasonal dessert for tomorrow, and there's no way I could skip it!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:22 am

Day 4

What a bummer - my special dessert was a complete failure (not my fault, though).
B: grilled sausage, slice of bread, 6 (!) pieces of apple cake - they're tiny at my house, but still... not at all a satisfying experience, but a perfect, textbook example of mindless eating. The cake pan was left at the dining table, so cutting yet another, and another piece was completely automatic.
iced cafe au lait, apple cake (this time just one piece, on a tiny dessert plate, eaten with a fork - yum! I almost couldn't finish that one dainty piece. I suspect the coffee had something to do with it.)
D: cream of fresh cucumber soup, 1/2 chicken cutlet, Croatian potatoes (+ olive oil/parsley/garlic sauce), braised beetroot salad
strawberry jelly/blueberries/tinned whipped cream
6 squares dark chocolate
S: leftover 1/2 cutlet
bowl of strawberry ice cream, more jelly/whipped cream, piece of cake

I'm determined to stuck with vanilla till the end of the month. I WANT to learn moderation!
Reinhard and probably the majority of folks here define special ocassions as birthday, nameday, anniversary parties and so on (big events, I'd say), whereas my definition is somewhat broader. If I'm going out with friends and they're eating dessert, I sometimes join in and order one, but only if it's something totally mind-blowing. If on a very hot day I'm on a shopping trip with mom and we're passing by a famous ice cream parlour, I'm going to take a scoop or share one with mom. If I'm in a particular, distant place where they sell a really decadent treat I love and eat only rarely - I'm going to violate the rules and buy it. In my mind, this is different than grabbing a chocolate bar while I'm buying milk in my corner shop (peanut butter Kit Kat, I'm looking at you!) or stuffing my face with biscuits that are constantly available in my office. I'm most definitely going to take advantage of similar opportunities and indulge a little, so that I'm not tempted to indulge A LOT because I feel deprived.
I remember that during my first year on No S I often had pastries with cafe au lait for lunch. Many people in my country do, so that's something pretty normal here. For some reasons, though, I made them an S. They're borderline S, I admit, just like commercial yoghurt cups. I have no idea what would a proper name for those kind of pastry be: they're made with dough similar to cinnamon rolls, but only barely sweet, unglazed, stuffed with curd cheese, fruit, poppyseed filling etc. Yeah, they're made with butter, white flour, and some sugar, they taste a bit sweet, but at that point I'm not fixated on proper nutrition. I'm dreaming of French crullers straight from the fridge, with ice cold cafe au lait... Perhaps tomorrow for lunch at work? I know it's kind of cheating, but during my first year a pastry here and there for breakfast or lunch helped me keep my N days very strict.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:04 pm

I've been thinking about what Reinhard says about S days and legitimate rewards, planning something special for the weekend. I mostly go with the flow, and that's my downfall, I suppose. I need to revise my list of S-worthy treats, and put them in my planner for next weekend! Maybe that will help reduce binging on random crap...

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:42 am

Imogen, just a thought about your comments on S's and such. First of all, congrats in regards to your recent update in the testimonials thread! You have succeeded; you are a success story. If it worked for you at one point, then you are probably good to stick with what worked. No, it's not vanilla. I did similar variations and only when I got too bent up about the rules did things start going sour. You are where most people would want to be! We should be doing whatever you did :) All I'm trying to say is do what works for you. Good luck this week!!!

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:27 am

Thanks, Sinnie. I'm following your thread with great interest, as I'm hoping to be a pregnant NoSer by the end of this year :) By the way - late but most sincere congratulations!
I had a really terrible weekend - actually, I can't remember feeling more discouraged, more ashamed of myself, and more out of control during the entire 3 years of No S. I was on the verge of tears! Apparently I can't do vanilla. The only thing I focus on is the fact that I won't be able to eat any dessert for five days. I stuff my mouth with anything even remotely sugary, and the constant insulin rollercoaster makes me hungry and lethargic. And when the WTH effect kicks in, I want to fix my feelings of guilt by, well, eating more sweet stuff! It's a vicious cycle or indulgence, regret, and greater indulgence. I guess the problem is both physiological and psychological.
I know what worked in the past:
- having three scheduled desserts a week;
- eating slowly a small portion of dessert, then immediately engrossing myself in a distracting activity;
- absolutely no snacking on sugar (except some rare social occasions) - dessert has to be dessert, eaten after a proper, well-balanced meal.

Day 5
B: cold oatmeal, plums -> ugh, carby breakfast! I'm already hungry!
COLD cafe au lait
L: red pesto/chicken sandwich, cucumber slices, peach
milk, 20 pretzel sticks (I was SO hungry! -> not enough protein at lunch)
D: pasta, chicken cutlet, braised betroot salad, fresh cucumber soup
black tea with sugar and a splash of evaporated milk
tiny piece of bread/pesto -> again, my stomach was grumbling, and I can't fall sleep when I'm hungry
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:22 pm

Thanks so much!!! I'm going to really try and keep updating my thread now. Good luck on your future TTC. I hope your journey goes smoothly :D
Sounds like your Day 5 went well - keep it up!

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:26 pm

Just a question out of pure interest in regards to maintaining your weight at 110 lbs. I'm also short and want to (post birth) get down to that weight roughly. What did you do specifically to get to that "vanity weight" (if you want to call it that)? How do you find the wild S days affect your weight? When I was maintaining around 115, I found that binging didn't catch up with me for a long while until it got too out of hand, regularly. I praised No S for giving my body this strange ability to really seem to withstand the abuse I was putting it through by overeating - but of course at some point put on 5-10 lbs and then I got pregnant. Thanks for any comments on the subject!

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:35 pm

Sinnie wrote:Thanks for any comments on the subject!
Ba careful what you wish for ;) It's kinda lengthy...
In my testimonial I didn't mention the countless mods I've been inventing over the years, because: a) I don't think any of them really helped long-term, b) I wasn't able to stick with any of them for more than a month or two. I was always, always, always getting back to vanilla, trusting my body to, as you said, "withstand the abuse". But I totally hated myself every Sunday... Still, the pounds kept going down, though veeeery slooooowly. I think I could lose even more weight if I continued vanilla No S, but I don't really need to, I'm happy where I am, and I'm really worried that vanilla just messes up my head, strengthening deprivation mentality. Take something from me for a day or two, and I'll scratch your eyes out.
Well, off to the things I do.
I do count calories - I look at my plate and without weighing I'm able to estimate the number, it's typically 500/600 calories (although I occasionally inhale more - pierogi=my heroin), which sustains me without the slightest hunger pang for 5-6 hours (seems like I need 100 calories per waking hour). I used to weigh my carbs like kasha, pasta or rice to make sure I get about two recommended servings (120 g cooked?), but not anymore - I have 8' deep/soup plates for mixed dishes and they hold the perfect amount of food. So let's say that by trial and error I learned portion control adjusted to my needs - I know how much I should put on my plate to feel slightly hungry for about an hour before my next meal.
I do exercise 4-5 times a week - nothing too strenuous, I'm a fan of Leslie Sansone 2-mile "Walk At Home". I also walk to and from work, 30 min total. I'm generally a walker. If my destination can be reached on foot in up to 40 minutes, I'll walk and skip the workout later (public transport in my city is expensive, plus I'm unbelievably lucky to live in the strict centre). But I can honestly say that I exercise and walk a lot to be healthy, not thin - I've noticed so many positive changes since I started regular workouts, I'm a convert! And I used to HATE sweating.
I don't pay much attention to meal composition, because I often eat mixed dishes like noodles or rice. If I have proper meat/potatoes/veggies combo, I use "plate quadrants" system. In spite of my previous announcements, I'm not going to up my bread intake - I just don't care much about sandwiches. Once slice of bread per meal is enough, but I eat los of protein. My usual lunch at work consists of some kind of grain-based salad + protein/dairy + freggies (love that word!) or curd cheese-based spread (tuna/avocado/sundried tomatoes etc.) + slice of bread/butter + freggies. I definitely noticed that the last vanity pounds went off when I stopped piling my rice and pasta so damn high, so there you go. Oh, and I can't believe that oatmeal keeps people full. I almost never eat it, because I'm ravenous after two hours.
My scale acted weird last Saturday, so I couldn't weigh myself like I do every week. I ate about 6000 calories this weekend, 2000 over my needs - I'm morbidly curious if my weight is going to reflect the abuse. I don't have problem with snacking (unless I'm really, really hungry), I never get seconds, my plates are usually moderate. The only thing I'm unhappy about is sugar.
My fiance, a normal eater and pretty straightforward guy, keeps telling me to stop obsessing and EAT THE DAMN DOUGHNUT, and be done with it, N day or not. If I must I can put it on a plate and treat as a legitimate part of my meal. That's not a bad idea, and I'm kinda excited to try. You know, I have a huge problem with any kind of restriction. One daily S? Three desserts a week? S weekends? Nothing worked in the long term, but the three meals a day structure is my second nature. P. is rolling his eyes and telling me to eat whatever I want as long as it fits on my plate - if I so desperately want to hold to some rules, he thinks I should choose the easiest one. So tomorrow I'm going to pop into my favourite bakery and EAT THE DAMN DOUGHNUT. On a plate. With my salad.
I hope I made sense, Sinnie *hugs*

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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:53 am

Day 6 (why count days? It's not vanilla anymore :lol:)

B: pasta/chicken/broccoli/red pesto salad, 2 plums
L: FRENCH CRULLER. Seriously. The best cruller in the whole wide world, bought fresh this morning in a tiny artisan bakery - I had to take a detour on my way to work to get there. And iced cafe au lait. And some ratatouille with ham, slice of bread. Everything fit on a plate. So yummy.
some pretzel sticks, scoop of pretty mediocre ice cream (virtual plated)
D: 3 apple fritters
milk, teaspoon of pb
Even though I had sweets today, I'm still within my calorie limit, and I didn't go overboard. Woohoo! But I'm not happy about snacking on pretzels... I'm going to move them to the darkest corner of the office, and substitute with a cup of milky Earl Grey.
I was VERY hungry in the evening - I ate too little for dinner, and only carbs. I've noticed over the years that combination of protein/fat/carbs, preferably complex/fiber keeps me full for hours. Oh, and a big breakfast!
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:46 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:17 am

B: savoury French toast, tomatoes -> that was a very small breakfast, it's 10 AM and I'm already feeling ravenous, plus my lunch is going to be carb-heavy. I'm dreaming of chicken sandwiches and scrambled eggs! ARGGGH!
L: very early - homemade choco kefir/walnuts/rolled oats, 2 apple fritters, milk
scoop of ice cream
D: smoked mackerel sandwich, cucumber, peach -> it was too hot to cook anything
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:51 am

Thanks for your detailed reply. So it seems you try to average about 1500-1800 calories per day? Was that the amount you were eating when losing or just trying to maintain? That seems very good for 110 lbs - but you exercise quite a bit too! Imagine walking can be that effective :D Do you do any other types of workouts? Thanks again so much!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:41 pm

I have absolutely no idea how much calories I consumed during the first two years on No S, but the deficit must have been substiantial. Remember that before No S I used to eat a medium pizza or 6 muffins all by myself at least three times every week, and I didn't exercise at all. I also lived in a different part of the city, so I got to work by tram/bus -> not much walking then.
I started counting calories when (TMI) I missed two periods in a row, and it turned out I was routinely undereating - I was very vigilant about my plates. I need about 1280 calories for my body to function properly, 1500 to maintain my current weight without any exercise, 1700 if I exercise 1-3 times a week, or 1900-2000 at my current level of activity. At the beginning of this year I was consuming 1000-1200 calories per day, so no wonder why my body went slightly crazy. I was also hungry, well, most of the time, but as people here kept saying it's normal to feel hungry, I didn't add anything to my plates, just continued to eat "moderately" and exercise. I sometimes deliberately leave my calorie counting for the day for the evening, and the truth is, my usual 9-inch plate doesn't hold more than 350-400 calories, which is less than I need to function optimally. I'd be scary-skinny if I kept strictly to the rule of "1 plate per meal". I aim at 500 calories per meal, so that I have some wiggle room if I want to add dessert, and if I don't, I rest assured that I ate enough to feel great and stay healthy.
I guess I don't do much exercise besides "Walk At Home" and purposeful walking. I have a desk job, though I do my best to stand up or walk every hour or so. Incidental activity is the best ;) At home I'm mostly glued to my laptop.
I know you were worried about S days being wild. As you may have noticed, I don't do vanilla anymore. It just doesn't work for me. I eat dessert when I really, soulfully want it or when the opportunity presents itself. It's only been three days, and I already had my fair share of ice cream and doughnuts, but I didn't go crazy about it. No WTH effect. No guilt. No binges. I gave myself permission to indulge, without ANY rules, and so far, it suits me better than vanilla. I'm able to have one scoop of really divine ice cream, and not want more afterwards. My appetite is well taken care of, and I feel calmer. Of course, things may go awry later, and I'll be honest if they do, bu still - I feel fine.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:54 am

That helps alot Imogen, thank you. It must be nice to be at the weight you want and just tweak a little here and there to see what works to keep you happy and balanced. Very much an inspiration! Have a great day (or night, not sure where you are in the world :))!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:59 pm

B: scrambled egg on toast, Greek yoghurt/blueberries/maple syrup/walnuts
store-bought iced latte (a little gift from my boss on another super hot day)
L: pasta/curd cheese/blueberries/sprinkle of sugar
D: grilled sausage, slice of bread, tomatoes, prunes, raspberry kefir

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Post by Imogen Morley » Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:02 pm

B: porridge/pb/banana -> as long as I add a tablespoon of fat (regular or nut butter, nuts etc.) and some bran to my oats, I'm good
L: barley/feta/onion/spinach salad, blueberries
D: apple soup/noodles, soft boiled egg, slice of bread/butter, strawberries
milk, 2 sponge biscuits, square of 90% dark chocolate, a few teaspons tinned whipped cream
Another quite recent discovery of mine: when I eat tasty meals - some of them sprinkled with sugar - that I can look forward to, I lose most of my interest in sweets.
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:06 am

Current weigh-in: 50.2/110 = maintenance. That supports my theory that occasional dessert (I've had four this week) is not nearly as bad, weight-wise, as constant snacking and overfilled dinner plates. I think this is what wosnes defines as "eating habits of the French".
B: cheesecake porridge/blueberries, kefir
2 sponge biscuits, 3 teaspoons peanut butter -> lunch was late, and somehow I couldn't stand being hungry
L: apple/noodle soup, steamed chicken/veggies/yoghurt sauce, peach
D: soft boiled egg, bread/butter
I had too much sweets around the house, and I've been snacking on them all afternoon... white chocolate with hazelnut filling, saltines/peanut butter, biscuits, halva...
Friendly reminder: variety stimulates appetite. Better yet, don't keep sweets at home AT ALL. And cut out all snacking - especially on sugary stuff! A piece of cake after dinner is fine. The same cake between meals - ugh.
I feel stuffed and crabby. Oh well. Another lesson.
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:43 am

B: 2 hot dog sausages, mixed veg salad, slice of bread, 1/2 banana, 2x blueberry coffee cake
D: Ouch. 2 GIANT cabage rolls, millet/zucchini soup, 2x blueberry cake, 2 slices sponge cake with grapes&cream, 2 scoops ice cream
2 teaspoons homemade nutella
S: porridge/homemade nutella
saltines, more nutella

Seems that it doesn't matter if I'm doing vanilla or not... weekends = overeating/permasnacking. Problem areas:
- baking as a hobby
- huge family feast every Sunday, with at least two kinds of dessert and two courses
- eating because it's there
Last edited by Imogen Morley on Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:28 pm

Just wanted to congratulate you on maintaining! So fantastic to see results based on your own personal tailoring of the plan. You know what works. I think because of varied pasts and different eating issues, we might not all be good on Vanilla. Keep it up!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:29 pm

Thank you so much for your support, Sinnie. I'm not really proud of myself at the moment... Too much snacking spoils my appetite AND my mood!

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:13 pm

I've been there one too many times myself. Next weekend, maybe try telling yourself you want to *enjoy* the food and desserts, and if you're full it's hard to do that. Keep plugging away, I think you can certainly correct this with habit.

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Post by Tessytwinkle » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:51 pm

Hi there. Thank you for your honest posts. Snacking major problem for me. I need to try and enjoy the weekends I hope you will too. I also love baking. It's a tough one. Good to see you are maintaining though. Gives me hope.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:20 am

B: red pesto grilled cheese sandwich, tomato, peach
L: smoked sausage, slice of bread, mixed veggie salad, peach, 10 pretzel sticks, sugar biscuit
fresh orange juice
D: 2 cabbage rolls
and then... nutella, 4 mini muffins, and other things...

I'm so mad at myself.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:56 am

B: scrambled egg/spinach on toast, Greek yoghurt/banana/almonds/cinnamon
cafe au lait
L: 1/2 camembert round, 1/2 graham roll, red bell pepper, 1/2 banana -> not enough protein, I was hungry soon afterwards
D: pierogi
1 crepe with fresh fruit and whipped cream at my friends' new flat

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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:00 am

B: Greek yoghurt/hazelnuts/homemade cherry preserves, slice of bread/liver spread, cucumber, plums
L: 1/2 camembert round, 1/2 graham roll, red bell pepper, almonds, plums
cafe au lait
D: buckwheat/mushroom stew
milk/cinnamon, 2 ladyfingers

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Post by Imogen Morley » Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:41 am

What I ate yesterday:

B: 2 hot dog sausages with mustard, tomato, slice of bread, piece of upside-down plum cake with streusel
scoop of white chocolate ice cream
12 almonds
L: broad beans/olives/tomato/tuna salad, slice of bread
D: meat patty, broccoli/tomato salad, 6 pieces of plum cake
iced coffee with evaporated milk

I had sweets on empty stomach early in the day - always a bad idea. I believe that's why I devoured so much cake later. Also, I need to cut down on my hot dog sausages consumption... very little, if any, nutrition. The less processed food I eat, the less cravings I have, and sticking to three meals a day is so much easier.

B: cucumber/olive/tuna salad, graham roll, 1/2 banana, 12 almonds
L: pb&b sandwich, glass of milk, 10 pretzel sticks
dinner was going to be late, so I had 1/2 cup of cream of spinach soup when I got home from work

Weigh-in: 51,9, but the number is quite insignificant in the long-term, as it's mostly water and waste weight right now.
Sometimes I still think I should go back to vanilla, but I know what N day restriction does to my brain. For me, vanilla was an excellent way to lose weight (=create calorie deficit without counting, weighing etc.), but not to heal my relationship with food.
I'm going to get stricter about "no seconds" rule, which I interpret as "no seconds of anything". Plate is a plate is a plate.
I'm tired, cranky, and I'll be having guests for the entire week, plus on Saturday I have to attend a party. It's a miracle that I'm not already burying my frustration in biscuits.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:17 am

So here I am, in the middle of the night, facing a long, tiring week, and being so miserable I'm going to cry.
Perhaps vanilla is the only way to go. Perhaps overeating on S days really does end at some distant point in the future. Perhaps my S day binges are not so much about "fear of scarcity" on weekdays, but more about boredom. Piling up rules doesn't work. So to hell with it!
Recommiting to vanilla, with two adjustments: no sugar on empty stomach, and no seconds of dessert. If I get fat doing it, OK. But perhaps I won't be wasting so much energy on micromanaging my eating.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:54 am

B: slice of bread/feta/tomato, several slices of sausage, coffee/sugar/evaporated milk/milk, 12 almonds, plum cake, dark chocolate, mini blueberry croissant, mini jam croissant
L: 2 crepes with curd cheese, dark chocolate
coffee with evaporated milk
D: small servings of seafood paella and rabbit&chicken paella, small glass of sangria, non-alcoholic cranberry drink
So far it's been a pretty sane S day. First of all, this Saturday is busier than usual, and as boredom eating is my S day nemesis, I'm really happy about it. I'm going to an upscale Spanish restaurant and a club tonight (not my idea of entertainment, but sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone, right?), so I expect the portions will be modest, but the food should be top quality.
I guess having almonds with breakfast helped a bit. I notice I rarely get any cravings when I include nuts in my first meal. I had plenty of sweet stuff around the house this morning, but chose only the most appealing treats, and only one serving of each, no seconds. I still stay away from sugar between meals. My brother gave me some of his freshly baked goods, and I plan to indulge a little tomorrow.
I like the idea of "opportunistic eating" on S days, in line with "sometimes" philosophy - if dessert presents itself (at a party, or if I happen to pass by my favourite bakery when I'm running Saturday errands), I'll have it, but I won't get out of my way to get the sugar fix. To sum it up: I need to keep pleasantly busy on weekends, savour my treats, and don't sweat over the whole issue, just let sweets naturally find their way to me rather than the other way around...

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:43 am

B: 3 small samosas, ketchup, dark chocolate, assortment of cakes (small pieces, approx. 1/2 of my usual portions): cherry cheesecake, upside-down plum cake with streusel, peach& sour cream cake
D (early): 1 boiled potato with olive oil/garlic, tiny slice pork roast, carrot salad, tomato soup with noodles, small piece of cherry cheesecake and peach cake, watered down OJ
late supper: cream of wheat/milk, homemade cherry preserves, cherry cheesecake

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Post by Tessytwinkle » Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:14 pm

Hi Imogen
I was really interested in your comments about nuts. I too find that if I have nuts with my breakfast then I seem to be much calmer about food in the morning and can make it ok to lunch. It sounds like you are really getting your head around S days too. A sane approach to treats and snacks, something I still have to develop! Have a good week

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Post by wosnes » Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:40 pm

I'm curious -- how do you get such a wide variety of sweets/treats?
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You are what you eat -- so don't be Fast, Easy, Cheap or Fake."

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