Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Deb's Check-in

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 17, 2005 6:57 pm

We had hamburger helper yesterday and I only had one serving!

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Post by reinhard » Tue May 17, 2005 8:23 pm

Congratulations, Deb! My thought when I created this forum was that everyone would start their own personal "daily check in" topic and reply to it every day to update their status, sort of like a minimalistic (or not so minimalistic) diet blog (or the red/yellow/green "habit traffic light" that was discussed a while ago on the yahoo group). Any interest in starting such a "Deb's Daily Check In" topic? No pressure, of course, feel free to do whatever you want, but I think it could be useful for people and would love to get some examples going.

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Post by reinhard » Tue May 17, 2005 8:53 pm

Another option is I could fascistically change this topic title to "Deb's Daily Check In," like I did with Elinor's, which has the added advantage of bringing every topic in this forum into perfect consistency (which will last for about 10 minutes, I'm sure). But only with your ok. I'm a strictly consensual fascist.

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Change it! Gesinte hayt :)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 17, 2005 10:12 pm

Wow! What polite fascism!
Of course, our beloved founder, why not?...
I'm not sure if I understand how these topics are supposed to work, still, at least in this section.. I'll look more closely at your example and at what you just wrote... I never really clicked with the "red/green/yellow" deal...

Yikes, a daily check in?
The pressure is on now! LOL...
Check please!

I don't know. I'll think about it.
It might help, but I am also concerned that I will resent it and then just say "ah screw this!" :P
It's the maturity in me speaking now...

By the way, what's the deal with serving chicken two hours after the side dish? LOL...

Thanks for being a consensual fascist Reinhard.
You never struck me as a diet dictator much.

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Checking in :)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 18, 2005 9:13 pm

Hi all! So far today was a very good NoS day. I still have dinner to make and SG to do, so I am pre-posting my assumed successful day, in anticipation of a good dinner too.
I was really not hungry this morning, so I only had my coffee with sugar and soy.. Also I put about one tablespoon of hot chocolate mix.
Yes that is borderline S'sing, but if it gives me that taste of chocolate that I love, without having to eat a whole bag of M&M's, then so be it....
I had about a cup of carrots for breakfast. Not by choice as much as that was what was portable and I was in a rush to get to work... I had it around 10:00, then at 11:50 I had a peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat toast... I had a minor snack though, at my moms house, at around 3:30, which probably I wouldn't have had if my breakfast included some protein and bread... still it wasn't a bag of chips or anything, just about half a cup of marinated herring pieces in wine sauce. Yummy!
For dinner we will be having scrambled eggs, new potatoes, and baked beans, and also some frozen green peas with olive oil and garlic.
Goal for evening :
No eating after dinner!
(I had some mozzarella cheese last night, and it resulted in some really crummy nightmares! I believed someone was trying to kill me by locking me into a walk in freezer! Talk about issues with eating eh? LOL.. And there wasn't even any ice cream in it!)

It's nice to see so many newbies to the group!
Welcome Ruth, Leenie and Jackmaw!
Good luck!
8) Deb
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Slip up... some "funny business"...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 19, 2005 4:26 pm

Heya guys :D
Yesterday was really good, but I didn't get an official "yes" because sometime late in the wee wee hours, I ate an almond/granola/sugary bar out of some lame stress response to being in love with an unavailable guy!
This is my life story these days!
(NO Reinhard! Fear not, it's not you!!! LOL... :P
But the Deb does have a load of platonic love for our leader!

I guess, when we are sad and worried, we seek the sweetness in life, and for me, it turned out to mess up my good day... But I didn't have seconds on those delicious bacon/maple flavored baked beans, though my brain was saying "More!" so I am really proud of that!
My usual way of eating before, would be to go straight to the pot and just finish the whole shebang... No plate, no control at all.. no attempt at 8) control...
Now I can enjoy the rest of those yummo baked beans with my meal later.
Today is going great, and will continue to do so...
My plan of action for later possible breakdowns is this:
Drink water instead...
And future future plan, as these "granola" bars, which are really S's in disguise, is not to buy them again unless it's on an S day... They were for Richie for school, but even he has had too many in one day, so it's going on the S list now...
I think I will try to make my own version of these.. How hard could it be?
Almonds, oats, something mushy to hold them together?
Thanks for listening guys, do you take insurance? :wink:
Have a great day all!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri May 20, 2005 12:27 am

Today went very very well!
100% Yes!

Plus, the lady who cuts my hair, who hasn't seen me for about three months now, said... "You lost weight!"
I was so happy it was visible to someone who knows me for some time now.
No late night eating will be necessary tonight. I am full and had a very good email correspondence with my previously mentioned object of my affections...
Some good boundaries were drawn, and the foundations for a close friendship are in place. The worried feeling isn't there, as a result, and I am feeling very content tonight. Still, we did eat that comfort food again for dinner... Hamburger helper! LOL.... Probably has sugar in it! LOL...

Saturday I get paid and will use the weekend to plan meals to fit my budget and which will be healthy and delicious, and NoS approved!!!
Gonna buy a bunch of family packs of chicken and meat so it's in the freezer and ready. I also want to have at least two or three good salad and red beans or chick peas, type dinners too, each week, and a few fish meals!
I have been drooling over Elinor's Indian dinners for days now, so I am sure that I'll stock up on some nice masala and veggies too! YUM!!!
Hi Elinor! How's it going mate? NoS rocks doesn't it? :D
See you guys tomorrow! Then it's "wooo hoooo" S time!!!!
Well good night..
PS... Hi Rein! Where did all the old guys go? LOL.... Well not all of them?
I know that Bonnie broke her wrist about a week ago, so she has a hard time typing, and has reported to me that her eating hand is at a disadvantage now! A side perk to the injury! LOL....

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Post by Ariel King » Fri May 20, 2005 7:35 pm

Hi Deb! I know ALL about that emotional eating thing. At this point I still head straight for the ice cream whenever anything upsets me. I haven't yet found a better coping strategy. Anyway, good job today and I'm happy to hear things are in a better state with the object of your affections :) Hope you have a great weekend.

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Catching up

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 24, 2005 1:53 pm

Hi Guys!
I have been computerless at home for quite some time now, as my account is somehow messed up! Rahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Anyway, weekend was very good... I posted a victory under the topic "Key Lime Pie"...
Checked my weight for the first time in about 2 weeks, and I'm down an additional 2 lbs!!!! Yay! All together since starting my job at the health club, and sticking to NoS, plus adding everday "improv" exercise, for an average of 20 to 25 minutes a day, I have lost 5 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was a weird, and "funny stuff" day, because, I got to eat my lunch very very late, so by the time I had it, it was really closer to dinner... Ate a huge plate of Chinese food, and then, when some moron woke me up from my sleep, around 10 or 11, I don't know, by having the phone ring over 20 times!!! (must have been a computer telemarketer thing) I was so aggravated, that I stuffed a bunch of leftovers in my face when I should have been sleeping... I think Chinese food is pretty hard for me to resist in terms of leftovers, so if I get it again, I'll just order enough for firsts and not seconds.... It's a weakness, and it's a bad habit/pattern, so might as well just sidestep the whole problem by not ordering enough to have any leftovers...
Will do better today... Unlike the people around here, I am not giving in to the "grazing" phenomenon, ie Snacks, in NoS terminology, and eat my breakfast on a plate, sitting down... I guess I'll have to create a healthy small lunch during that weird time of day (between 3 and 4pm) so that I don't turn dinner into an out of control, overeating fiasco... Letting myself get ravenous, never works...
I'm also going to try and drink more water, as I think I am not taking in enough.
Have a great day all!
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Leftovers, late meals

Post by Kevin » Tue May 24, 2005 2:56 pm


You know what they say about Chinese food... an hour later, you're hungry again. :0)

I've been finding I've been sleeping a lot better going to bed a little hungry (and I don't wake up hungry). Try telling yourself that next time you wake up and want to graze.

Water with a little lemon juice tends to kill my appetite for a bit, too.

Maybe you could stretch lunch across time by having a "virtual plate", a healthy portion that you can eat from over time if you can't get a fixed sit-down time? This whole thing is about forming a habit, and your life might demand that you change the rules of the game little bit. Consistently grazing lunch from a fixed portion over a couple of hours might be an okay change for you. I would think it fits with the spirit of the game.

I hope you are doing well.
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Post by reinhard » Wed May 25, 2005 2:21 pm

Deb it sounds like you're doing great, funny stuff notwithstanding. Try this to resist nocturnal fridge raids. Remember that scene in ghostbusters when Sigourney Weaver opens the fridge and there's theres this extra-dimensional orange glowing babylonian temple with a dragon-dog guardian growling "ZUEL" inside? Next time you're stumbling over to the fridge at 4 AM picture that. Come to think of it, they ought to make audio-visual fridge alarms (or at least audio) to be set at bedtime...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 26, 2005 12:11 pm

Good image Reinhard!
I love Ghostbusters!!!! :lol:
I think the glowing orange thingy in the fridge was actually some pyramid shaped thing! Rick Moranis was hilarious in that one! They all were good!
I will use that image and laugh my way away from the growling fridge! Thanks!!!!! :P

Hey I started practicing Yoga yesterday! Wow what a great workout!
Going back today.
I am starting my three week countdown today. Yes I know it's Thursday.
I'll just number the N days like you!
Guess what? In the Yoga class (and I am in love with my teacher already! LOL!! Some things never change!!! LOL..)
he read an excerpt to us when we were resting at the end of the class, about teaching good HABITS, specifically in regard to how we breathe...
When he got to the part about how long it takes to form a habit,,,, bamo!
Three weeks! I will ask him for the original so I can post it. Basically it said, when you do finally form that habit, it just feels weird when you aren't breathing right (or in our case eating right)
So for that moment I experienced NoS Zen! You were right there with me in that class Reinhard! I felt proud to already be someone who is trying to better themselves and grow into a new me! I am. So thank you again!
Have a great day! Thanks for the constant support and love!
Peace and Hugs!
8) Deb
ps... Please send my best wishes to your Wife and hope all goes smoothly and well with your little girl...
Fingers are crossed! Prayers have been sent!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu May 26, 2005 3:58 pm

"Zen and the Art of No-S-ing". Sounds like a bestseller.

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Day 1

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri May 27, 2005 12:35 am

Excellent day! 100% NoS approved!!!!
Plus my second day of Yoga! I'm really into it!
Woo hoo!
8) Deb
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri May 27, 2005 12:48 am

Way to go, Deb!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri May 27, 2005 12:50 am

Thanks Jan!
See you later :D

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Day 2 Good!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri May 27, 2005 8:57 pm

Today was berry berry good to me!
I get a :P
Now everyone have a great long relaxing weekend!
8) Deb

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Day 3 and counting...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 30, 2005 7:56 pm

I am so bored today!!!
Thanks for listening! LOL....
So far things are going along real smooth, but I actually have had too little food, not too much, as I need to go shopping...
Today will be a success, so just take my word for it! LOL..
Later on, I want to get off the computer early so I'm posting pre-dinner.
If I screw up, I will let you all know tomorrow.. But don't hold your breath!
I want to lose weight very badly these days so I'm in!!!!!
Thank you Reinhard! I love NoS :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

(post dinner)
Okay, the kitchen is officially closed.
I get a :) Yes rating for today!

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Post by Kevin » Tue May 31, 2005 1:45 pm

Good going.

I hope you are doing well.
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Day 4....Three smileys! and one raspberry!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:18 am

Okay, not sure if I'd say today was really good or bad...
I didn't snack or sweet today, but because I had a really horrible tasting lunch, which I wound up dumping for its lack of edibility, I did have seconds by the time dinner rolled around... I was really hungry and tired...
I wish I had waited that 10 or 15 minutes to just let the food sit there, and maybe I woud have stopped myself, but I didn't...

I did an hour and a half of Yoga at 8 am today and a bunch of mini massages out on the floor...
Being pretty tired from the long day made me cave in by dinner time...
Oh well...
Now that I think about it, overall it was still a good day with a minor screwup.
I give myself a :D :D :D :P rating!
Tomorrow, Yoga at 4:00... I will make sure to eat both a good breakfast and lunch before...
Hope you all are well today :)
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:04 am

Maybe you didn't really have seconds at dinner. Since lunch was inedible, you simple had lunch at dinner, followed immediately by dinner! So, see, it was a perfect-eating day after all! :D

What kind of yoga do you do? Is there a style-name or book title you'd recommend?

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Hi Jan and Kevin et al...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:38 pm

Hey Kevin sorry I was late responding to your well wishes! Thanks!!!
Hope you are doing well too... For the time I was pregnant with my son I had gestational diabetes... That is a very tough one! It would cause mood swings like you could not imagine! Which was compounded by the fact that I'm manic depressive already! LOL...
You wouldn't want to see or be around me if too many hours went by and I had to eat.... We are talking major bit...... ha ha....
Thanks too Jan! Yes it was calorically okay yesterday.. But I really could have waited that 10 minutes more..
In the end, I wound up putting too much food in my belly for one sitting and felt very yucky after...
Seconds is my worst ingrained habit, not sweets or snacking...
So I have to get that bugger under control!
Thanks anyway!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:00 pm

PS... I practice the most basic form of Yoga, and "supposedly" most gentle form, but that's not to say its easy!,,, Hatha Yoga.

Going back today, and tomorrow!
My newest EDS!
Peace and Love,
8) Debbie

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Days 5 and 6 , I think..... Wed/Thurs...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:44 am

Both days excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only little fudge was that last night I went out to a music jam at a bar and I don't drink alchohol these days, so I conceded to have a coke with three slices of lemon...
I wonder, does that lemon count for anything nutritious that might cancel out the unhealthiness of the coke? LOL...
Jan? Your thoughts....
Well, it was kind of an S night!
That was my only soda all week so not too shabby...
This weekend, that chocolate Haagen daaz is calling my name and I am answering!
Have a great evening yalls...
Prayers to you Reinhard... How's your baby? Hope well...
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jun 03, 2005 1:41 am

Gee, I don't know...lemon in Coke. Sugar, empty calories and acid vs. a smidgin of vitamin C. On the other hand, much better than alcohol, which is more empty calories and some toxins to boot. So you get a :) I think!

Ooooo...Haagen Daaz. It was 82 F. here today, and that sure sounds good!

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Day 7!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:39 am

100 percent great day!
I get a 8) :lol: :P :wink: rating!
Have a great weekend all...
Enjoy and be well!
Haagen Daaz beckons....

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Post by reinhard » Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:51 am

Deb, it sounds like you've really been on a roll lately. Congratulations! I'm in awe of your persistence through all the tough spots you've been through.

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Thank you!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:39 pm

Hey Reinhard! Thank you for that congrats! I really appreciate it :D

However, it is *I* who wants to thank *you* for NoS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The stick-to-it-ability of this great way of eating makes riding out those bumpy times all the more sane...
It's a daily discipline of the body and mind...
I'm in this for the long haul, not 30 days of glory....
Now that I'm exercising more, my body is changing too... I lost another pound this week, and I think, about a half inch from my waist..
I attribute this to sticking with NoS, and practicing Yoga...
I'm up to 4 days a week now, for between 70-90 mins for each practice..
Gets you sweating for sure! I highly suggest you give it a try one day...
I bet you'd love it!
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Jun 05, 2005 6:11 pm

Hey Deb,
Congratulations on the pound/inch lost!! are really into the yoga! Those are long practice sessions. Do you go to a class, or do you use a video or book? I do a stretch routine that incorporates some yoga moves, and it's fun. I really feel good after I'm done. Downward-facing Dog is really difficult for me. The legs stay pretty straight, but I never feel like I'm quite right in the back and shoulders. That's a tough one!

How's the Haagen Daaz?

Jan :D

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Day 8 (I think!)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:41 am

Pretty good day today....
No snacks, no sweets, but I did have seconds for dinner...
I was really hungry folks, and lunch was more like a breakfast/lunch combo...
But when I almost had thirds, I said
"Not tonight you!" and stopped the madness before really slipping up!

ps.. Jan, it's really weird, but I almost didn't like the taste of the ice cream the other day! What's the world coming to?????... I might just be getting more lactose sensitive or something... I'm gonna try chocolate tofutti next time :) And as for the Yoga, it's with a wonderful instructor and I just follow his directions.
The positions vary, to some extent, from session to session... Some are more difficult and some are less. I always wind up in a puddle of perspiration!!!

8) Deb

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Day 1 again....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:21 pm

Totally messed up! :evil:
Ate leftover Chinese at 1:30 am :roll: ....
My Zeul alarm didn't ring....
Oh well..
Today's another day. :D ..
I'm starting over...
All's well so far, and I won't be ordering Chinese tonight!
But to keep positive, last year at this time, I was ordering Chinese more like 3 times a week, and eating 2nds and 3rds on a regular basis...
Now I have it about once every two weeks.
Think I'll just save Chinese for my S days now so I can enjoy it and not have it ruin a good roll of days!
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Day 1

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 07, 2005 9:52 pm

Good day, but very hefty dinner...
Yes/Success/Green! :lol:
Have a great evening!
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by navin » Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:17 pm

You know, you could have considered that 1:30 AM chinese as a really really early breakfast. 8)

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Early bird breakfast?

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:38 am

Yes, I guess... But what would I call that one I eat around 10?
Thanks for the compassionate attempt at a save Nate!
Where would we be without these rationalizations eh? LOL... :wink:
:P Deb

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Day 2

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:56 am

Success!!!!!! Green!!!! Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I went shopping today for more clothes to wear for Yoga practice and the last time I tried on clothes I couldn't fit into an XXL and today I was able to get stuff in a size Large...

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:52 am

Hey, you're really doing good!! Congratulations! :D

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:52 pm

2 perfect days in a row, nice job. 3 is a biggy... then you've got most of the weekdaily week down. Congrats on your ex-XXL status!

Sorry to hear about the Zuel alarm, but it sounds like you're coming to grips with your chinese problem.

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Day 3

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:36 pm

Thank you Jan and Reinhard!
Today I definitely *under* ate, and was really busy and active today... I am sooooo hungry now.. so I'm going to look for a large plate! LOL....
I will drink a bunch of water too, to help fill me up...
If I fail I will correct this pre-dinner rating, but I am now giving myself a
Success/Green, rating (unless you count that one spoonful of chocolate soft ice cream I stole from Richie when he was not looking... I mean, it was melting and everything... Someone had to do something....)
Good evening all!
8) Deb

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Frustration Screwup!!!!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:04 pm

Hey all :)
I screwed up last night so I am hereby changing my status to

Yesterday was really good except that we got all off schedule with evening stuff... I wound up making dinner for Richard really late, since he didn't want to come home from the park and was having so much fun, I didn't want to make him... But we usually go to sleep around 9:30 or at latest, 10:00..
Wound up making dinner for him really late, then the shower, then the homework, etc... blah blah blah... and frankly, I found it very difficult to fall asleep once it got past 10:40 and we were still all busy instead of just relaxing and calming down... So my screwup was that in the middle of the night, around 1 am, when I was *still* rolling and tossing, awake in my bed, I just caved and had a bowl of cereal... It screwed up my day, but something about the carbs, put me to sleep... Desperate measures...
Food as medicine? Perhaps.
Well I don't have a doctors note, or even a witch doctors note, so I am restarting my three weeks today, and today gets a SUCCESS so far!... I almost didn't report this, but what's the point of lying to me and all my wonderful supporters here? Denial solves nothing...
Enjoy Ssing this weekend all!
(Jan that means you too! LOL.... :wink: )
Well I've been at about 80-90 percent success since I joined in Sept last year, so I'm not really worried or upset, because in the large scheme of things, I am on the right track... I'm trying to do the 3 weeks though and really wish to accomplish that mini goal too!
Peace and Love and Insomnia,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:15 am

Hi Deb:

I guess if you have been doing this for almost a year then it is pretty much an established pattern of eating for you. If having a bowl of cereal in the middle of the night is now the exception and not the norm then you probably have nothing to worry about. I think I was treating myself too much on a daily basis and the thing I like about No S is that it has been teaching me to take care of myself in other ways then snacking. (I have never had a problem snacking after dinner. My danger zone is 3:30 in the afternoon).

Thank you again for posting on my daily check in. It is good to know that we all read each other's threads and are pulling for each other.

Best of luck and have a good weekend.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:18 am

I don't think "blunder" and "screw-up" equals a bowl of cereal. A quart of Ben & Jerry's at one a.m. maybe...

If you have been doing this so well for so long, then a little cereal once in a blue moon just isn't that big of a deal. And, yes, carbs will put you to sleep (that's body chemistry at work), and that's probably a better medicine than popping a sleeping pill. Your posts have been an inspiration to me, so just keep up the good work!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:45 am

Thanks Dru and Jan!
Well, today was a completely SUCCESSFUL S-Day!!!!
Richard and I have had quite a fiesta of treats! It seems I like Haagen Daaz again... Made a giant chocolate milkshake and we also had big honkin' frosted cinnamon rolls! I doubt this will help my pounds for the week, but it helped my soul. :lol: We do really deserve this because we've been pretty great these days!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:15 am

Now you're talkin'! :lol:

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Keep it up, Deb

Post by Kevin » Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:59 pm

Keep it up. Not the S day stuff, I mean, but the no S day stuff...
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:18 pm

Hey all! I've been sick for the past two days... Yesterday I was really miserable with a sore throat and total flu like achiness and headaches... Booooo!
Anyway today I took off work, to rest, and, pretty much, was on plan, with the exception of a few extra glasses of water mixed with some juice... But it was super hot today and we don't have any air conditioner here, nor ceiling fans, so I caved and when Richard came home from school I took him to 7 eleven and we got 40 ounce frozen Slurpees! Too bad they have so much sugar and that screwed up my day, but between feeling somewhat crummy and overheated, it really hit the spot!
Oh well, I think someone I know once told me, "sick" days, are definitely S'ses.. :wink:
Hope everyone is having a groovy day!
Love and Peace,
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S Week

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:24 pm

Hey Friends :)
I have been floored by this virus I have that started Sunday...
As a result, my eating has been weird to say the least... For Monday and Tuesday, I had about one and a half meals, and couldn't stomach certain "standbys" for me, like my morning coffee (sob sob!!! :P ) Infact most food is tasting repulsive to me now! Wow... I also have a bunch of fever sores all over the back of my tongue (gross Deb, thanks for the info!) so maybe that's messing up my tastebuds..
But I seem to be really wanting lots of fluids, so I'm drinking Gatorade and sweetened iced tea...
Yeah, I know, not healthy, and not NoS! Oh well... I feel like a ton of "crud" so too bad!
I read Elinors post now, and want you to know, Elinor, that 6,000 miles away, there is an unmotivated lady, like you, waiting to feel better...
Anyways,,,, As soon as my illness shifts back to wellness I will cut out the sweet drinks... It's really funny though... When I'm well, I don't usually have any problem with those things on a daily basis... Strange eh?
Anyways... I'm rooting for you all, and please stay tuned for three week attempt #3! Coming to a theater near you!
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:45 pm

Deb, have you considered that your body may be craving the sugar because it needs energy (calories), but can't really handle food right now? Diluted fruit juice and simple sugar, like your Slurpee, is giving your body what it needs without taxing the digestive system. Think of it as medicine for a while.

Hope you get well soonest!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:13 pm

Thanks Jan!!! You are a sweetie :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:23 pm

Getting back on my horse today folks :wink:
Well, I think I probably put on weight? I don't know for sure though and my pants don't feel any tighter, but I do have my period now, and my eating has been very strange this week.... Some days nothing but liquid, other days Slurpees, yesterday, while really feeling miserable with my pms and still not over the virus, I bought some Sara Lee Strawberry Cheesecake which Richard and I dessimated! I saved one bite though and this morning I threw it out! LOL... One measley bite! LOL...... Calorically, not relevant... Symbolically, very empowering!
So, I am just putting last week, into the past and starting today...
If we do any SSing this weekend, it will be very minimal as I really want to get some weight down over the next three months.... I might do a day or two of juice fasting as well, since I really feel my body needs some serious detox...
Funny though, today I felt like my morning coffee, which was grossing me out last week, so I take it as a sign of getting back to "normal" LOL!
I guess, coffee is just one of those toxins, I'm not interested in giving up yet! I just hand washed and polished my car, out in the gorgeous sunshine, and I don't feel totally dead, so this is another good sign... I will probably be 100% better within another 2 days or so....
Hope you all have a fandabbydozy weekend!!!
Welcome back to my soul Sister Jooooooooooools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love and Peace,
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21 days "take" three....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:31 am

Three times a charm eh? Let's all see if I can make this one count!!!
T.K. has re-inspired me! Thanks Kevin!!!
So, today was a
Success!!!20 more to go!
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by margaret » Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:02 am

Good luck for the next twenty days. Your words of encouragement to myself and others are kind and well, encouraging. It's hard to manage your life when your taking care of others, but as a recent empty nester, it's a little sad to shop and see things at the grocery store your children used to love and they're not at home anymore to indulge in that small toay. So enjoy, enjoy your young'un.

On the other hand I only have to take care of me, me, me now. (My husband is very low maintainence). So unlike JanTz (sic) and others i've heard mention re food issues and children I'm now free of that.
Woops, this is supposed to be about you and it turned out to be about me. Just letting you know I sypathize with the homework, running around, etc. stuff that makes it hard to manage our lives.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:42 pm

Hi Guys :wink:
I never post about S days much, but yesterday was almost not even an S day... I was really good!
I did treat us to pizza for lunch, but didn't really overdo it... Had two slices of spinach and garlic pizza, when in the past I could easily have three at one sitting (oink oink!)
There was no sweeting yesterday, and for dinner I indulged in seconds, but it was seconds of a large salad I made... Salads are so awesome and satisfying.. I always put lots of junk on them so they are not boring..
Yesterdays salad ingredients were dictated by what I had in the fridge:
Romaine lettuce, cucumber, red bell pepper, about a third of a cup of raisins (borderline S, but they weren't chocolate covered! LOL....)
and some leftover cold noodles with sesame sauce from the chinese food I had the other day.... Topped off with yummolicious Emeril's bacon vinagrette dressing.... Bam!
I am feeling so crummy still you guys! Going to finally see the doctor today and hopefully, with some antibiotics, I may start to feel better soon.
I have an ear and throat infection and let me just say that I am not the kind of person who can maintain a great mood when I am in pain...
I lost out on about 400 dollars last week from missing work, and also miss my Yoga class incredibly! I did practice yesterday at home for about a half an hour, but until I really kick this bug, I am not myself...
So please send your good vibes/prayers/mojo out to the Universe for me to snap back to "normal" LOL....
Oh by the way, I am going to turn 38 this Wednesday.... so this week consider that "Swednesday" for me!
Cancer the Crab... Body part ruled according to astrology,,,,,,
The stomach!
Figures! :P
Have a groovy day everyone
8) Deb
ps.. Thanks Margaret! We all need each other, and I appreciate your support and everyones!!! We rock!

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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:38 pm

Deb - Sorry to hear you're still feeling so crummy! Be sure and eat/drink things with potassium, since after all you've been thru your reserves are probably low ... potatoes, OJ, cantaloupe, milk all have plenty ... I'm sure that delicious-sounding salad (times 2!) did you a lot of good ... feel better soon! You'll get back in the groove with the yoga soon ... keep your chin up!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:59 pm

Thanks Clickster!
:D Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:35 am

Today was a 75% success... I ate very little for breakfast, and then I made up for it at dinner...
Had seconds, granted not a huge second portion, but a few extra scoops which were off plan...
Dessert was watermelon and cherries!
I am cutting myself some slack today, so (don't follow my example folks)\
I still will call today a success!
I had a check up today and my doctor gave me renewed hope and made me feel better... The whole focus on my "having strep" came from a neurotic suggestion made by my Mom, and frankly, my illness left as soon as it came once the doctor told me it was an unfounded worry....
I promptly went home, changed clothes, and went to my Yoga class!!!!
No Sweets :D
No Snacks :D
Seconds :roll:
Yoga :D

Thanks for listening to me bitch and moan for the past week guys!
Love and Peace,
8) Deb
Last edited by gratefuldeb67 on Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:49 am

Well, I'm just glad you're feeling better. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:45 pm

Thanks Jammin Jan!!!!!
Love and Peace,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:18 am

Failed today, start again tomorrow.. :D
Had half of a chocolate shake at a fast food place when I let myself get too crazy hungry... But dumped the other half...
Oh well.. At least I had a healthy brunch of salad...
I actually took home the whopper and fries, something I haven't eaten in about a month, and put it on a plate...
Let's just say that without having to "supersize" anything, this pushed the limits of the plate boundary big big big time!!!
No wonder it's so easy to get fat eating on the run and out of paper bags..
There's really no visual cue that it's a big meal... I was really surprised at how overfull that plate was.. It almost didn't fit, and I was using a deep dish plate/low bowl....
Whoa nelly!
In the end I really didn't enjoy that fast food once I was actually eating it, as it was really salty and greasy, etc... But I guess I just needed something prepared and something,, well, fast.....
I guess fast food is a "habit" of sorts for me too... I think my body doesn't really wish for that one to continue and I am really craving healthier stuff.
Just gotta get organized and make sure it's ready to go in the house...
oh ps... I didn't gain anything last week.. checked my weight this morning after not seeing a scale for about two weeks.. it was exactly where I left it last time! Yay!!! Thank you oh diet gods, that ye should let me go unscathed by the Sara Lee Strawberry Cheesecake incident last week! :P

Love and Hugs,
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:13 am

Given the disgust you are feeling about that meal, I would say that you may think you are starting over, but it sounds like you have really gone far down the road to success already. You actually dumped half a chocolate shake, were able to evaluate a fast food meal in terms of size, salt, and grease. I think this is an accomplishment, so you shouldn't write today off as a failure. Just keep going, don't look back and don't give up!

Jammin' Jan (thanks, I like that!)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:21 am

Thank's Jammin Jan! You are a good egg :lol:
I'm ditching this whole failure/success thing but will keep posting and I'll probably use more "euphamisms" like "Setback" or "Goof up" instead of harsh NoS Failure talk! LOL....

Tomorrow is "Swednesday" for me as it's my big 38th birthday!
I hope to enjoy some cybercake with you all! :D
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:47 am

Hi Deb:

I hope you have a very Happy Birthday!!!


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Post by doulachic » Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:26 am

Have a terrific Birthday!! :D :D :D

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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:54 am

Happy Birthday, Deb! I'm 38 too! .... Feel like I finally know what's going on -- sort of, anyway -- isn't it a great age to be? Have fun and do something special on your day!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:15 am

Happiest of Birthdays, Deb! Hope you have a wonderful day! :D

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Happy Birthday

Post by Kevin » Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:01 pm

Happy Birthday, Deb. I remember 38 as a vague memory... here I sit at 46, resenting my wasted youth (meaning when I was in my mid to late 30s)...

Best wishes for a great day.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:52 pm

Thank you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today has been a wonderful day so far...Good diet day, and I practiced Yoga again, and I'm going out to hear some music later so it's gonna continue to be great!!!!!! I might just indulge in a little Margarita action tonight if there's some good people to hang with and I'm not just sitting at a table drinking alone (I really don't drink and usually after one or two sips I am a gonner!)... That's probably going to be my only real S today....

My son Richard sent me an ecard this morning saying "Happy 13,870th day of existence....Today your wish is my command, except for doing the dishes!"
What a guy! I'm blessed!!!
(but what am I supposed to do with all those dishes????)
See you manana
Hope everyone had a great one!
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by navin » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:00 am

Hmm, your post reminded me of that George Thorogood song... "You konw when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself."

As for those dishes, get a dog. The dishes will get clean quick... well, at least they'll look clean... :D

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Post by margaret » Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:01 pm

I personally think the late 30's, early 40's are one the peak times for a woman, such a learning curve and a really sexy time. So glad you're doing the Yoga...I was doing it, but had to switch to Pilates because of (temporary, I hope) back problems. I prefer to do video exercises at home because it's easier and I don't break a sweat (i'm so laaazy) you're doing such a great thing to work with an instructor.
Watch those Margaritas, one usually has about the equiavalent of three drinks and sweet drinks can slip up on you.
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Peaking!!! My birthday celebration antics

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:41 pm

Hey Margaret!!! Yeah 38 is the supposed sexual peak for a woman!
I have yet to do the intensive rigorous clinical trials on that, but I think it's true.. And the stars were all lined up for me yesterday! I did hook up with an old fling last night who I've lost contact with for a while... It was also a full moon, so let's just say that you, me and the back lot security light which kept on turning on every five minutes, behind the pub saw some hugging and a kissing just for my birthday... Ha ha!!! Yeah meeee!
No this is not diet related, but it did make me smile!
Huh huh huh.... Still grinning...
Also, I jammed last night and sang three songs...
The highlight was when I did Led Zeppelin's
Your Time is Gonna Come!!!!!!!
Now that's a song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for the Margaritas... I had half and dumped the rest because I just don't like the way alcohol screws me up.... I don't need it..
I'm naturally high!
Didja notice that yet? LOL....

Okay, let's get back to G rated posts people! I mean me! :P
Love, Peace and Public Misdemeanors....

:lol: Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:06 am

Today was very very good to me!
I even took home half of a hamburger platter that we had at a diner tonight... I felt like that was a big triumph :)
One of those times when old habit can easily lead one to say "I could have the rest of this" without necessarily heeding the fullness cues of the tummy... I didn't heed that NoS "Siren" call, so I am really proud of myself!!!!!
Yay me!!!!!!!
See you manana folks :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:45 pm

Hey all! Hope yer doin fine.
I'm not sure what to call today? I haven't had any snacks or sweets or seconds, but I didn't use a plate, which I don't like, since it feels like snacking, for my grazing type breakfast of grapes and banana...
Tonight I'm going out to see my friends band (that one I sang with on that song file I sent some of you...) and unfortunately it's not at a bar, but a restaurant... I say unfortunately because I really don't like to eat late at night, and I wanted to be really strict today too.... The thing is, there's no cover charge or drink minimum but they do expect you to sit down to some food... I think what I'll do is call tonight an S night, but don't overdo it... I don't plan on having any soda or alcohol, and probably I will order a large chicken caeser salad, and if I'm really good, maybe I won't have all of it and take some home for tomorrow.... So I guess I'm shifting my S days a bit... The restaurant specializes in making fondues, so I'll probably have to watch and smell people dipping fruit into warmed up chocolate sauce or, and this one sounds really good, peach fondue with brandy....
But I love myself too much to give in to what I imagine must be around 2000 calories a cup...
Me want to lose some weight guys!
So that's the plan.
Wishing everyone
Peace, Love and Happiness!
Enjoy the weekend and Ssing!!!
8) Deb

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Post by sibyl » Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:48 pm

Hey Deb

You will be a paragon of willpower tonight. :)

I have another game tonight, and there will be chips and candy and all sorts of snacks and I, too, will be a willpower paragon.

We will paragon together. :lol:
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Good luck, Deb!

Post by Kevin » Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:28 am

Good luck, Deb!
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Post by margaret » Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:52 am

I'm so glad you enjoyed your b'day. I think it is important to continue our normal routines so I'm glad you're going out. If we're postponing our lives because of food, I think we're missing the point of NoS, which is to be normal eaters. Have fun.
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Paragon fishing....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:06 am

I was really good tonight... I didn't order food... Only a small coke, and a glass of club soda and lime (which cancels out the coke right??? LOL!!!)
Thanks for all your support guys! You all ROCK for being nice!!!!!
Yay we paragons!
(Is that actually English?)
I like that Sibyl... I'ze gonna be a paragon...Dat's right!
Hugs and Love,

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:24 am

Oh Deb, you did so well last night! You are an inspiration to us all!

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Post by snazzybabe » Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:31 am

Good on you Deb. What willpower. I don't know if I could have been so strong. Especially surrounded by people eating and the smell of melted chocolate.

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Post by navin » Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:46 pm

So Sybil and Deb are a pair of paragons. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:08 pm

Navin T. Cook,,,you are funny :lol:
Okay everyone all together now:
Say "pair of paragons pick a pepper" ten times fast!!!!!!!

Thank you so much everyone!!!

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Congrats, Deb

Post by Kevin » Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:53 pm

I'm glad you could do so well. It must have been difficult - it would have been terrible for me.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:13 pm

Thanks Kevin! In retrospect, there were a few things which played into it which I didn't expect.
1. The food was really expensive for me to splurge on, when I wasn't really eating dinner with a friend or anything.. just there for my friends great band... I hate to eat at a restaurant alone.. It's so non-social and depressing! Add to that, the fact that I was on a "paragon of virtue" high just feeling like I'm doing my body good from not eating late at night, which for me, is a personal goal I really wish to achieve for good, and it's one that I have had problems with....
2. It started late, and it wasn't as great of a restaurant as they seemed to be on their high glossy production website... I could have made better fondue! LOL... NoS seems to have made me much more discerning these days... It just wasn't worth it... Plus it was like $25! Come on! That's just too steep for cut up fruit and warmed up sugar.... LOL.... Maybe if they include a trip to Switzerland.
3. I managed to feel satisfied just by focusing on the great music, which really was making me happy, and so I was able to just sit there and nurse that seltzer and lime....Hey maybe next time I'll get really crazy and put a maraschino cherry on top for looks!... Plus I walked out of there with only a five dollar bill!
4 bucks for the drinks, one for the barkeep!
4. This one is pretty NoS related,,,, Remember how Reinhard always suggests that we think of something we really really want for our Sses? Well that's very good advice... We don't need to be random victims of circumstance here...
I am sure that my pre-planning/thinking/debating whatever, about what I wanted to do that night, really fortified my Willpower.... thanks for hearing me out everyone! I recommend this technique for any food challenges which may present themselves to you... If you screw up, okay, but chances are, you will probably succeed if you set your mind to it in advance, or just S a little bit, instead of a lot! I remember that even places like Weight Watchers and other behavioral systems besides NoS tout the virtues of preplanning...
Remember that Louis Pasteur quote from Clickbeetle, I think...
Chance favors the prepared...
Thanks again... I am counting yesteday as a big Success, and day 2, attempt 3 of my 21 days! I think? I'm losing track here! LOL...
8) Deb

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I'm down in weight from last week!!!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:19 pm

Hey Guys!!! Even though yesterday was an S day, I only indulged in some delicious chocolate flavored Silk soymilk which my mom picked up for me and Richard... After a year now, I am happy to say she is finally not buying Nestle Quick chocolate milk for him, as I have asked her not to, and we just don't drink cows milk much at all...
Guess what folks?

I lost another pound this weekend!!!!!!!!!!
I am stoked!!!
I think if I had gone nuts with extras that day at the restaurant I never would have seen this... It was worth being in control!!!
Thanks for rooting me on!
8) Deb

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Post by sibyl » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:36 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:
Okay everyone all together now:
Say "pair of paragons pick a pepper" ten times fast!!!!!!!

I'm glad you like being a paragon, Deb! And you seem to be doing very well. Congrats on losing weight and feeling great about it!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:44 pm

Thanks Sibyl! I think I used the word several times since you mentioned it.. I do like it! And I'm gonna make it my mantra!!!
Paragon power!!!
I told my friends the other day in an email that he was a "musical paragon" LOL... I hope I wasn't misusing it! LOL...

Just seems very powerful...
Without looking in a dictionary I'm guessing that it means some "ultimate powerhouse" or something high and powerful....

Have a jamming day!

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Post by sibyl » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:54 pm


n 1: an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept [syn: idol, perfection, beau ideal] 2: model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal [syn: ideal, nonpareil, saint, apotheosis, nonesuch, nonsuch]

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University


I like the first definition for us...after all, we have lots of equals here!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:23 pm

Thank you!!!

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Post by cvmom » Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:19 pm

:P :P :P

Hi Deb.
Congrats on the loss.


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Day 3 attempt "I don't know how many at this point! LOL

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:50 am

Today was, I believe my third good (consecutive) day, going by the rules...
The closest I ever got to 21 days was last year when I made it to 15 N days, I think... Regardless, my habits have really been very good these days, so I give myself an A for effort!!! And all you guys too!!!

Breakfast and lunch were both super light, infact too light... just coffee and an apple... Then I was rushing like an idiot and had a very upsetting phone call that threw me for a loop, so I lost my appetite a bit.. I knew I'd be in Yoga class so I wanted to have something in me, so I had a small glass, no more than a cup, of chocolate soy milk... plus one teabiscuit... Yeah there was some sugar in the soy milk, but it was only 140 calories a cup and it was my meal... (that's all I had here to drink other than orange juice which would have had no protein at all)
Then I went to Yoga, which helped calm me down... I thank God for that class and my teacher...
We had fried chicken and creamed spinach, and I had half a small avocado for dinner...
The only issue I had was plating it up properly... I had to eat the creamed spinach in a small bowl so it wouldn't slide all over my plate! But I had a normal portion and as for the chicken, I had two medium pieces, not three which, by the time dinner rolled around and I was so over hungry, I thought I'd have....
I am really full now...
Thanks Dru for the :P :P :P Congrats!!!
I'm counting today as a success :wink:
Peace and Love!
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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:14 am

Definitely a success by my lights, Deb! Sounds like you did what was healthy and right for you. For me, part of managing hunger is making healthy choices when I simply must eat something (or get a headache & feel unwell) ... sounds like that's a thing for you, too.

Here's to day 4 ... I'm pulling for you!
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Post by cvmom » Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:45 pm

Hi Deb.

Yes, it is hard working around yoga classes sometimes. You can't really do yoga on a full stomach and yet, if you don't eat, you'll faint.

I was at my slimmest (and on my way back thanks to No S) while doing yoga daily. That was probably since I was only eating one large meal and 2 small meals per day.

I'm glad you are doing well and being mindful. Mindfulness it 90% of doing this, don't you think?


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Day 4!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:29 pm

Hi Dru! When you are trying to learn anything new, whether it is, a type of exercise, a new language, a musical instrument, and of course, a new way of eating, I believe there's a significant amount of mindfulness about getting things under your belt... But rigorous practice, one would hope, will lead to automatic behaviors and a natural zen flow :D
Why is it that eating Haagen Daaz and Cheetos require no mindfulness!!!
Darn it, there's just no easy breaks are there? LOL....

I had a great great great day!!!!!!!
Successsssssss day number 4!I discovered that the Waldbaums I work underneath has a fantastic bakery section with the most fantastic hearty whole wheat fresh rolls... For breakfast I had 2 cups of coffee, and half an orange.. Then I continued to have more breakfast (yeah it was really a four meal day, by strictest standards here...) around 11:30 with a half a banana with a whole wheat roll toasted with monterey jack cheese, maybe about 1/4 cups worth..
What was interesting was that I was really hungry for that second breakfast but I ended up leaving about 1/3 of the toasted roll with cheese...I was just full.. :D
I also had taken out 8 pringle type potato chips, but never ate them all... Just 4 or 5 and someone else nabbed the rest, with my blessing....
Lunch was very late, 4'ish... I had some turkey meatballs with horseradish mayonaisse and a cut up tomato....
I'm just starting to get hungry for dinner, but it's gonna be a very little one... Probably some muesli with a little chocolate soymilk... But a regulation size serving... I don't feel like eating anything hot or heating up my kitchen, and I'm tired too....
I did 30 minutes of elliptical/cardio... No Yoga today, since the classes on Tues start at 8 am... That's really just too early for me....
I'm tempted to skip the cereal and really try to curb the calories, but experience has told me this won't work, and I'll wind up eating it at 1am...
So off to my cereal now and then,,, It's movie night for me!
I rented "House of Flying Daggers"... Anyone see it yet?
I'm feeling very beautiful inside and outside today!!! I'm seeing some changes in my face and that is the first place I usually notice if I am getting thinner or fatter... So, yeeehaaahhhh.....
I'm gearing up to lose anywhere between 10 and 20 lbs this Summer...
We shall see... I'm already looking and feeling much better, but the pounds thing is weird.... Gaining muscle and losing weight is a strange balance to attain... I just want to look and feel beautiful... At whatever weight...
Wishing you all Peace, Love and Contentment....
8) Deb

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Day 5.....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:48 pm

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:11 am

Yeah Deb.

It sounds like you are having a good week.

Dru. :D :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:14 am

Thanks Dru!
Hug :D
Hope you are too :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:04 pm

Good morning all! :lol:
How's it going eh? (ala Bob and Doug McKenzie...LOL..)

Well I have good news and I have bad news...
Fortunately the good news totally obliterates the bad news...
(and anyway didn't Shakespeare say nothing is good or bad, only thinking makes it so? LOL...)

I'll start with the annoying "bad" part.. LOL....
I'm not going to keep trying to do my 21 days... This is why... I've been with NoS since last Sept, and I have somehow not been able to attain the 21 days, consecutively, that is.... I probably have 210 successful days overall though, if I assume that I have 2 good weeks a month.. :lol:
However, I haven't Yoyo'ed in weight, and I have certainly changed my ways and habits radically, since then, for the best...

I blew it last night when I got home, since I was feeling lonely again (not too bad guys so don't worry.. hee heh...) and plowed through about 2 cups of Ranier Cherries at 2 in the morning, and then, even went and had a few spoonfuls of leftover cold macaroni and cheese! Gross!!! LOL....
Zeul!!!!!!! Why has thou abandoned me? LOL....But I didn't eat the cheese doodles in the cabinet, and I didn't have a pint of haagen daaz... That would have been me last year...

So, here's a whole mess of good news that could have easily been bad, had it not been for being a Nosser who has truly changed themselves...

*I passed up ice cream last night*I drove by a dunkin donuts and didn't stop, though I thought about it for a nano-second...
*I had iced tea with lemon, ala Kevin (thanks Kev!!!) instead of soda at the blues jam last night
*during the day, I no longer snack between meals... Never...
*I cut down on sugar in my coffee... Now it's 1.5 tsps... LOL.... Still it's gonna add up and then I'll nudge it down from there in the future...
*I'm exercising every single day, and compared to last year, we are talking a 200 percent increase in activity, so that's pretty darn good!
I like to mix things up a bit these days, and why not? So whether it be SG, Yoga or swimming, I'm doing it, and feeling great!!!

Stress eating at night, when no one is around but me, has been a major stumbling block for me.. This came from about the time I was 12... I'm 38 so, that's a lot of ingrained behavior... I almost wasn't going to report my experience last night, and just go on with the "Success" rating I gave myself.. But that felt too sneaky (like that "sneaking" food behavior as well... did you ever notice that Snacking and Sneaking sound very similar?... I bet there are etymylogical/semantic connections there for sure!) Where is lying going to get me? I prefer being open with myself and my friends here... We deserve the truth.... The truth sets you free!

I'm going to ammend my rating... It was a daytime success!!!! The day was perfect. So there! It seems to me that I have a 2 week success period, and then I "F" up a little, but then I go back and keep on truckin..
So.. for now that's my personal best..
Well I'm just going to report in my old style, of rambling endless epic communication... Ha ha.. and I will applaud all the 21 clubbers out there..
I am founding my own club now.... It's called the "I didn't give up and never will" club and you only need to try your best, and whatever your best is for now, is acceptable... I know I'm trying hard, and I'm doing great... I'm going to use a metaphor for nos which seems apt...
Getting a college degree...

I went to Queens College and majored in music... Vocals...
In four years I had grades that ran the gamut from C- A.... In the end, I didn't give up... Yes, over those 4 years, there were some days that were, admittedly, awful, even downright disasterous... But I didn't drop out, like here in NOS, and in the end, I am very proud to say, I graduated
Cum Laude!!! (not Suma, but hey, it's not too shabby...)
Considering that I spent most of my high school getting stoned, feeling like crap, cutting classes and having a C average, I think that's a big improvement... don't you? LOL.... Infact, if I hadn't gotten a 1300 on the SAT's I probably wouldn't have even been accepted into college...
So back to food... I have radically changed my approach to food since almost a year ago... Lets see where this leads in 3 more years! I know I'm still gonna be here...

My latest fantastic news, which I saved for the end, is that I measured myself this morning... I finally broke a plateau I've been on for about a month now...When I got up, I was feeling much slimmer and stronger in my abdomen, especially now that I'm back into Yoga this week, and I've really been quite good, with the slight setback of last night.... So I thought it would be appropriate to take out my tape measure... That confirmed my feeling...
Since the end of April, I have gone down 2 more inches from my waist...
I'm down to a 36 inch waist!!!!! I was seeing 37 for so long, but I knew it would change as long as I didn't give up!!! Yayyyyyyyyyy..
For people who haven't known me for that long, my old measurements were quite different...In Sept 2004, I had a 41.5 inch waist...
Thanks for your support guys! It has been invaluable...
You all and, of course, and especially, Reinhard, have been great friends and fantastic NoS compadres!
I think, next paycheck, I will finally buy myself a NoS teeshirt, cut off the sleeves (unless there's a tank top already at Cafepress, and then promptly make it into a TieDye!
Gotta spread the good news.. Right?...

I'm going to SG today too, since I'm just staying home and just cleaning my messy abode... Too bad I can't wave my Shovelglove over this pile of laundry and make it dissappear! (I don't have a washing machine here so I have to drag it out! Rah! LOL....)

Have a great day all!
Peace and Love,
8) Debbers...

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:35 pm

Don't drive yourself crazy about the 21 days, Deb. It's a motivational tool for some, it should not be a torture instrument for anyone. Your free spirit is a little too free to submit to such rigidity, but your persistance makes up for it. If you weren't making such slow, steady progress I might be worried, but you are.

Sorry Zuel didn't do the trick this time. More Ghostbuster dietary inspiration here: ... 48834.html

(I was trying to find a picture for you to tack on your fridge, but no luck)

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Post by sibyl » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:43 pm

Hey, even though last night you slipped a bit, I still think you are doing fantastic.
I love your attitude, your positivity, and you ability to stick with it even when you do slip up. Its truly inspirational. :D
I'm two years divorced now, and I know whereof you speak of late-night loneliness. Hang in there, keep swinging that shovelglove, and you'll do fantastic.

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:37 pm

Hi Deb.

Wow. Thanks for bearing your soul here. I don't think that the 21 day club was ever meant to make anyone feel bad. For me it was just the movitivation that I could actually do something and not flake out.

Good job on the meaurements. I too measured today and found that I have lost 4 inches overall. I am pretty amazed.

I understand your night eating scenario, although my eating time was (is? if I'm not following No S) in the late afternoon. Between 3:30 and 4:00 pm is when I get those urges. I can definately trace it to the afterschool lonliness I felt when I was a teen. My parents divorced and I lived with my dad who traveled like 200 days out of the year. So I came home alone. My mom took my brother 400 miles away so I had no one around. Yes, these ingrained ways of "taking care" of ourselves are difficult to break. But acknowledging them is a good thing. I think half the people I know are walking around in a daze. They are completely unaware of their patterns of behavior, belief and the way they project themselves into the world. That's the one thing I love about Yoga. It forces you to feel your emotions and does wake you up.

Alright, that said, I don't think you are a F up. I think you are slowly reinventing yourself. I like that way that you focused on all the things you have been doing right.

Keep up the good work, because it is good work and the reward of a smaller waist is really just secondary.


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Post by doulachic » Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:38 pm

You are doing awesome! Don't ever doubt it. I have so enjoyed reading your posts since I have started this, you are an inspiration! As for the inches, great job! Sometimes i like to wrap the tape measure around my waist and set it to my old measurement just so i can see how far i've come (though a lot of my success was from crazy diets...YUCK! I'm so glad i'm done with those!)

Keep up the good work! 8)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:58 pm

Thank you Reinhard et all you guys! :D
Yeah, it was starting to feel pretty aggravating after my "X'th" try...
LOL... Not torture, per se, but I was getting ready to say "F" this! LOL.....
Free spirits don't like to be reined in too much....
Even by a guy named,,,,,
(I think I'm onto a minor connection here with your innate ability to help us stay in control my friend!)

8) Deb

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