Kittson's Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Kittson's Check In

Post by Kittson » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:42 pm

Well, I wasn't going to post or have a daily check in, but I just finished listening to the "What the Hell" podcast episode. I can see how being specific on what the exact fail was would help from sabotaging the whole day. Since my husband and friends don't know that I am doing this diet, I don't have them to report to. I'd rather them not know, to be honest. The most I told my husband was, "You know, I think I'm going to try to eat 3 really good meals during the day, and cut down on snacking the best I can." He thought that was a good idea. LOL

My best guess is that I will very slowly lose 10 lbs doing this. I am not in a rush, as I am content with how I look. I recently got a Bod Pod assessment done, so I do know that my BF% is 27%. That is what I would like to see go down. However, counting calories is not how I want to do it. There is no set date it needs to be done, so I like the idea of focusing on behaviors and habits that appear to be completely normal human behavior.

I come from a history of disordered eating, starting shortly after my son was born 4.5 years ago. I did some pretty extreme restriction, then rebound, then restriction again, then a smaller rebound, and now I have been losing slowly since May 2014. Since May 2014, I have lost 12 lbs. It's been easy and painless, but I have been food obsessed. All thoughts are food thoughts, and let me tell you, I am SO SICK OF THINKING ABOUT FOOD!!! My thoughts on food at this point are, I am tired of you! You are not worth my brain power! Etc.

I started No S on Saturday, March 21st, and I didn't allow any of the esses this past weekend because I didn't want my first days to be Snack, Sweet, or Seconds days. So this coming weekend will be my first real S days. I am interesting to see how this goes. I am going to have to work extra hard to allow an S (recovering perfectionist here). I don't have binging or out of control eating behaviors, I am just sick of thinking about food.

Some of the pros I've noticed in the past 4 days are that I feel lighter, more agile, and just generally better without food digesting in my system 24/7. Another thing I've noticed is that I have had zero negative self-talk regarding food these past 4 days, and let me tell you, that is an amazing feeling. I never have to wonder, "am I eating too much? Should I really be eating this snack? Will this put me over maintenance calories? You really shouldn't be eating this, are you sure your feeling physical hunger right now?" The list goes on.

Before No S, I was down to 3 meals and one snack for a few weeks, so cutting out the snack hasn't been bad. Hunger is manageable and I am thoroughly enjoying my meals.

As far as exercise, I typically exercise 5 days a week. I strength train, love kettlebells, and I run.

My Day 1 starting stats on March 21 were:

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 141.2 lbs
Waist: 26.75"
Hips: 37.25"
Body fat: 27%

I commit to not weighing/measuring myself for one month, so I will post my stats again on April 21.

If I have any red days, I will post the specifics of the fail. This is in effort to keep from sabotaging the entire day.

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Post by Retrogirl » Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:15 pm

Welcome to the board. I am a newbie also. Like you, I have struggled with over restricting and had dangerously low BMI's; not suggesting you have or ever had too low BMI or ED. Some would call it an eating disorder, but I find that obnoxious like I need to spend hours in a therapist room? I'd rather change the external (practical) and forget the rest. Recently gained 20 lbs from lowest weight, I'm a fairly tall woman, would like to lose a few for my own preference. Sorry if I overshared; working on not obsessing about body, exercise and food so much. :roll:

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Post by Kittson » Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:37 pm

Thanks for the welcome Retrogirl! I am recovering from ED and actually spent quite a bit of time seeing a counselor, which helped me immensely. It's interesting how we all have similar stories but each travel their own unique path.

I am having a great week. I feel like I have raised my esteem and self-integrity this week. The absence of shame around food is making me feel happier overall! I KNOW that I am not eating too much. I know that I am also not under eating. There has been no negative self-talk punishment for overeating this week, or crabbiness from not eating enough. I am eating a normal amount like a NORMAL eater. It's really a great feeling.

I know it's early so I am in the "honeymoon" period of this habit, but I am excited to see how things are a month from now. If I feel this normal around food already, I can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring.

Day 1: Success + Exercise
Day 2: Success
Day 3: Success + Exercise
Day 4: Success + Exercise
Day 5: Success
Day 6: Success

Like I said in my previous post, I won't be weighing or measuring results until April 21. From past experience, I know that seeing the daily fluctuations in the scale affect my mood and food choices for the day. Weigh less: Feel good and eat more. Weigh more: hate on myself and eat less. It's no good. So no weighing until then and I will be focusing on the habits.

I am interested to see how my first S days go. I am looking forward to it but also feeling a bit of dread. The excitement comes from knowing that I can go to a restaurant and order what I want. The dread comes from my perfectionist side, not wanting to have a snack and keeping doing this "more perfect than perfect."

I realize from reading through the forums that having S days are vital to the success of this lifestyle. So I am going to allow myself a few indulgences and move on with life. And lately, it's a life that doesn't obsess about food. Woohoo!

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Post by Kittson » Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:55 am

I made it through my first S day, and today I have the intention of now allowing myself to get overfull. Yesterday I had my normal breakfast (7:30), then a very late lunch (2ish) so I was starving!!! I didn't go crazy at lunch time, but there was grazing throughout the rest of the day and it just left me feeling weighed down and kind of gross overall. By the end of the day I just wanted a vegetable!! I roasted a pan of cauliflower so I have those on hand for today.

I am just finishing my normal breakfast. I'm going to go run some point this morning and then finish my second S day!

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Post by jbgnos » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:52 pm

Hi Kittison! I had the same EXACT first S-day as you did! Normal B, late late lunch and then overate the rest of the day, even though lunch went fine. Weird. When i get too hungry, the rest of the day (even if that meal immediately after) is not good. Note to self.

I could have written almost everything you and Retrogirl wrote. Interesting. We're kinda "litter mates" since we're all starting together.
I need to lose a few lbs, but not too worried about that since it'll be slow, I know. But the 3 plates per day takes ALL the obsessing out my head, and that alone is worth the price of admission :)

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you guys. Today's S day (2nd one ever) I want to stick to the 3meals per day with a small treat after lunch and dinner. That sounds reasonable. I could care less about seconds. Why would I need seconds when I'm getting dessert? I think this will be perfect

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Post by Kittson » Mon Mar 30, 2015 1:45 am

jbgnos - Yes, not obsessing is the BEST. You're right, we are litter mates, lol! It will be nice to have a few of us going through the stages together.

Today was nearly a normal day. I had a regular breakfast, ran 4 miles, then had lunch. The only S I added was an apple after my meal, and I dipped it in yogurt. I never eat sweetened yogurt so it was quite a treat. Later in the afternoon I had a little bit of peanut butter as I was serving my son peanut butter and apples for a snack. I had a delicious supper and after that I had half a banana with a little peanut butter spread on top. So not a very crazy S day. I just really dislike feeling overfull. I felt like I added the banana and peanut butter at the end of the day because it was an S day, and for goodness sakes I better have SOMETHING that would maybe not comply with the rules. The only way it wouldn't comply is that it didn't fit on my one plate for supper.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, back to N days!

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Post by Kittson » Tue Mar 31, 2015 1:50 pm

Things are going very well. I've learned that hunger will not hurt me and I am thoroughly enjoying my meals. I use a luncheon plate (9") for eating most meals unless I am absolutely famished and then I switch to a normal dinner plate (10.5"). It's amazing how much more food fits on a dinner plate.

I like the visual trick of using the smaller plate and filling it up. It makes me feel like I'm getting a lot more food. It also makes me feel like I'm eating from a normal sized plate instead of eating off a huge platter. For me personally, I do think dinner plates are too big to use 100% of the time.

Day 1: Success + Exercise
Day 2: Success
Day 3: Success + Exercise
Day 4: Success + Exercise
Day 5: Success + Exercise
Day 6: Success
Day 7: Success
Day 8: Success + Exercise
Day 9: Success + Exercise
Day 10: Success + Exercise

I want to weigh myself so bad. But I am going to refrain. I feel light and agile when I am eating less food. I feel good! Who would have though that digesting snacks/meals all day would weigh a person down so much.

I am sure that my weight is probably the same as Day 1, but darn it I feel fantastic! I will need to remember this come April 21 before I weigh or measure. I must remember how sweet the freedom from food obsession and shame is, regardless of what the scale says.

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Post by jbgnos » Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:20 pm

Wow, great job! I am also doing well with all successes! I'ts interesting because I know a lot of folks who simply REBEL against rules, but for me if there's a rule, I won't breat it. So, the rule is No S's and that's that. I just do it.

I did weigh myself after one week because I felt considerably lighter and WAy less belly bloat, but the scale was exactly where it was on the first day, so I think you're doing well not to! I wasn't discouraged one iota, though, because, like you, I feel so much better and am enjoying each meal so much more!

I like the idea of smaller plates most days and I do that, too. Although I just had a huge breakfast (feel fine, though..not stuffed but full) because I was hungry all day yeseterday, even after dinner...I think I took care of that for today, haha

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Post by Kittson » Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:46 pm

Thanks so much jbgnos! I love the rules too. And I think the rules of this plan are so common sense and practical that it makes me feel like I'm really taking good care of myself by following them.

I"m happy to hear you too care of that hunger by having a substantial breakfast!

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Post by KathieM » Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:19 pm

well done!! I'm impressed with what you're learning. I'm also enjoying the rules - they're sensible. I have hopes that I've found the program that will last for life. here's hoping! I don't see why it couldn't. All the best!

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Post by Kittson » Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:51 am

Hi Kathie! Thanks for the kind words. I'm actually impressed by what has happened in the past week and a half too. It's pretty amazing how something so simple can make such a big difference.

Today was a success. One new thing that happened today was that I left food on my plate at lunch time. Since I've started this, I've eaten what I've put on my plate. Today at lunch I had had enough and stopped eating. I reflected on that, and I have concluded that I have started to learn that hunger is not scary and it will not hurt me. In the past I was one of those people that ate preemptively or always had snacks on hand. I was scared of hunger. The past 11 days have proved that hunger is not going to kill me, and in fact it is good for me.

I ate lunch at 12:15 PM and ate supper at 6:45 PM. That's a great stretch! So I didn't finish all my food at lunch and I survived (thrived!) for 6 hours and 15 minutes. I'm so happy with that!

It was finally a gorgeous day here and I walked for 20 minutes at both my AM and PM work breaks. After work I pulled my son in the wagon for a while. It was so nice to get some sunlight!

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Post by DSTSS » Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:02 am

Congrats Kittson on your many successes! I am just finishing Day 2. I like your idea of eating off a smaller plate. I'm not ready for that yet, but after eating too much for dinner tonight, and being a little uncomfortably full, I realize I can scale it back a bit and still be satisfied. Guess it will be a bit of trial and error to find the right balance.

Judith Beck (the Beck Diet Solution) says hunger is not an emergency. So true. And so easily forgotten!

Glad you could enjoy some sunlight with your son today!

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Post by nbh76 » Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:13 pm

When I realized I wasn't actually going to die from hunger it was like my eyes were finally open...and that I had feet...and hands...LOL. It is ridiculous. Sure there are some people that need to live that way but jeez we can't possibly be made to survive like this. I feel gross when I am constantly "fed". This is another reason I have always gravitated back to this way of living. ( I am overweight though 😤 ) i digress have a great day ... Oh yeah I really came on to say I have a couple of really cute dishes and bowls ( pottery form Ashville la de da ) that are a bit smaller then my average dishes and they are just nicer so it makes me happy to eat off of them...two birds one stone.
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Post by Lovedby2 » Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:54 pm

Hi Kittson!! Welcome to No S! Isn't it the best? I love it. I understand about the diet head. It is good you got "out" when you did. I believe dieting leads to food disorders or disordered eating as they call it now. I started that nonsense at 13 or 14 and ended up with some serious food issues. So be glad you have found No S and possibly avoided all that. You are doing so well. Boy, I could sure use some of your energy and determination with the working out stuff. It won't be long before that 10 lbs is history. Thanks for the podcast info. I am going to check it out.
Always learning.

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Post by Kittson » Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:46 pm

DSTSS - I read the Beck Diet Solution a few years ago. It was a great read! I should go back to it and look at the parts I've highlighted. Thanks for bringing it up!

nbh76 - I bought beautiful, smaller dishes too. I am a Fiesta fan, so I have picked out my favorite colors and all my dishes are mismatched and so bright and cheerful. I absolutely love them. My smaller plates are a new color from Fiesta called Poppy, and I don't have them in my larger dinner plate size. It makes eating off the smaller plate even more appealing because it's my new favorite Fiesta color! :) What I'd really like is some harlequin print MacKenzie-Childs dinnerware, but that's not quite in my budget. With all the money I'm saving from not eating as much, I may be able to congratulate myself with a few pieces to compliment my Fiesta collection! haha!

Lovedby2 - Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I'm glad you got out of dieting as well. It's no way to live, that's for sure. I really enjoy exercise, I've found it helps me release some anxiety/stress.

Speaking of exercise, I am toying with the idea of the 300 Swings Per Day Challenge. It's 300 kettlebell swings per day for 30 days. It takes about 15 minutes per day. I completed 300 swings this morning, and I plan on 300 tomorrow. I absolutely love kettlebells, so I think this would be a good little program for me to follow for the next month. It will be good to focus on this, as I am an injured runner and need to lay off running for a while.

I had a wonderful breakfast this morning. I have a handy little item called the Breakfast Maker from Tupperware. You can make eggs or oatmeal in it, in the microwave. I know, eggs in the microwave sound strange, but it is truly awesome. Today I did eggs, oats, and one mashed up banana. Ahhh-mazing!!!

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Post by Lovedby2 » Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:53 pm

I love Fiestaware. I used to have my grandmother's and lost it moving around in my careless youth. Cringe. I am seriously considering getting the new stuff. My sister has it and loves it.
Always learning.

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Post by Kittson » Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:00 pm

Lovedby2 - So sad about your grandma's Fiestaware! I adore mine and hope I can pass it on to my son (or his future life partner, he's 4, so I will get to enjoy it for many more years yet). I registered for mine when my husband and I got married, so I have many place settings in different colors, and then the past 7 years of marriage I have collected more pieces. I think I need a bigger kitchen to store it all. LOL!

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Post by Kittson » Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:17 am

Today was a success! My big win today was lunch time. The guy that services our copy machine showed up right as I had grabbed my lunch out of the fridge to be warmed up. He was there for an hour and I didn't want to eat until he was gone so I could relax and enjoy my meal without interruptions. I set my lunch back an hour to do this, and I was just fine. Yes, I was very hungry and I was really looking forward to the delicious meal I had packed. But I survived and nothing bad happened! Honestly, 3 weeks ago I would have been crazy if someone interrupted my lunch! I would have been irate! Something has happened in between then and now, and that something is that I can handle hunger. This is so liberating.

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Post by DSTSS » Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:19 am

Amazing! Great things happening! Congrats!

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Post by gingerpie » Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:52 pm

Feels good to see the change happening doesn't it? Pat yourself on the back. :lol:

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:54 pm

Yay Kittson! Job well done! I feel like w nos I gained a sense of maturity around food. Yes I could wait a few hours between meals, yes I could have sweets but not everyda. Instead of going from one extreme to the other starvation or binge, nos forces you to get real--moderation & patience will get most of us to a healthy place!

Keep up the good work!

Linda 😀
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by jbgnos » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:05 pm

Great job! I'm sure you enjoyed your meal so much more having waited for the worker to leave! And an hour? no one ever perished from waiting for one extra hour for lunchtime.

I think I was so undereating (and then overeating) that I would be SO so SOOO hungry like you mentioned if someone delayed my lunch? WATCH. OUT.

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Post by Kittson » Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:54 am

Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement! This forum has proven to be so friendly. I am so thankful for this resource.

Today was another green day. I have an app called HabitBull on my phone, so I track my habits on there and I am also using HabitCal here. Today when I checked Yes for No S success, HabitBull gave me the message of:

"What a difference two weeks can make! It's actually becoming a habit now, your brain is rewiring."

So exciting! I can't believe it's been that long already. Honestly the time since I've started has flown by. This hasn't been a drag. Time seemed to crawl on the restrictive diets I've done in the past. I remember thinking that I just wanted to get the darn day over with already so I didn't have to think about food anymore for the rest of the day.

Anyone reading this that hasn't experienced No S for themselves would probably think I'm exaggerating with how much joy has been brought into my life by not obsessing over food anymore. Like I said before, liberating!

Today for exercise I did 300 KB swings. Tomorrow morning I am going to go back to my 25# KB because I don't want to overdo it with my new one. I just recently have been working up to a 35# bell, and am trying to ease into it instead of do something foolish and injure myself! I think I will alternate days with the two different KBs to build up strength for the 35#.

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Post by DSTSS » Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:45 am

Kittson - I'm right there with you, and I've only finished Day 4! Looking forward to keeping it going and building that habit!

A little nervous about N-days, especially with Easter and family visiting, but I'm not going to worry too much. These are days built into the system to enjoy, then get back on track with the next S-day. (Am I using the right terminology? Still new to me :? )

I am still obsessing about food a bit, simply because I want to make sure my meals are satisfying and something to look forward to. But I like the mental changes. I'm just really enjoying what I eat, and not feeling too deprived between times. Liberating is a great word! Even joyful liberation!

Never tried KB. I have a pretty good cardio routine going, but need to branch out a bit!

Keep up the great work!

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Post by Kittson » Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:45 am

Thanks DSTSS! It's amazing how fast the mental changes take place. I was pretty worried about my meals being just right in the beginning, because I was so scared of hunger. Turns out hunger isn't going to hurt me so it's not a big deal. Yay!

Enjoy your S days, that is what they are there for. And Reinhard is right about habits eventually spilling into the S days. It's a great system.

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Post by jbgnos » Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:02 am

Whoa! 300 KBs with a 25# would be savage but a THIRTY FIVE? Wow! I have a 32# that I can do 100 with but it's 20 at a time and then rest. I used to be in great KB shape, but I put them down for a while and now i'm getting back into them!
Have you ever done Lauren Brooks' "Kettlebells for Women" program? It's not swing-heavy, but it's so much fun. It's overhead presses, wiindmisss, fun stuff like that. I loved it and am considering doing it again. It's short and effective and would go well with swings. Or walks. Or anything! So much fun.

I have not found the program to be quite as effotless as you, but I agree that meals are more enjoyable and I obsess less about food, as you noted. I am on week 2 as welll. I have not tired HabitCal but I think i"ll go take a look. Thanksf for reminding me

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Post by Kittson » Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:10 pm

I love KBs so much! I think it's almost a meditation for me. I really just zone out, make sure I'm squeezing muscles in the right places ;) and get the workout done.

I've never done Lauren Brooks' program but have heard great things about it. I do have Iron Core Kettlebell with Sarah Lurie. It's super cheesy with some of her comments, but I do enjoy it. I am keeping things simple with just the swing challenge, but will be ready for something else the end of the month!

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Post by Kittson » Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:45 am

I just completed Day 14! I have all green days during the week and of course the S days on Saturdays and Sundays. I am really proud thus far and am feeling so relaxed around food. What a change. Tonight we went out for supper with my in-laws. My husband ordered an appetizer to share (wings!) and I did not have any. I told him that I really wanted to wait for my entree so that I didn't spoil my appetite. No one said a word about it, because it just so happens that is a perfectly normal response. Lol, it's almost funny when I think about it.

When my meal did arrive, I saw that I would have room for a wing, so I added it to my plate. I ate it after I ate part of my entree. No one noticed or said anything about what I did. It's funny how self conscious I can be as an eater. I am always concerned about explaining my behavior and choices because of my wacky diet history, but this is normal behavior.

I was especially happy I was able to keep today green because I ate lunch at noon, and our food did not get to our table until 7. That's a really long stretch of time for me, but I made it and I was still able to function like a reasonable human being! I wasn't crabby from hunger or short with anyone. I was just fine.

Tomorrow I will be celebrating Easter with my side of the family. We are grilling steaks, yum! I also purchased three Russell Stover eggs to sample. One is Birthday Cake flavor and the other is Cookie Dough. I also bought a coconut almond egg, but that one will go in the freezer for a future S day. The Birthday Cake and Cookie Dough flavors piqued my interest while I was shopping for my son's Easter basket. I thought, what a special, fun thing to try on my S days coming up!

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Post by jbgnos » Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:57 am

yeah, it cracked me up the other day when it dawned on me that i'm on my favorite diet yet (and it has a LOT of competition) where I eat whatever I want 3x a day. Um, yeah. THATS a friendly diet!

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Post by DSTSS » Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:45 pm

Kittson - loved your post! Perfectly normal responses! What a concept! What an amazing change is coming over us in such a short amount of time!

Just loved the way you handled the appetizer. And isn't it cool that no one noticed! Your "diet" doesn't have to become the main focus, topic of conversation, reason for judgment or speculation. It's just normal eating.

Enjoy your treats this weekend. I will enjoy mine too! A loss on the scale after 5 successful days will keep me motivated to keep it in check and not be an idiot!

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Post by Kittson » Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:53 pm

Thank you so much DSTSS and jbnos! Yes, this is the least obtrusive way of handling food/eating that I've encountered.

DSTSS - Congrats on the scale going down! I am still holding out on weighing. I am so tempted but going to wait two more weeks. Hopefully there will be measurable change!

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Post by Retrogirl » Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:23 pm

Congratulations Kittson! Keep it up:). Enjoy your weekend.

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Post by DSTSS » Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:41 pm

I'm guessing you'll see a change! Are you noticing any other changes? Clothes a little looser?

I had to prepare myself to be ready for no change on the scale. I have truly been filling my plates. I needed to focus on the fact that I am working on changing habits that don't serve me well, and that is enough. The loss is wonderful, and I'm happy about it of course, but truly, the feelings of self-control, the real enjoyment that is coming at mealtime, the new habits being built ... those are the best rewards! And it sounds like you are experiencing those rewards in a big way! Keep up the good work!

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Post by Kittson » Sat Apr 04, 2015 2:02 pm

I do feel a change, especially in the hips/bum area. Yesterday I put my skinny jeans on and they didn't "hug" like they usually do, LOL! This has been such a great process that it seems to good to be true that weight loss could happen in addition to the peace around food, you know?!

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Post by Kittson » Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:31 am

Today was a good S day. I had my usual breakfast, and then when I prepared french toast for my husband I did have two bites of that. It was pretty good, but it's not what I prefer. I like my own food! I did a kettlebell workout and ran two miles, and then used the new squat rack at our fitness center. After that we went to my parents house for our Easter celebration. I had two beers, Redd's Apple Ale, yum!! I also had some chocolate and pieces of the Russell Stover eggs (they were so delicious!). We had a wonderful supper and I was full afterwards! It's been a while since I've felt over full, but the feeling went away pretty quickly, so I know I didn't really overdo it too much. I feel so good about today. It was a nice day with my family, my son got to play with his cousins, and my husband was even a good sport hanging out for hours and hours with his in-laws. :)

I'm looking forward to another good start tomorrow and a fun day with my son and husband. Since we celebrated with my family today, we are going to have our own little fun day by going out for lunch and then to the movie Home.

I hope everyone else is having a good weekend as well!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:05 am

Sounds like a wonderful day! So glad it went well for you and you have another fun day planned for tomorrow--yay!! Loved the movie Home btw!!!

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Post by nbh76 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:27 pm

Kittson you are awesome and I high five you ✋ right back !!! I too am on some sort of happiness high with this way of eating. Took me a few years to get here though LOL. Have a fun day today!
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Post by Kittson » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:32 pm

Thanks for stopping by lpearlmom and nbh76! Today went well and supper time is soon. Can I tell you how much I want some darn vegetables right now?! There wasn't much for vegetables yesterday, and today was lacking although I did have a side salad with my lunch today. I am ready to go back to N days!

Tomorrow I have a session with a strength coach to check my form on kettlebells and then teach me some moves that I didn't want to attempt at home without guidance. I am really excited. I also ran two miles yesterday and I didn't have any knee pain, and there is no lingering pain today. I've been dealing with knee issues since January, and have recently had to scrap my plans of running a half marathon in May. Big bummer, but my right knee can't handle the mileage. I had an MRI a few weeks back and apparently I have less cartilage in that knee, and the doctor said the symptoms are right on for someone with that amount of cartilage. It's nothing to get excited about, but unfortunately it's enough to keep me from 25-30+ mile weeks. Argh. So anyhow, I have been trying to do lower mileage just to get some running in and keep my fitness.

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Post by nbh76 » Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:53 pm

Boo on the knee! Are there things to promote the health of cartiledge? FYI I now want to learn how to use my kettle ball that is holding the door open LOL ! No seriously I am going to look stuff up about it. Is it really as fun as you make it sound? 😬 Have a great N day!
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Post by DSTSS » Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:33 pm

Hey Kittson! We're on track today for successful N-days! So glad to be back to the structure.

How great that you have a coach who can help you with form! Sorry about the knee. Sounds like you are doing the right things to take care of yourself!

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Post by Kittson » Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:10 pm

nbh76 - My doctor told me to take 1500 mg of glucosamine each day. He said that will preserve the cartilage I have, so I've been doing that. Kettlebells are a great workout. You can get a great metabolic boost in a very short amount of time. They are so efficient!

DSTSS - Thanks for stopping by and woohoo for N days!!!

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Post by Kittson » Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:44 am

Mark Day 17 a Success! This was a challenging day because my schedule was crazy. I had payroll at work this morning, then left at 1:00 to go to a dentist appointment in another town, and then when I got home I met with the strength coach for a lesson on kettlebells. There was a lot of driving, about 160 miles today, and that wears me out and typically would make me want to eat. But I stuck with it and didn't snack. My KB lesson was at 5:00, so in the past I would have had something to eat before I went but I did not this time and it was fine. I have another session Saturday morning, and I will have time for breakfast before, so I'm looking forward to that.

I can't believe it's been 17 days. Honestly this time has gone so fast. This way of eating fits seamlessly into my life.

My KB lesson was so much fun but really hard at the same time. He had me practice so many Turkish Get Ups. My form for the swing was good but he is having me do a few tweaks. I'm so looking forward to the next session. Oh, and I am already sore only 3 hours later. I might have to take an ibuprofen tonight!

I've been thinking about the scale. Thinking about how I am tempted to get on it because others are having some success. I am curious. Curious is different than desperate for weight loss. I think I've shrunk a bit, but I really don't know. I might weigh myself the last few days of this week so I know what happened during my first 21 Days on No S. The most important thing is that I have a sense of freedom in my life that I haven't felt for a very long time.

One thing I want to work on this week is increasing my vegetable intake. Before I started No S I did pretty well with vegetables. I will admit the first couple weeks on No S my intake decreased dramatically. One of the reasons was that I was concerned that they wouldn't hold my hunger at bay between meals, so I was looking for higher calorie density food. I'm going to try increase my vegetables to half the plate for lunch and supper and see how that goes.

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Post by osoniye » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:50 am

Kittson wrote:I'm going to try increase my vegetables to half the plate for lunch and supper and see how that goes.
Sounds like you're doing great, Kittson, making wise changes gradually! I enjoy the half plate of veggies when I plan my meal well enough to manage it. It really is a good mix of the right proportion of calorie dense food as well as high volume food for being able to feel satisfied, I find.
No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, Except (Sometimes) on days that start with "S".

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Post by Kittson » Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:47 am

Thanks Sonya! I tried it last night for supper and it went great. I do believe it helped that they had been drizzled with a little of olive oil and then roasted. Maybe that extra bit of fat helped with the satiation. I'll do it again for lunch and supper today. I love roasted vegetables, and I'm glad they are back in my life. Lol! :o

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Post by DSTSS » Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:03 pm

Mmmmm - love roasted veggies! I'll follow your lead for dinner tonight! :idea:

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Post by nbh76 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:44 pm

Kittson maybe we should start a NO scales group...LOL... I am super concerned that when the weightloss I have experienced slows down I am going to get "weird " about things instead of blissfully feeling good about what I am doing. I know myself all to well. You are doing great though and I am hankering for roasted veggies now tooooo!😯

You are almost done your 21 day challenge...WOOT WOOT !!!
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Post by Kittson » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:42 pm

Love the idea of a No Scales group, haha! That's a great idea. It could at least be made into a challenge, 21 days of no weighing!

I made roasted brussell sprouts for supper last night and I made enough to warm up for lunch today. Yum yum, I think they are my favorite roasted vegetable!

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Post by nbh76 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:28 pm

I'm getting brussell sprouts TODAY... It just sounds soooooo good! Have a fantastic day Kittson !
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Post by nbh76 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:37 pm's almost Saturday!
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Post by Kittson » Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:37 pm

nbh76 - Enjoy the brussell sprouts! How do you prepare yours for roasting? I use olive oil, garlic powder, Himalayan salt, and pepper. Mmm.. my very favorite!

I am going to try a big salad today for lunch. My favorite toppings for salad are chicken, half of a baked sweet potato (diced up into small pieces), some shredded cheese, and get this.. Ken Davis BBQ Sauce. I usually heat the chicken/bbq sauce together. I prefer Ken Davis because there isn't any HFCS in it. There is something about the warm chicken/bbq sauce and warmed up sweet potato that make the salad very satisfying. It is filling and delicious.

I am shopping for a salad chopper to make chopped salads. I love when they are served like that at restaurants. The smaller pieces make it more pleasant to eat.

Yesterday I had a work meeting directly after the regular work day that lasted until 6:30. I didn't get home to eat until 7:00. I went 7 hours between lunch and supper! Amazing! It absolutely floors me how long I can go between meals. If someone would have told me I would be doing this four weeks ago, I wouldn't have believed them. I used to watch the clock: breakfast at 6:45, snack at 10, lunch at 12, snack at 3, and supper by 5:30, and sometimes a snack after supper. I was eating so much. What a pain! I remember feeling panicky if I didn't have snacks packed in addition to my lunch. It caused so much anxiety.

I am SORE from my session with the strength coach. This morning I practiced Turkish Get Ups, Cleans, and Swings. I also did some Goblet Squats. I have another session set up with him for Saturday morning. I'm looking forward to it!

Today is Day 19, woohoo! I love looking at my HabitCal. It makes me feel so happy to see all the green and yellow.

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Post by gingerpie » Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:27 pm

Yay, for you!! Amazing what a change in attitude brings isn't it? And the best part? Success spills over into other areas of your life. Keep the streak going, only a few days left To 21.

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Post by jbgnos » Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:49 am

Wow, your strength coach for kettlebells sounds fun! How did you find this coach? Is he or she RKC certified? I ask because I live in the San Francisco Bay area in CA where we seem to have everything anyone could want, and i can't find an RKC to save my life.

Turkish Get Ups are sheer bad-assery, so soreness is not surprising! :)

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Post by Kittson » Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:04 am

I live in an incredibly rural (population 700) part of Minnesota, so no, unfortunately he isn't RKC certified, but he follows all the principles of Pavel. I agree with everything he says as far as kettlebell principles go. It's so nice to find someone that goes along with the StrongFirst and RKC ideas. I am crazy lucky to have this guy local. He just moved to town and is taking clients in the evenings/weekends when he isn't at his day job. Funny, he used to travel with the WWE. I haven't mustered the courage to ask him what exactly, he did in the WWE. :)

Another green day, getting so close to 21 days! My salad for lunch was a success, except for forgetting to pack my sweet potato. I was so bummed when I opened my lunch bag and saw that was missing. Oh well, I was hungry so it was still yummy.

Day 20 is tomorrow. Yes, silly me, I started this on a Friday night before supper. I had a bunch of N days in a row right away (7), as I didn't want to have S days 12 hours in to starting No S.

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Post by nbh76 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:50 pm

Brussell sprouts RULE...I did mine with sesame oil though 'cause I was out of olive ( how did that happen ) so they had a bit of a nutty flavor but they were perfectly delicious so thanks for helping me out of my dinner slump! ALSO I now need to look up these words you used about the kettle ball LOL I'm dusting mine off today! Your 21 is almost here....wooohooooo ! Gingerpie was the one that even got me thinking of doing mine and when I did it I felt empowered...! 😎
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Post by Kittson » Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:54 pm

nbh76 - So glad you enjoyed the BS :) haha! Yes, dust off those kettlebells. They fit along with the moderation lifestyle of No S. You can get an amazing workout in 15 (or 14) minutes.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:57 am

Yay--your almost to 21 days. You rock! I started Nos on a Friday too way back when & when I restarted this time, 'twas on a Friday too. Pretty smart if you ask me! ;)

Have a fabulous Friday!!

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Post by beelizardbreath » Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:42 am

Kittson- Thank you so much for stopping by my thread! Congrats again on your 21 days! I am very encouraged! :)

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Post by Kittson » Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:07 pm

21 Days, I did it! I am surprised and happy that I was able to meet the challenge, and I feel like this is starting to feel pretty normal for me. This last week my hunger has been very manageable and I believe my body is adjusting.

Some things have happened or that I've noticed/learned
1. The debate over food is gone. "Should I/Shouldn't I eat this" and "BUT I WANT IT" don't happen anymore. That makes me feel so much peace.
2. Hunger isn't going to hurt me. It's normal to be hungry for meal time.
3. Food is being enjoyed again. I don't dread what food does for me, I enjoy how it makes me feel, because on N days I'm never over full.
4. I quit drinking diet pop the first week. Big deal for me! I was having 2/day.
5. Negative self-talk has been extremely quiet the past 3 weeks. She visits me on S days. S days have not been way out of control though, so it's not bad.
6. I've left food on my plate 3 times since I started!
7. I had some really funny meals the first week. 4-5 different little servings of different foods, because I couldn't decide what I wanted. Food choices are getting much simpler now. And my luncheon plate isn't spilling over as often as the first 2 weeks.
8. I take pictures of all my meals that I eat alone or at home. It's been fun to look back at how things are changing.
9. The scale needs to stay in storage.

My original post said that I'll weigh/measure on April 21, a full month from my start date. It seems more natural to weigh at the end of my first 21 Day streak, so I'm doing that.

March 21 - April 11
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 141.2 lbs - 139.4 (-1.8 )
Waist: 26.75" - 26 3/8 (- almost 1/4 inch)
Hips: 37.25" - Same
Body fat: 27% - not sure

So I think that's pretty good!! The weight loss is nice but the psychological benefits are worth so much more than that. Yes, I am wishing that I could have seen more weight loss, but I have to put things in perspective. I have really suffered with the diet-mentality for several years now, and the relief I feel mentally is amazing. 21 days is also a very short period of time. Even on an extreme diet, I typically would only lose 1 lb, but usually less than that, per week. A slow loser am I!

The bottom line is that my psychological relief from dieting has made me a happier person. I am also at a healthy BMI for my height. I am going to focus on the habits and go from there!

Thank you, everyone, for being so supportive while I was on this streak! This forum is such a friendly place and I've appreciated the support. I am going to continue my streak and try to get to 30 days, and then from there 42. Here I go! [/img]

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Post by jbgnos » Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:15 pm

Kitt, that's GREAT! I am so familiar with the conditions you describe (before NO S) and now, the relief. I totally understand whe you say it's the changes that you embrace, not the scale weight! I'm not sure everyone would be so "forgiving' of the slower weight loss, but I am, too! The constant rallying in the mind of what, when, to eat - is it too much? Do I need more xyz? Less? Omg it's just so annoying and joy-kill! This is so much better. The benefits of No S can't be weighed or measured! Quallity of life :) Yay for you

I love your rational approach and I'm sure we both, over time, will romp our bodies to more muscle and less fat, but it's slow and steady and enjoying the process along the way means we'll keep at it and succeed. You are wonderful! Happy S days :)

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Post by DSTSS » Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:05 pm

Sounding the trumpets for you!! Hooray! :D

Great job sticking with it! Love your reflections too! Such wisdom gained! Woo-hoo! I agree with them whole-heartedly. I think you are smart to keep the scale in storage. I brought mine out again after the first week, and it does bring back the diet mentality. Think I'll put it away for a once a week weigh-in and see how that goes.

Love your focus and continuing determination to keep up the habits that are bringing you such relief!

Great great job!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:05 pm

Yay congrats! You are awesome!! It's crazy how NoS almost instantly gives us peace w food and even helps our body image isn't it? It doesn't sound like you really have much weight to lose but great that's it's moving a bit on top of all the other benefits you're enjoying from NoS.

Have a fantastic weekend!!! 💃
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Post by Kittson » Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:17 pm

Thank you so much jbnos, DSTSS, and lpearlmom! I really appreciate your support!!

I've had such a busy day! The morning started with an early breakfast, then I made pancakes for my son and husband, and after that I had another session with the trainer for kettlebells. It was awesome but I am completely wiped out! I'm looking forward to meeting with him again a couple times this next week.

I have to laugh about decluttering. I completely emptied three cabinets in my kitchen and rearranged and threw away so much stuff. I went through all my spices and now have them in white baskets, with the baskets labeled. One of the kitchen cabinets was full of stuff that had no business even being in the kitchen, so I gained a whole cabinet in the kitchen today for kitchen stuff. When we purchased our home 4 years ago, I was not a cook and the small kitchen didn't bother me one bit. Now I love spending time in the kitchen and am always trying to create extra space. So that whole project was quite a mess but I'm glad I did it!

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Post by nbh76 » Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:02 pm

Yay on your 21 days...!!! I love your insightful list of things you've noticed during your No S journey. It is great not having to think to much about what you can and cannot have isn't it?! It really is wonderful that this is something we are just doing to live our lives...not a diet to lose weight and then figure out what happens next when we are done with said diet. ( it is the only sane way I am going to be able to lose this weight of is a little hard sometimes...the pull of the scale or a quick fix...LOL )

I am hopefully in the process of moving this year...decluttering the kitchen is on my list...You MAY have inspired me 😬
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Post by Kittson » Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:35 pm

Thanks so much nbh76! I've really appreciated your support while I've been on this journey of 21 Days.. and beyond!

I was reading a book called The Anti-Diet Approach by Scott Abel last night. It's basically why we should never diet and how it wrecks havoc on all aspects of our lives. Surprise, surprise. He supports eating 3 meals a day with no snacking. Funny, huh? :)

I wanted to share one of the final paragraphs of his book, because it gave me fantasies of shovel-gloving my scale into oblivion:

"My final weight loss tip requires taking destructive action because it will be symbolic and impactful for you to do so: Get rid of your weight scale.

All it has been for you is a way for you to judge and reject yourself. It has never been your friend and you have always granted it far too much importance and influence over you Destroy your weight scale. In fact, take part in doing so. Take a sledge hammer to it. Talk to it as you destroy it. Yell at it if you like, even write in a journal later about what it felt like to do so. But physically destroy your weight-scale. Think of it as a final act of fighting back. Fighting back in a war that should never have been waged to begin with. Destroy that weight-scale and then give yourself a hug for doing so.

Consider this an act of choosing YOU over your diet-mentality. And consider that action to be a giant step forward in your process of self-acceptance toward developing a true mindset of self-compassion. Destroy that weight-scale and never look back."

That sounds like the most thrilling thing to do, doesn't it?

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Post by Kittson » Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:44 am

I had pretty low-key S days, which I am happy about. On Saturday my treat was a Russell Stover Egg (coconut almond!), and some Pocky sticks. Pocky is a candy from Thailand that I was given by my Thai cooking class instructor. She gave them to me over two weeks ago, but I saved them for the weekends. I ate some last weekend and the rest this weekend. They were so good! On Sunday I had 2 Cotton Candy Oreos and just the creme middle from a third. They were delicious. I told my husband next time we need to crush them up and mix them in ice cream. :)

Otherwise I kept to three meals and didn't go overboard with anything. I am feeling great and very hungry for breakfast this morning.

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Post by DSTSS » Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:44 pm

Wow! Seems like you are really getting a good handle on your S-Days! Planned for and enjoyed what you had, but didn't go overboard! Bravo!

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Post by jbgnos » Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:18 pm

Yes, indeed, those seem like really great S-Days! Did it take you a while to dial those in, or was it just always like that for you? I really love sweets so I'm READY for them when an S-day finally comes but I enjoy them more than I need to or want to.

Have you taken the wrecking ball to your scale yet? You are funny!

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Post by Kittson » Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:48 pm

DSTSS and jbgnos - Thanks for the support!!

jbgnos - I am certainly a newcomer to No S, but I am not new to learning/trying to listen to my body and how it responds to what I give it. The oreos left me bloated and feeling gross. It was only 2.5 oreos, but I definitely have a physical reaction to sweets. They do not like me, and I can't stand how they make me feel. So I was curious to try the oreos but I went in knowing they were going to make me feel icky. It was a trade-off that isn't really worth it. At this point in my journey (and it did not just start 23 days ago), I am aware that I don't like being overfull or feeling bloated. I think the biggest change is just getting in the habit of no snacking. Food is off my mind, and I'm finding that is quickly crossing over to S Days as well.

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Post by ironchef » Tue Apr 14, 2015 1:47 am

So nice to read of your very strong start to No S - go you!

Isn't it interesting how different treats feel when you have the "spotlight" on them. Now that I only have treats on weekends or special occasions I notice so much more about how they taste or how they make me feel.

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Post by nbh76 » Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:35 pm

OMG KITTSON... the scale thing...I never really thought of that but it is so has never been my friend and it does I have given it too much power over how I feel about myself! I might read that book!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:35 pm

Good for you for listening to your body and using the info to make better choices.

Love the idea of destroying the scale. I definitely have a difficult relationship with the scale but it keeps me real. i tend to be in denial or else imagine the worse. I imagine there will be a time I can just go by my clothes & not worry about the scale.

Anyway you're doing great--keep it up!!

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Post by Kittson » Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:23 pm

nbh76 - It's a great read! I've had my eye on it for a while and last week the kindle edition was only $0.99, so I couldn't pass it up. It only reinforced what we are doing here, so it was a good thing to read. I had never thought of the scale that way either, it was very powerful for me. Now if I could only come up with the courage to destroy the scale.. the thought is enticing but it seems very final to me, and I don't think I'm ready yet.

lpearlmom and ironchef - Thanks for the encouragement. I really enjoy reading your threads and getting all the good nuggets of info!

I had another session with the trainer last night, and boy did I have a great workout! He gave me some nutrition "guidelines." He told me I should eat starchy carbs only the days I strength train. Basically carb cycling. This morning I had my breakfast without oatmeal. By noon today, I have already decided that I am not going to be following his guidelines. I am already not snacking. I am eating off a small luncheon plate. I am not overeating, and I don't really eat bread much anyway. I believe taking out my oatmeal and rice does more harm than good. I will not be restricting food! I know I can get results without being all crazy with high carb/low carb days. Also, I do not think a strength coach is qualified to be giving nutrition advice. He is not trained in that area. So guess what? I am going to be having a little starchy carb for lunch (homemade panko breaded chicken).

There's my rant. I just think at this point in my journey, carb cycling seems a little ridiculous. My bodyfat is not low enough to get any real benefit from it. The bro-science people say that women shouldn't even mess with it unless BF is below 20%. I've got quite a ways to go before that.

And another MAJOR point. I have been drawn to No S because of it's simplicity. I don't want to diet or think about food. I just want to live my life. Yes, I want to be stronger and lose some bodyfat, but fitness model is not my goal. :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:41 pm

Yay for you ignoring wacky fad notions. You're already exercising & eating moderately, why tip the nice balance you already have going. Don't you love the wisdom that comes w age. Not that you're old (I am) but you know what I mean, we're growing up!

Linda 😉
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Post by Kittson » Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:48 pm

Yes! haha, I do think it comes with age. 5 years ago I would have not been ready for this. I am so glad I only did one meal as he suggested and was brought back to center quickly. Thank goodness.

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Post by DSTSS » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:46 pm

Great job! Good lesson learned!

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Post by Lovedby2 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:47 pm

Hi Kittson! Isn't it funny how the diet mentality is everywhere and it can sneak into your subconscience and reap a crop of destruction in no time!! Good for you that you are sticking to No S. I do like what you said about the scale being the enemy. I can so relate, yet I am reluctant to kill it....hmm, something to think about.
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Post by Kittson » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:38 am

Just finishing up Day 26 here! Things are going really well. At 11:45 this morning I thought to myself, huh, I haven't thought about food all morning! I can't even explain how much I enjoy that aspect of it.

I had another session with the trainer tonight. I am now swinging a 50# kettlebell. I feel so strong! My technique is really coming along and I'm improving in cleans and snatches. Today he also had me do some crawling for a finisher at the end of the workout. I know it sounds strange, but if you perform them the way they are done on this website, it's amazing how they engage your core. Fun stuff! He told me I can do these on my off days.

Not much else going on here. It's already Thursday tomorrow!

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Post by Kittson » Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:36 am

Crazy stressful parenting night tonight. I have the urge to snack now that my son is in bed, but I am watching Real Housewives of NYC instead. This was the toughest night I've had with my son for a long time. He was just so over tired. I read him three books before bed and he was smiling and giving me kisses by the time it was lights out. I am glad it ended on a good note, but it was pretty ugly for a while. Just venting because DH is out golfing, it's his league night!

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:53 am

I feel your pain! Parenting is so hard. My kids were driving me insane today. Good for you for ending things on a good night & I'll take junky tv over junk food any day--yay!
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Post by Kittson » Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:12 pm

Thanks for the support Linda! This morning he woke up so happy. He slept 12 hours!! Gosh if I could do that one day, I can't imagine the things I could accomplish. :)

Yesterday was green even with the stressful night. I am proud I stuck with my habits and watched the trashy TV!

S days are nigh, woohoo!

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Post by nbh76 » Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:24 pm

People underrate trashy t.v. ! I think I will watch some now LOL! Have a good weekend 😄
Kindness is the only way.

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Post by jbgnos » Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:52 pm

Kitt, great job with the stressful days and your reaction. I have found that once it got easier (almost effortless?) for me, I then got to practice the stressful days, the low-sleep days, the off work days that aren't S-days, all that. I find it all very fascinating and even enjoyable to experiment with, since it's painless for the most part. So, well done. Note to self: Trash TV way better than trash input to my body. FOR SURE

Do you read any Dan John books? He's a strength and conditioning coach but does a lot of KB training a la Pavel and he swears crawling is a big part of being mobile, agile, strong and fit. He is such a great read because of his writing style, his knowlege base and his experience with strength training. I think you would like it, if you like reading about this stuff.

How are your S-days going?

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Post by Kittson » Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:09 pm

Hi jbgnos! Yes, now that No S is pretty much effortless on normal days, the days where a twist is thrown in like you mentioned, those are the days when we are really building the habit. Trashy TV for the win!

I love Dan John, he is the man! I am most familiar with his work in Josh Hillis' book Fat Loss Happens on Monday. My favorite chapter is the tough love chapter, where DJ instructs the reader to eat like an adult. I re-read that chapter often. I've searched 'Dan John' on iTunes and have been listening to various podcasts that he is the guest on.

I just read your check-in entry, and I see we have similar patterns for S days. My Saturdays are always more treat filled than Sunday. Yesterday I had a cookie and some chocolate, and a few chips. Nothing crazy, but just some fun food. Today I am craving normalcy. The only extra I had today (so far) was a small apple with a bit of peanut butter. I had a small breakfast, and my body let me know!

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Post by jbgnos » Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:07 pm

We have so much in common! It's uncanny, really.

I love Fat Loss Happens on Monday. That is the greatest book. Both men are skilled at their craft, and make a tremendous team. I about shreiked out loud when i heard the two of them were on board together for a book. Priceless.

Thanks for the podcast heads up. I listen often as I walk all over the place in this town! :) Do you listen to many?
I just finished Serial (they only did one season but another one's comimg and I was ADDICTED to should try it!) It is put out by the same folks at This American LIfe or My American Life or whatever it's called so I hope that one is as good

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Post by Kittson » Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:28 pm

I am a podcast junkie! I enjoyed Serial so much, and I am just starting Undisclosed. That's the podcast being put out by Rabia Chaudry, the woman that brought Adnan's case to Sarah Koenig's attention.

I also like:
The Strength Matters Podcast - Lauren Brooks was just on this one, it was a good episode.
The Rdella Training Podcast
You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes
Strangers (if you like Serial, you'll like this one too. It was on a list of podcasts that people that like Serial would like. Lol.)
Love + Radio (start with The Living Room, INCREDIBLE story, and this one was on the list for Serial fans)
Freakonomics Radio
Dear Sugar
Death, Sex & Money
Criminal (another on the list for Serial Fans)
99% Invisible
Invisibilia (can't wait for season 2!!)
This American Life

LOL I think I have a podcast problem. I just went through my Stitcher app to get this list. I commute to work so I have time to listen to this stuff ,and during the day at work I am able to listen if I want as well.

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Post by jbgnos » Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:55 pm

thanks! I'm so excited for all these

I LOVE underground wellness radio. Sean Croixton is a phenomenal interviewer. I'm off to download all those right now.

Do you think Adnon's innocent? I wish he was but do not :(

I'm gonna figure out how to PM you right now :)

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Post by Kittson » Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:00 pm

I will check out that podcast, thank you!

I do not know whether he is innocent or not, but leaning towards innocent. Either way, I don't think they had enough evidence to convict him.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:58 am

Okay I feel like I'm really missing out as I've never listened to a podcast before but you guys have inspired me to give it a try! Thanks for the great info!

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Post by Kittson » Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:14 am

Oh Linda, your elliptical workouts just got a whole lot better!!! You will not be able to get off that machine once you get started with podcasts. If you have a specific interest/hobby, you can search in iTunes or Stitcher to find ones that interest you. I don't know what I'd do without my podcasts!

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Post by Kittson » Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:23 am

In my first post I committed to taking measurements today. March 21 was my first full day, so here I am, April 21!

March 21 - April 21
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 141.2 lbs - 138 (-3.2)
Waist: 26.75" - 26 .25 (-.5 inch)
Hips: 37.25" - 37"!
Body fat: 27% - not sure

I am thrilled with these results. As I mentioned in a previous post, the psychological relief is worth so much more than the inches/weight lost, so these results are like the cherry on top of a sundae!

I am so happy to see my hip measurement go down. That takes a lot of time to move for me. I am pear shaped, so my body loves to cling on to every little last bit around my hips.

Slow and steady for the win!

I had a session with K (strength coach) yesterday after work and I will be meeting him again for another. I have a busy schedule this week while is why the sessions are back to back. I can tell I am a little fatigued from the workout last night, but he is expecting that so will plan accordingly for today's workout.

Food is good. I am doing my three meals and very happy about it. I'm enjoying the food I eat and there is no guilt/food shame in my life.

I signed up for a virtual 5k this weekend, and yesterday I received my shirt, number, lanyard, and a few other items. It's a charity run called "Miles for Mitchell." If you get a chance, look up Mitchell's Journey on Facebook, but please make sure you have a box of tissue handy. It's a story about a family that has absolutely rocked me to my core. Here's how my night goes when I read the father's entries: I read the entry - I feel my eyes tearing up - Try to fight it, I'm not going to cry this time! - What was I thinking reading this, it gets me EVERY time - It's all over, time to go snuggle my sleeping son and soak his pillow with tears. It's a regular occurrence, and those entries are a constant reminder how precious my son's life is. It makes me want to keep him 4-years old permanently.

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Post by jbgnos » Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:30 pm

Fantastic results, Kitt! You're doing awesome and are an inspiration to me, too!

I am so excited for you and I loved the heart-warming story of the 5K family. Nothin' wrong with feeling gratitude every single day. Thanks for posting and encouraging us all on.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:23 am

Yay!! You are doing so well and I love that you really get what the true rewards of doing NOS are all about--sanity & peace with food. Such a huge deal and sadly so unattainable for so many American women.

You are doing great & should be very proud of your participation in the 5k.

Enjoy the journey!!

:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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Post by Kittson » Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:14 am

It was going to happen sooner or later, and it happened today! My first RED day. I am proud of how I am not shaming/degrading myself with negative self-talk. I am marking it and moving on!

I was at a conference all day, and the lunch was served to us. They had chicken fettuccine, a bread stick, and angel food cake. I was happy about the lunch until my motility disorder (Achalasia) reared it's ugly head. There was something in the pasta that was causing it to be impossible for me to swallow. So that was embarrassing but I took care of that and then ate the breadstick and angel food. At that point I was considering allowing myself an S day, S for Sick with the Achalasia episode, but then supper happened.

Supper was in a church basement to celebrate the confirmation of my husband's Godson. The meal was spaghetti, which was absolutely horrid, I don't know what they did to the sauce. If I had to guess the ingredients to the sauce I would say: Tomato sauce, bbq sauce, ketchup, and brown sugar. I gave my spaghetti to my husband and I ate a piece of garlic toast. And then the ice cream that they offered for dessert. When I got home I ate some leftovers in the fridge because I was not satisfied.

Last night I was contemplating a planned NWS Day for today, and I should have done that. I had two meals completely out of my control today. I don't remember the last time that's happened! The only frustration I encountered today was the feeling of not having control over my choices. I don't like when other people get to pick what I eat, and that's how I felt today went. I don't really like fettuccine. And I am picky about marinara sauce. It's a bummer when meals are so important now, and they are ruined by lack of choice. Yes, I could have gone hungry, but I think that would have done more harm than good.

So anyway, mark it and move on! :)

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Post by osoniye » Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:59 am

Hi- Kittson, Good on you for facing up to your first red day, marking it and moving on. The day sounded like a real doozy, with really big challenges, but those days do occur and are just a blip on the screen, in the grand scheme of things. I trust today will be back to normal for you!
No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, Except (Sometimes) on days that start with "S".

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:34 am

Omygoodness what a day! Having a red day now & then is definitely to be expected and you handled it well. I remember my first red day being a relief sort of. Like okay wasn't the end of the world & felt great to get right back on track without skipping a beat the next day.

Totally relate to the disappointment of having to suffer through a bad meal. It's so annoying when we so look forward to each & every one of them. Oh well I guess it makes us appreciate the next good one that much more!

Hope tomorrow is full of deliciousness!

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Post by Kittson » Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:33 pm

Thanks for the support and kind words! Linda, I really do feel a bit of relief. The day didn't break me and I'm just so thankful my reaction was kindness and not anger towards myself. To be honest I was very concerned how I would react when I no longer had a "perfect" habitcal, since I am a recovering perfectionist. So it's a relief that I can just go on with life and not hate on myself.

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Post by Kittson » Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:58 am

Just checking in! We had a busy day yesterday, which included the circus, eating out with my son and husband, shopping, and going out with a group of friends for supper.

I had some snacky food at the circus, had some chocolate in the afternoon, and had 3 beers in the evening.

I am thinking today will be pretty close to an N day, it's what I'm wanting.

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Hello Kittson

Post by Petal » Sun Apr 26, 2015 6:21 pm

Thanks for your post on my Daily Check In. Just wanted to say that I'm glad there's such a supportive group here. Thank you again.

Good luck to you, to have an N type you are wanting for today.

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Post by Lovedby2 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:52 pm

You are doing so well! Good job marking and moving on. For me the diet head is the most destructive and can cause an avalanche of emotions and fails. So mark it and move is a huge deal. Good job. [/b]
Always learning.

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Post by Kittson » Sat May 02, 2015 11:35 am

I was gone for 3 days this week for a work conference. I was not sure how I was going to pull off No S during that time, but I did it!

The schedule for eating was as follows:

7-8 AM: Breakfast buffet
10:30 AM: Snack
12:15 PM: Lunch buffet
2:30 PM: Snack
6:00 PM: Supper buffet

I didn't bring any food with on this trip, so I had nothing in hotel room. To make it No S, I just skipped the snacks that were offered. Ohhh and they were good ones. There were also desserts at each meal, but I said no to them. I am so thankful that I did. I felt accomplished for having pulled off No S while traveling. I stuck to my one plate and ate the food I wanted to. I picked things that would make me feel the best. I wasn't really pleased with the breakfast offerings, but I just loaded up on scrambled eggs, because I eat eggs for breakfast almost every day.

Other than that huge challenge this week, things are going very well. I am loving No S and what it does for peace of mind and overall it's just a great way to handle the food department of life. I am 42 days in to No S, and I think it's truly become a habit at this point.

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