Jean's check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by eschano » Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:53 am

You're such an inspiration!
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Post by kccc » Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:06 pm

Hi Jean - thanks for coming by my thread to say hello. You look as if you are doing wonderfully well. Reading about your cruise is really inspirational! :)

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Post by r.jean » Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:46 pm

Thanks KCCC and eschano. I had a bit of a slip last week and reverted back to poor eating habits for 2-3 days. This happened surrounding my Thursday weigh in day so I did not weigh in. (This avoidance of the scale when I am not doing well is also a problem behavior from the past.)

I decided to weigh in and post today because of the holiday tomorrow. I was really happy to see the exact weight of five weeks ago .... before vacation and before I struggled. I am happy because I am 17 lbs lower than I was on July 1, and I am 8 lbs from goal. I may just continue to maintain through the holidays, but that is fine!

I am so grateful to have found No S 4 years ago. It is great to learn to change a lifestyle and to see this system as a lifetime process rather than constantly try to diet only to fall off and gain it all back and then some.
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Post by LoriLifts » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:49 pm

Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.

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Post by r.jean » Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:18 pm

So True Lori! My habits are much better than 4 years ago, but the journey continues....

I decided to drop the fitness app after 6 months of use. It was an excellent tool to get me back on track and to take a closer look at my food choices. It was very useful to remind me to get enough of some foods, such as protein and limit other things, such as salt. However, I could not avoid the calorie count part which can become too obsessive. When using the app, I put my setting at maintainance so that it showed me a maximum number of calories to just maintain weight, but it was still difficult to ignore.

I have never counted anything for more than two months so this was a first for me to last so long. I never intended to stick with it that long. I recommend it as a short term tool, but I am relieved to be back to vanilla No S. Maintenance through the holidays is my goal for right now.
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Post by Tessytwinkle » Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:43 pm

Hi there. I have just reread your testimonial it always encourages me. So glad you are still going steady. Interesting that you have dropped your fitness app. I can quite see why. A wise move I think. I realise reading your threads that I have never really got to grips with vanilla ways. So that might explain why I am struggling. Do you think your vanilla compliance is at the heart of your long term success? I will have a rethink about my mods. They might not be helping. Have a good week. Tessy :)

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Post by r.jean » Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:43 pm

Yes I do think that Vanilla No S is the way to go Tessywinkle. I am almost 4 years into No S, and I have not yet reached goal weight loss. However, I have lost pounds gradually and have not gained them back. I no longer obsess about food. I enjoy eating. And most of all, I have learned moderation. It is an ongoing process, and slip ups do occur.
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Post by r.jean » Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:20 pm

I have been taking a bit of a break lately after 5-6 months of gradual weight loss. Starting with our vacation at the beginning of November I have focused on maintainig my losses for the year (about 17 lbs). I am so close to my goal, but I just cannot focus on weight loss during the holiday season.

I have been stepping on the scale frequently to keep myself honest and to make sure I maintain. I can easily fluctuate 3 lbs after an indulgent weekend, but I pay attention if it gets higher than that. Today I was relieved to see a weight within 0.2 lbs. of my lowest weight point I had achieved (back in October). I am hoping for a moderate weekend.
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Post by r.jean » Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:41 pm

I just got back home from a 3 day trip and eating extravaganza. This is an annual Xmas trip for us. Yet, we walk everywhere so I logged an average of 20,000 steps on the two main days of the trip. This does not offset the crazy amount of calories consumed!

Knowing all this, I was still astounded to see a weight on the scale that is 7 lbs. over my weight 4 days ago. I have seen 3-5 pound fluctuations before but never 7 lbs! I know this is not an actual permanent gain, but this is why I need frequent weigh ins. I need to realize what bad food choices do to me, especially eating without any regard to salt content. In addition to eating a lot of salty foods, I did not drink my water. And then of course I did consume a lot of food in general.

If this type of fluctuation were a regular thing and if it occurred without an obvious reason, I would be concerned. Needless to say, I will be back to my regular more healthy routine today and will check my weight in a couple days.

Does anyone else experience this large of a fluctuation?
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Post by kccc » Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:05 pm

I don't quite know how widely I fluctuate, because I try not to weigh too often - and usually do it mid-week, after a day or two of sanity has evened out my S-days.

But give yourself a few days of healthy eating and lots of water, and check again. That will give you a much better view of "where you are."

It is rather amazing how much one can consume when "off routine."

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Post by r.jean » Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:25 pm

I guess I do not really know how much I fluctuate either KCCC. I also generally weigh Wednesday-Friday, once a week. This weigh in was on a Wednesday but also after a 3 day trip. Thanks for that reminder.

I have a tendency to avoid the scale when I am not doing well. I am trying to break this habit and weigh on a regular basis because avoiding the scale is a sign I am in trouble. This has been pretty effective for me on an accountability standpoint. I went ahead and weighed myself today, off schedule. Even though I have continued to struggle with Christmas treats the rest of the week, I am back down within 2 lbs. Whew!

Weighing regularly and weighing mid week has generally been good for me. I am much more objective about the numbers on the scale, and when I do gain I am much more likely to take heed of the warning sign rather than go bonkers about it. I was just so amazed by the huge change
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Post by r.jean » Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:16 am

I am still around but very busy these days and not posting much. I managed to finish out the year with a 16 lb net loss in 2014.

I am going for a goal of one pound a month in 2015!
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Post by gingerpie » Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:19 am

Congratulations on your success and good luck with your goal!

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Post by r.jean » Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:28 pm

Thanks Gingerpie!

January is generally a little hard for me. The extreme cold seems to affect my energy level. When my energy level is down I am more likely to be on the couch eating. I have had some red days. This was a mild winter until January hit!
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Post by gingerpie » Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:35 pm

I hear ya! I'm in PA and the temperature has been crazy cold. I force myself to dress in layers and get out for my walk/run no matter how cold it is. The dog goes with me since he is long-haired he loves the snow and cold. (The summer is his tough time of year) Getting out seems to help with the winter doldrums. And the best part? After walking for 45 minutes in 0 degree temps, 10 degrees feels balmy.

I just wish I would be as consciencious about my snack habit as I am about my exercise.

Good luck with your goals, bundle up and keep warm.

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Post by r.jean » Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:51 pm

We just returned from five weeks in an 8 x 23 foot camper. DH, new puppy, and I headed to Florida to escape the winter weather. It was a grand experience. I could not weigh myself because the minimal room we had did not include taking anything as nonessential as a scale. I feel I am pretty close to the weight I was when I left, but I am going to wait to weigh until Feb 1. The exercise I got hopefully counteracted the socializing with the other "snowbirds." We met a lot of great people from all over, especially a lot of Canadians.

The internet was not working where we stayed so I relied on occasional free wifi, but that did not include enough time for this site. I have been catching up on posts today. I realized how much I rely on the internet and it was hard to be without it. I did not watch hardly any TV and did not miss it, but I hated not having reliable internet.

DH and I both caught nasty colds on the way home, and it is so cold here that we are only going out for essentials for a couple days!
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Post by r.jean » Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:45 pm

I am still adjusting to the home routine and the cold weather. The nasty cold DH and I both caught also lasted a full week with some residual cough still remaining. DH had it even worse. I have managed to get back to regular exercise, but I am still behind on some chores.

I decided to give up sweets (even on S days) for Lent along with my devotional goals. I picked up some bad sweets habits diuring our month in Florida. DH has always been a big sweets eater. Living in close proximity in the camper, sharing a car, and doing more activities together than at home put me front and center with sweets a lot. I don't know how to describe it, but here at home his sweets are usually consumed less in my direct sight than when you are living in a one room environment and doing more together. It seems like the more sweets I consume the more I want them. I started on Ash Wednesday (of course) with sweets abstinance so I have 6 days under my belt with no slips. Every day it gets a little easier.

I am also limiting my consumption of alcohol to two times a week. Because we spent a lot of time socializing in Florida, my alcohol calories increased there as well. It is time to break that habit! The craft beers I like are high in calories! Even one or two a day adds up quickly. I did comply with this goal since getting home, but being sick helped me abstain.

Now that I have put these goals down, I am going to report at least weekly on them to keep myself honest.
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Post by nbh76 » Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:55 pm

I gave up my beloved craft beers and switched to wine...which in turn made me question what I really want in life...I am now abstaining for awhile. I am treating it as an experiment ... I was going to abstain for Lent but decided I would try to be nicer to my husband...LOL it's been a longish winter. Hey on the upside February is almost gone and March is around the corner. I love snow but I would really LOVE to go for a nice long walk lately.
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Post by r.jean » Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:20 am

I gave up all alcohol for Lent one year, but I failed a couple times at weddings. It was no contest this year on what to choose. I was slipping up so much on sweets this year that I needed to get that under control. I am less motivated to give up alcohol entirely.
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Post by r.jean » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:43 pm

Accountability! I am posting on my current goals to keep myself on track.

I have been completely successful on giving up sweets during Lent (even on S days). No slips. HOWEVER, i cannot say the same for alcohol. My goal of no drinks at all 5 days a week was off by two days this week. I know one or two drinks are not a problem and may even be healthy, but I feel that the drinks I like (heavy craft beers) are making a difference for me in holding onto a few extra pounds. I am trying to abstain as much as possible to see if I am right. I am still about 10 lbs over my goal weight, and I really want to lose that last few pounds.

I weighed yesterday, and I am within 2 lbs (on the plus side) of my current maintenance weight. I never get worried nor excited about 2 lbs. one way or the other. Fluctations occur. However, I need to put a better fence around Vanilla rules and lose the last few pounds during 2015, my year five of No S!
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Post by Lovedby2 » Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:04 am

Thank you r.jean for the encouragment! I was encouraged to hear tha someone my age has lost on No S. I have to admit I have doubts because has been so darn hard in the past. Did you make any adjustments like eating less to accompidate for age? If you have any pointers for me I would love it. Like did you exercise and how much? Thanks again and congratulations on your increcible success.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:23 pm

I have been very busy but I am still hanging around and at least reading some posts. I have slipped twice this weekend and had sweets. Sweets are generally allowed on weekends , but I gave them up for lent. I also ate too much yesterday. Ugh! Felt groggy today.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:15 pm

Thank goodness spring is here. I have become a whimp about cold weather since I retired and Jan to Mar have become dangerous months for me. We left for a month this year but the vacation feel to the month in Florida sabotaged my habits as much as the cold weather did while I was at home. I at least maintained my weight while I was in Florida, but the scale has been showing an upward trend lately. March was tough.

I was back on track with exercise this week, but my eating habits are terrible. Lots of RED lately. It is a new month and the weather is warmer so hopefully I will do better this week.
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Post by gingerpie » Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:52 am

Hi r.jean, it's nice to have you back. I'm sure your habits will fall back into place now that you're back home again. Good luck this coming week.

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Post by r.jean » Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:10 am

Thanks Gingerpie. I am not posting much lately, and I need to get back in the habit. Posting leads to accountability for me. Exercise continues to be good but my eating habits continue to be lax. I do well one day and poor the next.
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Post by r.jean » Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:52 pm

I decided to start posting my daily No S compliance because I am getting pretty lazy about the rules. I am also avoiding the scale which is my habit when I am not doing well.

4/17: Green. Food choices were extremely poor.
4/18: S Day: Poor over all food choices and 3 S's: small piece of cake, some cheese curls, and too many Girl Scout cookies.

I am strictly Vanilla No S, but I still believe in choosing healthy foods that I like as often as possible. Also, I like to keep S Days moderate. I am failing in both of these areas on a regular basis. I need to work on this.

Exercise is my strength, and I track my training regimen on a calendar so I do not do that here.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:58 pm

April 19: S Day: Moderate breakfast and lunch, pizza and wings for supper fit on a plate but was too much
S's: Reasonable amount of Girl Scout cookies after lunch, chips as a snack while waiting for others to come over to eat supper and then another excessive dose of Girl Scout cookies after supper.

I need to work on moderation. When my habits were good, I only averaged one reasonably sized S per day on S days, maybe two. Recently S days are over the top.
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Post by r.jean » Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:31 pm

April 20: Green: 3 reasonable meals, but the meals were not the healthiest. I am not eating enough fruits and vegetables.

My goal is to add more healthy foods to my meals and to tame the wild weekends.

I am determined to keep posting daily comments to remind myself what is going on. It is definitely possible to follow vanilla No S and still gain if you forget the words sometimes and moderate.

I am still avoiding the scale but choose to sideline that issue until I get my habits back in line. It is so frustrating that I keep slipping into bad habits after over four years. Yet, I had bad eating habits for at least 30 years. That is a lot to overcome.

And I am still 50-60 pounds less than I was before No S.
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Post by r.jean » Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:30 pm

April 21: Technically Green: Breakfast was ok. I ate out for lunch. It was huge and involved lots of cheese and red meat but I took half home to eat for supper. Beer was also involved. I did at least opt for the light and not the craft.

April 22: Red: I took donuts for a coworkers birthday and ate 2 small to medium cake donuts. I later had a leftover one with my dinner. Everything else was okay but still not great in getting adequate fruits and vegetables.

April 23: Green: Fairly moderate but still too low in fruits and vegetables.

April 24: Green: Same as yesterday

April 25: S day: Three moderate meals. Did a little better on fruits/vegetables. My one S was a whole sleeve of Girl Scout cookies (640 calories). I also had several ultra light beers after a 5K in the morning even though that is not an S.

Thank goodness the Girl Scout cookies are all gone.
Last edited by r.jean on Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:41 pm

This week I am putting activity level information as well. I am still avoiding the scale but I am sure I am up at least 5 lbs.

4/26: S day
Reasonable breakfast and lunch, excessive dinner plate when I added some leftover wings to it. One S: gourmet ice cream sandwich (440 calories).
Actvity: 4 mile run; heavy housework; rolle bolle.

4/27: Green: Did better on fruits and vegetables
Activity: Worked 8 hours (involves a fair amount of walking and standing); 25 minutes weights and 2.5 miles running on treadmill at gym.

4/28: Green: Not enough fruits and veggies again
Activity: 1 1/2 hours volleyball

4/29: Red: I did fine all day including eating out with friends for supper. However, I went crazy at home later in the evening and started snacking ... A few chips...a few Hershey's kisses ... A half scoop of ice cream ... A Klondike bar. Oh geez!
Activity: 4.1 mile run; worked 8 hours.

4/30: Green: working on the fruits/vegetables but still lacking. Volleyball 1.5 hours; worked 4 hours.

5/1: Green: Ok but not stellar meal choices.
Activity: 5 mile run; role bolle

5/2: S day: After an initial half day working hard and eating little, I spent the rest of the day grazing on food. I really have no idea how much I ate.
Activity: Co-hosted a wedding shower; no formal exercise but moving all day

Also short walks with our small dog every day.
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Post by r.jean » Tue May 05, 2015 2:12 am

May 3: S day: Ate three generous meals and two leftover dessert servings from yesterday.
Activity: Ran 3.5 miles outside and later did 37 minutes of weights at the gym

May 4: Red: Ate 3 meals but ate supper early and did not eat much. Therefore I lapsed into snacking later on. A few Cheetos, a few bite size pieces of leftover appetizer vegetable pizza, and a large scoop of ice cream with Hershey's kisses on top. Geez!
Activity: 3.75 mile run outside; warm and humid

May 5: Green: Food choices still not great.
Activity: Volleyball 1.5 hours: 1.7 mile run

May 6: Red: 3 regular meals but then had two Klondike ice cream squares in the evening.
Activity: No formal exercise but logged quite a few steps.

May 7: Green but ate out twice.
Activity: 1.6 mile run; 1.5 hours volleyball in gym at noon; 45 minutes sand volleyball at 6 pm.

May 8: Red, 3 regular meals again followed by 2 Klondikes in the evening
Activity: 5.6 mile run.

May 9: S day: I started out the day pretty mild but once again ended up snacking excessively after dinner.
Activity: 37 minutes weights

Overall: Worked 11 hours this week at a fairly active job.; short dog walks a couple times a day

I think I may be losing control over evening snacking because I am not eating right early in the day. I avoid eating much before I run and then have little appetite for awhile after running, especially if it is very hot.

I still feel like I am up a little in weight but I am still avoiding the scale.
Last edited by r.jean on Tue May 12, 2015 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by eschano » Mon May 11, 2015 12:59 pm

Overall doing quite well! How is posting daily working for you? (As I am considering it to get back into the groove)
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Post by r.jean » Tue May 12, 2015 12:31 am

Thanks for the encouragement eschano. I think the daily posting is keeping me from slipping worse than I might be. For some reason late winter and spring have become a rough time for me the last couple years. Last year it was a major issue while this year I saw it happening and did a better job moderating it a bit. I am still struggling but posting the bad habits makes it real and keeps me honest.

I am not good at daily posting so I try to keep it simple but effective.

Good luck to you!
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Post by r.jean » Tue May 12, 2015 12:43 am

May 10: Mother's Day: I completely overdid it but oh well. It is an S day and a holiday.
Activity: 3.5 mile run

May 11: Green: So So food choices
Activity: 3.5 mile run, 22 minutes weights

May 12: Red: I am going to list my daily fruit and vegetable consumption. Maybe that will prompt me to include more in my daily meals. Today: generous bowl of fresh strawberries, cup of tomato juice, Steamers Brussels sprouts (entire bag, 3.5 servings). Today was almost green until I once again lost it after supper and scarfed down a bunch of Dove chocolates and some cheese and crackers.
Activity: 90 minutes volleyball, 1.5 miles walking

May 13: Green: Fruits/Vegs: Frozen berries in yogurt. Bowl of fresh strawberries. Mashed cauliflower, Cup of tomato juice, canned peaches
Activity: 3.5 mile run

May 14: Red: I snacked after supper again. Some Cheetos and an ice cream sandwich. I probably would have eaten more but I knew I would have to post everything I ate!
Fruits/vegs: Banana, large chopped salad, bowl of fresh strawberries
Activity: Volleyball in gym at noon and outside in sand at 730 pm.

May 15: Green with one very small S event. We went on a dinner cruise for a special occasion. The buffet was generous. I took a full plate but no seconds. There was a very small square of turtle cheesecake for dessert, and I ate it and felt no guilt. I also abstained from alcohol.
Fruits/vegetables: Banana, large chopped salad, tomato juice, small side salad, green beans/corn/black bean mix
Activity: 6 mile run

May 16: S day but it was green.
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Post by r.jean » Sat May 16, 2015 10:49 am

Last year I really struggled from mid January to mid May. I estimate that I gained 10-15 lbs over the weight I had been maintaining for two years. I am a great avoider of the scale when I am struggling which is more denial than anything else. Hence the exact gain was unknown, but it was enough that I could not wear a lot of my clothes. I recovered, got rid of the pounds I had gained, and actually lost 16 more pounds on top of the 45 lbs. I lost my first year of No S back in 2011.

Now here I am again. Avoiding the scale. By the way my jeans feel I am sure I am up by 5-10 lbs. However, it is not as bad as last year since I started the year at a lower weight and because I am sure I have not gained as much.

I lost my weight last year after I started tracking my food and exercise with Fitness Pal, and I continued for 6 months. It was very educational and effective but not sustainable for me. I hate food tracking or calorie counting. I am amazed I actually did it for 6 months. I maintained my weight for about three months after I stopped tracking, but I started to struggle again in January.

I think the post holiday let down and the cold winter weather and being retired combine to make this a hard time of year for maintaining habits. I did some positive things this year to try to avoid another gain. We headed south for an extended vacation from mid January to mid February. I did a better job of maintaining my exercise. I took a part time job. All of this helped but was not totally effective. I am still having a lot of red days, but I feel like I am at least maintaining right now.

My strategy now is to visit this forum often, post about my habits for accountability, and coax myself back to full compliance with No S. My exercise is good. My consumption of fruits and vegetables is improving now that good fresh produce is more available with the better weather. And warmer weather just feels good!

Maybe by this time next year I will be able to totally avoid any winter gain.
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Post by eschano » Mon May 18, 2015 8:57 am

All in all Jean, it sounds like you're doing well! I get what you are saying about January being hard. For me it's any seasonal changes that throw me.

But it's all about improving and not about perfection and it sounds like you improved brilliantly this year from last year :)
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Post by r.jean » Tue May 19, 2015 1:08 am

Thanks Eschano! I appreciate the reinforcement.

After being overweight for much of my adult life, I finally started to get a grip on the problem with No S. By the time I discovered No S I was a whopping 70 lbs overweight. I had slipped up gradually until 2010 when I gained 20 lbs in one year and hit the 70 lbs. overweight in late 2010 when I started No S.

I am so happy to be where I am. I lost a lot, and I am within reach of a normal BMI. However, I am realizing that habits of a lifetime are hard to break. It is so easy to regress. It helps me to hold myself accountable by posting when I am struggling, and it helps to get positive reinforcement from other forum members such as yourself.

Many of the No S habits are pretty ingrained, but a few habits still need work....
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Post by eschano » Tue May 19, 2015 8:49 am

I hear your pain Jean. Struggling to get back too but in the end the new habits win out most of the time and that's good enough for now :) Better than pre-NoS doing nothing.
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Post by r.jean » Wed May 20, 2015 10:45 am

That is so true eschano. I cannot imagine where I would be without No S!

This week has started out poorly. I cannot seem to stay away from the sweets, and I am eating big meals. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday all followed the same pattern. I overfilled my plates, and I had a sweet snack every evening. Two reds already.

Life goes on.... This slump will not last forever. Summer is almost here, and I have been doing better in the summer.
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Post by r.jean » Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:23 pm

I continue to have regular red days, but I am hanging in there. I am still avoiding the scale, but I am sure my weight is still up 5-10 lbs for the year. End of the day snacking and sweets are my problem right now. I do fine all day but give in to evening snacking. This was my main problem before No S, and it is so easy to regress.

Yet exercise is very good, and I am sure I am still over 50 lbs lighter than I was pre No S. I have just been lazy with the rules.
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Post by r.jean » Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:18 pm

Summer is so busy that I have not been posting, but I am doing a bit better on my No S compliance. I am still avoiding the scale so I will not get discouraged.

Exercise is still good with a hilly 4th of July 10K planned for tomorrow. At 59, my main goal is to finish, but I really want to have a time under 75 minutes. Sixty-five would be preferred but with the hills I am hoping for 75. (Obviously I am not particularly fast.)

It is a beautiful reasonably cool weekend which will help!
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Post by eschano » Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:04 am

Have a great time!!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by r.jean » Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:13 am

Thanks eschano! We did have a great time at the race and the fest afterwards and then a day at the campground with family. By 10 pm, I was nodding off in my lawn chair waiting for fireworks.

I did better than I thought I would at the 10K coming in at 1:09:32/pace 11:12. The course was tougher than I thought but it was a nice cool morning which made a big difference.

Now onto a 7 mile race next Saturday which is hilly as well. It is supposed to be terribly hot and it is a huge crowd so I plan to walk as much as necessary and not be stupid.

I signed online today to recommit myself to the rules of NoS. I have never quit, but I get very lax at times. In addition to reds, there are some over the top S days. Today is an S day, and we are in Wisconsin for the weekend. I plan to enjoy myself but I need to remind myself NoS is about treating oneself sometimes and in moderation. While it is okay to go whole hog occasionally, it is not okay to do it on every S day. SOMETIMES is another S to remember.

I am sure I am still up in weight since the beginning of this year, but It has stabilized and is probably less than 10 lbs. The problem is getting back into good habits! I feel so much better when I follow NoS more strictly.
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Post by r.jean » Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:23 am

I am going to try to post and rate every day for accountability.

Today was an S day so keeping the treats in the moderate range was the only concern. It was a weird but fine day for an S day. We were out of town, and I was up at 430 am. We had an all day outside event followed by a 4 hour car ride home. Food choices were limited to snacks we brought with us, random outside food stands and McDonald's. McDonald's was also our bathroom stop so we had to buy while we were there of course. It was a day of multiple snacks and small meals but not bad overall. Total consumption:
about 3 oz mixed nuts
One brat
One strawberry smoothie
McD small cheeseburger and small fries
McD yogurt parfait
McD small cone
Lots of water, 2 diet sodas, and no alcohol
A wrap just now at home with a little chicken, onions, tomatoes, shredded cabbage, and mozzarella cheese.
This sounds like a lot when I write it all down but considering the heat and being active, it was not excessive.

We did over 10 miles of walking per my vivoactive watch.
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Post by r.jean » Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:18 am

Today started out ok but ended poorly.

Red day.

I did not sleep well at all last night and went through the day in a fog. When I am sleep deprived I often seek food to compensate.

I ate 3 fairly reasonable meals, but I fell apart after dinner and snacked on some cinnamon bread sticks and an apple turnover. :(

No formal exercise.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:36 am

I had a 'FAIL' on Monday evening too - I had Seconds and Sweets when having dinner with friends.

Today's a new day!

I love Everyday Systems :3

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Post by r.jean » Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:28 am

Hope you did better today RAWCOOKIE.

I had another red day. Once again I stuck to three meals but succumbed to a gourmet ice cream sandwich after dinner.


Exercise was 90 minutes of volleyball.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:51 am

Ugh must be something in the air! I've succumbed after dinner as well these last two days. Still it's better than an all day permasnack session. Hang in there! 90 mins of volleyball is impressive!

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Post by r.jean » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:26 am

My days remain mostly good to start with but end up red because of an evening sweet or snack. And yet I agree that is better than going into permasnack mode! I have been paying more attention to my routine lately even though I fail at logging food. I do log my exercise and that is still good.
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Post by r.jean » Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:32 am

Wow. I have not checked in for two months. I always used to make fun of my retired friends who were always too busy to get anything done. Now I am them. I think it is similar for stay at home moms. When you do not work regularly, you become the go to person for family and friends. And you take on more do it yourself projects.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:51 pm

I committed myself this month to adhere more closely to the No S rules and to record my compliance on the October challenge. So far so good on the rules, but I cannot believe the massive S Day I had yesterday. I started the day out like any other day, but then came a delicious potluck at 5 pm with a group of friends. I just could not stop eating. And then later on I ate more. I was miserable afterwards. I also did not sleep well and felt like I had a food hangover this morning. This has served as a great reminder of why not to do that again. I think this isolated binge was a reaction to a couple of days of increased strictness with NoS and healthy food choices. It was similar to some over the top S days when I first started No S. Enough of that!

The beauty of this is that I can move on without guilt. One day does not define me.
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Post by osoniye » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:26 am

Hi r.jean- Yeah, the odd heavy S day is a good reminder that the "sometimes" clause and the "don't be an idiot" advice are right on. I'm sure you'll learn the lesson and move on to lighter, happier S days!
No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, Except (Sometimes) on days that start with "S".

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Post by r.jean » Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:53 am

I actually followed Saturday with a more reasonable S day and then a Red day; however Tuesday and Wednesday were Green. Hopefully you are right osoniye that I have learned from that horribly over the top S day!
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Post by r.jean » Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:51 pm

November 1:
S day: Medium size cinnamon roll early. Five leftover meatballs mid morning to tide me over until a planned family meal at 3 pm. Ate a full but small plate with a mini sandwich/grapes/raw veggies and also a bowl of chili at family birthday followed later by two Butterfingers (mini size) and a moderate piece of birthday cake with very little frosting.

Shared some microwave popcorn in front of football.

Exercise: S day: I have very painful bursitis in my hip. Exercise is out of the question for now other than mild stretching sessions several times a day.
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Post by gingerpie » Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:58 pm

Stretching is exercise :) hope the bursitis clears up soon.

Welcome back.

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Post by r.jean » Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:31 am

Thanks for the encouragement gingerpie! I try to tell myself that I can only do what I can for right now, but I want to be in the gym or out running or at least walking!
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Post by r.jean » Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:17 am

Nov 2: Green day
BF: Boiled egg, small banana, two pieces of wheat toast.
Lunch: Ate out. Chicken wrap, Asian side salad, five shrimp. The shrimp were part of a shared appetizer but everything fit easily on my plate so it was a compliant but very filling meal.
Supper: 4 leftover meatballs, two slices of cheese and some red grapes.

Exercise: S day again. Hip is still very sore so stretching only. At least I was able to be a little more mobile. I spent most of yesterday resting and icing. Today I ran some errands but not much else and still icing.
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Post by r.jean » Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:12 am

November 3: Green Day
BF: English muffin, cheese slice, sausage patty, yogurt with a little frozen fruit and granola.
Lunch: Jimmy John sandwich and chips
Supper: Taco salad

Exercise: Still an S day. Went to Doctor. After a shot in my hip I hope to see pain relief and get back to exercise soon.
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Post by gingerpie » Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:46 am

Sorry you're still hurting. I hope the shot helps and you're back on your feet soon.

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Post by r.jean » Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:43 am

Thanks Gingerpie. I was told to take it easy today so it was another S Day for exercise, but tomorrow I plan to at least take a walk. The shot definitely helped.

Red Day
BF: English muffin, slice of cheese, sausage
Lunch (out to eat): All but one piece of an individual size pizza and a few fried corn nuggets from a shared appetizer. (It was more or less one plate compliant since the corn nuggets took the place of the uneaten piece of pizza.)
Supper was strange. English muffin with peanut butter, microwave side dish of ziti macaroni and some low cal airy popcorn.
After finishing supper: Frozen chocolate covered banana. Oops! 200 calories of sheer goodness. But this makes a red day.
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Post by r.jean » Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:30 pm

November 5-10
Six days of Red and Yellow bliss.
My youngest child got married Saturday. Out of town (and out of country) guests began arriving Thursday. The following days were full from beginning to end with decorating, other preparations, rehearsal, the celebration, and the aftermath. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we continued to gather and eat during the following days also. The visitors relish a taste of home, both homemade favorites and favorite local restaurants. So...we ate.

No formal exercise, but I was constantly on the go and if I had worn a step counter, I am sure I would have had well over the recommended 10,000 steps a day.

My hip is still pretty sore, but I am getting back on track now with the recommended physical therapy exercise which takes 15-20 minutes twice a day. Hopefully I will stay on track with food today.
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Post by r.jean » Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:38 pm

November 11: RED
I did fine until I hit the leftover Halloween candy after supper.
It is a new day. Onward!
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Post by gingerpie » Thu Nov 12, 2015 3:38 pm

Aah yes, Halloween dregs - the curse of us all :roll: tomorrow is another day. Good luck.

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Post by r.jean » Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:55 am

Nov 12: hosted a birthday gathering and cooked some favorites. Red again.
Nov 13: barely green. I think this was only my third green day all month. There is a lot going on (celebrations) and I am still fighting hip pain which distracts me.
11/14 and 11/15 S days
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Post by r.jean » Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:14 am

New week. I decided to focus on positive tracking. I have done this before. I write down good choices and good accomplishments for the day. This helps remind me that I am doing some things right even if I am not perfect in other areas.
Finished crocheting a baby hat
Weights/stretches at gym (35 min)
2 hours of necessary errands.
One hour sewing on quilts.
Watched grandbaby 3 hours.
Fixed all meals at home.
Green day for food and exercise.
No Alcohol, No diet soda.
Housework off and on throughout the day.
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Post by osoniye » Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:33 am

Your focus on the positive sounds great!
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Post by r.jean » Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:16 am

Thanks osoniye! It works for me if I stick with it.

Tuesday 11/17 positives
Early morning gym for weights/stretches (45 mins)
Worked (sub at BD school)
Ran a couple errands on way home in spite of rain.
1:45 sewing on quilts
Fixed breakfast and supper at home; lunch provided at school; we eat with the students. (So no eating out)
Green for food and exercise.
No alcohol. No diet soda.
A little housework here and there.
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Post by gingerpie » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:09 pm

That's a great idea. I sometimes get so focused on what I haven't accomplished that I forget to pat myself on the back for what I have! :roll:

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:37 pm

I love this idea! Having a stressful day and I definitely need to. E focusing on the positives right now!
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Post by r.jean » Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:42 pm

I know, right? Let's remember we do a lot! At the end of days that I think I have wasted, I find I did a lot. Plus on days I made some poor food choices, I often made good ones as well.

Wednesday 11/18
Quick dash of necessary household chores for an hour before heading out for the day.
Spent 9 hours with my Dad. Shopping. Out to lunch. Visiting. Watching a game.
I actually got a little crocheting done during the game.
Went straight to babysitting grandchildren for a couple hours after getting a drive thru sandwich to go with my lunch leftovers. Got home at 9.
No diet soda.
Fixed breakfast at home
Green for food.
Red for exercise. I did fit in a few minutes of physical therapy exercises for my hip just not my 30-45 minute exercise expectation.
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Post by r.jean » Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:14 am

Thursday 11/19
An hour of errands
An hour of sewing.
Went to volleyball for the first time in 3 weeks (since the hip bursitis flared up)
Played one game and then watched. Did gentle stretching while watching.
3 more hours of sewing.
Fixed all three meals at home and had a couple extras for dinner (family).
Housework off and on all day, at least 1-2 hours.
No alcohol. No diet soda.
Green for food and exercise.
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Post by r.jean » Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:58 pm

Friday 11/20
Up at 4:30 to go with my dad for out of town medical appointments.
Treated for lunch afterwards
Took a nap and went to a hockey game with husband.
RED for food and exercise.
Took toast with me for my breakfast.
No diet soda.
Unfortunately I had to search for anything positive about the way I ate today!
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Post by r.jean » Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:40 am

Saturday 11/21
Today was a green day even though it is Saturday. I felt the need to eat moderately after my massive red day yesterday. I was not even tempted to overindulge.
Green for exercise also. 40 minutes at gym: weights/stretches.
No alcohol. No diet soda.
Made all three meals at home.
Went to grocery store.
Went shopping with daughter and baby and had them over for lunch.
Worked on quilts for about 4 hours, some while watching TV.
A little housework off and on through the day.
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Post by r.jean » Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:31 am

Sunday, 11/22, Day 7 of positive tracking only
S day: My only S was a bowl of snickers ice cream after dinner.
Cleaned out a closet.
Worked on sewing projects for about 3 1/2 hours.
Made breakfast at home.
Ate lunch with my sister before we spent the afternoon playing cards with our father and his friends. She is my greatest support.
Returned home to hubby hauling out holiday decorations and went to get sandwiches for the football game together.
No diet soda. (I think I just made it 7 days without a diet soda. That is a record.)
Week in review. 5 green days, 1 red day, 1 S day.
Red for exercise again.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:48 pm

You're doing great! What's your exercise goal?

You're so lucky to be close with your sister like that. I hope my girls grow up to be like that.

Have a great week!

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Post by r.jean » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:38 pm

Yes I am so lucky Linda! I have two wonderful sisters and we are all close even though our younger sister lives far away. I hope this for your girls too!
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Post by r.jean » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:51 pm

Monday 11/23
8 hours of sewing with a break in the middle for a quick trip to the gym.
At least part of the day was working together with my sister and some major gift projects were completed.
Watched grandbaby for 3 hours after that.
Green for food and exercise.

Tuesday 11/24
Caught up on household chores in morning and headed to volleyball which was unfortunately cancelled.
Went out to eat for lunch instead. Then later went out with someone else for supper. I put this as a positive because it was part of me socializing and decompressing after a busy few weeks.
However, Red for food and exercise. I raided my leftovers later in the evening and in spite of the effort never got my exercise in.
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Post by r.jean » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:02 pm

Wednesday 11/25
Caught up on newspapers.
Ran errands most of morning.
Went to store with daughter after lunch.
Did 4 loads of laundry for a friend with a broken machine.
Green for food.
Fixed all meals at home.
Red for exercise. Coming down with a cold but this is really not an excuse.

S Day.
Spent a couple hours babysitting in am.
Fixed food for about 3 hours, loaded it all up and then back out again.
Then went to family Thanksgiving to enjoy food and fellowship!
Red day for formal exercise but a lot of physical activity
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Post by r.jean » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:31 pm

Mild S day
Family remains in town, and we gather for at least one meal a day
I ate a small breakfast and lunch and a moderate supper.
Only S was a slice of homemade apple pie.
No dining out.
Green for exercise. Elliptical and walking.

S day for food and exercise.
The only S was a few cubes of cheese because of a delayed lunch. Not sure why I did not go for a beverage instead.
My cold continues and I spent a lot of couch time trying to recover.
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Post by r.jean » Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:20 am

Sunday 11/29
Green Day (on an S Day)
I had no real desires for any "S" today so it is green.
No alcohol. No diet soda.
Fixed food at home for breakfast and lunch. (Carry out for supper)
Did some bill paying and other paperwork and some minor housework.
Lazy day. Getting over my cold.
Hip is finally almost ready to test out with increased activity.
Red for exercise. This is so not like me. I almost feel like The break has been good.
Time to start building back up!

I went back to my basic exercise goal of 30 minutes of daily exercise no matter how mild because of my hip and before that my hamstring. I usually do at least 20 minutes but am falling down on the 30. There is no excuse. I am retired!
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:10 am

Looks like you're doing well! I'm sure you'll get you're exercise back up to where you want it. It's been hard for me to be consistent in this area as well.

I enjoy reading your lists of what you accomplished. I need to remember to add my list to my posts.

Have a great week!

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Post by r.jean » Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:04 am

Thanks Linda. I did exercise today and hope everything will fall into place now that I am finally feeling like everything is healing/recovering!

Green day for food and exercise.
No diet soda.
At least I ate breakfast at home :roll:
Caught up on some paperwork. How can so much stuff accumulate?!
Gym: 45 minutes; weights followed by stretches.
Lunch out with my son.
Babysat grandbaby 2 hours.
Crocheted a Christmas stocking (gift)
Cold and hip continue to improve. Did not attempt cardio yet but soon!
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Post by r.jean » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:56 am

Tuesday 12/1
Last night I woke up from coughing and was also very hungry.
I wanted a snack but settled for milk. Afterwards I thought about years past when I would have just eaten something without thinking.
Green for food and exercise.
No alcohol. No diet soda.
Two hours on phone calls and computer work on household stuff like insurance, investments, bills.
One hour volleyball.
Finished hand sewing on four sewing projects for Christmas. (2 hours)
Babysat one hour.
Cold and hip are definitely improving.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:13 am

Looks like you're doing great! Your kids are very lucky to have you babysit for them!
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Post by r.jean » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:44 am

Thanks Linda. I am doing better since I started the positive tracking, even though yesterday was not so good.

Wednesday 12/2
Red for food and Green for exercise.
Ran errands and did Christmas shopping most of morning.
Worked on crocheting and some cleaning.
Did not eat out.
No diet soda.
45 minutes at gym.
Ate at friends for dinner and played cards. It was good food and nothing over the top. I ate homemade pie for dessert.
I would have called this an S event for the dessert until I went home and ate popcorn in front of some late night TV.

Thursday 12/3
Green for food and exercise.
Continued Christmas shopping today. Over two hours. No more!
Volleyball for one hour.
Wrapped and organized gifts for a couple hours in afternoon.
Daughter and baby came over for supper. This is a nice thing lately when her husband works late.
Ate all meals at home.
No alcohol. No diet soda.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:12 am

Went to get a blood work for upcoming physical.
Spent the rest of the morning decluttering.
Volleyball 1 1/4 hours.
More decluttering in afternoon.
Crocheting and TV.
No diet soda.
Green for food and exercise.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:17 am

S day
Potluck an rolls bolle (2 hours) with friends.
Shopping at mall with daughter.
Green for exercise.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:29 pm

Obviously I have not been posting, but I am still following No S. I reviewed my history with myself and started the New Year with a renewed commitment to being stricter with the rules but remaining Vanilla with no mods and no extra rules.

Started 12/20/2010
Lost 45 lbs in 2011.
Maintained the loss in 2012 and 2013.
2014: Started the year gaining, but got a grip and took it back off. I counted calories for about 6 months and lost 16 more lbs. by the end of the year.
2015: Figured out what I already knew. Counting calories does not work for me in the long run unless I am willing to keep counting calories forever. In 2015, I very gradually gained back the 16 lbs I lost in 2014. I only weighed my self occasionally but by summer I was up about 7-8 lbs, and at a physical in December I was within a pound of my previously maintained weight. I am sure the Christmas holidays took care of that last pound.
2016: I would like to gradually lose 25 more pounds. I need to first get back to strictness with the No S rules. I am notorious for overfilling my plate or virtual plating. I have played experimented with moving my S days around. After I conquer the strictness factor, I can add some positive goals to make my eating habits more moderate. I will post at least twice a month. This is my first post.

Jan 1-15:
Exercise was green every day:
I got myself walking again after a couple of injuries in 2015, a hamstring and then a prolonged case of bursitis in my hip. I want to get back to running but so far have just added some short spurts of running to my walks.
I averaged of 3.1 miles of brisk walking. I also try to find other ways to add steps to my days. I played racquetball once but figured out the hip is not quite ready for that.

S days: 4
Red days: 1
N days: 10
My S days were reasonable, not out of control.
My N days were somewhat indulgent in my food choices.
Last edited by r.jean on Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Queenie » Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:55 am

Hi Jean,

I'm highly encouraged by your 45-lb loss in your first year, followed by maintenance.

This is my fifth week of No-S.


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Post by r.jean » Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:37 pm

Thanks Queenie!

January 16-31
There were 6 S days, 2 Red days, and 8 green days.
Overall food choices were maybe a little better. I made some strides on choosing chicken/fish/etc more and pork and beef less. I worked on adding more vegetables and had more salads than usual. The two red days were emotional eating. I was struggling with a sore back and with unhappy news regarding the health of a loved one.

Exercise was green every day except one of the days my back was sore when I did not even make my 30 minute minimum.
I averaged about 3 miles a day walking but added at least half running on two of my longer walk days.
I played racquetball twice, took two yoga classes and two aquatic exercise classes.

The yoga classes are 75 minutes long. They were listed as okay for beginners, but not for me! I ended up with a very sore back that kept me sidelined for a several days (except for moderate walking). I have switched to chair yoga for this week's class (tomorrow).
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Post by Queenie » Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:42 am

Very impressed with your level of activity!

Sorry to hear about your loved one. That's hard. But, in my experience, it does serve to draw people together. (Looking for a bit of silver lining.)

Hope you enjoy the chair yoga class.

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Post by r.jean » Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:11 pm

Thanks Quennie! I am retired, and we have started going South for two months at the beginning of the year. This is good for exercise opportunities, good for socialization but bad for food discipline. I feel like I am at least maintaining. My ailing family member is at least stable, but it is somewhat difficult to be away at this time. However, I do my share of care taking with grandchildren and elderly relatives when I am home and this two months away is good for me. Also as you guessed, I have great extended family to shoulder the responsibility just as I do when I am the one there.

I think I will try to log in each week in Feb.

Feb 1-5
Four Greens and one blow out red.
Green for exercise every day. Walked 2-3 miles a day four days and 1-2 the other day. Also:
Learned pickleball and then played and watched for 3 hours.
Played racquetball two days.
Aquatic exercise once.
Chair yoga once. This class is still 75 minutes and still a challenge but so much better. I am athletic for my age but not flexible. I need to stick with this.
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Post by Queenie » Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:40 pm

Looks like last week was pretty strong with 4 days of No-S greens and 5 days of activity greens.

I continue to be impressed with your activity level.

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Post by r.jean » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:31 pm

I did not get around to posting on Saturday so my second week of weekly posting is 10 days.

Feb 6 to Feb 15
6-7 S days, 1 mild, 1 over the top
8-9 Two Red days, this included Mardi Gras on the 9th which was over the top.
10-15: Six Green Days. Even my S days ended up being green. For Lent I decided to give up sweets altogether, even on weekends. This weekend nothing came up to tempt me to indulge in snacks or seconds so it was all green. This is not uncommon for me if there is nothing special going on for a weekend. I do not plan indulgences ahead of the weekend so it is just second nature to stay with my normal eating pattern if nothing tempts me otherwise.

Exercise was good. Green every day. I walked an average of 2-4 miles daily plus played pickleball once, racquetball four times, and one yoga class.

I have been trying to choose chicken and fish more often than beef or pork. That went pretty well. I have some thin sliced roast beef lunch meat to use up so there was some of that. I am going to try to make my own sandwich meat after that is gone. It is so much healthier and better. I also had some pasta with meat sauce once and Mongolian beef once. The rest of the meals were chicken or fish or other sources of protein.

So this 10 days started out poorly but ended up okay.

I am not weighing myself but feel like I am maintaining. I felt a bit bloated after the holidays but that feeling has subsided.

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Post by Queenie » Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:05 pm

Hat's off to you for the exercise.

I like your approach to S-days. I'm not ready to do the same on purpose but I found my Saturday was basically an N-day last weekend because I didn't plan ahead for a treat.

(I then made up for that on Sunday but that's because I didn't want to feel like I missed out on my S-days.)

Anyway, it's interesting to see how you're managing No-S after this many years into it. I'm observing and learning.

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Post by r.jean » Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:19 pm

I am not doing very well on my goal of weekly check ins. Here is Feb 16-29.

Of the four S days I only used one on Sunday 2/21. I am so ingrained now against snacking and seconds that I just rarely do it. My S day treats are usually sweets which I gave up for Lent. However I did slip and eat two Klondike bars on the 21st and slipped again yesterday and ate an ice cream sandwich and 4 thin mint Girl Scout cookies.

So yesterday 2-29 was red.

I also had two non weekend S days on 2-25 and 2-26 due to a road trip home. I did not eat that poorly but meals were irregular and smaller so there were extra snacks/meals in there.

Total count for the last two weeks: One Red. Three S days. 10 green. Not bad.

Exercise was good from 2/16 to 2/24 with walking 2-3 miles minimum each day and one water exercise class, two yoga classes and one line dancing class. We also played racquetball 3 times.

Exercise was minimal 2/25 to 2/29 other than walking the dog and loading/unloading and cleaning.

Volleyball today!
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Post by Queenie » Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:15 am

You're doing well. Reading it, it didn't seem all that well. But then I realized the slip-ups were really for Lent, not for No-S (except the one red day).

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Post by r.jean » Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:50 am

Thanks Queenie for your comments. You are right, Lent is a stricter standard than no S so I was gauging two things. This week is the same. I did not do GREAT but not TERRIBLE either.

March 1-Green
2 Green
3 Green
4 Red but not a bad day. I was really busy and ate a very light breakfast and light lunch and a normal supper. So at the end of the day I was really hungry from a lot of activity and small meals. So...I ate a big bowl of microwave popcorn.
5 SDay that turned out to be green.
6 SDay It was pretty much green except my meals were a little irregular.
7. RED! And Lent violation. Darn Girl Scout Cookies!

So my Friday and Monday were Red but my Saturday and Sunday were Green (on S days).
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Post by Queenie » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:38 pm

I'm looking forward to girl scout cookies for an S day. Haven't seen them yet in my neck of the woods.

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Getting back on track

Post by r.jean » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:23 am

Hello Everyone!
I have followed NoS since late 2010 but have not checked in for over a year. I lost 45 lbs on No S initially but have stayed in the overweight range (but not obese). After an especially rough year last year, my weight started creeping up. This year is better, and I am slowly improving my habits. I am about 7 lbs over the weight I have maintained since the 45 lb. loss.

In 2016, there were multiple family health crises which often threw me into a caretaker role. I have historically found it hard to take care of myself when I am busy taking care of others. This is one of the reasons my weight got so high during the years of raising children.

Currently I am retired but still doing some part time work by choice. I am in the life phase of having both grandchildren and elderly relatives. I find that working 1-2 days a week helps me structure and set limits with my time. Structuring time and maintaining good habits has been a challenge in retirement.

I need to post again and read the posts of others to help me get back on track. I have gotten lazy with NoS, and I need to be more accountable.
The journey is the reward.
Maintenance is progress.

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