Merry's Monthly Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Merry's Monthly Check-in

Post by Merry » Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:56 am

So, I've been a little intimidated about the whole check-in idea...mainly because I don't know how regular I'll be about posting in it (will I have something to say every day? LOL!)

But I'd like to check in at least monthly, read where I've been and successes I've had.

In another check-in thread, oolala and another posted about focusing on that good feeling of not being over-stuffed, and it occurred to me tonight...I'm starting to like that feeling more than I like the feeling of over-eating. I really like what the NoS book says about habits being dumb brutes and we need to step up and be the trainer. I've spent too many years being led by bad habits and feeling like I have no control.

I had some encouraging firsts this month! I went to a party and didn't eat deserts (wasn't an S day for me). I have a drawer full of chocolate candy from Christmas that I haven't touched on N days--that never would have happened in the past! I've rejected cookies on N days, and today went to the movie theater and didn't snack on popcorn when my family did--and didn't enjoy the movie any less.

That said, I'm very much looking forward to my upcoming S day and a peppermint mocha, LOL!

I've enjoyed the concept of planning for treats this month, and have enjoyed realizing I actually can say no, too.

I'm down 7 lbs. this month, which is a nice bonus. 4 of those were pretty easy--weight I'd put on over Thanksgiving. I tend to balloon-up easily over holidays. But I'm glad they came off easily and didn't become my "new normal" as has gradually happened other times (go up and down a few pounds enough times and eventually the body just stays at the new upper weight it seems). And I'm really glad I had an overall loss in a holiday month!

I tried to copy my habit cal calendar into my post--I saw someone else did that, but I guess I'm not that talented, LOL! But this month I had two NWS days, and stayed on track with green days for my N days. Definitely different for me! I'm looking forward to another month.
Last edited by Merry on Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Merry's Check-in

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:45 am

Merry wrote: I have a drawer full of chocolate candy from Christmas that I haven't touched on N days--that never would have happened in the past! I've rejected cookies on N days.
I don't know how that person managed to copy their HabitCal either - I had several tries and failed - maybe it's a sort of 'screen shot' or they have some softwear they can 'cut' images with.

I completely share your experience of now being able to stash chocolates and other treats without eating them! and being able to so 'no thank you' to cookies on N days. It's wonderful, isn't it?!

Here's to a great 2016 of No S sanity!
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Re: Merry's Check-in

Post by Merry » Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:09 am

RAWCOOKIE wrote: No S sanity!
*like* :)

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Post by natj » Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:02 pm

Congratulations on not only your loss, but in seeing some of the changes of our relationship with food that No S changes!

I look forward to hearing more about your experience!

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Post by Merry » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:52 am

February - No-essing for 2 months now, and am seeing lots of changes:

I don't like sugar as much (in fact, we had donuts at church on Sunday--they always cut them in half--and I actually thought it was too sweet. I have almost never in my life thought something was too sweet!) I still tend to have too much sugar on "S" days (imo!) but it's less than what I used to do.

I STILL have chocolate in my "secret stash" from Christmas, actually! Normally it would have been gone within a week, and I'd have gotten more by now. Okay, I shouldn't have thought about that. Stop thinking about that!

I don't think about snacking as much--and in fact, smaller meals fill me up. There are still times I "get the munchies," but it's less frequent.

I've been thinking about how easy it is in our culture to overeat (and/or permasnack!) and not even realize it. I feel like NoS gives me a framework for understanding what's enough and what's too much for me.

Habit-wise, I haven't had any "red" days yet. I've taken two "NWS" days each month, and the regular S days of course! but otherwise have all green days for December and January.

Overall, I'm down 9.5 pounds, and it feels doable and sustainable. Very glad about that! I don't feel like I'm dieting--just eating in a more structured/self-controlled way. Most of the time I don't think about it much at all...though the day before an S day, I'm pretty psyched about that next day, LOL!

I need to get better at walking hard in the winter when it gets dark so early! Thankfully the days are starting to get longer :-).
Last edited by Merry on Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:47 am

Wow you are doing awesome and seem to have a really good understanding of why NoS is so helpful to you.

Keep up the good work!

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Post by Queenie » Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:38 pm

Great to read your update. Congratulations.
I STILL have chocolate in my "secret stash" from Christmas, actually!
I do, too. And I find it tastes super-sweet to me. Not as pleasurable as it once was.

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Post by Merry » Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:21 am

Queenie wrote:Great to read your update. Congratulations.
I STILL have chocolate in my "secret stash" from Christmas, actually!
I do, too. And I find it tastes super-sweet to me. Not as pleasurable as it once was.
Isn't that so shocking?!! I guess we really load things with sugar (I've heard this about salt too) more than we need to. I'm thinking I'll be going more towards dark chocolate!
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Post by Queenie » Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:40 pm

I'm starting to notice myself become overcome with sleepiness after eating sweets on the weekend.

I was driving back from a trip out of state, and since I hadn't had ice cream and the weekend was nearly over, I stopped and bought an ice cream treat. After eating it I resumed driving -- and had to pull off the highway at the next rest stop and sleep in the car for 20 minutes.

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Post by Queenie » Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:40 pm

Well, maybe it wasn't the sugar, though. Because I did have some homemade cookies over the weekend and I didn't experience the same effect.

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Post by Merry » Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:13 am

Queenie wrote:Well, maybe it wasn't the sugar, though. Because I did have some homemade cookies over the weekend and I didn't experience the same effect.
Glad you were able to pull over and be safe though! I do think I react to sugar sometimes now (I probably did before too and didn't realize it). Not sleepiness exactly--fuzzy thinking sometimes maybe?
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:03 pm

You said, "I've been thinking about how easy it is in our culture to overeat (and/or permasnack!) and not even realize it. I feel like NoS gives me a framework for understanding what's enough and what's too much for me."

Isn't it fantabulous for that? Yes yes yes!

It's not just our culture; nearly EVERY culture in the world allows snacking, and when the population gets access to food, they pay a price. Most countries that have low average BMI's also have poverty issues. But even poor countries can have overweight problems! And formerly slim ones who have been influenced by the pressure to snack are gaining.

As Reinhard points out in the book, if food isn't curtailed by culture or scarcity, only the exceptions are not going to overeat. Our biggest problem here, IMHO, is the mental dickering over it.

That is why this board is such a neato torpedo place to get support for sane moderation! We have to create our own culture and imagine "hooking" ourselves to the millions who have lived similarly and reaped the benefits.
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:00 pm

Oh, I'm curious about what diet detours you took after you first tried No S. Are you willing to talk about them? No worries if you'd rather leave the past in the past.
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Post by Merry » Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:41 am

oolala53 wrote:Oh, I'm curious about what diet detours you took after you first tried No S. Are you willing to talk about them? No worries if you'd rather leave the past in the past.
Mainly calorie-counting and exercising, on again-off again. Nothing too "far out," LOL!
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:52 pm

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Post by Merry » Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:34 am

I had more extreme diet detours before I came across NoS, but those started for health reasons (trying to help my hubby who is disabled from chronic Lyme and chemical sensitivities). We did the whole yeast-free diet, and then added an allergy rotation diet, and I lost quite a bit that year just because it was so taxing to have to think about everything (no prepared sauces, nothing like crackers unless I made them from scratch, alternative grains and meats etc...) Then I did 6 months of a Vegan/juicing type diet too, and lost even more. But I didn't feel very good on the Vegan diet, though I think aspects of the juicing were good--I think it was just too extreme for me. However, of course when we stopped all that, weight came back pretty quickly. But it was hard to care for a lot of years, quite honestly, and I've not really enjoyed cooking ever but that took all the joy out of meal planning for me. (Between hubby's sensitivities to many foods and my oldest's dislike of many foods--especially related to textures--I still don't really enjoy cooking. Maybe some day I will again! I don't mind baking now and then...)

Anyway, I guess after all that, I just wasn't willing to go for a diet that limited types of foods, and that left me pretty much with only calorie counting as an option.

The first time I tried NoS, I really wasn't committed enough to saying no on N days to make it work, and eventually stopped trying to follow it and kind of forgot about it for a few years. Not sure what made me remember it again last fall, but I sure am glad I did! I do think a person has to be in a place mentally to be ready to commit to a certain way of eating and just that "this is how it will be." I found the book was very helpful for me in developing that mindset. Thinking about hunger as an untamed animal & that we can actually say no to it was a very helpful image to me. And there's so much to say yes to--enjoying our meals instead of mindless eating, etc...! I feel the boundaries are so easy to remember with NoS, but mostly easy to follow too. And the idea to not just throw in the towel after a failure, but to not let it derail & just pick back up.
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Post by Merry » Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:58 pm

3 months down! 1 red day this past month, but down 11 lbs overall (actually 12 now I think--been fluctuating last week and this, but at the start of the week it was 11). I'm starting to venture into digits not seen for a year or two, so it's exciting to break through a "threshold" weight where I had leveled for awhile, and start to go lower.

Made it through 2 kids' birthdays, so that's good! (Between winter and all the holidays at our house this time of year, it's nice to be losing anyway!)

Other than that, it was month of paperwork here...taxes, fafsa, surprise introduction to the healthcare marketplace... (oy!)
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:53 am

Wow congrats and a terrific 3 months! I hear ya on the paperwork--blech! Next week I tackle the tax monster...&#128123;

Anyway keep up the good work.

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Post by Merry » Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:56 am

lpearlmom wrote:Wow congrats and a terrific 3 months! I hear ya on the paperwork--blech! Next week I tackle the tax monster...&#128123;

Anyway keep up the good work.

Thanks & hope it goes well :-)
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Post by Merry » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:37 am

4 months in, down 13 lbs...time to update my signature again! Went on vacation this past month to my SIL's home. Had 3 red days and 2 yellow days while there, but it was a pretty good visit food-wise--not quite as out of control as some vacations. Most days I had 3 meals and a snack and a dessert. I think one day I had 2 desserts! Lots of fun talks and card games with the fam, which is the most important part :-). Day 3 or 4 I realized I needed to get out for a walk, LOL! Maybe I'll do that sooner next time!

I love that spring is here, and look forward to getting out for walks more. I tried a yoga class for several weeks...but I hope to never do another "down dog!" My body isn't quite made for some of those moves...

I like Reinhard's shovelglove video and may give that a try with a makeshift (aka lighter!) sledgehammer to start. I'm thinking I might rotate that with a T-tapp Basic workout that's about 16 minutes. I need to decide on a good routine, exercise-wise. I did realize while at my SIL's home that I go up and down my stairs at home a lot--made me glad for them!

DD has her ACT test coming up, and then college son has finals...this school year is coming to a close soon.
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Post by jackn » Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:17 am

Interesting to be posting monthly.
Might extend between-post time myself, but at this point the daily thing helps.

You seem to laugh easily, Merry...

Had no idea about T-Tapp, just looked it up.
Good luck with working out, and the fam, as you say.
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Post by Merry » Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:16 am

I wasn't sure I could find enough "check-in" things to say I decided to just read/post on other threads & keep a monthly log here.

A youth group once told dh and I that if we were locked in a room with nothing in it, we'd still find a way to laugh and have fun...guess I do laugh easily!
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:18 pm

You fit your name, Merry!

I've noticed that the secretary in our department office has a nice way of giggling over some of the problems that come up whereas my first reaction is to sneer. I'm going to try it out- when I remember. I keep saying there are things MUCH harder than managing eating! This is one for me.

Actually, I think being locked in a room is easier than working...
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Post by Merry » Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:35 am

oolala53 wrote:You fit your name, Merry!
Actually, I think being locked in a room is easier than working...
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Post by jackn » Fri Apr 22, 2016 6:32 am

OK, found your check-in thread again.

Yes, I see about the monthly frequency as opposed to daily.

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:37 pm

I admire your lack of need to check in often. See you in early May.
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Post by Merry » Tue May 03, 2016 12:56 am

oolala53 wrote:I admire your lack of need to check in often. See you in early May.
LOL, and here I thought I was being a slacker, so I almost didn't create a check-in at all! I guess I just don't know what I'd say on my own thread daily, but I check in most days to fill in my HabitCal, and to participate in the No S Diet threads. Maybe I'll figure it out some day?!! I do find HabitCal and checking in on other threads very motivating for me, and also that it helps me feel supported and feel that I can support others too.
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Post by Merry » Tue May 03, 2016 1:27 am

Month 5! On the one hand, it's hard to believe I've stuck with this consistently for this long--and on the other hand, it's starting to feel pretty normal. I'm excited to be down another pound this month, and to keep remembering, slow and steady wins the race. I started with 63 pounds to lose, and now I'm at 49 to lose--so I'm glad to have a new digit in that tens place (any little thing to spur me on, LOL!) Makes it seem like a lot! I'm looking forward to some other milestones:

Moving from an "obese" bmi to just an "overweight" bmi after I lose 4 more pounds
10% lost (6 more pounds lost)

I know I'm weird, I like numbers! And, celebrating :-).

My mom came to visit for 10 days this month, so I ended up with 3 red days and two NWS days. I thought about something interesting math-wise as I reflected on this (I told you I like numbers...):

In a 30-day month, we'd have 8 yellow days and about 22 green days--that means that close to 1 of every 4 days is an S day.

Add in 2 NWS days, and we're at 10 S days--1 of every 3 days is an S day.

Add in 5 red days plus the two NWS days, and we'd be at 1 in every 2 days being an S or red day.

I could see that possibly stalling weight-loss progress for that month.

While that could be a bummer, habit-wise having 5 days out of a month where you got off track, while not terrific, is not that hard to recover from. Dust off and try again!

So...I'm thankful that my 3 red days still allowed me to lose something this month (I've been losing about 2 lbs. per month, but still lost 1 this month). AND, most important, I had a great time with my mom here (well, except that I was sick a lot of the time), enjoyed her company and didn't feel "deprived" of good food on N days, and didn't mind some deviation for a few extra S and red days.

HOWEVER...I really need to get off my bum and get some walking in! I see that I posted last month about needing to get started...and here I have not really started! OTOH, I did get a bunch of flowers planted (thanks to my mom :-) she always gets me working!), and have weeded through our book collection (I have 10 boxes ready to go to our curriculum sale, but I hardly see a dent on my shelves!), and am getting some things reorganized around the house. Still...I need to walk!

It's dark and I need to go to I'll get a little walking in there I guess!
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Post by jackn » Tue May 03, 2016 1:59 am

Merry wrote:feel that I can support others too.
Definitely comes across as helpful support.
Thank you.

I often feel like a navel-gazer, and like your way of going about it, namely being present on others' threads.
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Post by oolala53 » Tue May 03, 2016 3:43 am

A really nice, sane month! You and me both on the walking.
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Post by Merry » Wed May 04, 2016 12:10 am

oolala53 wrote:A really nice, sane month! You and me both on the walking.
Well, I did get some "store-walking" in last night, and today I think I did way more than a walk, getting ready for a friend's garage sale. You know how it starts..."Oh, do you mind if I bring a few items?" Then I thought of a few more items, and took hubby over to pre-shop. Thankfully we escaped with only 2 items. But then he was inspired to clean out the garage even more, and he, dd and I worked in there over an hour! I took a third load to the garage sale, and we hauled a bunch more stuff out of the garage to the curb! In our town, putting something to the curb means "free, come take it." I'm such a goof, I love when people slow down to look or actually stop and take things! (One guy stopped with his truck, and dh got up to look--"don't scare him off!" I said. "He's not wildlife like the squirrels, he won't run away!" dh says back. LOL!) It's nice to think that maybe it gets put to use somewhere else. Hope I actually make a few $$ at the sale on Thursday, but really hope the stuff will leave my house and not come back. It always feels so good to clean out!
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Post by oolala53 » Wed May 04, 2016 6:06 am

Envious of your industriousness.
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Post by Merry » Thu May 05, 2016 11:09 pm

oolala53 wrote:Envious of your industriousness.
Aw thanks :-). Sale went better than I expected--made twice what I was hoping to make off a last-minute decision to clean out some stuff! And I didn't have to organize/advertise etc... Beautiful day, and steady traffic for most of it--can't ask for more out of a garage sale. What a blessing and answer to prayer! Came home with only one box of stuff, which stayed in the car to be donated tomorrow. Usually I hope to sell half and expect to come home with half, so...really productive day!
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Post by oolala53 » Fri May 06, 2016 1:05 pm

Glad for you but aaargh for me. I have ADD and it is very much recommended not to depend being able to make any money off my stuff. There really isn't much anyway because I have actually gotten rid of just about anything bigger than a breadbox.

But isn't it funny how you can not do this kind of thing and not do it and not do it, and then one day, something gets you going and you do a lot? It makes me wish I could quit thinking about it until that magic thing happens, but maybe they're all related.

Love those meal gaps!
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Post by Merry » Sun May 08, 2016 4:14 am

oolala53 wrote:Glad for you but aaargh for me. I have ADD and it is very much recommended not to depend being able to make any money off my stuff. There really isn't much anyway because I have actually gotten rid of just about anything bigger than a breadbox.

But isn't it funny how you can not do this kind of thing and not do it and not do it, and then one day, something gets you going and you do a lot? It makes me wish I could quit thinking about it until that magic thing happens, but maybe they're all related.

Love those meal gaps!
We tend to donate things and keep somewhat cleaned out, but I'm always amazed at what can collect over a year! I hadn't done a sale in years--that sudden impetus was what I needed, LOL!
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Post by Merry » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:58 am

I spent most weeks of this month losing and gaining the same two pounds, LOL! Not very inspiring. Finally broke through that plateau. Hoping I continue down now and don't hit another one for awhile!

I did get more walking in this month, but not daily. I've been focusing on drinking more water and getting more sleep. I do notice that it's harder to lose when I don't get enough sleep, and try to use that to motivate myself to get to bed earlier!
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:22 am

This is why I'm always surprised when people report having lost weight after a week or so, or after something specific they've done, stating it as if it's permanent. Even if a person ate exactly the same deficit on a daily basis, she would likely NOT lose in a linear fashion. That's why the other benefits of the program have to get a lot of attention, too.

See you next month!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:35 am

Woot--glad you're continuing to do well. I find your slow weightloss and calmness about it, very inspiring. I need to get in that train.

Oolala, interesting about the add recommendation not to try to make money off of things. I've always suspected I am slightly ADD and one of my rules is to just give stuff away. If I wait around to try to organize something being sold, it rarely happens. I sometimes cringe at the amount of stuff I drop off at goodwill but I know it's for the best.

Anyway, look forward to your next update Merry!

Linda :)
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Post by Merry » Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:52 am

lpearlmom wrote:Woot--glad you're continuing to do well. I find your slow weightloss and calmness about it, very inspiring. I need to get in that train.

Oolala, interesting about the add recommendation not to try to make money off of things. I've always suspected I am slightly ADD and one of my rules is to just give stuff away. If I wait around to try to organize something being sold, it rarely happens. I sometimes cringe at the amount of stuff I drop off at goodwill but I know it's for the best.

Anyway, look forward to your next update Merry!

Linda :)
LOL, it took me awhile to get on that train mentally!

And I hear you at the amount of stuff donated! Mainly I pray that it benefits someone! I haven't organized a garage sale myself since my kids were little--it's so much less pressure to join with someone else though (and talk about unorganized--I kept forgetting things and bringing something else over later!)
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:25 am

Lol oh yeah I could handle it if someone else was organizing it.

I agree it does feel good to give. And I always give the girl's clothes to friends w younger kids. I love to see their clothes get a 2nd life but I have a strange attachment to their clothes. ;)
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Post by jackn » Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:23 pm

Merry wrote: Finally broke through that plateau.

I've been focusing on drinking more water and getting more sleep. I do notice that it's harder to lose when I don't get enough sleep, and try to use that to motivate myself to get to bed earlier!
Congrats on the breakthrough.
Good to hear.

As to what you notice about sleep: do you mean it's harder to keep up your habits when short on sleep, or, rather, that keeping up does not translate as well to fat loss?
Am I clear?...

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Post by Merry » Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:37 am

jackn wrote: As to what you notice about sleep: do you mean it's harder to keep up your habits when short on sleep, or, rather, that keeping up does not translate as well to fat loss?
Am I clear?...

The second--that I don't lose weight as easily, despite habits, if I'm cutting lots of corners on sleep.
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Post by Merry » Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:46 am

oolala53 wrote:This is why I'm always surprised when people report having lost weight after a week or so, or after something specific they've done, stating it as if it's permanent. Even if a person ate exactly the same deficit on a daily basis, she would likely NOT lose in a linear fashion. That's why the other benefits of the program have to get a lot of attention, too.

See you next month!
Yes, I always noticed this when I calorie-counted too. It didn't matter if I had the same amount of calories each day, or even the same basic foods--sometimes I'd lose, sometimes I'd gain, sometimes I'd bounce around for awhile...I found it much more frustrating when I calorie-counted though--to be hungry AND to gain weight (or even plateau) seems like insult added to injury, LOL!

I used a lot of self-talk this spring and reminded myself:

I've hit plateaus before. They're normal. At least I'll feel satisfied and not hungry! Enjoy the habits.

A plateau is better than gaining, which is what I did before No-S--so this is still progress.

I also decided that I would wait up to 3 months to see if a plateau broke. Then if it didn't, I would evaluate whether I should alter anything (such as smaller plates or the make-up of my plates, or tightening up S days a bit--those kinds of thoughts).

Anyway...glad to break through this one in only a month!
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Post by Merry » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:09 am

lpearlmom wrote:Woot--glad you're continuing to do well. I find your slow weightloss and calmness about it, very inspiring. I need to get in that train.
I was thinking about this--I think one of the things that helped me was just thinking that if I lost 20 lbs. for the year instead of gaining 5-10, that would be awesome! 20 seemed so do-able--so the day-to-day slowness hasn't bothered me. It feels good to be reversing the direction I've been going for several years. Ha! More like 2 decades!

Not sure exactly where I got the idea of "20" in my mind--in the past I've always wanted to just take off as much as I could, as fast as I could, and that was always a disappointing goal. Thinking that I could possibly be a healthy weight in 3 years seemed so much saner. I didn't put this weight on in just a year or two. It's okay if I don't take it off quickly either--but important that I just try to move in that direction. If it goes faster or slower than that--I still think that's okay. I'm learning to value the habits and let the results come as they will.
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Post by jackn » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:37 am

Got it.
Thanx, Merry.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:56 am

Thank you for sharing your thought process Merry. It's important for me to hear the voice of reason (and sanity) as much as possible. I like the idea of just moving things in the right direction.

So many of the things I've been successful at just started out like that--baby steps on the right path. It's often about just getting things moving no matter how small and then watching as the momentum slowly builds. Not quite as dramatic as I've sometimes tried in the past. I'd try to make big sweeping changes in attempt to create my Hollywood moment.

In real life the heroine does not remake her entire life overnight. It's so tempting but usually destined for failure.

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Post by Merry » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:42 am

lpearlmom wrote:Thank you for sharing your thought process Merry. It's important for me to hear the voice of reason (and sanity) as much as possible. I like the idea of just moving things in the right direction.

So many of the things I've been successful at just started out like that--baby steps on the right path. It's often about just getting things moving no matter how small and then watching as the momentum slowly builds. Not quite as dramatic as I've sometimes tried in the past. I'd try to make big sweeping changes in attempt to create my Hollywood moment.

In real life the heroine does not remake her entire life overnight. It's so tempting but usually destined for failure.

Ha! That's us, Hollywood heroines!

Yup, you're right, remakes don't happen overnight :).
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Post by librarylady » Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:21 pm

Merry wrote:
I've hit plateaus before. They're normal. At least I'll feel satisfied and not hungry! Enjoy the habits.

A plateau is better than gaining, which is what I did before No-S--so this is still progress.

I also decided that I would wait up to 3 months to see if a plateau broke. Then if it didn't, I would evaluate whether I should alter anything (such as smaller plates or the make-up of my plates, or tightening up S days a bit--those kinds of thoughts).
Those are great words to remember. I had been going down so steadily that I was a teeny bit disappointed when last week I just held steady (went up a few ounces). Then I thought about it in much the same way you did here - though not so coherently. Just stick with it! And I was amazed to see the number go down again this week. I gained slowly over about 2 1/2 years - I'll be happy if I lost slowly over the same time!

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Post by Merry » Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:14 am

librarylady wrote: Those are great words to remember. I had been going down so steadily that I was a teeny bit disappointed when last week I just held steady (went up a few ounces). Then I thought about it in much the same way you did here - though not so coherently. Just stick with it! And I was amazed to see the number go down again this week. I gained slowly over about 2 1/2 years - I'll be happy if I lost slowly over the same time!
Exactly! (and I wish I'd come to No-S after gaining for only 2 1/2 years...took me a lot longer, LOL!)
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:20 pm

I think seeing examples of people who have true health scares, make big changes because their lives are either miserable or at stake, get better, and lose weight but really mostly as a side effect, can make it seem as if we should just do the same. But it's very hard to recreate that sense of urgency without really having the other issues burdening us. Whatever pleasure they get from their food is so offset by the other miseries that it's a much easier tradeoff. (Just saw a video of a female doctor who got diagnosed with MS, took meds and declined for five years to the point of being in a wheelchair, researched researched researched and put herself on a strict diet, and was off meds and riding a bike for 18 miles after 9 months. One of the other effects was that she lost weight, but that's not what she set out to do! I'll bet anything that if you told her six months before her diagnosis that she should give up all grains, eat 9 cups of veggies a day from three different categories, eat all grass fed beef and organic foods, and meditate, she would have said to go fly a kite.)

Just do your best to keep moving towards a moderate intake of good quality food as often as you can be happy with given present circumstances. That's all you can ask of yourself!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by Merry » Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:18 am

Had a crazy weekend with S days (graduation parties, son came home etc...). I haven't eaten that much junk in awhile (potato chips, pizza, ice cream, several desserts at the parties...)--I came home thinking, "why did I eat all that?" LOL! These past two N days feel SO much better.
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Post by jackn » Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:49 am

I think your sunny disposition, Merry, does half the job for you.
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Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:53 am

Merry wrote:
lpearlmom wrote:Woot--glad you're continuing to do well. I find your slow weightloss and calmness about it, very inspiring. I need to get in that train.
I was thinking about this--I think one of the things that helped me was just thinking that if I lost 20 lbs. for the year instead of gaining 5-10, that would be awesome! 20 seemed so do-able--so the day-to-day slowness hasn't bothered me. It feels good to be reversing the direction I've been going for several years. Ha! More like 2 decades!

Not sure exactly where I got the idea of "20" in my mind--in the past I've always wanted to just take off as much as I could, as fast as I could, and that was always a disappointing goal. Thinking that I could possibly be a healthy weight in 3 years seemed so much saner. I didn't put this weight on in just a year or two. It's okay if I don't take it off quickly either--but important that I just try to move in that direction. If it goes faster or slower than that--I still think that's okay. I'm learning to value the habits and let the results come as they will.
I really love this attitude you have and I really need to work on that for myself. Very inspiring. I am learning to value the habits as well. I think focusing on habits, rather than the weight loss is so key to sticking with it, feeling successful and achieving your goals. Thanks for your words of wisdom.

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Post by Merry » Wed Jun 15, 2016 2:05 am

Hubby and I went out to Culver's today. On the way there he said, "Hm, should I have lunch or dessert?"

I said, "It's Tuesday. Lunch! Unless you want a red day."

"What's a red day?"

5 minute discussion on the HabitCal tracker ensued! He follows just from the cover of the book & whatever I happen to say (and he's lost about 15 lbs. doing that! Me, I need immersion tactics to stick to things!)
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Post by e-lyn » Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:43 am

My husband does the same thing! He read the book but he doesn't care much about the nit-picky details just the overall basics. We went to Trader Joe's and he ate a tiny little mint sample. I told him that made it technically a red day. He looked at me like I was nuts! He would go crazy reading this board.

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Post by jackn » Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:54 am

Funny, and good share, Merry.

To go back to nit-picky details, if I may - what's 'immersion tactics', if you will?
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Post by Merry » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:13 am

jackn wrote:Funny, and good share, Merry.

To go back to nit-picky details, if I may - what's 'immersion tactics', if you will?
He literally has only seen the book cover and the refrigerator magnet. I, on the other hand, have read the book multiple times, read and post on here almost daily, read on the FB page, update my HabitCal regularly...
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Post by Merry » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:14 am

e-lyn wrote:My husband does the same thing! He read the book but he doesn't care much about the nit-picky details just the overall basics. We went to Trader Joe's and he ate a tiny little mint sample. I told him that made it technically a red day. He looked at me like I was nuts! He would go crazy reading this board.
We have no Trader Joe's here. I'd probably have to take a NWS day, LOL!
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Post by Merry » Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:26 am

Finished month 7! Hard to believe. Down 2 more lbs. It's interesting, I'll often take a 1.5 lb. drop in 2 weeks, and then spend 2 more weeks dropping only half a pound.

I have a busy couple of weeks coming up as we're going to repaint most of our downstairs. My husband has chemical sensitivities, so we're using the no-VOC paint, but even that bothers him a bit. So, he and my son are heading to his sister's house (son is driving--he has plantar fasciitis right now & wouldn't be able to stand and paint long anyway), and my daughter and I are going to paint. One of my amazing friends is putting together a team of people to help us paint. Meanwhile the kids & I have been busy sanding, scraping, cleaning, taking down everything, patching holes...I'm hoping the painting goes much faster than the prep work, LOL! Some rooms have never been painted since we had water damage (water heater died, flooded) a few years ago. It's always hard because of my husband's illness--and kind of overwhelming to think this will actually get done now--find myself getting emotional when I think about it. Anyway, I'm really thankful.
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Post by e-lyn » Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:46 am

Hi Merry...just stopping by to congratulate you on your recent weight loss and ongoing dedication to No S eating. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful posts and they've helped me a lot.

Good luck on the painting job! It sounds like you've been working really hard on the prep. It's good you have friends who can help with the painting. I'm also going through a lot of home repairs this summer and feeling quite overwhelmed. It's a lot of disruption and change...something I struggle with.

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Post by Merry » Fri Jul 01, 2016 1:46 am

e-lyn wrote:Hi Merry...just stopping by to congratulate you on your recent weight loss and ongoing dedication to No S eating. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful posts and they've helped me a lot.

Good luck on the painting job! It sounds like you've been working really hard on the prep. It's good you have friends who can help with the painting. I'm also going through a lot of home repairs this summer and feeling quite overwhelmed. It's a lot of disruption and change...something I struggle with.
Thanks! Yes, lots of disruption and change. I think it's hard when rooms are all torn up. I hope your home repairs go well.
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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:53 pm

Merry--just wanted to say congratulations on your weight loss!!!! Fantastic progress! :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:38 am

What an awesome friend you have! So happy things are finally getting taken care of even though I know it's pretty stressful for the time being. My dh has some health issues too. It's tough but sounds like you have a pretty good support system in place.

Good luck with the repairs and glad things are still moving for you in the right direction. It's a good reminder of the importance of patience!

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Post by Merry » Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:17 am

Thanks Linda & Lifeisablessing.

Lots of painting happening here! Took an extra S day--sore everywhere & didn't want to think about eating too. Another full day tomorrow and then I think we'll be able to start some clean-up and start getting things put back together...whew!
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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:49 pm

Here's hoping for a speedy process of returning to normal--I'm one of those people who can't stand when things are out of whack, so I feel for you with all the painting! :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
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Post by Merry » Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:29 pm

Thanks! Slowly getting back to normal here. Hubby & son are still gone (they come back Saturday--hoping the smell will be okay for hubby by then. They're at his sister's). I'm starting to make to-do lists for them :wink:

I ended up with 3 S days and 2 red days, so it's good to be back to green yesterday and today!

Then next week, dd is off to camp for 12 days, and then it's time to start back up with homeschooling...I think things won't feel "normal" until September, LOL!
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:50 am

What happens in September? And congrats on all the work done and No S-ing.
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Post by Merry » Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:30 am

oolala53 wrote:What happens in September? And congrats on all the work done and No S-ing.
I'm hoping that things will finally slow back down and we'll be in a routine pace of life by then!
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:25 am

Ah got it.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:58 pm

Hi Merry
I posted to you on my thread, but here it is for you to find in yours :)

Here is the link to the first video. This guy has a series of brief yoga routines focusing on the chakras from the root to the voice chakra. Not sure about the top two chakras, whether he has anything for them or not.

Anyway, I find his voice soothing, and this routine is relaxing and opening without being strenuous.

from there, you should see his other videos offered as suggestions.

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Post by Merry » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:31 am

Thanks Bunso :-).
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Post by Merry » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:53 am

Can't believe it's August! I've been sick for the last week with a head/chest cold...ugh.

Today was busy--got back to homeschool with my dd (senior year!), had to call the cc company (happy Monday, you've been hacked!)...oy! DD is doing Advanced biology this year and got really excited about the dissection materials, which was pretty funny (because I am so NOT into that kind of thing!)

I hit 20 lbs. lost this month and am really happy about that! Just a fun milestone. Things are fitting differently and I may need to shop a bit soon, which also is fun. I tend to lose fairly equally everywhere, so it's not always obvious (it usually takes 20 lbs. for me to go down a pant size--not sure I quite have yet, but then, maybe these were tight when I started too.) Anyway, still chipping away at things.
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Post by e-lyn » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:05 am

Fantastic news about your weight loss! You're really reaping the benefits of NoS. I know you've had your challenges but you've done great!

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Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:15 am

Merry wrote:Can't believe it's August! I've been sick for the last week with a head/chest cold...ugh.

Today was busy--got back to homeschool with my dd (senior year!), had to call the cc company (happy Monday, you've been hacked!)...oy! DD is doing Advanced biology this year and got really excited about the dissection materials, which was pretty funny (because I am so NOT into that kind of thing!)

I hit 20 lbs. lost this month and am really happy about that! Just a fun milestone. Things are fitting differently and I may need to shop a bit soon, which also is fun. I tend to lose fairly equally everywhere, so it's not always obvious (it usually takes 20 lbs. for me to go down a pant size--not sure I quite have yet, but then, maybe these were tight when I started too.) Anyway, still chipping away at things.
Congrats on the 20lbs. Losing equally everywhere is exactly how it's supposed to happen. I laugh at ads saying lose weight from a specific body area. Of course liposuction can have that effect. Keep it up.
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:44 am

Congratulate yourself on staying the course even without an obvious pant size change! So many would have quit without some kind of "proof that it's working." Man, the world LOVES that measure of "success!" But without enough pleasure in the means getting there, it's not going to "work" in the long run at all.

Glad your cold is leaving.

Monitoring someone studying AP Bio! Wow. I've been paired with a physics teacher in my Spec Ed coteach job and I'm trying very hard not to fear getting "found out." Theoretically, they say I shouldn't have to be a subject matter expert, but when kids ask for help and there's a chance I won't be able to apply the lesson- that's happened once already- it can be deflating. At least you don't have a colleague there likely secretly thinking, "What's she getting paid for?" Or maybe I'm the colleague thinking that... :oops:

You're right on track!
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Post by Merry » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:27 am

oolala53 wrote:Congratulate yourself on staying the course even without an obvious pant size change! So many would have quit without some kind of "proof that it's working." Man, the world LOVES that measure of "success!" But without enough pleasure in the means getting there, it's not going to "work" in the long run at all.

Glad your cold is leaving.

Monitoring someone studying AP Bio! Wow. I've been paired with a physics teacher in my Spec Ed coteach job and I'm trying very hard not to fear getting "found out." Theoretically, they say I shouldn't have to be a subject matter expert, but when kids ask for help and there's a chance I won't be able to apply the lesson- that's happened once already- it can be deflating. At least you don't have a colleague there likely secretly thinking, "What's she getting paid for?" Or maybe I'm the colleague thinking that... :oops:

You're right on track!
Oh, I hear you on that! I tell my daughter, "we're two intelligent women, we can figure this out!" Then we read, and I ask her questions and usually we find the answer together.
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Post by Merry » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:39 am

Whosonfirst wrote: Congrats on the 20lbs. Losing equally everywhere is exactly how it's supposed to happen. I laugh at ads saying lose weight from a specific body area. Of course liposuction can have that effect. Keep it up.
Thanks! I know women who go down a size in 10 lbs--they just tend to gain or lose mainly around the middle. My body just doesn't work that way. It helps with motivation to know that though--I can be realistic anyway!
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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:04 pm

Congratulations on your new milestone in weight loss! That is an awesome accomplishment--great job on staying the course! :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:33 am

Congrats on 20 lb loss and sounds like things are moving along. I envy your relationship with your daughter. My teen is just barely a teen and we butt heads constantly.

Hearing you haven't quite gotten to a new pant size is very helpful to me. I dropped a few more pounds recently but was wondering why my pants still fit. Clearly I need to work on being more realistic!

Always great to hear your updates. Look forward to the next one!

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Post by Merry » Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:53 am

lpearlmom wrote:Congrats on 20 lb loss and sounds like things are moving along. I envy your relationship with your daughter. My teen is just barely a teen and we butt heads constantly.

Hearing you haven't quite gotten to a new pant size is very helpful to me. I dropped a few more pounds recently but was wondering why my pants still fit. Clearly I need to work on being more realistic!

Always great to hear your updates. Look forward to the next one!

13 or so can be a rough time! They are wanting to be treated more like adults but don't act much like adults...I just tried to keep looking for ways to build bridges. Hang in there!

I hear you on the pants, what's up with that?! All in due time I suppose :-). I ended up on a mini-vacation this past week, so I may end up not losing this month...guess we'll see!
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Post by Merry » Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:20 am

Good to post a green day after almost a week of yellow/red! Glad to be getting back on track :-).

Today at lunch I had leftover pizza from last night. (It was frozen pizza, but at least good frozen pizza!) I took 3 pieces, even though I know I'm almost always full after 2. I felt really hungry, and didn't want to "break the rules" by going back for seconds, LOL! After I finished the 2nd piece, I thought I might eat that third...and then I decided to drink some water and wait about 5 minutes, and lo and behold, I really wasn't hungry for it. I recognize my limits a lot more lately--I remember how much is enough without being overstuffed. Things I never used to notice (and in the past I'd have eaten the third piece without another thought--until later). Good progress.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:57 am

Great! I've experienced similar things recently - about quantities. I've also done exactly what you described - put a little more on my plate 'just in case' I need it - then not needed it. It's a powerful feeling, isn't it?!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:31 pm

Merry wrote:
13 or so can be a rough time! They are wanting to be treated more like adults but don't act much like adults...!
Thanks Merry! That describes her so perfectly. It's her disrespectful/dismissive tone that pushes my buttons but I've been taking her electronics and social privileges away lately. It's working wonders. I can see her catch herself and quickly change her tone. Of course I still need make sure we are staying connected during the good times.

Anyway enough about me. &#128521; I love your pizza story! I guess one can do a little intuitive eating in combo with NoS. Hope your week goes well!

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Post by LadyEngineer » Fri Aug 19, 2016 1:47 pm


I am beginning to have the "limits" kick in, too. Last night I overfilled my plate (with pretty healthy choices, just a lot of them). I actually was pretty full, and wound up not finishing some of the rice and veggies and just realizing that I needed to stop eating!

Glad you are feeling like you are moving back into a "Normal" routine again. Sounds like even though you had REDS and YELLOWS, you are still maintaining on those weeks, which is awesome!

"Leave space on your plate and you will lose weight" (Courtesy of my 16 year old son).

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Post by e-lyn » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:59 pm

Merry, I admire your ability to leave some of that pizza behind! I can do that at home sometimes when I feel more relaxed around food. My big challenge is restaurant eating. I really want to finish my whole plate of food! I've tried getting a to-go box and immediately boxing up some of my plate. But then I just think about the leftovers all night!

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Post by Merry » Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:21 am

e-lyn wrote:Merry, I admire your ability to leave some of that pizza behind! I can do that at home sometimes when I feel more relaxed around food. My big challenge is restaurant eating. I really want to finish my whole plate of food! I've tried getting a to-go box and immediately boxing up some of my plate. But then I just think about the leftovers all night!
I sometimes eat them, sometimes leave them--eating out is different, I agree! I try to go in with the mindset--"I get to have my favorite meal twice!" (Meaning if I take half of it home, I can have it for another meal that day or the next.) Sometimes that helps me. I do tend to eat more out though, and also to blur the lines (I don't really worry about virtual plating or seconds--I eat chips at Mexican restaurants, or egg rolls at Chinese etc...) We don't eat out all that often though--I'm sure if we ate out regularly I'd have to be more strict about it.

Also, since I have teens in the house, we have pizza every Friday--ie, not special, easier to leave!
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Post by Merry » Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:29 am

LadyEngineer wrote:Merry,
Sounds like even though you had REDS and YELLOWS, you are still maintaining on those weeks, which is awesome!

Sometimes I do fluctuate on those weeks, but eventually it goes down again. I aim for only 2 NWS days in a month (haven't been able to get myself to fewer than that though!). My red days usually aren't a lot, though more than I'd like. Over the last 8.5 months I've had 3 months with no reds, 2 months with 1 red, 2 months with 2, and 2 months with 3. And my reds weren't "crazy red" if that makes sense--usually they ended up being a last minute event that came up where I decided to have a treat, or often they ended up travel days/days with extended family--things like that. Usually still an improvement over how I used to eat!
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Post by Whosonfirst » Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:55 pm

That's great consistency. I've had 3 reds just last week, and monday's weigh in is looming.
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Post by Merry » Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:43 am

Whosonfirst wrote:That's great consistency. I've had 3 reds just last week, and monday's weigh in is looming.
Aw, don't let it shake you. Each day is a new day. Find something that motivates you to stick it out and have a green day--and slowly as you build green days, it gives you more confidence that you can keep doing this. Hang in there!
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Post by Jen1974 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 4:23 pm

Merry wrote:
Whosonfirst wrote:That's great consistency. I've had 3 reds just last week, and monday's weigh in is looming.
Aw, don't let it shake you. Each day is a new day. Find something that motivates you to stick it out and have a green day--and slowly as you build green days, it gives you more confidence that you can keep doing this. Hang in there!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this Merry!! You are so right. When I got off track for a bit it felt hard to find my way back but finding something that motivated me again & getting one green day at a time got me back into the rhythm again.

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Post by Saoirse » Wed Aug 24, 2016 10:09 am

Merry, thank you very much for this:
'I aim for only 2 NWS days in a month (haven't been able to get myself to fewer than that though!). My red days usually aren't a lot, though more than I'd like. Over the last 8.5 months I've had 3 months with no reds, 2 months with 1 red, 2 months with 2, and 2 months with 3. And my reds weren't "crazy red" if that makes sense--usually they ended up being a last minute event that came up where I decided to have a treat, or often they ended up travel days/days with extended family--things like that. Usually still an improvement over how I used to eat!'

I have printed it out and left it by my big A4 hardback diary which I use as a daily check-in for myself and it really helps. Got through a meeting in the Department of Health this week without having a nervous breakdown/red day!
All green so far.
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Post by Merry » Wed Aug 24, 2016 10:32 pm

Saoirse wrote:Merry, thank you very much for this:
'I aim for only 2 NWS days in a month (haven't been able to get myself to fewer than that though!). My red days usually aren't a lot, though more than I'd like. Over the last 8.5 months I've had 3 months with no reds, 2 months with 1 red, 2 months with 2, and 2 months with 3. And my reds weren't "crazy red" if that makes sense--usually they ended up being a last minute event that came up where I decided to have a treat, or often they ended up travel days/days with extended family--things like that. Usually still an improvement over how I used to eat!'

I have printed it out and left it by my big A4 hardback diary which I use as a daily check-in for myself and it really helps. Got through a meeting in the Department of Health this week without having a nervous breakdown/red day!
All green so far.
Very best of luck to all, Saoirse
I'm glad that helped :-) Great job on a green week so far, especially with a tough meeting!
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Post by Merry » Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:56 am

So, earlier this week I had a dream that I'd gone all day following the rules, only to realize that night that it had been an S day and I'd missed my treat, LOL! :lol:

I wonder what triggered that?!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Aug 27, 2016 6:15 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
some kind of anxiety I guess......... but, thanks for sharing it! I realised today that, although I am sticking to the three meals (even on S days now!) - I still look forward to every meal very much - it's never far from my mind!
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Post by e-lyn » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:09 am

Merry, I bet you were glad to wake up and realize it was just a dream! I have to admit a dream like that would scare me a bit, haha. Although not as much as teeth dreams or the ones about forgetting to take a final exam.

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Post by Merry » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:56 am

e-lyn wrote:Merry, I bet you were glad to wake up and realize it was just a dream! I have to admit a dream like that would scare me a bit, haha. Although not as much as teeth dreams or the ones about forgetting to take a final exam.
LOL, it made me savor getting my mocha that much more this week! I've not had teeth dreams...I think I'm glad! But I've had those "forgot a final" dreams--blah! My oldest is having those now...poor kid!
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Post by Merry » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:59 am

RAWCOOKIE wrote::lol: :lol: :lol:
some kind of anxiety I guess......... but, thanks for sharing it! I realised today that, although I am sticking to the three meals (even on S days now!) - I still look forward to every meal very much - it's never far from my mind!
LOL, I think that's normal to enjoy eating!

I don't think I've had anxiety about S days...but I do get an irrational fear every once in awhile that NoS is just going to stop working. That I'll reach some point, and that will be that, and the rest of the weight won't budge. I've had that thought a bit lately since I hit "20" lost. I start to wonder, will it work for the next 20? LOL!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:44 pm

So funny! In the early days of NoS, I used to dream about it a lot. It was usually in the form of breaking the rules which was before I ever had a red day and found it very stressful.

I guess it's normal when learning a new skill. I think it shows how important our new way of eating is to us. Glad it was just a dream!

Also wanted to thank you for all your support on my thread. Means a lot!

Linda :)
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Post by Merry » Wed Aug 31, 2016 3:23 am

lpearlmom wrote:So funny! In the early days of NoS, I used to dream about it a lot. It was usually in the form of breaking the rules which was before I ever had a red day and found it very stressful.

I guess it's normal when learning a new skill. I think it shows how important our new way of eating is to us. Glad it was just a dream!

Also wanted to thank you for all your support on my thread. Means a lot!

Linda :)
Ha, I can see doing that! And you're welcome :-)
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Post by Merry » Wed Aug 31, 2016 3:31 am

Well, looks like this month I'm going to end up with no loss. I thought it would be less than usual because of my surprise week off, but I did seem to be down a pound or a pound and a half anyway, but then suddenly jumped back up this week, so I guess it didn't "take" yet! Oh well. Not sure September will show any losses for me either--my birthday is coming up, and friends are taking me out Thursday and then family is taking me out Sunday--looking forward to it, and going to enjoy it no guilt :-).

Does cake freeze well?!

I do love cake...
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
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