Linda's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:00 pm

Not that you asked, and you don't have to tell us but possibly review your list of original motivations- or make one now, if you never did.

If you feel you're giving up too much of something you value and not getting something else you also value with No S or any eating plan, there's always going to be some dissatisfaction. Maybe it isn't actually worth it. (I know that's heresy, but I find that often actually helps me focus on what I DO value.)

I think I went through something similar recently. I'd think, goll darn it, why can't I just have a handful of nuts or this or that if I feel like it? Truth is, I can, but turns out it wasn't very satisfying, either. I wouldn't say I'm joyous about it these days as I once was, but goll darn it again, but if it doesn't at least feel better to have five or more hours between meals.

Byron Katie has said, "If I had a prayer, it would be this: “God, spare me from the desire for love, approval, or appreciation. Amen." Boy, I like that one, though I think it may be the way sociopaths live, even though they do actually want approval. But if I had a corollary, it would be "God, spare me from disapproving of my eating and weight." Maybe if the main one happened, eating would fall into line.

I've seen her live and she is a marvel. But I've still never been able to do her full process on what irks me at work so that I don't have to do it over and over. Maybe I'll try it again when the term starts up.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:45 am

Oh good idea oolala. I had one before but was mostly weightloss related. Here's one for the benefits of keeping things strictly green:

1) less overthinking--more headspace.
2) meals more enjoyable
3) feels good to know I'm not overeating even if I'm not losing more weight
4) feels good to have something under control and consistent during those times when things are feeling out of control
5) feels good to stay committed to something. Proves that I can be disciplined.

Yes I've only read a couple chapters of Byron Katie but not sure I'm understanding it correctly. I do get that our thoughts can really mess with us. But I'm confused about which thoughts we're suppose to believe and why. Anyway will read the rest of the book. It does seem interesting.

I had a green day today--yay! I decided I should really try having strict green days again before I can really decide on its worthiness. I have to admit it feels good to be strict with the 3 meals. Of course tomorrow is sat so that helps!

Break: smoothie
Lunch: chicken teriyaki, rice
Dinner: falafel, hummus

Exercise: 10 min walk

ETA: wow read some more of Byron Katie and boy do I find it relevant to my life. I am in constant approval seeking mode. No wonder I find being social so exhausting. Excited to read more but have a feeling this is one of those books I'll need to re-read a few times. Thanks kaalii!!
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Post by Amy3010 » Sun Jan 01, 2017 7:48 am

Happy New Year to you, too, Linda!

I like how you listed your benefits to keeping green, that is a really good idea. And also the necessity of having a really strict green day to be able to evaluate its worthiness. When I read that, I thought that it's also impossible to say to myself that No-S doesn't "work" when I haven't been at all consistent on either the number of green days I have had the past six months or actually how really closely they comply with the "rules".

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:16 pm

lpearlmom wrote: 1) less overthinking--more headspace.
2) meals more enjoyable
3) feels good to know I'm not overeating even if I'm not losing more weight
4) feels good to have something under control and consistent during those times when things are feeling out of control
5) feels good to stay committed to something. Proves that I can be disciplined.
love it! that pretty much sums up the benefits I'm finding with No S. Especially "something under control" niiiice :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:07 am

Omg wrote a whole long post and it disappeared. Basically spent the day in urgent care w my daughter and then came home and had to pack for our ski trip. Have a 10 hr drive ahead of us so leaving at 4am--yikes!

Weight is up about 5 lbs since the holidays and notice at this weight my reflux kicks in. Going to try to stay mostly green on vacation!

Glad you liked my list buns & Amy! I do think it's important to remember the benefits of NoS separate from weightloss. Not that I'll ever give up my desire to be thinner but I can have other goals too.

Break: smoothie
Lunch: chips & guac, piece of veg pizza
Dinner: falafel, cup of lentil soup
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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:23 am

Oh no! I hope your daughter is okay!

Same here since the holidays - feeling bloated which is not a good feeling. Looking forward to some moderate meals...

Safe travels and wishing you many good green days on vacation!

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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:14 pm

Hi! I'm just catching up on your check in! I hear you about reflux kicking in with weight gain! I gained a few pounds over the holidays, and I'm having the same issue.
I hope you have a good vacation!

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:32 am

Is the weight that does it or the overeating? Since most of the weight is likely water, is acid reflux related to water retention? Can water retention cause it?

Hope your daughter is now fine on your ski trip. Ten hours of driving! I guess you can spell each other.

Probably won't hear from you until you're back.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jan 06, 2017 5:37 am

Oops thanks Amy & Heather! I probably should have mentioned it was just a cornea scratch. It was mostly better by Monday morning but she really hates the eye drops so will be happy when that's done.

Oolala: I'm not sure but I don't think it matters if it's water or actual weight. It's just any added pressure on the abdominal area even tight pants.

Well I haven't been keeping green but hoping with all the added exercise and just having to work to stay warm will balance everything out. We've been having a great time but it's cold! 12 degrees today, and -8 tonight. That's cold for this desert girl!

I'm so happy my girls like skiing and they've picked up surprisingly fast. Maybe there's something to be said for waiting to learn how to ski till you're able to handle frustration better. I learned at a young age and remember feeling really frustrated and uncomfortable for a lot of the time.

I've been eating a light breakfast, light lunch like a bowl of soup, a small snack and a big dinner with a small dessert plus plenty of wine. We've been going to some pretty fun restaurants for dinner. Last night we went to this restaurant that serves you different food by different fireside stations like fondue or leg of lamb. It was pretty cool and the place had huge Windows where we watched the snowfall.

It's crazy expensive though and I feel like I've just been hemorrhaging money lately. Between the holidays and this vacation there's just been an excess of food and money spending. Definitely ready to reign that back in as soon as we get back.

I was reading about the idea of giving each new year a theme like the year of seeking adventures or the year of getting more cultured and I thought that sounded pretty cool. I decided to call 2017 the year of getting stronger. Dh & I decided to work on getting in ski shape for next winter so that's part of it but it's also about me becoming more politically active and standing up for myself like with my sister.

Tomorrow we're not skiing so I'll try to keep it green then we head back home Saturday. Back to reality!

Break: oatmeal, yogurt
Lunch: bowl of turkey chili, hot cider
Dinner: Thai food, glass of wine
Dessert: oatmeal raisin cookie (they have freshly baked cookies in the lobby daily)

Exercise: 3 hrs of skiing.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:18 am

Oh boy well ended my vacation on a red day. I think 5 red days in a row is definitely a record. Very much looking forward to an N day next week!

Took a day off of skiing and went walking along Main Street. Was very cool. Lots of galleries and coffee shops. Was cold though (4 degrees!). We went out to dinner at the lodge restaurant which has turned out to be my favorite of the trip.

Dh and I love to try new restaurants which is a lot of fun but the downside to it is that the bar is set pretty high when we go out to eat. I was pretty unimpressed with most of the food on the trip but this restaurant was solid. Next time I'll know where to eat I guess.


Break: bagel & cream cheese, 2 pieces bacon
Lunch: small Caesar salad, cup of tomato soup
Dinner: fried avocado w chipotle aioli (shared), butternut squash ravioli w duck confit, 2 glasses wine
Dessert: pumpkin brûlée (shared), piece of white chocolate w macadamia nuts (why??)

Exercise: walking around town

Not looking forward to stepping on the scale &#128513;
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:26 am

FRIED avocado? Is it battered?

Where did you go skiing? (Too lazy to look back.)

I gently recommend skipping the scale until after a green week. Maybe that will be extra incentive to stay green... because you will miss the scale...
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:37 am

Yes, the fried avocado had a seasoned bread coating & it was SO good. Definitely going to try to replicate this at home.

Not sure if I said before but we're in park city, Utah. First time here but I think we may try to make this a yearly trip. It's been great.

I hear ya on the weighing but yeah I'm probably not going to wait. I do better with just knowing where I stand. I won't freak out and do something drastic though. Promise!
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Post by osoniye » Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:42 pm

lpearlmom wrote:fried avocado w chipotle aioli (shared), butternut squash ravioli w duck confit
Wow, Linda, that sounds like an amazing meal!!
Thanks for stopping by my thread. I really appreciate that you check on me whenever I manage to post! Yes, we'll get back through this little bit of holiday/vacation weight gain and on the right track. Good luck to you too.
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:21 pm

I wish I wanted to live in Utah. I own a little not-so-charming duplex in Cedar City and get newsletters on real estate to just watch the prices. Several cities in Utah are considered good places to own, but I"d like t think it would also be a place I'd eventually move to. I just don't know if I could find the community I would need AND I am spoiled by the dang climate in San Diego. If I"m going to move somewhere that's a lot colder or hotter more often, it had better be nearly perfect. So far, those places (I'm thinking northern CA) are way beyond my budget or I'm probably too non-mainstream (cheaper forested areas in other states) to live in them. I love the beauty of Canyonlands, but they already know what they have, so prices are high, and the thought of the sun beating down so many days a year (which I already have, but with the moderating ocean nearby) is too much. But, heck, maybe i'll go rent for a year and see.

My, my, I do have serious problems, don't I.

I'll probably go waste an hour looking at that possibility again. Certainly more fun than dealing with the papers in my livingroom.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:36 am

Dh & I want to buy property in Prescott (AZ) and probably retire there eventually. It's a cute little artsy town but still close enough to Phoenix if we miss big city stuff. It's also a lot cooler than Phoenix and prices pretty good (at least for now).

Flagstaff is really neat too but you'd have to be willing to deal with a bit of snow. We're also looking at oversea options but would be hard to be so far away from the kids. Good luck! I know the weather is hard to beat. I grew up in Manhattan beach & went to school in Santa Barbara. Took me a few summers to adjust but I love it here now. So much about Cali I don't miss.

Anyway we are finally home--yay! Feels so good to be back but not looking forward to dealing with laundry piles and bills. Can't I just stay on vacation forever?

I think I had a bit of wth today after my crazy week but it is an S day so no matter. Not sure how to handle tomorrow. I guess I'll try to have a low key S day. I did weigh myself after dinner just cuz I could but know it's not accurate so will wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Break: oatmeal, yogurt w granola
Lunch: veggie burger, small fries
Snack: 5 lollipops, 2 pieces beef jerky (10 hr car ride &#9786;&#65039;)
Dinner: bowl of tomato soup w croutons, baguette, yogurt w fruit & granola
Dessert: large bowl of peppermint ice cream
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Post by Merry » Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:09 am

Sounds like a fun vacation--the fireside-stations restaurant sounded so lovely! Love your list of things to focus on too--it really DOES feel good to be committed to something, to know I'm developing self-discipline, to know I'm not over-eating...great list!

I hope your week back goes well (and hope your dd's eye is better!)
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Post by Amy3010 » Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:24 am

Wow, sounds like you had fabulous vacation! Must have been beautiful up there in Utah. I'm sure you'll be able to get back on track this week!

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:22 am

I bought investment property in Prescott Valley. Lost dough. Won't go into the details. I think Prescott is one of the nicest cities in AZ. Historic charm, some influences that keep it from being overly rural, etc. I just saw a friend who moved there from San Diego several years ago. She owns a sweet little house and doesn't seem to have any intention to leave.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:26 am

Sonya: thanks for stopping by! It was a great meal. Don't regret that one!

Amy: thank you. It was a great trip & probably fine that I relaxed the rules a bit but yeah definitely ready to get back on track.

Merry: glad you liked my list & Dd is all better!

Oolala: oh sorry to hear. We bought our last house in 06 and we still can't sell it for enough to break even.

Today was nice. Slept in and then read the paper over "coffee" with dh. I filled our empty frig and then made dinner with my daughter. Later we went to a piano competition at the symphony and didn't get home till late. Back to school tomorrow!

Kept it light today.

-44.8 lbs ( about what I expected)

Break: herbal coffee, 2 apples
Lunch: large pumpkin smoothie
Dinner: roasted balsamic chicken & veggies, small portion of mac & cheese, glass of wine
Dessert: 2 lollipops
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Post by eschano » Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:47 am

I find it inspiring that you know what to do when you start feeling depressed. That is all I think we can achieve as humans - to learn to regulate our health, mentally and physically.

I have trouble with green days too but will stick to it.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by kaalii » Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:08 pm

hey, linda! your thread is always so interesting to read! :)

im glad you liked byron katie... oh yes, on approval seeking - i have found so much relief through her work...
you mentioned:
Yes I've only read a couple chapters of Byron Katie but not sure I'm understanding it correctly. I do get that our thoughts can really mess with us. But I'm confused about which thoughts we're suppose to believe and why.
in the work of byron katie we question/investigate the thoughts/beliefs that bring us stress, discomfort, pain, tension, unease, embarassemsnt, anger, fear, insecurity, etc... those thoughts/beliefs that bring peace, joy, love, confidence, ease, inspiration, connection, etc. to you you need not investigate...
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:00 am

Thanks kaalii! &#128522; Yes, she's got some good ideas. Very interesting stuff. Do you have a favorite book of hers?

Eschano: great to see you're still around. We don't have to be perfect right?

Today was pretty good. Stressing a bit because we had a coyote in our backyard the other night and I'm worried about our dogs. They have a doggie door and our wolf hybrid really likes to patrol at night so I hate to close it at night. I don't think they'd mess with her but I'm worried about the greyhound and especially our shitzu. It's always something.

Break: blueberry-banana smoothie
Lunch: chicken, roasted veg, baked chips
Dinner: roasted cauliflower and Brussels sprout soup, spinach dip, yogurt w fruit, glass wine

Soup was so good: ... ower-soup/
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Post by osoniye » Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:43 pm

That recipe looks so good! Thnx.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:24 am

Sure Sonya! Was really good & my kids liked it too!

First 100% green day in awhile. I'm trying to remember it's actually easier to be very strict with the rules over time.

Finally just about caught up with laundry. I used to do a little bit of laundry everyday but inevitably I'd get behind. I hate that feeling of never being done with something. Now I make laundry a weekly project that starts on Sunday night and ends on Tuesday morning (put last load away if needed).

On Sunday you make your piles and any clothes that get dirty after that go in the hamper and are next week's laundry. So once you're done on Tuesday morning, you're completely done for that week. I know it seems silly but it's such a good feeling to be able to actually be done with laundry for several days at a time. It's also just much more mangeable. It's the little things right?

Break: blueberry-mango smoothie
Lunch: piece of chicken, yogurt w berries & granola, spinach dip w quinoa chips
Dinner: pulled pork on sandwich thin, salad, piece of veggie pizza

Exercise: 45 min walk, 20 min upper body w Leslie

I usually pick up my girls after school by car even though we only live 1/2 m away because they fight when they walk home almost every time. Today I met them with one of the dogs by foot instead so got a extra 15 mins in today. Now why didn't I think of that before??
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Post by Amy3010 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:17 am

Walking to meet them at school sounds like a win-win-win-win (good for you, for the girls, for the dog, and for the environment)! :lol:

I'm going to remind myself of what you just said about being strict with the rules being actually easier - thanks!

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Post by kaalii » Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:08 am

lpearlmom wrote:Thanks kaalii! &#128522; Yes, she's got some good ideas. Very interesting stuff. Do you have a favorite book of hers?
yes, "loving what is" is my favourite... but doing the actual work is what i felt the most benefit from, not reading about it... i havent even read all of her books, i think... although reading and even watching videos of other people doing the work is so beneficial sometimes, especially when i have problems focusing and doing the work myself but need it in the moment... a sort of diy cognitive-behavioral therapy and mental hygiene... :)
im "not there yet" with some of the ideas she came across through her work (like that the universe is an absolutely friendly place... nope, not sure about that... :D ) and im not even sure i ever will be nor need to be... and even she says that is not the point and to not believe her but find out for ourselves... there are some of her ideas that i get and i would love to internalize but i see that some deeply ingrained beliefs i have need to be properly questioned to make space for those new insights to resurface and "to stick"... so cognitive dissonance still happens, of course... but i know where to look for my real truth when needed... the work is (quality) meditation, indeed...
it got me pretty far as to where i was when i found out about it...
im glad you like it and that some other people here know about it and are interested in it... :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:18 am

Wow thanks for sharing your experience kaalii. I agree you have to really do the work to get anything out of it. A lot of it makes sense but some of it seems a bit extreme or maybe I'm just not there yet. Either way I can definitely get something positive from it. I can see that.

Today was good. Another green day--yay! Making the decision to be super strict is paying off. No guesswork involved.

Break: blueberry smoothie
Lunch: salad w pulled pork, yogurt w granola & fruit
Dinner: meatloaf, mashed potatoes, sautéed mushrooms, glass wine

Exercise: 40 min walk, 20 min lower body w Leslie
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:17 pm

Wasn't going to say more, but I bought in January of '05. The value of that house has gone up to about the high it was in 2006, but with interest, my down payment, and a deficit cash flow every month, I'm pretty sure selling two years ago put me in about the same place. If I had bought one year earlier, it could have worked, but what did I know? But if I were living there, I would have just carried on with it. It was just plain luck that I bought in San Diego when and where I did. My place's value has never dropped below what I paid for it, but it sure has for people who bought after I did. And definitely has for people in other neighborhoods.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:45 am

So hard to read the market. I'm glad your San Diego property has been stable at least. Dh thinks we should just hang on to our rental property. Maybe but being a landlord is pretty stressful.

Today was CRAZY....! My friend had a new baby so I told her I'd bring her over dinner today. I thought I had the whole day to prepare everything till I noticed water coming out of our garage. Turns out our water heated busted and caused a bunch of water damage! Ugh!

I had the plumbers here, the water extractors here and all the while trying to cook for my friend. I even had to wash produce with sparkling water at one point because our water was turned off.

Then on top of it I got a letter today saying the Mvd never got proof of insurance for the new car I bought in July. So legally I shouldn't be driving. Fun times !

Somehow I managed to cook for my friend Spaghetti Chicken, marinated tomatoes, brownies and fruit salad and get to her house on time. But was crazy and turned out be a red day though I didn't eat much overall. Just chaotically.

Break: herbal coffee w coconut creamer
Lunch: banana blueberry smoothie
Dinner: 4 soft tacos
Red: few bites of marinated tomatoes, several bites of fruit salad, lollipop

Tomato salad was really good. Going to make it for my family next week but would probably use about 1/2 the amount of sugar. ... -tomatoes/
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Post by Merry » Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:47 am

lpearlmom wrote: I thought I had the whole day to prepare everything till I noticed water coming out of our garage. Turns out our water heated busted and caused a bunch of water damage! Ugh!
Oh no! We had that happen a few years back--had to have those industrial fans brought in and the drywall cut to a certain point--it's amazing how much damage can happen from the water heater!

Bless you for blessing your friend though, and on such a day! The meal sounds delicious!
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Post by Jen1974 » Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:12 pm

Hi Linda (:

I was wondering about the stressful parts of being a landlord. We've considered buying a rental as an investment, but I feel like my life has enough stress LOL!!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:19 am

Ugh I know Merry! That's exactly what we've got going on here too. Wish we would have caught it sooner. We've got two water heaters and the other one went out on us a couple of years ago. Hopefully we'll be good for awhile now.

Hi Jen! I've missed seeing you around here! The landlord thing has been stressful but it might be less so if you are purposely getting into it. We had to rent our house out because we were/are upside down and really wanted to move. So the rent doesn't even cover the entire mortgage (almost though) which means we're losing money, not making money. (We can't write it off either because of dh's income :/).

Also, we put a lot of money remodeling the house so I'm constantly worried the tenants are ruining our nice appliances, floors etc. But if you found a good investment property in which you were making a little money and didn't have a lot of high end stuff in it, I think it could be a great idea. I do recommend a property manager though. They're not expensive and you'll be so happy to have that buffer!

Anyway, a big fat red day today. I think it's because I'm frustrated with my weight. My weight is still up a bit so I decided to try to eat light today and it just backfired on me. I really need to let go of these weight loss goals because they're not helping. Habit goals, healthy wholesome eating goals yes but weight is just too fickle to focus upon. I will inevitably just be frustrated, right?

I need to write that down on my phone or something so I don't go back to my old ways... !

On the plus side I did get exercise in and I've also been really good about sticking to our budget this week ! I use YNAB app on my phone and I love it. When I was at the bookstore today I really really wanted to buy the new Thug Kitchen cookbook but I looked at my budget for books and it was ZERO sooooo I refrained. That is huge for me. I can have it later though right just like chocolate. :)

-46.6 lbs

Breakfast: breakfast burrito, fruit salad, yogurt, granola
Lunch: smoothie, baked chips w dip
Dinner: 2 baked avocado tacos w Chiptole sauce, refined beans, 2 glasses wine
Red moments: 4 caramels, couple bites of cheese, bowl of cashew ice cream,

Exercise: approx 55 mins walking
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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:32 pm

Hi Linda!
So sorry about the water damage! arrrgh!

Just wanted to pop in and tell you that you are such an inspiration and are doing so well! Truly!! I am so glad that you are here! :D
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Post by Jen1974 » Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:31 pm

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond about the rental!! We want to do something, but just aren't secure what & it's nice to hear some of the pitfalls so we go into it prepared (:

I've been around, I'm becoming more of a lurker, but might start up a new daily thread. I have gotten sloppy & put on a little weight. It started over the holidays and seems to always continue into January. I was hoping No S would work like magic & end the holiday weight cycle, but turns out I'm the type that always has to be trying or I put on weight (: at least it's mild compared to years past!

I agree with Zippa,you make this board so much fun to come to!! I love reading your posts!!

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:00 pm

lpearlmom wrote:Yes, the fried avocado had a seasoned bread coating & it was SO good. Definitely going to try to replicate this at home.

Not sure if I said before but we're in park city, Utah. First time here but I think we may try to make this a yearly trip. It's been great.

I hear ya on the weighing but yeah I'm probably not going to wait. I do better with just knowing where I stand. I won't freak out and do something drastic though. Promise!
Park City, eh? My daughter works there, selling lift tickets, or day passes I guess. Maybe you saw her? Big gal, quite overweight, with the MOST adorable round face and, butch?... blonde hair. And super friendly. If you were in a chatty mood, she would have stood and talked with you for a while. Katie. :)

Park City really is at the top of the list for best skiing on the planet. I'm glad you had fun, and looking at your vacation menus, it doesn't look like it got out of control, really. Did you end up weighing? and how did you fare?

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:01 am

Thank you so much Jen & ZippaDee! Having a place to put down my thoughts in such a supportive environment has been a sanity saver for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this little community. :)

Jen, I hear ya! My weight went up a few pounds over the holidays as well. I don't know if NoS helps so much with the holiday gain as it does with getting back on track. Normally I would have been tempted to go on some crazy post holiday diet but instead I just got right back to moderation and my weight is slowly getting back to normal (well maybe not after today).

Hi buns! Yes, park city is awesome. I even felt like maybe I'd like to live there someday. You're daughter sounds adorable but we got our ski tickets through are lodge so I never saw her. :/ My weight was only up a few pounds as of Friday but after today I don't want to know.....!

Omg, I don't know what got into me today. I haven't had this wild of an S day in awhile. I guess this is me with pms on an S day. I actually feel ill from eating so much and am now hoping this isn't the beginning of me regaining all my weight. But no that's just fear talking. I'll pull it together by Monday. I'm sure.

Breakfast: 2 omelet muffins, toast, "coffee", fruit salad
Lunch: 2 bags of baked chips with chipotle dip
Snack: 2 handfuls of granola, 8 caramels, large apple cider
Dinner: 2 quesadillas, chips w spinach dip
Dessert: 1/2 carton of cashew milk ice cream

Wow &#128558;
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Post by ZippaDee » Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:42 am

It is an S Day right?! :wink:

Tomorrow is a new day. Spinach Dip sounds yummy!

We lived in Utah for a while, but never made it to Park City! Beautiful state!
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:05 am

Hi Zippy! True it's an S day but my eating just feels really out of control. I haven't experienced that in awhile. Not a great feeling. Hopefully it's just a passing thing. Utah is so pretty. I loved the drive from Az. Hoping we can go back next year.

Today was better but I probably could have skipped dessert. It kind of put me over the edge. Really hungry again today.

Break: yogurt, granola, fruit
Lunch: chickpea & avo sandwich, teriyaki tofu
Snack: couple bites of popcorn
Dinner: veg Chipotle bowl, 2 glasses wine
Dessert: carrot cake cookie, couple pieces licorice
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:39 pm

Jen, I've got some input on being a landlord, as I rent out the other side of my duplex and have two in Utah. but I'll write you separately. Pretty much agreeing with Linda.

And Linda, your husband is probably right. Even if there is negative cash flow, you can regard it as a savings account, if there is a chance that five or ten years from now, the equity will have grown. In the end, I think the stock market and real estate net about the same interest. All good financial advisors will recommend diversifying.

I wish I knew more about REIT's which I think are companies that allow partners to buy in and the money is pooled to buy real estate. You often need more money up front but I think management and repairs and such are done out of the flat amount you put in and the company contracts that out.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:09 am

Yeah you're probably right oolala. Although I'm thinking sell that house and take the money to invest in a Prescott house that we can use as a vacation rental now and retirement home later. Not sure what the right move is. Never heard of REIT btw.

Still struggling. Just really wanting to eat, eat , eat. So a red day it is.

-44 lbs

Break: banana bread muffin top, fruit w yogurt
Lunch: veggie hot dog, baked chips, fruit w yogurt
Dinner: stuffed bell pepper, salad ... Then I had seconds plus a lollipop

Exercise: 20 min walk
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:41 pm

Oh, I see re:house, Did you say it was under water, so you'd take a loss if you sold? Still, I can see why you might want to get into something else you'd actually want to live in and be paying it off.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:23 pm

Hi oolala, yes still slightly underwater and when we sell (maybe next year) we can finally write off all the monthly losses we've had as well as money we've put into it. Can't do it now because of income. Weird tax laws that I don't get. Thank goodness for accountants. &#128522;
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:40 am

Yay much better day. No out of control appetite. Didn't get any exercise in but that's okay. Tomorrow.

Break: muffin, nf yogurt w fruit
Lunch: cup of red pepper soup, small salad, few fries, glass wine (out to lunch)
Dinner: 2 lettuce wrap steak tacos, 1 veg crunchy taco, glass wine

These banana muffins are really good. Kids loved them too. I use nuts instead of choc chips so they're N day friendly. Gluten & dairy free. ... ffin-tops/
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:15 am

Wow rough couple of days. My girls have tons of homework all of the sudden and my oldest has a horrible cough which gets her very grumpy. On top of it she's got a speech to do tomorrow and she hates public speaking.

Then today my youngest daughter's hamster died and I'm feeling very sad about this being Obamas last day. ( Tomorrow set your clock back about 300 years. ) I'm just so wrapped up in politics right now and should probably take a little break before I completely lose faith in the human race. Saturday I March though which should be an experience but Sunday I will take a breather.

Anyway eating wise things have been fine. Exercise a little shakey but I did get in a short walk today.

Break: blueberry smoothie
Lunch: low carb bean tostada, bag of baked chips
Dinner:large superfood salad w chicken, bread

Exercise: 25 min walk

Sorry for all the negativity! Definitely need a break.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:03 am

Okay feeling a little better today and super jazzed/nervous about tomorrow's March. I did have a red day today but my mind just can't seem to focus or care about food/eating issues right now. Glad it's an S day tomorrow.

Breakfast: 2 pieces of raisin toast w vegan butter
Lunch: veggie sushi roll, baked chips
Red: yogurt
Dinner: 2 veggie tacos, beans, chips, glass wine
Red: couple bites of daughters chicken burrito

Exercise: running through varies parking lots in the pouring rain &#9786;&#65039;

I'm toying w going vegan again but so hard w/ my meat eating husband.
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Post by Amy3010 » Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:09 am

Glad you're doing better - it's been a rough week, hasn't it?

Hope the march goes well and that you have a good weekend!

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Post by kaalii » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:56 pm

lpearlmom wrote: ( Tomorrow set your clock back about 300 years. )

glad you haven't lost your sense of humor!

thank you for marching today! ;)

and maybe let the noS habit be your anchor if you are having hard times dealing with this!
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:21 am

Thanks Amy & kaalii for the support! The March was so amazing, empowering, invigorating and made me very proud to be a part of something bigger than myself.

I met some amazing women and am still kind of on cloud nine. I think my sister & I even made up. I sent her a picture of my girls getting ready to March and she sent one of her girls at the DC March. It seemed silly to hold on to any anger in light of what we were both fighting for. I told her let's just put everything behind us & move on. She agreed. &#128512;

I really haven't been able to focus on much else this weekend. My eating has been pretty chaotic, I've been kind of neglecting my house and family too. I haven't even been interested in cooking which is unlike me. Need to try to get back to my routine tomorrow.

4 pancakes, fruit,
tamale, chips,
apple, strawberry ice cream,
spinach dip, bite of pizza, 2 spring rolls, glass wine
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Post by ironchef » Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:27 pm

Wow Linda, what an amazing experience. The images from all over the US and the world have been so wonderful. Thank you for marching.

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Post by kaalii » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:01 am

lpearlmom wrote:

I met some amazing women and am still kind of on cloud nine. I think my sister & I even made up. I sent her a picture of my girls getting ready to March and she sent one of her girls at the DC March. It seemed silly to hold on to any anger in light of what we were both fighting for. I told her let's just put everything behind us & move on. She agreed. &#128512;
this actually made me tear up!!
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Post by osoniye » Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:20 pm

lpearlmom wrote:I told her let's just put everything behind us & move on. She agreed. &#128512;
I'm so glad to hear that... life's too short not to go beyond, and do all we can to live in peace with those we are connected to.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:01 am

If Trump can bring families together, maybe he will have served a purpose!

I can tell you San Diego has never seen a group of that number unless it was a football game...
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:55 am

Awww thanks you guys!

Kaalii: it was a pretty great moment. My sister & I do have similar values and I realized we needed each other during this trying time. &#128149;

Sonya: you're so right. Water under the bridge and all that.

I agree iron! Wonderful to see all the marches all over the world. This many ppl cannot be wrong. I see scientists are now coming together for a March. We Americans are not going down without a fight I tell you that much.

You're right oolala some good has come out of this. To see all these brave ppl come together and fight for what they believe in gives me hope.

Been an amazing few days. Meeting so many new people and learning so much it's just crazy. I'm hosting a gathering at my house Thursday for my activist group and this weekend I'm having a friend I met at the March over for dinner. It seems I'm actually getting a social life.

On the downside my weight is up a few pounds still and my exercise has been shakey but it's fine. I'll get it back down.

-44.3 lbs

Break: banana, "coffee"
Lunch: veg burger, Apple, chips and spinach dip
Dinner: veggie stir fry, wine

Exercise: 20 min walk
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Post by Merry » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:27 am

SOOO glad to hear about you and your sister, and hope you have better days ahead :-).
lpearlmom wrote: Break: banana, "coffee"
At first glance I read this as "banana coffee." I wondered what in the world that could be, LOL!
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Post by Amy3010 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:18 am

So happy to hear about you and your sister! It must feel like a heavy weight has been lifted from you to have reconciled with her.

My best friend walked in one of the marches in Illinois and she felt similar to you - really energized and motivated to do more. I hope this positive vibe gets traction all over the world!

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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:54 am

Hi Linda!

So glad to hear about your reconciliation with your sister! :)

And even though I'm a big Trump supporter, it's gratifying to hear about so many peaceful demonstrations. And good on you for your involvement--that's what our freedom is all about! :)

And lol, I thought the same thing as Merry--"Banana Coffee"!!! Maybe an idea for a new coffee flavor--go for it!!!! :D
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:14 pm

Hehe no banana coffee here!

So appreciate your well wishes blessed even though we're on opposite sides. It's so hard for me to understand how someone could support trump but it's a free country (for now). I guess the only people left with nothing to lose are white, Christian climate deniers, who believe a woman's place is serving a man and who aren't afraid of losing their health insurance.

Lol if ever there was a time to pray, it'd be now. Oh and even many Christians are on our side. Even the Pope sees how insane he is. The comparisons to Hitler are not an exaggeration. Here's a great article from a white Christian male who attended the March: ... .rg0bdhers

Good luck to all of us!
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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:52 pm

Nice to see you again, and that's great about the reconciliation with your sister! Hee hee. I actually have had banana flavored k cups before. :D the flavor was a little odd, but not bad.

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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:42 pm

Linda, since you expressed some concerns over how anyone could vote for Trump, I'll respond.

My reasons for voting for Trump came from the heart, and I truly believe he will do good for the country. As a woman, I don't believe that "a woman's place is serving a man," and I also don't deny that we should be environmentally aware, or be concerned about health insurance. But there are fiscally responsible ways of going about solving problems, and I think Trump offers the best solutions for them.

To help you understand some of the varied reasons why people supported Trump, here is an article from the NYT who interviewed several women from different backgrounds who voted for Trump: ... trump.html

I realize we'll most likely never agree on this issue, but hopefully this article will give you some insight. :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:36 pm

Awesome Blessing. I get the NY times and did read that article-let me know how that works out for you !

Great day so far.

Break: mango smoothie

20 min upper body w Leslie

Going to lunch w a friend then will try to get a walk in later.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:58 am

Okay now that I've probably pissed off half the people on here, I'll go back to talking about NoS because if anyone wanted to hear about politics that'd just go on Facebook.

Was a good day but I haven't been sleeping well. Need to get up early and get ready for a group coming over. Never met any of them. Should be interesting.

Break: mango smoothie
Lunch: sushi & salad
Dinner: shrimp Etouffee & chickpea curry, wine

Exercise: 20 min upper body plus 20 min walk
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Post by Amy3010 » Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:31 am

Couldn't help thinking of Bubba from Forrest Gump when I read "Shrimp Etouffee" :wink:

Have a good day!

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Post by ironchef » Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:34 am

Half the fun of reading threads here is getting to know people a little, but then I'm not a facebooker, so perhaps people are overwhelmed with politics chat. I hope your group catch up goes well!

Sigh, your food always sounds so delicious! Makes my sausage in a bun seem very dull :-)

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:44 am

Amy3010 wrote:Couldn't help thinking of Bubba from Forrest Gump when I read "Shrimp Etouffee" :wink:
Lol Amy! Need to show that movie to my kids.

Thanks iron! Don't think I was cooking anything too fancy when my kids were as little as yours though. I was just happy to get through the day.

Omg my life is suddenly so different than it was just a few weeks ago. I went from having a very boring social life to having quite a packed schedule. It's good but a bit overwhelming and I just have to make sure I don't get too burnt out.

Yesterday I had a small activist group here and tomorrow night I'm having a friend I met from the March come over for dinner with her husband. Wednesday I'm meeting someone else for a bike ride and the following week I've been invited to play mah Jong. then tonight one of the women from my group called to see if I wanted to do a large scale fundraiser with her.

First I was all over the idea but the more she talked the more unsure I became. She's very nice but maybe a little nuts. She told me her whole life story and I found out she used to be one of those phone psychics. Sooo I'm not sure but it could be cool opportunity. I don't know. I guess I feel like I'm taking on one of those "year of saying yes" challenges I hear about. Going to an interesting ride either way.

-47 lbs (I'll take it.)

Break: smoothie
Lunch: cup of chili, crackers, banana
Dinner: Chiptole chicken salad, chips, wine

Exercise: 30 min walk
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    Post by kaalii » Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:17 am

    oh, linda, thank you so much for your work and activism! glad to see this unfortunate turn of the events is actually connecting people for their own sake and the sake of the planet! my faith in humanity is restored! thank you! :)

    it is so sad that the severe distrust in institutitions (that a lot of us completely understand for a long time already) has been manipulated to get the nomination and votes of decent people to a pure pathological liar... unbelievable!

    and good that you are thinking of being careful not to burn out and choose your battles wisely, you are not alone... your girls are growing up with an amazing model of a mum!
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    Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:06 pm

    Linda, looks like you're doing great... -47 lbs? Wow! Maybe the same for me, some day :)

    Hopefully your new venture with your psychic friend will be good. Just be alert to overdoing and take care of yourself. I'm just getting ready to volunteer as a ESL teacher with refugees in SLC. Training for me starts on March 1, and I'm REALLY excited about it

    ...and I'm doing it because of how scary the political climate is right now. A complete buffoon is prez and that bothers me a lot. But Aleppo was bombed to smithereens, and that bothered me too. Sea creatures are tangling with our plastic waste, and that bothers me. Heck, the air quality in my home town of SLC is horrible, and THAT bothers me. But the bottom line is, all I can do about ANY of that stuff is be bothered. (well, I don't idle my car, which at least means I'm contributing a little bit less to the smoggy conditions in Salt Lake...hmph...)

    However, if I spend some of my time every week actually helping actual people who I actually engage with in my actual life...THAT will help. It'll get me away from the bothersome media, social and standard, and it'll make a little bit of impact in my corner of the pond. I'm so glad you made some connections with people in the march. Great! It can lead to something real :)

    If people everywhere started doing things for people near them...what a difference that would make! And phooey on all the stupidity in DC, under our current prez, or the former prez, or the one before him, or the one before HIM, back thru the decades who knows how long. :?

    okay, that's enough. Blessings to you and everyone here! Loads of encouragement on so many levels!

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    Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:54 am

    Thank you kaalii! You really see clearly what's going on here and yes it's crazy. Crazier by the minute.

    Yeah buns! It was slow over a about a year though. You will get there.

    So awesome that youre volunteering. Sounds like a cool program. I agree. I feel so much better when I'm actually doing something rather than just glued to the news all day. I'm getting so obsessed with having to know the latest news update that I really have to force myself to take a breather.

    My therapist suggested setting limits to my fb & news time so I'm going to start that. I told her that is inline with NoS and she was happy to hear I already have a precedent for moderation. I also told her about that woman and told me to listen to my gut feelings. I have a tendency to say yes right away and then not being able to back out of something for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Anyway I gently told her I had too much on my plate right now.

    After yesterday activities with the ban on Muslims, I decided to go to a last minute protest at the airport. I'm so glad I did because it really lifted my spirits. Everyone was so full of good energy and life and celebrating diversity. It definitely gives me hope. Next week will be full of phone calls and letter writing. A group of us may even go down to visit one our senators on Friday.

    We're also doing a book drive for underprivileged kids and making an effort to support local businesses especially ones owned by middle easterners. We want them to know they are wanted and supported. Somehow I need to fit everything else in three too. I guess it's kind of like having a PT job now.

    I know my weight is going to be up. Lots of snacking and no exercise over the weekend. Yay for N days!

    Break: 3 pancakes
    Linner: hummus, crackers, salad, banana, granola

    PS my ever optimistic (& annoyingly often right) husband says trump is doing democracy a favor by creating such a huge opposition to him and thereby strengthening it. Clinging to this last shred of hope for now.
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    Post by kaalii » Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:27 am

    haha, linda, i agree with your husband!
    in europe, too, as fascist/totalitarian/populist tendencies are gaing mainstream strength, the real democracy in the grassroots and plain and simple acts of kindness are becoming more alive in people...
    i just hope for the history not to repeat itself as it did before and during the world wars...
    i have lived through the making of and a war itself and what is going on is scaringly similar... and bigger... :(

    bunsofalluminium, thank you also for your work... we have similar program, french for refugee children and their parents set up in the school im working in on a voluntary basis... ;)
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    Post by Amy3010 » Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:25 am

    I'm also trying to be optimistic like your husband and hope that the good that will come out of this will be this huge wake up call which will encourage us all to participate and contribute to change in our world, by taking action in our own part of the world and according to our ability. If we all do a little bit, we could accomplish a lot.

    Have a great week, Linda!

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    Post by oolala53 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:36 am

    I haven't found the grass roots thing I am willing to do yet, but I've been really rationing the exposure to the goings on because I don't feel I can afford the anxiety of all the decisions when there is so little to combat them right now besides getting involved with real live people who need some kind of help I could give. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think some of the strategies have to fail to get the other side to even listen. However, both sides are very good at seeing their progress as good. That's one of my peeves: "our" side using some of the same one-sided tactics. And this rioting in Berkeley! Plays right into the opposition. Then again, would it work to ignore the hate speech? I don't know!

    Okay, I'm going to post a link on my thread which some may find amusing, or even disturbing, but I will, even though the character has a history of being pretty raunchy and superficial. Actually, you may have seen it last August, but I'm late to the game on this. It's Triumph, the insult comic dog. I sometimes need the laugh!
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    Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:50 am

    I agree Amy & Kaalii!

    Seriously too much at stake to not even try. He's crazy and wants to start a war. He thinks that'll make people like him in the same way that Bush's ratings went way up after 9/11. We are making a difference and we cannot give up.

    Here's what we've done so far:
    For everyone who DID something, small or big, your efforts have been successful. Because of you:
    1. Federal hiring freeze is reversed for VA (Veteran Affairs).
    2. Court order Partial stay of the immigration ban for those with valid visas.
    3. Green card holders can get back in country.
    4. Uber pledges $3M and immigration lawyers for its drivers after #DeleteUber trends on Twitter.
    5. Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) enrollment ads are still going to air.
    6. The ACLU raised 24M over the weekend (normally 3-4Mil/year).
    7. USDA gag order lifted.
    8. EPA climate data no longer scrubbed from website.
    9. More people of different career/religious/economic/race backgrounds are considering running for political office than ever before.
    10. MOST importantly, since we live in a participatory democracy, the people are engaged.
    While more is needed, sometimes you have to celebrate your wins.
    Stay vigilant, but also take self care seriously. Activist burnout is a thing. Marathon, don't sprint.

    Please call/email your senators or better yet show up at their offices. Here's an article with some easy ways to be involved: ... 3c0752ae73

    Okay enough of that. Today was my first green day all week and my weight is up a couple pounds. I realized I still have this mindset of okay I'll try to have 10 or 21 green days like it's just a temporary thing or I'll try to tweak NoS with a temporary mod like my crazy one meal/day thing.

    Today I realized no this needs to "just be the way I eat now". The other way of thinking leaves too much room for negotiation or putting off till tomorrow or restarts. Nope this is just how I eat now. I can tweak things within the confines of Vanilla (like what or how much I put on my plate but that's it. It needs to be clearer for me I guess. Okay feeling better. Now if only I could figure out how to get my S days to a good place.

    Break: smoothie, "coffee"
    Lunch: veggie burger, corn chips, n/f yogurt w berries, "coffee"
    Dinner: Dijon chicken, brown rice, salad, glass wine

    Oolala: off to read your post and I agree protests need to be peaceful. We can't give them any fuel. Not a single arrest at the woman's March so that's good.
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    Post by Amy3010 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:47 am

    Great list of positive things that have been accomplished - thanks for posting that! It's so easy to get swept up with the feeling that nothing but catastrophic things are happening.

    I bumped into the article about taking care of yourself as an activist (she calls it being a "gentle warrior") - I thought of it when you mentioned activist burnout: ... th+Less%29

    Definitely important not to get burnt out right now - all hands on deck! And part of taking good care of ourselves can also be strengthening of our No-S boundaries - like you said, this is just the way we eat, no negotiating.

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    Post by lpearlmom » Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:25 am

    Thank you Amy!

    Was a really good article and will share with my activist group. It's hard not to get totally caught up in the madness but I do feel better when I can step back a little bit and come back to it later.

    I'm having a hard time trying to figuring out how to balance everything. So many events, phone calls to make, letters to write, volunteer opportunities as well as new social opportunities. Plus I still need to take care of my family, pay the bills, clean the house etc. How do you guys figure out what to do when? What to say no to and what to say yes to?

    Today was good though. I got my haircut. A little shorter and sassier. Fits my current mood. Then I delivered some children's books to a book drive at a medical center for low-income families. They were so happy and it was fun to meet some new ppl. Then had dinner & a movie with the family.

    -47 lbs Same as last week and I'm good with that.

    Break: piece of toast, 1 veg sausage, herbal coffee
    Lunch: large smoothie
    Dinner: chicken burger, sweet potato fries, glass wine
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    Post by ironchef » Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:40 am

    Linda this is such an inspiring update. And you're still keeping up No S and taking care of your family too!

    How do I know when to say no? Good question. When you figure it out, please fill me in!

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    Post by kaalii » Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:23 pm

    me too, i think im better at saying no and yes with age but i still dont have a clear recipe for it...
    i weigh a bit more carefully those yeses or nos that have more at stake ie - my commitment not being good enough causing a major disaster...
    good, but again not absolute, guidance is also - is it fun/joyfull/enriching me/making me grow?
    i suffered from activist burnout in my 20s and wish i had an article above to remind me to take care of myself... but i was also younger and more resilient and got out of it and into balance in no time... without becoming bitter and hopeless - which some people become after a burnout... what a shame!
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    Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:20 am

    Iron: I'm guessing this is a common struggle for most women. &#128513;

    Kaalii: yep I'm no spring chicken so will definitely need to pace myself.

    Today went pretty well eating wise. My kids drove me a bit crazy but otherwise a good day. I'm taking the girls to a theme park tomorrow because I think we all need to just go have a little fun for a bit.

    Break: nf yogurt, fruit, granola, muffin
    Lunch: chicken, salad, frozen yogurt
    Dinner: gyro, couple bites of chicken pot pie, glass wine
    Dessert: 2 lollipops, 1 coconut truffle

    Definitely the most satisfying S day in awhile. I just kept telling myself the point of S days was to just relax the rules a little not to go on a non-stop eating binge from morning till night. It feels good not to go to bed feeling ill.
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    Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:16 am

    Definitely ate a lot today but surprisingly Im not going to bed stuffed so that's good at least.

    Break: muffin, piece of toast, herbal coffee
    Lunch: small piece of pot pie, large fries, couple bites of hummus
    Snack: boba, handful nuts
    Dinner: 2 servings of veggie curry over rice noodles,
    Dessert: 2 lollipops, piece of candy

    This time of year is so stressful. For some reason dh's paycheck is smaller the first half of the year (payroll tax I think) plus I need to get everything ready for taxes and I have piles and piles of unfiled paper. Ugh! Deep breath.
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    Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:32 am

    Little bit of a red day but not too bad. My weight seems to really be leveling off. This may be it for as far as weightloss goes. Oh well. I'm feeling pretty comfy here.

    Break: gym rat smoothie
    Lunch: chicken & avo salad
    Dinner: Chipotle chicken salad, handful chips, glass of wine
    Red: fruit at a meeting, couple off plate chips, 2 lollipops

    Exercise: 45 min walk; 20 min upper body
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    Post by Amy3010 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:19 am

    Doing good - nice chunk of exercise you got in there, too!

    Yes, finding a balance in saying no to things is difficult for me, too. But it's so important to figure out...

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    Post by lpearlmom » Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:56 am

    Thanks Amy! I seem to do better without set goals when it comes to exercise. I know I feel better when I exercise so I'm motivated to fit in what I can.

    Another red day. Ugh. I think im just feeling like throwing caution to the wind with all this political uncertainty. I'm sure I'll pull it together though.

    Break: turkey bacon & egg sandwich
    Lunch: veggie curry w brown rice, grapes, baked chips
    Dinner: bowl of borscht w cashew cream,bread, grapes, glass of wine
    Red moments: extra grapes, 2 lollipops

    Exercise: 15 min walk
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    Post by ironchef » Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:30 am

    You'll pull it back - take good care of yourself, so you can handle the chaos in other areas.

    From growing up in a very political / activist home I can tell you: 1. If you win one in every 10, you're doing well and 2. There is always another one coming, so do what you can, rest when you can, and pass the baton when you need to.

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    Post by lpearlmom » Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:36 am

    ironchef wrote: From growing up in a very political / activist home I can tell you: 1. If you win one in every 10, you're doing well and 2. There is always another one coming, so do what you can, rest when you can, and pass the baton when you need to.
    Wow, excellent advice iron. Thanks for that perspective.

    So tired as I didn't sleep well. Stupid excessive worrying kept me up. Today went pretty well though.

    Break: gym rat smoothie
    Lunch: veg curry over rice noodles, nf yogurt w berries & granola
    Dinner: adobo chicken over quinoa, vegan broccoli quiche, wine

    Exercise: 45 min walk, 20 min lower body w Leslie
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    Post by oolala53 » Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:36 pm

    Stick to your meals, Linda. Don't let Trump win... :wink:
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    Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 12, 2017 6:50 am

    Thanks oolala! Don't worry, not going to happen.

    I was up a couple lbs on Friday and then ate a lot Friday & even more today but still I'm not too freaked out about it as I know I'll likely pull it together next week and my weight will go back down.

    We go to Seattle in 3 weeks and am embarrassed to say I do wish I was a little thinner because of friends will see there. Although the wife is not the type to care. She's thin & beautiful though so hard not to feel a little self-conscious. It's okay, I know we'll still have a great time.

    Tonight both the girls had sleepovers so we went to one of our favorite restaurants for an early valentines meal. Had a tasting menu w wine pairing and then went out to a brewery for a beer. Pretending we are young again. A lot of fun!
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    Post by oolala53 » Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:24 pm

    Just have to tell you that one of the book ads under your most recent post is for a book about a feud between the Clintons and the Obamas! I dont think it's about food and eating, but who knows?
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    Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:49 am

    Funny and creepy oolala!

    Weight up 5 lbs but I'm hanging in there. Not a green day exactly due to too much picking during prep time but close. This is my biggest NoS challenge.

    Break: smoothie
    Lunch: rice, beans & tofu plus small bowl of yogurt, berries & granola
    Dinner: bowl of chickpea curry over quinoa, glass wine

    Exercise: 20 min upper body w Leslie plus 10 min walk
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    Post by ironchef » Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:43 am

    Hang in there Linda. I've had a very untidy (long) weekend too, but getting back on track now.

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    Post by lpearlmom » Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:46 am

    Thank you iron!

    I had to have a stern talking to myself today. Basically sh*t or get off the pot kind of thing. I have been really pushing and pushing the boundaries because I get oh so tired of following the rules. I'm sure this is why my weight has been slowly creeping up.

    Basically I said I'm either doing this or I'm not but if I'm doing it I need to just stop messing around and do it already. So I decided I'm indeed doing this so no more playing games. I do not want to back to the pre-nos insanity that was my life. I do not want to gain back all that weight either. Misery. No thanks.

    So first green day In Awhile--yay! Plus I went biking w/ a friend. Now if I could just deal with all my piles of paperwork. Ugh

    -43.2 :/

    Break: yogurt, fruit, granola
    Lunch: enchilada soup, yogurt, fruit, small chai
    Dinner: 3 ancho lentil tacos w/ homemade salsa, wine

    Exercise: 1 hr 45 min bike ride
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    Post by Amy3010 » Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:26 am

    Could you give me that talking to, too? :wink:

    No-S is simple, but not always easy, as we all have learned over the years doing it. But when we stick to it, it works. Plain and simple. You've got this, Linda!

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    Post by oolala53 » Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:46 pm

    Linda, I gently ask: what do you think you are missing out on by following the rules? What do you miss out on when you don't follow them? Even more than a stern talking to, seeing that you can't get something you really want if you don't follow the rules, and that you aren't giving up something really essential to contentment can make it so much easier. but I really don't think just being thinner is enough of a payoff. It's got to FEEL better overall (some moments of irritation excepted). Does it? If you could stay at the lower weight and still eat as often as you do when you gain (and feel the way you do when you eat that often), would you do it?

    No matter what your answer, I hope it gets easier these last two days before the weekend.
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    Post by ironchef » Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:13 am

    Wow, almost 2 hrs on the bike - that was a serious talking to! I'm inspired!

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    Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:06 am

    So true Amy! I hope it gets easier for both of us soon.

    Oolala: The payoff is big--thinner is part of it but sanity is an even bigger party of it. Giving up of freedom is no small deal though either. All that diligence takes effort and after awhile I just don't want to do it anymore. I know it's the better option but doesn't mean I want to do it, kwim?

    Iron: thanks ! I went w a friend so was a lot of fun.

    So I had two green days plus exercise but weight still up a few pounds. A little frustrated although I know I shouldn't be. Major over the top day today. Feel ick. Feeling like I'll never see -50 lbs again... I know, I know I shouldn't focus on the numbers. But yeah just not easy for me right now.

    Permasnacked my way through the day....

    Break: Raisin toast, banana, curry omelet, yogurt w granola,
    Lunch: boba, 2 small bags baked chips, couple bites of curry, cheese stick,
    Dinner: glass wine, 1/2 falafel,
    Dessert: piece chocolate, 2 lollipops, bite of pudding

    Okay let's see if I can do better tomorrow! &#128522;
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    Post by Jen1974 » Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:17 am

    For me the rebellion I think comes from a sense of food entitlement, but it's a bit of self sabotage. I get tempted to push back & can convince myself I deserve to &#128580;.

    But it's all pretty simple, follow the rules, weight goes down, rebel weight goes up. Completely my choice.

    Linda, you'll get back on track!! I get frustrated that it takes more than a couple of Green Day's to get back where I want to be, but I guess this is 40 &#129315;

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    Post by ironchef » Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:55 pm

    Every so often I look at my naturally slim husband and think "Stuff it, it's not fair". And for a little while even the simple, humane rules of No S seem too harsh. So I really feel you on wanting just no rules at all sometimes.

    Usually I follow up with some red days or a crazy weekend, then feel crappy and go back to habit. So my rebellions are not very exciting :-)

    Glad you have a friend to ride with - makes all the difference to my motivation !

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    Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:49 am

    Today was not better. Ugh!

    Ate lots! Exercised little. Looking forward to some sanity tomorrow!!
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    Post by oolala53 » Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:26 am

    I feel resentment sometimes that I have urges to eat when I'm not actually hungry. Maybe it's the same thing as what you're talking about.

    And another thing I do resent is how hard it is to find a reasonably priced decent quality meal when I'm out and about. I don't want a plate of heavy stuff and I don't want just a plate of salad. The starches are so refined! And the portions so big. I feel sometimes like it's a minefield out there. Why should I have to make most of my own meals when there are a zillion places to get food? But that's on the customers, too.

    Yeah, it would be nice if it were not an issue at all...
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    Post by lpearlmom » Wed Feb 22, 2017 3:31 am

    Jen: yeah it wasn't so much the weight not going down after a couple of green days but that it was going up. But I know weight is a fickle beast and that's why focusing on habit is better. I'm just not always very good at it.

    Iron: yep my dh can eat twice as much as me without gaining and yeah that pretty much what I did. A couple of over the top days to remind me how crappy it makes me feel then back on track. Ultimately NoS feels better than any alternative. It's just too bad I constantly have to relearn this.

    Oolala: yeah I guess it's kind of like that. I think it's like how I feel with my budget. It feels great not to overspend and stay on budget but all that discipline gets to me after awhile and I just want to be footloose and carefree. It's like I just need to release tension from being so "good".

    Eating out is challenging but I don't mind just a big salad so gives me more options I guess. You'd think San Diego would have lots of healthy choices or is that just Los Angeles?

    Last couple of days green. My rebel has settled back down for now. I've been super busy but have been working on my time management skills, it seems to be paying off & great to feel some semblance of control in my life. I'm still doing the activism but not as much as I'd like. At the end of the day my family comes first.

    Break: (skipped due to dentist appt)
    Lunch: large smoothie, grapes
    Dinner: pesto-Parmesan chicken, cauliflower mash, salad, wine

    Exercise: none... Miss it!
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    Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:53 am

    Good day but very busy. I had a meeting at my house today for my activist group so had some sweets but kept it to one plate so not going to worry about it too much.

    Break: protein shake, banana
    Lunch: piece of fruit tart, fruit salad, 2 small cookies
    Dinner: vegan sloppy joe, salad, fruit, glass wine

    45 min bike ride w dh--yay!
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    Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:50 pm

    -44.6 lbs

    Frustrated and decided to call it an S day. My weight just does not seem to want to go back down. I know I'm being ridiculous but nonetheless I'm feeling very discouraged.

    I need to regroup though. It's not even 10am and I've already eaten 1.5 pieces of toast, a yogurt, bite of fruit tart & a few chips :/

    Need encouragement! :(
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    Post by oolala53 » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:27 pm

    Remember how good it feels to get to the next meal with a sizable gap between eating events and stop eating now!

    Be strong and see that you don't really, down deep, think that your weight or your eating should determine your self esteem. Do you?

    Would you want your daughters to think this way?

    Question whether you really believe you deserve to suffer emotionally for not eating in a way that takes more fat off.

    Be honest about how willing you would be to give up any particular food or meal amount. If you can't legitimately find some where you believe you could consistently eat less and be happy, you MUST let yourself off the hook for not weighing less.

    What stops you from being able to feel okay about yourself regarding your eating, but probably aren't bothered at all about other habits that might be good to have? Whose judgement on these things are you accepting, and at what cost to you and to others?

    I'll end as I normally do: you are SO MUCH MORE than this dilemma and your true worth cannot be diminished by ONE IOTA over your eating. Your true worth is SACROSANCT.
    Last edited by oolala53 on Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
    9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
    2 yrs flux 6/20 22

    There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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