kaalii's daily check-in...

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by kaalii » Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:52 pm

wednesday - green!!
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Post by kaalii » Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:27 pm

thursday - green!!

exercise - still on 5 walks a day... out of which 1-2 are surely over 30min.
im realising this will change but not as soon as i thought... except during the night, he cant hold it for more than 3-4 hours... even then, lately he "leaked" a bit as i was getting ready to take him out...
for now im pretty sure it is not UTI or behavioural problem, because by now i see he knows he is not supposed to do it at home and the leakage never occurs during the night... so this is rather untrained bladder control... some friends tell me that they had leaks like this when their dogs were up untill 1 and half years old... and, coincidentaly, those dogs were also excited/anxious/mistreated/shelter... so as we work on calming him down and impulse control in general im expecting the leaking will pass, too... and i might start to get down to 4 walks a day...
i am reading that, besides during the night, it is normal for most dogs to need to go every 4 hours... but i know for fact that so many dogs i know, including the one i used to have, have no problem holding much longer at all... well anyway... slowly we'll get there....
and im so much walking that im having to fill my plates up more than usual and feel a bit too full after every meal... and still a 1-2kg lower from where i want to be... but it is ok... not modifying anything yet...
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Post by kaalii » Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:00 am

friday - red!!

had a snack at the concert i went to with some friends...

exercise - 5 doggy walks... and cycling to and from the city... around 1 hour...
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Post by kaalii » Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:37 am

yesterday, besides the 3 plates, i had a bit mor Ss than usual and i feel it this morning as a weird feeling of being nauseously full...

i had a small panettone/muffin, 2 coins/pieces of chocolate and popcorn that (amazingly) i couldnt finish even the half of the usual bowl i make for myself...
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 12, 2017 1:14 pm

Potty training definitely can take some time. We have a doggy door so makes things a bit easier. Unfortunately our small dog still likes to pee in my daughter's room sometimes but we can never catch her in the act so can't discipline either. Ugh!

At least you're getting a lot of exercising in!
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Post by kaalii » Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:48 pm

oh, you and your dogs are lucky with the garden and doggy door! yes, catching them in the act can be hard if they learned to hide to do it... and really no point in addressing it after the act...
it is better with our dog but realised - no playing or any kind of exciting activity for him in the house... he tends to pee then... more exercise for me, for sure... but i managed to come down to 1 hour long walk... 2-3 of around half and hour and 2-3 of up to 10 min... so it is still at 5-6 going out a day.. but i get to do other things, too... haha...

monday and tuesday - green!!¨

and dog walks...

the weather is absolutely beautifull so it is such a pleasure to go to the forest...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:01 pm

wednesday - red!

my brother arrived from croatia with lots of mum's food and treats... so already red... had some chips... might be something more untill the evening...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:31 pm

thursday - green!!

lots of dog walking but brother and bf taking over some walks... nice!!
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Post by kaalii » Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:32 pm

friday - red!!

bf gave me ben&jerry's ice cream and i just had to have it immediatelly...
then my son offered chocolate hearts that my brother brought him form croatia... had to have that, too...
and a toast after dinner...
just felt like and S day... or better yet, like wth day...

i have a feeling that now that the preparations for the move are intensifying i might be thrown off the habit a bit... but i will take my own advice and use it as an anchor...

the next 2-3 weeks will be hectic, let's see how i do... and learn from that...
i already know it will be fine, generally speaking, but curious nevertheless...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:15 pm

monday - green!!!

oh, so glad to have my brother visiting... to split the amount of dog walks between us (besides the help around the house) and the dog is getting even more of the training and time enjoying himself and - i believe - healing his past from the abandonment and in the shelter) outdoors and in our forest... so glad that he is here especially now that holidays of "semaine blanche" are over and im back to work... and the move... i was on the brink of exhaustion before the holidays... now it is all going smoothly...
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Post by kaalii » Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:06 pm

tuesday - green!!

so much of the move stress has been relieved in the past days... i dont have to make almost any reparations (exept for a set of keys i lost which will be fully paid for by my civil responsability insurance) because the owner said to leave it all as it is because he will totally remodel it and he is happy that we have found a nice new home and felt a bit bad about us losing the house we love so much... sweet... (i even gave him some ideas and tips to isolate the floor better once he is changing it all and not to change but just refresh the windows because they are a bit old fashioned and sooooo cool... he is taking my advice, im glad...)
and im getting the keys of the new house already on monday so i will have time to go and feel and measure again the space with my brother and plan the move for wednesday and thursday easily... because i then have more than a week to give back the keys... and do it all nicely without stress...
friends already offered help, also, im so lucky...
this all is turning out to be quite an enjoyable process...
to think that it all started with almost a fullblown panic attack when i found out we were going to move 10 months ago... so nice when life gives you lemons! :D
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Post by kaalii » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:34 pm

wednesday - green!!

today was unusually hard day to stay green...
i think it was because yesterday i had one too many beers with my brother talking about the familly and everything untill late... so i was hangover the whole day today and had horrible munchies but didnt give in, just made the plates fuller than usual... definitelly not young any more... :D
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:35 am

Well done! I also find that an 'excess' on one day, can make the next day harder to rein in! You're awesome!
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Post by kaalii » Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:49 pm

thank you, rawcookie!

thursday - green!!

today was easier... but, like often on thursdays when i work early and take my breakfast early as opposed to my 16:8 IF eating schedule on any other day that im doing almost 3 years - the gaps between the 3 meals were too long and i felt a bit too hungry for my taste... as i always do when i eat early breakfast...
i should stick to my 16:8 IF even on thursdays... it just works so well for me and lets my digestive system take a break from eating...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:03 pm

friday - green!!

easy day, made the plates very charged, just in case. but couldnt even finish one of them...
packing for the move...
some walks with the dog...

funny, this was a harder than usual week but the only green one this month...
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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:05 pm

Thanks for reminding me that fuller plates are a legit option on hungry days! I often throw in the towel and reach for a snack instead of just adding something satisfying to my next meal plate. Very good strategy to keep our days green.

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Post by kaalii » Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:50 am

oh yes, this is why i love noS... with only one plate option per meal which provides a decent visual snapshot that is easily saved in our mind - we can become pretty good at eyeballing the amounts of food we need to get us through to the next meal...

since im using 9inch plates at home i never hesitate to pile up food in my plate on hungry days...
i prefer that to failing... because i know that if i stay on track with the habit i will be able to adjust the amout of food on the plate if needed and when im ready for it...
noS is wise in that and other ways...

Sweekend was again nice, relaxed, food wise... some S-events and less rigidity about mealtimes and meal sizes, as usual... but it seems that i might have even eaten less than on Ndays... some Sweekends are like that... and on some i eat significantly more...
but i have no wish to make them look more like N days because they are not disturbing the habit, quite the contrary, they add to my sanity around food that noS is nurturing... healing my diethead... from calorie counting and even calorie-awareness... reminding me that im free... if they spontaneously look like N-days, fine... if not, that is also fine...

otherwise, packing and even loading some stuff to my van this weekend... today im getting the key of the new place... cant wait to see it with no furninture... bare (but funky slated and with wooden bars at places) walls - empty canvass for our "new" life... :)
my brother is helping me so much, nice to have a man around the house... sometimes... :D
otherwise some friends and bf will be helping also in the next week... the move will be slow and easy... but i think we will be sleeping in the new place on wednesday already...
i will try to post here... the check-in or at least the habitcal in hectic times is quite a nice tool to me...
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Post by kaalii » Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:23 am

monday - green!

no-hunger day... too much going on and no time to think of food... im not so much a stress eater as i am a boredom eater... i used to be a movie watching eater, too... but that went away with 16:8 IF... it was hard for the first couple of months, though... i still eat while watching sometimes... but only on S days...

got the keys of the new appartement... such a candy!!
in an hour my brother, me and the dog are going to move the first load to it...
again days of a bit more intense exercise ahead! :D
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Post by kaalii » Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:20 pm

tuesday - green!!
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:20 am

Moving is such a pain but exciting too!!

I agree about piling on plates on those hungry days is much better than a fail. I love that nos is so flexible while still allowing us to be moderate.
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Post by kaalii » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:14 pm

oh yes, exciting and stressfull!
but, haha, my son found today and envelope with 500chf (about 500$) of lefotver of some travel money from years ago i lost/forgot about!! that surely made my day! hahahah

we are working hard but in a relaxed atmosphere...
i met 3 of the new neghbours and they are so cool!! wow!! one offered to give us a hand carrying stuff... we didnt need it but that is so nice!!
the only bad thing about the current home was actually one family living just under us (well, the kids are great but the parents are a nightmare)... i have never ever had problems with the neighbours in my life and this experience was a nightmare for me... good riddance!

wednesday - green!!

exercise, well, moving... and walking the dog...

we are still sleeping in the old home... waiting for the internet in the new one, haha... and actually still have some stuff to move... im writing this from amazingly empty room... for some reason it feels like traveling... having just the basic stuff at hand... :)
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Post by kaalii » Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:42 pm

thursday - green!!

another day of moving... and the appartement is starting to look like home slowly but surely...
i love the energy in the new house... i forgot how i missed to live with the cool people...
cant wait for monday... our first day to sleep there...
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:42 am

$500?! Wow that's a pretty nice surprise!!

So glad you're getting rid of the difficult neighbors. Life's too short for that nonsense. Your new ones sound great!

Hope the rest of the move goes well!
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Post by kaalii » Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:22 pm

yes... such a nice surprise in the right moment!

thank you, linda!

thursday - green!!

more moving today... the new place really looks more and more like home... we have eaten there for the first time today... testing the new oven with ricotta spinach canelloni... eating from plastic plates among the boxes... sweet...

i have lost another kilo and some body fat percentage... down to 18.5 bmi and 15.5% body fat... this is how i was all my life up to mid 30s (minus the pregnancy and 9 months after)... but soon im 39 so im hoping to regain some weight to get back to my target weight after the work around the move calms down... because the dog is not any more such an intense work(out)... because my brother is still here and will stay for couple more weeks... and because we have figured out and learned to take him out regularly (still 5-6 times a day) but not for such long walks... sometimes it is just to take a pee... im relieved... he is such a good dog... pulling on the leash is still a bit of a problem but even in that area there is significant progress...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:53 pm

friday and monday - green!!

moving, lifting heavy stuff, millions of stairs, lots of walking, cleaning... more to do but this is it... we have moved!
feels good to have done so much work... i feel fit and strong...

sleeping for the first time in the new home...
feels nice, cozy...

we are in the same neighbourhood but im open to the possibility of more changes in my life... new perspectives, at least...

and tomorrow im 39... i better enjoy this last year of the best decade of my life... although they say 40s are the new 30s, ahhahha...
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Post by osoniye » Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:55 pm

Happy Birthday Kaalii!!!!!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:57 am

Happy Birthday!! &#127874;&#127881;&#128150;&#127870;

I know you'll have a great year in your new house and your new dog!

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Post by ironchef » Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:59 am

Happy birthday!

I'm sure we'll love our 40's (I'm 38 in April). My mother (now in her 60's) said she loved her 40's and had some of the best times of her life: confident, stable, purposeful and fulfilling.

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Post by Jen1974 » Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:13 pm

Happy Birthday!! I'm 42 & 40's don't feel much different to me at all (: Being active I think makes a huge difference!! I'm always moving & it sounds like you're the same way (:

I hope you have a great b-day!!!

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Post by Jen1974 » Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:16 pm

BTW, you are my vanilla No S hero (: I love how well it works for you!! It is my dream in life to find a way to eat where I can't keep weight on LOL (: You have such a great positive attitude & I love how handle fails and you never seem to bring anything other than No S in your plan.

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Post by kaalii » Tue Mar 07, 2017 9:29 pm

ohhhhhhh, thank you so much for your beautifull birthday wishes osonye, linda, ironchef and jen!!! i'm touched!! :)

it was a lovely S day with 3 meals and a dessert as well as a couple of beers... one of which was over skype with mum... i showed her the new appartement... the dog... and we laughed together a lot with my brother and son being there, too... amazing how loud we are when on skype all together... it was even exhausting... :D

on thursday im invited to a concert where i will celebrate a bit with my friends... but im not taking another S day because im not planning on having a cake (i dont like birthday cakes and they know it)... but if we decide on a bigger meal i'll try to make myself a nice big plate and if i'll absolutely want seconds i guess i'll just have a red day...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:39 pm

wednesday - green!

hours of cleaning in the old place...
tomorrow i'm giving back the keys...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:05 pm

thursday - red!

seconds for lunch... :D

last part of cleaning the old place and moving... plus cycling to and from a concert (one hour there and back)...
my muscles hurt...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:31 pm

friday - green!

finally a lazy day with just a half an hour walk in the forest with the dog... my brother did all the rest...
a bit hangover after yesterday's b-day party/concert... but didnt give in to munchies...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:22 pm

Sweekend with gaufrettes with greek yogurt and chocolate ice-cream, 2 times... but then i just couldnt eat the 3rd plate... i was stuffed...
on sunday - a bowl of popcorn...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:18 pm

monday - green!

sunny days, finally the spring is in the air

it is such a pleasure to walk my dog in the forest!

habitcal with exercise and 14min. tidying up is for some time something i still put the green squares in but it is impossible to have a red day or even S days in those categories yet... life is now, with the new dog and recent move just making me comply... i still like to put those green squares in... :D
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Post by kaalii » Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:32 pm

tuesday - green!

one of the meals today was a big salty croissant in the city...

tidying and dog walking as usual...
lots of badminton at work...
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Post by TexArk » Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:14 pm

I don't know where you live in Switzerland, but when I spent a little time in Lausanne I walked so many steep hills I thought, no one here needs a gym membership!! It was lovely. Just your mention of walking the dog in the forest...sigh.

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Post by kaalii » Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:29 pm

oh, yes, i love lausanne, my second favourite swiss city... right after biel/bienne where i live...

i always imagine cycling in lausanne must be a nightmare... precisely because of the hills, haha...
but i do have friends living there who use bicycle as their main transport vehicle... all super fit without doing anything special for exercise...
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Post by kaalii » Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:35 pm

wednesday - red!!

made myself popcorn while watching series...
an hour after my brother made some for himself... the smell just haunted me... :D
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:33 am

Oooh popcorn is my weakness. I can't go to the movies without having any so I have to make it a meal for that day no matter how unhealthy it might be. &#128513;
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Post by kaalii » Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:45 pm

haha, linda, me too... but yesterday it was afer the 3rd plate... hungry day...
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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:38 pm

Just checked out Bienne on Google pics... The old town is stunning!
I'm so envious about your BMI/bf stats - I better turn it into inspiration, ha. But seriously, you're doing great. I bet walking as much as you do helps a lot. Have you ever checked how many steps/kilometres you pack in a day?

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Post by kaalii » Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:19 pm

oh, im glad to be inspiration... vanilla just rocks... even with occasional but regular failures...
yes, for sure the amout of walking i do lately has a lot to do with it... i really have no time/energy for "proper" exercise at all and i miss doing yoga and swimming... the life is stabilizing slowly but surely, it will come... but im glad that moving is part of my life, not something added to it artificially...

i have not checked the kilometers/steps i make daily... i estimate now that absolute minimum must be around 8km (during dog's housetraining and when my bro was not here to help with the dog it was a loooot more)...
and that is without moving while at work - which is at least 10-20 times over 2 flights of stairs... and a lot more moving, tidying up, playing with kids etc., hardly any time on a chair... and as much as possible outdoors, i insist on taking kids out a lot no matter the weather... im not always playing with them but im not sitting either...
plus i live on the 2nd floor... and go weeks without using my car...
i really cant tell...
(because my brother says that his full day of work when he was working in the carwash was 17km a day while working, going to and from work excluded... :shock:)
but when i get a podometer i will write it here... i am also curious...

i used to have totally lazy days, especially on weekends, while already at my goal weight before i got a dog...

thursday - green!!
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Post by kaalii » Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:49 am

friday - green!!

but i ate beans hamburgers for 2 meals and some beers in the evening... still noS... i love this carefreeness about this way of eating! as long as it is sane in the big picture of it...
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Post by kaalii » Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:21 pm

on saturday ate quite a lot... more than usually on Sweekend...
today only 3 plates, not hungry as yesterday... i think this is it...

similarly on saturday havent done much... binge wathcing "er" series that i used to watch back in the 90s... they were popular in croatia because goran visnjic(dr.luka kovac) is croatian... he is a great actor on stage, i have seen him in theatre, and when speaking in croatian... dont like him so much in "er"...

today i started the second round of 15min. of decluttering combo of flylady/konmari... starting the second round... got rid of more clothes... then lined some more kitchen cabinets... and deep cleaned microwave and toaster...
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:47 pm

I'm waiting to see Visnjic in the biopic about Gotovina, though I'm not sure if he's the best pick to play the general.

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Post by kaalii » Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:52 pm

Imogen Morley wrote:I'm waiting to see Visnjic in the biopic about Gotovina, though I'm not sure if he's the best pick to play the general.
oh, i had no idea... horrible... im not watching that movie... given the meddling of politics in croatian film industry they are going to depict him as a hero... and there are no heroes in wars... especially no high-ranking heroes...

monday - green!!

but im officially worried about my weight - i have lost another kilo (weighing on monday!) and my bmi is 18.2, body fat stayed the same... already 18.5 is the limit but i havent done anything about it, thinking that when the move is over and dog training stabilised i will regain some weight... the life is still active but things have calmed down and i lost again... i hope im not sick...

so, before i start panicking... i was thinking what to do to gain some weight but stay on the habit... obviously, plates bigger than 9"... i dont have them at the moment... so in the next days untill i buy some i will allow myself seconds...

habit-wise and health-wise this is the adjustment i can allow... sweets and snacks on N days are out of the question... i need calories but i dont need empty calories... except on S days...
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Post by kaalii » Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:51 pm

tuesday - green!
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Post by kaalii » Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:03 pm

wednesday - green!!

seconds for breakfast, as decided, to gain some weight back...

my brother went back home today... :( it was so great to have him here... we were sad but the consolation is that we will see him again in 3-4 months when we will go on holidays to croatia...
this also means more dog walking for me... but, since the dog is now housetrained more or less, this means just couple of "real" walks a day... the rest are just quick pee-going...

the relationship with my bf is again in a crisis lately... i have always been so much better off single... i love him still but this relationship is becoming more of a burden for me... and no matter how much it hurts to think of it but i think he would be better off without me, too...
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Post by Larkspur » Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:32 pm

I'm so sorry to hear things are not going well with your sweetie. Hope things are looking better.

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Post by kaalii » Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:40 pm

thank you, larkspur! :)

thursday - green!!!!

couldnt take seconds today, i was too full already after one overflowing plate because i had vegi-nuggets with rice and tartar sauce and salad for both lunch and dinner...

2 long walks in the forest with my dog...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:38 pm

friday - green!!

-2 longer dog walks (we started running togeter a bit, too, he is getting a hang of it and not bursting into a play fit when i start running but keeping a steady pace with me, lovely... im still glad when he plays with other dogs because he has so much energy, i could never outrun that, haha...)
-some decluttering

i weighted and im glad that i got back to 18.5 bmi...
considering that it is friday and 3rd day into my period (both of which mean my weight tend to be lower) im positive that it was just some water weight loss during the last weigh-in...
in any case... im still planning to get bigger plates, i dont want allowing seconds to mess up the habit...
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Post by kaalii » Sun Mar 26, 2017 10:49 am

wow, got myself a 420g of ben and jerry's ice cream for this Sweekend...
never done a thing like this in my life... and eating ice cream out of the container... almost yucky... hahah
and now i see i have to be careful with it... because eating less than half of it yesterday made me eat just 2 meals... i just coulnt eat more.... i can see how easily overweight people can actually be undernourished if sweets are not under some sort of control...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Mar 27, 2017 6:01 pm

monday - green!!

couple of hours of dog walking
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Post by kaalii » Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:47 pm

tuesday - green!!

couple of hours of dog walking
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Post by Whosonfirst » Wed Mar 29, 2017 11:37 am

kaalii wrote:tuesday - green!!

couple of hours of dog walking
You must have one Happy Dog with all that walking. Are you still practicing the Five Tibetans? I need to put them on my Habitcal.
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Post by kaalii » Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:18 pm

hehe, i hope he feels happy...
the house i live in has a common back garden but not having our own makes us have to walk the dog regularly... and he is an active teenager that needs to get all that energy out...
i have adopted him because, among other things, i loved to have a companion on my walks/jogs in the forest... i didnt quite expect to have so much but im glad how it is...

oh, i have no time/energy for the tibetans, no matter how much i loooove them...
the work, house, dog walks and some relaxing take up all of my days...
i feel like i need them, though...
just cant do it untill i totally adjust to the changes in the life...

wednesday - green!!

2hours of dog walks
laundry day
bathroom cleaning
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Post by kaalii » Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:08 pm

thursday - red!!

had 7 onion rings before dinner
couldnt wait to incorporate them into the plate
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Post by kaalii » Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:03 am

friday - green!!

lots of beers with best friend, though... talkig about her last 2 moths trip to spain and our love lives...

beautiful times walking with the dog...
cleaning... not decluttering, though...
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Post by kaalii » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:35 pm

this was a month that the move was finalised... brother was here...
relationship questioning times (still going on)... birthday...
weight loss under what i think is acceptable for me at my age... but managed to up and stabilise it...
all in all the habit seem to be going not perfect but well enough...
this months will be my one year on noS...
and this is my march:
kaalii wrote:
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: 01 02 03 8)
8) 06 8) 08 09 10 8)
8) 13 14 15 16 17 8)
8) 20 21 22 23 24 8)
8) 27 28 29 30 31 :arrow:

9th- seconds for lunch
15th - popcorn while watching series
30th - 7 onion rings before dinner
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Post by Merry » Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:39 pm

Happy One Year-iversary! Congrats on a great year :-). Sometimes there are rougher months and more going on in our lives. Sorry there are relationship questions right now--I know that's hard.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:17 am

Happy NoSiversary! Sorry about the relationship problems. That's stressful. DH & I seem to go through something every 10 years or so but it always passes. Hope this passes for you too.
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Post by kaalii » Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:39 pm

thank you merry and linda! you always find kind words in the right moment! thank you so much!
life gives us challenges... let's hope this one, too, has something nice at the end of it... (i wish i could be so positive about it in the darkest hours)

monday - green!!
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Post by kaalii » Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:17 pm

tuesday - green!!

ok, i was not sure if this is a green day or not...

technically, i had 3 plates...
but 2 meals...
i had 2 plates for lunch...
one for dinner...
so this is seconds...
but it is still 3 plates... so im calling it green...
i did feel overfull after the 2 plates but given that it was a busy day it was a conscious decision to do it this way today...

so for noS diet it is red...
for 3 plates diet it is green... :lol:

i prefer the noS because of it's take on sweets... but today i dont feel like i failed... :)
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Post by osoniye » Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:32 am

kaalii wrote:technically, i had 3 plates... but 2 meals... i had 2 plates for lunch... one for dinner... so this is seconds... but it is still 3 plates... so im calling it green...
I do that sometimes too! I think it's OK!
No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, Except (Sometimes) on days that start with "S".

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Post by kaalii » Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:15 pm

cool, osonye... :)

wednesday - green!!
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Post by kaalii » Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:07 pm

thursday - red!

couple of small pieces of pizza at friend's birthday
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Post by kaalii » Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:57 pm

friday - green!

preparing the van and stuff for the holiday trip...
first travel with our dog... it feels like the preparations are for travelling with a 3yo child, hahah...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:48 am

greetings from italy!
the trip was looong... 12km traffick jam before gotthard tunnel... reminded me why i never travel on saturdays, especially at the beginning of holidays... but it was long because of frequent stops for dog walks...
it was quite enjoyable, though...

the Sweekend was lovely... pizza, of course... first thing we got when in italy, haha...
yesterday i also ordered nutella "pizza" for dessert... i ate half of it, throughout the day...
nice to have enjoyed all of it but happy the N days a re here and im going to rest from eating a bit...
the dog walks are more relaxed because just couple of 100m behind the place we are staying in are huge meadows where he can sprint off-leash...
nice and relaxing...
here around bologna the weather is warmer than in switzerland so i'm wearing summer clothes during the day and sunbathing...
la vita e bella! :)
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Post by noni » Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:24 pm

Sounds wonderful! Enjoy your holiday, and give us updates of the various foods you get to eat. Lucky you! Good going that you will try to keep your N-days... well, N.

Enjoy the warm weather, but don't sunburn. That will ruin your holiday!
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Post by kaalii » Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:21 am

thank you, noni! :)

monday - green!

my son got his first lesson in riding a pit bike...
so cool...
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Post by kaalii » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:11 pm

oh, had some fails this week in italy:

tuesday - red
wednesday - red
thursday - green

11th - half of a big chocolate egg my son got from my bf's mother for easter, that spoiled my appetite for dinner
12th- seconds for dinner
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Post by kaalii » Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:12 am

friday - green!

im looking forward to some artisanal gelato today or tomorrow...
and if possible go to the place where they make crescentinas and piadinas in nature that doesnt look/feel like a restaurant, i dont like going to restaurants...
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Post by kaalii » Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:40 pm

moday - green!
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Post by kaalii » Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:15 am

tuesday - green!!

i have no calipers here but weighted the same... it seems like my numbers are the same even though on holidays and a bit more red days as well as having beers more often than usual...
i am cooking most of the food or friends/my bf's mum cooking for us (oh, her parmiggiana and tiramisu)... we are eating lots of carbs, of course we are in italy, but veggies, too...
and walking in the nature a lot... having the dog with us makes this trip even more interesting... but i have to clean him from ticks daily... i was using a natural protection for him (black cumin oil in food and topically as advised in the shelter, it works for all their dogs there)... but it seems that either italian ticks are not responding to that or the tick season hasnt properly developed yet in switzerland...
i have a friend here who has a pet shop and im getting our dog the chemical protection/collar today...
my old dog died from a tick bite (even with good protection but she was also old and a months after an operation)... i dont want to see it again... and im hoping our dog will not have bad reaction to the chemical collar... some of them even can cause epilepsy in dogs and other side effects so im not too happy about getting one for that reason... ufff..
and not going out in the nature is out of the question...
im so happy he is also obedient when off leash... and playing fetch pretty well... and also very good with other dogs... so, i feel so much more off the hook in providing him the exercise by exhausting myself, haha...
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Post by noni » Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:59 pm

Sounds like you're having a marvelous time! Enjoy the good food there. And how is it that a dog gets to go to Italy, but not me...lol
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:27 pm

The food sounds amazing! Enjoy and good luck with the ticks. They're such a pain!
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Post by kaalii » Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:54 pm

thanks noni and linda! :)

today already - red!

bf bought ice-creams in a box but the freezer here is a tiny one and the temperature in it is too low for the ice-cream so we had to save them... i have saved one and a half so far... :D
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Post by kaalii » Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:21 pm

thursday - red!

-some snacking while driving back home to switzerland...
the van died on us in the middle of the alps... been towed and stayed in a hotel in the most beautiful part of switzerland for me - around lake luzern, north of gothard tunnel...
what an adventure for the end of our already eventful trip...
my son's father came to pick us up the next day and we spent a nice day together in the end...
i hope to be able to fix the van until our summer travels...

friday - green!
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Post by kaalii » Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:23 pm

monday - red!

an extra plate...
i was hungry and because i have not had any S on weekend because there was no opportunity really and we have been outdoors all the time and so much walking i allowed it knowing that this hunger was the real hunger, not just craving...
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Post by kaalii » Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:35 pm

another red day!

tuesday - red!

pain au chocolat snack at work
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Post by kaalii » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:24 pm

wednesday - green!

not too much hunger today...
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Post by kaalii » Thu Apr 27, 2017 4:49 pm

thursday - green!
but packed plates, im hungry...

called in sick, i dont feel so good today... physically and mentally... even cried a bit... but it is stillnot time for pms... hmmm... the weather is horribly depresive in the past couple of days... but it is more about my relationship that is in the upswing again but still not out of the tunnel... i'm allowing myself to be vulnerable more than usual and days like this make me regret it... uff...
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:15 pm

hug x
I love Everyday Systems :3

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Post by kaalii » Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:45 pm

thank you, rawcookie! :)

friday green!
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Post by kaalii » Mon May 01, 2017 8:28 pm

this was a long weekend of 3 S days... today we didnt work as all the schools are closed on 1.may here... people were having grill parties all around us and we also attended one on sunday...
happy to go back to N days...

this was a messy months for me regarding habits...
7 red days! a record in this year since i started noS, except for the summer holidays...
kaalii wrote:
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: 8) 8)
03 04 05 06 07 8) 8)
10 11 12 13 14 8) 8)
17 18 19 20 21 8) 8)
24 25 26 27 28 8) 8)

06 - couple of small pieces of pizza for a friend's b-day
11th - half of the big chocolate easter egg
12th - seconds for dinner
19th - "saving" one and a half ice-cream from melting
20th - snacking while driving back home from holidays
24th - an extra meal/plate
25th - pain au chocolat snack at work
since i am going through a weirdly yet scarily familiar rough patch (hopefully it is just a patch) i have decided i am going to keep a gratitude journal here on this daily check-in for at least a month because it proved to be one of the most powerful tools that got me out (and soaring) of the hardest times in my life... but i cant seem to be consistent with it journalling in a notebook...
it is a very important habit for me that i feel needs polishing so i'm just going to bundle up my eating habit check-in with gratitude check-in here...

a minimum of 5 entries per day...
the focus is on trying to "feel" them as i'm writing them
so they need to make sense to me only... and here i appologize in advance if i will be boring anyone but that is why personal threads are for and i really need this to be here to help myself with the discipline of it... thank you for understanding!

so, today i'm grateful:
-for our beautiful new home and the shelter and safety it gave me today when i needed to be calm and quiet
-for the amazing colours in our forest today
-for luka's friend's father coming to pick him up and bring him back home from a playdate
-for some cool clothes he got from them
-for the love in my bf's eyes
-for bolt forcing me to go out for walks even if it rains and all i want is to curl up in bed
-for the day off from work and mayday... for struggles of poor workers back then who even gave their lives so that i could have a right to 8 hour workday... selfishly grateful not having to live in those times... and hoping for better times, too...
-for the water
-for skype and the call from mum
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Post by kaalii » Tue May 02, 2017 5:16 pm

tuesday - green!

today im grateful:
- for good car mechanic situation
- for getting a doc appointment next week and not having to wait longer even though they are quite full
- for the eggs (every week) from my boss, from her pet chickens
- for luka's top grades at school so that today, when he got his first one that is a bit lower, we could talk about it in totally relaxed way and understand why it happened...
- for longer daylight time
- for having enough money
- for bolt's cuddles
- for bolt not having an accident at home for over a month now
- for the walk back home with luka and the laughter we shared
- for a hug from lisa who moved to another school couple of years ago and she still runs to hug me every time we see each other "maitreeesseeee!"...
- for the sunshine and less rain than weather forecast predicted... almost none...
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Post by Skycat » Tue May 02, 2017 5:33 pm

What an amazing idea, I think you can add

having inspired at least one other member of the forum to think about the things she has to be grateful for too.

I may not post it myself on my own check in thread but I think I will certainly be thinking about the positives in my own life as I read your thread.

Thank you for this inspiration and I look forward to reading your thread
I CAN do this.

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Post by kaalii » Tue May 02, 2017 6:12 pm

oh, thank you skycat! :D

this forum has brought so much good in my life i'm glad to inspire back!

even though it comes from bad habits of the mind that invited some dark clouds over something that i knew deep inside was not a bad life at all...
so, back to the basics... again... :lol:

alles gute! :)

the idea to post here came also from an artist forum i used to be active on many years ago... there we had "daily gratitude" topic where a dozen of us wrote regularly and some of us occasionally... it s true, writing our own list is therapeutic but also reading other people's gratitude is equally amazing and inspiring, too... so, if there will be enough interest in the future, we could open a daily gratitude thread here to uplift ourselves and each other...
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Post by ironchef » Wed May 03, 2017 2:56 am

Beautiful idea kaalii!

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Post by noni » Wed May 03, 2017 12:34 pm

I remember an old Dr. Phil show that had him telling a young woman that she was to write down 100 things she was grateful for. Every time she opened her mouth to complain, he added another 100 to her list. It was hilarious, but inspiring. I thought I wouldn't be able to come up with the first 100, because, wow that was a lot, but as you add to them each day, it's surprisingly easy and heartening. The list is still in the house somewhere; it would be fun to dig it up.

Thanks for the great idea!
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Post by kaalii » Wed May 03, 2017 8:01 pm

thanks ironchef and noni! :)

oh yes, i remember when writing it regularly, the lists were becoming bigger and more inspired...
life, too! ;)

wednesday - green!

today im grateful...
- for hanging out with friends last night and bolt practically pulling me on the bike there and back... it was fun!
- for luka's swimming starting again after the winter pause he took because of the accident he had snowboarding
- for having a free entrance to the swimming pool during his training
- for the laughter on the way back home... my son is just hillarious!!
- for bf's sweet words of love and efforts he is making for our relationship
- for my best friend's general wellbeing since she started the meds
- for the second part of the money arriving on the account and it is a bit more than i expected... yay! less worries of how to manage van repair, luka's and bf's birthdays and getting ready for summer holidays roadtrip
- for luka's dad agreeing to buy him his first nintendo together with me instead of 2 smaller and separate gifts... but he is taking him to europapark in germany, too... he can be such an awesome dad and co-parent!!
- for the pleasure to cook in the new kitchen in the new home... the oven is awesome
- for the dishwasher... i have forgotten how great it is to have one...
- for the privilege to comfort my son in a hard moment he had today... he is growing so fast and will need me less and less... that is also something beautiful to look forward to but im so grateful that it is not yet there and he is still my little boy...
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Post by kaalii » Thu May 04, 2017 9:51 pm

thursday - green!

a bit of a hungry day as always on thursdays when i work early and take the early breakfast and dont implement my 16:8 IF feeding time habit...
but already checking in green hoping not to have night hunger in which case i will take a coconut milk cocoa or ayran (watered down and salted turkish style yogurt drink)...

today i'm grateful
- for the beginning of weekend for me
- for a colleague's compliment on how i looked
- for kids generally behaving very good today
- for my bf's decision to come over this weekend with pick-up and not the motorbike
- for luka giving me his basketball shirt
- for not having to cook at home because of the leftover tortellini from work
- for a good and reasonably priced online provider of acana dog food
- for being able to help out with money
- for being helped out with money (funny how these things work)
- for a nice afternoon nap
- for a walk or bike ride distance to all the vital points in our lives (school/ work, shop, friends, post office, forest, playgrounds, drum school, swimmingpool... )
- for finishing the invitations for luka's b-day party and internet, artweaver, photoscape, picasa and open office...
- for my french
- for my (swiss)german getting better, too... and the opportunities to learn/practice it in this bilingual city
- for switching to a cheaper phone provider
- for my awesome hiking shoes and the ones that are less awesome but it is nice to have two pairs
- for hearing the neighbour's 2 little children's adoooorable laughter
- for other neighbour's loud music after he came back from work today... the house was so nice and groovy for half an hour... made me wanna dance as i
was passing by his door...
- for luka's drum teacher asking if he can take him, as his exemplary student, to his final jazz academy exam in couple of weeks... fun day off school for luka and we will also get a tour visit of the academy in bern...
- for luka getting to chose a lot of what he wants to play in drum lessons and for chosing the music me and his dad love and that i used to listen a lot around the time when i was pregnant...
- for chatting about sweet memories with my bf from the times when we first met
- for still feeling that spark... and more... so precious!
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Post by kaalii » Sat May 06, 2017 4:40 pm

friday - green!!

yesterday i missed out on checking in but it was a nice day...

today im grateful
- for luka going to his dad this weekend and although, because of the bad weather, they postponed their trip to amusement park i gave him my share of money and they will go to buy nintendo gift together
- for an excellent night out with friends for friend's birthday
- for the dancing and a friend dj-ing some excellent old and rare r'n'r records
- for bf coming today and some private time with him
- for my bathtub... i love taking baths...
- for the nice food in our fridge
- for skype with mum and the love we get from her... oh and the package she is sending to luka for his b-day from croatia
- for some fun clothes a friend sent me (in a package, from belgium!) because she put on some weight... i'd refuse normally because i have just decluttered my wardrobe and i dont like to own a lot of clothes but those are just gorgeous pieces... plus she gave me a nice necklace, just because... oh so nice to feel cared for from friends...
- for an idea of fun way of how to "earn" additional screen time with house chores for luka... and that he likes the idea... now let's see how it will work...
- for shorter walks with bolt because it rains today... and he is not into walking in rain so much
- for finding a nice new trail in our forest yesterday
- for a long walk luka, bolt and i took and the game of fetch being just perfect (his retrieve is not always tight and i really want him to learn well that game because it is a great way to get his energy out)
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in it for maintenance and, more importantly, sanity!!

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Post by kaalii » Thu May 11, 2017 1:59 pm

monday - green!
tuesday - S day (my son's birthday)
wedensday - green!

my son's b-day, bf here and generally being really busy prevented me from checking-in here and doing the gratitude list... which was exactly what i needed as i am feeling less then good...
after coming back home from work to dog's diarhea, poor thing... but made me nevertheless hate him a bit as i was cleaning it... i have decided to take some time to do the gratitude list... it feels like it is emergency...

today i'm grateful:
-for actually knowing about the diarhea at home (luka had to drop by during the pause from school to pick something up and called me, almost gagging, to deliver the news)... so i had time to mentally prepare myself for the what i was about to find at home and cleaning
-for bolt not looking sick so the hope is that it is just a diarhea that will pass without further complications
-for bf fixing my van and the mechanic helping out a lot and not charging me anything but the parts (for the price he got them for as i have seen his bills)
-for really lovely birthday of luka on tuesday... 2 little parties at school and one after with us... the "real" one is on saturday...
-for the relaxing hypnosis sessions on youtube that help me fall asleep in no time whenever i want to
-for my bf's hugs and kisses
-for the nice temperatures even though it rains more than usual for this time of the year
-for the nice time at work and support from the colleagues
-for my finances looking better than i expected
-for my health and the health of the ones i love
BMI: 18.8
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Post by Ramy » Fri May 12, 2017 1:27 am

Hi kaalii,

Just reading through your check ins- what a wonderful year of No S you've had! Happy birthday to your son! And sorry to hear about your poor dog... hope he's feeling better soon!

It sounds like you lead such a full and active life! I need to get out more. :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 12, 2017 5:42 am

Happy bday to your son!!! How old is he?

Hope the dog is better! Been there done that. No fun! I once came home to my dogs mess after he'd gotten into a stick of butter. Ugh, we got a doggie door after that. :)

Love your gratitude list.

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Post by kaalii » Sat May 13, 2017 5:03 pm

thank you ramy and linda!
ramy, it was indeed a nice year of noS, yet a lot of inner struggles are now in me... it is good that noS is a kind of anchor for me... while at the same time not letting me put my problems into eating (whether it is overeating or overcontrolling my eating)...
linda, luka is 12 now... how time flies!
oh, and bolt is good now... it was just one-day thing, it seems... he is back to being healthy and not needing to go out as much at all...

thursday - green!
friday - red!

very hard friday... the red was couple of glasses of ice-tea (store bought so i count it under sugary drinks that are a big S for me) that we had with a pizza...
but i feel so bad lately, still...
i'm actually thinking of getting professional help... a therapist... i'm thinking the one my best friend went to, she seems ok...
i cried so much... even took some of the old xanax my bf had... both times 3-4 drops which i hear is less than half a dose... but, maybe it is partly a placebo effect but it worked... i dont feel good but not so bad either, anymore...
still, i told him i dont want him to leave it at my place... if i decide to start taking it it will be under professional supervision... the last thing i want is to start self-medicate...

so let's see if i can manage to make a gratitude list...
today i'm grateful...
-for the smiles on my son's face
-for his sweet choice of friends... i know most of the kids in our neighbourhood and i'm happy to see his friends are really good kids...
-for the good people my neighbours are
-for the love and support from my bf... for him prolonguing his stay here to be there for me, even though i didnt ask him to...
-for a weird sense of presence this anxiety/depression/whatever makes me live in - because thinking too much about the future or past is too painful... so the present is my comfort, so to speak...
-because of such a nice time at the swimming pool with my son and his friends
-for the experience of working with kids so that organizing a birthday party at home and then taking a group of lively boys to the public swimming pool was not a problem even though i'm not feeling good... i have no idea how i'd pull it off if it was not something im at ease with...
-for bolt's health
-for the weekend and not having to go to work today...
-for the sunshine and the warm weather
-for our sweet little home
-for our money and security
-for the clean clothes
-for the feeling that i had a happy childhood although my mother was a lot like me today... but i felt loved, and my voice mattered and there was always time for laughter...
-for my physical health
-for another long weekend coming in 2 weeks
-for managing to actually do some swimming as the boys were behaving so well
-for not wearing makeup and still feeling i look ok
-for the youtube free hypnosis sessions that help me fall asleep and sleep well
for knowing that my friends are ther for me although i dont want to see anybody
-for little signs of a sort of cosmic justice in the face of injustice
BMI: 18.8
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in it for maintenance and, more importantly, sanity!!

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Post by ladybird30 » Sat May 13, 2017 10:56 pm

Kaalii - I look forward to reading your posts, and I am sorry to hear that you are having a hard time at the moment. I hope things are better for you soon.

Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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